University of South Carolina Libraries
%mtl)trn (Snbtfrifit^* *> yrptttcxT^T" 9. ^ uraoT^ %-^f* _ Xdlior. I V - Aimlity' * ' w ' _ . ?x ?/ . , . r> ifc , ?: O^r Motto--" CqnaJ tO AH." I' Thwrrtny Jfornlftr, lib. IS,' 1961 :.. S. -.' -V '-LfL--l.. i ' *. a. * " i*? cwejfcuxjsTx*. % *- ii w_ w. s Knr ?n 7Vn??V*< /I {** fitting, p+f VlU bo ^ fcr^JfTT ATyv^iwoif 4 > i'r ,| FVf A<trrrfWncr Ky ff*gnt?r Athm wV*. , *y ilUU^iM AFl'BRTHBApVER EISEME.HTA OFT, j_ * ... At onriwl Ml Jnl) Work rtilXi < KXii)Btnv FOtWTUE l\?H. $oa CmMV edvertWisfcnL AdfoBrnod. ' . ' The' leeftUito .adjnnencd on last ] ' pVidnv~ We will publish soon such of the Acts piufsed as are of the most gens erid tnteflpt. * x ' Favor#. "v- '?? ? Ws nf? indel<tfl It) w. ft. W* NKieoN.Pup'denfof Public Printing Richmond, for a copy of his repcxti al? so for a??-pjr.vf** The Int1-.-published in JLondon, of Peectnbor 1 Stli,-1802>?' Tin# i? a huge journal, advocating fhe "interests of the Southern C&'nfederacy in' "England. We have repeatedly received favors | ? froui Mr^>. Wtuo a v. the compefent Hmd Tws&twnnodating assistant in tho Post OfTkre at'this plijje, In the way of late papers, ?fcc., for which we are thankful. Jti<fr Thetii?-hjiu.'?id J)itpatch. of the 4th inst.. contains the following noth*e. Lieut. JIvrthf JJrn'on Price.?This gallant officer, of Phillip' Cieorgia Le^ . gion. ^jed in the city of Richmond, at ll?e Female Ifiatitnle, on the fcn;h ult., from too rf?rrfs Cf a wound received at the battle of l<i<a\.;n<^lbuTg on the 14th of December. His remains have l?cen deposited f^r the present in Holly. . wax! Cymetfrv. A Fine Opportunity.-^ 'J ATretav M to Conseftption tin?1er the hie Act. will, bjr" tet??rrtTnr v?| our ndvertWfuy column#, find that Lieut. Caols miJ i'voo, of the Ptitled Ouardi^2(Mteg*ment, &. C. v., o,' .,h,# J>'ace, aro in Greenville, and offer to re> i ceiwe all Mich into the ranks of the Butler Guards. This is an excellent opportunity of going into an excellent _ Ci-uipatut The-e .gentlemen will re main in Oreefiviiie yon.o thirty days for the above specified purpose.^ IToui the Butlor 0??fdt. \Y? lea mi from private W. V. Wmskant, of ljie Butler Guards, oho is now Jr at home recruiting from a.wound received in an engagement at the battle of Fredeteeksbuig, that when he left lite company, thov were enjoying re^ markalJe good health, there being none of the company in the hospital, with the exception of Wash. Dvkk, who was only slightly indisposed. Southern Field and Fiie?ide. We would state to those persons for whom we forwarded subscriptions to the Southern Field mid Fireside, that I they will receive their first number for Saturday, Ft hi nary 7rh, being the com^MrrmeDt of the new story " J be of Kaudclph Back iiuttibets to the beginning of the slnm . " Helmoot," being exhausted, they vill therefore |i?vo to wail till lhe beginning of (lie new one. As the proprietor says arr accident lias hnpjtened t<r his engine, thereliy throwing him behind for a I week, the fi?M chapter of the new story, will rewoh subscribers About the middle of the month. ^rtTW'o insert on our first pogq?fhe report of the Ppwinl Committee, and rhe j re]K?rf of the minority of the Committee Appointed hy the House of llepr??entn-; (?* ?, |o whom wore referred the subject of the course adopted by the Coventor in issuing hi* proclamation of Heeentber20th, re-appointing the lfoards of Iteiiefj to disburse tlig funds appropriated by ^ the Legislature for (he indigent families of soiiiiaia j.ijor lo its recess. Our readers wili see that Mrjor 1'Eary dif- . fered in his views from tho?o of the ma jority of the Committee appointed to investigate the subject. While we ex* j press t?? opinion on the matter, no one can doubt tho good purpose of the Governor in his action* ; nor will they, ' . . t> after reading the minority report, doubt of its having no precedent. * We also print. thespeech ?.f I >r. Ran- 1 itrix f'ttorT, delivered in tlie House, on V the l.'Ji nltinio, on the report of the M Com in ill ee on Education, to pay full j salaries *o the President and ptofessors of the t-AHith Cniolina College. Every *>person who properly considers the importftne of the education of youth. ^ . . and u> e particularly nt litis lime, will ' endorse him In tho position titken. > ' fee tlie advertisements of X. F.- gr JlytiOKt.4 and A. *VI. at u, Admin- -1>? is t rat or* of the. estate of - Mis* Nahct ''f IUook, deceased, and of It. II. IMnoav, J** JCxicutor, o( tbo vslule of LAWKKJdOlt, M(f IDaoi'K, deceased. . ?d *V V "y. ** ' '? i mJL * ' # %S S> % ? ' er * ea _ k i Editorial CoiTespcmdedof *| richmond, sib, *|?