University of South Carolina Libraries
?. 1* I8BUKD WKKKI.Y TiV " g;W PItkOR A HAILEY, ritoi'MticTftna. r y^;N|? P?r Anwwn, In Advnri*c. \ CnrrrsjiBitbtnrt. |! | .<;<)! CMIH\. s. c..) ' Vm - Junnyr 20th. 1803 J 81 ; J/y Detir Sir?The C?recn?illo tr*in ^ * reach here thi? evening till |, 'o'clock. We were detained *ev- * fuiirtrca niil.'s al>o?e C< Inm <1 imill rnnniiig,?*ff ii?o ( if* Irnvk. TTm- nunilx-r- of iho L-gi-latnre n * ' fmtti.' AhWvillo, A ml erf ?u, l'ickvn*, ) I ' Gr?*ft?illc, I?anrena. Spartanburg, New- * Fw UrrV, U?.i< n Kr-I ]. xington. w ore c ? fclwtard. Who Charleston train ?1 i?l -not L t*e?W It eve i?H nine .V?>clc in lire night. <TjPh?t;e w*a eonmrpientlv no <|itori{ni of (. yr* t PilSw' ami the &;# member* r $ pr?*)M?t Ht NPven 'yVloclc, I*. "Al., ndjoftrn- 1 *! over lib t*>>murrnw. " ? In coverwition thW evening vtith f\tl. A Reiil, of (Georgetown, ho ti>M me that t Juivirtc T'ringle, n young Sotith Caro. t S . ' Uninn, who ha* jn*t returned front Nvw 1 ' . ^ York, ml thni he dined the dnv before ^ leaving New York, with a large nam v ibera of distinguished I )e-nnersit* of that I j city. who told him to toll lit* friends in j , < Charleston, that the Democratic parly |T. 'North ww* lVnceiht-tv ; that although ? ' lh?y could not then mow aitelt M;nii> Mnont* publicly, tjiey would qjf * in a . iihort lime. Pomo re-ot lit inns ba\e ireen inti?Mlvcc?T in ' Ttre ?-'? * J^Wmirro l?v nlormor A id-de Camp of (teneral McClellun. It is itU) said tlint ' |Wn or tlireo hundred thousand of the Federal MriuV will Imyo MtTod out their .j *?' two year* in May next, when t|i?*y nil' i% return home, never to enter the North a | ern enity ag.ifn. Tlirw is verv little I probability of llit ir places bvi|ig ?ttp* J' plied by draft or volunleetthg. ^ ? 1'resident Davis' Message in spoken ,| Hp- of here by iil*m!>?r? of the Legifilbre. ft I * the ablest S'nte paper seen forinany * f yean past, and they think i. inn?l pro- ^ J Jure ? decidedly favorable inipredion |L ' 4k 'he public mind of Rarer*. 0 r Mo news fiom Wilmington, exe<-| t ti that we* nro- assembling a veiy largo ? aftnjr At tlnU point from Charl*ei?n. Ithrbinond, l'olersbuijj ami FieJniick* ^ Iturp. The utmost confidence is felt in our ability to whip llio" Yankees atid a ? <efcnd the llailmad. d [ Irt'eoiisriptenra .if the extreme illness ' k bi? 'on, Captain Croft, L?r. llandnl H 8^'nu< w'''e to u'co bla rest I , . >'? tKo D'gi.l itnrc for some day*. It is b ^Jwoliniile, too, that (^d. Mit'ullough Jprfn lm det:iiOrd bv L lM L'^iltuttl ul I .lilt II JT llm MWrilltl t.f lilt! . Cii|. \VhIm, Or. 1)6)c? hih| If arc Iters ready to ic?ume ollr ?' Efijagidative clinic*. . It K U i.o tlou5?i of the election ef ^ J * ' ' Col William I>. Kimpso.t lu to fill Gurrmof Houhaui'* *nc*uc} .? l> Tin? take.* placa to day. ^ UOI-UMtHA. S. G% ) |] B Jan'inry J Kfl.'i ( j. >' S Aft Dear Sir?The tire Houre* in si ,'j P" /.. |\?i> morning at tell o'clovk. ami a f, Quorum luting pic?ei?t in each lioii-c, r, ^^E^fve )irta> mled to inl ine*-. [ K||S Mr. *IW<H>l,of I'liaiieaton, irtlunluccv) yywi Itceoluiion and m do ? speech ? ! ??nni } frsJSt"t'plh relative ? ll??aHi.t?iii|.tio,)<?f faiw j, iLjKr on the pari- of liifl Linvernor. in lasii' y Hfifffig hi" lJr?a iHiniiiktii apiM.intlng tin- old y BVu . iH urmyiiKirrihH lain net of I lie i jfimj^n^girlulare apjiropiiating mx hniidml . f,r BbuimunV dolljjr* for the Umj til -of j t? -'i, hMu\\\, r^ I'.IiiiVie*. I ttjuughl tliHl, whilst I jt( 85 ' llio (i"Veiijor had np power lo make ,.| w?poinini^nt, the Hhtiae ought, in | ; to wail till liu Me> u<nlie- w jfc Sphered bcfuro inking action op llio tub* n I ?o Aimed to (lie lion**, fend h! |j Hh?o >h:<I thHl Hi* Excellency w?i actus- tl jEfc BtJ 6y tlgf be*l #f uioitves, ami we t.i H* Jrg*f>> R'v,ntf 100 importance to ur HfeHilie matter. 1 bad no donbl all the C(j ^^Rtiuvernorn had in some little matter, j&*tJF\*?t.uiii<-d powers which . were qtiesSp^table. I instanced the appropria- J1 jff*? fThh of Governor Adams, of ten or fif lj' 'teen thousand dollar* for rehuilding'the w< ^ building burnt, and .for which g< ^ErfJie was lauded by the Press and Legis- j & Skiture. WeaawC Yeadon, Daw kin*. | . Bfctntpbeli, M jllin*. General DeSau satire J0 HL *?mJ J .dm Nf. I n-Satinnuie, participalod ^ i^Ja'v^ie di-oti**:.on. A eorntaitiee whs K.