University of South Carolina Libraries
^BkT ' up ~i i?mi ~r ',1 i ii i^jtnn i rtrjr-j^A-Jr I of ib? CUmicaI ?t?d lagtUb Sfhpol of Pmf Kow * xos Aid Jcnoow, otUblubb ? *<t A ifco *box? Institution during tho ^ HS???i<>jp of jw rtgofnr coarso of 2^ ? rtwdiw will bo retotntd on tho 9th Fob* B - *. xr'nfi.W, ? . ' .! * ?.. .v . I ruary ae*t. fe1" ' publish to-day the speech f 1U*. Dr. D?^oi, o?# of the Representatives of th?* T>wtnet-iA the Legislature, on the Bill for the Stifite ?ndonesent of Confederate Bonds. It 1a said , to h??e alt meted grept attention, and ' to hare tuade a profound impression on the House, and ia spoken of in high terms hy'all who hare read it. The v plan of State endorsement was proposed y. tp the Legislature by Mr. Bores, and I* %he not only gives a very luminous exposition of tbe causes which have brought the Confederate currency and howd* into their present state of compaV relive depreciation, but. convincingly .shows that the plsa proposed will tend great)v to correct the evil, and to relieve L .Voth the Government a ad the people. IWswne his already begun ha some j<.nre?U an to the comparative merits of Mr. 1Wok*s plan of endorsement, as adopted hv cur Legislator#, and anothe?, adopted by the Legislators of AlafT l<ama, and we understand that Mr. B lies a letter from one of the leading members of "Congress from'Alabama, hear til v appoiving bis plan, as altogeth sr preferable. The subject will come up for action in all the State Legislatures, as well as in Congress, and our readers will do well to embrace this oppoitiwiuy of acquainting thenwlvcs wiib the merits of the question, in a speech which ia not only instructive but. interfiling, and contains bursts of paiC fcidor which cannot l?e road without emotion. The immediate fiiends of l)r. Boron knew something before of bit uufn.nrioti practical ability, and bis extraordinary financial knowledge and f -Vflt - 1 t ? - V ? x^ui; u'u m-4 constituents tot targe, know. i?w him chiefly as * preachar Hird Tb?s ological IV-fessor, were probably bardIr prepared to (tee liitn st.-p forth at ouce as one of (he most distinguished nteoilterj of the Legislature, and onu of the ablest financiers of the Confederate States. Editorial Correspondence. A Utij with the Third Regiment of Buservct. PocoTAtwro. B. C., !>*c."29. 1862, FullMing a promise made some time since, as * ell as to satisfy a curiosity to vwit e section of our State which has hoeome memorable in the history of the present revolution, I find mvseif safely ID the cutnp of tbe Third Regiment of ?R**er<r?s, under tire-command of Colonel Elford, of Greenville, now eucampcd about owe mile fiom i'ocotaligo Station, on the Chftrle ton and Savannah Kail road. . The Reserve Regiments of Cois. Ryan and Secrest are also stationed near hv. I can hardly realize tha fact .that I am in the camp of men who have ?o recently left the walks of private life ?so complete Are all the military arrangement* by wLich 1 find uiyfte'f surrounded. T am indeed gratified to nolice the clteerfuiness >vhiel? pervades the entire encampment. The men seem to * give themselves up wholly to tbe duty u of serving the country. I am thus par ticular in mentioning the abovo gratifying facts, because an oninion has nrs. I wiled to a considerable extent, tliat our * S Reserves were greatly dissatisfied?npt ' only with the service, but with their* commanding officers. Instead of thin 8 being the case, I nm pleased to learn 1 ihat so far as Col. Klford's Regiment is * concerned, there will he no efforts made 8 to defeat a single He.ld officer at the c .approaching election, if indeed an ertec h ttf?n is held. About nine-tenths of the J officers and men have signed a paper 1 which, whilst it declares their right t^ s |? elect their field oflicersr; vet expresses 8 l- their willingness and desire to retain 3 their present organization without ! c change, Thin determination, well, no ' doubt, bo *r?r;ie/J out, should tho elet: 1 tion bo hold according to the iato or- 8 dern of tho Adjutant and Iusp?itor <~>ens 1 L, ernl. I an1 not advised as to what ac ^ tion the other regiments will take in c (fits nraller, but the course which the e Third ilegimeot in taking, is indeed 1 creditable to theft), antMntteriag to their Orticdrs, Observation has taught riu? I that reorganization and ?leclious in j v regimcQI*, land verv much to pioducela diftfO)" mid dlC(j)ornlizHtioti among the'i soldier#. I h?ij glad to learn that the t Third It eg i ?n en I will not eommit the t fatal blunder which has doomed several I Vuluuteur regiments of our fttate to tho li ?J?-gr?"? and odium of l*eing badly 1 officered for the remainder of the war. b 1 still doubt the propriety of appointing t pfhterx Ira volunteers or reveves, hut 1 fi urn iu?C*)?