University of South Carolina Libraries
|T;~ k , ~ - s ./ , fjfy"S ^ * _ ; - *?- ; I ' Itjl, 1? - ? ' - ?. V. A , ^ IJfr.M ..' C|re ^nnt^rrn ' m,.^r?TtlCK^:'~| JTVTAHJT,^ "J > / ' Our Motto-"?<m*J *o AW.W R r??sjj5NVILI.X 8~c jj Kk 19. 1*1. ? "r ~ TMB <* * StttnCf^ r For nil TYwnr<-*i vlU be * ADVATVOR. - . . * . J For- A. * ? ?*? "" W wOl 1* *qi?NH AFT*R TME^OVBR' bi flmsoprnii ?rr. >f-~ ^ ?-**-: .--. [v At' 3?<hfc? V T*^y-rp*<v".,*o *>4* win U done KXCKFT FOR UlS r IV e >!* ? H#*n requMtr<l to *t*to thnt i j, /TUTU* Flection* wilT b? held nt tta? ^ $omr\ Uouy, on next, nt P ! ? o'cWl, A. V., at *hloh time and place, v " Ifpocaon* Mw^ the neee of aixteeri 6 -' tofr ' tww ere ordered to and register their name* whh tKeic re- i apeciive age*. c ?%++* - ??. JUT" ^ot. W.-H. Goodl?tt, Vh*i -Regiment R. Attn ordered an elec- -1 -. tion to be held on Saturday next. 21st 1 iWt,~fJ>TVeion.^f Tygen ?*td JMtid* 1 Itoittoliona. and for company officers * . njfeere the present occupant^ ere Con- *. See order. ? .. 'r T-?'''sr- Y-S, ' ? ;?? *:. Conntorfcitor Arretted. _. < Jo?rx TiyjinRix, .Chief of-TVI?ee of|? Cblnmhin, arrested, en Monday- hn?t, n j ' man calling himself J. }Jt. CAHVRieritH.'" to he an accomplice^-a conn- [ t ?, te-foiting party. -Ilia confederate in ? supposed to he-" in Angus'a, Oa?. from J which |.Ws it is heh'eeed be hailed. J Do yon want to go to Te*a? I Persons wishing to hut lands in the \ fbnte of Texas, anil secure to themselves 1 large farms, witi see by-the advertise v c toenhof .Mr. PicxJAJffS Gass, that he i ran" nccommndnm them. The land* bre said to l?e verv prod tic'ive. 4J? ? t- | r t , k Ojroon'Til'o and Columbia Railroad. ( -i The sehod"!e of the above Road lins , T?Wh changed. . . ?VV? are indebted to the President of the Road for courtesies and favors show n us. * '. * __ ^ mm Peaca. * * >? The eigne of the limes point some. whtttin the direction of ponce, if n1! i*? true that is sni<l to be. - The French mediation, Montreal, Mexico, dre.. ate reports which we consider very iwprob sMs, but f*o??iMe. ]n fact nil are re: w+rrch time only will develop. A p.->eo npw would be n In^rees hardly within the comprehension of n* rebels. Third Sediment of Xacervcs. Tlie Thiid Regiment* of Reserves, .. which \y?<s oidered into service for ninety j 4pf i tinder Colonel C. J. Ei.roun. ban , been discharged from dlitv, the term ?>r which it wa? ordered out, having expired, the remainder of the Regimen:, frr thrft portion who nre exempt from the Conscription Act, reaching'this place On Saturday lajt. Tlie men have fared verv well, we are told,.dining their stay in can?p ; nnf, however, heing exempt front tho petty annoyances happening In the Soldier. It is vise nnd patriot-] i< in avowing the return honte of the j R cMorvpH limvpvpr mtii>h tlipp mnv ItP ' I " "?* * > " V * needed ?n tVie coast, in order that their | usual crops may not he interfered with,! i which is of the utmost truporlancft !A* the suecers of our came. A Good Act. The Legislature at iU last session j.? passed a law and mad* appropriations for cairving out the same, authorizing the-Oovernor to ?f*loot on? youth, who has heen deprived of hie father by means of the present war. from , Congrgfricnal District, to. be. .educatedJ in the urilitarv institutions of the State, j at tjte expense of the same. Poor hove, ? as we f oppose it wm intended for the | indigent only, whose applications will) come under, the provisions of this Act, residing in this Congressional District. , Jtave now an apportynif v within their; arch of getiing a good education, which < .- should pot bp ru-glerrvd, ns a good and j thorough education is of lite greatest j - calculable value. The Sonthrra Cultivator. The cUim* of this Agricultural Jour-1 nnl is urgently pressed upon every idler j of {lie (11rr. Hie number for January and February j? of the character, to wit : It contain* what very f?-w other paper* in the Confederacy do?information of interest, to "not Only farmer*, bat-to every cine* at thin particular time. Kverv person ?hnp!d tuke it, *e itw rccipe* for domtitlc economy are veJI worth having, aaj ing nothing of fifty p*?e> iieaidee iu each number. 'Mr. D. Kkitmonp, Auguala, Georgia, price *. tfriW ^rr vw, J'er aofta wishing to examine the merit# of thi? f.?f>neaiion have only to tend tli*ir name* to the*proprietor and they will be forwarder! a copy gratia. JtW F or the p?-t two or three day? i arc have had incessant raining, leaving the street- ami *ide\waJk* ia a deph>ra-> bie uuitjdf: iuUs 1 : ?,i Iin? to extend 10 HI! Urg?r torn the * rovi?io? for Hl?t? Kaior*rtn?nl of Con . dei to bond*. itwid ifttftn niSn IW?jp>fo hifl tfe*o prWntoljr iprews UJ U. ?^ 4m 1b* State ra?po?*iUe far ao h?rg? | nta ; hut that tB*apanh,aadetir?red, r id llib brief nkelah if it published next Mr, bfefce dqft^IN^ptAilM,and the J til pawed both Houmb uwuimow^.