University of South Carolina Libraries
C'ljf jbuijjrro <?iitrrpr^' f m. p. rRtc*, | j. o. axurr, . Bditor. I Amihu. i K KKN V B O ? Thur*4a? *Tornin^ M*rcb 12, 1863. th ckifc afiffii. For all"* HiOiK AtA-vtmimf, pny ?tll b* cn?Vr.-.> IS For hy .^'^/y A+qrtitr* ,?> \v i!? AJTBHlUB AOVBB?" HSKMSHT KS<W'T. . As e??V f.w*s to xenr- nimgVs, so Work .will >*> &* KXCK1T V?)l{ THE ' rm?sjkSiBfchfratoagw' Thi*1ostfi>.ntoi? dUcuwj hp* Wiad^it* nriH HrMUW in the subu>b<$/ our tdwr. OM urtWo cakes M?"W iwfck, very severe form. .f?oll? of which ?r* ( confined, tq i?g? AinoilT. Proper menjl .nres have beeif taken ao as to- prevent if f' wrfUfcjM '. ? *" W>Bpiw *t "ttfFsT":? . -V' ^ Malt ? *!??*. Propeaab hut carryjpg the toi^il on * rontr^flto. I0V7. from L*urw*,Ci,ll, to (frrwiiVifle CI ff.,' Will be; rroeiccdrat J \ the Ot(|^ Oft'iccy ltiohmond; V?., t until $1*1 tlWh - 8C8, for utrtlw,1 ohte^tiiew or ifcteg ttwice a week. jt j w ?. ?*. 4 i <a- y ?? .-*. A ^ - ???i? ?Ug te Ylrgiai*. Mr. Oj. .A./Pictu-b. Agent for the . f?ytb ftiroKna Central Association, reqn?Ki8.ifK?to tfgfe tboi facuAl JeASir hatb ? Cot 'Virginia, oaJtbe 2Q:1? Hist., '' supplfea f? %o*<ddfois. 'Itioee having pac-kagr*. fetfoi*, Ac., whWi ihe* with < to jeach gionllrcrh pf the n-ftir in thnt ; S *te? can send'thorn to t??e .shop of ' jf-rfrr. lrran A Pick ok, in tin* place, pie*iv?UA"to ffcat date. ^ , .r.a?r>r.. tyorm.This place ami environ* wore visited; on Sunday night Ijurt, with a very J heaty hail rtoim. The Mont* fell for some tiiimite*, some of wldc-li, n friend infmms..tfa Who lives some three miles shove this place, were of prodigious; rize, breaking window glasses, etc. ? ?a m g'> 9 ' a? Ml Itta Elections. Tire. following is tlie result of the < elections recently held in the first Ileg- ] * a - inratit, 8l 0. hi.: , * Major, CUtpt. W. P. Poou ' * i C:i*pUiiii Pinef Mountain Company, R.J. SuiTtt. . 'Vptalti of Montgomery'* Company, , \V. A. Ha ACtlAM. * jT Captain ?'f W uo?],i Store Company, Brsrtifcjc l't Wf.t. ItwHai. Messrs. LitwnntM an in another eol omn I'fTer a reward for poof to qonvict the jl-tihy pe rsoits who stealthily entered their aroikslmps. on'* the 2d inst, and purloined the hat her bsnds from * their inaehii.erv. It is to he hoped h;?t th 'guiitr one will l?e ferreted out, ?nd justico be meted to thero.^ *V ??? - Daily Confederate. A new- dsdv pHper, r elied the Daily Confederatehas been established I Maeon. Gi-'-ipia. by \.. F. W. Animewe. Editor and Proprietor. See * prospectus. * ? . ... To Stock Kaisers. The attention of stock raisers is asl*ed4 to the ad vert is* m?-nl of Col. E. 8. Iu 9jyn. ' FROli WBGIHIA. Oorrespoudo'uco of Southern Enterprise. 1 Camp Lok?*trkft, Va., Feb. 24. |i Dear Jinterjtrise: Since my last i tAQmtininHH>n. noiiiing miiiihuw* i?"? n an* piied in the military break lhe dull monotony of camp lift. We Iuitm heen visited by two snow storms, *n?l while I eni writing the ground is ; Tubed in a mantle of white lo theileptli i of twelve inches, with no peoepict of its living disrobed soon, as the wralher is intensely cold, anil you can scarcely per. * , eeivethat ihesnnw is melting at nil. It is the deepest snow we ever saw, and liojuj we may never witness'stub another one . while we have'"to remain in the Old lXirniuion.. 1 In re can he no question H"W that milkers operations here are1 ' ih ataJu ffio B for aonie lime. On last j Fabbath, while the snow storm was at] its height,-bur cars were greeted by /be! io?r of anillery tov a'ref the front, and lor j some moments Vs thought the enemy,] taking advantage of lire disagreeable I day, were shelling the city of Frede- j jickfthnifir in older 10 draw ns ont of, v "V, -1 ?u? " book*," to form lino v i - * * t.f turflk ; bill 'bp fltfchnrgea Ixring fco . * irfbl*'. nr?] calling to ntinri tbnt H wm fk? UuH?jr. ( Wellington Ybirtli0 <J*v.) wti fume to tu? conrlunion I lint ' +.y wr r* Ucing aik)w> it turnp<i j <4tl io I*, tor nf;er tbirtyrfmir rqurwl* | cm r<l. mmI nil wm noon quiet' gniti on 'be Kupi>?bt<iH><'rit. Jt Hppp?m fr< in ilte number of gun* firm! lOal ?b?y ?Mill 40ft.?id6r u? in ilie Union, Ut.i we ' ink the i}>n i? m l f ir il'.U' i 1* ' #> to"?av, u Way waid ?i?u*rw, depart ftt ' pei?oe.n W% can assart j^cm Ijmt the 1 sound of J tgifosMt, m the d?; W rtrySW,' ' E5hSH?ii5::! 