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ih|. action W?a>nother Maif?r* itHI affair jntj^jWy, in tlm fnatanc*, ill# relative puaitiun* of (iiu two foroee Uu?% reversed, we holding lb# *)mm*nJiM2 position*. with% artillery, ftom which death .#**.dealt to thereat aaiwee of fill# annoy whjcli attempted |t? carry our |Ka)iioiis The Fum of ih# tray ie de?crib*d Tfc'rWHef; the jk^ gtyttt^ *? packed with' hVd ead *1*1! v al though al! estimatesof thenumber'of b ia killed and wouadud arecoujtciarai, I her cutial have exceeded ours, at least in tht proportion of eight lo ?oo. It appear*, from tht best inhumation we have, that the fighting of Saturday w*< chief!? shared by the force# of Lonjfc at root nmi Jack?on ; a portion of tbi| oBtmandof the Utter bein? held in a#r* a at Uamilton'a Crutwing, and Another portion, including the division of A. P. Hill, being actively engaged *uh tba enemy. One of the moat cnnardcunua, aprctaof tht action i a raid to li?v# l*?cn tha figure and behaviour of Oen. Jack a on ; thia commander. who haf tlie reputation of being rather ?eedy in his Jte**, having,donned, for the first time, f *r the particular occasion, a splendid new uniform. which attracted all eyts, . and mieht naturally be Mtppnsed to make liiin a mark fct the enemy's fire. In lit* luminal and magnificent attire, iien. Jackson i* aaid to have ridden l?>ng the line of battle, hi* appearance alone being sufficient to give to the men whom he commanded inspiration* of! invincible coutage. (re/?. Greyj Mortally H'oundm .? It i? VejK?ried thai on ^Sundav night fl-n. Gieeg was in a dying condition. Ilia wound was from a Minio hail,which struck him in the aide, traversing the . tieighUuhond of the spine. iiie name or (ten. rtaxcy Gregg i* historical in this revolution, and lliere K no n?nl of hiiv detailed review of incidents in lii? career to remind the pul> lie of hi? virtues and services. Hi* name is familiarly coupled willi the firrl movement1*.of the war, he having been appointed to the command of the First Woulh Carolina R'-giinent. the first force from that State which arrived in Vir ginia, ai.d whose advent in tliKcity was hailed with extraordinary demount no of honor and welcome. The term of the service ?-f this regiment having I expired, it returned to South Carolina, j l?ut itacommander. Col. Gregg, letnain , ed in Virginia, and subacvpiently re- j organized the regiment, w hich has since Wen constantly and conspicuously in e.-vice. ]t? commander was made a brigadier Gen-ral voreral months ago. Gen. Gtegg. although the occupations of his life were ptincipallv professional, had a l?rg? and hiiiliaut political repu Uti"6 in his State. He tva* a leading member of the bar, and practiced his profession with distinction and succ * for a peiiod of more than twenty years, yre b* Sieve, in Columbia. In politics, be was an extreme State Rights man, and stood, with others, at the head of that party in South Carolina, lie took | promiru-ut part in favor of the policy | ef re opening the slave tinde, which it xrill lie recoil eel ed was the suljeet of iome excited and untimely discussion in , the South rot*# vears ago ; he anrl ex- I t?ov. Adams ?.f South Carolina, heir.g i associated as the leading representatives j of that idea in the Cotton States. Gen. Glr f'or was rfcm.irkfil.lA tnr hi- I CiiB and ur flinching temper. In tlie army. lie hud un extraordiuatr re ptilatino for self possession and tavp jfroid in battle. lie was never <li?ct>nceited, and bad t lie happy faculty u( inspiring the courage of troops, ml so much l?y words in by biaj cool determination and even behavior. | A characteristic anecdote is told <f bis I . manner. on (be occasion of ?he i.ff.iir al ' Vi?-Oia, in the snmruer of 18(51, when' be c rmrsanded, and where occurred, the first of our brilliant exploits in ar ! tiilery in ibis war. The alaitiling news! was brought by a courier that an os?r-| whelming force vt lb# enemy was approaching. Cot. Gregg inquired the ! force of the enemy *, tho reply was " al j Icnst five ihoinuttni only five thousand, said the uoininnBder, "oi>ly five to ofle. i 8 that all f* The cwolness of the speech | said to have given a confidence to our i Hoops that tl.e rr.osl elaborate hnran gue* might not have inspired. AhRIVAL or Till I{ KM A INS OF O**. fiasco?It is our mournful duty to announce ^hat (lie tnoital remains of Gen. Mnxcy Gregg. tho bravest tf the brae*-, who waa wounded to death in the glorious victory on the higbts of Fretd?-ri< Ic-burg. fighting there for the liberties arid indtpei-dence of bie conn try, And who expired yesterday mom ii ir in lbs i.riul Liiliu/iil of lli? tlt-lil.. ?* ?'? hro ngM iqioaii l>v iKe lrain which *rti\>i| ;<t ninft' o'clock rmlcrday even ing.S^ Hia Cotirge today will continue itn I an journey to ilie oe}?itel of South j ( 'biina, to rtttive the (uncial honor* which Mr* their lawful <]tie. e b-nin that Ccn. Crrgp received hi*- *!