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* v. > *** * .. * .; % ;t " i - >. . ljr\ *? ' * wr%^i,. ,.. ^ $?L *. ^ ? j iv >*l -br 'v 2 ''Je" 1*97 'FB i. HDr^>*r tqtfnr* * ?5k A??HJ?nr??K,?IU t?r o?co. t-V '*%> : * <fror<i?riu?t' l? rrnt In ?lth<>?t f%* titUfcnrt K -*? .wrt-5^1. will U v"Ni?l,r?l until . *d otft *Jh charged for ncrurtlnRly. M^i0n?*9HeiiAaBnMaeMnlngpnMn>t*nvOo>nO*a"nannnBt a E^xfrigtnn! fc j^rlfrfrii ^.^nrtrq. ^ r?? *?i* natm*** KN-rtupnt-^ Tbfl City orChnrlrston. Rp* < Wto.pni>' *, m?#( vm/%' |<or mrXr, PjJJl l>i'4iilli)rr|lllV|i4?p'lll1l?l n*?^fVn*p^il^ltv Bf*? qu+*\i i>! itjt MnuUk^tUo priJf it ?nff Mt*orr lie*, nit turn hor,wiin?-h?r t,? Jmur fain . ilwmrwhff K?w Orlmnn, *???1 otrihe fur j-jptif rTMkl imi dni?<jfitoro,'W Mttirf, ^^HirorW lionet llntlof, and ?iwa death A? rrcr) ititntlrr. n't each crufl fu?. Ab J think of r?t?r Ptat* and Mi* # jn? the k# And tvtnRf ^nlUnt <Jr*?j* ohtlrVr 1>o the Bjy t hink, think, of t!> blood CnroU* 4 lint thni, F? And thn Mil kriii It today thai ?r< mutirnliig I^BImiII noble ?Id Cliirl?toii bow down in tin* *. eatli lit* rr*k" of tho tr'rant 1 Never! nrv hrr *|-ir?a, ninl <1< mm, proudly |*oiiiting' i |r*< T* Hvii>urln|A?iiM* flret, in t?i?r?-_v bejriren. hh*M 'br ttnr* and rtrfjiea wave over Sum- I J trr onnn uior*. , Ll Wlillr our own vheritlird flav find* iltfjr ave ?; K Ah. itn! for the htr?M who p'anted It lUrt, ' ' - "With tk?t? Ifree rhnll doft-nd It? no hvTvr tl" Slrall til - foot nf tll?' d rooit toon pr?w tiic 1 P> >wn M?'l, . ' J Vt Wlifrt tlrri t our (Vilionn I Nt-vri ! s*> help I P * It (ioil. I Ij^Drl.q'il'll to the nwdic?tcnii1, ?rn?t lit ft" * ?rlvv ^ . R6ur Charlerton to mv?, or willi lo r t?fltjj. . r ... II.M. ? L- March loth, If 6*. * . J f '* %- ?H>m (On ) Wntcl-mnn. , F ' _ Th* Widow'* /^pcal. * Btrirnffer, hnee yon corn ? |' ' Can yc? n?y yontf ui|i|>K f I MV infont errly l?orn. I Kinl'i ?nccor, ej?? .'twill illr. j ^ ! * > A' Cremjitnn,- wliere the ekier ' MWi L?lMe were o'er er?t? * There my lo?e?l Cher"" IK j jL - And Milljrl>r?tthfj| hit U*t. I * I canhot. will no* ? ?! !, - . | > My ior?<l oh.e to ?#pj>'r : Will yow my tcrrnw t.ea'f * i I, Rrfnae me and 1 ?He. . , J I I ^The ?1*y* eSMfw eNhd 4rrer. < J) ""Wmt Chtfn* leWmhKno,J I'm a ntrercwh pijMrit k?^, > To ft erven I'maKV my wio?m. , I '77?atl/'7" I, - w _ J ^ ^T>jfWill ba Don#. fcearahyr of X|oa?rt 'nt'ne rraae - < All thonghte that.*hnUld not \y, ' A*4 In the p rwrnw trace , ( ' My fcmtltude to th?cl # A ' \ ?H?*rer fA ^wyere!?oh. ffwlde arlybt Each word ami d<# l of mine ' ( . LUr'a haUla tM?id? lfl> hoa to fight, | And Im the victorjr TMnf. j * Olv?r of AU!?fw Mr cry goixl Ift lh? Rcdtriin'r fame-*-... For raftnen', ehrltoe and for f>od, 1 thank Thee in Ilia name. ! .... I Father and Aeh and Holy Glinat! I Thon g!orh>u* Three in One! I Th??i kn??warl*l?eet what I need moat, < Ami let thy Iftl bt dona. 'k, I 1 ?* I r> V* Booh Word > iWprwiiWi motto fa#'the young? Write it In llnaa of gold,'. - ^ ,m ll Upon thy hrfert and it thy tulnd, 1? _ . " The stirring wneda ur.f<?M. ** And IA mta*r?rtn|?a*a dreary hour, * < BrlnnVt yeep#r?e# ff*U, Vly. charing j>?w#r?. rV*?fr ?w?A tr*fU at F*tl." * , 1 ' 1 kt >*?. Tvara^ntiR. ? Tb? ? tog* K?WI (rltk t\i* Mowing : of lV? Vftrtkro pri4?er? lawr^ \ f% mm r ;lf i?# fe>?w I ft f?tl?r eowld mei drink of V~ ' X, #?.' ftnM tUrftffffod WMtodinn, 1 cftsffor. j?r kin & ft 4*t?ntf? f IftrpftniiTM round rk? mrr, j bow tb?t won't )?iM? jpnr Lib* km do*, ho mx . Hill r ftfttt ttn Iftbw; ^wwttW T *kot?03bf'l ^ f*M of tarp?ntin* ; felUr wnmi 1 *WkJf.frocWb? * J - - 0 < ...? * ' 1 \ . * V . y ' ' ***** ^ A H 10 ?t? pr<mreasr ittc gij J L-? -J.I ?? ti. ' * ' A ? . v N '! .X'. It-WX.rlJ..' .'."p'-.i,i Urnss Irani tjr? 3rmtp -J' tb* Att|?^ on ' The K*?i?i|fli nidfn^nge* of tU? tf&A the f .i losing He?+1n rrda llnit in the ??jn?t:r i?-n? of 4Jen. I>. II. . nut Mg*iti?t thf Yai'^n* >?t N?'?Jw?rti : ^ the Siiite ifmt^at: Flp$ mov extent, Irtyoriant ' in *n I , tnaity te*iM>ct<<, in under Hn? immiMtHie ; cwiftfttfcnJ of Lfent. (Jen. l?uttgrr?tMi ptyl"Kl..j.Hr ?eir.*h. II. Mil. . IW ' Uftti. liMiiirl Mini Pelrtgrrw hare 4l|?nr " i"1*" iwwni ?' t Ft j?u thetfh g?w t *1*rrh istH. { Hen. 191)1 amraneed Ji?lf a rniie l?e- j ycMitii) ftecp GtifW.'Jhtffn. Pettier** W ? ?