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fc *^f kx k ^fljiljt Ajl') ^'f At^l>r Am?wtffm, in A4vMR?ft. _, C^wrf^oM^'WJfrtMi liuu, ? tblrcl (uaottUmn, oort t| mSESS:BWS?*SSSU:^-1.i ^^CJbSmhMv* oH o? ?. .of htiapr or ?t*w?Ah fye j? HK3j|||.lkinti?:?f c^, ? W^*noenM*tnt? fer <7fflr*, ?A. 1 'J;.'-- ftfrr??U>?irfiAi'tte without tf.e fifttoW Of iiUvrlloaa K|<o?pftc'i; will U piiMifh"!. until j 1 (jSwft ftnrtni ; | ;" 1 k |v. DMA*. . I .JfeL> ' "* * ,, fT1i? f?Ji?winc be-lie ?ffu?io?.J e nn*hl*r ?i!d iinpr*i?)yo 6r ^ < >Ti'utm?<i r aleipitvy Avfttr of the nufh, ' ^ ' *fc? aroi.ilmwtn Vltfrop Vu no fOll of pi. "M? J fceoiil.r, 1iIuO%UA Wtili tVoVnl grMKlrur that *. " b i ' Ibnnpb Wk YAny TbH to traiimwli to ?i>t Collar tW ?^iiluen? ??.; i?jii,ir?Afti of tho m-^no, lir O. u. A^TortorloiVt wader iut pp6iWptiii|(s of III* br mm& oiHloororctJ lo ito oavrb lAminowa ^ ""I1, ? claiming rtio faculty of "* 3*9*. to1uifc.l*a iff > t*i .CjiV,)T-, Afti?otiKti it *i ' W<J. * Jwliwllul uil. rprrUili '11, Which ' b? r??y?Otb?t t>r*y Hiavcia may, p( uo .l.-tant 'yftj it* wmplu rv-2iifttwn *Tl 1*rr p*i>V"iileJa5^, t?KPdul|r?r*tic* nnd pocrW-s jffcwy of lila 41*- #w OOll^lo <1 Ami rejoining country. A. rf.Ji j -It wa? night on tin- plain and Wic villajjo wu i wir\n mi nflont on tht Ur-t j-Kft .BrVy wheel nan <t yirt In lb? S^Sliot-inj; I ?U/ . Anil the invalid ilwtod in his cliair. 5(K I find prny'd fof the liyojl 6no?, in ramp* far awav, .., J5 , And h.W a in 4c In Uv nrtqs of rophio. BffT'?ccrpow'r'd by tliu vOraa Anil tho foil* of llio Hi IF5; .lay,* Sr^. . M"b?ii a brill lit, drquiiW viaioti nrftio. I -" ? i ~' *- ?< ? ; It wu twilight, it-aocra'J, a* I gnicd from my iTuewti ' **. An! beheld on Inctlerk southern ilcy,^ ..? -A In beauty and- m-ijuit;. loom - v lln ' O'er the billowy-cloud-drfiia Mti high. the <l ?or> wMb repld I Swept the hlfhiil |?emoT?L?*? efmnd? .?. < v J lew mtblime wee the p?iup, through the bint- > r ingeepenac, - ** Willie the etuiesphere liroath'd nut * vend 1 to .Tor In prlr?*th *l?ry the bearon* ell mnilH, And anone *m the lapdroapc below? ?" 0 ; Jfrnit heritop to nculth the errbot wrra pU'd? -art ?p<K Keat, west, north end south were ogloW. ^ fl^they mug! of veprfp, ^iaropted end n*Se, "Z-df teklly thJr leere of the Ay. Beef* nJo-wnlly by, orCr mount.Jli end vet?, I - h y*'t (l??y r~Miad u>A, e bow ef Ra dy?- . ^ ~ ^ Ah ftit ?Wt In <b?- esrt *?? the " All?eewig?y?"?,w nn And Teeplemlrtn with etroeiucrs nt Hgul ; , lft itu burning like Coustanthuu'a Crtaa en ike Wi QPp^mUieYin ewe *4 tbe algkfc ~ ^ 'Offreoi Oed.T with wlmtgawndeur gvetloti ti.t* 'he i, . In her purple, ahd erlwtewn, end jr?M. Wef :be<u?rt?l*iipHltMtbef?>**>kretbe Throng, ' U. AnHIiluA from the Mod-heed eiueH'd t pi * . '- ' " Were the thoweapd bright^acehea thai apano'd BjU;?S;' Ae blue d<un?, . ' ^Wtl ^^y,' The eylaWelic fon-tokewe j>t peeea f * .>N. Sbetl the tempeat UitU-|^U-oVr n.y once | i.?(^nr li unr. VT ? i j n. And tie thunder of'battle a.on I I th n,lr?y 'hell ^im-d froth nd Vl*k? * of ^ ih* * rr f Kindle yojf thrajupii tfce-liul. fir en.) nljh ? j 11 r ^HhaaSt ejro gfOm*hwiea<?- erne*" oh..'..A Vim '. l' pr . . rtm the land ?l <h? nruilRW eu<1 JMn* 0 \* \'t 1? ej?Oe?r*^n oar faith with tin. x'.*rlt? iSat ,-fl * ' . ' Vr^ro a i*ro?i?leiie* tr?^Jj t?ivioo f _ . i . . ; '? Then thtaki for the rieioii?-a? rUh and ao j ,i > raw? 'v? &<> tliaiiiidlnx with hono. and with Qd ; t * fJ. ' * W? oh all yet about In WmmiiIi and breathe a ' |] Sy.t.' Ilha air, ; . Where the Uotb and th| Vandal barn trod. p i Wf WUT- h By oool flHoam'a t.bady rill Mow aweet tbelHy grow*! ' W lit* * *( the breath beneath tbo S8l . t| Of Bbaroa'a dewy rooe ! n t; ' Le! each the child Vboae early fart '? The patlia of peeoe have lro?l ; ) Vhooe ret heart, wHb influeitee aweet, F" la apwmrB drawn to (hut. . , v fJhk By oool Mloaa^'a ehedy rill *| BY 'The Illy must dee*y, n rose that hloonta beneath the hill }* Qor , N?rtJ7 *rray. ? U And jo on, (oa rdnn, thejwlnlry hoar mtk- Of Vaad*? iiMiun r u^o WilLabahe fjhp ??uj n'lth aorrow'apow*/, *Y' And utn0> ^ K isnW-AaKOi.. . 1 , , ^ami left ware mal ' ? J, J "WithWi lBy Fathom* *hhpe, R W^? )IM?, wlttrtfcahgatatu vhlae crawnsil, _ V?u ait alike " ' - D0|??ilti>t on thy H.,?niwb? bfWlfc, *i Mf a*'?ttU tbiue ?