<u ' Learning thet ?fy brother, Xieot. ( TIakdt I). Pmck, wounded ti the bai- . tie of Frtd?Huk?b?rg, wu lingering from the effects of kksWMind% I, Ml 1 Greenville oq lh* mownog* bf the 81k ! ult., .end arrival tn U>? eity o* the evening of ?Le 2d tjjM. Upon repair- , cR?r<b Feio,loUetiU?te Uoapitnl, 1 J was grieved to tdf i?fortiv had died kiveral di?ys tfcfrre I resetted, tliocity, ?id that hie remains had beep SitfeftrtV Cd^oeitM ifi ^^Jptt^^Voed r Cemetery. I l^ave > i*iied ibo epot nnd made nrrangeroent* <*?6y ld? bedy ?il]i lt4f<i.niT retuHl'to G^epvttle.?lie feteeired every attention :il the hand* >??<>.. -...s -VI lut r.v. 1 VI??, BUM Mm. Dr. Reed. tW yetimaMe lncTy,^?f the surgeon ib charge. I lv*\?-dcnved much oonsolntion frcui Mtb. Reed, who kindly demited to me theeireptnstancoe of bis death. Ue l>ore His luffe rings, which-were^gneai, wish the utmost fortitude. ' To use her ;own language, 44 h.o was the meekeat of sufferers." Uncom plninitijfly he lingered on from day to day, willing, if necessary, to lav down liis life in the cause of that country fVljtsJfhe lo^d wiili more than ordinary devotion. Previous to his dentil, be was kindly visited by many fiiends and * strangers, among them the Rev. Dr. Da buy, from whom he received much j Christian consolation. A few moments before breathing hi* last, he expressed a doiiVed to receive the ritd of baptism* In tbe aliened of any protectant minister, this holy ordinance was* administer ed after the ritual of the Catholic fhtirch* A few moments after, he enmly and quietly fell asleep in death. ' Lieut. IlArdy D. Price was a native of the State of Georgia, and at the time of his death, about forty-two years of ago. At an early age he showed a fondness for the profession of arms, and although quite young, participated iti the -Iflorid ^campaign of'36 and '3 7.? In the summer he purchased s ? , " i tnrm State of Iowa, where continued to reside with two sisters nn? ( til the election of Lincoln, when, leaving | ~H ?nd everything I^e.possessed, ho re -,V-?V ;_rt whc'e he-1 turned to his riavJ'O y , rniscd a company for the war. rt'- I , fused to b* its captain, hut consents! to j, accept the officS :et First LieuUm**' : t.TSrii.1 v .- I vtinrii |>wniup unm nts (? ceived the flrbtrod wdijckjterminated his life".* His contrail** ? The Klue Ridge Rifles," was attached to Phillips' Legion^ of-.Georgia. It eerred under Gen. < Floyd, during.that General's first cam- 1 [ paign in Western Virginia. When ! Gen. Floyd went to the west, tile Legion ( wap ordered to llardeerille, South Ca- , rolina, where it remained until July last, when it was sen) to reinforce GenLee at "Richmond. It afterward* participated* in the battles of Roppahafl- j nock, Manassas No. 2, South Western ? Mountain, Sharpaburg and Fredericks^ burpr. At the battle of Sharpsbnrg, the Legion was commanded by Lieut. ' l'rico?all tho senior officer* present having been killed or disabled. .For bis gallantly on that occasion, be re ' ceived the unanimous praises of the veteran soldiers under him, and the highest commendations of his sitDerior officers. The Le<?ion, At. lite buttle of Fredericks-1 burg, was under the command of the | t lamented Cobb, and were the first k> tnke position at tho stono fence, which has become so tnetnorahlo in the history of that battle. Tho Lieut. Col. catoniitiiding the Legion having been killed, thy brother stepped to inform the next officer in command of the fact.? In the discharge of this dutv, he received the fatal wound. The ball pi reed his left side and penetrated his body, above tire hip bone, lie was brought to this city where he tvn* placed under surgical attendance. JJtM poor man, it was not *" his happy lot to live and receive the congratulations of his-friends ami coun- f try men. Ilis deeds of gallantry, his self ancrifhypg devotion to his country. It his amiable deportment, his kindness and " benevolence will long live in the memo th ries of those fcboknew hiiu. " None knuw 01 Ol liirn but to love him"?even the strau- rt jera who. stood about his dying pouch, w earned to love hiui for bis ureakness md goodness. Tims l ath perished one who longed A o see his country disenthralled and ^ tippy. liclinquishing everything but th onor nn.l * iJJt?even lUfll plHce ^ rhich men call home, to fight for that ?