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at "v -? . h4>' 9^'v: 1HN-1 A^wwS"' ?n' a?v*W*?.|V?>' * VAtfVKitWriRMKNTS r Hfit ' ' WWt |>? iiiHcrtcil at ?hr mlra of owo iMkf MiMi*.. of ft jatntom' yKV*4||rt*??. for ??o ftvrt tmwrlion, ??TC?*v Be%^5** fnr ,l,e ???* iWJrH iorvrlU'itn. tun) M?T?? mjtJ/fy wnh fir raob aiicn-mi ing iiijtMctfcx;. . B. JSsSTrSrt r%#rRe? f<?r wl Uic nihu of ?? -.-n'jr -In > .? ?i? 2EE" fc?r H?rc. C6. , jR; ^uliticnl. Ml* - ^-^Wprongi 44 uff^f -; * W '"' R*port ?* Special Ccmmittcf i '."6M Nrmt/uii?t>s of- fur/nitty v thf F V" -'K H . IIk' h|?rwl fm'iiimiliI't*, 4?>-HlH>n> B;?. ' *M^rn iffcrnj ilic A !lowinjr " lVh.r*ni, Tl.i- C.Yti.rol AmwiuMv. *** 18>li I >< * *? l?rr, i8(l'2, |iiti>*e<i' " , 'Ml 'Art f.Vt?\i.lii,i; f.? ill., . f ll,.. iif MiUli^rx ?.f tliio KiHii'i now in M-rfic... \.l, r,l| \ firoviilcil ,-ii ?> (ttr 11 < ^ ' vijirit* lb, ?IW>i'um? J lie-1 Jir*jfc| rwiiuH Iiin<i? l?\ ll?<- *-,i.| An f..i I lire jmi|M>x>s Iln-roof ; s\inl ?#Aivw>?,' for I ronton* t|rf(M?il'gr)n(l Hii.l Miltt.-R'irt- lij ! lu'in, ilio fi,-rt?*ral ,\s'j-t'ii11 v. imwIih^i^I ^ilK! fi|>|Hiiutinu>U vf iiiti Kai\i i?|? ^ 1*1 i*fu?r UiO wffn. i* WW lltoy Iuol t'n j AvW trArtr**, **SMr A* K.xi-ontUu of iltf? Slate j.uWIi.-WoJ * jjpflxdMHt Uccl.-u^ *4? Ilint iWy K>ui'L<(V^C kol iu;icvl_ lo ?uwk?? ilioso ;i|i]...1i tin nis ; Mint in oon' ^fq??<?nro of mi !) Writim* 1111? >\n- Im ttL H*r <jf* tiflVMn'cf aniT tlift.fdM kHiftno tin* ! JK>,>l|p* ?'f lW* mid Muit tWvvfori- < Jic, I'V iliOKititl (."roclirmniioir, h|'|>. loud - iWo o44 lJo:ir>l* Wf KrWcf under imi Atl * ./ jo|a4?le4 1?v tlii* iSruirnt AwHill'ft'i * l<> J* #v?i court ay y tLv ic*li. I | ,iliv -lU* fund,' n|?i>ro ^rmUd Uv lU Act of tWi* (J, ncujl As JttUlldy; ami nuiftorizvi 111o fuWI <>l?i * wvtlve ami ^ny out ' uRol H|<pf< j.tintion : iii.-u f. if, iW, >Tlm< iWis/lIow?t>. in Of mik-Ii proclamation un iiMiitl' Wi.l , .fcC AfTd^ol.^coW-n^, il ,lo r., Wired lo ?. rl-- (iT ,fhe PrPKnSfc. V, Uousc to iniy' ci>io;<k'iaii..n tin-. K ' 1'1 (inventor. Wearing <ln e 2Uili Ik4-|?iiV<t, rS0'2, i.hsl (?.> ii><|tiirii nitder Be; vl*iU juiilioriiy <?f I**, or ilu<^ rift- Ha n, il I.h* Iti-ii wm?c<I. i?i>d feint? ctfH| rfeio*!mucv* (if a*y) pul>tt ?feAud ?im flowing jmrtiofj of the W?M?U<J of Wis KxcelWnoy llf? Clovernor " t r tin; linpK'sMon lliat waul of 2 Hnio |?i <-\<-ii icH yum iip|>oiniiii<; 11 B> f ItoAiils .it IJ?4 i?*f. |ifn> ??I < 11 lor in v.Mr 'lo iiihIcc In ai<l j HL ?..f lliv falniliife ?Jf fcoMiuns, ????1 ?? ri-p. al |*k km A?l ti.iiilid An Ait to Hirot.l >.i.l to of Mikfrerfei nn(n.'.l OH tll?? | 2IM <l*v of iho 'your of Mr. Oiii'oiic lloui-;ni<l ? i^l.t Kvik)n-?l SKf.4M riity-ono.* riMnu^lii^lv *??? i??*V gt ?j |m.imin^ the *?W lhj?.-<tfc tyMMUf luj i*rfnnn. for tfce Uine, duties |?ro- | p |*"*iW?l hy ,i!m Aft. > l|AUiif; kiiI^ J KL ?|iM-utU learned IRut the I " vf the IV?i?r/U ?M inirjM*"ly' deferred, Wb iktul op. {Brihgj tMAftrt tuition of Hie Act. "r |w igrlhinkTnu l)?M ;he fund could Hut In* i j drm?n l?y any ??tbet jhan the B9&3 y.)kmhltd Trenmirc'gi provided f?r. Nw.ill HOii.ii* tt-<lor tin* prnefnma tion M usk lento wjh' iu 't?>)H>|t: HjRj^* Yout Committee deem i: niune.-wary Wjuf to report tin: fact*, ns they nro fuUv and i Mttfod in the rcMilution* *do|> i I'M l?y ''? ^n,l?i tit??l In itiu llc-vsa^e I *rt>? wi liia. Kxoelleuey the Governor. As*. | Pa* ^ttweeer, they have fraind ihr>in??lvc* |q&i ^"ittphlled to report thnl the Vroefaina lion of the 2Y?rh, was' not i??ui?rf unfir>r 2KV lit* Jlnthority of !Ire laws or the OoimM^^^HpM'.iori, they tjiirdi ? only j?*ii?v > e* ( - W f.?e*r> their nnniiiinotM opiiiittii. lloU hi.t bBP wn*#'??ovoriied if 1d?~*ctioit tlx hutioriJl,. mid patriotic motiw*, /tiid ftn iuincifrvl ui:dcrH???->nK of <b?i the HttgithilOf* 'I hev there i B:,'"(fr??e tccotntnelid lliv pn^hgO ? f the foU jowinjr resolution* ; S JK Rwired. That thi* lIonM con f!n.l IP-' ,im nttthority, in the law or under the MM? ( /qtiMioii.o.,, fr>r ilui proebtlii?tth?t? of ft* ,K.\fc*'Tl* no* the "Hoveinor, dnteo y it'iforntfc<l of, nor. Mjtrm Irirjiifrr P )ihv? llicy' twll xU'! h? iIk'0?% imv jE^ir?tlm>>Ul?V< > VsbiVO KlnivlvU il? jSf. Rrs\,iur<[, l'|t:i?, U) a?s tTif- lit "1 Bhwt kr n??ii#c, mni ih< } <-iH'y?ooul of Itj* K\r< l!? i.t \ ?! I.i- M< < prrvoHt* ll?? notion llie K\> C* % I#Y* iiv? Jfrop Uail'flL rouJfjidi-tLilllO > i?rn fe& ||,1> l!