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"V ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ~~ ^ ^ *"'' "* ' "'" "' 'C ' ^ I - ^ ^ ^ '' *? - aqfdhft ^ ^ * ' ' * "? _ ~V. . _, _ - -*?*!& - ?^ **?TT" * "*' 1 "' . -' ?rr?s -,. T .. ? *. *. -** * V>^*v* ^ y .? T.t*, ' w / _.? * IgL ; aEg^jx: Qg .gppp^AR Eysyra ~ . ...-. I ^ ~^^ecotjjd to $the 3Iig!tto to)( 'tlsf^riftrndUgf anbitj all iWsti of^IorJtrag ?ftcn. ' | ) ; -," 1^0^. iWftS^Ay i " ' '" " ."'T^ '. "''n^UBKR hT ALU'I'I - 1 1 * Ifl IffMJXD wnt lir MV. ' .'. -J.-. - vp. v - ,r. \>- .. ? , v ;' (9 Prrirfbnw. iu A*tu?3c??.' ^ Vy'Li.' 1* ?'litWife* '. 5 ? * 'l^ttV hw \i?w?rte<t'*t fh?:ri?.>i< o'1 m* J<ill*r BiTty rofiU I^flr BfMiarr. < / li Million ' . % of Ui? ftrwv inavrtiuu, ??v?iiv.rtv? vattJ**"*?'!*"*** fg* '?fcv HHDud anu third inwiYt'iigi*,n.,ml ^i~ ]|f *Jnal[(i|>i ftr tflwW nfttntior nr liaavCi, arc . 5"- c^mKoayrypt ^iQJtutoa p(. KKgnljf ftno C'iptg * ' y(a!i<aiiwtin?|.l> fcur o%.>, $4. . '- *. . A?tWortif*?"Vif?-?oiit hi Without the naOibi-r J*jrnf ipMrtWiMa in ml, wilt h? fuhlh>h. .1 until wrtlwr^d.wwi 3?d ch^rgort fin- acewrdlnRtjr, -V' ??>? ? ] Ff^ro.tMi.w^chnHtx *?i?J Rrfl?*t?ir. - V CAPTAIlt BALf/i EXPEBIENCE ' A !"WSTtll THA I* TIIA OlIVr.OM. t was at vtMnV ooi nftti-nrnn hi my gfirL ?. <Vn ^t ojw ?jiiiil^ jilM'feil, itml "pjirmirlipil v. , *o ?L# *'? hint JijrjMam"' wlttiiiVn fnw irct * * f >? '/wjh-jp of I U ? Vt trtffl-fiA 4h.lw W I u j iMt nft*rMoon." Tie t lid," PiHHnlJ inv llmnc. imt ? JiMtle AnionW?? **> * * landing htrfur. in.-, willi an <-ml?. f A* d>Hl. worlihy- ' v, '?.!? <1< A jfiwfl ij iH vetenl fcliaiaetena ill the TtZJ - r*- v . I \ .-I. t upTihi Bull, T ar>*W*t>d ; w I wn? jfi villi; Tlivn- JOIU'H IK-nvIlKt ?o|?H tlwlut to -1 " An.T v^.v_lh?f<vkh(Mn^,-Alm??^ . j "Y,*. mjgTh.oV; 1 *Atf limiting briw t wmrli ?v art1 'jwji vin?r. How . liuicli A*o need n>i In t-lmih upiltt^i mf A Spi- il iinl Sllflf to l|ti Utf nliuvvLtlio tnnglea Li " . . *if w?n IVllincinv." * . "Mr. lUhifor!,'' f?id lh| vliftnr, ^nfW vhnk*4 toil?, ' (?l'Ml)?trying td find j .^lwili A nlnlf!' " * -1 '' ' *? "NJ Itc-r!** 1 ?ixcljiin?c?V'fhiLof aymf??iUjr n?ni Joy, " tKorv i? i.nt ?iif Sintf; dint t Ajfirlni fhnnti-H fi*r ?n?. JW4 may*atttanAMif , ?Mi^iliiii h.4 nji^iii-ol HVivport^ntnl lov?t. i^ThJ iriiili Vnti liavayiiotlSrTfOrrrk?<yo?i Have ^ i - ?tily rraclKa^ttllf *rnHciU?yf ywtif- k-rfirt' vii A*|ih-?ri.?ii Aintafaitk, ai>4 fbev will rlnan J H. ' The ootMiivAVd <?, 'Keprrit -Ami Ulfwt" * r " I ' H* am A middle-aged mnn, ?hnw hnii ^ had ei"wn early gmy with wnHdly ?or*a. __ \vl?n?e -?Vi? wrw linnrellsH-nle^ lo Anil Sv * It WAA Ano-iiujyiW-Aee lliat liwvl Mm ?nU?n * 1 iu?I( al ]?>k nlbtoAl m he M graajn .1 tiy bund. - "1 have hud W*nl?|>ttej'.xf??rienc<S" b* aid, ?*cov#l4i?ghifu**)r Iftu a??n f]>o?l?liig ' Vrith mnclt emotion. ,"h tlll>?r Week* Ago. I Un-llnlut) b?<Ai mnktiig donir k *??'y ka?iI tnhitmr tilvbb ?? I ?*f ? * wu kleff lioww, rrokon^H^*wtijJiv'i?ni|i~,'i.n?t K freiing a ptiilu Wt?.l lihioijili in.rtie Mai'* I Ji??i (r?-t In the work) hn ntri riiteWilni?it a-oa atailryi?t. !'? ? . \aiy nlll, I Mitilfi-Hlgo )y hcnrifc l>j?t th# firl.l crickohk'.At"^ th? **r*m|? of inv iortf on lit* >tirt k'.r*m1?* h*n aihl-leiily- a ^ Voir* ,-ni.l*: iQaf ??* '/ | fir A#M yai? rfyAH Ae k?^/umj ?-0* 'hi* ? ? ; j^H . i+it? t " \V*i? i). a^IuhUv qm-.-tUuy Ma4"e4*?? li* liMiiKtAy, i , *4 JH _"No; I km* it Umv* j?y''""ty. L ' tv* ?o>k Jv-? i?.??. jmkI _* A ???*?.lit ?f k tuw* WircbStifc*'/V> r^wn. I> ?? Mr- .TJ1" I IwrnMbilkii 1 >** n rtiiliL.Vlit.Ui1 ><H. ffotloU JMM) t$A'" ln?: J#fl)U M??rrml- it&r ^*'Z< ^ W? f.^.d ti.. u #tt-i f |SL, I., ?i.I. ( , IvllUUr^.Ijfin t?kny. |.<-i>i> i.iii V ^^B^ vd ft>r ! ".In; ? ?v ?f.)Ui>'| inJ nl?-1* .->r.<Tl' i?n>.1i yri'ruiu|t iu ?Trt. lillWj IUI?1 I cMi'l iv?vkUjt fin*.- v?.)u< Iv^V" oo'?WuiUOi* 1 J4V>"? a ditr?irtStft/d$*i?,;'?bd "Hv-: 4>J n dili.*t#W ? |dir|MiM-; naJnhlibV* ?oim?Av l*ik HfiR ybk Wfi jj ",. t ^ji/W , -%t * dte . * 0*n: ? nHii- rrlMtrtl 'll, r^iali rtWUimi-nWHn lii* bVflf dlf>i*.?*. at rretiu- i cAi*TFliMlM 11'v.*11 . Tins render. Ii..w>'v r. r??ti-t iin.ijiu.#?*#rid >? bnVe eltpffd ali.r* my lir?t riHiV^roNiixn itlTti II^IM, iihI ill* nemo ui ! ? f*t l n I ^. ] IjTVti t 'will ov. Il!|.v' 111 >'1 I Ivr'. wln*r? *fc?? r-ii|.'uiri i !"4?k -Ir -jjul.. with him' tUf, JfAt. n>? to fvi.ile tii-. \Xj?yiJ.-n;*e. 4^*" Twc'lir to ;?lk w ?t ? the iii|iilMiT," lyt | - nnlintlo I,, atlei, iiuTmjj a*! Ant?l).-ii ninny lll.'l * * lllD.rll tot III' itl.l Ml", U 'nil th<> lV|l> ?lri.?n?.f U?<^a?i??