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I Ml m . l\, '^ij'j; "-> B^ ^ ^JB ?--* -. * ^Ov* th* iivcr.V jtV-;. ~0*<T"^It?.nr?-r?it?v l*<jWo? to WW. I. ?.r * 1 *?*.' ' I>*-?-d unM whv'ver?iH>Med U> tfc* furth^ '> gjb* . ^V- V.T.'v. ' i W? |Wm ?l t'lfj' *no?nr robe* I B| ' fe?tt vbrif Toilet *t? )o?t fn the <U*hln? j * ' ] [ TWA o?w wltKripf1*t9of-*?nn.r.(rot<1, . "' Aqrt +y**, Uu )leii>?ii'*?wa * blur: 4 i II* n<?t*rl)li(lit (fray "<! *oM. | L. * Ain(?-th? ible 4iitil )iid (Mi froiH upriiil j Tt*fe*-V .: t J ' ' We.*?w not llio nn%?l* U*at Inel Ipf* *' y I K* ft1*** ?f *K* WWCK'Ubi Dv.t ? * 1 , jj / J*' 0%*r ^lo-dv^ivwror I ?* Wy wultiug to Vr?l?omo jf%, . ??! ..> > .* . f Orfrllt# river the * ? * l?rti ried another;*the U<>n??l>ol?l pet: ?j ?, |krlir?wn ciirWontHved in tho g*nt!e t Dnfluig M'umwkJ I lAr Vjtl' '< v YM?#*r?treed on livrhoenm her ilitttplcihnndr, .jAiwi frgrl???U; ?nler?4 ilu>4dm???wMt Wark- k w?s watohed it plid* from the ?ilv.-r mode, a And ah niir?tuisliwep(r< Wrlr?n(i^lv'dnr.k ? * i W# know ?k* j*??fr on ?lu> farther tUi?. I H W ll. l O Ail Mt? IH 1 K' 1.1 <*iI?J?110 1 H J'l' ; * Over the river, the mYfcUc ri,wr, l< r7 . ~*y ebUdhovdVidoli?vw?ilin|j ft>r flic! , I ti \ J For none rfltirn from tho?e quivt ehhrer, " ii ;ro?S wjlti lito Irunliiinn inM dt\?l I ' I j m' i ; * X V e .kqnr 'he d|j>vof llm pniiciv r??r.?", ' * ' ?And eutrh 4 gh.wtn iff the ?no'*y?i?!V,, J <J 0 And Jul tlmv lnnrf?Mtil (rvni our yuinn ?' . IhB ' *? ' > I , Tliry 'crovt tl>e ?lrein? n??l BPn gtMie fi>r ?vr: . * ' * *> may nut >iiioli*r the .1. .. That hidyafrom our vUiuii the galea of da v. , ,V*\ ... We mvly know that .tin ir haike np ?w*roj J- " . M?y mil with )n> oVr llfea>t<nl>i? *ea*\.i v * V? I, ompwhet e, Jvkunt?, oti tho further l\ almr*., " & f K r They watch, irod -wait for i ii ' nl' -f # ' o ^_And I ?it and think,. wht-n tly rui-eti'a unld ,i< Ijr. * J* Tlunliio* And till). ?ml ahpr*. ^ gjP *1 AiaU vn^ <1rwr fftn?iKv the wroth* a?>M. v, m And Mat for the miihI of the boittwr'i' . nnr, ?' fA ^ib?n watch .for a .gleam of tin flapping V " 3L ZaL- 1^'.' ' ft T j4i?U hear the bonfan Itfljatnr tlie itranil, ' , , ' ftpm 4e?i<n4H?T tha IkwWiiii ? I 1}*'^ ^ **/**- . *"'^" '3^ . ^ For ilit- l?4fc^ Mfefl&^'tWJfoiritr lamf. *' 6 % 1 ahull know tiielo.rodN*! VhnVe jpmehAior#, r| I . ^ And jo\ folly wttf tlie nVefilhg b?v "ji "v M'Iimi orer 'hff fdvw*. river, ^ 'TF? ftngrl pf Dearth ahnft tfarry'nif "t - *f~ *."V, *L l "**'* ' " Hope On, Hope Eve*.'* . . ? ' *TU flbpe that ehorra _ Tfuit lipWw the |e?th^e?Wnf ti-irt?l, " * And point* tfa^o n brighter dfV,'"if * " And ling art near City f*rnrm drnd. i ' **?.- *' r ' *TV? llrtfv that(Mn?#*,"wi}#n HfMU eppreaa, feB And aniMiug I "Mr onr ?**? to ?Ua|?|. ' ' * tt ln?l< tht Mioundiaf dr<i|vMiltrm, ' i? And bring* a-bnlin for tbuoo that wwap. ^ ^ ^waot Hopa^nd-fvaif ^?aaV?cni|i II*avan, ll -JttnVwrnbl" (fty -to oar ?p)W-, A pfectnn* h?M?n in mortal* gU<ai>,. ? * rje, To dwell for<v?r with u* b?r? " * ' ? p ?* Than lr^ ? *ter.h"p<i and lovo, * ' With lore no strong tlmt none mb rerer, jj >.* ~u>fltriiunii?nf.*?i oflr Qod abeva, i| J>* Sliig joyWl/? rdtopp on, hwpo *w . a_m.jj_L 1J.A4 ftn.LiMi j?-i.-tiiijLi J. . - J, lf ftfAt+VHOobx, April 13. J; tl , from th* W??f.?'Tfwe htt Wwm * r fifthi at Htanklin.' Gen.-Vw . Dorirnt- y lacked lli* en?mv with 'J,000 cavalry . md Freeman'* battery. The Federal* '* wave way and .retreated, but mllvtflfc j . A ?_ j ' * , . ynn ?o?*i.cca witli Iftrge _reinfbro?--Lf , . * menu, -when a Lloody tight envied. i L F??iuwh'w fc?tf?r| ? * c*ptl??d and jj j>V Freomnn killed! Out low we* heavy, <, JPfc* *nd we retrenleft front tl?e plnco alter v MX hou?a herd fighting. fa .Later eecpynu represent the r<*ap' n tore of 901', nylftTcry nfier the 1*11 of. n ^ . frttmtn. V? loolc no pritoiierat f Ncoro ExoLOHioy MOMJJkw1 Jm- 'Q nxT-?A Ut|l he- |>w?ed the weyt Jersey I v r AmuxiiIv providing *T*?ct Wn); umtaifo H into ibut *r*d remaining I t. ten day a therein ahull ho transported w Liberia, ee *eWn? Island of die Wea IvQ AW? where aim?r* ?kn* not exkHami ' othoriwug tfce Governor to jmv tins p*. J p*n>-e, not exceeding #60 pi each chmi ^ M?ing under that ?d. K -llonex Akin a.?Taking hrtn ronabU , erst km (t,e limited wipplv of leather, (would ft Wot he pi*ieiir;ftide to a?v.