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^^WwR&{?v^ -.?A,:v-5 - ?-; Bjjr TO t; t Y' HH&F'V* ytl * *? ** *" ^ 4^ J I'lilCK &ljAlI>?Ye VW ANH<ttoi< In , ] t- ! Ai>vKn tiftsctffT* f r ^^BUMfriU WinirrUd hI 4'? i>tv?>At j?r?-<r?1Ur fegS^iSS * ?Ul,T rrpt* for oncl" *" '' ._ <! ? ir w^j^?^y t [f OkiUurr Tintiern. Tri'utir* of Wn insJ^ntt* f?r < ? ?, <>r n?bor t^tiCTt. *c J S J* rK?r^r^ fhf nC tin* ruftanT ?e^??\il,v-ft* <jt u t* t |Lp'r>qii>r> ' "A -ll 4nnTwit>r*m?rwt? VrTJ. JW ?m>t Hi vriMmtil lb* nunj\,tr "J Mn**IHo?? -yrttiil. will i<rf pnluu*i' ! rtWod uwt *ccor4jfiJflj- *. 8^?" . J the VILLAGE BLACKSMITH. T j Si I ,r W' W* l;"Mflltl.OW. , HSn ." V<wUr ? ?p*c*4tn? t4?'i>tniit Yrco, ,?* Ttie rillnpc Miiithv xtftitd*: . , J ? pHJr. ^'w ?mHI?. mlRhly 114.111 it lio, Hb?^ V|lk U);t inil niiicvr kitiiilj;; HMpXif' A *4 I lie iiiiui'Ii x of til* brawny >rml H2^K"> mm ln.n lian.l.. ?.~ '! . I j I'"} JTif hair i? orisp, nml Mark, anil long, ffi* face li Hku the inn : J Mi Urvw I* wet with'hewoet sweat, H? earn* fi* r??, > > An 1 looks ?Ho whitN^WM in the fate, Porho owes notdMsy ailuL NVvck In. week stU, fr.vtn wtnru t!D night, | Ton ean ^var (jiff bvllooj" mar j Vod>?? hearVlrWewbtg |M httfj alrdge. With tneasnr.-d imit sail flow, l.ikr * ft-xlon ringing .the village bell, When the evening sum ie l<ar. Ami liiiUrn coming homo -from ealiooi, .,l<ouk iu tu thu o^K-n 'J- . , *1 hey Ime tom the Hunting forgo, And hear the LelUw* rnnn And catch. the burning sparks that fig Like chaff from u threshing floor, ' lie goes, o? ffnndny, to the Oliun-li, And sits among hi* hays: I. Ur hears tlic_ parson pray and pre a oh, '"dlh Itears K\s rlaugbtor'e vofcu in thw village chair. 1 And' it nrnkrs Lis heart jreju'.vib." r < rt found* In him like her mother'* rnkc, . Kinging in I'uradisa ! lie need* mnsl think of htr once more, v (low in the gravo she 1 ><.: And with 1iis hard rough hand he wipes' A tear out of hie cyoe. , -n < Toiling. rejnlrlnnJwnwiaff, k^O'wnrt through life hu goes * sell morning ftore *omo task begin, l'.jrh evening sees it wjoac ; Kemvtl.lagaUvtaplnri, something done, lias earned a a ght's reposct w . ? rhsnkf. tliahks to lithe. inv worthy frk-nQ, I Kor the lessen t!r>u ltuei tanglu I Thbs, at the Ihtnting forge of lifi?i ; Our fortune* utoai be w<-?uglil: iHk on the founding anvil aiupol, / i rrgtAch burning deed nwd'thongtu ! '""be Dying: Christian to bis Soul. oil qui', I Ma timrjif^fi ntn.- t. BbL?HH|Tr?niMtng.hof-tttp, flying; ?h? j*alif, tfti- ({vimik! KjHf *'*?"< bwul Nutvtc.fiiAv t la>* ir?f?u v let m? )?ay*o?u^(q 1j|*i , , ]l?rl tboyvlil^r- nAp-l^ iur? hi#l?-r spiril. c.?+0f?*pi ,. ., . U hat i? lit fa U?ni> ?n< quite t P - V Meal* arnaa^ almts iiiyiiwM f I * ?? ?? my a|4ril. lira wS lily l>n;*llif Sff TrU at?% inv wml, < au llqa tlrnlli T MjSPpW Th* arorlil r- po-li-f! i. <ftan; *nra! - * H^^Bt f n)H'M nu hi)' i'\? ?| .my corv. 1 ;J Willi AimmmI* ieuqtUi* aS?& lru?l your 1 niiuqt-! I f.? '. |MHv (ir?r<? 1 ?h?r* if i ? gbjB> -tMka**4-wtnie?' I* lijfc aanjfl ' | pfflyj ' * ;i?a* ' jm?f?t'ff SW *' jc aUaVi j |LA ***"*" " ~ * Jfck *" "**&* "** i B U H H T A N < ! Ji OK HIK HKMACKS OX 9h Vft. JAHKI P. BOYCC* : .- /iH l%r Hill "/? /ViMi?//? tn* a fiHnrantSr S?i R^HTw tMf of lhr jloH,U o f t(sf Coh/o/<* 'I | titultt," p i'K^i in l%r Jlou*r /.'erfVH' ! KymflLjr'v MirH, Jmhhi ry proviiiiiip n* 1 * t' imrr?ito/ th* ?iwwn< y/'forr gu*ttnn >y ?/1 . Cafiftdtrulf Until*. Mr Sp**l,r~-1 | * ?!< ? r to Ih# I hi i. fly on thie hill, lo eliow the r.-n- ! jjjv w^y iL wni jirvtei.ivd in |>lue* of the'. ^ -I TV? principle of i'h* lv? hill* i* tit a mni# , ' jj, ~fili'Y irr intenilej t.? moot, Ihe evil* of a HBjWr i|(|Mtl*l'4 iml MflrrMt. Yl?e ^ nr -*#?ru??r.;hU! tlie c??r?Hly of th? f>|Ute V X' iijMfl fo-r proportionate ehare of two jt.. |,nn<ire4 million* of .lolUr*. ii)?on the eon * r ?T1tion? lk?t <%? IhhiJh ahouht *oM to iho . mltighr* l?i<l4er?, iwl (hot At iqnol lagK ;lii* Pjtiole owl her eilirrttfl fhoiil.l ii.ave'fSr pre5 Enthrenaa for the ttomloahe i-mW"*! r.ver unr mfjSmi ?yh,"r partte*: Hi- present tifU on.It* tlniV ; CSJT |?ro?ivon?, aii<1 nffor* fft*a?ltitcly a H"*r?i?ty V MU her pmpwflti itt*< ilmrc of A larger jjLv-.' "jPiwount?flvt liuiiHreil million'?iij-oii ihn (xmrtmo Ii??u of r?'|<rr*ent?th*n m before. mvk ??}.* ^*<1tAtth? rapr*p-i*tatl.?n of ?ml wkxaiimmii It nmhl e?l in the cnUiihtiui. *y Th? *?o?t Important difference la I hat ih?; UL^CUeoMiM UWwrH. When the other hill sKc;v^^B?<ha Mtpx*i Ah eatimnt* ?m marie only of S the the* mM||^ Hot ?in* than. t b< ffStjf th**^'** ? AehS? H^Vifcjr JMwwry. it'Vfo w?r tb<n?M ???fV SL#~ ? ** *** prorl.le4 BB' afefarhy .?