University of South Carolina Libraries
>.-- ^BHr!. 'W ^ ' ^fe" ' "v r* ' j ^ *?vnn^<?" CI 1WF, iwr ??n? mi9\ Iiiwrnuu, ???. Hr BraU for lb? ?n?o4 awl (bird Inaartlnna, und IMtftr corTa for tarh aacwtillng Inaartioo. J1* f OliUuarjr tiotloaa, Tribute* of Rcapart. ?"? * n at U>n* fur offncj, of honor or hwtrflt, *re 'wr tl ^ nt*' er?u(jr-fiv* catita * | X^ouBccttirnU ror.wfltaa, $5. MH^portnj for tjir intra. ? rr=:s:^z: ~ - ?* ~??* t t -' ; * -Mo Irwin lb? Southern UluatrataA Kawo Ob Tha *?J>ty BlctT*. f<! Bt on. a. w. naosT. ^ " ^^Vni. Am Miner, I vriavr t<? M? llir rieari Imn^ini lwn? at your aide; ?> ^T"h>" arm vn*tw?t wi\? worth in niu pi I'rory Ymjt I hot ? vi-r tSleJ. fr I WRvSHbI VWU Jiiii'I ml.,) ii at all. . *15 .^HS? Y>a ?*v?r ymj'ae a l?e*u>ifiil atump, . I . pP*4V'-T l*?Mh ?i* ' " I. . " Torn, 1 yan wrt nlwaya a truri>;> rj i 'A e?rw?. a nerr? hand, . 'V* "nprtotf o?V, w l)i,i?<l in he Mal\ r: 'i ai-d? \v To tau-.rU ?t tb > ia a>--iry j*ka. | , jfl ifywoe a-.rnln ar.ur iron #ih?" ^ , v . BlUll.l f? ! in ?*y ahriaklig p?bi ? { To n. Tom. | ** > y?ar lawbliug lib* *" I All vhMn'b u'uiy Mjin, ? ' II Vat! I the ami ia it.U tnt*; ' &>'. Put '' * o"* 'bat ia i)""''#*! to tho Unapt W f* Wt?aiwl ihatV .? ituiil *a two ; Saan. uhl folk,*,. n.a boa yon atari f I fr ^ man. aA? iIni.itm ) 1.?? amply alteva U A Iww'.gn of kotiin j-au i|n I, Aij-i nil of (] ?? J f4t? )M 1 :% ro J, Tho fallow i# going I b fi*lio daaarvoa a parfrri man,'* a on aay ; \ 'iomoI wwriii liar in vinr prime?" , | f4r you ln%Vr p't. r I in tlic VUvurn Mrtli *' - L T!?o linini til? .tiff* of it IJI'Ii'm Mf#*** f And^l??ri*V?i?o?f?rvv?r?l of hM-e? worth, ) Wiii t?c dearer than *11 to jour wife. p 1 ree the pwipl* in the atreet w Look at yaur e'rovr wi? ? ki: And jrau koMW.Tom.there'a naught *? e*e*i j An homage >h<i?n in male curnirUc. 'IV.. Itrax ely your arm in l-*lilr Mruvr, '' Phtly, for Fr^^nm't e?k*. you j;?ve it; oj It lot islintl ? iiut a MlknV h?v* In proud remrtwhrrane* will ?v? it. * p| ^ ^8 ' * jp (Byy- fin <n eweat heart, then, forthwith? Yoiin afoot fur staying eo long? vi V>imnnVlv?? to<i'll tied no myth, But * trntli, livine, tend. r. el rung. An* when around her e'eoder lifll ' f ' .Your J?ft in rV>p'''<i in fund tmbmer, Tanr riflht will thrill,,*# if it f'-'t, P |-m . * " In fit gnrt, (lit uiur|niPi pl?te j( A* I lo?W through th# coming yeara, '' ' y< . I aaa n tinv artn?d ?*rrfrd man ; w Sfr A little women, with rmilee eu<i t*are, N le helping an hard *? eh# cat. \i Tojnit on hie coat, pin hi* alarvc, Tic hie erarat. and rut hi* food ; y1 J; And f ray, m three f?i?elr> 1 wear*, I' ? .e "That I* "I oio and the woman he wooed.'i 1 It Th# y**'? roll on ,end then T aee " A wadding picture t.rlght and fair; ,r Ju 'ff' ' ?'1 e'oerr. and ifa plain to nie w That ie Tom with the ailver hafr, t| jEjfs&fe.' ' fl* *'TA* away-the InTrly hrofa, Bfl|^ A ad tha gneeta H?g?-r, loth to leave, RUV^! TU honar of Idni in whom thet |>ridr? >r Brave aid Tom empty Calmiibia Coraujinniinirf. " Cot.rMUl*. Jan. 20. 1803. 01 Mv TV*k Sin Ttii* dny tiaa ba?n J* Kepent meal unpiolUahlv iu <iie liouen. ' . Atxi wi'liout nny refills, hard rffftrT1 " the frioiida ami "IJIXO 1 IB,, ' nonta of lh? Kitortiun Hill. Mr YenRK don tnovod liia kill, rut euhatituta for " Jt Mr. JohnaoiiV, to prohibit exlmtion ^ tuivl puni-ti oKlor:iot>*r*. After varioua *' amendment* a* to what should not be 11 old at extortionate prices, the motion succeeded. Yb? distinct fwturen of tho two hills saemed to l>* whether the Jury " or the Oo?on?<>r should determine what |>rir?*> amounted to extortion. The Jury prevailed. , Tl(?|i ftlix1 lb** trgviui-Olu V to tho merits ??f thV bill^ Yen I don, Kenin'.fv. Johnson and otters ad ft encnted the l ilt with tfreat xenl. U<*rr?. fl linwkin*. Bovqt, BoUt, Ji>??r*,Traohiiim c! and ?*h?nifiyp>w*o<l it nnwt rii?n.r*tly. I II <U4 fh>l think the hill.' ??? UV'dy.i" dd y much pood or much linrtn. and hauau expressed mr det*?M?l?>*tinM to Vote for tl it in l>?cemher, I #<iid nottotoj?/ l.j p thought it <>m??|fli t?? I" * tho hill ll for ii? moral iri8u<-?rc~. Kuj I ho nw?t in terming part of the di.-ciwainu mum on tl iK? various Mtntrndno nt?. inserting a his | *' "fcy and ntiiki'ig out . poulirr/aud pro- " H posing to include < gir* and cotton, ' wood. ai?l eeudie, Ac. The lletise tt' filially adjuiunrd without deciding on * > mnrita. ' The %ota will l?a'uk?n tomorrow. < ff ' Tkk Knuirl ?? ?r. | tr ? v....nm..r u> ?H"l? ?? ' tllO rv^.lut|.<n? i?fi ll?? (iovirfl|? 1 r, I or\ ptf.rli.innMon. it rt-ptii tirsjil wwtfnlnjf, awl I ni*l>tii?*i>r?T a mill r?|M?ri, exCM-iiie Hli'l H*fK??rH?i|j ihv^ac ' ?">? ?>f 'I..- < r>-vi"nnr H?>tIt r> j..>. I ! ^ [ , * ** '?r<l r??I to ( ,f>riri'*?l# It tilj vi HI <N r com* hj> in tit'urn .l,vy. V 1 bwrd X*?tirdar.iL?i t>!. MeOuwnfi er Hp* l?*'l HpjMilnlml <l"il?ral III lb* * ; placa ?'f Or*Vg, w icb u a w *?r fcorvicw. fl? wk THfo nutflMitg I M.l?titiii*d iu thai p P. Uotuia rmohtiion* 4ir#?itig th? OotArfc. . *r' to tbai *11 toldiara ia iU ftagi oa ..... ' iiy) -if. "*7 rT.77^ I 11? Jlrojrpr, tie |i, j&fj, # -?'