*n-n <1, , iij'jl jttiv ltull.c of 'v)*tu1on . g|yy . '"* Aww:??/r'* J>r<jriamotion J mnlt (lie Cuttowi " lH ll*|,orl ?n il?? (loveniot *|K,v the iMi?1vrr|)(flo<k- Jw*/ ^jj^^K^Lttfel^Bulitoit lh?i following .pie ? * ; ?? I""'r? to hen ||, idH* V **~n w*#nfore?d( lie [\ \li? Kx. t gh * Vc of ill# Sihu*. U U IiV Jin* lip IMBI luUi??n?? uC d V^:i' * * ? h+ I i Slav, iw.r with 4*w iMk4w<A?eAMMWif>ia ?nipnitf(i - ' * - J (ivi-? n#c rn<?nrtk j ttfr^om ffil ?!??f U^voK^ Hivi tJRtfK^IO ?p. . pr?^?rml\Mi??- 1 H<> iaftrvl*UM?<*?U' ;j vl'lln^ fcwifMtt i.f (lip? ?*ir nfld ?C??? J^!<3ji"li k*s rfouta | If**. M K*c*M?itcr t1??t the** luiuilfo* would xi flVr for llm ruI t'f iMfcfo tlrb ?m-?*ling of- tttt - ?WI? ?Wr. fill.- (>mh(1s yyeru nlweni fight.i??? fv>r-tht-ir ctHiii(rvw-< ? - K f Thr#- of Ueprercn'niiwB 8na?f iV fotXjlotloii, rtt) tlwj ?Uf cf thtfr ii<:j-'iirniiK i.t, ilin-i-Ulijj .Ilia ff.lii.Jh-r 4;? ilotril^u.'^vf ?|?JVOlVniN lv? tor- rTi?. m?jvh*1 fhM?ttic.-i i?J rii>tf?lTo be benefitted, till iim-v t*fnhi Yih-i.i ii ilie. tv.-Miclli of .trtriUMry, aitfl until (.ili.-r H^.|M.iiiUj?yfiU^Vl^?ul4.^w| lofcdkV,*T)ii? Irtl-luliutt Vm* 1-?1 jtl the S?-??n?f?, ??? ! f?l* Kxerllcncv-miffJit nrvll finvc Mtppieed fV?*t *? nut of timo 'Id r .J ,? g * .I '* - *!> S n -*n~' (lit? hH tilt!. | Cmlor iW.?e nunmr-tnncen, actuate) Uy llit* ]>urt*?4 nfiiUforroi" i'|ha? of irfkhn/ < )?? i?f tr^-rCil families of Otir jr.-.llHift sx>}< 1 mrm?^ lie. iiMitiined the rC?poi??>ibili|y urfjwtiHrig hi* f^f\cla?niiiipn,"U?a^?iiyiL,jt? ouq l.DMH-li rf iho ]^h>lntHru lutfl nlrrKily lar-fartf, tlint the"nkl hfonrrfc of IfeftH IioTiM i-i-niiu.?h) Ifoir halter till the Lf-gi*l.ii'jte I'd Juv>uiiil>io<l, Mild use m port tioii of lli?? fimM *ppro|ni*tv<b, tr? km re f.?iiiilit-? front imtiC and Kutyn .low,.' . ..v tpiir S' In vh'i'-prlhi-vftirtvtirWMffehrtfeets .' 'Miu .f thai liij F\i i Mcitc>'x?JV^ ?utp lumtl uc awms rouimitjljij; ^wy or doing*- bur wrJ.nif/ It is intfmaaibln to MippoVe thit^ tie hitrtfch-d rtj.y-Uir.iiii; > tw< nt mi the ami ptlKtint of il|o Lrydktuie. lid diti not believe thai W*tiu* rhU^tlng' ??'}* law or <*t?ns|iiuIK'iial jMO?U.joii. Chi the coin tary, ho ImJ it-right to hi|iJhi?ii| tlml lie wax li'tiiltfig"* friendly band to a^fisl tho fe jiialiiitiro in-the t xi'u ixo of tht-jr no hlu ittnb jMilrioiie chioilv. Instead of ta-Nijf1 bvnfcwdM. lie - ir.l?ht * tll lirtvo hni>|m>,-i<-i| ilinl lii-.'proinpl ncllOfi in issiinfl liU.JrtoclHOi.ilioT), ami making the npjti?n?ri?iion wriwInWd for the pur* |iom! for wlnoli it iuttudrd. wouhj meet tit* t-niirw approval of. (bit Gene* rat -* * -? ?-. TTie hiaforr of ih^Ptato U not wrthoul pu-ee?W'nt for. auclt .noti??n on the purtef ihr IforniiMof Sou*h Carolina. S?vi>nl (JiiiTmiiiiM t---'- -- *? ; ^ V * c njr|?tjiim;\if III limes past, j.roxit* to rijrToieut the Suite iu the meeting* uf Stockholders of If trhuad Coiu|*uiWi when the Iu*?ii?fattire had adjourned without, milking bllill .MpjM>fl?llll^>Wft, llll'l Ulllo* tl??v u?;ra ituidt by U?<r flo$$tii?f tlie Mock of tWe State ?voul?i \t* nurejHirosr-nled in wich rooet itrspa. Governor Adam*, whilst ?diiiiiih>Mi>g tlif Jul!** of his oflTee, took (lie ri^poiiidhflity of approI? ialiug loo or iifyceu -thbWHipl dolbtis met of Military (kuiiiugciit Kund, tore* uiM ??ne af.llik'OuHtgu huUtliflg* *h??h hud Ims-o lornt il^wn. Instead of Ikj>|>U < 'ii"Hre<| Jor tUU Jici? he. ?>a applauded for k jlifinghwii tlv? P,tMO, Hml wlu-n the legislature Mseinhted, ir*wji? ?ai<ediiit(tl ?i?d k>ijnHr.ed, During ilie 'adhTh.i-nratiuiv.'of Ticurerpbr Gi*r, tti? l-egi-I.'itnr#', ntSh a.n npprcpriaiiou of one Imuilivtl thousand dollar* 10 U> vtnvti, for the military dvhnoo uf the Suite, under the dinreiion uf the Legislature. Tlu v never ditccled his Kseelfeticv ex* |>i< r>1 v lu use one dollar of t'ltift approI piiatiuli, bill lie Jul ill aw froi* the i ri'sriin' Iwen'.y ftrc or-thiithytltouie! njfd dollars of thi* itkitktjTj* Wlul nppHed it us he thoujjht lu*1 foj the defence of lli Stale. Whclber the Legislature wo old have ~pplk*h$L iv the same way he di t 'iot know . No daub'- iheie ht?? U!anV-rdufit%r ftCt? di tho pari of the 'Kscctllivo, it llicv ollld hp fouuil. hilt tinj titMhfrcigned has tiu time |o luuk ihtiti.nn. *> r ?. j "**' VK*!i 'Covei jtor-Hqtilijiin ftkvvj nincd th?r? ftv opposition to 1>m |?v^|ai nm!i?h, n'rrtl Mint thfc old Hbiirtl* wnnhl n?H rripoiiMblo on ifieir i In.iidn for their fthihlul ilkbioaiMneiu ??f jthp ftlinl received^ Jhj iintruotltl th* ' Tic??tir?T tmf to %>ver thi? &orwv, | ami in hk to ihi? J lnui-w" hit" ( I h fair mitt tuHliktory of il?o wholt li \r.