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- f'lif fwtfcmt (futrrji^fli ' "^^"V i >Jw?fc4 r V r iw.vAU." 1 <*lt KKXV11 JjK,"8 ? 7 I *? ThnrA-lay Jfoni!ng,_lI?reh I*. IWS. *THH C4JSH VTBTEM. r For all 7Vum???W W |*y will ba For Ad vert it'll* b> AJr*rti?rr* ! (k4y will 1* ivtojgad AFTKK Ttl L At>V fctt ! IfSEMKNT JS OUT." <b oi.r (mw? m . Tory jotngtv, no Job i W^k mHII >**. d|.M hJCl'KIT FOU TM fiT ? UAtsgy 4Sar -?, > - > issue <mir p iper it >Uy vtir- , lipr ikj# w^ek, iu vidfr that we' may olw?rv? lo day wliich U appoint**! by hi* the'Ooveruor mm time of ?J*6kef?*HS.'bui(nlliM?i#fc,eud prayer. (Ktr lo?(i ?uW?cr?l??r? )Ch therefore have ftieir papers delivereG%m Wednesday (jyet>iny<. v,_ n.o lwi.i cut lias appointed1 tlio 2?;l} inwtMi^i mm a day of ibaqX** giviug^fiutpTjiation jtnd jirhver. * * t Bgiih JPox* <i Anderson. UpQB p. it-vent "viejt to the village of Anderson., *|> lenrnwd <bel ttte -inaH i;)?* 11ad bi?dj,t.B owt ju |4?co. in its. 111 ??.t vii^ieit iVirui. * There e#i?V# bill the nod 4here we ?to pn|n?l.flt?vA>f It's extending, a* it h?d JieVn r^uiijml beVoud t^io limit* ?*f 'hi ?ucn ?? pftiQtHl U?r'?*?" *09it IMMIIM^O, it^nt as ? pr#xnl apjpiagion. caaajBSPOSDsarcB,' . . Caui> Owitqu, J A^khonV ov>?rtv> y l'Vl.iuary 80,.iSf?.T."^ ' .Oen^j-ackiem'? Corps ^ins favppfofr. Miiee tji* battle of HVederickHbnrg, the extiemw right of ihe Confederate lines or. lUc H*p|V<har?r\(vk. TUeCamp from which' 1 now* wri ???;.*. located about too toilet. to the fight of the road from - *. * Guinea's Station on the Frcdet ickabitrg road. Tlio Second llrigado of the Ingot Jhvuion formetly led by the lv iitf<??e(| Oicgg Is now commanded !*v < V?t. MfcGowatt. I hiring mv stav here 1 ......1 .!._ .'.I 11_" :?i m i?n?r n i?i u?r j?i?*m'htu ui r% i iij:it vie-.v* "Svhh the Geti?ral. li<j )h too welt known *?c*Onuliiu luteqiiiretnr lliiug from mp. in his t'uvot to anti'iv litem that he wilt keep unsullied the llitllfl? nftLi?r?el?r?n lYripade. He ha* nnl minded ;.tV??*ii-?r? f.,r his men, ainim *i?tnrh for thiW kindness .ho poshes-os their fuller. confidence and" esteem. J*" v as recently the Colonel of thb 14lli fc>. C.. Regiment. ami looks bark tipnn the men .Composing >hat Regiment with ftlimii parental nflerlitin and Milidtnde! As her cx pressed it heart y*-Mit.s frvi* the yillaiit men of the FoutUer'.h Regiment." i'h snrti a leader a- Gett? an the oecoii'l .Biigade t>er?d not tie aft aid to meet the enemy ii|i n any fi. M. Several change have recently occur red in "-ho 'ever;.! regi iients composing this Btigidc. Ore's R-giment is pow command*''! Itv L'?mii. (Yd James M lV*rh?. of AM?vi.).?. The tst (Gregg's) Regiment. is .temporarily uinlij- the CCtnmatid-of Onpt. YV. 1*. Si?o<ff6r. of Mari-n, urhoac "acquaintance I'formed and to whom I am indebted for many ?-onrp ;i"s. Col. 'CadwalUder Jones, of he 1'Jlli It-piiniiU informs me that lie }ia? rodp n il,.in 'cojiseqnCiire' of heing vn?;t) '.!?r *iii lie has-proved himself an hIIs oftt or." 1 iiavo'noi learned who will Hiusootd him. The 14'_h Regiment li;i-- "aii ei,;im new set of field officers. ns Mlows. .\hu?i? Perrin. Colonel ; Jo eopi? N llrn?n, L>v\j. (Johwrel ; I'M .vard <'rofi, ,\i rj r * A'l (liioe oUTcera ?vertt j>roin<jl*<i lo ilx-i, present position* frouf tile li?t <>(' Capinins on lilt 20ih inst.? Tiiis U?'j?i<iH*iii is hi pie-.ent under the C'lninind <?f Mnjir Croft, rvlio is (tin *?>n of our fiien.l Dr Theodore Croft. . IU M H il?? <>?' ill" Cil/uitli Aeade* my, and- has uvtde a iii<v-t e*vi-lloiit oflicer. lie iuis lolly recovered from a revere wound received in one of the en* jjatjeinenl* ar ?i*ud /vie hiond. The IS ti R'xjipeni, is commanded hv Colt < >. R. K;l VH'ds, wfio litis I men with it ?i:ico its oiijjoiiz.iti??ii. f mil ploa-ed to learn ilvit the Colonel Iihh Is&eii recoin muitdvd f??r jvpirv'ii.m, ami Ids friends will not he an vised to leant of his he iiio ifimte h Uri^adier a', am fcariv?day. Since my arrival here I have been lie fjne?l of inv fiiemf Lieut. Ool Uciij 1 rockuVnn. Ilia wound, received ?i * *? - ~ ? 1 ? - I I I | I. . AlHOni-Mn ><?. V. IIM-i IIIMII'll. rtlt'l <110 Colonel i? ??\?-viii in tjie livLd ; lendy, if Iimv>1 ha f?V iMKithci trial of utrcngth.s1" iff lun On-?l itaiy of JO ..^l"UtC'll off m- W-i :'?r > ar if '.;)iitt<Mi\-t Croridiig.-? Ho in iWuflW of n I?<cirri of Stirwv ; (h' , rfuwiiiKM iifti??*<??tl l?r our army nj)ou tho u 1 ilie pvopln in Miis vicinity. Tllo nmrtiirit nllo*c<f for woo * !? ? h'"*n ?ix o oil a ib a co; J, v'_a:1i will prove '? rome n larger 001..UI1; hm-i IcjrvfhpuwtfL tjie woral, .Mrtilil h 11 v brplijfiit prviiows, to llii-ww;.. A y. 1 Miijtla.