University of South Carolina Libraries
' V'f * ' *' ** 1 ! m (i*1 < Ov:i;. : AWiitn?CJCl I J ,~ . - t. i . ..., i gj?'>f *y^~<"cyJ t?chu to ah.*" ^ornipg, Feb, 5, IWfl. % 1 ?&<*?* rr^Teir. ; = For r M 7VwiA???f A <b<-rlining, pa J* will he |M? req?ir.-,llN A?A'A,SCF. !'Vr \.\. .*',Kn.f tw fft/rt'tir /t Jy'rliur*> . ^ bfefefol AlTMamE ADVKRnS?-;*4S*jrn oca ^55aV T37\ -Aal. oftr { < Ytrrr Ihenfft*, no <??)> v 5??sS bo dope EXOHll? FiJJt'THR ' ? . ^ Aiit!ifrv>Tbe Senior bw'b#?n cnllfid Scry Michietilr anil unexpectedly Kicbrtori'l, to minister to the -sufferings of ^< dflfetntfod ^ "brother, who participated in the late "battle at_ Fredericksburg. In ell probability, it will not- b?. h greet while before hie return ; but, in the meantime . ho will give onr rcwdeta a letter weekly* ; Favor*.?Wo ere indebted to onr frend TIrnrt C. Markly, of the Army d*o?: ^(TSce, Riohmonii, for a copy of the N*w Yotk Herald. .Charleston Courier. We ato indebted to the abp?e paper i l??r ?Hns containing the account of the ""late ?f?'?nnn*trnfjon* near that cite, in fbn. ju*t twenty four hours ahead of the mails: < We always f?t( grateful for sucU favors shown n?. : * Con federate Court. Tim Confederate Court which was to huso met in this pln^e on Monday last, was not organized until vesterdnv, in consequent of hi? honor Jtidge Ma? oITa th, fnihr j to r*ach here fh lima.? After ths or*..niaation, the Grand Jnrv ' wr? dir-charwed, afar which the fle quoMrn'ion Docket was taken up and .proceeded on until adjournment yesterday evening. Jfothing of interest, V<> I believe, has vet been transacted. The Ifeather. We were visited, on Monday night last, with quite a re>pectnhle covering ' of snow, obscuring from our view, for aVhite, house-tops, streets, djo. The ,* weather is now cohVnrd piercing, and there are indications of more fulling, weather. Wllinaey. > T si'ei tine of(he 1 a.lies M.d'reeted to the advertisement of flfcss M. A. Mo TCay. Milliner, rlic has receutlv roturned front 'Jliar,eston with a stock of new g.teds / tier residence is near Messrs. Williams ntnl Whitmire's store. - *Tom Charleston. f ?nr r-e lers will roan ?i>n iniereto the f-niini1* of our Into sueeestps at Ch*rG*t..n. Thev are glorious reaults, that will elisor the heart* of every lover of th So"tS : aoit^heiof* coupled w'lh rhe Oalfpston atfnir is still greater. 7? is an rehievoment worthy of Southern prow ** and planning. * "tssor'.ai. O^n. Ttr *nsr.OA?tj has ordarad all members of the Roaerv**, now in &*r.-trio*, bet ween the agea of 18 and 40, and whore t?nn of service will shortly exo'*e, to soleot ;h? company i^to which they prefer ejy^lin-; theiasxives.? Those .vho 80 nomun enrol themselves before the expiration of the ninety days' term, will hare a place ???iened ',heiu? To the x'atror.s ot ?rcf. Edwards' School, i \Y? are requested to state, that, (,wring to the necessary absence of Prof. F.oWarps from Greenville next week on an unexpected call of duty, the opening of h's fVhool will be nostpooed a week, from the. Pth to the lOlli inst. In the meantime, ?nv one desiring information of (lie S.lw. |, or any Students from a?lrond ?njjf a-ssixtanco in securing a boarding p!.ac<?, will apply to his fellowlabourer, Prof. Hudson. Our Xxch*ag??. We are in regular receipt of the following periodicals, which we take pleas ure in reoommending to our literary readers a* being well worth the sub script ion price: Southern Illustrated 1Veins?published t Richmond, Vn.. price $7.00 per annum, containing lithographic portraits * of the most prominent of our fJonerals, with a short biographical sketch of each, besides much other interesting reattyig. Southern Field and Fireside?The best literary paper published in tho ftouth, contains articles in poetry and prose, written by the first authors of the Confederacy. lln* recently finirh.od an interesting story, " Belmont," and will login another, on the 7'h of Febnmrv? entitl'd " The Randolphs of Randolph Hull," by Mis* Skkkna A. Ninkji, of Cotingt n. f??. VV ill publish shortly a poem t Kev. R. Ft rman, of thi? place ??nd otter*. &e., ?feo. l'rice $3.00 per tfltfaorn. Aupn-rn, Ceo. . - South' rr* J'rrxbytrrian Review?A $ quarterly production, h-stied on tho flr-t J Jillv, OcioUer. .1 miliary nnd April from < 'nliunbia, C., by ho irfcislion < of Hiirtfcton of tho Freak* teflaO CKsirch. ' fl.i. publication sand- in the vhii o( H ll .'.'H Luvu Ur>< uiid id of exceei^io^ -UJ?I? ^r**"fSggHBgl<i LT_g^ ?n ol.fl^PonUjIjri ft* thirty-fifth y**r, It i* edited by t>r. O., W. HAnnr, K*clinnun4? "lh* <*n? ? >re OA, for ion uiu<V^ 'J tnV'^no?