University of South Carolina Libraries
|)r^r^!>, the ,:^onth, antl thc ftiffinnioit of ~jt^ noii^d g r ninsnn al 1 tf lao^ rltkm) j " ft B U A B K S i'" BOTCE, 07 GBTEHVILLE, f.V HOUSE Ol? II CPU ESEN TAT IVES f.?' ^^ ?v feoXJTfl OATtOT/tNA, - jfjuN 4Jllliorii 1>RCKMhKE, 1802. BiB'Tor'fimto Entlnrecuicnl of CotiF jw)ftM%;Rundn being tbu.^peeUil ?r?ibr for oi:e o'clock, p. !? J?T^ !* WtWoS In 4 former tone - >u;Mn^VDit Commit We to *l?feh too UHI Mr. llovujc wt?>cforrt'l, at well as tho Bill * if Itol^m baro rtuttterf Ihetutitro,] ' * ** 'be Hww *r ltenfeeeutatJeee of the Stat* mC South CarelWa, Toeeday, l>?cetaber Vth, 'A M?l,*the preceding report nad Hill being under eenrideteUon, >lr.'J*mo? V. Evree, oi ; Creonrtfle. ?p.>Xe In aubstaneeas'foliow? : i.Jjfr, Sptdkrr-? At |lw time I introduced the , jWolutlea which hue V:cur?vl Ibis iavoratde ro , Mrt from the < ou?n.iltoe of Wnji and Mourn, * rnr "*t !U,ur# ,,!-t n'O'*n^Kir.iioB? af the wftltlad bud Ueoa madc. 1 center Hint il'urrin~ M?fer?l month* tho |Pj;ui h.ut up^parcd, ty iuj AAAfcd. to advantageous, that I *M ujiprjuA ^wlnei u haU net been nrepoeed. liotorc tho Iitlee hywerer had acUtil upon the uiat> honorable of the Committee vilcgce and Klcfi'tona (Mr. Trenhoiia) J ma a letter from one of (he wort dierbedflaancurs af this country> ruggcsta importance of such a (choiuo, and ; ltlln lo"kiting it V> (be attention of tbl* Hire. -The morning nitu'r this report (U wn? prerenteji to ihl# Mouse, the renin' of the Sta.o of Atnliama. to which I u reaflar rrferi appeared iu tlia (Jitardlan rhjr. A'id a, paragraph in the Charles* jurior of y nstvrdajy eopWd from tho lord WUg, inform# uO Hint at as ciuJy :i aa the fttib of Mavhut, the subject of ronton of the Cuufvderiite debt, by tho DtiftUiUa, wnssuggested to Cougruae by sle id Virginia, accompanied by ilia renin I i.tNhr hi'Mi-ut lu. the attention ?*r ?er Slate#. The .facts.tint# rcfemul t?, with the iniiOiivioun approval ol" a Comof this TZoiise, ha ve emboldened tuo to our attention for a short time. thut 1 aaay ipou this House a utodrure which I fnm we-l ritrti iukrvst to tbu wltuM tlbvut utid people. f rupcr|iohtl observer looVs upon oar t national ctrugtflu pimply in U>o ll>;bt , . o. !> military achievement*. Till sbllilill of ?mr generals, the braVory of our troop#, the K#nc???itful iseue of our buttles, these are to such an one the Jfr< at objcot* of interest, niut by th'Uj bo measures the fate of iho ltupublic. * U'liot ih??e ?le ciitur,1 and thut largely, into tho fasnc. none rnu tjucetiont without the men whom (2>atl hii i gireu a# leaders, and without /H troop* such it# hare never been excelled fbr bravery er dariny, moro than ail. without (bat surras# wlilrh, tin-It. r the blessing of (lotl. ' jhs* bare achieved, wo'uiight well duspuir, nay, had brca ulrcady ruined. SPfBllI there Is ?ns her power wlihdi. |hos*li aimert uapcrecived, ail.. t? raorc d-eply the ,4. Sane# of thr centert?the-pow. rt>f tho purse ?a power in medern tiiMea that far exceed# that af the ewerd, ntjJ, i'i fort, control# the world. * It ba# long been r#eo;nlxcd In Kurepa, ilia erovrncd head# of "which are completely dependent up >o it. At ita back war ia wade and peace is declared. In tkia lu-tiilaia the present war. it# gigantic Influence ' luff b^eri toil. Were ft Ti?*t for Hip aid obUiocd fKin Wall street awl ibo other financial circles (ioiMtf fbe I'rusiduut of tbnt Oevernmeiit nniW not continue a single <1sv this unnatural warier*; op tho other hand, hail not the aelioil of tlio Lank* of this Con bittrtcy been Un?lH?ik and self-sacrificing a?U hu. we verb already ruined?fly ing h?>fojo our rtithlo.-e for?unable to lunlili onrestres at all against the vnet host* which hsre Mn ralaad up against u?. They who wield the finance* in each sestieu have," In truth, in UmIt grasp tho wslfsre of both, and we liavo Mpa mot only too he proud oof. hat t.r We grateful to, the beaks of this country for the alioiSjkd confidence wbioiv they hare manifested Aowatds our Government, aud the dotormina*lmt they htve iktwn to rnotaln it et all ba*C ards, er*n nt the risk of their owu fiuanclnl j * destruction. \ It is because the welfare ef the country is I' twtse Indiseolnbly uultwd with H? Dntoeikl prosperity, that 1 regard the measure before ^ as as one of the greatest ituporbtnet. It is in * rain to attempt to raise arinios if, erhen railed the held, tbuy can naltber he pahl, anp*>!portod, clothed, fai-aor armed. To do thcaa > things requires imatenWe ?. ~ With T j*eesjK*uns finances, we can fight on amid, the %raricn losses ahd reverses. WRh our fl1 $nvtL" ru'n' Mirttrnila* become dtmnrsllta], K %u? esuprrs ;.f supply nre eut off, and the adH wanting traad of (he iwradcr is tritimphnnl.?? P slow iotp^rtanl, then, tWM tbey be Inoknl after, and if evils eTiatto th'Mthe cause'of thca? evil-i. in.'! ihctr preprr rnuiodv, t.u ?<>iiglit. H^Tkt liute has camA, ,Mr. Hj?j..krr, when ii us iy ?*?t>K wen ?<? um9 wanrr. 1 in MU condition ot our finance* id fo-nrftl, nii'l jit nut f?r ilia rniuody .which we nave, Si aetiMit'y he iipiinlliiig. Y ho .amount oi xpendUuret haa already reached fire hun I million* of dollar*. l)o gontlamen real Uju^ ito they ,know what it mean* ?? Avar attempted la fat any other conin'vf it. than that it i* a vunt rum m I ay, beyon.k the ordinary inoenirn ui ca| tinn? l?et )i? try iv. realise what il in.? irdlita rf> the lata War "fa* return*, the la talon of Sooth OarfMha, land*. nt^rot* cjr at iou-rcft, abd tl.o various Other ilenu nlad under that ifchema, wn?'*' little Ion, i fuur'hun<lr?4 million* ?f iTMhrk An>l Confederacy _hn* ?(>?tit five htiudrod milI fit dollars, in (lie prosecution of the Wat hir.^ It lean though the whole State a ?h Carolina had been blotted from tlx ureca %f U>U CnHMttarjr. Nor can *< r ? <jV?u?te wlfkt tho war haa actually a<ai people, until an amuriite auvoitwlbe taboo toll of. the vaat umooat or voluntary can, 1>li ' >* for h?