*t eouvinced that it we* wise ti to bestow tlie privilege of eleeting their f officers after more than One half their c stenh of'service had expired. \ Colonel B1 Curd's Higfaient is well e t mn.ed with litlai : seven companies are s nripuJ with 'h< infield, two wiili the jj , li^Mis-ippi ami oue with lire Vagui t * * Vf V f.% V tl^JMfltf Lii' 'a.n i "L' min'iji Um? <lop*mo*n< isKk??Me i^tjr IH?I by Cap*. UoMsmilk, who is now ?b??iil ham ?^n?!> for * "hoH titta. I - MR joying, in his ftUlfiti*, llnawomrooml Wilirar hat Mbtmtii ika ntunum that, should tbeW^ipy waku another -attack t?|w?o Pocotaligo, he i?W nlmoat be eorapalUd to adracde on thja part of the lino?being the 'most exposed and moat direct. The Regimetit wia dM par milted by General Walker to t*kw this potion until the}, were made ware of the danger by which it whs beset* in case of rfttack The wish was unanimous that the" Regiment- should occuply the ground. By this very act, these men of the mountains?inauy of them gray haired?hare proven that they do not desire a life of. security ami repoee when their sons are exposed to sterner trials. They have not, to far, shrunk from any duty, and will, if occasion" present, ehow that they are in deed worthy to be called the fathers of soldiers. In company with Major Grice and Adjutant Elford, I visited the battle neld to-day cn horseback, first to Old PoCotuiigo, where the last engagement of the day was fought, aud ftoin which ftlace some six or <4ght thousand abo itioniats fled before lbs unerring ritlrt of about three hundred sharp shooters and two small batteries of astil!ery:?one of which 'the Virginia battery?was almost disabled at.the first fight in (he morning. In consequence of the bi klg* over Pecotaliga river being destroyed, our troops did not pursue the enemy.? For a distance of eight mile.-*, there exbt unmistakable signs of a complete lout Dead Qiert were thrown from wagons? arms,'provisions and ammuuition were scattered iw?every direction. It was a literal fulfilment of the proverb: " The wicked when no man puraueth."-!Gravea are now to be found at intervals along the entire distance of eight miles. Twenty one bodies were buried in one grave?including a captain of artillery, who, 1 learn, had no evidences of a wound upon his person. The exact loss of the enemy will never be known. Some members of the Beaufort Artillery who failed to get across the river before it was burned and fell into the hands of the enemy, have just been paroled and returned home. They state thai the ! enemy sny thsir trim loss will not fall 1 short of 1500 in killed and wounded. 1 Our loss was about 20 killed ami 70 woumh-d. Our sharp shooters, when | they relitated across the bridge, took position behind the live_ oaks which j tMtiti in ftontirlwfttKU niimltwv ......r...,i i tlie buildings at Old Pocotaligo. These j trees bear truces of the liotne-s of the i contest. Thousands of balls and grape ' shot found their war inly these trees? thus saving the lives ot our soldica.? If it hud not been for tlnir-e same live oaks, the light would have resulted in I the utter annihilation of onr men or I their inevitable retreat. This little band ' of less than four hundred men, fought uu armv of six thousand for three hours and completely routed them. The fight at Hudson's hon?e, a utile sad a half farther on, was but the pre-' ludo to the one I have just been describ I ing. It was conducted priiwijmily bv j millery. When the order to fall back I ivus given, it was well timlersood by I he men, General Walker having in ' briuvd them before the fight com-I noticed, that this would form part of' < tit programme. Our infantry and ' nounled rifloruon fell back in good orler, contesting every inch of ground 0 the river. The forest in frostt of our irtillery is fearfully cut up?great limbs tvere torn from the trees attd splinters ca tiered in every direction. We fol owed the road by which lltey lied to heir gunt>oata at Mnck-j's Point. This mad for near eight miles, is marked bv 1 luxuriant growth of pals which they ; hrow t'roni tucir wagons in their lieily { light, and wiiich.ia now rapidly spring- j ng up. At Maekev's Point, we had I i fine . view of 11 road river, ivhick is here formed by tit#; h>i?i)uence of the Pocotaligo ar.d | mother river?the Haute of which JI tare now forgotten. It was here the Yankees landed, am) it is here that iotne of them are buried. There tvere teither gunboats or Yankeeswin siglit, >ut our ears were frequently greeted by lOunds of artillarv which some! ti> n?*s. I -r - .j 7?7 r;?r i seed f'roin the mflgbhoring island* which ire infested? not inhabited?by nboli- j ionists. Ah the shot were not falling j n our vicinity, wo consumed the limeji vo remained in rnnMing oysters in llio j hell and conversing with ihe piquet j, talioned there to observe the movements ?f the gunboats. 