^ i wt. A < i?1 rea^ICTaCyar*vs k atvI^Fr^ ?0?o w, wfticiuttoixi, Vn, <*Pvk? -t&60 pV notionvP* Thf ^uuntryfn?n?A email hot excellent jceekiy. contnining nothing l>?t what i* of utility, the nicest <lh>crlmina liob in tire b election article* evinced, niWJ with well written editorial*. Tt i? published on the editor's plantation. in Putnam County-, <fc., nine miles Entonton. Price #2.00 per annum. J. A. Turskk, editor. The Southern Cull'r?nfr>r-~>-A* this f* the pnlv flgticitllurftFpnper ptfblivhed in lb? ConMb-rocy, every farmer rhould subscribe, and thereby help to advance bis own interests. It is "pnblisbed at the itarsring price of $1.00 pet Year. . "-V , The following religion* papers are very deserving of onppoit, Wing under gootl management,~8oth oditoually and proprietory. Souther# Presbyterian-?Colombia. S_. C?, Rev. A. A. Pohte* editor, price $8.00 p?-r annum. JV'or/A Carolina Presbyterian?F^y e'teviUe, N. C., Rev. J as. IT. McNAiLt., editor, price $2:&0 per annum. Christian Index?Macnn. Gen. Rev. ! 8. Rotkin, editor, pi ice $2.00 per an nomi Due TPest Trlesrojye?Fine TVos*. 8. C., Rev. J. I. 1'onnkk, editor, price $2.00 p er annum. The Confederate Baptist?Published in Coulnmbia. 8.0., at 82.00 per annum by 8."W. Rookiiart and A. I\. !>vuii am proprietors,.!. L. Uetkolus, D. lb. editor. We tvijl forward sph?c?JptW?n? for anv of tbo nbetVo publications for anv A)IU3 deMiliiGC lo mb?rriltf, r.orrxitt* Wasted. Persons between 18 and 40 are aj lowed toMchooee their compat^rs and enter the service, for the war. Tina is preferable to being conscripted a?ul assigned. The 10th Regiment, 8. Cb V,, will be glad to roc-ire recruits. Transnn,u<iA.. ~;ii t ? ? "rr,M" tion to anv of the Captains of the Regiment. I a* ill .jbe glad to furnish trans partation to anv who mas- desire to come to my Company. Nv address, at present, is Wilmington, N. C. C. M. Mr JUNKIN", Capt. Co. A, ICih Reg't S.C.V. /? ?" fRir reaftrrs will notion 'he co^ I niunieation of "J. P. It.," of Greenville, to the K'elunond Enquire, w hicli we insert to?dar. Taking a nntiiia', hut *erv superficial view of the subject,-the" Enquirer had expressed a preferance ftir the Alabama plan for State guarantee of the^ Confederate cleht. It does i?fw at firtt blush, that if to gna'antee a certain amount would he useful, to guautca the whole debt would he atitl more useful. Put the argument is very much on a. par with that of the Irish U\aa, who, when urged to buy a stove i , because it would save half the wood. | said, " Wall, thin I'll buy me twp*and )*< .?? the whole" Souue other persons bare supposed that the action of the ^outh Carolina Legidattire, proposed ; by our Representative nud advocated in ! the speech wo ^pceutly published, was hut a response to the previous action of Alabama. ltut the two schemes | differ essentially, and !t appears from i the fact* mentioned iti Mr. Hoyc-k's I speech . that his proposition was entire | Iv origjnal. having heen matured l>efote it was known that nnv such measure was in contemplation elsewliere. The j article we now copy allows, in otir opin! ion mo't conclusively, not only 'hat tl?f? j South Carolina plan is good, hut tlit^f I the ojher is had, since its winking would tend to hinder the praetical efli I cienev., and greatly to lessen'the benefits, of the important State action proposed. On the other hand, the method of endorsement adopted ?hy South Carolina js a grand financial measure, whiyh, if generally adopted, fill not only give i the Government ample command I funds for carrying on the war, and reI lieve the evils resulting fiont a rodun? | dant currency, hut will effect a yrtnt saveiny to the Country hereafter, 1>y j largely diminishing both the principal I _ I f 4 - * . ^4. .1.14 I aim interest en in? war ?uuu. Aware how ayersel*peop]o generally J are to going through a lt?nur nrliclu, we I think it right, to urge that no one who j wi-dies to be wi ll informed, should fail I to rend this important communication. I ?r.<l we feel assured that every careful I render-will pgrce with an intelligent 1 gentleman who remarked ill our presI eneo after, conrpleting it, "Truly thai is I a most ablo }mj?er." ^inco writing the aboce, we observe | that as pledged both in the speech and ] the nrticlo now pliblbhed to do if it should bo nece?snrv, Mr. Korea has introduced a new proposition, which ha* passed the House an?l wo suppose will pass the Senate. t'he two hundred millions of endorsed bonds contemplated by lite former Act of thp Legislature were all that was needed to provide for (he debt as It was at the close of yfl02 ; but Congress inir?t now legislate with reference to the wants of the proseftt year; and if the war crtntiiyit? throughout the tear. as we fear ii will, the (ltd.l will ha+e njore than doubled bv the ?tt*l uf I 8G3, ami will (rS-thtip ihan twelve hundred.million*., To pr. -sent the eimi'moii* increase of our at read) Yednudaoi currency, wiiu save the > mi 1 . ."'n'wu; millioni uf en^'rawl bomls ; rinrt in Mf? ttcipntfoh nf ?!? Mk<)| Oongrffcvonr repealing tlin "pr^tntw ntt# ?*?< * ?<lW-cgAk*liich wuta'.r ,1*^ tTio about thirty. f&tx *r?t <| hplf A9 lb-9 ?$*!?