^?~?n?rjr different from i S^SSewt IK aeufct o?w?trY In TWery hoU^-hiu ft? Br " 3? "firtj Inoreeei*g if caUtion. j^phoeiet .SiSri t k . M * * i< '"" ?W '? - - - -. -. A -. 13 lT ^rV. XVXL JL -U)Jajfe>ijtLJt''.|l..; !. y.J-q tmfm*- ?-g ^5^=rx: j. ^?..v .ri id t?>o M cniin.nUni ,tH7S.&73.*<f6<rtfr- .* -ouli ftf^rl Irw ll>K*i1b>?yn'"^ . ?# J* ?f? imM,.-'. ft* ?*'* ?' , ?*?? . ? ? ^ v-'-*r^u+ - -- ]; W^W59s^vT .JfflJ *ft&?*r3Sg?- ^ ^"1.1 tli.iwv-Jflhh^* ModHii ? ?i hfwufcot wv^HW, MrfcJ ? ;. i-,-... .fTI4.Tr*,rt?.o<? *' ' 'I ? .? >#4**" ^ T?Uk)^KtilV*?it l : lStt* .ti,2SM<?M>n otf rw rvi? A^otmt t?.**. h< I??M. f + <?>>.- '' Jr.! l:{ 1 r.rM?* $v M*pM|#t0.itn It-. I en Inj'nat., T^l.4T4;?rf*.t*i I i r \ pofr fvnt. r*JI l->?i<. . . 4.\47lTSTO|*?> : Tu i?t?) ?Mmi?t rin?r.?;..$2.^^mu.oo ?li-r? l* funded in - . 4 ^ 4, Ami jft other ffct mn wltiutt?>%,? ?int pvrmniioiil nn<l UnWfo ftt- J v u> b? mad* cir??H ?*, -7 in'Utl l*ft.1M7.;i70.0O Tfiv Btin?imtofT>ei??ory n?4?#-~ n<?t intdr+t WartTtg un-w^W "* ^ .? -t^t t-uinllbn if, . < ., I. .'.\ .'.lW,lW|HtOO If ' lie cull lorui an i?r..rliiR nut. ? *? < put in o}r- .. .culuU'-n. to tvliirli tiu'T ore li il.l.' ni any time, th?? cir int Km w ill In- in alU .... .$460,10?,662.00 So*, il ? tcenerwiiy aofcimwl- _ edotd TO t>? ii.jurnnM thai ? * . s t! < r'ir<uUt)w ?lio?ld ?*- - t H w. , c?v.l % Tin-ovrrplms l)tcr?|hr, awtMlllug nil mi ?ir?t*M#?n; 4rlil ' ttrf-i I.- v ?..; wo^wfrjooo** A?W *o Uiu ?Ji?; nintniul to Am ' . * I'MiM-iI 1^-JWy 1, 18??.:. .8?r W0.2WO0 And wt it?\pp../..... .$7 A? ty ih? rfm??tU?i ?rl?j?h 'W?? ho in olrMMUnaii In liiw* ? f?rm, nn1n? AuniH. v A?l?l t? tU?? lb* ?OMtHA.ln . Jnntinrv I. 1WWI. . v'. :?7*JI?S.*00-00 Anil w* will lidne Un- iimmmt . o *,!._? _lfll lv. I.. -J ' on lti J imutyi t9*+, " 41 M* )>! din*itil*(S??T nmlf 1?y jjio"o.MpnuitV ?i the Government loTiitiJ h it. Tiic iiTnount win i?o... .ttr.rro.4o7.on.oo *VU? TrifM)'r?i nom n? the inV* of funding-of >l?o |i\h( ftve/mnntju. Taking that nstlic riio 1?r twelve month* to coirto,' \yo liuve in IhiiiiIs t tlio win of tin en , and a It*If million* ? ? month.. 4 2,000,01 ?0.00 In TrMWiry Miolintfr OeS li.-aiipir) nt rate of 919.O0MOQ, * month ..204.000 000.00 Vi lo:i?tf'^li Otolith*. .6l,i<IU,0U6.M0 ArMf4in|; In thi* rate .of ro liivmeiit the property fwtdr.l ileht hiih? . 4-2,(00,000.00 Wkirti alone will be r?ir?l iu " * * ?f have left to * efrautate Ih mttip' form. 407,71?.04 If \r a-ltl together tlif amount . of interest heyri?'2 Mti-I and oafl Uwn that Owy-'ho 'f rnitfwtl a?*o..r,lifn(..<o thn f?Tj.Va* .alalement )u?t made. . .. } ?61(00(),O00.00 And that, ??f tii<* eall ln?n and . - i .] inter,*!. lug nMM?a? t l*-iwd l.jr th? Catrra n.eiii..... * V.\ !. .. .. :i 66.041,1170 00 ] - t"""v .-* v* -'** 1 The irfcift am^nnt of ?*ll 5 1 loon and Wikmfp note* >?V * - j (n ewlNtenoe daotiory h i**4,-w\W+u . ..$?21.?47??# <?1 Vt'Moit 'ooRitWl from tl,e - . ' * Indebted new ea tiMktnl fta* #o?. I, 1IMV?4> .+^r *?NI' 2*A4*. tif Aii MilnL^ ? ^ In no'.'a A* n??t * lhtlf. llhlfrS ill* r>(>U?tl< ~?J " -to-of AW# Arrange ft:\: ?'irt04.4HO.647.Ool WMl* fft*? I f Ittuiy lour U" ihgxmii liila <fr ell i"il"t tl.? Ttii-n <>f th? *r- ' A .Milatfiri l-a*" iwoln pearly. ..Jt. . : \,0V4.-*'y?.?N.0f^ I'ft i iui\JTr rttU MINI* plat.**!** *pyg?*l-' r.l : gf? ! I. A t ffhurBK*I liwn f??v th* vU?>U.? ( .Tffo ]M iri<!;>*? Wu, M?t arg eiMinMrW'?l 'leeoiit^ thr nl joclioita to tlo-io me' ftf*Ljlrttonv If HMfeajtit nt? nnitlti*-1* par fikr ;?re<-d I 'Uti, TrwiviHJ t*?n<fa <?f ?h?? TloVrgyiaAffit. at low ratrA, tllfy fc.Hatuly r?fii4M. lite tux THa qu?-? t ion i?, fin fufh ? Unr nr loan to U mU<J? Tl?? l*a* war U* ncf lc?1 ?l?e tNmf. il, rata Hint. *.... .tl6.A?4.Mn.OO Of *Mtb NopH? CarnMoa paoi wtafctn a ff^rtloti of ff,(||tO,MM; of uliuArt twOMtrtnli? of th? A'Hofr. ''*vl 446* To tl.? ftnnllral amount wJ?M> U. ?vi *?.4<?7,l2$ 00 Am ?mi unt e*ju* I ( l'.tl Uni. ? ?ur bint w?r Id*. 0*? the p-oj'te, tli?u *tr*>l?e<l %o t.?y oi.fl htin>ii^t /il(?nbir(ir **, w Cy nineteen t>ui?fi<4f #n,1 HAyrtolUr* t? t o*?h ou~ TttuU t|>Iv ?mt liU , Uni, v?rt?xt?y lk<fty-*?n*. ??J i r*y if rfcU m^Jho # oiir to " * V" Tile fee*, 'i <* W nWoU* of BUtf*? thai it" ttt*t? u? l<?y i?? Th* irVij.o j to ii ' ' r j l. Tt?*| ?t? '(fw* Tif *giv<yi MpWn fcr i it* t]*4it*. ,TU*re yit} V* m Mi* of properly, or MMt4<JlMg I* re|*<0#?Ut;ilM>a . ?"? ^ t ? | i. ft *w o*ty ****** .to tlii* differ***?*, ;-tl*rt til* Sidle* witftniV* to U*s? Uieif own U>m4? d?ti, i(i*U?ilvf ! PH<loe*lotf -U?A*^*tU wtr*M U?MiC?der*ey.