< *.h ejiot through the rjiin* at the hard* ? l a Yankee, who wn? iminedi* auly indUd with ball* ; hut the liven of i.n hnt.d-ed Mich hirelings could not let M il (* value of the life he cut loet-e. The i.) tnl ci of wounded in nil leccived up l?r laat night vim about thirteen hoodie*!. t Fl'RTWKR r*RT1Ct'tA?? OF FaTCR Ffour ? From nn intelligent otli ?er wi.o mm wounded ?n hnturdayV fight. ?u have aunt* further pcnieulari oi thai. action. The portion cf out h-i?e actively e.t gnged i* laid cot t? have ixoil'kI tight io tea thoirani \ a ?h. wtsdr ;feii? c t die finny conld m? "-?? yi>?to thtm tbvu??>.d .-i ^ V ? ,- *** ^ f , ?'. ^ <f * - '; ' v w-. ' .#r* * . f?? %- .* v*'? i-u. jjT1-? ., JfJ.'ljj! fe it K -3?- ^.^jeuar TAf?" -W: 1 ; '-^r-^ I iie eSfinV ooftwpt-d low H*i. partly pood wo, e*4 WiM not io * ]H>su4on to nee fci? artillery with any effi-ct. rfom m?r Mmi ritwilar tine of battle rm the crow? of the MftiwntMHias kith ft dead* Itr Sm wim twiured into tlw fftftl.v't tank*. -There wim no Hand n? hand counter during I lie ?l*v, the tight bring conducted with artillery nnd dinwi munlfeirjr. We did not lo?e a tingle -piece of artlllerv a.>r any priaonere^Jiitt ? (Hw Mrngglere who may here ( lion i into the mwmy't hnnd*. I The behaviour of our troona l? ??M ?? ' k**? be*n adtpirtille. f?IJ of seal nod courage. ft i? uk! ibnt such an ea??r~ o?#i for fight via fiver l?efore manifested by soldier* of the Confederacy ; are anurtd that on tho day ef action not on* thousand straggler* could be counted in our whole army. Prisoner* taken bt u* elate thai Drigadier-Qenoral Jackson was certainly killed. 1 ho number of prisoner* taken bv Us is reported to ainouut to fifteen hun dred. Among the prisoner* taken by u* waa a Yankee Major, who represent* himself to be a statf ofticer of General Burnside. lie reported that the ?ea *bon the Yankee commander had not re newed the tight on Sunday, was a very serious discontent among his officers. i According to the statement of manv 1 of iho Yankee prisoner*, on Thursday 1 last liurrside reviewed hi* army, and j made a famous exhortation to ttmin.? ' lie saiil that they were about to fight a decisive battle, which he felt confi. dent would he the uncluMnn of thenar.' a* he intended to frmh the rrhellion on the bank* of the. Rappahannock. Incidents or Satuuday's Battlk. . We hear from our wounded occasional and graphic iucidciita of Saturday's 1 great battle. At severnLjvoin:* on ourj line the enemy made repeated charge*,! ] which in every instance were repulard. At one point, just outside of the town of Fredrick?l>nrg, our troops were sheU to red behind a stone wall. It is cnid that three ditiVren* site* pts wore made 1 .1 . ..... *",'a 'Itir l>oiut, with 1 by the enemy u ... - .1 out success. 'I he thiol time, n? tlu-u < column of assault was bt^>ken. our; troops rushed from their cover and pur ' sued the enemy, our men loading mi l j firing as they ran afer the mass of fu ; gilives until they had got to tho cover I of their halleries. | Tl?a Yankees are ssid to have ex J hihiicd mote than '.heir ordinary cow-j ardice ?>n the field, and to have fought! with but little display of zeal or en?i 1 ^ ijy. niinuteri prirdiifM wcroi captured in one lot, who excused I};v-i ; surrender by I lie circumstance thai all their officers had run mw*v. likmovai. of hik kk\I?|xh fv gkn i ^KIBO.? At .*) o'clock, yesterday after | niton, tbo body of the lamented Gen.f Gregg w*? leinoved from the P'ovost Marshal's office, corner of It road and i Ninth streets. where they I>i?< 1 Iain' thiongh M? ndav night, and confffned j and encased, conveyed to the Perers burg 4e pot and placed 011 board ihri train, en route for the late Lome of the deceased, in Columbia, S. C. The City 1'iuttalioh attended as an escort to the corpse, with their fine;1 band, and the sweii of the lune>al diige, 1 | as the cortege nuned towards the depot. 1 * called thousands of spectators to the ' sidewalks to tastily than i*sp?ct for thcj ' SJhIlent dead. I Wu tliii.k it would have I crn but a; ' simple act of justice to a jjail-s*t State 1 * and her dead son, that the Capitol ros I tunda should have 1 revived l.i? bloody 1 ^ ci>rpsc on the occasion of its reception |i hoi*, as it has lit* oilier uolablo dead 1 of IItia war. I11 the*? times it would not ba inap- j < propiiate to set apart the Capitol as the; 1 chamber in which the illustrious dead I who fall in glory should lie in '? *.? The fact would merer se Wie respect of 1 the people fur tlic *difice. that wouiti grow into v?n?raiioQ in afi?r genera i lions., TVc SO. D^pulclifi dated Vicksburg 80th, say that on Saturday the em uiv made i Hour d?