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HPT * . w. * re. , . * ': ; , ?. Jft % f lje ?otuiirrn prist? " iS**' '4 ' ????* Oar ^ yqutfy^to to AJl." . Mc?-' J ftwitey jUraliV, Apffi***, WfS. r,) "ink*t rwq?itr?*j i n j? ?^i ^ M our '*y -inrSttfc'.iuo XW. Work u*lf'b?r*j|W #N>*rT'K^lf-^UK ,. CASH. V.vJ" . - - ? i i ** )? 111" 111 I *" =^-ss?. IWlfclyi wMi^iHwrn ?M*p :; inlo prti(J*liiftr "lUllk i?. ftf^wntly' conwei ? difrerenl 'm^w'oTog froii! that-V "Inl^ndwC^la V h?rt pA**gr*|Jb, I^r .week. ot ?n w$t?> cn*?bi, the concluding sentehee would !?**? the tehrepkiiMt ilfhr (Fi b?1tew> bf tflVm * turns ; l>*d sot abap^er*l?te ^ij(U been ipety, jo eettiwg it up, ?re~*oulil have bean j?u<lersto?xI differently. :>?*5fca*i3r' Per*oiMt^.WUbing to cultivate tlir Sugar Q?n, ebould 5*11 tfn E. S- Juvifjr, " u* ? . *Krqs and okUtaeeeJ, wvbe is fprt.ub \ ing gratpitoiMlj ell applying to him, * EMT913AL OOBMSPdNDEITCg. FROMJU FFdU^, VA. v r^i^fw'Fuour op Su?eolk, ) el Tl'*?*** ArrfcRKOoic, Apiil \f. J-v * "> ?- "The army of $l?e IttrdpufHler h?# arHved witbio (bur mile* ?T Suffolk, th<* ' t i i? Vtc:? i ,.r\ I ? MOVUflCe OOIOg IS?S ium iwo mum ui i hat place. No general engagement ' has yet in ken -plnoe-i picket U , trying onjJL nlV.hours, *h>l$ the Yen J*ee batteiies from the tojjn have Itept ?p gnwmoel incest-md shelling' tor the jmu4 tap dare. No damage has result ed from tBfo Cannonading, ao far a* T ?*? learn.' >% . !> ?*>? a - *1 .Wo arrived before ISntfolk on Saturday afi.-moOO, driving in those of ihmir puiuli which we did not capture. (Jm. Jen kino' Prigade, of Sontti A^eioJininue, were in adrance. The C*v*| r\ scout* made ft dnqtr at ft ebmpahv of Yankees and succeeded in capturing tweatyr-fwo horses and live men, indud*ing a' lieutenant, beloogiug to a Pennsylvania regiment. ^ _ The following is a list of the casualties aofar, a'l having ocouring among il.o advance pickets : 'Jtiontaa It. Walker, Washington IJvht Infantry, Hampton Legion,, scoot,) woumjed m.llie ariq. /.'Smith, Co. 11th- MTs*isrdp"fji, lower jaw kh?>t off; ?? *' EtVrage, Cp, A, 11th Mississippi, wOtryded itr Uie thigh.' \1*. I leam that four were woutided in Gen. Hood's Division treats-day, and j several in Armstead's flrigailu, hut I jiMfe f.tiied to learn their names. None killed, and none mortally wounded, so for. Gen. Longslreet -in in command.? The u?en ,vnde( fiuej litahh .and excellent spuiU. We are in profound ignorance of th?4* intention of Gen. Loagatreet in this j movement on Suffolk., Tli? jdH9? 's; aUvfgly fortified, and baed hghting j r " be r< quired to take it. '"The Vie- j !?r^ here ave glad lo.aee us, and' tV. ? at our re-occupa^ay 5f this part of u* C,ate, will bo perfbarieirt. j h?- enemy is said to number about i-.O 000 and strongly fortified. A day ur two wilr^uffice to develope tbe plans of Gen. Cong;i*et. 1 "HI "?'? *g*in if I cau litid any means of getting -a I letter away botn heie. Wu. are now cot off from rt?iV facilities, except by chaoc#. W. r. r. A ConrKUKRAr* Sruu?The Hati?e: ?>t Representatives yesttkday adopted a derice for a Seal of thf Confederate j States, reported front the <5f>mmitlee byMr. Itoteler. It consists of an eqttfcs-l train figure of Washington, lb be copied'] from that which crowds his rtloutintent] in this city?surrounded wreath' representing (he chief agricultural pro-t dnets of the country?:coltotvj tobneco, I' wfieNt, stlgar cane, corn andniice, with! t ire motto, 44 JJeo duee. Vincrm*is" and i on the on toe margin, the following } w^rdef.**Seal of tire Confederal to ftpites, l Kelnruary 22, 1862.'* Th.eye was fume \ *li?ou*?ion a.-* to iheirnotto, but rone tr? the "detici. We think the whole welt ahdHn, tastffnl and approjniate. ! | ftithmoi.d Mr My, 19th. ~ ' .--.v * 'vjfrlym -~%rt r.- * " ' frvtneriK* inic.KkomtiK.^-THe hatfrJ ' officers attached to the C. H-. Reamer'' Chicora have^aid frequent visits tKthe ! wreck of th? sunken Keokuk. Acce;?, . thus far, has been obtained the I interior of one turret only.; but qt;i4? a j number of valuable and interesting trophi.-* arid reHws have beey brought oil. ] A n:onw t hear warn ? tv/rs/ls Mm .. I r- - ? ?~t " """ J pinu>|. /tc. 8tni? <?f ibe?s articles have hin? ? beon- presented to a?ii)i?ry officer*. ' 'he ponge, rummer and eJevatingHcre* t.f'.natf ihff-Kevknk's J i incfc g"n?, - f.jt- a< Fort Blunter. * * 1 [Cfar I* ton Mercury, 2Qt*. [ I A Coo?CiU*'c?.-- A weti informed \ + rrtiabU' gentleman jtates that if ? liirff' rqod wo*- iodmefetj with the J] . U UacJM, 400.000 UM*?* now uaouiik) bo amfUblo to eh* UotJetle- (i 'flea line fioro Quittpftii, (Jtfef* j, <o" M ousted io/ Florida. oolv u * :y ratios. Lot us kavp tl>a railroad H .r.<i the beeves. - ? * ' * * * f ron??8Tjtn a*ked his paps if wiil- li - < t re not very Httta nut. - 'J he fa. 1 r' .i mptired arb'y J.o suppo**) they ;PT.>?d ho. "T^Ojan^n." the uraliin re- i n< ." I r4?d of olo going lo *)e< ir in r?h i aateb." . ; )n ' t # * * * ^ "^r CDTT*>lKMldCUte of B? llf HI j^lllfflln. 