-. P We notice that Obi. 6t? baa j(wt j ropoxed in the Senatae??b*C?iiffed*? jl ite Stated, that Cont^eivfipM action to > Kyt?f <tn eodorM?rr>ent the part of ' ll tbe Stntaa ; and Mn A?n*|or Humu. ] i bit* recent Itapoxt-c*- finance, look* ' 3 iucIi rndoivettifNt m x ppgl of the' , ction now needed. The writer of a ' ery able j d ia the Richmond A'a^tirjr, from >eb*$ia, park hi^Veonrplhfcent* tftiMr. Iotck'b firet iyyitah on tbe ant jeer; the ' mly one be had aajC. "* Aa friend* and contdfnente of Mr. Bre are pleaaed to nolfi tfanut indication* hat his whlHUy. iMb *npfrlUft?d. and J hat,the greatyne^ent# advocated m-ihi* petch is regarded wifii gpenAial fiteor. , vt > * %* V - i? ILtnrxn'a \Y ee]?)y f??r iappary 3d hae at illustration'in which tkaJuFbrfdvM of XdnVnina, with YvuU*Wfioh*d' arnia, if fpreeented aa fiercely dofnapding *ol jincdn " nbero are mi."fifteen thouatfnd ons murdered at Ej*da* icMiurg T*? Lincoln look* *rertbty <?iijb<?ned, W?r >i?deavora to eradc therineeiinn -fit bit. ituhI warn 1F% rephee'r* This natnind* rtc of a li'rle joke " ???Go tell yont( "Icon in Sprinfffiebd," indignantly ra ipon?ell?? goduewa. Trotti.*, ibo ?riri nom?r, r? a bfcivaf* n -the 44th Massachusetts Keginic-nt, K now nerving in North Carolina. . Thk Yankee Secretary of war Sered all 'women nwnv from Tliltor Head, and has forbidden paaepoile to | women. It i.-* an idle w*?t? of time to attempt ; lofhrtne the Yankees about their cant mid hypocrisy. The only cant that worries thent now j??the ".cati'l ttki Hichmond or Vicksbutg." It is admitted by the Hilton Head correspondent of Xlie New Yoik t imes that the Cotton erop in that Htepin hat not 4>.'id expenses. and as for the " Wrst j liegimeni Sooth Carolina, Volunteers," I they "are a worse .?od inore expensive I failure than the Cottofi crop. ' *" - ! Two deserters are under sentence fir j military execntiop in t?eneral Walker's district Wo hope there will he no c?p casioR for repenting such examples. ^ Atf tha RpRoi-h ministry have re? sighed. O'Duniielf had foimed a new Cabinet. Coi.onf.i, TIenrt L. Hkknixo/ of Oeorgyr, has been made Ui igadier-Cen-1 eral. ' r ' L.1 . ?il > * For Sheriff. , IT M'ILTj nut ho long hefbfe our Di?tr!*t will h? rntiflel to elect a new Sheritt And inasmuch ns the worthy iricUmlwnt can not he re-electod^ it. becomes a mlwter of some importune* to our people, both nt lmAle and in the nthny, to curt. nlxou them and sec who shn)T gird on the sword and wear the cooked hat. of which lie is about t?> divest, himself. A? one of tltorc who are most im ter?tn^1? this matter. 1 feel that, onr poo}, pic should weigh well Mie" qualification*; necerarv tor the ofltce, milt ec?- *tv it tltatj they <-lcot the riirlit man. My prehMtmce j i* for Lieut. GEOIWE E. VI,F(>Tl!?."and 11 recommend this nomination to the appro- | ml of my fellow citizens. Ho is loo well known forme to add to hie well earned rep utution by Aiijrthincr which I can any; ami I with the hopelhat he tn?v consent to run, and you to elect him, 1 am yonr ftlloweitiaen, * - T. ' Feb 10" ' 4a 1 50,000 ACRES . Of Tcbm LriiO for Pale. . J -OFFHli p>r sale the ahovw quantity of 1,4ND; inont of which .ft eitnaU-d in Coroyell <6L<5BBeO CowAty. very near the jfeoyraI hioal centre of tho State, These Lands were located at an early day, with WurwBin from i (fhc Texan Government, hy Col. Jaiuca Hoilly, an old Texan, who knew the character of the j Lands as well as ?ov other man in the State.*' 1 extract the folhig^ tV0h> a description fiVcn.jd this county in the Texas Ainiunuc for / . ! ' As a grain (jn<l cotton coiinfy it deaerredly stands high, the avvia^e yiald of wheat ordi .jtarily Wnp twenty bushels, eapi thirty, and cotton one halo per acre. Oat*, rye, * millet, sorgho and baTley flourish finely. For horses, rattle, sheep and lioyX. I regard it as tho host average county with which I a?n acquainted." 1 will sell these Ipiidx at reasonable 'prices Oy mo league, l.?wi league or quarter league, but would prefer Svlllug only a half, third or Htrarfor intore8<in tkv tfrhido lt?t. At I regard he Investment on? aft he safest and most profit abb' that e?n be mode. Tonus?Cash or Conferral" Bpuds. TWPTr.\M fN ? ASS, av. Green t ilia <T. H., S. C. Feb TO . ^ NOTICE. ORF.FNVILT.K. f? P*b. 14. I*f3. I iV pursitnnro of orrlcra from-" lTetro-J , fit quarters Army Norllrifrn Vuginlo." W /wo are authorised to fUeetrr VOU'NMTO TKIJR8 ?or ti>0 BCTIs.SK (WAfibs* and 8eei>ad?Ke(?imoiit,,?r To* any other eompnny or regiment l?? the Army of I fin fodkot* Virxlnit. All person* liable t[,ij to aousvription ore, for thopresent, ?1n|/' lowed to select their tflflbpany, end those trlio volunteer before they sre eoneeripted, will reneiee a bounty of *f>0, nnd commutation for eloththf? am'mjtioff to *1.14 a year. Now, then, In tit# tint# to wrotd eooaeriptioaan.i secure the hnnfrty.jts ate? to discharge the Awty yon owe yoowMfand vtrrr eodntry. We are further ordered " ? trtert snd bring bnck nil persons absent wttbotfl proper sulh<>. rity." Therefore, aR ' eereand enlisted men of the ftrcnitit-*fc#t(imM>h vrpveinlly, who are uhsent without leave, will inunedmh-ly report to us in person : end those faffing to do *o will assuredly bt> dealt witJi as d.