University of South Carolina Libraries
Wy ^ - ? - ^ ?wl ? + m fllym # ?r t?Hr*t ? til* Somthtrn * :' ; ;* H>?yiii nwliliiinMrt.>'Fbrlhap?t \ 9wHw ?&? I hara Wi ahMAt, > rajc >wi'?nM> lo giti mj itftmfan to the * Wtfnaaaof tbaooooera. Thin, with th? * Jprowpoet of ?ontinuod sbMnte in tha | ":r swrriee, haa induced ma lo aoTl. Mr. ( iSf' - Fuel, lo whom I bar? sold, la well I n. kdowb iq idq pn?n?o? 01 pnptr, u??- o W k~? eMn?el?d with it from ita 1 hwiihriot?i jtrwt portion of the time " m nolo or pert proprietor, mid nil the * while M Editor. There is. consequent* 0 W, no necessity for en introduction of b him to the public. C In dissolving my connection* Srith h * I, the paper, M ono of iu proprietors, I r would take this opportunity of return-' * y* W "?y. thanks- to the eilixens of the L: Pretrial for the liberal patronage' whieh ?? *' they, have given the concern, end would p express the hope that la the future it V nay receive their cordial support and ? patronage. A paper in the District in, p r should be. an indispensable ie*tllns [j lion. And recollecting that three are n hard timen for newspaper publishers, n eitisons of tho District' snotild not * v *\ fcil to bestow such a patronage An will " enable the paper to Kve through these r trying times, but such a patronage as still allow the proprietors compensation I1 for tbeir time and labor in keeping tho !' SWT going. I am confident that un? the management of Messrs. Price H & Dsiley it will merit a liberal support, h Aa Assistant Editor of the paper, f' (which connection ces?es also,) I would say that for the past fourteen months it j, baa been simply nominal. Peforo inter- b ing the service, and in the absence of *' the Editor, I did attempt to write some for the paper. I am aware of the fact, " however, that the effort was a feeble1 one, and if I said anything, during mv career, tbst was worthy of note, it is ? more than I can recollect st present.? 1 There being nothing good to rornem- " ber, I hope my errors have been forgot I ten, sNo, by a generous public. M Wishing prosperity and happiness to " all good people, and hoping thai *11 the bad one* may reform,v I respectively m Uka leave of the patrons of tho South- ii em Enterprise. ? C. M. McJUNKTN. J A Challenge to Spartanburg. " The Spartan lately claimed that c, Spartanburg had taken a larger amount ? of Confederate Bonds than any other tV district of tke Slate. We presume the w comparison was not intended for Charleston or Richland. We think, hawever, Spartanburg will also have to yield to Greenville?although this Diss txiet baa muck less wealth and a smaller population. Will tke Spartan furnish a statement ef the amount of Confedes s" fate Bonds sold in Spartaaburg by the "c Agent of the Confederate States; and also a statement of such other amouata n ae are held by citizens of Spartaaburg. 1/ ibe Spartan proposea to count also the amounts held by citizens of Charles- " ton and other refugees, temporarily res'- ? . dents in Spartanburg, will it oblige by atatieg these amounts separate I We ^ challenge a ootnparison. Army Correspondenoo. a "Wa are making arrangements which ^ will enable us soon to present our read- ' an .Ilk ..In.I.In !- ?? r : r W*?M ?WIM?U?V IVlrWI n HU..I f HI lUtll P"r* * ti#n? of our army?oupociallv from Virginia, North Carolina and our own coast. We have the promise of an occasional letter from Mobile, from one who has many facilities for ascertaining valaable 81 aewa. a ? b To thoso in Arrears. c Wi intend to notify those of ottr r enbecribors who are behind in their v subscriptions for the past two or p threo years of the amounts of their t' indebtedness. Unless these arrear- * ages aro paid wo will discontinno " ending the paper. The cost of * publishing a paper is now very 0 great, and we most adopt the cash * tstksi. This is tjjo only way in * which tlio paper can be continued. 0 We intend to make it a welcome r journal to our patrons, and wo call j - 1 upon tuom to sustain us in our ef- c f/irtp . KWTli. , H[r ? [ v py* IJavino made an arrange * mont o secure a sufficient amount of pa;.< r to d?* us for the wholo of the present year our subscribers v need not l>e afraid that its pt\l>lica< y *tion wil! l>e discontinued for want , ' of that, Accessary articlo. Wo can t also assure our patrons that it will j also nppcnr regularly on end; dnv n of publication in time for tho n)fti!e. ? m ? . y \*/J\ % -%4w*y4 *K-S5!HSjppHE5ML JJ_ lK..liJB^S Off tou Virgin**.? Mr. Q. A., < 'lokte^ageatfor the Sooth G*n>. J Ina Cehtral Association, wSHUve ' or Richmond abont the 20th Janwty.