-o ^"r <""* I Mrt, *3*^* IMI- ?IU I** IBiMM,I *?. on J l??U? iifpj M,ffc *io**t ?f U>n4? we dieuM Wee Hft e*W* *V. u Th* ^'ood* JftlH^HtotO i*t 1 fc* 11NitU,**d I *44*4. It W not fcte bdn|M*4td?t' ? "? ' . * *' j1. . * 8 i -r*g(c:.. u <? >??? J i *" ' J-*^. i**'"*' V.*--' H .&*'<%?**+ T*f ? rv?j - ?., ,tl'-,l,'>nmi?i,.|i > :&EX ? lam ^ LijyjLi^wtw whiWNtnii* *>? fattJT*f ?H War ?i*v*8tiitrii wit* Wrrfnlf *? fT, ,4b 4 If fanurdJ.Jf ?fn> Sinter ntonr, tfc?|r ?iU' W^b kW provided for J?:>r*nft?>t- far tier _| ikA Hfati'l wmnvof taxation, toi -Bo? l-Ttlta (^Wrr?i, tj?r tW oo,or.^ <r lh? OoWF'Wlff 0j WNJi!n 1 . nf will Ik- ffrol r than vtalnn < >?*. f%?rfcp miHi 'nrow?y1 vitata^ ^SSS^,SsSLff?4c Xjori-rujnetil, WlflT ITlr ki-1 rfHiii ^ihIoht riTthi, *mi fm?d?nrrt*lv !? flr. n ?thm *t rtV? MUl* faWAi unit ?< ? Mfil? jirrwrm, 1'U fMirH loan iww hbfaw Miort h?W taf nrlnnt to Mit nddtiiriUl inSfnMHttlfa tattle* trt*nfaotl??> lirmUnf Mi.Uoi.criiwgif. I'M |#oTi?iiin a* to roiKm ui? Mitfiorrl to su-rr.rc tlw offer t.? ?.?. li to ?! ?* iKut rn?l? elimtbl be I lie jilnn to TtH? ?l| Utnt la Jtrrl'll ? 1 Hnt I Mb "^Jlnfe of llin mttnn erup on Tvnid l?y tliiB itrnuweiiifnt Urnhtd not jwrbb- fb.r n?..r? tliftn flOO.OMO.CMiO. Ttie bMI before nn |>roriiI-?nr ?l?<tti(U<*mcift by wb:ch??if I Un ??tfaer gtat* V> P |fv w?b u?? *M? be >il.le to r:?iM cuoncti 1" i-onifiict 11"- tftyirft of ?U* J4jnf?rnn|e??l.i?f*llf thn>M^ tl|Wyy*> ? ithnut the JUnrtUr-i tbnt lilUnt ?tw frrtin n n^Werwipn pvnrw-jinlmlngly rmfas&uii. ni.<! ifrprAiiefed fUrrvney. ,(A? Were rtatrj, we lmr# om'iHetl Ken tnnfcy nud Mi*utiri fryui Ibi# cnlriftnHaii.? fag*? dhtie bevrwee tliey *?n?m ifivy ?t present* jetiar ?iiici- of riny vnWv*. Ilrra after, wWcn permanentlv mid rt-cnlnrlr n?. roobited Villi nr. Ilioy ViH bo nf.fa In Inkr np lh?lr ?hnro nf"d?r V?Wino<ioun. AI ]>> ? ?nt? it fa -WMNly, ri'.tllf4|fai) *00,- j OOO.OOO J^v guarantee jif ike v?l*t?y'euiilHimj Jk?j4?>nky *"<L Mi.efcoiiri, ut.'to r.iW (tOO ftfld OOrt tfi.*ris?Jnn.- 4 \V? ||?v? oiutUrd proyNuifA ?f tho fwian?r IWH tlitivllie bo m I ?li<inl(l*1?o ??W ?m> il?? l.i*W T>i<Ti1?y*', nnd with St tluf j?f("*i?r* rni-n given t?> Uti? S??te oinl her olfiretia nt i|iiil 1iW?. It. was hi'i-n by tlii* CluinuiUtK IIimI tfcV* elnitse wiiii'7! oin'mirrfsa lh?.ii?< lit tliwtt IioimI.? fur vllit r |an |?>*ui ikiin ? IVOt. !?*le lit llOmP. IIS Wfll B.? plPrPlst aII i salt* nhi-oiul, whim, from (hP nrtttire nf tin*"' case ninMit Iip ndvtnlnnl fur. TU?* 1 UonffilrnUTlilMiirif will tfpf^>|tht odlj to it tlint tlie bonds nre tiMife to fecure as I nuicli Ix'ii. lit as possible to ths (woint.w. It lias been olijeolcd. lhal" (nmfls inny lit used to tnko up 'In nuw fHHiUI i I.lit. Tliis will Iwi iin|M?-ailil<? if the wsr e?lititttn-8. "All Hiat will ?so?ti<?from lines will lis needled up to .Umutrr. 1AM. A? li?< ns the wur ennllnSf a, J ajCfvv with ITio *i j*a i?n Ihntthey sluinM nut so bp ?*?? <!. But if wt buy* on rjtrlv pr?c??trUth I 4o out vx|woi?nnil the rircolnlion ha* Wen properly miiwi'l, tiul n tiirpiw ?-f rnfl?r??l ' in**^*, r.ratguf \flti rcrf, ?*; inftlns. Aid *mW he-exediaiWfpd f?f Dm tichi per arnt.4 a #< ntl('V| ?? '>* <? *# . ruinant. I /sin ilrui l.-iUv ??f fhe ynirioti it tUnuld W Arnie.^ /e piojio* t?? the vfTotk proposed w.ntbl only nubaimm-th* pd? of |'-tlM hn-ds.?nd he el in. piud i<*hl J? ynbi . ( ft tM'jesiion.?ThaVtt will defir<iMun the Volfte ?f stock*. - ?* " [ Kr)dy..A^Th#t nrAMiftt ?tnoM"p?y?wf tini*r<i|wrty ot.iho .rtftie'. ttf Mbit* has out ' Id tneV* etvj hn'Mj* niftf|li\l? *?'.n?>0 000. of whist* o Uyg*. Mti ?is held by ps'lls*. whM( ?{ tue Hi ate. ,1b# 'tthohe amount. j?u??.siwmH to lie tutsM?;i (! in view of tk?lrt|M||si|n? ??f the SUe<? Ihc rruinrtit, niwl iltoprvat h'jurr to ilt? |n>hU? ml a farther d. |*rf>au? ii 1/the turret*f. lira idea, Wow (Itnola.areJmM-lijK two (lit; rM-i-ihw WIIA pcrwMWNtly invert,, m>?t -AU-pc hnr? hot'iirlil (ham fnjrlv. iltlirl twaj|oU< u.or faor of ihi jcilur- of InilVnf IV of hi?* fact nl**? ? rlil of lijilt^ll. , tggwfc* IwaaroaV n? Ki? hoo.Ttar ?i nfir., n?. now aeU %fit>?lUui }r,o wilt i oy hini <ml> , twfmif ni i> .1wrUtc^?V(?rfrim<T. itmay Wtliat It' 10. 4i*tant alma II will iwt l??y hiot <>?< foinOi ul m barrel;. .lint if il l>*?|i(?roMikU<1 o (li U wt.Jt $tiO lu? will lx> ?Wa to *.r thre* hartriv mi f ?a front Iwlwff |?<jiu i"i| !** > h"w<l* tre ,i'pfw<fintrt| to ki(? U? h/niii* tin ?? |nVmtt niloo. ' r > l - >* 'Ilia only won to irttjijurr.TjvfflKi* wOter .rlaaSiVKo, frow. foMjuKjQio .(;?iiWimi'v, -Jwrr i?4 i-o **ci*rk. i * lo thoii Mirfoi from t)i?? .niiMo!