'there is nothing icre to prevent the landing of die en?ny?indeed i* not desirable that there hould be. Uylc?s they Hie permitted o land, it svjll be diiljcull to whip '.hem. Ience, the necessity for leaving open or tain piueos for their ingress. VVituiii- i T they wi;l ever attempt it again, is h natter purely conjectural. After spending an hour At Markov's) 'oint, we turned our facts camp word, [ vhicli we reached in Hbout two hours, ind where Wo found a trie# dinner await* ng us. The vandals-in their flight, true o their nature and iti accordance with he wicked desires of their leaders, mined several tine residences, which iml been abandoned by their owners.? VopBicM nr* hi ill being found on the tillle Held, It was no longer than yen arday, one of Colonel Kl turd's men .unci h handsome oif cloth coat and a ine pocket knife. lluileu, to be , ound by the hundred, are still being i ut from trees to be kept as memorial* Alien all tne tacts shall have been. ; Itched in regard to this battle, it will , tand "out in history a* one of tlie most ' feMant and sharply coules'vsd limits of ' he war. ;* fc- * . I ner, b*>. 10H1; John Walker, IVc. All W tbaee **/? Rt*aber? of Wei Wtw'a eomp*nj, fV<*n Ptcken*. <The company/ Elections to fill yacaeciea wHI b? be!d on Monday next. Having a little apere tithe, 1 have concluded before returning home, to#visit Gold* boro', N. O; the scene of the late en* Jragemettta of Gen. firana' command, rout which point I trill write again. * v W. P. I\ * - FOR TUB iOinilKKK BNTSKTRISC. *""" Salt J 8alt ll Tt occttra to me, Mr. Kdftnr," titftt the .piihlication of the following extract, from a letter recently received by me. miv have a good result just now. Salt I ,i* going down ev^VwWe, And, I think,] there can be no doubt that it wiH con ( tinue to go tlowji, for th? very sufficient: reason assigned by my c6rre?pondent. ] It may, by the way, he as well to add , thai the writer of the letter b a planter 1 living on the Savannah River, near' Augusta", and a gentleman of great sa- j gacity and shrewd. practical wisdom? , one whose statements are altogether reliable. God scud the speculators njay be hoisted with their own pelrfrd, and that their pillows may be as hard as the pillar <>f salt into which was changed their uucieut prototype MRS. LOT. 44 Pictini.b litll, So. (Ja.t ) Duo. 271h 1802. f L- 44 I see "alt is coining down ) very rapidly ; there is a very larye stip : ply on hand in Augusta of different J kinds, viz : Liverpool, Virginia, North | Oaiolina and South Carolina. The exi tortioners hare heen enuolit. thank (bid. I at last. Every one became ale'ined early in the season and supplied themselves at hiyh prices, Consequently there is little or no demand for it. So you i | see with a large supply on hand, and I large vpiantilie* made weekly at various points in the Confederacy, we have the thieves on the salt question." Makrikd, on the 18th DeeemWr, 188?,In- i Uev. L. Vnuffhn. Mr. O. T. IIUWIES nnd Mis. Mfl.LEY O'tEE.V, nil of this Diet*i.-t. i1 i Dikd. .it the re>ideno? of hivfalliv*', in i Crcenville District. oil the fourteen! It of February Inst, of Typhoid Fever, in 11??? twentieth year of his age, JOHN NK*V. 1 TON, eldest s?n of John and Klixiibnli liniiM, n in-niUi' oI tin F'irinin l Artillery, attached to the Ihi'initto Tlnt'sMott. Immediately after I lie memorable buttle of] 1 Mauasvns, young Rains volunteered his ?er ] vice in his country's defence ; nn?l quitting | his loved home, repaired to the tented field. ( to andure the Ti an I ships nnd | rivations of the soldi era life. While in camp en the const, he contmeted the fatal inn'adv, and receiving a furlough. returned to his h?un*, hut nlas! to remain with kind friends l>ut a few shoi t days;, when amid all the en re and attentions lavished upon him hv kind parents and relatives?lie died. Thua has J pi?s d itwnj another Christian and patriot, whose life has loMin offered asaorifioa to his country's call, and .who has ih.-d to the ennsd of justice and liberty. Newton Was a most exemplary young man. While the 1 d?*\r of youth was upon hint, he connected ] Idinself with -the llril-hv Creek I>spti?t I Chiiroll, and continued from that time to .V t-lia day of his death, one ?f its most f? consistent and zealous niemhai-s. fly his S Christian walk and manly deportment, he tl won the hearts of nil who knew him. From h earlv youth he s? enied to grow in grace and /? in the knowledge of Christ, till being made c meet for tlie inheritance of the snints, he n quietly *an"k to rest?dying as he had lived I ?in tn? full triumph of Chriatian faith.? 