-ni*lh.i. * " H ' ' 4 | '?)ie iiiMlcmiRix'il onnryot jWrreive, ,i( I ihk trr-iwitatiotu HiiyUiiinr to jn* . Mify ferfiMi* rortAu'm of Tti* Kxc-Hwcv, o /, ' lb warrant tho* i?l h C*nn inline l? invertijtMlo tin? eircuiusktmice k ' itml r?-j>ort thereon. whether tW? WMi)i I V??| fif *H?Uuo?i of lU? CvJ?>lU?l?Otl.Wll< r f?w* "of il.,< P.ut?f.o? MU*-lt;S^pprl|TCW c llm ri^WiH Htti! ^oiv iKi^o* ofijit* (Voerr I A?ftJnliTy. ^\'u yi?e K 4liti ,|>UIM ! ol (Mt>Minor I'mittiMnV inV^i?* *. -i?i tltl Xm I l, ! . N? lull III ) **. fWtllt.-.Ko III U ' Itcnon . 'I'll? rrof, M In ?.f .1 pi I In til I??l^ji?i nli't*]ftr-) tl. itMII, <!fvolv<i U>-4y; J? ** V^WN^i . N i ;!?? fc'.Ht*, r. I.o-o ?ra* I ?||*1 MfiJ, nn ! w firt- r motne^ nr? nip * iW; J., ?i... Ht Iu?- i?;( sliOiul ItaveTio*^ . ?ii ^ j ni<ler lit* circiioiatunM?. M tL fi?? wad* tltt NwVj*et df iuvrKiiffKiivii^ kftUUu ll.*.4$?$Z * / r' ' - 'vIt.' 'J*; ' . ' Sfe*" . *n :.:r- *: . - U-J- ? ?'- 1 . -iV3U.j iio? **' - -i*js jk ynica^ ;"?** 7 -tooth ^t>M*Un? wltega; Mr^Ouft ?. ?w. ?*& ..r -Mtoouhjneniim^ rgriU. thwlJ hoar Mo lent ned UfentlrtMh M1*?k ?h? co|h??, Ihti^ifnctuiu Vlul* ?diftc4 of. lJiM*whK%?;*iwl.*cn><.?. 4kr,:y* pot now- uew di\ l?jiv?vor >V?r will M>e, ?u WuirlTi-Hh the onr Ki*U,. thai - !(?{** > ??f ti??>ie .real servii'o <>r injjtvrUiV than the South CSooflha (3?rfVeg*,. iftxfc not only'coin*i ?*p to4 but bv.iiur U^ctntck-U I tin most mmruinn hop** ?nd|?p^Mttioiu? of it* projector* Hint /uutidfv. Kr6trt It;k rfcy (4 light has .hurt* liii, lots uot only ih luininatwl our own 'lrcd unci jsailjuit &mte,-tut, ir^ji.liHapri-b.l ' * ( influnnJo /*?" - >" ? ' I??' WM ui LT ?iMi?r o;nii?f i itr-*Ui?ti*M^G?>rj^uv A|l?unu. MWiwip. j pi, IjQuuiana, the jidc-nproed and pruirie.cufrtn'O Tmm, also, the SlnlC of Mufide. Sif~ vh?H ie at a lime like ilii% wL(,d i.ft the li)ci|?tiK v of our national existence, AjivoriMioil loo by h pe*Wul enemy fir ???f ?on?? of the : ?A.i<l, ,ld anything 10 iuWe ]itt^rAlitr, ??r immure! *cmhico*. N\ Mr, thi? i? n* ?U'wWe; impolitic, ami. UMHti'MHiiiiliU. l?MIac?|?? cook! jtOrtlhlv 1>(hI1 otihhtntQ u> lhi? enlightened funil we say i<> the rising genoratiyu, r^.dos.a the doors of tho Ceinplo of Mirny* t*r von f 'yott ik# /(jup: fi\w6 ?n^!f he fbtieritt' wi rnv -voiriji, mid mnobooil and oI?f n?e skull approach ton > oii wiiiwuu diwjWiileii liiMHeo of on education J uulJ, jsir, thai I ItMcl tho yiii of iiMfrll, ?* " (he jiyw?-r id ?h'CjUyi?W, :',M' I riiightpfcyu! tll? c:\u-o tt unfpet l<>notj*d of ch-fit'e* of lenrniiijE*. and of knuwjotlgy,, Uh ! tii.'it ! HmUl t?y Kiiuto cik limn iiMiit, in v.iko the spirit of her dead owfctort. WW t would cull op the rjuril 61* MW>6jip*, of Lit:.ire, of J'rtfU?iik and of liei iiifchy orators l<> defend her noiv. huw I vfould. show ydW tho bright stararthnt hnvj! hi?** !? fioip llioro lityo |ionorcd wall-?hor lliirpef ahji Uerrgrew, Ifthl Caperrf, irtrtl "Knil6.*'Mi<J lhnlcr,*mni Lungstrce', am! O*N?al, ihul Mcinnnnper,' aiul H whole* host of oilier^.-? Speak oot to iwe, sir, of any men, of the comparison of wealil with kito*l edga. Np sir. Caro'inrr, hail shothe untold fluid'of l'cru, \f asked for ,Iter jewels, wodldfltkteffio'mother of C^wcol^i, point to 1*?>C t)idf?lfltii?.h\jd sons, Xly worthy friend, frcyn Union has wet! am! ably rani, thai th* S??oih'(-a: "rolina Cotton dhl more' to dlVifso knowledge, ediioulion .j?mi\ etiligslcn ruenl. all thronpli the upper coiv.ry, than miything el-*e ; tliat anteiiof lo itn erection, U^e onhr^ jtenh ?f ih^ Sinio wlio werv.ble^fil w iib lih^ral edoertion>, vote inr>r noi>? wi uic new IUCU wiio could afford to evud Umir rona ft cul!< ??? to litw North, |V> fuigUr.d. orV?:??t> ' land, or Germany. ^UiU, air, thfi B,er tr Miid bitting ? m nut in thy r?cli of 0?? |K?or limn, or of ilia man in nW| *r;tfe ^ircutnaUncea. ejr, wLe. ll?oi-Um of the people, wftb vOit, "mliMt. BuJ. Uftuy part of VpOr Side whs nut-guneral.'y nii uneducated ?m?f ?Miit.r 1 ale people. Sou now, *ir, 4?y U>? U'Hif one* of ihi# Siato HiMitniiun, wi-dorv. knowledge nnd editnilioh i* jlilhi*Vd all over our fsale; and now, sir, lor thi* or any oilier literary ~*>r enlightened Legidillnrc id Chink; or hesitate on*, inn ipent nl Ihe.Urtiing m!o*meuU leqyir0r\ for ifi? support oT >n?rilt>tieil. in vandalism in tluv^xtreme. "* tyi^cwrinn hh?ll pi^-erve.'th&v, tpm whdMrft?