-s, Jvfi'oi of iliV Hp.?finiiiitig.ErmrtM, h wiili liin Oow~ i-'inv i.i.tlie 14?W. " I am plo>i!?atI to nviv f??iii looking, .> i* wv.II Lirut. Unrlisja, Mittr.iig. i? nv'iiiig AujiTTiAit. in riTV* alit-onvv of Im-iK. J. j//oovf T>.lvf?l-? m>?, ?t ' jir?->v?.l oil Oil fm lollgll.'* Ti) W>-clvii of ^-inpnny A, I am y.nlvt ?Jtlioa(i. ,x\4 forj pot^vclkiiKiiia^Mfw and favor*. * 1 Ik <1 pl<?n*ureof m?mt it?iv? wMj, old iio-k n<-q?Hiy<rfnrv * - ?gf'l K-;v. Mr. l'ai>i;vll i(t -fti** Cii^iiainV ' \ 11J. ,-o p|iMiiA?lly 1% working pi.?i'o Wltwwer liia hand* ^ot(nt <' I/l . o.I?m <I'/Cmii ij ?*?; I; I \ ifliji C :?o?-if nil jj\ | v.oh iltinlvTP ?-i|m llvftwajyf Ailii* V kb f vj.i..p ctiiV^o llt^irAriy * | ,\>Vv Ml", fata * it ntiouuiiM^' to cwtt C**pi*f?e5U?-com I'ttt ittita, iyi<)* llierffW ?s?u ibtttb f-t-lvon, whenever il in ngr?i'a|>l<: to lhewt? stive* mikI the Cnmnwmlh^ 0*ew*j?. iTey f-bouUlbu-oyr ami it " the ticvil hm i<?-! ? foug&t, Tttnl fought unrvleniinuly, 1 know df ?u better U figk.'V*v\U* 'liojw. No Cb?)?l?in t-UouUl "O^mre to ItMetfce tfekl until We lf?* firwtuVivfn lh>*? g'Oot eiirnn nwtty. rv Ttw livwlll) of . M.vtiowi*nVft?ig<?de is. quite g\>?><1. Dr. Event, of On'* ll< gi iu??4, ioiorm* i|w iWwt. it* l???>iUlkt MckutM*. Dr. 19ib, lms Yn?l a.f2w en*e? tbwre i? now uu fuitbvrgftUMt of nliwm. in M gnrd 10 tjiin dinrwA?. ^^ A.' Tbe *now fell Ji^e^n tW2$a2Sn?tiint,. to the deptli.?f *nd wliHe I wi-ite, nitH-li 6f itH^w^rfninlJw on- tW ftTound. 11 how put n <pMfc*i>* To nM joilUhty operation* on iMfftfitWi of this rUfer. . ? ' * i. V. . " Ye?lerdnv. Yankee dfcnerf^ tntae,' *9roe* x\\S river in >v loft run He WMb e*Tri?rt 1% ^?*ketmV kh?dqu?et <?? .. J 'lo not know tbqt t# buMlgUl wny lie Ifim reneon tit dt>?eiiin'g'wiA*-simply mm i nveoOoTof boinjj w?r." ,.. J*efc?On> ni,?p?i>ltiiw ^nut pm tia(p?tl*d in ?tty w tVe Intp army. Uie4K>r|m-%1tr be henrd liom before a gie-o wkf*iU?. * Jl h*v? io Jar for ltlclunMd* ? '' ^ r.W.F?J>. ? ^ FROM JAKES 18LAJTD. Correspondence Of doutkom 251. t?rpri?e. f' Jxmks' fai*?u, February 28, 1 ""flllllilA, >n o ?mi)? o; i< mi wifft 1b<* ehi* of Oli.irUnion, i? h jioiri of mjine inter est jum jjow, i will, drop \:ou n letter, ! wiul *teontiitud to do so H*.eveuu and *tu?Mern wnrrJud. *%* -, An usual, there Urs lot*-A fid cord* of runtoi-8 nftonI irftout ibfl unetiiv ftnd his foice* at Hilton llew} mnT thereabout*. Every hour we hfitr something cnlculn ted to excite tbe mind* end furnish foot) for thought ; Uuf, in tin? etnl, th?e nn called for aM*rCiouti vmiwh.iuto thin air, amt troth iogneae. f^en. CTW.fe now permanently on ihf> Ub.ii.l, nnj Las diis !io*tl>pt>wl?*r*>gi| NieClouilV lion-e, lying in tiro tRr?ct route from the pontoon bridge, wltPnce lie will disi>eti?e ld< o.,veniihetfl for tT*o i la-ueHt <*f lu* CoiUmSiiI. K ei v now Mini ill**, during tlin Jay and night . the vnr fun derect rite h irhrks alKi'voctfern?ian? of acqni-dlions that kr/'iicinj^ ttvih',.ih what "tioidIht* or charaoter pf cnur?^1t | woiiiff b^impoliiiy for me t\> way.. . ? JitVriP oiirKMi*lv rap uHxl veslerJais au?l I am inclined -to tlrtnk with *otWo air of truth, that *thj heavier part o'f jho 'Yatiben had. (Jitna.d'iwii faithei otilli, leaving nnlv light drought J**a sei* and about SiO.OnO men, iu the water^ adjacent t?? I'ort 'Koynl^ a afalw ait*'yankee* picket," who t\ns cnpiurfed a fevv day* muc j by * c >Uplo??l' our dadiing howe*. was very reticent about the mate of a If >ir* iti the rendezvous. ii j was in 1 >eu'-iiutkvu'd dollj nias when ques. ioned, hut 1>V that j*< t of bdjgging 1 ha tfheatTou, which often j |>fovea a tr -p to the ttnwirv, ju-nt* w -re i gh-aned, prooa'ilv of future l?'#telir, the /yankees i; i< said bv iit'tiviito J, who - wn? reeeu'lv br eight o?'er iia i wmic j to tiie dei^oiitisiiou to auu'ii ".in* city on tfio 22-f. j(t|ia*. i* to 'lev ) iku mii s i vefaery of W?din gnuvV birth Jay, hi *1 | the inaogmati<m of Preddent liivis. I far, there are no signs of it akh< ugli imon in yet a fu'ufliy, aniH t ie<e is no knowing, what mar occur ; biit, i can assure you that the said" aback it the CdH?e of veyv lit? ! * atir wh ite* er; in ilrr'l, i ..can sav mow, - Y a a el Jay* the eitv wn? m >v?1 a Htlie by the appearance, off Sol -fed and, of a Yankee gunboat, with a tlog ! of truce. For a it 11 1 it was said tint! il ; brought a dam anil fron) the Heat for * ! surrender- aii .onr Snnc were I *(hiI nijongh trf" give .tha j.laa c re. lit, | It was soon ijtssolwil, li )wer?r. * hen [ the truth wM?? developed,4h*t the vietfor i brought ? b*?j"V?f letters for the KngJish j and Pieixrh v?wu-U )v ing in (lie h?rl>?r. ! and *om hImi f?r,iho prisoner* I nteUr : i> on tlia Isnnc I' Smith. \r1iruh, j by tha w^y, i* 4tii refuted *itp fnr the i Use of the <??infe*ler??ta !