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r %~.+.rnxn, ' M!tcr.. .. 1 . AmMM*. o4? M<mo-" MuHur?wAi^to All,**' M - GBBJCMTIU.K.,8 C - AA?r?MIEW?' A?t v I.n.ijutu.1- ? -1-1 in jmp* I- , * ? FWc m\\ Tr*m,;~t,Ayj wOt W r? MdHt t* ADVANCR. . " - ^ .... Wir AjwHyy by R?nJ*r Ait nWww ' r AUWA r CVSH. . w | ' khvni fri^T ow Wediwd** < Voocwmft ?w *i#rta *f flt?.w** rnngvit * ree wet. OTMw?kw^.e? > ConftJemU 1 rlnfclw of Qa^jftnrnwterw D??fc"^e J %n}ie l?^.?|Wt.^^ahrw, ?lw? 1 b<n?gvm lft;^.*we.yo? ?Nih- * ^i'M, jlk'UhU* we doing* don* * * -* "* 2 af niWiQ??I 1# r 1 Y,ayb rwoHCTjinw^MTOii.?nM! AT*r , <nrf, of th*. ill# AM bw \ V "><.' vf 'Via .ou.Vw.r.1 ; , ? ! tfeougbt frflJPdrf Ttoyil. Ho at , "* transport*.?? tlio $I'ono bar* *)?> left. < If?W? from . Clint lexjna, dated fVn \ T4*h, "r4j?oMr n? tpifct tbeiw. <H?* one*" Y mp Co^'. K * "<-h nm<l Son- ( 1>rookV Mnndn, in ?miiWof?h[e for*#, j protect eU Ky * ft?w -gtmhoatr. / Xsg o Can, ht. '4 Vr. W. Pay, oho it-side* new Hfk* | *n?vil!e, i'.foriur ur that ft- negro l>?y of I >ir, ceopht, wm? dnjr or two ago, in a I ' <on? field hear hi* residence, * lnron | Fngle, nJiirh mrwvrHl from the ex- < 1 ?tuition of it* wing*, six liwt nnd two inrlitr; -the laloni of on* of it* fret, t which he nhibitn un, menrure* from 'i * noh extemity nine inches. The hov < . % Iro eetighl it, run it dd*n, it hfteing 1 lighted in n furrow before bhn. whiln t ^Mowing. A* thin tiul has for ceniu | -'if* h*en adopted ns tlie embleul of t*?- J. d<-per.deMe*-, wo (?be litis ft* a procuttor ( .f Thar inc'e^ endonce which is to follow t .th* ArttiA of iLe "ConTcderacy. < To Swrlisst, Trustees, Administrators. < Executors, Ac. r~ "Below will be f?oi.d ilte Act of the -Legislature, passed el its session in 1861, wtitln riiit'g *11 poison* holding funds in . itnsl for investment, to ? invest mich' funds in Confederal* Bonds. As the ' per ("etiis cannrt be obtained ^ wftsr the 22d inst, after which lime only <Le Sereo |>er Cents will be issued, those interested should lose no time in culling . < . on Mr. Hamlin Baaiuk and secme to 4l>em??-)*ea tLe amount of their funds in ^ *l*e Eights. T he nn nev invested ?n I., ... ' / v. | <J f -these liond* is exempt frmn-taxation. 1 Aw Act to authorize Truetees to invest Funds in Loads of the Confederate R State*. ' a 1 * Be it enacted by the Senate and *| House of Hvpreeentaiives, now met and ^ sitting in (fsiisial As-cmhly.and bv the . authority of the same. ^j?u?t f-ruardiitn*. Tiuslees. Administrators, Kxecntoia, Bl Vast* and Ccnrutissioncr* in Equitv, a aid sllo hev person* holding funds in u tniat for iiives'inent, t?je hereby author n Ved to invest the same in Bonds of tlte Confederal* Slates of America: Pro- "P tided, That a? to Masters and Conimis- 11 sinner* there he no order rf the Court h ditwtliug a different investment. Thi LtfliUtvn. The Legislature adjourned <1n last l' "Friday, After a session of a ?efk'? dura-1 c v a * ' t Six Act* were passed, the title* I <.'f which were : An Act to amend an Act entitled " ao Act to prevent end punish the plant ll ii g mi d cultiyating in (hie Stele over a ? mmio quantity of cotton during the tj "" present war. , 2. An Act to punish purchasing tin* der aMtimed authcrirv. w 3. An Act to iepenl an Art' entitled < au Act for the payment hy the Stale j( ? fswell War l ax mm may he imposed . , by the Congresa of the Confederate Stare* during 'he year on* thousand r eight liumhed and shity-thVee, an<l for ? die collection of the same from the tax?- t| -pavers in this Slate. jj' 4. An Act to suppresa the distillation ^ of spiritous liquors in (hie State. a &. An A?t to enforce any proclamn ? lion of the Governor prohibiting the ? exportation of provisiom*. *' ^ ft. An Art to amend an Act entitled . An Act to amend an Art entitled An u Aet to organize aixhsnpplv negro labor *' k?t coast defence, in compliance with i ai lequiaitidn# of tlie (lovei nmeiit of (tie ei < 'onfederate Stale* and for other purpo (( M*. t fT Sastharn Literary iMMafir. . M The hinreli number IiMm t>?eu received, j,, eliirh ia of an unueuall/ intareatiug f{ t Imracler. We " inle>>d to make ei- ^ tiacta from it for our column# aa eoon w ili? n*Wa m??i?e will allow. The conof li e jiiet-enl unrulier are: Uia'oM Ct I lie VN?, by Kobert It * ??''.'