* $ i Jin' ''.. U.^-U-.?' i?nt* of Urt*rvc ?Ve tire oe* fi*iy tan* of b* ?1i?ctiarff? it Jit tn.? etpl tiiori of their tetrnof 'tarlrSISb, whiuli m three months It i* WJfcfhrrtent llmt tone men eloftikl return home. In time pl<M iltcir crop*, otherwise in many etinns <>f the Hte'e there woulvi be no ?>)>* m*ile for another i e*r. It now *?e?n* that the T>gi?Utoreill not tie elite to Mjourn oil FriiUv." nt m the Confederate Court fit* at reyntillo on iUunday, I eliaU Ua*e t re Saturday. Ct>l. McC.'aHoutjh ami Dr. R. Croft ?ok thoir seats to day. k WiniurnAr. Jaenary 29. Tire reanl'ntl..n lo adjourn" has 1>een weinded, and it i? now uncertain when o aliall |f?? In one. PerLap* the h*gi*^ itttro may continue tif action til) the i#t of next work. . Yesterday tli? extortion 1?{M w*a night ail day Hi d finally defeated by v ?nr?k>*? vote. I had bean sent for by i? Cover nor, and ??.? not |w??Ht nt 10 final vote. My presence would have tvnl .tlie bill, nt .it w** indefinitely ?al|totied by n majority of oitft. *My lend Yced<>n w a* greetly^ by ?? defeat of hi* bill and toy absence, 'lit J don't (liink the M'l would bare otirt muchwoofl or tpoch harm.if it could ave pawed tire Senate, ? f which ih?re as very little chance. I thought it an only a " tear* croro.** Tbedjill to limit th? planting of cot?r> 1o three acre* to each working band as passed the 9c#iatn and will jmw* the lou*e. If planter* have not patriotism rtoiigh to plant Provision crops, it i? ell enough 'o make them patriotic. |)r. Ibn pe made a vety able and i f ctive speech to day, and cartiod his ill for'tbe S!*!e to guarantee Tier pro. orii?tn of fire hundred million* of Cap derate bonds. Mr. Trrtdmbn spoke i'lt -jjieai*jibilitv itv favor of the billin serious oppoHUOii ussmasla to tha ill *s^-- **" *?*' 'rr* the Profo*>?* was \\ S> l|dy W>fv IM-:( ted it V f*ol. bin kins ar><| |lr. C?<>fi. ami |>as<ed the l*it. ? Iii'iIhv. I no# have hopes <>f llie i<-e <S -!i?M?| Kuinl Ining con'inned. !t ?'|?M If varr Miiai-e to discontinue it. The Sena'e bare re enacted the Slav of lu?t veac. an<* it may pass the muse. nut i here never w?s less need P such n law. T l?u<1 ilio report eersiirine 'he ^ov rnor for hi? proclamation as to the Re- ' ef Hoa?d? laid mi the table la' * l?rpr<? nle to day. Ths avc* stul nors weie ?ll?srl for bv Messrs. Ye*don and Cainp ell. and were ordered. Wo have appointed a new Hoard of Vlipf for Greenville. They are a* To|. w. : Col. l>. I?? lw, Hr. J. P. Hills ohm*. J. Harvey Clew-land. J. H floodvn, OHver Barrett, Rruhon Hnttrlm. Mthsui*! Morgan! Daniel Fowler, H I'. Pedeft. 11. R. Johnson, Inrnol 'Katie* and Rev. Jamoa Lendermnn. ; will" Im the duty of these gentlemen i male out lift* of all the wives and 'idowa i/f nredv soldiers nearest or in?t convenient to them, without ref. renew to Beat Companies, and supply ?e|r wants. They a ill hsre to allow aaeh woman i proportion to the number of herchil?rn and h?-r aetual wants. I 'hope tirtv three thousand dollars will itLundntly relieve them all. / The prrwpanta of peace are regarded are as IxiglKenlner erary d?y frotn ?c -uint* North,.hot It is better ' n?w ?*? lace loo much relianee on stn-h hopes. I a me opinio* we hare great mansard battle* to fight yet hefnro we ?ontter H |?o?eo. This ha? been * dreadful day of ?ni* nd rain and wind. How much I feal ?r our poor eoldiara on <futv anch a ay I I cm ?<1k of noldiera return 1 jr to tiiw army. I introduced raaolution* to liaro nil ver fUrly in the reaeree* discharged a'. 10 expiration of their ninety (tar*. .li.FR | Vay'* StATfnu, Jmii. 27 ---12 40 p. m. , M'rmh-mlmritt of (Jr?t.*ix Point.? even Yankee cc?*ejn v bombarding it>ne?i? Point. Two of rheat are iron ad*, ahttiln* to the Atlanta, and one ?>f ?e?r it anphoi-ed seventeen hundrid ard? in front of nt/r battery. The fiitnor opotnaj alemt f o'clock lit morning, and the ia?t courier ra nfls that m dnuiitK* had bean dona to fo fort. *4 10 p. m.-? For fiy? and a half hour* >e bombardment continued ; it censed lioot 124 o'clock. It commenced to tin and the cneniv'a fleut left liefora 1 clock, hiving fulled |o injure a rinytc rait or jjun. AH the d*ioatf? to tire ti^htvo'rfcfr can Ire repaired in a day. in** nym tv Irolio to the Hrr\?<-l\ at INiitil. Tl'? rter^Rtr^l h*? b*<7? ra'iOdm. !nr?<In'?ar'?-r?. from Mr. CW^, if t*J' t?r/|?tik* ojn?r?t<>r at .Way'* Bin *>'&'* t, 1 ti- ' - '?. ' 1 W*y58 Station, J<mmry 27? p. m. h.isf'jrpit Ifltnn.l1 fn?n ill* bnlt?-rv. | >i ?tj? i* ltutl on onr aide. Th* attack **toad* hv four *taam*rii.twoi?chonn? otru 1roi? elitd. Tit* lntl#<r ?ow*l n? mjWk by ? aliot from ll?? bntirrv btek .Utnai/^il h?r 'tnrral, whan th* in# ceaaod ami ifc? anoiny hauled otf. ; . t:'. I mi* . M .ff ?/ Crow U now nailing fer'lll borhnl i tlx Wrote**. . *. -'T' . vfir+Jl;' V. 7 - ' w> * \ .<#/' ' * * ! * % *' L # ?' li / ? w. _ . . _ * *? T7?r?EFW ^ 1 * ^ i ^ L?J r . , L IJLL. LJL I...W!.. - jl ti?