1 KiciittoM*. Afcril ftnrS(%B3**>c*vax+m* HiMr<^p|V Mi sitoog tin' inipregnaBifity ??f otfl jgfysficfttii'os i-eem*. lo JutV. hi *11 rMnfnetori!y t>?Utt?firh?iL Jpfiir" *1*#" Imasnbat Ui?y sruuhl eet*br?t4 ?l?V*tf^ rennbtr o( Stunt**- M*HJtfMta?l?ii, t^je f lilora of the V)ialMK?d? tbeiniut'fJffbrl must i>?) indeeit h* l?itt<sf pill. I )wp? lie n?w????enirf at other -points, -te lueh, *t< dally expected, may be an Mtc.ceea, fully checked, auibvmedto llio advan(age of.our cmiisp. ' "v The t'iiaioe?a of fiongrttr itrjfrOjjreM ipg slowly but hfireli*. The'bill fo fund Tren?u*$ Notee,,hM beeotrte a law, wti'd the t^fe&rdnhee with ha provision*, are absorbed .in making in- | rMtm?nU i? what are destined j ol to bajutl* beat securities. The thx bi IT* lias passed the Hour*? and been amended in the JSeunte. li j is now before ibe.lltsuse. the question,1 befog whether O?*n0t, thai body uill \ lo the xynoiblineiiL of the Senate, which U in ilie natuie of a substitute. I * I The House .le.vivd a tax, in Treasury j Notes; the Senate propones -part in j Treasury Notes and parkin the pro j due? of rlie eounlry: i>6lweei?Mhe two' bodies there is gieat diversity if opinion, but it i* possible ih'at all diil'er* euces may bw*wtt h d. by the la-t of the present week, and the question finally j acted u|*o?.1 ,t \ * Without intending to decide between j the two measures, I wctfKT suggest,! that the difttvu'tv that must attend the collection ut it-tax in kind, inay prove n serious objection. Certainly it wdl reI qtiire the employment of a larger force I lh*.. rt,?? ?i???> *-- - ' J"W?? I uy in? 1IUUM\, [ Hut,-in this connection, I deein a referJboeio a cotmnonkation of dicSecrelaiy of&he Yrwvur^, not in appropriate, in presenting the estimate* of the support of the Government,, he alludes to the act of* the 23d of March, which limits j the i ?noTreasury Notes totifiy mil ' lionS per month, and slates that more than titty millions \?ill l?e required to meet the expose* for the current *rar. lit* iokrenco therefore thivl, the estimates must he reduced, or tkltl sotue of the expenditure* must he made in a form which not reqniro lite raising of mouoy, is a clear one. As a remedy, he proposes a tax in hioth. f'? save: 44 In my hiat annual^ repbrfc. i rocoiu* mended to Congress a tax df one percent, dn property, ami of ten per cent, on all incomes. * So much of this income tax AB could be made use of for the armv' might ho collected in kiud. Fopd ami ( forage aie required foj' trim purpose in eveiy section of our country, ami those agiiculuiral products, -such as cotton and lohacco, .-which cannot be used a* fadtl, wojtld be of very great value in providing arms, clothing, and innnv lions of war fri.ui abroad. I wotifd therefore eupgest the expediency, of a?thu'rizii?if-dho OdtWfiiTTewt^ wherever rt ipny tind the same practicnbie. vq colK*cl in k:ud, a lux rpou Agiicukural income.' 't , V* ' Ti e views of tb*e Secret^rv will \>n donbtedly^twevaib'- and to this MUhI, the country will find rt'liof from"- the evils, consequent upon, a redundant currency; but 1 maybe pardoned for expressing iBe opinion, Hint it <fo*? not entirely uicet the exigencies, .of the limes. If the collection of a tux in kind he practicable, and the Senate has Already dechiud it to he so ; then is the feasibility of the scheme for making eottwn n means of iipiioldhlcr the public credit fully determined, .for there can he but lilttc* niore-'nhjectior. tri taking the whole crop of cotton since the com ntencemor.'t of fhe war, provided the Government pays fij?it. than there is to levying a fax ih"1PftuNi?M givfbfc noratnuneralion for it In-.'vtlhd the jrrotcc tion of the Government. At lire ousel, oar planter* w?fc<f Willing to^ive their w hole crop to 'Jip GovetnuieffT at a low fi^ytre. What enn It^ife occurred | iftjlie last year to'darlip their patriots inn ) What can liaver stirred t?j? ftie that has been manifested to i-he Senate bill on (his subject,? However, lite rjueetion is not dead y-?tt. A few day* singe, Senator John on, of Arkansas intrMttced an HincnJ ' ment to tfii** bill in tlte natuf^ of n lubalilute. If Appropriates one 1!nlf of I ih-w col it m in the Confederacy I It twcntr cents per pound, fb be p?i<l i b? in cotton bonds beating *ix per font.; jitereat, upon the proclamation of the! ^ Cretary of tire Trejwurv, and provide* , or tlte ctjleeiioii of a duty of seven , >igbu of otto cent, par poftmJ on nil 1 , (oftra exported Iroiu the (JinifprWa'e i ^ 'dates, lint, duly Jo. Im. itseivid for ilia i rqent ijf Hmj interest, - ' l ] Oa.tbe wboia^if ihlnl.TII can Ixs panned. ( I t will do A JtOM deal of got*| ; will If elb-ye lb< ountry of a Inrge pot lion of j ? in* ben%* Jebl htentrei! in thefilrti^le | I >r give us a -found \ i lorreney that sjtft trw be Jiithle to de- i trfclaliqu i>HS?nse'fnHy secured by the I iropertv in (be bauds ef tha Obverrv ' c rent. fftorelv there can be no better vidence i?f ibis than ll>* recent nogo i wtion of a loan iMiKurope at a pram' 1 im of- fivy jg?r cent. Tito dninnd of ? ur Coveriitiicnffor rtftefft million, I rtswered by n Mtbncrrfmnn of more * mn fifty million ; arid this becnunr- it ( ran Mrt^ieU t by eorton. ](' this ? (branse'd, wotjjd itjiot place the ftreil 7 of (he Government nbiond upon the A iont sol til foundation ; and wotthi it n >1 at home create a Confidence in the I ri 'foiircen of ilie Government thai would ! tv# n inot.i happy effect ? J n ? ..r ->*J! ."