> iU . ffcina of Hoeae* in Utile, and ?ttf>k * ** *"*' dta u 'U mrv\it? I - A large nftmB Mf Of aavad umU!< " - n*d ii i? hoped fhht-ilie m.,.per a.. U r P fl^e ?M?jr ^.nd^r dm^ir ^rvani.dy. j 3 _fift ^1# ftedfcrrd tyMfiryllearpa nm the in*ur?n?e ufiiora of" tbet-'efcv <&efr#ed touke no *#w rUlfa rip M r^niera. nor on* w bale *bip? 1 "Fat^lo which iui?tid*-i4 i froiaa in tU Aithmic. *> \ x I*?L.;lL ''k- ' }->.?* A,%-?. AS- , ? -*-^r-??p3 - X ?*. '* V-1"'"V?. 1^ wliintT* of' the eiteiuv, eo now, after ,tfte ht'jtuK??*>f<tWff every heart anftgtipe of comyMta nod |?ritihiai WtctJM.;- ?. .. " _ .,r ^ * . Vfe hnro ep oAon been dbapjiolnted -the oheruy Ifuv *> often ?ml |?n.lsti$tl? (tnled*** redfeelft toy&oAilHr cons :er'ning. (he neat of therebellioor-trial lire Wining of the ?gnxl g en/itud the I oniounCelneht that the bottle lixdactu dly'fce$?n, .waj. ft relief to the nunpense itnd+r ~wMch toor corn m unity have so o?g Metered, *Wte cheerfnl manner In . IrU'lMh^ minhwjr bed uniformly apotenofl ho con ftici "between o ur lint left?* tod the lnrretftti idontlera^ brtd eiuboki ned the Ji*iri?.of the people to such n IftftWf ?h?Ct nhenit Was positively, cinwn that the engagement tefta open&V,\ tntri cafWn "tbrrll of to every mart,and the countenance of all dec In r lit; painty.thai a rfignnr ftioturf9*41 tlm muled tutefteU *??? re?kcr?eq upon with ?ut doubt or uii?|(iviufg( . _r !iifort??nti??n received frb?t? jnyateiiou* otirv^n. canned the f3eiiftr?l in command if il?k esoect an aliark hi an arly til;. And that iiM'etligciiCtf * rnetved eiHi(lnii?itfiii'AiA.ikJ?? w..?-it ?"".i"".' JlmJliHldity four Monitors,"the Ironsides ji'l ih|riy vt'ewts uf yarious *ix#?, w?re t#ll ?ff til# l*.ir. FiHIf MvHKlMl. HQil . (iti'ty */tr% wdl>?eh" y?M-#h>'sver? added >\jhy J^'ft on-lbd ft^l-wii fidny ; thirty\p v*-K*ei?,' for llio inft?t pari truim^ ft;*, . appear#*} in yho Stono* and lit? netnv IhdM.mI iv f9kc?- of nbuql nix timiKiftid intfri oti CokV nnd l*ntt**iv danda. There, frtvrt*, with nflicr iiidiuiion*, I#k1 General lioau regard rftlnt ii|N?n an attack on Tuesday, nnii lit* <*X|teeHit4ojitv of thai sagacious an<f au-lttul (ieuejal were realized." * .'Hie at<n?>s|ili(*r? early on 'J'n#*d?iy touting wax hiisiy, bill n* the <h?y h>U aiii'??l the Imao ; lightened, ami the iotiiiot* ahd the lron*i(Us *eie pia-n ing oft* Morii*' hlanO.. between two lul three oVhek in tli?> aftenvoo.ii if i?pA)v h f otii Col. Ulwtt. mniniaiKlaiH f l^rt fc?n?iKer,NinA>i tired Geneial Heap-da??1 jlml live Monitors, nnd the Jfjipn trlei? tv#r? approaching the Fort'. That ect were fcecti rdnndtng Mi* point of hjrtut' 1-bind, ill# ICiolcuh in the ad- I utice. When (lie doivbte lurreted irion- | lor, the mowl foi ini?UUe of it#, cliwa, , iime wiil^in range, fort^uintar .opened potf)i#{ yfy!* a-bouphhW." They kept n (Ut'lr -way pwd formal in line of bat ' Ml' lb? Fort, at a distance of about *o ib(HMnnHH>nf^n. r~ -, Ai thru# P. M?,lh?Tnation wiu oponHk v l oii Mimluii! filing the. fttwl gun. 'orl Sttniter openetfteji .ulimit** fitter, lattery jioe, Fvarls Wftgner anil heatirgard, and the Ontlerv at Cnmiains' Vitlf, (d?o opened, fhivg A* ballery.? ( he fleet fired With greet rapidity ; our oil#-Ami Hatforitt# repjie.l nuh Spilit r^mitigulnf accuracy.' The dronij^ki' ' jvvsjtioa to tlto left otTtfit Stouter, |irealing nil her gun# tint I fyrt, md it/owing shell* exetiinK-elyJ' H \>?* uianft?*V. tlie Iron*ills* ras appointed td te*t the ntrvnjjrtr of li? I'rtfl^hfiie repletion wm <4ie in uguriition tlftji* "terrific contest now IpHtg on. Fort Sumter acknowledged It* <t*r>ni|iliftittiat of ih* preference l?y onring thecjjiitenl* of her biggest gnus nto I lie fi<le? of thnt'piide of the Ym?naty.niid rhe wris not fronted with ontctnpl by the other Fori* and Matuv Jbrt^flv'O minute* after the "gagetiieni b^gan. steam ?? seen 1?mi ng, in dense vohiuie*. f<o?rv lit* Jrrmidet, add she-withdrew from the act inn, >tl?ng.position to thevonth of Fori iumjLer, hut remaining h tilmt spectator f the exciting sHNtpe.* It is believed *li? raw seriously damaged. 