^appoitited to report on the matter to II Hk^H The *ain? committee wa.noted to report on the legality *[ *be late Call for hand* to wotfk on n f tilt fortiHcallons by rsaoltition intrradue- ** I^BK pd by Dr. Jwytp. The impression ly ' w?*.' * >. -vfe * jj l ; * >. v }' < ?c ' k* ^ ,< * A 1^33 >, ? * ljt;-a ?* 1 4/t/' A ' V| y ' r '; i; ?y<i i ' it to |)ro3ress, tltc ^ig ?+ a*-. - - " *--t.\ - " v . a ',v ?-v > viav .j ? Jl- f.ll - etna tp be th?t tbe cull ^illegal, an* *r ille ordfer of Council mm! ir. conflict ith the f?c*nj Act of the J*egi?laiure ii the **?e subject. s ? The M?$page of Ili* Etreellener normor lhflMiain, was re."vl ?u on? o'clock, i i? n modest, practical do^jnnwnt ; free f all gascanade -*nd geheralilie*. It if* great credit to tlie good One* of le Governor. Iltf recommend* legi*ition to prevent the culture of cotton eyond h certain limit ?three ncrea to he hand. Uiit yon will ?ee hie Mess *ge end judge for yourself of it* rpinmnendaiion*. He approre* the elecion of oflieer* in the Reserve* after they a?e beea called into Confederate aerie*. and take* the view I did when lie liill pawed. The claim* of Martin Edward*, of lieenvipe, has been allowed refunding War Tax. Tlie -Jtftio* Tiun Tike t->ad ha* been taken fn?tn theCoiniiiis ioner* of Roads and given back to the oinpnny t<* keep In repair, I attended the Special Committee hi* evening in reference to the late all for slave labor under the order* of 'onucil, was decided that the all ww unauthorized and illegal. The Jonfedrafe Government ha* not yet crept ed the provision* of the Act >o ihi* anbject. The Committee reominend that this ahull Ihj done, and bat '.he call for slave lal>or shall be iinler that Act. They think too, that lie "Act repeal* in effect the orler of tho Executive Council on thi* abject. I have no doubt tho llottso t ill adopt the action of the Committee, f so, no slave* should he sent from vreenvillu under the present call. Col. )awkins slated that none could b?*ent mm -Union. and Mr. lie.-cot said tbe nmo ill reference to Anderson. Yours trulr, -? OTF.r, January 22d, 1803. } Jfy iJt'ur >Sir?Tlii.t morning Mr. re>eot made n inost admirable report n llio *iil iuot /.f 1- * ' .. ..... ... ill FIIIMt I llg SIHVtt IMlOT h- llto pi.hlic work* in CharleaVon. Mr. < 'ivltholin (iiiuIh a great speech, not XHctly in jopposiiion to the report, hut t a to tlio importance of defending ' Jhnrteslqn. 'I lie report <m< iissailrd | v Mlclofl, O'Connor, Pii.eknov and >e8anr**iire. Hill (lie tlie reporf was i doptcd, deciding *Iik( ilie late call for lave I:?Ih?t whs illegal. 1" hope my t iettda in fii.eeiiville received my me*ago by Mr. llnmmet in time to nave I it lit l lie iii!|4M*ant duly of wilding li iein clave* to the coast. n The report r?f the Committee on col? J re<l population, appropriating seven fl ten thousand dtdlar* (jr the removal |t f the tiegoes from the koh hoard laat tl ear under Ihe order of the Convention, h '?s na*:iil<>d hy Mr. Thompson, of ? 'nion, with great earnestness. Mode e jed the power of Ihe Conventi??n lo ti ppropriaie inoHeV. The report wa< n fen.led l?y the Chairman, Col. lleid. he vote being lakrn hy accliiuat e>n. it n as xerv doubtful ; therefore Vf>. Helm e lade an elahoiate speech. Ill reply, t said the Convention had no right to p gidnte or appropriate money. Hut, ?' n fort u rial civ in this instance, I hoy had t inured a fiahilftv ami called on the s " make the appmpropri.v v on ! This* we were latum! to du?.ym., fi >** we fall into the doctrine of rcpiiJu w a....' IP'H, . . * ft T|?e assistance to tho Railroin from ? It if raw to the cowl ti.iM mine? in North nrolina was attacked bv (VI, !)**? I inn, after an able spreech from Tren- e olm in favor of granting aid. Ilia * round of objection was, I lint lite great a r part of the Hiiwl was to be eon* t .r noted in North Carolina. I .bought f r> obj.-clion,*if South Carolina was to a e benefitted by it. The Rnliiindre and e 'bio lined ran principally through the e tute of Virginia, ami yet was built by b te peopleoif Maryland. The aid asked. t ir, a as only to transfer stock in other b wds owned by the Stale to thin road, il he Hill paved. ' Yesterday I dined fclth my old friend, leltnfd Yeadoo, K?q , in company with V. Boyce. Col. Ware and Col. Keid. ;e had quite a pleasant time. Mr," f( eadoti produced a receipt of mine, !ven in 1843 for fifteen dollars for pro ssi-mal services* which lie said would * ake me feel ashamed of myself. One tin in It r.lone, the Chat Iqstuu law vera ? tatged fifty deilnra for. I told liifi? n could do better than tbat now in the m)' of professional charges. J nnt eor- c* lo see Mr. Ycndnn in bud Ittnlih.