* ** - - x^jj. agtoeil lipoid ? ttport, which has t>4fe>? >4* f<>r txMMj**>NUu?. i'oiiOkiK hi -aim* lyivu Niiulv cn 1?oiW ?' flifotfrxxt fVwt no r?Vai{T*w?H l*b nractd{fti!.h*i)f fti.d tfu*? a wvi t?H v! jimrl' vptcdily i e cotton up, thilea* but" ? i^renri^ivte. ?ft>> fell (Mftfahwyiti* 4jo6*UnUiJ *1 M?^tr> r<*t'balUticti will. \t 5t ^tllv?u)0?Jin^ rhe. erroml section w or fho'old J>o?t ofliee Mil Is uix.ler roil xi.U-iiiiion. I\ f>jpv'lriet-for*HI*-Incri-jixP ci oT-mUooI otioUilm'oD the j.oslape-of ul newspapers, IwiC/iivors the exchange of w by ethtnss. The ohj.-ct of I hit-1 measureUtoitt&ettjcjiosb-ollicc'depfen- U n>p?t sell'suet tiinti\g, as iP^ubciTw iiiWi irt two ve?nfier. lite organization-of ihelet ,jiertiHtDuAl. govern ittuut. An the InrV pi rvpt-H pi tho l\n master Pvpciul only |ii exhibit* a* <)?.fu.iiitcy of yboul oho lmn- nj ."dred And fifty i|rOu?aud dollar*, it i? w believed that lire olntatge tU?? tnnda.W p1 tlie ppi>lftg<*-oo .mew stupor* nnd period- ?? lent*, will n.itUo it good . .% ' |1 . ; -;* TAUMfilTO. to ' i * *' V' ? .... * FROM THE CAPITAL. rr ?'. 11' .*> .t; ' c? Correspoudeivc? of Southern Enterprise, ol RlCfiaOXP, A"pifl 14, l?flS. w Jl/e??r% jfdtibr*?- PpHlig is fairly ,,, ?rf*'U n* i?t IhM ; we Imvts Ixiirlil sum |? am) genial* skies ; occasionally in the ,j( morning we are icthindcd l?y thh Ho gering breath of ivv winter that He iut |,, j hoT dT*posc$hp relinquish his* cold and ,w freezing "but the eviden'ote >>( I around u$ show thht* His lelgti is over f<{ and the luitdor wepttre.of * coy but maiden queen is ?rclil> yet rtnilingly iukI gently wielded over the reginna of rH earth. Hot while fiahirv it softening- j? lire green girt?*'growing, the btidj peajr in? forth*tlie Hiids' coinnn n< ing their envois?lite t of man teem* to be Hie snnr* : niuhili<>us, rewfigeful, san guinary man bjnirsiiiitg his wntwatd tc cotir-e. " .mi Pays a celebrated poet," The cold in _ elinie are cohl in blood.*, Bo it soenis rj( with the ciuzy, fanatical sons of H( North. -They'ore Mill intent* upon |rt their 'Mfobbv." the foolish i tori" of " rc }|| c<nta(rt<cfio)i," and though reverses Upon reverses should teAch tbetn better msi?0. rhey will not be governed by either wisdom or experience. *' jw Their attack njiotk Charleston, though I v wo confess ?e did dot believe, turned ! ^ out however us w<5 expected, if it should be made" a failuio. Some were .p disposed (i> believe iJiRi it was ?uu< li to M bo femulj ~b'>t wc anticipated no bad tj, rvohllh J we were satisfied tluit " Qneen Ctlv of the South " ?a< in the I w htjiids of* an Vb'e tii'iti. and-lbxt lie* | ,(1 | fortx nod vessels were tbfeiubd i?v gal | |fl I iAnL heat Is who, when tlie opportntii' \ j ;l| i < livi? 1 wpijd teach tlie Yankee wi:lij*|*j | bin ' tiifrrtiul niontfiT ,r and " iron- M| chide'* a Jes.Mni that would fll'ornp! j. them for ilio future w lien nttnckiujr ||( Charleston jUal however irotea/, ,x ar-e not" proof against sterling patiiot- j|j iim And genuine bravery. * ' "The news of to day isjhat Y.?n 1 torn jh 'has l>een soinHfhn' unsuccessful in his j la?t rtl tempt. We ate riot astonished : I Van is a good cavalry oHb'er. a diyfiing j oho,. halt not equal, we think, 16 hi* hazardous imdei taking*. - .lie hud to wipe but a blemish ? he dsitej, to d ft?butlae is too rush, lie has eon * M<fi"rHble*rfd?A, hut not enough of tlie 1,? Afiirat that would make liian to lend ' entirely'nnd al^ne. 'l liera must be a j planning bund aieba e'eadivr bead direct him. We hope, however it will all wroiU for the beet. We leave sxmiio good Generals oitt itieic, from wlii'iiTs1'1 we expect to hear gooiUrep >?t?. John son. we opine, when lie. gets faiilv to _4> battle, w ill bieak the charm and teach I ^ (lie cnensy that, the victorious flag! m< "which has ?o of^etl waved over thelino*. | of 'be Potomac still asserts its away far ' away westward. " i n i I--'? .i l .?? i!" iiiougn ute news is, or that heavy thing l^ts been heard along 4 the itappMhannork. The intelligence i? that ?? iia*e possession ot Suffolk.. '< lTekven kripw* v*hcn the thunders of ^ war will ho liejud along ttys I'OUmiftc It will not he long, we presume; and ? > urtfTroat that the l-oxf of battles wljl If on * - .. v . Congieas has been discussing the qnes ( tfpn about cmscriplipg aliens. \\*b see no difficulty' in it. Mr. lWtiwell and nn some other fogies think tint stich tf , thing mighlr offend J!u:Oj>eah posters, n and that /Urcit/xcrs, mind. yvq, who j ^ iiave taken up their abode, voted, made j C'1 their living hero, and tvlio ?ro preying j Upon tit vitpl* of ine com.try. should 1 Uo| Le.iequhtd to Kghl*l?ni ei jov qui?u J at home. * XW-ttrimiffi^/uism %>r future i dn votes tif the foreigners. Shame tfpnti j ?