^.narr*V?1?p-; "1 wanted liii.K?1 ift" tilt. Oiurub, vrlwrc I thought I I allou M iic ? ?. J lull oy roiie< |>i ion ?5f rt |>viit*/ic<* MU<i ft i-UnijJa of liearl. I iii|iL^i I (>ur (Mrior would ?MMiii'HFaqii?iiliniMt|; mi * wImmiI d-irtilhl, lltMbwfiirtli, to lei me know I ViMtl Would II I ft t<fc-aigl tjb I lieve t Ho?v l^cilVI V tima a church ni.on | Vrr. lliit In* '((i'lii'l l>ik? any anvli #ot>r??*. ? l(c tantU nav yo into ilio Itotiap, ami ait <k>? n %n l*U atu.ty, wlwre bo ti.lkn.1 with no1 ? ^ Lliu taC titlltfioi QPI M?1 k* ((kit nit*** all oilier llil R* f Ikli t ' - am Id, independently r?wnrtl? ,krro ?(\rr. TlifU h? Hid I CafH. Hall, <lo yon know ?li? fir^l ^HT jP - tkluR rrt|i?i*?to Ui U? done, i( you would (a 3 4 " I did not lino* " i ' 'TUr CUrle1 i*n life mf a MM. iHifck. t^htW-wor '?otid'V-, * mi Sjw 1m fcimkl only upon rfpnntane*. I'lK*4*, it f m*f \t MkJT R#ie|o?nt ?( tin*, anil ??? a we rnpent, U.t tfc'a'vnly w|oiiUut ^Ej^Z t? wrw'h sftyiliinfc ? nn ?otiv? rape* Hk Mnee??fcy ??? *<>rro? I^^HRfor ato.and In warn*4* daeire to avoid ?F*? !?? fnlore?but one tWt goefc le wen k, am .fgL t ? ?? !(# at *htr ? H w ll.%? inner k> n?kk P*?- nioeude f,w ?ea?v wkong nfcttave .-verdoiu Hp Iwtfcara a pVr*>w in the World? < nfft, Unl! J* pan li*?W yon In tfco faae-aiul ?mf Jo HfrilL ffiHjgnh point," id'M tl? ^ *f ^ ptoln. n,?p line l?i* w?nk l? ft BBMl|r>ttT-|>nnj atoai diieaa Idto IBJ aoul. Kand groaned inwprdTV.inW uiy-i *? .iJlH l?4M?|",r*J ? '""It line liefor,1 .Would ?n*w?r j ftlW it w-, <(<dii8? to L MH^wJrodful Iw^k, m? to u.- * OLrUiUn. $> fed'1 M 4** M ~ 'ft1 *.*f to aonfow. eonn <f*T tjjM known -i $ | ;^v........ - 1 ~/ i tM him h*V> ring b?.f*wl ?.] ?, l?wi. bvk.M? us* O?ifj^i?/4$5'elrod unJAA, *rGty. W.awVfWOftt, ' OTPrVii liol&r^ ?w4 fnt In rdmn a MmAu i mid rtpM'lyh'^t HJofth'MxXj #?IUi% ud nliO'tl v?* <lo1W?. . 1 ' ' Anrt * i'h.?rv.'nt<? H*-o fl.>lh?i!n in Voar un Ycil tluiA v?or uau .Wwhftk'nAa a Fife of >.uw,vi? *1'}oVb?l MA w!? lu-AI" v : ; ? : . r-> wjvb tioleit j11"iU;r -Mo Jofir ptjckftf J_Wa Uie r . Jn!:>b;Uj'. - r v' "I s.\H Mtfnftftihg W?''^ " aflM3es?5SHm' lu^lmii t " rY^xir i>trn *oiil ?'imirt -h>," ' wlW Hot alT' nth Uu> i?s?iiavs which yolw itt*0111*.' . .' . ? ,' Dua-Min I,. citVofjf ifip lirtttl* Iii'lll^ I'jlimlimcnibivfl M wf-U ?? mine. Thoi c's" I Uncoil liteli, h? IrtuVft hofson, an<t ythin b? s*V? " * No matter.' i?i<( hf, whos.; h<?<l Is col i^f; nfi ?n.i!l.-r wlmt 1 >. ur<<\ .lorv. Y???i have ?*??b yo??r ufk .onl, ?u.l Iwivu v<?ur aaji <i. nun r ivu \ ou, W?t*i*i*r yjm iu-o out ?f the Char eh or iu. it, a kngle dollar which yum baV?-hninatty nod j tnglv lukeiefrtJrtPW?y man, without'readerlnr? iu full viol tie to the -Wet of vom > ability?n "ingle dot I hp, ( my, will he !U? mill stone hnpg upon-your neck,,to rink I ynat soul into The ice ol ajdrltunl d.alltT* I , 'vl c<-ui.In't iioihI flint; The Spirit of I Owl usVd (hoeo wgrd? with teitfible effect ' Upon tny heart. 1' wVta greatly agitated.? I Tlio truth ejx.kcn 1/ t lie fm-loi n|ipptlt(l t? mi unjb'ratuhdtug with ttriitil'ltpnw?r. ?I ! wont away, liuC I couldn't reef, th? 1 took seventy five dollars, oud weifVto Pe?er end paid hun ) making him 'prvmia* not to tell ftnybody. kr I weh - ash owed to kurl-it known UhU I wm conscience stricken, tnidbud paid back'the money*. Tlrvk l weott?. I lie minister ngnin, alM told him wflfet I hod none; Jle did 't |MtU? me, a? llliriuf?hl hewjthll. Ho took it *? a njnMer of eourrr, end no more merit in am than it if to w-tt*h iky hadds hrfore I rft down to ?npp- r. , On the contrary; hi teckud to suspect tint my lionJ? wcru .not rjoltc clean yet H*' wnnud^to littow If I hp] wrpnjjeid anybody *ie? I .retries Peter. I tried to b*y'no,. J-nl my c<M<*<-ience wouldn't l?t ate. 1 could lidve t.?iit e pittuv(*-r lie Umih that dnoo. without flinching?yea, anil tin lie red my -heart In believo Hie lie. .1 WH di-eoiirMgi-d.. 'I fi'lt*1iitt?o-ly'dlelrceiettrd. . 1 war, indeed, do much harder being a ChriHrnn than I that I regretted goiag to talk Witt' Viro ni'iiWCT at all. Like the young in ill who iiiui great possessions, I was on the point of K"i"g ??(iy sorrowful. Put my' heart burned uhtnn mo, and 1 was foroeil to apeak. ' ' la iha way of huaineaa,' sni>l I, 'no doul.t Irlwv* taken advantage here and iliefe? ajt-everylufdy dura?an churoktucinlAjre.t lieMHelvee ilr.'vtefl thoy can.' | - ? ' What' eva^rbrxly does ia no rnlo foe you niHi nw'. ' Ofpt. Hall,' raid" the minister. I 'It 1- to Ltt djlarietirikd iy the fullest t-enac? pot sli..p'y. to he oh a rtjli - tnembci a?that w? must kt;o? wpll all".our S?*rj?. The fact l ul.liebig in |h?~/uj?l Boca nit make tha | Intnl.; ?l:are are woKcs in "the foh?> alual | l>u? iriur by-mo ih. btis jn-tib.-d ir' doing ; u llie ir.-lvoa ?!