*. He will carry letters, pack f*oe,^kc., for the soldiers, if left 1 the ?hop * iw*p.yy Rrr. V. Warren Ion, fa. J Ha* Uw ?4r? U> tha paatoraU.of Uia liplU CbnNh la UtU plasaiafe* R*t. RkpMM^hiwatA* aartfaai k ?oaa?qo>aaa ?f III X'l " ViwOtoliilmli Biaiaa Ma aad Praflta U*bm?e?tU JfNMi IWteM: I have bsan by mrt) |?mM what flMak of OaUnt* Igkt par ewt bands as a safe sod paying qvsOtaaatT Allow ma. In yaW pagan ay a faw awk, whUfc' If kaadad. may i?#p in? wrrrnpirni, inn m win pwnn wmt at moBtyfl the pockets of tlMH??on|t is now invaidlng'fianda. I think Oortfede *t? Bonds eminently mfe, bnt etvooest et a Joverament is now only ^nsstion of limn have ntvtr believed In k short war?nor to I st present s?o reason# for HelVeviag It rill tstiolnnts for eighteen months, or even yeor longer thno Owt Bat oar final uooow Is now snro. If wo eneeeed, Gonsd crate Bonds ?ro the hrst Investment any >ds ean have. Besides, measures will soon e token to ndd State endorsements to the /oofsdersto Debt. If so, new bonds will 10 issued thus endorsed, and these hends rill be offered finally In exchange for the resent eight per cants. Id suoh an exImage, the present bonds will he worth fteen to twenty per cent, khove per?so hat If the guaranteed bonds are sohl to ther parties for fifty per sent, premium, hey will be sold to those having the eight er oent. bonds nt only thirty tn thirty five, rndsr snob circum'sUinees. on# who now Dys Ccgifedernte eight per cent, honds.will *t for them not only an interest of eight or cent., bnt rvlso la two venre a premium f fifteen to twenty. Adding this to the sterest, the owner of thosa bonds will saks on them fifteen to eighteen per cent. vear tor two yertra. a?d thsii. if he chooses, ell them for a currency better than thst he ow pays for them; or, if he profe-a, got isfes'd of them guaranteed bonds at lass ntes than others. Another inducement to hny Confederate toads. Is, that ns soon as pur currency is iroperly improved, (snd tlie proap?cfs of his nre hgight.) the Confederate Governlent will pay its interest in specie. And till another reason in connection with this, i, that if the Government pays out speeie r>r interest on itb bonds, it will require axes to Vie paid in specie. Tlioss who hold he bonds will have specie caongh from the oterest of their bonds to pay their taxes, iiit others will have to tiny the specie for lie taxes, at whatever mny be charged As nng as wc hold Confederate Bonds we need ot Vie afraid of taxes payable in specie, but hos? who do not hold them nre constantly a danger. In wliiit 1 have said above, I have pons n the supposition only ef the value of liexe bonds whi'o the wsr InMa. The very lornent w? have peace, their value n? com arcd with other* will be grout ly enhnnce<l. 1 n trutli, every other kin?l of security will hen go down, nnd these bonds will rise. If 'e hnd pence to-merrow. no one would take ?es for Confederate Monde tlisif forty to fty per oont. premium, I will bo glnd nt eny timo to give further ^formation to nny of my constituents or tliars. I write tne nbove heennse I nm ( \tiefied thnt if the citir-ns of thin TMstrict now the ndvnntngo of thin investment', a irge amount will he added to that already ' nitributed. 1 trust U will lend many to J ill on my friend Llotnlin Bdattia, Esq., the gent of tho Oovernroent. end obtain the onda. Lei all see to it, too, that they gat ie bonds which hare the longeat time to ' JQ. They are by far tho moet valuable. * JAMES P. BOTCE. ' A Letter Prom tho Butler Guards. i camp vsab frtmericusnuro,) r Dec. 17th, 1802. f [ My Dear : Thank Heaven I am c ifo and Round, neither bruised or ( Tatched, after one of the bloodiest bat- t ea of the war. We came to camp last 1 ight about 0 o'clock, after lying in , itchee?or in the streets?since day- 1 glit on last Thursday morning. Burn- j ido is completely whipped; we hnd a ! lerious fight; we hold our position be- , ind ? stone fenco and fought Sum ? - ? i- -?- . .1, - i ? .