'Hie que* I ion miylA. |iW, I* titer# e?cr 1 a good day to little in t In Hvei mud- 1 ths wont her is too warm, and in ' lie winter it is too # Tfrt qtiflinn ' admits v( a rer^r easy solution.- Fight- ' in^is not l?y airy" WOans aiHqgresiCh) way / of killing liioe. There ar^ni*njr*1>{n$K 1 which a soldier would 4>??^T doing. * whatsoever the Mood ami tlAfhder pal- 1 iliriuns, rate at Uvk?0/^m9f *AJ to tilt ' j. Pf inpr UO * n twvwuiry | f ?viI. lull k dm* fccm to me 1 bat enligli! 4 ene^, ind o?i|M>d?ny Uhristian nations* I should do Klmwl anything lys^ay of 4 ?otnpromise to wetlte difficulties before 1 reimtij'g Vo force Of vnfi. It is true Of 1 tie, that we did sverything which -honor ' ad prudence alh>*edT.b"l the issue Ww ' forced uJVou as, and tie had to accept it ' ia To us H was emphatic t* ?l!f * life of slavery and dog nidation hj^ ' 6u Untitling ; or, by resisting,'one cf lib- '< erty and honor. "\Ye chose the haUer, T and with Divine assistance flie remits 0 will l>e plot ions beyond <Jttr brightest conceptions! * ' - -** d The scene change*, M the novelist '' would say, and ^imagine yourself earned"? hack ien days-?von find ns heartily I ^ welcoming your ijno?-t wot thy and exy cofle^t Kditor, W, J* P., to wr cuwip, nnd tight glad %rere se to sua him and . again feet ilteTriendlv grip qf his hfatxh lie had coma to Richmond oh business. ?upoo the sad aiid mournful dt ty of ' ' ministering to a wounded and jwihaps / dying btother, who foil gallantly do* Ending Ida eountryVflag, in the battle v of Frederick*bflrg. But nlasl be{ore he ? renched Richmond, the earthly remains of lhaf noble and chivalrous brother had ^ lieen committed to its mother earth, and ' his spirit had gone to*hnt home where there is rest ft>r the weary, Being so ll near, us; he cbuld not well forego the * pleasure of giving M The Butlers " a call H before reluming to-the Palmetto "Stale. 1 He spent sevei ah daya wifh us and l<i- e ofd friends of tlte l'hillips Legion, mid lv,ft tin last ' Saturday week, to return L home, Having visited t he hat'le fleld-p of the 13<h D? ceinl er Ja?l, he can give ' you an idea of the position we held be*-. liiiwll lies tone wall, which eaahlml J wo L'f Ctir brigades to succorfully' rwuV. ilie rrjiealed assault* of several Federal di * virions. and finally t<$ send tliem Iwrwt ing uack ju.o u?e town, leaving several | thousHtid of their number-dcnd And | tfounded uj'Oi: llie Lloody field. It was ? >? magnificent position 11 fiom which, with very slight danger ;' to ourselves, we w ere enabled to'j" pour the death dealing .tiissiles thick'0 a n? . fast into the ranks of \flie *' I'Jne j coats." llight gallantly did they fight, I w ' lit they could noi long W'tba'and lite teuific tire of shell, rounc * shot and * email balls, which (lie Ccrfede?aica rained upon them. The 441 ish Jjricr- * ade " of.Gen. Meagher fought witjr a ! I vafor and desperation characteristic of 11 iheir nation ; hut their valor coild not|* avail them, and like iheir comrade*. the * vile Yrtnkees, they were eoon forced lo * give way, before tltf deadlv /ire of our * Soouthein boys, fightiug for Iiomi and liberty, mother^ wives and'sWeet-hcArls. i It tras a hotly contested Held, and ended * in a glorious vietoiy, which added anoiher laurel to the wreath of our notde t' I^ee, and another bright page to lite J a blood-stained hiatoty of our Confederal j I cy. - IT"1! bnttle tended more than ftt>y ' I other to demoralize the Federal army, and bring about the growing duaensjona 1 in tl?e Nortlv and Northwest, end con* J sideied in that light, its reatdta cannot t be fully r?4Pzod vet, as some tinie must ? necessarily elapse before those d1<sen- ( aiom will culminate in either the poo- f pie repudiating Ton coin's acts, and eg- I lAblishing for themselves anew Govern > mejti, or in applying for admission into t the