>peiat?! attempts to h?rca ourj ine* on tha Chickasaw, a distance of; about ten miles front this city, hut were; icpulstd with heavy loss encit lint* ; our i loss was slight. 1"l?e. 1 7?I* Louisiana { greatly distinguished itself by r< pulsing,; unaided, the assault, of ikie* full regi- [ merits of Yankaea. On Sunday morning the enemy again i attempted on our linos, and were re* j ' pulai-d with heavy loan. All the tioopsj behaved gallantly, but special mention I is made of the 28th and Lotmi*j i ana regimeiit?j? the former maintaining its ground ull day against greatly superior fortes. Our loss on Sunday was, in the 17th j Louisiana, kilUd and two wounded;! i 8th Tennessee, 4 killed and 0 wounded, i Captain C. A. (Jettly was among tke| killed. The 77ili T(i)tic*se? bad tno! killed and (mo mortally wounded. (Jen. Lee'.- courier bad a l*g shut oil. j W otforrl's light arliiiery lost one sergeant killed. N<* paMioulafs of casualties in other regiment*. On Monday evening 8.000 of the enemy advanced on our tight wing in the vicinity of Chickasaw, and l?egnn to at01 m our wotk*, but were mowed] down in large numbers, and upwards of! four hut id red prisoners taken, with five , eland of colore. The enemy were dri-? van to their gunboats, and afterwards sent a flag of truce asking permission to bury their dead, under w litcb some pri sonere escaped. Figlnirg continued all day. with mo inipotiani result. The fighting of our troop* n a* splendid* The 28lit Louisianasignalized it self-for great gallunlry during the battle, i Our casualties in yesterday'# Tight was small, litis morning tiring was heard in the same direction, end it is supposed that the'enemy are again adi VAueirg to slot la our worl^ Our sol ?' dtcra are eager ID meet the enemy, and i are determined to conquer or die. Yankee prisoners state they are cotbL mat.<!?' ! bv (Jen. Morgan. fievere fighu i ing i going an now ; w ilt send pat tic ' -fcTH' 5 *5 * f 4? ^ i" \ %-V> ? ^ ' * 1 WSWWM |4?4thc V iclfcfefeig, KKf<r?itoorWi?<l T^xn* 1 itniiroad us fitr Mm iMlii, I *., M tliMance 1 of thirty-fiva miUa. Tha brnJgM ?? ? -* <h? 1 ?xmm mi>?1 .Huron ?m> alao ?< ! to * liava l>??n burnftd. Tha town of balbi i, in to totally daMroyad. v ,4-4.; w ?r"* ? ' jl? >VJ?L HlCHMOKD, t)fcC. ft* " f?HM nrwa fr?t? Lincoln uvi that n? km rut hie foot down firmly, and resolvtd te rotafn Seward and Chase despite the demand of the Sanatere on Saturday last. The Star aaya that 6e> j I ward ami L'Sa??s at the rtqaest bf lb* M President, withdrew theit resignation d And rewulfied dvrtea. q A gentleman arrived here to?night .from the North, atatee that the reaction M) in popular feeling as regard* the war, is almost incredible eince the defeat of jj Uurnside, and tha peace party ha* he* come most formidable. and men' no g longer fear to expree* their sentiments. Bets. lie say*. were freely offered that the result of the war would be fnvora or hie to the South. tie confirms the statement that Confederate bonds were selling is New V*rk for fifty cents on the dollar, with an upward tendency, ?nd were in demand. Woi'kuvn South Cakouxiaxs i* Kalkioii. ? We get from our North j Carolina exchanges the felloeing list of d?* wound* <1 S?.tt h Carwliniatb in the hot tlj pita! at Kalt-igh t 're 23.1?W J Andrews, Sergeant White, Albert (?nrv. A J ''handler, 1* Kn Miiixey, A C Ctiriiev. K Page, J M*nu Perndistusk, J YY uldittp, Cap I S A lhirhnm. 22-1 ? J O Williams. I.ipnt J M ITarri*! run, E En?tri?lge, ('apt O O Unison, F; . Iv MuClendon, T Mnlilv, J Biter. j 17 ? J F Pfclhain, y M Swttzy, W J ' Crowder. Ilohoinle Legion?W Mr A fee, J ~Y Harvey. YV P Barrett, K Carlton. ij 18 ? I) YV Smith. j*, HrerV Hn'taliou ? YV Crane. it* Baker's Battalion? .1 J Powell, tin Ail these me wounded slightly. ui: 1 t i pHofOSALS fo!? pF'CK.?On Wr>d?!|^( irs?my last, tlm ?,. v*'*|k? landisflinm, of Ohio* introduced into lit ;he Yaiikw House of Representative* a fM'liiti'i* which (IccUri'il "that this 1,01 House does earnestly desire thai most peedy and iml measures ho taken hr tne restoration of pence in America, ? ni'l thai no tin c may he lost in proimm^lia tc ctsoalion of hostilities n order to the speedy am! final settle- i Wi nent rf the unhappy c??ntrovei-v t which li!ought ?.!>(nil litis untiece-sarr : ' md ioj li. iis civil war, bv h?b quale j { eeuritv against iho retti-n of l;hc ca j l amities in time to come; and thial < ilou*e < lev ire's to ril"-ct the inoa! earnest ' ' KMUanca* to the country thai they V\' \ I n duo lime cln-cifuily co operate with ,i? lie Executive ai d S.ato* f ir (he ro?to j ion of iIim Union l?v explicit# arul s?.l -1 oi mn ainctnlmeitl* nud pro* i-inna of the i ,i,n .'institution for m curing tie ligh'a of: j lie several 5*tstl??? and sections within j t)u he Union uiuKtr the Constitution." cil , ^ | nnl Kvaci'atiow i?v lIi'Tcmxm^ la lj .ami.? On Kiid*y last a tecoiinoiteiiiigj | ?i rnrtv of fotutcen men. from the South t? Jmolina Rangers. of J?fo ?