-swrture. I.iauu J. W. CAGf-K. igf. R W. Pooi.R. Bti'.lcr Guards, F.hld 4i tf uma Uy tha IN A?> of April of thr prntal ??r. THOSIAI^ Oammiaaioner a Office, Feb. ICtii. 1861. F?k l? ..,. 41 4 C J L.i,-J J 4 ESOnrSlTTAL ORDfclfc W$. * * Frmuait, Ifltb W?s. ? r>T ORT>EB?"lr?m (h? A:ij?llsi?*rt>ii^r?l. A L> an K1.-.-1 i"n nfllL ba Ji?*ld at tbi ran- ? I o command iH? Tjgar and Saluda BaUaf* h?? nbn Car ornniaiiT officer* trkera ika ? i n Ml 1 i MAia kit. rmawm ? KirnIonCoo*5oiv<1*V Vdfow'inil, count the \ >?U? <br JUjW and SMrtina^ll m4 fetoro^ Mm 4*t 1 " Milt of t^PlMUw fyjr com ufpyo# care. J L'ol-a^lM imtJbH mtwtedfyr nog mho h?? lot b*en -~J"~*tf*'V f??i?? Coufvocmtr ncf ' nl>drr tK? (>?$?) *>* of the, Rx*nif>k4'>M f Congrooo^wj* Lvar lurtj"#*? yaara i.., . i.. ?j?1? ? *?? Notice. .4 LI. jhh*o?o af* cntahmcd not to trthle for ' Jx. a'MOT IS. BILL ?*'-&AI?E, or AORKKMXNT to pmr $1,400 to J. J*. Ponk>. or Poirl. A <fcn#<l 1*hoot the firnt of TVmWr last, laid paper having hr.n iIth flu a Ji.gro nanted l)|?k."oh? war repreMptrd to W muod ia body and mind, a^d not a runaway. Said Negro b?viv toracrt oat tp bo a notoilune Htntftroy, and supposed to He tinenii i?.l (a nilnd, . I bare r.fWd to receive Mat, and will not pay r tho pnrehaaaio.neT, an lees eohipollcd kv law. * . JAMES JMrC'AUK'V. ~Pab($ 4T 'v?* . , ^^MlM-trdinn and Orecitville KnU*p?ris. ., copWoarra a week f?> tbrva wocks. ?v!- J -r-anr*1""" - -?r t-f1 1.' RCCII1T1TS WANTED. rl'*0THOXK abdul t?? enter tht> n;vW JL of their rout try. a ???? ?( opportunity | f?.?ow off.-red t1o>?.' I tween foo *;a*'rf , sixteen (18|_nnd'fl?r?y't to) vnnra. The op-! notions of the Cmiwdptr Act-Lollig |i?rtiii|- j ly suspended, perron', will be allow ed tor a, abort time, lu. Rlti'th tlirlMfijvr* to I any eotnpnnjf.otf roedto^nt ibyv way wish ami rcdeire t^?c bntfoty aiid otVrr hem flte Yu'dviiW hy 1 nt lor v.-TMji'crte. 1^1 every | man come (m wuril promptly nn?l uliat is iiii me ill Cnptniii 'Croft.'* tVnupati* O. ltith Iteciiurnt^. G. V., mid irwive the uoiiniy, and while the enemy Is making hit nxirt desperate preiH-riition* to uljngnte us, let nt l?e prepared to meet Into. I will ho in tl?? I>i?trict for the n?xt toll days, an) nt G. erpvilk ou Sat ui\lay. 28th of this month, l'trmilt wiohiag urjoin tide i-onipnny. or any ?thor eonlf>nny"t>f the 10th tteglmcnt, j call <ln tn hy calliov on me ??l the nhoVe j II allied place or any wlirielliry tuny inert J me, ' and "Tt-eeive transportation, lie. of charge to the Kvgiioeut. Scrg'f. \VM. N*. ROSAMOND. Conip.tT.y C. -lQth Regiment, S. C. V. Feh 19 11 rnlumliin (/narUinn a i IP copy until 28th ul this 111..nth. 11 ixic 1 ttikm si'it vat rttHK Adintukit nUil fnstwetor.O. m linv 1 ':i* given. pirmirMon to all llaljc to J Cnn?eriplton to eolnnteor in any ('' uipaay in active service, provided lliv.V tlu it'^Solnro |tf v nrc rnniMail as Cnngeripty, I have or?n o.dcrcd | to receive Tolnrtrvr? for Cnpinin S?Mhcrw-t >t tlouufWirt*, or any ot^ifr oontp nv in tin* Firat ; 1 Rcgiitcut 5s. V.. wbn w'.ii W untitled to i liounty. and to nil the benefit* secured to j | volunteer* by law. I wjll he .v? vlrvtiroj!" ; i t'onrt llntinn cvnry ay and Krit'ty until I the first of March. All member*. of Captain I Southern** Company absent without or on J j expired learc. are ocdorod to ,*vport to their ! companies at otiewfrr duty, or l.? trrated a* deserter*. " TJnmc who tin not report li^tht 234 of.llu" month will ho arrested and firwarded to their rcapeeVivo rompunK-s under . guard. It. A. tl W^N. recruiting Sorgoant, Co. K, let Itug'tS.C.V. Feb Itf 43 . . tf IlEADHtA RTKRS , JKN'K K ffS' JMtltJAHE. tMKMIiFH8 of the 4th 8. C. Hattalh?n. who felt thin Brigade without regular lilwhsrg*, will, hy voluntary return to their post a. be, fostered front the eoneetjneoccaof their nnauthorirod act. 1 Wo mean* will he left untried to compel ' the rot urn of tlmeo who do not voluu* j tarily return, whether attached to other , command* or not, and muh will bo I tried by cotfrtinartia1 Tor drreftie'n. "i M *.JKN-W INS. . - - Brigadier-General Commanding. ( ? *> 1? , 43 3 j 33*(iiwnrl|)| Kntorpri?? ropy twlee and | ?eud bill to Columbia Gonedftm oSce. KXECrTIVK DEPARTMENT. *>?.rMnM, ! >. v., ret>. t?tu, IK65. Application <*>r app?iuthirnt* in the Stale Military Arad'my, iipdi-r the ; subjoined resolution*. fioin tin- 1st. 3d, 6ih. | ibid bih Congressional I>ietii?i* will he rceeired mirl file-rl with fhwteml J\MKH JONKS, ("hall-Mian of she K?">/iof Visitor*, i until fho Irttli dt*v of Mar.ft > on wliieh day Cadet* will -1??! appoint-*! and notified to "report for exnrftbintien to the Aendemte Board at Uio Arsenal "Hi Columbia s>n fli* let Any of April next, whoa tbry will h* n-lniittod if their attaiiMueiiis are equal to thane ef (lie classes at that lime. If not ad milted, lliey will not he regarded a* r?j*?ied, hbt their Applieation*. if rriiavrgd, will lie nghin.considered, with otlieie. nt I lie an-' ii??l nteeling of the Board of Vi?it?ri irt November next. , App! ieation* in net. slate particularly j the fn?rl? that bring the a|-pli<nnt* within i the term* of the resolution*. By order of tha (tavernnr.' u. v. autiirn, Private Secretary. r ' ft*?ohrd. That ids Lxeelleact the Cover or hq,*and*ho in hereby, MHff?r<Ked to Safest one vouth from oacli (VntpfMhiDiil Wstrlel in t hin Stat a, aona of officers or *o)diaM of the Army, ar officer* or nier of the Navy, of the Confederate Platca, who, during the existing war, hAVe died in battle or who have died front d'*'**' eontranoted either woiirtd* or exposure, or wlw, not beiwf] sou* of nffje-ra or soldi ere, ore under the age of t.