Confederacy. Wo trust they msv < do lltp former, as we d? not desire to < hold fellowship Uitji a people who have i for eighteen months been doing.all in 1 their-power to enslave qw?who have i pillaged out. homo*, laid waste oor lands, I li'nd made an inhujnnn was upon wo I men htio cnitarvn. ? v% e <to not;t?intc a < political partnership with *uch * people i will bs ladling, or at all benrfieinl tc> ne. I WetriM tlint our treaty-making power I will consent to ik> treaty with the Norilt, j except npon the bneia of a fiee and in- I dependent Confederacy, purely slavery, i -and iintraimne'led by any Hiato or part of State in kite lea?t fainted Vvitti anti I slavery doelrme. Let iliat b* the baai-, i and onlv basia;'frtr prate, and lb en will i . tbe feed dream r?f the i^?n<erlerate aol- 1 dief* be fully re/diaed. Any ihiag abort I of that will fail to satisfy f hem, and give thrna no abiding faith and hope iu the f'ilura of the < mnfederacv. Agree to 1 anything *h??rt of that, and the .Souther n biu6d which haa lajen i?|?Hled like ***** will Jar of jto avail. It wilT err I fhe ground against u^ 'Hie [tfsntil |ke Mouth who would name * _ ' " ,v 4 t fir ^ A lB* ^ i fl *W1? ilt ill* (ylmr>?t*mj ufr til* Hotyi. Vj fcurt hn\*, or VK* U?W iwwIty'vW* ?? k>uth by Tlioso ?(jn?|, Iru* ? aichMVAt Ui? North *ncl North* *11 * urious but utvr tlnl^ U tu otiilfij tlj O OOt g*l?jfc'Jfc*r nil MKf h?t ~ibeinf ?u ight. front,* thee xomtgood wiU*WiuU in o m from ft, <*h?fwl*e, ft may bcf?U\ luctivfc barn*. ^ life Nortfc?e?t gi *ahy dejr* -to make ? ?t lhrmwUbvW<W\riW?l>s &?* tiur U iriuy, Mfltfy Linerviu a^U, lod re^u^ bi ii?te AboHti/uifcnf,<i ^nolici'm, then we would I* ?#e HT ?V "b? fir?V N^??y ? W*? doito ?;'u-1? Jifir lhT**t*rtbWiwqj?p?rTjjim?t- J? eatoee, their J,*gW*ttt* iNm?i>mh; X while tliwK Iroopn hj (Ve theti?*ud? mid J ?' nns of iHomaimU lire confronting , U *,t\h eekktg ???ry opportunity to slay tw.! Ii< U?f with irtch *,? have .War, ? at it b? war ; if we have penct.let cure. -Let lis lie ware, le?( {lie ll"e w?d *' ry about tli? great Northwest, ho Irnt l> he eon};-of the ayren Wruig ue on to * I . siruciian. Wo Oft.* whukl-kaM ilie In ay of penes more gladly tlw?? your w* crrc?pondent, hut lHwe ha*e it in the |?* ight w ay, autl of the right kind, or not thi Lull. . ' . - >.?* You must exeure Uf, d<*!?r Aw/rryrrsV, to ir tlite political homily, but really t{f<*i,i>u me* are *0' dull, and neaa eo seaitee,, yo tat we "find .it" difficult to find proper Tli ibjects to write yon nbhuL* We will l?a y and he more interesting in oerViU cot lie-boya are all pretty well?able to <tl? at tlrtir rnw6r?a, and anxious for the he i'MT tO gtt'4. V * Mj| The enemy .have Kron making snni? ;n<l ?r ? ?...i /j ~-,i t ? I on iivAi v?i ?.i'r?< to, vu v uvudim UL'l* :now* nil nW>tit it, and we are salbttol. i>eling confident that he will be ready 0 meet fuui thw^r^ tWm. . (Wir^n-nd y1' ). A. I*. ba^lio*. jr#t iliown hi* aintlinc 'I" ind ge*??eftus phi* in our cntpp, and lw 'Ot? may know for n ?t??eiy, thai h set if boy.", ^wbo have becfi Jiving on f*t ca ' con iiiul lk?ur lor m inoir'.h p'tM. would fJl jfndly welcome him and bis auuieroiia j '', oxes of good things to camp. When i ** ie arrives you fchall hear from in again.' li.YL'JOME. . v ?- * FB.OM JAME8 ISLAND. lb 3orrespondenc'o of JScutfcern ?r torpriae. ; -w . ? , 4,.. - ?J>MK8 T*lam>, Feb.28ih, 18Q.1. f * All quite along Ilia Stone this weak, i , y F,*o*|?M?ow and then n at ray rum^-.? TfiV above aphorism- contains more l'* rnlli than poetry ; there has been very Ulln to disturb ihe life incident to tho?e n nrnin. who aio locate.1 Ml this poih'. ll' F (h-fence. 1 fear, onserpn-ntly, thnl T lisll give you r?lher n pro.*v epistiu ihis rn reeV..." ' " \J ?In In my 1n*t, I mentioned the absence if any of ^lie Slovo Uockadera, in that j V iver, "an has Wen their want, prior to i . he caauality that woke up the p eudo J ^ iero? on board of the J.iqac P% Smith They are beginning Mo get calh*u* j ipaia^ two of them came up the river j ,j j 1 few day* since, but witli great care | md million in.) linnj Alii of "f he battel ie*. J,et them alone; one of ? hese coming day?, they'll hear iliun 1'e* of a very ncenliar character, which fjfl huyt toinehodv. Wt lmee not l*fi? able to glean ?nr- q Mri? worthy of note'from Port lioval ntf vicinity for past few dnya? except he arrival of fort SnnHer Foster. who , i , i ?