1. Newton is no more, but the memory of bis exalted virtues will alw-oys ho cluiriehad by his surviving comrades. Farewell cherished friend, farewell. Till we, too, front earth Riiminon'd be, Where happy forever tlion wilt dewll, No trouble nor sorrow to see. Then weep not, holovM ones, for him ' lo mansions of bliss now at rest, There happy with those gons before, 11* joins in the songs of the bleat. Yon would not recall him again, You could not wart him to he here, ? EaithV trouIdes again to endure, # Its sorrows and sufferings to share. ' . E. P. H. J( CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH * SCHOOL. ii TOE NEXT SKS8ID* Of the ft ^ UWi CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH " yiWjJBg SOIIOOI., recently established l?y jjBilvjS' Professor* EDWARDS nnd JUDSON, Willi the approbation of the Hoard of Trustee* <*f Knrnian tJniverwvft-. rtnriiu; the suspension of the Exercises of dlie _ University. wi'S open at tho University Hulld- J iug, ON THE U'l'll KRItRUAllY, and embrace two quarters Of ten wuukx each. Twits?$10 per quarter, with 50 cent* for incidental espouses, paynhlu in advance. J (food Hoarding can be liad at ?55 per wonlb. The ulmn.l watclc-care* will be exercised over j 1 tbo mirnls of the pupils. For farther information nddrcss Professor ? P. C. Enivamos, Orucnvillo, S. C. ?Ja s tr I(1ound, ? It, A smh TV...?,1...- .ecn mwrwl. - ? -CI, mo;,, rirn I, Dol.LAH-*. Foi" furtliei particulars, (l apply at this Ollioc. ,i Jan 8 tS 'In MISS M. A. McKAY, MIIT iT .X 3ST ?3n, tllAS REMOVED to a bwiltlinj? en 1 lie Augusta Street, ? wmr (Jie Depot. || She hat on bivn?l n good ** supply of LADIES' IfATS and MllJ.INKUY OOODA, which , she will ha huppy to Supply J to the LmHes of Greenville. it Jan 8 8ft I* fi TO W A TAXES. AT a re/nlar minting of tho Town Council of tjrocnvilia, tho following Resolution " una adopted. in relation to tho Taxes for tha 1 fiscal year of 188.1- 4 Hf>irrri, That all the Town Taxes for tho J year T8tl;i ho the same as tho proced'ng year, end that nil tho an id Tuxes be due on tbo 1st j Jay ot February next, except tho Taxes on P Real Jtatato, which ehnll he duo on tho 1st " April. ALKX. McDKK, Intondaat. ? J. C., Town Clerk. Ja 8 1ft 6 L ; " . J.?.>?>*.V ~.j i y. ? < w' * f i* 1* *- i" ^ ^ % '* ' ' m . ' ' > ft ft 38 ^ g ffi BI B f* JL * Wadmadgp, Uto Ifth of JWwmy megt, 1 under the ahurge ?f Dr. J. C. FIRMAN. e Acting l'renideut, aeaiabrd b? Prof. C- II. JUfMOtf, Prof. KWITTVn Prwf. E. .? BACOX, Mitt. M. A. HICK, and it in their iaveral Department. v The Family kafl the ptenrdrs to Ml- t nounco thai I he Boarding Department line r been pieced under the care of Mr. BOB- t F.ltT lilcKAY and Lad/, whose experience, t energy and fltiMii tor the eituutton Are I t anilinedi guerent ee-that young ladies will find in their family the comfort*, attention and refining influence of H?me. ( By reason of eundry perquiaitee enjoyed * by u c Steward, ha will be eaahled to furni?h Boarding at the comparatively low rule of $*26 Do par month, including fuel, lights and washing. Terme, per' Setahm of Twenty Waeki r Tuition, Collegiate Department,... .$25 OO t M ' Academical' *" .... St) OO j u Primary " .... IS 00 i Mimic and iiw ?f liano, 2ft OO / Drawing and Painting, each, 16 00 ) French ...? 16 OO 1 Incidental lix|H-nfr? I 00 ' tar Fi>f further Information, addreM Dr. J J. C. FUUMAX, President, Ureenvillc, S. C. I Jan 8 36 I i Patrol Exemptions. PERSONS wishing to avail themeelvev !' of the immunity of the commutation ? lax?twe dollars and tiftv cente?in lieu of j| petroling during the year 18US, w i'l pay ^ the same. nt mice to I ho Clerk oi Council, or ^ they will be cio-ollod f?.e duly. ** . J. C. BAII.KY. ? Jan 8 Sii-J Tow a Clerk. p tzr^Eosr J It'""1. i.-.Via OX Monday, ftili Inst., bet deen E E " P So Mr T '* Boherta* Store, nnd Mr. 1! Iff. IVter Cutthle'e TPn.V-n.lth Shop. C on Main Street, a NEW LEATHER POCK- r ET BOOK, of large aize, and but little need. I * containing something over Three Hundred !>o)liir? in money, Cnnfeilrrtlc'liilU, Aim, J, n note given hy. Henry 1.. <iro?s to Win. ^ Iv-lidrloVs, for ?114.00 and some few cents ; be<i<le* a lot of ini*cclbineons receipts. /. A lilierol rewind will lie paid for the jj finding and delivery of said Pocket Hook |j a11 1 contents U? Mr. A. It. Green n fille. * II J?n 8 * 8? if It B. T. Cuuch, Franklin Fowler, Josh- n ua Robertson : J1 X 7~OU are h.-rcby informed that yon have J 1 bee n transferred fi-oni" the 4 \ Italia!-] j.? Ion Sharp Shooters, to my Company, nndare I j,il d-Ted to reno-t to me at "(lamp Sleplieo I jj,' Elliott," neur I Inrde.