|ufiug shall k' ?]> thee." liuK.f-ir.ilie day l<?u touch the co-rer^lniioof thai Msliiuiioti. I will l>e h dark nnd gloomy dav f<r South I Carolina. " For I lift* iiihri liai.-''?*h? of ! whdvin ia belter than (Itn merchandize I of silver, and the gam thereof itinn fine I . 11 n 1 fsgi . ? - ? - - > Sty, there ii? but one thing.thet 1 re tfret,"*nH that K that our belorttl Hirk oa? ??ot l>?eu iicl? cuwu^h .to educate nil her SOtii Without CllHIgffc, or ?lr i ftotlt f urice. Money ejient in ethical ion nl j in r ^ose*. is Wtlcr then iht^nt it t- H*?y c.tftor imttn/er ; Mini tl/vn^U tin i Si?uo educates ?ny, **r ?** ?>f iu?it.<l?n( . t at half rest "1 relict licit the. onto iVfow ??|>fen lifer eoHepe iTotfb, free < , eoe^Qf ?.-h*rg?J "toulf lire youth of th . Slate. ? if? 'T . V' ' r Mr.VpoaVer, tbi* bus Wen tl . t???KJ to mi# for tbe.jioor ytiHit. Jlmi |? s r^irl \\iKy>cutil<r rnf-on few linixirerl <!?: h Jem to |?ju* In* child iTftough colleg r if he in nflev iii? tvrrc l>iu UuO hit / kcK. waa ?nro to r/re to )u>n< ,| 4>rftj'rni?^ xrtn'.th .And |><iwej. An y. wi", it tk'fKHn tliu 11:?!? . of (ho |joo.r i?i? U fl'?t AtOM t-JHlll ir '"'S k^C. Ui 'lit--* ropp.-rrt PAUft At ut*W l |^rrttHhM^fdXCiO-tnp erndii H?* to ore ft vA HI ^ cwimw c?Vrt ? Mfyi???<Mi?)>Hll*? Itk lire *! ire jdtwsre <?f imnnr. * >?{ tm d'r.;]Np#reVr."F'*irf"T,m? *,r*r~ *** f *?vr \> W iK d'*#!1!1^^ *J of Akti IvklitT. re iM tifet |ilM^|.4WUL#AtiO Khvo A . j Uxjiu^i ijt tVo*>x 'J'i*y /J Wj^Ya,' ' ... ;8 '.. t!'i ?<l ,i ii a M v i'mln l i. ,r' '1eCt?d end oared for, both UhJ'pka**a ^txl in ijwimi ;.htf<( r htcr? fct-r .'Mi emutigh dot* fortlva. Madiera jvt, K wunndod softlWrs ayd cnru tripled better ,??td mora roij. licnt Vosjrlnl* for liio*e ipdbinL notrtb fcpy#, who !;?ve die?c ;Jl tjroior Y.prd Jigl.jpno for us; and thw ,iiisiiiuiion should n??iii? lif*vo iw ]W)rtiiU thrown fa' ;lU? .J Mure.a&l un<ktr^HU?.?lv ovwr ihreo tUon- k *nuU v?pl>lic*M8 M the Arw??w thia season. not one-half of tihuitt could be HiVoUiuirdnU-J. I wish,' Mr.'ottf college (1 nil be?n oi*et>vjl and Ii'hiI in one or Lwe^rtiiUtMMp jnofessors, and there is U.0 doubt Uini hl.o would have been crowded with those who, in ?o??^?y, n?oet ( Vi.-hl the di-siinies or our State. Sir. w? her? a strong and aide Itoeol of i*ro[W?o/s ^it w ould 1ms TW^no hko lo iIi>1>miiiI tbi-m *w the tiitiinf Mitiv of No sir. I?t uh k*v|i iherv i vhihs Jwt us givo thcut ( licit housed nful lli. ir rafftVtbV luid na soon ns Ve-can/tei lis llrfow open tho door* of tUc leu: pic of MiowAh, nt if iuvile the youth 6f <>ur cottiiHy to *"gol wisdom, itird m lUh tludc jKHmg* 'n ct ?rmJ*T#tHmtin^rA:>J may -MMhtlUe, fa'ffarc, 1'efigrew, NVfaAr. 1'teuton, O'Senl,'- K*?h?, 'Otper*,' Mrttdv; ijiniili, nndMl hoAt of Other*, eVlte" mid VtimnInto ihim-ttpward and oilw?n!, nutil we shall hare raided o?h?r*Mlec*oi* for another ?gv.M 1 hope ttlc bill will jp?t?U. .i '. 1 'L .. . 1 V <??mp Trttrrg. ? iT&OM PW&EFJ.eKSBtfilO, VA, .>*" y < VoT-j ;rf ?orrff*ponUon^? of \tU Enioi|?iec. Camp near l'Vedci iePslanp.. Va., ) .Iniinary 2.7th, 1803. J Afcsgrs. Eilijftra?1)k\u & i?9 : Since J* V, J' ** '* I ' "> -c 'tiiyroiurn to Virgiiiii*. if.ban ever Weir iiiy wisli to comply witljr your reijiio?it to s*?nl Vow An colnmuuicHconcerning our" Ann}' in this part <?f the gryat drnain, but'have not, Jin<l '"the loisu7e to do so. Hat now', the grunn.r being eclrered w ith anew, ai;.J no drilling or gunrJ <tely to perform, I am permitted to write you. Very many interfiling incidonta have occurred since T ??w you in Greenville Inel mimineV. I marched on foot about two 'hntidred mihn W'foro o.rortn!<ing i the nruiv iii M ?rylnt|d. and fonn-1 them lying in lino of bnttU the inoroin? after lire h?h' of jWmepMmig; They w<yo much j-idod and worn oat wflli long. -inMrchitig *if?l lutrd fighting.? iimj i?