* i?d a fistictilf with Hunter about the . enioritv of command, and repaired to j he court of Old Alie to rectify matter*. flia return mnj. cause noma movement, n( ?U*. na vet, they art- certainly rerv quioi* 4j( >oni'* even doubt that an attack will ver bo made oh n*; the apathy^of the , oe, wai anta Rome conclusion Hke that, n| Mil if th? v are adopting that plan of t; >]?Dratk>n to catch us napping, I thiwU ^ het'd he '.slightly mi*l^fcen"; ^Ar the 1igoitnri**?<e are vigilant end exercising lue caution, to ward r?ff any contiugenly of the kind. From a lengthy cor- tl wpond<*f?ca utpicted- l>y some Yankee< * ?t Hilton Head, it seem* t) <?*. |n :here i* temerity in regard to the At.. ^ i?cV pn CJiUrleswnt^-tbe. wwiter evi? j, lently revealing * seirtitiien'e of ifcose a tt tliaI locale ; think* six mnntlm will A Se required to take tli# forts nod Wat- I' lericsw-onfl w two to lie lost, and 1hc r ' m Knlaocn to get saf. Jy through and do * nioBeti tli# rest of rcl>h*d<>m~~-whi?!h n they denominate thd Sohnsinfxd of * America. fliey seem to he liipilwiona ^ ly wU*e on the subject of our sit nation p and defence*, and aesert that the chaii ( nel Jending to rh? Mfiy nnrronndiog ilie ll wharfing of llm'dty,.i* certain!* gnard- M Mby* thousand guns of v*ried, t.iH, ^ Heavy calibre. What if tkey'/hteiil j succeed, with theh- mailed vessels, pans ? tug up to the etty! One thing is iHidenia. bte, ('harh-ston will smoulder in reln? *nd present a wieek worm than flerculaneuMi or Pompeii, auU t?*r defenders I J distorted Corses in her ji tresis, beforetltej * * 4*. * ? BrHAt~ " H - _ -~ itai innflftlity (o (ricfwKl forlh*-*to f ijgWM- TheXtb RfgfmM'oi fcttU haabgoatSKOrgnniaei *t?d are-be-, %niofcj??mpli ligation, C/ wh* a W irn??t ia, making *o tnetfl. lh? t ado#edbefore tm. Ed ward M;?gr*tib. >ut W H tbo'?*dfe, ' spirited im&rn i^V^n^KM^ elected t>ton^ f tm. TV^fw. ^q , Idetncnant Cuh&Jl1, *f Ar O^A Vii^ur. $h%. Iter gent lentil 11 m <Tf?ld?iil of lh? Ww ilon Cilnmber ?f C?**i?meroa.-wr-1 kft Freuch St*?n?qr Jfcnaudirt, got' Ji'ore in the early pari (j( the ? St otto breakwater, bottuding Sttfi'huV Inland, bril haa tfeen got otf. it mid that on* gunboat ifK>w?l great ageing qualities the oilier day,' hil?i tying in the water* of Drunkt-n iclr, to protect the Hmnwr liavelock; blockade rumier, thai bad got ashore. , combatting the ware*, although tailing over thvjr decks, they showed rt* tuauoCh'lii every particular. #0 eTpuu an end to aujr doubt, that *y have been entertained in /eepect them iu * maritime point of'view.? >me yf these " odd come short days'," u will hoar of their going out ^gatii. le Vankce vessel J+otuidtx off the i,1j not so formidable all, rdiug to accounts. She is partly ironu id, and is vulnerable, bow and sterif; r sleNin Js ciwid, Lut not eenliie hull.- * - " Among the new discovciii-s brought . I '.Ll. 1 -t. r* ... - I iv uy tuia jfiir, my one ny CHiintntuM >lou?d CliHiles A. Yate*, of Kurt 1 imlur, which facilitates Iravliaing M Hi, lu Mich Hti extent, that it. will r*? iro I wo h limited wod fifty men le#?, ' work tl>? giw?? Kurt Sumter now mi lotttieily: It is ssid Ilirrl a liof n move -A coltiuihiad as easily as ihc tanJtitm of men required betuie, nluch { generally fiinn six to twelve, llel is taken oul m patent And already hits alitud *6U,4?0U Jiom the Ou\eminent r its n8ft. W IimI n nice plum,-for aj ting man, who u-e?l to <deik on ?ast; ?y, ut one lime lor six or eight hun ih! wt annum. * . "< ,li only pro*??* clearly-hivg>*nius was j i-spplied, and trow he is at his fuMc. jiiiisjicnt militarv men inform me, (hat - - * ?t \ v?. **. o iottNilKin, wilj liHiid his name down jYOsieritv. 