|?iio?l rfek ; or. M. htfr tliia (?n* oilirra, lute' .loi?t?lM IVnn ilmt. tlirr may tkw enrf?k. ?livitU"-U?'M,'t? They ara the f*rao??lvtm Im o 4?*>rivtaU*t our cmrwtcy Im mill it? natttrwl Utobm-4 fr who hava t?*ittC?4 H> wrn|(?ir nowiiHvnro; haya |ireVei?to<i (he Uij(c imutuil >'f flout. iiiC ojtpital from *?>*-Kf ?4ietewal of Ilia (f?%<rriMocttl, ail J Viavp tlm* Worn g ;llty otonn?tr?i^iv?'fr. i??M?,'i'V>f?^Niig iri?i Ami noifutt t.<? ?>nr >'(V> in* *. Hffrli nn oli ii TfhrB M thin lira nunilill nil ? fTnrt* (o bt-11 I eiii the UitvrrnHionl. 'flkr l>ol4?r of j <ri|J cry out' tluit by iio m 1*<u> re* you >r? ?W in I?iIm vninc ?>f 'MfoM. T1?* ?pi?e?tUt?ir iii ? ti well uiny ion. YAn mutt Hot ?t<pivot*ir 'iSe t-oi' reupy. WerOtM# T?u tltlM .1 n.mbl, llin V'Mb ej^ (i*r wnr goOiU. Tito only m-?ftiii>1 on klitob tliif (>Ivk ooulii iio vaHil w?uld If if lh? itnf# <1 Mi- rfcim m|nrv I?y (Ko mk of fcr flft o*i? 0?o. lint ihrrc li no mu li iKmeMtty. ' Jl, I knv? |m nr<i it i?*M%?nW Mink jrr Iraki y goo* tmr nkMitfb.uqft) uUt^SkMit* join an, *jmI tbwt wn.rh.oild w?U iij ?>n thmn. Hut b??<)4?:><lir>tiii?yKm> b ?*kwmii? Virgin in, VAikn*. Kioridn ?n<l MWuipi>i h??e Mk<i4 tn w4?n>? too vlmU il?rlH? nmvMrd tk Mkr SinUm unlta wtili t bum. flptyttoftirfC'NortU CinMna ? Hentnihi*. SHSIftHtes ber own. THfc jo4y t?? true of Anrtit l??> i*4im but 11 it Uj trim, m mw* mv?1 mm Manrto b..tyrr? ii~Mi?t thm m?tm if Murtlt ; CUrvliitn l? n*<t*? fk control of ,< jmrty nrnt* thn? ffovcruVnooi. eboulit tMnt *? tful Ml' ftiiii^Htft**! li (Jnrolin^ follow hoc. mU??*-4b*n ??#brti?g VirgMim ?*4 tSo ?*V* not.lobUtM vrtio by Hi* bfcnr JS^IM ilVH*. J^t w# * nvfl?? Arln?w5r i ' '? ?! ji' 9 I ** * ' * -. . . * . ... *; ', TT* T>nx?TTT ' ^^ ^ ^ . *' * C -? ''?**? l<. Jl .. ... 4\.., r?v^?| v?tA* j. I a I_jl!L_lj LBMMiagai lit IMffttsioit off * i ?I" fn'f >T|f ' H MQUNA, THURSHAY MOB. 1 '1 ' > wimin . thought ib?n that. Ww? vror* lW?*? tfcwta* j <xrnfia4inS- In tho (rnvernmrnl.tht^lmUMt J u *?lo|*oil n? H wont theft Oe to | . tH? othtt Sl?te? tpokeft 'of- MVIlW -mM | t"rollii lii an me to ho IVomMlnH In tli? hnfanro. If wro niaWo- H* |Hrori?4*ii? fur U>c<-?mii<K fjrtl, **r f Jannftrj wall tl? eQftlr4e????f# tnrrorfty >* will Iim valnleoe. Tito <lrprr<n?l1,1-l>* h "fearlully rnphl. Priwa, n^w Kigbfl- ?Kt?r? fa [t moot, wi1! tl.rt> 1.0 fiiiiniinH, ???t t*in nn-1 . I. ? ill nitfmi llimnjftf thtr'lori'fV? A wio# mcpl'notf, of rtnAftttC ?r itotOrmMi/d ehjVll?tfta;?, % oVu-^U m-t-arf *' dnring. im?\' *}J njmft u*r ?l 1111 1 " "-'IP.! " ' . J V I' !.. '. '' * Ctmtp llrtttrn. * ? ?*?.?< -[?*-?5 ,| FROM FBEDBEI K8jBUE0, VA. f. _ -a , . ' Ooftrorpondenco of Bpothern Knftftrertse. J* ' A Ptut. T #"? ??a? \ * ? x,"~" VP*' I Ntutr Fred?tiMM?oeg. V*% V ' -; - K-ttrniuy oil*, iaoa. ) > Dear Enterprise?Willi a toncii of * the cap. and lire lop or Iho morning to j yon, we mnko ottr debut ns nn Occasion- t. nl correspondent (or your column*, and | although- we Jo iw?t Hitler onr-solve* *' < t that ?ntf eomrnum?MttouH will po*.-^* _ '.i. .. , T ' Utncicnt merit to Uo inalrncrice or , W 'J- 1 . A * ?. .> 1 ' esen amusing In your muSY readers, | sfill they trtav la) the mean* op begnil- t ing a wtearv inonicnt, and he found of ' owe interest to tl?n*c who h we rela- ' lite* who ere n^ar And dear to- thei< j hearts in thin jrorlion of opr arm*.? ' \V? propose more especially to gi 'e you < the local news of our company, and ' such other general news,- as may prop? ( erlV come within tho scone of a news- , i ' "? li paper cmtopor.dcnt.; and we enter up i i on this imdcrukirHr with fear and -'.'tenth :' ?*."V * , ling, at our own ^incompetency, and * with vi-ktn*. of " gftarjj Tunnes" Knd t u court m*d??U,-r if perchance nf?ything- j should he written which could b?c<>n*tru- \ ed as giving " aid a?id Comfrrt to the en- ' tug," Wo are imbwoil with * hatred 1 ' an?f(Jetcstntion of the Yankee character \ | loo deep-sceleil, nod actuated lee a da'-'i j i r-irA-lfvrr |H*?cq loo .sincere, to Jnienljo.n- L I ahy g'rrtr the enemy nor aid or??*??h>rt,. tl I hut, on lliedontrary , will go any I.-hgth | j I to intUct unon them nil the damn'"* t < ? .. -tr]H?l?il?h?. v J . If ihrr* ho one vi.Ii?>rl or ha: ion. i ifW>ro than another.-on the face <?f this | ?^lal>c, for wT?i>tii,jb4>'oUl!icrnf>fft enter j 'twin tlie iikhI profnw???' eonteiM|?t and hatred, j?:iJ whom they . w<<u|?l gladly r*?i (dotted MI'IKm *xl*fettce, it it lli? lilee -** t'liick bwarteit Vnnke.% Who lit hi* f/?nntlriri)i provoked fLTtf* r wtdp.-vn.f Wrio^-r .ttv! ! ? . . ' ci [ mnr.ltlie** to ?>!\er hujcatca?? n fro iH-l i I ! to the BMilWn Mfle, hat h>?< enli-ted ; 1 the poor di.dinleif foreigner*. and is now j 1 Mjyittjj to eMi?t- i|t? ttngto*. 