<1n.Urd to have fiydeweie light nf.r Hat; Thg<nh'r Ferrr.' iffcitiiiig in * loss ) itf four killed attd twenty tVottmiiniV? ( HfhtnfV his* not known, nor*i? the re* milt .?f the engM^Mftrnt known. . Oi'ii. Nni^rlM'W, nfiei m ae*?re fight; * litntii the railroad bridge m Shepbeafeviiln, hj-lu w NewliOtu,jmM Saturday. M'd Mip|xm* it h hardly nece*anry 0 V'nger i?-wiHib??M the fart lhpt o?r ^ hirers under Gen. Ilitf, barn Wifnte * ( <TVhv lustration in the direction of New- , twen. ..There was * ?ktrmi?\i between our forbes and part of the enemy's force* at J I h ep, romn eight or ten mite* J (htm, Newborn on Friday, with tomi lure on both aides. We took one pri? , eoner who had been brought to Kins , ton. who mthl, when a?ked the extent j uf the force at Now hern, that he knew , about.eight regiment*, but oonlJ not ( p|rC*k po?Hirely. . - v * ' ,'( Geo. Pettigrew went down on the f North >lde nf Nettie and ir I* thought , wt tucked lite enemy in their fouifica- , lions at Harrington's Ferrv. opposite j wild two mite*'from Newliern, but witlt ( vi hilt IM .ll i? not Iritnvn Kit>? lli? Standard ' Oem IJil! i* suppose. 1 to have n?*Atl? ( il lie work* of llie enemy on the ^ohiIi or Netv hern side wltilo Gen. Pet liprtnv witli hi* hripadti iI.mI I liens .its the Nniili side, at. Harrington'* PerKY, some two mike from New'hern.? J rite enemy nrc sthi to lie strongly for *! ified nt both jN.inl*. Their foreo i? 1 bought to have Wen from ten to illwr- ' j>en regiment*.. ' We hatfft mnwy extrnvAgant ronton, "hie ir tliftt Gen. Pali ijf row "m Hpht- ' wg nt lWringtonV, ntnl that Gen. ilili \ liini fallen ItiM'k. t (h-n. ll'll Hud* tinder t?l? cotntwttiil I irntnr >.f iln? be?t t mot ?*/ > (he Uoo#r*le ' inte Slate*. 'I hut they will-do their \ whole dtiiv we entertain no doubt. 1 "Rt?|i*to?<p. Mnrtdt ?i>. i ?1 >o*pat<d*e* f?o:ti l*'rei!#iicksbtirg m?te t ilmt* Ntltflwi d*(?s *>f the 18th have i Seen ie?vla#d, -Humor* Are ^tljll rife i lb4V Virhshnrj; has WeftYvacitHted. It < thai the greater {tort the | rebels would p?? to GhAtieiim jrA to peer i wholm K--et<c*Atir.. Tite New York i l ime* ahv* th? . combined Attack <wi i Vndr-t'tttp mhy" l>? looked fjr-oAtft.' for * it will ?rc imje?*sil>le f.h Grant to'lf.ivw i inch and ?** Ya??o. #>*pc?li , i?rti w Ikm a I hey now are. o^ta .pr?*? i lurhly intended that all the n?vAeine?iit < parti to W eimulUwieous. I TUe. war. ntwij i* generally nnimport ( int. 'i'ft* Y.mkee. are ebitmwn* about i the eitciHPtu over oar c*v?b-\ in Tenn??- I 1 t 'Jiff ptieo of gold f.-ll'off J per <v?nt. | i>n the 18th. Government credit* fli in 1 Tlur pritateer Florida coaled at liar- I badoe# on the tM'h ?hi|j)A, leaving on 1 tlt? 23th. Wilkn* knaw of b?T wh^jf. I ibolili b> fi)bp.l?*viR(r'Ni, ThttrnM.' 1 M. Gailla?det wri??y from I* aria on I the 2?th February. tlint An inaitTMieiton 1 iraa broken ??ut in Hungary, coi re-pond ng with that in Poland. lie mention* \ it 1 Minor iIihI Nn|H>l?Nin will remit the 1 French arinf frotn 'Me*ico. and treat ( witl? Junret. upon the report by Geno- .< ml Forey that lit* popularity of the 1 Metican I're-ideni in#ore- hi# re le<ti??n | l?y uttireraal aeffjage. It is added Hint " lite French Kntperor wi-ite# to avoid a < conflict with the Northern Slate*. J ilirougit the aid tbey offer the Melt- < can#, the unpleotant relation* Iwtween , Seward amp Mercivr nnd the retinal of 1 the Waaljin^tnu Cabinet to accept (he ImI proposition of France. .* , > *' # ? . CtrATTAWooea, March 20. | The filling hack of (he enemv from Win freeabnrj> it fnllf ftmtflrmM. f\ it i tftttyee-i iKvy htve enn?uownnit Na?h- .1 nqim. 1'ntomttir* by <hi? eveping'* tr*i? 1 report three Vmifceebiigadet w?ni*foeo I ike OomberUnd'Uher * fow d^yt ego, ,! Mippo**] to rrii.tcnrr the enemy at I Yicluburg. <>v4j JJvrO U tvported on < ll?? Nofiit tide of ! Liver, ike enemy having fallen bwk froui Petnklin. No moeetu^iic of either *?hy JM. . Mr Oe?i*r?.l Urugg i? dmige?o?n!\ < ill tl \Vinel*?ie?. I* The biidge over tbe liokton V. 2Wli- It eofier i? completed. 1 z 1'okt Uimom. Ifereli 41.?Tl?n re port? of ihe Milking of lb? ?kmp uf war 1 Uidinioflil, from rnjerief wnkid in :|?? light of tlio I4?b invito*, prevail ; tjotb*tif&iT?5; li?fw?yer, hut hvea ama*. itir>?d. iheiuoiler ilee* riill otMopy < heir old goeiUo*. ??