^ e is one ?f (lie mmt liberal and pa* jotie men in tbe Stale. No puLlio larily in ever refn^cl by liiin. .lie is le of ibe few inen, who, having amu?sI a fuMune by most honorable exer? una, know* how and feel* willing to >4 end it for the benefit of his city and J|) ate. Ilow noble it ie to acquire Ml palth for tlie sole purpose of doing st vo<l to liis fellow man. ? The Legislature hare agreed to art- ?! urn on Friday next, but it is said we J all not be able to do so. * le The Joint Committee of the two gusts, have agreed to repeal all the ta ts and resolutions of the Executive rtinoil from beginning to end, except cr to contracts uhuady tuade and part- jt executed. L?- F. 1\ U % II I ' * "iC?t ^ l .*. .i i* i<mp? ^"tu'irnxi oj i ? 4 ,' .%? tij,." ,i r? hts of thi> ?y?nflv audi Greenville,. south cj -' .'- 1 111 '-!'- 1 . Columbia, ft. C? '., Jnnpnry 24ll?, 1803. J" kfy Dfnr Mr ?The flouw in poing J n r:ipiilJy will* th? cjilenrlnr, utir? wenre rying to pet through with the bu*in<ps iy Saturday. Mr. lJnvo* introduced * oj i?w' liilf to-da) from tlie Committee of Vays ami Mwuti. guaranteeing tfiift yr>ur millions of Confederate llnnd*.?? * Id* is the shajo of 8??uih* Carolina out ? f five hnnefned millions which the ti Confederate Cengrev? will propose for ^ he Steles to endorse, leaving out Kenueky anrj Missouri. The Confederate ?l invrrnment Iras already made arrange- M uents to soil these Honda in Kuropefbr evonty-reven cents on the dollar, which, ? vith the exchange, will make them :qi?al to one hundred and Hfiy percent. *j Yesterday the House was on the eve ?f appropriating two hundred thousand P lollar* for the a-sistanc^ of soldiers in a (. turning home from Virginia. 1 hnd v he matter poijponed, nr.d in-day sub- p nitlsul resolutions in lieu of the report if tha Military Committee. My resos 11 iti?>ns were adopted by the House and ?i enl t'o the Senate. They piopose that d lie Governor shall appoint an ag??nt ^ *l?o shair re-ide in the city of Hich ^ nond and attend to the getting of adders' pav, passports, transportation, l: ailroad tickets, dec. lie shall also r ake care that the sick" and wounded ' loldiers are pit)perlv attended to iti^p L'etersbntg and at other points. In or- v lor to do this, lie may employ neccs?n y assistance. The Governor is to* (J "urnifih hiin with necessarv f itt fs. The ' rreal want of the sick soldier in Ivich- ' norul returning home, is information ^ iow to get his pnv. his passports, &e. h Yesterday Mr. Yeoinati'i introduced \ string of resolutions, requesting the ' Confederate GovernmoitT t*? ??ad i?fT all ore inn consul^Jm flc 4 narra * Veif able speech. 1 said 1 bought we had better let the Cnjjfode- 1 nie Government manage our foreign ' vlations, as they know m?re about ' bom than we did. The resolutions were j pposen t?y Jronlioltn, haw kins and l iescol in very admit able rpeuchtsi ami Jefeated. The Colnmbi t Canal has been leaded o ihe Confederate "(Jove.rnnu nt for iftcen yearn, 'Jlrcy are errc'tug a great lowder works here, and are actually itakiwg powder. The Riehlaml dele ration oilers tlio lea-e. and wished the ^tato to give the Canal lo th^lowii of . Joluiuhia. Mr. Wallace Thompson inlroilnral a till to make the owners of negroes iahle for sheep, Imps, dre, which their legroe* might steal. He and hi. troyl* argued the question; and the ' )r. carried the Hon*? wi.h him ' Tire, till -provided that the conviction of lie negro should la? Conclusive rga'nst he owner. This killed the Rill, ll rouhl he a good Ihw to tni-ke the own- t ra <?f negtoi ar.d dogs Ibdt'e fo* all repasses of this nature, which they nav -commit. ,p The extortion Bill came up to-day 'j nd Mr Ycadon made a most anafnat d speech in favor of it. Ha injured* j harthe tinners, who were eelling tUHr irovisions nl uch priced, " I 'V* 1 -a t] vera lite worst and meanest of cxiorioners. and wished he had a whip of ( corpiona to la*h the rascals abound the rorltl. NVhiWj our pr?or soldiers were ( ghring for slavery. the slave holder* j '?r?f"setHfnf ires of those slnves " t exhorhitant ptirenTo Ttiw wu-?? and liildrrn of the soldiers. I K?,t ifc. ..I- - ' -- ? - c - ( . nru.o ? ! i?n rmrouucnon ^ his evening lo the llitliop, Uuv. Gen j' ral Polk, nnd was very much sliukc ritli his appearance nnd nmnnet*. lie ^ ,nd Col.