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BjL ? .' . ,|^jM||r CSS^- ?v? L^ CJj- p . . ? x jfeu^. fv H '# flT<fi)f ;jN?#ttW, (^rTtrfrbf If? "-^ ?' . m ?st.rKb wni?Ki.r'hr W$p*r, ipmcrrc ANBAtlry,. ; ^ 'IhiuVfilfCTbkt, * vf*" J HKrV' -., fv: !m' fa Per An hum*. in A?tvnuc<t. : advbrTl<5menzb A** ' H?W Will h? fmorttcl at th? Vat?? ?./ oVio ^oHv ffljr will p?r aqvnre, ori7tf{binn th**, KB Wk' JlW. ?? U* flr?t .inrtHto*, ^Atmirt/-?r<> i.' " iU for the Jocund and tfUfril.fiieTtiun*, ami ^Bp ij erwt* tor oncli 8i^r< ??Unn insertion. Hffli;,' ' bi't.dirjrJloiicvn, 'Tribute* of Rorpcot. nani?* jr K>?? M# (Utoea, vf; h<?nor hr kefcofit, ?rt> f*>r at the r|t?lt VfWVwIy-ll^cwti K Q%jtr iqnai-o > n Mtiifmnnli tor nfltre; tX[ ' \.,' * k^Mvcrtixatnenla rent in witlintit'tlie number i. W inorfMoBupcoia?;), Will ?o jtobli^cd unlH ' m* * ^rdorcH out nr?l clmt#cd tor aoewedingiv. |>:''"' "*"0"""-. P6^,r* SAhlier, 1f v<n? <U?|re>Htv^ioi^ iinJt" v?nt to Imo\* wit?-a,? O o.' I aijvls*yo?k HOrjjo po tlii.N \ ?-r\ cloy U? the J,ord Jo-in HI* <0hri*t, in tfco t'iiM |?> i* ;??? phot* you odn B find, ?yid eutrvtl lluit iiuprnyer to ??V<j HKr J4*?r *(ml. ,Go *'ri<l |vf?iy; Tell Him flint yon liavet. Iienrd that 3^. He receive* iurJ tin* I Jim g^y'llytc cometli unto Mo I w'd} jn no *J*e BK r'nt oot." "Jell Hint that you nro h ^HP 1?oor tanner, nn<| ilmt von come to Jliin ??.?. tliu faith cf llvPjpi^'atm:<ht?H. 1W lliiu ,mm? put ymnjelf'iJrJiolJy am] en-. A^' tiroly ift lha\ fou feel- vRo PJBf Mpd helplei*-nni^ojwle*i In yoem If, and thai utdc?'U<i*Hve? you, you have "P. no hope to JL>e save J at afi. He.-eeclv * . ,"llim to deliver yog from tl*jfiiifi. the ' ik> *er and tiro Contoquetwes or.sin.-? . ,*e*uh llini to pnrdqp you and wash Li* you In Mood. 13?N?-eeb Him Em? to giro yog * new bear!,>n<l llie-TToly ;3SSL spirit in your hytfl, ^ini to rvjvc you "grAOO and f iiili ami wlil *?.) ,j^r.^|'?ncr to ia? Ili* tiis^iple and servant Imiii tlii* day Aoevec. "fTll, mldier, go 5? ?,* tin* very 4i?\y pud tell"-tbeso tiringa-to tl^c Lord J*auaCbrt*t. if-yotr rr?lfy ttre 1 ^ oariiest about your souU Gp. and jra>\ " V. - Tell Him in ytAt/ojtto wnjvknd yonr." ' a <Swn word*. If a doctor t!M>ne to reo ' *nii when sick, ymr could telj trim where '- " \uu r?fl( pain. If yotin#r>u]-fc<rl* its dise.tic indeed, yog cjjq sftrcW.'flnd toitw^ ! t tiling to tell Christ. and piav. *.-boMr not b?cJtU*? yo?tr.pO?) 6r f* stainjv,' ". turning, your w?u<l.. k' l'li', awl .ypui , Ij.ngiuige poor. Jtsnj caft* hederftand ^"yoii. jii"?t a* it >n??tii?r ttttdefoHmds'tbe ^b* flrsj babblings of }ier infant, H> tints tho Wrtwtl tiurnur. uiKleplKiKf'irniler?. flf x lie. can toad ft rigl", mid ace a lueftnlitg B? in a grokn. Hul'go.and |??ay. . Dnjmlr not b? ransp yp"u?dn not get , .-an. answer immediately.' While Von iBWGv Hra rpvAkihg, J?*ns b |i?temt>g. IT .Hk j delays an ariaa'cr, it "is" only fur ^ be jiritMB; end to try if yoaar^ (n^rn^n. ? J^riyr oh. Att&'the jmawttr will.'fttfrely time. Tbeugtf" it tarry, Unit for it^ , k , Bif -will weir otnfle at-Ta-t, ?>ut ga AtirV : ' r fray.? VJiriilian ltd ex. ' e au\r. ?.? BUUMIWUfUflM. Hf " As ilic-Swtiii<?w r?i him* villi fyriny, | * %'<io fiUGrtvifrfnwn wiiS iw-<^pwii?.? 3 \vii<-n Wfcit&'cnm*'?h JV?9? w : ??n<i icy bumfi; tli?ho. ?K?? u'crc wiMi iu . If'** tmiiiraiMi of rpMj^lwf 1 ir-er M invited j?wn| la' Wi#Jit>r fkies ain} lend* j. iftwi thio' AH ike 1 1 o W, d a r k ttwo in** ?Hfud u? noliM* to Jfl t 99 v to c*??l?r. P?rliap?u i*?* *.-U. jKtlqr i mdifrfm* okma, wnji *o-collie' on* | fwrltie mjttfarf ? H*?f mUi < >?#Vtnu| Wltto* ??HOu?' A* *Ui, ??V ??rtm " , '.'V -Sou* n.,? ." - )f" if l^fcillllritt " '11i ?>* H-,c*uvf tk?ni?l, ; i Wfl? o* pojfiton ; itiiV i ?l*rknM* rod dm^/sml. H? r if**" ; ?<*> ? *"'<=+**&#., over Ami *W?|*tU* IK. vers oftmit* 6n~ ,"* , *" ike HMUm * ?Cill>o Mt?jj!f>gf trfm ,V. . Iritds U r.inie, ?mi e ?fjhii mule. *' ?loe? W k^sd^tfr (itJ filetld-, tl.?S' C.lll lljlelltno^pip ?W*T villi If Mi voifn jfe^T f'iw smiles' " U'AIV 111 lit f..A ilAl/SjJ.Mu???.*ii f otiW tetfttiiLvftiw^lwrj-uir "^y* vyt^rti*" -, - ,?^4>M?r T'UMM-i. ?h, ifaI O&hr*, ** \ i HU^er. T>-t n* l>cw(t?tj 1?