*|>i?ol purposes, mined by lhi glee innatly. of tho-nubVo women of thi I, nc uf tb?i iniiTiiflaeot^cx|?aiidltarr* of In i4tt,?h attlftvntf niut corporation* lu raUin) equipping r, ,'inicuta for th# field. Hd%> !*:*)(?"ft* linro Won our expenditure* r dally on the Jwervneo. Our nnnte, liUVff, article* of l"?'d,chdlilnjf'end amu:n Mnivn nn) hi qnnureu wniie me K-iif * aiOT ?C ??*?>? nrMMAo* on the orin hand. an J J EL T?^nn Uet < nnvnry on the nth en, arc tncr * >< I tM Our tnOtUtodooKt Jn k nuh?^m>~fp!d, |t n? Wf thrpofuld, grr*?*? than thj fait. fc" Xfcf. ?1?, n ?' !? ?* tbin eontlnnpe wll W the ( trtmnut that tl>?y ? <> ru) <ipo I n| tin R ri?k of li imnl tf?w the cih iut, and; perkap* gr If. Www**. *>?? w ay way L M- l>r whlett thia KNin iiy of.aaonaaarifa K , and radaadmny tf <*.ur|>>!? > can 1m rcwodUr ?hy? the war la pmnrhUd with unahater I 'VC* the honrta ot all will hn cheered rv?'l tin W 'WW determined ri-n.ipnco rvi.J-1 >!. tf I l he |wwv?t?t*,_? ? * interna. ' f j Jf > nm*fc, Mr, rtfKnWer, tor tlm atnnant o 7?r oM'" " ?<?*?. l*t n* n?w J.v>k *i arw>th? k wWt tha carraeey, it* great mx '^^^eeenl ta^^he* :-V>| "kftTr'* v.- *% ' ' '* =? " . J - <t*rd, Confederate nouf are mv worth hut.. ? little ever thirty t?nU ?m the dullari ! H to Ui wondtrvl *t tlwt (irleM m hi|(h. 1 The ano who aetla i? obhuod to got mom than three time* whet en article i* worth in hard money to eecpra.|/a ralno in that money. But there h MtUtJr Uurrcnoy which may he ogaparvd with that of the OoTcrntnent. I refer to the bill* of the booh*. They are uOt redeetnnhlo in epochs, aad yet abll fur a premium in Cou< federal6 Treasury note*. I take the fellowthj* quotation* of premium* from the Rlvhiuoud Oirpatch of December 0 : /.-J Buying price of Brwkera. Selling price. Bank note*?Vir{i? B to SO North Oarelina...30 do. do. South Carolina...IS do. do. \ ti<.'jr-i?.... 33 do. do. Nay, air. I nih informed hpg taoal rcapeetablo broke* of thin eity, that bank noloa have told here at a premium of 3u per cent., and ikdt in Alabama and Statea further Wc?l, they will command 40 t? 00 por cent. When, air, yball I una cuu r -j no nanus or ino uqnrcfiorooy arc ( linked to the Ijtte ?f tlvo Ouvtrnuu'iit ?with it ' thdy oro destroyed, with it tbejr lire. Nor <i?n (Miy satisfactory explanation ho Ki?cn, Mor* tho unlawful uwi of tb?je notes for pur* ; |i'i?n of tr.ule with our ouomui, and their, scarcity, arising frmn th? hoarding of thvin by parties from un-ro or loci ap)?rdicn*iou* of final ftilnre. Either of tliese motivei is <li<gracolol to tlio true patriot, mid deserves Itio umst serious reprobation of ervry lover of fcis country. Vot with all thin, tlio fact of tliii depreciation must bo noticed as a fearful evldencp of tlio want of proper valuo in tho part ?'f the fhinfederat* Treasury notes. Irtanulbt-r inuuncV, very similar to thai with gold, may tho doprcointion of this currency be recognized. Foreign exchange, commonly sterling, has generally rated at a small advance beyond gold. At present it commands about the name premium. The last rules of which I ha<*o beard, ware at one. hundred and niiivU-fiye per cant., or two hundred and itlitcly-five dollars lor owe hundred. Doubtless, however, it him risen since than, for it hm^laUdy been riling rapidly. Indeed, tho price of gold at lliclituoiid fixes the fact that sterling must bo at a premium of two hundred and tvrcnty-fivo i per cenf. t . Tho rapidity of this depredation la nlso worthy *of attention. In September, iSfil, awernl months alt?r the war had commenced, ! acute time' iudoed after tho haltlo uf Man asms, j the current hiits of tbuwouutryavere. in a souse, ! equivalent to specie. Thou-sh the banks bad I suspended spscin paymanta, thoy were yet furnishing their customers, as a mutter of favor, with specie In small gounliiics .it pur.? Hut the depredation began ; before Ohrismust, I specie win worth about twenty per rent. | premium ;.before April, IKrt/,-It vnu at- tit'iy | per cent.; and thus has it gone on unlit it has J readied its present rate. In Septeoioor uf tins year, sterling exchange sold at a premium of simply one hundred find tsn per cant.; since than it has riscfl at least ninety mure, if a t | one liundrad and fifteen The dcpracialiou in j this respect is alarming ; unless soum ai range- | incuts can lie inado for such exchange, it will I soou bo at fivs huudrad, nay, who can tell tin t j it inny sot yet reach five thousand. The depreciated currency thus referred to is j an evil to all parties. It is true that those | who tre mere producers get a larger price for I I all orti.-Us. bill ll.ul r.rt.... I? - 1 I cixlcd ciirr?onjf and I lie iucr??M <?t* price sub- j jeein iU recipient* to the murmur* of t!to consumer, ittnl the charge of extortion. Oil the other hand, tho consumer who iloeit not produce, fiinli tho money which wait formerly porliH'- a? niuple support, now incufiicieut, wren with the most rigid and pint-lung economy. il? ha* to receive nil dividondx. interest nntl income of any kind in u kind of money worth only one-third of what he should hare riwirrtl, whether estimated by gold or ty the urlicicx of cmieufuptieu it will buy*. If be l>e one whose whole incotua baa been flapped by tbv war, and he bus to borrow nionoy now to be heroufter paid, bo ia placed in tbu deplorable e indiliin of one who obtains from a money lender a loan to be repaid in good funds, hnt winch he tiris hituaolf lo receive In paper which he will do well to dispose of at one-third of its face. That which 5* peculiarly unfortunate for the (gov eminent Vs that it is in thia latter category. It irgiving ita notes payable at a tutors day in gold and silver, and roceivo* far theut articles only at the rules produced by this deprsciatloh. Let tic look nejft lo tiro entice of IhU tie* pt ceiatinH. The first and most manifest one ilint t|ie Governlb-ut Issue* are not redeemable In gold and silver. This is selfevident, yet it ie worthy of notice because it helps tic to'arrive at the remedy. It ie the cause that ia at the found*turn of the whole matter. The nearer the issue# of tit* Government ere put on u apieeie basis the j le-s will l>o tlia tie|M-cci?tloss, and tbo lower ' will lie the pi ico* of all commodities tun. we must not deceive our??