( >il which contained the ashea of his t ?tr? ncestor?. J>rother, rest thee in peace, iy war f.?ro is o'er. A free jtnd hap? J y cooatry will conto fyrtli_ to^bleas ? ie decda which yoo-and thousand* of ' rave spirits ImvC perferjnec! in her be- " J .if. # ,""f' xw.V. 1& T*khmonai..? Oeneml Piiee Arwbft*?iT '/f,J ivn nrriv?'(| at Richmond. The Mont? (ineiv MhW of the 28th ultimo, rn tin- X nng fvenernl I'rice's iraAait through at city, on hi* f f hither, mvh that ? wirtt to (ho capital " mains mtoe- <k*', inn important in dom-ectinn re^iH the oira in (be Nnrlbwct?aotuoihiftg jy vnntageotu U? out'cMuae." . .. * ' p, -1Kfc?*_AA * s o g?3ui hftiiiriftg ! ?* 6*cr?ter? ftboirow U00oaSU0?J wJ^rwr, ami ^ lh? iWcrelarjr i* It 4 ?u^%4 00.000.000 of rf roiwireil l>v tin; of m?t>^ f Hx>.i?yurtK.J^ftn> jj hundred and'fifty ihTs pro fail* fa t li? y*wfr?TrtftWL<??Vn Hg? Bi'iRVT*C"^~^? 4W$JilSfhiiHI' ?*f n tno# to tretfh tiiow to be titMOAjl ttN*tJ^1v*^dMfl?m k??d VO l>? if&t- '.IWnitiHleW^IV * wftl be subject to nil OrtilSii 'from \i*e The PritflH fHgato tiuitot*' lufutjr*? Intelligence''that A h)e*t "ferll*tri>*W|f J*? H volVuji land ?xpf<Ji>?tMMiT Ahotft |i>At- t slack ChiirleatojV, b-?ng I tjow uen'ly complrttj, CwfirtiA' J bring* rAder* for Robert Youuh,Jd?e ' Wli<1j Of>nsnl? "to go at??>Ard, "Hud {**$ j to IJavana a* xkn1?s 'IH'fW Icivro next Saturday. The Yankee rtavftl and land forces A?e gaikeVihg M J'ort Royal, and it iseopposed ?h#^r?K>|w ', were drawn ohleflr frorti tlr? North Carotiua coast. ThA imn-ehii! Trvnfctflea ** stilt lie* off the bar thf* morning wiib thirteen other Yankee vesmde. *' *> :? . ? IitiM*lf*,?Fmiu h special ?te?|?Aleh (1 from Indianapolis in -the Cincinnati j Osteite, *e leArn thai the l>em?,CTat* "1 carried tboir point in the late muss in * that State. The recreant* returned to their seats, and Governor Morton rent in hi* roe??:ii?e; The ftenal'o nhn agreed to go into the election of United Stales senators on the 14th iiist.,. and n* the' House had t previously so voted, w? suppose the election took place. ^ ^ [Appeal. . m ^*rAT Mfn Wiii. Differ.?-Gen l llurlbut, commanding at Memphis, is ? said to 'u-" r-:-' *?*'' ' - -- m* opinion Micir " that -the policy of onotiiii?j tho Missis 'PP' r'vcr w?s a had one, because wfjen u w?s accomplished all the Western * Ironps v?o^id revuin home ai.d ilie re 11 hellion would remain in its tn:i strength. *~ T>n anuher recent occasion. Sbeiinaii rtstod bat unless the MWi.-sippi be J epo.ufd soon, all tlio Northern troops ? woui'i cC^inly return homo?that they fi! ' ould not be k.'pt together. In either yt r*" Virv^?rT? ifO.j-.s, it fecmsj "\vilf ileMirt. v " p Grant ami Hurlbut enacted a pretty A little seen'e a few days sine? at Memphis. Iliirlbiit received sooie Order from Grant which he r< fused to obey. Ho said lie m JalUe South to protect, and not to tieilroy it. Grant intimated that lloflhut was a Irrfitor, when Hurihut repli ni thai lie would take his men over to the d?d <ecesh rather than obey Grant. ' 'FOUND, ; ' IN the viUsgr of GreenriJle.AN* AMOlWT OF MOME V, which tne owner can v?v? by describing, proving, uud |x?ying A< !*jicnvs incurred. Call at the Store of n WILLIAMS* WH1TMIRK. 1 Fsfe :? , - 41- tt | 1 Notice. " ?CollN Wavy B*?s*toI - I" "|7*OU SAl.K ATTIlEOOAOil FACTORY. ra -1 1'lttOK, #60.00. ' ta Frlrl2 41 1? l^"Rnn t5?c Slloclixlc.jfr 3 50? prmn.U VBPVKU . - in &1L .oS 100 "''.sen CASl'OK OIL | l* E>j>A5 '<>ft dor. Iv.ay Fine- I'outH Tr ,I ^ fe5e?3 COMBS 1 IV ?bests TKA r r" 2* lK>.Tes Lsn.lnn SrtiO - ' " 40? paper* PIX8 "* Al 5ft rMw< VriUuu Ml'EIl , f.Ort M. NEEI>I.KS f lfttifl-dacen 8P0<?T, COTTON M pound* .r/?A X THRKAII. * . M 5ftft pound* Imported COPPERAS 1 ??0?? Men1* and Roy*' WATS ' f" hothead* ljrown ?UUA H - . - 3ft tierce*TUCK 2ft barreUMnw Orlo?n? SYBUPj .? '1 bitrrd Salt FfSIt Iftft boxes TOKACC0 " , IQft Runuregard CAl'S " WfcoieMl? and retail, lit Carr'S stort." ' nr Orvourille, S< C. ?r' *.h ? . 4i tf j 0,j HOKSK TAKEN UP. A0^ ' TAKEN up, on the 2d frYliruerv j55^V?. Inatant, n lartfe Sorrel Horse" witli Er i^Q>*^rlel't hind fetlock wfiile, on which lere ^aa a uniall Saddle and pretty jfood *f ridlc, and supposed to be H*nie sixteen ?r eon gHtrenwearaeld. ? of Said Horse may l*t seen nt try residence, & " iree utiles from Green rill? t'onrt llonae, B,,< it.the Itunlinm ltridirc Road, where the a-ner i* requested to came and prove prop- on 1 tv. pay charge* and lake hint away, or he 4Tri ill l>e di?