-a( ** fi?U inlo , teni|>iK?W>u. HH.l rcvS'rt^ yfr? VphiIh Ut6se jrlu?"l??vfojj etfctti III?"Core <?f the r<??e?T ?V> rcmlv \? d*|>?wt. Sunt .l?>?r frivrfdrf"! tfcj 8*niWw t?Z&>Vold- of r <**;n; it* "tjmCVfl i?l W>v??5 i(im uidj j?*l w (|mJTu h .^?dy,Ao;lowr Uiw? nnd Otfpi* hoy**. To joti he Tvr.r CU*?- . v .V "d jt * J > " ' ' *2 . ? W--"V " , ;.V r , . V- ' r-vT"" 'V : : i&A RE * *?- .-fi~^ Y*.-<? ***--jl&?*tr Wgfa? jjyj)ff^uJ!-;'. *? > Addrew to <he People of the Confed orate State*. in eovnpWnhco yith tbe request of ' ?\' feontamed in jro*ohA^n?'Ha<? 1 eiV ixi the -fourth, day of the current 1 mofljh, I invoke your attention to the . jtvearmt rarnfltioo end Minfire pwwpscrs j of Anrftnjntry.; end U> the duties which patrit^tisfo Impose* oau* nlldfiring^thig j treat struggle ToV Otijr hotoee end our 3 fih*sU?< ' t *T1i?-?e reooWniotu are ki the following i j language : -I ->0111* JMCtOlUttOtah OM.ATVNG TO Til a I 0* movietone. ' ."Whereas, h strong impression prevails 1 through tho country that the v?nr i(?w- ! hefhg waged Against the people of the ! Confederate Slrftes may terminate dur- J log tiw? p>osent year ; and wbereaa this ' impression is leading, many pntiiotie 4 el'ir.yns to ?Tt?*ff? l*rgely in the piaduc*' 1 flioh of cotton hud tobacco, which they would pot Olhervhie do; and whereas, 4 1h the opinion of Congress it i* of the I j u most importance, not -only wi"h a vii w to the projwr subsistence of o?r >.rmiea, 1 bfit fot- the interest and welfare of all ! the people, that the egficnltpiftf labor of tho country should be employed ( vhieHy in the produotion of a supply of . food to meet evety contingency.- There* ior*' - *1 1 JtbohTfil hp the Ceng res* of tke ("on- , fMhrate IStntesof Jimef^ca, 'Hint it is j the d^lihryate judgment of -Congress , .that tho people of there States, while . -hoping for peace, should Ipok to pro* , -lodged war u the only eondition prof- ( fet?| by the enemy short of subjugation; , t'rat every preparation necessary to ei? . counter fncb a war should be persisted. c in. ?wid that the" atapieet supply of pro^. t \i.dona-for armies and people* should be u ilio wnt otfjCc*, of all agriculturists: t wh^refor^ jt u? earnestly reCottoncxnded [ thfrt the people, instead ef planting T cotthn and lobaoco, shall direct their ag:'. 4 ricftlturar* lAbbr.. ui%inty to the prodttc, t tton of such crops *n will insure a sufR cioney^tif feud for all classes and for every, eptorgency, Thereby, with true patriotism, 'subordinating the hope of ' gain to the oertain goott of the country. J JS?C. 2? That the lhesldent is hereby requested \lo uuue'u proclamation '.o'tbe 0 peopie of ti)<ue Slates, urging upon tluctrt the necessity of guarding against 1 tKj? ^r^at perils of a jliort crop of pro . s vietops, and setting forth such t?*sous therefor ?? bis judgment may dictate. Folly coticuriing it> the views thus 1 expr w?ed by the Cortgres?, I'oenfldently r appeal to your love of eOttytlry for aid in ourjing into vlToct the recti mm end a- f licn*~of-jottt Senators and Uepiesenta- " "v-t *- ' K t- WohaVe reached the *eJo*B of the , sccofid forv of the wAr, ancf hiAv polut j altb Jiwt pride to lEo history of oi?r % yrMhg Confederacy. Alone, unaided, t hfcre met and overthrown the most { forntTfeaWe eombhiaiinn of naval end" ( military ATiturtfiefffll that the lust of eopqrfllM e?*f gathered | wether for the . .snbjegatioft of a fr?o pueplel \Va began lid * straggle without a single gnu afloat, . while tlio reeearces of our etMiftv ena> "hied llmtT? It) gather fleets, which, no- f CO)ding to theii olEig>4 li-t, published . in Aujpt*f 1n*t, consisted.of 421 vt-aaels, tfiem^urtng 9-40.O8Q tons, nod carrying 3,2C8 gun*.' Yvt teo have * cartt?ie<5 suuk, or destroyed a n?mt?>r of those . reuses, Ine.lutHuyftsm large frign'e* and Arte aterftu" sloop of vrflr, a hil? four of ihftr n^vrrd Myprp Jpm4*p*tH-are now ^n^awfidOwsaeion, adr^trg to tUeatiengtl) c k4 on* little naty, wfrlcih is rapidly gain- ' |ng in tiiiifctoM ami tdMcienev. 