University of South Carolina Libraries
Kt- !!#^r m?- ( * nrv it rl>e ?v*l?l*n<*? >if A. J. ' /?? B jjSi", LoT ?f iyK>, FOltpKIt ?U nod i On?-U?rH WAHO(J. PVH^k^.roNKN. |?>|fKH..|.? ?.,! tti:i-U?n rVJtNlTTKP.. AtiM>i>iin l<'t nf llyet jfad othvr ?hh?g? to?i t t.-d??fl%<<> lauit'fUiK 'I.omim ul?d? kuowA ** 'lv day Of ' W A. J. nvrso^ Jaiintri* S? W ^Tvyolm.K IVOETKn^fKORO J*Kit. JOHN rftTTTKjCDF.X ml CllOfC**. * Janmir Jtfitju p?03, 3? tf Yo*hS . Wojftan fax > T . / . jjjfclu. ' '-"f.-'i" . ? ov n?xt (Wrfnfcy U ' Jh^T?t...) wHWo eMd to tlw hijiffJ-i hidv irv(? > '* the tipnrl Httui* ' JSS'" t','? Town, At ihf . usual hour, n , * Voiioe Mmrly 'd'onnm. * first rat* X?K. WASIIRK, ItOtNK SERVANT a*) * HaKD. ' Hid qjirdjftlfce inny V># n#?*n al 1n<? (?iMn?j,?it On upj)liif? ,t,rtn to Ihw Proprietor, ! !. OoodlelU dan 58 8? , ?^-7-?? ?,. I Efitray Notlo?'"L^&?Aos flight.. 2?<\ taut.. ?a iBHh Iron Hnv MAKK, Mid to baton < 4Ky?\< >onn> >>ld add valued M $IOO.*catno 'Wtny TiiHifc>, thro* ?it> i from and is on* in my p-iss-i.fUMw. 11 <-r back i.t ym.whiit ?oro, and litr leot unshod. Anr i.iY'lK: said pr-'jivrt v, and ntUsing tlin! will eniL pay ex pens-* ' nnd t?kc her . way. JitilV WILUMAN. Uiwiprille, Jamiuvy 2Mb. 1363. 3V ?_ ) Tha State of South Carolina, j out ' Na n.! i: hisruurr. 0 '\ "tT7"1tl'.nBA8. <\ V. and J'- Mxr-, - .Mj-.YV ritJ.o W,??vo H[H?l'^ I" ",c Tor'Lfttorx ; >f .VdiuiuiitlrttUoii' fin nil u<i -ingulvr tiio jrh-tds find rim." Is. r';lii? ainl crcdilt of ]>AX- I 1st. Ma vrtot.ii. USN? nf.tho HHrtfi tlKrttnid, 1 da- tacd. idiotiM bo ijrfMitH t? lliom 1 Tboac nro thornfurr to cite mid ndinbntsh nil! nn<i sin/ula^ Ulc,kindred mid creditors of the Mill depfamul In to- n: il nppeny nt n court of Ordinary f-r Slrcenv ilTc District, to be hidden *<iret nviiln <*iurt llouxc, on Friday, tho J!Uh . Y of February next, to. shew cutis- if ony,' why tlio ?nid .Acii:iri'?trtitioTt should not bo fIn led. HOirr McKAY, 0. O. J>. j Jnn inry 2S(h, l*il3. 8f 3 | EXCKNOTICE-jfoTC I Kicilsld.M), Vo., Jan. 10, isitx ! fTlJIF. followtujt uOfaN and turn have boon 5 duly uxohaiu'ed, and civ hereby *0 do-' #'?ircd : 1. Alt officer* wrd ni-n raptured lu Krntuc.' ky, Tcnntshoc. Alnbnnu;. M --i?h!ji|'i, (hv.rHlo,! . Floridn imd Suulh t's.rolina. up tb Itcccuiber 10 h, 1.S8J. 2 A!' fiifrvs-jtud men captured in Mi*?Auil, amium, o,n Atixvhl, Aitnusnsi ?.,< jjt.?. up ; Jowuafy let, 1PM. 8. Tl ? to*<i fmi'Jitii?|! noclinni apply not on- j *iiy to ?ir.ot rx nud ? > ?: of thjf rcnt'cicrnto iter-j vlco. hut ulr lit al* J- ru" " -uptort d in nrniB j or hortilc army 'it-tkif1 lite Fuitcd btatcs.) wliab'Tor iiia v l-sv.- bcitfi tho ch?rnrktr ?tf tlu ( lni'itnry tironii'.r.alion-t" which tlrcy worn at- . tar!e<t,' mil wl .-ituYA-r tnev have I toon the irrmi { of the |i..roh - jVivi ii 1-y liitin. If any nm in Fctltiral pris.ii h, tbvy art' t" tr itntuoiltntcly j rckajn d, and doliv. red to tln? Coufcdcrula Utt- | UdTflKI. 5. AH Confi ' fF??'? ami m?*h wlmbtire mi il' uml ul I i'v Point, up to January rail, i <*on. (J. A-' Oonfr'^rnt' uMirrrf :ir d tn^n who have ' l>ecn <ldiv?rji' at V%? Vvimr-? uj>-to December t>S4, nm? hicluiife* ti l tl?tt>. s 7. All paroled Confidornte pfflren nuA men receipted for :it Yii I I i r:? up to December 8? !, 4?( 2, un ! imdinlinsr iinid dale. 8. All Contnli'Mic dfh-rrir ami mnh ruptured and pii.i-lrd a.: Ku'ilcricktburg, Vu., in Doec.abor. 1882. * . i' 8. All ( '< ..federate officer* and men enntflrrd and paroled at Oiddrhoro, X. P. in lteccuik*r. 1882. 10. Olltrr mis.-ellanooiia und inlnur rxrlianjrrfc, of phirli the npprorOato ' 'rtt ?lll bo duly inform d. ItOltKlfT Ol'f.D, ( ?". ?8t. Aecnt of Kschmjre. Tu the Ledie&.of Giccnvillo. BBCOND IH'BALBArPLB. , A FKII xi) T<; THE COURIERS will t\ (,'lvr three lilt ml red HoWrf Plant* to ! ? rirtlle.l in a ili-Hiir n ehaoec, each clouice lirms a priz . Tlir Plant* r<ui*i*t nf Ja}-wiiSt'iti'l IIyueiull.a, Oejunitiip*. Unite Trcm, and u choice collection of Fliiwrf 1'IniiK. Any one not wil'lnff to pive.tlu* dollar, may I arm] uii oiii.t of lJo?|>n?l Storertmd be ?*titi<d a pilre. Tlir mnmi of the donors and tin* duiribtiiinti of the mnpry will b<- published UK <io. ll 118 l?<F?ilili> nft.-r tile ralflr. (Yy nddttt* in Alra. It., bo* 118, ( hnrlealon, H. C.) * a?