4o ofl'-r i , them n ru*erili;*? upon altar. of i Aholiiionidii. (<ojj grtuiL that tin- dnr , vofHe ?(wnthe fortune* of- | war rhall throw tnegro mddirM ( j within the raitsr* of C?>of-derate nlh>?. ; I for who wutild wirw smio. ; ' ^nthus** I N?H ilia /\l cause they would .then ti?ef no Ieterc*l ir. ' ' , She fate uf the ?latk nkiuned gentry .~-r , , N<ik the CoV(MwnI*i>, for -ihev in nthl , i f ?)kvw no ^tenter, Then will have I won I | i>mt*gti rated a ??r for which the resider j j would search the pager of hn-tory ?n , i vain, tor an wJtampte of ficreojoo.^ aml.j i ?lii<liciiveiif*?. i it-iiven m\pm fO. il ah i ' *vent: i'mdoii Monmlttf* for ihUdi I grafe-ion. ?* it *v?* i-sufi-d frrrolii manly I by the despicable meanu*m of tJio> k?c ?UHfnct?r. And novr l?r soiuoihin11 | mora to tlwrpoioi. | Ypar oocr<?poiKj|>nt if happy to inform j > ' the (rinnd* of" The ItiUlum." nil the i boy* who are now iw camp are in fin* I ftnjoymnnt of good lionlili, and the l>esi f spirit*, there not t?*?g single one o*t (fit* sick report to day. (daptniu if. -had beeu quite unwell for some oay#, but Micrealeu in (felting n furlough and M Hi'*,*'# IftfjHr saMr it? itieeiivilla, wtinne \w? U?st Uo wi'U ?nj"y himself, and soeu . I bo ?o|?*?oed to us with health restored. Kroiw all wo out Inmr, the bctthh of our wfroW nrtrty i* remaikwbly good, an.l ' >Vtc VtlrKer* ijre rjwietly awaiting for the AboiMfOlMeta to cross tho Kappnhano. k gnu., m limy are confident of sending io. ru yehing hack, which will call forth another investigating committee from 1 itfiilhiaftt), ami necessitate irWoiLfr etmugfr of ?MRf??ndrrs. h rqrn alt *p> ! t?-arano^? aaarl ftowt tba. ewt#aa? ord***" j uhidh *** rke?rtka ** cooking wp . ralluite * * k*?i>K> r oool," aud " ko. ping I ;W eioanNiuort >/.">* M.p ! | ; ?. * . J v" ^ J ft. i. ? i . ?k i y' 4 * >*.- #>*- ?- .. ' . <1 .. ?<> m . ,,,,, *? *? J-- fv - - i- .,./ ,. ?\ f A T) . Tcr,"%rirnrr ^ : ^U V E i^jrwt^dee- amons all '.- 'Til ^?k,.?* >-*? - */*:- -*?.' . t ??iiw if ' * witlioiit mmMi flf"H: v?4 i l???t M to w*?p onr*?Jv?* ".tNttrli |, H? ?"l.n( nil <IW?o>iit ? few 'dny&.jnut '< i^hvtf in^M <hw "'whi'r w * * ? cold ns wf nstinilyexperience in ibw SniMiv .JhhuU " of our*. %?L '' / h*94 W ?-gn?*?t -qfafttity of >?'!, disagreeable went Iter forth* Jw??t line wt-ik-i. .PttuW, rJtHfl and rain ;>*e been ill a oilier of i)u?-^ay, in jmdi >n?|H>rl1oi?, tlltfc- rowH ?*nre ?mtes( inimv-nbU;, to jsnrtt.-ry. and it 1*4, wrn-un, tUw ?ino iwn nt4 {jclnnond M' ?h> % llylMing Jwe ,. u?a not pKij 1tl4 reaped* to iajfbre" lim. We 'Wye Jiwjl *oyytid,.j?t?<>w it.rm*. lately, tw? of litHi. Mi to the o[>th of tome *ix gt inebe* in (He >|Ui IfliK. S??cW-enow liilfiya an wc nvPyoo harfllr u*cr ?*'*. wo 'find oversl www halite*. Owr Vfi?tuT&juwl . Iiat-vf tUo Ifejumw. ni 0U? ilm.'t, pilled painst tUe HiHpvlM of. Cobb Anil . ibttth*k and HfMtiotkinr t4itH>oumAi!:iiiMt bd.b's. Ii wiw )*loiion?- Inn, and r? ninded oT><J of. Jt- ryjil five . b|M?hr? e? t ho I 'w i.ja-liw f. niicd in Hue of fnt h\ with skimHshcr* thrown mo, -n4* 'Mucin*,'then rvllifn*?fttttpOttvetinp to Mil llank, or to p:ip> ir fn^C jeona position ; lltott whew one p*ny mil selected its pnHinrf, IO we ibe oth-" r malt* h Ishaege to drie<J.jt from ii? lOMtidi. tt wtjuld Imfe done eonr ie?rt? p-?oij. k'nrt t endows, to have beard lie shout* of.the boys a* ilier would iks!i on to the ehnrpe. amid a shower iffcthiw balls falling tbb,,k*and Ta*t as mil upon the lOi fi.f the AM homestead, ?n<l then wlicu either partv wouid give y*v. to hear ilifl shout* of' victory 'I'tid Jhe nir, and witness the grind ?!oriHir**i??n1 whi.-h, considered in to**"P imjumernble balls of snow.? i'ott would have rt^niced. to know that niuudnttnl^'' ,|Im " jKMr mhlirr" for ?Won> your kind linntt lind entertained mob pity <mi4 compassion mr<l nnt|m hv, wsu having a guud. time of it, nnd^ i'?u might have ?u|?j?o?>cd for ? wliife. hM ** a cl:w?, tliry are the happiest >f tuprj.nW. Il ihdred -glorious 'port, ami had a Jmppy effect in with* hawing the mind for* lime from fhe lull iNou/iloiuy of cHtnpiife, and tramrorling us baHr through tlif> dink dim i-m <1/<li? p?*tr4o the time >:f <?ur boy imnf dttys. wbiui a? Wiftpfur chthlieti. ww tfod l,n fjrori the day n?jv hi.innocent idj ijfifluit' ihiiiihI llwt old * manor itou.?o;' SIlA ?M! to the animate ol> j"ei w liit*lt C:u!?a within- reach <r(v o*W now'tralU.' Ilapjty, happy cliddhood. Messed perh?(i of linn's lericstial ?xis 1 rnee, how pfieu do otir tniivl* wander ] [rack to tluit happy time nnd-d well with [ f'msttre thefe, when war* and rumor* uf wars tfern not, W^ar'1 or thought of, anth oMr* hearts ar?