*lvee hy supposing I that this is the only caoce; were there full j minlidenee in the (>ovi-riinient there would I ' b? ro mod of a constant interchange r.f gold i and hills for each other. Hut. here is* ronl 1 difficult*, and there is no nee in den vino if* ( I there i*"n want of thin tilth confidence of 11 miccco\ which tdiotild universally prevail.? I ! Therein not should ho th?- deivniiiutt|iun to sink or ewlm with the good ship <>f f State. Men mo not keeping or buying go!.I to iwe it, but to hoard it The hoop of ouch one 1* that if wrvck ehould come lie will he uhle to w>Tt euitiethiii** at least of the propcrty he formerly had. Thi* same idea prof viii.4 as to hank note*; they are ut l?-ti?r, to tiiv?e person* think, Safer than some o'her curreocy. 'The time will coma. say -t?ie*e timid gentlemen, when no other hid* will | tie In kin hut bunk note*, unit heiir* we are , .putting up a few for the-u'eo of our fmnilii*. I Away with th? unfounded doiibl?Slice*#* tntiul our* or we niu*t be ex term Singed in f the etruggle. If tny country die* I w ant no r more Hfo, no more happiness, l?-n#t of nil i would 1 autre from the vrrcok the final I pit> t if live that may t It lie he Concealed from l)ie ' jCra*piriig baud of Northern despotism. Onr ly thus ran the true patriot ti-el; ylt we Hltwt realize the; funr ttiut 1 have referred to, iifnl if jHi??il*le, take odvuittoge of it for lite U-ntHt <>/ oup country. ^ f A third eettea of depreciation i* the re' dundnney of the flitiretiey. Thl* has , i from -the ni-feeat'ty the (lovernmr ni t- under i j of betting Treasury ? ole* for it* civil und j war expetieou, mid the inti?o*aibiiity ?f re . tiring tlte** through Updr funded iU ?>l, All I .(fork tint* In r*nt?iif* the reduudauav of the rttrreney lw?v?* r*?ult?d it, *(. Unit *|>at-"' tlnl Iwlurn, 'llta i'tumyf i hi* failure It iik> . J ly due trt wont of contidcnca in the Government. Tin* i? evident from the feet tint Stat* ?cpur|?ie? and individual hood* ere jjr.-Htly In demand. While the Con federate Government eat!* lint ?l?wly At |>*r, hetida which beer eight fw r cent int?rvet, the l>u?*h of .Stat en, prlftlo |mrti?a, eiir|ti)rihuni And cilice, ok lower rtliv of iater?iel.'ere tfior, The lu?k of *???? Iht.'Ace I ?j>o'>k of I* one entf eiidwrc- on the { one baud by the net am of the Oevtnimtiit, Iend o? the other l?y ihe nippy.* d <jtia*tt??. able w*u? of the prment war. It U fait heme to ien< extent, but e*|>voi?lly Al'i'vujf. ; Kti/sipeeet hay* ?*?u oa? great Cnion oj)< troy.d. and I hoy knew not when ihe new I one wdlelen hreiiti into Arhginentt They an#'l devotand not the homogeo.ou* character of .four people?*?d the depeudcoce 40 each * f ;-Ji - - - - _ .III other which*la Hit ?nor #? they r??liM I they khvuM that the history of the put but H been a lessen to th? State.* of this Cohfrd* racy, nod that mutual respect for the right* I of each other will not only mark a people trained to arntlnr.enta of honor, hnt that mutual Interest will al?o create mutual forbearance. But the redundancy of the currency la feat simply due to want of oonfideace. hut to the eeeeaaive issues forced by thia atale of affaira upon the Government. Before the war the circulation of the country for buajaeM purpoae* was. about eighty mi II ion a of do'In re. The ieaties of the Gov eranaeiit fhua fur have hern. Treasury Notes. HJO.OflO.ftOO In tercet bearing Note*, 60,000,000 * Call Loan, nt- any time convertible lute Treasury Notes.... OO.COO.rtOO Total clrcnlatloo $390,000,6(0 tf-L! l_ It .1 ( tuning in nu uiree iiuii?ir?<i nna ninety millions of dollars which is cir?ulat?<}. The funded debt gives ns wwiiiy four million.* additional. hut is not current fund*. According the estimate ol some *< nee<l less, According to others more, circulation lit titt? ?'f war tlinn In time of pehce. Taking eighty millions us the circulation before the war, we Iiavo no need for*hiori? 1 than one hundred millions At the utinoet ?some eny thirty million* would do. with ( the Additional circulation of the outstanding hunk hills; perhaps it. would he enough, i AnolheS cause of depreciation arise* from ' the tear of repudiation. The exempt* sup- 1 po?ed to have licsn set us by our revolution*ry ancestors 1?a? had it * weight. ItshouM 1 hirvn boon remembered, howuvi-r, that Con- 1 tincntal Ijill*, not bond*, were their issue*, and that the ctTcat should he, therefore, to 1 tend to depreciate the bill#, but not tin* ] bonds of this Government, lint [ am yhi-l to be able to mv that even is those davs the!** was not nu entire repudiation. The course pursued was to adopt a scale show | lug Ills value of these bills in yob! and siF- ! Ver iii the various years of the war, thus showing what the Government received in Actual value for them, l'or the earlier ? years the payment wis it pnr or very near- i ly so. it was orly in the later years that I heavy discounts were ohar-ed. Nor was it until the lapse of many years niul the re- 1 peated calls of the Govornn.ent had render- 1 ed it almost certain that the notes iiad moat- 1 ly been ptiil up, that the Government, nftcr 1 dan notice, passed the ants stopping further ' payments upon them. The (Jmvsi nmeiil of I then States will not, tlu-v cannot go so far, n the contrary dollar fur dollar will he j paid, at least upon the js-nte* already made. . Unfortunately, however, a 11 do not f .-I lid* t measure of just faith in the inlegritv of the. . (J over I ment?au<l hence the sad deprecia- f lion of its issues. , c 1'ioin this view of the evils it will read ily f he perceived wlnt kind of remedy mtut lie * s. eured. It must be Mie which will relieve ( l.he r.dundnnev of the currency, and. there- J f ?r', mt: t he a funded deht. Again, it must j hd sneli a funded debt that the Government will be abb. at u high premium, to retire , its circulation. And y<-t further provision , nm*i i>e merle. wnieii will lurniili us foreign rirliinge at chenpijr rules IIihii mo now current. Stic It. Mr. Speaker, is Mi* remedy pro posed in the liill. it is that a fundetl Jelit s>!i*'ii 1-1 iir created of two I11111<I1<<I millions of dollar*?timl it ahull combine tli* credit of ilie Government anrl ?lint of tee indivnltin) State* and thut it shall b.? sold nl lioine or lnoml to the highest bidders, In t-lti* w i?v provision is made for such * !