* * J* ( ^'<Fi#nk,liv H. H M.; *! ";fcrgro~ I- f reaenta ion? A letter fiow w : Af'V ?vncfliadon. I v lUirr C. I W vAlcjHiot- 'I I ue Maria of Political 1'roa Hl l rwj? >;' Ocean of Peapair. l?y Mnr t| Vhl rt',Jf je; A Molaaeei Slew in the fCtJtf. l*T-li??eiie: Klumi'i for thai* (ir *r JilH, 4>t a l?el el Uliunfi ; Hcenea 2 ? TTad Wfllfe uf * Hr/hfol Map, if i? w*.^ f ".fcrfflrtfi* ; Viigioih'n Tribute to w '?7* >*1 A Humble Prr??|#; "i., j' tli Viifpnui Hi,* l?y S. I>. ' , evi '?*'< l<? of ] agaiui i ; Alexantlei l-y Cput ; hulior'a iabio. ^ --.X >f *. _ , %- . ^ ({[fiiiiii r'-v'" - - ? ? & (flflfe invJuuli Pby Nr. i i^fc^ir rtly ?,<*K?p AmM ^ Mm, bo?? wxl bMd- >B tlto Mftif ?%d * l<r ?Wci^npjWi atUfifiMr <sr*dtt?bU ; b tfc* e*?p ?r^i m. ?k*ir mm? intplAi. The compatijr (OmIi^ ( $ mm Urntv* or Mpt, pmOMt-' ) J i?B* once c* twice p?r v??L Tt*?? j MM**. Uqgftr at wdi^iltiit lHl 4tovrby.?hier g?ll>?l ^uMi^ iad >>?tHiW? fcrop m>4w? i UwdlHVI) ?MMf an boar w two lo MT wwy -fUoaaintly to thoso wlio Wight in Mick things. f>oa. of ihvir ' mother, " Aw," of the td Regiment. , * an admirable deHwsalor of the negro , ^baractwyApd on -all* occasions brings Jown lhe boat with tum?ll?ouf ap. plause-; Mid with practice, h* wo^d si-. | 'Alton* Of tha crridE actors of the , Christie ami CtmjtWt schooh Long ( may^Jfories live to rattle the bone* for * 'he delight of tit# snlrtH-lovlnj^ soldiers ( >f tba Rrigada. Thsr designs of lllf Minstrel* ara^prafswarthy, as they in tend to t*l aside Ht? proceeds of Ibelr ^ concert* Tor ..the benefit of the nick Mid ( wotindfd of tha Brigade.* They are making Money, and if. they will apply , ha lurpltii to tliepnrpoM above stated, bey will indeed be conferring a pracliJ*1 benefit-opon their feUoj* soldiers. j Tbtre exhibitions will soon cease, as sa think before many days rolT round, ( #? will he on the uiove, as we aVe or- ( Jered to send back all or*cu?r surplus , *nd to put ourselves in light marching trim for an active spring campaign. Of courts W# don't know any* , Liiig of the iuteatioas of our GcrtersU, rut are willing td leave all that lo their | ewloni and prudence, aad obey their ( >rder* implidtly. * , i There has been no movement of the < r p >nemy since their rep|u?e by General | iitewail at Kefiy's Ford last week, hut | U Soon aa the roads and weather will < idurit the movement of troops, " Fight , ng Joe Hooker " is compelled to ad-> , janes or retire, as public opinion at the , North will not biook burger delay.? < Let him advance or ret teal in citliwr . ivent General Lee * iil lie prepared C>f t lim.and in our opinion, lie will me | he day he w?* invented with the com- , nand of the grand hi my of the IV , omac, as there in not rf leaaotiable { loiH*l liut tliHt. advance or retire, it will ( * to his certain aliume and disgrace, r tul to the re|>nii?e or defea! of hie grand | nny. Our boys are in the b**?l of! a |tirita. ready and nnxiou* for the spring it ampuigD to open, although we know ? a ill coat many an one of ua our live* ; h ill for our country and onr cause, we i? le willing for the opening CHinjieign tl > decide ;lie fate of the content, Ibis u rmy feels ita ability to meet and re t] uUe the enemy, and trusts that the t nine confidouce is fek by our frietids at ? ome. , fa \Ve are much more hopeful now of the ^ Vestern army under the leadership of t hat gallant soldier ami able and kc- r omplished oflioer. General Juhnsjn.? e Ve are confident, that in ability and I iratigiq talent, be is by far Kosencranu' .1 uperior, and we feel a presentment, !! 'tat when tbo issue of battle elinll be t gain joined in the West, that whew ie Hills and valleys of Tennessee shall t gain resound with the ro aPof cannon | g nd the rattle of ifmsltetry, then the c ?le?raplt wires will flash the glad tid- ? igs of a great and desisive victory ; $ hen will the noble attnies of the Kait * nd West vie w?th each Other in deeds j f high renown ; and may we not hope \ tat their emttlatione and riralriee and ? contemplation of their successes, las* e ee from all jew leases, as are the hearts | f their illustrous leaders. c We are of the opinion that the pros-; v ects of the Confederacy are briehtsn-1 e v o ig, not to much * to xn early peace, * i in our ahtHly to maintain our own, c i?d bent hack our cruel ?n<l mefeilem nemy. Tiie