*_ ( ?? n wiunu cuip?? iiiu uvQb irvuift in lie Yankee array. General Jackson >ughl on oar right, drove them back, nd killed, captured and wounded, over >ar thousand, if wo can believe reports. ' was forcibly rominded of Campbell'a ' Iohenlinden : "But few shall part, whore many ia??t, I Tha snow shall Iw thair winding sheet, And over/ tuft hnnsnth thair feet, Shall he a soldier's sepulchre." We were placed in a magnificoat poition, and could have held it against \ ny force that the enemy choose to J ring against ua. Fredericksbulg is j ompletely torn to pieeen; the houses ' iddltd with shell ; the store* and prists residences broken open and atrip >ed of everything; hooka thrown into he street ; furniture broken ;* Indie's roaring apparel torn into ribbons and , enttcred everywhere ; fine pianos bro 1 en into fragment* ; music scattered all ; ver the baltlo field and streets. Hut ro had a good quartermaster in Burnide'a army, who furnished us with oit loths, ovoreost*, blankets, shoes and Jolhing of every kind. splendid ordisnco officer, who left ua nnv smount >f small arms, shell for our cannon, and abridges of every kind U; use. Their vontoon bridges are still on the river? laving been cut looso at the Other >ank. I don't think (bey took time to novo any thing, oxcept their forces, " bey must !in?o hart a great many rounded, as inany of the houses are narked with blood, showing that they rero used as hospitals, and I am told hat in some of them, there was a great >ile of legs and arms, which they had 10 time to bury. But enough : our ircea suffered very little considering, m * . ""**? - M?t in determined to MM\?r or dtb We staked oar *N ofe^^betflghtv and won, mod I sievor ww men io soeh pints at anj tilde*. Tbey stood th< helMivg like old retards ~ri|pnM-, Mm) when eharged i>j. immense columns q lUe tam?. stood hnmov^ge; mant wbo More Mmindac^tf^^om tbo jfekl aH dar, in preference to rishiegOu chaitew of beyig killed1 by shell -4m go, ing to the* hospital, as-it mm like nun id oar rear. Uaviag to descend a hili ow rsrfmforoevtemfe wese obliged to advftnoa for a mllo under a beery sboMei of ahell from their batteries m I|m opposite side of tbe rirer, and most o pur men were woandod before getting to their position. -v*- *?... In regasU to tho company, no oneb bwt, except Wm, Whiauant, wounded in.rigbt arm nod aido *rr?ra, bot Uot dangerous and il ie thought the bon? lb not broken, to he wilt not looeo 4ui ana. Henry Hum slightly eoratehed on the neek by a Minie ball, and Jam* Price eaid to be allocked by a aheii; n< other caaualtiee in the company.^ Th< 8d and 7th Regiments suffered noon than ours. Col. Nance, Lieut. Col Rutherford, Maj. Moffat, wounded.? Capt. Summers, the brother of Mrs C. W. D'Oylev, killed. Capt. Ilancc lost his left log, and it is supposed nil die. Maj. F. Oaiitard, of our.Regimen! was wounded twice, once in the cbii and then the foot, both slighU Tlx boys aro mostly well. Wash. Dyer ii in Richmond sick, so is Charley Mark |y ; no other new esses from the compa nv. They hare been blest through the whole time, losing rery few by diseast or wounds. 7 . HYMENEALMaskikd, in Oreeiivtlls, H, C.,on the H<?tl Deoember, 1862, by Rev. T. J. Knrlo, Capt U. L. BOWLIKN, of Company A*13th it'K*1 ment, S C. V., nn.i Miss MARY FLECK. L . . ' . . I Absentees from Jenkins' Brigade. rI"MIE undersigned haviag been detailed JL by ordor of G??. Lee. lo nrrest nn<i return absentees Without leave from Jen kins' Rrlgsde, Lnngstreet'a Corps. )] sue!' absentees nre hcre!>y ordered to re|x?rt 1< him st Columbia, on or beforo the 16th is stunt, or tlioy will be arrnstod and dealt with as the law directs. llischsrfros before the 11th of Octohei are not valid. J. O. HAWTHORN, Captain 1'. A. C. S. nsaihjtjanrkns Ca ?. r or IxMm'cnnjs, 1 Columbia, 3 C., January 7, 1863. ( ITiJfROLLING OFPICSIW will tjivs nil -A proper aid to Cepttriu Hawthorn, I'. A. C. S.. in nrrnlinir oil .1 ? ...... ...... ..." sorters from Jenkins' Brigade. By order ol JOHN S. PRESTON, Col. A. A. O., Comrn'ilf ConecripTe S. C. J as. E. Black, Adj't of Post. *Jnn 15 87 2 HE A I>(llJ A irr iO H8 DOMM18SAUY-OENKRALS 1)1 IT, SO. , l'oLt<MiiiA, January 8, 1803. THE Art of the General Assembly, enti tied " Ac Art to suppress the undue listillntim, of spirituous liquors from theee ritl grains of this Stilts," contains the f.?l owing proviso, namely: "That the Governor, if satisfactorily inbrined that a eufply of spirits, which eanint he otherwise obtained.;is absolutely nseissary for nie<licinal purposes in this State, nay jcontraet with a proper number of r?> ponsible and skilled agents, in any one or nore of the Districts, to manufacture a Hinted quantity of pure spirits, at a limited ind reasonable price, strictly for medicinal turposes, taking care that snch proper disposition of the product is made as to secure (s application alone to the purpose intendd." To enable the Goremor to ascertain the inantity required for tlie above purpose, bo physicians of the different Districts in .his State are requested to /urutsA to thi* Department, am surly as practicable, a stntenent as to what supply of ! pure spirit*, which cannot b? otherwise obtained, ia ahtolutely noeeeeary for medicinal purposes " in their respective Districts for the present fear. * It