<n (!U-U win u Ilu-.y nj <p?ut[ in t iejt'r aictUHt,' I f?t the iV.Mike. * Vfajt,*an id b * t here rit-lie C u itich^. I think Im'poid ine a note rwiw. ?y??? ?*-"? i nim juv Kfv.ytrru trmrmvb'dig o*lT?i- linitiVKiV, irtnl by ?tm? na?|ak. Htcwif* wn*u'i de?l ?>y- d. J luund i\Miuiiig |??V iitMrtAryids J wa* ? i;<n~oU rtoltMl, m?m1 lay a*tike Itortta then e>y l.l-^llt IMmMiiK .wh*< 1 uugltl e?di>.*b"Mt HT W* > h?M^iwM .red, *itl?-Hiu**rR?' <*f ,p*'|dr wh?o? be oyu'd. H.'had tlrivMt tunc thnn ourlturd I iV-.'iHtl Wlfli 'tie, J n?-?in, ?'* (-w^nt; And hlkl^.l tli'ivt; , I' i s-e n"1 k.o Uii ! ? &. M .eft-d," hud v,-.'. i" iv? .-'Bull" on,* j SUtiuut ?. "* . said lj? ti?o 1 ?**n?lud ! ?"*, l.?>ullkl yorva.UtKjdaihyOjaiil. W v?ou.>!" i\ ] rvyafclj^iy va<*i> Hu'W ?iia?'nr.wi j ^ U?*Rt U?? rfalfTiy mvc a goad lti? ( urliciMar* IJJTbnr aeMHftUktmt iuiii; : , f.i rfWc), is t( Tt. wf wty>be?4*?i. VwiiHlHike t rji' Mifco rtp tl>?- nrfV*i" Which o?h r fnj?u? paid It.TrtuI -held out rtOully Ifwnk WTtilc ; , bui (Ji? i|*(ii. Tiutri efR* nnurebh that il 1 'V>1 (NT been |im<! , fii iiHv !> took OM bin pocket-bovU, H?j<l Vstlh Borne pretty hurd-woy/* paid u ?\?r ngiTin, Kith mt?r?;*t.' . -*1 "'And now,' ^tiii di? ,iitkrtitfrt 'what arc yoie going to d?> about 4fv i ?uppi*?,' (kim! J, v the UMMtf/ ibaiit be | lie I I .1 K .' 1 .' So I want to.tiie i)nt*>n tli? n?it' 4tf, i ; told kim tbai.on rcflentiui! l\?a?c?M>vwW<i 1 tint he waif right and I \?m wrung aJftOul lite (luyincM of Up- note, and returned Jtbii thehioney?baa hundred imJ tjdftaon dollar*?a g..?d deal in.hw ?*ti>im?hiiiei.i. k M?e deaagh aoughesi, ana ;#iflped bin. ; | wrnli'iil,. s ' _. O t ? , | "I hyped (hen aW WM |Agli'L,"^nnttiiiied < ! U?H. '" I iriyd (a .nni^fy mv yen, , -fia-IM # lllut It WiH. iSUlr I I 4<> 40 I LiiH L ^ T ft.^. I. aii^-Ts! w IIIU IIIIU|?,,Trlf? IHM HIFM W??J l/l I ' ?'iriay up the ?uo?oi*lio'ting hum! f buUowi, when *? ti-rttW ouf*vlv<-? thai- l>r??tiM U i? #irt ef night 4l?We i? no impurlty'thefe. ?fce<> i kntw 1k?Hi % . fte ^ lo see tlr#4ninf*trr , j iuo?t b? wwW; end looking >?lrefWI> ftUu ft my I,curt; rtv* Utile ntaUut i-f a ' wTHJMI had foi \dt a p*Jr j inuii, *?n fnt awajr hi* wti'-C 1W> had no aunpteihft but I Would give him ihoa U red/, in it fey.Uwt mritue I bed wot lulu iif?J>/?ha?Wn pijA?r>y wdr>h two thoi&tli] udoltara, for which ? di.f m.l mjftiMllv (M, dad far fnti*bt!?M?iBUrr ;w\cr--?*?WW trtefl to e**it*e rnjeelf. JJvl ity. awakened cdn*bi?na* m jimp 1 bwe telmv a "jioor Mtau'n lain) wphu?t^l?inf Wen % }Mf retbra ; the" law ?T OOd-^kyo'lemiJ? you nl ? though the lew oCmWf ?e*?u<>natho wroi.g Yon ahalidiave no |Mbah ? aoel?yoee liea*| j >iill Utnn Millie Yo^hniit withjauh* , you wipe out XW**|riUl|fpMie* U? him A?H 'l lo oil othhaVMehr^faj gar* wrongMJ* oj Wl1* S ItTvra^JRk* E;irfriE?38feS ( groaned and ??Slt>rud otwr-Jl.Th aaeret ; and ulhd to p>?yirtaiyto-/?*htf*eyVp rh|hl e?? between my pra/ar^ud ^ haye |Ow^-d dark ami IruwutWtf theoegl J ' * r 0 m ^ k 4 'a, " , idfe . 'atui'u'j?t \?fat > ilii|fit? rim jCi Viiifii* *r" i <? -Cbrf?tijMi r l$?tC I S*4 fi. lp h#viMHt i#y^H lw <4U?i wUe'lvatiJd W?>fr1?n*r thut r^*v I ! ?'*v. '.WMliiiii'ryiiyi Hio^a *" VOrt Jooa nil y4Mi hart- -d and Christ, ami ?. Idaaainga of ?.W? (xow panos [, pliall be left you-nllie beo?, and only U tt? V A?><ro? of UppiQrM atoOjlL' Jiiul i? lk? ^ ok-nin night time, tfUr I gar* up th?*tmg- *' *le. thai aumfwrt aoeawKl to las ogroA and w precious that 1 6ft yntiirg, If It would only 4, *"7,*Uh I'*" *-f K<*rpl povorty^Aa.1 gt) In* to 1 ho world po>r and derpWI, Img-Wg UiAi priceless hleadog *ti) .ni v liea;t. Tfio1 er wxt day 1 Wm Ijglifc an'if Hail wing*.?* " Nothibg ooltld koep ma from got 11 g to im o| l*na4 j)pni, with a conii'* of hoWlroil ?lol- J lari in injr. pookfj,' ana onto for tjbo l'&uininder or what 1 ?we<l'1?tti>. " ' MVall," ?ai<| the narrator, with* fears running dqwn bfs chock. ' F ohly wish that ? every ja rsoh h?es ciilii linva etn lWt>oir },, fondly, when d tidied Ml em, I a Do main known niy Virand. Poor isano had growu qnke dim-oui ag. d, ainl had jiut rakdo up hi* mind to quit his wife nod ohlldren ai??t <H y<> to Gallfortiio. Mi? 1; svf i.'ei hi and hla wilt waa.iu nn extremity o?dl?*t?e*? ^ and despair. Mi* rc'uotvcd ma a .great dual < hettwv than 1 aittici|inti<d; I had MOted-aerorolnj; to law, n|? paid, and l*utr,'rar.aUas F wi) iinproold Ant. wig greatly to 1.Unas. ' * " Yor,'said Iaaao,"with tliolfenmoaaofit u daapovniu u?n:i, ' 1l Wy a m vnge gam* V?