\ of range ffHttdny, tkeemam/ tired tUfnly ef < iu ' ?.. ' ? V '' " .' m ' * >: * .v* 11 . * " t>V ' -; - ? - ' * ' 1 f \ V ,o: Ms of %?* : ^GRisMmL^ go"ui;n'(i, ib? ajnl lotted, the residence j C.ft: 3. juiti. (W Ofe. rwd Fi.Uiy -Robert *?* on tW opposite shore. . ftrtlwe aemtt.r haa -^rarnRed 0^ <Wl*ly's -transport* durifl* ihif la*; /ten (li$it;,4v ftfllicMtion* ?f tortklr iHt?mp'.-lo p^M pur failrri#. T?wiyMten?'N(iri Imw n.riveii" during i ins last two day*, ,nnd ar* cmiotfitlly in. T1l*? confirm (1m prefibtiV sepnrt* opt ho deniouillxmien of ftnnfe*' i sriuy. Our batterfea -sustained no in[wry hi Jh? engapAnvnt, and- are ready l all ?rm*? to giv? tlic enemy warm eeeptio*. , is. Modii.k, Htnb Jl.^TIn Advertiser *nd Register ha* thu following ??ini-of IWtnl despatch t c-*KonT i'ltiibr.gyo*, March 20.?Oensral Loring baa whipped the enemy Imck from thu point, They are now in fall retreat fur the Yar.oo 1W A special despatch to ihe Appeal, tWd VhiiuJn, 19;b. any* the Federal* SUgag-d .in the raid upon Hernando, retreated. Tbs tenant of" tlieir having abandoned the Me.nphl? and Charleston Road i* untrue. Tlte old troop in beiugj repince<| by new ones, and old gatiison* lake n to Memphis. The MoWito and Ohio Rsikoad hits been abandoned fom Jackson, Tenne-c-ee. to Columbus, Kentucky. FiVe tinndred cavalry crossed Cold Water, sixty miles -Noith^enst of here, and moved towards Hull)- Hpi ings. 'The A|>|>eal learn* of no new move menu at Tort Hudson. Hank* hhsfalj t-o beck to hi* fonilied camps, and innu ifrsts ISi disposition to advance. He 'ertera continued to cine in ; all re|*>rt iisatfectjou in their. cantos.' The fleet toulinuea out of sight. The two vessels hove Imve been slowly steaming up lie river. They lauded ami cut down t few pole* of the teh graph Hue canv ?iv !.. i .i _ * ??. ?ll UIC "lie IK1IIMI ll'ill'lirz, 1 lie latniige was qnicklv repaired after ward.*. From Fredericktbarg. The. Enil Gpeneti?the JCiirivy nma* ^ the Hirer, but art Driven linek with Great //mi. V " ? The long silenco at Fredericksburg ?a* l?een broken by the flwli of arm* : rhf enemy ha* begun his ** advance novemelit," and made hi* fir*'. e'?j> hv (templing to cm-** the river hi KelietV hWd, al>ov?* Frederiek-'hurg. On' la-?t .1 Tuesdny morning, almm nine o'ebuk, i 1. ni7 the advance of the eneinv * one t.OQO Kmbc, a* estimated in the offt J :1h1 :li*p.?ii h to General l.a?e. ami srfjt- | rosed to he Avurlll? (livUiou. appeared j n 1 he north bank of the Kappnhan I s<H-k,*and Huoceeiled in elFecting a erosa- 1 ng. Aceoun'Jt Irrotigl.i down by |*hs icitger* put the enemy?* f<>ree a lit do liigher?'?v renno four or flvrt tinman'!. Tkev were here met hv a po.-x itou of Gen Filshogh fa-e** command, sbout 1,200 strung, according to t)ie report* We get. A severe engagement ptvrtted. The fighting is snftf" to hare laeeU terrific, apd tile enemy are report n! to hay?T->ught \v|fh great Muhltnfn The bat i le lrHv?tt>j h long time, bad the great brnverv i?f our Hti-n alone tvoir the victory. ($ur tn<nt rU-dred on dm enemy .wilV all the force of mii hv?Unc)io, and ft*-* long lime, the fight iwgvd ? hand to bund. The Yankee* ;oiMe*ied eyftry -inch <>f lhp-nwwm^'btt .1 indtng the #lire of our* men foe uiih-Ii. Uev fell back jn g o?ll disorder, and retired to the other hide of vhe river.? \$ exfli a< the retreat km ordered the Yankee* floJj in gre^l di*tnnv and e?n* Fu?ion, leaving behind tlx in tuoir dead and wounded on the Held, afid h niunIter, of Mtpplie* So rapid wa* the ene iiy'i flight Hcro?s the river- tlimt hi* , li<v?pi'aj. e*tnbtirhe?J in (he rear fir?r hi* *nu tided war ahnn.lvuted, aeo Id* dead lay nt?ewn oV<?r the groiurd?^rerything ! ft behind in hi* panic. Of. Ure 1e?? in tho action we ran pel i , very little information. )l in qnile ?'er | lain, however, that the fnotnv MiftVred I Msrrrelv. We can pet no actual *>t inupe j [?f hin loe?, hut from the nceonnt* brought 1 down by i?H*-*engers but night, a? well ?:* ! finim tlVe5>fA(siat diapalelm*, it i* verv , plain jhal the fight wa* a hard hhiI ; 1 rlweppiate one, and the iora ?etore.-? FJi? Yunkcfc wmiU *o*r<vlyh*?o lieen llimwn into FttcJi and diauriter had nut they have bton tenibly'cut up. . 