'Jo ops ' proo invading forces, oompdfced of levies 1 YtliH-h'hjpro already siXCCeded thirteen 1 bultd roddf*>ii*j?nd met), wu-had no re- * sources hut lite unconquerable valor of 1 a- people detettrtievtj to he frse ; and we ' HO deauoUo of military supplies j tVrtfrlU^f /of -thousand* of . our cittxen* j I lie frorvtca ft <jm ou r^iij ability to provide * I I 111 ^ r yiMIMIH ) owed 1 cwc^oi- 4 f'tfi jh?U * ?cr? without 4 m Jpiiy*t?iA(<fT <*?r Mtfeton.-? 1 tf(vM*i(iiii Wl patriotupi iiMv? T?l- 1 oWt&fc*, him) 4 Culfof %in I gftet^w tlw^titjiniHoitft at I whfrji huvW^wMW t>yr Arbiter* ip illu*-' 4 Iwt^fclk ^Wr feu nnitii^m bmtJ* i ; n>? (m?t mi# ; *v *! fHUutnicd t#. j^piie K?h itMhA! of *>tig bo*t ? CMi.pHtvf ll>< ir 1 , ^ ". -* i-.1- ' - ^ , ' - ? f / " > -, ' ' '.'V/ ; ; ^2 ?../ ".*" ' ^ ~ * ' [Wi^of ih^" j&wth, and ^eWSnLiiTgmEl .' ^.. . '* u?*uvnuiuiro wi]cr compel ttmr nsttied *n<\ defeat*} fbtoM to the abandonment ofexpeditions on wtofe!?Urasrhased theirEhfof hopes of lucAu mi effecting our lubjdgMtion. - 1 We must not forget,.howeVkr, that the wtf is not yet ended, -npU that, wn arS-still confronted by p^wyijfti! armies *hd llir$A(ened bj numerous fleets, and that the guyernnrent which controls these fleets and arcniot is driven to t])e most desperate efforts to effect the utiIroly purposes in whfob U has thus fkr Keen defeated. It will ur? Its utino*'. anetgy to evert- the impending doom, w> ftiliy" tneritCti by the atrocities II ha-* rotnroiMed, the ravage barbarities .which. it hoe encouraged, and .tire crowning iufrmy of its attempt to eecite ji*servile population to lik) massacre ?T our wives, ?ur daughter*, acid our hei|)ic-? children. Witji such cOnt???t before-us there is Put one danger which the Government y?>ur choice regiuyls with npprelien-1 don, and to avert this danger Tl appeals to the never failing patriotism And Spirit :>f Self sacrifice which yon have exhibited since the beginning of the wu.? I'hft Very uhfavotable sens n. i'10 prtr traded droughts of last year reduced ibe harvest on which we depended far J >eIow an average yield. Sttir! the defi? llene" was Unfbrtunately still more narked In the Northern portW*h of theDontedcracy, rX>beYe supplies Were apen iat1y needed for^hc a'rrty. If, through ? confidence in enrly peace," which fttay prove delusive, our fields should,l?e now . levotad to the moductioti of chtion nod tobacco, |cstex<3 of grain And live stock; ind oilier articles iiecessnrv for the anl> ii-4**?ce of the people and the art?Mr?-the sonserpiencn ihay pfove setfous lT-ool lifcnatruus, especially should (lie present, eason prove a* unfavoiatde as the Inst." four*country, tbcrcfpie, appeal* to vou o lev aside nil thought of- gabty efr^l to levote yoamalvea to securing vour IH>irtie?, without whiich those gMius would >e valueless. , : It is true tbat-lho wlieat harvest In he more southern Steles w hich will be < fathered next mouth promises an nbaiih*ut ) icld ; but evert if this promise be it ill I led, the difficulty of trtth.-porlalioo* mhitneed as it has been by so unusually niny winter, will cause embarrassment* n military operations alrd, buttering imong the people should the crops in he middle and northern portions of the Confederacy proye dc-Hceut. but uo inea-invb* need be felt it.t regard lb u nere supply of bread for man. It is for be large .amount of j<orn and forage equired for the niidirg *?f litre stock, ltd for tho.sttpjdy'of the Htiimft's Uffed it military operations that your aid-i* pecially required.. Tkyro articles arc oo bulky for distant trAn*|joitaiiuo, ami n 1%-lrt the deficiency in ths lab*, barest was most fejt. Let your fields be levoted exclusively to the production of to?n, oars, beans, |CM, -potatoes. mid >ther fobd * ft?r man and bt?**t. I^et torn be sown broadcast *for -futfdor, i~~ mmediate proxjfuity (^railroad*, livers md canals, and let all your effort* be lirectcd to tbe prompt supply of thc^e irticlisa In the districts wbers our Ar? nies arc operating. Vovt wiM thus odd ftcirtly U> .their. etfictcticy, rCYid - furnish he meaos without which it is ftnpraciu*ble to make t^iose prompt and Active novetnchl&'ifrhrch havu bilbertrr*(rirker. error intb our nutnPt*. a'ndaeaurod our uo?t brilliant triumph). lfnving tItu? placed l{$fore,5011, n?y louutryiiien, tiro rMromt for rite call nado on yon fur aid in MippU*1r?fc the vmiti of the cy>iuing year, 1 mid a few Pord* of appenl in l?ehi\lf of the brave oldiers now_nynftv?ui?g"your giieitiie*, lud to whoift your Co*?.rnmeiH is un*' jlo to furltlsh rtH tWfc coitifort* they *o ieldy merit* Thd supply of mwrt for Jut army 19 deficient. 