present campaign nbout )< > open, will, in *11 probability. be the o met enngeinnry of the war, but let tut I. ieet and brenat the atnrro with ?tout i eart* nod atrong arms, noil when ha 4 iry la epent, and the aloud*. di*perr?d, w ?e horiaoa, wa iruel. will bn radiant ( ith pence and indefwndence. A That we may nltnia roch a glorione palliation of our pioudeet dirama, an ' Tip* 1 alive duty real a upon tlie noble- 'j omen of the Confederacy. They 1 nee borne many and grevrowa burden*, 8 rod mude many anj) great sacrifice*, but tia w not a burden nor a sacrifice, but *( duty, the perfo?m?n<y of whk'b will n ive them pleaetire' and profit. Let u- ( 01 be ondei^uod aa con fin it. g it to the 5 omen alone?it i? a duty incumbent pon u* all alike, old and young. Ft j( to pray f??r peace?pr*y that the rt od of but lieu will atay the wholesale I if - <Wll 1 1 m Mjthi* dmiy. M iiij^plhi ?^? vm* ftoU* tuMft, abd- p*?utyafty 11 Or. aft^l* lL*n by WJ^P ^WR Mb Id m uelll H* ih*ll ItMr nwi rfMil .1 I. - -? ! L. .1 * ' ? * ?T IT"'1"*" Sweeting o(.)hift "jfltfM, r*r^Sd? us /^(hrfU Mil Fnd^s lus 27lb I itwW was tbc day ? V"^ bJ* 0}P l%kMU Ik * d?y of faeting, Uatwlftl^n a*d. .prayer. H was <ob. ! nnt(l * oir Brigade ^ ?noh,?Qd* at 11' ^tlodi^.Cluyhih,. Hit. A. ^ bmittr,-preached* ?i, awd v*uf\?)> p?y 4<rjb*. ebW 1^'rt^ that* Urge jofify of the attended upo* Ma. preacfcioff.- Bis text waa4%in Dmi^ : Dib chapter, and 3d *od 4?fc veem?.? ' I wHI Mt ?T f?ce IInto ft?? Lord Ood with bating. humiliation and pray*,* I ifec. TWoepeaker draw a comparison between I ho ?ondit?0|yof (U bnatltM in the days of baniel, and our ova condition at the prevail .rime, and'/thco*cred nmuystrikkig einiilaritie*. TW?# sandilion, temporally and spiritually, daa very nearly akin to okn; they were set upon hy .a cruel and vindictive Ibe, tbefr country Uid.wut, their homes desolated, their people carried ^wsj' into captivity. How strikingly analogous Li) our own condition at present. What means did Daniel use to set them free, restore tb*m to their country, and lieMow upon them the blessings of peace and happiness I AAer examining all ihe means at his disposal, and convinced of Their impotence, what does he say and dot M 1 will set my face unto the Lord God." ?tc. fls Aid it. and what i *? tlm result ! Glorious beyond hi* conception, for the deliverance of the people of Israel from the persecutions of llieir enemies, was moit signally actomplished.; and is not God as willing Mvd-rendy to hear and answer pfarer lo-day-as tie vm thin ! Wo do not profess to give anything like a full synopsis of Mr. Smith'* remarks, but with auch truth* and arguments as the i shove, earnestly and eloquently pretented, he -kept the tnmked attention :>f his audio nee fur over an hour, and when the speaker for a linio carried, rut minds back, and drew a picture of he scone* being snueted -that day .hroughoul the length and breadth of tur land?our gray haired siresaud iiothers, wivtea and little children - all sowed around the altar pleading with 1 rod for the absent ones?beseech Uttn t 0 stay this cruel war?to preserve the ives of. the lovetb ones far away front 1 ll dangers, both seen and unseen, and < pstorrt (ham to their hearts once mora? 1 hen this scene was presented with a eauty and force for which the speaker ( 1 remarkable, j eu might have aeon | be pearly drop trickling fr? m .eyee un- i ed to weeping. . The discourse, we I * liink, had a liHppy effect, and ll?c ruth* presented, we trust, wilt sink le?*p into manyheart*. Mr. Smith a No lekl a Brigade prayer meeting at tiigbt. Vecan ray without fear of coctradic ion, and with the approval of every nan in the Regiment, that we are blesv d with a worthy, gifted and acceptatie Chaplain?one who is faithful in he discharge of his duties, and has nerited the respect and attachment of h? whole Kegiincnt. You may well imagine stir surprise hie morning to awake and find the 'round covered with snow to the depth >f seven inches?after such a pleasant pting like day aa we had yesterday.? Inch was the fact, hownver, and dtoiontralea how changeable and variable is he climate ?.f this portion of Virginia. Ye trust this will be the la,t snow this pring.and that the weather will soon be- j erne pleasant. Having sent off our extra overcoat* and thirk winter 1 