'with Whit worth, ilililgret n, Ar?n?timg mid other sett-ne'e . , ? ... tc min is. ' Ofto'oj the above appliances is ar? nged ki Fort lViulirrUHi; oil -the K.o. I ?, Mini i? a wonderful UUr saved.? st think of it ! one tusn can now do 0 work of t.velve in gunnery.? Among the on a?fa, is one foreshadow, g a no' by Wr*. Cmolioe "G. lover?the " Carolina Howard," v' niodic'ai prestige, nnd authoress of Vernon Grove, or Hearts as the? Are.'* le above talented lady is now resulting it in GreenviUe, 8. C., with hef j tiinahlevmotlier,- the. poetess, and her inghler, the pretwul Mrs. Win. Vr'ashgton Fitilev. "* The new work in a romance, and #ill 1 doubt', pftasesn the usual interest Mrs. # impirrtwto wny her fluent ami aeeful |?ei? cdtnes in contact with. Per ton tie Jin* yielded to the soft speachinent, and yvill s<>imr day or the her. 1n the course of comincr events. I ... ? - o ' 7~'-? ad lo the altar, * charming* y >ntig Ay of Charleston, ^|lien thtre will l>e > Mnort of her maidenhood?it is not ^finitely said, but time will tell. Another concert came otF in Charles >ii,.on Kihiay evening last, when one f llie Misses Sloinon sting 44 Katie," the tquiaite |K>ein by Timrod. It was as e;or?, a success. . . / ' t.. anon; , Gov .urow* at his Fahm.? a genfmnn nliu left A limits last week^ U> e Qo*. Hron ft on some official Ihim e?r yen* directed at Canton, the WfH aoce o' tfic Governor, to |n n ??* *'ir ir?|i, nftere lie yi??l > ^ttTI iiim. On is. way ThfTffer, lie overtook an.I pn*?od Urge nnniher of small wagon*, can*. si., *ijh liumerort* fopt pa?wiigers, nil rucecdh.g to the name <feMiiu?iion, and J -hen hourmed (here, to hi* surprise he iw that quite n nwiulwr of nu n And remrp, wijli vehicles of the same <le csiipiioii, were around the corn ^ribs nd barn of the Governor, w ho whs enaged in lite dietribotion to them of orii, shuck*. Are., in proportion to the i/e of their families and their vinti-^ Jpoit itiq'ifritig, tlte geMUunnii learned list those who hud gal hertnl there rere llwe p^or wivea, r. i.tows sgd ehil reo of the soMier* froii) Clterokce. hiqulyy among whom Gov. lJrown was listrihnting his surplus com. * ^ * ; i m m?.i I _ mij yrmmwDiZ I AG (TO?8-TAN RAKK, Iw-wtiirk L 0{J Uit MitlllKfT *IltCK trill b? paid illar ai Ciiti w l?*?tli?f. .Jhtw Aprtjr st Um CreMtBslM tsal. * ?rs' \ f 4 .V " ** -W** *'.? ' ? W " ?'" m ? HI J lb?Jil?fci W*?w# ALrS? Wrttr-wiiwwm MMWr T.CMIttany I>, PilttfUo b*?rptlioot*r?, 8.O. V., Spc^SEP OOT *|l5fi fttMAi la, a^ ?' . ,1 - *-h L HTTCwly In MW MMHId* <??** formally occupied hyMrv K}? Smith* trim* wnrfcta tb*ir Ud? w(M b? dxpuiliil rWrtnr*oj^i!j* ?hfi ^?*??| ?n^ m11 IL milNOr Will Milmvr t? work lkt Uit of Utibwr; w* w*^uH*<n? * ?$ Htlter Nn? or ou*rt? worV. . . u, * ., W3 /. BATriKLb A CO. . M arc h 11 ^ y -4' ;.- f Fifty Dollars ***r?r?k - * \ % j A . WRAYBO p* STOI^Klr, from T^ilTNcAif^H^-'lber. thro* mllef uprtft of tSJo- lawnrflTi, on rh% Mh of Marek, ? 1, A lit. K RAY IIOKRK, with on* wklto for* Jfcof ?iul * atar in |1m bwktitf. ..^ '.**.. Any ua* MJtlnjr k|n np wlu n lHSiflf 1 warded, of fiO.OO paid Anf proof to o**ri?t may ouo cf having oiotea him, > , . ? .JlL?/l?'CltITTKNDKir. rgnoovIHa,^. C-, MarcU^B, |M3. *. * . Notice. ST0l?EK from the Worfcnkop %T tkf nn^or| - Ipnod, nhont nine mile* below. UTacn-a villa, qntbe nipbt of Utald innt.. the LHATTIEU HKf.TJKO Nf th* mnehtoory oT aafil WorVnf hf?. 13 it im Vwchoe wido and a unit rlxty foot I?n/r, and jw/ .lit#le wnv. A lihoral reward will be *lt*n -fhr nnr Jftforma tinn Uint will oondweo tovdrtcul thp parij or parti?a implicated. JAMBA LRNDBRMAW, j. n. j.ysitvRtoPfT- '. MnTch 72 ' 44 . . % ?p ?!? '' ' w 'Dayaway, . . . OX the oi.t CM,-,? - w ' MtijOKO }10Y.~ns'mod fjjfltUl/L#?*" 8 who it nhoul fiAtHi of liliwk completion, very, thin ntio il?lA i iento rotinlcnmlci', And hull * alight hesitation fn liD sjievch. nnd |eMT?ry plait*]U|? in ccMiTorAo^ion. Wheu h* lofc. lie had on n Mil* ovpreont And pante, w lllt a ^rgwn C *p; 1"' took with hhn ill* bundle, wrapped ( in "? -fdnoe of c?rfi?t, A suitable ri'wird wilfHo; given for lim delivery 'into lli? j-jtl ni 'tre.-nvilia. - *. ? , - March J* 45 .5 ST. LAWRENCE, JR., W11A S i AND at Uiy St aJLs??.