'lire flrinc front otir Forf* h?Min? it ire r?int wore Ac^uml* n* the iient proceed*). The shot aikI rlte;^ ' II thickly in jhc rni?)i?t pf the boMtt*' Itlfti Kii^h^MWoI^sttcKlFof rvM' <&* >f Ukmii war* struck rsvctl |vw<?V Fort *CMnt?r nn?- nnpeitn ii u> be the chief tin of >fF"tfijfWbt? cl*<K iptrM&i i?'n [ 1ml, jni<l " tfhMifcrert hv.-U??i)t*vfcr^# be .nto?l f.miuinkU tit itwtr lerrrt?td' iK>n???rn, reoe1*><f'h l*T|jfe wIvjiNi of >kt. wiiiIon fiogi our ^nlUni-friiOiwr*. Wte CCiipiyrt l lie post W--koin>rr *mJ in ?se* of On nee *itit the custom of un?r._1t win - post of ibiKjrwr. febe pftirt lei*rW for bur reptmWoni^ hiMng Isrco rtt UtfW>?i' ifcrteR, A.' Jtbont five o cbx'k ti?/otfc,ww(t the exsu'pU < f lift // (>;.idw: ! !? ' <W iih Jr?w, evkjemly j?rioiuiv' ntfytwT. r w 'I'bf other* Montfcw* contin??fl the '; till fi?#tv-4iv#-.miituiv>* p**t j / lock, wlteu ih?v *te*m?*J ?*?y, smi *& MorW?'vl?l*nU.' 1 'ini 11,1 thy fmlljp i? iliuma?er l?ov,^ AIkviis, w^4^ile<J ort ?iuw< iti ?wi?l #?* men ?nuh?fcw*, two n?v?t*i\ i? Ike UenJ. <i>? other* sltgfttly. <% nsn cuius to bie il?Htb fiotit tbe Ulllntf i <S*?5 I'Wt SuinUf. *ns lijt thirty-four time, Cap*. Mathews',. Artillery ""Curtlprtnjr, ?J*Hon<d Balt(wv. NV.ncnef, wew wtmiuled. iW pf these ItHjio mom died,? Two. ware H^-Mrif}|)4x wounded , and U wm' thought mo 'wy^U die bof? >r? morrrthgv Tb bother [wy,vincl?d ing Rfl olHeer, w*<*4iat. eligibly wounded. <*V' * ' .;ifr,.i vThe Inst gun wn* the enemy tft half pail five I*. J4. Three iron-dads, oo? attfporefl, to be the h'rokuk, were aei-ti about six o'clock going. Mouth, appaae^ly in tow ef a large steamer. Jhfllten were nil oup side ibrbar. The /rourwom wm struck in the stent by a rilled shot from Bat? terv' Wagnef. . * There were no casualties at the Cummins' Point Battery. The practice was" jjJlnfV?rabte"eiid reflects great ortdil upon ollicoia and uren. 7V)I who took pari in ll? battle jreWorin ed thhlr duties with artlor, skill ain| fidelity. Their behavior ant) the nc CNracy willj which thej'Msfd their guns fHwnxi us dint the.y aresufficient for the ihifksrMnt work assigned theun-iind farpish ^i* With strong grounds upon which . V . ? . - r ^ . * - - so uuiioin our hope of. tt decisive and glorious victory. 4 .Wlwn llivy Come acainnndMieaier, the irou-sbeHlhyd vessels'will fafe wbr p. [ Charleston Courier, April 8. Farther i'rbm the Attack on CharUs* . too. t Yesterday passed without any further dpinonslratiou oir the port of the enemy'* ftf-et. _ ? > , *-./" At U o'clock the ^foilon* hew* reached the city that the dvuUU-luirvted Monitor, Keokuk, the-Inst hmlt, and by far lllo most f?rmi<bible of the npiityV iron-clad*, had nutrk just one hour before, utf Monis Inland, and about a thousand yards from tlie beech. It is supposed lit at/he wa? kept afloat during the night ?M%ccttdtngj ho eugngptbflU by Iiersteain pumps, but thai .(no senior gained mctidily. upon the )Himp.?, nhd MM>rOnfl*r day. light nil h??py of saving her was abandoned. Just previotvi lp% Irvr sinking m-< lug M-nt from the fleet toOkofl bur crew. The Keokuk now lie* in lao petition where she sank, her utnuke stack And f?ilr>t house bciyg still-vi-ibie above line untrl. * It was noticed on Wednesday mcrrnitjg that one Monitor besides the Keokidr, *a* rotw-ing fYomthe ileal, leaving only seven Monitors and.tho 'Ironside* remaining. It ia bfcfieved that the in is* sing Monitor wna so L*d|y injured .ih the'iiefion as to vender it necessary to. solid her to Port Iioyal for repairs.? Altogether, the evidence, is complete and saitsfuctory that the Yankee irofis clad*, whatever Other merits they may hrsvc, are not iovuluerahle . The haste j?nd confusion of the enemy In his retreat may he inft-rrrd from" Hie fact that he did not tnko-tirne to siftniftr the machine which he hnd.hrouglit jjdth him for the purpose of feeling for ofir torpedoes. This nondoscrint eontiU ynluj^ or*4 littvij," it* the Yankee* term it, floaled" a*hore dti the Mciris Island beach on Wednesday forenoon, and fell into the hands of our troops. We leant that it is- simply a long and substantia ally bii?lt Mb?r, -having n how houpli; fully supplied wi^h hcoli*, etc.,and with m linked stern, so construct#^ as to lit the ptow of one of the Monitor "gunI-oats. I r> coming up the Maiu Ship Channel to the attack, the Monitors ad v a need in single filo, the Passaic eldfcty leading the way, and noshing forward this Maine "ifovil ," with iIn) hop* of causing a .jueiiurtiire ?