lathing, it i? pretty difficult to keep rami At night, but if that is tfie groat t inconvenience and bardship to which | re ere to be auhject I hit* epiiug we will etn-iaer oureelve* fortunate. % 1 Thi* communication i? growing too . ?r?i?tliv, end we will poeipone. mme llier matter* for oar next. The u But- ? ere Hnre aII well Ahd in the beet of epiriu. i trwnd* W. p. P. end O. A. P., am in ' Amp dia'ribtiling clothing, thoea, Ac., n the Brigade, fuiuithed bj the South , Carolina Bureau. I ' . MALCOME. Whet itaa become of u |lalRWilir < iVill he not let the aoldier* hear from < iiin again f Hi* inet eominnnicAtion 1 niAiter* at I tome, w?? tend with , ;reat pleasure by the roldiere. ( Tnr. Yankee gnnbont dealroyed in I he Cooaa rnrer last week hv our light I nilh-rv *?? the Geiwge Washington, 'apiain Brigg?, U. B. N.. mounting t\eo ( !4 pound biAM how iuer* and one 1 Jntne*' gnn"" Her crew.ennobled of ' 8 men. The Virginia battery engaged < ti the ewploil waa * O'oper'fc Battery< iiacIm-H to Cook'* North Carotin* e rig/ de ? Xfrrcttry. i A m _ . > * i * . qmmmgrn* wii-Hu uunw1* iml Jakk' Uum, Afril 10, TOM. IfcLkgi jidiiri M fHd(AJ tr?,k wHb^; ,%d jr^jaoylTtk? b?K nayiUi^iiMfiiiM^wli^ly? 10 jfciidh gbnoern fcr tb* totu/f^Mhh pm<S old motyopoiuoTSotitfe ma rebelling their roemanary UU ft*' W .U^ok via Ilie Stono.' ' TW atriegMt Nrtriar of #11 tbehr do>ag> had beea diiigeoJjr kept jip. ?d M m??*mei*o*.lW pan to* taken prpwngV re- j did VetaSaaaOlko have been ringularljr, knwjng in jbm pngpriafee. . Last Sim der, ihay pu*l*d ??*>!? * vigorously in deberking ftoa (rrttepoMl lying in. the waters beltiqg tha jble* (in the $fono I knd at that period they had- erected in i thai vicinity 46 odd' wall tenia, and (gave the |il?oe Mm air 'or a MlitO)?nl. JUld dnnng that blessed *earon of rM, the Irott-cUd* w?o wen making for the ' bar, canciiig die formation of an opinion that matter* ward /wt culminating and WtMdd mm huti iorlti their pen* up furyi All WkhaAaxloun ant) moving here aad thera, to gather the " very latest." The spirit ol lire soldiery war at high water mark, and no blanched cheek met the eye, look where you would. ? So thing* went oti? tifrtii ttbont two o'clock on Tuesday, whah a despatch from Fori -Sumter announced that, tan reeve)* were innido the bar and caotiou* ly coming toward* the fortifieslion* and fort." When about one thousand yard* from the fort, Moultrie, on Sullivan V /*lnnd, let loose one gun, which war soon followed by a response from one of the monitor*. Fort Sutnter waited * while, add then hrrke foitli, ri'h a heavy calibred machine of destruction. ^ at llie tUrreted monsters. In A .Women!, <lr*y replied - it we* not long before batteries Been regard * mid Wagner, the foroier on SiilltvanV bland and lito Utter uti iforri-*, joined ' in the fray end hurled their miMiles ?t ] the invader*. . The ironclad* now former) in line of battle, with live, of iheir fi ember, and firioiudy Assailed us, i Fort Sumter the principal object of lliejr Vernon. Uy four o'clock, 1'. M. the ( baldo raged in intense fury ; broadside , from the monster Iion?ide*, followed by *ncb from Sumter, until the unrounding atmosphere was enveloped in.Miioke thick and lowering.. Tire very heaven*' shook. and beneath, the earth trembler). Thu* wan kept up this grand engage merit, without any "visible re?u|i ; the ironclad*, shifting their places, as though ( the fire was too Lot for them. The I Charleston Battery was crowded with *pectrrtora, male and female, and raiioU* t ?peculations passed from lip to car, thaped bv the cclai of the hour. The Ironside*, the pride of the-Yah ' tee navj', evineed restlessness during the j -onllrct, Mid afier a while threw a Terr j itrajr ^u>ls at Sumter wort steamed i touthward, apparently iojurerl. 1 The Keokuk, the famous two-turret- J -d monsNu, soon after the Ironside* t left, seemed to get her deserts and ] 11 en mod otr. ? These two vessels were ' rvidenllj hurt. The case of the Keo j ink. an afljw wardsproven,by herainklug ] ?n Wednesday in?rnw>|, alrout 1000 | yard* from llorrin' Island heacli, iW not belie the opinion entertained, that { die wsi damaged badly in the terrible,, aonflict. Five o'clock in the afternoon, the engagement wearied, and tb? enemy, evidently Mirfeited. retired. What , damage has been done to them, i* not vet known, savd the lo?