|K>acd of according to law. * AUKAtlAM W1LLIMAN. y-b *? *? CITATION". ' Sic TTIIBRRAS ALLKN MufXAVln hnB ^ ^ filfd ft IVtltiim ill my for pti*! m - nonumetrnti?m on nil nn.l Siuirulnr, lv' p-yoodn mill chattier, riqhtn nod credit* of vlU'-KHON UAGWJiJ.L, dcecm-d. Kwii>d and creditor* hi e notified to n(.pi'hr nl oWci Jourt of Ordinary, on tlie 2fJd ,F?d?rtii?ry th? i it., to liww cause, any, Wliy *n?Ul Jitter* .ydji juld not be Bfinit'il. t?ul< UODKVtT MeKAY, O. G. I>. i ofifc* Ordinary's Ofii'.'n, Feb. lSdit. . fifty Cell la . ' ** * 41' 2 men i ntf,?5 OF HFAIi Kfi'CATE. 0',v? I V vjrtne i f nn Order from the Court of fin > Ordinary, 1 will offer for na!e, before the mill! irt 11 oil Hi i toil r of Greenville Iristriet, on the hint f Monday of A/orrh nrxt the Hoot Ketnto cm Jit IQIHtti i.ONM, deeeaned, roneiHtine of thq C ty iwri'4 i?f LAND, more or V?**,- l>eo tided lioret ndr of K. Cox. T. Onrrett Au-J nttrari. helil, oredH of 12 InonlliH, with i uteri-At from hjm-cI I. for nil, cxrtpt ho much n* ttlM |>ny the imne . *rhtffi? will he r?.(iilrnii in ouch. Hnr- tliat I ?r to kGc bond, wltli H"mirilr, nod siwort- servte i of Uie pre.anlrca, (f deemo# to ri?> I n I mi T M?PA>j||fc 0. ' i,?J m Ijj rfptrt wiahoui ^ Mjf t . \ 4i u0-pe^i J . ?r* f t ?" ? -*' ** Admin'atratora' Sal*. f^sa3^us&ss? TfrtRKK HOKHKS.; [too CArtlSge and Sanicso. *n. ?**, for" ?H Tt ii TW^vJ rw*4*e*?K>niH? er^Kf,-with inteewatJrtmlt) |.%v of wifc. wnh two go?d recoriti*?.! *ifuretlic fight of property will h?/-hoi(|;4tJ. * K F. Wl^. -1 A. M. ftlf.ltlfjiflf.' ] t - ' - A^m'm of N.u>?y Brooh F*b 13 9 ' fgf- The Coin fid-la Ouardiati will jmUWh lo t-Wljr tor tlir?C *?U Estate Snle. ' V f T^TfX >'? 9*1?U ht tLo Inte reehlmra ft VV .. IwMPKaJW* rmv V. ?h-hrsSe<l, -trie tall** <?h<* 0>i'c*\i1l?(:: U.. ? tul?-1 Inv- tl?e :>d d?iy of Match next, o" the !W>CflolJ> .M..i Kl'iCltKN HHMr.cUi belonging to said d-Cinwd, consist I rig of Uedsi Bedding, Bodsteads, WA^.HSTANPS. Drnworn, (.ooktiiB^Us^M, . CJ/AJKS, TA UJ.hS. .f Mrs?Dos?, Fenders Aa Ac., . Two Wagon#, One 0* Cgrt, ' JtlacL-iuilfk Too 1m, o?h?r hh'k-I.s. ' - -* ' Tk?m<s?AD sums, of and over Tvi? d?4ni*. cash, over Ten il?llli??v, t welvc month* ivdit, wiili interest from the dnv of ralej rlllr note and two good securer ice. ? -. , " J4 R JR'XCUX. " R* center of T^iimncc 1 Irix k, dccc?mt. IVI. )?j At A J i 1"'*? Cnlusilliln Ciiinrd'An u il! 1 in nliotv oiiey ii .Wo W forinrw W?ckjL - l] TtiivSt TAxts.^ . i" n rvj'iilnr of iVTvW. Cmtnrfl | ,01 hrwiivKir.iiM; Milowim; J'< aolutimi I .lit itdKfitr'd, in ,rc)iii mii to tL? Tuxe* f(tr the 1 rsal yi;(if nf'IfllM , /(< -,/cut, 'Jiuit nil the jTs-wn Too* fur tl?j 1 :ur tlio f?me ftf the. preceding ???r. ' ,.l IIjuIiiII Ibvutti'1. Te.xc* lie dt?? on <h?iJ?l 1 ly off Fcl rutiry next. capejit I.V on i o*l Estate, which rhull !? > d?io on tlio- la* t jiril. A i.KX. M? HKE, lhUnflUuk. J.C. DAII-KT, Towm Cl*r*. v . ^ Ja S ^A- " lie S U i te ^ C arcl ina. ^ ijntant A Iti*j>eeioc RriimlV (HRee,) I I iiUNHIA. Fell. <$, IbtUI. ) . . , KSKKAL -OMUti/l SO. 6. " THK ttctwtal \ntrwMv of thi* ?tatrt hy j , un Aet. wtitlvil "Au Vt fw tl??li?jter1 gmilintHui ?.f the inilltU. and f-.r other par- I men," having vacated 'the commission* of *11 iliti* ?ffiwrn In thin {State who tin- not arnpt from forvtcO Ly the Acta of the Cotifrdo,te Cnnnrew. ** noon ? now election* a*n i held. election* are hcret>y ordered in b?; hold r field tiiH company officer*; ip all the <*om: iniea, intlnll'oii ?i4 n<gi.wn(* nf the mitit ihl* State, ?n or liol'oru the twenty-find dny thi* month ; mid lections t.: hi^rnmlut'tcd the mMnuf i<(v*rr?4iv<i hy flic Ael nFISjl. ;ecpl aa to the uoticv n'qi|jrrti under said J rl- "l *' f " i I. No nno liable to duty in the Confcdcte service, nntui*? !> ho exempted fi?,ni sai-T j iricc ttmluf the frr<> vision* of the Kxemptbo 1 rt of Cnngrvss.-sfctill boelicihlo tn**i<i nAmea. , IIIi Tbo odAeers In coiiimijiiiiI of regiment* (j Ih'c time .said election* ma hol.J, aro required ? tnalio roturus thereof to this otlh-o imuledi- ^ *ly thta redder. * r ? .. > . ? t L1 ^ IV The cointnanftinjr officer* of a'<h?prrnl<;? t| d regiment* arc hereby rvouiry.UiuwwodUtr-' ,a after c? i?. t. 10 MHTheld, to nmlre m urn* ot' the roE* of ih* companies prvtnjdly y thl* office, in pnrMftnro ot tlio prnvhdon* ?f - dfth iintl sixth *octii>na of aairi Act. here in i-upiunou; and for default tn lunkinc d retnrne, tlie fcnilbi therein itnynjed, will I w rtriclly atif.irotd. J r" 1 V. Tl>? eoniuiamlin/s oflloera of reglnivsit* i< in- it by charged with the puinpt elocution till* order Mt tbr nulJication-thereof. ? [It instruction of lite flonerol Arretabiy. . A. C. UAIII.IMSTON, Adjutant ond TurywUr < of H. C, trmrl framed <1 nf thm lieueeai A ?rwflhf far 1 the krtiir 4i uj the Hititi<? ^ 1*0. it. That tlie coMitaaodiog officer* of Wat jj inaniea ahall kowf two aupurute roll*?mac (>< tnc notnornil person* resident In ttleir <) d? hei.v<;e?l th? nKvt 'Af ?l|tMt> unit rlxljt, in I another of the name* of all pcrrou* he- M en the tiycs of yixtven and fifty, <11 ?t?nhtinj( (Jf Mid roll* tha agea of each per??tV; and all ,)o ?