'i'lris delioienfcv only tenfpunwy, for m*Aftitre? lifove?e*rr?d?>pfW>d tefrtph -wilt, it ?* bciietred. KMiii enah'e Mi to refer* tire full ration, dot that Vat km is now reduted at litpcs o one-half the u*uh1 quanUiius in antne if onr atmic*. 4t fc1' JtnotvH .that* the oipphr of moAt throughout the country * vnlBcient for ?he support of *l!, but hr dint anew ar ?o grurtt, the condition ?/ (be mad* ha* beeti so bad dtirHtg the ire month* of winter wdatlier t rMugh fhkh we Imft jnH passed, ami the t^ampta of' grotcfling rpoeoi-.iluw- to restall tire maiket und tunke ir.ofKt/ tbt of lb* life Lkwvt $f ojtr deftJpdera, illtjiiotiifteh itiflu*uee<i ibu withdrawal two rale <.f -be anfpla* in the hands of li - ?- 1 - ? -iW - - 1 i^Jlibo. foil ?*** ?? f4 Ww bMt ^?i!|MUAiL ? plan, w4*ioh it t<? tln? ?)?jy 11iwt>iI wi tut raliuMn i?i? 4ktc1t*"4fceip. nnjJ *<R?4Mcy drpvrwl I no J'rxr tlinl \nir. wifl 9tft:?Va lfin -?u?>h?i>h ..f il.?? itdUrwet, o*?4.ol tu to t'l.v feill U I >U . Htfl' L_'__JH ' "h'i ''* ? 1 -J. -?**.' ** ' .o t W..POIJXJI; {be jof. :AR#L) N-A^thursdaY"KOI mjlL. . rum r& l 1 ?? ' ] pntoiotieto, 1 have placed the f?et? fuVly ui^ frnakiy before yoa. fJCt nr nib unite in the peiformfcnoe of cur dwtv, each in Rh tfpbero ; and, with ruHcect<^, perataept ?w well dfcecteff effort, 1 here neeafta little reMnn te drwrbt tbwt. nnriev tllti of llim to whom *e look for guidance, aml-'wbo hen been to iu oof ritieU siid our atrengtby tee eball maintain the sovereignly and in^epende.iCts ot theeO -Confederate State*, "t\d J trnn.*tu?C to our posterity th'o heritage bequeathed to )? w our father*. Signed.) JEFFKllSOiU. DAVIS. jvXECOTtvK OririOK, lliehinond, April 10, Iff 9. ' > * > fl*?r suoorttTHt) iiy tmk skcrktaUy or >Wt " ' > . J. Let lire people in - eaeh count#,, pariah, or wurd.eelecl at jprblm tweeting, x* early a* convenUtif, n coiuunUee of three or nioje discreet eitizena, charged with therltuie* hereinafter mentioned. J I. Let il fre the duty of \hie '??? " ntHleo lb ascertain front onch citizen in the oocntv or paridi what amount of mrptue meat-, whether baoop, poi It or. ' l-cef, he cait* spare for il?o ?m? of the i t in v, mjer reserving a auppl v Sir l?l-: ] family AUtl those dviw'ndcfit on him for food. ? - , . ' - t Let thin commiUe fix a price which is dewiinl 4>y them a just compensntioh fi>r the article* fninishwl, and iaforni the citifehs wlml this-price is, so t'nat ^acli may know, hefhrw dtlirerv, what 'price is to Lo pai(f for the articles fur- , iTishc^. -* -i ''' a"' ?*.! - Let thin commitfee make arrangements for the transportation of the supplies to. w)iw> convenient dejiot,, afietConsultation with the officer avjjo is to. reeeiv.e khetb. ^r- V ?* ? Let the coidmitt?e ftinke of -the supplies on receiving* pavlViewt. if the price. an?i nasutue the-duly of phT* > it over to lite citizens who have fur l niched the supplies. ? III.. Where the duty of the eorpmlN tee la per|ormed m_apy iown-or city at which there t*jay he n Quartermaster 01 Commissary, no further duty nee<\ be required of thyni then deliver to the -olfict r a Mat of name* of the chi/eus and of the supplies .which each U ready to i-TnruieU, and the prl;U fixed } whereifpOn the officer- will Inro^J gather lite suj> plies and make pa\ ment. IV. Where the suppMhvara furnisheri 'In titte country tliecneiof train-puliation to the dej?ot wijl.hepaid l?y lh?(h>Vehi mrnt, in addition to the. pi ice fixed by lite committee., 1 V. As tiiia appc.'d is made to the p<*ople for-lire benefit ol OiTf" litavi -tin- 1 fenders how in the ?rinyx the I fcpavtm*-nt icliva wiih^confidence on the pal* 1 riotisin of^lhe people that no more fliftu * jiiij w?ui|><ri>Pi|tiuii wuiim lie iixcu i?y top committee*, nor accepted Ky those whoso ! chie(,m?tiV8 itill lie td*ttld their country, ami not to inafco undue gain* out of the needs of our noble soldier#. ' " JAalKS A. RRDftON", Secretary of Wnr. t " ^. . An A^t Tq amentt an Act en fitted " An Act to amend an Act entitled 'An Act to organize and supply Ifcgro f,nh<pr for coast defence, fn (toUipfldnee with requisition* of the Gomnnment of the Cvnfnlcmte Stale*,'" and far other jmrpoae*. / (. JJeH enacted by tho Sonnto iu?