#?ntr vgare and iiave iiehared with gallaatrv &a af ?*ttlet who shall he plae.ed in one or the ofh?-r of tlie'ndiitar? inUitiitiAM of thia StMe to be edtieatad at tb* <*f * gratofnl ?non?ry. ^ II. Thaf ?Mn WfopoiMoiPnt br made in e?try year; And HuH two thousand <loH?ro, if ? ttinah ha n?a<|Mrjr. be nppryfvrletpd therefor, the Mine to hp Irtrrtoed hy th? ramp amownf In pooh enppeerliair Y*W ai?*N H eh alt rearh ?4/ht Mkmi??o?I >tit|brs *t whioli ?'im It oh ail continue an kiiHimI afv < propria'ion. Fh 19 A1 2 nri'H, eta in the lot, X<l, ftth and ?th C*nt(trMio(i?l [>Htritt )>iiWah i?tc?, I ,Tj. - - ?-- '.^ < HAlW12^1>IF^I^lEi?eJLlt. J ?H~? vttrm ' '*?*f "- -! ? 1u nib la....... 1 # ?.?. btoir. r. P 9 ejat??5=S^N,S*U nrenwond - * 1? M ukwbucy llT * T ?*lr 1 AUIVl ^ * JJ HlfMttMtlM* awkg3L's;^* aBBSrrrrrrrrl? : wv^w........,, *- ? s j |rCN?*?i M.yiu...... 5 ?? 19 18 " JewbeiTy ?. 1', It 45p. m. r..... i ? ' AllUf K '''*, . T jnlumbtA............... .;....... 4 19 ? - To roBfinivnco un Monday, 16th February. ' 9H19 . _ -41 4 } State of South Carolina. I Aojittskt A*DIwrwi^JflBf|?;t*rOjindl, .? ' OMVllIKi February , 184a. 4 OKKKRAL OKDEKHNO. 9. 1 IALT< o?rtUit*t? of htrtiofnn f granted' to overseers by r-??? of their employ ?ua being in wrvit*, and alio ntrt U-ft, ?r iniyy brronfUt leave, the n rticc, nre hereby revoked. II. Tli'u order ipplbl itl like wanner to all axemptrvna'whleli miiy brmitrr 'la granted upon the eutnc cond jticur. > j > III. All of.pReatinns for the sumption?ef1 o overreci* innrt be made b? nrctrrdanco WHt> the provisions of tho thirteenth section (bora- . witJi published) of an Aet entitled " An Act; * for the batter organisation of the Militia and for nthrr purpon a," If the overseer be liable ( la eolworipiiou for Confe<Uratr service, i* uiu?t < b? stated in the application that be hm nut 1 been enrolled ; and It liable to Stole'service, it " mUst l>e staled that he has not becu called into j aeiUiil service. ' J A. C. OARUKHTON, Adjutant a:ul 1 timer!..r flcutral of S. r. EjtI, f t froux Art o/ Ut**rat 'A?rwhlj//'nr . tlx* hcttrr Orifitiit'taHoH 11/ /A, At Slit in. Ski-. 1-1. That the Ordlnsneo of the Convention nf this State entitled "An Oriiiiitucv tv exempt or. 1 goer* frotn llm performance of ' militia dnty/' passed on tlio second day nf .lan'tsry, in tike year of wif l.ord one thouannd eight hundred mid *t*ty-lwn, W, add llie ?muu it hereby altered and amended. ?ud that from k:?tiA nflvr the passing ?>f tlijn Ael. wml ?111 rinjc Hie proeent w?r, nil upplh-ntinn* for th<* ex. J"1 tmpil'in of overseer* shall ho made in wrltim* ' In the Adjutant and Intnwlir flrluru! of the) Stale by the owner, trustee or wgc:it bavin*! charge of thu plantation and noj-rur. wltoaha'.ll state e.n ontli I he ngo of the < n>V!"yer. the! nnru'er of negrns-und wet mil working hand* 'j uiflrr the i^arge of the overeper on the phtet- 1 afl in, and the situaliart* of- the *:ttnp. which i statement shall he vcriticd by lite affidavit of; nt h-n : tM'o rrslitii) fariiuii. And Jfit it *'])C;irsI tliat the person a| j -1 \ in^r for tl-? cx"h.plinn in' a in the service of the dl^le or ol the Confederate states, or is nhovo. the a 7c offixly | ypaiA or in dcervpid, (to he certified by w pl.viicitn.) or a female or u miliar or minors un Act I lie fli^> of eighteen Tmrn, ami that the j mitnlKr of working lumps exceed* Gflven, tbo , Anjntnr.i and Inspector flenrtn! shall is. u? a rerlilietttoexeinptir.f* such overseer truin actual . military^ servioe hi youd the limbs of tbo district in Trhtelilte resides. am' fariihih hint with n r.opgrat ?nid eert.tieato. And tliat it luur l-o . wiul U,t two "*v wore owrcrs of plantations, , not fltiihrf apart than flt'a mile*. and having hetwecn t tic Hi fifteen working bauds, to join 1* an for such exemption, provided lite overAuet* resides on one of said plantations. Or if it appear.* thai a plantation on which' 1 there are fifteen or morn working hands is left without any white male person tirercon t? protect and govern wnrkiny hands. except the uvwraner, the Adjutant and Inspector ft en - i rat may exempt snub overseer from Actual military service, beyond 'i*c limits of the dis- 1 triet in which ho rts'Avt, prodded that such exemption Ihi recp>umcnded by the ootntnnndin( effuVr of the beat in which such plantation 'an situate, and approved by the Colonel of the 111, f\t I I'kel wasU-rta-fea wtfoh" have h-?en heretofore Krantod by the | AAjutnnt and Insficelnr (Jcncrnl tinder lit* Said OrJirv?n?c of tha Convention of thia tjtate, ofwllH-li may hereafter bo granted andaf this k Act shall not exempt overseer* from aetnnl service in the militia when railed out under tit* provisions of the eleventh scoSon wf thl* Aether fruni ordinary militia or patrol duly. Keh IV 42 I AIT pnperriw the folate ropy oitee. f Wmi ?. ni ?u r w?oi r?r<? ?f \f V VVCh tl. 0AK11R, are at laM In opera, ft crtnW;HrO-wT#*M'3iw Aai.y. turning nWt, , Itnoie. 