*x|iio*i6n of o'wr sobutHiioe defences. , The -Monitor*, in tfeiiycring tin ir lire, steamed roliod ill h ii elliptic con is?, in front of lite cast face of Hmftrev,. the cluneal range into which they cattle, being estimated at six hundred yards. * H?J AU ih<v%??itoides in the,heritor' were ---* ...I It:. I. .. Ji - vvf ?iHKf?ucir nr tJcurrn1 HUldiy* U(l lo I >4 jwbably tll4* tin Wi*rv ottfwnr iii-ih*> CoftfrrUirate aerrfee, wlftnf ;i|>|>ruV?<<) arrangi-men i of work* .n. ', gob* tor- tb? <|c|ai>c<? uf ilia w^tet ?i> ur"Acli to Cl\af]???ian ' hat*' pi; )*ngili MMu jmiI on (rM. lie t-k|>ccl?<i to bnwM rondo hi* ho*4l<ju*flo?*Mi l'?n I Humtpr, and hurried < (! from id* cdy, but ot ri)? afiamoon ultMctc Mini lliA Htortn ufctrtiutMitrNfed fire ttpou that i'ortro** pre* ?mv<l nil ajjbr^Mch. lie i atHtiouad loiiu?,t at iJnilery line, otr SuIIivuii'm Klnnti, ^b?iu^ iliu HCiioO, bnoyaiit'with hop*, and nuw^ly ill with ?h? joy ot' l?Mitl?s Nvhito going Iim diioCli??i.? Mini * niching, (bo giiuxJ ami novel (druggie. [ to-ncial I >.-,o.<1>I Imii-fif, rt. Cpor. punted by Creiid ini Jor?ii?M aiiff^taU! Of* licem, wan- n radiant au>i mmiidi'Ui 4jn-c* ugor of the llgbl from liy 1*4)' nailery promenade. T.l?u tgjci ?j->fi?l refHilcyg Mini lird (Iwtiutlinn uf li?? dreaded (iiVi Vf * ??* dca- J*, iuu?i adti uortf |*U * f f ? * .' *?-' ^ ^.A 1 . " ~. . /""" i: Manfpni^nt. , x??r Tfprtin fr?tn Hr?r*' Win<T>H 1 (ho Stoifio riprfWBitt "\}wi utot? of Tfft'niWr" i in |h(t^'ou?M??*t?b#wH At^r!i?W|r*ty 1 \ i f,>1 f. \ L%rt1fnt<&* Mfrrc*ri/,.mh^ ?* ' faT5'?^Ii"Mk", "*""' i. t It i? nUo rcporMi" tlirtt Nrn of the r Wfcimtting I? thi? KrOkt)k 1 haro beeti secured by <>nr men on Morris Isfitml. , , * * L \? bhs-dlyprobable that th? inn*?} . kiU'r 1, i -. i? Pff^neno? reoylvwd in the. Attack of ToPfeifnj', w.ilTbe ready ' fr> jthothor trml vary toon, if nt *11, im- i pecmllv in (lie name rfireotijrn. i Jt is * turiods coitfeWtffoo of th? war, Jj that >h?? comtnantfuH* fftiAire-. gftrd, ltipley, ColoiiKF Lieiiton* Mtt.C?JhjneI Yates, nearly *11 P the ffar'riaOi* "Of Hort Sumter, arose the'" tame in en who werq lliu'Clnef nc*<?rn in' -i iho bloodh-* reduction <f Fort S?mWr ( -in 1881 j .ntul xftvo hftve-w>i& *? ^ g'Ofiuealy and sutjoerfcftdlv foJSelted m formidable trttecH upon tKij famous Tv)f- 1 irsss, white in their beeping: * i Jronv ChSrlrston. , CitAUi.Herofi^ AikII 8^10 a. ifi. n?i.. ''..kl-Mv. : . i; r?.' v.-- - i tin ciK'Uiy IIUS lllHUt U1. reiltJWlrf" Of thg attackon Suinler. An official dis- ' ' enroll- j>i#rt received from So m tor an ' nonnccs that the Afontnuk. ifie mo?1 i fornthjahlv of tho NTotiitors, and posses*- ? ittg two turret#, has s.unk oil Morris lsDud'. - * r j . CnArtl?F.ST.a?t, April.8.?10 a. rn? t Tho light commenced ii oncjad. ? at 8^o*Clock, evidently t?> lest jhe metal 5 oftour batteries, which Knicil an hour. <. . All quij>t at present. . t CfiARUttiftft. April Col. ! Graham, commanding Morris Island : \ The Keokuk. n'.doulde.fnrreted Monitor, t Wn? stink ofT Mswfia f-bmd. No move in en I a "oh the part of tiro enemy 'tfi|* morning; all qtiiet. l'*<?ur of the onomyV vessels are ttn-iJo tlio h?r', lull out' of range : the balance have wi lnlrawn. CnARuksroVj' April fr.?10 p. m.~y< "Th< latest official intelligence fioin f)?ct>aY fttate* that oolv two iiottclndt lihte goun south, I'-nyttitf Fevon remaining, J besides tho Keokuk, nliich lice synk c about one thousand yard* from Mocris <] Island befell. The Vntrltrt machine r . Pftoed n devil, designed for the temovnl 1 of torpedoes, has floated- Q?lmte and ?x fallen'into our luptds. All x^uiet now 4 n enemy is constantly signalling, hut j 1 nA rtoeaal of sttaek is anticipated he^ t fore to-morrow. The -Yankees -have r been busy at! day repairing damages. 1 C11 ahi.ksto*, April It.?No change } in tho praition of the enemy sinco yesterday. , All quirt to dav.? 1 The atenmtor l^llw and Anna, forrrteily ' of tho Now Orleans (?