< ?of new Government issues ns will command high premiums nt lioino as well isfor llirenr?tiun , of foreign exehiinge. Tits whole scheme rei'i upon Ike simple faet llint ilia qpcuritie* o( liie Stale* ar? highly valued both in pur own eanutry and in r.urojH-. A Slate endorsement even ou the bonds of some petty railroad is enough to 111 ski them aril at a high premium. I liave been furnished will th? following as the present rates of Stile OCVUvltiws; some of them, ns the Trnuwlff *'*, nre* really ill a condition ??l half repudiation?tliat State having refused In |>*y tin interest upon 1 hut portion of tier l>?ml* held in the United Stales unlet* soma erpiitiibl* an angemcnl shall lie made between I he Governments in the treaty of p-aea. Tenner ?e C'?, (suspended) 116 li-IIIIM UIB |HOI)MOI? Rimiil 1^0 ! I Virginht . 1*25 I Nsrth Car. l:n* G'n. (o d) | :;a ' P*?, (new). l*20 1 South CursTTbs?? *.. 125 ^ i ". vm (<?:>r]{l4 f>? | '? i I Wit have in this tAl>le mitfl signally .x | i hlbited U> * tli? Isi.'li slats of credit of the 1 i different States. While I fwi-M is m, however, 1 J it is notorious that Hie t'onf. derate eight ' | par etht. bonds are as it wrr< hogging ft.r , |otn*ltii4'rs nt par; y?t that if security'be j ad.I' d to titnn, fiowevw*slightly, iliey"rire | mnt?r|sllTlnyroTc<i, i?**?u In th? fist tint ] J die fifteen milliny loan, heenuse there is I I'Udg.-d f?.r it one-eighth'of * cost per |>ound ! upon all cotton csparte-l. is now selling nt [ 110 It ltd* bfen thought bv to nc llmt this is Lw*nnsc tlio <?nvi'nt ptf>* itile j rest on thin loan in specie. Jt is mistake. ; ; I Its coupons nre paid like oil ntller*, onlV in 1 j current funds. Ai.J y?t hart is n aear.rUy I ' j valueless indeed lin'ru tile wnr shall TWilfj ! advantageous'?, which nt nnoe raises tlis 1 !-fvri<e of I In- bond* ten pis* cent. !.et the | combination he made of Slot* nnd Confrde- j j rnte securities. mid you havo bonds which I cnntuH lie I lettered in this country. They j ' miftt tiring very high premium^; and the ; isittc sow proposed of them will hot euly j relieve the eounfry of redundant carrcnoy, I loll will enable the OovcrMwtVni in n way ! Cerfeerfv honorable to pay it* debts at a ! eary diacotlnt, and to i*?eur? ample re- i ' 'sources both at home atui abroad for tta | present vitleiHiiiS The billowintr table j ' will shew the rufca at which four hundred I ! and sixty mUlisns of currency .may he j i brought ilswu to the iiinount' feslly Ueos* j sary for trade. ('iroalsluni will he reduesd | I 4^ . .-! a \e St HL. J. -..1 ? I iu /i iiiAiertm rMWii 11 ?u? ?rf w?i?i ( | At t!ir rule* : A ' t2<Mi,.>oo.uw ni l:fo.will 74tlret24O.Ofl0.00A ' and !..?? $2'2<MX>0.<mm>; t,!tni,4X>o,04H> at 110 will ultra tMfvUOtlOOU.Hitd l.nva tl8",oo<>,- j 1)00; tiUU.tKXl.OiKI at 130 will ratire $:t<>0.OOO.OOO, awil lcMVv tlll0.00fi.uoa; tdtNiiM).imotins wilt raiir? $330,000.04)0,* >ti U*ve ! $1 $-JOOtU04),li4>4> at '2<>0 will rrliro j t44iO.OOU.OIK> unci |. i?v?f >Wo,t??K>,4?00. I Again. MlUiitf nt 0?>! ratvc ?lt#v. aoggaat- , cil. Ii?w ?b?'*[rlj <le w? nay mft our , i iJimi w itkwut dult?o?>r. but mm nirr? n?ntt?r ! I of liwaincM rvohaag* At 1 |?e* ??4?t. * |?^y Mt R3 1 3 oenu in j tin' dollar. t. * v I ' At 140 IW)r cent. *? pay nt fl 7-1 "> wnU In tlie doll.ii . At IW? |wr eittl. w<- pay at 40 it K o?nU it the <(u)Ur. r. . j ; Al 176 l*r cant. we p*y at 67 1-7 eeutv In j tbe 4?f;.ti ,- 'y 4 . ? ? ?V# Hfc -iP i 'V 1 '.^4f / +'*{* 4 "*?./? r * k .? m? ' u. > * Vp w? ' * ? y y * f* ' y %" ' * J - - u lfl~ .!?* L At%00 |ver cent, we pay'nt 60 cynte 4a the. , Again: Ih the production of foreign e* 'Iuuhn hy lh?M l>?nd?, we 'mi greatly 1x>n?ntted. One hundred poo ml* starling now oo?t three Hundred pound* in this country H ?t?v toon he worth lire Lendred I'ound*. 'If no remedy he applied to the advance oh it, who caa any that in tlie course even of twelve luontha, it may not command five thousand pouude. Ci'imnting sterling na coating uathraa Itumlr-d, wa can afford to take for our boada a-tld in tingland, thirty-three end one-third mbU in the dollar; ot five hundred, wecan take twenty* ?..i- vv. ? ? i ' - ... - 1.1 .. MuwrT?r, Tlltl they will bring mors. Five per wjit. llmlroml bonds. endorsed l?y this tt'ate. hiivr sold in England at fift| eenlt in llio ilolUf At this rntu tlx or s?v?a per rent* of the Confederacy, endorsed by ih? Stats, should brings! l?Mt seventy-five; nay, 1 hollers that with an active and efficient sgsnt there to dispose of tlicfo bonds, tl?cy would bring pur; especially If some menite he .tnken to pay the interest. tli*ro promptly. Taking fit* current rate# of exchange fifty acuta on the dsllnr, these will he worth one dollar Alula half here; seventy-five #?nt?, two dollars and a quarter ; sad par, three hundred. In other words, if we can gat pnr for our bond* abroad, w<> can mukc all our pu'-chasea there in our bonds as though they were gold and silvan Those purchases *bro id are very j heavy ; what with navy vessel#, arms, ?mmunition, clothing, medicines, and et>?r?-a of < various kinds, several miilinus arc demand- , ed. And bera let me any, inel lenUillv, is a i reason why Ihia State should guarantee. if no other does. She alono cau from l>rr piota furnish the Government nu issue of bonds by which this sterling kehungc ir.ay j 1)C created. The remedy this suggested commends itself ?*. practicable. It is oasy to try it. If we | Hicl ifiat tli.-so bonds cannot thus be tlis|Mtse<l i ' [ f, nothing has been last. But we presume | IVaui what has been said, that this difficulty | Mr ill not meet us. Tlu bor.ds will be sought , jilter; and tlie Confederate Government having this issue of bonds in their bands, may sayto tlie capitalists of Ibis country?" NVe Vv.