<f House ofluipri-sciUatHue* now met and sitting in ffsnoral'Assembly aHd hv tho authority of the aatoe, That the twelfth seoiiotfof an" Act entitled ** An Act to oigaliiSeattd supply ne|rr> labht- for the eo??l defence, in complin rice wt'.h rniprtsiiions of the Oovbrhmetit hf the C'opf'-cteiHte State*." passed pn the. eighteenth day of I)rc?.mher, Aiuio Domini one.thousand eiglrt hundred and *i*ty-< two lie, and the same is hereby.-tepenled. II. That the Commissioner* of Roads lie, and they ale/hereby, required to make ictorns, bit out !?,* to th-tr respect. iir? lt-inidn of nil person* tviihin their. duiaiotift who .-hull iw?k? .default in filrimhinjf UTrTr quoin ?rf negro hrl?ot <Mteq chII^ far, in* purrmtncu of rnid Acl; and it ^lntll W (ho doty df mid T lionrdn lo p*|rfHl.*tii? names of i?U ?fch defaulters to ih$ Knll Tvirw *4 ltie Court of Jommon ri<v?s nn?l fieintrnl rt?d rvliat action tboy tiHVe titkc-o id relation to cuoh defaulter*. iff. That the nnihoiitie* of nnj ?? efrrpornteif or not *wb)^ct ta th# j'lVWHetion of llio Otu rtti.ad41r.TT* of kmulr, in'th?cpo?foru mhc? of cnUefc retmns to We mndfe on oath,'of nil persons :wM?ln their jntisdWufau who rhnll make Yidft 1 fnmlnliht^hiito^" qnot;i of; InlKif^yiien dulled far, in pursQarfce of j nWTfdfT niftf>epoa all such defaulter* 1 jnaiir^or. iriWefotcr re^oirrd o( lh? tfeftrds ' -drOkrffatefnuvni *f Kbnd*./-^ / , ejnpteA from farfcoTtW* JaW und ., &&ssma*&! >nvn tha , dire*i(jl, uw.nj>j*ri?tt, |ier?.>M ^a?tv??! toy tf>?* *i*?i?*faef. ttafpluh# flt.ot fha^tuto. ??? ? il n quorom^ **tu?H btviiortm il * nrul il Audi l ?? lawful j *7 *W|W>dt permit* v fi(? too u<n .mJ^U id j 4 row.I fiofcjt io till nltv \,u<iia\ in kmm *> ; i V L JWt the Srciitin of mil -% V * T/ " ' * V 9 k * i ^ -. ' ' "' il ^nottslcdjtf nitwit# at' Arten,tit1?i u Ai^Vrt to'i^yiMW 1 A? to..sfrqirni*e ayd sttppiv oei?W> labor for ' Opn*l?efehty. ift -nompitattte -wbh rwnid jUSonn of l\??i H i ?rf m rebnf of the CJjnfffclenflfo StatA/^antlcio authorize. and 4(r?rt the Governor tr? f>-w e?H<> furn %lr fWgro lab??h under the *aU Mir\ *p?*8C0.x?p t)>atd*'h FihAtary, Anno Domini ojie lli?tu*?nif ejght buh' ^rrtl aiid alXty tftree*" ho and the mmic i* hereby altered nn\l amended, ao that th?r ( 'ofo?ni'?ioiMirft of-fc^ndarhe. apd are ' Irereby authoiized. ?ft?l a ji M|eih to col ' Iret the fines' fmjpOsed for sneh dvfi tilt in the anw provided fx* haw fix default in rhe firrformanca of road dnlv, and 'to tmyrthe tine* ao crdieclyd to. the SinTVr Agent,, to he by Jirot ejt'pettd'ed in the hire of negroes to l?e ejif' . glared on coa*j defenetw. VIf-. ThAt If. sny foiWmirrioner* *of* ' Roads, or nny ;fhtMrdof.Coimni*sionet0,. or the authorities Of any; i'nvorptriue oi|,v, town, \u- village, rha'.l hta?U.*c4 or teru*f to c.oinj:lv w.itb the nrovi-lon* of this Act, he or ilwy shall MilfVr fbeearii and every default, the rente paths and 1 penalties,"and in In/ ipAhner a*' lt?e how jnosciiVed byJh?.Statute haw; of KpOw for tire ppnUhlqpiU of (.H>nrinisnic ine. g of Iioatla for hejdwt i-afcraLto discharge tho duties hajuired bfithenl. ? . > An Act to 8jippre?s the Distillation of Spirituous Liquors In this Slate. ,1. He it. rr,(iotitl by. tlio Sonata and House of RepresentHtivtjs now root mid Ait tie <? its General A?wut.U authority of tire mine. 'IMint from imd j after (he rAt ideation of thi? Act, nod J (hiring the cominuance of the* existing j Wiit between the Oo?i]Tederatc Stales Mini 1 Tftiited S'lite* of America. {Jie iilstilia lion of ipiritotls liquora'of any name i>r I kind, from tTny inaleiiaJ,or wihsOuof j oftier than, ilia ordinary fruits ii? their Sanson, shell l>e, Audi* herfcby nb-oluie ly ptobibUtgJ, except at (teri-fm*f er pro '< Vided \ and any person or "persons who shall distill, or wnuao (o he distilled, o?r i he concerned in the <lhti|l?tK:t> yf any i piiitou*'lhis Malij, or who" i slmll transport, or cause to laj transpor ' ted, or he,concerned in the traTtf|?orlh * I tidti of nnv tnnteilalhr stihMnuca whafV ever, othttrlhiiii the fonts sfaa^?i'l, beyond the limits of (hit Slate, for the < p?rpo?.e^?r with the knowledge thai ifio I snhie is to l?e distilled into spit < liquors, shall lie deemed gnfltv of a. i h'rglt nii>dP>nea?Or.