- Plant a to be kopt. in Chnrlmton until 1 eel I ml for. Jan 22 *8 #< f IfOtice, I78TATK OF JOHN \V. JOWK8, ? NKWTON HIt A M LETT, * ? i. XWlSWK IIIHIUlVlt - - DAVIR PLUMLKY* ' 44 J?K ISCILLA II, " VAT J MA NVT.SOK, . . . " " " EI.17.A LOFT IS, ' JO)(fl LOFT 18, ? .JOSF.P1! Mr.THNKIN, " ? .JOHN THOMPSON. All partios indebted t?> any nl these Estate*. *(11 mi.ike puytiienl I" the undcndicned ; and all parties having claims ugaiimi tbem will preaont tbein a .fb'.r. llifit months, to M M. M.TllOMAS. O. B. O. T>., ' " nnd Administrator. - Jan 22 38 18 TTrTMBOU'TH JCAKOLIH OBKKNV1LLB MSTIUCT. M fAJl i ry. , J. P. 'lllPhcttae nnd Rnlx rl Ifjtwtlicrrne * Ml*#. PawJ- L. Foster,'m Minor?HiU J?r S,tfr of Loud. A*. ? . "T WTl.IifKliL id public auction. at flreeoI vl"p Conn House, in this Iiiiiriet. on Rslecduy in February. A. I?. Ififtft, the Tract 'tei LAli )> drrfiikod in the ploadinga of thlg case, to the hiubnsj hiildov there for, tiro liun | dred end on Eccdy Itlror, fonrmlh a and a half rrnm nrwiivni* u?.nrt nouro. n?tJcininut ih?> land* of .lamta Fnrr, dcvcMtd, Upttiin llnw thorn* and Mr?. Hunan Fcatcr. Thirty acr?* of thin Tra?t arc good ' Sfat'nm Laitda. JStxty acre* nre fu wood*, and tin oa'uticv in r-?"?l/.r<lrr fur .nil nation. ? 'J'bmm*?<>na-|inif a??"h ; the balance onbond and ni Ttya^o, (Thn place niujr b? trouUdfor ni nri\eto K.d ) wm. Mi ?rnoMA& a E. a. i>. Cumint<i*U>n?r'* Jannarjr 7, I3fi3. ( ^ Jr. ?t M ^ 4 sEL'l+OP KOWTH CAROLIJJA. ? n unEidNvri.r.K I?TSIRICT. .? ' M Thome*; Commie1 ISP mo-V m Kipntv fur Urte 1*4^1 i-int, ti'.-.. . ! ? 111lull I., inv cftk'.'. (Iiuyiuc (hill ,r< nf Aiituiiiiffratinii on nil a lid JtrgM. T-f ilid^i i iU uhd clttttili*, rl^hia and crt-dJt? M . ?,) N TlloM?JM>!?. Inii* of <ha 1H* r- t ,>? hh Ami], dyoruectl, JioulJ b* jjranlod I t.i mill * "T (u'ii tv ni 4*. (. oil a uhd ndim???l*h * ^)i An*! i*'i i^u 1-if the Wifilud ifd riWllit#] ? ! Ihv^wi^ih n/rttd; t<i an<| appwn?r jIm'Court rl tifdiiar^ tumidioaifial, Iy WAull-**' at fh i i'oMt Hi n?e, jtft 1; i. k , *ii. 1 -?-v<ml) iluy tff yywl iy i n!, t?i rfi a'uiia, if uny, Ij}'tltc 4idiniiii?i?iit5ff<*rV/<'iild i.'d 1** tfrnntealt i JtcftA'.Ul iwkay.ju. U.Ul *.< iamtriry luiU, i?u;t ; w i' . -.rj v,J*i * ' 9 " mk ) ' ' :;VAvC:- ' ? . t...i_iVi-,ac PLANTATION tfOOLS. Aa Prnjv?r|/af JOIIW MAY FIELD, dece* ?d; ao|4 l>r dlrr?tj<>n of'frill. -3 TEftW OF SACK?A ?MH of twelr j month#. jute reel from flnUv Air ninm of f fid upwards; under $6, oa*ii. note# will iwojjoodowrcrtf*. .^T DANIEL FOfrLRR. A<onfr ; *K??r ft. P. K11 r.cnr, Executor. Jan*?lW3. 88 8 .?.?.U ? -. .. .. . ..? . ?r~? The. State of South Carolina GREKNVILLK OISTTHCT. S2& ?. John A. Smith H ?/., e*. .UtneA M. 'Prottl I </ #!.?Jlill.for Snte at></ I'^rtiftov, Ac, BY th? liwrM of OL].f Justice O'Swl! ma?W nt ('hwntlierr In thin ?iw, 1 Wil ! toll, at ruldio auqjioo, at Greenville Cvut j House, In thla 1 ?l?l rie\, on Solf* Ac* '? Fifintarr *rxt. The property of that pnVtipu of the F'tati of ABRAHAM SMITH, dvcenee.l, In whirl hi* wlilow hnd it Ufefe?t#TV. to tlu- highc*! Mrtdrf, the TRAVTOF LAND ?m? whirl mid dejwril lived. containing: Four 7/tu< drr.i and Kirhlrr>\*. Ilifire f?r It tulle* mat of Greonvittc Court i|nr.a?, NIIVF, LIKCLY O KLOBUBESB, TWfcN J Y.-OSK I IOCS. 9 or 10 Head of Cattle. BylSEHOIJ SiEiTCHEB FCiJiTUSE, FA JtA/IAV TOOLS, d t\ CONIHTlONS?For nil mpu tjnder fifly iloRnrA onah?over that amount, ?<n bond wlili ptwd ueuHty. payable In oue year fr?m aalr, warn lnt? reM rale. \m M. THOMAS, C. K. O. I). " CommUsioitei-'&OlFicc, Jrvn. 7tli, 186-1. 'an 8 86 4 Sale of Real Estate. ''ho A<?tc of feotitli Ci*roli<ia, GHKKN VII.LR DISTRICT. IN ORDINAltY. BY virtue of an order from ffi# Court of Ordioorr. I will rrpnn for sale, at publh outcry, t<i the jilghcat bidder, before U.o Court Hour*' door of said l?istriet, en the i'i'i'4/ Monday of F< imnrtry ur,rt, AU that piece, parcel and Trai l of hand, situated in li rectivills Dlstvirf, tut wntcru of Iicedy Rivw, bounded by land* of William Austin, Mrs. Clark, Eli lialdtvin un?l others, and containing (fne Ilui>ilrri{ nurf Our deer*, more or b ar. Fold it* tho properly of AXIiKMFOX M. AlUSTIN, dcreased, tor Pnrtition amongst tbc legal hai.