-v ille, S. 0.. without] p May. W W. K. F.AKLK. F C..plain Furtnan Light. Artillery. (J Jnn S 1 ? STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINAT ? f i 11K K N V11A. E 1 > I ST 111CT. a JCST ? l;13D 5 i 83 & 5TI ? <1 'ous Amukbson. Executor, nniilieiiiit, against W Alexander Tiioinpson, mid cilh--is, legal '' heirs nr><l represent nliv-os of Jams'* Andersnn, <1 -ce-ised.?Citation Jor tlnal Sri- Jj llrtm ul ami Drrrrr, IT u|>|Ktriiig that .Joseph Thompson, jj Jam--ii Thompson, Jehu 1 hompsoo. Wil- ^ iam Tli.nop-.oo, Uixon Moore sud Pollv Am j-j I wore hi* Wife, mid Janic* AioV.n.drr, I?e j| -liJant*, reside heyoiid th? limit* of tills |f i*t,?: It Is Ordered end D?cre-c\l, tiiut hi lev do appear "at a Court of Ordinary to Hi c liablen al (ireenvHlo Court House oil t|iv | Hi rrntfi *'vailh Joy of March Hcjct, lit silt- w j fl suae, if any lit.-y can. why a Final Settle- H lent of the Fslote of lAMI-iS ALKXAX- " >1'.U, deceased, should not be aa4 * JJ L-eiee'given thereon., 5 This 7 th day of Jnuiarv, A. I>. 1883. "I* lcoitEur M<KAV, O. o. r>. j' Jan 8 , 36 "IS jj 8TATI OF SOUTH CAROLINA,^ Ji CiREKXVtLI.E DISTDICT. 1* EQUITY. P. IliUhouro and Robert Hawthorne e?. ~ Miao PaWy I?. Pouter, u Minor?Dill fur Hull- nj Latal, <tre. r WII.L RKIiI.,' at public auction, nt t.rocnI. villa Court il.m.-o, in tliia Dirtrtet. on .doaday i" February. A, 1>. the Tract . I' LAN f> described in the pleadings of this 'J ase, to the highest bidder therefor, two buu ? rod and tun aurus, an Itcody Hirer, four miles ' ? ild a hajf from (iraourillo Court House, nd- P. iniug tt:e Ik mix of Jiuneu Karr, deceased, fr< attain J Kind* Hawthorne and Mri. So* an id outer. Thirty acre* of ?!?< T??a m* " A iottaia Lnud*. Sixty acraa arc in wood*, aud R, no balanou in good ordur for cultivation, ft Taitaa?One-half cash-; tba balance on bond |j nd mortgage. (Tho place may bo treated lor $<i t prirate sale ) ft WM. 11. TIIOMAS, C. K. O. D. Commissioner's Office, January 7, 18A3, Ja, ft 36 4 ^ l?he State of South Carolina. [1! UKEKXYILM* DISTRICT. v. k M w&mr&iZo ?> olin A. Hniith el a/., vs. Jnnaax If. Smith el aL?BUl for Sale ami Partition, dee. |>Y tho Decree of Cliirf Justice O'Neall, I J mad* >it Chambers in tliieonoc, I will . ii ?i |iulili? iiiut or, at Gronville Cult11 in iliia 4?iftlric*. on Haiti dau in Mbfuarg nert, 'J?e property t?f that pori'vB of '?? Vjdate I ABRAHAM SMITH. deceased, in wliiuh | ri in widoxv ltn<1 u lil^e/tnl*. I? the highest . J idder, the 1'RA OT OF I*ANU ?>t? which 1 jj lid deceased lived, containing Four Huh- 1 w red and Kiyhlcen Acres, morn or Inn, J 2 |, He* eaet of Greenville Court House. UNI* Ukm,V d a I-IOnBEi?, TWENTY-ONK >lO<J& ? 9 er 10 Head of Cattle, imfiMITEIEBFIIlM,... FAIIMTKO TOOLH, 4tO, c<l (X>Nr?ITK>Ng?Kor *11 aunta under fifty ^ ollara, tnah? over that amount, on bond dill goed aeenrlty, payable In one year oui aale, with luterwat (mm aale. WM. M. THOMAS P. fL a. D. Commi$*ion?r'a Otfioe, Jin. 7th, I8<W. _ Jan 8 W 4 gi '0 Those Whom it May Concent. [" HaVK In my po?a?*seion a mttl Black L amith'a VICK, taken from a negro boy* . tppoeing thnt it had been eloign. Any __ r>oii having loet one. oan gel it, by prov- | ig ti?r property and paying for line *4. , rr ftieeinenl. I J. B. HKEIIMAR, ] . la?4 v 80 K f > tAV^.V- ,M x 4 .*%? jy*. * A s $ ' * f *" *" * ^"r ffSjT f: : k \ ?%* ?Axji * >A rr js^ < ladMiekii '?.? ai8 i 5?* ^ Ah Jnft1 aJBE ^ DT ?lrt?? of an CmH *f D Ordiujtrj, I will eiMf for *ale? Ht pubic oatcry, to rtw highwrliddn, before tbo Teurt.House door of mid District, cn Um V Pirot Monday of February All U?at piece, pnroel and Tr??t Of Land, ituated In Greenville District, on water* of leedy Hirer, bounded by tends of Willieto Vuaiin. lira. Clark. Klf Rahlwiii and otliora. ?d C?*W?Ih Oh* Huflred nnti Out A err*, noro or Ices. Bold no the property of ANDERSON M. AUSTIN; downed, for Earth ion amongst the legal heirs of aaid tloodSsed. ALSO, . jot AJl tk?t piece, "parcel and Tenet of tjirid, itnated in Qreearttlo on "waVrye of Icody. Hirer, bounded by land* of TCiudn.d tory, Nolsun Austin, Robert' Ilullbsd and them, and containing Oh* N*+fnrrf mid forf-oH* Arrt*. more dr less. Sold at tbe proprty of TIIOUAS L. AUSTIN, deceorciL for 'ariitiott auaouget the legal heirs of said deeased. * '1KUMS OF SALE.?A credit of twelve uuntlit, with intereet from day of rale, for ill. except so much ae will pay th* coeta, rblv). will l*e irqnlvad in Cash. Purchasers o give bonds with ge?d security, and a iroiitgAgc of premises, ff deemed necessary, o (lie Ordinary, to accuse the payment of ha purcltas uiouey. Purcham?ra to pity for illca. J. T. MoDAKlIiU Sheriff G. D. Sheriff's Office, Jan. ? thai 863. ? Jan 8 . M 4 LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Post Office at UrceavilleC. II., on the Grat of January, 1S6S, rhieh, if not taken out iu three month, will.