*?. >' {' w"<i..i' rjftpj* :plex oj ,fe 4? ???,. a i IWlhirtil. ; I'j ' . . -* >< !.,?. ? From ih? Uicl?nx>si(t Enquirer.'. -/'. . Booth Carolina Mid the State Ou*r*n- \ Mt ?f the Confederal# Debt. ' r * Fmm iMUori^tk ><Mir fMprr o^OMrai hrr loth, in <mt ?rl?l? on tupportloc. tic ' rftrttit of 1U0 OmMcnrf, ?ft*r referring io 1 thn (tnntont** Kjr Alhliome of brr ah*r? of * ^-nnlwMU Ml, y0u My : " Hilt put riot- v> ie prcnmillvn has been responded to K? * thn Legislature of Smith Carolina, eonpled. ti however, we at? worry t? or*, with mn? * onndi lions?among them, perhaps, a limit*- -1 Una <?f lln'gonrnnte r to I ha j -in t sum of two * huudrtd lulllioiut It is crldrflt that, if ttia T I States separately impose condition#, I hero <| I can b? no common twris of aation, and the whole scheme will fall through." Ywipm ' pose that 'lie conditions shall ha arranged ti In Congra.-a. and urge that " the simple pro- I vlao is for Ilia States to guarantee in * rateable ptoiorlion thuir share uf the war 1 del.t." W * I.-t mtf mt a few worde in rlndieallnn of I of the Lrgi-lntnre uf South C#ru t Hoe. Tho oldest of. that body whs not to j impose restrictions which might hinder tlio * guarantee'of the war debt, bht to nd< I* f plan hy which tiie credit of the Government I might ho placed ??|h?u a firm haala, and lliat V opWrrbo w?u#t advantageous terms.. ' ' Tli? Legislator* <?f South Cttrottwa had t parsed, through its first rending in the lloiire ( of Ui'proHsi11ntiv'o# tiie Bill adopted hy 1 them t efore it Wire known thnt thin matter ' hnd been thought of elsew liure. At a mat- ' ter of eotme, tho Bill hud in-en tra-ned as I an original measure. On the receipt of (lie ' Alabama resolutions, the frirnds ol the Bill ' wtrn cheered hy tiie prospect of w opera- I tion from the other States, liut atiM felt J themselves at liberty to eonalder the two 1 linns and to decidu between them. The 1 truth in, that already, in the Committee of Ways and M?nn?, had liceir discussed the ' guarantee of the windsBeht, and. for r?'a- t sons which will appcnr. it hud linen unani mwoalr decided tlint the prifinl guarantee ' would he l?eat for the country at large.? * Vet in thnt.Committee was more llinu one ' perron d-rply interest* <1 In Hie present I ftiioh'd debt whore interest* would < 1 have been greatly c'tilu?t?a*d hv airiisrnntee of the whole. Tiie suggesting Wd?.Uo been ' ~?.t? iWo llm ?iiulor?." t'V >tout)l Cam - ~t lina should he offered ou the condition that I other States should j dn nr. either (hat all I Ml.ould do no or at ) net th#t. live or arvea. < lint, eioiHdcnt thai the oilier Stutts would ' at Inst ullimnti-lr unite mitlt na. we wi-rc unwilling to embarrassor <Mny the action t the 'Confederate Stiitce hy any such pro- i ti??. The off. r of South Carolina war, 1 therefore, absolute?ujhiiv rmoor.dilion ante I i list .the bonds should be sold to the highest- i bidder, Cud 111itt if the State'licrtelf or any i of her citizens should coital bid with others, the liunda cliyuld be their# ur I hers. i NN hen the Alabama resolutions reached I is they were found te have placed Hie ratio i of obligation upon the r<-| tat inn in Congress. This wa? a wwr? simple basis ' than ours, and our bill was changed to eon- i forth to it. But, to our great regret, it was I found ih?t these n solutions invelved both tho oltiertlonahf* feature* which, in the fV amine of our bill, we had Considered and rejected. Kealizing tha importuxri of tihlfortuity of ?cl1?n, cnpiee of our hilt and r#jHiit ?tr? immtdisttlj for warded to proinincnl of- Alabama and the utkrr States Hut in iustiee too'lr own judgment, and an man acting-for tha wflfarc ??f tlie country, v? could not adopt tli? other p'an. If titn action of aM the other Stntea shall show that our plan. wl'.cn tindi rstaod, in not approved, South Carolina will then guarantee an the oil.era; l.ut, in the meantiny, ought she not to have anted a* the b? at interest* of the eounti y seccned to Iter to demand. Vou *uggc*t tha? the imp!# act nf the State* should le to guarantee the deht, and leave it to Coagrr** In arrange the detail*. Hut the adoption of the AUI anny plan hy hM tha State* Would have left to f'nrartHU no oHier detail than fixing the rate nf .later est and date o' payment of the Bond* to absorb the Treasury Note*. The unte* them e!vec\ the interest hearing ncie* with their internet, the A per cent, call loan with it* ^ 1 "t-hP'l the 8 percent, funded dol t with it* interest, ei 14 alrvsdy guaranteed, and llist. too, In their form, and hv the simple passage of fhcaa resetuttw*. by each State, the whole *111011111 nf ihe pri son? debt, principal and interect, without any chance of diminishing it hy |?mper ftnaneiul management, would have been raddled upon the Confederacy. Such detail* as Congress would have the power to establish, we were willing to leave to It. The onjv proviso minis by u* ware equally of advantage to tlih Confederacy at large aa to the Sla'c ofSqnth Carolina. Hut. when we believed that h'y