< retwnlicd "by tlu?*e Icildcf trrehtot'nU. < Hi. that I ?-er? >\ bdv sr?:iin,Jut* been the CIV ffoftt the foundntiotr ??f the world, mtieb well* ilp to rntltiV he-??t nhcr :U(nini*? hi* inyjoiilv. ^uch i* the liaiuie of inuii that he i* never ?u%;i*ticd. Hnt liii^ciiMiHiimririitiii u growing vo '""H W *ny \ntt, fckat (fn^.yteMtftt'r If 'fnv i* fMnxaant,' lie I&nr<r**f ?i?x? ?.i-!\ looking iwArikfo the of our ftinul O. A, iVWf', or, a* wf Cull him. " ftieml ! nlx-n *0 1<v ir?'t e\er SO many c<v,<f thing* fUm Juniie ; -nil n iw'vl llirt4* iitff joyful " should eoine, w*?il( ilri?k u long Uf??, p <?.l health, ??til mnrf? hayjonWa to till* h'ntcrjtisf, lis K lii.vra. printer* Wild Us many <i? geneurffv. - * Mora anon. 1 . '* * UALCOf.M. ^ Vai.a\bu:iiam Nor a Yamkkk? I'lie'editor of the Obftihthn* Nun, ir Mime H'mnika upon M"r. Valatuiighiitn's Ijih? sjieeek iu iloj alike*.' IY.tigie**, *arn I lie speech li?*_Riucti of *' Yankee fugennitv '* in it." tl may ho lliat lie i-i mii |><?se?l to be ?-fV an I. y inahy }>er?. ann m tiio Smiili. Such, however, is not the U?:t. lie wa? horn in Mary IntWi. and n? nT I lie best of the olil Ma ryiHrtil trtoek.' Tito jmrrrl Southern Uttkxl tjmir-e* hi* veiut, ;ui<J t|ier? ts not frTiiiiglo Yanke? idun or in.hinci in hint. V\ ? H'? pi'iMtnnUy acquainted with hiitt, ainl ham the hintorv of Liumclf nmfhtV itncertor* from hi* ottti lip*, lltt iit h nn?n of high chnt actor. pure mora!*, nnd in a giant in intellect, v itlt a mind richly stoied with the tr?a*??re* of liiitory, A* a prnfotiitti thinker and h statu* mail he ha* Inn few cqtud* eniT. uomiju . riotr U? America, considering ^jjs age, tar he in quite :t yotUig '??? ' y ? , [A t tun la < 'nn/rxierftcy, Tiik New Xi>rk llewhl's correspondent, writing from Albany, ?V? Ihat a difficulty between -the $tate and (lene tal (h.vei nm -nt i? inevitable ; thai .the National fjovernmettl -has not consulted Ko\ ntmtr in anything H hff* done uiever having written to hrm since his elect on:, ami point* to the militia being called otd by Wool as confirmatory of what It n o.*.* It rfliiHik^ttnt tk# people arc rij?e 'fc?r retrofit two, and art nut to l?e k'*pt down by Jacobins, ami ask*, ?m ptori ngty, whet* are we drifting"!. - * _*?? "- ? /% - - "V# ??fr.. . -" -.-^v?P,rjM }-<v.* 0*' - m^m^rnp,*??, l dpassts'flf t^orhiHg ,. i? !"Lltl. lll> . J U t*% J?a !~* ^rirfij: lirws. -t --* * ?? =' J* tfc* l**? JC0fk Mrifc'#<PU>)Ky> (> pt'il inn wa? prn^t'ro, m)uitg' I^^'fflshiWe to uao it* iotlu.eucv t"OT<N?l*to\flU (tie yrnr. A man U?? in RidiMj> rt?o 4?ir?r?gih.?h aid mmI Otwf'O*;- A wilt n>" Ills IP^-j^.' -. ? " ?v_ - * l.iNcm'g \V?*(?;rn paymaster *? littr?nlnecH to Linoulrt. ' I'lf^jlf1 of ?:n iiiir ."oniotliing ?J?ro*rtil?, iiw TtooMwr Wtwarkod ; * 1 Imv,., ci??Kri, sir. lo -|?n 4i>v .vs^cM T " Vos '' (.? { '>u<Uk1 " from tbr c'OOMffclittl* <tt UlH 4utM??*? I~ utlOM tflMt MTfeUUtlC ItTfoil JA y T , A.\UA H JI K K VnfV p'oJJ llH ** M/"1? fnwn (K^wf tVe*^Wnf<*r-.?tJ?flO. wnj ?otnc,<>f onr talk^nOont Ivi^ign r^grviu?ni, ft sliin ger \TuR .(" "?>'* jH* CTinUajiooga we Wt;rd (jMifin^ ft>j?t jUh.I JSiiOiin-r-m tbo C?>u fc?Wcat? t4u)t*?. T??f N^w'VwJt s*r? I hat V <? Nft.Hcliwri( >rttt jifciti nmkc sv?pt-rrlr ?>? Ya??r ' TU? N?w Y ?i k M? iL " ? 4" - ? mnusw* ?tni liiHcx K*v fctora W#mvMffhl n|*u. J" +H.V ! >B !, a \ >v KR'Pt^KM icwr. -?- % -' _ - . -3 U-J Tho State of South Carolina. uKAiKjrAimxS > CoLcvni*, 5s. C., F?lim?w 1*. 1 F??JI4 f ^ "t\[ IIKRHAS, the Abnliliimifl^iirc llironl T T to invnili' mjir soij vrilli'u for Voidable and wli/?rhna,. the innvi el feotiep nirtlitxl ?'f mir wirvn ni"? ?>nr chiUrrn, la^ to meet. t|i? rutlilea* invader ut the tliroMui'd i^Nnxy, lIuT^firte, I, M. 1/. HtlNHAM, (iitroi'iiin dim) t'i(inm?Hj?r- n-Uhlof. I?v virtue of Hi# authority i:i me viaftid by ilw ('lonKiitittimt mid Hip AM* flftlu1 tha>> iftk A ijmt 'i i< oall ittl* aeti*e ?oi'vi%e.?M ??r HUuti portion o the luWiiia** t n>av ilrrm no*. *wti v in re py i iuxavji'ti, ?! iff thin my i'ro.lMk^tioi calling upon lpo p.itr'ufTe o'(Jr.enl^>a? -jh? Stale to Ipri.l n. -prompt ni?d %rttl?i?-_t>li? onec to the wAtATr-P* the ^.IJntnnt timi-m tliio Any iwmp tra |?'rti?n tif tin troops Ht otiee inU. tho field al'd Hie l'Pfr.niii lor Irr bo'd Uicmeelvoa In teiujuesa t< innroli nt a moment's wnt*M?o*. ? Uiren uii lrr iiiv lian.l nix] tho >*nl nt tl|t Stiitr, at Columbia, |iii? Jftth ilrty o (t.. e.'] KoWunry, in the Voar -nfinnr Lnn >>ne thousand ' erjd<v lunula* d nt?< . ti.rty-lhrco. " . *. M. T* HONH \M. \y. !*. 