^DeTrtw ills were at \Ve>l Point ^ ogethcr, and I?h<I not seen eu^i other nr forty years, till thev met in the car* * it Greenville this morning. The Celtml pasted through tire town. I insist- w d on his staying and seeing our Legis ^ store, lie said he was htiMening hark o his command iirthe West. He hud >eei? two years without seeing his famIv till he met them the other day iu ultoville. li. F. 1\ M V . Bebelisms.. ? fl The Chattanooga ll?UI contains the dlowing random shots : a A Yankee correspondent *ays that * dten the Federal sol iiers at lacked a 'tcksbnig, " the blood o( the First liev [" lul ton ihroldted in their veins." Tin rs'a ! u othing strange in that remaikahlu fl throbbing" in the veins when you i>nshler how often they were re-pui*ea. *' An exchangesays that the enetttyal d ?ady knocks. loudly at the door of 11 hailertoa. Savannah and Mrd?ile.? fell, he is'nt good looking, and there- w >re by reason of an established lyric I*1 octtine. h? <y?n't (jet in I ,c Thu New York Tribune speaks of h Ilotlsr's stewardship in New Orleans ' i honest, capable nftd MKce^rfiil." lie ?' imv have* Wen llreir bent Butler, arid ill be Butler (be lieatt. di A Northern paper picture* Lincoln w 1 ihe field of battle h? ?n " Ajhx de- fo 'inff the lightning." A jnlc a*s defying le democratic (bunder would be a bel- 01 ir timile. ie McClellnn low been rostnrod, it iremr, Ik > a partial command. What will iui- nr irtial biklory nay of it f Oi The Louisville Journal thinks Uo?en? mi hii/. the " noblest Unman of llicin all.'' lai might have more fitly sty led lniu no ha us*. Lkilcbmuu !'" * lb J ****** :.ii ;3t 2^E8 Jt?V?-i<MV*rrf? 4*f. k". ... - ;?. I "J I III I IPII I I ? R? POIPXJ] the D'tftreion uf Use IROliNA, THURSDAY M * * ?OK THE SOUTHERN ENTERPRISE. " * * .- . ~ * loportof the Soldiers' Rest, at Geen llle, 8.wa? Jan. 3d, im. At .a Tegular meeting wf Hie officer F the Ladies' Aul A r social ion, on tin 5ih Aug.,it was unexpectedly annonnc ], that the lodgings, provided for sicl rid rounded soldiers, by the authori es of Otecnv?Ue, were no longer av*il Me for that purpose ~ and thai one in slid was advised to remove to ollie uartors. Fortunately J^pbesponsible gentlema 'M within reach for advice, wh romptly offered the old Academ uildiug in College street for thatptii <>se. Although in a dilapidated slat nd unfurnished, it presented many at nntagea; ami \vn**1SnjHedinl?ly accepl d ha a Soldiers* Rest. So grant wn he necessity, and so efficient the a< ion, that it was inaugurated that vcr ay, by the admisvion of the sick so lier, and three more, by the rnilroni >r the night. The. exetliona of a fe sdics of the hoard of officers, soon su ounded them with at least the necer aries for invalid, an?l occupied to ate hour in the u'ght, the gotd wot rnt begun: A special meeting Af the whole S< iety being called for the followin Monday, tlie object whs ful'.e diacusse >n tltiit occasion, and n unanimous vol riven, that the Soldiers' Rest should I upporled. 'ihe citahlishmcnl being destitute < ?rovt>ions, a rail was made bv tli I'lesidcnt on the menibors of the So* ily who were present, to ser.<\ n men m*U in Itiin', to be ready al the So liers' Rent every evening by sun set, i -x|>?ctHtion of ariivals l?y thecals. A enthusiastic response was followed tl> a quest, and thiily names werecurolh r... .1.. i. vi uic aiK'Hdl* Assoou practicable after l1ii~ mnv nent, committees wne appointed t epairs lo I lie building, wliicli lias nn is-MUIied nn air yf coinpatmive cotiifot A inaiion was en^iifnl at tweh lollnr.