1 mill attend with promptness and, ? despatch to all orders. Mv price* ore tl?* I same as Levetnfote, which are Vne-'out-tl | pcf pound loll, or .en cent* per pound cash, j S. R. e BSTMOHl.ANI?. July 31 TO * V * tf jCyrlltin Hie Block '>0? pounds 100 doren t'ASTOK Olh ??? VOa doa. Ivory Viae-'footh 9KL A C0SID8 .* mMBSPS,10 chests TF.A - ' , ?0 hoe.? T,oitd..n 8?Al? " *- - e4 400 papers FI M? - lOwnao Writing PAPKK . 6?l? M. NKKfThfifl 1000 doxep Pl'OOf. rntTOX M>pou?H* Kl/A \ THltKAi) MI0 poni.ns Imported C01TKRA8 HUH) JIm'i end Boj/ llATS 20 LognkeiKi* Brown PUOAR HIV Merer* RICK ?0 barrel* Now Or lean* SYJtt'P ...MSapal Salt PISII ,100 T?o*or TOBACCO . * . H>n BMnrfiH CAI'A .' j -.. (- I Wholeeale and retail, ?t . m* ' iJ ta^rt^^PTORK. , ' tf/eotivilta, S. P* *<r WTJ TY< ' '' V*1 T7 tr 1IORHE TAKEN VP. TiHtKS Of?, on Ilia ?<1 PebrAerr ?" taut, <t large Sorrel llorie, with j??^evb?.l?-fl hind frtUek wlitt*, An wlneii there ?'na a rmnll Saddle' and fift-fty good Uri die, and iupixnod to bf Mm* mjhU)?d or] eight <-rn year* nlt^, ? ^ v A / ? 4 " He id lloreo may l?n fe^n at jfty jrraidenro, , llrrre tniira from CreeQrilU tVirt llaiiwr on the Dnnliar? Itridge Jo?i4A\ Neffth* Hj# ' owner U r? queried to rome and fwoww proj*rrtr',.p?v charge* and take Mm away, or ho. will badirpoMd of ?.-cording to U*r. uii AVtX-wfcdw* . _ . ,-JaT '.> ^ CITATION. WIIKRKAH AI.I.KN ifobAVTT) bar1 tiled a Petition in inv nffteo, for Lot! frra r?f AdmfnMrat lob on diT) and SUoMhir. rfc* grtrifte wnd Abe inter, rigfe e aod ?r edtl* uf AROEHHON BAOWiff^rdC37K?j; d r ml ood >weil. ore ?r* n?ti0*4 lo-aMWpr at r.irs 5i?5>s?*f w%v^?^Xni ahofthl not Be crmttu^. Ordinacy'a ON **/ !., Mb, I r-*> '* T'f?H ' . -f ' .. M \ * -* ? > ? ? * * ~v OK MONEV, wMcfc^tiie ow??r ?m|'.o p*?M> Incurred. J Ulltt tlw Storo ?l ? WILLIAMS A WHITMIRK. B y 4r. ? ? '*: ?* . s I " ?v' |ALK or >?AL BITATC. b IX Tlrth??krWHr>rJ?T fro* tMMt ?* r? J OrUimirr, 1 will offer far ? ! ? Wow lh<f J 35< HQTiLLA I.QXU, dee?M?d, mMirtlag of " K>*v? mort i tf*t tw fidaiRA if All I j nffiAwy, to NHHtiMHt. ' . Mr \ ~ J. J.JUUAS1KL, B. 0. < BheriTtOSce, *.?*?*?* ! , 480A. , 1 Vob 1* 4l , ? Administrators* Bale. ! 1X7Fix 1* M?r to 1hr klfkrrt hfcftfaf, ?o T TulrA*?. the S4 Aof of MoMiidst. J t lk? k?i? r?4dri??e of Miae NAtKsY UfcOCK. nln4 ml^r brtrtw <?**or?m 0. H ! - " TWfH * ABOUT 7A VA1UMLB O&COJiN. W *?aAt ffow Bailiiii rf ^rbMt, About 1,500 fti of Pijy ItOM, rfififnff'iim: THREE HORBEB, >?e Carriage and Harness. "prtligr nkhrth^mUHni *, , T*R*k?AII-omhi., of ??d omlrjuTrji IW: o?,0?dir'or ?M ?iiw ? *?* Toll WW inonlh* ?rwiii, wilt* intercut from l?v of Mb*. Not* or lib two food orojirlu.*, >*fore the right of property will la* chongcJ. A. M. lilLKEAJH. . Adtn'r*. of N41,0* Brock dCc'd. F.U 13 . * 41^ \ ,. tW w ColnmtiU finonliim wfll publish *. rkly Uirrv ?r< k*. - Estate Sale. ITtftJ' )A Nilit; stilt* hh of' TT L.??Ra2?OI! MO K/Wioa. ?lnc mirri l?l(i*"rtri>frvHlr O, II , MrTwIsy il>r !T?1 <l?r of Mofr* r?.*S, * *N Hi. I(lUsKIH?r.T? nod KITlTHFvN"?irRSlru UK, Uioi.gihg to Miid dcCi'surd, eotioivt S ,,f ^ ? Bods, Bedding, Bedsteads, AVASIISTANns, Drawer*, I.ookiii?-<?ln??r?, _ CUjlXK, HAPLhS,' ... . Two Wagon*, One Ox Cart, Black until li Tools, tml many otliyr article*. TkOm*.?Afl ramvoi jind or.;r Ton lots, wli, over Ten <l<llInrs. tWe\v?- month* b?< tlii, with interest Irntu tli*- Hay i/f wlr, with note and two {food wrtitilTcH. K B. DPN'rlAN". Executor of Lnnrnnec Brock, d<-pe?svd. *K*I. J 2 4 1 J.7S" T1i?* t'nlum'd.i 'liinrit^nii will publish; tl'? oImivct>nc?' it ? k for tin ee wn U, TO W \ TAXE?. AT a rcynW intofitipc of the Town Council of Ore rnvillc. llic following Itcsoliition tvas adopted. in rebtHnn to the Taxes for the (isoM year of isrt:t_4 Itr+Jrrtt, That nil the Town for lite yenr l>c the satne n? the preceding year, pi Mint all the said Titles he duo on fhn Jet Jay oil February next, wxcepi the Taxes on Koal Kstaic, whh-h shall be ilue on the 1st April. . A I.KX. MrHKK, Intoodaut. J.C. Bttutt, Town Clerk. Ja 8 .to 5 CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH t? .r m o o ii . THR VP.XT SliAH|nW ?r th. jg^SKL classical akd khui.iau tMRSt PCHOOL, rerewtlr established In WW Pfofoexors KDVARU8 and JVD SON, with the pn Board of Truni.-cc of Pur-man VaHrrrvUjr, dnrinn the rMntadon of Iko hxorrtiri of (ho 1,'niversit v. will "pin at tb?