<!'* Hattalion |jj' >f Cavalry, * tatted Hutchinson Island. #.t1 ivneountcring no cnemv they *cnnr?cd I *-Tt lit islam! aad di-eovered that the Abo- I l.A itivninta lati !y thcie had disappeared j Jlogviher. I y^i '1 he fine crops. however, which were! i,el mown by our men to be growing on hu inland, had ail boon gathered and ? arned cff. Everything remained quiet along tLe roast.? Chmrltston Courier. ^ 1 - 1 - M ' Farm for Sale. \ HEAR GREEK VILLE VILLAGE, 8. C. I ?p TIIE un'Ur | KAK.VI, iurnlml about two unit ? linil mile i ,f rum the Town ol Oreer. #ill? c<Mit?ii.imr I lo thout ONE IK-MHtKJ) ASJ> FlFI'V | |or IVCRKS, fori) ?f which nr?* in WOoI'LANO. 1 w| md unbracing in its art a a forge trset ?fi n,j u i'I'TuM. On the place i.? * 1)tv FI.I.l N(i j |,c :!< >U4R <t<\, and i* well irtlrrrd, h.vihg mine two or thrte excellent, ni-vrr foiling | ritimtvii rouftiiUntly, besides n f,.( kVrll of good Mr Ml or. j t(j I ?(>ulil l>?* glad 'o show any arc wishing ; lo pnrrlmw, this place, or give any further : nj, port icular* concerning it. This is nn op- w| frortmiity tba liko of which is not mrl with p_ very often in the District. its continuity l? llis Town making it particularly snluable. Titles Mini fioweaion given '? onto Tlie trrins arc ad VMiitngeoiis ; for which apply to me, At Gr? etiville, S. C. JNO. C. li.Vll.EY, ^ Agent. Jon 1 ?5 tf NOTICE. |4 HPIIE FIRM OF letter <t soys ; die K I oil I v od l.y III* danlli of I'll ILI P C. I eo LK^TKR, th? Senior partner. All perrons I 'p who have d?mnnd? againr?, or are indebted ; to, said Finn, nre hereby lerpectfnlly noti* *rl tied to enil for the puri?o?e of having raid * iuiair a-ttl#d between the parlies concerned W. K. LK.HTKK. ) A. II. LETTER. \ Surviving Partners. _ G.W. LtaTER, ) jj THE I.minors heretofore carried on by j ^ the late Firm o' l.K-STKR k, SONS mil be ^ eontinmd at their Faetory, l?y tin* tnl?rrih- i ^ era. nrdvr the neme, firni and styia of LKH- ] M TKH A lillOTMkA. W. F. I.F.S'ffiU. a. ii. O. W. ito&TEit. , Jan 1 IA A* 8 ' 1 8TAf E CF SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE DIS'IRICT. Ja'ob I'oNora has applied T f to me for iMlera of Adminwtrntion on all nr.d sintfitlar tfie goods and elinttela, right* and credits of Jlra. ELIZABETH " JACKSON. late of the I>i?trirl nforeeaid, ? defeased, alioold lie granted to Idm: There nre therefor* to cite and admonish all and ringolar the kindred and creditor* of the i raid deceased to he?n<l appear lit. a Court of I Ordinary for Ge^envillo District,' tw he |y?lden at Greenville Court Moose an the ?i* Unilh dicy nf .Trihuorjf, ins/., to ehew cmue, .. if any. why the said Administration should ? aot be graeted. - *r' ( nonintT Mckay. o. a. *, w OAHntiy'e OAs*. January 1, U4J. Ja? 1 Jl * a t - .-X * ^ N .1 * * '- ?? - . I .-w~. .. .?... ? l a s i Po Thiw Whoa it Kay"OtaMrxL " f M"A VK in m? pw^Mi** * nm(H MaekL wilh'i VICE, Uk?n froui ? negrv boyr opposing that it had Uesn rfokn/ Any 7 wMVB ]? *? * K^f ?"? ?? ? gel it. by pio*-'' * tfcs property es<T pej%?g for ibt md. C frtiMBMl. * I J. B. 8UBEMAN. , AUCTION SAIB/ 5 li'? Cotirt Houm d?nr Hon Sa^adey la JaaGambityo\u\H Calf, tm One' Gray MARE?-a good draft# id saddle \?* J ^ One Leaiher-Tdp BUOOV did A A US ESS. in good order. A[ One donbl# net of Carriage IIAft Aj FAS, nearly aew Bi Si* hnabeis of LIVERPOOL SALT. D? TERM**?To suit purchasers ; cash, note villi lecuritjr., J.''" The properly can l?e bought at pri n* kte sale, bj applying to Ik ZAOOOK MARTIN. W J??1 - ?? I g; Furman Light Artillery 1 b" JON COMMISSIONED Officers and pri- Bl * otei nhgpat, win report without Ik lay, at Hardeeyille, 8. C. It U required Cr al tliofe over their furloughs, shall Co rtnit a ceititicste thai elicit absents 1* (Jo i.d.-red reeesaary hy ricknrw; where ,1^ fh e?rliHi-ate? are not froiu a Confederate rgeon, th??y will be ttrurn to before a Or ixirirnHt, or the delinquent will he treat- ?< in Mriet conformity to General Orders, fu ?. TJ, from l'r|artnirnt rieadqiutrl ere. <*B WM. E LA H I.E. Or Captain commanding. J>n J?n 1 * 36 U I >u 3TATF. OF 8DTJTH CAROITXA i>? UREKXVILJ.E I)T?!RICT. ll1" VllKREAS. IVhtma* )!< ?'aki* linn fi'ed j'r n petitiou in my office, nrny.ntr Chat ttere of A.hnitiiatralion on *11 ?od eireu the (foixl* Ali.l cha'tle*. ri;jht? nntl cred- , of JACKSON SUTHEHLAM>. U?? of "" Din.kt aforesaid, deecnued, should bt ?*'! inted to hint. J;'' i'li.'to are. therefor*. to cite and *dntr?ni?h ml ainglllur the kindled and creditor* jfVj the euid Ji'Cf M' <1, to bo and sp|mr in I ? Court of f Irdii.nrr f<ir rniil ItisMricf. to i J,'*1 k?i.!vu at Gttf'.virt' Poit-i lions* on the ll tiny ol January n?~\ * ?? ?, if J I*, why the ?ui?I AdrniliisU lion suwuiO ' ' I be granted. ? "* J" o ROBERT McKAY, 0. O. P. " r?B i S5 s *'? ro| JTATE OF POUTH CAROLINA, nrsTUK T. 0(ll IN OIIDINAHY. 