[ if We pro,,.t <*> ** *A?lh OnmHni* liH leadtnr the war*, in fiiivt ihdiapemei. , ftkiind' aafifirv m?tk>i?. Nothing' ahe , he? dnue 1? nwm important to fho ancceaecrfour atmeglev to the welfare of A 11?e nl'sinnce of Mr. Horcrt 8*p*8ch In Irdvocao? of this new V.fll ftiU b*at> ^uMis|icd ih the Cardtintah% urn? we may inrert it in some future iasue. | ?'i iVa>i Cerrecjomdrnoe fro* let*. Be?'t* * 0. V. ^ ? Oa?ip Conn, "1 Nkav. Wtiwyi|iroKt.}t|(Cv> | ^ January 81*1. l"86d. ^ . | Mcttra. j?dt(or? : -in mmptiance with mvprnmisd to gtoe you r *h?vt Mter oedftsienetly. I win indite n fee lines fbr the Enterprise Ihi'n afternoon. Feircn companies of the Irtth Regiment, vi* : Co.-A, Capt. McJUrkirr ; Co. B, Cnpir Parkins; Co. C, Cnpt. Croft i Co.* E, Copt. Monroe ; Co. O,. Cnpl. Boiling ; Co. I. Capt. Bohb t nn?l Onpt. O'>otlle?i?nre now stationed nt thi* pWo. The tlirro other *ntn|*niet? of t!???. Regiment, %ir,: Co. 1 >, Capt. Sn.i h; Co. F, Cnpt. Gilo-nth ; and Co. II, Opt Harnett } n^o still M WmWoifV' .H)uTnear AilayhV Rutt. under the coin* ' nwui-l of Moj. C. C. <>'N? ill. Al presfoot, the revtui companies here have tin t fit Id officer with then*. Col. MeC?fl-1 j lough is at CVInmhia. attending the' I Legislature, ftnd Col. four i* rick, nt I hoir.e. Copt. A. J. Monroe Is in eorn titninl, Our ftiend* ore aware that this lis ottr second t'ip to this piece withbi I the past two llU)iitlu>? It is something 1'moie-than two *wk? sinco ?e euro* j here the I art time. The health of the j men i* genemMv good. A few have j j boon ?ep.t to the hospital. end a few j more are sick in camp. The number; I of rick is propcitiomrtelv smell, hower*.' I er. nt present. The men ere in : spirits, nn?V %*e arc enptrntedlv awaiting evert'*. There Is no tnlU of e fiolit heie at p?c?ent, but we know not what de I vohtpmoiits ninv he iv.ude in a fl-w day a, or esen in n day. As to the number of Iroopn in and I about Wilmington. I mn .io^ n?wt. d and iff wore, I should rot cnirmmiicatc it. Let it stiffv-e to itKv, tliai if tltceti ^ emv attempt to lake Wilmington, thev , will meet wiili r. warm ritU'linn.Jf am not verv nTttoTi mistaken. Our Keg ! intent i$ in'1 lie first l'tigrtde. It js coin- ' pn>od of the 40 It fleorgia; 25i)i S C.; lGtli S. O., Httd 7'It S. O; Hjitt.ilinn.? I'ol. P. II. Colquitt. the gallant Colonel of iIjh4Gi'i fipurpis, is ar'injf lbiga flier, ami is itt cottftnnnd. wile is n rl? v? i?r gentleman, a good lev-king titan, and n fine officer. Tito fbignde turned ?>nt tliis moining for H< view by fieri, (ij.-t. It was quite a 'urn out. W iltnii gii'ti is-one vast heap of sand.] It b-?li?ft?!ef!lv lite sandiest place | have! fonml, tinv where, anil is tdilinted on tlnj eastern Unities of the Cape Fear Kiver. 'l ite vellow fever, and the pros pert of an aitck upon tlie city, hacaused a great diminution in the number of its inhabitants. It is, ! believe, tlie largest city in North Carolina, hav . ing a population ?>f about 15.000, ordi narilv. Kreiything in the eating line is high and soiree here. The hotels are pottrlv kept atid the ta' les ar" po??r Iv supplied. A stranger, upon .art iviug at the depot, if in the night, wiil find neither omnibus, hack, dray, wagon. or vehicle of any kind, to carry himself or baggage ei'her to a Hotel or private house, lie iniiU store his baggage (ill lay-light attd ^tfnlk 1?? the hotel or stav nt the depot. I would not adii-e Wdic* j 10 travel t?v tins place nnauen<ieil, a* | long ax things remain as they are a! | present. Tito Grass Band attached to the!?tv Regiment?t'nl. Sinioirmn?g*v? a conceit at |be Theatre in the citv. on W ednesdav evening last, for the benefit of tho wotunlcd soldiers at the battle <?f Fredericksburg. Il w*? largely attend etl by both ladies ami men. I have not learned how much whs realized fo? the purposes intended. Tito music wast very good. V " I Gen..Whiting is in command at this point, lie recently ordered tho woim-tt I an<l children out of the city, expecting j an Attack ; but judging J>y what I have seen. 1 think the order v*i<s not stiictlv obeyed.- There are many ladies still staj ing in the oily. The weather ia clear and pleasant.? While I wiita, tluOiir is cool, hut not i unpleasant I v so. We hum pine wtod ! ahoir-iher. hotli for cnnkinir and warm ! ing purposes, in camp. and we rue. conWqticr.llv.nvdrv Miirkwt nfl>nv?. list| virg to contend with light wood smoke ! and Mark sand slid dirt togotiicr, it is just impossible to keep clean. We hcAtd, ibis afternoon, with preRt 1 pleasure, of llit^aieing of llm Mock rule ! at Charleston, l?v our gunboats there, j It js to ho hoped tlio result will ptove n very beneficial one to the country, i?nd the port will t>e kept open. Iljjtvy firing mas heard this afternoon in ft soul lieasiern direction, hut we have not hfcard anything in regard to it. < MeJ. OBITUARY. ^ ? T)iki>.at \Verieiitoii, Va.,on the 2'2dfl?pt, 180'J, of wounds rvoeived ?t th? baffla of Mjiiuiivis.^li'ii'Kt Lieut. 