<>n* repaired to (a i?n>IIM hjr tbla Ant, gj II, imiftcdinlciy after ita par-ox*, report Ir tnynoa to the roiuiuandiitg officer* of tboir U, ta, who altall hwe? power to adnainl.-tfr S* *? to the ago* and rrrtdanvo* of pert'mn, its thoy rcfuae to niako kuowa tbair ttjn- ? e of re?id'-no% or when* thr(ti may be dotiltia JA i> either. oixl eaeh nndevery !?eate^M a -,,*' I !> eulto.1 oat for drill aotlja^11 * Anee r?-rv*twi>\noiithii,.. ^ Ij ct .'o. rwe ^mtntt^dint; nflioera of (ititfWi. ?< muni aa *ai?T enrollment can bo j a, rliall rttwrnenid roll* to the commanding^ ' . we of their rvgimonla, IrUo nlmll return ' latnv, with ill ten day*. J?t the office of I lie ? iteiu and latbetlcr-ljanenfl} and fop do- t J in twuldnr' raid'return*, tbo rniutnnmliai; -w-. r.\ of roinpania* eboll I hi liable to a tin?of l | il?ll/ire. aud 4Hrn\t??a...-i:- ^ 9f ratf-.i In to a fiiio of uim litjmlrctl dollntv, to l? | ..icd l?v a fonrt martial ?r<Wn*rt tire' trnur for th?trial ?f such ilrlaultor*. j ^ * * * t a,\ . ? ? ?. IS. Tl:ni all cvtualwwiu aaW li.r th< iu idBfors of (Mr HU?k, the Adjrw |rt|Mi anil io?|>octor-Ovn*rai. who iyt wot ox- j front aerate* br the C?iiarriprt?.rv Act ml iuifwt???ata ranycraaa, he mm* t<H? aante are jf <y vacated M wtnu mf V?*r?1#etfori9 can ha _ which alnwaWm AM A.liut.tnt an if Jit- W< >r AcVeriai it hereby luofriu tod U jHcr Hot*)? tMrtha p^rla* i?* thla Act? anil Al to ?*f li*i>h? t? Jwi> In tl?a ?4*fcderate o, inlMi k?li? wmH Prow eeM #*r- '*AO J?d?r the [Tov?-..r?s a| it.,. J(tn?i.tina aSKES.**1 ? ? gf, JBUcmW* ' yiy .' :* . f " > > *"-' }L 7* W + 9 AiWVT*?T JttS^MTA Of??L, ' nsMic^tttfSflFV*^ 9 fl, A.'fULK* AnTlMlhfn Knpolfl DovnooJ m MUh/nd. will Vm pl*y<Hl an A<WuMnt nod TaM??ror<i)?>iieru) uf S. C *4?^* *">ry vt^fii r. /PjfJWtei'.tnit ?n4 IM ? ? ? n'WMV rr^jiun ttwd tw*wtT*<F?n UCPMM*1 t? w*J*Ui ?rvo|ui Ii.?l1?t *nMvr<n)riaih, Jwl^tii ?rrhrl ftoobv *n>r rufVKiwiil wiiWn dip *" The wil*<ar(Il be jmWw.ib* j>o??e*ebfn icli #* inMl>odWu.-1y. ?/ ,s. t M1? ef diofcrepcft'tfA*oin?4l eeoennirt. , . IU It IM KCUK. v . E^wlcr o( VKo^lW*, dorpAeo* jp-fr-The C?|(idUIA7??it>HJei?- ?m( Ch*tIc toii -Courier will ?ft puWiki ihv abuv* wee* f *"~.6v#*'* * - r ,-. -? 4t * *' ^- iotlce. tffe'Ttfrf n W. JW:K<*; x jPi " *TKtVTO* BUAMT.KTT,' *- ?<.. PHIIm;KM, - - a ,* , .. , * kimciuTa, ? ?r* 'VAfVlu SfcUHOr, ?; > v'- 5I.IX* f.MK'rig, .n -flUIN LOb'TH*. I -, 'fOffJJPH JUJCKK^y, * cxnr moMrsAv ^ All pert lea l-teMo^UP aey of Iheer K*t?t< will ptnke |wyuf?l ? W> utidorpiKHcd f e*d ' r:,rtic? iiMYyvfcloinis kj>I?m them "W pi rtvirt tbcm ?iljft <??* < leunUm. i? WMM.IMntf AV.t". K. O..TK; . ' 'V, . end AUiuiui'tnUor. JmnU ? W- . J< ~ STATE ^F SOUTH CAROLINA^ * . <jit?irNvn?i.>: IUS.TUICTV*" TlMlRlWlS. \Th?. M Hi-twos,; fV*m? ,V? n?>rr in Ki)uile fc>r?i ki* IMrti i> Itn r^Pl Atlnwntrtret jpn on nfl hikI mix t*r Jfe niol rlmlllt-, rlulill m.-l <rft* .?T JK.t ir T^KjfSfP-evX, U?- O* ihn 41 frit f. nftimwM, d?tx9*?il, elietrid bo gcexi (t? i?ie.. .- ' 3 ? *? ore, tlif>rrf<M-f, clip and ndn'ont ?H :p?I tou^iriur the at.?l -r?><1it?i f I ? wl'l l<? lw> olid appear Ihc mnrt of Otillimrv f.>r i>nid J>i*triet, k ) eMvn el flrri'iivillc (lourt Mono*, i P*k .y, vk? lw?uh-*'?MiiJi day of KVbru rv j? Mi, to flu-w rtHff, if any, wliy (he m Ado UiiKlmOoii mIomiI.) not ho grunted. ROIiKlST McKAY, O. O. 1). .Inminrjr 16th, Istia. Jmn U *7 A GLASSICAL AND ENGLiS] p..' S t IE O O L . yfffok IIIB N K\T BB88JOX of tl . *1. CSK-rLASKlrAl. AND KMJLTF T^jy^K'.HOCL.' hivmly t>l?Hi>hnl 1 "I'wfrjwrii K1MV AK1*?* nnd .11*1 ?*W* Vtlb (Uu npprol-itlinii <>( tl a.*rd of Tn*ttt' of I'ornmn I niveriil l|j? xn<|Oii*ion of itie Kxerriwr <if ?1 l"??Vwr?(l?, vMI ?fcn'n( liio l*i?iv?r#itv Moili ON T7IK lr.TS FEUHr*KY,*ud ctubrw t*?> of !< wcpIk each. ^ r?nx??(10 per ijiiiirlrr, orifh 50 root/ f< ini.ientnl uptWn puy.iWto tn hHvimk*. otod HonrOirieoan bo had *t#9ii per monll Fit ntinwnt ViUeh-rayo oiU IwprMti^d i?vt Ihomvrnln of U*e impil*. Thr frtrthrr Uti-rmntinn uridrcor l^rofexai I'. *. Ki>**ami>?, ?i?%tiirlUii, 4. t. A tt .