#n. J . -vlfe> * ? -' - . 1J Hp f,,r i|,a F. I'" \ i ?**?** f ii>? <wrr^pondi?nl uftj|s Li*mIo* Tin**#. 1 | Kvnry oagro llie potyr* outfM l*y ?K*-ir 4 W,T.*V Mr) RtU) Wit j?))rv*e?l t<^ t fan\Ur. TJ??r? *? ?n U ; < <r m?iHgtuuu pro teal front th? Brii*h,-A o?f r * r W*? ??4 Au-rirUn Con-oil*, and ft i, not | ??' iW* tfi??#Qond biucft'arM b# ( K Wfaw . ' ' | ?. J* # ^4 '> j ^ . f ' 4 ' ' ffiggiJ i 'imju i, ii""# yp' * * . ||^B .^**1 m ."f;v '* '-Jt'---r' ?*t? ??_kn:^ SB? m fi- _;-L ~ i * it * iiM"SfS^^CE^ m+ ' ~ . W- *31 liui. jj^frii?o?i|i"hMH^ .st^^sixd' Kal'itS-sn5?' u*? puk^rth %M* UMo^wlWd W fM( *.* iiwwid ^>|>w>yl% (VI iwl'hl orK J' He 4*1 dtner Weekly ?ot4i off. . be jaHtfeeoe-i ftri? Vd J%<Sr hJr-hwt cbffc1, > ihI ?br1 (eftrftltf etquUUft |>?rfim?| but, t !"tyS2 k*S' MSSjffil: t w*? .)) 7<vfln, %+m>c whtn the dew npJin Vhdh (hone Tito iathundf, yn<l bt'lgto .tinit,, '?^iiil)ir.(jlio )ikMh?? of Ch* 4M(nt tky et ibeu. the wpM girO*?|r mum agftittftHtl or* thrif^ nwny. ?de. The poop MM ?* (Mr*, in feopolrt , Qer UngtrUMng fur ? dm*, rhe rwUt^ 1 ?*k heart, ?nd put forth' MnMont iMrt xqniaitc fttni Thh^Mhiraiiftt f*v?ri?? MM? on It ihft-Wft??l(tfiH4 *U th? love He limi felt for bet loet eiiildren.'end m It. ilTRiMed to perfection ?tie bit oontfbrted. The nightin|f*le. who lotfd her fragrant loeeontu more "than (II Mm other heidlo > ' the garden,. pefehed on the lofty troo which olio gWw, and rnng to her ^o^'-Hft onilre night*. The letMy hud k?ioeh ." dj to opop.. One diy more d itft erfct. V? f^u1.1' *^u,d V *# **!** i,. Vi rh TMrhmiM ?? ,v- 1 "IJfintti l that very jr, ero the mh r bew**' ?n a lih the pr?ct> \ dropa of morn, lie+t i |><rrk led on If*. 'Yiwon cheek like i ^iVtidi wl Among rulit. ? " * aruel gar- * Iter ivsrntn drew near. Aitm ha raised ^ i fatal Vnifa? nn?V covering i**' Mushing 3 fttirt^^krvnVtUtii, 1x1 re lt.*w*y. Whnjfan o^cprean-lhe dtstrooa of roraf e eiiiife int.^gloomy drapnir. Iter J '?* * o"|>o<ll ?di? put forlli no m?>r? 1><h1<s i> ^ tin'd ?o bo wltli-et-iog away. 1" vain her tll'llf nlghtin^'hle *Al.g liisswecteat w.ngs; V?1't~be tried to^Wor her The pride of a garden o( K*Jlr Mrnh pined hopeirraly ' ?>< *' . J * ' ' 1 At Wt? on* balmy moonlight rxning, | 1 M ll??ir was a II perfume, and the other ( j iroia nf cordon displayed all tholr f my coior?xl ch?rma. lli? l.'ghlingule anid lior:' .5 ^ " "Fair droopoat thou I Why 1 M?V- h?fOrieh*? bh're of flowers? Why i ideal thotf not thy bright \)loeaoina forth ? borctoWi^r^ . 14 Alaal" KM4 tha moo, "JtrSfSwest thou t>y misfortunes ? If** then not noon J c f WVgfft Motaotaa snatched TfMa ruo at 1 ? ?AJ wioroent af perfection t Rut tliou t?*n thermal gwdoaar toar thwrt away | !ief?\ loved (h'rto moot 1 Why should I ( nrish my to?fljr Vaftds far e?i^ a fat*!? a I 1 w Tll fade, and die ttjtstt. for Ufa 1* tcful to nos." ^ "IJtautffnl aoorl? snld the nightingale, kVt?,*<V$K^* not rfherc the g?rdwa4r 1 a?hv fair o^Vdtift1 ' *.l' t.\ *40h, no.*?"dd tbo row ; "hot fhey most ( ith?T and die wlitji patted from met" 4- Liajnu, twreteat moo," answered th? tfhllognWy ** ami I'will tell thee where ' iy cWHdreA afo. I arts In the t?*n?* I - , ' . r; " " T I" . v, * ill 01 ;)?# fMh our maslar, and I.?w ^ 4 ici'.th' hloea?>m? plaead iii'eryUil tamo , no?t proeiou* msm'd. I *rt,v Mr w?*r , -i^ent thero to bis bridal I sow U^r tgke m*4v her Mr hnnd?..lub?l<f Uitfir ? J r 'pfrt?mo -villi fond daliglft,.and thin ' Uli fA^jr cnrc P^*?* <hMU bv*l<!# tab ?i ? ft;- and1 %Wjt *h?Hfefed, bit ' ilC-t- and m?j?\ LcU>*vd atifetdnnt ?M . rgt-d to Wmi Ut<*in to bar fgn>#if*e Ho*<r, i nt th*y might' br th* lint objects on hn"?y?' sh'dftld **st when #he nwoki ad they remained wltlf thae, In a few utira thetr glossy petals would have faded, sd th# evening hr#?*e woiri.l ha*# nettrfI ihem on rlw.grouftd, wnknntrfi and Unonered. Arirtert thou novT^" h-Ko, faithful" I no < elm;# fny sweat loseotp* |ti*? pleasure to my maaUr, einea ley are with my miHren, I will grieve no Mir* ; b?tt 1 will rather thank Hfjr lord, who aa so hgiersd hi# poor servant, and.I will falh rats* my drooping haad."