*i bj played mo, hut T waw a loid ever to get thfo ueht w I dtdiaiid thm buoy that Ant* map C( woftlf ftat tail* an gdvanlnVe when tho law *l permit It. 1; rm ruined in. eoiio-fuoace - %vi ' r.ud here you oea tliia w ouimii atfu tliewj ha-, M pioe 'ry . ~ . i. * Tttc ^oor f. ll?tt hruVwdnw*? awho looked At llii .h, uud crVedljke n etiihl' . * ** ' " I?a Ae," JMVJ T, hi icon ? J oonk opchlc, M ' I have come to 4:?nwyon that a nnwi ran, V he hottest cveA when tile law doecnVcoiiro ^ mnnda it, *n<l 1 have eqnie -fo toll you g that you needn't leava your wifa and liable* , yet, uid?ii)Of ||rif?r<(K*. . . , *' " Pr*hr to?go off In a strange odhotry * and leava tl eui here to salWrVf ' li? tried r( and he ennghi tho eliildreuhn hia arnnr, nud; wr.11 g bin wife's hand, atul aohhed us if hia bo irt would l>i*eak. ' ** ? !*Tlien J oounted' out' t!?e money f had n hi*ouglit, and eV|?lnsfp?l "tthat i lniw?4*d '* IT d", ttii'l gave lit in lh<v noUs.; a<kd *Ueh tB>\' M pt *^> and" loippir+A I aiivrV tnw.p 1 try | n would *ii have kl.-jod my font if I would ve Wt them.'- It a.-enied ?i>. mo a* if H*w*"j * V.ui w it opened thvnand tharo? *rd H-wna ll iijihiol k my own lirhrt; vftfti ?ueJl 11 Hood 41 M light and joy n? I find i.m\r e> |wlk..lived orthiufght |H^dhie befiiro.* *. * v ' . "My feiai.ibs*A.hked tha-oAptain.-hlfonr* l llard_ v6\ca itfw litntu a? ni dituv ota w? " TftitM ?, In* ca?-*?*-Mill m?W *11!) trmr*. " I I n Imvi' Wen ColitfraW)?'4 U? nwkrf tlik ?unir?- | I mok yo?i forliei^ lujt ioMb "fho I n4iM*ter tel** m* minn tifay lm K?-. kuroli | , a?4 not rVilAitiMlf. I iHi:nu to tic * tirrtt .di4 if ) -/nil ?" '* v li? eouh) no (nnt? r, "lurt ?*t \ down -with ?? ?Ruii<M mui1!* elUMtivo tboit . *..? w?r<K ' I' hutf iMtbinif tjrwM Iili nflfesti v?, ' Kccjit Uu?t h? Ut-ftmi." n chiu i ll Hft mliw, * ?ifd:t1wl lilnminidi* uf tl|n?<m|jli ri'iH-ni- i1 ???? ?. of oi.iMliko fthli in ot t- ^ arouK, iM-aotW). ?>v.-iy .Irty full)? "??)?. ?)I.YI?f"d ?rt?4y' ^tegrM* ?4?? rlMlitlard. of p Cf'ltrWilgbUy my -f>cop|-. A Hero en Crutches i: ?telur j?*u ibo . KkJ)iM??ui.Lflor4. of ilii? ail in ting tn 1 for *"?nop- 1 fyiu.-i?v t?.tlt?.unko<?j*n ?lfml *eni>l ' tlm oj/Vvf"unknown.-fee*** wuufVtijttrrMlv 1 .iupioduc'd >o eoto*??r?bi}??ir;' ?loni?l ? ntiruher of (litMib liuror<s'aiuon? . j iketB rn?niry nmn Iron Tv*?*, wlio. ItinaM* to walk m *1^, enrtit* of. ! ' crk*cliy o'tjt l?<V?rb?c?c, ?utd.*l'li tfei-ni 1 I., tt i^. n i I Ifcli^il -til lyi)!'.!!-! all I i.a m . )> . ' iiiHI duife* rebuffed <4 Opr cor- ' Vex(rtfiiilftt?t. we d*ro ?wv. I) ilv- H t'Hiiw-vl ,1 liiMi-Ciiin unknown dragoon ?muU prove 1 lo I to r.ol only .ilia ino*t liewjp'of sii?! Oia iierow of lha war^ 1ml, a pcvl ?i ?* l^igh <>i<U-r la-vide*. The folio ? intf lettar, ml <1 to die Mot,lie II and Advertiser, ^e*d* like n toin.-inca, , yat-1,earn Upon it* f*c^ 1L0 evidence of, , trutli. -We oopy (r a* ft jiwi tribute l?> a'^alUiit, voldiar, and a* of far mora In' .tart-Hi tiiart any nuuiW <>l exlraeu Irum Voiikee paper* J ^ 'Mtfe aohifor b LlWtoirr FonUhte, ft-pcv iutt in (ha " CtitoiiUJI itn^ar?,n 2d fteghncnt Virginia .Oavjdr^-. ila v? iU? '1 aldwt -rtn of lha Her. &1 Vtt'T 1 Fonudbe. I an T.piUiopiCf Mjniatar, reiiding near" .Jark?o|t, MiMi . who aomnyaaded the Hurt Rifle*. pf-'tCo 18tlrili'^ioefV< Mi* , M-IHMH r oiun^rr?! in mr umi m U'lkm#mUv men ik-tivH in <i<n. ronu.t of ? n? "T^ *"""> , T?sm, I* Mi"# **? ? 11it |nv?ut??r?? I Md*i tbvrct *uJ ?**? uniiimI *fW kh. I lytnUlu Ctloxl, <%nC -jlfclfrufcrf ? kfee IUh|#^ *.h flduented toy- An- |ii?, hik! f nrwiivfftiyi ii?? u???-i *?> ? ii?t <itiii?*vr jt^Mier n i I U*r ?Q<t iW fa?n|?r?<?f Wmlk< fr??.TexM, *!.. re ho WH* uueni^MMH.J M ] j* ? d^^rm^imvr fmi -.kiliiel me. ksm.1,,. ? A# *K>n Jp 1**,<M>irf<ix i<?4Ai. tfKtthi V ,iy M***1 | j^l^e fW euu.M***y k* Uft iivfem-e of l|W #?**> ?W Wisen^jii KI T ?.i IW*f i/ Jy*L-<>i?; M ftubeU Htniifi, iln; lmn.lir < Uyk StH>'ii,i [? ' who UU < 3^Ht)fuiii>?ilKv'Ky. Un.ler | 1 ^ ? W . r ' / h - j iU excellent o(Jic<?r ho *?>rvej icoi*. a* tin infantry soldu-r and titan wiar4faW?rr?4 ? roTnl* TT.'wi ***** severely wounds br S ?fan [>n #ba>tt_wfc!ch p??ae<L>?ttd?r his fcaC miaftfc one <>f ,U?tn ?9-la(ik tbat be ?f unthwrf ft* ?r*W tfliy m Af-ip. - V?0'!>ng ?W 1?? W n*mlin? W? sWfdinolinrgtd, hU fcgtWv rtaoanA Hti#*'trArWiar m 'Cant.-A'ax^pr rtlMl *nrcr*r-tie-4klwgpM?1l*<i>tnMdlf' i Ui# battles at Kr>Jfu "Royal. Cflmw an anil alt til/ kalinaia nf i lia ^allaa ear Winehfeitor, in eou^pttif ^i'b *' aunff gentleman from QampbeH cot hi VtMoU ? foi?