60 far na ingard* our r.wjp lea*, we . are without anv deflni'e in format inn.? It ia to W hojwd from the account* we get that our men nf>t wrjoflrly. 'File diepittebrt'we have pntney no idea ' ?* to ll??? ?>*ienl of ot?r b??*, beyond tire j1 mere fact that Major IVIlimn and Major Pollen among our killed. ' I'iiU ' leh *? from (JbMieeMec county. in this "Jtete. wj'N?? eatecmed by *11 who knew him. Tie w? w- man of high ' diameter, and etood weU jut an efttoer. 1 ] Major Peilham ?i? fmin Al*l/ain:t, and ' waa a voting officcr-of great protwMe.? He graduated >\\ TV'c-et Point to ihv- 1 clam of' I?joat-after the outbreak of 1 the War?ami on coming KntUlt dnier- | rd the army, lie had pn**ol threegh all the battle* in* Virginia, and wae mentioned f.r hi* gallantrv bjr (Jei. ! Lee in III* official rejmrt of ?he ht\llle of ^ Fredrrt ick-MWg. lie wit* wmpai alive- ^ I* a youth? teffce o?yr tw+uly-two . veare of ngfl. 'Ha *? killed, we hn- j derrtaud, l>e being st^u k on the h?-*d I I by a piece of^MieR *hiia fa the mjt'Vilr cbevrnlg hi* nieu ctidw a th?r^e~ . U?" I ' -*V * * ? t ' f*. ' * , t. ? ?' ' " % * , A. n I1*. H 111 I* , ',1 - . - * iU? <jt <zt\.. "II ?wi? M T- -?? -AROIJNA. THURSDAY^JDI 1 . - "- !! tody wm brought flown by lbs cars U?(. JUgUt and wm deposited in tl?w c*pit?4 under a miliary gttard. Hi* renmiii*, we Iwarh, wtft be taken to Al(if***. ' ?Uhlrapnrtwnt UK" this action may appmr, so for a* tbe numbers engaged. it innit he Julian M a d eiided. success W un. ft was the. advance guard <?f the iwint was hi* first step in liisO.w to jficutfonh. The . preparations he had made end His packed provision* show- that he was prepared for a lotto, march, nod . Altai it was no iiih? iw> continuance. 'Il*d they have been sue- , ces-ful, there la no douht that they would itawc been soon followed up by tbowlioloof Hooker's arm v. The affair is t)i?r</<n<j important in it* result, and will no doubt have an cfiVict on the enemy'* plan in his nudbaled advance on Richmond. Foiled and driven back, j he is now di-enticeried in bis plan, and I further from Richmond than ever. 1 " APDITI I'tOX A W nAinlCtrtAUH. From a dispatch received fr\mt /Jor <Ton*ville la-t night, we get sonte later news of the fight. "ft appeals Ins cneinv crossed tho Rappahannock in lh? tnoyning tiLKelly's Ford, wiih both a Cavalry and artillery force. ^IVv ad attend within some si* mile* of Culpepper Cbort llmne, wbrn our mm 'in wl? a stand. The fij?ht was AoVeie, and la*ied sCiernl Iroars. TheYankeu* were, finally repulsed, wnd fell back, in the real John Giloin style?routed and panic stricken. Hv some of ilie prisoner* taken kr n? l lie rtemv'ii f ?rce i* said. to h??ve Wen two diet-ions?liirt lliU i* hardly so.? It i? thought that their force were two brigades'. wliichrhave lieon confounded l?v the prisoners with " division*.* The prisoner* confirm the great slaughter of their limw, Mini CQlifcns tllHt they ffrir badly whipped.It j* state*' lli.nt we took a number of Drboner*, but how -tnauV we are left to,] conjee'uie. A number of our u?en we^r it bo made prisoners.' but it i< thought jliat titer will not ex?e?*<^thirty or forty. Among them was Af;ij ir Ihcckimidge. Among -o-ir killed. we barn, tvtn Lieutenant 11 >?ri i<*. of Powhatan coutitr, Vitginin, Colonel I?i?**er. of New Orlean*, it also mentioned an slightly WouinUnl. . The b.-dr of M-.Jor Pollen nbo reached tl?e eitv U*t night, and wo learn will Ire embalmed. Fibln the neeonn'* that hare reached f?ordoiit\ illo of the fight, and fo>m the best eatimaie that call he made otir enlire lit**? killed, wounded, and mi-ring | ?1* about 2A0. That of the enemy i? j said to he much gieater. - - - ' .Moiiii.k. March 2jb TIlO Appeal of the '2I>1 r*\r llie picket steamer Natchez. with 1 flOl) bale* cotton, ?ns destroyed l?y* lire on the ISth,instant. , The Hartford and Monongaheln wer? allowed to approach within 400 yards of our batteries at Oiand "Coif, wlien wo yawned upon them, tlie veweh r?J plying with bro t lsidcy several times.? it i* reported 'hat a dozen shell* struck llltrtraasel. Parties were seep carrying the wounded below. Nd damage on otir side.' . ' * ? The Natchez t'onrier says the Hart ford, (lie, Federal Flag Ship, with (Join morlwre Farragut oil I* ?'