-and on ejitsdclloh, ' in addition to forfeiting their $iiib and J O'lrc>Jepp:iri?!<JL% used 0?e di*:illai(im, to tin* iiuhlie use. shall be iinptfmth'd t not le* ?i.\ hisH(V? "nor inoru tharv | two yvars.'and "1 e Ifutihnt)' !' <* -than i one thousand nor inAro thnti .Jive jhou- < Kaod dollars. lapdruttdrol npd fh'-r ?hd-.; I hits ot" w hich line ahnlf go- lp ljj6 ?taf??r-'} t iOor, who shall he u competent witn?& I to prove the fuel .1 H. Tb*?t his Esctjl flcy the (Jnver^ I nor, on being satidactorilv assured that i an increased quantity of spiiituoii* lis 'i rpiora which Cannot be otherwt-yr pro .' cured- is rdi*oWi?-H n(iw-hmu l* eiiml purpose* tii tiiM^iate, ti:i\e nowey to Itnvtigi^iivbfitctiirtti! at tmn^ central . jhhI convenient liKmto??', by' skilled nrtd responsible agents, nl'lixe.i mlano*, to be (>f- l.iriisi If. swcii qilniithy of nlt-obol or pure spirit*. naslwUl be deemed requisite for il**t pur p<>?e? aforesaid ; niut?t? iunk? audi Htles ali'd rcgiilati.'ms f>>r Ibe distiilotio* 6f 1 lie satire, needed rhr&Ugtani lie SfMc, a* wTfbe mdsj <Wr*T-nitwit and irwi to m*el tl?? piH?)ie f\io?-ncy. ami at the mint' lime ^otnr its ?j> filionliuq, as far ns is (rrMctu-qldo, etfttu *1 hivcJv to nie.Tiewiiri purpose*. HI. Titm-ft W*ll-wot. Hp IHWuI frft-i. apo?her*tk'?, pbisioiaiui or olhgr per i mim wrho ait>tll j>iiroim?e <5r,proejjrft nnv J portion of |bq, MW'dlfaf or >pli JtUotis lo : quolft dit?ilfecl Tiy the itttfl'OHtT* aforesaid; to ro-sbH of Ttbposfe of the sametoi ; npy qdantiry, 1? *t?y pe ao* or penem* i for arty rt4?cr-tttpti Btiittfv medicinal , puipQSC*,' or at an ad valine of iw^o than . Jvveuty five per ivop'tn ptr its coM fatal f any petab *fTn sftall violate.the provrv| sion's or tW* hetflicM. *lmlt i?i j gultty o? h ini-deun-iui-ir. Misti on coil* j viulKw txi foif.nijX * xccediujl six nmJ^R-s, ntnl" (in*K< in irny ' sun nol hundred J'-IUm. >V. Tlln^ lii^ $.jeoHWu?y**fcu f?orer-? . ?or flinll hi-, >nd m lr*rel?j, M-Jlitoiixi-Jto , tn1|)l??y ^ir?*int **?*>(*,'onto onnor<\Mini &x their coH?^n3irt'k?n, fui ?(te <+*" of yuylw {Tie <>id?r? rtf i. ^overnojj jnW jpr?rvt<n.i>? ?? " skis Act ? Rttd. it nfcwlt J* the d??f$ <W tliW, Wiwrltfs, IX-jmiy Sh?-iitl-. Mji^Uh m ?nd Constable* of liiiy to utfitftor to" k*eh Kgouts km} jibfliliincv ilmt m*y hto , Icijifhcil in lji? wjteGprge < * iltuir flii ' ti**, under (uo prtirtof Ix-iity imi'mtcd ne < iU<ctk'Wl! tnV?-o4Miu?l.^ * - ! . V. 'i'JiHt nil 1k.-ii-.-h nr permit*. l>ot JofcfHl g*to?iHc.l l^, lhi? SoviHfcOr ..i j T rpnui'ij r?" '' ,p%?lcJ ; i'rtW*4 A 0*1* iH*y mailt) ?<>in?-' 4?>UM*toi?U to ^M'lurjKty^Whtillt 4 IJM?| hns |o> .sltV'il/VV.(olli- to llnrUi s*nl lice**. - S ?** .Vjpll J*. / . fx In^lii u hilt ut rof'Ku*. is vrcal'b? lnjce U ?; [?*VjLll^. ^1' j j I V - ': 1 I * U # 0 S>* * * # - - ' v -*u.- i. ^ A. * ? * *"" * . * +* ; -ycy* ?WI#jimi.'%. -,,, v.. .. ^ # % \ _ ^ ' T^Zj^Hfmttf, *IIM, Jxitfa&afimnjty-(fi* Goi'tinjr /^xjUntt n^iKc JZfpoffai. tion of Provision*. ' ' ' *1. yTr ^'cmttfed by the Wnftfe* *?h{ ') FlpiWt of ReprUHutiueeeft.UoV lftel-?wl ', dffn*# fo <^i'rul Assemblyjujd iiy thy uutjiority #?f the same:? ^n#f" wneb dhV.. ^ !?j:??i | kdiitiwn of die (J<itetHttfflftfiiMfi 1 in?t the eijifiJrtaCKIh'Tir*"j?rO^?iBil?-nmw, ^ bo^ofaforiee, If Any \ii?r?^?ti M(puit\?MN*.h t ^rovi?KHM -rawimry to the- hik- intent i -0??.d tWf'MiiwU ut ?U?oh p/OCl?HOlOi?>H, ilv I rar nlj* -11..'?:! In''U- toiuuiclmSiVl,.*? .<! 1 oa coin id ion, rftfft*T>e finer! itf ' amorfnt-not fW? than t-vHhe *tof?*?rlM * value of tlm article nt Ch6 1%M of Nl?? V lettce, nor ulim'l 'Annapch JMtfvOU ?i #** ' re-llo answer be discharges, Ulricas V' ? >h? enter inTo recognik;?rtc? fir KtApiicaraneH. at" lire te**t K t?oWr '->f (i^tioral StaudtwlS; VfhJlMwo W HKire jrfw??l sureties; in n >uwi not less. | (lino tvyioe tbo market value of (he at - ? lipta jtx ported. ,.m ? _ 1' ^ II. That if nnv pei?on shall aitenrtp* } to r*poik r? aforesaid v?uy |M"oVbi<wa <6>ntfitry to the. true fa'fetH srrd nie*n- I in* of such proclnuintioh, oh iiifnrna. I tiofj given to ?nv MagisS'nittf ?