* per ui'uiili. Four dollars a ii lowed her, in addition for extra I aim ?r llim lii'e (ifa scrvini ; aim one doll: nonlltly fur occasional use of lier fu it soldier's cooking. Finding it dill tilt to hire a servant at four ciollai lie Hi root i a have added one or tn iionililv. a* piicomstance* require, mal tig the expense of this department tVoi ighteen to nineteen dollars per iitotiil 'Jhe uncertainty of tiifl numbers vvli hhv ariive in the ears, is a.ndjcet < i.xiety to the visiting IHrrrttfo, ft rich week, of coarse the meal must I early, whether there sre tnnnv or n< r o partake of it. (n case no soldier a ives, every article of food, proper to I aved, is put aside for lutiiie use. *J'I >eiishahle part is giten to the inatro: a ease of deficiency in lln? supply sen ?r an accidental failure, a few stores al ti-pl on hand, which the matron cook cudvring an aeeount of the quatiiii ised lo the vi.-iling I >irectrcss. Rxpefuucc shows tliat" there is lilt laager id" imposition l?y the prolraett tay vf the inmates. The great wai if tli? soldier is to return to his iioin li his short furlough. The inutility of the soldiers to pa heir own tr:iv?-l?u?? i>n?ideral?Je (I?iim(hI on the Sociely A* yet, the AwiH-iAtiori hit cen able [ft meet the demand, an ratify their,wish to rewlt llieir limnei On application to the Mayor an -onttcil, twenty dollar* per month i pprnpiiated to the Soldier*' IJest frot lie ptihlic funds. This, the I>irpctre*s* pplv to transporting the si.k am rounded fioin the cars to the ilospila loiiees ha\? been sent to the condition rith advertising raid*, to he placed ii rrtispicucnis. places, that the soldioi lay understand tho object of the At Delation. Tue Marshal has been ad ised to sea that all the sick and wound d are conveyed in a proper vehicle, a lie expense of the city. .. Tim Soldier*' Kestwhaviog beea-i clive operation four montlia, emfrtain j one hundred and twelve inmate! nd paid the expenses of* many return tg to their homes, may now bo pre ouueed ah Institution no lunger doubt il. It is * n?-cee*ity. A* was before remarked, there are n< o ?? ,*??. ? im Mii|fuiininc uii ilium, i im ihit en of suppk ing unci arranging food i very delicate matter. Hedged h 10 Association j* to provide, daily, fo ay side suflciera, the lax was failiuj esvily on i? few, when it was decide i publish an appeal in the OrrcnviU 'nlfrpt'isr, and a Uitcular he carried U ;e various ward* and neighborhood* towing, thai if a general interest wa ken in the subject, the burden of oik y's supply for the Solthers' l{e?t ould not be repealed for more thai ur months hy each family. The Hp|e?*l, a* is usual in this gener is coiuiiiiinity, met with a heart) spouse. In (he six wsids and neighirhoods, nearly one hundred fa mi lie.* e pleuged to send food for one day, iheis. pretering to give money, have bsciihed one hundie.l and eleven do|rs for provisions. A few gentlemen ive sent load-* of wood.' Thus, the u l'leaiuent and l>oaid, are freed fioui fc ... $* 111 ,- "' < ., ? ''Li jit* DAR E^STE fill ^inoalcdgc aiming all OR NjN iCTANU ARY297|863 - . -t - anexieiy, and tlie apprehension of A failure, and their onlv care now in a _ vigilant superintendence and economi ? chI distiibulion of the supplies, which ? are under the daily*charge of a Diroc* . tres, who vi?ita (lie o*lMbl?4ttiictil dailj 8 for o?e week in mm. ? ^ 1 " The furniture of )lte Soldiers* Rest * i sin'ply corona th? wanta nf the inmate*; . aa vet. there i* uuihing superfluous. A vary important donation haa recently been innde by a member of the Asaocition in Otfenville, of .? large- wire safe, ' r purchased ?nd forwanled from Colum* bia, for twentv dollar*. I h The a nonnt appropriated for the ' 0 Soldiers' Real, exclusive of provision fninl, i> #'200. The amount exclusively 1 7 d< voted to provision, $1 H. Total ex* t f- pense for three month*, $241. When- : e ever found necessary, under clothing [. Iina Iwen given to the aolciiera. j . The Orrtnville KiUtrpri*# hna kind- 1 ly printed notice* nnd the notifications ] l# far artpplieaifrec of charge. ' j s Many interesting en?c? among * V one hundred apd twelve inmates, have arisen for the sympathy of the j weekly visitors, but we have too full ' and aa'l an experience of the evils of w war around a*, to tequiro nnv desctip j tion to stimulate ns to continued acta 9r of self*?MC. ifire, in a cause so deeply i?a volving the well being of all whom ,wc i k love. One recent instance only will he i presented to show the usefulness of the | "? Soldiers* Ileal, in softening some of the g horrors of \hi-cruel war: * d A vi.ulh ofiurenjv, a hoy in appear le mice, belonging to tliis ltistiicl. came to ? >e th? establishment from a Virginia lins- j pital, with unliealetl wounds. ' At lite | if second luittlc of Muiin**u?, a bttll bad ie entered by the left collar-bone, passing 1 out by the right shonhlcr-hlitdc. Ho A, had \??