*c audi met. .Shall the fiali?'? be /breed j to rjoit I?h home, his wife, his fisirfily, ! j|* lie exposed to liardehipa. and prjrririohs, .-idtus oeatb, WWlo the tnt/rtf, unfeeling u? foieiglM'.r. is ty]lowed to pfreciilale, grow <d rich wful .insulting, enjoy every Comfort and finally lonmitt in it<? look Willi Contempt hpoll I how. who I ', wcured its righn. When tli? war in jhw over, he will he the first to run for of. pit H?ev HUnine"u|H?t? such men n* support fln ihem. VVUhI, we a?k, d*e? Knglanl or oer France of Kua-i* bctrfflt W? f .Any 4?1 >liih|r ? Ilafte I hey fciven any ed inpynil? <lo they jnlen<! f will liiby>rlioi -ver ? No, mo. Then thow who J oil lee llfrir omx nadvtf land to n Ci} ivit.jj here ami a li >mfor' ilia for itnuy ami that Aontf. Tlfey ftfte an dm n i j eh iin. tvMleil ? we nie. Tvcn ifR >f your owj? np counjrr member* yam let line '.o comdder. The j>?peri will abott erP leidi to lhfl.'hivl. Ifi'soluUon* | inc Uvo been nrteufcd lit f%n'rd Uf the on - ce? iirtial 'escrefse of1 upirtktl Uw. '^Tltta df! hing onprhi, we believe, fo bo regulated. rh? Hiere f* need, reqatrotnetit 1>f stiin^on not ty nt ihd present, but iMnnlnl Inw, left nvij o manV brainlceS, (vrarmu ?l mttF.arv t tlirt nan will prove,'' Iwrt proved, a afe oouige to the roMfltiy. For inV.auca, y?W iota Ilindinna. It onoht e*ti eetrfcieft to n.considerable extent. the Wfl bar) a Utile ld<>in over in Wiel) Till tond aotne-tijijo h.iek, Who In itiiii . ^ ./ ? , 4 'A \ ' "*"> * w li???^?IIM I l_ VlH<- M Of r**d ; ik w?? for plundor. J'l>?y throw ivay breud nnd pockotcd shoe* and rfrV ihingolso. ThojUrtpJA, though pn>? Iflonarwe lii"h lu?re, ate by ik? nimnx iu *Uu?f?g condilion, .Jbihyji V? e*>" "ncoVf sooh ?i tj?wr?^s. Wy. dj> ogt efir the nppearfineo of utamng An; ( tlCM* * ?? io ? ?uunp?iy nor A roiywi of <*[m altot; If sijjrb * thin# /bo?iid ocir again among thene loyal much fofWyfiHH, would bo woilii iu ?-i?;bt in pvl'b* -4."- ' ... Kicbtpupu in *ll}l jjichfnoftd yef, ibe iclitnond c? tbo Viw, no\ fix) Hlcliomf t?f by'.jfviwi day*. Cpecnljirlon, Hurt Ion, l mschIhv, ancf vie**, Mill ? < evident, ay<l qji the incroaae. bofue me I tu'l' ir? f,i*? #itilw e Vie u. .,? V " jo, ill? loliH^o ipania prevailed. ll mil up like ?' rocWl. * Every body Itched iti ; Wge amounts were real iked "a day. . Congress/ h&rever, bv it* * Mil/ operated, wf'think, agitfttst >1 acc'o, and down ft went. At attorn sales" j"e*iorday, ll brought nothing, lie consequence is, tony faces and down ist looks with many. Wo are glad F it. We hope ever? apncttlator may iso 'every thing ho has ever made. It as all a humbug ; the rise was baaed r nothing hut s|?ccntnrion- ll rvas n > nhle bound to btlist bj its Very itilluoit. * The President, Our worthy President, is issued an able and suflable address > ILe .people respecting the rafting of -oris ions. tfyat that i* will bo Uowod. It Ma we'll known fact, tlmt i0 ^grain inisers are in die army.? ^?0 planters were never the grain liaers ; llrey were too nnicli engaged i the "planting of cotton. The* grain imef8 an? jn the nrnry *, they have lef; ivvs and children behind. We ha\e large- population perfectly useless in" lis respect, living in cities, villages and iivrs?a large number of icftrgeoa, id hosts of foreigner*?tion producing"1 an army ? and provisions must lo iisc?h Cotton planters must turn their-' leiilton this way. Soldiers and other iinilies have to tic fed. 1/ provisions j re not rahed. wo must be faced ip a bad situation. Then there ill bt> a cry tor breed. Wo ace that Mr. Fernando Wood is Leon scouting, again. We, how* ?r, pay .|rut Utile ntuution to" this. jt suppose it t*'worth what it is worth.' is only stinjnw wp the element* at i? North limy at woilt.,f*,W? hear ttong us n.. talk of peace"? tin: fact is, iei0 is no pe;.Ct'. " Those wliotp the nls woufd dc>tmy," sitvs an ancient liter, " they tirst tnnkc mad." So*itJ cins the Por/Avt have hec* roe pet feet Iv iiid. Thov have gone crazy. llrey c working run their own* destruction. Iicv a:? sowing the wind and will irelv reap iho whirlwind. The stofm gathering and brewing over their 'i.ds lliut w ill ore long burst forth in terrible form. It will tnvi op ov'er that fated land like the jtrruoutf of tjtei fsctl, di-nrcinlu-riiig the m hole concerts* to a "liall* rb z. tt frngini tiiarv part*; r tumblings oan b,. In-aril, . It is ?<nlc rough this wo can hope f??r peace, nl grant lLat it may aooit "ccnr. ttlUUCOft. . OKolriN*', Anrtt 10. An abolition eaValry fore*. < *.yn it.-.i at VoO, tv<re atlv iticitig na l'<i!|tnli.c y.