the adoption of the plan I we had already perfected, we should save I tha Confederacy a large amount of principal and annual interest, would, ye n< t have hem recreant to onr dutv hail we fulled t? adopt tl naitrWvr, epd t<> urge it n|M>u the ! i other State*! Accordingly vr? pawed lh? | 1 t?ill with two HUnei.ting voice* ii) Ui* lion** ' I of Repreretttativea, and uitariitooualy in thj | | Jtennte. The Governor vim iiImi reque?t*d i i to ?etid aopie* of it to the Gwerlier* of ? the <it|ier8i*h-t I Soppo**' we ht?l adopted Iho Ai^iwmn rrnohiiion*, .what would have Keen the f 1 feet ? They have a provtfo lint >lniilnr aetion eltall ho taken bj every other State U- ' f<>re thie guarantee U binding. | rrttrt to I e?e from your article that the reaolulinua I 1 ottered in the Lcgiahituie of Korth Carolina bear the Mine enrWm ra*ah<g condition.? I Una It Sever occurred to any that tlif?? re elntioaa include Kentucky and Mimmri | 1 among the State* that inu?t guarantee.Tliey, too, are represented In -Cwngi i?n. tmt from their political eonditloa ran give go i guarantee of value.. If eneb State guarantee* without reference to the action of other*, though the whole debt he not guaranteed, 1 the Confedi rai-y*grMI have the nmuiint of guaranteed Ironrie which will fall to the t hare ofthoae that-guarantee. The other* I can be obtained at a future day, though thai * n* ao lar ilmlant n*, ?n-Uia *? ? ?< K<h-torkj j ?1 tn<l le h? tl of tha u-ar. Ti'il a?>-nr<ll*ft lu ibu Alal-*ma prutim, a > lijr r*lii?iii<; ?! nri?U*tini{ t? d guarantor may uoltify ih? g*?Kl InfnU vt I All tht nlWi*. . t '111* ab*Y* prP*1?o" h?w?r*f, li nntjr *m- <> barrarrVag. It vm b? rrtttotari l>y mI<*? H ? Ilrnt *|)|i*tk tn til* ??ate?1lHM ipiarftfctM. I ittl the nther h-afnra (?f lh? AUUnn* r???ImiAM It wrnltiwit |t will hav* an Mil II effect. *t.4 ll?at nilWnMiWy. A* I iNiara I Mill ?Uv*{ tb* pltn, if li|p|itMl, cannot Hi )( Uii*(mtnr? h? illfM ! % C?nfr?t t?''?*'l, ? if agreed U I'y ??U| *#4T, aw a* ?a bccoiw* V?. i. " E^1 ir* CD I'll T" ,.% ?. zfe^U- ip-i^r^,., /'i1 ' m"^/1 ". ' kBOLWA, THUR8MY MOF "..* . i1.: /ii'"C(.ijLi?lj.i')fcji.. ilxiinH^U Mount I* oWrn)r*v?w-hy *h* I *U?? fcf-tk? thMnaeUe* hb?MWM ' WMro.1 with ?W MM* of Ui* ConM^ ; il* w?uriU?( Anil o?m Iwt tlioy ma v? ?W th??tMtAifnKnlht?oMiftatWo. ,-1 r*for , o thol feature ' which A*ftk?? three mmIo- ' ion* iMfiotot of Ik* whole w*r hkt ? 1 I 'pmn>wtiy? a* /?H M a I *W|>?t>T?-?lfr?L li W InUnitft to guar I ub-e lh? taliirt debt a* **H h tha paat; ' iwd It Mk m?t effectually. If aow I b? fltatrt M that Um CoaMfnto State* Ittt Himiri# obHg*t|?m? to it* creditor* ?hi.-h dm not mir* Munich, ami that I ha H?tc? ought to ?lap i? and render them wri up, there if I pntpriery in tliUpHHfO t-K Bet f question IftliUla the oljrft? Tta Ae(R of the -Con federaey if *eeWe n?t|th. The uldlcattnn* of the 8l#tn to ny it, If the Government be unable, Is un[Ue* tinned. It la the debt of the common agent, and 0 the extent of the share of each. U i* tha lebt of ell tji* State*. When there U * woapect of failure, Itowerar. eml arhrn the rrditore of tha Government are elonit to o??, by lie iimMlily te per. then will l?e hut enough to do whet would than l>a a huplf eet of jiutic", hut Would now ha tha I vurk of supererogation. At firat Ulu?li, the i Mahnmn plan appear* mint patriot!* It | toe* look Ilka cunfhlr nee to tl.f w? will , pinrimt'* tha whole. Sgtne ni*y *ey It ook* like w ant of it to *ey t?u rely wa will [uarunlec, two hundred million*. llut tha ruth i?, it i* the one who offer* th* limited lifprantae who n?a? iutegtiiy of tha loverninent and *bnw* confluence In lit b el tuevrt. Th* i.tject of these I* lint to 1 cure th* del?t,either past or future, though hat ?fleet may be iucidr (Unly produced ; >Ut to furnbh tha Government a uicun* ol redit hy which to raise fond* to relief* the j utrpla* circulation, to appreciate tha cur- ! ancy, ami to reduce hoili lti? nuiount of >r:uciflal and internal of it* funded dcht.? J Hud will appear l>y 'lit fallowing etnta-' llrllt?. t hat which ha* led to the idea of Stfttr >nJor*cnieitt of tha Confederate deb? la that |ia sccdi itiet of tlic MluW* have a higher j nnrkrt value thau tlio a of'tha Cotifedera- | y. It i* thought, Iheraforc, that if the iitUt will gnu i-nii tee the eccurlih of the 'otife.lerncy, it will increase their value.-? Undoubtedly, thin Neill l>e so.. Under I he Mebaiua plan or the South Carolina plan | tlu Slate gu-raolse* will add to the Value tf the debt that, may he secured, The aueetien is, rlia'l flint additional valtie -? aecuran UwjJeffolrricy or To ih? I holder oi ita securities? Ttto latter is tie-" iwwiily helped l?y everything thn' liable* I he Government the belter to pay it* debt*' I'lii* legi i il itt?1 y belong* t idin. llut? 'hotiM he have the n-l-iilioiinl premium now -oniinniid?-.l by Stale bond* when aol-l for I'otifcdcmte note*? Doe* not thiw property belong to tha general agent, and-through it to the State*, which, hy their wUe notion in ihifc matter, lisv* created that premium I rite Son h (Vrolioa plan sienre* this ^>ren\ > ? iu ui?