> 1'alTenilt BnlMing, OH THK'itTa IfEllItU AKY.and embrace two quartern of ten week* each. Tkiixs?4I? per quarter, with M> cent! /or incidental expenses, payable in arfvnncw. Good Boarding enn be had at fli per month. The ntroust watch-care will be aaercisod'over the morals of the pupils. For farther information address Prefcettnr P. C. Eiitrises, ( rectiv tile, S. ( . . Ja* ' >- * r^-.ti-cV If GEEENVILLE LAND FOR WALE. . lajuoy ttrilili VT-Mtwrn^ ar^a*vk sold, at Oats-OHRV ISmmSS vine or, ot^ppnpw s ate,.?a4fluSSS? War?* Tirj-i, tliut valuable FARM oa (drove Creek, nine miles hview Ormentille C. II., ad JoittUit lands ?f Ml. U. F. Cleveland and jlev. )>r. Nsnl)-, - The Traet centains fire hundred and twenty-scrvoa ante*, and iqwitbin one ratio of prove dlatinn, on the Greenville and Cohunhi* AaHroiui. The I? well log House Is an ....n?i a.? t _:>k >in k?. .i. w: 'inn aivl l'xrtKti, nrttf *(whIi Within llirM bnfcrired Ttnii tml in fwll rhw ?f Mm mia Au(Cfl?l? ftoaA. The rnW I* pwlMrt. nod poaeeraiow given ' * -TifWMK.?A rredU.ornno ami two y?ara,wlth Mtmi, with two M*uti)i?, and a Maori* gggm-of (ha pi wperiy, U 4m?*<t neocKrery. .Tft. B. PUNC'A^ Kxc<mtoc of Lamwc e Bmtk. dnooaac/l. Jaw S3 .Tf. rt jytvJU* Colnnsha Gtiardian ,aml Cbarlcatuj. C?wri?-r will oath pnbl'ml^ the above teeeUy forHw Wreki. 'Noticed 17*PTAT* HP JOHN W. JOUKP. - \ ? ? NEWTON HRAMI.HTT, - % - M0HK8 LRflXiKH. -- - m |? a VIA PLIiMLKY, '< *< ^^-*w ? l'RISOJLLd. WKI.VII, - ' -PATJMA Kfl.JJO* * * et?fviu>rrlv >* - r "JOHN KOPTIS, " JORKPM*Ktw, ? *? "JJflV THf?MPM>!f. V An parties hwTabtfd to any of th*w> Katat**, wilt make pnyrtlowr to lb* nadenifnw^ and ail |>nr(leM having rlaim* amnion their. will pre. Ml them within Ihrrawuwitha, ta , . ' \VM. M. TIIOM/IM II v. n n ?nJ Maiui?(rit(nr. Jim Ml. # M ,J. ^ 13 wSBJOLOT; ; . 'V jjj^^F*' *^- *" >*iyiUjy^|^yri'>r (Hm i ?ri^yliB B molMlion(rf tSo miliMft, end for olher par- * riw." h??i?c ram ted the tMiaWkm* of ?1L * ilUU uWapri in tfcie Shite wk* in net ? * mi fiWanrlrt W pi Aitief ifc* OuMi * i?P * - * -s,, IL No ana l?hh to d??y in the C?M?ale Mtrin, Kr^" **" ' III. mi>i?H it eomieee* ' a the Hm nM ulertwn# ?#fheid, % lajnllii A 1 la wkk< aetwnt* thereof U tkUeAw lowlt- -< '?v/T* x:;- -v > * IV. The coaunandipg c.Sawe of aannpnnlea , MMl *|feMM??e hereby re<|ttired, , ly aft** ?*id eltptiiiir Uurn been hold, to Make returns nf the nulla af the. crupanie* promptly. s^nrta with [.i-Miebrd.;, end J}>* default In maUla* aid rtinrnt. pcaaltk* theHHn linpoabd,frill be atrictty anfiywo^, * ^ ' V. live (onwMiidhijr HKeMk ?r ffifKMnli are berrOT i ifUfc Ha* pr< mpt execution, of Hila otiler on the pu* Mention thereof. II v iulreclMl of the Qimwral Awtieblr. . "?. A.c. juahlin<;ton, Adjutant and Inijertor Geo oral of P. C. ,"( Krtrfrl fmm Art < / lie b*e?<roi A'rrmbly fir ikr txdrr Oryotiituti<m iy tkt MHiiia. . r lep.A .That the commanding officer* of beat eoatpanie* rlmll keep l?? t-epnralc roll*?ooe of tbe name* <>r all peraon* resident in their. fcwMe'beiaeen the age* of sixteen and aixty. nuil another of ibe'narnc* of all prrmni -Wtaaeen tlffi njrauaf tixteen And Afty, dealjrnatinj; l. oa uM ndfl the mr of each po-reou j nod all |era?ar iveehod'te he enrolled he thin Aei, rh.ill, _ immediately 'after it* pittance. report their nninta totbu roinuiundHu; officer* of their j t?aU, Wire ehaU haw power to' admiftliter: oath* aa to tba ft*cc? and rtaidcacca of prrAAa*. ! erhon thejr refpee to utake known-tbeir age or placeof feaideors, or Where there mny be doubt* a* to cither, and each and ever* lint company ehnll l>c called out for drill and instrncUop once in every two niiftitbt. V ' Pac. That the commanding officer* of coinpauiea, ae >000 ha ?aid condiment can In made, thai) return aald .nlla totho commanding | officer* of their re*iw?ent* who ahull relwrn the bnme, within ten day*, to fhe tbcee of fKo ! Adjutant and I': Spooler- tier, cml ; and for delanlt fn leak tax a?j?l jreloriik, Hie commanding officer? of coiapN*iiua ahull ife liable to a Any of fifty dollar*, had conunaadiitR ufflocr- Of regimen U-fu thine of ode haudred dollar*, to fc iio]Mi*cd by a conrt utivrH^l ordered by the I Governor for tho trial of aucli defaulter*. Tl ' Sue. IS. That all oopimlaainn# held by the miliMii officer* of ^hi* State, except the Adjutant nnd ii>?pcetvrO"ne,ritl. who arc not ex-I ctnpt from aorrlea the tVnarriptlon Act of ; the ."oilfederate t 'nnj(rr*V be aud tf.e aatae are I hereby enentrd aa noon a* new elorliona rau be 1 held, which clcctUui* the Aftjotant and In- ' ?|k eter tJ.peraf ta hereby 'Wivtraeted to order in.?>^.i;ua..l? .0^. it.. ..r ??"V ?'? " ? ? <? ? I tlmi n? i?nf imhie M> tlnly In the Confederate | service, nnlwM lie to cnumpud front mid m-r- j vice iiiuKt ttla piMvifioiii* ol tlic K*cts|>tioo j A<-t ?l ConjjrvA*. uli 1111 to licrc ill tor eligitdc In 1 any miliiia oltloe. .' * 4 ' Wl.l? fl. - 2 .r lr* Em h pnper the State copy twice. 1 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, t; i: K i N V i I.I.E i ?i >1 u i cr.? U7IIKI'K,\S A. M. Gilt'cKtli miii N. ?. l^irjri M have apt-1 icy t>? me for' I.i tier* of Ad'iiuii'trnttou on nil (tr.d einyrnlav the gooji* and cfuillchi. lights a ml eicd !' of Mit* X.vM'Y It^Of'K, late of the 1 >i*t riet iifot?nid, iirtfnMi|, rliviilj to granted to lln-lii: _ * . v ju. Tln+e arc therefore |.tx etfe n|t<? inlm nil ami niifnolar.! he k -*! ni.d.