*eu refuted hh dead, but ruH'cd 1- on removal from the battle field, lie in represented bis treatment as very kind, it but so intcn-c was his de-ire to return is to hi* mother, whom ho described as ?u poor and h?n?dy, with such a vcarniug lionie*si('kuesa. that hi* surgeon allowe ed hint to depart, after two m?>nihs tn treatment. lie struggled thiough the w joniuev, accompanied bv another inva- j ri. I:.I, and nnivi'ii penniless and with on re *lv one suit of soiled clothes. late in tlie re or oiling on the cars. lie was brought ir, to the bold i vis' and cared for sr through the night. The nest morning ?-] a physician ]>r<>ui|>i 1 y and kindly die*s* 1 ed his wounds, And assisted in cliangs, ii?g his clothing for some furnished front o the 1 >e|.?w?itory of the Association, A li comfort aide carriage was then hired to it convey hint eleven miles, and a sunt of i. money supplied Air incidental expenses, o As he was lifted to the carriage, a l?dv I who found his thought* dwelling on >r hi* home,said to him : " I hope you will >e im?l )our mother well." liis eyes filled ir with tears as he replied, '* she does not r expect lite, she thinks me dead." e The Soldiers' Rest, in College,* near te llumcoir.le slieet. i* open fur in-peotiou it. to those who desire to see the arrange it. inettts. It is itu unpretending building, 1 ie and claims no Competition with the s, nohle Hospitals scattered over the j ty Sunt hem Confodetacv. hut when this ! fearlnl war i? over, and peace smiles le upon the land, the inhabitants of Gieen d ville will point to it with pride attdsav, it " Here is lite dwelling where our sick e, ami wounded soldiers found shelter, food , clothing and sympathy." \ ' A > m Hrtat Official Vikw or Mrdiatiow. 'j, The Wa-hhigion Republican, generally is j recognl/.i ?1 a* an Administration organ, d i thu- expresses itself concerning media- j s, lion : d I We are confident that wo are on the 1 is J eve of some development* respecting forn ! eign mediation. There are now many 1 k | straws which indicate how the wind is ' I , ftntiit In I. Tl?<* Kichmo-il Dispatch sai.l/ebne \ ?, days since, llmt after the battle of An- 1 a Mel am proposition* of peace ought to 11 a have been made'; thai both parties couhl ' i. then have trade proposal* of this nature ! I with pcil CI propi jet v. , M I 'fire New Yolk Tribune Iras a well j i A considered article upon the subject of , 1 foreign mediation, proposing the Swiss < n Cantons as the mediatory power, h ). i docs not object to the French Govern v, menl |naking an elt'orl in this direction I- hilt is not so well satisfied with Klig? ) ' ?- land. Our people might be satisfied i j with the in.erferetice or utediation of j 1 the Swiss Cantons, or even of Franee or I t> most certainly of Russia, but never with ( * perfidious Eufinnd, if ire rnn help it. ' s j Other indications are manifest that I s something in the shape of interference | r ' or mediation is soon to lake place. All | ? i this mr.v he premature Hint unfounded ; 4 .liH ?? ' , | ...... IH.IUH i?? f appiOHCIIIIIg UCIIt ; sia in our national affair*. 4 > ! We may not l>e pleased with tho ] , j complexion our public affairs are muirs s , nig ; *iill we know ilie tiller folly of re- ( j stating Site iuexborabie logic of events. , if we cauiiol, or l?ave not, pui down (lie 11 i rebellion, we cannot expect nations which suffer much by our quarrel to <| i look on as disinterested spectator* for- j h t ; ever. "j The rebel# have raised little or no ^ 1 grain in their Held*, and being bootless ? > ami shoeless, I buy d??n't even raise corn n 1 upon their too*.?Jjouinvi/le Journal. <1 - ' 4 f3*~ We bad n roiniilrrolih fall of snow I on Tuewlay night-?It nen>ly ntl melted " j away, lioweva*, doling yesterday. j <1 ^ ? * " * IINTTS I glasses xif Mtoj(liht0 ff jje jpuuttjtrn (guttrprisr. i-_ ..y.. ' W. P. PRICK, | . J.fC. BAILEY, Editor. * - J Am oci & to. Our Motto?"Equal Eights to All," . Hl<KICNVILI E, 8 C ~ Thursday Morning, J*n 29, 1868. __ XHE CASH * SYSTEM. For all Tranmrnt AdrrrlUittg, pay will Ix quired IN ADVANCE. For Advertising by j4(*rrrt*r?, >ay required AFTKttTHE AI>VKitriSBMKST 18 OUT. As mir force is very mMgM, no