(l, miefaiiiwi in front i f llts city on Tuesday, ibe 10 h, and hi thy sfornoon sent a smalt horil with ft 6 g of .truce ashore willi a note addressed b? llie Mayor stilting ; ihat if the U. *4. boats were tlrerl on hv I the pontile of Nntetiez or guerrillas- ho would bombard the city. The Hartford temnjned nil-night end Inf. with the-Monongahel* nie*l morning. A rpecial iWprtirii to iliu Appeal, dated 0 rnnuJfc. itdlh.MVO <li?p*lclH!* to iltc Meniphi* Argun from VicWnburg to tlie 13th, state that (wtutfy H'-'e rebel* ^ere ruptured while teaiiug oul ill# lever nU)*c the canal. Ha you Macon i* pronounred euntiyl i jjn!>l}? rui account of nnng*. jfefSj One Division of (lie Yankee ?rm*( h-fi Mfc Nip r>i? on TiicmJhv l^t.tlir T3 ji. ! in light draft steamer* bound for Y*/.<><> I "a*?.. / , 1 KWt filling at Memphis, also, the ttpiwr tribulnriee. . ' ? '-? * March W." TaMlern ft?m Tullahom* t?f the 2l*tt induce ihu bchef that the enemy i> not j fulling bach. Uui advancing to turn our ' right. (t(hi. .lolninon i-? there, ami our army In in a due condition, Jl't* rejiorliil that lie*. Drngg in ordered to ikcionomU 'A aaattAtrr In Haklwin Cotjnly, On., i lia* Utwlv eolil $230 worth of lironn*-- I front'l?r?nm corn fttonn *ri<l ni?ule up' by him*?4f to hi*intei vmU of , Ir there t* Ai?v element of u*? /uid I itr?i>?th which ?ho South *bouM mid I rnuhi huvc in aLuii'InuOu l<y bvr uwi j InWor. it r? Ifon. Mamham, 1?iw written | old home tlirewtenin({ to de?uov I l&Q.VOO worii. ?f Union property if Int is1 not. >iwh-R'pirt**U for lotto) ninuli AgniiMU faint. . , ' s I people iii the mountain* of VirKMiin ?vo. umi^iii^. n?M|4e mttftr in fiift , t^Mnnmie*. wliifli tiua ^(t mi i ?Ja*Vat \Mi? (IvUnP p^ poiHul. f * -*' * 1 * * * ' ' / # # A ; 'V*- *' V. % ?.y: : , ; . - . V-.- -> - .. ' i ; - -"-:. y v ' ^ -. '1 -w -V -v ' ? :,-*<,> ' < ^ULLI.. ll.'ta.ijJJl V .,. Liy, 1 rt limuclrclge amp&tj all JRIJfR, "MABjCtt 28, 1863. nc..1.- ':.L " 1,-"' i ^nrtiun JtMna. Speech of 'Mr. 51 a too,* the Coaf.?6f~ . * rat? Ccmualwtoner. "On Wednee<T*v ??tmnVi faik'genlle* l ipwi mad* a .?pcarh in tmhlic. at a hna[ quel* i?i die Hoto?, in.refer: , , ?nce ti? lli? existing relation* between ' llie Confederate Kieic* of Arnetr?nf >?f which 1\'a U "We? the accredited ropro1 Mniafive,* and ll?e KnglfcfT Government, j by whnin he i* ?? ret nureoogfni?ed.? lie win a guest whll Lord Alfred Churchill* Ia)k4 George Jjoiirtiii. Cofvillo, General ??*fr Qei^r I'nHock, Mr. fInltjhiirion, Ma j.'G. fjwnrt, ihe O'Connor I)i>n, C??l. Piweh, &o?, at h dinner at which (lie Lord Mayor nml L*'l v Mayor?** entertained. llow Alifermen and (lie Member* of the Court of j Common Council (or the words of Oa*' tie llmnerd, Cheap^'Coleman" street, tynl wnfner*, CornhiU. Ciippl?*t*ate ' l^wiihin hikI- without.,) floirgnte, and | Farrinjjdon- within. '1 ho" Imm^uet vrne jeeived in the Egytjnii llell. I Toward* die do?e of the. en'fr tain., meat, the J?o/d Mayor proposed die timet of "Tlie Visitors,** referiing pir| ticdhirlv to the MsYni* r?f and I Mr '11'^ . - l I iMrv-un. j ii?.iiirium(i PV iif< inner ] (gentleman's name %-lioitod loud cheer*, j n?* Lordship, proceeded to*:iv, alluding to Mr. vlxaun, dial Although he cytdd ' 1 not greet that genthnan n* a recognised j plenipotentiary' tfi lids c* nutty, hu ??s ) perfectly, justified, by vittne of Iti4 po j ablon n? Ohh-f Magistrate of the Cit,v | of London, in nlfeiing him, ami to ail gcruluinun who came *to this qountiv |*on any. important public business, a hearty welcoitift in hi* official residence.' They, v citizens of London, deeply <le plorcd the' disastrous war which was j being waged on iliu American (\aitl| livnt, and longe.l, in common witli# the rest of iheifccoiinfrytrten and of iIte civi] listed word, to ree it brought to some j HHitifictory termination. lie gave.1* The Visitors," coupling will! tile toast the | Mayor of Qnebce. Mr. ,1'ope, the Mayor, briefly ?e knowi.dgcd lite eompliiiieiH in an ani uiHied speech, in w hicli-he dwelt on the M'oug attachment of the North American colonists to the mother country. adInline that they regarded it as their highe'l pri\iivge that they were fellow *"'j els with the people of Kugland i with the aainu sovereign, Mr. Mason re-ponding to na nrgent imitation of the company, presented himself to apeak, and was received wit In x-ntlimiasiic cheers. ^ lie said; My Lord Mayor, mv Ladv Mayoie-s, my Lord*, ladies and gentlemen, but that I feel deeply thr; obligation* I nin tindrKlij tin) honored Lliief Magistrate of i his ci'y h>r peim: sr.n lo be nrcaant to night, 1 should feel strongly ft Imposed I ... ..;..u ? 