*? , >. - 1 y, SIATE OP SOOTH CAROLINA (illKKWV'tf.LP PlsTlfl?;T. w OK?inarv:< j ? AMf.Ijrc Or?e\i nod Fttrln Ortmi. Fvoetit'.i ,1 tUr Will of tiFOHUKURICKS. .tero.MM .ppliennl* Mgolnrt I lie l,ecn.K-e* *i( Mo.?fvt 'FinnI Si ttfrmcnt in. tnri tr. '* _ . ff? *- T ' "IT appearing OMt the lr*al Ucira of TU? (Ifwou, .'yeorrnl?t. 1% Jltidiuoi end Ln >u<la hla ' wifb?Melon llmliuin itttd A. <1 r?i!.?on her ]Tnrl>itml?nt;d OaVriantt J reel eMilc liovond ?lie lutnlx of lliU U*m*ut tt-i Tile red end Iioceod# i'lm <Olejr do n|i|u. ?r n Coatl <>rellimryt }< t>? Man ? fl/ywi fWc Court llotirCi on Fit MA Y, tk* *AJrtr<?i >i ow?f to rhanr ran."a if *?; ley mm, wliy * WmU ftettl'-uicat o< I lie Ji? ile* of tiootgo Uricii. dv.enxed, aUould nu e ba$, and n T>?i-ree (flr.-n tber?on. Iiltioax my hpnd ivird seel. n? ttrPonvlllo C U.) tho 12th day of >i?>voiu)>er. 1HA2. KORKU! M.KAY, O. U. P. y?r W 2d ' ftoi STATE QF SOTJTH CAlldUNA. CUKENYIU.B nWXHKrr. in uilDINAUT. r. M. TJ10MAP. T. K. (t. p., A-hniniMralm Applicant, A^nlni>t the Heire-M-Joter of Ji.hi \V. Jnem. dcceeiuol,befell.Innte.?ViiMih-t /of f 'hml Sdllrmrnt unit jKrrrr. ? , rj tji^trlnr tht| Mrn. Amrli* JoflWi >VM ? o*f, ho<t IB# two minor ebililrvnr'nf So Mfd, rrxhlo IxBorxl the limit* of tliU Ht?te x OHcrwl ?mi itoctttid, Tk?t tbvv <!o ?|i Mr ('? fitnit 4 (>ntln*rjf, U Ihi br-Mrn n reotiville Court ilea mi for tureenvlllo ]?lelri<t i the Sixth J*, r,f Fthrnnry nrxl, lo *h*? tit, if mi/ thee c?Dr why a Amil MUlemcn the Perm MM I Retntc of JOjIN W. JWBW ccencil, ehthtiJ not be raatie, enil * OerHt veti rhWeon.' t? ibirt-o hen/I ?p<l Seel, jttjQreenvllfo 0. ,, HiU 6th tier of Xnvc-int*r. A, P., 1 *62. ROWERT AlcKAY, O. O..P Kor ? >7 3"? ' teHf^ir *onlh Oarolins, - oukknvili.r district; T COURT OF OKJ)l i\yl RX kVll> Itl?KK. Executor of the Will ef MIKAHAM 00X, ilcoe.Mul - piln?) the Hcir.? of Bonjnraln XtUoN. Jnm? 1 (. iiinoro Mlj) 'Wifo. .InnathiN* j?it>h?r<l?nii nil Wlfr. Mr*. fflMi, Jitmca Cu?un<) Upnc | :oX, DvfonJMitc. , .' * ^ ni>l?nr(ng that th? TTcirrf of Itonjrtwin NsU'Mi rrfiilo boyotnl Iho limit* of this lo-; It ?* that Ib?.v <U Hjipoac at u irt of OrttiuwrT, t'kU) bunion ?it (JrwnviMr rt M'Kloi', <>0 AVi'JWf, thr thrli tiny 4tf fVfc. rg nfsl, JHCl, to obvlf naw, if xny Uioy , why'it Anal oottlriaoai of ilm t?uao of R All AM ('flX, (UimmJ, thoidU Mt W U>, nu<1 a l)*rw given thrvooat x *i > ? ! <*?(-? ! W?K ClU^N r WflOl t ion, an.r am f?r? tbti.jr Inn. in# <I|X is. I viih|irytm>ti*r-i? * *! *n-b W? Hy pri*-* ?*? ?k< | no horotfltfova, *hleb are (^io-lon.ib t>oiin4 luli.'or - wr|M<l isjt. 'KrmefouAiii*. ,, f SI . vv. ,< ^ ''a ' . 1? , - o q? j. - - ?*.' "* * -"r<* T . *> . wS^?a35?J?nU.t?J m?>i alwent without ' 4E3S^?&2JlEiTlSirlAS wrt?*tly >4?#i>Ho Horfr r.gnvttr* ?? 11 ^lvrt?r.?m i?w?r coimnaiuU wiihoajt prof*5 ninltwiijL wio ? *Mn(<4 w*A <1 oavrtmn a ad tried by iho ??r MMiury Oairt mow v, io.JMWiou. U f??UM?i gftMj*. ' MMtojieM. lo nontb, whether iTvjvnt or at?, 1 >Mrt,' utd o>iw?nmfm jfllf'W ortWwl tl I' #>???><? -wWw* <*?: J iK-rOix-d Ml l.v iirrr^Vvtl. ' ! . JV- > ? ? f iif ?H tfie, wow cA . whleh *iv (>rv?eoi for duly, except *' ??< L <0 *? ?? fcjhh'nt*)rr* or up ? r.-jrutur r *ck L*?a*J>i?irto?., IHrtiirt * 0Cm ^av *a|litwinit Uf ? ?>.? ' furlough^ jkt I lif,rMI^??*.?r &.r avert t-a?rtP .'o- 8v yrrr* Jvi oily in rnr-li colli'lAn'v, iiltd f. i iwrWI* wlti??n "U.liu-inu; ili" Wmc' B(*r??*ry-fur t*M*ol, drfll r^iaiU lb r! partita fo rca?ia*l4o#M?T.*iWii h?T?.? 1W Whaaoarr thty ark ?iitl?4? 4 b#r ?ka <*cti ,? t*>jAa?* * ?*?>*?? ? wl? w * H MM <h *\?r* ??c4*ho>v WtOf. no enlist* ro m^vf (lie wtninnif SralWAnt wHIuut w??n p> f ?ton? l\mifw-r Hvj?liii?ita d nmimMti't-rt W\W tl?roii<;li I be rrf *- ulnr.i-buntteU, at Ihe Mt? ? ?<!si|vd? tb?- c?n }|ib??Tc apyaUVd, fcr*l?Mlir|id:*?i?in* p ^ (hg in<-jp Moil hki ?i??l Ur*i ving ?? V. AM rlilMrtl mrn wKp av*t*i*y tWli w*?Ur rirk farioHjrba, ?>r iliwr (:r?nlHl ni |.or^.w|ll b? Immodlntrly ,frjbr?4?<] <u a. Inalr foturn. an examination made ?? " llli /?' ?0*rtini?l*n<??A of .mil ami lii.-fact* rr <\ n.tiy?iiib?r, wlii r- vt HI <dtb?r ftmWb i*i? ririii?|iiv<it, -rbaav-'oatrt U jwtfpiTwI. ?r return htm t< .* /buy uti|yu?ifh?4. n? iJu' ii!r?uNtilnnu?< y \ ' tKa ahiM may V lib* jndjftnvni r< quire.. VI. Major A, *t' ?< * , awtm jlu-ae wti M to 1.J ndfanUm oncna *#i>hjfc>rl1?itii * ? < !.?. in finirer-t'nldiidied I" Kortli i'jtttdllia, and ii ;. lb* r??w#|<B|wri? |4??l.llJiml in C'Mnml'l*, An ili>r*nn, OkmiiHIii and Yorkfilje,South Ci rolliiM. My <awn?awd nf fl. \V, Suit* ?S - SAVI'KL W. VKI.TON, " , M i ji i and A A. Ow. F?J. # 4?? r f ; r BXLSLA90B HOTICKHO- 4 r . ii *"*'-? 