>f the( District in which the persbit *o oflcti'l**, i irijj may reside, or he taken, as herein after prdvfdrd, atp h MaeritMralcmaV Is " stie Ilia wntmnl directed to the She'ilF, Constable, ornny cit'ncen of ?i*vhihsu?c^ * atithoriy.ipg the arrest of *oc\i person, ami on failure of such pertum to obiter into rccogtftMi co with two or tttore I tpHxl km relies, for * V^penran'ce at .the < no.Vf Court of (leherftlSearioaa appoint ?. e'd tor ,?Vch District, to answer to an I ' inwictnienf Aw H'Jcinpt in not le*v ? i|>an double t|?e' market tvM^.'Of the ailiale* proposer} ?o I married l?*)orwl iho Si*w, t4i>s^afrH.VriU<> fnujr cowhoh 1 tlife party <>ir<Mnliiijx .Jo jail,.!?? hit h lo answer 11 iv kdit'tititnt, and oil ?* ??- * tk-'.ioH, 1? Htied hjhI impil^onKl ilt tfie ' li.-rretiou of i1>e (Jmrft: f r 41lv In prr>?epdii?? uuder tfie eenn4 arctioh rtf titin Arl^Ji kIihII l?Lite doty of tlio oHicer.or p. r*on Ktfnn ? taiai Ui Airtf i, lo M?iKe tli'c articles dt> at f* Lvmpted to l?e exported, and deliver trtein W 1 lio SiiellfT of the iHstjyei. ? a iro slirtlt noytirclV. retain the aanM> On lil lUe indicun. lit it* diaposod of; and lite Jnil^. ltt vlioin lit.; offending !1*.!.) 1 nay eirteitfW lifatrt y >f lite pr?iv*i"it?. ??f this- A?^ #l<afl Order |. lie lute. vmf*>**d to lie paid oyijr tt?\l!fe ? ,Jjtoitii?-r.s' Boultl. ol lQdiljf" of Hull v"*- tl IV, 'flint on nfli.lnvii made' by*nuy I. ilrji ^Iti'ill ihnj lh? srttulrs'Mij'tl u?o p j.?.jd?dial>le, .itrnav W l?t>f?l frtr any ol p Ite dodger of lite Oolll t* of I.few lo O/Vi |\ jrr die tcrl? of nueli jii\?clot?-*fi?r 0**1" al li? i/Ourt J louse, on any dey aftfrr ft I' ? eeti day* fiotice l?y advest^.. tnchl. in a | >i ne\\>pap<ir, if'any"l?g put! itfyoyl in ?Mjdi I ?iUriel: if jiot, W- irrit^eiV wotice in v. lUcee conapicttnus place* in tl.e snm?> t] and on receipt of the pr? ceeda of I lie I ale after relnii.inj; the eoMs of lite ad I vertVfcnsent ttt.d IKe per- cent: ?-n Mien t (iioceetla^ihe said Sin i ill' eliidl pay ilia I bulnncg. iqin C.\?urt. . I V Tl.-I in ...... .In. Boot . ?... . IriHl m-i|tirtu>fl, ifje unified m> aeizrd, or the proceeds of lliu rale. run|i??wz??f fn il?<rfo?irtli Section of this Act, t-btill, l>\ , otdt* o< lliu (Join I, be delivered I'Vcr to t Wt li |><riy, iv mo mihii tday iujt c ti cl*jti) , lire State for'tito iiiloiret t/ti the tonpket Value of :ib* .luiiyletr frijiii tiie <|ny tlmy rimy life ro poized) awl for , i-vrtiifH'iiMtioii. in base of a miI" bnviihj.4-, itvmjnnde, for ifie mmouitl |im1?I ourmf , ik? Jifo< eed* fbr <be advertbenndit kuJ , per' rett'wtyo ?Ho*od I be ftfrerUt'. ^ VI. tltmi>oii cnviiHUm- of llje^pw ?iti-or persons ot'lendinif a^mnsl ike seenft# bvolion of ibis Act, the articles soiled. Ill CM"!' IK> .- utfeliua bc*? Ol ibjred ' by tluin hm I.-lore provided, shall b? ' a old for (fayli by lire Almrjtt. at ftgck ' time. place and nuthft, as* tbo Jiulees. passing ren.U tic*, limy irt) ect, and, afy.r 1 ilediM.-tij'jf Jn<in lire prbfrl1?rb < f?tflok ! ] aide (Ijo o>sls ??f ilie moire. ?*nd Hfe Ju\r J cmfhtn for-tb? :*da?r?fi". tin: balance stm 11 I be. paid to llifcOiei k, hp a by bint -be 1, reci iveJ dh account of-rite tim* iitlp??so?f by Uo! M?t?l "N"' 1,1 fcveriLt>| It rttlu 1im%ilitf'oVuii ifftcde, na |*Oviaed' by ike foit*tj of fbi* Aci^ the TniJoutil*|.j.i.l into I'oml, aiwiberehY ??> | q?ircdt t>ia n ii I hi r? *,vl vytl ofr account of ibu tiiie upprveili * "* w. - ? |c 'A 11.' "iJitii tor Ike pitiffv of n?rt^jv., fatty ( nfiVhig into t fT?:< t tbe or llkht Aw, Mm iioveumr H'HVrHPfii- I t-ror Wo ililtikfl )^<5ipoi. ore rT ' im>r?v- )jCrwB?, ih i ^_u,v ) iliirv h jbalf ImMo i ff'L* Ht^ ?*?l i\ HIO* wntfer' fljifiil fctiJ h wur Uy.;Wrm,r**,l ittltMjiittij: HJ? LLo twviwt^. iku/"1 W?l UIH'IVI, ' * v At * ?hu#t^u ioUvci??u 'V't misjoiw, *?H(^ C(Wu- n.ii ! ? > ffjr?h, >1 ine cMOUoll w/ jou w|w> j>Ht Mt> Uu?i?Uj, Hot l??. iirvnk ??ll li? tfVr*. . U tliMil fi?l **'? Ul^JTv Hut I'lM-IKMig i^h." w ?.? ^ : / u S?;v>.>?v- riv? ? ? Ver*rH ^ O^miwmh Vf ' i^H^tf(e OUiii-Ht. ' vLiiv. l?l*.