-s or said deceased. - A LFO, All that piece, p trcvl and Tract of I,and, situated in Greenville Itieirict, on water* of ltccdy Rlvnr, bounded by intnl* of Kindred Ftury, Nclacu Austin, Robert" liilimnd nod Other*, and roiitilininff O-r HiiwlrtH tmti /?.? ty-oue Arrru, untie or lore. Sulil hr t!io property .of THOMAS I,. AUSTIN, dr.coas?!, f..r Partition aiu* ugtt tliu icgul bcirn of said deceased. , TKUMftMDFSAI.B.?A credit of twelve tnontlis, wiGi internet front day of sale, for all, ex.'ept %t tnoclt a* will" pay I fie costs, whirl, will he ietjnlreil in cmsIi. Purchaser* in jflve bond* with Jfocil s-evui'V. and 0 moid gage of premise*, if domod fcecse? ry. tit the (>rdionry, ?<>> .tUlre the payment t>f the ptirchns money. nwliltssM ?< t oy for litWa. J. T. McDAMF.U' Mteriff O. I). WtevVfT* Office, Jan. 7th, Ifttiii. Juu 8 30 * 4 Patrol Pxnmptiona. 1)KIIW)N'^ wWiiait to avitil themselves X of the immunity of the commutation tax?two dollars it nil II ft y eenti In lieu of putroliug during the y?nr lftrtJi, wi'\ pay the wiiiio at onee to the Clerk -11 Council, or they will he enrellctl for duty. J. C. BAIJJvY.* Jan 8 HM Town tMcrk. Ippatr nf Rfiifrar /lihAi.iMr OKERNVHTLK I>rsT*>^T. ' IV OKDIKAKl. Aldridgo Croon and Krvin Orron. K rem ton of tljc Will <tf (U.OKUK (iUJilKN, ilocciined, Applicants ajrtiinst the Legatee* uf'said K? ?(?.?t'itolif for Pintil Settlement ftnn ,t)trrr-. IT ?pvv?rinK*tTiat lh? legnl heir* of Fells Olwh, ^erfaiK >!?T. 1*. Hudicn and Ln imda -hi* Wile?-Melon Hudson ?uii A. O, Hudson her IJuabsrd?ami (Urjlum Uro^o. roe id* beyond the limit* of llils 8ln(e: It li Ofdered (tiul Dcoec.l, That thoy do appttr at a Court of Ordinary, to be hidden at (lt?n vllle Court llouae, vn fit I DA V, the tkirtren'l fhry of ^Moratory ne*t. to a!i?r# cause If anj they oan, why a Final Settlement "of the K* tato of Uoorjra Urisun, doe cased, should up bo liad, and a Decree viren tlurcon. TTUtwM try hand ana #enl, at OreenviUo C H.. the 12th day of November, >8?2. ; ' ROBERT Mi RAY, O. O. D. Nov T1 'JH Sin ADMDnsraATCIt'S SALE. FRIDAY, the ?th February, IMS.*! will "ell, by order of Ordinary McKay at the maiden* of NEWTON BRAMLKTT dcreaaotl. fn the lnmr part of the DiUriel', tie PERSONAL PROl'WITY of said deceased I'onsistiny of a HOUSE, UO'tH, HORN, am Household at.d KiUheri Kl KNITIIUK, do Wil. M. THOMAS. Administrator. J?n 21 38 . y.2 ?*i tvVl H I T ? ? A NKAT COHFOBT .VAIILK COTTAUK, usual Out &i* VlXvfT# H*?lldii?go. * very select vari ety of Krdlin, >*W> Wnmi (.'licrriuii, <<r*|xn, mrkw, A|>|>lr<< Mid Straw borrlea, a Wood >f)j?U'.(lo GAUDKN ?n tin rent of the frntmU, tii>l a nUnrant variety h Evergreen*. Shrubbery and Florrcr*, end ai Kvurgraen lli'd;;e oa the front. The T<ot ran taina nour 1 wit Am?, idtualnl ..n IVmlletol Street, and lit an otcullcul lu-ijtblx-riiuvil. Apfvly to lUv. 8. 8. fiA n.I.ADO,or T. C. UOlVhR, iidg. STovSh .- ?? u CX-AiiSXCAL AND EHGLXSE ? t" ? *> V Vffix. Trt?^KRXT SESSION of th, -4r?jCri,ASsicAf. * AM> ENousb 1mUKATU001? rt?nUy eauhlirbed b] Urofoaxtm KI?WAkl?S ami JU1) 4SMr HON, with ihr approbation of lb Hoard of Tn>e*??s of Knrmart University during lha infltaiiaion of tin: Rxorrirottpf ffci Ujtlycrater. wfWpon at the Uwtveralty Uulld in*. OX ftJ U .?M{ MtV* AXYAao4 embrao tefA Cj'.mrU-ta il^T* a"w? elf I Wliaia?<pwt?? rHIt M cepu WjAayial MHuaa^f, poyablni* ad ration.' Ooufl ttefhUofc wM lntd rt fcf.t art month ^!nr*Slrtl5r "1 Jbrtftitftoit akdeaaa Pr >Mnhv M' * ***!*'u,v<njT^ 8j C/ |f v .v-^iT v v > .i M 4 ^ j4?O ' ' " - - 8 H*... . tI b ana ,f Tartm-vm nrftffigT. _ Mitrrk mtxti fb*t vo1u?!i^H^ARM on Uirvvo * Crmtr, Ah*' fete* bold* (Irwurtllt P.H., aJJtfoi* f?M* of Mr. B. F. Cleveland pCd Bev,. : ,Th*Troot oyotnioa fivmbunilm* L ttwtilr-riKMi aor.., ? vritbin ODoiS? of thfcevr S*to>ioB,-on the 'Jrrenvtlje nvH'oRull(o*<L The Dwelling JloiiM. ill ?UI \ mte, epVered will. lin, ha. ?U upright - Hoe.n.. mi J ?*?*?<*, ??? ?? <> wUfcln tbrve ? *f<i. b? fun view of tfc? naift ' "** **??*?0?>y? I ^^^VSCAV,. ^ Kxoeutor of I|?wr?uni Jtroek, duccrucd. JcinA* . . 3? <J V?jiiir-The CWuMtib timnlitn ?nd Ch*rt*>l ton CtaHer ?UI ouch publish the *b?va tcttkly for ft vo week*.. b BTATS 0t 80l7TE CAR0LIHAr GMlM'NYtU.K msiRlCT. v\7 H EUR AS A. M. Gitreoth and If. TK & WhP^V- liuiV1'**. liivr applied to me fur - LwUwwnf Aduiiuwti*il?n on oil and alngnlor Uie good* and qKpt'clr. mhtf. opd orrd ha of Mlao TfANCY IWOCK. 