|>e out to tho l>esil better Office. Persona enlhng ur Letters in the above List, will plcaae say hey are adrcrtised. IrtKild, Capt J A Johnson, A 8 Wklnsuu, A Kirkpatriek, J A ttkinsrn, Mrs Mary King, J A * tllen. Polly King, Darid lllemlcr, Mrs Ann P Lctnmous, Capt P 0 tridges. Miss ilanuah Lynch, Mr trndy.*Mr? II . Long, John trudley. Mis* Sarah Lee, James D "2 lislivp. Miss Emily Leroy, A P Inrnutt. Mrs Mary Lnwson, W S Ictvehuiu, W A Miller, KUuiund, leacbain, Mrs Eugenia Moiitgomcrr.JSlis* In IT, Mrs Caroline Missroon, tuhudict, Miis Mnrg't Moore, Miss Elizabeth kebtler, lltv C 11- Morelsnd, Mrs Ilanuah Senron, Jumes Maxwell, Kitty lr?ck, Mrs Mary Mitebel, Klizit , * latcsWT * iMitohcl, A11 " ' li?hnpi Aaron MeCollister, Miss Juno ( why, Mr* Sarah McBoth, John L l.irnwcll, Hubert Xeal, Lliia loud, Miiui Auu M 2 NcrI, Mra Kllathi to won, John Olson, Mr? Lari ' Irown, Sjducy Power, tloorgc t'nkc, T> Perry, James . ely, Henry M Perry, Mr* Uon J A alhoiin, T.ieut K U Perry, Mrs Lixxid 'obh, W W Price. John ouch, Mm Mary Ann Petty J K larkc, Jmnas S Pike, Elijah * , lurk, Alexander 5 itnincr, Mm Henry aimon.Nosh ItiohnrdA Miss MitryC aueron. Miss June Huberts, Mrs Sarah hrislo|iber, Margaret Huberts, Miss Harriet isighen; John Huberts, Dr 'can, Charles P Huberts .Mrs A J 'awsoit, 11r John L Itiiunuls, Mrs Harriet i?y, K lingers, T A nuwoody, Mrs Tunics Ki)tlcy. Miss IlurriJt etsill, Miss A It '?e, N X tivis, Miss Liln Kohinsou, Christopher avis, Alphwy Russell. Williani dwards, Martin It.Jph, Hr Awards, Miss Xancj ^keltnn, Mrs Xarcisa M rveinil'l, Jiuvid dtunlmiiBO, Misa A ullvr. Miss Hannah- stocking. US l"nn'i?, ti . Sparks, J II ripp, John E Terrreit, Mrs Fannie uller. Benjamin ^dllivnn, Miss Isabella icon, Mrs J U .Simpson, \V liliitiu ilbcrt, E M Slurp, R \V wan, Mr , Smith, Mrs Ellcudcr .idsdi u. Miss X.incy Smith, MissSuo isuiV*, Tiiman It Smith, Margaret ist, IV C Smith, Joseph H rant, , smith, Mrs liluiieliy 2 ilky A Archer, Messrs Smiih, Miss Louisa ivon, Mrs Laura Stone, Jesse K awlhurn, Mrs Laritia Simons, Hou Thos J uut, Mrs J II Tuuner, Miss Mary uwkiiis. Miss Clary Tafley, I>ndley owoll. I* rPaylor, Mrs Clarinda owoll, W M Tnylop, Mrs Mungurct ildshuitien, Mr ? Tha.vor, T oleombo.WA Terry, Uaston Hums, Mrs Mary C Thomson, A W itt, Misa K Wars, lira Sarah infill* A Watson Watson, Misa Pnwnce ill, l>n?tor Wallace, Misa Cleascusiic, Charles E tine orris, K J ^ Wiliia, A arris. LA Word, J W ill, Misa Joe F Wilson, Kmelino utiimorsioiigu, n Z wynit, V V | older. H Wiley, domes mcs, Mis* Nrvney Wells, Willi* nies, Mrs S'K Walker, Solomon met, K aneis West HI* isr?, w ni \ White, 8 k i lines. Mis* N K Wkiil'jjr, John C istice, Ofur e Yeurron, 8?182 8. W. THKL8TON, 1?. M. Jsn 8 . 30 ?,v . 1 Farm for 8a 1c, I BEAR GREENVILLE VILLAGE, B. C. about two and ? h*U mils* un ihe Town of Oroenvilla containing ,,ut *>nb hundred and fifty OKI'S, fnriy of which ore in WOODLAND, id cmbrAcing in its area n Inrge tract of OTTOM. On the place is a D W FLUNGOlTsiE. ike., and is well Wn'cred, having in* two or three excellent, never failing iniltg*, situated coiivriiiuiitly, besides a >11 of good water. 1 would be glad to show any otic witdiing ? pitri-hitsv, litis ptnee, or give any furlbtr irticulars concerning it. Tliis is un opnrtnnity the like of which is not met with cry often in lh? District, its couli^uity to ic Town sr-nking it. particularly valuable. Titles and |iossei>slon given .nt once. This terms nre advantageous ; for which to me, at Greenville, S. (\ JNO. C. It AI LEY, Agent Jan 1 86 if , j w*iry AWWF ML lIL'IVt . pUB" FIRM OF LKSTKU <ii SOX8 U di. L tnlrrd t.v III* ?1 ? ?!Ir of I'll 11.' P C. | KHTKIt, llie "Hcnior partner. All per*ona lio have demand* *gninal,?>r or* indebted i, Mid Firm, are lifrel.j r**p*?tfiiHT noliE.I III c*U lor III* purpoae ??f having Mild aii.s *?Ul*d Wlw?cr III* pariieacoiic.-ri.ed NV. F, I.KSTKR, ) A. H. I.RSTEK, ["Surviving Partner* LBSTKR. ) THE Winer* lieretofdrn earvied on hy ? lata Firm of iflVTKIl A HONS will be ntlulxd nt their Factory, by the mlwerlb' a. tinrirr the Hum#, lirm and stria of LE8KU A BROTliKRH. W. F. LESTER. A. H. LESTER. ff. W. LESTER. Jan 1 as a TATS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, CHKfcN VILLK D18I IUUT. IN EQUITY# imp* M. RumUII *t alt. v?. lt.>n)*into R. Randall ft alt. < . , T i* flr.leioii, That the eredR^ra 'ot R AR. IUBT M. RANDALL, <l*co***<L do *1# elr Pla'ujd with uio witblh thrta* Agatha W 'Me. WVf. M. THOMAS. C% % a ?. November 11, I H?2. fit <Ju? U ; -.-al frFC-, ^ SR - y - / * '.*~ not Le grawt*<f~ ' i ',-?',? ?z*5rs'?'"*. STATE OP SOUTH OARDLnSfA," Uncoil v tMua iMQlKTiUJT* .IN OHDIN^RV. WfLUAM M.'lYtOUAS, C. E. W."P.. AdthfMa-' trator. Appboanl, ncninrt the legel liefi* and reprw?en?ati*er,?