* Strdb poo* Rose #a* comforted and revled, awl bloumed more riefify than ever; ml when b#r loveliest blossoms w?ra take* J ?in h?r, aha mounted gofe m?t rather ro- I ilefd and sold, * ffU bast So t ih#v are 1 nth my l?r<l P Ciwbffan pnreata. w'.io, -like R*>"*eej? f(lp your cliiidrtMt ?r<i pcfuto o lid enm farted," laarh frtorn a, fail.-. Yu.lV l>ol4>ra>t *r* m# lorny they. are pirh joorXorUI IUm, " It ijfcMffOj** ' - " V*- " \" ? ? ?? ?? TII* PaY o^ConyaBKBaYB Omr-vsns. -.ieuieivaiU* \6 Iltfnntty; atteontj ami hlr<|, receive $8<S .j?r month ; Wrft ' plelrtormntn, $90 Curiam*. $180-;. Ma "r?, $160; Jt#eulcriniil-(lulo\,e|H, $180; i &(owel*.-ff2a of.|J|*|iVkM I" hijfat]#. - Offlceft *rt? not (I to ']**** fi??ion?. Tb*p*v otf ?ttoer? if A i .i'.inr? U. lb> KiMUmiyit* anW Cap t din*, ilie Mime m Infan'rt f (te Alaiof#, 1152 j ee ?ioa?h; J(^? ti?*??**8i"nt <WowU; t\90 ?Am?iMun?K#tY\ Jo *? ? !*e*?,? **rvi?*-. fJecOftA U<u?ei?a?il?.,i eoetve $9<> pOTlnontht Fi*?t J f'^poir wall l*. 1100; Captain* *140; Wnjora. >162 ; .ieotenant-ColoneU, $195 r ColotHrk, ?10. ' . ' * ' ' > * ill e ? . , ?v-? B irja/i.yij^'iiflirp^H**ijg . rnul^*?? ''V? ?'* ? ?"??. < ? i r"*^i'V * * i. ii A-.-. : " i0w<'*wP^tif.i.i li?t^ ***** j ^ kV? i '] ?^#R? miyki knl AafA iu ip.,rm< " *.* * i ?* ? ntowtb* hoatrwT bS?M^ ^ lire iababiteau ofitwrth. ,\' j * 1 ^wnfTjorfrl a WJAl ' ' f Mat into, M BWW, tlrr bro?b? II; jj w NWl>n lft? tfc* *lw?*f mm, .. * * Afr eharitiua on mil. .. , *>} ? % &?*" ??? %'PI "6*r>Vy iotej^ ' * ' '-~&vr%t-9+0rm ?n? tio v>~ uU thou ebaXt ?M ' Strength vU# Uht?iqp? w1td??t wH; Ltgbt nbw Uion oUr#*rta>lind ) v. " * \, . " ^ FlUttl JAMB8 IBIJLHD. * c Am aSpUMlanoa of Southorn lutMprl a. ,!l ? ? [ Jam?' Iwjkwo, 8. Q., Mini lib, 18M Dt?r SiUeeprret?I find it a mora 1 ?HlHbult>l?lo *rite yon a waakiy ?r*fcr-, j eating latter than t anticipated, front iko , fact, tfcat in tare* ting new* aery scarce; bob jnataarf of ?a?it\g>to justify* ' negWe4, by tb% We of ibat old oft. &*%? * fated saying, ,tl?al M proitmr* are made t to lm broken," t'wW endeavor togir^ whnt fcw (acts can be gathered. - The \ flrfl thing aoWief Uro'uld think of I I jjrrobably, i*"tho Mete pf the weather. f baa olear, cold, end windy , for tome day*?cloud.* of doat flying 5 ehnnM cenliirtiBlly, making the tent or e MJfiiUy hoq*o, the most comfortable place .of retort. < Ihit a* every piece has ^ its inoonteniencea, and crcry period of n lime jta peculiar double'*, it becomes us c< lo try end make tho l?e*Vof nt}.- Tbh v the soldier* teem to d<>, for the cheerful ^ tonnte nances of the lover* of j >kc?, and ^ it e hearty laugh i- (ha best prorf. A a mcs-nuite, who had tome budner* h? -j--*! ihe'atrevt, cornea rushing into lya.fcnf I 11 ubbiughi* eyes which here Income the * t -eptacloof a portion of the flviqgdoaC j, ltd he is greeted with, "why did you ,M io* aliut your eye*.w"nr it laughed at.'?v. inch ia the soldiers' life. " Anything " is they My ** for fun.* If we can get denlv to cat, be trotted kindly by our rfBtan, end know that all are-faring 1 veil at htM?et the balance ia not hard ^ o endure.; . Occasionally, bowaver, rtai night hear a soldier wtuv has a family \? it home, cgpresa fears as lo -how thoV ti a ill l?e provided for. Ar.d truly seme 0 inch fears are not entirety groundless. ri'heprivnte with lit*, wage* of eleven" or ? Lwelve dollars a month, cannOt do much p aMdter* In <M? vicinity who eoulJ pro 1 enfo tLe ??ivfc?? of a mim'sler. W# j h*A fH-vlcdk In our cftirnp :wio?. At , fO ?. in. and nlfhi, " "*i ^, wit|> t*? N??t whhee f??V 1 of nil the gmaU foils at hvme. J we Ink* Mir.lenfe. I^tyiug* ihey will , pardon iliw vtfy duil letter. , V r. n. < Tiik Atlnota ItifriMp^nonf wi'r, the- ' v*Klw of (taveruineni ^Coitr^Wnrr^fie** I in the *r?rwi?k?t OV'WIimiCO'* w^JhMe vet .1 barf of the cuuftdrnre of the inereMime M iit-Kaglvo'.i'rTt tke fm?ne rcooym i< (ion of the ?i?d?r|Hoid?MK* of ih? Soiuiietii | ' (Jvi?7*d?>ffcey bv Orent Brit#**, iH.M < roenivo it a si^u K? to;? *4hu-l. j< ^ >. w * ' ' **; v* ^i. * * 7 - ' , A . ?v o> /V . . ?. v -? , j; *' Lm ' 4 >. lw? A/1 ml vf. 4? r * . . 1 ? ? ^ A< v ^1 ?4 * "* * ^ ?(r ' . ?* . iW,r , &- ?**? > if - ,?s%, f ?-' - - ? ? - ^*"^ 4 % ' HI ' "^ttu ou atf VHen1^ ^ liopnw ntwiwt*-' |fi ?# ? m>m liiou <>f* tiro 5k/tS Zr"~r?,?t iliw lx?liW [?o?p?