1m1? of the Itiotriet afhrpenld, ' deceased, should he granted to then.: The** ore therefore-io elfe nnd odfftnfdeh i, all Mid singular The kiivlrrd and creditors of the wld dwtyutl to no and nppoar ?i ? I Court of Ordinary for Greenville TtistViet, j la Ir fiotifcn at lire-nvlWe Court Iliinie pit * t J/owrtoy, Ik* MOW dott ?/ Frbrunry **y(, to rhter cause, If apy, vr.hy the an ill Admin la- ' I tretiop oliotild m.t by ar*iit?J. * ? ROI'KIIT MiK.W. O. G. P. , January IPtli, if 8 2 , ? The State of South Cftrolina, j ' GKKKHOlI.f.R- PHTItif'T. ? 1 WHW;KAM, William M. Tl omin. Rmi , 1 t v Cotiiudw ionvr in Kijnitv for (kwii ' \-JiJv I?Uiiict, In. a filed u petition in my of 1 fite, proving ilint Lrlt'irv of Adtn'n'atro'ion ' Mi oil and vilPMilnr iht- good* and rtmttel*, t rgl.ta niiA credits of F.I.I'AA TOM l*, FA I 1 TIMA NKI.SnS* ?t.4 JOll.N lyiFHS. lotejf of tlio Iiiotrtrt nforeoniii, 'leeeorml. kJiimiM , f ! ? groiitmi to l?iin : 'l it"*'" ftji'; t!? ? ri-h*rn, to ! ' | idle olid Hiltiiiiiiirli all Mid Miignlor tfie kin | I I pred mill oroditor* of the rojd d-trowd tn|* j he ond Mppmr ol o Court of Ordinory for J ' 1 i Greenville iHntriol, to he l.iddoii at Green- jJ villc Court IIuuk on Friday, the aixtli doy ; ' of Mandi next, to ohow oon?e. if nny; why ? the fold A<li?tiiilo'riiilnn>ht'Utd m?-j jrinnt- ^ ed. BOBI'BT Mi PAY, O. u. It, I Oritinnrvl*OlSec. Jutumtv 2I,*lt63. J Jan T3 " 33 C j J Ihe State of South Carolina. | Adjutant A ]ilf(tfrluf fli-nwul'ii (ifflw, ) ^ i'dijunlA, J?n. 5f>, 1'hrtS. ) 1 JUtojlutlon of Comr?.or ond <&vnueil ptntrd j ii Jw/yfl, l?C2. . ' KX.TUACT. * . I | " T!r^?i.t.K!>, 'I liul *11 pefmne MaVe | J \)i to duty Iti the hirst Cot-pa ' IUf?trrw v liy shell tutike wltfit ** titiinunisM for ?rvl<v, u'.a'.l he* m'j. et to , such piuiirlilOciil short, of death *.< nmv ho |j liopoou.l l?y..n court. martini ordered I?y the i.j OotoiU'ili'lota of tht* lUgiiucut in which tlv* ! . fault may 1m* i#nd?,* I I (je+tral (Hrdfr A'o. 4. So niu<*h of flc/tcal Xn. -tfi a? eon- | ^ flirt* with the iilmu Kecluiion is Nir?l>j (oiutrrBinitilcil. . Jiy order of tho inChicf. \ A. C. ?AUUMJT?iN, Adj. d- Inspoctor-Ocncrr.l South Carolina. . Jan 22 Ad 1 < STATE OF 60TJTH CABOLINA. \ uuisNvu.iK n mini or. \ fty It. .VA'njf, Ordinary nf tnitl WJfrfrt. j | W 11 BP. K A A, VT. M. Thomas, K^? Com- t niiMiourr la Fruity for OraenvlT??j( JUilrht, li*i applied to mo for I^Urriiif Ad- j ( ministration ?o all ?pd slnuolar ihr good* and | ] rhiitih, ri?hl* and credits of .1 ACKffd J j H?TTlIEItI,ANK. MOAHS JlltlfXlFd and I, DAVIS FMMJ.KY. ^teof thu District af..n>sni.l. deceased, should be granted to bhn . v These are, Ahorefura, to eito arid admonish all and atitKiilar the kindred and creditor., nf the ' mid deceased, to Ikj and appear at a Cmsrt of * Ordinary f?r tireenvUV DirtiVt, t? ha held on . ' Monday, the second day of February nest, nt i ' tlroctrrllleCourt House. t? sshew causa, if aoy, 11 why the raid Admiuirtrution should not be i grantad. lW))lKUT M< ?UY,0. U. D. ' Ordinary's Oflioc, De?. 3.1, 1863. , ; Dec?o 34 # STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, UltKKNVtl.LE l>ISTKinr. >' IN ORDINARY. ' Manly Uright, Administrator, Applicant, J agnin?L ll'idiy M??n.i and tii.-re, l>u , . fondant*-? Citation fur final Stttlfiufut. IT appearing (hat John Maartw. 1'erry > | Maa>n. and Onltford Msa'n, reside l>?. I I yond th* limUa of tiii* ttta'a i It it ordered ; . that th*y do appt-'ar at a Court ul l?rdlnnr* j tl to Wn hnldrn :? Greenville Punrt Houm, on | j Friday, the nth day of March iit xl. to shew . run a*, if nnv'lbey nan. wh\ a Final H*tfl?-j t mailt of the Ee'ate of K(CIIaKI> mason.! deceased, rhotilJ not la had, and a Decree " gl. an thereon. Tliis illi dijv of T>ef?nihrr, A. T?. IBM. UOliP.UT M. KAY, Orditiafy. [ Deo II 84 Srn ? STATS OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GKKKN Y I U.K DWflMCT. ? I N ORDINARY. W. M. THOMAS, C. K. O. 1??. Administrator Applicant, against the 1!.irs-at I.nw of John W. Jones, deceased, Prlenduuls.?Citation fat Ft mil Srttlruirul and litrrre. . , IT appearing that Mr*. Aiu.lio Jnnca,-Widow, and the Iwu minor children of de. if seed, reside beyond tho liinitr of this State : I? a Ordurvd and JiAra.4, That they do np . pear at a Court of Ordinary, to be.hcldrn at, l I ?n*? vtfle Court IDna* for Oruugv illc District, | . on the SfiwtA any nf t(hrunry H~s4t to ibvw 1 0 CWW, U any Hwy ran, why a Awal <fctll.