Job IVork will l?? done EXCEPT FOR TOE 3A8H. Gen.Leonidas Polk. Title distinguished General arrived in onr town on',Friday cveniugjlast, mid stopped at the Mansion House. Ho wnson Ms way to join ltis corps in Braoo's army. ITc has la-en. since I lie battle of Mnrfrecsboro', witli 11is fatuily in Ashcvillc. N. 0. Absentees from the Army. Much of our space is occupied to-day with a list of the absentees from Oen. Evans' Brigade. We presume tlint many of those whose nam##arc fonnd in the list wore captured recently by the enentv. All person* interested will take Mile notice and govern thennelves accordingly. The Field and Fireside. We will take pleaMite in loiwarding subscriptions iLi* valuabla publication. Tlie tumibers of ilte now volume nre exceedingly intereslicg. Subscript I tion price, $3 per annum in advance. tW The Ysnkce.t have fallen back In Nortb Carolina. We know not for what rvusun, tsr v ankee prisoners, who arrived at Grenada, Mise., on (lie Ittth inst., stnte Unit great dissatisfaction exists ntnoug the troop* of the Yankee army in the West, and Unit the separation of Illinois nml Imliniia from the Union, is freely talked of in their army. Destruction of a Yankee Gun-Boat. Th? Rebel wsr klrniiirr Alabama recently mink the Yankee gunboat Hullerna twenty miles from Galveston, with ull on lionrii except one officer ami fireinsn. Tiny were picked up by the Brooklyn, x^liieh afterward* olin*?d the Alabama, bu'did not *ucoeed in catching her. PW* Mhtakl liar ant, of Company I>, Sixty-Third, N. G.^tfteyinietil, was recently shot for des? i lion at Kingston, N. C. lie nlisented himself from his Regiment without leave. Struggling on the field is hereafter to bo u?der punishment with death, and on the absentee without leare. will fall the entile awful doom. So, says'!/' IVrsonns " of the Courier. Bragg'u Cavalry?Great Destruction of Yankee Property. Gen. llitaco telegraphs from Tallahomu, Miss., on the 17th insk, that Gen. WmcKt.rn with a portion of hi* cavalry brigade, after burning the t^TUiond bridge in the enemy's ti#r, pushed for the Cnmheiland liver, where he intercepted and captured four mi|(r niiir jinn iic?in?V?'U lliUHi Willi All the ?up|ilii'?, and bonded one to carry off four hundred paroled prisoners. lie ?n? Lolly pursued l?y a gui boat, which he attacked. c*pi ured ami destroyed, with her whole armament. After the capture of the transports and gunboats, our cavalry made a dash for a large fleet of transport* just helow llarpeth Slvala They threw overboard their cargo and aultaiatence, ordnance and quartermas ter'a stores, in immense quantity, and eacnp ed l?y a haaty retreat. Onr troops. in the midst of anow and lee, craaaed to the North tide of the Cutiilierlaiid, by swimming their horse* through the angry torrent, which was swollen l>y the recent rains, ai.d routed the guard, ai d captured and destroyed en immense collection of subsistence, just load- | pd for tran*|x>rtntioii to KnshviUo hy wag- I una. Peftc* Items. 17KitMRft. of the Charleston Mrrrury in ajetter from Richmond, dated 10th llini >? a. . * Keported, on good authority, that j ?x Governor JVatt, of Maryland, ha* | written to the Pife-ident thafcpeace with ! lie North is no longer a que*'ion ofl norths. l>ui of day*. AI>o, that news ims been receis^d hero thai the Kinper- j >r will not only recognixe, but inter* j ene to February. Consequently, the! 'resident, General Ta-e and every lady j Ise me very cheeifnl. I am pretty sure fiat these aro something more than rtere ' Sunday stories.' " The same correspondent writing nn- J ler dale of January 'J2, has the followng: * nsttrdsy a New Yorker, .who left Vasliington last Friday,"antred here nd sought an anters iew with tha l'res- | ent. lie waa well arnedised by let-i 1 ir* to proinlMent Souther? gentlemen, leaaya that the war cannoi last ninels a) * ; that the Yankee tin suns are in ^ I Mm 1 U ? tjlv .'. l. '^r|, ?. ?*'~ , ^sTJr^M^H ? ? i. ? - V** . .'* ' 1 *" n / r V *T< .V '- ' v *% **. * %: f ^ .A ..J . . WM s- -:. - ta-_ -~r*fcr--^?tt. m N??BKK 39. . I j|||t|Lj!!IW1|-'|L,. &*0mr^R mexiricahle c*'iifu?h?n j tb? mMihh %m H| *11 their' ?rmie? mU'.in<?Uf>, itm| <>Dlf wftttirti? to bm p?l?l off to dinb?t)iL-* Then, nays he. w?U come the hanglwff of die Lincoloitee?end there w<ll he % I clean swgvp ~ B| ** You roar rent **?med there t* I something in the More at?out important mailer* in *eeret mhmop, whirl; I here been repeating from, day to day. It t* I a treaty, or a l<mn.