0, 0()IV lift, of Co. A, (Mrpum Idle Light Infantry.) <?f lire FJeyenlh Itejit., of (Jeorjrift Yolifnf oersi sou of K. S. (lower. E<q.? of duinesvl'le. Oft. ' Aiming the first to rally l? l(f? mintry's *t.m 4,t?u;l. (lower brhnght to her service n mind and Imdy diligentlv%r*iiied (or 'military n^haivennoifk, ami a heart wholly devoft'd s. her ?au*e. W tie a th? present Stroo^le fl-r hidepeftd ence was in air'bop*pon. he dm one l.of th<>?- ni<??i pi oTiiioerit in prgiinixHig ihn eofnlPHiV, <?( which he a'tertviirua heesma ??> ntci. nt an ofticer. ami \#hen it was oail <*?l lino tile Held, lie willingly went where duty and honor poinUU the way. As mi 0m ... - ,,,7 TrVv diiiy! rrgord^oiQf | mm wmfcrt, w<>n A>r b!?*> thfMopwl ?n l a4*nimtioaof all with whom nweiMb* in contn?t, n hiht J?i* kind *ni3 .inufcn?^w a fogPflMfVl"* Ft?d.-nro<1 hini i?ejon<i nif^nw tin thooo wTio .Kj??( |?in? he*. H? waft a rintifn) td n, a bJRS Wuiy antl-rag Witt. Viut tha mum for which flkJgK Sviri.'NlWf'S* bought* to W? mortal, and tho nnorxpooto* ' (i?w? yf bU death thread a ykw? nt4r1iii company, rqunlod only by tl,?t gyfof triik-h the Wb (tf tncj) a ton must liar* euowd ground tho henrthatone xrfcieli Ma death left dfconlnt* , Upheld and au.tai.W I>r *bH herote fortitude whiuh ho ^xhihited ?rf tti# hattte fltfd. h>!bWy Hfl t>ifr.-Hngragth?*t-=# mttfftinr, and aoetnrd mora eonfumnl aliont the anfTrrlnifO of those who fell hy his aide thun hi? nwnj WhlU yet lyinir with hU own wwiml* unin-ufi, ujma being told I hut Ki? 0?| Haiti wn?aleo woffndad, he burst into tears snd-aaid: "What will of the poor VAmnmT ? ??? t" Wl??n death h?"enme inevifaW* 1i?? wmrd resigned, ami H he wished hi* Itfa'pr. aerr??f. it wnaoaly lt?' b* night ngnin offer it upon ?he *)I*r of his co"W*r?. No mtirm-ir his Hj*,' hud hit lUiith wne a newilluelriition ??< the oltl h?roie m|?im ef ikMemnlM: ."It is sweet tti die for ono'e country Snntrh' <1 n way in the hlwHw of youth, he len?es * father nod mother, brothers anil Bieferh, to mourn hi# lie* i*t honiew Aed far away in Virgin in hi* berosTe^wWataiieii niotirn hi* Imb, not leer deeply, but tnore at?rnly-*-tliey willnyenge litstuitlh, Vi. II. MITOJHJ-Ts (Vpt Company A, 11th Kiel.. Oh, V*?L MM M. A. joa n * jTB jl*an C3, AWJJS.TA :Slt)?D, mkAn wilUamm * vmramie'n krone, __ BEOS lenvc to inform . Ifjefla 'but eho litis J1"'' O'tiirmd from Charhs'"I'i wlllh a large assort. Ssamfed^SSw tis#' nVnt of T.HituV IIAT.S, ^"%&37i*r PKATttKttS. Ac.."which she will bv toipjty tB rtipply to alt ?ho tbac roll. v * Erb 5 " 40 1* " jik a i) <i r a irri: p*v GOl.l?SlH ?1*1 >. Js' tin H CAIM'I.IN A. .liMMVT VJ. JPf.a. G exeft a t. onr>f:n so. n. TJttMVAM ElIS OK I'.IMOATMS wilt give the oftiooss .! tailed for recmi'intr FiMire (one ? *<-li <<t?pin\) spcciol in rt rod toll* to ?rrc>! uiol forward to their !? ?>-(.olio* ti'l en!??t. <i nicn al-scnl without rr>n<t>"t"n' rirti bot it v. j 11 A iiiM pnrdon, except jib to forf-iMire i of "for the period of iliiuutluiiin'll fibj wit, is hereby proeln'tnen to it'l enlisted turn, ?' sent without lenve, who nifty vid-, it'ituri'y return to Uj.-ir respective eawin>nm1s on or before ffie. 10th <tny of Fctiru III. All en!i?ted mM who do not volenti* i ily return wfiliin th- time fp'r.flM, and .ftil wlu? ah.dl nft.-r this dntc a! s? n'lvi * fr.-tn their in?worrits wit bona pn'i*'' uii i hot-it v, will he t lui juO *ilh" ^ct i'rlinii r?n?l tried Tiy'the now M'iitnrv Court nw | in session -If f"Hn>l guilty, limy viH ho i nlotiecd 'n death, vliotlnr present or nhI rent, ami oiimt'<ntulere will I md-ied to cxceitte thi? roiil I'oo ?ln r< \or the cottilcntiiril rut. he nlTerled. IV. |i ooni|i.niiot oil the onlioli'il m?n of I which arc present lor ili.1V, oxcopt those 1 al.sViit tinder h-L'a! orders' or np?n regular | nick |. avo, !>i virion. liirtijcl nti?l ly.jnrt[ moid Cnnimnntlrrr nre nnthortred to jrrimt I furloughs, tit 'lift j ill* of nnc f?r rvory twen|l\-flve men tires.-nt for duty in onoti r.wnpin x, nu.l for lo-rind? Wkirh deducting.! he time nesessiiry for travel, will pctniil the I partim t.> remain nt home fourteen days!? I Whenever tl?c_v tire ntilImr'jted l.y the fuels I to append n ecriifh-nte, which WiII he re! quir*d it. every instance, thnl no eniis'.ed | men of i he mm j-anr ere nhr. nl without com potent authority, Company nn'l Regimental Commanders will forward, through the rojnlnr chnnneh, at the rAte ami tip. it the con itiiion* ?l>'.?e ipcrlfioil, r- mnnue rdat Sons of the iwn most ineiiloriiwr uoj deserving of fin I..u h. V. All enlisted wen svho overstay their regular sick furlough's, or ihote granted as above, will lm immediately arrested on [ their rertirn. an examination made into the lelrentne} ano?s of each ease, ami the facta re| ported to the Itrlgjnle Commander, who | will either pimhli the delinquent, cause j eh urges to h? prwferrtsl, or r.