-ov ' the Value of tiii-sv UcnuiilieS, and will not sill thorn below fifty per eeut. proiuiutn." If the 1 demand for bids be mudc, accompanied by the 1 snuo'incctnciit that no bid wilt be considered 1 antler that rale, the whole issno will be taken ".I it ; more than this, so eager will lie the do- , ire to obtain those seenritirs, that higher b><l.i rriil be propped; and I won id not ho surprised j f f t-ic hotels should r. at ire tvfo d-dlurs for one. J It is t S 'uulklo in which ail tho States will {'in us. There mny b< hesitation for a brief '' icriod on the part of some, hut it will only 4 oiiti'.tu- until the advantages of the s heme ' ire realised, lly it they are coniniitteil ni ' arther than they have been already. Is not 11 aeu one ns truly bound in equity for her pro. * i?r.i"n of the doht. as if sho had by act assutnid it? lias it not been incurred by .the tjeli- ? iral Agent on behalf of a'l? and can any fail o be dishnnured. unless the debt be paid, or nt j oust viler* that Statu shall hare iirrungod for icr proportion? It is a remedy wl.ieli will certainly reduce he price- of all articles f.,r sale. Those itninrU-d frstn a'.road v.ill cost less, hocausc the * dirties importing ran s?ud out ihusc bonds s br payment instead of running the risks of thr 0 dockuda with eotMn. Any niniiunl, too, raft x ?o rout: for wo will not hero have, at is thn 1 lay* with cotton, to oompltiin of the want of , ressol*. A single vessel could carry the whole *suo in o corner of ity cabin, I'lir-dinse* could tint* be made with n single risk?-that ?f tint return cargo. Kntorpri'diig iiTcii in nil ' llroctlou.t would iucrrnee too number of those 1 iriagitjg such article* from abroad. Thus, u?t J ial/r could tlicgo?(l* bo brought m?rc cheaply, nit the supply won d be nearer ci|ttnl to the Ictnand, and article* imported would bring a mhio no greater thiut the risk* run wouhl-tiv- * naliv dc*crro. * At home, tlio redundant currency would be 1 Iruwn in ; denraeiatiou would be hut slight; * "onfedcrate money would b? nearly mpial I t 1 prild and tllnrt and almost all article* would tell .then for wlwU tbey would sell now in ] 'p< cio. If theso thin);* be trtta, this remedy will also ' msblo the <lnv?rnment to pmaccntn the war with gnat or vigor. Its cupplics will hooheap; Its couimatid of money will l>a unlimited; cvrrytiling naccssarv for aiicces* will be ettdinat>le ; nud with eontciitod and buoyant hearts, the people will su'luiti it. Before taking my (eat. Mr. Speaker. T detiro to call tho attention of the House to the resolutions on this subject, which ar? said bv the papers to hare lately passed both Uo-lses rtf lbs Legislature of Alabama. I will read tl.. eswlut'on*, and then proceed to compare tlicui with the bill before us. t UtP%|H0l.tlTin|| I* RtU'iet TO T'IKWAt ' t>??T er rn,e coafknanit* status. n iiitom, tna uovonimcat i>r the Uonfede- j ntr t'lut :* is inrolvcd in i> war for tha lnde- -| teodchca of each ?>f ttic 8tai<'? of the C'nofad.-- r raey. i< well n* for it* '>wn ixhlehra; at.-t \ arhereus, I he destiny of eneli State of the C?"f,;Itrief It in<Ti>i?!u1(ly rnnnortrd with that of the C'onfedv'rata tiorvnifnent : and whereas, the nonfederaco Government cannot Successfully prosecute the war to a ajwody an.I hnnnrnblo pvneo, without ample means of crc.iit ; be it, therefore, /?ou/io*'f by the S* SO''" nnd If titter (J ft p r?f?hiliri* y th>' Stotr vi*Al-ibitM", in tlmerrnl A'trinbiy eonrc?c?/, flutl in liio opinion of this lioirrtl AmkiiiUj, it, ' the duty <if ??-li State of the CjatWot.lcy, for the pu'r|"ise of sustaining the credit of the C?afixlcn!t (Jsv- i eminent, to gtytvnntoo the doht of thwt i!oremnient in pruporli- ? to its representation iti ! ll\.? Vongfr.** of that Government. H -iot,, if, further, font the Slate of Alabama ; hereby prop<?soi to our aistvr Statea of thu ! tlonfbtfer.tey to guurautee said debt <>n sa-d | ha?U?provided that oaeh of s*'d States shall r nerept tile prop'Mlition and adopt suitable 1o- | gisbltion to earry it Iffto c'l'eet, in which ercnt i these resolutions shall aland a? the guaranty | of this Sute for I lit* aforesaid proportion of the i debt of mid l.'i.ali"lerat? Gov rnotcin. KtiolctJ, /irlhft', That UKxO'lltlirjr the Governor hp, ??<t he U horeby, requested to I transmit u eopy ul? throm rc*^!nlioni to .thu : Oorwrnor of iiiicli Stnly of tho Coiltedoracy,*! and totho PieHiI?nt of the C-.nfcdoi-to Stiitcs, There *re three point* c,f ilifToraiirc In-iiven ! thtno resolutions ntul tltd Ibll originally pro ; united to thu llonse. In lin! tiretf place the Alabama resolutions , envsr the whole debt of 4 ho 4,'on federate Status. The bill before u? proposes simply a guarantee upon bond* to n certain amount, and i? intended to apply to' a fit lure inr'it, ami not at all to a past on*. That the State* are actually under obligation* to pay thu whole doht, or Waco that H is paid, ia, J think, unquestionable.? And whoa the proper tun* shall oouae for sueli rquitahle action, I hope, air, that South Carolina will no! bo found wanting. Iiut tho pre out exigencies do. not require aneh action.?- j Wo are Bailed on simply to roduee onr circulation, to appreciate onr eurrutiry, and to earn r? to tho (Jovorument funda abroad for purchasing its supplies. It ia on tbii asonmt that I pdronata this measure, n?l for the purpeno of making more s.-onrd twice whom I regard m already hating se-itritr enough.? I What I am at. sir, is to relieve the Gor. ru I most; and to do *' fH by making ito post | indebted-ices secure to tho.e who hold it, hut , by enabling it at atlveutageou* rates to I*he up lis pipit indebted neat. If this Iwdone. avuu ' tho pei.oua holdiug lilt former iesuts of bonds i * r * a " V Wj?d? ^ ? * . ? " ^ 0\jkrm- *fV! - ** J.1."-" ' / LL .JJJL..I -L 1 - J.J. . . . 1 will lM kMwfltod. . 4*. *<7 rate we do (hen ne injury-?we deprive tk?co of nothing that tbsy here alrtnilr. 