*$Tate* Pf'nVy.itl I Hi nee l??r cap'tira'th" .mrdteKa* Unve kopt pri-tH'eb ar of'H<* Siono^ It strikeJ ma they'll fenve ?Jf.litm ?iiy rn flmt foI tfnlitv, n* Iihs baert their woul'for some ' time past. J he-two men sentenced |o bo ?hr>V ?n j Frf-biv last, ono for the homicide i4; Iris j sergeant, whurwctitJto arie?t him, and i the oilier .Yr?r deperflon. ware I primal. SotIicse poac devils will have j tbetr |mms<? of Rfc extended lihrtf oniriT j poienrji "iirfjn. tlxvehatd llyit hold* to J eprtb till lliMl ift MtMtiltruiJ artd Ih^Hiigl He. l>onhtie? rimy feel oiutwbat I Kaftpr. ** . ?- **"' -<")jrin>n ar? Jri-t recovering-front '.be [Nor".!! Cafrdina trip, wfofie it to j tnc lb a l tlia wntent of Christendom enuhl j Il'lt Ipoatr A liu-e clennj. XU':-Ultoho j thepni$?iW"<?H .n ed^CteTsllj: rni??feehnirHei *vveer>v<.f iw. It tr$w, huttiomusi-v | ifinai k<*?l tfcnl tfe Wifpllw -??ij4/UlMce | of tlifi (i(*w lev!** mcUii>v?*<l tli?l*n( reijowo^'l UcHSiruiCm fiwli Tiw? ; ?r< ?i.i ai.o. 1" Vi'bo |?<*? !??< otrChAoJc***! ?M e*?erd*i c?> ?? vftry skunll pxtvttl pfvitft }h"e Htlft^k. #T)IH Uh.I I'HC( fi>," Amvp conn* <o (l?e concision'?? h?rt? th?^? lini*. fliul trunKto n lnvir jn <*..| Mint , * ?iriupii? Tb* p*<>cwit?? T#rM??ii <>t <?J**n. ?li*l ??i 1 bin j1i>-in ' O'-fc N??Mh-jibi'I jw!<?*<J?iv^l*y jJ}-* ' wroij'UrM in iiv??niicb->"i? ^ iiiifo " liiimo.-fi f<-6N riut?iiijMii v. iml ; iii?lj??ey**?k*tvvi*f ii-^^oii'ieij tu:li mii t>7*<o'iMrii*(b<ir 'iliKi fikitf nrini f.y tr *<*?*!?... & ? r ' rr* ** V_ * *> .. t > * nnd^bati^iU li^ luTd King Cotton, on twird. - , 'l??ny TTViWiJdV Twhu^uml 0<R, "fofr i llie nvy .Xl>rntm in .Uiyluuond, ?? out, win Vefclly r^nny perttAi). . 'TJieeprt? >^t'i? extyridf^fMtd the nenriinvn.t nu ?%2m p?flW ', T?0V tniW^pjyesjVio T* A Mtjkr|n bWcmitv hti.fting over. tho.hettmninfr of tho'ddoy ^hicli d second reeling v. (It lemovn. '> * * ; \ I; liiw, iWn f, it. ?oe of tl? Inept*! nml dWInofryAt i*kv . boge iev?r bt^efc^ Ii w?? highlyv?c lured, end h*ettren*: etuUbwertrnot lo\l. .-pmtt itML.(Xhk in 9>e liori?Mn. lime k iRhmixhJ* h <lt?*l ??rm, j?nth?* it J lay . R<;ro?* ifho tn^upfill I'lliq exi>aif?e T I 'fl'Uh* |?.-f>rMi>e~*m<liwlouU,>b?i iTf the benaflpetti tJu-Htor, who m'nde elf I thifijfb '?*} iHteoVffy/tarSK ??nd l*yond: the riiuiAio of4 mortal mihif. W,J|tte.g?.?g|| ujk>h it. i'liMfched in UMWtfhta .ilug iympnUuM?! *il^ t|*?. redeemed-, end rcj>^e ?poile** tpme ifcnl vl.'?we the nirVif UcMvert willi their unI burn diet- the klinm Sh>n>nn and their inimitiMo faihec. iiie furni*lting the fttnah; Ufjbra >f ?Ohetle?TW^ j*M?} cbnrittlotl jtwionR from tiheir tdjgfrted iwl, rtjfilMHj eotircr^ . ffhej- ?ive tyio therfxmyert art nyxJL wbnl*<ti?jr 'iMght, and we't6 every reneon, from past expe rieqce, ?t expeol. n greet- <!cmU The comic arngff of \lr,,>luvimn era all tlml can touch the li-dbihlice to fqll-tb'dijcd' . uh.ihfati^aa. to tijako nn \ effort to Im? there on 'the ooiniilj?-?aea-1 ?h>a, Knvinp ? pencfutntfor ibe" Imrmo I nv^aiid concord of xwcet >'i?U'l<,H mid j 0& indcuenh ibh- minto fc>r n " Ijllle hn-1 t trv.r now :nnl ihou ;" jiml than, bendo*. whtj ?f<i?*iv'i hky U> ?el a glim pre nt ll?V g&y ti?tn4i9cJle?'tHtrx\i*+r he ' can f? I J for on*. t- It; efii? rimini let ino tail yon i I'and the beami jfcwfartv, that old; , Charleston-h? not far behind in :th?sei iMtroeiioos that; win admiration, from lha. las* fli-xibio ?ex. * * . . j -. We are in the enjoyment of seiWicifljj wyathor. No. wonder tie Yankee blockiuhra write home that ihev ffiid" tn the dime of Carolina ill) that w?i in% the m-art or awakes, within it'a hive of the beautiful in nature. r A^ON. . - I E D. /' ' ?'; IX tlifr p^o*.- oiaaii>' iiiHt...'oT Jnnpdicc of lli.- Itror. Mr*. JANK K DlVVKtt, eu?r ?.ii t of Jamcs K: Dwvkk, of thi? Uwn ict t t ?*- .? h" , V, , * ' ? i - "..V *',. !?JfL '. . .BL'-l >* ^ | \ T,I. njenit.#i ? of irn'(*oj>| *nv idtn ye ^ J\ lltiW rtUfti'iit ftnUh l lo.l- II A I lu'rotiy-anMijvtl <? report to Ser.jfMnt -1.. I S, !4Tu*M! *, nl tliia plitor^nn yuMnh Uitftiqil. rimly to ttkc lit# yVmn /"jr^amp ,?>ii Tnaa-'ou io.?r??>>'r All Hcift'tth-i wi/l r?r< wporT iiY'Hk* ntnltiM-r ??n \liO *nut.iiayf'- S-*r* ??anr .rtWppfC will. furuinU Transportation lor tlut.{>Rciattt?. , "? ' T. A Jl'iLTZTT.AFV C'O'tniu (.'< . {I, 1. \ Murditl 41" ' t r jah^ac^frT'WH-T. I.h poJ.I, nt 4?k i It * rt?H?