>f <tr.BRCOA drcuvN?the lfgat helra and ti^M of Ov W. SlIWABO, (iMKKMd-tflw legal listrs and rsiiresentativrs ??f Pat*cii.i.a wbi;-ii, doeeuxed, iWfenda*?ttt? Citation for Fined. Settlement and Drcret. IT ai'pearing,that iheheK* of V*m Pav?s, deceased?he I'olljf Slateu. deceased?-heirs ?f F?nnjr decaa*. ed?helra of Amos i^reiicn, deceased?It-ire of Stej hen Stons. dooeaaed?heirs of Jonathan Stone, dfW?ffd--8flwin 8. 8h?j>)mnl, widow, and Josephine J. Shenperd, mindr child of O. W. 8h?ppnrd, deceased, wud ll?# legal Will and representatives of Priecilia Welch, dSesSSSQ? wrhrse namea ore ' unknown, reeiJo beyond the llipilf oi thia Slftl*-/ II ir ordered and decreed, that the abors part'nVdo nppsar at it Court ft Ordinary, to he holdcn a} Greenville Court llotiae, on the tw cnly seventh day *of March nex1, to *hew cause, if any they can, why a flna\ etllrment of the Estates of ltknKCCA hTONK, O. W, SHEPPAilD and PKlSpH, LA WELCH, d'-ocared, ahouid not he made, and decrees given thereon. Given under hiy linnd aiuL.-eal. at Green villu Court Heme^tliis 2 ad day of December, A. P.. 1&?J: * HUBERT McK AY, 0. 0. P. [r. a.] Jan I X3 3in "STATE 0F60UTH CAROL ISA. UtlEKNYfLLK PlfiTHIC't.. W1EUEAH. Port* ax IJowarii ha* filed n petition in my offioa, praying ilia! Letter* of Administration ?u all aad singnliir the good* and chatties, right* and credit* ,?f jackson sutiirkland. i??- of the I)i?lrict aforesaid, deceased, iliottld ha granted to him. These arc; therefore, to eite and admoniah oil and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to l>c and appeal in the Court of Ordinary for sidd District, to he holdcn at Greenville Court House, on iho 12th day oi January next, t>> shew cause, if any, why the tuiJ Aduiiiiislration should ' not h? grunted, . " ? . KOBEBT MoKAY, O. G. P. Jan 1 . . 8* * . y. . 2 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ORKKNVII.LK KI81HKT. . f'V H- Krtj.,Or<litmry n/ mnitt l)!?!ricf. WHPIRKAH, W. M. Tbomam, F.M|.( 0?M-' miitcfO'.ier 111 lv|tiily for Orernville district, ha* applied to inoTnr Letter* of Administration on all and niimular the* nod rhattcb, right* and credit* of J XOICAOX Sl'TII KH LA N It, MOFKS DKHMIKA and DAVIS I'l.l'MLKY, late ef tbe%>Utrict kfnr*. *uld, deeeared, ahowld ho (minted to liim . Tlieae are, therefore, to eite and ndntoiihdi all and .lingular the kindred and creditor- of the .-a'" dccrmwtd, to la* and appear at a Court of Ordinary for Oreerrillo Pi>trif, to la held on Monday, li.o r*<i,'.ind day of February next, at (ireeurille Court Ifouaa.lo mdiaw canoe,if any, i why the *aid Ad>ainiattntion ahmild not be granted. HOIIKKT M< KAY, 0. U. V. Ordinary'.* Office, Dee. 2.1, lbf>2. Dee 2o lit 0 * STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA? U H KKX I'ILLK D 1ST IIICT. IIV OHDINAltV. Manly lirifflit. Atimhiialraior, Applicant, agaimtt Kmily Maao.i and otln-r*, I>c fondant-*?CHati-m for Fitml IT appearing that John Mn*on, IVrry MaXon. and (4 nil fort! Maaou, rrehle-Ue| \ .ni.l the limit* of thi? State ; It la ordered ^ that thev do appear at a Cmfrt of Ordinary to Wo hidden at (Srefrnvllle Court Uoure, on Friday, the flth day of March next, to ?h?w eanae, if nny they can, why o Sfttlement of the Rotate of KlCllAllI) MAMJN, deceaeeil, hliotild not be had, and a Decree ({iteii thereon. _ ThU4th d?y of Deeeuihrr. A. D. 1842. llOliRUT MoKAY, Ordinary. ' Dee II 82 8m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, WKKENVILLE DlSTlUCf. IN ORDINAKY. i AMridgt. Green mid Krvin l? nvn, Rxwm(<>N of (be Will of GBOKUE 0 REEX, deceased, Applicants against the UtitlM of enid Eslnle.^*(Vla(iuii fur /'inul SrtlUm*nl and Dtrrrr. ~f~T appearing (but the legal heirs of FoHx [_ OitrD, ilpceased?T. P. Hudson and i.u- I undo iiia Wife?Melon fltidson aud A. O. ' llaiieun her llustmnd?ami Garrison llrroft, reside beyond the liuiita- of this 8t*t,r: U l? Oiocraduud Itccaed, That they du appear al a ?\.urt of Ordinary, In kfl boldeu at Uraoavtllo Coprt li?uar, on t'H/HA V, ike thirteenth liny uf i'firutiry n'rjrt, lo |i>uW Cause if any they can,, wby a Ifinal Srlikdcul of lha Meiata of George fGreoo, deceased, should not l?o liml, anil a yocree given thereon. Witness n?y band and aval, at Greenville C, j 11., the 12th day of November, 1802. " KOI!/CRT McK.VY, O. G. I>. ? ( Nov 18 J8 . Sin Htale of Soijlh Carolina, OUERNVILLK fclRTRICT, INCOIIHTOFOKDIlVAttf 1)AV1I>. HOKE, rfxscntnr of the WUf of ADKATIAM cox, Accosted, Applicant against the Holra of benjamin Jfelsnu, James Aidimuro and Wife, lunslhss Richardson and Wile, Mrs. Willis, J sines Cox and Isaac Cox, JlefenJaut*. IT appearing tint tho llrirs of benjamin Kelson reside beyond the limit* of this ! (Siito t It is Ordered, that they do appear at a Court of Ordinary, to Ik; hni<l?? ?? u~? Court'Hottae, on IViJay, lit tuit Hay of i'rbrnnry next, 18(13, t# "hew v???c, if any Ihdy run, why it final aettlement of (he L*laU of ABRAHAM ?)0X, derviiwd, iboyltl not bf made, and it ItfccrVe given thereout ^ Title titled day of November, A. I>? Rdl. ROBERT McKAY, 0. 