-i-?nt > f k( the I'vriuDitl K?1a(c of 'UJHf W, JON Ff, 3 doc?ao?4, should uul bo hum)*, and a Doorca . giren thrraon. 1 * Wl(n?t?j han-1 and foal, at OreonvMa C. il., thin ?Ui day or Knvi-mbcr, A. D?, 1882. ROBERT WoKAV, 0. O. D Hot 6 - 27 4m Ntete of Month < ;troIiim, ' OHKF.NVILLE I>I5TK|CT, IW COIJ ItT OF OBP*]fAWY , lUVtT) JIOKK, Hxerutor rff tlwr tfrllT 7* I ABRAHAM COX, AryvWot al garoat tha IJtin of Benjamin Not?<uj, Jama* Aahtoore and* Vflfo, Jonathan Klrht?r?h>on and Wlfla, Mr?. Willi*, James Cot and Taaao &<*%, Dofcigttiitt?t#.* > t a TT appear!?* that the Ilelra of BoniaraUi JL KlVnt ri'iMa, beyond tho l.u.its ot ibis a m?lai It la Oiderrrt. ttiat they <ln ayponr at a Court of Or<Una?y, t? km houten at .Oraaiirilto c Court on 'Ae eiefi //oy ?/" t'rb rk'irtf Hiri, jAflft, to snt-ya Pnnee, if any they ; < nn, arhy a dual arttteuient of *lte Kstate of t A BR All AM CQX, (luttMil, should not ba made. ntid a D-crrr |fl*wi thrrtni, r Tltia third day of NiivemWr. A. P., IM1 jiOUEItT M. KAY, 0. 0. I>. Hot. ? 27 ? k tt "* ?v 'r^ ? . ? , ' 'fc, , K SPXJ lUUlM, R tmptmiu C l&fc 1 Wg?rd. iW ' O 2E&if * W B ASS* ^WfrlSkSiNw^.i Crocker, O Bt ?' * ' t] Mvi.w^ W it I/Uttk tilSltfe* Fowler B J^fcha' ! ( iintWWm, O R ?, J A ? < ?M?<r S Umtti J Jf B furowr A. It lb Woif.LH A Sfctiff . I i OIUon.HS - * V 6 j.. M*?*- v ... ; Bryant. W ft lv(t 1>' > WinWord, J L P Jirntly AflL . A r*.-;,Good, J J4wl~ O S|t?nc4. J H twvt H KvmWKork. X, tid l.'unl'-r, J W I.I.Ul P tkitfi ' V Jarv<y, CP M, Ud llonrv, B Hnti?h?Ml, P a ComP A, Ikl L?g ; Mu.ho.<) H P. 17ik lUgt rfarp. rfirl.i. P Y * ll?YA H V k? ry. It I litltv, .'Amr? A, ltth iJl'Vfi-J* K K K fmltti. J A lb W I> K, J $ A, Ml In-litf. IV B A> : irk. J M P ; IfrMnrlry. J K O ItAiftMiH). BP *A. ltd InHkr. . * O Hc?\ S M Hovtt'i L BaP -unfoid, W Private tiowtoti. .L C A, Hoi. Lrglon. Jillrr, .IS A . do ?*0 mnoa, TP A do do hoiiuW, G 9 A do do Vt?t,? :>f A d > do >in'i|'*n>, N. A do ? do Inoy, llird A do . do initli. Wlllta A do do Vidian,?, 'iWa A .do do rriiinf, Loui* A do do ^"A'A IVlraoa A do do fljfpJ, iron A do Irwin, '! If man , A do do tc*?*n\ Knock A do tin V.lil.or, IJ 1> > A do do 't-ii-liHrl. Jaiimi A do do Viliir, 11 S A do do VillianH, Win A do do lurch, I, It A do do Irvaiit. KSV 11 do do 'ftfli, Si-iva 11 do do J niira B do do dlllrjojln, C.-tlrtn 11 do do ,-?n?ln, R R do do iiU-r, W H O do do Wk, Til O* do do hdohcr. Wm C do do Li^ii.. ? v \i " J~ J fn?ktK?, W I> C do ?lo J W O .V. do . >W, J.IMK-* 0 J# J \V I) do j0 '"fcnro, W It J> do d# iriffi... Fr?i,k 1> do do ?*? ** J? do do i, do io *?rkrr. V, T D < do do K W 1> do dJ . m^on^S 4V li d. do t?>per"riios 1 do d. Tnol*. ftpptfon, K do do Voddill, ( horlut R do do lit-will. K 4b do v . Bp K do 4o >*rr"' d<> ' Vnnor, ? W- F d. do * 1 w F do do loi??r* J M - V do do Aaron r do do Vt'"-T-,;;J F do do f do do \>>i'otu?. J A o do do Rol?for.l, J D O do do [>??n-r. K..I.I O d* do grower, U , o do do MoVPtllNIlt, J II 0 do do UmdrU, ? f O do d^ lohMOl?N,.J J O I do do J.<h?Mon, f?.8 O do do M W O "Jo do l-oiiKtliaro, J, y Q a# do r.?n:?*liope. W T G *?u do JlorrU J.?.. O Ao do Kc^ 8 d^ hoodor.j'h - f? 1? 3? , *t?k? vedirurd 0 do do willingly, W ? do do . km.i.e. ft t c r do do im-donungh, i x m do do morohont, h h i( do do hhoohy. ttemf 4 m do do k ji .. do do j*[ 11 do do ki???wd. si l, )( d? jo w *v a 11 d? . do .oe, i fl - h do do rntow, J a ii do do mot^s 1| do , do lively j-jpor 1 do do ivpo. d K 1 do do (viiiur, halls i do j* jackroti. jnn.d i do do w~.,wa * 1 do do \* ort. jp | do . do ,1 t^xcknell, mo k do 'do rini'iivuini, jnkn k do do oudd. jomnb . k do do krvin. ah k do do morris, martin j do do 11'ttoii, n ho rod K do do jolly, *' do do j 11 v, ij i. X do 00 mao?.mio.m4? jc do do g"v.a? k do do k"|.j,.t ft r k so do j tk ? s: ? Kog?r*, Wm - lo do * hw'kk*. f * a* . Mndtb, J^t-ri K do do TwJWf.KA . ' . K do ^ do , . nfa?kWu<xt, Tho? K do do^ v *<TII|{g4, J P " K d? do r^r.Iw^ WW K d?. do ThotoM, J W 'v A "-If* Rotftmook J. roirt*. P?l?r .