is requested that such steps be taken us that the statement shall represent the views of a majority of Lhe practicing physicians in each District. By order of the Governor. JOSEPH WALKER, Commissary-G enerel of S. C. Jon J 5 87 '1 |y All papers In the State insert advertisement onte, and send.duplicate bills, with ;opy of advertisement, to litis Department "or payment. H K A DdU ARTL'llS C50MMISS A KY-OEEf ERXL'S DEPT. 8. C? Columbia, S. C., Jnnnnry 8, 1888. ALL applicants for agt-ncice for the dlstillntion of spirituotts liquors from the cereal grains of this State, in conformity with the Act to suppress the undue distillation thereof, will file with the undersigned Iheir applications, together with the trsti tony of two or more respectable and credible physicians of the District, duly authenticated by the Clerk of the Court, that they are responsible and skilled ngenta. By ordag of the Governor. JOSEPH WALKER, Commissary General of S. 0. Jan 15 37 I (f99"* All Barters in tha State will-insert ?(im, and send duplicate hill*, v*yth copy of td vertissment to ibis Department for payment. Headquarters 3d Heg't, S. 0. M., ) January lOtb, J868. ) Order ATo. 1. A COURT M> RTIAL will bs convened at TONEYH OLD FIELD, on ftatur day, twenty-tourth instant, for the trial o! Militia (tnd Patrol Defaulters, to consist ol the following gentlemen: Mnj. SULLIVAN, President, Capt. MAMILTOV, Capt. MoDstVID, Capt. CHARLES, Capt McDANIEL, Lieut. BENNETT, Lieut ErtKKW, U. P. HAMMOTT. By order of 1. L WOOPSTDH, Colonel Xd Reg't, H. C. M. T. L. Bokkman, Adjutant Jan 15 87 ' a Patrol Exemptions. T}F.RS0N3 wishing to-avail themeelv* 1 of tbe immunity of the oommutetior ta*?two dollars and fifty eonta?In lien o1 pntraling during the year IfMtS, will pa; llie same at once to the Clark ol Council, 01 thsy will be enrolled fo? duty. J. C. HATLRY, Jan d 86-8 Tow* Clerk. ',* t i ip i ^*i >ii m ?*Ji : K M.BT SB ' lioner^n tqnKj Ibr tMl WKrWt, Ireeflled a petition ip my office, praying that < TjCttera of AdibintatreUoa on TO ood itC|p?Mr the good* end shuttle*. rights Mid erad tWJOUh into .of ^*?Pie;. ^ triet aforeeald,- dee?eq. ahonld be granted ;<3r* ' et the fikl. deeee*?d. to be hod appear V? 1 1 snsss s&SMSASfr ? Friday, the twentj-MT.errth d?y--of Fibrua z*is&te? -11 . . ROBERT lioKAY. O. O. Dk . ; ETC, ? . . o,. eri' " *? - ' *0**1T * *w? J**" "" *?* ' ' pire s?r?t?rf of-U.. Cnl>M.3libi > JL having destined to aeoept the forma of the renin t Aet of th* J*gtt!fcttire, for furnishing flare labor for the fortification* on the foaei, the Aet of the Kxeentive Coencil retaalaa In fores. jofljr* aoLMSi "r ^ J, : C. BpeeUl Agent m+gv* '$r 180S. (80S. TBI SOUTHERI MO k U)l. It TtmuamtD AT AtfovaTA. OA. I A JTirM Ola? Literary and Agricultural Jour*ml. * Many distinguished Sonthern Writers eon| - tribute to its ?o)um?Mt the flrat Saturday in January, 1809, I i? wkw niiRiM win i>? commenced, in B Quarto form, of Fight Fag?e, convenient f?r binding. Each number will contain 1 Thirty-heo Cnlttrmia Reading Matter. ? Tbe Proprietor trusts that his exertions ^ to* maintain a First Class Southern Literary Paper will be liberally sustained. > The Terms Cor the paper will bo? , Par cne year, $ft 00 Far six months,. 2 oo For three months, 1 00 Single copies, Ten Cents. HT Clubs of 10 or more, for one- year, f 1 ?2 00 each. l Clubs ot 10 or mora, elx months, $1 00 cnch. Post Masters are invited to nss their in I finance in behalf ol tbe paper. On all subscriptions forwarded by them, except at club rates, thvj will be allowed a comtnis1 sion ot twenty per cent. No commission on club rates ohm be allowed. The first number of this Favorite WeekI ly will contsin the ooginniog uf B K Ij M O N T: j A*Thrilling Knmnnca pf the Last Cmtnry, .By Mrs. Sua E. Htnrr, of South Carolina.* , Also the opening of a series of Fivo Chap, tera of a History, A Goorgia Court Forty Years Ago. L Bt Puilkmox Pxaon. And the first of a Series ot " Lai lads aj the War," by , " IIuhbi'bt," whose charming productions, recently published, ituttk ? ?! this juvenile Poet as the Keats" of t^e 8oi;th. These will l?c fulb'vrcd by a series of Sk< toliy Romances, by Hon. W (?ilni.??e Siuis, nnd by a choice collection of original and selected Tales, which, it is not boasting to say, will render tly: Fikld ani? FiuksiI'E more attractive titan ever. JAMES GARDNER, Proprietor. Jan 18 37 2* CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH $ 11 O O I. . TTIK NEXT SESSION of the TjA?CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL, recently established by Professors EDWARDS and JUDGES.SON, with tho approbation of