-slol* y, slut the mltnruse guard was reported i'l'r* ln*t night. A>?n- forces are cneonttinijto resist tlrein. All .engag*IliciK is riniu to-?iu} uulcirs t).c enemy retires. . Jacksov, A|>?il (Jen. Chalmers gallantly ropTtl??I .four orjs^n.J Vnukees, e<1n?i*ii'iy of cavalry. | i.iju-ry nno ii.tsnlry on tbo Cold?at< r. ic enemy rrtrrtlvil in prcat haste nud nfuMoTi. C'iui!in>-^i? was pursttinp cnerllAnlly. The roads very heavy. Q\rf an tidinVeil wc(l, though ntiiiiv fdr tpe st time under fire. The enemy 'a low nhMttn; ours one killed and six wounded. Jackson, April '20., The rnomv ?* helievrd to ho aavanotnp i llolly Sprinps frotiC Corinth. ArK?nv, April 20. via Oir?yxAf> ?f April 20. ' The Mississippi river at Austin hut fallen sven feel below the hijfhesl |*>int?it fell inches yesterday-. (iljilliouM witlitranstUt U>vi'inp flat* or ponf'ooim linve none wn with iliilft, Clinlnicr* was luorcliiMI xvnrda Tftlbihptnn VHh infantry. cavalry d artillery* . lie is on the north nida of e ColilwHter. Gov. Curtis ofifenf 20,000 militia to prtf* ft Weehhf^tdn. Four thousand Yankees wore near J5er-1 ndo. " ' ?tv. ' Rperi tl dispnteh to the Jarksnn Appeal.* (<Cliioni.D Tmti n of llie 2tth received.! i immediate resumption of hostilities on ! HI lestnil. . % Ijiirnsidm had 'issued an irjyr that ajl rsons within the Federal *iii<w benefiuinp? tonfedsi-ate# should rnlfaV'dvarh. Oi?riligtow at Indianapolis li-id i>su"d- til* <? 'Tbe 'rifnes aara* fcho entire i&itor fleet will be rent to the Mi??iiutor?i ? r j was la-port<;.t from lias ana llinl \\Wkex' ll be?*i? nrrrrM ???i for firing | o the '^edincf KM*. Ithnlrtlso [ Tsrpd di* nrreat of W'iltro* fof litinginp that port ?l>o VAivlerbu.ll'a erew efigiM? j la I lie l'etcrboff atftur. - . UicriMONb. Aj*n 20.* <! Conft(lcv<'l? Cuuf/rent.?Tii? I lou*e,. i?Mt the conference Thx Hiij to-dnv, ' iviouaiy pKMfel, I\*f the ftantue. Tliyjit eetwtnn .7e*ien ?, li?x of eight prr ft. uj>on l 1m C>r nil nnvnl t, wine** u.h^cpo, mm it) factoror. uuninii<?faC'4>rpd, cotton, wool, ar, ?Utyur. Woli^s**, ?yrtip, lice, *n<C . ( \0t ngilculfmnl juolocU held orot>| on tlie l*t uf J n|y m-xl, not nee6?*erf * family consoinpiion, gnjnuh'or pro- * ojipD of ?ny Otceeedlnf ttyir, *od oo mordrt o4 bAwl dr on ib-poajt on tlm ' hf J'vlv, nh<l on iffe vnfae df nil ? rw?{ dthp|Av'?Kl Irt the omi ffoni wliic.h is tHX.ud one p#r ' it. 'I h<\ flfth f.rm iJc* a -pee (ft* oti each trmieof hiuhh-A nrmml ^ rein, nn?r ?*?>"42^f Mfinni fix on mtie? i iiiati'Tinnv iwfare^' frortt (he llill | riiffilly pnt*ed l?y llie Jfointe, rxcc)U 1 t-hotnU, (il?frtnr int'l enliiiK Itoiftc* ' (O b? cbiH^ified Hunoriln.g (o the ' | >rly reno will. V lieff the actual or j mated roiTt mndtinw to inn (lion-end. j lex nbi|ll be fiv*,huiu|?BV dollar*.? I ! einnllent^tnx in thi* pnrnornplr ia! J* lolbiis. '] he .-cciioiis ic_uiaiini; i, - n t? .? V % % : I " * ilf>t eaevtilinj?iffkcon hundred, is 5'j>w w? 4)fWn liMttdrcil, HojnvU???" lliMn tlirDA ' K' itir r. nn 1 !l0 fir?t ttftoon hnnjr*^ IP'Por\'?^n,? ? n. ov?r time thousand, ftt?d hS*? lh*u five thousand, id per cout.; on'xifg/t^y* -thousauil, and -Under tcn.tba*M?nd.-J2? per vej?t. ; 011 all averjrftit th^iis? up,'Uitf b-ix s-fiall 1m; 1ft |?er ceut.*;T$pCtibn 10? a lax of 10 per cent. An ^ profits doting the past yohK by A'lixst.'H ft/ pro* tsions fhrogA, fcRoC* ,w clothe*. $tCj, cXCC^t that w hicdliSlifcdbi' xamrse and- m a regtdrfr ro'ail < biiMpes*. 7ti? sections in Um? :S?wMe *bttt .prpaoi thing a tM '? kind ?r<r retain ' ed, wiilr few liwxiffication#. -The act Corera it*cntv-nitie printed page?. - Vi'iiAT is the great cure for Wonat Jlenip pnuHicea. I i iia ??a? (IB ITCAUY. Pint, in GiefWfillc,, S, O, April 11th, | IRuJJ. MU* AMKUA ltOSJS, Hged eighty-five t years. Her tpirit .leptu-ted calmly to it* llravAily homo. Iter mortal remains vrw* 'followed io the grave by hiving friend*. - Wlitn p^uce smiles again on otir holders, nnd the eenttersd flocks of. b'harVsston return to their pluses of warahlp. rite Wll l>? missed in the beautiful Church of hei?choicy | miss efl nt the table of her Master, where shgliss l?'er (^im?i (iutliful /or n lifet ime I'rifysed in " .her opeu-hanflcd- chnriftc/; mlMed in that (lire though quiet' influenza-wlilctr falls on social life, like dew from "the ]>uru in heart, who sec God." - d ,->* Hixfowcd by nature with n sensitive appreciation of the beautiful, ninl Aided by hef position and sducatiorrin its erfjnyment, it was her lot to be dep'rivsd from early Ufa ! of t'tlio. harmonies of sound." >Jtut wc believe the compensation will be amide, nnd thai celestial eholii* have weleon?c4 her IIalimnuieled soiiso with ey ni|M\that^c melody. f The song of bird and bee .The chorus of- the, streams, and Ai.**jKro*?