8o far frotn this, ?c arc arranging for each e relief ef the csrreney a* will appreciate all Ceufoderate sseurUii-s, and make their bends and stock Werth nearly, if not fully w each aa gold and silver. For, if 1 the redundant currency is taken ap, then hll I bonds, stocks and ether securities ether than -j Confederate must be rolutivcly reduced, and i the latter aeust advance. But, sir. thewgb this he not se, and though < we be only making provision tor Iktort enter- I f .1 ..J.l. -# u 1. o .. a wu?t ?uw opinv vi nou;n vdruilim will n?i b? <niaun?|tto<too<f. Hhe hold* horse If bound in tqull; for ber tall share of all vbli- < gallons incurred bjr ilio prcsout struggle. It | Butters not how they bavo been iuenrrod, nor In what extent, lier people will never be satisfied nnU-ss every dollar la buticslly and justly ' 1 paid; let it cost whet it tuay. Bet us hare to | part wilb all our lands, with all our negro#? I let us haVe to hrsaB up nil the associations of the past, cud pfo forth as Wanderers from the 1 fair soil that we love. Nay, moro than this, i if it is ncoersary, let us to ho sold our- , selves, our wives, out' ehjldimn, into perpetual sfviiudc, ns ware the Egyptians to lite I'hnra- ' oh whom .Joseph knew. Welcome, thrieo welcome the servitude before we fail to pay every , dollar that wo justly owe. I understand not the idvn of repudiation?I would rather be? a slave witb honor, than a freeman with such > dishonor. I A second difference between our Bill a# originally presented and the Alabama plan, is in the manner in which the.ratio of obligation ' ?a., t-> b? incurred. Wo have changed ours tu j Miit'orm to theirs, which is the, tnoro simple, *i cud yet amounts to tits sanio thing. The Bill, its printed, proposed that the uuarantseshould las pi run in the ratio of 'direct taxes duter- i mined hy trio return made under tho Act of j Ihuifress, entitled * An Act to autborir.o tho issnu of Treasury notes, aud to provide a War ' Tax for.their redemption, approved the nine- I h dsy of August, in the year of our lord j eighteen hundred and sixty-two,'" Tho Bill, as unloaded before you, in occordwneo with tho ' Alphaniaplan, makas it in tho ratio of " the ( representation of said 8tltc jn the House of Ksp'rcse ntative* of tho Confederate Congress." The ratio is about the sarno. According 11 tho I L'o institution, re present.It ion and direcVtc.xuli'm I sre b.-th apportioned according to tho popula- | lion of rhc .Slat's : anil altboagh direct taxation is according to tho decisions of the * Supremo Court, a tax upon only land and negro*,aud the War Tax iueludsd other articles, j rot, # > equitably was that tax laid, that the lilfcruucn hetwesn a calculation based upon tho 1 IVar Tax and one on rcprcsvaiatioii is very t light. Besides, asjhavo already said, this is | iitteii iuo.-? simple. It might take weeks to ind out preciaoly tho War Tax of each fStats, specially if the numerous errors are to bo H ivrroeteil; and then it could not be sstis'aclo- j iiy ascertained. A moment's calculation on | his utiior plan fixes, without doubt, what part if these two hundred millions hhntlli 'Carolina vi 11 have to pay. The representation iu t -ongrcss from all the States, is one tiunrtred ud tight members, of which ^uutlit'aiolina . >m (fix. or unc.cighicentb of the whole j tho *' iroponinn, ihcivfun;, of tl>?H guarantae, will Ji u eleven millions ouo hundred and eleven iiousur.d oiii- auuilrud ami dollar* and levoti cent* ($11,111,111 11.) v A third dili'i reo'.c between tile in plans is, I knl ib i resolution* of Alabama give tho guar* ? ,11 tee based npon tbe condition that nil tho I' State* shall unit* nilklicr in her action, ' ihilu tin* Hill makes no such condition. Tho (. audition, if ill si* led upon by uil the Status v lint ujay guarantee, would only lend to fnilure. Missouri aud^Kciilucky are represented m the 1 Confederal.! Congress; yet, white their State I Internments nro in the condition they lire, it f could be impossible fof tlisui to give n guuri:itcc which would l?? of Any vatno. linititi- * ma is, to u very considerable extent, ovurrud* ' iy tho oueiuy ; por'.iup* it might be impossible , here. Uesiilos, let it be supposed that only ?? or three Slates shnll join At tii;jt; tbe ban iwiul results tlowing from tbe sale ol their 1 loud* could be used a* n strong Argument with ! lis ottiers. And no Staie with uliy *cut t* ^ if honor could, umlar such circumstance*, refuse to do her just part. 1 Hut suppose no odier State joins us. Sup * p /?? that Alabama bus not pursed these rcso- , iutions. 1 trust ibe has not, sir. I havo . earnestly coveted for South Carolina tho load in this movement. And 1 hope she m.ty yet < be in the von. 1s t licr g<< ahead in this mat. , tor alone, yea. Air, atone, though no other State follow. Two years have not elufisod aincc this State went forth alone in an important enter- I prise, ifiiidcd Ijy hor staWv'.uan, vtitli asstir- ] Alices that there was no danger, that no war could ensue, she waited not foT tho onrnpiwiy of others, but took tho lead. Tbe result of her action biv? been the formation ol this Confederacy : mid fOr tbal action, whether deservedly or not, it be.- mc* hor ci itens not to say, aba b is been a a aid d u luoed of praise for. ' g i* oiou* nnd long sighted statesmanship.> '1 no tuuu iio* now i-oum wuen u teailer ih wantoU ( mid wlft-ii (lie iieril* iw<- peon. fno power of tho tu-tny 'two been re t; we aneup^i'tl in uo (iluy. Tim array ofh.ittio i< not merely (tin pomp iiinl pageant rr nf war, but it* rail reality. Shall die tdtrin* b~rnu?a iho dtutgvra arj rtnlitr'l. Iniunueu rbe noe* that she line i kViiUned a tearful coutlict with a powerful and wualthy mlvorsnry. No, air, lier anna have I gone forth gluiliy to (he coin but. There hne I boon no faltering Otero, not should I here he j nny here. L-jt her Mug proud delianoe to the I fno. Let her show (lint *ho id ready to ho rather thun couqiiercil. Ami let tliin iiotly, hy their Action thin day, show (hat she id roHiiy not simply to pledge (hy live* of her citizen?, but their fortune ami their sacred hoimr. A word more anil I have done: Tho I:ill contain* two provision* to whieh I a.