the Board of Trustees of Furman University, during tho suspension ?f the Exorcises of tho University, will open at the University Building, ON THE ?TH FEBRUARY,and embrsce two quartort of ten weeks each. Tiiixs?ft 0 per qearter, with 60 cents for incidental expensos, payable in advance. Good Hoarding ciui be had at $25 per month. The utmost watcb-care will be exorcised over the moral* of the papils. Vor further information address Professor P. C. Ebvards, Greenville, 8. Q. Ja 8 Sft tf ..... . . . , L.OST, ON Monday, 8th Inst., between Mr. T. B. Reberte' 8ter?, and Mr. 1'etsr Cnuble's Blacksmith Shop, en Main Street, ? NEW LEATHER POCKET BOOK, of Urn lit*, pnd but little used, containing something over Three Hundred Dollars in money, ConfederatcRlills. Also, a nolo given by Henry L. Groes to Wm. Rend rick a, for $112.00 and some few rents; beside* a lot of miscellaneous receipts. A liberal reward will be paid for the finding and delivery of said Pocket Book and eonteuta to Mr. A. R. MoDavid at Green. villa. Jan 8 88 tf The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. im John A. Smith el ml., vs. Jnosse M. Smith ft at.?Bill for Sal? <uid Partition, <tf. RY the Decree of Chief Justice CHUmtM, made at Chambers In ibis ease, I will tell, at publio auction, at Greenville Court House, in this District, on Salei day in February next. The property of that portion of the Eatstc i ef ABRAHAM SMITH, deeoasad, in which ' his widow had a life 5 estate, to th? highest bidder, the TRACT OF LAND o? which said decerned lived, containing Four Hundred and Eighteen Acre*, more or less, 12 m;Ua an.* -a# A-a ?*>2- /? S *? mail vi tricni thic \/Oin noiiw. RINK LIKELY 7VEOROE8, O HORSES, TWENTY-ONIC HOGS. 0 or 10 Hoad of Cattle, : HfilSEHDLB &HTC1E1 F0BQT6&E, FARMING TOOLS, tkO. CONDITIONS?-For all uiiia under fifty Anllare, cash?over that amount, on bond with good aeenrity, payable iu oae year from eale, with intcrra?. from nale. WM. M. THOMAS, C. K. O. D, Comrnisaiooer'a Office, Jan. 7th, 18?8, Jan 8 - . 88 . . 4 ! " ' STATS OF 80UTH CAROLINA, ORKENVTLLE DJ8TDI0T. lit EQUITY. P. P. IHllhowac and Kobott r* Miss Patsy L. Poster, a Minor?Bill for Snie of Land, die. T HFJLL BELL, at public suction, st CreenI rills Court House, in tbls District, on Salcsd&y in February, A. D. 18011, ths Tract of LAND described In the pleadings of tliis ease, to the highest hiddor therefor, two hundred and ton seres, on Reedy River, fonr'milss and s half from Greenville Court House, adk joining the lauds of J sine* Farr, d?ecs??d, CsptAin .Jnmd* Hawthorne and Mrs. Susan Foster. Thirty seres of this Tract are goed ' Bottom Lands, Sixty acres are in woods, and ' the balance In good order for cultivation, f Turns?One half oaah; the bttlanoa on hoed ' and mortgage. (The place may be treated (or at private sale > WH, M. THOMAS, C. R. O. D. f omrniaaiouec's 0?ca. Jamierf 7, 1803. Ja$ i , ' ?\ vv o # r p** If ' f * * mto t af i i ^ ? ?- * ifffl lrrryn-tr- g jj jjj i a? jg-xt. g a h a ? wr A at i?. *w a^Ml> ** ** " . h??W*?t. fc AlexanderThompeoD, *>? ethers, lsy*f . , heirs and r?pr?M*i?tfarw of Jsgist An; dprmxi, deceased.? OH/xiiou for final BatdfHHHll ot^i 7WfW"IT appearing that Joaeph Thompson, A, Jsrue* Thompson, Jeba Thompson. Wil. lkbn Thoutpena, WJ?i Moore end Pollf |n| MberehisWlfe, nd Jenme Alexander, Dr , fcndaate, reside beyond the limits of thla * Heats: It u Ordered and Decreed, .that they do appoar at a Court of Ordinary to ha balden at GraanvUla Court Houa* on tha !??..?aia?aM,dgy March, next, to they eeuee, If any ihej sen. why a Pinal Settle- j eat af the Estete of JAMES ALEX AN!" " , " , Sale of Bpal Estate. < The Stnte o< South Carolina, J GREENVILLE DISTRICT. 1 IN ORDINARY. ,: # * BY virtue of an wdtr from the Court of v Ordinary, I will expose for rale, at pub- i ii? outcry, to tile Jtifheat bidder, before tha , Court Houso door of . said Distrust, ca the f Firot Monday of February hart, , AU that pieoa, parcel and Tvaot af La?d, { (Hunted in Greenville Distriot, on water* of , Reedy Rlret, bounded by lands of William Austin, Mrs. Clark, Kit Baldwin and others j and containing On* Hundred end One Acre*, . mom or less. Soltiea the property of AH- . UttKBUN N. AUSTIN, deceased, for ParU- j tioD amongst tho legal boira of said dacoased. ALSO, All tbat picco, pared and Tract of Land, ] Ranted In Groauvillo District, on waters of Rccfly I\}rer, bounded by lands of Kindrad Story, Nelson Austin, Robert' Holland and others, and oontaiuing One Hundred and For ty-nne A err*, more or loss. Sold as tho property of THOMAS L. AUSTIN, dorooaed, for Partition amongst tho legal boira of said do* . .. o ' TERMS OF SALE.?A credit of twelve J month*, with interest from day of sal*, for all. except so much aa will pay tho coats, ? whirl, will Ite required in oaah. Purchaser* to give boada with good security, and a montgnge of premier*, if deemed ncoeeeary, ' to tho Ordinary, to secure the payment of the purchaa money. Purchasers to pay for 1 titlaa. J. T. MnDAMEL, t Sheriff O- D. 1 Sheriffs Offiec, Jan. 1th, 1848..' 