-ne?? n 1 'A.MF^ FAUIt.A?a **Vf^' -" ! oil 'tliuriJiv, I in- |*Ui ) ilay of Mar* if, ios'iint, IwuTltiiX^ I Wo or tlireo bend of' llOfi-il)'; iilK-'l.hlirie W?<' j <?'ON, And Iih-Ii of OATHLK,'nnViiiv wbi?-}> ^nre *. V.^ililU^JI A1*u, unv jrok? i i of likely yixiiwr' OX&KK. ? (Term* at*?lo jtiiowii on .lav of ? il . Tr* J. M. FA Hit } LirAmt\*, n. kaV?c, r^? ? j- ' BT?rct? ??.\ .".V)r 44 - *"t+4 8oldkers Co*i i Bn!.i Kn-ilK;:::nALoi OPr trie, ) t'ol it ml. in, Decctuber 2'i, 1*A2. J . ^ ff 111! : Soldiers' Board* of iUliuf iu ihu srvarol ' P J. Uutlrietl libU-l'arf b?:- of ?liis' Statd isre , hereby notified, RiU Iinjtr lh<- rup.irewcifb' of i tlie Aotaf 1Mb IVoeujOor. eMlill?<t "All j Act to flotko appropriation in aid of Ih* ftirii l lierf of snldicra, Jfcc., 4r." Tbo approi lfritttrd l?y raid AtH ha* Vi'ccu ni.oorliontil m<oa J the LpriU o?tbc UcgmH of I S.vj, ae sot forth )u rthe>eho<iulS brflow. ^ * y' "Sot Ou is also gi>?tt,~t&at after one fotittfi'of the aiU'iftlit |k*1 ilriUt ol the Chair, maa ot e.inh UiMHRi tuon drawn t'rwu tWu Treasury,-a of the Uno..;u:tior.i uf 1 each B"itr<l is to bo rcndorcii to tlio' i Treasurer ot the Urvisinn la whiah tlio Hoard ) is located before any farther payulont can loj ' i ui.-iVtor jrhirh will bo thereafter upon <t?ar(?rly IralW ui'im the Treasury. Clfairmeh of tla#?rvifct-tt*e ItonnU are far-1 : tic'ulariy ro?|iu-alad to o-uniaunieale with wia J /ov|o ms tkef urs procured to. pr>ccoV ; tu tho ilisoliarwdof Our duties as-i^ud theft. J A S. A. 111,.VCK, Uemptrollcr-Uifaamt * I ,2-fJ-KJitnii ie Jtho Miction Jiiatrttft* of tie ' i Stete will please J^Mish: . ' * J* ; Abbeville....*.....,, - .'....$21,flStf 02 i Andflriwn.t, ? ?8,0S# ' Bknrwell. ........... .*.., 14,'9S)afl , ] ., )4,4i2 ;o j Chi-xiarfh U !. '.J.Brtil 04 (-tnnr?t,aoT>: , , *t I ......... ?.... 33 lid vliaid... SO,216 V* I'.urOold...... lt,SA8 U J < J regitv tile ,.? ."3,00.S 30 t j ie.7t?t?oa M La noaotor.^.. .? ...... mm.H UitucW 7?M9 88 I L?*MgNo l*.rtm U lllarii.or^ ..jr. 10 IT* 0e fj?6wba?ry ............".? I3,7M? 97 I Ornn^o ; H.-toO U Hi<fcen.-., ..... v..a?,. 28,011 JO ! HleWn.l ...... ?V,ft7 JU t 6^lMMtbar(7.,..'. .,?.. XTLtTH 8f ! Hiini?vr....\ w.. il.dOJ ll.V MaUirw*......... Or ' ?*%?. ? r tt>rk....h: r?rr.?'.V?.?00... fi.m 00 AM "Wwlni*...". I,tt2 IP ttijm I .mpmi LJfriu#" Iftor^e, Vinjruw.,.>,5?7 02 (8t. ?. 831#.?l rtf. Jianbol-'MuwV - fto Ht? Vofgr. >'< ir? h iflrtl P.... .c. ?*,/*.. .*, 4,Mia ?i . *?. u#### c^lj?k........,^.?kr j?rV4.?*< SI. < >%+}<** *<> 8t. .Mrtin <, *JWIc tclf...../.., fpytiV 20 iH. 0'UMI..t ?|4W 74 ftfct; :':::: :::*:::::::::::r:?? 3? 5 P<ter'i W "5%. PhIH:f?nj Sk MVbuel'f^. 6V.U2 2;l ??. fl'hni.i** Iiml Hi.' Mpllif, i7v 12 1f?m.uu*V.ur< ' r ' 4 . * ^ *n Ji ' f I ...- .. 1 ... . ...>~ .. WimiK u A ?f,Ai3<r t-. " ? k8S hW* or-k -Ap^jr *1. |M? ,0f?^'?Foba? 44 ? ' /ir . . * 1 0 1 T - C v.*. _ LJ. 'LJ> fL?I .*' <-Ji rir~Trii-* ftt&to of South Carolina Adjoin -ml I..?pwtor-OQO?f?IV OOfe ~ * .. * VntAitrm*a, Fbo. 2C, ISM. v WBffJnt* c. <lw IM A*<v 13. ? " w - ? ;>A?xtiHjnk ;*v ,T WMM.M Mr-MI m TWfttRW** IM ? etsSsseSssivrc: t?d Ikalttml uWriika have left or mky Mn A? wfilww . No reitewssls of .ccrtiflqMM .ftfctal ? ' fljjW r'S&CSr* (Signed) r " A djw t?u?t a^lwepsateffl^erhPBoaitfcdasSHaiii oa*u'. > U. 4, FoLijm* A. A. Getw '" ?-M * ' - '44 H ? ' l'a^ers of (ba/KitU copy ottoe. *r\ ,* ?' . '*J ** j * I 99 C * I' State of South Carolina. *-? A?)Jt? Inspector Gonsrwl'a 0?<?, '' Oo?'*?ia,S. CL, Fob. W, If ft*. cKSKft+r. oKi/Ktt xo. **.- - *>:.*, I .THE eortronnJing nffoor* of wdimiIw ? V orgwotoe.1 for ?shrt service ??d?r U antral Order No, Ift, will forthwith return toUiu oSiee.rnlUqf.tho names of aH persons In theli rwpscHtw oomjniiftds between the Sgsi of six. tooo (10) and tigkUon (ISJ yesrl. Ii? In regiment* where there h?s l?e<n a fotlsrc to "r^enhto uatler Qehorsri Order* Ro, 10, t)ie cofohiwn.linjc-oflicerror *ni<i regiments will forthwi|l? pmecod to orgeiU'o the companies In sreonliMsec with sold cr<W et the earliest piarthsablo day, un.l the onmmnndlDg ol"Secr* of tiie cwmpenloa wilt make returns in puiaoanoo ?f paragraph 1st of tbU'oVder. III. Tbi*~or<J#r will not apply te the orgntvIsatlon.of eomnaulr* in tb" ISth RogilocntSj 1 C. M.. iMtsdHhOciHrsI WlHitet. ft, Duftine [ sure having been rhsrged by SpAcia) Ordei i No.-- with thcif organisation. ' Ijr ootameS'T. ' . A. c. oahmnotoN, A(Uwt?nt and Inspector < Irncrul Huuth Caroline ?s * Papers Af the PtnUroupv once. . - Statu of South Carolina. AiVWaNT ^A'k' r><J\ -M'ttcriit-C} kmkhjilV Af?x% Chjohcia, KutiMMrv 26, ISUS. i r t . . | I'OK Uv; intuKin.itu>q. of lira public am JL aa* ji j^tido -is f ho officer* eohimnhttln] v ..i?