-iufsv him to j duty unpunished, us the riyeutiistaticea of the may in Ida judgment require. I VI. Major A. F. Cone, Chief Qunrtermaater, will cans.' vh. se orders to lie advertised I once a week, for three weeks, in every tiews' phper published in N'ortti Carolina, ami in 1 the newspapers published in Columbia, Anj der-r.n, Greenville and Yorkville, South Ca...II.,.. I * By command of MnW-Ocn. O. \V. SAMllEB W. M HI TON, 1 Alajor and A. A. Own. Feb S 40 8 , CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH S V B! O O fj ?/.. ' /T?6\ TTTR pill I" I' '?! TT tht N CLASSICAL AND EN-HMS1I ' I'll<><>!., ri'-cn^kr"In I'mrvh^ir/ KI>\VABI>S and .1UD CisJr HON, with tint approbation of tin Ilour<l of Trustee* of Kntruitif Uni voretty, dnritijr tRe suspension of the Kjorrlicn of tlx ; University, will open at tliu loivornity BuildI in,?. ON Tilr! lAru FKIIKC ARY,nuu embrace tww> quarter* of tou weeks on< h. ?$!ti per quarter, with 50 eonta foi incid'jntnl expense*, pnyuhle in advance, (food Hoarding ohm bo had :<t $?.' per month. The utmost wuleh cure will bo exercised nvoi i the moral* ol? the ptipil*. For further information nddross Frefrxsoi I I'. ('? Jiow Aaus, Greenville, 8. C, Ja 8 .16 ^ ' Jf, , Snli* of i:or?, See* j \V* "''J the Pth of Fel?ni t r nrv at the residence of A. J. BAT N, ONE IXJTof CO UN, FODDKR antl j I IU? K.A. One J JORSE, nnd 1 One-Florae WAOON , Oow Vokwof OXRS. llniHilioiqhiii.<l Kitchen .FrilNTTlT.K* Also, ?acT?"t of Itye. utitl other Ihiiigslor ledum* to mention. Term* mode known on lire day of Sal*. ? wnSbv.*. Oft x?w r- ^ x * .? 'Eatray Notice. ON Thursday night, 22-1 insl,,ni OT**V mn Orcy MARii, Mid to bo tot ) >?? oM and vnliK-d ul $ll?fl,' cnnn to my linnae, lhrr? mile* from Oroonvtllo V.\l. and i? now In my piwft'Minni iiut I>mI( v aomawhnt ?'>re, ami bar foot unshod. . Anj person owning said prujtorty, and tniaaing th< ' aatuo, wilt eall, pay ex prime* * and take ha; away. JOHN WILLIMAJf, Or.'cnville, January 28th, 180'i. tf : ** TOWVxAXE*. 1 AT a rnpailar uwoftng of the T?wn Oniinei of Oronuvilla, tho following fleanltitiun f Wan adopted, in relation to the Tajao* fof th< I /laoal year i?f , ' /le0->lrtn/, Tjtal all fh? ,3^" Ta*r? frr thi yoac IStH ho iho a.tni i a^Wo prceadisg yenr 1 arid thitf llTMbe (fold Taxes bo d?jo on (hi la day <>"1 Pobrnary next, eXrwwt the Tawe* oi H nl KatAte, wbieh "hall Id dim on the Is April. AliFlJf. MrllEli, Intondnnt, j J.U. DiiLiy, Town O'erlr. | J? 3 ?? V 5 ILIJPIIIIIIII.I^IIIL ...ill III I v. 'JIII. III)%*!' .f ,V"?*'>*+ '- W'l'JU -V'IK'A - f, UiHt v kUiAblvi FAR "4 on ^ Qreib, uine wilt ! Jk Uj* ^reeuviUo C# II. ,*>1 .J JpiniaB Inn (hi ofJBr. B. F. Cloolatul autl Buy. { ? D*. *Uiy. 1 *!*?<* contiteji M. h?n4^ ^ wmT twenty-a?Teiv acre*, and i? within ane mile n wams^sst} nulkit awn, ovatad with tla, baa ?prt(tht v Earsg?^t,,t!K:?r.ita i AafrnM* ttwad. ^ n The rtfe will be jfcatUta.and poeiwatnn giv- . ^?SBSS^4?Uiia3iAwSi o . do* runt, wUh^wo.g^'d MWittfer* aitf ? B?0r.V Kane <>f the propum. if d. cuie.l neci i>rurv. ?. " ' " 1UH. DUNCAfc. U <>f Lawrence Llfuck, dc?ua*o<L D Jan 22 as ft > /MrTha Colombia 0usrd inn nod Chorlcv- '* Ion Courfc?r will Mob publish ibo above wrcA-fy for Crc WOoltS. ' " ' * * ' M STATE OF SOUTH CAAOUKA, CrKKKN VII.I4K lUSTKtO'lY 1,1 OHIMIAKV. " Aldrhljre OreetV Bird Krrin flTren, Kxoentr.r* or the Will oMlHOKflFOHltpN, deceased. ' Applicants npainst tho Layatoea of said Eatntf.? ( itnli',n fot Srltlrni'ht and /M?rrr. ^ * ..... ... ? IT appcarhtj? that tha leye! bell* of Felix Uteea, deceased?T. P. Jtuifson and Lu 1 |T niida (tin Wife?Melon Hudson pud A. Q. ; Hudson her Husband?nod. (Snrrijion Green. , reside beyond the limiiB of this State: Ii is ' Ordered and Peered, That they do npptnr ?t , a Ton ft of OmjlUiry, i? be holden rtt <j recti- '* vllle Cturrt Jlonse.'on t'lltPA V, th* thtrtr*nt) ' <foy of f'^Lruary 1irxt. In shew aause, if any Ifl tliey one, why a Final PfeftlcituWit of the E?Into of Goorpe GVcen. i!e< c?*d, should e-.t a be had, n?d A IH-rrcc jrieen thereon. o Wilneee my hand and seal, at Greenville C. t' 11., the I2lh <iS of'Nevniihcr' 1"H2. ti HOBKKT MfKAY, O. 0. P. A Vat lit . . 28 SlU.. "AL mw 1 STRATOR'S"SAUE. " OX FIMPAV, the ?th Feh+uary, lKf|3, J will soil, by order of Ordinary llcKjir, 1 at I lie residence of HEJVT.ON HlMVl.l'Il'T, n j ilrrrsM, in the lower part of the Di?irlei, thoi ' * i l'KltSoN At. rr.PVKliTT ?<f raid done need, eousistioj; of n 110HSE. MOOS. COllN. nud -1 Household and Kitchen Ft'HNTTl'FK, 1c \VM. 11. TIlOMAS, Administrator. Jan 21 _ 38 ' 2 f\ The Str.te of South Caroiina. ? OUUfxvim.E m^TRHT. ? "tTT IIHPKAH, C. I?. MAVnistn and P M at- 1 M Tlrt-l) liaveupplied to me for l etters J1 of Adminlstrntion on till and ?lnjmlor-too " yo'vls nod chattels. rights and credits of Pat- **' in, Mavrit:t n. late of the Plstriat aforesaid, P deceased, should be granted to them : " Tin-so aro to cite and admonish nil Ci and singular the hludred and creditors i?f the v said deceased to he ni:d appear At ft court of ol Ordinary lor tlrccnvillo District, to h? holden i| at Greenville fortrt House, on Friday, tho 13th 0( day of February next, to show eaiiKo if any, wiry tho said Administration should not be granted. KOH'T MuKAY, O. <1. D. .Tanitary 2Stli, 1 3? S j CHANGE NOTTOE?Wrt A > ltirnnoiii, TIC, j*n.' nl, 'fSlR; * ^ TUF. following officers and won have boon duly exchanged, and are bemhy "?o de- 1> . cliircd : y tn 1. All officer* and won odpturod in Kortuo- j ' I Vv, Tuwni'i^iH'. Alabama, Miwii>?ip|ii. tlcorgin, | J* Florida runl South Ciiroiilm. up tu December ; D I IMh, 1862. : - , . > ?' 