< oil hoot R ji?ri?Mci in 'the rnel# of war, mid which is!mentioned , if h the ItighrM commendation ift Oennl Ewoll's qfAcial t?port., These. tw<r jiinjr men, .unAaah-teit and ulime, elmrgI* a piecw of nrtfHery planted.on top /ipclmter Tuthpifcrr mnnned by oi^lu i the ettna]r,' killed and wo?riule<l IWo I c tbfir number; drove tho href from the itn, nmi brought it off i" trhimpjt tar ifir commander. Near Stia-hwg shell exploded against fii-t . Iforae's rad, hJowttt?; ?t to atoms and breaking atom's thigh. While hi* ooiornrigs ore cnriying'ltim from (be Avid, an* Jl0t shell rounded him smnerely in the Ip. Soon after liW womglti weretlrersi, rthile lying uixJ?r < ' tree. * Mitudfe til penetrated the back of hie naek, .s-ed dowp nfi/tr bis spine amV fudged here the surgeons have not h<fn jtble, ? find it., fitfhee then Ids'right'leg and de have remained ji?nd%*??d. ~ lie ro? jvercd enfBc'fc'iitty lo 'obtain lease i f banner? from I be hospital in OlmilotUsilie foe MV^rnt-week's, Which be spirit iili In*-company in petfuimntg tnili n\ ?Kii? w,Hn bis ariHchisi'lItt}. lochia uldle. In "litis oonrtilioti* tie f<x?ght (veil buttles?lli/cl - Rivisr* ijTidge, i aerenhui Spyngv th?f Uapnuhnnnock r Waterloo tbidge, th6 l? itlles cf the Oth, SOtlt nuJ 31st al Manassas, .pnJ *? bottle of G M?an?o? n? - . ~ While the enemy we-o ?he1!toue\Vnr inlon Sprfngs, (len. l^Il^AnaitliieA ihbed to wcMiiin ulrnl division *A tjie riny occupied th<5 hortlr bank of The lappokai'imflU, opposite |m position^!e XNtit^TM to being him tub n-iv - in*k, J ihrvo of tVtt dtuMWyV rmal picket*. and l?roftjfki lluuji wro^ ia rirff to I bo Heneyid, who g?cjr ^he r niched -hcr?V a ceriitbvtlo compliment*, ig kit ?o?i ; gallantry. Aj ike ?a?t e ?>F ll.txol riror Minnie MJ broke na of his c*inches. up.I oria of the %net*Vwjrraa nkbonT it rider ran Jpdwy;" <in and broke the other. In theaerrmd V'a tight at M.?naa*aa Ko hnd a-horsc1 illed under him, and another thn dnv ft?r.*t lh.; Ixtulo of (twniN^iuwn,? V Uibj pursuing, iho Oft amy'* cut ?W\> a tnol ?b^ jrojx'i i ai?-d UW hat, g?i>.e<l ><t temple, and-krnnthvd him from liK lorne," Hiirte ho hir? Dean proiHyiwceTl ncompetenl to p. rfbnn military <lnsy >n account of hi* wounds an J while leiiinj m votunteor on h'*pil*l fur? ottgh, ho hftf cujvured rfx jrwonef* ? idiojut any. a?*Uiitnu#< and killed many 4 the aa'amr. In different battle* h? >** had wx h <.*??* killed Under him, lid I have no doubt ha* killed ntore of ho enemy than irtir soldier ?Y? our atiny. K nkHI. arm rage' *ri<f harXnlun* and meful service on "the buttle Ijyhl jle^'ijr? oi.m..ii..ii. he hna M.?? bna before the m*(gnation of tbo lion. J..W. Itnndolph liW.wAi. n-coTimicntled Kir |>riW)?tki|i by btfllMti K tell, bttl *u far jra moVe lot* been ?rra?hn?k?t, a tab in w unknown horo," capable of drilling *ii.l leading ?n n? my ta viutnty," irui:H?tnd nrieivti'. while ror?-j polbtefhqp, n/t?<i?il|4-<l W 1*>?H fir M?(x^ * ??! |<T? to t^Mi r<mr t>f i>4?lW, ar4 comnmiKling companies n??i It will goitMy tho fi iemU of our " ui^ known lt?ro*? " to Icwm t1uU L*in*r fotitniiic i* the Author of ib? Jx/)?iiriful Khm.wliicU but* bevo pooli-lu kl in nil oar pnpem, c/HMiitencrng u AU fpriel along tli? Ptrtoipnc 4o nitjli</''ji copVt>f JwhusU, ?orr?ote<} bjr H?e nutlior, k herewith rnoluerd : "JU1 ftulat Along tfc* Potomac tau*tgW' . Jsmuir <?oiapwny t, firr^,\ Rfluuat Cnnairy. Wri'fe* irJrilt 9H pMwf on Otf t>Mw* 18t)U 3 t ^mp! ^4 ? ? - Alt rtM-t *Wmg ?H? TVt-twdfc " 1WM#Vae? ?Mt.f iMvi *M.rJy fri.-U.-i jkt *Wut a?d?* Wirtlk A*'** fn ?ml fro j "fijir m rl8< ??n Kid fo'tlu* tldcfcut. 4 - r^ 0 s -A T?* *% or two ww.t thru Wfll hot. tfoUtit In til* im-ws of the-battle: KirfM offfoaf 'Jr>?r! onljf our t4 live n**M kfoiw tilng out, all nl<tor, th? i?;.vtU rnl% ru?v? tu a&im Ho l??M*?Vl'v -Ir. arr. A^dJSSrVr tertrftr .titfnJtbt&'&vr- k. .? . .-' ? ' ? '* A < t i-imrloti* ?i'.jh, if * Mfe' wi?4 Tlir* iJiu lofpU *^?rfu*|T4TM J^ttr?4fc?jUfv *j? (Ami.jfUh Utfir ^d K ct|? guard <?V>r tl? frnyr wrtiU* aW-vping -? T# ?w)f Ik* ontmI of Ui? )<>a%?^m4?7' L -%- *?i?>- *. -^i* . A?ii? ifitnyf f?m tliii rock *o Ul* fmiH ' '? ?. ? " Ah'l tl ioll* <?f iIm1vm> ?# lb? T>w I rMB't ' ViU" *S'lf HI (flf fni on t! Il|?.??lfnin. * * *' " p ' 1 ' *1 . ?tli? lOnaket ?)rtY?1?4s face ilark *tid *> : \ \ ^ '* " v tiw** K?ntltirfl| ntMHMr!(?feinn?r, A? A^wnUyrt * |>r*f?M? for Um ?iiljdrcn ~mokber?'' ufltylfeaveifdofrnd . k Utnr. v ' ' ? ^ v -* V- f , iJBta. Tk^jppon ?eenw to abice ^a brightly n? Yltrtt when f>?? Jore -yrt Un?poWn Letjiod ?f ta lilt W|?a, nnd -whoii loKMmir<?a?M ^r??? ... * Wert pfadgttd to be ev*r fcnWken. TUef> Arewkw Me eloarti ron^My ?<> M* * cyim, * IMwMff r*T?hp Mora Outdoor*wealthy Am gntjrtr* Ma gtrti eWe up ? liis^V/ronat jfyf iHpWeep doWti lli) b?iry> aarelling. Ur JV?vw> ?fi. fhuuUl". i he Moated pint traa, Aod bh footnirp 9 Uftrfnjt ?nJ ^urt, , Vet (iuwiu'l lie go.