'ir, imam M. Thomas. C. E. fJ. I).. Adntirie- "ui int.-r. Applicant, njratnul the heir* W"1 I.I'I r-prerriitat.??? of Rerkci-a St?*f:. '"I !reea?c?l?the 1*}??I heirs mi represent#. f*r' lve? of <}. W. SlIKrt'ARP, deceased? the f?nl re .1 heir* and representatives of I'm*- "" ;i11.\ IVt.uil. deerasrd, Defendants.?t'i '**1 a/ion for Fiiml Sttllrinrnl ami D'rrtr. '1 r| r :i|-|> arittg that lite of Fejrj?V Da- **r? via. .lee. ased? heiry of I'oily Slaten, " >; eR?. .1?h-igp ?f Funny Willi#...*, deoeas On ?l.eim of Amos French, dee? rt"l?leirt I II" Stephen Stone deceased?lirirt .if Jono- H" m Stone, due*a *e.l?A liran S. Slreppard, l'B low. ji'-d Jo?e|ihiti? .1. Sheppard. minor Hi. II of ft. W. Sl.eppnrd. ?lccea*?d, nn.l H" lejral licit* and rep.of l'i i?it Welch. deeeas?d, wbise mime* are Hit known, reside beyond 11?? limits ot* t!ii> 'In u?: | t is ordered and decreed, that lhe above "il rtice do appear at a Court of Ordinary, lie lioldeo at fJreenvilla Cotiit liouae, on " : t?enty-ervenlh day of March n?x', to lloi w rnaae, if any they can, why a final Hei ll'inent of the Estate* of KiillRtt'A JNE.O. \f. SHK1TAKD nod FIUSCIL Hat WELCH, d-eea;-ed, ?hould nat be made, 'vr I dcereee tprefjaliertmri. I J *11 iivni uu'ler my nfi?l At Gr*?vi tJor Ic Court liattac, this 23d day ol Decern- [ J"'1 r. A. I>. l?f.2. Jwr KoBUUT McKAY, O. O. T>. [i.. ?.] >?' r.t> I M tin ' J*1' Artj't and Inrp'or Gcd'8 Office, *' RiciiviiMD, V?., NiiTr|?UrS7, 1 ftA2. KS Hi A1. OUDhfiS AO. *<&??*( rod. , 1 a a a a a '"r T KNI>FR the provisinoaof the second ~~ a clause ??f l'*ner?|<k II of General i!fi* N?. 82, coromtMioticd officer* ami iVAtee whonre incapable of l-cntlng nrtna * consequence of w?uinl? i*c?iv?<l in bat * , liut who urr otherwise fit for sarvice, to > r?qiiii<i|, if not etherwisc assigned to or mrt to the ne.w eat commandant ol eontpts in their re-pscti??j Stales. who will, *lll they are fitted foraueh doty, assign them *\?V the collection of stragglera mid the encement of tlio provisions of this order, tli full power to rail upon the ne .reel . litary authority for such assistance us may ' licccsaarv thereto, a ' a a a a R'l In pursuance of the ahove "Extract" ' un General Ttrder* 1)6,.all therein eonecrnv ill fortliwitli report in pefaon at this mpof Instruction. No written eomntnL-ution will he received na a report. All I to re|M?rl will be subjected t->examination * the Examining Boar*!. Ky order. JOHN 3. TRESTOV. Pol. A. A. (Jen , t'onininndaiit. ' * J**. E. Bla< ^Adjutant of l'oat. Jnn 1 3.1 2 't pern in the ptihlish twice. 1MTl \ T(\ HVXT ~ iiv/lijlj IV Ill.ii.ll* wt.^ THK DrKALll HOUSE, situated on Ihf corner ef iirond I*iSwua8L "n<' ?*Knlb in Cam B5933wBet den, with all the Furniture luptvto. 'ibc House and I'rejiises wili I* uteil for one year, fri'tn let of January, i C.:\. None but responsible persons will bo ? sated nrilli. Application* must bo addressed tho vudcrsiglit-d. JOHN WHITAJkKR. President Camden II<>U>1 oBjipsi.y ' Pec 25 34 tf ' EG SOS FOR 8 ALE AND HIRE. a^ I OFFKIl for hiro. for the ensuing HuAyenr, a numbor ot valuable NEtiHOH. -4r Also a few for sale. ? 0. B. IRVINK. AJ*, Pen 25 34 2 TO HIRE. J | TWO N EG HO WOMK.V, good Cooks I Q\ Washors aod Doners, to be hired for I IaSo the ensuing year. <<i 3Q Apply to T. C. GOWER. ^ 25 34 2 * "SALT. " K rWILL exeliange SALT, that I know will rnre meat, fur Proriaione for the uee of ly family Inquire of my wife at my rem loncc, in Greenville. W n. CAMPDF.LL. James Island, Dee. 23d, 1862. Dee 2? $4 2 ( BAI/T! 8AI/TI! 1 A LIMITRD qnantily of SALT. TfTAT ? t\ WILL HAVE VEAT. will he furnish * 4 at SEVEN DOLL A Kg per Bushel. if l> aid in Gold or Silver. For farther i a form \ tii.a inquire of w. A. MODanikl. IVa II - 40 ft -? m xT% < ' ' F-'m*'-. ni2ft3S^^Syfe?r' ^ ' J& ' " r * '? \v #' 'i * ^ <an * *. > -*? .>* -"' ; "? , ? \ i".?w* ..? .- ? X ? &?* . HEADQUARTERS. ';?' ? " DKPAlti M&NT HKN'JUOU, 4 r RmtMOHD. Dm. M. 18?i.v, fcAaa 2MH AT. A BONHAU, * Oo**mor ?/ South Carol inm : "JW: I hove thi honor lo cttloaiw Hat of < 3 dwwif HtliHrn from ffeuth CMw'ufeo ho left effect#. Will your Kic?-Ilen?y do * tin f?n* to order tLalTtbii Ret bo pob bed to the State for the Information of loir friend f Very reepccKnlly, Yoor obedient servant, kf , JOHN A. WINDER, Brff. Q?o. XST Tho follow in* named mewhrra of i Uttb Cerviin* RetfiineaW Old Collif)*ni?a, ho died in ood near Rich moid, Vo., left ' ReeW dtlict lh*It|tal rrpreBenUtirao C*n . metrong; A 0 (KUterili; J-T) O t IhaoTj. If PV-*' ^ P r Ijj k 'Littleton, L W . ibh. John T U.FP ! Si&J J L - na J?1,n *'r; \T Ur?io ' * G joe, !) C Lam, W lUnatine, F W Lockhart, R SI anto* B F MeCnw, R * l,,i'V * ? MorrUna , irdett, Z J Monroe, Jainee rrcU. lirnl C V.Wj If VB Mclntjre, T 0 ld?oh, Y M.r.h, II g *L , !? Mnrria A I I'S.' tir Mann' J M ? rthan, W Moiit?oajCrv JR1 1 "vl ff' A McKo wn, J R ' a il'loclf ll if Morgan, W V fbum, JJI Keat, I) n C # vfmos R * mphell, W T Otli, J c H*? W C Orr, A " lion. M B Owe.