0. D. Nov. A jfr 3m FOR MM?, 1 A aaa-^ A NKAT and CONPOnTAffjtt .V ABLE COTTAIIK. uaual Onl 3 !l"lldlng*. a very "elect veri. Tli'fA^Br^'-ttv '4 Prnits, Fiji, P|ttm.?, Cherries, Ornpe?> IMiohef, Apple*-and Strawberries, a good vegetable HARDEN <m the ryer of the ground*, nod a nletuant Variety ?f Evergreen*, Hbrubtxiry end |H?vv*r?, and Ah Evergreen Hedge o? the fmnf "The l,o| wiltWin* noer Two Acres, altuatod oh FcmH?>t;,M Street, and in ah racrllonl n<Mgnbi?rb',oU. Apply *o Bet. f?. 8. Qt^LKKp, 6t T C. OOWKR, i;so. Nov m n it 'jjTiiiMwmTiP: \\J B are in-Wnnt *f L*ya? PlKey* or *w*mf T ty AJH K ptfb.MW MEN t? Worff oA' iaTwUt inewra the waking-VF tri*n twr an?* '^m HI Th? entiie Machiner y been placed l?|g ? fhtttWh ' A TTaCIIKD ?o This Mennfnct^^??^^jH| xjL ?v In ? *?. el Ivpt bnmUvlini, and all ?MI <*?* fvt ,r AUr>tKO W<K>J, wj)l M ***? *$ Wi e?l lo.etnwdUUuisIr, and ?i|?ni? ??e?tod brinF aaatany oth<, ^i^bli^ mvuMrfT"- ^ STATE OF SOITTK OAEOLIhX" * j ^OR IV* TiIsrK^r^ I w.^'nio^^c^^D?' A^n?^r.tor ow!^I^V^htntvrl^'ul^^r^tlW^'?rfct> o? vod, nrBldal>eyoY)d the. limite af this ?tata;f' I?. f Qrdora.1 abd Diereeri. That the/* da apf*' pear at n Court of Ordinary, to I* koMro a' & \ HreenviJU C(rtif He use for IIrvcnvltle DlitMei,V mi the Si-r'k duy if /?$rtt?ry tirrl, to ?h(^ | cntus, {? any they eah, why a Anal ctilrwetv' of the Personal KftMc *r *OIIK W. JONKfl I deeenscd, should not be made, and a- IWcrij Witness n?; hnn?l and ftcal.-at Orwrrllle <J .. It., this #th dsy of November. A. D.i IMS. I > JtOBURT MvK A~Y, 0. ?. D^fv; Noefl" 2T Co* R9|> V ?.. ?.... ? STATE OF SOOTH CAROLIHA, ?K&S OJlHhiNVlU.fc HTjUIRaV^ B? I IN OROiNARY. j" L. "W. Mirj'rtel.l. Admfiitutri???>r, At'plfeanf nifninst John N. M*j ^?l;l and nthsr^i Defeuduulr?Citation for Final NrUti I tnent. _ ' ' - - I ]T n|?f?nnrinf< that. John S. MnyflfW a?J;, I ]?. M. MayfloKl rw)?!? l?yn??.i th? ItfttijgS ' of this Statr: H in oi?>?'re?r thnt ih'y dj npi>i'n at a Court of Ordinary l? he KM hi flroi nvIHe Court Hons* on Fri<lajr. IK . ixtlijl.-iy of March next, to ?haw eaitne. L-V V: any fnry ean, wlir a Final .^etjlcuiewt the ratal* of /Ml It AII AM MAYPIKUV (IcwMfd, should out be hod, and lhtW r 'CMRH This 4th d?x- of TVcrrrthcr.'A. IX 18*3. ^ UOlJEUT McKAY, OIIHiiArr, Dec ll 3* ^ 3mA JAMks M, ALLEN! DEALER, GRKEiVmLE, S.Cj All Ordurafnr Mantuji Woax nromj^ Ijr sihiitlii] to. . 46-^tf fib IIENMY 6AIITT," It iKI'KK, DBdlRRA varv i?fx-alfulty to Inform thi toihlic tbut he uotv cectipiaath.? 4 J formerly ?vonpi?-d l.y P-irri*at~ <> 1 > iij-s j.aWfl to Jo, s.iiiafnctoriiy. all work in hi I'u... Il? h?|.o? to get a okareof (-atronapa Shop on.-n bulk day and evtmitur. f ^"L.n ^-1^4 Wool ? nr?t? 1 , Wo?l fibula I , UY wool. CARDS, are *1 fa.t (a oper* . .'lion, ard are now daisy turning out It out*. I will ntt< ?d with protuplitaaa and., ib-af iit'-h to all order*. M y prices am 0>4 annus us heretofore, vhieh are oiistftourih ;!* pur pound loll, or nui" per p'Uihd cadi, S. It. nKSTMOllUAKD. July 31 IS U | A'OTICJB. 'pHB Copnrtmfrahl}. in the practice of j a. Mi-tlitint, hot* totnre exMing Mw?rt ( | Dr. A. 14 i'UoOK A A. 1?. 110KF. I* J.e eylved by ttjo ilantli i>f" tha fntunr. \ui?^ ' and Ac<<?'ni? "tin* tha firm, at? in llvf hauda nl'the lurvivlug partner, ** CjS A. D. UOX>h\ H. IX jfg fcS* ,.V' - . DR. A.D. JIOKR tftt'l continue the pra**; tin ni th? Mim DfKo*'t'??m?rrly neMiplril liV f lliw Flrta, wher* lie mat tw fttttin HI nil ' Sour*, night an/l (tajfe. uiil< ? w? j !Hgngfd. * IilrrviloiialcfLduNiigXii'nixvNtn V ll hi* Ofliee, I in: linn*' ?f Mi* ( ro?>k af L'ol D. Uvkii, will revive aUehiW. | July 17 It HT KM A VI NO ~ HAIR TRIMMING, DRGSING, DflNB, mam RAZOR 8KTTING AND RIlAMPOUfr + AT Tin: ** Bwoond Door above Mr. Mteyharaoa . WIL80NTC60K. May 2 20 3? SB'S? B. ; CniuHMA, Hftt. \ ON and aferk the fOlR inetanb tl?e I'm. r rttttaf Train will lenva Or*ru?ilU>. k;*Yd' I at ft o>lirwk? A, M . ami Andaman at *.42?' : A \l . will >ln. A.b .? *L. **lHn< jvguW alAftniil. V.*lra Freight. t.y I'n^nger Train -pill noi b* ffoai??d unica* tl?rllv?r?d U minnU* fj? bcbr* > raving t % H| K. P. RA? Oll'UI> ftttparliit'aft. W iVell Bl 4 JWONKXjr/mTOR T AM .... 'VbtJFWM? ?rVk., h.l MR ri- A. R. McWaWT) *i< U <Wbb4 im-wr WM I Irtorr *<???, * ?> ,! efll person* ovfac . "?P\ ? . ?t ROiltrklP H MAUI'PIN wUV?i> A Tf? fc'mi., neto5a^&H??ll? ?.???*?. I ???lu. VnrtUft r OW? npret * ** I**-"' i'n-u-o rail Vial let HIM li%T* *6?W?y. ** ! "TFterwij?i^ M - . . ?* r^lJB Note XS of ?Af-*lrfs?T ^ K i>