-,. A- do . do - i AlUo. HO. A do do Ktiohoim. HnillK A do do * I***, B X" * A do do lhnm?, .'Ad' . 11 do do ?' Mooo*. John . B do do Toy lor. JO. J do do Unhurt#, A , 11 . do do KiitfThf, V. II do do iiamai<di( J If 11 .do do lirldgvti JO 0 do do llowUn. W R 0 do do Hojk, W 0 do do llowttii, it L 0 do do Bowtn, Orooa O do do ! llolt, AW 0 do do . 1 Bali iLs it -f - * * C^kr,)l. ^IX p & .#?.,; J imniWW) W O 9 * l?je?TW tk ? * ' IteA ; \ ? ? wm.w; 11 * K^r -." r * ? sss& r t ? M* . j** S-S*"? 1 ' ?. , ,CtaUUn.*H ? * * ?>3iZk-f '.. * * * r&SJW * k ? . tssziS ill: KUU??,OJ! * * do &f f I ? E2??J i ? - ? r.stfU? i ? ? llmv*. H F do do Wm*. N t d. a. Hivlos, JP, F 4* do Caldwell, RP . F do do Domrew. . F do do Dixiii, J T F do do A * do do 1 Marrso, Jomoa F * do do Mortlh. W F do do SUL'ooboM, R F do do MeClnurk. J F do do MonRoom, & F do do l'arker, It O F d? do Pkiko, JinM F do do JUtulnll. R 8 F do do Sunder*,! 8 F do do Pnotca, X F do do Keopen, Joseph F - do do tioapeu. 1' F do .do Smith, I' P . F do f do Stewart, RS F do do Wearer, JoUa F do do Rfnaor, J C F do do Rinord, (ID F do do Krowo, V U do do Itojrloo, Jeff O do do .Bemdajr, K O do d? IlartcA, FA U do do Henderson, G U do do J A' G do do Williams. AG U do do j Field*, Jonoi G do do . IIhK* J M H do do Oreeoh,? W H ' do do OriniK, J U a do do j Varp, JD H do do Vnrji, C n II do do I'binips. John 1! do do << Mugs, J W II 4* do j ? 8 ? ? I^r-? E E-T-l* re ? Jfo 52 ~H l do do CuTp, I 4, do Pea*. John T do do ! Hi.mpl.rir, 1 1 d? do ; BwUft, tt fi i ao Uv.,SM K do do HliUc?,dr,\r 0 K do- do Aeh*. KB, K do do 1 Holio. S K do do J Hrowii, John . K do do Kiro?. Jttr ? K do do 0*rr^n, Jn<-kaon K do do (iarvcti, J W K do do J&ckftoo, P K do do 1 MrOiH. J A K do do Mrfvddrn, J V K do ?? Nool. * W ' . K do do l'ork*, J M K do do Kiitoo]!, \f K do do Hnndri'o, W B K do do Tim*, A K db do Ctmwford, B F A, lttth Rori?ont ' h<lw?rd?.,M U A M M ' Kotrler, K ? u - u Oregory, W fl A " " Urog?ry, J 43 A - " iroy, 31- a 44 h Jollty, H F a' m m Dow is. Jacob A ** ** MndU, J A * . u 8fhwmrt*M * A m jragn 1 - t>A*T WW A " ** Y.?u nr. CO > * A - \ " Bolt, C 1) . m ? " 1 Bokcflcld. J S R " ' *. Unrgaa.. W n -w - - A CiHucr, H | n " ' Footor, X n " Fnvlor, F " 1 ? - I French, 8 J) ? * t | .Urogory, J'A B *> ? tirogo ry, 8 B " " lionise, 8 B " " llorrey. 8 ? ? ? I Hodge. W F Jg - John* ton, J D go" Koon, W 11 ? ? e Kirhy, VJ * B " " Iam, DA | o ? l.ip*?jr, 8 U - " Mitebel, li H 44 44 moon. ti a ? M?Wey, WP - - ' Mo.cley,I>T ? * lfU. J % 44 44 iu(*.>?, j 2 ? ? ' NenJjford, L I M ? M j Vincent, W - g ? ? Tat, WW ...? ? ?i Worthy, / A ? ? 4 '? Norma;),JT W C 44 44 Prince, Jonxtku C 44 44 Maleue, Mi q ? ? Maloiir, T It C 44 " Bo gem, John C ** M Hnllry, UP o m ? Crocker, fl W o 44 * Dodd, L 1) Q M M Pnreer, D C 44 " Spark , U C 44 94 William*, C ? m Black, J If q u 44 Berkley, M V C " M Cai, J J A C 44 44 irlekereoA, MA C 44 44 Jkiekermn, W C " ? Klrod, A P C 44 44 KllUon, AM C *- 44 Klrod, J II Q 44 44 Parmer, J Vt c 44 44 Perrcatar, A A C 44 ' 44 lfoxaar, M 8 C 44 44 Hamfcry, K P C 44 . 44 Jom*0, AN i 44 44 ssrsv g : : MifilT, A C 44 44 Smirk Wn M C 44 44 WUaaa, J P (> " ? Bryant, Hardy O 44 44 Imrhau, K A <j m 44 Biroti, It 1) ' o r ' wn * u .. OwiiM, T A 0 - ? iPntorlloM, P II C " 8l?tcn, J C C . ** fc" X oning, Jfc C " - ? ForrcaUr, H - 0 M ? Bom* Kt?ph?n E ? ? Boti, 8 a ui ii? I M m ?< J ? X CksiMf, John J| h m Cookaejr, T L K ?? " OtMll, J A I N M Fornior, John 1 u " Folk nor. W 11 X ** " mil, BE K " " Knighton, M 0 | ? ? J??yW?n, TO K Jo 4* WoOd jo, J M do do Vtrtln, O W K do do Ntlghbvri, Win X do do Pnttoroon, 11 4 .do do ProtrilW ? do do Frowitt, M X do do Kliodoo, J MT X do do hhurhntt, K X do do mu?. a x da d? . >^nLdlt *i^r -idfcaiarti>,irii>'flfifnf' . I jj j H t : i |y| i fsij^T * ? ? ; BtwaK-J?? ' x. J Scott, CtMta t 4* 4* 1 Wright flamy F' 4* -'*? < J $ t 1 1 Cook, Mnirlt -. - F do do J |4nfii F - do do | i fcev** j. s-1 ; Is&gh* I # M Jonoa, John U mi do , C kumcalnvor, Joki O do do I *lrkp%trUk^J Al ? do do i Looaard. Wlf a do do 1 #*** ". J, ?* 0 do do I Horror, I> J .,0 do . J|o I Wnlkor, 8 J O do id " \ *?U?, ?