<-tiT ,u?ll te ~ toC&HhfM by w Mirjrnon'afihe ar f . ny hbn. ir wot afowidrnt -?f (1m part he country from, which tbo e he ia cnlU dapen to-rxafftjije (najrWare come.*' l provide* that pnraon* *n exam tied and! doctored cfttfy * abalT K?\ be afterward* Mib^Ct to be again xaroirtt^' ?nd enrulWkk. llpw juftPT iiaos have tbev l? en examined al y?dy I , " Tlte ei??e<< exemp\i?vfc the j-idicial ind executive officer*'of the ftfate (W nimetils ?peeiflcally exempt* the Judct-s if (be Suprelne, liiNtrici, Superior, Oh*, uit and Probate Court*,jihe Chanceloteaf State CytfrU. and Sheriffs, and xehrdo* Jnmlcea of the lVace. Per?on? appointed by the- aWmau of > ho Execative T>opfcrtnu nla eince the ;Oth of April, 1802, and who were lia tie to mililftiy Mr vice when appointed, tre excluded front exemption. rresijyil* or conduotort Of jtny rail oad wmip>nr or train wh??-fa!i, hVgleci tr refuse to fhrni?h neat* or drinking vale? to tick and wounded eoidiera, net o .be exempted. "\)na fditor of each newspaper now teing jmbliahed", arfd rwch Jourttaj nu-n rinterr, engineers.~ pre*?iiien. sdeno <. trophic reporter*' mid mulling elerjc* an fie editor or proprietor theioof rtntv c?w jfy. upon oat It to he indi^ten-alife for ondudttng lite publication.**- are to be U>v**rd? feeling W? f.fcnilv ?t tl?e pre* c\ rmt high piit-Oo of pro*)?titto?, The j| wegee of the pHv**o? in ?ly| fcrmvdt ono ihing our -Congt** In* or?rl?*dtc?J g loo long, to Mjr uotlrlng of 'tUt) <1ilT?r- ? oca m*de between 111 cm nnd the rflt? II i*ert. There bn? been incur n nppr'^b ? ??ed IW the of needy feir\lW> hut | * great cKK bnditindniie i? r.'cc^Mrr ^ t [ lh? pert, of tboee ^h<ue duty U U to J ?1 !ud Hfitr iWw. that lh#v m?t. iw.i ----- t "V ""* ^ fer. la this our struggle for indepcn- ? deuce; (here is something for every one (> to do.- None mavsbe nHe. This work J is not (o l?e pesfointeti so fuucli with w a ejre to self, rts letln public good.? The men who isexcinpt from service, ^ end remniiii at home, is not there mere- j ly to seek his own good?to ernes* a u fortutife by extortioti, bill Is pieced where * he can do the greatest amount <?f good < " for the public^?end i^ie proves recie* J ent "he must either suffer the pensltv now,at ilia hands of the law, or the detestation o# the. hiave defenders of c their cou???f when they return heme ' at die fnd of the war. Hut. pardon (his t digression, and I will finish telling you i the war news. - t * * 4 quiet about Charleston ? "Ot ^ much expect*! ion*-of n battle- 'Pb*?s- < day last wft* Thahksglvfng l>ay, set | npart by the* iovernar of our ChnUvand i I it- was promptly observed by the \ 1 xemptetlT * ' *' WHtiOfactnrer* of earinn* *poo> led or? CxiWhtfJ on (tiiidiiioh thai tie mntutf.ict.aTed At doles ahull l>c eolil t a ueC.prn(Tt not exceeding thirty |>?r eni. prvr annum on the net capital ineated. * V*-."- " " /- \ Two now clanre* rolntnro 'o tlio po oe*of ?lat*a. nnd to the projection of ttoilie* tti'H ! *? tlmn ten* in nmnlur on ny farto,* ate endi raced in tlie hill.? ^ov wOre published in full ah n'd opted A tfid report of the Senate p.occediitga 'few-rfaje ago. Tln?ae are the piincipal change* made i the l&xofupiinu Act at lite I nut ' Mion.?Hichiiiotul H'Tltjr, 2Qlh mil. m 1 . . >?| A, la Art to 8wppr**? the undue J)(*til In Horn of ttyirilymea JJytiort fjom . th* Cereal Q'rains {slate. Jit- il enacted hv.thtt Sonata and [onaer.f K.pre*enlHt;re? antfr tnOt an# ttlhjp in Ocnernl "Af?einl>iv And tnr the Bthority of <llB nune, 3'hat front and i fier (tin ratification of thi* Act, it aba)' j a unlawful to <H?tiil?or cause to,So iaIhhl, or lie toneerotvl in the i)Ult'.?tion f SpirlftiOM* Ltqttor* from eor?., wheat, barleyj rictf, or any of tfie ceieal raino, within the limits this 8 tile xcepi as Iufcinuftpr r.r?",i(]c<l; aud an^ eraon or ]utr?on* \v*.o ahall diatlH, Or auVe to he di?T ill' Or he concurr.V.I In lie distillation of tlio ?raina, or itny of lienr sforor .kJ, in violation of the pro isions hu thia Act. yhnll U?. deemed 'uiltr of ft high nti?ilflii?At)nt, and on f .vietion in I ho CottH of Heaah-h*, in itMitfoti to forfeiting their Mill* nod 'ther apparatus n*cd In the di-titUtioii, halt he imprisoned -not Ipe then rix