-< j <<1^ >itnti ^..YII i??ir( ,!.Wlnl- iik! it Wl-^lfif til* ? ?4l J|?M (''(UUh'* f-r'nic. HliuttuMjf, Ifu /{' Is tlii- ?4 .y win'i ni^i ^v.n I Wh?| , ii.w ! " * J ' . 7 _ * " '"' W' " *^5p^k ' "*' '**?*> :; -% >. u .^ i ^ - .< v + ' > ?fcy ' "4fr '^teL ,v - >* i - - t>N'^ jL ^ ^ ; wr;m^fher. K^rntm indivMunl b?Hi h jM ? b(t??k?, ojn?v?rt<j? twdtti W111?r foil)W<m ir?^nst$tiH5' t^sf *"?!? ? c?pdJSy. Ahnrft ??w? -on?i*?! JNLZ 5[<il #p??imnji *TJbtii???*i1lr JB " / *?<!. ?hiit omvfrirtg fSfirt'one of llie bam, I hu* ?*?d V *VTf * ' * " ,WkV^- P'1'^ * ?U^^-y,lc ?r. wiprt* i ojr it j> pipe from TIm mouth W-hat pUce K'.ttvW.f'^TlemHnH.'.i h? tf *V??*W^ih?% tortile-pii TMvp ^"v^ vv y\?- \ ; - V -r: 'Tk ^ \ ?? . Tbe *Q**f>r of ilie ?hli< ?m ttnf*.- . , , .,?: ". .. rhere w#*.?boiil Sfty F*T(K\betw<M>rt be'iu, we] the wind .vh# blowing. Diompson *b."lg)K lt? ! ?<]'Umii misjtl.v" Wh* <Hi yoir v "* . Ywlia Ih.tu,** ropJ^vi thoi*1)ut vliWri wfaT ' . A 1 14 What plaee is thit.-f" ?Mkr*)v*fcfc Dm?T??-|?H?. J\ . ' V Yifbjl d~h?rh !"* saMf ?h^ fjurh'in .Liy:1.11 - AwvsleJ tofts of vd^ ' * " IjOmV be're !" ji%\*& \l?? ^T^H^-'o . n^<L^r*rvn< " ' V"ir polUt^Wlf X* hi* *?*? wTiy in timber <Joo.'t iOI HHISfcl" . . ^ ; % ,YH? simpler benmng^*?? l|)M> Hl^ ifpti 'd v. ifli the >ott4Tt?T Ifn r n^hl*-'pnyri^fer: ?' J * " Y?n ha ^Jarn 1 ' I (avoii licdr that V*'? In. h ruiptj^ Th'oiwp*"ii>l.t?frii?ifl lie ? t?(li?Coi iIip rtu'1iip"n>. ii inptij 0t?> ii* Jmroe nntiSjdvaniact ^S? the f'triihiWni?vfi Jjt ?x{i* ftt to b?* WtoUeVVK *.hh shirt nrnw*%pH h posture f VflVitee and ihdbmm. XirirM iwlWlV ' "yanl of him; rUo*u.p-"?? *?i4 5' . " A ' ' .v'. 4> i wk'you, for ihe l^t tin''*, Avbat ?>S?UMfp b>* \ii?4Ki to Uis'iuunUi. l.ia . ? Yvd m r ' ? .?" M J Q:t>? itcxi rfunuic jUcv <Ur it.? 'u<u .Thobippou . \vs> (lov i) ; Vhrn t) <> Will : ihvnjk Af*-? -d. ? fall?ib?< ?? ,* I'llj ?cro fl&yn, T li? v ifflh d nix-i t li<* Uirkpd ITiap'AH- tn-raindvu' duM.--' | .?v rqnliinpib wioumI fu Wi< ?eelicn(ljrr Irrft voli'd thnit*>fiI ll.iy h?d a <)<>7.4 11 ,{rs3ii?'*si,l of f"iir.. Ii 1iK'k< d lilco ;i m,e tiplu bpiN?p*-ii ?*?<< c?-?i11i?Jp*. * 1mo*Mv tJn'<^%oih finlhd on if o *nk and into ihe fh?T.- 'I bey wei'l own (ogctiier* lail cwnf up nil put for tbo l'.pfb reavti^l* t fcbftlil IIIP s3?" e 'llue, Hiid Tlroinp-oy cnamlilpd op tlip' I nirli, .tW.untpd W ? inrlihr rlHU, U-hvu^ hi* top frouj*' i.?r lit- innrl-nUt < f Cm* if Ids ric?, . Having,boMi!p?? pnrii' n, of hp ioi?n ? ikmTsi'thp rbn>er wty /<M| htP? Imu* >ir?? Vpj.i?hp ry 41k kicUM in the.plibuihs, beflioj \y)d<-h ? itile oiii of hbunt ihipte ) ? nif oid. \? ;?b f \\ but pUcc i* ibis, si *X Tlic lili'p jfiiiv f' ubjr /r'd ?t tho iron ncd-iHt fi?iirn ulii^ ^lie Miawfjn * ul, stionk'pd il*fof fi'C' Havin g rHclii'ii I fit* flout* ,vy jU.f nf-d? to.II. d md Mjin nlpd? 'y Vlwr tMHtY1 -V (ilKid lll'rt* Ijr 6ftuJ 'lUwHipaon. Ih/ging bis kp^r ^ hctwon ti? kt^c'i. iJp>?* flood V cavi'io Ipt uiP out of bi? foorid pk ,.cp, vhifre <?! onH tl ? iU'O, b'.'t l|i^ vrnr Vmfft. ??.i ai: went" ly rldii?.iV?*. liHveh tH !" A w*.f. <>t?; ?nU>;<<Viit the f IHuj,)' 'iii^atre. ' Mi. Stuhh, your iooi?i/f>/ Oiij^ Hr? !*' #T.< 4.|-jm ;? 'lnm Jr?il -hVJ?l ti*e nnj?o.? Vj. John Piiiiili'n iimwt,1/wii^, 1)0 ;^i.d-thirty >HI Jowii, r-l.u^iug * rlefrrie* the.44 ,.'7<vvy i*Mta a W- ?(kh)1 *26jU00 ivij. yi c I-hUc* ;v T?ip : JvV f y Tuyrttfd 1nft?>r? in 111*4. W- .! ?Vf;44 *X ,|:l.,e ,4. r?! " CoV 111A'"'?,a t>0 .s3^-> - m Vr" . . ' * '**AH }?--To kr-ej> the h - *- ^ grtrn^ortt ntn! rolh-t i? tMiMei' ^| .iiink*** I h?' j-oi 1-nTj k . ! . . . ?-f!?*K,*r fttnnjr 'oo Mftifrt h gut. 1"?' ?hu. ri(ti "*'r ,mfl Sl"' uW, !wi 4 ijl.ii.-tr v/iU if., if' ?*'< >* friKii ihtMt in.-O \ ' .1 (' ^?4t? .u'tiuitfth- ? ' ' " " 'i -. .tor-^Lo v fli IjfcJ ?>?? P% 1 \r-ntr tract- I rr.-44* i ? <i"??tif* r*?tWlusher, - v. .1* ' tloc I..-*- "'w- 44 ?- "'"""V? ,4'<1 m ,Or??4<>n ? * M> lu'iU.W*. ^u?t Vl/tU l?:ivti to *' o t gr?uii.|. ifflEsSjfe&i!: T V IHA * I- ??l ,.? " f j >- ,r. uncivil ?w/4v,W. " s * ?? jiit<I <tMl<fr*fc.i" <*itf iho ;?lyu> >> ? ? * t. * ^ , I v tyu t ^rtivi/jfAi **(>.. i*y fifMHnuiik* C)?r.;r ii.i MUO0-7- U?>ckv'r rt t> w> .'*?i >*.v^r 1 *'?}><v ! < I/'! s '"" 4. " ' . : 4 .** ,;9W , - * *>