#, Benj * " '* OJuiw, MP er. Nathan p..,,e, J ft ' y?l"> Prior, J A |??-n. "av.?| Proaeer, I! inkard, W A Parker 0 A in'A F 1 ^ PilKHin,m K N ^ Pic. O I' A ?, p?i>p?T.j;n "'"n II P*rr|sh, IkaviJ 1 yd. Hiullrj Price, W II in Au Pajre, Alfred " .J Hn, A M Puaket, (i w \ ""'IK P?.l?cn.J?|,t M ? Phillip*. Franklin r ?w. A P Roger*, W 1) reel, Ihomne A itobeil* J L T,rT: "j!"*11 j w Va J-L" I' Par, 1| (I *' llMll.jr, j tV p* ?. !?!? i u an, John Rltfcri, win wk. Jacob fU(M) j g "i . Kohliwoo. 0 VT M *' n Rucker, Addiaon 1 iv.a, Rennet t Mlf* r, A P weft. KM ahet ler, R "'< P Sullivan, N daon. Rol?t Smith, EM A d.?n C SIerem T W ?ert, I 1? Kmith, John M P. ? * ?. K..|.rrl " ?l?. J J >liaw, J.'hu inger, Franklin Sj.rar, J I law nr. John Smvur, VV J ITrrV w Sinufieion A R J| ? Sa?l!er, John A *"?. WS Tuton, J l| ? on, J C rate. TR I ? ? I'oini.kina, John vi u * T.'dd. IV C , V?; A Todd. T It til W A T*yl.,. , >|S tn dgKu,e. CC V ar-l.j w j h, rrcll. Aii'o* Wir.s H J Bdiinson, J W V\ hiiinore, W II .'u j .W i'kcn.n. W hind. J D Wire. W A i ? e. ? el.|,.Jt! M irttan, J F . | H illume, JT ?? ?:?, J II v> ilvtin, A nev, t G WLiuk-r. John ! rUrt.TM Waeh. II B D I-t. O B W.-?t it -ri?n. It It William-, Lt V B y. W J Wilhr, W W ima, John L Wil-oit, E J dan. J J W allaee, If B i?-a. M C Winkle, W J tea, Jamea U llton, Caleb ne?. ?? M Whltt. J W * c aaton, J M Young, W M * C 'dun. C Young, John B. ri lly, AO e i 1. 9ft 1 A ~3/~ All tha papera in tha Stat* puhliah u one Week. ouiusuT 'HOSE member- of Company " R." 2nd IteK't., S. C. V., (Botl-r Guard-,) ota fuilonghe have eapired. (are ordered report immediately to their Company, be treated as the law require# in auck : I, aa. The urgency of erdrre, a?d ?> ce?r of every man in the service of hi ntry to he at hie poet. require# tha pubty of thie. t* order of Cnp'aln PI'U.TaM, I WM. HOLLAND, 0. R. o kpprorrd. a Jao. I). KrMtanr, Col. commanding 2d a g't. l>-c. 3d, lt>62. ei >ee 13 38 3 n EXECUTOR'S SALE, J VJ ILL RE SOLD, Wort the Court llouae door of Greenville District, on the it Monday of January next. TWO hlKKiA" XiROS?a Negro Man, HARRY, and a gre Woman. HARRIET?-old an the propy of Rlpil ARD OOODI.ETT, tir.eaaed, by cctionj of lb* Uktator in hit la?t will and Inmont. Tr.ii***v Sai*.?A orodit of twelve 1 >h int?t?i fruiu dote. Koto* and approved uritjr. B. A. r.OODLBTT, Qualified ^3s*rut?r' Dec 1? l:t 1 y-eo. THF.F1RSTQUAR- y)V f Tia TF*1 of ,h' ZftBH; i. \ it i> scHOOL.ijfflWC (Male and Female,) will open on MONAY, 12?W of laiinarv. TUITION KEFS} be paid j,rmn>/tli/ at (httnd of rack quarter. JA.VHiSIi ANl)EUS??N, . ' Principal Mule Department, JULIA l'KL<?T, Principal Female DepatIntent. Pec 11 Sit 6 JPOR 8Al7l?r a vdit i /?atl?lat?iw ^ ,/* ??n vv,?i run i - i A?LK CUTTAOK. usual OutIImFjlI Ii'>i!'tinp.?, a verv * !#< I rarl WW&Toty of Fruit*, Fig*, Plums, ; hrrrio*, Ortpci, I'eachei. Apple* and Str?wtrrl**, ? good OARDKN on the ' * of the ground*, and a plcasnnt variety of rergroen*, Phruhhery and Flower*, and an vcrgreesn Hedgo on the front. The JM ctrain* near Two A ore*, silyatad mr F?n<ll?ton I trcet, and in *u excellent neighborhood. Apply to Kotr. 8. P. OA IT,LARI?, or T. C. OOWBR, Esq. Nor It M U "^notice. T WILL a*M to the highest hl.lder, 3\ nt Greenville Court lions*, on sales 'AlSilftv in January n-nrt, n NhGKO WOWOMAN named CARt LlWR Paid Nr.iwill h? sold at ill* risk of William P | Vie*, fenm whom w? purchamd her with a rarranty of aoutwjoeo. * O.M. rBAVI IS it S l.hVt Itf. II . a. .. td ~ : i I ? ?P?i ? , mtou* > J?^3p| *;>*. - J Sale of Real Estate. Tfce Slate < ?oqtb Carollut V?v ^ ORREJTVltL* DISTRICT.5 v yj Court Hondo door of Mid District, t.n tho J'lrtt Xtontiag of January ntjrl, AM that pVooo, panel and Tract of Land, a udted in'GretuivLMe District, on wat*,* Muih Crook, bonneted by bind* of C. P. Di A.A. Korea, J. L. Westmoreland and otliei ton containing, Sinrtg-Six unit m quart Arm, by PUt doatfuated a* Nu?. J, in Um au my Ttmdo brthe ContmUaioaere.' Tlit tUi Land la acid M Uio property of JABON M PKE, dtcdatud, for Partition *moagst tl fairs. TKKMS OF SALE.?A credit of twels notilh*, with I n tor oat frt>?? day of sale, f? iH. except oo moot) aa will pay the poet alilcl. will bo icqtiired In caah. Purchase o gitre bond* till-good ar rarity, and nontgage of pi-cmUc*. if deemed tflfceesar< o the Ordinary, U ????? the payment 1 he purcltaa money. Purchaser* to pay U itKa. W J. T. M^DAMliU MseriJT U- P. Per II S3 - ^ 3 STATE OE SOUTH CAR3Llisj? on nisTatuT. ly R, Jf fCuy, Asy., Ordinary of ?nW Dirtrir rtTUkKEXa, W. M. lnonAB, Esq., Con IT mlaeloner in Mqtiity for Mroonrill liatriet, l.naapt died to ina tor Letters of Ad liniatratiou on