ontha nvr.mora tbnq 1 wo ace, and * lined in any $um in the rfiWrioliott of Uf V??uii,.not -less tlmu ono Ihornurttd, or nw* ri.Hii five thousand dollars? wff hundred and #ftjr dolUra of which half j*o to the informer, who shell U a, wrtpetenl whneaa to provo t ha diet ; Provided, that existing contracts made . ith the Medical I'urv?y0> of.the Cmi yderntfe Government for the di-iflUtion f tabi-kv, or alcphnl, may l>? etecunwl ccording tnrthefr terms; aud jtrouidcd urth*r, that sathfhc ; orily informed;that supply of apiria, rhich cannot he iuherrtf?e obtained, U luntTufely neer^sary for medicinal ju?reMA in thU fitntu, may epntract with ft roper lumber of r**pon%?bte ftnd akilled ??ml*, in uny one or inore of" the l>u- j nets, to manufacture a limited quantity | f pare spirit*, at a limited and reason- ' hie price,strictly f >r medicinal purpoues, j alting cure that auch proper disposition i >f the product is made its to secure its ipplicHiioii alone "to the purposes inended. II. ilntt amenta thus appointed, he ore eMU/in# on tie txectiiton of iln-fr tonlrnet*, shall enter into board pat aide l o the fchutu in a sum cqnitl to ttehle he value of their conunct* respectively, with two or twore good sureties before the Clerk of the Court of tlie District iu which they reside, conditioned tliwt the piriia ;o ho manufactured by then) Wll be pure, and delivered -Within the lime limited?that the) will diwti|l no ature than i?. mentioned ht their ron? mem; and that the? will torn overall llint is dUtdied, tut dtrfcted by the Mo?srnor,,which hond, if forfeited, m*y lie entreated as other recsipniaanees in the Lk"jwi of 8<VM>toits; ami shall <dao take sad stturcriba Nit oath before tire Cloik of the Court, to lie filed ifc* Ids oftiee. ibaf t^y wdj {rtdy comply with the teimavrf their contract, and will distill fco mot?s nor dispose of any portion of ibaMw?Hv4,ot her wist i Inn i* mention Hi iu iWeir raid coutraei*. upon which ?. . ^ ? '* >-* . * V 7/ ' * * 'V ' . 'V; k . 1 . a w Jf a si. * a- * A gt ? ...# ? t'" V# *r.-A- Mj''. ',/j S 3?cl#gt among " v - ?:.' *+?? ??,". u. . . , . . _ y wfo_ j*J** ? *. ' '?~ ? J t , \i? r-Lii BfllfG,- *A!tCll ?, I8M. *4????? II, I m I" HI< m . Th* L-it rbeil b^the #rtijk nf the* fil?g?*trnt??* of tlit* -ftufte': in tlirir re |>e0li*e-l%*tri<?t*, tnfpe thnMhe pmvja* kj?i?bf ttrt* A?*t *>fe ^forced, .nnti ift frta*. peeMimd or inf.>rhi? tie* on ?v?th, M "1??H ioitoe ?o (he IcfcwHIhem^ttiftt nne-^er- J on or ptr?aitl*, urn eeijtefed. or hare, bee* **?**?], m- ttnWfi.l billing, jt a|Nt he the duty o?tech M?tfi?trftte in j|gyH hit JVilrru* * ' '- - " J >.-r- * w?^?.mn.(5 ?ne *r-mi of thy parly cr paWW*, and .-HI*' setae te of stills and other appniwtne' meti in 'tlw distillation; ??y p* fiartjea, o'bc Injd to atemW fo an in <T?cH*fcr,t an herein provided, and the atili* and oitwr apparatus seised ^o be dotaifted, pomtin& tfc* ftrosc-cxmr*; and on convicnuh to bh -ttimpropriated to thai public. una, m tt?]f Ve ordered l?y lite ^I*Url. ? v w 4V. That every Captain of Palrtd shall, in fii? regular ret it in to the Cap* lain of ike Ik'af, eettbrt an'? rWlatlom j of'tlii* law, and fain Captain shall m> mediately report the fpict to*he t.eareat, Magistrate for A<Htcm fhereno, . . V. That thh? Act *h?|l onntlnne in existence fnf months A or a front* of" peace with the United State*, aad no longer. '. " ^ . ' -*t,j ' ^ ^ P'vL- t jMn.y k * , Y The Bombard Aen t of Port * AUUter. , From the Savannah papers nf NV.ei nefday. we glean lh* following paiticu lata of. the action at fienesf* Point : The fire cm the fort waa opefted about half past 7 o'clock tVoni three iron-clad | turret boat*, wliioli had taken position in I front-of' live lutttcnq*, and two or (Tint* mortar Imata, which from tojth ^lie fW?a 1 netHw* mile* In-low. Thp firing tfcas j enntinilot" im?l brink from the iron clad* t during ill" day, which wm deliberately j yp<po?detl to by fhe garrison, which dtrcc'od it* idiot almost entirely at the' nearest iron clad, ttipposrd tT> lie the Moutaidc. From Uotfee" Jte v. itnested fbr h<>nrs ihit ot!e?pia1?onteM in Wliioh our gallant in on, in tlnJr open Vanhrml - * ? ilit* concern rat no iiini of tliif Yankee*, who were securely Imu-tjd in tl?