11rsvr. l>epul v See'relarv <rf fF"alo W^tb ia ,~ 12 .n ' MB"* ChaeleMon and (l?l?tnli:* | n/or pilhii-'h fwlrovSrinllo papers ut the Stnli ?!' >?ou<3i 4<ar??l?|ft? aj^oht a>i> (hp. crx's 1(1 ini'it, t'uliiVili iii, FrWit'iry tiw-tbTtJ. '^rritu M. ohvki: so.-w. fpo ?irry1>ilii (JKkI tliiifintim'iiljx l'loclnum H JL. ?l iK livwliy (irrfcri'il : I. TVil tin- C.iliiMii'iiitlii^ftfii^i!! of i- vol I uu?l all lh?t Militj* H<-;ii??iil? ul' tlii* ^1*4 c?liv?n? hi Ihnit Jiliii is Of RngiOonlili l' uu TliKhbW, ilm ; [III ul Ki'liruni \ , iuHtiiiil All |H-rn'inji within tln'ir .-tlvi iic^ifnon. t>?t#r^on thf mji"!1 nf tialot-ii Hint mlit'wti, an Ui?rf? forty nuillllV y*4rvc*uvii |?i*i ?w?i uu mm wXfUifili-J ifimi urilitiiis n>il',Ji iihit arid f^oim m-liiil m'rrk'c l*'?ninl llv t??> ' *ri^1Hl?- Wiiioli lin y iv*i??iv ! ? (In- }>r?vi I >i ' ul" t|?c Act of itu* Ulii'ml A?si-nil>ly for- * 'J'li j l>vMor iirjanuTTumioii of lIn* M^l'lfll ami f ; ntli, i pmMy.*.'* ratitil mi Mio riath it.iy'of Pclirm tAty* WKl.iiiK hhiI firriliailii ;iriv?,-.| to <?rir mi. tiic fit-oam-a '* ? ?n'i!. r"il to bo mure .i :;l it:4 1 mio'iyr, itn^ul fesii llni 1 snivi n'.v si\ (. ill 1 1 ( mil moid limit "fT" binnlr-'d t nidi itl-n, 0* -lr Ialve ?if cumuli??i'iif"i| Mjliii'ri, elootinjf thi* omirii'iy inwiily: On* I'lifinin an i Am* Itiotiiviinti'.". I ft Tll?|i lilt" < ,*iiin|rinii'H ??? .'?niK.-il ivilbi ! llii> llnfl-'tmrrti 1111;tiit. nrv nnlt-i I oil to rt-nif *?"' ?t Ohfirb-Hioii. *><i Thi|n : ilny. tln^'Jiilh iiiflniit; Iliimi'.Mil^n tliolhe i?K ,?f rim IVntli U?4jiin??nt. (!kl,) il> Tliirtyr-ninlI* (?? *> I hoi-P aw l.oxiuijN'ti,) tin- i'iiiiHv?i?ih Tl? aiiinfnt, (lb mi^vliiii'g,) mill tlin PtftMitli ltfa?m?iii 1(1 t*rbi'^*n a??l ttr?iu8otmrt;.l will roMil? ; vi.n? at the most efl4i*0i'ii'UbJn>ili||H,??0 ill <2co?itVi]to iii'il ('tliiniVim Unilruit'l ?fnl tli I Son 1I1 1 S militia Kitiirdinl, to) *a W mo?f d 1 Tlmiaiiiiv, Inc SfiJi ?m-t Anij for tin.,Vi<&i Aiut thn Oiirn|iaMio* williin.lli ' lirttlla ilf AiuImII III llialtiiil ill" ki.u^.n|I IK ? ' intent, (llrkei r.1 it ml tfml pnrlioo [ vill?* tviiliin llit-1 i>ni11* <?f t In-Uni/im.'nf l.ite! : known an (he Fourth H^tfiniont <?f pin ; Cflfp* r?'n<l? m-mw nl f |i?? mrv cmiv^hHH nil iho litii* Jtui [ |?ii??l Mul ill*- <}|v<M?vtU?' ni"l Colon,i/. i lUiilt'xml, m? ?? (?> .in I'ri'laj* mon | in;/. tlir- 'Villi iimtniit for PMrtootnn. 1 11 f. Tin- foiiitu i it^intj OWivi* "f ' li? Con j |uin|pit are hurth)' mthiiria il in i-*?it** ? ? ! | ?f Iranifiirrilliiii for llirir r??p? cj I ivt* ?!<Mtim<tii<U, mm*! llio troop* 11?- ? I?> ur'i'i ! nl -raHdnxvoiw wi 11 fifntiili- tli*-in<M-|vt | ivi'k ojo.lriny, tilrtlikact* ami 111 fee </n_v^ r. limit. ] iv. arfw tli? ok?trn?i*????*? mmlt kovo hi ' riv?* Si cniHp the? will nivaiii/..' into I in J Ijiul:? ?ikJ lirwiinXlit* n* ttl?dion < I i Mb . ..^,1 ?:? i *. - . . I l' It'id lyiuvi I'nirrr* nrn-nitci iu li -* m V . J^e remeiuiru? oempMiiien hcrfliy m uVr?-?l to l?<s nrgjniiinl will hold th*in*elv* ! ir. to move nt tli? shortest not in , V f. Tho Coinmeiuliiiif (>lRfT8 of til Koiriments will immediately after the i'on jutttii a hove been onjnuuu'e ontM* ?e.mrt.i tropin thereof to tx made out in dupireal i?n<l rtftwhi oho ropy forthwith to tttir'ofU* Hjr#? with a rest? r of the Corupniiyt"1 * ; < VIT.The (tnmmKiiiTisit rfTioore'nf Hr? monte' ?nvr it* csinmioiati see dwrgxr wh I ho. extension of fhls nitlrf vrMmtt lurtlo notipe. nint else with the oripwuMtkon < the eompMuioK ?his order wilt Wot interfete with th? 01 VptptBsOou required tu-.der Crucial Ortlt 1 ?h. . fter?koh?re ieeuod. Be noJer of ?W* it oternor. A. IT ftAm.nrrjTON, Adi"t*ol n?M* (let*. of Soui^t'oro'ln l?Wfr *? ? 4tt 1 rt^BhjlllHtiiS. unH Columbia pnpei rop/twico; 'ether powers in vh- .Ht?t? put Hsh oeee ' -* 1 I . *' ... * A e . e * " ' > ' > , ' *? ... ~ ? > .. V -V f4 " * . IF ? ? . < ?r. ' . ' ' it -r " i ?i t . i ??mrmmm? $M?, 1 -Li, - l_-l_ii^ ?U'-a*'jJiUe4b" X"*MB ?. ?i- '- ?i ..luuMMif - ? |ttq?aio??. feb. t%B - *"N *thtti?.d*te* of Clw vMKlr ?iv?l here lifie ]u?t night. . The Eu'op* Uh? Mrriipd at 1 It i?.t^?rMii thal^Kg -h|t?gk % propokfiio? I'nmi Nmwi(Ni#tuJfcrinj ondtflM lntiwiH-H- die So?'h nct'l' <5}X?th i^ thai ," . borfj^-FfJviqt eotiwni io meet ' * Mou't^.l or ntfftoge prdi?! {ofci)Hjt f,M"* pt?AO0. . * : V_v A WnUihi^Kh tel?v**rt fo-ffce Ifftr f-TCwk K\rvow nw? u i?* reported that ] S.iw*?l will n j?ct the propneiuim ;bat i the Washington ClmoiMwsfliiife* that i there h?