*.. f 'J ' ' I All llii! gmnil music ?n which not ore mows L: Wthi wasted lucho^y I To lu?r! the world ? tuOelogi void ? ; Mhile veil silence lind its charm destroyed. | * Now when new tense it given, [ Wbiit raptur?.nin*< her tirst experience he, Kiting nboVc nil curtlily inch dy. To U'tro Hm> song* of Uenvcn ; To he*r (Hctul)*ofi>*<! niit licih swelling round, j U hriu nngel* tench the ccnUciti oi eon ml-" I C.G, fJrrenville, 3 C.. - Notice. TflR MtbwHbor respectfully informs w JH tlic public, and the Indies in porttiu!* . i a^^that lie will prulttplly make Up Into i Shoes. Moots, (taller!". Hlippor*, etc., nil slock | ftitnishod by lit* ciisl tutors. <<r? skirl notice.? | So liioaO having ell It>-li?l small ipiaiilitii-H nil I leather, or nflytlihig thnt will tin to put into the shape of a covering for the loot, ore iuviu-d to oiiiio along Stilh it at once. ykff" Shop ritolt'eii one dnftr north of the standoCcupiod by ltrs. Long A liitrnbntn. . O. I'AIM'KU. | " April 5'1 51 v 2 | Slave Labor for the Const. 1~>UKv>UANT to the. r< <|t.i-itiou of \V*t. 1 M. t?HANN<IN, State Agent, oil own ' era ?f slave# 1s t \vc< n the ages of sixteen nml ' t'rfty yen is lHthle to do Road or Street duty I within the (Virpflrnte-limju ol the ViHage of OrccnViile, nre'n?rrl>r notified that they ' Arc required to have onp half of their o?t si ' Slnvoe, or in their regular employment, n' ' tin' UiiiIt-141.1 r?e|irtt at tld# ptnee, on Wed- I nesdny, the I'tli day of May next., nt quarter past lour o'clock, a. tu., prepared f-?r linnsportntiou to Chorlertnn, to work on the foril Kent ions Ta. h slave so sen), unlet h-fni. nis.icd With either n spade or shovel. Those who have furnished liRiirif bcfol'e will be * entitled to the proper el edit. ' r^rtonB^iwniiig fractional numbers rmist nrrniige with others shuflnrlv aiinnted. rersi"lis owning cililv one slave hot. liable. ' The INTKSn VNT anil .MAKKllM, MARSI IAL MARTIX. will al land at. the l>e|?ot I to rooeiva mid slaVca and a.niiC the agent i -?( tlie ^ent hp to^eeenre them. Ry ordlr of the Cetinei). ' "I Jrtlix C. BAJL12V. Clerk April ioth, 18tft. , . " \ Li April 88 ?*! 2 ' r ubc I/amatio^ ! Gtato of Seatli Carolina, [ AXKCUTJVE DKI'AUTMKNT. Cowmiiia, April 18, 1883. | prrv-nt >iiH<hr o f pfe-1 V* tf?ion* ln'ltria sinte i* tircded for the the penp'e llfore' f And trt? f oMi?r? of tile 0?nfvder?,-y tlnrfin : * And wliei it. i? <WiU?tl impjirliuit to |?r? vi*nt, tIre exitoi'lAt^on qf tin- Mini* for eprcnlnHon f , tf.w lfo,r.fora I, MllXfTHlW I. IKJiJT H-AM, (lornnw of South tjamiiim, hv virUiti j ^ of <tt?? powrr vested in nu> trade "h' C?i". j < eiiuiuon of tltii< SiAtv. alo tJws toy > j ypulAiitiiicii, nii.J r<ohiij?iixjir'1' '** 'or? hpno.A of thirty1 oavJ fr^Wn Tiffs dat--, hotn | enpgitlncr le-yfind Ihe limit* of fbl* State, any ?m?t, "Itiewn, pork, corn, i??nl. wheat, Hour, rigf, 4>'??*', gr |u?Uiloo*. Tin* following pmroi;* urc exempt:r<T, *v !/:' Q' triinnrtrM, Coifi^riii?*?rtf?7 flod otlcr-rtyerfl* of Ih# Confederate ftt?*ernmerit ptirc)???r,l?ii? . provtefon* f*r tfra army. wU.mtot exhiltff 1 matUeni'.or,"- eri<i?'ji?JO*?f llipfr odiuinl fliul n^lhgyiiy.; p<-r?">* fr>\n> <ifhrr . pw:e?U>?, for their ot?n jja*f*n1t? r jMe i.hd ednonrftptPm And "dt for rem le, ? VMil twahg oanf'f#?thnt rtfott iarfwr the nevt tiWirirala previutw u> ilia refo.vui 0/ lit* articles pm ointaetl, ubipli oath llfij ni'*- " i'trqfo tliitJj prmrr ve ami fui jiiMi lor fife tire of flie AiiHofior of th? Olrrnif wli -n re quired? wgrnl* of mnatie*. tewnvagpporm * tto?i?,4in<hGiiMiM?' liaor.foof Kelmf. i.f nlh r ?UI ? # w ho axhild ?-A? t infer-forj- pr. >o f. .f ibei r authority',(?' rvhajjo *ueli pf"?h?for?in behalf.of tnefi eonnth *. towna, rorporattwaa f W Soldletof ?t-?ard? of fU )i<xf for pftt>fco u*i _ or for itWtritiutiol, nf ..i:, ui,.| dully , J oCfor.rdeale IH-protif. I . ui^ Salt itiVfU by I.Mil rrotdenti and entering 8ur port* fjMia Abfuitd are aWo *' t'xeeptvd. V " *]A Aja.wnrJ rV?a??Hned iq on oil rherHla. aBnHHtri?tae '* and cMMtAi.lee, aiwl* oil g. ..d e.iticyna ^r? * ftppinled 10, (o Kid > * flj' tw&tr*'"*} ?' * Lhfa l*i "cfiMnMitidP, and Am **TmU.4l*l M the Qerx r?l A?J?wt?ly. entitled *?Ad f?t.i.i gnforee ??or^t .'t.ny,,r{on of Ur^tfororacr pndiibltiog Jha^lK.itHlina^.f prov??ltd??. Uti' t^ nth ,t,vy of ApTtl. A. I>. 188? Oirrn iinJ?-r my foin.l und ttie ?. ?; ..f fh* ^ fWnfo1, "?f thia- ?i/hfe. (rfh [?;>.f-i4tly "f ApHt A. fi/ oiHt ihuifnaA Jf right hondfeit ttfhd llWf ihlfri- ,* . . Jl. I. HO.^HAM. -I* Wm. 11. Tftrxrr. fteerrtaryW Stafe. \ tU Apillit *' ; 4 ?UI {^*-AII the paper* .it tha^tal* putjlfh Lj, ,n?o it w?r!> Tor uiolilh, , ' ^ k 9 '* tir^^V' T HBBIMHBB C9H 93MKS *PrTrTw^*^r^ / 'INHS^tofcrditf f )ir. .'t..r- ..I I>h|?m.v ' I; hsrtV dwl(if?.l * l>rvjl>j:.YW,l V!.\ *->V ??**-"^^ ** ^1.-TJJK Abcnt* affile company hr< iortrnettii jiotto roo?<ipf1orlkH>nrdifti' to h< fMjipNl/4*4 ?<U to ?fj^r^4 for it thon, milcra it i? in gwjd .oi;?l?tY and plainly marked, iVe Company lyi* never acVnowledMd liaclf 1Uil?la tor Cattoti'tlnf)! V.i?? *??r?1 ??r<jl to he t?h?pped, mill i? *-?? -* jJ for. Cotton thrown' tlio tuftr*d rUM lornw and -Along the lino of. Ilia Koad. and not re?eifited fur, la at.the It t* greatly exposed t?