}>.Jhio?? r>?W <ipin^*.r^?ni/.o?i fliradrvleo nn dor t'io Into < all- of lilt ibxroiluiivy. Uic Uui cmor^tt U b?(vV>' whJo kiiotvu thai ^liifol l?ririiig pci-? ..i?? or?'hipt from unij sijrViC? an witurnli' l.ieitu*an4-4i i.vecnor f?r tW(lm< tiein^, J utiles af-Cytwis of I?r,w ami tili'ilty OrUiu.irlii' < tfU.ik? of Ctuirl.i of (*rjiwr>d 8?$ xiwns uw^OMtnAiTA lMcua ; SherlflV ; 'TlaaU'rs r. ntid IU%'i?t>**a m CfuUjr? Mn Serrotnr.v oi'State ; Hurvejrtir-UcinTnJ-i Cumf* trollvr Ucmui&I; Treasurer* of tag dlalo : M> iu >V>t?r* of th? Lojridntufe and Oflfit^'rs ICi-rcAif Altafncy-tlh'tWal* nmi folfnltora : p<*r?olt? ii | V* ?*tlnrivt? ?'nl Stfeto nuiitiay aerviCtf: OQi I ws and C?il it hi" Stilt - ililitaij' Aca-lon^y: ; HeguJarly C.liciatin^- Cljtrexait'n r TtdgirtarJj .l>ijor??M ./for tti ufr Thlify-ft vc joi<ur AfiorttAfury to frf.til VognUriy e ta- 1'ois Stoic m ?f* m.Mittp 0#.?re ;t'.id-l\wrttlty of Ibc diuil CaroUcn CaHcjjc, -and' rruwawra In "nfT'tj" in nrptofratiM Ooltoer# iunl ? uuolo^ioal SoIkhiA vrtuic ?ui<l owUcgwa and #cU?h>;? ar-j hi <tpt ration tliQ Sup-li'ittjodunt, I'oacliurr and Steward u tfu>' OMar Upriinpi Asylum t ScbbulmrtrUT "Mtlng uu'lw not )?M tlHil fw-n If i ; nil Tlriuiah Pilots f ">o trhlte iuui i to iqtcli vstubliaheu firry, t.>ll*l>riilgo, or tol | grain mill if actually kept bjr ?h-Ji white man itio Etnsrdenf, (faahter .ipd Cite i'olMr ol" cool of tHo ilauk* of Ike Mate; .tb* 1 rtMurtri a paving fuatitulioo* of tite State, the olfieur nnil nioti iJ Tho City Oward, ami Afltoefi am forlVlttef^of caok Ate eompnnjr M the Fir .Jiejmrtweiit of CbnrWetnii ami Colmnhiaj tb nfBctri and ?? vnpy y?nji\oyvt>N of each KnU rwad C imjoany ?? tlie rre.-':,ifn?*or Sapor in 'trndMt' e?rt;(? ?o Ka ?l. .1 fMent-eau.lnct in" it* Wtinoaa : ! r<niJtd, Till ft nball aloo bo certified that Iho dntimrof ?ai< ' '-employ o?a cdfcnol l>o dii?.-bi|r~Hil by i%Ihto? t1h 'Superintendent nud Keeper ?f the Luonti A?/4nut iutd* their *A?.--.i*l?[iM ; Stewards o ivw?|?vr> 91. Boor jlnuocx ; U)u Kacpora of th. Arfuiinljf of the Skitc holtJfrtjf otfio) ah'iwnSC Conft-dirufo tAliUm, except l)cp?tlt l>..Mmw(br?i pMium aaaptpjod attaint* ?r by tlm (h.jUodcr.Uo StaJ^e iu tho sngpafWa I turo of oruv*, mo^Wnu nc war and oriBTrup j idhwf.all pdeenoaaetltally engaged in tlio ana u far turo of flsUbii tho ** oonrt ?. tin momber of tho BaiU.U ?f Rob"f *?f nnldier-' fbmMiamj U*oor?ur4>H vinj?*i;ortiBei?toii of exemption H ; an d fp.iin thia ?dIloie'i per none under the ago o ! rherden nod bhotp tho ug44 of ifly yeaft nix |MOOI>?'>M^WN> tlio ago* of cighUnn ao< * II. IVrsnos oiaimipx exempt) >m aodor tb lair wlji present the crWituo of tbair elntm, ?t wriMnp and ou oath, to the ewiuiwii(|tii| ot floanaoffiio, t-?mp>vMc4?? w^?o> Hi ay bpJia .1/1? to aerrieo, with at a horebjr iruthorirea, % ihc claimant becloorlycntittbd toht*ex*ni|itloi] tAanirk ofVpnoite his" name on the companyrod "exempt," uyl ??vh personaabnll llnl lm tw reuuirod to gn info camp, 'nit Urn oAuiUmridm; Otpfeerii Afentdpnni#* atthll Wtnm -fhd* r^me >f into! i exempt ion" to (ha i-otumittfding Mkm of too rejjiniont wlwu it ahull hare heoiporxuTi l1H,IOWT#fW br ItiiH, Ami ha KlmJI flnnH; dyl it mi no nit fliirh casoa. Mr/. Ramma rcrltftwMeknf *x#?p tion'fretfc Abie trflVeo will rtoi be r^Alrfd ?i }>Mx1nc><rinrlhf? prdof <*f th"(r riglil to tfia ??*me mil"** lb? roanuiHitdiiir oTat<wr#4.t' tiio rawpeir hiw? t?#'b to flbUcwc inotlHHM't* i* ? l?t> * grr *"tf?iMM to o<-?Mportu4? or cmplcj^uu f'w. Tu . /rou?i'l 1>? icwio t Um <jr>atm Mtrmi**** {gttJ > til* yripuitaatliiu) utk 4h? carttftralps of th f nftrJajoiii- r?*imw.U: /y-\rt?.l, iWth aSBEtesf asxtuc IgSHgfflSaiSSS fioutty en<Unffcr?d f.y ?fiug to etu??, and ra fiarC inl Mrh enatifj't tf? fotkniiM'ljeg nffoor of (btrir nwpcciirt) r.tfbtwnu, t? bo wM?#t k bfe rrVHioh. ; * V. Ko liirlotitflui or onqicgtfAAa ?4>fr thw fn* a\ M'( n will lie prnttod at UiW an< alt ap^iral^y fkr A.rto***.. rrnief W?*& I the- r ^oniiijtdtwp Afm^rif mf fedtftrWtj. LVI- K? <r?ma? ar (Ita'Wi'fca w'ejrdmpilrv o'WiYr Itmft ttxma bem?|1?efora WWHH at provided for 1>p law.. f ?. ?>* ''? py iiiaplllil i v . (tH^narf) ''* MT>. OATtMflOTOIf.AdjvOnt and i?4|ic-ci-ir iiniiorAi Carol ia? MUld. ^ ' *. ? ' i <*/A. Fovir, A. A. <1. <_ i ?b?r 5 - .v ? ^ > 1 I Kaci* pApar m Wfllall ondN M?' '... ' ' m > H . ' * JPP* ? j jRjp . Aim, tbM* IndttiUd to Dr. V. L. If. AUffc TIN 4 &ON- will 14mm mill* tMr W?Utimmk - T . W. ILrttUSTIN, Admtnklrator. * . -r4?v S SSgtf: ir ?rsr?Sv^E cHitU will irr with tM*** hf wr*W of 1 tbrtUglnMto. 