\ liles on SATURDAY AND MONDAVof oncli week, and <?/?5t^hrV'u WEDNESDAYS ,t C1IN*VIS M OX TO OM FRY'S. slid on TflURDfiAY'S At 1IKNRY CAUDLES. I!? Will Asrro Mercs at Fifteen Dnllnra. NO CklT.Tt RAY.* | Ht. I.nwft iicc, Jr., ??? fired by the edebrated pld St. Lawrence, ? F/un?h Norman llorse, out of Dutch "Moll, and she by Morgan?his <lai/i it by Improved Monarch, g? duni Arpyle, g. A. dnm l,y American Eclipse, g. g. g. dam by <?*1lalin. p. p. p. p. tlutn Improved Diomode." Hia fnH-Lrotlior, TOM IIA1UII.S, wilt stand at-Mr. I.odsrick Hill's, near I'lekcusrUlc, at or hi the neighborhood of Mr. (JatabrsiFs, in Anderson, on the so ate Itrnis.. . ,, / Stuck rabers will And II to their interest U raise fr<>?i thaec horses, coathltiiug as taey do in bloody color, and t^aalilies all thai is desirable in t)ie Horse : they are hath rich maHngany bftys Mid elt ae-snatckea. _ i ' e. s. ffcvncifc ' starch 12 " ^ t - T 4 a Under Decree in Equity. *Ldr WILL lie suU. on MoM>.\Y. ^ JIA the 6//< day ef April ftrrl. ti.w taiimt' llouM iu Gwm?vill?, Vftv ^Ithe fuUsjrini 3VBOR.OES. . # . , r . . A fntni^f-consisting of isa ao. 65?cook Rf>sE, 50?WAsbor, RICHARD. 16?House Boy?rather deaf, R< H1KUT, U1 BKN'. 1 Very likely boys, the young | est about 7. niLiMAM, J _ # JAMK-S 26?LJarpenter^ arill be *>)<] i?p?. J ' * " ' . >' J At'lhe wime (l?nc and pbtc*, will .heboid, WILLIAM, 42?A grime l(on?e Servant tiidMiinfMA' i' , TRRM.-VCVuh. By Order of Trader*. r ' - ' STEPHEN KLLTfTTT, R.U* IN W liLL FULLER. Mar T2 , 4i ,* * .4 State of South Carolina. (?KEENVILl? 1 jRTKIC T.IN R<i?irrr. - EX PARTK.?<'?rrtr IIimiiuit, rr. iu.? i J'-til.urn for Rale of Ltuttlt, <?v, T>Y rlfroe of lite lieewe o# Chief JiwUm I JL> O'SmII in thi* cv*. I Will sell, oft >Bal?-n*y ii>flApril, *t <ireent?il1e Court Iloneo, to theliighert bidder at public nuevi'ih lite land of Newton lirauilil?t,elece?in-d, containing Kipht Arret, more or i?\ near F..iUHflin* I><n. in thi* Ibrtrict, on water* of Dn?it?<t'sCreek, adjoining laoda of btmhoure Y*ni$?, et. al*.; nba one good ftflftjUK HORSB. Ternfo?C??li or Credit^ ? f?*y v>it pnrthiKr.; if tioiil,tufflti?nt Mill to |>*y ea^U of auit. the "balance on band with | wo good anrelira mid mortgage of thj# prcinface. I'.ey I nbU in with in-rmt from ilnto* _ WM. *t TnoUAS, C. K. L?. HUreh. 6th \tm. . M.?r 12 .. . s*S 4 A-..-.-,.'. -^i?.I,,!. ^ .A r, I . rROBFIOTl'S or ?uc . DAII.Y CON FEDERATE, A^NKW JOl'llNAJ. IN . WA^(2>aY, ?;*(?>?, . Iljr L r. W.ANBHBVTfi, Keller A Proprietor. v Tunas ? Per the Paper one jobr _f|0.00 Por the Pap< r si* gtontM, 5.0? For Ibe P?f?er per month, (ft>r lest then m six uu.nlIn",) 1.00JZ&~ Kti-vcit copter of tl* UAU.V will bo sent for $ I Oh. (Ml, or ono copy (e ormj A^ent Who will procure TEN* cealj aatiserUrsrs at the shore rates. ' j. All *uUso??prVf?>? 4??e?Hitli>wed ?V? tt? ?.?h rrttk U ahsurhuil, u nlo?? rw?we* b/ HOoilW remittance. '' .<< ' vPtteTlUnes* AireeWt*w?tAedAm Ago*ts r.iT the " Cn^OdrnmAS: *md retain ton |*r e?Qh |tor tfiotr ?ao?hU. . ' \ Mo*rg hy *? * m?A# tm -?r i rencoanenl wish the A. m those lis pre** Ump. < n/. hp wfcieti romymf for tht? paper ;n?r be sent, /re V eayeas* ?e:/4e mm4*r. ITeoH the nasb. wkh itier sod p 't MVoo, to eMfeer et i'tho A<?nt? of M'-sScntofe rtempbnjr, | tekiiM a roeeipt f?r iba eaine, atvd il'wtll tivM Iirand gainst as for Iba ?mi >snl. * * , Jr. P. V. AN0BK\TA. Mafob i| ' . o ?b t J J .' *# - m * '* ^ ^ A. ? * E- # , ^ YV4 ^ t >- : * ****?? m\K** *uL hn vlr^^?^!a?. R|f?ini>t iwWJ wtfTfled U W??t ??oh 4im?nd* pfuptrlj I . J altr?l?d: a I H' *x?l * ***,<> to Dr. *1. M. AU&-' r0 &*? *" indebt- 101 >W^jTA^IN^ rpnE n>n?wii?jt <> ? ? ' bo*? w?* m j| on Recruiting SmtIm Pramr tin ttfl? t* XMM?t,.s. c. v.t : > . T. ?' ' SeSlL jjj SS?r? m&3?j?! w cmiU W# **pih? trttk MM ^.noof ?*rrJ?*of ? ? mJm/i (?M tw p??<* wul <*ft * r?* wit). * 1* ?* wott i? to ?wi C?nMh|*4 ^Av^j^Mv Hf4yMI<jH ?? Cel. Coi*??o?i'.<i*. lMtJUgiineptJi. C. V. '* ^ Unj'lHUTIT.I.B, 8.C, Feb. liiky 18W. f vV? -x i '"' * S \ BOUT tbTflr^"^ MnccU. ? 