*'nf the Koo? % knit, completely submerged, with her t, tmoke stack j'?at vi-dhle. There must tiave been death on board, however, as vrticles bare aince floated ashore, blood ' itaiued. - o The nondescript 44 Devil.** the off* i spring <>f Yankee brnih, for lidding the channel of torpedo*. which preceded 1 t?ne of the monitors, undoubtedly left '| adrift in flieir retreat, now lies on Mor ris Island l>each, where it grounded, i It is no very scientific construction. I 1 can assure you, but a mere scow, with rfah-like claws to catch up things met i with in the 44 waters beneath." During the bsflle, the drninmer of 1 Fort Sumte?' was dangerously wotindeft*, ass thoaght mortally so, I learn now that though bad oft' with a fright- , fill bruise on the head end face, the lit- ? lie fellow, it is thought, will recover. Five otheis were wounded in Sumter J and one in Moultrie. It was a great haltle ! J would I ' ./n.Ll :<. i? J t ?;?'???, .'v?.v? Mvnvtn/V 1% f S * C g?Tr?| JUW llie frets of the nffttir, T trust, sufficiently clear for general comprehension. The soldiery were under wrini on the MViWvion. for h ?* ?n|tp<Mrd that tWy night make a JeUrur by land, with a riew of giving us mora trouble, and ihereby oarry llieir point. They did not^ however, end K ia thought now ihey will not ; if thay should, though, they'll find uh * wide awake.'' The forts suffered littlet on Suiflter one gun was pot out of poeition, and khim new briok woik, in a port hole closed, gave way. The fort was hit Ibhtj-tbree ttatcs, and haa some laden>at ions a foot deep. That is nothing ; land bags* and cotton have dona the necessary repairs, and alljis right again. Since then, we have Wen expecting ihvta daily, but they have not oomeyet. !Tha Spanish Consul, who hurriedly Jeff Charleston some time since, returned a lay or two ago; he waa in tVashing* J ion when the news reached there '.bet the etty# was captured. He sets it caused Or ere helming joy. Th* battle i?f Tuesdav, lie sey#??as only a foster, sod thai en Suadav next, 1 Jib iostsat,1 . . , * ^w 11 * * * . t . 'W***r> -?; Vv*vr:jmM Clla h?tb?t dirtJK* ' iiyon? ibe Yankee enjrtaeer, - .ay? ; fakiU U the pcoHr wfcj to ohi CMwi 1 * *. Mjfc: cnyturo Home lUaad. a?d tben \ rect batlWie. for the reduction of tU+* AeK^ho^Mtl^-Detik- , tho Ironnslwli dttf rofnnjb wt IiwW" 1 Tho acbooner^Goa. Chisolrn run ilie fkt* tiat-Pf* M out for *??! of mm B+*. X)H>M. Wpwe^iiH .fijin.iiu i Li i _i . OBlTtrA R V. * '>tr h',*-"* ;1 jg""? ^'L ' ' ' ' 1 -rrrry, Dnm, nt KflttfliMn, Marion IHetrict, on , III* Uth of Frbnain, of iMmhrn'Mi . 6ronp. TIMMO*?, ee*. ond non of J, Morgnnohd Josephiqe H, Itiumonn. Ofcod two y?m?i ond H btOQtlis. ~ IIow often did iny hoort tvjoice, My lovely ehtltt lb ate, ' J To he** the pratll?*rV charming Voice, < hi* gloo. T T? WiiMtk wjr triu Mi form I boi?t - A?4 pfrtacd it to my hreaet.rThe How or open'd lilr and bright, ' 1 >-.frrfajnlaf oil the ?ir, ' . timing, nil nrfliihd delight , . j And sweotucareVnry wher?< No longer doth it Mdom Wdt#, < But rpens iu tho ekie*; And thither ihall my apirlt go? v.! IVhm God ihtil Wd H lit*. . owooflfc. "JT". We*ley, when wA hml the* here, with nil to make the* dear. Then WO hoped our jori would laet, Tn the future rie the part. H?? the l.ord who (lulled thee henod, Soke Ilia love our recompense } On Hla grace may we repuas, K^rved to hear life's henry worn. Saved nt lost when life shall clone. m j ."u.'.-Liji" i*? NOTICE. wj . It ANA WAY, from the enbe?rft>er, HjAno the ) 1th two NtgW jlrlt, ]M>K nfid AHU, both about A fret (fS'i"'1' inches high. B?l> is * dank; JA-in w|ipr>?i?il?tr; stands very rreet and rather quick spoken : with h-gh cheek bones, Weighing about 180 or 100 pounds, ant) had <>n a enpere? coat ami (iituu ami A V*rk tir.rroat. Arid- is very black, and lia? n rather .Uwn look, and is quirk spoken ?a block smith hy trade?weighing about 170 pounds, and had on a 'due pair of panta anil a copperas coat, and had a brown cost and a brow it pair of palita with him. I will give a raward of Alty dollars /or their 1 delivery to me, or their lodgment in any < jail so that I ran gel them, or twenty fire dollars /or either of them. I J.KWI9 IT. DirKKYT Highland Ororc, 8. 0., April 11th, 1888. April 10 60 4 .