- unvvninifiti ; nun ?>t Aim.xinn tjunnder# U aiming I lie y?rcsent and (mure nold'us of CniifiNltr?l?orriiritiMi This will appear I'v the following-table*. It it ti'tinr.' (i that the fnnfix'frttt bflT'U, rniloffriS l?y tha Slates, chii be sold it a high jirrmiiim t The fix per wnt. boAda of llie State* *]?na now command rrom twenty to forty per cent, premium,? I'lmsa nf the Confederacy, endorsed by the "-tales, ought t?? be worth more. In one of ill* follow iiig table* 1 have nrsupied that her will be worth fifty per ertit. i-remhuii. [ helleec they will bring more than that ; inle-i tlo lr value be diminished by the] pinntity thrown into the market. But I | ilao n<1'1 another table, in which only twenty >er cent, premium issnpposed, Even wrre j l only five or ten. it woulil l>? important, on | ?o largo a debt, to secure it. At five p.-r eut. or two htiiulreii million* it will be ten itillh-ii* of dollar* gained. Our prcaent debt I* in ronnil figures: lVe?? gut** in circulntiau. .$*.10,000,000? no inter.-**. ...... [hill loan 00,000,000? A per cent. Interest ten ring note*..80.0ti0.000? 7.K0 per cent. Funded de!?t.. . 74,000,000? 8 per e*nf. . Tlie effect of tha Alnhnma plan is at once to guarantee the whufe of the above debt, pnrinefpal and interest. It even guarantees the Treasury note*, putting tiom on the tame footing a# to State securities now upivd by bonk note-. lint Slate bond* vl'l only command par in leak notes, for .lie latter are aelHog at the snino premium IS State seam If Us. The t'nnf-derate1 bervfore, gnarantrrd -by the State*, wliielt U?u.-d for tlie purpose ot absorbing i part of the two hundred end fifty miThuna vf Treasury ^g-tes will sell only ut par on die Alabama plan ; lor. while the bonds ate rnhanced by stat? eadiu>ement, ao a)*<? are the not* ' for which they arc sold. This a-ili not be tlie ease if the Sonlli Carolina ftlan be adopted, for by that rerhtin 0o?ifcdrrnU boniln ott/y are enhanced, while the [' miedemte Treasury notes, ns well p* the interest hearing note* and the funded debt, refunin nff'rted only by the fact that the Inane.-* are improved. Their relative |h?'ition to endorsed bonds wi'lbc Ih* ana* they now ocv-upy to the State at entities ? Hearing flo-a* fneta iu ndnd. we will supr??se eighty tnillions ?>f Cuiifoirrat*Trss??iy totes left in circulation to meet l)i? wars* dtiea of trada, and the Lalaneo converted into six !> r cent. hand*. According to tha Alnbatua plan the dahl a ill 'x? Anna! Int. Treaanry note* still in circulation... .$8.'?,n0O,o0O, no intereat lat. bearing-uot?#. (, 7.Ji* per et. # ft 84rt,rt00 7all Loans..80,000,000, per cant. ' *" * * Trecxtry note* funded iu 0 percent homl* . 103,000,000 0 percent. Present funded J?ht. .74,000,000,8 per cent. H>20 OOO lot*] f-4rt4.UOO.OoO fJi.VidO.OOQ Thi* . will tonka the rriiic>j>?l of he deht four hundred nnd mil- . ton?s and nnn.ini liifer.-et of iwenlr-fWe ! irillhtne two hundred nud rixtj tLeueund ' toiler*. Aerordlnitn the Ponth OnrnHun pUn.Ihe | ' eretnrjf of the Tr.'emry . fin* two hun- j Ired million* gunrnnteed l.?n<l* in the | ilplirel bidder. We wil) Are*; hrjr I-ring t^.f frr fMh;>u In the t l>. r he f ro|.ore? to nee one hundred nnd ihjr mlltinnt ??f dellnre to retire the eor>|ii* rfreolntion of Trrnetiry note) nnd the i ;?ll I/>nk. Kor ? ??? hundred ?t>1 hfty j Innt of h-'.ndJPe <d*idiie two htfudred nnd I *0 1^ ^S^S^p If Jln8HlWi?C MttOllf nil wmTwijinp^ ... :. ' " \!?e hq? trt fifty ii>Ulioii? 1?4t ?f ea<K>"*<l kwndr. FW J??m? h? g?i? ???v*nty-?v?-in*? jioa?^i( iW?i 'and m tk?' mtguaranUad , Ulil Ml* ?AliL lukfula fliiil Vi* - in* no?M( are Mitt nt pur, hie absorb* tr*?n Ada sale, j4t thirty fie* million* of right |>cr cent. and forty million*of iut*re?t bearing note*. .v , A?c>MId| to Ijwfotth On rot in* plan ttia deh| and annual ratarvfft ?UI tlicn stand: The guaranteed v , Annual Int. bond# |200,000,000 at ft per cook . ' ii;ODo,ooo JJaliuice of (haded di bt. . . .8V,000,000 aft 6 p-r cent. h- ' r ,j- liJ.' , . ?,12o,uu0 Balance mf Inter- r est bearing note*...., .40,000,000 at 7.80 par rant, r' > > 2.920.000 Online* of Tren- ' I rtiry note* In e , - v , circulation. 89,000.000 at no Interest. tHA4,oO0?KM> lft.04*?,000 The debt will h* three ftitn<W and sixtyfour million*, and the Annual in'ereit eighteen million* and fort; tlmus/ind ; by winch the country will hat** saved one hundred million* of principal and will mv? annually of Interest seven millions, two hnndrrd nnd twenty thousand dollars, wlilelt would t?* lust l<y tit* adoption of the Alabama plan. I While I Rin not willing t? niicrtle. that the above table i* li*s?<l u|*m the best p?wslidesale of the bomb, I wnti-ml that the following on* I* computed on the worst porsfbl* condition ?f affair*. I asatnne in it that We get only twinty per e?nt. premium for our guaranteed bonds, that the hutilfrt of the < Ijjht jn r cent hot ds infuse tl> pert willi thelu, and thilt all I hut *m b* retired I will be the one hundred nnd lixlplive million* of Treasury notes, the call loan, nnJ fifteen millions of the interest.hearing rotes. Upon these supposition* the debt will be : : ?