't liifauotn. Va., Jan. 10, 180.1. _i rpilF. MlowiiiR oftirera and mm butr# l?w I duly cxHnmm J, awl niv bvrvl.y ? ? 4v ' &Tt*\ " * ' ^ '* ; l.-AI* nCUwra *" ' men wl^iirAl in Kcntm t? |jr, 'iVniMimt, Alabama. >lia,-d*ri{>|>i. ticorjjii r,? FWiMo'm>4 iHHillLtiyiiliw- M1 >v lA-vvuib? Ml ' ?. 8. All ?0lf*r? and n?n ohptvrrd iff Mlrrou d- ii. Vnras Nek Mi-xkii. Am?ni. Artatru lto awl Layiaim>a ?|? lu Janitor* let. |so:t. t-?l a, Tli>' t>*i> IV?rrS'?i??H motion# ?n''.v n"' ly f?r .-Unon h and mrn of" fho t'onfcdi-mtr Iff rli*. hMI?ltw.?>i *11 ivromt raiitaml in nrni I or barilla nrrii.v .tyfaiiu't lit*. 1 uU">i hMtet | thnli-Vcf may lntvc liCi ii llm idmrarl'T.^ij U' ,n iniliinry <>r?iH)VaH?wi lu wliiclr Ihcr aror* hi 1,1 Infhiit. ami whatvvo? may Itovc hcoli lit* lor in "w ?( iho iMirulo* irivcu l?y tUoin. If any ?rr ii 'a- Kciicrnl |>ri?mn>. llicy ary to be inimniliaUV Id n-loino-il, nnii itvlivcnil to tbo ConfciU-rntv nu Ihnrilio*. . ; , " T 4 . 5. A1I ronfo'lorate ofliocrn aril men wliuhnr tx oii lialivcri'd at Cliy l'oint. iqi to Jauuar Ofti, 180S. 0. All ('onfrilemto nffirora ami nrn who Kav Or heen iklivtrnl at Yirk?burnmp tv Dmtuilit' 2.'U. ami im linlini; raid date. . ? 7. All ptrolnl Coiifodoralo nffirrri and ntri In rfoaipinl for at Viokrlinrir nf?-ta 1 *tramU Ij 2.'l?i, 4">fi2, and iaaladinft raid dale. l. if All P....r. -i? -J ' 1 -- ?.i., Jipi-n rnpinr [I cd ahd At Fnfarrioktbllrj;, V?., in' I>? ^ ecwlK-r. 1 ' .. S. AM Omfcdonrtc effieor? imd <mn t-apiar wi fld *nd paroled hi tioidibnro, X. V. U? J. l?r.'!> ??. 10. 0?l?r wU?llMlii'>? and minor fx?h?n Ct*, of wbidi ib* A|n??pi>rti"Mr?' dulj Inforov a. . HVJltRT OUI.l>, " . win. 'T-?. . Agclit of Exolmngc. ^ ~8TATE OF SOUTH CAR0LIHA7 . : (iHF.kS V II.LIi 4?!r*Y1flOT, ? " \V*,KttKAS h?.-I X. F ?, T Itnru'fiw iinvo ?pj ti. <1 I. ino f.* _ ' lUttere'Af 'Admlni?i*A?l"ii nn nil and rlngn l*f tl?e goodr and rltnllVln. rlnlitn'And nod ? iin of MIm NAM'Y rVKOt'K. Into of tin Oirlrirt nferould, tKcoat?<<l, cbvulil 1m grant ?-d to tin-til'. , ,k r# Tltyta are lUyief??re to eile ami ndujfciiirt nil and fingnlur tPn, VIlMrnl and i*r?-<ri<or> k of ill* mM (WmtmI tn lie and appear nt n 4 of tWi#?rv fur <Jr????t?MI?* l.liiltirl, to It kulJtli ut (iivnijllr f'ouit I lour i< on * JfoHitoy, the cfaft of J~'< f/rouro ucjrt, to > tirvr ? nitre, if any, *pv tho wljl Admiuie' tration rhontii noi bo gin r. led, ' - - ftOBMU* ik*TAT. Oi?. IX > J < January'l?tb, |q?i& 'W.xM >. , .t . The Stat? of $9Uth Carolina, . OllKKKCnU?.B"W^r?lCT. WI tfliiUw >|. llvw, *>n . \ ' t t Co?)irftf*i|ortiir tA FAiiifr for .Greenvilla rMrtrliH. lu?? fllrd a j-etiilm* In mv nf ' Hue, pray lug Hurt Jitters ?f Anluiiinrtritlioti ' op all rnnd ^ngulnr tliotf<MwU Ami < l,niu-jr, right* ami credita of KLtXA I.OFTIS, Pa. T1MA XBCHOff nod JfYHX VtFriH. Into of the ?T?>f*nnil1, iirenwd, rhmilJ It grunted in hint; Tfu ro are. llitrrfurr, to cite and ndlNu'tinli all and rlngnlar :lm kin r jtred and creditor* of Hit) auid d? een*ed to l?c ??4 a|>pe?v tit a Court of Ordinary fur , t>ror*rniA IHtdrietyta he ftt'ldi-n nt t?r*e?)tille (*?nirl Mooao^On Friday, the eixtli-ilny r of Alareh next, to altew eau-e. If **. why . Hie raid Adniiideirationehouldant grant* : cd. IUU5KHT .V-aAY, O.-U. Ii.; Ordifnry r OAir- uaiiuiir. 21, im3. I Jan 22 M % ' tr ' ( piAM ur ouuTB CAROLISA. t onrK.tfvii.rK w'htisk't. Jm. R. .TA''??, ?y..Ontfaarg nf ?W IliiirSrt. JXTTIWURAP. W. M. Tnonea. K#q.. t.?wM in ir* inner ill Ei(mIIjf for (irewvlll* Iliafrirl, linn ft|>|dir?t t<? mo fur I.i ltrr# i?f Ad itniatfotiun on nil and Itie coudaand fhnlieU, Hrlilx Mil rrrd|lx of JACI^fOK SlTlBKKI.ANK. MOHKri ItfillMiKH end IiAV!8 J'LUM f.RY. kirofdw I'trtriei af?rv#atd, rieeejuMd, *l.?nld he panntud to Htm . Tkran, to rite and admonish all ' and riigrulnr fhr kin/lrrd ami <-r?dit?r* of tlte | raid dcre?u>"il, l?? '># nml Mjiuar at ? Court of iljr-Unary fnt Dfeiwillr I?istrM, to lo bhld?" j M n.WiT. ili# reco'iiii ?lnjr uif Prl-rtmrf ?< *?. ?i tlrvonvilla Ouit Hnnii>1? aahv*. ?i??ro>ff may, a I,, the raid Adminmiration WwU I {franlrd. TUMiPUT ITiKAY, O. tf? II. ! Ordinary'* Oftioe, Itee. })< |K#2. Dw Hi * ? M f . STATS 6^ SQITCp CASOLIXA, i ftfKTRlCT. Xatftr *Np5M. Administrator, A|.fd|rant. nifWtrtei Emily Mnarwi and ntlirra, I?e Jo* Final Stftleuitnt. J y>o-Wt'Mal'kl fhat Jnlte Jiaaoii, IVrrv ( "J.' JMhI OiHIIort' U?Mn, r.mlda heme < ti.V Stat I? of thie Mintu lt-1* or.l#r*dV *" OntMtry ?