$ 11. Tha Columbia Uuardisn and Asheville (N. tj.) Ki-wi will each please ropy ft>r one ttiouth, and forward recounts to Inc af Highlaud (1 roro. L. II. i>. STOP THE HORSE THIEF. ' 6TOLEX from tbs subset 1hwr's i table, on the night of W) Hih insttt it .Boers! fljiOllSli, about 14^ hands 't ligh, racks fast when homed. has a star 1 n the face, light mane, a round hack, <*< a rhite foot, and knot, on the left thigh, and * will be si* yeats old Ulis spring, > Also a ? lug It 111 libit fiird a good BAI>1>LK, the 1st- i sr nearly new, with one skirt flowered, aken from K. League's tha asms night, ba by the same. A liheralrewacd will ba given for tha ddlrwjf el the horse >r hie stopf>aga and information where 1 :*h gat him. .There is good reason to be- 1 lie* e l be 1 kief will go towssde the upper part of Georgia. The enbserlber* lire In the lower part of QrssntrilU, near UantaraeiUa Toat Office. ^W. B. JONVX * . AATHAR LEAGUE. . April II 60 tf . f IIOTICt TQ STOCKHOLDERS. fSEjmnmm'' 8BCY* OFFICE O. k C. B. |L C0.-? . OnM<HHA, Aftrll fflth, 1M. T^DF/ AmhwI U?ettijnof UMillMkhdUrft 1. of this Comply will h* it?M at-thoir i Hall in Olimbla. on THUK8DAY, the X>tH instant, ?t 10 o'clock a. m. " AH StockholiUr?. will be pasted free fo and fr(Hb the meet in?. - ?. ^ Original blmkholflrc. or (Hon tlm hum inherited i lie SUx-k, owning five * It arc*, will he permitted to take hie wife -end children residing with him, to the meeting ami reUirn free Thoeo who were not Rtoehhohlers in the beginning, but here purchased their Stock in order la entitle them to Ink# wife knd children to the meeting free, are required to hold twenty-fire shares of Block, and to. have held it for six month# previous to the meeting. The privilege of passage will commence 1 Bti Tuesday before tile meeting and expire on Monday following. During the time that the Stockholders ere sllowrd the free passage, as elrove. I he pea enger train* will stop rmly m( Hm regularly I tthMithtd M/aiitma. Stockholder* will l>? required to tltow to { tha Ohducior thair fHoetrScript. , 0. Y. CAHBINOTOV, , Secretary. j /fiftl 1ft AO 1 . SDHTBIEI L1TEB&SY MESSEIKB < I15U USS3. . ! terms, five doi.i.abs. ; THR a?il>aotipi?on prlwr of tho MfMrovtr i in f?tnr? Witt be F1VK POM.ARS. Prraona remitting three rinJIara will only b* iwdhfd (or t)j?l?ni#nnt. ThlittlrMe* . ia owing to the lntr??M in tin priM of printing material amf of journeymen'# wi- . gaa Single oopiaa, fifty crnla JIT AH latter* rennirlng aaewftni m?a4f aeutato aUmp for mat purnoa*. JMrm*. ZZTZ MACFARLANE A FBRtiUfWOK. RMmotid, Va. FOR SALE, A A MATCH af Urp JKMIAftM, 7 ar t year, o??i. OA f\ f\ a pair of Large Voting !. al MOLRA, IHMaA hlfch aa<i I or 7 mn eW. AUK), tfcraa aee?od.han<t W AO ON 8, at Haatgaroary'i ah op. Hnqaire at tki. Oflloa, or af t>0or.a. i. litnnv, ,< At Ota?viUa C. ft. April 9 19 -MJ ' * * * % I * ^^wi^wrSfcr**' VJ11^ mJtSLJ^ kfmU WWIM rtft? nt^M Uo Mkn Mr MiurM. r UT?H m?f b*puMUIfrdia ?wi<w "iuCN KUI^ A " ,W?'-*r'1*'?- T.JAi1' ?> . " *-. 'i.' *' - j. Btete fif Ibtth -finmlinn. \ 'j it tbt*li*g tn thi *4Ur?o<io? ift UtoOaw ** <*??* State: M b^Onhredl That M dn M**^ pteftd ?r dean*r to r?n?pUlnant> Jiil1 tor*?? fitoitoiAi, ?r twa wotwll) i>? uk?n pro Mm/?w a to hlrt. r"^-? - - - WM.M. THOMAS, 0>g. 6. D. -Awl *d, jA*Z. April 49 1* fcoOOO. ' T~ ^ ^toooa J?"~f ItoelWfW ; / ". " Ij^lVJS ThrttMtd |MtortoJtew*ri].->-To JC* a*y mber, enerpnlcfverrhn who faib to mrV* fi.OW) h jtop1 Tnf tmf in?** ra*n honeet |Ai Lwuiim. Ro <>?|>tl^t or yduoalioa ivquiml. N?'Mcp*M? iMmtoil Fi?? ktiMlroi MW**dMiiti?n>fa wanud I ?y (iWiNtog m* Iaflw4wtflat ifwi toy MW* to ywimiliw health. wraith, W?ntr,' looellfe end a happr orarrtaire. * A Gt*J> RING OHdW lo the flrat yotimr lady writinjt-to for 1* KtfMtaitliei l?toihatW'ir mMr?M (inoloaing v?>nr return postage) -FRANK )? G. L^DSKY. Reran'. Ntot F. O.. fm-hUgtOM Co.. Va. April 0 ' 4t ' - f ' * - - - , -T ' Ikm|h tk? Iktirotiitan < Homarotti Fritnd., . * ^k V UM ATI TOVP 'to SCotaV every MONl>AY|*rfC 3w-n<1Ti;FMl?AY .t Mr.^T3^5w orwn Jenkiins'. in the ncijtl?lnlflit*><iof Dr. lUrrnvm't, end the remainder of hit time at toy ?srn stable*. * Some Ha if dozen mtne itred if (dm hot man are now czhlMtiag Ihi-lr tbfu. The public may Judge fur them*ctva?a. i " J. \V. BROOKS. Martd 47 ' tf A Small Farm, *.' CONVENIENT TO'QREENVILLF, . FOlt SAl.E. 1 OFFER for aele the IfitZ jMgg^if^THAtn OF LAND l.r Hjih WSjgffrP^ ,nK ,m ,lle Pickeneville ?fcil dCjBlM? Uoeil, eitout five mite# ft ana the 'lewii of .ttrccuville, irhereon T tmw reside. The Tract, contain* 224 Acvea, onore or ( ?