* An. Int. Guaranteed LMs. 1200,000,000 nl ft pel cent. - $12,000,000 Int. B?*r. Notes. .65.000,000 at 7 SO per cent. 4,7 16,000 Funded 1*1 ?t 74,000,100 at 8 per cent. 8,020.000 | nni.oi l r ? Note*.. 86,> 00,000, 110 interest. .. $2'2 Mtliiri; th? piineipnl (our hundred and | tWfiiivfiM'.r millloiif, mid the int>r?t annually twenty two millions six hmidi-d and s'.xty-flvo thousand it?U?r?, whioh will mve to the $?*ih1ry forty million* of prtucifml nnil two million* five hundred nml ninety tiv ilmnwnd dollars of annual inli wt, Enough h?* linen ?aU to rliow t'ini I lint of South C-auftina is the profernhle plan.-? So far n* the present (I?l>t of the ('oiiWriacv s* rnwMirnol, two hundred millions of nul'if'til Idrmla will he ample to arrange for it. If ftiorc bo tiectlnl more "van? lit KUin ?rt?rd. The same court* may lit pur*ii< it with the fiimr* inMc*. The eh-eulstinli, if not guaranteed, ran lie l>e*1 by i;iwr*iiliid bonds ?t large premium*. lint nil these advantages tn ill lie lost hy a general guarantee. I h.iv-e not referred to other advantage* which will Arrrne from the South fsrnlina plan. Among others, it yitea u? dtfu.iteiy guaranteed hood* frmn ouch State. There, will lib rated at different premium* I y h-<h deiy, according to the value of the nccuritira of each Stnle. The inducement wi'l hc#a stronger on* to the riii/ens of < iu-h State to take its iitrn lionda. Hut the other plan lfi\ee nn Indefinite guarantee. Tha bond* already issued are guaranteed hy it. Will they be called in and .other* ijeiud jo their place? lieie is nn additional cfpeaoo to the (hiveri'inent, for which It gains no adTH'-tnge. ttr are nil the bond* to be left Willi the mere general declarat ion that each State guarantee* itn prepurtinn, without, any express elidoisrinent on the houd* ? If so, how will the holders It now what provi?o* exist which luay nullify the endorseiiient. R. side*, does ibis add anything material to t he present moral obligation f Or is each State* to endorse a portion of each loud? Then, in case of the failure of the out* derate UAVfrniurht l?? mcHiu obligations, the holder will have t?? appear as the petitioner of the l^fj's'atnrr o' each State, ft??? Virginia lo T?*ae, luK<t the portion of ptiticipul and interest of caeh. Or, if the Hinu-s make provision to pay th.n?. still the coupon for interest, and the hortd final ly, will have to i?e sent ttt the treasury of each Stale to collect the portion due by ihal Slate. ?- x !** . ewppne# tko South Camllns plan is adopted so far as the 4o"??h are cnnertiiei, ami ilt? y are divided anions the Slates. and a etrtnin number of Itonda end ..reed l.y well ? Tin-re jrt remain the Treasury notes tlie ilittrost hriiriuj; note* already iieUi-il and Vet to lie trailed. ll?w run they he 111 rai |ffi1 T Kach guarantees its propnr- j tion of these too. How ? ill eaeh know how i inneh and ?lmt ones to pay f What. too,i* | to l?e done wilh the unset led elainis nptiinot I the Goreroaieiit f They will likewise have | to he divided. In eoui|>arison with all this waoerlainty and (roulils, how simple, how loudness like the Snletif definite bonds, rntjt l>ly eiidoisi-d. tiring the funds realized ft^Ki these for whatever purpose t he t so v or i-Die lit (may deem best. If Wads of the (iavornj iiieut bo IssiU'H with an imlrfinite endorse* I meat, simply declaring the louid to he ! guaranteed by tha Slates, s certain prniairI tion on ??!? bond hy Virginia, a ei-rtnin I ptoftortioa, l?y North Cartdira. and ia like j I tiiaatier for the others, such bonds can nev- | j er he sold, for no capitalist will, tnka a sn- j ) eurity so divided out. Hut let bonds, en *i j dois*-d by either of thfr* States, be nffero^ | definite huttds wltk deHldte endorsement? j ua-l iii?v will tie eaperly touch< nfirr. t llunk South Carolina an.ply vindicated 'If tin* alntte povidone ho correct. If jl h* true that *>! ? haa adopted the eiitiph *t and meet ih-liidi* method; that hy her plan I ha Goynrnmetit will mm Inrvvly, in in.iucipnl ai 'l hitereal ; ihat the amount otic hna Irmli rjA t* enough fur the preranf. uad can j | be Inorertied for the fulure; that rhe liaa | made no |>roviaoKthat will proveenilmrr***. , log to lha tioverr'nient; il it he true, moreover, that to have followed Alabama wvitM i have barn to aid in fixing upon the Coti/rd! eraey. h-yoinl the power of Con|;ri-M 'o remedy. tha whole war dvbt,. both pftn| uipul wnd'ietvieel, na well for the future a* ! fur the plot, and that l?n -Without leaving to the Confederacy tha legitimate m<ai:y It *nw ha* to diniiuiali it* lode trdiiea*, let me eak in candor, liaa aha ??| acted wivly and eorremlf I I have tried to ahow that 11.fife facte ftf* *n. For what 1 hnce written. I eak of yi>u ami yvur reader* a patie'wt. and candid roiK'deration. /. 