*?ir "mn *af?%.M The fire wna kept up with great spiilt by the Ynnkree until about three oYhsck, when their energies B?ome.| to flag. . A little after 3 p. m., on? of ti.e Iroh clada linyled off and-retnrned tothe fleet. About this time the fire from the othtr two cease I, and shordr af:?* the seroud iron-clad retired. The batteries now pouted a tetrille fire upon rtj8 remaining ii oii-clnil, which. ??f.? i remain it\ft i*eat H?r fnlkhalf an hour, her companion* m their rtj ieat. As she stet'ned chjwft the rtVeC our garrison re ilo .bled thefr Ibe, which ?u not returnf-? l?y the ret rent tug Yankee. The lust ?un from the, firt4*i? firrl at her when nearly out of tahgn, a quarter to five uVl'*k. 1'ho latesj account*-we have ftom tlie l?nttery. are up to time o "clock, front Which n? loam that only two men hail been slightly injured. ami one gun dis- j uiniiri&dt Mote or let* damage war. i no rlctiht, done to the "oik*, tmt the I i* pairs yciH he completed by dayli^ii! ' to moirow morning, when our brave boys wiH he read}- to give the Yankees another datrV entertainment* ' , Occasional henry gnna were Hewrd last night in the direction of Genesis lYint ftom. which we infer that the mortar boats lying below were engaged in throwing shells at onr batteries for the purpose of preventing our men from repairing lite damage sustained by the works during i be day, or front obtaining rest. 4. > . Z. The'nttack will probehly he rcbew?*l (Ills -* 1 ?? . a '* ?WI, Ilfvys, HK7T finve, a* they hare Another ironclad in tlrtir fleet. We observed yesterday that mo*l of i the shots fired hum our batteries struck (be (?Vr?t ?>f ill* iron-clad hi which lliey were aimed. htif ?lie fact thai rhfe was net disabled ia evidence that our heaviest missels had but, little ctFoct on Iter iron mailed turret. At lonjr taw, or *in ttn oj?en sea'road, where ifyould he difficult to pome to close quarters .with these iron monsters. they J*te cerlKinly very formidable att'uirs ; hut in h landlocked -channel, with the shores on ei ther ride in our pos? endow, it teems thnt means might he re-oiferl to which rouid | render them unsafe. The fresh water j htvr and horse nmriite of (lie We?t . ha\e h way of cifpwning<YanWe gun- ! boats. * There Are thirteen venelt Wf>w in ; 0*???bny Sound. -Ft'Trt ft reo-.nnorrnhco"j made by Ospl*. Ifcwsey and Stark*, on j Monday and yesterday, it but Wen n? , Bwr?ii|ru mm insrs fw mmo ol III* in 8n\"H?m?h River.? They alerted M.nd*< morning mix! returned Inat evening, .After nmkinj* * ijior-. ough aeerfcH. " a. i ? 'i~ *M*. 0*RWcrr, of Viigini*. from tlie. f'-onim iUe?j. on Military Att'.ir*, r*pc?rtod the fallowing Mill, which V** tnkvrt np.u infer m ftuap<W*ion of the rah*, en J )>atw*d : 4 ' ?r*"r . A TU? Conffrnt of tke , Ckmfr-!ci%?? Slal'M do ??? {, 1 hat the aurni.f five (toiler* per mouth abelf he jmid en J- allowed Jo every private and aonVomn.iarioiHil officer, in lifu of ?ora to illation Cor thficioietiee in lua ration*. , *Tn* N*?r York . Herald thinV'A thet ?ha decisive be*.Lie of the war will ire fo.j^htui the Mieeiiwippl veil. y. i ?- . 1 f "K , :* f - ' '* ? * ' $ ' >HSf7 jHff. / ym -TV-rx,? ' ' ,' II J. -^.>LlL '' > L? ^ -- . ii Gdass t S of a - iv'tif* r*-v rj/ .*wjf luiU. i 1. - .. '-"- ? - ' %irfq #rwt. . Ovh 4-ter State of T<^ne-ae? ha* lynfc her into'm<*' of ike ll??cnml>o , speeehe* in the Dr?federitt0 Congren. ^ Tli?4lr?t wtW^ihshteiierailwiT, io California, will l>a fompleted the* aDmtng%ui?ijucr. #* k * - ' Tli* Richmond paper* *^?V tli? reeig nation rtT >*??? W. Smith ha* beeo 1 acwpted -by^lbetPres^lent. A prni.lf' meeting bundled in Ojeen-" vitt*. "to consider the machination* of I ?i>C<?nlator?.M W^lt'<r?pj'e entntlreRoyee ntwiwfl? l^Mteyic ' Tf*? efgth Intra cavalry of Dwreoport, hkve nigned. (tn agreement not to it)to *er\ tee at all, unlet* against the | Indiana,* - * ?.>?. A? \.yr Tnr. Vorteaaa M?ntoo correspond*!