ali ned ainuulnr the goods w hsittrla* right* and hrcdits of JACKAL UTHKRT.ANK. MOSK8 MliUGKB an )AV1S PLUM 1.ET. tale of tho District afora aid, deceased, should ba granted to hlrrf 'boae are. therefore, to cite and aduivuiidi al ad singular the Kindred and ci-cditar. of tb aid deceased, to ho and appear at a Coirrt ? irdinary for Groeneille District, U? he held 01 (onduy, the second day ofVehruary next, a IreniTilleConrt House, to sahew cause, if ant 'he tho said Administration should net b r.mted. KODBKT Mr'KAY, 0. ?. D. Ordinary's Officii, Dee. 23, ISM, Doc 24 34 ' I STATE OF SOUTH CAEOLrNAT UKKENVILLK DISTIUOT. IN ORDINARY. Innly Plight, Admiu ietrnWir, Applicant against KmlTy Mnso.i nml othrie, lie fondant*?Citation for Html &cttt**nrut. [T appearing that John Mason, I'crrj L Mssoti. mid Guilford Muaon, reside t>c ond the limits of this State : It i? ot dcreil >at lliey <1? appear nt a Cdtll't of Ordinnn > he hoidrn nt Greenville (lotirt House, m ihlar, the fi'b day of Mnich next. In shew inae. if nnv thev can. who n I'inal K-?tl.? ienl of tlio Estate of KI('HAill) MASON, 'Ctttfil, should Dot be had, and u l>evre? it on lliereon. ? This 4tr? ?lav of Peeemhrr, A. T>. 1802. KCm'.KKT WcKAV, Ordiirary. Doe II 82 *. ^ Sin STATE CP 80UIII CAROLINA, (i 1; BEN V1 LLC I >1 ST I; t? A\ H ORDINARY. Idridpe Orocn and Km in <?ns.-n, Exeeufot.' of tlie Will of CKORUE Hit KEN, deceased, Applicants ngitiniit the I.ocatec* of said Ketale.? Cihtliu.t Jur t iual JUvitttMnui- -eiart JJ. rrre. ' T appearing that the legal heirs of Fells L Ulaen. deceased?T. 1*. lliuhun utid I.ululu bia Wil'u?Melon Hudson and A. tl. ml son her Hust'nnd?ami Harrison (irern, :ndc beyond the limits of this State: It i.? rdertd and D>jrced, That they do npjieur nl Court of Ordinary, to he hidden at Groom lie Cnur' House, on t'lifPA I", sh* thirtctntk o/' trhrumy nrj t, to tijtiv euuse, if any ley ran, why u Final St 11 lenient of the list. of George tin en, deceased, should not hud. and a Decree given thereon. 'itoess lay intioi iinti seal, at .Oreenville C, II., the 12th .'av of N'oreiuher, l:<62. lvOtiVUT >.? IvA\, O. G. D. Xcv 13 2d 8 tu (if Soujh Carolina, OREKNVIM.K DISTRICT, X COURT OF ORDINARY AVffl JIOKK,' Executor of the Will el A I; It A 11A ,\l COX, deeeaied, Applicant against the llairs of Uvnjauiin Nelson, Jutmi A ah mora, a lid Wife, Joiintliun Klchnrdjtr and Wife, Mrs. Willis, Jaoiet Cox and Isaut Cox, Defendants. TT appearing that the TIcirs of Bcnjiimir L Nelson reside l>ryor>d the limits of thit lltat It is Ordered, that they il??appear at a ourt of Ordinary, to boiden at tiracnvilli ourt House, on /Wrfny, lie aijrfA tfoy o/' /VI nary utrl, I $63, to shew cause, if any they an, why a final settlement of tha Estate o DKAHAM COX, <leeea*ed, should not hi lade, and a Decree given thereon. This third dnv of November. A. D., 1S62ROHIIKT MvKAV, O. U. D. Nov. 6 27 *'i 8m CTITT7 ft? COTTTTX OABATTVI UKKENVILI.K DISTICT.' IN ORDINARY. W MayfleM, Administrator, Ai>|?1 i?*??tf Kf;.iiiisl Jnlia N. )Im firlj and ?d tiers, JsefViidautr?Citation for final Settle mint. T appearing that John N. Mayfeld art] \K M. M? y field reside beyond the llndti f this Si?tf : It it orilcrrn thul th-y d< ppen at * Court ef Ordinary to If holdet t Ore?nville Court House .on Piblny. thi irtli daj of March next, to shew emi?e. 1 ny they eun, why i? Final Settlement ol he Estate of AHKAHAM MaYKIKIJI eceneed. should nut be had, and a Lh:cre< iver hereon. I'bte 4tb day o( December, A. p. 18fl2. UOllEKT McKaY, Ordinary. Pic 11 3) Sru 6TATE 0F EOUTH'CAROLISA. orkEnvji.l* ntsruurr. . IN ORDINARY. ST. M. THOMAS, C. K. ??. D., Administrate A I'V'b *"t, against the lietrr-at-hnwof Ji.h W. Jones, 'IrrMKili Defendants.? Uitatin for Final Si ll/en>rnt on ft lire ret. IT appearing that Mrs. Amelia Jones, Wbl ow, and Ihe two minor children of d< e> teed, reside beyond the limits of this State It. s Ordered and Decreed, That they do ?| pear at a Court of Ordinary, to bo hidden (trecnrilie Court licuso for Greenville Distric on the Slrtk ft ay of February uejel, to she cause, it' nny they can, why a final settlcuiei of the Porsounl Estate of "fOII.Y W. JONEl deceased, should uot be made, and a Deeri given thereon. I Witness roy hand and Peal, at Greenville < ft., this ftth day ?>f Novetnl?er. A. It., ISC2. ROBERT McKAY, 0. G. I> vr? a o? i?w? am STATE OF SOUTH CAEOIINi UllEKN VILLK DIS'I UlGl'. e IN I^ilTITY. Jnmrs M: KnnHotl el eis. vs. lionjnitiln ] n.imT?ll rt ?*. IT is OnlirtMl, Tbst the creditor# of IIA1 MKT M. RAND AH., deceased, do I lliilr < tains ?itli me wilMh three uioni front date. WM. M. THOMAS, C. K. 0. D. November II, 1*42. 