-a I ttl little u> eat ; manv wctfl | Imrofnnt. rugged ?ih! covered ui"th dttp; and ?nukr, jet lln?jr were comparatively cheerful. The im<xi day, after re crossing tlia Potomac, tlmy seemed elated w,jth joy?lh??v fc't as if thev had "fiol hack tminr. Wo were Mioiiiiijted ilbout si* week* at the 44 Pig ' nf-ar Winchester, where nil ,were supplied with sheet and clothing. Front thence wenuAielmd to th?lpep|M;r, g^ottt one hundred miles, uhero we were in camps again about one month Here the sohliccj ware ftnid o4T, nnd those who had acted the coward in the were court manialed. and pints i-Oted according to their criiiM*. # OfH e'er* were dropped from flieservice. Wl tirivatwe pon\sliMsk *Ouo in the First Palmetto Sharp-shooters dtuntmed tip and down dm linn* on' dress parade, with turn side of his head sliavod, and a wiiiic ln>iiri) tied ner<>as bin hack, ami on it written, in largn character*, " 1 atn h coward." Thuvyou m>? tliero is but Utile inducement f??r acting the onward. 1 >enth is far pitfor.tblc. ' m* 9.t,** #- J. * f - % Vr<?m' (htljH.'1'jHjr, we marched to Freflfrtvks'nrrg, W distance of. nbout | twenty urihw. The wlidle iliatanco the first lii-gimetit (fh$ ohe to wjdcli rny company l*?haij^\ ban-inarched since it came to Virginia, in August, begin ning at Oonlontiville, then i?n to MannsI sua, eeo??huj the Potomac at T.oeaburg, i thence to Frederick City, in Man luiid-, ' "then bnek l?y Hon?iwlior6\ Sharpshnfg, ? ^uudieeter, ^olpappcr anil In our prosit out |?>Mtinn. in about six hundred miles. * They battf l*en 1n H\? bailie*,, the <ir?t ' ''U crowde* thvt l.'api Ian, then Malms a aaa, Shnrpsbitrg arid Prvih-rickehitrt. Vm.? jnv 6<nn|iAny, Mr, ' H. II. McAuUv, *a* kilK>l ? Mnn'nsM> ?Hs, and fifteen wounded. Vivo have < i nr i w diod from ?li-#-ano, ami l-mieriy it. ?l ir-iasifitf tine* tho battle o ;?i ,Sli?rp>litnjj. 'I lio^e." who hi?V? <Ji<k< ' /from <lisft-H>*?5 are I.ii-irt. T. \V% Powell ?r\ private* Runnel* < W*rtn,. Eli %? Johnson Joint ItUbof* and Minm-h \V. Bridge? Hi We Imve hoard ma oral tiiuthat Mr & , fcoa*ter *hh s prisoner in. New V'otk H4nj w?t Iihvo |oo llv IrrpvJ it warj. k Hi- till tureiiiiy. 1 llailho, of on '** tol?l twv, n days nfo, tjn My, iu> mm, lha <Uy after tin Wattle < pd- ftiinrpMi-tutfr mi Orderly Sergeant of tL w "VinH KronUfiht IVmijj dead between oti *t-. lAW if ItMiif jlritl >h? packets, ftr.d. fw,i *<* d>u..Wru*rrr) ?( tbii may. 1 In^'n n * "<* hof>* hi?k Wiii^r #ay^Hhi itffc.thairXU. Ifeuor. Mfi?wiu4if di [ ' ' *I 4Sl - - y . j,. * il*> l0Vi is.-fijij i.L* , III'.' jaiufc.-.b*. WoljguJ. H} it. Mr. 'Veaator 1j? ita only targwmt hii?i*injf. ?>?}it?no/ni?d?um feo, lintfon * i?|uyifw^TH cp^iifa^Muce. fondi*^ tfc& t?^K>rt, blnck ?fei*k ;ers ami cuwuai??.1i?, a darfc-Ujathor bound ( Mmo^nt oft hi* l>o*<>ua. MjiI ? blnok ftlt 4?nt, -Wltli a bole cut in ihe Lop." AU il?f?e tUipjf* Identify Mr. Fea?ter. I%t K tan just Uprned from, * letter Irom Uviik:,-ilmt Rev. Mr. Arthur Iihk neon a toi'.li'MKHi ivho said l:o ?aw. Mr.^ F^aster in ifm*.York, nn<t tlioyk bands fhH l?iip. lb'* clrtwye ii)*.U> Imp* again thai Sergeant Feiwter i* in New- York, and will be/home soon. i Jtfajr k I*, wo. , Xo one fiaadooe more wutViee, nor dlepl.-vjed more gallantry,, ll,.n I>a ITS- L? .1 ?? **c IW? 1W IIIC WSfl|'HHT Ixicri irruparnbl*. lie had no bnttintwti in ll>fc buttle uf ?jbar|>sburg, tor !? ? bad Ipen appointed apj \vh? acting / i*t; hiiI Cua>mi??ary (or two celt* before tiue battle. But bis ?o?l tm?d J?itli heroism, i nd rick-itninovi lo tbaie a common destiny with his company, lie > u&hed to ltie conflict, notwjihaiatnling tho earnest protestations of the <Jouinit?sary against 1?i* going. tfvon after tlie Vrenf batUe here at Fre.\crfoktbuTgi we gov p^r Irntr pitched and put chimneys to tlura, so tliat- ?'? now( comparatively, comfort able?not with-(anil itig the snow fs eight inches deep. It wan evidently the design of tlicgjueniv to have ad vnncedhn lis again last wveV; they made | tjie attempt, lmt l'rovioiicc interposed iij sending rain dud snow. We now think there will he no more active operations til! spring. Wo think to ho the greatest geiieml in the world, and his army invincible, llencc, if (he Yankees come Again, we make no other calenhitlon than to whip liietn.. Geiioiul Jenkins' ttvlgndc h*? keen firbt ng.Willi snow linlls the |aist two dn\v? tinve foiriuienta on a side. Today they | have hoisted lh? jing. ' Ko b?.Jv hurf," ate! nil io n good humor nut high spin!