1 Jaa 8 SO 4 ? STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA," GUKKNVILLK DISTRICT. WI1ERKA8 Jacod Phndkh haa applied to ma Tor l.ett^ra of Adminiitration on all nr.d singular tire goods and chattel*, t rights and credits of Mrs. EL1ZABETU ? JACKSON, late of the District aforesaid, * deceased, should he-gradted to him: Theae 1 are therefora to cito ami admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor* of the said deceased to ho and appear at a Court of Ordinary for Gravnvillo District, to be hoidsn at Greenville Court House aa lha War Ireut/t day of Januory, to shew cause, j if any. why the said Administration should not ho grneted. ROBERT McKAY, 0. Q. D. Ordinary's Othcc. January 1, 18M. J Jnn 1 St J i STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. J OREKNVIbT.E DISTRICT. J IN p 11I>IN A RY. VTili.iam M. Thomas. C. I?1 G. O., Adminiali ntor. Applicant, against the legal heirs t nnd repreaentativea_of )?kukc<;a Stonk. ' deceased?lh? legal heirs and repreaenta nvetd! u. w. OIIKrrARI), tlooenjieil ? I IIP ] legal heirs end representatives of Pri*- j wfiqii, d?c(m?d, Defendants.?citation for Final Settlement and Jtecree. TT appearing that the heirs of Peggy Ha1. ti?, ? heirs of Pol I j Hlnten, deecn??<l?H<*ir? of Funny Will ism*, dooen* ed?heirs of Amm French, deceased?heirs 1 of Stephen Stone, deceased?hcire of Jonn- J than Stone, deceased?Snsan S. Sbeppard, widow, and Josephine J. Sbeppard, minor J; ehiid of G. \V. Sbeppard, deceased, and ? tlie legal heirs and representative* of IVie- ? ci Pa Welch, d creased, wlicse tinmcs are I ^ Unknown, reside beyond the limits of this R Htat* : It is ordered and deoreed, that the above parti re da appear at a Court of Ordinary, to ba holder* at Grecwville Court House, on the twenty-seventh day of March next, to shew ennse, if any they can, wiry a final settlement of the Estates of REBECCA STGNE, O. W. SHEl'PAUD and PRlSOiL \ LA WEi?H, deceased, should not be made, * and decrees given thereon. Given under my hand and seal, at Greeuville Court House, this 23d day of Deeembar, A. 1?.. im"2. ROBERT MoKAY, 0. G. D. [u a.] ? Jan 1 16 Jm ' I STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ! nusRN vii.i.k nurratur. c Ify ft. Jf Fay, K?q.,Ordi.iary of raid Diitriet. ? WHEREAS, W. M. Taoaas, Esq., Commissioner in Equity for Or^pnviile District, hns spplicd to me for Lette^i of "Ad- f ministration on all and sinuular the goods and ohattols, rights and rrcdtts of JACKSON SUffIIKRLAWK, MOSES BHIDOES and _ DAVIS PL.U M LEY, late ot the District aforesaid, deceased, should he granted to him . These are, therefore, to eite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor, of the aid deceased, to be and appear at a Court of j "lunmij ior uicr HTiiiD 1'ininn, 10 do no in on Monday, the second day of February asxt, ut 1 Greenville Court House, to sshew cause, if any, why the said Administration should net be . franted. KOHKIIT McKAY, 0. U. D. Ordinary's Office, Doc. 28, 1862. ' Dee 2d 84 t 1 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, \ GREENVII.LK DISTRICT. . , IN okdiiCAUY. ? Manly Bright, Administrator, Applicant, < against Emily Mason and others; De< ( fcndnnte?Citati'm J or Final Sfttlktnmt. IT appearing that John Nfason, Ferry Mason, aud Guilford Mason, preside beyond the limits of this *Hate: It is ordered ' that they do appear at a Court of Ordinary to We holden at Greenville Court.llooee, on Friday, the <Uh day of March next, to shew cause, if any they can, why a Final Settlement of the Estate of KICHAUD MASON, deceased, should not be had, aifd a PycrAs j given thereon. This 4tli day of Peeemhrr, A. P. 1881. ltOBBUT MeK A V, Ordinary. Pee 11 88 8m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, GK.EKN VJLLB DISTRICT. Ilf ORDINARY. Aldridge Oram and Krvin Oroon,, Executors of the Will of OKOKC1K GREEN, deoeasod, Applicant* against the Legatee* of Mid Bs- ' Utc.?Citation for Final Settlement and Decree. * , It appearing that the legal heirs of Felix . Orwn, deceased?J. P. Hudson and Lnrinda his Wife?Melon Hudson and A. I*. ? Hudson hor Husband?and Uarfioon Green, reside beyond the limits of this State: It it Ordered and Dceoed, That thoy do appedr at a Court of Ordinary, to he holden at Green file Conrt House, on b'RIUA Y, tire thirteenth dm/ of Fehnmry h< x>. to shew cause. If ?ny ^ .they oan, why a Pinal Settlement of K?