*4- v j of the New Votk llerwhl Iran discovered . that ^tenewall Jackson ha* gone to Tennearee to t^rittfcnOe Joe Johnston. T?a Federal force* hnve had a revere engagement witfi thu Indian* on Hear tieor, Ufnh. ' The Indiana were routed with ?rvnt slaughter, , Tbir Treasurer of the Cporgia State < Road hen paid over ihfe mud of it&OV,OjDO. to-the Stale TfeeMfVmr, profit* of the Road, and if ready te pay over 300,000 more. " ' ' * ' PUnfuowiui, yield* <?ne }tu wired and forty Itii-livlfc |?er ncr?j. and ea<?Ij Inlrhel one gnlhnt of good oil. Its leM.e* watt provrinkw ; its reeds food for peuitfT "dink hog*. Jl-tHriven on poor soil*. A ruTintiflff'flirty or Thirty arvcn la die* and ggntlemen were vkating on a Jirootite county, New .Yorhjlnat month, when the Ujb broke, ntnf tivenly- ' seven of the party were tleowoed. KtAt'tw have Urn committed in *he Quarterinast?t*s IVpurtroent at Wiilad-'lphia, Hlpoaiffittg to eerevrd unllton? of dollar?".- 'fher ?At? n...u.,,?< .a ' ' uy. alm-My contractors. (Ik*. T. T. Cmttwdhii, vrbo surrattderM to Foritijt at Mm free-horo' oO the 12th of .Inly hist, lots b*'ii ho?.' urnbly acquitted by the Celt i t of Inquiry in tbe affair. > 4 ' * ' i t* , ** A . J? IN ktken Spanish men of war vessel* wyie reported at HiifinN ?f the ( thai of th'c departure of -the Cat men from that (h*i1. F?>nf (?f t|*4M?*fra shortly to leave for die Southern const. mjTt.K*-tiv charged khntrlf in ewuit ?rab thfe War llepatiment wiih ' ime million < tliouaend ?f<>f .Far* a* having In-en received I** liim froin military assessments And cmfWa- "j rion. . tr i* saV f[itt ??rpr? of the l?a?fc Perk# Cook, of- Bneioti, l>?.nit Uy the j , Alabama, |?jivc made a eia in on the . United (internment f.?r #<0.000 ( damages for (he low occasioned by' the ( destruction (if that venel . | AnothvA Omitkl?The Richmond Tmquirer affirms tliat another enr'el for iho e^lianji? of prisoners'Itejd by the respective l-elligcreuts has been enteiedd into. The Rnqnirer thinks this i- tine to the 1'itfnflenlV proclamation, tsawed l>ecemhei'23<L , . W#|H uy.?A com mis* ion merchant j lit Atbmta, (*a., sold a few d-?ts ago, : tlcven barrels "f whi-kv far the enor-' inous Kuui of (tJUhJO, !?eiii?? more than $700 jkt barrel. Thia will do for our dbiUlaeo to reineirvbcr. . ? ?V- K-r-" y ? New Name*.?-Wm..Gilinorf Sfmms. in bta new novel entitled 1'rphlv Me(iaun." proposes " AmImKIa* as ?be poetical uaute of the Si'wlhetu (Vtttf|d erncv. It is infinitely beunfe-wtya the (r\;in>ol n. ??.- *"?! ?'*.? ? :-? ? - Mimi X wmcil the * rebals " have ceased u> 44 Iim.i1 ** except with L u I let- and fih'ells. DePAMTUHE OF TliK$P.AM6U C ON artThe Spanish frigate CnriuVn, with 8eti,?r NtniiCH(lur. on board, sailed {fatal ay Evening for New York. We team that - Senor Moncndor, on liib arrival nt New York, under ilistrucitons from the Spanish Minister, vvi)l proceed* directly to Washington. 1 >vC8.? Dogskins are now ?r. groat demand. Dog-kins will purchase Cot* ton catd* in Milledgeville. Doeskins w ill tiring a high ^i-ico \n mom y, if Cot- | ton otinle are not wanted. No other | kind o/ idfins aresur well adapted to die ' #tNiii|fretU7Q p' Cot'lop card?, and ???. ! other article seems to 1ie"irr??? ffceut a ) demand just now. at^ Cotton ?uri,ls. Kotwitu it a ?rr>i* o Mi!"huUv's repui lw?ion for rnuveraatootial power, lie ap-' pear* Jo- hate uium?<1 few km ntol*, to have roaihs fn>v eonve^iitiufiHl pnhit* which are repo??e<l end reia<.?mbere?l. ? , 0|i'i of i)ie ?'erV few giavl a torn* mrrem i df hirti la I he following: Ir*s?. he | mat Mr* It?eeli4*?-. Ktow.e at Kir In.* * 1 TWrlffttt'k nii'l rallici ImM" on lirr VI tni'Miioii of Shak^pe-oe. * Which of T hi* ?harafll?*r* r|o yon like heat T" rani J be. u r>ei?fleiiio?H," a*iil llie ln?4 V.? '" Ah. of fifenrae,** wen the ri?ply. " for ehe we?,fhe only one who r?u af-er a I hhtck ni4l?/' r > , ; m> ^ . * i Nicholas Tj'inij\?oi_llj<7rh'' Jro*al W ?l- ^ ' erii e in*-nt?o*er. at f'ntei' iiati. on . i tli? To il nfl.. HJ-! eighty j'tfU*, ! i ^ wnrili 4 ? j k ' , * ' t * ' ' * ,fc % t \m Si J' ^ 1 ' .J' \ " ' ? V ' ' * ' ? * "* } u ." I "4 \ m "* * ? 9" . # , iit? ?? --- - - v *%'f* V-', ? ?? ?/.?* .!.'.L?. .. J >*" ! , IllL IJI?L.i-1 ,p ? . . _ *4 a. <iw * ' -?i ? ? - - vn iT-r*fi4. Vrh Dornai tanked rl># enemy nt frudliBn W(ji ""rt ifflle* of hT?Mi-. till# on Sur? ayt ? !? ea* all* end li|^rt V ill*-* "ce^ twrirt * #.#?? Fallfmb wiUft ?lor<?nn1 "r. > Tli" captured i?e?en?1 f >r?giB( *?fc?Tn? Monclng to Wheeler'* brigade, p?*r"\Vart?