2. All officer* jjnd won captured in T ri, Knnriw, Now Mexico. Arinml, Arkansas un?l Louisiana up to January 1st. 1863. s"n 3. The two foregoing wntinnn apply not i>n- I " lv to officer* nn<l won of (ho Confederate cor- . M vice, hut nl?n to nil person* nrm* J " or hostile nrrny, against (ho Fnitcd States, w whatever rnny hove Ih'cii the rhnr.n tcr of (ho I t-'i military nrgrnirntian* to which tlnv wore attached, ami wlmtcvcr nmy Jmvc been (ho term* of the parole* given Jiy tliom. If.any arc in Federal prhen*. tbey nro to ho immediately \ released, anil delivered to the Confederate authorities!. 5. All Confederate officer* and men who hare I .eon delivered at City Point, up tu January M 6th, 186.1. 6. AH Con ' derate officer* and wen who have been delivered nt Viehshurg up to December 1 23d, and inetndiiif* said date. . 7. All paroled Confederate officer* and Wan rcrciptod for at VleVaWar* *>p *? Daeember 23d, 1862. and including said date. * . 8. All*C<inf??lerate officer* and wen enptnr- p cd and par led at Fredorickeburg, Vn., in Deeemlnsr. 1862. ? ffi 8. All Confederate officer* and well raptor- 'r ed and paroled nt OoldeUoro, N. C. in lfetcni- " bor, 1862. , v 7 g 10. Other Ml*ecllan?oii?,a?i'd minor exchange*. of widen the appropriate officer* will bo duly inforuiod. HOHKRT oOl.D. . nan.?t?-?6t. , Ayent "of Fxohange. To the Lac!i?3 of Greenville.. SECOND FLORAL RAFFLE. . X VFHIFND ToTIlF. SOLDIERS will L'lve throe hundred Flower I'lanla to l?e raffled at. a dollar a ohaneej raoH eluiuoe draws a priro. The riant* consist of Jn-% ponien*. llvneinth*. flernuimna. Ko*o IW'*. ~ and a ch'doe collection *' ffifower Finnic. j Anv one not witting ?o give the dotinr, rnay ; <o.H flint nmount of IIommImI Stolen and ite ot.tinrfTto n nrlj*. Tin* i.niii'-* ofMfh* dor **or* nod thr'jlrtribulloii of ?H# mnil?T wMl lie |( 1\? Mh>ii h* pn?ai|il? uft'-r tin* ? (My ndilr.f* is Air*. K., box 1)8, <1 ChiWloston, H i".) % ev* i Mnitts ?o I* Sept in Charleston nntil I , for,?. * ' , I Jim 22 3A " Ff Notice. i INSTATE OF JOHN W. JOWFS. " - NEWTON II It A .M LETT, . " " AtOSF.8 IIHIHCKF, ? *l>,wfA rr.i'M i.KY-. i ? M pi'Tsru.I.A WFl.clf, ?' "FATI.MA NKI.SON, " ?' KI.T/ A 1.11 FT I.A, " "JOHN I.OKTIS. " ? JOSHIM! AiiJHKKQr, " " JOHN THOMPSON. All parties indebted to nay of these Etlnln, . trill intikr pxyinunt to the uu4trfl(n?i; nod nil ' pnftie* hitviiitr eliiim* iipnliift tiicui trill pro- ' cnt them ?\ iM>in three month*, to t 1 WA1. Al. TI10MAS, C. E. n. D.. ' and Administrator. < Jan :S M 13 i STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ? (jJlt^NVf^TTTHT THSTKICT. ,r?v TIBKBAH. ?m. M 'lltnmai, W tinner "in Equity for tide 1>latrirt, f hp* filed a petition in njy office, praying that Ja-ttera of AdmiuiMrminii on all pud air^n. lor the #ond* ond chatlle*, ritfht* and credit* af JOHN THOMPSON. late of U'" Ma- ?! > trict nforeeuid, deceoaed, eliowld be gratited ) to Mm. ? Tlieac are. ther?fore^o cite ?mj ftdmnnieh , all and miikiiW U10 Khidred and Crfditora J ? ??t the anid il?tM?ol, to be and appear in f the Court of Ordinary fur to id PUirjct, to s l?e hnlden at Oreenvillo Court llonau on r .Friday, the tananty-aeventh dny <^f February neat, U? alicw cauae. if 003-, Why the raid . Adniiniatrntion alionld not l?e (ranlol. KOBK.KT Ml KAY, 0. (r. t>. January Iftth, 1X65*. } 'Jun lft *7 * | a Wool < nrda ! \\00l I'ttrtia ! t MY. WO??l. CAI'TV, *?a at la at. In oporntiou, and me now dni.y tnrrJng out 11 Uoou. I will attend with p'rptnptrteaa ami j | dre.potch to all oroera. M,v price* are thr t! aaitie , lu-retofofe. which are one-fourtt fj per pound toll, or en cent* per pound eo*h H. K. VnslJIOKLANU. j July 81 U tf 40 ' mfjt^ gg^L UIL-J-?3$ S S?UTC>M l?^rjE3. DL^^itau Bfc ?>M?. A, (Vr*^UT n?*t? It lir?f l*t?* W*tvW-t.C? tftt' mamtaiv 01 *?* '&?*9 At* ?o MAX. two^fUVs^ ^U?J oi?? (itRV ? mminnlj IFfcH#.' Ah?<s - ;-\ ' So* < n? Mare.jweU Vft>k? to miuuui uu vi ini';i:iui muHiiua 1-LANtationtools: rrunw-tsdfcMiN MAVi mi4>, <Wi 1, fnH l>V lUfi'MUn of Will. v'; . TKIOIS OF SAT.E-- A cro.lil rf trM ibniTte/itiforfcel troth !?>??, fop ?>! ?? wf n?i tippnrd*; timlrr $6, cash. Nttlce vti iro good mrrvtir*. I > A NI KL VO W I. ER. Ajpnt P?r It, r. Khoouk, ExMculor. JnnCS. 1S03. S8 ' :i ^ . -... ' .. 8TATJB OF SOUTH CAROLIKA GKKlNVn.l.K D1.M Kitt. r*7nt?iKAS A. M., CoilrrMh itnd N. f I'.tuyrsn lirvv<r njpli.d to , nm orn of Adotiui'trnHon on all nnil fioi ir the gout))1 nod eh-diel*, ri^ht* and eri * >>f AN(.V IIRoOk, J.u.