1*. It. ' Green ??//*, b. C., f)*e. Xf>ll, 18ill Woe* of atcry aitatle, nro dyeO t?i?b the Midigu ??.ii. I - . . . ' /jM >3in .V . C-Jn - -a "V ~ _ 5 , XT-B.; *' / < X luff jjljL'l _ LLJ*1 , ?lasses efwp^ltiufl | V* > i j> r. j '? ".-T'V >|# ,r "-^Ttwrir^ ''< ' ' '- , ~r--?r-4 ' *>i> >jF.- ' YT7 . ^>%^3iR|S 1MP08MT MM IICBMOM of Charlevton Railed! n Oflklil Announcement to Tofrolga Coh* r* ?' ?. if ' Leteat iMtkira latilliftu*. J 1 i J cj Richmond. Jaftaftry 31. Hon. X. 1\ Benjamin, Secretary of State, has -notified Foreign Consul* that he he* received official information of It the opening of the blockade off Charles ? ton. It k believed here that (lie blink nr nde cm.not b? renewed within ?ixiy U Java. ei The Sterr York Herald of the 20lh H instant line been received. r' In ilie Yaiikeo Senate, on Tuesday, ^ Mr. Saul?burr, of 'Delaware, made a g Speech, in which he denounced Lincoln ? an an itnlweile. Th? Vice President 'I railed vbin? to order several time*, and " finally ordered the Sergeant at Arms to C lake hiin in custody Mr. S*ttl-burv, T on Ivaring* the Senate Chamber, dia played a revolver. The next d iv. Mr. ! Clark, of New Hampshire, off ireT a res- t' olution exjrcUing Mr. &aul?bury, which H lira over.' g The latest quotations of gold were }' l.r>3. Foreign excliangu 100.J. Cotton 80 cents |*-r pound. v * a General II inner again commands the * Department of the South. , The 0 n'e.lerate atenrner Oreto. (Flo ' rirla. Captain Mi.ffii,) had arrived ?t J Hanover for coal. She had dent toyed several Yankee veseels. The sero.ii.ns of the Trench Legislature ojvn?-d on the 12th lust. The Em peror, in his speech, said Ilk had post p'oned to a mote suitable opporlunity the offer""of mediation. The Minister of Foreign Allans, in hi* oflicial report of ' lite jadicv of the Ktnperor with reference J 1 to America,says that the Emperor's (Jo- j vernment Itad nor neglected nnv oppor- ' tnnitr which amhorizod it to explain its 11 opinion to the Fedotal Covernnienl on " the danger* and difficulties of the fits*- ? atlnn of afi'aiia. The Emperor Iras tak! en c;tre to inform the Co vernment at r Washington that he is quite ready, if it r i should ho desired, facilitate either ? alone in any fo?rn that ? might be indicated, the work of peace. ? The New York HemlJ save Mrs. Mc ^ Clcllnn has b?en presented try the friends of Ivjer husband with a beautiful * and spacious resi .'enee. fumi-he.! in ili? must superb nut) coe'ly manner. A Washington co?re<?|?oudent alleges j h?l?Ht Holler i* tbf p'>|iiilnr choice for the I olfice ? f Secretary of War. Wrn WI 1'hillips 'ami <?tlier strong 1 mil* Ittl men of bin stamp, went in a lealv last Mundir night to llie Pr.t?i| <1* ni*? ami demanded the ret no I vnl of Scwntd. , Ciiaklkstov, Jan. SI. ? !* Several day* ago, <?ett. Ripley (le>> j| patched a fi'ice <>f artillery, command' , td by Lien I. Col. Yam*, to JimihV lv (| l.tMl. with the design of 'attacking the -| Yankee gunboats ci using in Stoiio liv e^, about eight miles from the citv.? -j Col. Yates posted l.ia gnus, twenty one |( in number, in a remi circle, reaching* ot%hoih sides of the river around the | gut-boat John P. Snrth, and at j-. I 4 o'clock ycMetday (Fiiday) afeinoon, H opened a concent rat i*rl fire up-tn bar. She t replied with broadside*. Tlie engage* j ment lasted or.e hour, when the gun a boat hauled down her flag, surrender* ing unconditionally, with one hundred and eighty prisoners. She carried eleven gulls ; manv of the crew were j killed himI wounded ; our kiu was on'v (| I one innn wounded. Other ,ve<y impor- ?. portnut movement* ate in piogre*A here. ? ?. TIh* two iron clad gttnlioala Chtcora i and rtliiiftlo S'ate, with three coamiTt an lander-, u.-nt toil beyond the bar, hi 1 o'cliH'k, this morning, (o attack the blockader*. Firing bc^ati soon after c one, Attil for a time whh very rapid and F continuous. Afttrwardft it slackened. I hut continued at interval* until 0 o'clock I | this punning. Owing to a fog, tlteje 11 limit i* not yet arc*tt-tiiied. Oummu dote Ingralnim in aboard tlie l'altnetto ' S.atc, us Commander of the expedition. LATK8T. CllAMLKSTOK, Jan. 31. S The expedition was a Complete sue J cos*. W.e have at.(hemic information t That the l';?iifft-!lo Statu sunk lite Van- I ke? gunboat Mereedttft in five fathoms v of water. The captain and eiew httr- a rendered, and tvere paroUd. They l>eg- li ( inking, hit* we h?td no bonis lo other c thein, nnd they were loitl to bliifi for itieinseki-9. - , The Cliieom funic one gunboat, nannunknown, and Met on Hie the Quaker t Jity, w Itirli ft ruck her Hag, but a fter- n whiJ* e*cn|>ed in n crij?]?!ed crtitdhion fi The f.lock iult) i? tniae-d? uot a block.ider c in fight. f Our irnn?clni!? aw crnsing tiinni el jdmnilv ?(F the harbor. 'l be whuie ? Yankee rquadion Iihh Tin* |>r t-ofxrs Ink (mi in Sfono Were tt brought to the city )hi? morning. r< lloniiUJ^Mtt Ingn?ha?i?j? oHUjal re port oorrohorMie* iKe hhore. Our Com '1 innniu arc mneh tinted end excited. R y jr. ?u.