#tve*ton line, ar- 1 I S -t-s ? vr ?i?cu in is morning i r< >in i>i?s*au, won a cargo t>f merchandize, including n largo ' qilantity of Havana-sugar. A Yankee *pM?oner ' Wtptured last flight at, KoHv li-land, report* the. Iron- 1 tfTyW leaking badly1 and all the Monitor* ' icoie or leu* injure**, the l'atoiiiu aeiious ! hp, and gone to i'ort Jtoyal. All quiet *' Uvxfayi . N " * ' "* ' ' . 1 Ch Aitt.usTOjr, Apt 1 W ? Pt|rin(t ? yesterday ?!l quiet. This morning s liite entire ironclad lletst departed ; three . yomg North and four coinjj South.? r , the Ironside* W'Hi towed over the bar. r The i?npre**ion generally prevail* however, that (key will ictum soon lo te- t .rO$#*the rtUnck. <1 The steamerStohewall .fach*on, fotfherly the Leopard, while gltempting lo ( run into tfti^ harhor- was hotly chared f by half a dozen yf the hloelotder* and t lirod ah The Stonewall ^*cksot\ receiv. i ed several ahot* through Iter hull.? | jUn plain Jliack $ tiding it itnpoadMe lo \ escape, rr.rv ttgv steamer on the IniicIiJ j and luuueJ Iter. The c^ew and pa?mMi j j i JiAII *U./.t* f. v 1 . i nl. n...l - I?>..... ........ I.... 1 | * - "?" ..n.u iv.i. ||'ai , j |-Jicr*. V-pry little was utvwd, excepting i and pamcitgec. Tim effect*' j i ?o<l steamer were banned to the waters 1 ( etl g?f fti >fght of * lie Ynuktcs. Il?-r , , cargo consisted of *?vcral pieces of field < artillery, \wt> litfntlrml barrel* ofnatTpe-1 i tro, forty 'thousand army rkoes anil a i largo assortment of meretnmd'txe. Cn.\Kt.r^TO(?, April IS. 1 <AII rjfiiet. A to* blocktidwirlind the ' frigate Ironsides ury wli.lhe bar and are ' tire easily ves-ela hi right to-day. -A- ' ' .mi.Iop atli.e.l this morning from lite lunda, Willi oargd of nriny equip- 1 iiwuU, Ac., fur tlret <So v#rnn?ut. . 1 HOf.nartoHo, Ap?il 1 -t. . ' 'Important from North (Jurating? i . 'file ? *via of a partial victory over the abolitionist j tte*> Washington rofccffcd u* lo-day. ft HpfwA that the Yankee*, under roster, wa re inarching to die refit-fof Wellington, whieh is mow i?W?*tAl li^ <*nr troop*. ??al were InA ml routed oirly.t Ttinr*dav evening,-to^ar Bland"sVrcck, by tim;. I'uttigiew. No | Itin pur ride. J AmbartKr tlaxaii ** SAMiiitt.CotttfM i i.> s iimivstA' No.i Vvtk. ? ' ? 1. * / , *. * 4' \ ^i- At-m-m ' * * .*?- *: ??- ? y..?' ? - - . , ^F*ptTL i? im o**~p<*Q0?tp m;?iy*n p?i?y?v * ' 7? ' ApAnWk, SKf* f * .; V?fetor JfW i&ptfjjL. K*??Atxg (tS fti ytte from) oiiVifa? Ad* intwlIiyfonV* it* rwiy V? infarf&g lo?*f? frfe.oKin GceeuvTlfeIJ& So Way .hither,- If made fw^fc aibvoiifafttM OU^tCr fd^bi&ftV. mother )JC_tfar)?*' WtfiW there, wftrondied cxi ftfo XrtK &ahbe{h at lJbir'Welheh*'-vhwjb shwrdh-I flrsf jortiad/arul where I*i|ia? (xrtb !ic?'iiae<3 *V)?l obtained .to ]>ee%olf (Hi* gospel. Homo t,f tho oftl.#otd??r? ^fbo^w'ere then ebiiung lightj?T.uow sleep iw thehlp;ic*l, 'of??V K?v?e, and favq^ ;r persena occupy theirTormer place* lYTtMk fchttfeli. Volume* of tire renjp licence Of tlte p**t, tllahed op#*i *mf neinory, mid deeply, impressed me villi [he Xrrrtli lUfii Htl things earthly, itri . transient nod evanescent. 'Thence -i made my-wxv P O* 4o Rtthniiad.'A' ! rtiere I found tharbtmrd at ilte hold* vx8 ten doltnm" per da y i Wept to ibe/Wttr 1 Vpnrttnent tojtttow ifiho IfrdsidbHt Ktvl given roe the npp??ihi.' 1 [Trent of Chflpleiii of*the let 8. C. V.f tno found that he had. dating buck to tbo lime of die Irene Man ro of ^ny ?*i?ig'axiion ne Gijj|>t?iu? Witnessed a de thon-drntfwiWif tfie ivonien end children' if Kiefimond-Mhose of fta-^rgn Htffti? "if something to eat.'- The fJovernor f inn i-f e-inien; nrrrie mem ApceohMpand ismired thctfiVier -rthouldbe fed. Tbejr lien Qt?iet?*d dt?wn; not, .hrmevtfnf'tttl 1?ev Iih<V "broken ?D frpoii Mio specula-wrs and helped lhew*elvoa. to (vhatlher Leemed lU'Ctssjx/y for their comforts-*., securing my (W?i<ffiffn,1cft in the oare if Rev. Mr. Itarowvll, I took thfr hack 'facV for WeWlon ar.d the camp*. Ar-" ived on -Saturday and n " u-aity reception. 1* reached ,lo..thy Iv'gintent on !>ugdai' from the tout; j Tidal ye in the l-erVd, for in-Hio l>t?d fehovnh 1h evetfa-ting ' rtreftglh."