* Tlio battle is getting wflf tor luc, nnd t shot! l<oa thnn to morrow for fircenvijle, S._C.. tiring ninnng tlie fortitnnte to have a sixty days furlough. At the rug gestioti of(Iejt. Jenkins nnd the reiptest gf all the officer* of the First S. 0. V, i hnic chunged my commission from C?fil?in to C'tiuplain of the Regiment. believing I ejm do move good acting ir the latter enpseity. 1 have l-ecn noting both v npinin ? ?. C-.. plain ifl the Regiment, since I entile t,i Vilgiuln. To <iischi'.rg( the duties of either olfice, 1 was compelled to give SpouC; I preferred the.former, Would nht n J vise inv brotlier pieaelieVs la become captain, unless tlicy nie fond of being wrAried. If any of the company dies, some will charge "the c.vyso of hie denth to the Captain. If. ho doss not furlough iiie men, mime of the dear indies, (yrho are not well no-tJd iu array regulation*, hu<1 think th? Captain has full power to grant furloughs.) will "fall out" Willi him and s.y lutrd thh.g* about him.?' Some, I presume, will think -I did teraao in innkiii:* i bin chnn*j?, olhem will approve nud soy I did right. I have sought in thic, if* 1 do in nil iniport?"l uiidl-rlokings, die divine guidance, nnd tko voiir?? I have pursued, setmc to hnve l>?on hidienled by Providence Heme, tny own eofwrtVnv# at>. prove1, ar.d wlm't nerd I cure fur what a jmrt of (lie world iiwy coy or think. Ah I shall, in I he future have morn lfm?* f promise to write you frequently. Unpin;; toniut tmi imon. with my. beet wishes for your welfare,. 1 bid you adieu. T. J>. fHVIN, Co]d. Co. !', Fir ?t A tf. V. P. S.?1 will i*y to the friends nl (he deceased of n?v oonjpony, that if limy yill come to my house, (nenr Sir. McClannimu's,! I nnd giro me tl>? power of an ittonivy, J j will oollsct in lticiinioud wimt is due tpem mid send I iir'in the amount. I w ill b? ot | Iioiuc till lbs Inst week In ' r - T. D. 0. FB.OM WILMIKOTOIST, IT. 0. Correspondence of I'.* Southern Inioiyvljo, ' Camh Co?n, ) Near Witiiilh((i(ii, ff. O., > *. February 7. lSud. jf Dear UnUrprtM- Ihiriirg the past week nothing worthy of cpeoinl m>Ve ha* transpired in ibis vicinity. In codmsquufioe, ?ny letter, I fear, will contain little of-intcrcsl. First, I will endeavor lo give tou Miine idoit of iho vventhsr we have been _ i _ ?i a # ... -i :? enjoyin;icr tee j?ich i?? u?js, ?? it ?n* probably made a more iinb'Uible nil pre^slon Upon our minds and* than anything 0U0. Sunday, Monday, nnd Tuesday, U wsi alternately clear and cloudy, raining a little occasionally. Monday night we experienced a scTerc wind and rain storm, whuit continued for rumc time." Fortunately for most o] 1 u?, our tents stood ibe IJast. A. fow However, were unhoused, and c?pcac< to the severity of the weather, all it *diahihMU. In ibis re?pecl mine of ou neighbors ttill'unnj much worse than w< did. Ahonl day, on Tuesday mcrniu^ it commenced mowing, and snow fe j- briskly for some time. Ibe groun J being thoroughly wet. it melted as bu , ' as it fell. It ?b ared oil during the da l?ui remained ijuUe cofd. Wedneadu ' was hitter cold, particularly in tiro u Ccfooon. It turned a little warm o j duritjp ific night, and commenced rni rained all day * Thursday >u it j Friday, To day (Saturday) iircUmr iti >f i cold. It i* very rare that w'o have i o [ ruufch unpleasant weather all tn^oih< ir j- but vol endeavor to iiia'uu U?o LuaI <>t rx ly? can. H? ; <?rtAri<>rniit?ler Servant Satar arrlv t?r ! her* ob Mou?iav nvfmnj:, bringing ttL*V "ay an additional number of ten Hi a veA opportune tim?, , no v?ci?. natal of thi., ??ry t * t ' ft r* . **._i"~ -- ? pjfcrt of camp squtpage. Tho 1110a bare 1 Ui?Qibf Iwn enabled to much tnoro cotlifortable lb an they -?omd baVe i Wen otherwise, a- . *27 -Notwithstanding tho inclemency of I .tiro wi-alper, and nil the disadvantages 1 ''under which* we UWr, being, moat of ] us, poorly supplied with clothing and | arlich-s of conveniepco on this trip, \ Mm happy to state that the health, of our < Regiment is very good at present. Oar j Surgeon ref?orU,only about half a dozen r case* in tho hospital,- nffd about the * same number sick in camp. I bollovo I there i* not a soriou* c?*e of eickness 1 now in our part of the Regiment. I > hope such report* may be otlou made, 1 as to the health of our 'boys.'' ' It Las Well fr funr Ir... .....1 I. %vv vi i? V J "(1IU * there is no Sunday in o??ip. Marly oh '} Sunday morning Inst it was ordered i that there should bo a brigade int-pce-> i lion at 0 o'clock, a. bu. ' ^fceonKhgly the Brigade turned out, and was in- < fpected by acting Brigadier^ lendrai Colquitt. I conld never see the propriety of having inspection on Sunday. It i? required that there slialK be nu inspection every S?in<Ur morning.? ( Drills are usually dispensed with on the Sabbath, bet Dross Parade is b*?l as I UPtiaJ. " * ? 