> tire, I#i>0 etolen, and Ion nod dantftgo fewH other Mtah coufu?inn mfiat NtiM from IU nbT. Jiclng plainly fnftrkedl * ' . 0 IVrmins interested are requested to hen their Cotton at huswo dtttH it w to Wah.ppctl ortt 'f?? Koad. " * ivy ?r^.-r of TftK rit!ilIf>KNTt April S3 51 * ? ' 4 $100 lie war J. STOIJCN from the 'frUak tif ili" rtih?eriItw at the Ooodlctt IJouse i?i (Jrorth vjlle dnritiu hia recent? UBitpa, SIX lllJitT?KF.f> ANliTWlCNTV PI VK HOJ.I.AKr> in Cuitfederato- Bills oldiflWent denominations. The aBove reward will. I?> paid lei tiny person who wHl jiNiMtrftlle thief, or give ench infoiiiintion lis will lead to ht? *Tet?cUon ami cuArietkn*.- . > UOBRUT J. An^us. ' April 0 49 * Ie?w9{' ~^NOTici:.'~ f II AN A WAY, from thy wvBsoriBcr, on the IItil Blot,. two Ki^lO Al< i?. H<>B ma! ADH. *5 fori eijlht inches high. . lW?B i? It" dark, pel- o?>Hi?r ; aMtids \?rv-erect ai?d rather quick spoken ; with' K".?Ii check hone*, weighing slijrnt 180 or lit! pound*,' and had on a ('opera* etmt and pa ata and a ( Black 'overo.oat. Aihl is -e?-ry^Maeh.^ ai|d has a rather dnwu look, ami isTpvfek sp'oHeo ?a Black amifli hy trade?.weiphttwS^Vlrfsjit 170 Upun<ls,tMid had (in n hlnr pair of panls and a copperas coat, and liad a l?town Co.ij. and a hi?wn pair of pant* with liirn. '1 will jfiVe a reward of fifty dolBrtf for. their deliverv 'o me, or their lodgment itt-nny jail su thai I ran yet Uinio, or t*reiH?t l)w lollura for cither of tliem. J.KWIS IT, pirrcrrv -f llt.ehl.itid tlrorc, s, C,. April Mth, 1SB3. April n " - " Ot> 4 tU.. Tha r.ihimhim liuartliaai tied Ashovillo (N. ('.) Aivw* will each pU-oeo^ocpy lor We Monlli, and Ipiaurd iccouuls to me %ti 41ffcri"' lan.l (tror*. *'* rbaJkip. % STOP THE "HORSE THItr. JlJfrS S l'< if.llX frypijliu s^WerB p ^ BerV 11 aide, oil {T?o night of I till inrf., a Sorri I Vr^-^tMOBSI*'. uBoiit 11V lmfid. 1.1.,I. / -..? l l i I .r - - ...-r -urn Hiyri-tl nil? r. TOO r | iii the fnee. light in.nie, n ftmud,l>?oli, one I white foot ami knot on the lett thigh, nnil| will he tlx yo?ra old' Jliis k|>ri jp. Aifu ? i ii?f5 liKHlLk ami a g?Mid !jAI >1 HmL the ItV) or marly new, Willi ou'e stiry fluttered, [nketi from N. I,?*Jiic't th? entile night, Mlp jtosod to lie liytliu route. A liberal reward will Ik? given for llie ilelivefyW the llorse r his stoppage ami iniormntinn writer* 1" an get liim. There in good tefion -tie-Ue-, Here the thief will go tvnerOt the upptg Mil t of < ieorijj.i. . . _ '111e nliecrlhere live in the lower patT'of Irvcn ville, near lluntrrsville I'oal Olliite, W. ?. KAPHAS leahcr. April 1W . AO v .* ?tf NOTICE ^STOCKHOLDERS. ttkCY'tJ OFFICE O. A C. U. It CO., ' Ont.t'MRia. AlM-ll Jflth, W*tl3. . THE Annual Meeting -t the Rt?ekhoh|vT* of tide CoinJAliiv will he lieM at. flieir Hall in Col'tnnhin.on TUDICSpAV, iljeAOth instant, at in o'clock n. m. AH HtojtklioldcWi will he pn?**d fro e to mil from tlm meeting. Original Storkhohh rs. or thoac who 1i a ye ' inherited the Stock, tiwning Ave shake*. fklil l?? permitted to lake wife antf children residing with him, to l!l? meviiug and return free Those wlio fkCre not Stockholders in the beginning,.hut hare purehn#"*d their f??nrl< Iii or<'er to enfitlo litem f> lake' wift? ami hi hi t en to the nice'lng free, are required , o hold twenty live share* of jhtjrk. and to i*ve held it lur eix months previous to ilia neerlng, < The privilege of patea'gr Ml eotomaeeffrf >n Tumi ay In-fore Hia iMi?ikng an# ?a#dr? ?ii Monday following. ? 1 toting the time that the 8tnekh?#d*fw#ro Mowed tiie free parage, fjs gt.tryr, tfc? p?a turner train* .Vffl atop onVi/ At lh*rrnutirrl>t l/A/i'/wae - -- ' * " hti.rkhoMfr* will l>? requital U> ItUo* lu ,he ('"Ipiiictor tb?Jr $*?nrk ^cripU t C. y.>\^RH1 NC.TOT, s ? ' ' "* s*' ' R?ler?-tnrr. 4 prll If! KO ? * . r I^HRKK moniMr? aft?r AppU?-iUiwf will b<' mn<1? Utr r-newal ??l AVrTifi i*l? for four Sharta of !>Uyk fr> M?? ;'k .'ai-linn iluilrwu'l ('? , *o?f Krtl'iroad rbtuV, ?trtiidin* in of lOHH" A. TO* *RS. tie original liuvia* jrcu )o?t or iiiuiitiU. . ' Orranvttl.! C?."It., *.*C., Fel?. *#?h. IRC*. * ( Fob It m . <V ' I?ii *in Snft! KuItU A RRtYWth fr*? fcit'of Wilaio;m?<la/V H AL'l\?n4 iiNin'if* toiwl *) iih, \vbi<h rtitj, lrfi bad ftsinUombl. pri? i-f, ?l wlioK.-.:lc ' r r. I h 11. I ' . - * _ UKOMOW ft fcl/Ml A?N A. C*A, Mtr-if 4. ?? 4? u STATE OP SOUTH CAROf.tHA, s 1'K'KI NS IMSTKU'W i N K Qtjj 1 Koim-nt'Ltmr of * K?i(h. omU J.,>h ? ? " * p : m.Ui* tiK fc.*S"t)u!l1 yl^i* <M-0 U4 Mtli ? f.*r ur f ,r1 fT Wl;, i ilii^r trliiu -I ith lit W wnrti ^iii th? ^pj? ? ; ' / .; * #" ' I - -V- t * i* ,* ' ?. ' . .4 * . - -im .. ^ "" u^lcrinl an-1 <rt J i?i?1 1'?' w a Kin Singly c?i\?Wf, fifty *m?? ? f 13^" AlHo^fM mittlHpR niAw?r?, min^ ^ M***"? cvntnin ft ?Uunj?lor tlfAt |>uij?oe&, ; ^M5'OFA111AS?.A I'tfttjltTOON. " J. -' K|miiion4, V?v. .- ^ * ^ *-* \. ltoniHiico. W^?y. 3S3Sr3 % Ft*.