? Viiml one ready to take up-the :nmv - i . ,v? * ' ,, juhIjuI sJ.tjtrt?i/ion hjt (he SoUth 1 lN.> Curulimt yuhlnlcrrx." J'ioJit companies of .tlii-i Rcginfeut, | ojj.-llier with W ng t's hiUtorv, nnd a avalry coin|>*nV from (borgia, all ng%' . U-r command of (Jpfhnel YV. Killpal ( ilk. (<>nr now Oitloatn,) Lieutenant ! *. Baker of Co. J?' acting Adjutant, tarlcd p* Monday night,(3?th M well, ] it 11 u'ctriek to capture a gunborti or j wo on Chowan ri*<$r, n diamine <Hn ^ wentv-.pne mile* \ rtie place to be , eaclieri, etvJ in pvfciiivm * by daylight | text morning. ,* Fi ft eon tnirvule.t before tl o'clock p. m., tito 'M long roll " waa ?cn?, and oruua came to atatt in. one piarter of ait. boor. It w?a cloudy, tiining and 'densely daik._ 6V they uHici.arf, grouping their wajotJlto,ij?(| ha dark: Ktoven Miles aro' parsed >ver, and ther Com* >10 the NoH*n?y tVer, two handled raids ?isle, and wenty.feet deep. " Already they have wad? d hcverai inilerothrough tke awuinp omury ?u water and mud knee deep iud over. Al flf?? river tbey crowd n Mul cross over in n flat, which eaino to ?lnkiiig. (The next mortiiuur. 1 i wagon, wiili four mule* and Urn iut-n J ire vJio>vih ?1 in atlciiiptmg r?j cros>";i? the nine flat)* " KillpaliieVs water-dogs.*' is they here l?een termed since their eturn, urged on l?y an idea they hnu frit Ht the (Jeneral's head ?4jnHriers? ' llieie Wait good gamey ahead," struck lind of march again, and daylight laxvned dtt llu-m'near oioi Mk Hadiliv, i rveahh)* gentium a u.' fibre (hey hull* d for the day, and provided i at ions.? dr. hieddix gave nil the commi&aioned dlice^a a miiii|>; now* breakfast?hud >etter fe<i the uiinitf*.. THlh benevos cut getinomun had pUu ity of biapdynnd | vlrisky, which lot sold (ftt a moderate >dce) to.the " w?ter d"ga," winch few, f any, refuted, being wot, muddy and j nded. 'I lie next, night they reached heir destination, and look their posi lops on the banks of 1 lie Chowan l>ebe% day, pud began tbdook out for the {iinbpatM?'"the good game abend."? Jaj?t.'in 4* .L. Southern, commanding uy old company f, went, with Uor ,?oi8i ?>oo. ilas% kiii(9 Hitij private* \v . k. 1 I >avi, ami I: il. Cda?k, two mid h half nilea down the river, waiting nil ihe way through** maioh'ot rcud mod water knee deep,, all gveigrowu, with alnnU swiiwe, through which njati had ifever before g'>ne. to" ftlgnalir.o the approach of the uunhoHt* coming np "lh* mer.?, Al the bend ot' the river, where I hey oettld -ee scvcial wile* down, the Cap I l?in halted nod placed hie mju.uI in |*> j ion hi the root of n laigu tree, on * | spot of dry ground hImAiI three /eel in , ci tea inference, mid told (hern to keep a ; height look out tor Aire Yankees, and repot i Ihcir approach with dispatch.? kiuptatn S. liteo left them to he cheered hy the nmsitr cd fiogs, owU idul wild j hcAM,>r and returned hack to lli*V">n-' parry- Ttrlia lin|>ge i?-iiiai|icd all day. No gnnlm.,1 cattle, " il.c g<i>d garr!'alrorwl, ' wa* otiIt " ahead." tar ??l "of, sigh, d<>wii the river, ami' nfcvcr -eanro. i J lie d.iv |>n??cd the o*p%?.niou, V. \ ; f yt %. r ? gf<2i *^CP y>r?y^rwlfcw ?^ t c ^ ' ?"*,;.? o "^~" " . :c ." Itficm&V ^tfckiif.1 Ho ill h>rii" -MU \ compauveajriured^ffttr- ' JuWr t^winiirs eomramen, ufidet cou?. iWd o'r'ttptMM ^rtlnjru. laden i(t>, * ttir^l i e i> m*1 j^l'rne PRivW!,** rtfef*.;. *td bnolc.^ otinp*. 'iwioiv-trtifO>,'' * !^...nuio Jjouc*, And fto* ?tt -quUuon tile Chaplain, 1st ^egl/Pent, 8". 0. V. The mgieilltmZt in Washington I A VViWlnnglori latter fa ill* St. C-.nis Ie poWioan a Ungh'aW*. aaaftffct ; n( tU? reception of the negro itiinisien from llnyti tit the tyniietf States cupl^ tnl, and Ma treatment of lite brotL* 'ft WWt J- * ? '^wo mabrVauv aokxod individuals, ouch wHii> nmr Jjiowtug *. dieted * position le kinkine**, have' bTudi a?* rived bbre in ilia cnjwcki** of Mfirtjster from iTaVtiand Ma Secretary. fWir dthtlt nt. rt?b btpifaldin* raised no eaeiting di*cip*i?u ic o Utandlie*. of ..Wnsbiqftiptt aoetety *? U? wbolber tln-v im w negroes or ?oi. Tlio Abolkiotmt* j?n*? mado up ilu>ir minds J? xdrrift (Item to society equality, and aooordany lltoy lira not negroes InH f iMvlien*!; m lnie.tiie colored folks liere ?d?oup> insist jluit tl>#7 Hie veritable dor kio*. v It leimuti* to l?e seen bow lite qpedfton ^i'l dvftided * butdlte oV sCfvation of*lhe -writer is fllat if thaae Jie* confer& are not negroes, then uiu tattoo* Hin V-kiie people. Itcqlreeenlaiive Hnojter, <tf Ma*?acliuselts, led ctff la*t hy having die iwo-jloy'rien# ul hi? df?f|er table,-.Mnd llicre i>4n l?