*vlw ? do do ( Wilkarson, U 0 Q do do ) Lancaster. John 0 . do do I DoodU, W J 6 . do do 1 White. W ' tt do do I fcjrkr H ? ^ do do I Jack ion, FA. O do do 1 Wallaea, J J 4 do do I Otgr'd, TM B do do " I JainUon, A B 11 do do 1 Jantlson. J R II do do I Davidson, Jj F It_ do do R lludlcf ton, T J ' JI ' do do I How*, Y A |t . do do J "uirr.UM ' II do do I HoUniuo, C D 11 do do > Tbo~as?on. J F II do . do ? Caruthrr*. J N II do do fl Mitchel, L W H do do C Uarri.ou, E 11 H do do V I'urroocc, II do do * Lewron, II L I do do ^ 1 Itonton, H M I do do J Diwcit, M F I do do * \ P Hall in, W R I do do' A Wood*. JT I do do X I'nrkcr, J K I do do I McLutUii, T J , I do do C PUikrj, A D I do do (1 Kuioald. C I do do J Stewart, J i? I do do tl Tolttr, UK I do do I) Tlmniona, J J I do do JI Tiipmon*, W F I do do A V?u?K, J M I do do II Floyd, r. L I do do 0 Mil lor. W S I do do U Androw*,.U*F , . I do do M Wlttdlinm, W J 1 do do N A?ho?. I M K do do 8 Uridjrr*. C T % K ' do do K i'arti;, A J K do do P k'ouns. <?.W K do do V Voting, J I' K do do II Morgan, It A K do do D llondvraon. Jameo K do do C Pliiilfya, T K do do Al .OUukmia K do do fi dorian.-F X * k *"thi do 8 Pjr'.c, .loliw K do do - IB lni)i?i\y, I > at id ? " ? ?? tfatrpcwa, William K do do liilili r.s, K C K ,do do &l I'linuT, A A K do do 8 loltoti, AI ion A 23d Itogimoift* > I< turnntt. 8 D A - da ??.. - " Milling, J*11101 * A do d? ' * lorn, (J W A do J" I'arkman, J M A ' do ST^' Itnniaey,. W 1> A do ^So lubunV.'.nea 1 J* J" Wbitloek, J C A Z Jr ? A do do ^ryVMT? A do do Uwia, J T A do do \ I'ollard, W A M do do N Barker, J??iab M do do Burn*, BO B do d Campbell, W T ' B do do Col I in*, I, 8 B do To l,'ollin?, I. D *? d. do Clement. John ? do " do DavU, II L, B . do do Kvana, M?o?a B do do 1 llunkina, MUlor B do do "J liaskiiia, W 8 B do do d Jackie II II B do do e lAaUr, AH B do do ? Moore, Wilton B do do McCue, Thomaa B do do 1 1'r.wiit, M W B do do Pr^wict, Alex B do do f Prow lit, IV B do do 1 !^T'XS. * do do f I udarwood, R q I* do do 11 Floyd, Plnknoy B do do * MeCliw a. J P C So To llendrix, II C do do r Med rath, M 3 C do do t Hay.Abram - ? 4# d# , Itogor*. Andrraon ? do do Sitemoro, J T C do do llotidornon. JO C do do Coleman, Jaaao C do do l^oonrd. J p 0 do do Monk. J A C do do " Browu, He nj c do do . llatadt, J 1? C do do * nnKk**"'^ c do do 1 BNer, Polor C do do Mnltaalew. J P a A T. M^Joby . ? ;: s ?jn?u??, Juati D dm Tr, 5arsPu g t: j; gndtb, ? do do ' Tbwyi-kyr, Jaiyyt J> d, <t) Jul,I, J, d a Xoufhto,., WU1U* I) do a? Hoonnn. Q < 1> . 'do dn . ! Ji? * g j: J; ; twi^J P ? 3: 2: SRS^-f? s ? -j; g ? ; : Darker, Jmuvi D 2! 2! Dryer, Jubn J| d# d I Ward, TO D J 1? Hoard in, Join, b V " |IV ? g 5: Waller*. J 1? J 5* ? RarfluUI, Join, B ? J. : Cornell, Fraud* K do d,, OMIM.FQ k f? J* IWII, J K 5 Jo J" " *ra,t 5 ? 2? ? 3: ? J8& i S ~ 'jfe"-: I ?1 I'attcraou, Krui jr d4 ,IM Hoove*, Johu < V do d? Pool, T.8 F do do Reerea, Alfred ' F do do SimmI, KII F do de apple, A J F do do (Irarely, BU F dp do Aiken*, J|j F do do Bo wen, KM O do de Davia, John <J do do '.Mt^rria, LH , % U do do 8lierl*fT, John O * do do Prithard, W Ii'. G de do Smith, 8 W ' O do do Turner. WO * & do do Webb', C L ft G do do Mtlliken, 8 W U do, de MoMuatry, LB G do do Sycamore, Berry . ? do do Smith, Charlea U do do Blaekman, RG O do de Bolt, Tbomai, tt de do Blaeknan, BO O de do Chaetim, k L .? de do i Sfi. i t i li BT; \lt ;j,-. a? ill' assr? t t is? Ileal*). J V I & (QUo, 1 J I ? *? 'o^r.MA I do *e ibh*. Newton . I to , to krh/JohaJ " V ;v f' do to -. VrWy. .if I to to *bnvi?,-J*ceb I do do \r Nx.per, Joaeph I to to t~ :?ojv.r, i_J * I 4a* \ fa 'wlfv. Tat. par. lleerge . | do W ' jHWH lall. Job* I da to felt ! 2* ? ykfc-i Vrljcbt, J A I da to ^ flHSy. J .ftwsntt, J A K to to- - H&'; lenrilen, A" * K do 4? ' ~\'WBK?i? Veolhrlaht. J P K . V do \ to - wF*>V I rant, Noah i-'*C K to to l^ly lagnti, H T '. K do da laid win. *B ; * da -to . 1K5K?? Kto. F i ' -X da * to If; " V leader, BF J J? ' I .and, T W K do to ?KS9 laaon. Ellaa K do to " v? I Hx. William K do to larket, VT U - K . da**? da * fi I K to , to J .orelace. John K do to -_ . 1 faapn. L K K do toflBL ^d?,.Tilltmaa J H 3*d U.rlWKl iiKrnham, N B do do 1 lillcr. J 11 d? do logwood. J , * , ? do do i???L?ir, a R B do do * m'K> J M <1* ' ITcrtbiiry. J II do* Ho tcl/t urr?tl J C do l<icbc!l. 11 A C do do ?