*!!. -~i V. 1 u - "? ?uu)pri?? the coi|4 a( Torntv of j&?iWcri|^k>n?KU dollar* *i>Uum.J>r tlrraa dollar fyj- 01 opt he.? JT Att?Dl? {Um4ii!<i >t tlio rate of ten .dollarf- ' ff- ;v', r?r h'"..ifi-da. , ^ , ? J* HAiNf-S AjfltijXr, Pfy?rrlfn.ta. ** . ' : 'vMtliHWl, v?. -1 S?2S . ANXUV^tr^ltNT. ' 'fc\ XVIIf anon in ucct>?Mve , * i*n?oi titr- ? Mn 'm.iiA W??-j<U.y ? HBMiUfCl' <VKlsOU>?A TJlXOHDl/, \. jtr w*. riii *A??; Original Koliiatecr* mi J LVomPrMil ?* * J fully Mtvjxiifcd tftavllnny, <Uvcl-??fy.> numliei1. ^ April 16. 60-5 ... State of South Carolinni;" / IXJKUITV. . ^ Tlmjrtaa S. Arllrnr vK- > .. ' - lUll f*r . ITlinrltn .1. flagon]! J- }br*c't>xvff nf " and J. A. Pitvhlr . Mhrtytp*. rf^K. Complainant. Ii<ttip(r '111* ?fiy fiini .. . A* ju tin- lOmvc vtHieil can ard jjC. ~ il Ifppciiriiijt to 11?? ttnf i^fnoi ion ?)'( tlt'cCl'np " 4 rll AKLBH J. HASCALl. 1? _ * nWont from-anti williOnt thr limit*of tlila Slnto: ft r'? Ortfrrtd, That lio do nnaw-er, t plnd of (li'imir to ' ? t Mirc< ?m<*>/*'; or tlic smujo w iU l>? taft?Mi pro to'liltt. ' VfM.M.jriOllAVCB.O.I). f April M l. IMu.. \ *?* ?? ' *}*ifS _ _ O 1? oooqT " .~~ ooo 7 -N EinalnmcniaV. T3M.VK TSmUfnd IHSh^tL Bow?*.-*Pb t * . J. |Mr ?it(rr,.1>nA?^teimlQn wlio TwiU to m?k? a yyarf Tri'rl?ti1n?vai???, ? I ii.m.'Hl hh.I IatuatiVk. K? taptfal ?>r -r(lu; ration *.-<jOirwl<_ K" r.apaiiA' iifani*r?*?i ] jfi Ktvr Inirxjrod Jii'lica aWNfentlclfcan jvaJWfcd 1 Hy mldr^rpingnir ly yn?t may W M(tnj;i> Ir JciiOrU'w Im'nltn. liriiuty, liMir litt ?ml n Imppy tiiiirtimro. * , A ' ( RlsO ditATlflilo Ihc SrH yoiiTtt? ' inii.v ? l? mr 1 KVr <W?|hM 7ii-' m>i?* ?<Mr<-r? (hwlnHing v?*v> return IV* ' iHM>lnk!' ) < I'M AN K K O.- I.INlJSKY. 1'atwj'n U.nVArMjigtftn 0???f \t Aptil f A? . - ? "TUi oujjh tut of ifnir.orevi .. x ' ' VSfipfM, *. . jf^K .7 PltAI.ltJ#K ?P%^STAI? p*^t? MONO;i^Msfcv? uVf H ?-& I ff\X n? Mi. f>:^Ck>Xi 1. "T Jip|!>lfi-!,?tir Jyiikiiup'. nrf Jjo ii?vj?|ilw.rlu(W?l i>f , l-??^\ llnrrikm^ oixl rtiu rriiiuimler of "In* . r'it?J tiiu.^ i?u my nw?i. ?|:i7J?'p. m ,t -J S<?Tii? Ixilf n"Uti/a n iti.trr* WtM (<? him )n?t re q win m'o culti' jfit? . IT I Uif uu?y juJJjc/?>r * '1-uA -UW. .,?r* ' N?r?rt . -17 tf r>tf A 8 ma 11 l'arm, jff CONVENIENT TO 6RMNV1UF. 'Vj . . 1'V>U^a.I-K, " , /',* . t <jl 1- b(! J?#r nwlr tli** /JjdfLt 7.A*n.i\-iEn3 . UaHB iiiir rtft tbv Piclt?irtAi^pi'l. "' A % I T KimpJs ?Wll) fi?V mllct ft<l4U l it* ( ,1 (L '!'?>ii.yf 7Jf?junville, ? lu rttin I now lv ?!< ??. A.!if nm Tritet eoirijtfca fs'Obttf, muni or ! #?!On Hie plixic nri- O'lth ijl?lintr?, ('rtlx, Ao. j ffj * IVr li-ptn* p' Atfe. Ha.'.,- n'T^niy on pr?|ui?e<y <?* T o/liv lifjlur t?? ihi4 uivi**i'pi'-E?J?-<l. * P. UARTJI A LOViiLAKD. , ;fl| , if 1 - - 47 .|T> : n it . ;.j STATE OF SOUTH CAHCIIHAT 1 JTOKENS DlSllilCT. .JoWrry UterrHt- "J bUlfnr i hi **N?b Pn?ker nri<l jT f n r^' ? * ? t **> **V' ^d'o Zr?. p<*'t*STA7V; IT i?fipp??ri??e ? n*4 4l?#?t .lA* I t'ou I'AUK'iU ?nd Wifoj-MAtlf.HA "I'll A A111.i:< )N EVA\ 1 NK.S.H rui.l Wife M1J.LT IlefaMlnnla iii this ^UiT{ OMC, ft*. ?i<!e i>#yond kbf IknitA ?>f (nip'lnfh . Or?/*rtd, T|(nI t|i?Ml(l iNr^endnnl* do ptWrd, /m- '' wit or demtor In I??id Kill within thrr *" . yntrotht from the publicaHtm A/rev/. t??r I (r?i ?iku *rP eH|/VMtt to Hum. K. A. TflO{M]V<A. C. r. r. r.nnmwS^nerA Etflico. MSfelV M Ki/w t * -? wp?n'/f ?t classical an2> engubh v v ~ <*<><? jft) ft, .i^cww'^ ax> *? wjjfcr^v fu-llolh., ryfjnfly c?l?mt?>ir<t iy ,4* J t?fcw>r? ak 1)p nutl jlrtt ?j <sSaT^ *'?n, wuii ft */ frtfarf of of kur?mtf?? l ?jv?r?iiv, -.. <5?rtiit?tbc *?it|>?i?.i??<?n nf lbo ki*wiw# of lk?, 1 l>hrr?ujr. wol ?l>nm #f t^e bwity-' ' '-, -? ih>r. ??n tile IKfu *'kwtr,atfr, two <|0?rl?r" of. uw ?rwfc* oftofc. ' ' **wl **ltk m) ? *?* t1*' iftcj<io?ifjti rs|k<98u, |w.tiibj%iii tt<dnti<i\ (liind hftm'lhijroui l>" hull uf tt.' tlu- utr.?..?t w?ti?k'-*nrt w'?h k4 4x?r?i?0* ???er ' 1WMkf^Ww ppf"1* .Jh^_ . , Jti,." -For fiwthit l'rofe p.*l'. kuw**lk. u-r?tiithli?df c. * ? jah * st ' * if 4 . -^tpotice. I^staff ok .mtht vl j?;;fh. j-'/' c ? keitthn i<k4mi>ett,- , j ? *.wpsl> jmintocffi% ' . -* - - ifhlrtvlk htaklitffi a .. " - ? ?'ki.s< jli;a wwtcu* 4? katimxagl*0^ v i i r/.a j,ofri,?. v^#i?iiirfccyv?. ' _ i . ? . ?.jokkk1< v.mi nmv - ? ... '! HMMl'M.'.v ' *1 All prrtic} l?> -0*17 of tli?Mk fcVlnfc*.' ItSl! r?*kt> |t?y ? ?b" ; mirl "Hya purlK-* lt*vin? (JttiU will pru? y Miol .'fcjy ? ""UiBy to ^AP- ' WXW TflOMAiH.C; K. (I. !)., *?k ?n.t VlMiim*fp""' "'?* I .' r?v. ' ;.y. r ' *" ~'; cK\Hi|>*Crtp(trtii:*r4if;> nidf % heri tutor*'Aiding b*i*#et.+ Dr.**: I<, < Jiooiv * A l?. U<>kH, u 4k l>y?h?. dralA^F t)>? r &?<** Armi'i'it. -nflf Qi? Finn. at* id iW* ** [M&ffyt Vjl? |nrl|.rl . - * ^F- 7 "" ly^A. y. iUfXE, N. a Le/ I>B? V lb WlCtf will (jjiuiJpii* at i&Taame J>?riidny l.r" flriif, wlt>f. % # Rpnif 4l ail u?#ht ailtf Mn ?lF?"S <?* nlJfCmw 1 hl? OflW, III.' h?t'*4 ul Mi?. < rvok rl{ f?^r*X?nXr''' & ! * *i v"ii" 'Zni ? r I' m ' r V ! # ,I,. ,v< ? K ' _>2r i