-cjri intor* of flic said di-eencci! to be mid appear at n Court of Ordinary for Qiifurilli' t)ii?irict. In lie hidden at (ire- IH ill.- CiiUlitlirtM nil .l/nt'iit}/, the ttrof'i tfnfi (t[ F$rv.\fy pirl, to chew enure, if. any, why tlio- *nfU A Jiiiinb-' trot ion ebo^WI not l-? mAtil?d, koukqt mlkay. a c. P. J*unary l?th, )8o3. 3? It I STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, fi ItKEN S'lbl-K DTSTItlCT. IN ORDINARY. Mnn!v Bright. Administrator, Applicant, ?|ilitUlt Kmily Mnso.i tllid otlicM, lie fcminute?Oitofi-?J?r Finn! Sr!ll>tncut. IT appearing thnl jtolut Umoii, I'srry A Nnn-'it, siiil Guilford Deli'*, reside bo ynnd the limitm of thin Stole ty It in ordered that they do appear nt n CuMrt ?*f Ordinary to be, hidden Ol (*r?entiHe Court House, on Friday. the 6th doy of March next. t?? shew cattm-, if any tll'y enn, why n Piuol .S-ttlementof the Ksiate of KKJiAKP MA^oN, ieeeo'ned, ehonld not be hod, nod n Jt)cecco jfii mi t hereon. Thin 4t h dne of PeecmLr*, A - T\ 18M.* VOBKUT McKAY. Ordlonrv.. Pec 11 . ' U% .^ ,?>*. . STATE OF SOU 1H CABOItISAT QRKKSfVlLLE 1?I8?ti(T. I W HERKAH *'?" W I tovaiHs, Gwttr.U ? oner in F^tult for I Mr District, I tide filed n petition in my oflfier, ^.yirifj that | Jivyirii ui nMniHM9KiU|un C?H Hl| Una Hr.fB' Imp i)ip jto<n1a und chilllv#, riy. tin *nd tr?lit* .1$ JKllU Til* MI'SON. tat# of ih? PI* irirt afurrmid, drceiwd, aliudTId bo fjmiitoH to Mm .. - t. Thee# nre, therefore, to eWe an?l nHmonirh all and riiigolMV 11? kindred and creditor* < 1 the raid depoita?d, to bo mid aj.|Mnr in titOnrl of Ordiolry for mid I????ri?-t, to liolden at Oreenrillo Court Hon** on Friday, lh< tarenty-aerentli Hay of February next, to chew cause. if any, * Iiv the ?uiJ Administration should jm>i prattled. KOBKKT McKAY, O. U. It. January )5tb, 18tW. Jan l? , 91 ? A STATE! OF SOUTH CAROLINA, :f>KKBNVfl>f.K DHTKKT^ Jo?x A*ntaeos,Jtxerui?r. a| t.licaot, agninat Alexander Thompson, anj others, legal heir* and r*|ir?wiit?ii?e< of Jniwsa A A Horaon, de<;ce?c?l.?(Jit+iion j*r final tKafUrmrW anil Dfx rat x. T T ap|ibnritlg lhaf .looriHi JL - Jamee 'lhoiii|MH>i>, Jolin lUqfnpaon. WilIUtm 'i homo-on, l>*xnn Unoir *t?d roily Ann i Moore Ui* Wife, and ^atnra Al?f*Ai-Her, Pe J l"c ltd an I*. *- beyond t^e^Mi'lita of tlila jhtalu: It ia. f?rd*red and PrtTrt-d, thut t they Ho nppesrjat a Ordinary lo J bo holden MtfJret'rt villi* fJAurf llottae on t lie , tn^ht-aaarriflt fay fajfttrtk p'rt, to *h< w : cause, If any ffsJHLjatatA Flaal S.-itl-i tnt-nt of tHb nfimk j* A I,FX AN' f'KU, deeerjaadr^HrtHWI ?t>t be bad, and a j Ureter pf***- 1her?*it. 7 Tbialtb day *#J*n?iaro. A. I?. 1 AAA. flUllRUJr M, U ,<L V o 11 Tl *?n ? > v '1 , I* TJIB ^ttyartnaraMp*!* Uf? praatlo* o4 M'fTMfte. lu+r *<??>? *i'w4i??r fcat ww I*. A. B. ?1uW)K Jf A. I>. HOfcP, fa 3i? Uy Hi> ti?r Mmrr> li?(w and Account# dn# flta >*? bi tKc liMMb of tke MTVIT /,* f c vTX? ,,3p>. UOKE. M. I). 'ifc> tv umri cootinin I It ?> |,r?r. CHM ?1 t*i? a*** ? ? 'orii.ftrljr oecn*?ic.l ?,? | ??? m?jr IX- fwtiud at a(| I?? * <?r\mx ?># Ja!! 1 ml fcfc* ',ol,M of Mr#. IVo,.V n, j^NI > JlK'Vill recc11# pron,pt at ?*?, ;0|^ 11 ''" Vf the ffllwa 4?tailw) for fnun ?b f pay <*r rt!* ^J^o."!".(^n?tith?H?A aM^1" ftJiT '?t tT?\>^niiCI!Z!*l^r ^Wtmx^JuSn^^ wilnrlly rolwrn TTfiriir '?*? , A" Nf*** rb??-re\^ioui lilt /n ?ili?t'*l ma* %K?f <ln no* roln(4 toMjr M?nr tlililktk* H>m o?l ill wh*? thill ?n?r tWk Aft phmt J$Mf*' *< '. *I?M from Itwli tomMHidt wh|?nt nrra^f.. . wthotH*, ttilLW ch?njr,l wltli fogy* mil ihd Irian by t?m ?rw Military Conrl OiSw, Ifc wuh >jt ntf fc>m?4 cwflty. iVy |J' %i rtBUwl lodrath, whHhee|fr?fCWCJK^^M wi?t, and dwnmdnder* will ha ord*rHI am V cxr??tf Um HWtrtWw -wherever tttt rfinrN rlemn?? Mt V? jf IV? It <*omp?t|i<( all thr ?nll?tr?1 nt*? ?# . $ whtoh art prevtrt fi? duly, tKm*:1 ? -V* oboeot-nroh r l?*?t ofder* or tipon M? Mvo, |>ivirion; nu>1*t andTVf4b|B|H iprat OuniMiiilfrt ate authored to granf furlough*, alilie rale of one for every lw#4j IR ly-fivv im-w-t>*e*en i for duty In rnrh m??J lM?i.y, an.l for period* whi<4? deducting1 thw rini-. nwi'onrr fer trpVvl. w ii! permit fe# pnrli** H> i . renin at home fynrtecn (Wya.4* W batterer they ere aulhnrlxed l y the fa?f* I* ?f-p*r.d a o? i tlfi. at?, whieh will hr re* quired ii. ererv innrinc. that no rollk'a-1 compaojcaraabeenl withcutmm ( etrfit*anihoritv, CotHpnnjr and RfltimrOtal 'mmmiidert will forward, through (lie reg* 3*^ ulnr dutaadi^ft thr rat* nnd up?>a didnn* nCwe aped fled. r rohiftiradatloN* ?f th^iMn iimei iiir l'i rl iu anrtilaevrfiBE fit Witfek. - jo . ,, V, All fpl.irtfd torn who orcrrfdy tfiwfr rreiifar liiiTs furlough*. of ihwr gniuw-d a* above, will l?v lnun*l??jt*-ly arrrvted <<n their return, an ??hflioii?r made Into, the elt-ciieMannn of ach we, and the hide W', ported to thr Brh/nl* ('ommeiid'-r, w-ill either pi?nl?h the drlin^wxt, cnWra^ . eliurgc* to )> pr*frere?l, or return htm t?