1 Key. 3. M. Green, otrr Chapi..-" ' preached for ue on Sunday* afternoon And at .night. Divine service in our ] camp is UsUully well attpnded. I hope M>. G'eeii's labors with us may be abundantly successful, and that much good may result therefrom. On \\odn?*day last we all thought ' wo were oil for South Carolina again. Aii older wfls received in the tnoi l.,,,.* | to bo ready (o march by ^wee o'clock, j p.m. 'ri vnler was obeyed., Bag], gage was packed, tents were <5t??ick, the t j wagons were loaded, and, with heaps'.cks on our backs, w* were on t!.^ for the depii a tew mi no tea after three. It js ?ooicdii.ij? over throe il*? '' from our oanip to the depot - AAvr hiring nnirclicd sonfething ovjr two mile.j, (he wider was 'countermanded, :tn<l wo t vr Are consteunsrolivd i .icfc to our camp, t ;,A.rr. in A '?u}tOlcr, all was in ?(ntu a yuo again. '11 "* nl----s upon j I Charleston and "Safan.iali was, I pre- r suitie, the cui^yol thii' or .'Sir. The >'*son why we returned (o camp <01^ bocame another brigade was (o go nhond *= ol oifrs, it having further to go. It was ' a Gooigia Icigadc. >Yo ate expecting ti to leave hero as loeir as we cau get transportation. Our destination will 0 probably he Charleston, or its vieioity. LicutooaiU'Co^onel Ioor arrived in ' o carup to-day# Jikt health is much itn- \ u nmvikl ' ' * II 1 here aro_ other liitlo things I'might >i JUculiob, but enough fur lu? pre*??i<t. p ' koJ. 1 FROM Kifcsrox. H. a Oorrftrpondonco l>t tl;i SouCio.-u Ttu'.orpilm*. fl Kijibtow,N.Febmar* 3, '03. Jtfusr*. EdiUtra: Hi mob the Into stirring erents at this place, a dead calm haa prevailed, and nothing break* the ^ dull monotony of ca?op oven ^ the filing of a gun. J > Y6u are doubtle** awnro, ere this,!: that n muss han been kicked up in our } ' Brigade, arid as it line bwii nlluiiod to I by a new*jm}*or Correqiondont r ho I I stoj>i>tyl at headquarter*, it vrill rrot bo j' /wUrulxirtd in me to say a word or I wo, (. at hmat, on tho subject. The matter will aoon be rnvestigah-d by the pr<>|>*r mil- i ilary tribunal*, and then tho public ran ' becoirvclly informed a* to the merits of the affair. Till then T ask of my . j fellow-citizens a suspension of their judgments, feeling assured that thecoii- j fidenee they have heretofore repotted in } me, and the kinduoes uniformly. inairf? | fested by iheiu toaard me baa not been j niistdaC'.-d. . 1 X I have not attempted. in any war, to fortciutl public Opinio*, directly or indirectly. and would not now r.l)o4? to the difficulty iu the TVigada Ji<J I not dot ili it due to myself, n/ier tlnaenor- j ' iiious amount of writing for tho newt-j ' paj?oih at home discussing tiie afl'.tir. u ?" say aljenst to my fellow citizens thai ' tlie matter will undergo a military in1 vesligatiofi. and then, mid vvt tilt thrn, r will the fact* he projecrly kn'Aon, and j asking, at tLe mmiio limo, a , of ftidoiueiil uuiii the facta arc properly M>>t in a vain.or l?oH>ting r.pirit I can 'i sft}' that the licgiiwiit I have tint honor it to command Mill aland t>V ine. through c 'i. thick and thin." '1 hi* I hope will . l a vi. Lin nest to uiv friends ilia* >" ttit IV TO ?- ; f < Ciul nil will be well and that era lo.jjj lie m.iHer can bo mtute public, ar.d to or tlieir entire wAhdaclioti. The hearth ot 11- tlu? 2'J.I UegMOetit good at thi- t'uuv id | The- tiroenvili* Onto 'Rnv, commanded id j by Or pi am l'tiiH'tf, Hm generally Weil, &u J^e?d cant W iiruun Waul ic at this lt::ic r-r. at home, ou reiitotiiug service. if any il wmli to j iiin ujy Ketjhneiii tiiey tvi,l U , nro>t clwvfutly reiei Ad and kind it od treated :>u?i c???-d 1-t. ' tho olil men it lor the Tl^-gi'iuent b ite all been dbctiaryred iU, ty?d are now ?>*? their home. JXajii lot tb.^J'.viiii real trou? ?Ve;tf Mtere h*boi? Ify 12k i? a rutnat&tbk) but, libit T,. t . * IWftBKS ?. "1 speaking, tbe mm over tfcMy hivre Mow] [ho camp wpll, un^Uan>ltt the vary bttl > r I hope tliwo will not be any n^oeeehy Tor calling out llux-a o?v (brt? yenra at ft.ife, and that beforo many lUoiilha tbo North will ?ev her folly uu<i nek fteaco on our own term*.