<ToM. M C do do "etchi M C do do introtti*, (1 C do do (i'llntlt'i 0* 0 tlo do [utphy, if C do do unnnr, .J> do da umbo, J 1> do do A 1, " Ark?cirt, J P do do mubo, K J) do do * roach, R do da lilldinrd, fill , Tj do do aijiion*. S ?. G do * * I oiufc H K * <1 do do iirilio. ]t 0 ft "4 do do ihhot, H It do do * . ' likens. 1* 8 ft do da npier, J K fl do do '" EE ummorfoidCT M J ft do * do eroy.'N H II do -da trit'kl.ind, K 11 do do ^nll, W C 1 do do . rtnsun, J) O T do do ranroit. C II 1 do do ultor, KW .1. do do. larMn, J 0~. I do do liorter, Vf J I do do- | tii!<cp. 6Vf I do da lipcrmii, IV II I do * do aiiiutiyt-9' ? *** <t<i lrI,tod. JO K do do ; Ltchnui. J F K do do Mp. It A K do do 4K.: r oe, KB' K do do ! 4 ice. 2> M ' v onfoftl. W Ilovco's Light Hotter/. . lly older oT Ilrir?di?i ftennrul Kva*h. , * A. t.ltVANB, (.'dpt. nud A. A. (Jen. Jivu 29 39 1 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, j ft K HKNVN.I.K DlflTHICT. IN O KI> I N A K Y. U V l I.I.I a* M. Thomas. r. E. G D.. Adminiotr?tor. Ap|>litmil, siNind ihs Irgil heirs J ami r*pre?ei.t?r?ve? of K i.iir.o.A ST"!?*.i deceased?the legit} heirs snd rrfiivMnU-' live* of O. \V. SSiiKi'i-AMit, dsoeaosd?-ths legal heirs and rejircesetatives ?.f I'sio-i fit la \VkUN. deceased, Defendant*.?C%- . , *< ''*** -fO? *--tif 8t/Urut*ul ami D*er<**. [T appearing uisi ilie heir* r*t P?gjry Da-1 vt?, deocaeed? heirs ?>f I'olly Stolen, Icccoci d?heir* of Funny Williams, ildscas . d?Jielrs of Anio? French, deceased ? hfjrst i Slow, deceased hoir* of don*-1 linn :nonr, urcan-ii?i? iman ?, Ni. pp.rJ.: ri'fu#, mid J.i?f|i!i!iw J. Skrppiirii. minor, liiid of <4. W. Sheppard. (li-ccn.o.l, nnj h?? hntal licirn and iitntirm nf IVM-f-; iltiv Wrlfll, vhtM nmqh ?n, mkuown, rcftido b?yui>d llin HuiiU oi_tbla ] 'tut*: y It it ordered Lit Jrcrwd, t'uit the abora riM-P do at I Court of Ordinary, j 0 L? hidden ?t <>t venvill. Court House, on ' liu tw?nty-s<-v?*ntli day of March umC u> haw tftiiM, If any ihry. enn, why * final) ' pttleHiewt of the Kntnlea of llMttCQvl 't' v TOM:. O. W. SI1HITARD nnd ritlSOlI^ ,A WKWll, d#ora??d, nlion]d not l>? mad., ' .rid iWrrrtrlvm ihpmin, (iWni under my band and oral, atOsa.uille Court Home, tliU 2ad day ol L>??<iu- . >a'r, A. I) , !#?* ' noiiun' McKay, a o. ix (?* .} ,;4 Jan 1 85 lm STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, f CHKKKVII.I.K ?18TlicT. ' " J x IN ORDINARY. L W. M.-vyrtt-M, Administrator, Applicant, *gnin?t John "tf. May fieri ami utlirr*. l)rf<!iidauU?Citation /or S<Ufoment. ^ IT appearing that John !f. May field and 1 ]>. 11. Mnj Hdil reside heyrnid llir limits ?f tlii v Hi?ii?*: liinordcr. il that thry .U? * ipp.-a -at a Court of Ordinary tu'hc hoMmi it ONrfifiU* Courf llnuaa on Friday, tho dxth' dny of March twxt, to rhaw cause. Ifl uiy th?y can. why a Kiiml SittU-mant ?f * ilia fcatutn of ABRAHAM MAYKlEfJ?, leeeaaod. should nut he bad, and a Dcerea * Are.n thereon. Thin 4th day ot December. A. D. 1WS. lCOUtilT MiJvA V,^Ordinary, P?e 1! !12 8m STATE OF SOUTH CA&Ci. ISA, ORKKN V1JJ.K DISfTRirr. f/ fK> /?\ Va*> NA W Ok TO KVT u /vi *av u\ w u <w a\ in a Joti* A xnm**, Rxwnii>r, aoiiiionnt, ng?intt Al?(*?nJ*r T'.ompeun, mi J others, lint heirs a?i.l representative* of Jottf* Andcrann, dreena<d.~'~?Vf"ft*ttfor b'inml Stt*' ti'mrnt and f)e<rre It 'tpp)nritif (Imt Joseph Thompson, 1. Jnines Thoiii|>no?i, J<?hn llumiimon. Wil- . Hhdi Tlirtmrntw', Pi??? Mw>it ?ml i'ullj Ann 'i' 51.mho his Wife, and Jnines Aluaai.der, Dofeiidiuits, Yseida thb limits of this HUt*: "It is Ordered and Decreed, that thoy do appear at a Cnhrt of Ordinary to beholden at Oiwn villa Court 1 louse on tha >?* toan/y-seven/A dug of Mtirrk mat/, to shaw eauae, if any they can, why a Final Hettla- . nient of the Estate of JASfEA .AI.KXAN- ^ f DKR. deceased, should not be had, and a , lieerec ?ivon thereon. This 7ill day of January, A. !>. 1I1S. & UOHKItT McKAY, U. O. D. Jan 8 86 lj|^ STATS OP SOUTH CAROUM, . CsUKhN VILLK BIS'llUCT. N EOIJITT. Janes M. IlaiuUII *r sis. vs. llanjainbt R. i Kandall at als. IT ?a Ordeird, That tha cfadjtor* of JTAR, . R1KT M. RANDALL, deceased, do 61a j tnelr oliUasa with ma within three month* from dste. ?N. M. THOMAS, 0. B. O. D. Mer^ster U. 1M2. **/ M m !