> I-"- l?? of the Abatilionirtf* to inteodftfc tlieju i! into wliiio "fcjcielj. Secretary Seward . 1 lie* invited thoin to <T?ne with hitii next P Tnpsdav; Uut U is customary far the | 1 Secret of'Stale urwxtend tMi courtesy to hII representatives of fbrcigu nations soon after their first arrival, and (lhf l'rq?Mjer i--?o doubt fallowing p?e-, ] Ceucnl mnio willingly -than inelinHtioit. i Tint following Incident shows which way the Haytifns thenrndvos are iu-^> dined : A few- tiny* after Tfttdr arrival, , i ?lm colored Held a meeting urtd I? decided to OolaWmli intimate fetation* with thefn^Uj" & iwTlirg llair ministers [ to waft ii]?.?n them-ici>-?i, ntfd then nut], Common negrof* w#tc to Adlow Mild pav ! their -rafcpeoi*. The represented i von of' | ibo froe negro kcpuljtc <T ffa ling wind of wind. going on, sent ? inetvUf lo the negro preachers, the pui jWi being tliar they were lint re Behfing*?rnlls foul *r>*jfroe* just Vet. ' This co d proceed ing took the (larkie* ' all ulrNcki a??d sotne of them have since llien niu'Jo no reserve if. venting Uieir 1 indignation at this tieatinent. At a meeting in dneof (tieir churches, a few i night* since, the subject had cpnsidora- i hie UU*Us*ion, the burthen of the con- i trovers" being fhpt the ftaytien* were 11 nogrtM's, niid lm?1 no tight to *<t like white men.* Onf venerable old contra band, whom report say* was aprenwiuM lie to re he cnino out of rhe IprTd of si a very, but who, alas ! lost his icligion 1 when lie gained his freedom, wound tip j a long strain-of incentives as fcdloMfs : 4 lh*se.d?I fMrrin niggcis link hum [ scllis.UeiUr dan do Iheaklrul. M'-sa! Old Abe Jet do cullored folks come ililo j V ]iu* Hon-#, Mini inlkv to dt?n like a.! fit<W, and herb ie desecu-oca ?|ot\ 1 lo<?k 1 Ht. '?in. ] uin*! gwine to halt nuftin 1 mora to tl?> Wid V*>?, I ain't.". I IkttTS (llj UQn&kli. l>K?>n., of l>Hi(nt\, (Jr., are making good wire for "Cotton Orffla/o Thk K.?Im1mI,U Ijrvo refuned to !<>nj> money to Lincoln. Watch** are noty manufactured nt OolutnUuh, On. Tiro hitxiiiees utfo'd* employment to quite h number of women. itoHKNCfiA S7. is laid to l?o ap excellent CaUioljc. kH? L ytrtainly very devout, . for bo d?c? lililu oLe,titan prey. Pravkkh for 11?o re?lon?ti??iT of peace lirtfo-t/cun ?.^M,d daily for two mouths ut the trihedral, NeW Oi leans. liADi.v |)ama(ik<i.?A fuit ha* been Commenced in h N*?*> York court tor alander. The damages claimed arc tOOU.'OOO. , In tlie* upper part of North Vhirolif.A, ten penny nitil* nrc pasning currem at five eenle each. The pcoplo llieie be lieve mi * lum! inottij'." Tim rev?lmi<Hii?u in Poland have met with a .disastrous rejmleo at Pur noovi, losing, four hundred -Mad fifty , killed, and wounded. ' < V *v Tits citizen* of ltoek HiH and yinitiity, Yoik hisiiivt; in public meeting.' have uminunoualy .end patriotically de t c.ulad against pluming cotton, and iu lav of ui ij toll ciop ol pi oviaioim. Tor. wiIkat ciiokwi Miaaissippi. save iliatM?AHit>Mii|>iaa, hn>ks veiy piotm-iug -riujiasi, if Couid not ho belter. Ykeic ' ip a faigo Aftrlace of our soil in wheat, ^ wioiiii*|ng flonr in nhundnnco after ihv Mat Imrviu-t ff Untie are no mora fio^M, j ,.lhi< fc'tatc wdt fwa nidi wbvni cn ?uj. S to supply li dt tlic Coiifoderac,) iutioue Ibr t he lie* I Vo;ir/ . i . I ^ 8? _ I hH^k .*+?**& . ? '.*< ^ W ' **?<. \-J. - ? -4' -v *iT ?^'*^ %? ' ? * < - i ..*. -i* ? **" **+** J V*'w *fK*Ji5 1M* ?..-. <; . , . ; -*w a "W *> *+* '\ . *u 4*4 rfpT "?:"* i ^^WfeAj v iiN.^LS?^wi.$<3iif5'i6*df %l(V on ?*i*r fto*> Ml* HMtfftf rfc* #* iifei? / ti<*M ^wpiunibli'H'J** III lA J^p^MafMb,4+CAm** ' fxr^t "ftumMr <rt fWWiiHwr *Wr *W M $1 }Nrr U??h?l, gvunUnf it, ckatf^ttol), ffwfct . - ~>j%*r) %. '^??-' ? ?u?n?~itow<w,"fiVjIMMf of ih* importiW?r of W- iUt^.iU^io ill t lnw??pQ ii**. J24?h rtlu, kl tb^#Mi # -*?H- !?*??