* Furlough* are now grnnved atthovwfcu >f one to every twenty live Jfleo bo duty. \t this rnlefc hh swu a*. all lb||ntw eturn, a g.?od- many can go bo<ne.? there arc some in 'the Uyriiiiant who navi. not m en their f4iuMi?H iu ItyaJva iiontlu. 't'liw fa a hardship, but s patiently borne I'^r the aaka <*f our. u>ble cause. Their name* will china >rijfhtly on the fair scmcheon of ou* jounirv. and it i> to be h<>|x>d that many i earn of peace and domestic Lappiueva a ill be theirs to enjoy. > ' , Yours, iruly, 8. TVTH^TOI/KIT. vm? ?r? , fUMi^atfeuntiri ?ritfn 'Klrnm. t ? - " ? \~x ; . The l'aris </uu maker* ox|>ort arms to the value of ?2.000,000 annually. There i* great distress in Ireland, and in many districts the people are actually Jtarvir.g. Tmr^^chivof Rgvpt offered tbo Hreu'-h hmpe.or t 'uo u?|/rm trom Dur"our for hi?U*xK-*u OXianJniQu. A 1'ama oorroenomlcD* ?Hyi that tbd Empress Eugenie W p her favo,* tie horse !'S'unewtIJ J^ks..ii." ?mom *iuro?A,?A dispatch in the * tlousloh Telegraph, dated San Antonio. Deeeanber 20.say, that all the Vaakeoe were V?H?on?, and that a revo- ution had broken.out in Xow Mexico. Tire Federal ba<k*eari(iir?~l "7*" 'estoD had a vnl? * *" v *'go of. prorie,)n. ttoard. such a* were inoet need*, d. The whole was secured. * . Tho Charleston Courier is informed ? bat n steamer ?s# jttompily dispatehe I i} Nh shii ir .ni that city, conveying the nnouncement to the Jtriiish anthoritiws I.^t Vh?} blockade of that putt hud beeg uised, ' ' >** -> ^ Goo HLLt'Khous,-r- Lincoln calls the no fros "free Arteries" of de African cent." That is not dm.literal order of lis expression, bill, an he says himself, logically there is uei'her more nor lev* 4 it." Tnr New York Times ssvs the amoonl f go id which ?' Amu i! t during iaat year nearly ten - u??:iM<in *:ir.n III NK1 II Q* <10 tot ctiptiiHj <-r hC.ik i*io jl vvill rtolmbly lm* very utiort liim year. Turkic i* a Jiftle romance in the life f? A)m. (< H, MtAylolifo Dot g?eit*mjly Down. It HpiMjarn flj. t sf^e vra.n ou'Htfcxl SOIIIO SO Veil yv urn ??p;o to (ion, A. llill, the relajl. llo* f?co>?r?t hunhand i*,-i li'iioo had several " engagements *' * till the rebel General. ' Fourteen Months in the Ainorioan tintilo" i.? the title of h ptniphlel sold v the Appletona and oiimr h??olc?c|lnr?? arittou t>V ftir. hratil; Key ?raud?<vi of the author of " The^^Sr Kpangled Haimer." Major Lkow Smith, who captured he Ilarri't Lone, is the s;?rric ru?H who, >11 the 17lh i >) A of it, 1-301. laid tho bonnlem Mo ' "ride 'he St^r of the \Ve?t, flieae. tlft Te' ki Yeieoraph oi.serres, were t fimt I -* > cm ployed by il*o Van.'.je liovoru-ijut Armani tho South. Oks, Jor.epli K. John*r?n returned to Af.l"?sit/i n few rnj?ht.? ?f* A* ?e? tiii.i-eli' a*, perfeetiv W.i ^fted with the c< nt it ion of a>'f.iir? in Jkfrvatv.Hippi , ?"?d b<; Hp^alts hnpufii'iy "eU cheerfully of the ohuv> ovt-ry v her<\ Most of^tho l.oTidon joiirmt?* oo?<l?wi*> the Londcti Tisnes tor it* op ? attempt to ins'.tfy ?i iveiy on f*oiptuial grounds. It ivrs thought that h ^rcat reaction H"*ain-t the influence of tho London wool'-l tiinue. . Mr. Dattov, the United fijatrw inin- ? inter nt I'.tIi, tiad h<i rikIiui cu with tlto Mtiiperui NtipOitfi'ii O.i the 7ih ultimo. ? *> i .11!|>v*fOr i* ? >?>< n> i.itvn rm uiii i*ia* 1?kI an !f'>ii>uo<3 Lciwcun tiic Norih i Ul!?' ih? <2uor <n Aiims!?W?? am inforrnod nr.tliorivr f>nr whol.i | r'-^irtian!1* ot K?ilrr;>l trocnn Kkto Ik;<1 1> 11?<-4? at l>At?n Koag?, llnir ail r^l'jncJ ?iih<>ul t?.t* ? /*<>'"< J'u<lsf>n Courier. Tmk WJ* ml military HiitLoriiies Iihvo I >'!) cciot t?nI?iiT?f:ti?* mm*. ttmtu'i ! fr.tiou we.A, ?Vc., from Ix-ftitf taken mt J jvvotM-.'ky ;*1 n"- Also, f >rl?i?i?liug tlm 1 shipment t r.<> tbuvt Ktaio of Imge <|ii?n titi?H of llttll'l IxiOtK of sllOeS, 111,111 olo*l<i*?i? in iptsouity, of ajotHln for men's ! w./tr, barrel* of r>?lt or sacks, or <p*n* I u'loscf coiTer. over teo pounds', rpiniuo, j ear airy equipment* t?ud the like, i A coaKBsi'OsnF.MT of the London i Time* &r\y* h chill would fhsti .crivcly j I ru.h o?en. Lee in ??crowd, as a Uri?u<l i ! Al),l pretectal, ?' fascinating is the ?" I ?anty*ot' hi* countenance; *nj aid* ,1 that Oen. Lce.drs.adt u newspaper. pans p ' rie wniHd ?l> ?n he Joes a wound -? i. ' Me n?v* Lew is * hero, but J*< Ic-od is i\ V , * t J| - ' -sH 'A