1 i- ' " - 1 |(?.a? n (lUilllt'lt Ilia 1/ lino not di??eu u> remember that lieie, in England, I jmi not considered of full age ; 111ml> ( hiii yet in niv minority.? The Government of EnglHnd? we nil know, hono>ed from age?, and always it wi.-e Goveimm-nt in it* genetadon?-has declared that the colli liy which I represent Wyond that hrond water has not \ ?t HUAined years of ?U*cretiop, and inot capable of managing h? own iiffairw, (a laugh.) J aav therefore. that tnil f ir realty 'Wing qv tit whelmed hy the kind mii<1 gei eniij* iiMuior in which [have Wen i eyei veil by this honored comparrv, anil in the prenrnctf of y<?ur i Chief Magistrate, 4 should have boihi i disposed to say, *iu the language of ,a poet: V?ti mmlrl wntcc expert nir of my ak? To s|niak hi |xilitic on li?? <tHgo. My laird . Mayor I am a *trai?ger ln-? Ii"ii<h?ti?sor'huiter, I wa* < dt ranger ; hut i liatfe learned si nee ! came to Iiondon that none <?f English' hl6od fioin.inv own S- nlhnm laud are si rangers among you ( h?*er?.j I apeak lhh? : tram my heart, .for I litire been made hy every circle ity England an<J by every cla*a ofeocfbty a *.lc<iucd nnd an honored guest (cheers.) I return niv ain Ciffe thank* to von L?r the kindlier* I wtili A.hich you Iihvm 1i->1i'ikhI to * j at ranker. T'ie day* will coinn (tffPHt cheering)?il i> not fur nff?whvtf #hc j relationship U t??*'! that -fio* einmeiH ; which i* now in it* infant fortune and j vol .fa v ill lie on* of c|o?e and intimate reliance (cheer*.) 1 *ay thi* more ew ^ pocinflr a* r?*jrn??U (ho city of l^ntidVin. 1 which ia the great maiket for theuhnle t woijd., My country i* lh? unrivalled producer of tile great ataple* of the j world. Mini I Pay tin* rrlntwiM?Mm ? mercial. dntihliexa political, certaihlv woeial? between my konurod country iy>>?? and the |*-ople of London will I* , f ue long l>e of the moul.iuiiuiate char* deter (cheem.) [hoyti't iajik/oii jtirnqgapr, 15. VtrrouiA papers *tn?? iItM a (hwtt* tarttl Lillian* have died of air all pox in Vinmiirfr'* hlmid thin winter. It i* thought flm ?ii???ai?e will aoyu exturminato th< race oti the island. "Situation Wttfux? Krmaviui." Under l1??? caption, the New York Her aid, of a recent date, contain* four col limy* and a half uf adv*rtt>emeiit? Air . diua'hinH, warned l?f all porta of white Ituiitltv for Alt aoiW> of Mitirk. , - r ? > -, * " fWT* i? Oaia ; event* belong to ? ? s .t *'. " ? r y . * k :nt& * t?| v. -jjpj'jg. i' ]g?^g" Jassrs of; ?$ot;lttug ' . ?? II ' I ?! Particulars oi.tha Revolt in Polkndj Fctii- BtftT" conlbTW my Mcco"ot'of yaatordnv that the country U in com-, filete ie*nlt. According to the a'rnng> ! o?enta_of thj# revolutionary party, tW! outbreak was not to take piece ?i^t | May. but 1he Ooveramcnl tliemeeUew! ^tave fmatr-ed the. entnrfNiphe l?y rf?? unhappy recruitin# movement. Ktom nlW pacta of the country covne had report*, one following *',e other. In Kiele awl in Sietflie, proyhionary governnien'* are established, Fighting baa taken place at many point* with enried reeoll*. . Ail tire Myograph - Hnen are broken, and.on tl?e Warsaw atrd St. J'etersbuig and tjie W?n.?* and Vienna railwax * the rnlla are lorn up and eariied oif,,' On the War*anr ami 8*. Poieraburg Hue, the tnsujgaat* have hurfrt a .bridge. AH the lines hare Ire- ( come insecure, ahd it will rout the Government mncti | rot1to Income master of tire movF.ncnl. The insurgent* seem to be ijbotr to carry on a ?uerilb? wnrlare, - Already a. greet part of the Warsaw garrison hare left the cite.? I! ete all-U'irtiH and quiet,. Imt who can I ay for If-iw long ? The express post | f-rim SietHlc arrived here yesterday. and brought the entrails of Hen. lVlteik?? #of, w ho *ie killed bp fhe rebel* on the road hither Jhoto 8ohlfi?t. Tlu> conductor reported thiyt, *<une miles from 1 I 8?-idUc, nfd tar from Hjda. a column of | about 1,090^ iiiKti. rriunl with pike* ! and revolvers, rdiotved themselves, and culled on him fo rtnp. As he oheved j the Munition*, they demanded tiiw lint of' passenger*. * . ', ' * j | When they anw lite nnnie r?f-Gen. Tscln-f kasscf, thev cried' run. " thi* i* I the man ive want." They tbofl *f?