*. tfe yldeM qjlHdr MI Qnrohaa.^ J'liAYtui*;.**? Af-m'TrAJhf^ V&oa \jr Era _. mvetfhg * niter*! ??AMlfoB 'Mb aQSnI fw thfi rotift r>f ibe pooiyand ypnri illy of tb?fa*?Hjfl? ?f M?i7W0fiK W.|ulfH? hi*- gii ?u iiti* i>o*S?i4 of "OwA for -tit* "" M11.twaKv114.ir7 Ap*4l-10, Tkf QtorfHn MfaUtoF* Tzl&WSz ale ha? adopted a ?uli?(ftU(o for rf\e bill eiVdortrh?)[r'Co?^-<}arMO Bond*. "A 'rtAaInlioo laibmmiiitf lit* qoftniion |^.tlM {te'??b?r efectftafo f?w*d? yea* 25^ nn.v* lO. lh?t lioofo rfjfrCtad Stephru#* (< <<lintK>n iW'iUring' ynrt fW eiplorwinent?deaa 00, iiaya Wf. T%? CotwowQV^^*-"?At * * oompo*ed nf tli? iimjor |mrtton.?UM ? leading planter* of Laseatiter bidiiw, held auhe Court Houm, oil Monday la*tf ( it ?*)Uuiiituimo>?4y retnlved U? plartt bo morn than <m? acre of Coltunf to the fit-Id linnii the prweiit year. OwircfeKv, J.UeU, iB Mm leroefoin ihr.n tubal. Bh noW CMftypra for:{MM(^,'Kud f4 trying loportoraAt tiro South to lolnm lo^hw Union, flo trill find that bU pleadings like hi? UuoOU, will not aiitolilil to niuttii.' * ? %V-._ ,7^5r-cr* . Til* l-cantiful Mn'tte of the C.oqnette, pom dm rlii?rl of Bartxtf, Bold at auction iu Kit hmoiid, ln>-i weuk, fqr $7,000. Tint goiiiilinoilier of f?en. MdHoUun died ?t Ehm OivonaWt, l?U??de l?l?nH, un FriiUi Inn. at the advanced age of arglitr^onefceara. A letter in a Into tmnv Iwr <>f tin- London-Herald tleffot? that m secret v has (x-?h diecotrered. (be |>orpo?e nhich in to .t*Bar?itiale Abraliain Lincoln. That rttimir, the Mobile IVfhiina thinks wilt plant ikortMn A. It- ?^>t *' ' Tint greatest plea-one of life ia"loye ; the gro*t<?u iM-nMirc f* oonlentment ; _ the" gienteai Iu?*m v i* health ; ih? KfM(i e*l comfort i* deep; and the la?t modicum i* a true friend. g> M ant exrhauge* (*aye the fTharlasKm Courier) are giving oejii to Lieutenant C?d. Chart#* ,X. Yute*. for ?n important inv^Stion f >r iraveryUt; g*R*f gnn*. Ylie author of thi* iotportnm invention. * m Utenant <1?dr.n?l 'J-xnplrA. W lot is. "ready at aM time* t?? pet ? pun irhpctei'ioi; -for lighting, and lo do a fall share in fighting Ml tin- gun. r CoKeouxn.?.A Main* newapapcr, '.he 1'oriluml AtgM*. ?*v? that though ilioioxuda of Vrare n'hiut-jo?m fall at Fredfrtok-diurg, it is condoling to think (but not a aiugle negro wti? hurt*' * J R. 'fHi-aarow ofteia To a Portland f.Me) pupea uv " fnrniah ft?r (lie aujo, of live handled dollar* auto shall he given for.the relief Ol tlr tick ami bounded soldiers) a ptatr which n iiYclo'O the rehellioti ami unite alt (he State* in ri* mojilha or r^fnhd the money." Hetter give Jane '.he job. n??s. W11.1.1 am L. Oooarw ha* announced himself as 4 candidate lor C>ov etnor of Virginia. T > . !>C*TII tHU OXK OF G*N. TTAIITTair'e ipoiiiR.? W'? learn tlim Htrgi.linger Micklet, of ihe GeapftMt District Troop, (llatnp'oii litgimi who ha* boon -with Ilia brothtp, rh-igennt W ro. Mivkler, ami r, eb?s?n hand, ?*n detached eerfh-e. hnriawdng iltf ftiMny'a outpr*>:? in Virginia for a yew |wat, w** killed lii action i/n, th?- 2il in*t. The deceased ? ?? a nn*iv?j of I lean fort, ami voluniveieo .timing lite first for llit- war, ami has Hot la-en alrfviit tioln Ilia pi*:* ill ill?, front ihiiLh/K single day, e*eept ? Ooiu eick'ios*. lie was o?.e of a frio of Itiuilicrfwliwe gallant aervic-shave been eojispicuon* since tiro war began. ^('hitrlfiton Mercury, 13/A. WOKTU Comupkino.?Suppose, say * the 'laiUhassoe Roridiwi, lha planter* plant largely ? ! cottoin ami the coin crop 1m>ohi jnove meorocieol to feed the miny ami the people^?who will s'aree Hmt. tjie men in I ho at my or Hi? '.pluwtfcr ami lii* ' l-lave* t In plaiimr wortU, will ma rite >*y>v eminent mmk? the corn iu the plant's crtb n J th? |>c>i\ in.the "rti>>ko hou^c rather l,?n im .1 he soldieta starve I. / ti. * " T*?i??*****.,?Ko*. Unnnfl O. Jlnrri*,. < f T<-m(U4*?<-, in ri-pl v ?n* 1'> h ? in ?ln? * 'WinclifMiar ^TVAm.} UuiittH> lj??n it te< rsi ?.il iii?|t?SnN he ihi LiuwriiKT, Cummin m><V ilrembem >f tb? (< mvihI A? r"?iMfv "ii\%,U*i4 ??tiic?f ti\ nt* < oiih iJtrOo > iliui MK'il f|pOllOfl -jfc i\ tlr * XUidny in A"gln?'. x'"l nf til* Statu i\ im ^ UUQ^t rtri* C??nMi?uii.'i hI v "* h . - V W V *** ' _ <? % J* ? *T J ? * % % Jk0