01T? MTyrtr MM*,M4CIU tow Mmw *Uk ??. J>o bo| w%i4 to W Confc?rJp??d u4Mlnni \ -. V_ji^'. ' - >a?ir? M?ocru?uQfi, \SE3as?3tt*afc^T'. . ' S-ZtiSfc ToifSrrHi HVLDKA4 CO. *Tab W ?w ?j*a >. > ?.? . .??.,*?? ?>?<? '" v Notice. T^liRKE mnntlis KtUr. 3?t* AppUwMlo* I X will be made far renewal at Ortift, cote for f?M?r ^barftt of T took 1* 1l4.Hai.nh I Carolina Railroad Co . apd South Wee torn " Hnilfoml Rank, *t?tidln|j- to tl(a natr.4 of .JOHN A. TOWKEH. lb# t?rtgiu#l having been loat itr-witUid. . , ' * '" KrT*_ Mr. A. TpwwER, v f ?. Admin ielmtor. 1 Greenville C. JU. 8.0.,FcVtoOt. l&RJh l-Vb'26 _-48 IvtiiPm Houses and Land FOR SALE. : i MriLLbotoiq JlOWWu f A^V-?^ to tk? hlKbnH.^S3E^ u V,ee"e'2^^Sr ll^.i.TiCOiI?. vilta -c. 11., - fTjf.fiWrar ? Fkicid?Utf Iprll neat, if not db, poaed of, attut of LAKH, mbliialix tbVen lninrtvrtfT^na.^of wll*h twenty lie ta-haJtOTTOM. 0a the Plane er* two IIouMr. with nonveoUat antl e.ljaecnt OaVBaMdinxe attached to amok. Only elxtjr aorcs floured, tho balance btluy vra\l wooded. TKHMe-A credit of twelve ntontha, with inturpet, iVom date, with two approved accufi?eV ^ JS Q fl AK^l. v.. .Ts* ^ ^?*-?. .. -xx'J:-. v x.?...?Aa: ? * NOTICK.' " "'' AT.T. rSllni-tl.aua, Tru.luf-a, Ac., ikiiUo to the ofl'Mo of Catutitirtiourr ut Equity ? f?r rtrcenvlMc. 1 tint rid*n 1W wi.-itt* iUol?y*T 'lurna l>y llie let <1?\ of At>rU of tlie present year., V M. M". UllOMAS, . *' CopuwWeioncr'a Office, l'ab. 16th, f86R. Feb. Itl. 44 4 , KFXHIIITS WANTED. 1 rW"Ik tilltSK"ak?i.t .1? f .1 x?f tlwir-enai try, a good npporf unity in ?ow oflf>r??d iwtwerii the nu?M <>l ;>49Mhn (IS) and flirty (40) year*. The op. n ations <it ttie Ooltrtfrlpc A?i l.iing pArtialJ lyifilapenilcd, pel roll IiaMo. * ill Iim allowed f -for a .rltoi't* tini^ to ultncli themielrra \? iBt*.y Ar .regiment tliay may wijli ,jind / *?< jve tire bounty ami uUitft* fututit. * |tr?vii)?i} liy Uw mr volunteer*. Let every * man 001*0 (orwruil pmmpily him! outlet wiih iuu in Croft'* Company V. S 1'ciiinrAt, 8. t'. V., im?l h'?fkn tkiuiuNniy. 1 an! w hile llw Mi?inf i? Itliiki'ig n< mml Hrfpei ate |W?Jinntioti* p> MiljilgiO* ??, 1*1 f']j. H* be prep.ilyj l?> H)r?t. liitn +WII1 N?'lw 't the Jtiati ict J?r the iivxt Ui riavi^ fi.d'at i 1a. eenviile on ?a?ur-i*v. JiBtb of tbw month. ^ (Varan* wMiirg lo.Ji-jti ilive evmpnuy. or ,V*i?y i.rl^j ci.ftipuny of ?Wr iflllf Ueitlwant. . ?aii dyVkv enlling hn in ~t ill* ahovv , ttaiiiml place or any. a Uri e thwy m%* meet f me, ami reentvV trn importation, fre* ol ?clnirge UMhe Ucginiclit. v Serg'c W.M. N. ItOSAMOHR * Company Q. ItJth Kuginien*, Sr U. V. ? feb 4? 4* 8 ) t>T Colombia C'umaffaa wriU eopy nntil i ?8Ut ol thi* montlv. . ~ , KICttllTKNCi ?r.RVIi'E. J rp?E Adjutairt awfl Inrpeelor-denornl har? J. in| giveb perm Whom to *11 A*Me it J CotmeTiptiuw tp rilwtm In any i a?tit? ocrtoe, proV"iflr4 they do in Kfcfbr* thev * ar* mWMw Caiarfjidif i lnm btm?tlbr?l ' U> receive rolitMocrx for CapUla^tfoathatt/i * Company, or any other mmpil* in the Viral f llegilueht ?. c. v., who will M entitled to e Komity. ium| to all the fcauaftta sheared hi 0 volunteer* by law. J will W ah Orrettvilla t tfudHwenV Tympany Wen* without Or ?* r eapirml tear*; are ordered te mat flo tktit * euaipaa^M mi <*ou far duty,-or lm twgrt ? * fleM?Wm TH*?e who da not report by the * 23d of tale month w\M he arvretc J *a<! flflb ltrcmiUne 9*rt*%rt, Co. Ftm ll?*'l fi.C.V - 42 V - ? * ' Notice. T>flTAfE>f jmui w. joubr. !</ ? J * N*tVTOJ* BHAMLETT, ? <? ' > +.MQ*m IJKUWE*, y V. " DAVW >*t?UKJ?KY?' ' ? PKWCILI.A WELCH*, tfATTMA tfELSftW, 1 s;'*P^i ?**LISA LuFTU, J, a . ? - .tohk tdvxlPT ? Wgrft Ac JWW? W. ? j?i?rr<rHolfT.?f>wI " All hiJcbteA ta? **y * '&* ?<> 1 wilLui?kc^>ew*^*epn<Nei4pkii#|.Ao4Al. t juurtio? b?*lr.? ??wm? ?? ? "IU mM tbtWT vitfifa thr*? it?f>nth?, l? " W fTM.>I. yUOMAft, C. K. O. 0.,. 4T4 AamhiiKrM2 Li t - ' " ?f l AaiSS^^ih^inicwwiAL OR r^as^.narsssi? szfii f * f?#Mtnr# ?f p*f. A?r tl?* iwriod ,.f un*ti< " ihnrlwd -*? ???. i?++r?hr prmriaWd u , ?B whbufctJM?* Jfrlri : j??fV$ ?p ?TOiS| "pmi ~ ' "w . - > , a pn-itdb m* ' * 4ff DjAMRiwiidot ??L O^Tivm ORAUAjpAVI^ f r-? v .. . *' ' "r *?PFWWl>W?Ot ?*-*. *3 r.^flNMoMi N C.? <*, lCM. n*??pti|t?r in If will QanilUft. 4|n(J Vai^viijj , w?|r y*^h?^^wnt ?Ihh'h (Jin*"! Orif"r 1*6. *. ufao n -W(%1 . fnrtkr# ?N?.^k^?>^ t4iK! W??rtU**?py < AilvcrliWrMM'il >6 tW?l<iBii. . -T * ? A, H M?J r.?i| fK |,V tj. J|. , 4? r I }?2 ', * * - v , . ? . r . y * * .ar?rm>o<4 ...CT. ....... | 11 " 1 ^$$^^"*365^ #*? " H .V'U": M " ttwurlllt .,..'