4rfo*et ?,r i*. WHmi^oo i~>. Sitor. **? t*olmffct ._ tnW br m. wWcb Ht?j, to hhd~?t rcnAonibt* .W prir?f, nl wkotomt* ??r?t?IL \ - u * UBOHUE UKLDMANJI A CO PejkW 4? f tf Notice. rI>HRF.K Applirnfinti . X *itli??t minio fc?r> rrn?j*l(i'l UWtiiioote leg .fotirSbtre* i?f ^ti^k j^.tho Smith T Cnrotiua ]tnilruad 0?>_ ?M?i i&titlf U'cHvr.i ~ Knilroei) flnntc, t?t*n?ll?m W the i-nn e wf JOHtf A. TOWKK* tlte vrl'^inu) imrititf ,y? U?Hm loet or nriaWiitl. "f W. A. iryvi'tfisfl, ?? 'A<h.rfti(??H?iu|v J Vj OrecnVllJcT*: Fe.U'JMth. 18C3. ??' F.V** 4? '. *- 11 Tv.Jtin ?? tVO?8e!i asMl Latod ? FOR bale: y L ne*? }'.t i Hi poiied.of, a Tract of tAXnrc-fitatrilng three iilixlrril acre*, of wklrli ^VntT ?ro nl)ipo?cd f? > ? BOTTOM. On IhoT'taoeare nr.. ft. ??c?. with .oo.rreuieuf nod vj attached t?> each. aixiy ncrea. cleared, j(| tlx- hulnnoc lu-im; Vrll wooded. TP.KMA?-A /r.-dit .oftwelve, month*. wirfi' Intorvnl frou\ .lute, with two. approved ncrnri- | tic/. JeFFKKSOK 1UUTON. H "? Pol. s?. W' . 43 . -5 NOTICE. fa ]Ji OiuiNtinni, (to., to j(| rV tlu> ..flic- t?f Pt>t??iii?r*iolier in 'Kijuiiy for OrecnvilU IHotrirl, wHI w>?k?.- tf.vir re turn* i?y tl?e 1 at day nf Ai?ril.'?r the hmciit. ycur. WM. M. THOMAS. ' I Com muai oner'*Office, Feb. 1 rttfi, ISti*. Fcl? l!? ~ 4i 4 1 KftnuiiKo *I;K* II J-;v. Jj finilK Adjutant and Triaportar-Oonoral havI ing givcu pcrjniaaiun to aM liable to ^ Conacriptiou to rnlnutt/r la ta?y ^oipiy ija ' active acrviee,-provided tbo.V do to leforc they 1 ore enrolled m Ooawipti, i havo Uirfen ...dcrwd' to receive volunteer* lur Cafi'aiO' FouthcrnV ,v Company, or nny other cmnpaiiv if| tho Pint i ?* IttflniFfil R. C. V., wlto mill bo trUUrd tf>] *t bounty, and to aU the Iwnell* itocwred lulll v.. hi nicer* by .law. I will iC'at. UracnyHI j 1> Court Houae every Tnci'lay add FridAy. antil (tie first ?l March. All ' if ^ Southern'# Cop*pony, ahaapt without of ?OW . expired leave, arc orderaw t? report to their ? cowpMijic* nl for duty, wr 1?a -treated a* dtxrW*. Thw* Who do ihA trrparl by the _ 2nd of thia moml^wt)] l>? ar runted and f..r- ' 1 worded to their rcipectiro eciiupauic* tinder J gOarJ. ^ *. A. ??'IN. ? " TUcrrtlting Sergeant, Co. F. Ul wgt S.C.V. " Pet. 10 42 , tf ^ at we. * . Notice. ~ INSTATE OF J01IN w. joinw*; vy .. It - " NRWTOX BHAAlMCITr rtll MORKd Jill 1 Does. ? "IiAVrSPT.CM1.BY. " " ".J'HISCII.T.A WRT.CJI, "** " FATIMA NBLSOX, -w " eli/a \ At " ' JOHN tGFTIft, Oj " "/OSBPH Mr.n'NKtX " " J J.HU THOMPSON. . *i' All pnrtioa indebted to any at theie Relate*. f?ake payment to the nnderriyrved ; and all Q poriiri navtn* rlMtna against tkm will prnSWJt tfccm within Ihm month*. to ? t WM. M. THOMAS. C. *. 0. _ ?h?A AdndoUlrtOUr. , 1 -J?n Ti - J$ -la m - . - ? ? HKADttrARTCRS, . r< 'JBjgftmgt&i N. .. F*i>. 12, is?3. Y r.EKKRAL oBJ>KKS So 8 * . t II'A R AMIA PH IT. GKKRKAT, OR j V HKR8 N'JC 6 -?('#rr?ni trrir* In rcl*.1 q lion to th? ainnrsty to deserters, in tmfiilnl \ to rend m follow* : a full pnrdon. except no ('< to forfeiture for the period > ( unpu- Hi Shorlsed is h*rehy ]>rocl aimed to W nil eftlitted Vscn absent without leave, wljn w?? voluntarily reHtVn to. their rmpeetlve tuninmoih on or ttlorn the 61 li of March " Bit; >o,.Sl . ' fl Ity command of Don, P. 0. Fukxch. u ... Gil A11AM IVAVV. it Major ?u<l A. A. (Jen. * A -r< Ira OFFICF. !>K!VT Q. M., o * fJoirsm.Ko, N. Ch. Feb. It, 1803. N Each in North (,'prolion, and N in .Columbia, Anderson. Ore?-jiviii? nod 41 YorTtv'le, South Carolina, oil) pnh'ish abora CJenvral Order No. 8. one* n week ?( | for tlireh n'oeltsy und aetui hill with i*>py t?f dvertis. niont to vHis nfTu e. ? J.11 VrtFUT. -x. 1. M.<i and l>epC. <4. M. , Feb 2fi . 4A , ,V. , .? J CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH N C II O O I, . /r,i^ *iih nkjit FKWW'Ji n tni , f ^^^LCI .VHSrCAL AND KXOLIHU '^ggKiSUJlOOU rai>i)lH>Xt?Mi?kt4 ?.* iKnf I'r^wlSiinfXWW ?n?? AV U <S!/r SOW, wiUT th'p i.f thi thmrti rif frifltfl jf Carnui Ihii vur.ity,, during lh? riiam&mJR iaf th? nx?rrta-? 4 .tl?c lTnHtf*??jLjili *bo UiilTcrtity lUiM- 1 top, rtKn^f^lArn J>VflR(7AKYt?h<l if Ipo oiMWlcr* ftf , > T?ri??