-k a | imimrUi'r attention. One i*. thai tho boqd* ho , sold to the highest bidder. This it manifestly ; iiop.rlut.;, to secure to u.i n.< valuable a ennui- I deration for tliein as possible. The other is, j that the Slut* or it* citizen* ,-hall, at the nunc hiil, have the pivierottc j o?cr tinv other parties upon the liumh of South Caroii ia. Whet? ; oi|iutl hid* are mails, sonic uoju.-loient of the I claim* of tin- Imiit. i? must ho made; either ttio 1 ntiiiiuiit intt t ho divided, or a choice he made i IK.;ween liicui. Tin* proviso pimply say* that ki unit uvviit mi-- rmini ui oumn ourotmu, or miV one of itc citin-tm, ahull liait< ho preference. If anv ultior rilule, or any -if it# citi/.eti*"! ? ill j<ivo ii hundredth jntrt 4'' a cunt rnoro oil tiic dollar for our ko:i<U than wo Mill, tlioy j shall li? their*. Tin# i* iuuiiiuiily jiul 1 i'<|uiMble. ? - Thk BkAukokt UiuuAitr.?The suggestion tlint litia valuable collection of ( hooka, ina'etwl of bdiugcoiitiacatctl to lite [ goveiiiiHeiit and sold under' (lib hummer of (ftu auctioneer, should j be kopl for the enlightenment and profit of those tor whom tb?*y were first |?miI?orotf, been noted upon by ill* Sucre-. Inrv.add instruction* linva Intuit issued lo ibe Collector to that effect. The 1 book* are lo be carefully packed and ( siorud. end indue time to bo returned' to Brauhxi. We accept lhi? testimony to tlie I'hoi that we uo live in h civilized community. [iVjrte York Jnurrnf of Commerce . Oks. John II. Mukoam w ?? recently inairicvi, iu .Vlui fiee?ooio\ IwiueteM. ~ I -r, *' 1*. f '""frV '' S *'yWV * ' \ *lr?' jj FOR THE lUVTHtRN KNTERFRlflfe. * I recently spent a day at Focotaligt with Col. Klf.inl's .Regiment, tud ? inotl happy day it wa*. I beard a disliu guished officer who had aervnd more than una Virginia, aay thai lie had never seen sach a regiment in discipline, good order aud general cod forte and happiness. I saw but one countenance that was not bright and cheerful, and the exception whs owing to receut eicknesa. I have uot seen such a dinner in the last six months as that In the Colonel's tent; And I found all the private's tents abound'ug in good tilings. Fine yarns, sausages, spare* tih? and fresh butter, besides the ration* >f excellent l>eef. Spiritous liquors are not allowed to enter tbo camp, but they *re sometimes introduced surreptitiously I'hero has been b,pt one ca?e of drunk i-nuwi, ami Hint was punished. Th? It ilia and manoeuvring were admirable, sud considering the very abort lime since liie Kegiinent enteied lite service, sxb-aotdiunry. 'l'bo officers ate all beloved by their men in no common de vreo. An election was Ordered to be lield on Tb ii rsday for Field Officers. The Regiment got up petitions to the Genemi that no election should take place n that Regiment?that they were satisiel with their officers. Khece were not more tlian ten uion who did not sign these petitisns. I do not know that these even iefu<ml. The discioline ol Jol. Elford is entirely paternal, and conddeiing his comparative youth, I should terlinps say fraternal. I knew it w ould >e so. I have knew 11 him attempt noliing in which b? has uol-aioiueaily -ueceadsd. The name Pocotaligo cannot be men ioned without calling up the association >f tiiat ?>f (ieu. W. 8. Walker, who has nadu that name historic. I have met villi no man who has impieased me iioie favorably, liis in uiiiers, sdd'ess aid conversation aid those of an aceomdished gentleman and soldier Every iniamaiit of his face indicate genius )f all the wonderful achievements of his glorious war, I know of none more emarkable. if as much so, as tho two tattles at Pocotaligo. In that of the !7th May, the enemy adeeneed with ight companies.. Col. Walker met lliem villi thirty-five of the Rulledge Mounted iilleiuen, Captain Treuholm, and not as is many more gentJeuiouion only armed villi fowling pieces. After |hc second ire, lire teller were about (o be tl.tukcd, vhen very properly they retired, witn i very few exceptions. The fight was coniniied for three hours, with the thirtvive iidem, n against six hundred. The nemv were repulsed. In the second rattle in September lust, 7,500 of the Clientr landed at Port Kovul and ?1a iced U> Pocotaiijjo. 4.000 made the utaek?our force not more than 500 Plic engagement lasted from 11 o'clock inti 1 dark, when the eue.ury retired. In seiihcr of these battles had our troop* my protection but a few scattering live ink In the la?t battle the enetnv rad the advantage of thick woods and a iitch. Our loss, 1<J4, killed and woundfd. Tho eueiny'a loss, as stated bj lltem-i-lvea, from 500 to 750. Th< history of these battles will hardlv bi bulievcj. W. T. Correspondence of the Enterprise. ClMf OOLnBMITII, I Pocotai.ioo, S.U., Dec. 23. J J)i'ur Entrrpri*e : The 3d llegiirten of First Corps of lit-sers es, or the "'Oh Onard of he Mountains," is a bodr o men of which your leaders will nodouh take an interest in hearing fioin, and have concluded as I have two or thre< leisure hours in the interval of our drill to devote the time in giving you a shor description of our j >urneyings, tri ila description of the country in this section the late bwtle at this rilnce dn> A-a * * * 1 * * '/dn tho CStlt November our llogimen was increased to alMnK'Treven hundret men, and on (bat day our who!