-o?jhK>;h. with Franee. Tlie feet * ill he ghen in t$M public he- I fore the week is over, have noljbeee H ini>iiifoi mi ll " * ; ' . TI.q Caucasian, a paper published H in New V oik, provluima loudly for fl peace, " with (he r?ilvr*tioii of the Union if that great blessing can he oh- -B (Mined, hoi me are, at all event*, f??r B }H;?ce, an eartv, lunorablo pe 'C*," it fl says; and winds .up with' calling hi a- B coln a poor, weak, wicked and peurile B man. It is holder in its denunciation B f die Northern policy than any article B | we're seen emanating from a Notthem H sheet. Jflfl -*pm i . ^ I Mors Cavalry ?The Richmond H Enquirer calls for an Increase in oar H cavalry arm. Ti waa^gO.OOO caral- A; ry attached 10 each oWlBgroJit armies, I and announces that a camp of instruct lion for cavalry is shout to be estab- 9 | lislied, v I (ihknauj, Jan. Iff. 9 T)i*xnti*faction in the JTorthtoest.?~ * A gentleman who ha- j ist arrived in luis ciiv, dirimt from St. Loui*, repnf|e *"r| "?t the enforcement of the Federal I stamp act in the Northwestern States, j?] is creating iimueuse diasaiinaction, and I that the people are decidedly hostile to ;:tj a further enforcement of the draft or an ? I increase of the Northern Hrn.iw ? All the troops iliol have been rajsed in fiio Stale* lately, lime been sent to lioscncranz. and it isaUo supposed that reinforcement* have been s? nt from ( rant ami Sherman to the same destr* nation, to enable him, if pos-ihle, to I break through our centre, held by Bragg. Mohilr, Jan. 21. Tho Advertiser aim later lias the I following ; " (Irknaiia, Jan 10 ?Five mora prisoner* captured ofi transports, oppo* site White river, arrived bete tonight. They confirm the repoit of dissatisfae* lion prevailing among the Western tioopa, and sat that tlie separation of ' Illinois and Indiana from lite Yankee j Union ia fieclv conversed ?b? ut and ! favored by the W.-stern troop*.** Nothing Daiktkd.- Ni groe* are selling in A hen*. 'IVnit., almost in s one'* throw of the Yankee armies, at from sixteen hundred to tw thousand dollars apiece; and no.! wit islanding the. enormous piices, latge number* aie purchased in Virginia and taken to that region.and le-aold to the la-merit. v ai.andioh vm kok i'icacr.? Vnl*ndighain says the re-union of rhe South * and miMt of the States of the North and West is a nece*-itv. ami is practicable ; that the people aie abend of the poliiie-ians hi their de/hand for peace.? He is to have a public dinner soon. | L.ivcoi.n Again in Ponrr.? A | newspaper correspondent. tell* the fob ; j lowing : Some one sent President Lincoln a Inch of newspaper critici-m* upon h in I and hi? Condm t <>f tin* war, last we. k. I In speaking xbo'it it to it frie..d, Mr. | Lino In said : | ~ Having an hour to spate, on Suni day. I read tliia ba'eli of editorial*. and wh n I was through rending. I asked myself, *' Alirnliain Lincoln, are you a man or a dog f' j Thowiiiei dot* n-t atate what conelision Mr. Line mi ar Led at, but j l< ate* iik to suppose thai bo rcgaids it as an ojh-ii question. - - U vuKFOOTKn*?Wo a;e lieginning to feel the effect* of the. war Veiiuuslv. A few dayt ago we cbani^^io meet on tlio highway, a la<ly w I^WL* sail countenance presented a sure token of tli* tres*. She was a volunteer'!*wife, plodding Iter way tbiongh the cold inud? hunting food for Iter planing children. What amount of autf.-iixig must l?e en* .i.? : - - - ........ mr niiiTi, ti urtitt ominuw ex p. en*.? Jlendrr? u 11mffi ni r?. Tint Chattanooga lU'l'fl a. rumor in mmy t-iiclqa, thai Brajrtr linn naked to lie n an- f*-i r?ii fr< H) lino arinv of Middio IVoiifsM'^toNoiiiootlifr department. and think* it will I Atedi:ahi*? to Iiint if it dial! |??< wtt hut*. It.: -*> til hi t lie |>r? j'ldicx again-1 him. l>oi|i in ?n<1 out < f lite army, lender v v the IhoIi politic Olid nlceaaary. ?' * '*? * * . Coi.. Oat*. \V m-Ton, a w>n of one if. tl?e signer* of the old (I tit at'hin uf Independence, iIkh! in PH*n>4??.rg, a few data aWe, ttjrd. 19 V< h*>. Li* waa ti><in?i|v Teriiluriii Uoverpor of IJori?la. and later in life lie Mat or of ll? wit* t!ie holier of I ho wall kitowu < *CUt i* W?iio.. Let Art. ... . . a ik