- of i >i*?ripr pftim/ni'l, K-crnAni, tdmiild , rMiinl to. tkoiu:The* n/e iU<if for# to oVo no<l *olTt'.'o 11 !Wlt|'?tltjft.1nr kindred nod rfitjlh I the ?-.M de/Vent-d to V>o nfwl'^tpjienr.n oiirt <jf Ordfonry fyr Wr. enrille rhn holil. iT>nt ti^r-tvvi!le.(-i?upt Hoorp /Oft</?,!/. /ftr of A^rvfiry M' o(ytU?C, it lit?V, ?h}' tio (Vlhl \ 11i J Mllotl 'nliollTiT'tt'ot lit' IJt'Vr.l,T M. K.W. <.> G. r>. Jnonnry )rtl>. I4R#; tt?i S Mio. Stat* of #ontH Carolin CRKKNGIf.l.K rd^TUJtT. LTTKEKKAH. Williom M. Tlon.n'. V. * ? Cotooiifoiom-r in Equity for (itci illo I>l?irir*f, hne filed;n petition V> t?>v c?', prntioir tlint I.. Vvm of AdmininfrnO n nil nod rio'Tiilnr tlie tfond* nod remit. ?*litsi nrul credit? of KU2A 'tOEI'lf, E IMA SKIjstrM no.l JjbllJt l.fiEJ'lS. 1/ f flip i 'iMrf.-t nf?r( ?-iiil, dpec'ieed, r (fronted to hint; Tli.'fr nm, thpfefhro, fonntl ndntoui?h nil mrti <.|niruf!?r the tr rod nod \fr editor? of ?he Mn|di fnltml i* ntol nppertr "I.* Court ??l (Irtliwiry 1 .fprn vitlr, 1 t'lPtr'tot, ' f li' floMrtl Hi Gre< Hie t'oorf H?.?im> Hh/fr>'litv, the etTth.d f Mureli titxl. tnttow o;?u-e, if nuV. v>l ic fttl.l Aduurt*'rtfiooshowM ?ot l?rqrt 1. * . , KOHEliT ?!. KAY. O. O. 1> Ordi*<*rv's Ofliro. .luotutrv 41. Infla. Jan 22 M ~ H ^TATE OF SerTH CAltOLINJJ 1 ? n.afivner ill Ro^'r -*? >*? : iatriri. ! ?? nf>|iiii'd to me fnr Letter* of A in h trillion on all ?mH ?ih?nl^i-the ir?>'??lrn inttrl", rirStx Hi?d rrrJi.* of JACKi't I TU Kit I.AM'., YOSBS PK ,? AV JS rU MI.ET, Into of tin' Piitrlet iifni lid, ilcmisi'il, rhonM he to bil ho?p nro, therefore, to rile And Adlllniihh I i'l *:niri:lnr h?- kierfrid i?n<l rrtHit- r.. of t ii?5 ileoenm >1. t>> ho and appear ft' it Court nlinnrv for tlroenvilh- PmtrieJ, to ho h*til lomlny. the wmul <lav of Febmiiry nrjt, roon ville Court tlou*o, to e>hc?v onu?e. if at iiv the .-ni?l AdniiniftrAlion wlnniM n?H ruVt. 1. KOBlftlT MCKAY. <?. I). Ordinary'a Offioe, Dee. 2:t, l,dti2. l'fc 15.' . .'It i ? ? STATE OF SCoTH UA'S.GLIIJA ?RKK.\VILPK T. IN OHIMNAflV* tnn!y Tlrijtht, itdniitiieir.i'iir, .\fj<Ment Mitninei KmHy Mn*o nml other*. I frniiente?ftilirfin* Jrrr ^ftnJ Srtfl'tnml, 'T appoarmsr that .l??ttn Mn?iA. - Xn*yn. '""l Wullfor-.' r??i<le I i?i>el the ISrtfliH of t,hm Slitio : It i? ord^r lat ihey ?lo appear at n Court of Ordlnn > he hohirn at lli?tii?i!lo t'olirt Ifeiw, ridnv, the fttii day of J*>?toh tirxt, J? ?d? *ne?\ if ent they etui, why a Writ! S? tl lent of the E*?ale of KlCHA.lvl* JI.V^D oeoared, nhmitd not lie had, find h pen ieen thereon. Thl?4th tlav of Peeonihrr. A. IX 184V1 KUliKUT MiTvAY. Ordiri*rv, t?oo II 32 3w STATE OT SOUTH CAHOLIITi UKKft.NVIM.J-: ItlS'liJUX* IN ORDIXAR Y. V. M. THOMAS, C. K. ??. Ih. Adnr.iidstr* Ap|>l?rAet. AffAinat the llelrr-*t-I,n w of Ji TV,. J'tltC*, <1 ;ee;i<.? 'I, Defendants.?ftj?l fur yi tin I Sr-f fTrtii **/ rtiitf T)rc, re. | T Appearing thiil Airs. Amelia Jni?o?, W |_ uw. on,I the two minor rluhUcii of i tso'l. n-sirto heyotxl the limits of thin Ma I. * Ordered ?p.i !>eerecd. That they ?lo i ear at n (Vinrt of Ordinary, to t>o balden Irrenvillu Court JI uso for t? roenvjl'ie 7?UU* n Uw ?l>tj rrf* rvorntiy hW(J to H Mure, if any they ?-nn. why n flrAI set Mem f tin Personal Hutale ol JOHN W. .JvN| eeensod, should Dot bo made, ntitl .A Doe Jvon thereon. < Witness my bond anil 8oal, at fiyeenVlllr I., this 6lh day of.November. A. !>.. ISM. ROBKJfT M? KAY, 0. t*. II Nov fl *7 3m <(iiIf ol* *onlli t'arntiu (illKKNVTLr.V MSTKtlT, rX COlTRTt>FORi>lNAU >.\VU? IIOKK, Kxeentor of tl,tf WfH ABRAHAM h>0X. ilrrwwl, Applicant KAiMft'ths lloir* of Benjamin Xelnnu. Jul Ashtnore and With,, .lomitbnn Hli-hard and WWo, Mr*. Willis, J tunes (J?x ami Is Co*, lioit'Dihiiit*. IT ;tj |.eutin>{ the IJeif* oftfterjiu Nenmri reside* heronfl tho Hirftt* of I *t-?to i It I*-Ordered, thut Uiry do i ?oMrt of Ordinary, to he honiiu nt <!rec*\ Jourt lloiiHe, 'HI t'ritlny, thr tixth #f,iy nf / -rmriy nru-1, Iff", to atHisii, if any | an, (thr n final settlement of tho' Kufntr MUIAUAM COX, d-;<eased, should out .....t.. Ml..I M l> - ?. Tlii* itiiiU of Xf>nn>ticr. A. D., IPfl'j UOUKKT MiKAV. 0. iCTi Xnv. A 27 .1m JTATE OF feOUTH CAKOIIN GKKh.N ViLLK < . Jf EQV1TY. fnmo* IT. Itiviwlull el hi*. vs. kor^jatutn Hatidsll ot ?h>. ?" T j# (VHcod, Thot.fhn rro?Htr-rs of 11/ |_ UIKT M. llAMMI.I., it<<? ?? *?<!, <l? Ticir tUinw wivii rno wlihiu liireo uion 7oiu ilaio. * WM. M. TII(/MAS. 0?B. fl fi Kovrnjl>er II, >???. -99- Sir I'OU SAW * A KFAT oftil COMI Of tr'u,S^U l2 AU,',; CH/TTAUB, ? \ rry - (< . i w TtriW^d r?rf **f ?* Fruit*. Kin*. Villi .liwrrtoT, Urnp*>?, PfvhtO, A* ?ii.KStri rrlv*. o ?o<?f| V**otiiMv <iu ?-or ?f tlx- grounA*, uii'l <# |tlri>(^|it v?ric?j 5vi ix'rci?n?. SlimUbvvy muj Pljj^rr Vcitrroen l(M)S vn fT\f TVio l,'i| aim m?r I ?*o A<nw, *ilu*icJ <?n J'r.tidfo Ilrorl, "OA In Mil ? *' > !l? lit I'WyhbnfldNU. Afiplr u? Km. H. (*. *4 A fpftMj'fy or T. a 99 .. # i. 1 ' 71 A-/ , t' . . * * 1 ill ?? in Ml*,, Pi'..