* forci and baggage wen; conveyed to*Charles ton, arriving there at a^oul 1 oVIock a night, and a bitter Vsold night too; am ihere being no camp ground provide* for u4, we pressed into service nnothe linilu):ifl Depot to sleep in for the night Karlv next morning wo were ordered t< march and were paraded through Meet injj. King and other stu*Hs. to Cant " I'ine Slumps," near tho Charlewloi ami Savannah Railroad, where we re nm^cd about 8 day a and took the Sn vannah Railroad on Tue*dav followinj tor I'oeolaligo, and arrived hero aboil sunset, at New I'ocoialigu, nr P?) coialrgo Station, which is ab<nt on milt) to lite light of lite anciel place of that name, where the battl two month* ago was fought ; wbie ['resident 4>avis eaya was tho gieate* achievement of the war to the extent t tins nnuibers^engagvd. V\'e had sevt ml very Unpleasant days after our an vai, of wind and rain, and were encamps in W verv low tiUlCe.near ihedeo.iL wlui < 4% * r-"^ l lie ground if.x'utiio liooded wit It watt ?even to the inside of many of tli tents ; we could not innke a change ui til a turn lor the better in the weather a locution wHi I'ouiul ahout one ha mile distant, hot \v?soon found froio ill hrcation and dampness of the groan (hut the place would not do for health this place was called " Camp Perry," i houoi of M?j. li. t. i'. It.o Colon .v '5 '*y ?. , *?,. , *. k* .< v* .+' * ' . . . ed to tnw spui- where we *r*-p6w*jfa* ; >', camped, nod are very pleasantly lootftfcd, . "*3 I with excellent drinking water, plenty to i ? eat, iuhh generally fat and in g?H>d ap">c- j , it*, and expert to have a very quief 1 > time for the remainder 6f the.fllitetv . i dava. u We learn frowvihe picJceU that , the Ysnkeoe have bu.hwJ the town, / _ ^ , Beaufort, and everything almost on the | Island and are evacuating Hilton j , Our Camp is natned^in honor of o*r 1 d \ very efficient Quartermaster. We have lud very Mule eicknom fW ^ | the Regiinept; only two deaths have I occurred. flWh of which were in C*pL Wclborn's tympany, frotp-Pickeoa Diti trict?the la?t death, a McTurner, was , rather sudden ; he was wilting by Ifce . lire whilst they were fixing np the wag- . on to take bitn to the hospital end he foil over artd died in a few moment*: his , disease was phthisic, I understood. W(f . " , have had some vet?-cold nigb'a an I , very heavy frosts, but as regards, the ^ day-, we can use the language of the' shcred.poet, ' December's as pleasant"** May." This coiintrv abounds with * marshes and swamps, and you never ? in . # T i - <? o imii , Tcry irvw ooor persons uve in this region*; the population coadst* , of sueh families as the Iley wards, Elliv. o?s and others, who have their tlionsanda of acres and hundred* of negroes. * H % ?r Many of the holer w*nt orfir id tliM. ' Yankees. Kami lie* 'f >m the region of the coast hare moved to McPhers?nvilb% four miles from here, and other plaoeaof safety. It is remarkable for its bean- tiful sandy roads and picturesque scene- rv along thorn; in ntanf places thelarge water oak* intertwine their branches orer, with the moss flowing froitl them, forming a verr beautiful archway sometimes f?>r three or four hundred J yards, and must he very refreshing in the hoi -weather of summer. Game. T J am told. is very abundant?deer, will, turkeys, goeae. duck*,squirrels and partridges, aUo, fish and ovaterg ; bnt tbe first we get none of, for the want of am munition, and the two latter hare be?-n_ in possession of the Vanluwa; still eon a of our nien catch a few of the finnv tribe out of a pond near tie. hut I have not had si<rht of an oyster here vet. Our General, (Walker,) the hero of Pocolalign, has paid us two visits, and cm tbe firet vidt made us a very pratt v,. little. Rpeorh?etvled us the bone ami, sinew of the c 'entry, fighting for our wives and children ; he i< quite a band*, seme man, about fortv y ars old' a(iparenlly, and i* a Georgian, I learn. Oapt. IlartMene is here also ; h? is Topograph* tea! engineer, and on the Gcnerd'e Staff. * ' * * * * * J , * ><f C.?B. K. v Mb'KPiiHKtanoRo', Jan. 1. We are victorious. Tbe eiemy to*, dav yielded his strong points, and frll I ha< k. We now occupy the whole of yesterday, and .-hall f -How him t??* I morrow. There was hut little fhrlitinw : lo d-r. """" ' \ If The enemy left an nmp1?er of killed and wounded on the field. T1m h*a roust he near fifteeH thousand ? on* is five thousand. We have sever-h thousand *tand of small a tns. Gen. J Wlmtlar, with cavalry. m d the ?n?i a circuit hy Jeff'rson and Lavcrgne. of Kosencrans' vinrv on Tuesday nit hi. Yesterday they destroyed 300 wagon* loaded with baggage nnd oninrni*eH'y stores, capturing and paroling 700 |?ri? I sonars. IIo is again behind theaa, and . j captured an ordnance tiain to day. He *~ f got all of McOooJi'h baggage and his . t body aervaut yesterday. Ourwonnrhd | are receiving avert' attention frvm the * a patriotic ladies of Murfie*?d> ?*>', though s many necessaries for comfort are badly . ai ( needed y-t. We have the wounded "f af both armies on hand. but enough Federal surgeon-' have beet) captured o attend their wounded. The nnrnber of slight wounds is very great in our arm v. t Those able to be moved are sent to j Chattanooga as rapidly as possible. B (Jen. Adam-, of Louisiana, slightly wounded ; nUo Col. linrrv Maury, of I Alabama, was shot, with regimental | colors in his hand, whild leading a i * urge. (i'-n. Cheat! ain'a Ton ?<*"- # 1 r i division did desperate fighting. Tmhtoi j all the troops f 'Ugl?t with greater vahv* " ' 0 ! and dote intnation than ever, i No*l'ankee ofiice.a are varoled. Tlu-y 'l . . i .. . ... ? H lire !?piii lmineuiilely to Uliattnnoo^a i? | ?o'V PiW1?. | The YarikiH Oen. Still'* r?maina li??? t ! lm*n brought in. The top ??f bin heed ? ' was Miiwii. ?.ft'. The tine? tian<*ral? in?lt j vinualy rwporied areitill bel oved killed . o | w CnATTASiigoa, Janf6. it | lVn?pntcl>?* from YW ri if off State ibnt . le j the em-my had not occupied Muifi.e-? b ' l>oro' u|> to (hi* morning !?r port* wo ?i ) .slill coining in ihiil lhoen?my i* r? ?l I turning to Nnilnille. Ihtriie* jont f o. t j- | the front, report that Morgan nttnc! *.i i? j and routed m|(W rco of (be eiieius Ml <?.*,* d j atin. Twin. . . 1 The following rimpatch was rofcncd >r ) from ti?ih C?ie^g : \m | Tn-tJtlioMA . .Tnn. 5. ) I UnaMtv to dislodge tlit enemy fioru j.I Ilia entrenchment*, and learning luet 8 If MinlnnfiltuiHI w?re h?-?ug ??i.l lo kV>i, i?s [ withdrew from hi* front right bffma I <1 l??t. He he* not follow *1 me. ?(y 9 ;' cavalry close on l-l * ft> >nt. H in i ' (Signed) 9 UUAXTOS HRAQV, I mb- * * H