#. On the place are Outbuildings, Ciiba, Ac, For terms of salCj Ac., wpp*.* 0,1 |*tnibft, tir br letter I* the hndcrsigned. MARTHA LOVELANIh Mar 94 47 tf STATE OF SOXJ TH TTA B OLlN A, MCKENS Disinior. Jobrrry^Merritt "j # mifor Jacob Packer and wife, i J* n r t t'i n N*^ aod"othera. J "REAL ESTATE. IT apttearing to rev aatiafacliort that. JA- ! COB PAP KIR and Wife M/MJLDA I md N AP< >l,EON CAVENKM and Hfila:! tllLJ.Y, Defendants in the aho?e case, re- \ vide beyond the limits of this State : Or&ar d, Thul tKaaald Defendant* do plead, att- < iwfr or demur to the taial jftll within /Are* ?ao*UAa frotn tk? publication krrtof, or the sue will be la be a pre cou/mou aa to them. 11. A. TllOMl'SON.e. ?. r, o. _ Commissioner'# OAou, Mar oh 18, 1883. March td 47 ' ' 11 -j CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH 8 CB O L? 5 Vflk. TIIX! 'IfB3fT ef ?hi ChAHKICAf, A 1*13 EKOLIfiD i ^ ESCIIOOI,, recently rrtaMi.bcrf K, I Professor* ltI>WAlll>S and JQD ; ??F 80!f, with the approbation ef tha | Hoard of Trustees of Persian University, I daring the suspension of the fcveftjae* ef the University, Wilt opaio at the dalrbhty Build. Irig, OltTIIK Kirn FKIJlUJA RY, and Vmbfaae Iwo quarter* of tea srkeks each. 1 Taxes?#1# par quartet, with M rests for incidental espeaaee, payable in adralKe. ' flood H?iialbo?ai I? I.?a ->au -w r* Mtw?r?ftrSh?<iiir* wlH ??x?wfeat ororj tli* Mtfwla of tbo pttpil*. For further taferaAm* ndtlrpaa ProftMor f. C. KiAuui', MrrcnrHU> 8. if. Jo 8 , M . *f Notice ^ ~ E"-T'?'?ew"TVSfJ6i?T, " ? MOPEfl . *' ? DAVIK PLl'Ml.KY. " ? PXMC1LLA WELCH,'. , " - " FATIMA NKLHON, " m ilaA ZirTt& " ? JOMW LOFTIH. " "josicril VcJITNKlH, -J THOMI'HON. AU plrfi*i la?l?bt?d A taj of Jbose Rotate*, will nail* paymwl to tho iRdrtiiartl f and oil pariioo bavin* elaina a*alnal tWem will ptawfii tboDi within tlroF# aaootba, to WM. M. tHOAl AH, c. t. a. *)., aad Administrator. Jon ? II HOTtCE. THW Co|??rtner?hlj? fu fha prartie* of Modioli"*. here>?fwro touting bet weei Dr. A. B. UKOUK A A. D. HOKP, D di* KilveH by tho dratlj of tJU<* former. Note* *n<) Acrount# duo the Firm, if* in tlio banil* 0/ lb* aureivlnff pftrlrrr. A. D. UOItS. M. IX r>R, A. I). HOKK will motion# the preeil?"? at the mm* Oftiee formerly ooenpied by the Firm, where be aaajr b* foam!' at al) bapfty ?%hl Mxi <1<J, unle*eprofe?eionatlv iugaged. ) (irreflen* left A urine ki? alienee it hie Office, the hotiee of Mr*.-Crook or [Jok D. Hukt, ?m rfMiYeTrnndil ittralion. A. D. JIIOEK. M. I>. J?ty it J1 if : ' ; a^7 VMHttt rnntK* after data AppHeertpn JL will to made far Maefrai of Ortffti?ta (of f?w Hbaree of Hioeli i? the Ha a lb Carolina Itallread Co.. ao<f Hoajl* tt'aatarw Railroad Itaak, standing m ika ?* *>( (OKU A. TOWXW il?* original Wtr??i law lost or rwitlaid. . W. A. T?w*<fc AA rota iatretnr. .OeaaneiMa a H., A. C.. fataJO*. ? ?*. Feb if , .a . >* ??? ?dtl Mtti AR*TY*D, a Raa ar^TUprtafftan mad* , . i .affW ffeiaaa, at VboTaall " r#*WI" 1?U A CO Mw4?* * j SI r V* : -1 * ^i"* djHy C.r?nmiM?rin| other apeuth /. K&cs3^*^SI oUr td\*ullu'rily ; ptrooue frofn -dtfafr State* <*ho |?oi ?N?m for their o*? prl+MLF u*e nrd -^JinRuiK^t 'uni, and not tor ? *' _ _r wh# thai! tneke oath to thai effret MmV lit* magptlrata fircflou* to (he trf (He or^iolrt) puiehaaed, uddgfc aoibthi *b-ll pr<-?ef ** and fttmieh for Wo uae of tb#Solh-iu>r (fHi? ttireuit when fa* i quired, ?j[?iillKl WorM, corpora* ilone ?hd hMwe' Boetijiof RrlW of other Stater, will) exhibit MViWaetory proof of'- . | their ftiJhority to porckare aoch pwtWOM [in *Mlt WrtftiilJt Uarne. Corpora-, iion. or Bnldleta' HoanW W IUhef for pt?H!Ha no' of M diet ribmion at and ohargee, and nut for fr-Oal.> or profit. ON ttott Amde hy Mon-_r?%idr??(? nod flfgnte entering our |*>rU from abroad, Ml ahM ax> ' . . - An/ of tpM article# that ma/ l?. Mopped j'?f traen'A* tt ifl be. coufiwaUhl 'to the pee of jlkegtute. (.lt 1. enjoined upon aft" ritajrhtralea .fad mlRtln otfiofo! and al |?