-i, Uiro' the hroaT okit of "Jt owaiSl the abadra of the /ore* eo dreary. * . * ' ?. "V?. i, 'l*i k I .iree.ilthe uUhbwiod that riutljfd U** U*v<?r ' ' *' " uJ-iJT- " WjHJfc the rn^oelight e* W<m<Tran?t^i It. lookrd liltu a i^fle I ttfkl IWjr. niDJ. And fat*I\fe:blood iqfebbfag end rpUrhing. ^ * All qnaet Ih^fbWmmo /o rrhrlit " , . Ni> wiuiiiI tavo tl> rtUli ?tl the river", Wliiie e<>ft fnllrt tiiu iKw on the faee'.of tH*' deed, ... - . . ; "The I'lolrrCa" oW4?ity feFerer. *v r r *- i . " rtrifcr* - ' ' O&ptore of Another Yankee Train. f TheKdclcvigbnin Itejgishorof the tit, MVat*.. v ? - " . Qtptatn John II. WeYeiH ha* again hoen jnalfiitg h eueceerfhl dadt at e Ydnke? ireip. Oneyf tie hien omc Hflrtctutn a forttiigh1 awl informed ihi that thnOajdahi w*a" then oil hi* vvitv to hia ohltt-intping Hartlv. Wo knew lie watcher inure Yankee*'and more of their plunder, and wa cuufciit ,tve wore lodging fir him to t?rn up vmiewhere iii tlio rleighbdihond *f to?ie ?>ftluir train*, fbr w}roh ItX* scum* .to jtayo a social liking. . He fin* turned* Mire .enough,- nt:d ho might liavo Vetsooahly expected, if "tfcr y"enl?cts f(?wn?U had been a fin]* HM U/r 11* caught -una of Aelr Uaifti about arret* mile* south of j^otritmr, on the NorihweMerji Turnpike, nt ibu jnqc lion <-f tl\e ioad leading toMpnr.-ticld, j On Monday Ihj.i, and took* 104 bow?*; I -with epic ml id bnitie**, and de-eiroyoJ j fiw waguna toadt><) with hay. ' ' Not ^oul<n?V,*Ttik taking the hor*e* aivd liRMiWn and ?le*ir?yrofl the 127 rphmdii^ Yankee wagons with thau fo-. I ragr, he took 51 l*f tb?S Yankee^ lfie.trwith t,wy u eg'OS tu thwir po'ssiy njpn. ^itifh they, iunl *tobh frotti""Mih?e farmer.. McN'etJI tirade the da?h at the I irafil wiiji ,.nlv 27 m?*n ; wliilet it'had a gar.i<1 lit 17)1) Yankee*. 1-0 o nf whom were nifmiiv, ?.ml iJve halance g*?mIjv.' AV.W. :u i*C . - iMA.-f-vw vn^ciM /Jirre Wio Wiieta ^?r.t.-bal 1110 balance uo-k tf.glu aim! 1*11 '>.? ? .K Tlii* bnilinni affrtit wan IjnodleM, not a Ownfcloiaid tiling ?t >or?i?Ji. Of couMjour incujpftre in to? Know iniinor tokillatiy (mifc ?f llto Vwifei pj ; mi, a-t LiiKV'ln t?oukl any, .there wan ** aebody KarH" ~ ^-Weshnn'd hnVfefrtt d ih'nt die trniTT l?a*l > ? !? >ent t>?iL fpmt liniunov. ?mh] that the ViiukooM (Ihim aro wailing fur els-return. . * ?r ' ' tirp<yrrM?tfh??M Mkxico?4si?CfTr' Ta?kn.?The (5<ilvj?iui< Bew? of ilia ,;4d fnatknl . *' ' ' - An ' official letter from ike French Con Mil wt Malimioras, Mates tlrot the ?il^cif Mexico !}? ] heen capline-t ,l?y the French TiMhpiro A*an r>ceu|He<l hjr 3\00?) fRrenrli *mt KOlhe'tvuctiailtry tMX>i>r,i>? ihe atiVl ihat tlfaro were at tliu tvr v of. wilting 8,000 froofv* mi the eily, Mhtn;nora? in*} at, Mir tiino he'?cginned hjr tVio French, himI will eetinimy tat-ssnn. Thy French mtwy huwhcAe over 40.Q0O men* fair 4ulM * i ititiher T}<iv*nemtJ fyr taking ike Whafe Mexico. ? . Nnwa then nlludtJfc tu this Inter* e^tl'ijp infiiintitun: W* look ojv'tt t!u a*1 very important n*wj?. Tlio i-Wrqnrsi of Mr'iiert 4?v iK? Pielich, o#v wliiqit i* fire ?um?? ^^ Mbar?lfiteufiU;?ry oo>ili..l ??v?'r lliAt dixm Ir^'by N?noU??fK-piiiL-a# Krfl?cii power fn ' 9>ntiyuit\' - wWtiiiie CJoiW^lerfiin ?>tnte*op UicVyWf l>", if" - in cnnfijsiriCjr yi'ltuLincoln's C^nvrV nuni Oil ehe NftriK H i? nxntiiv noitv tU?t while itynitev !??? Iwen ! ly nimi nr?wele*!jly ?^<M|?liVf*i??jr U<a? j?ow ' , W 8|i Me*?? ?>. l?y bn"j(i'llewt* owl HRttie^ tin At tli iiwin Iwi* been crrintty' link* CitigMt.l" iu rvtirting noinw'foMy ih lifi y Am?o*#mi?I tn?u|? jHitf Huywnx "army f?i|?|?llxe|int->-t'/4??Wf;r. +ir ii efy t>|x'?;?ii?>u* in CtfldMp-iiiKt Hv, , ii'O, Imve gufwg on jxMiu'iiuiSuirvty. niol, n'pjiirw.illy. with :? it Ice iluWrnMn;! tiou bo^^iovt rnifl. j^ In Irncimg nnU%i>b^"rvMti'>iu. V nueli r j ??? i*ukv>* i tb*i t1wwwfi'?ih' xt'6 carikv ' o.i wnh?.i>t h tr?ii? |. , ".) Iwer?i iliglj <i .v?n??nK'n: , Mild ?uli..? /' ^e4w?W?*luKl |.Ui |.*vO U? l.O nce*.in i y?//*- * Km*,*?jtfiffiiwh pMJtMn f i J*??i-Wnjd tn. 'V oiV iMfttn? .* 1*1* "1S6?M>? Wi?rrMi?"ri'* i.f un > ' Ogv^Hihient' m o riy.i.fli 6 tf* i1m> k."niloi\ ICxirhnnjJi^ j wiM t-O re<"MflBW>'<) |Kn?- ltriuiU Mi ] jii\*miM?M"'?* ?l?? jy??rl ?f? .Mivvr iiptRiti n? .?uu wf ci.liRii (< **} itwldcr yf lliy boin.l n' *o?il? Omf, ] ?>. I wflliiu ,1 tiro*. J* i .J' U. _ ; ; _ P?AJfc /AUKS I6LAH5. . J Odrr*pu>d?nM of Bgyharn Bntorprl 9/ ! 2*1, 18?? i Jhor ~Ent4rpmi%* p- I/hvmi^ tj?? (p?jly | 1 vfllngo of the morning oL tbf 2fiiU rtn^gjU,. I wm br?.u?rlil by L)h<' tnigfily power 9Tft??in m?My to Colombia, Jjirrfrd for 0?? nigliC. guvo m? iqi?fl|v>rtinihy to visit ->onic of tlie !??* piUl\,#fh-(y 1 rtiimtHsnvr'o'H" <!? ? ul.twK who seatydbo *o^l jfftrnd -ftJV on A uiotw tWofu aoHVuJetcout^ V>H Off, rfn wo *r?,Acm^<iOl? porfion* ii lit*vworlrf, from wlifKac tow-wuM of oif b<i?t comfort^Aod o*g*g<wt ill ? doeoatdting *wnri it U'ftlrbaiM^pd&iibU totAatxirf dirtfioMieV OI unco itllli(T9 m * MOA limn y?t no pa lira are rp*M'(^ (M )cin<Maditjp to mi a k o tffe nick ' noMlar eotn formWf!