- J tato of Ooorge Oreon,, should aet J he had, and a Doorce given thereon. ' Witnoss my hand and -seal, at Greenville C. F II., tho I2th d?v of November, Ifhtt. 1' rosbkt m. kay, o. a. n. j Nor XJ - ft - ' *- * *5 V ''' " * ,v, -e1-4 . * ' ft ' % " ' ** -s * \ ** 'i.- - .? , "s* A \ y "t *-Tre< * Kt V i < * - . * >.'*>< * " ?a?a??fc. -?_- ^, ,,^ ^ ^ .*~ . s ^TRv^? BS5^ BBu rj ikb^H|i 111 III I Hi}] ? jrimi u|*( ;i vi II W?B | i HgUHVU ^L ^V^b. < ^ss~-.^SS =SySs"? >*on p'"^ undw^h^Lf. rf'ilil.',,iinft! CRT IdcKAY aad Lady. rlenee, I wertjr and (torn for, Urt lUattUt ara a iiifficunt gnarantea that youiig-ladisa will tod ia thair hmilj tha comfort*, attention ind refiaiug iiffonn af llama.' JJy reaaon of sundry perquisRea niorfd ?jf U e Steward, ha will o* acahled to fur- . n?h Bearding at the comparatively law ate af (25 00 par mouth, including fuel, igkts and washing. ? V ' j , Terms, par Session of Twenty Weeks ruitios, Collegiate Department,... .(SO 00 ? Academical " ,... *0 00 - rrironry 41 .... It 00 Vnsiu and us* of IlSno, 25 00 Drawing a ad Painting. esoh,. .16 00 Frsnoh,. . . ' 13 00 Incidental Expense*.............. 1 00 HT For^further infnrniatian, a<blrcas T>r. I. C. FURMAN, President, Urcahville, S. 0. Jan 8 86 9 - ' " NOTICE. The firm of letter a four i< <ih solved by tha death of PHILIP <L ..ESTER, tha Senior partner. All persona who hare demands against,or are indebted o, said Firm, arc hereby rasped fully noliied to call for the purpose of having said iIoitis aettled between ins parties concerned W. F. LESTER, ) " A. H. LESTER, {-Surviving Partners. O.W. LESTER,) THE hnvtness heretofore carried on l?y he lata Firm of LESTER A SONS will bo ontinmd at their Factory, by tha auhooribira. under the name, firm aau sty is of LES A BROTHERS. W. F. LESTER. A. II. LESTER. O. W. LESTER. Jnn 1 86 . 8 JTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, (JllEKN VILLE DIS-'lMOT. IN EQUITY. lames M. Randall ct aU. vs. licnjamin It. Randall et ale. rT is Ordwcd, That tbe ereditora of It AU1J I i.-T *f n i vt. i . , > L ??&m a in. ibAiixji\ijij9 aoroiwwd, no file heir claims with me within tbreo months ( roiu date. WM. M. THOMAS, C. E. O. D. November 11, 18(12. 28 &m 3ta1c or Koutli Carolina, , GREENVILLE DISTRICT, l\ COURT OF ORDIN ART (AVID llOKK, Executor of the Will of AKKAIIAM COX, deceased. Applicant against the Heirs of lionjainiu Nelson, James Ashmoro and Wife, Jonathan Kichnrdson and Wife, Mrs. Willis, J.uncs Cox and Isaac C?x, Defendant*. IT appearing that the TTcirs of Benjamin Nelson reside beyond the limits of this into : It is Ordcrod, that they do appear at a 'ourt of Ordinary, to be hoiden at llreonvlllo I lourt House, on Friday, the ijxtk day of Feb- | miry n?rf, 1863, to shew cause, if any they | an, why a Anal settlement of the Estate of , i BR AH AM COX, doceased, should not be lade, and a Decree given thoreon. 1 This third day of November, A. D., 1S62. ROBERT Mo KAY, O. O. D. Nor.6 tt 3m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, i GREEN VII,LB DISTRICT. IN ORDINARY. 7. M. THOMAS, C. K. <b. D? Administrator Applicant, against the Hel?*-at-Lawof JAs W. Jones, deceased, Defendants.?Kiah'ts foe Final Settlement and Decree. |T appearing that Mrs. Amelia Jones, Wld- 1 L **> and the two minor ohildren of deeased, reside beyond the limits sf this State : U s Ordered and Decreed, That tbey do ap- I tear at a Court of Ordinary, to be hoiden at iresnville Court House for Greenville District, n the Sixth day of February next, to shew ease, if any tbey ean, why a Anal settlement f the Persona) Estato of JOHN W. JONKS, loeeased, should not bo made, and a Decree [iron thereon. ^ .. iuimb iuj Dsnu ana t>?M, tl Wreooville C. I., thU 0th day of November, A. D., IMS. ROBERT McKAY, 0. O. D Not 6 27 s? i "STATE OF BQUTH OTkolih aT GREENVILLE DI8TICT. IN ORDINARY. j. W. Mayfield, Administrator, Applicant, ^sjjninst John N. May-field nnd others. ]>efeiid<tutJv?Citation for ffu*T StilUment. [T appending thst John N. Mnrfisld and L D. M. M.vfi.ld reside beyond th. limits if this State: It is ordered that they do ippeai at a Court of Ordinary to be holdsn it Greenville Court House on Friday, the ixth day of Mareh next, to shew cause, if my they ean, why a Final Settlement af he Batata of ABRAHAM MAY FIELD, leeeased, should not be had, and a Decreo [lt?s thereon. . This 4th dav of December, A. D. 1862. ROBERT MoKAY, Ordinary. Dee 11 82 Ina FOR MM, 4 ae,^ A NEAT and COMFORT.S ABLE COTTAOK, usual OutBiAKtI H?i!diagp, a very eeleot yuri BhaHBLlfflP (Hy of Fruits, Figs, Duiss, Sherries, < J rapes, l'osohes, Apples ami fltrawtoriica, a good vegetable OA HORN on (he ear of the grounds, and a ploneant variety of Evergreens, Shrubbery and Flowers, and an Bvergtoen Hedge en tba front, The Lot eott-, ?m? tour i wo ocree, stloat?