*l rftinoe ore .je-, p^Rf .1 to, to *ld in the.citftfvenmeot of thin; .pipclnmalioft. * Oitrefl hnder my handutl the oral of tht State, m Volumhi*. lhU eiphieemUr [c. ..J <lay of Mafeli, A, It, n|M jhotraiul eight hundred anddlxtY-ihrrp.' M. l. 'liONJIAM. I ^tt. R. H??n, Bfftft.ry of Ptih. 1 Mar M ' 47 4 ' (he paper* of Hie Slat* publish onte a week lor oofc tfionlh. - - - ,i t - r .- -f - ?' Slavo Labor fox* the Coast* From Division No. L TM -IN ijUi.tiafo e of the rrgni.Hiori f?f 7 ha (Iftitrflt Cnuitnan<fifi?, tjie (itd. r* of hi* Kxcell?iier -Goecrnor RON flit M, find . t he term* of f no, Arte of tlje General Aaaeeat?ly in relation Jo lid# ml'Jeet, 1 hereby jull upon lHel?i<t<i Kp.; 1, camp/Wo-p fha Jidi-' ntal fhelriol* of lldiftif, (irieevilb, Kp?f I milling, Anderson. Utuon, York, Chrij'r, j Uuren*, Alfl'i-ville nml Jic?li?rrTt lo ??t|h pijr in pro|.prtl?iv iif iIitc labor nnifrf iht " |>rrMlit.Tr(|niii|ll<m. ar* V II. The Ciimmii?i<in--ri of of the aeveml l.tiatriete. en*' the authoi itiea of the incorporated Jowne end villages havina j?V riadietion of the rued bund* within their liouiidftt ir* will at oner summon all fveraona in the possession of slave* within the liptif# of thdr ?t|tlwriljr hi list# ihrlf ?!**? Mif, jeet to this-eaU at the ne?r*at Kaifltnad .!>* a Gt to the ovtner'a M'lmw, on W IvIinlV- ' ? kY.'tli* Oth day of May nest, at !0 oVloek i. in , toady for transmutation to Charleston. . III.- All awMi of jhw .who farf aat hitherto liftiiilhil any lalmr in (hit colYnesUno wilj Im! .ntjijirail to fntnUh on*,hot/ their hands suljvct to road duty for tftirijf ifnys, and tlioee wlio iiKve ftiriiiard I set than one half, will he * quired by the l"o?t? miesloners and the town uuthnrliir* aa afore'Mid. lo furnish woitjtli to nta|te tt) one half, fenftmi owning stnglr raad liaadaox an?M-i ber nit divisible l>y one-half will ha VarjWlred to aend ?uch at ogle negroes, or two ia wehjaiHlilina may linHti bad aend one. t It. The Act requires thie attendaaao ofr one of tha Commissioner* at each fhyh ' He will be w\st l y an Ag- nt of Hwr^ata fid of the Confederals f*ute?, and "the aa gross wflj he fhetr repainted 'or. V. Assessment of the nejrrtrss are made ta duplies ta t?rmn their arrival in OharMeb and Kafore tVey arc put *'h work'; omo eopjf? is krpt by ma for theowher, tha other turp . * t ed oaer to the Confederate authorities. . | am anthorited to say the ne^ror* will l-t.' dtwhufNl nt the ex plr Alton of tha thirty* 1' ^f I. Thb own era of slavee * fa tfi)iril?l ^ * f<i to farwiatv tti'A iwtlli spades or shove)*.-'? . Ij5f Tha Confederate Authorities have ?' take* to have sueh iiteiisU* ret urawt. Own*1 era wilt alao furniah their hands (witU alirea 'rations, for wbieh eosiniolattoA will ha tlliiwtd; VII Ot.rieoa .1 tlx ?Ia.? ?- ? ?- H6.' erjr hiin<1 rt'd ilnrt. nmj ill* ' owri.ra. Thoy will r?*r.lrr rMifM-nutuxi ttotu t!i? (>f?*edrr?tt SOTOM at (be rat# of flftj ddlltri prr tm>nlli. Vllf. Th?rd i? no doubt tb?t tbt rrate (iovffnninit wilt r<-in|*rii?nt? Cor oil Iwiof riU M whilt i|i ihfir ?wploT. , ^ ^ t wm. ai khaVkon. ajw"J A(f*nt for tha Rtafa of South t^arotluM* ' t Camdro, rt. o., llaroli If IhtiH. AkH a 4? % t$f~ Tho Carter. Mercury, and all paprra ? ;, y -ta-iiItin th? will oiipy ute? I arrtlt ' for llirrt week* and lorvarj hilla, with A ropy of tlie printrd inaMor/fo ? .? 1 *r'H certify au<t rat urn them. wltrn thaywlll It* paid on l>r?a?iilatio# to JauieaTupi*#, luM., fftalfl Auditor. ' Aa*;'.X STATS OS SOUTH CAKOKTJTA, . -TIUKKNS WST]?tCTv IN EQUITYd Jamt-a W. Karla A.'gl m I t9 IWrmtlaw of [ /-.i A ft, - la Thotnaa J. K?(lV, ImM.J dip IT appoarln* ?*? wr ?atUfart??B tlrtir-NAK' V?4j C KKITII, ?Mfrada?t?ln >b? ' abotfo oaar, rr?id?. ti.yoftd th? lioAb of tbia * WIS ,iHatd: Ordered, That ilia <ot<] l>?6w |an?w plawl, AnawOt or demur. to tlwJD'd WJ| within fArn? mvylht fr&m ik* I t+t?f. or the .ante will ho lalrna, fro cOWft? at to liim, . ?i H. A. THOMIIMiR, 0. ?. r.- 9, ? * CoQunMoDtt'iOAm, March If ?*.'. r,:' JUrrh *? 47 ^ a H A^DS WANTHt. > ?- m WT * *4 i* *nii of four ar ftro?b#d ataWt '^i ? ? ' hand*. .ith.r * Mia or MSr to to with Ba.*o work ia Ika ataaafaetafU of Pan, P ^ soar Wilmington, H. Q, High vatff *-N U , j paid. Oood lodging* trfUW 0*a?^^0?r<t. pajfcsA 11 provUIUaa to It# bad ft tdaaonaMa ( * nl Or.?nrilla, S. C*> March J, IMA.,, ,rj|i(V rav b ** ' ., ? JOB WORK ' ir^'xp.rrs^x .. th