^ Ox til# t'vnMHjt of the 26lh, I | arrived at (lu.rlettan, nod learned that tlio 'hntg-ln'okevrtoibWAttl* find uot ,l?#>on fought. Not ov/n the naiird of a onnrion% nor flio report ?rf AMM?hrtry, \*n? in he fml art ymj/te ebajl-fiil and vpitct, eapaoinllv the nollftera^ >vrho ar^rondy to receive "(Tie long expected Jviv*<l?:r#,_if tfujy coo?r, with hofor* dut to their rank. Hut Kill tbey jn not ome. I Huraty tlicjTlav# not chatted I loir notion, aftar eo mi ny -prondeee.' IVrhnpr tin -rivlt it# after awK4a; porhnpa they wVU.' not; howevy", wa are -etilf-loo^fe# A* tlicut, aud if they eomc, lh*y ail! uuk rfihi aa^i^repured.4' The health of 11*1# (WoltbrfdKXrV) cr*t??p vny Is rVtiiaihahdy- good nt. |?iw# -nb; hnd of She troop# irencs-aUy in this vicinity., ljottir.-" elnw'* compntiy i* ivi'll #"tpjdi..d- with ip>o-L new loot#, with Iiom#?? boilCiu th? nur M thehi tot; kitehaits. n in aUrale euppty p( lo-ef anrt bread, mo! jcooo llT?fi?or ajid u?n?ir fulneaa in ol>tiii<{fuicu. -Jf^ulir "i;iiriiT' Irtan.lfl " 0\, limn* Colli.I aee am IrtTi, they would cnn-dudc llii.t cuiiTp lile'W not no .(i-.Hgnkedblr'MA.aomo w.mW fopr.^nr if. . Tlif \reat hnr.fnr eanje day*Iota boon ?pi it plena# of, Olirf lo-dtly liic ?>i>v *???#5.? mjf? % t njNMt ill Ike?<! oiiil wood#, eoorifi^ the t-lf I d?r blade* of grn~a atld bArbs to pill oiM ; f while tlie* jMt}n>y lltHi?.l'jf'T^ iirtTic "1 Of l1w Ili'lplKMvriiur'iifo*, wv-i sarrcUydhe ; prsiaa of I Ito atuljor of vnitiir -.'f'fVJry jltinir ! km- aii sir. of pUfMtatpcs^ H it tloni^fi jlu- l soldier nixit l.a rtirtyiun I. il !>y faaoitiiiffiig-! m-crte* nn<! gr'.e< ra| ni.piuirvia, yet in hi* J mi?Vnr?i?"'bf rpbet, hi# iutii.1 w$fifem hack | iia.akvlitiM*, ihu pKtse of nil othenf ntw.i ; | ilejigliiI'ol. v" tki# onrtli, ami UilnUin^ ot j lovinjonv# tliorp, \jJi?ho Ij?{ con Hot *jo, hi# i heart aw.'lU wl'H rtftvifion. *''?! he i-g volnii- | larllv ntoli#, -'(Hi, for prove !" Tl'o relorn ; to hi# fofnier I lie ttviiflft eeene# | of Honil.ful ony#v?r to tilt hi# vacant reals I %ilh III# family ur.Mind tha fircni.le, mni at , j J hi; family altmvti.a aol/fier aa*fciM#ly.loirie#. J | Vet. hirya wil'ii'K 'I 'njafwoiy trial iiinf. 1 jyr ^ nti#?n for the sitke of 4ihert\. Thoilrfhj | iIm-xIihi.) now iviata hi# <lark blndtiw'tiviii' I im at n pataou, yet, (mm the ai^n# of the | Iimat, if ?<| in ?!* tltnt i# mid In t>e, tiic j day en It not lie f?ft <n#lgnt n-tron lliv biighl twiim#ToC pence will cheer IIS. A faithful i | dWahurgn of our anty* whatever l?A our ] eallln ?, with an*ntiwnv. !*it?>; Inn in a just IanJju Ootl, utiil ljlicirly I * . . ~ ... 4 I* I ll?r WIIICII Til tfii\t we trill uititiu," God tk i our s* ^ p. if.. .1 a&ricfij >i$fti3. | ttOVKHIOII Kldiws 1i?h ilau militia of tieoN'm imp Mrrrioie. ' ; . ? ft *S. An.veu.! >yi Mhwii w of Foil Sumter notoriety, Una m.tii? h Major tic-n?r*l ill tlie Vuttkoij xvrvict).. ' fattoofe* decide* llmt the Chat lent on blockade. *vas not disturbed suflicietitlv 'to render notice ife rtn'tfu i.ece>*arv. - 4 i ;.. E..(0A.\oa, <?f MaOMiaalifOt^U, Wue* un rippe/d to lii- emrlpHiitur*. the Wrwl . i U:n, lo < ally to the do ft-pec of Sifnuiiiiilu V 0 . Thr lto'ton* I'ost ?*y? llmi a Mi?k 'thrown at re <l<?cr in frotif rfl'tltip Wnah>. inglon llotel, If', tiee Brigadier fltuie mis. . * * ' * * N. i. , . Tn:: ?nv?flnt owHeuJcd >! the' 52d Anniversary ""Celebration >?f the t mI?lo Socytl V of Charleston oil last. Sunday vCenint>. ill TVinlty *'*? $108.30. * v Trta' dutinnoojjVta Uelrel savs llio Ymiki't* mini j>iur vfry inuuli alter the i tar region* of North iWolina I hey ?ro ' rnnking snob * desperate ]>itch after them. " n?nmt*iM;|?f < / flravV Fl r +<ryK noji?i?linj{ ??f ivtVri.Hif sheet*. writ o\*t closely huc! tuurlt ajnnlilaled, r n? HUciitijr',lM l/*lid<in recently for ; one hundred jjuw^?*Mer!'ti4(. . j -, To?c pout f>( t?". eminent. oj Lotminnn 1 t lin-w Im-VIJ rcimirvii in #r?irrT-ii-|. i i. > N ?4Mio|.. MCrtfefUvgiivlAtUTt) m !(*? liiAi. ^JijiKlny ol -yjv ' ... , r ' T4oflt4?, ?Vme.l tlio <b(> 1*M war Willi L>1' Kfrvlwn't', Ibt* l???rr??r. ?>t' a fwn??r?iT. now . , irt-^tVr*Mtfi\p vAM'ii nriiU A* f'ifleljttdt * L v * * Tiik llw> v^nuiV.ltrDi'o ' ; Hi (''hfcCPMo. '11w? jMipw* A.r?' 1?-*<v f i ' 1 Mkii'ff-CfiHillV.oii imil ?ipitiij uijt thi i 4i?^|i tl??y It'lni fi. -7 Tim Cnmpnnr )???? ?ly .* ?? < turn* * ? ktly }>jf*** ht tb* CfOnfcwIWjjg] I m*v bo *TM rt?r?*^? ih IT rtl cb*rj?i >- v- * . ^ ^ >.V. Tf i iWQ-t?h<g*" CT*T?*Tr!f'^?rk'Jci? np-H ? ?*:UH lit lh<> Ttu'^Hf "f K|*k l ot.! mi in ilit i. . ?<!