-?-The I'hIihcI'o ^Maie nnd iti ,Chicura Knee r? turned to tho They g-*ud wi h enthuein-tlt N cheering. An they h-J'i the ha', four hi hlockuding atetuivie i? api's^tou ia the ofSng. f~ ' . - > ,>.,' i \?>?>* -t ? . ,# ,'W:. ? f * ' * -V **':> , i ~--e? -O-Ti"- in. 0^ ^ ' V - j ? .1 ^ ,Jt?m 1 gfi$?. , ' . ^ __ ^ ? LI' ..-'.JJ. . ALJ-1 -JJ-J.J . I: irn MONU. F. b lv ^rA> Ol% ?(U/I A/ lA J _ /^A-? ? f li*M - "(f, >7 , v",,r "*" "" p Uqckude.- The. Secretary of State b* i> ilie-l thi? foreign Gojisule tl'iW b? la* K'H I'.l official uiforinii'isn of (hoop**- ' 1 i rg of the- M<>7 jrfo of Chfcriwioi.? ho belief here w thai ibt bloebdt | , siitiut be ret owed within siaty day*. j Chamlkstwk, Feb. 1. .. r Qert?r?l Berfuregard Med Commodore [igtakatn. mm commander* of lead mid aval f'lh-H. have iwunl a proetalation, lUtrd January Vint, declaring i . tr blockade of Charleston rilled, the mire hostile squadron having been m.k, burned or (ii:i|>er*ed by the aupe* ior.nnral forest of the Confederacy.? 'ester day afternoon General Beau rear d placed a *t earner it the di*poMl f foreign Consuls, to bee for thetnselvee liat no blockade existed. The French nd SpnnUh Consuls, scconrpattisd by oMietHl Ripley, accepted the invitation, 'he Binish Consul, with the Commandr of thu Rriihdl war steamer, Petrel, ail previously g??he five utiles beyond tie iisii I anchorage of the blockadeis nd could see nothing of them With tssies.' Lite in (he evening, four l o-kaders re *pp?-*'*d. keeping far dot. 'his evening a large number of blocks deisetri'in sight, but keep steam up, yideir'tv ready to run. Liettt. Sheldon and' Chief Engineer 'tmiilr, of the Yankee gunboat Klamlenli, were captured by our scouts^oa lull's island, last night. ' ?*? ' ! Proclamation. ' 11 KAUQl' AftTKRS ) Naval and Land Forces, [ Charleston, 8 0* Jail. 31. 1863. ) At nlwnit the lioiir of tive o'clock thbnorning, the Confederate States Navs forces on this.Station, attacked the Jr.iled Slates Blockading Fleet off till r* I in in. r of tlu< Citv of Charleston, anunk, <fi*per-ed < r drove off. and out u; ight for tho Uuie, lire entire hostile lee' ; Therefore, we. the undersigned. Com- . murders ro-pect ivslv, of the Con feds ate Stales N <val an?l Land Fotces in "' * hi* hereby formally declare he lt|nek-rv1?i l>y the United Slates < f he said Citv of Charleston. S. C., to l* tAISRlL by a superior force of the yonTedeinie States, ftom and after this ll*f day of January, A. D. .1803. . ^>lgllo<J) - (?. I'. BcAURKQ4Rik, (jufK-rul Commanding. (Signed) D. N Inobah am. 'lag Officer.Commanding Naval Force* ' .* in South Carolina. Oftn i?i: Tuoua* Jokdan, Chief of Staff. C H 4 RI.K8TOJ* Feb. f. {. A di-patch frotii Major Rhett. comiiaudint* Kurt Sumter. announces thai i ?teaincr evidently hii ii on-clad, hove 4 ii sight about no<ii, and is now stationy olf the Iih'Ii >r. Her outline can ba inilv seen finfii lite city_v* liarta*.?- i /j 'hero Hie be-ide Iter, twelve blockadors, II keeping steHin up mid on lite aletl. i -5 'lie en| tu:ed ghulxint in now coming j. froui biouo livor into tba harbor. LATK8T. The in>n clad out?Uie in the Yankee rigate Ir< n-i Uonj; The BiitUli war hip Cadmus, i? outside mid will enter he harbor lt> coinmuaioate ?i'h the Iriiish vessel Co<?Ue and I'elrel now i.choroU hete. -ill C'llATl AKOtlOA. Jsn. 30. Wheeler's cavalry de*tv>ve<l five mora jn rahsporls on ihe Cumberland, lust Fri* ,;S lay. The same command destroyed aa ngtne and train of otrt, and captured *~'*w >2 prisoners on-the Nashville and CbalHliOoira Road last Kninrfluw ? "" "'V * WlLMINOTOM, JHllUitrv 11. Our pickets mi S*?nneb?ru\ On?lnw Otinty, report diMt eevni transjjorta >a??ad the?e yesterday afternoon. Tilt ticket* hi New Klvef report iIihI flva ta**ed tlicie yeeteulay and nine last light, nil bomul South. "The sirnnii r Cornubia arrival at a 'oi.f? derate port this morning. Kit iimond. February 1. An official dispatch to Oen, ^niith tate* thai (i?n. l'ryor WA? attacked on Saturday by a heavy force of the enemy, ight miles from Suffolk, and after a ianl fight of thieo hour*. tlio enemy s?b repul?e<? with heavy loss. Pryor, it the lust*, held the eulira ?nithj?tiohl, and the enemy wete in fuli etreat. Our loss ia rotndderahle, in- * 1 hiding among ibo killed tue gallaut Jul. I'vitgo. ' IkiCMMovo, JanttH?y 29. Norlh/?rn date* of the 20ih, have l?een eceived. The Yankees were prevented rom crossing the Kappahnnnock by the oti?Ii-ion of the roads. Ooe correspond-' j nt any* it was impoeail U to draw an mpiy * *uon iMtougn (Uo dreadful mud fl -ilie wLolc Hiiny wh* stuck find. I A ml nift>iut* cable h I > ! ? IntJ U- M ?*cn Now O'leamt itnd Forirew Mou- I J A dp*p-4ffl? f?om Cnrlio atai** 11??. t H ire* iiiiIkjxih iiml a-cerided Whit* towr lu l>e* Arc, taking l&QpiifOOen, <fl nil (wo Columbia)*. (aril. Wool. Uwvingr Of. ?') tll? I Faw York Si?'? Militia rd rep rt la.T im, Urn. Hall. rimmi* of (In. S at* >rr?**, rnlt*r?". a *n?>n?r Tlui v>? owawd waitvaainrtt' # a*