28 Sin HAN1WWM TED." \\T U are en want of some Kittven or Tw? Y Y ty ABLK UOblKb S|KN |o work our Works KIhvsb Mitts oust of Wilmit Ion, N. 0., for which we wilt psy surb^ai ? wiU insure the making of Worn Twsl?W Kit toe n I>??Uor? per week. Apply to C. 11AI1K or Q. ilF.LDMANlf Oet M >5, , ' 1^- tj 7" F1CKKDVF. |W>3PH JTABOn r tens week! npo.neAt j PmtMQwP Jloeto, a 'Feetio* Beak, # (tyns t/W taming ft swell eleouut of Meg Ills supposed to belong ?o * #<?Wfor tho Hcfrimonl ef IUoorves. The swMrtsu lit the seueeky Ideoiif J lug end paying i W. A. lAiUA.VlHl Dead' ? * t * * Wv ''* ' jktlm. Anj lave ot the WIM}* ' known ?.; ^-... ^ ^@EffiV,)%.jj5tt . *j./ -vj* Cottoa K|nafa?-t^y, ci j f THE H00I, CARi s a ^tsas-sstra ^ r dere for AKI>IN<lVOOL will U1 AfUiu"W rd 'to exp*dUio?dy. *?d npo" iwjt""" <m at Mi>y other ei?Ul>li*h?n? nl in the cwuntry* i - ^.^'^'.'.X'..? w inUAK, ~fvI WILL!A* PERKY. >f5 ] P? 2T M - %t .; : JAMES M. AUEN| 2 - -? i' 'K<&LK' DEALER, , ? it i:k.h V 5!. 1,1^ S. c. D- All Order* fur M AtM.* Worn prompt-, ly attended to. 40-tf rVb V . IIEMIV GAKTT, haimm:^ DESIRE"* rorv n^pyetfwHt trf inform tlr? public llirtt ho now croupR-aO. ?l .>j i 1 formerly bv Burridc*. and r pr?? r | pared to d?>, nil work ii? bit . i lino. Ilr hope* to pot n ahnrtrof pittronatre. ; o|>? n both dny ntnl ? v?-i?irvjf^ ? . , So* ! July II in " tl Wool (ludn ! "\V?cl intHuti MV \\'<>%)1. I'AldW, ore at la?4 in p<ru? lion, ai d mo now ilni.y tut ti1iv|C out houLS. I will ntlnlid with | roi?lptlit-?a ntnl ili nj-nloli to nil ntdeir. My price*, are tli? nam* An Jitrrliifnte, which nre onc-'oorlfi per pound loll, or -on cent* per poi.tid en-Jt, S. K. a KM Moll I, AM'. . 1 July SI if AOvr< K. . Till' CnparJtiieralilp in the practice of I Mcdu-in**, here lof/ire ?>xi?i iup hoi ?>r|; ' in. A. It. CROOK ?<t A. 1>. IK.'Kl', U dia nuived hv the death of tin? foriii?T- Not-*1 i, ami Aowunli1 due the Firm, arc in lit*' huiidc ol lhu ar.rvit inir i-?ir< utT. ? A. I>. UOlvE, M. T\ I DP. A.D. IIOKK wilJ qgftlinoe the pr*cl l|p<' Ml. Ihf eame llH'lW luimvilj iiMMifi. U I v I the Kirmj whet* lie limy fw found ni nil h??rtrr, night nod ilny, tinier# prnb .mnnnlly Ili fi during hi? iih'eum il l.i? OfTee, the |ioll?<> ?>f ,M,e. tYook T', Uui. 1). llwiv, will RctivcWiiiiijii uti?n:lviv| A. 1). 1I0KE, M 1*. ' July 17 41 Mf SI IA VING ' HAIR TRIMMING, CftbSING, DYING, ' ASH RAZon i-ettino and shampoOi? 1 ? vii & - \; Second Door above Mr. McPherapn' WILSON* COOK. , May * 20 I Xxekangct Kotice, No. 3. >>' 1. All ('un^ilrrtU nffleer# end m-u *rh# ' hav.i been captured and paroled in Virginia ' | er Maryland. at nay time from the begin' r.inir vf l?? the l?t < N'u|omb?r, l"f A hate bet o ?liily ..vJtvbnn^erf, and aro hereby nti declared. , ' ?. AJI CnnMimlf "ffteer# and men who hnvo been delivered at AikenV Laiuiirc^aa * Jninee river nt any lime previaua lo l|.? ) lib t.f Nov.a^ber, 18?>2, bare bean duly <rm-j ; chanyed, and are hereby w drdntnl, 8. All Confederate t.fVnrr? end nirn , who. have beau delivered nt V?cW?bt>rg, Mia?ia iiipi, pieviotv* 1o tlie lat ct JieVeniber, ' 1882. and including ?abl date, have been . duly exchanged, and' are hereby en da1 ciai'id. r.oLi.rtit<)ii.i>. Ag?nt of Kudutnge. * N?v 27 80 ? wr >bwth*rn paper# c?py au-.l send \ counta to War I)et?ni tineat in Hiehmond. ' i l>J.e i J e-i.- j j. >v?r r ffll~a~&<s a (in icE MM'T O A C. IT. K. I'O . I "*, Cum mbi*, I>eceii?l>er ft. ISfJL ( ON* and itftfr the luiii iiiMant, Ilia Van-. Tiain will I; a** ftrr?4??ille,j x I rt ftVlo<-k, A. M . mul AuO?*.?..n At b ti, ? r A. M.t nod *iH Mnp'for rMnwrit^era obty at " tr<ynlai-alntiortii. * Kxtra Freight l.y Pprrcnger Train will not l>* received rnli-aa d?li\?r?d 1ft KiiuUtw* l? Iravir.i; iiiu?*. : K. F. UAWORTH, Oeti.1 Snpcrinfirt. r ' Ttrft u 82 4 !. MOSKY .WANTED. w "T AM now in I'uv Military service, but Mr. it X A, R. McDAVllt will ha liMiid in my it, hiore Rooo?. whrro I hope ell )>rr*?ni u*ni; . o ui?, or RORKllTft A MA L 1.1)1 N call and pay np, lulwilliftni.diiip ito atny law in our P. Htatr. PftrtU* I m fXjKvi m? to pay.? Plana* r-all and let me hare Money. U ia wantad badly. TIIOS.D. ROBERT.*. j - I?^c 4 :il A Cooii SkiM Wnnfrrt. T WILL pay tiie bighrat market price for , o I I ft,OHO COON MKINti, to uiautiOtrlrr* into R" I ft.If (lata. c. P. REMSKX. > o. i oii'im-Uk, o. norfmimr iu, l?oz. . :i K Nor IS W ft j k* Th# W*"'11? p??*r? will pl*?o ropy for rixty <i?V?. m??l acini their Ml for oolir?-- I Moil : tfutBlrr Watchman i MotuiUiiicrr, Otiii. j V vff>?) Koanlrcr, Ynrkeilloi S|*ort*u~ i _ \V(Plnnui), S.iUhury, N. C. ,B. ' " 'NO'lici^ ~'"1 rf"*IIK SotM ami AcH'Wii of ffco foMirr J 1 tirm of U?VKI.ANI? Jfc OH**!*! Kit ' ;tt hurl born p!#e?il lit ?ij' J>iiivi)? for collrt-ii? Moo. iNwini bylhg riihwrwHIi ?r* roit^j <l?ii of tbo i .prWiy of Milling ; 4 ilia ?? III nn cwiiy Jar. L - J. a bailey. , Nor 27 80 It 'hr To iT/ii. sTocicr It'. Wj 'W* ' * ^ Ar?M?y ? Ai?- j 1! iimy imm0. W*r? n t%ti*re?> of j?l'f ?i K lTl. ill Ifi*- (M-tra?tn? il>^.f'"tiin,l,io Koilioort,