* 4 -4* %. ta.. -W*nn?h*t?rt ww ? M ? ' .Bolton ft', 4 M 44 > AtUvUk.... t fc. 1 U " : 9 .15 A1& !J g P- ? ' TFlliAvUU^nfOMTilW. AS AMOITNT JL"1 TTWRT, ?Mtk Iffe t??M* can We bf describing, pro'tlrtg, ,n??d laying *?? ** ineum-d. V - a^T. ' ZTzr .y* -'.tf irllttM I he EltocUadr.^i SM^nleWPPM aua 100 4o*tt CAPTOK oil flfa SKSBP!"""* s?r?,' NBKDUis '< JftOO-doeewJ^lHWlb COTTON' . ..A ?0p..undt. FLAXMNM 000 poimle lm|KirM CWPKH AS inoo Men'* anil lk>?J* UATb , ' < - f ?0 hi^criie-JK RnwnU'liAU i aw. , 30 tierronAJcJ* , 28 IwmSllow Orleans SYJllIF i 1 bwrral Unit F|SE J00 bogv* TOBACCO. 100 Beatfrcgard CAPA ,. Wh?lo?at? ,??d retail, ? r ? ?*?<* f torb, . ' ' '' * ? OrconvJIle, ft."C. S*4K -* * %t CLASSICAL, AND ENGLISH ' if 9 C H O L j-'y v' ; , THK NF.XT MU3RIO* of t)i. ftrWk^ OLAiOilCil, AND E>*li LlN.ll WtSSf^ttCnoOL, n-rtenlly crtab!hih<M| hV . Jmjm Vo?<eu?f? KWiliPS a*H JtTD . fSb& Ri?N, irWi lb? approbation of thi Boapt ?f X/uatcc? at* Furmnn Univfreity , (Htrififr the Mepeiwhiivof the Kxemincj of lho Cyifcreilri wlH <.pel> at the Tfnhrcreily Bnlhl-1 IpfcONTlIK l*rn BBBltBATlY.'and^pibraec two qnartcrs of l?f> Weeks rark.' ***' ' T?. ii*??tlOur quarter,' with W tctrte for Ineldeptiil*rteVniifne, jlayehle In Mteeifre. thoed RmMlnneee Lm hail m $1.S per month. The utw>*t *?t?h-rare will bawanrcjeqd orori (ho morale nf-tlie pupils. . J For 'Airther information eildlwf IWtMor P. 0. HnweiMi GraaateiUe, 8. C? , Jo 8 36. :h tf IM otite. > A I<T< |irr??in nrc i-an tionoil net to Inde hit 1V H >*?>TK. BILLUY HAI.Rtor A??KKK MKNT to p?jf $1 ,i0tl to J. P. Poolo. )r Pim|? K IIMkcI, dated aUuit the firet of Divwcmhit left, mill pepar knving l-aan (jttn for a Negri' > . Iinmnl l>ii-k, who wet rrprvacatod ie Sg sound in butly '""l mind, and uot a ntaeWH.v, "Raid ,, Negro having turned nut to he n fii.toriutisrunsnrny, and mtppuevd In be iniMiuAiI ln muni, J hara rofaned to reecive biui, and witl not pay the purchase money, noInee-eiunpolled Mr )?w. "* JA WK.S kctAttBY. Yob 10 - 45 S-s ?8JMJnnr<1inn and flreenrlHe Knfcrprjee mpy enoe a week for three wrcks. .> * m 60,000 ACRES S Of Teftie l.ittitle for *ul<?. ? ? 1 OPTVn for .Hie I lie it")* <|i?*IK7 of I.aNC,. m??t ?.r whleh ia !>? ?# hi Coroyell Coaniy, \Wy o<-ar the gpogreuMmI ttltrv ?f the StNto. TImm litnaiecr* loc*wu M M %nrtjr a*y, witb W nrreiHa frotij fW Texan Horerhmeiit, by Col. 3amc* Rcilly/ i an old Texan, who know Use eharaftrr of tba Lawk hi Wall aa any other manln the 8laLe. I ?l(r?t the Mh wiug to** a <l<*aert|t(l(Mi given of tlii* cixanly in (ha Tcaaa Alu-ipac for !8A?? " "JUa gmrn andeoHon N<Sfj It dcacrverily > V*n,,? hlpb, the a vernal' y i.rld of wheat ordf narily being twoal'y bnlhela. rorn ?hlrtyv and I cotton sat Wa (?r bom. Onta, rye, mUlrt, i Mthtanil Inrtry linariah (Intt). For h? raaa, i eaiUe, aheap ant huge. I regard it M iho boot i artran county wtth which 1 not eoo^inud." k I will aelf there land# a* rcnaunnbT? yriaaa i %g the Im>?e, half t*eg*e - d?er(er long**.' Imt would prefer aolUng only * kail, third or nnntfor kalaf^la |ha wliolo lal, a: I' regard the tnrtitmiut Ane of tbo initai and nwiyroritasblo that ?#a be made." " Term Cart W Confudotnta Honda. 1 r * ' l)**3AMtK RA88, II ' ' r. Oivonvilla C. II.,dl. C.? * ablfl J* . % r~H$ * S T ^oiiete? 7 'QllRRNVIM.K. 8,<V. F?h 14, ISftg. f| IS iMUWianrc of ?nl?B from " Head jnurlors Amy- Nwtlltihr. Virgioie." ?* are nuitorhtcd to receirs VOtllKTKKR8 for-itla HUTl-iCR UUXJvltS Md danuud Rejrtwc^h-nr f??e any other pewtpeay or reglmdat ha.the Army or >iorlharn Virginia. All par.ton a liable U nyndcrlpliott ate. fpr (be present, ' , tbnnn ?h? v.ilu?it?rr V?fur- thrv ?m omjirrtplr#, will i bounty of |W; nnd ObrnmuMtion fbr rlMbHiff "m?<>iinMu(f tn #1.14 * >?W.' Now, thou, Irihmtii? I?? nrokl no?i*ri|i' . Hon And lecwt ?Ko Mlmiy, m?Uo biiliNh?fgt fli^ tlirty ywf obi ywpplf Mul^ruuf M lUrjr a. Wq nriWrml "?< arr?*l and bring <fcM% ail p*rtr?<>u? rtiwl Wilbont pronor autbo" rOyf ,.ITbv#for?, ntl ?? ! ?nti#*d IIM; uf the 6*e?ud Rfsiiooni. ci;.^vi?iiy, wbo *Yo [' abwWit without !ont?, will (minrrlintcW report - - ** . . . U~.i. ?. ? CAOt.K. iMi :; *?>?? ?v.. .. . ? ! J AM l!S M. ALLEN, 'jBmP; ' ' - >. - '. H^ti 1/ to oiwi j|m ,iM ?f tfca CmMMi M- W H riM. l*t *! * lr*??*u witvnt Ip MM&25 "" or KoallU *rr?y iWhtl !> lj?tw *? * , * , wlutf?v?r MX ^ % ihlMltif of <A?^r-V' W>tW*rr<*P?* iWHUy wjM| t?| |?n ??. 2Hr^Hiyr^?js^ miuMwt, ?M delivered to tlM ClO?<|,,|| M" fc CuofMerut? offeort M* 41bW? Wrn dclltUred.ol City I'uittt, up U Mm . . * Fro4?rl<*?Ur**V, ta 1*-1? ceuiW, \H6I. ? ?'