^?td the dmar miiiI announced to ihe Genci al. who wm within the Carriage, tfm he was MPiiiencd to di* t#v the National Committee, ami immediately t.?? of them fir a I his rmultH Hi I lie General.-i Thn ball crashed th'roujjh hi* head.? They than anipepd-ihr lx*lr f???m the coach, cut mi; the ?liiiiiagh. tote Out, tjic entrails, throw them into tli?f r??m*h. ami card to the-conductor. ,*<ake.tihV!*<f <> 1'iitu-o Constant hie, hot ?e v?itl keep the Jnaiv to show T?nr chiefs that we have fai ht'ullv cariied out I ejr orrler*.'' I chit only add that Gen. Tsche kawof wm nominated by the I'rioeo to serve oil the court martial^n the tfteii arenaed of the murder of Ch.lilt, and thai It* signed I he sentence of death upon them, Snch events occur ijaiiv. On the other Uatid, the general intendanl ??f the army, (ici?. fsinehiiskofi", who had 100,* 0f)0 roubles - wit h liiin. was met by the ulvhi who h-l! npoti hiin and sadly ill (ited him. They disarmed the General, requested him to deliver tile money, J?nd ?rtv<5 hint a receipt signed by die Rational Committor. So far the rebel.; | but more :mpoi taut is it f w tbe exten j sion of the r*vr?|; that all the landhol- I den- Iwive declared to their ]>ensanl? that t llAI' lUtxI'f ?>a rnnt f.a?t I ?-l ' tlml ui: the ground they liulcl u given to l!t?^m for the future enntilry peoply now ho^iie lo wnver, and hi many places they a'ready ?mnke cvnimon cause with the rebel*. Altogether it v estima'ed tlmi HOO.000 rebels ?lfe in (lie : country. Then* Ins ix-en HgUting in I he streets ni i'kwk, and over iiiffHl.thff} l\dt?s 1ih?I taken posse?-toll of t*T<s tow n, j In tiit trntrisinj. howerw," tho su'jotted iroo|>a took courage and seized n hum l?er of revolter*. fheir ie..derf ?u ad? voeato named Z *giz In, shot hi nun If ? At OflttUMtocllMII, til J CpIh-Ii IIU'I Nil ?l> curt of tlriMHi'lc-', who had ten pn'souem, liotrwrd them anil released^ tbu piiaoner?. The Cossacks atiiuped thom and , let tliviii g->. | CorruApondence Herlin Zfiluug, Jan" ttrfrjr JtO. A*-' - " ^ . ? TlIK RkB:<I. CiiTTDN f'.OAN.? Tt i? atnled that luriween JCoOO 0(H) and j ??00.000 of a jmnlfinphtteil advance of ?;MKH).UOO to tfie Confederate (let eminent, ha^ h-fii negotiated nl l'arie and Krankforf bv Mh?'w. Kt I anger & Co. Tl?e fttmutnl L to l>e aecuicd l>y cotton, Ml fi?e pence per pound, which j is to ho- delivered on the cassation of the bloc kftlo. Our H'hii'ft by the Mihetuia at lafid dated in London mi lli? 20 li ui j tiino, sikyi : Advices from I'mii men- i iSiiiI iUa lUM.ii'trni t 4 raio loan lint received for ?3,000,. '000 in bonds hi m v?*ii per eenU, ex- j cltaitgealile aj?ninsi cotitm at opib>n. TW London Time?* vuy ? uYV ?ay*? J a* tire Government p<>k*???ei mII the mean* of transport fu?w? kh?? vni-?ior to j lite ports! tilt* <m>Ho? (b?* In polbet-Hied ; will be lirsl available for t-blpnimt 10 Knropjj. The prjee at whi< h bond* are | lo be idftdeil ha* n??t transpired. JY/onW<M Timet, Mb. 17. !>*rp stcntta from Wa-hinrptm report Ml*i, in Cott^re?*, mcii(?n* l?? p*enipt Qiutkoitt him) cietgyinen from iiulitniv | Mirviow Jailed. Tiik number of mariier) nifcti fmiw | (eor||jH, ?liu li**f 'tied ill tl?? service j ^ fhe Kiale and Orn?fr<lif?ft, |*o iutf | widow* >61 bvinff, i* 8.6\H. *? rej*>rlvd ' in ihe cotiimwwhry General of lhA SlHlO. "New 1 >uro ai>ikk.?t'resirb-iw d*vi? ' hit* untile Col. It. l?. hrn'her * I Gov. V-mre, <|| North Carolina, n ! i- j yadier tioueia). M ? ^ r J ^ ^ a ^^ ^ ^ * -* * > *? m v#*^ *# v * . v. . / * '/ # c *' r"i* * f'^.'V \< ?*?*.%. *? s ' ^ * .1 ^ ' % * / .^^nv! - V. - r ,,; Iftctt. ~ ' f~~^ i * i Ji ?iw Peace4n OmfrfN. TTwi 11 W )Mi?r if'OMfli wnuhl pi?K^<ldi!itfontIv in their p-nper . Kmwnw? ? that *4 enabling la, earrr <r^lw w?r~tii taw# j# | wn>i!itg Drrciou* lim? W? fiiuiJiiWilli'?r ptiic*'*%? have alreinjr apok^n ofUr, Coin ."?