-<TI?I 1 tr|, ,1 tm.-nt. ^ V r^' I nnmirc (hut, ?ti? U..?r.r.n? U-..-rt.???t ? j K;".? I'l""' '! 'of Mr" I HtT MrKAY and | exporleneej ' ~~ | H,"l " poiK li>i tin- mutation nimRHH ? 1 'Urn-Mem r.nut; linUee ' '.fl?? ir fi'"' ' > 'h'-lr I'm fly the c,.rnr?.rt?, attention p and r. ,t i-.flw^V t1>M?. f,,r lly ?f ronnvj? r'tqiiim'e* ?"; joy*4 I I'V I e, ho tvlU ?* ft ifW in fuffv : iiflt Tv.i.cilio.; iti the c mpitrnt'tr-ly ! rn ci i'. "> month, ii.tJi.Jii.yf kitKBj Incite \Mi?*iir jjk " - j Tame, far 8o?vlon*f TVcs't^AT'oAtr t '*' Tuition, Colleen-" l>. inriMwut,, .11 .. .^ sim ? t " IM ntry " 14 ?1 < t Mo-' 'nil'} ll"'1 ' f- :.*H" . 'Ja ?! 1M ?in fnFMvinj? unit IhWntiiHf, deh.jhi it ?" i* Ift u l/?-' I r?-iil"|i I itl I 'H ry Koc fiuaJbet^lbfouii'ttJoti. I^ i-'- f-.-O WllMA.t, tre*<?en|f mK.i.Til^. 8. ?. V Inn 8 .fit ^ _ ~$t/!TfcQffTrfortt CAEQ(LIN/Cl ' fttt KFNYTT.MS ftlfJ-T n T(*T. " & IN.oniUNAIlT.) Wh I tAM v.. 'fiV'WAS, C. fl. o AiIimPi isf ?f ' liwtiir, Aji'.'fi'-u.t. iu'rtintt ih. I'jtal hoigf ' ll n,V' T- ):! < ?I I itn < ? nl Ritlra St">'K, . | .-on >)n- K t/nl'heir* 81.<1 r*| r- a-ntfe ,^'j lltK? of O. \V, MIIKT-ID, ,,,.1 l-iral hoi'* eh.l ?#?f>r?.re4>trx! i v * <>t I'rilllt 1'lM.A \V HM'H. *leee?He?i.. fVUrdwrA-.T-O' (t); . H'am ff* Fitutl ?? </ l)4rr'*.li" 1 - , TT ill^wHrllif? th It file heire.fl! fV^ruV Ito|3&f "? H v>i? ?l<H?' nse?i-^lv h* ??f I* rtTnf?:i< \?T ' 'I* r*>- J?hvii" ?f Kunuy \t UMaw*#, diymn ,n *til ? hiirniif ?|eeiv?Mtl-?lt-i? f 4>f f'tej hen Sluric, >?f Jnl)^ . tiliwi ^hiil'r, iWiMMlfeit.?MiimiA H. I*he|ij?nr*| | ft-Mit*-, ninl ?l<?jVj?IAii.. J. fheofmrJ. IllltlOl ' I'liMal ?>l <1. VV. ^h, ).|.nM. ili'irii'fd, AtW tin- I'-phI liefi> 8?til r-|ii4?!Alii)lf|a Prh" ( i4|in W.-Kh. dfifriMil, ? hi ?e nnNiea mii ilt'kiMiivti, tee'nfv I.ev??tu1 tile liiuil* oi till ?: . ^l-*1' ' i I' oT<1rVr(\ a*I-? <T"rrf"A, that flte ?t*mvi , pni ti> ? <!< nppi nf ?it n JL'i.iii I cl (|r>riii?MvqS . ||< 111! IiaiiIch III ftl-eetuilll" i'ellll fli'llt", it- 1 ihi'tivrn'fv * vi nih <l?v t>( MurniMMd 'i 'i- - r~ - ** T"? fT. ThfV irWgf a, ttn4 : : m. hi.' nfv fhn 1 Etfatfi. Mf KR1F1H J JJl^iiNf. fl. i'n'f n<j.p }. \ ^ FIl.t'H, Tl.^jrtii'JttJ not Ue> ! mnl 'leei i>n i?it en th. >-imi. n | <tiVeil urnli-t tiry Inunl Kn-1 eeal, ?iOreei? nlj1 vill.- l-Vinf Mo?i-e, iliis Sttil ?W> ? ! Jioc-mi h? : l?vi*. A. J>\ ..r IfOtihRt M?KAY. o. a. D. fu ] " on .Tun 1 HA " .HtlJ. *W-' ,v. STATT^OF FOTTTn fSABOLIHA, <n:t:K\vn.i.K ?iVrtoTi ix ^ROijAttr. Ti. V.*, M-tytfel.l, .tHinin'mrntnr, t|.pt:r*nnl rtrtinel .tnilh . hi, Mayrtel 1 <??i?l. 1 >-trv..Uiil?efi/flfiMi /f>r J"null Hrttl\ ?W, '^Hw IT ?|?f>?nifrjj thnt Jnho'ff; Mnyfirlil ant / 11. M. MtiyhM iml'ial'HViiiwf rti?? lin4t - - it. I of iMn fk iiri'*ri"f th*l th?y >i' j npv** *< ?f f*r<Hiii?rv to twa hol'tai. i nA f**o H*lWt ( oii.'t iTJTiilf "* t? Jf-"'" ry I ?i\?!i !?? <?f >f <voh ?> *'. ; ? -lw?v j any tHo'v ct?n. Ofhv n PlmU iNrilUmrql v p.Uihi of 4ftttAt{AM MaTKIKKK irv should n??t ho had, htid * In-pp*. in L^ven t h "ra'tl. "> -?' f . >fW Tl>i? 4<!, (!**' M A. P. ISAJJvl<v UOKKUT MoK.vY, Ordinal-}. >N, I>"i 11 _ * " s< 3'"_ rt" STATZ 6f BOTTTH CAEOLIHA, O UKKN VI iJ.F. TH^TRff^T. met (0 >k it-)hjim* .a ja '*? m *| _ Jo?M Kw?M"Ktor,?? tl>cntit.i?|<ri;rv? ^ AlcxnnifT Thouipsotv and ofhora, hfir? /im?1 yiyWiifi>t|N?y ff Jam** A?<; A"9*n*rA.**-4Sitativ* f?r final AM t'.inrtlf m,l Jlrrrrt. "IT nf^WAT>i?|r tlial .T?*> i ll 71iofK|v#on, ' 'ft 1 Jmh-# r>vo'Rp?in. Wjlf " Ji(irwT}?oii'>r)*ro>.V/ijy>nM??<?p<* and Tolly AMI >' ... Ki? WKo. nurt 4.>?ipp A'er*Vd?*. r!' fritilwitk, r?)>iilr Wynrd th<- >4 0?i* ^ SfM?*: h is OH^d njiU IWri???!f kN?| j t)i?y .In uppt-lt Kl Court ?4 Ordiwj ?d IVi j *i ffi'lonvlH* Coirt H.unn on IM k'L ' tifrilJii-bcBtHtk do? of' Uirrh ttrrt, in pliew. jffiai ?(??> , if nVy tlo-y Van. nhy a h^ SiU^'i out J.nv fit of tl?o "i At.rxjjpj KrV. s IM' l*. f hIujiiM ,nut i?i !( '', mftl n i )?'.' 'I 1 ' ? 7liU7il> d-?v fj Jmiinry. A. Vv ' ' r FObEilT Moh'AV, O. U. ?*. " .lai. s :w. i;r "V" ?i(ni(ir. rj l'MIK, ri?rnrli n>Mp In ijjp ' I M? (FrjjtP. loCjilo Of. A ?. ''It* (?K 4 A. i>. UOicV, u \\ solvr.i l?r Ihi-. the fomi?!i\ Noto^ t ' or nn?? iM oomuf .n i' lit.- Mfm, h? thtf ? ui tlic?>ii vivlug ('htii* i4. J ; *e? - IK'Klt, M. I>. . *?< !>!?. A. T>. f?CKl. *M' er*r"(Ui??4 VW# fr?<>4 . tic- IV' tlio 'oiu.ftrly ?vo??'l. u t.?i P. tin4 t'irt.1, vhvif ho trtuy Touirti ?t all \..ui ni#lit r?f? ?Uy, uv?? t*.) (;,'o| >?.#**' ?]. . h ft ifnrti'K ?I-* ? < tt i /(' ?t l.i< (, ''Ah?- huutt ?f Mnv t. v ! CJol. l>. p*?-" i?t HUoiitlt'u.V A I?. 1J0KK. M ]). t... July 17 ! I If : JAll'fcS M. AI.I.Bv m7:r.u lha ' ' i ' l mjk m sia s a. DEALER, I <atKEflVIl4.K.*.CV mV fr A11 ft* JtA'tar r W<kk [>rwf? b w^ef1,<b , V^T_ ; Ifc jjS"' for Kiro-'" > V. ' ^ /n:Ti: ,!<r uus < (NQUgfc^r -&jH JOHN rumesj^mote** , M January :*?b, ^ -?< # ?. _> *