* been mT "ueu indwitMn frttlt the <h>vorfiin*itl,and"a<hl? that there i? roMson lo^l-tib' iliaT j?j?r-.irtn of the new* Mnihig tliHit the ^'ikp Mi-inupf hostiliuM ioiichnltid in the '.oun*. "Bie r*j>'vie?l ruction catnwd gold, iti N'v-* Y?r^? h* wh ence, fo?nt 82* ? jt>* ; tnit W>??*j>icui U fell to 54* . hi ron*-' fioace resoftitfnns bed heeu intdedoeed in ihejfew i?nmf Lugiih* 1 lutej i>rw|KMiing' c<>rt?<MtMtn*'> e?*? l_\j UMmi* tnj- HX as<T>>et*in whether the C<rt>frd?rwf*-tttalg* wH' oneieat to rentdrie adt.-*ion to th?T7ui*n? end ? c.igitivye-the 10foStt'u>t*'n, If n?.4, oa erUM.Ugttiu^ *p<*4ei 0<u W restored. Tlio co (.lpimi'hui of'dntcr State* in the frater tint mi****! i? invited. The t'm-Ment of the Uni oH State* i* mto furninh comwieionfr*, with s??u-ir Ktf?t?iru\ltt ms .arc neowaary to M> _ L-A - -1 - - ' I i?u?? iiwm n> entry out ilieir trvis?i<m. \ .nVW oppw?H* j nl?> offered. niul a camliia liol Hk> d?ier* th<* |..?lirtv to In- idopin^r "* i f The slnafiier HloiMa wh? 8t N'rwi ' | CW hill of* J HUH * "?j Iff' Ml rn j week afterwards, niid w?.s thirty. "* ? - ~ | rix Innr*-, i.nt aneAped. S#*e in report. I o<) t<> have capmed KWeml ptisan at JuLa and one i>H_ fire ltnhiuiuM. 1 J li^ Al ilt iftiR laud Ony^gmifrerl i prisonfte* at fCVngJs'ou fmin JkMItU<r, j as, which she snnk^.Hhe jrtlt f?(<t i i Kiaj^iiNi for rf|>iir?. -*tx fmikM n?> I sels are watching for her. | Onload ('tollman whs arrested at i i Riplov on Vriilhi au?l k-ul in iron? m * , j noioiioiis ouou burner. ' j General. IIuiIImiH has prohibited tl?a 1 : circulation of the Chicago Time*. | 1'nt rnynl <>fti -iallv report* (lie capture , 1 of the Morning f^lH at Sabine fva*e. | A l? ippahmtnock coi respondent rfr? j rioft? Uiitunierahle do onion*, and Mate* j ili?U are'tho hundred nnd fifty ( I Iwtnouii in w Itioit, death purdah* itMtel follow. * Spvnk'"f{ of the vh"?t fore* of the 1 nrinv of the T'otom ?e. ho Mate* that it t (-has coiisinnod n- fuel twenty four a ! !>ijiinro inljos of dcii.e I nc?t. j Adiniud i*. its-m- i#-|> -i* nil ?n?ncoonefol nttouioi t>f fl?o t-t ? ?? of il??? W-.r 9 I (o cnplii 0 tl>" Ifput' derate Mourner j rilv of Vii U-hiMyr. nir-l a<-knowU-dgO the former wiih ddtiouhv escaped doj *ti nc'ion. She wa* t?u.-k twelve times, ! *1 till ha I a gull ?li*M??wt>>,eil. it 1 A Ci>rr?wfwvnl?-nt of tho Cincinnati 1 j (fit|?llc wiv* laiyf** W?l .en of lr?Ky?* will v j bo landed oil the tuMiih hide of Viok?~ ' Itto-g, ;Wvl ait atlentp! Itf made to cot fl j ..if fommttnicHti >tt niili TcXM and * i Louisiana. 1S ) I h.u Suivs. ?a^tetlhliral paper* 10 jtif (scoioia li ne been o>*ttp|ainii.g for ;r 1 \ of ilte iinnter-?e:.ui?il?>r of thapi iu o i tlial.Stwlo, ftiul a Itoavv il. jr In* has Keen ... I advocated as u mean*-c I itxHiuilig their *' j 11niiiher, btf in vain. Tim plague aecnt* ' I io is in a fair tvav to l*?? removed. *? dog .1 ' >fcin? .*tro in 2;ie*l ilenrind for the ia.?ii' ufactuio.of cotton c:ird?. - ^ " j ? j Tflii Kent nek v Legislature toeenlly , i threatened in eonvenv a MTAtiinn con ; vdiiiion, if I.;rtcohi'< In^t ]>ii,*l.'in) avion d ; \C?t* not h) >i!itie<) within twenty day*, j Aftor4M<t*lncr a rc?ufftr.ion to this etFefct [' ! UM*y ro*olv<Ml to go ?n(y? teuton, | Iwt ft-ntiiifU from a Miilttgw l>rig;t?]?, 1 quart. t?<l at Frmikf?n\i were Maii<>n?tl f j at llio tloof*," nut! ili<* hotiomltlo ImkIt ' i>o'tlial tlieir mrio.i* tuiUl teuiaiu " i ??i?'n lu the world." - * '. +' *?.' " 9 i . - i ^ - , t I fVvtOR** wfniour CJom-mand*.?Th? a I following YMtikoo ?.tlic?.n? rtre now off I- j <lutv : Major (i<?nprnls MoClellan, Fren i wont, H'l'ill, MoUowwIl, .K.lx Jolt:; l\>r% ' I tor fttw'l Cttssina M. C'ltv. l?c?i<l?A IturnI Snmn^r >n,<l FfaokHn ; h?MT r- I ?di<*r-Oet?prn!? llttrnovi K?.Nwrf AiwW* t- | *on. ("5. J'..* Stoiw, ( Mvt'41, lth?nk??ft I Muriv,* I". T. OiiUviukii end ' nine ]ii all, Iwfitiv^U lUlH Vr| COJHIIIMl.'s. r. -4-ig*.*- . 1 Mr Motiibsbr Ad^ fliide h*H not i-t'leii MirI A b??v 'p^ufcrrrff of Win r 1 MC#ilcettviin o( )??<? ?? ** iliei ; ^ " Tim !**? t^vmnfif tlf hnr Tfva fur ?m lius brow-tit 1 To**"in '?' K,V"?. TliOn??h fw ?W?yr 10 I li !? ?* ?s it iytc y?jicr.l?y. '? ' An I fust *? rrtnn ) looWort ??n high n 1 riirnujrh ib.< blue ol th'r skjr. i Fivsh hmn abinv nut jnnt snil idatb Wlicru 1 duuld ?m*|? IV v? licfun j ?. i ftfij-tln? MotT Mif, (, |_ l'|??n fnrwt, misty <tays, | PraMi Won**, freih toixw, l"r.??b m- r1?t start, ^ j Ust'ifiu my ej'e* mi.I in iu? licwrt.'' r' fl MLTOAO AocilHtNT. ? Mn'ioed, 1 it day or two ?tne<* ?* ? ?f<* Jor*. f,jv \CiNtm2i<>w#?w*-Mwwehf-i'. HaHgwJt Hi'itr \Vtiit#vSW?, S "t\ ? tfi *4 4 the minw'' f C/?e . ft by iKh iinore net-id"^ were Mr. &???,. from _ tieoiifit. mi?TJ V-. W\ i>nt fn. 0 i ?:? , ho?i<?t T *i5Pr ? ?,7ir . '