><.." ?. All CWe^r** oiloon ?imI M* ?JX-^ WS? ci) ?0't Vx?T<ifi>d II OBMBIMM. *- A b BliU. dJvfnfiltttV ?M iotStfjoSSiiS' ^ V*o. *??#*. Acwt ot ftitwy ? ? " - --??-~n+--w ,. ?*? . STATEOFBOUT*CA*OX.I*A. OAKEN YILIiB *1>I8TBICT. r IN ORDIHA**. Wliuu ?. 11. *? ? **?,??,, i % w irnlor. A|?pUe?nt; u?*intt1k?r1*g*i RAW* -??? tvd ;VpwwiiiKiTw pt rr>?. > (1rCtl|r?<t-'rfi<! .ltgRl l?it* iml rdlflWMlM UrMcf <y. W.? KOtfr mi>, iltwin4 )v^?l Iwirij nrvt ri|.'L-e?irt?tlr.?t I'ti.-fr <t cut wa Wkuui. Acwrcood. p?Om!*t>tr.?Ci-' t at ion for Finml HriHrmtmt ct?)f frt&rH. 1, wHJS: IT ?| pcAXMig llint tiro k#4r? c.f I'^wy Du?, r ?!#," mutttA-SJlirljf ?<if. I'olljr iSUtrn. .1- .it? ) ? hi ir* ?f Funny W4k;muf^. U>?<?i? ?-<]?hdirt ol AmM Kr< i cl>, rlnoemnil? *<-! "J ' < ? Stoliff clrceru?-|i??I>f Juliati ittiin Slnn".f<1-cv?t*r?t?*nU#? ft.' Slinjij-Anl. wi"l?V..i?m1 J.?. pitta* 4.-intjcnF frkiki of 0. v^>W, the Ji'Cul hcJtf u?u\ re^irHI#^l*n?.'tlW I'rlci.l n \Vi"Wi. ,n?'? <v???.r,. wlicjO icmmiu urrfc*^ - Y?; unknown, retire lirvufnl llf- tftbitf'gtf' tkit j. i > r ^ ll it on|tfr<i n^A jtuf.^u "n>>oYy ftrli.t <T? f >+yT. VkVth?MF?wi! toM.n l.o;.lcM.'?t<;:e?i.cfliv-C..t?*in ll..flke, eo, the i Went v.revoictU <i?v <" MAnki. n't v, ??* .?*?'W **^vjv fin. I ' FtinKK."';. *\ , tnjNl.ii cn ty vntt tli.TUiMtjg, ,j"\' ,fliv? u.iitccl- i rny hntnl nt.?1 M viiltt ^Wfi ti?y nl Dec. itu l U. *' nOUt'UT McF" JY, 0?f- " T1* M* t JlMI 1 ' "fifi*. 3tu ~?: v-*v - *- -j ~ ---?? i~; . STATE OP SOtfTH CAROLINA, r _ '? U RKFN VIliliL TH?TlrT. " V " ' '' m z,nr,} L. \V. M >iy firl l,JLtlntitiliSKIMi^t iftlimtti C Rgatiiitt l?lit N, MtiyRcjl t ntici J>?f|iiHh)iitc*eCllk/>Mt /n- JSouil *_ IT R]?|Marii>({ \hi?t N. Wnvfield im I I l fcl M.VH..I.I cn- I.? ^L- IlLJi .tif ihi* It I* oidetvd-jUml- iV> ^ iptwii lit *. Court of ni ( !? . iivfW t"i.?u t lion*? on >riday? il? atslli <bit j?f-Ala^ch * **; Ur^bow I : nny tl?ov cum. <* ! * A Fln?l SaMtenianl ?> . M.a of AKK Ail AM KaYFIKIJI (Urrw il^ MiotiW iKit. lif kiJ, and a lAatrc i . < given ihrrnHi. * ?- ?o*> , - Tlii* 41'. day of )Vv? mt-er, A. P. KWW. (?' ,* KoilfcKi' McKaY, Ordinar . ? * *2 "**' *? ? ' The State' 6f Scutfc Carolina GRV.RNttllJig ?kcuut. L \XJ IIK?UUH, latiiiro -ik'T1 mniM, R?rj. !\ * T OminoU ioUoi in VjM bf for Clr^iri villa ItfMrtci.Jtax f.lcil n petition In ttiyW ifrf, l*Va>ln*^J?al l.iJNrai|f AdoilnUtraffc-; ' >u inl ncA Mugti>*rMhc ami vhattrh * rnHrtii ?ml rritlitf ?.J FA .rm.\ NKISf.N .1U1IK 1.0KHH.4aj,. aL Ik?' Nili lii Mirfkiiif -AeeaAwaJ.-Vjimuk ; f.? graMad (u ht>f: Tin-** i?rr, I herchira,. |? cl(?' and adw-MMan *41 ancWInynlM rba kin [iMd and c;i illuWvf Mia ihiwI d' ?.nn?.f -k i ; U??.i ?W?*r?t ? Quurt Trf. MnHnkry fm OroMtville irixli irt. in -> f tldaalt B~ttfn" Vlllc Cu?nc Hoaac wAIOcnlav, thr tilth dai . >t ti aWW a*."-U.enjF ? wjp i the aaid. Admitd*' ^W^nMtntdiHAtf tor gray a ad. v . Ktl&KWf UcKAtT? l?V ^ M 4KLATE Or BOUTH C^aUJfZr URKKN Ytl.I.g DIRTFbfT. u* OK LU N acy. ~.M| Mr It right, Xdiainiatpator, Applicant Atfainal Emily Mn?o., and QtW>tA.-l>a ffudnnUH't'itada' I V?axi, and (lull fondIMaaon, rn>!4? t?a. f nnd.tlia Mmlta of lhi? Slata : U la ordered liat they do n|>|>?ar at a Comrf. of Ordln?f*r >.< lioldi-n nI <lr'-J '?villc" Court IJoiirC, *4 Ft Iclav, ll?? AllrdaJ' of MareM ?lwfj3 dW, if any tfcry o*?. why m &ctife tptiit of tlja Edaie of KU'UaBJ) II ASUF. dccraai-d. IumiU TkA b? had, and a_I)torty nil Mi tW'on* . , *?TT!HM8 Thin 4ili day of Peoamhrr, A. T>. 1862-'i . ROHKAT M?KlVY, Ordinary, Ttv. " [ Dm II ? d* > Wm | * ? ; ?r* 4 ' BTATE OF S0OTMAE0LIV4 i * IllJiTaiOT^, - : . VL1M <& >ft UD U K* A i? Jon* A?Mon, E*o?'Ui?.r, arnlioant, again*. AI**nt?Wr .ThtM?i| W?n, mid oik*** Itga . heir* Aid toprMcnfiUvM uf An da?aaed..? tVtaKn/Vr >V*Af Bti ttrtnmi a*4 Dw. . r . m >v' IT upftaaring that Jo-rnK Thrnrfrxr Jam. ? Thutnii-A*. Ji>Ui< Umhwmi. WV |l?m Tliiwai?oi)fi)U>| iwM*ull? Awl Muorr lit* * V*, aadVdW** Alexa*-drr, IV falMan V.. rMii* W>/mnI th" liaU??.i?f-tldi : It iw Ordvrad- and 1 JOAMA HttT 111??> doyyyar * ? r?urt I Hi'..oVUn CvjAI IJ owe ?n (\H ! <U# ?/ Itmrl vr'. cau**. i( wyUttj ?n*? .f tba EaMtr J 4f?XA* UKU. *?-WM h?d% %q4. ffm ' lA-era* ?ivuh flfij U'WI , \tf '.ft' fiAi. ?tU4v pi ftgyayiP. J?ww . MtfWW* MiiiUrTi U. 0. t>. dan * fyT'VtS . ?"TV'S . NOTKSJfi. .? 4* 3SS8 -1*4 J|*HK??U?? <fu* $? <M? w. ? .?* "?J ml % *&$&&*, d. i .w'.!' j.*.'....!,' mi i jn.fc.-wi.5n i tUP Km... vb-rr iui,\ ^ ^^maMaSL * J?.ui I, ??' ! y i*i' .^'"j" t&a?J3ra ?t i.W (ttRt.-, |J>- hovA?^ J?^ ^'' k t Oaj. u. Jipkc. I JU^''