*ce, o4 the Irit r* ^TLeYanhtrwfoejieiw^o commit out itrfd wlrfppod by order of Federal rtneefe ' " 1 - lATtw! | ' < -.Miflnnuiorv repurU i??ye fc>w deceived of Vati PrerSliu. It^ Unirtf hi pyeeMiea ?f ? that place. Thirty-nine*"+*&** Wt? ^ j captimnl, with "sioree. . . TV Mo4 ' lohs in one thouaanri eed woted' ed ; oor b?* hearr^ The number of App^mad by lVrijf. Qen. J aJbuia'. Taovet.* b?twVk>? Wim*k ?*? Jf*-" ' oho Somiaudl---A |ettfr?i*f lite Piirfland (Me.) ArguV, l7<?n? tflilp ?>la*d ay.-: toX a dt , fy We bavoXen prinoc leltpr fom e weldirr on "*Ue fMaiid. Two dnmoenlee of tije lSrti^StnIm' have been kttpt^beee Jor ?. y'enr. Tti?*-Jett?fc.yife |l|?? ! eonTplete inmbtiTdinetVev on account of the tipgio soldiers end e?W? them.? Omj ef llx?e<iie<v R pi.-tol on ? white ?o|di*v **** Uvk- letter \'vrj grimly lot* fbe jugr officer *fn* fume rt?e tTert dny m iho-.?htiuk ar?th 1o<y much water in him. an. that < *!???? *?*- ? ,L rn.mwm J Id*) Mill# WAT. ' The Nowbm v|??it (Mann.) Herald'haa said what follows : A disorderly spirit Is |o.prevail among the Federal unripe at Ship j Island, in cotiserjneuce W the at rival of a eoJoeed ivgituem. Ti e wliitn wil' noi associate <?r act wiih the nogroe.? ' If'tha negro j? th" only saviour of the pi'iilniij tlesy Votjld say, not be . javtd Jt-'j - . *?. . "~ __ . 8AV**kak, F#?K 2p. The Naahville ill C' suing up the f>gc?>eue? Jnst night. grounded on it Kind tmr at>ove Fort AleAlieter, and w:u? discovered this morning by" tjie enemy V fleet. An ironclad iVirened'Jiret iicroes ihennirehat tlio Nashville; at 7:30, syid continued untill 10, a lien hii incendiarr bhell struck the Tsubliville, lettingKer on lire. Aiulnhc is ik?\v a total vrrecl. The tort fired upon the ironclad, hitting her three tiriioc Other, gftnb ua'h from the fleet shelled the fort, doifig no dartuge. Orau ? Dr. lWiomn Foam. who nrrt* nt' tlx- Alabama h.embers of Ui? 1'mvisional ('ar.grc-s of 11- f'onfedef*<y? Jied at IV?iUi-%ill" on the TO'b January; jf'consnnij/UoD, conunc'etl in ilia jail of that citv. inlo vl.icli he wao lhiowa V*y the Federal eormuaioW, Gen. O. M. Mbe^elJ, vrhtu lli? Yankees bad i?owr eion of the place. He whs a native f Pittsylvania county, V*., and whs 74. years of age. resved mm n surge*.n if> the war of-1812, and during that period dressed tbe wound f lien. Jackson. " Pbace UVon Ant Trrms.**?The Yankees "re now grow ing atr.o*1' <-s clamorous for |>wc? ** tl i' ??( month* ago for w*r. Hie Washington corro?pondentt?f the Kear Ywik Derail, speaking of the finding in (.'uiigM-wa, say*.; i .. . Prominent Republicans have been heard to aitnource thenuwlv** tu fa* or of peace ou any terms. and u> say thai that platfornfi# ihronly one that can Ite euerossf'tl in the next Presidential canvass. The expression of such semimeats baa canned quite n commotion among politicians lo ta, ami an almost universal uncertainty as t<> what should l>eihe present ot what will Le thclultwo position of individual*. A PRKMCTIOK OV DAMHI. WrTflOTKR. Some of the Northern paper* le-prodoce the following: The Hon Dnttiei Web*ter, of a?pe>eh Uc.;. eiv?: in u in-u ington juM tinr!ia.n years ago, gave it as Ins opinion that ** if the infernal faOancs.and A'isli'isni't* ever get tl ? power in I heir hands, they w ill ?werr??.o tlie OodtfTMU'on, * ' ?ha supreme Court at tirfissra, change ami make law.s to edit I ha?Ma?-|ve*r Jny violetd tKbds o? titoae who differ tviiH^hWn in then- opinions or ditie question- their i?.f.|iil'll?tr, and finally l>*nkinpt the eouutry and Jeliij^o it with biooU." * Kon.rR SKt'nwtD?After *11, 0?mi. 13i>*!?*f i* lo l?v " 1<-fi (nil in thr V>4 t." . The TriJhune ante t , . <**f? P'ltle; i? not. *f ??r nil. to rrr ?>e atfr ttypoiti'ineni at the han ?-l tl ?i M^tvommwir Thim is a? we n*peci?-d llu* start. " ? *n?l '<?* ' 2*' t> p*' thai follow at him beat* h*tre been mtnum <1 and pot i?ti b> ^ oti.i.m. wtnrii -,.n ?<ltrini**t bad _pi> n<>tf?.n - ? regarding. Ku<iet'? Ivran^v. ?lia|u?o- ^ ??*tv Mirt- w?nt.<>f pi i fi * rn%!*r>aatfanm wotiM Irivt- Ismu ??u t?Pr'To hi* apjiotn troyti to ^o-. i'tK he j ..a 3f{V*-? the * A lHritvirtt i nw: li * ..iftVr, f >ret(flr-ati * ?lor>*w??tt, tUa:"?**' 'jf of ho wn|.i-? -kepi unl.jrfthe miiio#. ?ut *T* * ^ ' ?*.?? \\tj f '' *- *> ' " 't