> niilo* j jtf*%Ti\??1 ' m\ f?i. S-Ottxi ui?r ijjHg 1bMK! a;i*?' <v?fv<-!N>3Mey * Jk *r> ? i-l A; _j < * . * ?7 ~ " , . 'j'hk u(frl hi washington fiiy ii .?aid 10 l?e a picture oT Kiohtftond on the top rtf a ^rpM?{' piKte, tfrhicL llu? n?iHe in vaintv attempting to lllwb, while Lincoln, Itutfeck ?a4 Siantott n e fiiip up as fiat m? lie slip* down. JL ^ \ / Thk F<>rftew? Munroe.oorrespondont of the Timt^aevs it i* ?. a<dorious.f*ct that certain p?ivate* of the 03d NewYork UeeML^tt hn?:e kidnappednegro** au<l Hold litem to ?eoihgnooi<ts ottuiue of liie .federal lin**. ' '* . Tir% Kxxtaiher, -alluding to Um MO lion i-ajeVin Uie!no->n<l, *?>* that hfcn*y clolliiiig, lliuiitels, inW.irf*, beaejt boot* and show, "^en*l idtniwt alt .<Woripilop-? # of wiAtei a.>oda, liave declined from 25 to 5i?per ceirt. V } + * ? 5 \ Moert^r^YANttKC.?Am itdUnie ^ r" T* ?>~Vn 4l?? Iwal ?? G*H. frnraeide -oari he pat K ia. lix b? pl?*t in a^bhn c**e and k|?wb around the cHinirv a* (Rat unprecedented .e?n ior-ity, * inodosl Ykn ' " '"-V In Nfcw York fra^v-VA of current tpnnrji we And hi a .nnrein -nt of tha marriage-of Maria Tlisite?, r 'If!- t??? Trt?>lo", ?> W. <? VV/T. Topper, dQfca.kl^..* No jfcarfi ' 'f jvk?h?trtl K^r Etnm^ii^on of (KyjuwC Addis K'nin-tt. tuiti Aid tj itruradier (fhneral Meagher., A N Anoibnt St?..oi)LATOR.-?,T,l?e Religion.* Tlcrald any* hiiV on* wlto eonKnifB Mark vi. 27. in the Greek ThbIanicnU will find-that when Herod wished to have J'.ihti lh?' 1 f beheaded I i |.rii<-tL In- .-*rr: a speculator to discbsrg % tile cruel function. The inspired wri'ar liwl'the very word in it* Greek' foiin, H'?knmistvr{. \ \ 'I m K" lliehinond E..cpiirer of Mondav pilbl?-dn*wn letter- liom iluv. II. M. Palmer, I): IX,' noiWjof Columbia. 8. G., latc'v <>f Now OiU?m<vlo John Perkins, M. n II., of L<?nit>r-.iri, on his in "(long.e-? in oommeadation of certain ei iA-'rn who li*vt? refused the oath of nllvgiautw to the Yaukt-efi. -? . .' , , A.j I sot an W.\k.?Tlie N-Tth^rn ptuicr* ii:,?ir^lu have authentic informational ha. a jfeni-ral Indian, war is in c niieinjdaiioii in the Northwest pn the opening of spring. I tie inteJIigenc-r cotncs directlv fimn J -it l'ierr?\ and the iMtf.-.inl Indian rendezvoiia on the I fed h'iv.T of the North, the PlaUo aud -Upper Mi*souri TrtK tit '-I iufaotniw older which has yet fallen f/ujii tin. a Federal officer; sav* 'he Cha<taiioopa lfeb-d, ha? la-en hupml 4?v taoil conswni in Middle Teiimwoe. lltoordei toads simply to the ett.-ct ilinl tliC'e Mini- Ire no fin tiler ouliivHii .ii of the soil ii- that Roction.-All t: unit g instrument* nro to he seized. an i ii'int* >. i< uti'i 111 n I'l are to l'? ir* loeted ami all crop- In be destroyed. Exy? un fou a Family.?Mftj Piorid Unity, ?X I'niudeii <;?rnn' j, Ga.,' killed a Imp last Wi'?*k iIihi imi? worth killing.? The Imp 5 yenr? eld, and had been raised in 11 to *wihh!?, except. in winter, when il bad die run m/ she field*. It weighed guv** 1.1 .'> * pW'wid*. meiwnied in circiuhf* relic* .aunnd the MiimIIiaI Lpnrt of i lie body six and a half fo?t, and I lli.? leaf laid, af ? r belli-j dried, weighed i 1-17 pound*. Thai w?< u vjilua' V j Tiik Texas pape's sNie thafc Gen. I Houston's health i - iiupun ing Tiik Stkamkk J^imoki.yn Takkn. i Vi inii the V ink* burg U7?/Vy we Uiko | (tic following paragraphs it' it is i Umcg. it is glorious lie ;-s : ^ j Cnjfhtre <f ih*>. mufti /?.?Wo ! have iiitbrnmtiuv, which come* [ hioiigh u well known gentleman, i Irom Now Orleans, Gen. M.i] grader captured the famous Yan| koo lunw-of-wiir li boklyn, off Gnlj vestoii, rt abort ii'nu. since., S1 o ' irivniuled* and while her crew were I in the act of hintting the guns u# I got. her off. Magi'iidor evnt out his j m ?r^nito'Heot mid boarded Uc;. ( This i.? certainly a brilliant achieve, niblit, and will udil auditi??nnl ln+! tre t ? the IUI.ajC el' J - .linn k head j MagriuTor. . < ; . > 4. ? * l.' U nr - u. J,. \\ ?* li*?ve tnir-.i svoi 1 iiy iitf.irinniv>n 'I t oih VicHoforl ilr?i l)iv -di.iii-uiiy bgfl I Iuiiim# hid! K-whw, hicti i , ?<i i?? thai lciiiTu ? f ?!?? Uiu-. if< \\ ?*li. , [ inijion, wh? u tisiic ;(!' lw?i?v?-en t5?t* riv <1 oHiiHTilU, grofflcfg di'piib; hh <o . Tim 4?<w |?r<>^f?riri'ne <?f llmiier Is ' ii'ii* inrT|?:r^ti>i'<J jt ?'I'M'?n.?!ht."ifxim-'ii { J* 1' >*? t'? 0??l {!.? Mild S'lV>.-i ' " n>?l* T?;ih! ail I >i?ml 'Lfmu-oiH ii-ivai ??})?riitM?n-: '; r|-u I'.'iiil ?: <! Citxlnr'- IUuifjir^.ul<iiiiiy 16 Thf fiisi i'f ? ? ih?.da\ fjx\,sl fi>r lti?-o iii?fi< , | NV'Hl*. * . ^ I f\ flu. A Ii1. M. T. :un 4 ?! MilMtfjviTWs w 1 (.Vnjr Ui?' ???: .?jpif lio ;hH Heart;* % j in*'- iH2f* * yf Ii will i?j ? ? rna'tV t<??" !*< -*-C" ii< Cw v* Ocks ?' ,."! He 5J' ill Kl'b-'v'.rn * lU- in^V^Nrwc, ff ^ .' :*np\ \.i? r v?