$1* )Kr ^ rK-r, with 60 r?trt# Mt Tb? nim??i palrKn-ur* will 1w exvraidvA *W j ftte iniirt}* ?tf ? >? pnptt*. '? 'OlN#W*>i>i infv'utiu* MiWw# P?****?* ,]&?, Epp*nm, Vlrclmjjo, IT#, . <U * * -*VW ^ *1 ~nfm ? *r-- ^jjff "*"?? *'? L TT - lml^k' ** ?**? or Hlprte?? gn is Aasiiffi p.M. AM ? ??: <TM? fr-xw miliiwrjr ' wrvlfi, Apply lU 1 *' . ? tlKI.QVA?fV A ro. . Orww?villi, 8.C., M?i? ? 2, IfcM. MM A ^ If % ^ J # I ( '. ; ; ? 1 3ft^Dkr'Vv * ' ^^' ?;.-/% Bfc'fjBM^i%"T^BiM'^^SLiii f i X7N?7*h? K* h*** 5P*?i ib* p?r?iM^?? *j hi??. * fcr?f? flL d*nu prbt'M.jwjjw to^JKljSlBrlA *"J ??" - OJUIB^ XLLB W8WJCT. J*J GX^.^J a2I!?L. tttrf M: Tb*?r*k C<* inw?r, ^fVf lip*4>?yjs"*' * *'^. ***',. " j/r ?nA ^>??tc?r?*?"?i*?W, ". "s U^^!"JT *_ v <ii'ryK?f?>? Ilia J-ftwl lifc'irk ' il*?-?$f A w^.Kiir^A^\-.N^f*'*"*f5r~ Y aKj" nix; W M **W?~d. lkn,. <*?VTtV Mr??n firf rttrtrf &mmmrt ?*.<f jk-OML. *m, .!<*< ,v*?l ? *v?ir? of ToHf >^<IML' rj*n?< !? li > !* of I'-niiy <W-?? i-Iliotr* of Amof iKVlicV *?!'? b?#j'K?n Wof^. lUMlirn-^iWirf of Joni? un f'Moiio, ^ Mb?|?f?w4t i l..w, iln j .In'M pliirv# J. Mirn^A^ri. tuiaor 1M of'(J. \V. Slicppiii-il, (WfW??I. *?! < I'v'.l hclia muI r>'4>ivs-RtatiTv * nf FVS?? ' l-V.' \V rU-li. il.-fi'WM-.l, white tmOfv# (frr ?\i.ow i?, rcrtJe UryoinJ tV< tturfu ol .tha' at-: (Irwiol, thai ilirnlim^ , irljt?'rt? a iWi r-1 O lie l?j <lt ii ;it ( i ?n viIt- i "in t I , f i Aval/ 4av'W Cwr m' v, If. Unf Ifltey- c?"t *kjt' *. rt**' h tilt >V K-.W of ft KM KC( 'A ionic, o. w.snrnKHm ?a4 t W4CU'II, ill cchmiiI, t lifiiM nut If msilf/ ii) iKfrtMiivi'ii tlifrrini. ? . '*'i + Clri-ii iitnltC myji<ii>l?n4 aeal, at f?r*eti A Me Court l!??Wfcllii* aad'duj- ot iViiw '' r. A. 1>. IfUti... r . ? JU'UKUT M.KAY.-O. 0. D. [L-K-J jv^S J-m I K6 Sri* / k ITA7E 0* ECTJ1H CAKCLIHA/* MiKKSVIf.l-K m.HTKICT. JliCT .Ml 10 8 J? ^SV. l& T? a- %' m* A>itf?( ! , KxcciiUii! ? (ilirant, n^iiiMr Al-xmfiV.r 'nM?m[>an?, *t><1 - |r Iii-iva nml rrpic'cii'.ntivo* of J?.n??e Aif ' lU-raon, di'ciwi-cd.?VUniimt for K?off Off* 1 tlnnrut Timl /JofM . Ui - . . 'C appoariim iJiat <l(i.?*fdi Tfioti' Him*# 1 ItolKptoft, joliu i Lotnp?iVii. $ ifmi 'l,ho?il>-oii, llisoii MiM>ro nmf I'olly Aultf . tore liii.Wiffj nirii fwnw j>4' ? iiiliusl*, mjile Ii^^oiA tin* ^M9kvof fart ate : * it U Ur.Ii'rvd nnrf (h?% v i1i> mn>rar n\ a Court of Oi.liintr. i? - UoI.Imii mi Cio.-nvillc O.mi-1 ltnutt-on lAs^'V. ' vtify MrrtH/h (hi// *f iVarrh iirst, to ?fct* } icm', if ??y Ai*jr?tocwUjr ? Kin?f %Ur' ') 'Mi of tin EjihU' ALKXAlf- f * i tliaijli] u.n W Im<I? ?#0 a r4??* tfiv<n Ilttfr?i>n. . _ i?3K Tl?? 7tli.?l?y ?f A. P. 1#*?. ' Ji?>DK?T MfKAT, d.H:' ,Un? . U It PI .? '" * *"v:KOT1CK. |"\1!E r*o;ni (III lb* ? ( I M- llit-in.-. ll?rf|i.fnfB **i?l injf brttvr* f* h A. JO ritOOK A A. K-JlitKF, U jt?v* ilvni by lh? ?l--f?lh *{. th?- foi um-p. . tUTotrfc 1.1 Ai-'-.'U/itr <lrt?? rHe firm, *rm*& th* Hub ml I III- urri?in? tmrtiwr. * ' 'Td: Aoke. m. i). T?H, A,t>..llOKF, nil! snUnjir tlir pr?rtr ul line mum? UiHe* (MHivly imitJAd 1<? c Firuy \vhof? ntov "??? . foufwr'Wl m*i 'U1*. I-!01A niui tlttjr. mitl-i* | rnl.-fAnimllr igttfcvti. 1 'lr> ci bum |. fiduring by niiarnr* * JiU Offioe, ?h?-livuiM' of Vv*. Crush sr. ?-i') ?Vt>. Ilvkt, * VM r?4vf pwiiimi ?iuiitb?, A. 1>. I10*l? M. l?. ZtEm Jtiljr 17 V " >*f :wH Menvllle A Columbia X?ilrtf*4 Co, afiggQ fi&HS * -i SBL'JaJ. 1W*mT C H ,%flf ?* K ot tenPBMJSJB. 0 VP TBIIV I.MAVH vlosibhl ? T * *.-*?, |,t..n ? *4 - * ? twhurry i.~... -....11 0J " iuctf-MU 1 14 p. ?. r-tiiwoM. ?t 18 u bWviUe 2 ?0 *' r.k??hury ? Og ? . y ? ulfnn 4 5% M J It " A Mr IV , tcriivilldn.'.^..., 10 IWVW* THAI* LRATB rmnvtlfft. 4 4i?. B. iilt?nn-U>n 8 M 44 diios.;....;....:.. ** - -?>? bbcvilUs .t.? 1 45 * - ; ? JfciKnrji 8 51 *< i&Sjef rucnwi'wl ; .......'9 85 irK* tnoiy-jn* .......18 i& H cwlvcrry ?. H.,.V 13 p. l^lon...................................... 3 12 ^ ^ \ . ~ Amuv* , ilutnkin. f?I5 H To commence .hi Aloadf y, IMi'k'tkrMrj. ** g ? . J. i A M lis #; . 3151 3Li 35 ^DEAT.KR.aB r.s th,viiv#f^it^V,,'V*N AM<,TI!CS^1' I F? Y, ftNfoti Ik* f?t uff CM *lXLTrt?t * ?? &??? UltAUM**