<iV and Mr %ri^hy,MWih J liona, which arc now employing all Um HPC* rfce llou** CttoiofMlaa- no Foreign Affiiw fiConMtW; bWi . whirii ??K4kL to We witpprtweU, WmMM wt have" no Foreign Ati'iirrV Tb*l"& >* a thiol rvwnlu ion mill. thnuj Mf. 8w?itl?, ~ of North Carolina, ertiicU lain wo haMa ruin r?f. rn-d to thai Importou* Coteimiuia,' ttonn, w? pWnme. tl'aea wit( bwh ttarf** ^ Oft wo wnanla a tfrbntyfowall thfci ntuff??o mocli time Wof U rtWa kmc . F . tori v<>r. Mr. Smith'* M-wluiion, alter ptwfa?hlr. ra?M.U ib<t? v -* ' Jimtvcd, l\?r the pwrpoee of bqM?iitg'the war to a doae, ~ artd a frjtWag v the terra* i f an honorable ?w, tint OmfrMaof the Cot-loch-mta D|awt ilk * "" ; clnir, an, in their.jnrtaHiHitt, a jwwpdr. 4jy hn*?i theiofor, tire t -lfrrrnitig prupttH^J^. 4 Itfbux* I. The rccojBtfioifof the indwpend?hc? ol tlil OiHiri iJrrntx-Hiittw. -? * II. Tblt ahtnlnwil of all military fort-e from the Slate# of .Mbeodri, Kentucky mul Mai \ land,~rt?d the dfWMi uirviriit of their p -IMWT <h ..intra left to (lie prtpnlor will it) eni'lt." III. A. tnif. p-nti'iou *of the public profferl* An<I of the TTmiIwI* Ntale*, a* nxivtir.g *1 tlitf dale at lb? . formation ??f tj.r tin?ernm<mt nf the (Jottf.-<1 jrAie St?.bet ween the partiee. IV. lit- trfvn\j^ii] ?.f confhrateif, ?eqti**lrn(ed Aiitl oilier private property taken *j2?inKt 'he of wiar, inn'ud Ilt?j <leOt?, or tlrCM Vrrhie.lo the OWIIMI. V. Tin* f thfl lie* rmvjgHtion of tlo* Mi#?iv?i|?pi Uiv?r, and of lb* weler* of L/iifk? l'?y. Tlii* i? qui>? wight? but m?t new.? All the noiid known tliu. fne** proposition* f?r<> nil. Implied and involved in the ordinance* of ?ece**ioti, And in the (oiiiMmn of Bihe Confederacy.? It i* hoped tluU Congrenewitl refuse *1Uigeiher to inter >! ** word p-rtce vr long A? < ?r enemies brent lie i>nly wnr. Wo look forward with * shudder tolhenonsetise-which will too prohnhlv bo uttered on the debute of the-*j several rermluti?>n* ; end re-jreclfully suggest that ll'k scene should lake pliir in ** rccint M* sion."?Richmond Enquirer. Pavhr Jdu.i*.? The Fijld and Fireside it: r?-|?lv to * query given the fobIon itig li?l : u 'I1iere nre neveu.l mills in Vtrpinfn ; in'North Carolina there in m hi ill ml FayeltevlUe, Unlatch, Shetbg,. Salem wnJ Lincoln'nix. In Small- Carolina, there nre two nt Greenville^ controlled. We believe, h> the mine company, nn>( one Hi UniIi (ugrttcv a' -Augusta.) fit * (. t~ -- ? urrr I>? VIIV np?r V/OKillll^V, one near Allien*, and one Mar Marietta. * In Tcntiewue *.e o?h kmitt of iim that i* acweteil'le. tnd I lint i* near Knuxvtlle, and not in upeiatiou.* A (jUKKR V?AThMRXT.?A prieata Utter hon. I'oft Kovni make* the foi* entivu* trrfltertiVii; Uencral V<?#ier look a Captain nod thirty men from the T. mb Connecticut, just before tie w >i iMoith and made a feentihniitfhi's. Tlwy entered 'Hull** Hmv. North id" Charleston h*?b"r. anil laiitHng there intticbed thtv"i?h 'he wnMH) ' pVket* to Wtiliin full aiyht of Charleston, and ?rn u> wnlmi vie* of F.fl Nnmter, at nlmtit a tuile ami threerjtiarteiy distant?m? near that the l-fticem fr??rn ike the fe>it onwM >rr thert). Thee Mwue" and think there ir every tea*on to Jh?. lieve a euceesiiftil attack can he made . . upon ttie Kahvloti of rctwhlein from a quarter deemed unassailable," A Cora Trilk.".-?-A ^aR.We. N. C . coirespoiiden> 'f ihe 1 bailor;* IWiHeiin tj[iv?e< ibe following: There were itunr eieM prisoner* who piaved a annirt ijick (. week or two a??? to make |(ix>tl their eftrape. wtiirh ?i?oeeeded v?rj well *o far a* ther Weia comerm d. A o* e o* two of > mill no* - "iv?? "?> > MIDI jynurrl. wK??? j? onu>r*<i ityio H?in? of their ?*?nvl? ?in?t iltey toulil Intvn ilm *m*il jh.x. ftd tltfv look a-hnt fron ' muck .it -o\#r Ihvvf riv?> noil (. k I'lll* Ml Ml* 4B>iife*irv H?(l fjM* fir* l>r. J. W . 11 ?li, h( ifm |*o*?% Mini III- Hffll th' HI to H llOr-|>i*?I" klx.1 Ml lw?W a Hiii# frnin tl>e (jm i win. v fhif fli*l no? f ?v llicre lilit ? few Uo?*ra. tfin! na? only |o wnii omH ^>i-nr. vfe-n *.)?vy ir>M<Ie good Ofir r?cntn?, and h?*?| noi l<vy.i tVniii Niw T1AMCI)14irk Kutf?no?t. ? * Ittrri* >ix>* H 4**cidt-tl tilt ioi lliC ifiVHtitM, MVI M fulling ft' of iho qf til? , Tim eumart'ilite tf'n '* 'n 4?* ?cl proportion ' t*? tlm KquAliwMi !?& ? >n (M v<Ha t*f Ihi?? y?ar.ti^ >*?uiuv emtio pntn in 1)1 ? till} Ki p'il'iHrfii low* i? 1,7%$. Thk MnnnOililtlKI.'?i .* *t:'1>T?>nrn -Norn nn<i i ! hoi <?rr wirtn.- )no ibi* fi.MI* *1 ? ?* ({. mo wm lin- v^'f f ' ?' ? in r,> ri^.i *4 :h*' tinr *?.w-.i tin i uion V*. Vetn^ - \ ' y"' rjlf* '2^4