> ditty uif|>nniditd, a?-tbH eirt?i?it#iit'i of ;. th? enre n*ny-ili*hl*Jud|frn?ent require. J . '?" VI. M*j?>r A. K feiii', (Siief yimrt^rtn^?? ter, v ill ?ali*c t li. se optem to lie ndt rr< liwol once a weeh, for three we*?.a,1n qrery nev??i j ut.tlrhcdlo N? r?h OuroP?M. ntid.lff the tww?p*prea (Ulldtekod In t ?t?vuhin,-Ah.( demon, Gnrelttfl'lt and *1 nd( vlfThj ttinvtlrva. rnllnn. V ' *y^ t 'By command of Mrfor-f.eo, Q, V. Pyrtfi . r NAMC til W. MlihTO?;, f ' i .? hlqjor and A. A. Oett. .1 Mi *f> J j _ ^ * [j I EXCHANGE SOTICB-IW). 4.7 | * nuduirtn. Va- Jan. If, 1*835 TI1E following HReer* and a?en have br-t? duly exchanged, and are lierehy to dee c Ureil : 1, Alt officer* intd ntti enptnrml in Kentfc* kv.Tdl nciee, Alabama. Minnirvdtipi. flu florid* nnd Ponth Carolina. npCvo Pw?efim HMi. 1 ?C2. 2". All officer* nnd men enp?nre*t in Mii>*X^ ri. Knhea*.* Nrw Mexico. Ariront. ArkaiVsAa I iuhT I?r>ai*ianaiip to January l?t. IftW. ' 1?3r [ . .1. Thu two f?i?'X<i1ii|r eeetj*?u> apply not <n> 'i 4 | ly to officer* nnd m.-n of tlic.Concir-ternt? ?jlyi^rv hwi afn> to *11 jadwnn# raptured in anna ?r l?o?tiie array agninrt the I'htlfd Htate?; wlmwvi r may hnvi trrn the ebacaetrrVif Ilia military orcaniviittane to" wlih-h tl|ry Wcre^afi tachtd, an'iVhatevnr uuie haveliewn ttuUrm* >f the. parole* jrtr.-n hy thr in. If no)- 'n rtf; In. Pi'diml (ftinmi, llliy *rr to h* immediately rekacd, and deltrered to the Conirih-rate aw"; ' iborttWr. a 6. All Confederate ofHeej-* n?J im? who liar*: I heeh delivered at City I'uiiil, up to Ja.YKaty ;cth, tHd?. ?.n| tt. Ah Coofed<ratc?ffie?r? *nd awn f ho bairtP ' ! Urea d?nrerad at* Vlekaharg up to Dcceariiwf' '.'3d. and Sneliidinir *af<t daf*. ? -v 7. All parolad Confo?ler*le #-<Ti??r* and men rreejptwd for-at Vidrlnct up to IhrAMr 2-td, nnd inrtmlinp mid dale; tt. AU Confederate ollhfCTf and men enffsr-r ed and pa.wled at Ktwtlerickahurg, Va., in j)*J I eonitirr. |MA2. "... , .. f*^. < 8. AW Atrfatlrmte offirfri nn?t mew raptured and p?toM M (InMfUru, X. C. M llnW ' l?T. IM}. * IvJg 1ft. Other ntierell*n?<vn? en<l wuttrtii-hMge.a. of wblrli the npyrr.-fmatu office's hm Holy inform. <1. ROBERT OULP. V"- f?ft*. j. Agent otj^r%^0r, ' J STATS 07 80tftH CASOlilU, OftE*rVlI/tn PlBTHIOk ''iisf'&x* I N O KJ> I N A HVe WtCuam V. TttoMtft. ?*. R O t>. Admiwitf-; tralor. Applicant, aytfinst the J-gsl ty4f* j and leyrrMfelirM of Kiebkti-a SmjMa, d. ce?me<1?Thi' WflMHteira ana repem-nAm-. tlve?ofG. W. &t??r?iu>. d#< irirm'tt t Aft legnl heir* sn.1 repast* ntallies of T?l?* <*tlf.A V'*u n, dceraeed, f*eftm?la?i*r.?Citation for /taal RrilhmmUmH Ayw. \<4iv ,' | T^T tirp. wrinp thnf the haftre f'rjj* IMi I 1 vt?, Irs??-nI ? lieira of Tolly STfttett . dvr?t?<(l?li?i" "f Fnnfty WHttnr a, Ar*m+*\ e4 h rlrs <?f A trine Kri i>rV Hrrf*?r4*>lt*)j|( It! Htr| h"Q Stone. .IfrfMcH'?lit-lh of Jiifw* then Stwte, deceased-?Sue** M BWeppwnfJ widow nt.d Jo-( phine 4. Sheppard. minor i child of 0. W. Sltrppm*, ; lite 1-ffwl I telre wntl reprra-ntatire* t?f |'rl?< | cilia Welch, deceased, wh< ae nintM '*ra unknown, reside Leyoutl the lintfta Of thlft Stat-: S Vr-".-*" It i* ordered ar#T decreed, that the al.nye part ire <ln appear at a Court rl Ordinai-V, t.? he Rolclcn nl Greenville Court Hotter, dtl the tunify. -Tenth ?fot of Mart-h ne*K .1* eltew eauee, if any they San, whjf a final e?tthmeiit of lite Estate* of REIiltCCA j MONK. O. W. SllHU'AHtk and I'UISOtLc : LA WKIiCII, itrionot, tltoaltl aet Iw nwlr, nd decrees i?i v? i. thereon. Given under my hnnd and seal. trt Ofpetr. iflltt Cutrt Hotter, tliia 23?1 Ay ol Drti Jihsr. A. I> . IM1 ; INH1KKT MoKAY, f>. G. D. Jan 1 SS 8m ' STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, (KtKf.Nvn.LK ni?Tirr. t " 1 IN OltDINAKY. 11. W. Mnyti.l.l. A<lniiiHttr?(<?r, * ngninnt John N? nn<| otlitf* I>rfen<liinlf?/or finul ArW 1_ *?*' -ij, 1. II T np|*ftring thpt John N. Jluyliriil ?n4. 1?. M. CrMfln bnyonj ||>t Until* f 4ft il>i* I? i? ?rd?ri <[ t>N?l U>-y <h* *1 Court of OnUonrv l?? 1 ? h?ld?V* Tpnr??ntlll? C?uri Kioto < ? Irrli^k* m*U? ?lnj of &Ur?h *o*?. io?l*?r arty ihrv nnn, why ? Final tl. iiu-nt oi jib* l;VMtr of AltKAllAM MAYHKI.ll dfMDUil, should Hot Lo bnd, and ihrvMP giv>n th^rron. .\j5Ejj ThU 4t', iliv nl J>i'r?-ml>cr, A. 1\ jlUIL# '' KOliKK'JT UvliAV. OrUlit.r^ K* A The State of South CarolinaL ORP.KNOILI.K l>M*IMCL.vgr: "W?W?KAS, William M. HWHhm., ? ? Co?ni?iliu|rta?r rp for Hrr?i-' v i11 * Mnlrict, n fx-tlthm in ny of Her, I f?y ill.' til ?( I., turn of AJmwutMtlo'i tuf KII uti.l nliiKulnr !h* ll*'?"* ntnl i^WtWb, right* nnd 01 cditayo/kl-ttA torns,**. TlMA NKI^ON Ah* JOI1S LWNtft or th? 1 .istrlvfc *thrr*?M, ,irrm*4, rh<Al(d|j| ? I* CMllU-.l tgr?hn: AM'. Mor-totciU and mMP**** " *"'1 <*inguUr thnfeio H hiM no?f-* ***'nr" *>f tl.? ftfid *We??*l to 1m and f prnr *? CottH df iHlkdm Arr' ' jo?*nti?WM' Wy, Xnp^"ag ' ,,f ??rcU roxt. to ah<-w *nua*f If ??f. ?< / U?* ooid AdtmiiUtrni ton *hiv?l<t?tMT*'ir*9t- fj.fg