<) oo Pendleton Ureet, ami in an otoollant neighborhood. Apply to Her. #. 8. Oa f M.AKO, or T. C. UOWK&, Kaq. S'ov SO 2y if HANDS WANTED: WE are in wirnt ef torn* Pi f trow or Twenty AUMS UOD1KD M?N to work on nr Halt Work* Eleven Mi toe east ef Wiliuingon, N. C.?- for wbieh wo wtt( pay aoeh wages * wiH inearo the making ef fmw Twelve U 'iiteea llpllare par Week. Apply U ' . . V 0. 11A11N u? A. HKJ.DMANN. o?t n '* * 7 HBNIIY fSm, w?... JTTL HARPER, / ^ v r^kESTRES Tory iwa^oot/nlN in infnrovt?.< IJ r.ublia tfcpt lie noer rraiipiep^ e-et ?> urmerlj o*capi?d by Jiurrtdge. and e. w? >urci?l to df, eatiefaeloHly, all work ^ in?. He hopaa to got w?W* ef patrewogw , limp open both day and evading. > ?r? '? - " 1 V . ? k', ,?a ." 'isi. ' 'ljX& A ^ M MBBMI i:Jy^im. ^ ^3||H| K" nHmM, TlnlHl/' ^Mh^JUImHH ? diminution i?{fpHfcgtr HnoiMMMlfcJHff^fl Below mor bo fcet<. who contribnlo t?^^^^ri|J||. ??? i-?r?r My if im u i&co nf.nn * is? m,by58658^^" .J - kM] W?wn?n, Georgia, Ja?. ?,* l??!?' ** ? ' t7 * ,sf 1 111 M&IIF&Rnp FUft 1 OBADT, HAWTH0&1V ft pji*t TIAVE entered into eonfetaer*fcip<g. % XX .tie purpoM of oarrying ?a tbf* MANUFACTURING^ \\ Ami Hfc*e taken peieeaeion ( Ike 4* 1 I Cotton Xanafartey, lately In epeatlag by V. M'BEE, Hfaun Ml uum South-Salt Of OoOBTilU. The entir* Martiinerv haft b?ea plaeod Ifr complete running ?>rd?r, and ??; af o*f, prepared to furnieh COTTOJf TAJtJfS.4^ | ' a superior quality. HIS WOOL CARD? ATTACHED to thio Manufactory, * a|*' (k> in exeellent ermJUIon, and all or* ilera for A TIDING WOOL will l.e attea* ml to expeditiously, pad upon aagood Urua ns at any other otnblirliment in the eoaatryi j. w. guady: , . DAVID O. M Avrnioiur. e WILLIAM l'ERUY. . 1> Doe 17 M _ : tf : JAMES M. ALLEN, ~ . -?. . . x ?/ vztiFl^?H *1 njyfc??.s( DEALER,* GKEE1VV1LLE, ?.Ci rV All Orders fur MasslkWoe* prompt ly Attended to. 40-tf Feb Farm for Sale, NEAR GREENVILLE VILLAGE^ . 0. AC?V" Vs eigned U Agent EVJfBj&& fy,r th? ""ie ?r * *BVr*i"S!<P5i very desirable S0dHMMaw FARM, lumtud About two And ? K?lf flltn : from tlie Town of Oreenrille. contAininj About ONE HUNDRED- AND FIFTY ACRES, forty of which Are im W4K)DLAM? end embracing In it* afaa * Iath treet #4 BOTTOM. On the pUce U a DWELLING HOUSE. A?.. And is writ wAtored, her in# mine two Or three excellent. nerer failing SprUge. eltuAted conresfaeatly, btsidti Well of good weter. I would be gled to eltow Any mo wishing to purchase, thie piece, or giro **J fhrthee pertieulSra coneerning. It. TM? is aa portiinily the like of wbieh ie sot, met wtHI very often In the District,.ft* eoetigutw M the Town making it pArtiealorly relnA^le. -JEp" ^ Titles And ponserelon given At aos* The terms Are AdsAOfeAgeeut ; for wHW spp'j to me, At OreAnrifle, 8. 0. -A:_ J-NOy a BAILIY. 1 I Amet A* 1 . > Woil i'krtfii f W**l C?N? ! | MY .wool CARDS, are at hut in opera, lion, and are now daily turning ?! Root*. I will attend with promptneea *(( despatch to all order*. My price* era th^, *am?.as heretofore, which era en?-fourth per pound loll, or e*n crjit? par pound each. l~! . notice. . ' ;2?'' r|"?nE Copartnership fo I ho praetlae *| L Medicine, heretoforeexisting helweeg Dr. A. B. CROOK A A/D. IJOKF* to A* solved by the death of the former. Monti nnd Account# due the Pirns, are to eU? handa of the surviving partner. ww.?r T A. D. IfOCk H. IX DR. A. D. IIOKF. will continue tfca pre* tlee at the earn# Office formerly oactlpied ha the Firm, where he may ha fotiud- at all hour*, night aud day, unless prefervtonaTly engaged, Direction* left discing hie alseeraa at bia Office, tile bouse of lira. Creek a? Col. D. Uake, will receire liromptaUaiittoa, A. i>. uoKB, il D; i July It 11 tf "hhavino '4 HAIR TRtMMlNB, DRS8IN9, 0VINO, RAZOR flnrriffG AND HHAMlXMiljO#* AT Till Beoorid Door above Mr. MoFbamMNfe - ^1" -,%a ' ? -,- --ir wry sVfflfaPl WILSON COOK. . " > . ;te . MONEY WANTEIK . II AM now in tbe Military yerrloo, but Mfce, A. R. McDAVIl) Trill W ft?u?4 fa? Hioiw Room, wIhta 1 bof? all fiHMi nrisi o.o, w U0BNRT8 A MAvbDIRiaitl o*H ?| par lip, nttwUfartaadtnclbe stay law la,?j State. Periled I om >ae fa fft-'li Ptaeee ?ell tl*V*? haw --"""-r* TU0S.B.MSW* i d~ a v 3. T ?> JR! * TOlESTiiXKS. ' 4 TarrTuUrmMtin^of U.AToTJKa^aneltT JK