*? ef>p#or el a tV.nrt of Ordinary Mb ItotAar ftC<*re#o*IIU Court (louee, on KH.Ur, tli* l4 Amy *4 Me rob ar*?, to eljeor eaiiT. it +*r iIkf enn. wliy * KlniO Hrttf# inent of lb* 5*nt?x>f UiCI/AKl) MAWS. * dreretrA bottW foi ho bed. ami ft Jlearr.n gU < * thertuft* * " '{M*4th dot- of rweWnvA. I iv lA . _.- -r*??-?Z ' J? fljft fcatJ?1; >, B^i_* ^ Ukr . * s vj9 '. - - ^^AJtlQR^^HPIOttJK^fr^Mm. ,jjS 'A i 1 nAlflUt tl)> VM ?? Miff ***** f't'l ' ihc4V iWorH tttMly i 11 twl rt-finhiK i'. II Boner- nf-tllo***. ~<<r*faa^tT? -V, Hv reiimiti i>f Hmrfryr.pmltm rrfrfe.U , I V' |M wttV W ZmUM' nT*** , Tin* nt i%* ?.m]Wiithrrfy W?rf < taw of *"jHnii j<rr in..,..,,, x. - Wgnt* ittnl WMrtttiig. '' Terms, per 8o??Un < Xwr?TT Verbis r [l Twnlow/ttwIWg***" Wfiorlwewl,, ** MmIhrImI , i " in Hit~ r.u.?^ :{|rij 'i.H.uwi: r. Mtmh^ti.l i?r nf ! tuSA,^. 4 , . , ,'itS OM P * IHrewnig riot I'HIMIhi^, agdt,, r,,. "rt rtOmsW'/y. JiCp.%f.A. I* HP1,, " v> lntWairtal.Krili-it***, ^Jit t*T k'lir further iiifvi-iiuitjop '^.lw*T?r. ? J. C. Fl'KM AX, IVi?iiUii^^mnvilia, H. C,( Jiii'I 8 " 80 6 W y- ' - 1 * T? 1 s. I .-1 - ^ ' STATE OF SOWTH CAROLINA,* iJ I - lillRKNVIUHi.HIHTmcT. ,j ?'4. It v JNO III) t N A U'Y/ v L Wii.i M. Tn.ouuv C. t? O IL A*ljnit^?eI Irnlnr. Ali'lieeul, agniin4 th?\ ifcl .K^t^ lin<( rrfh-lrlilrlivt* of RkrixI'A SflPVttt*: ?lei-ei?r? J ?(To-legltl lu irr etul / -tlVe^?ir:<T. Vfi Snw^ASia.1 . V 1,-gni to-trr nr.] MlillMHrtllehlrmt*- , . (lliu VsUH^ilillHIM-ll, HsJfwIilphir-l'i' /.i.'i.ih j\ r /'<? ?l Si/tlpn<hl *bA J),rrtr. IT ?} > nrtiig tlmt III. lictit of I Vgyy JMvlii, X1I1V nf' rvlly l4^l^ (, i1> rmi?iMN'ira<4 K*?flJ| i ii?hrire?t* A^?t?e.Krv*vh, 'I?r-e*m!.*-ki4ie ,, of S?|Jtf*JW?. ^ ! ? Ire. <*f,dfnM? . > I If an sfftni', iU-fn-trfVif--.'ttfnu H. ifUr|>f>aM, ( ?, ni.d .liWt ij.litt J. fcM jU'nWl. lutrtiir - diil.l of- O. W^JUtA' Mhi d^uflfl. eUd S; ihe l?c?l ITH'f e*??l Tr]??*'?^?tMtlvre yf IWer j i IMlttM-A Mfu I \irl n, r? rWr Wymul 1I1 ^ liinite^wi ?Kle M . lrlmnlrrrf! ni>A*ifr>rfA1, tlmt ImVuveA 1 pert!,* iltt np|?H*r etr Court ?>t Or.liitr r> v 1o w IioIiUui Nt <i?vrnvUlw Court IIiSM^/A . ? I ill* limit i ilny , of Al*ri*, iWWUJjw ' ?livW cuif miy Ilij-y Mil, M liy 11 niiM r Htliiiirnt of i|t?- Krtittrt of KKi'KWTA . ^TONf-i. O. U .-WtK1M'AlfI> etid ) glSClle r l.A M^KI.''II, .( O.'hk.I^ net Utiifri. 1 ap<l lii'incr pi ten tlureow. i Oi?r|l under my hmul mid ami, ll(Jf> A> ville C??t?rt tliir 'JSkl Juv u!4tw| w1 L?r. A. ) .. ItMW. *?r- \ 0 ' IIUMKUT HvKA-V, iX O. n, [?.?.? . r J#ol W M 'i ' ? STATE OF ROUflt CARblJllA/ OKKk\v.ILI.K nn*TicA ^ , 1 . IN. OKDINABV. ^\ | 1 T* T. MaySrl-V, ^4in?n rtrotor, Ap|>li? r), , offofiirt John N. MeyMI nn.l rihv*^ fi. fn*4)?Mtr?<.iV?l(ion /o# 'KhW fcl'X-Jv : OSS'SiS-'35? - ipp? ? _ ?t (mlt( nf iMIniirT iu.-U hold, p rt uvilhr-<Su)rt IUim> on FriJrtv! ? i aixth .irtj ??f Al.ii .-li n.-M. to I hnv lii v c.H), w!?> n Fionl Settlement h ihtf KK1 :??M* ef >*i:AHAM V(V ilee.-Htawl, *4innlil not lutf; tnd I - i#? |tiv?il lhf?M?IL .. . i ji II4 Tl.if 41?. .1-tv ni n>r., A. T>. lfrt? tv* 11 . - ; ?f' B " V > OKSy.ST4VW.Ut J?l*Tliurr.. :.u *'r w ^ ^ ? a ?a Jon* AM??*-xif?>'Rxtimvw,"Arvli<**?l;*p*tl* A?rt?MJtr4-THt*??|^t?w, ??ti oiiioi*. 1? fm' bvit? ?f J|,m?* Al> "-"'r *f TT Hj.|Mtn+rt^ .that -J.oenh Tl.omf.eoW, ? .inline TiioinfMiin, J**l?n 1 lii.ti.ioon. William 'f|i.?iin?.w, IMxwi,llwiri'^?d I'.Jljn Ann U>M>r.- "bia WW. mid dWH-'./V*' d.r, lie* friiiUiiM, rvfid# tj^JiriWt?l<.f IliT* Slate* ""It U llHmt tiitrfWiiiiA Wirt thfV llfl nt a (Vint of tVili.mrj he iiol.ten nt.(4'v?ti*Ttl?C>urt on thfc (trm/pacettiffi oj Hun* ur*t, (n fjl'lt M***, if nny iltt-y van. Vli v a Fti.ailfc-trt*m nt ?f the .S >4\tFH Al.KX'AKi IH'.tt. rtoryt??f?i. rl.ou'-.l not bh liaA, g IbcrM tfivon * ?>? > > >?. Thi* 1 Ut ?lny of January, A. P. IKfi*...-,' . ij KOUKKT Mi KAV, O. (J. R Jaa* St . ?Vli ff^HK r.>|?*nn?*rai.i|? fn the pMMtfe* ? .X M or?l?tfota ? ?( !ii.|r^HwM4 . i*. a. n. riit)AK * a. j>; iu?kf.> at* - n\.-.I l.y il..' lit *tli nt-the Tnfinir. Nhtrt an.l* AeentiW#' .hiv Hi? Kioii, ??? in? ftyt* of tho (.armor*. ' ]*' - A. I), it Okie M. Ik .' PR. A. P. ItOKr. <IH fontinoo the W tle? at the name fMllw formerly |w tl.e ilrm, where lie may ? f<>Hi.d. at ?r Wur* i.ijtht Njot ib.yv |imlrr$iaiuttfj tuoaiteil, Itlreelioiia left dlinygkW *l*<?<*l;e< ft hie Office, |h? liAliae gijt ityu.k ?f Col. D. Hoke. Vjll ric-eK.-|>r..iw?t nlteotioik A. 1). MtHfe.a. R I juiy n ? - *' JA#fes M. A 1,1,KjC ' *r - * - *1 isiJHpai w'mniwiU; r r"r M* ' ?>* ? w^"T ohx cnittkvdmr1^ vm. riwa^i jutmuf sm,, um. *?,? ~j|l ' '..? y- ^