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r^Cbvfll^K t Wuif^^'tM^A^NMlwiHBPlNR^i .istiEH^1 n*^Wl or ?niiTir?U(|^^wll| nuppowt U>< ^(j^n* np th# ^iniwIoiiAt'. *^" J^Oorortiir m*ln?t ?\r Kxo<-uH\r? ? .ni?u;l ^^^HVrari'i)n * l i Iu"r.t? nr"'"'1 l'",t,-> Oont'-ntim a row in on danfJ?**hjf^ ttj?v > 5 aSfF^"' ?iVrtlol>nd V'1??*,*?t *n,l',1,T*,,r*3kK ' pEfcteneo ae ? p*?>pic f KUouU wo 'iKit bounllod *1 I 4"' *" n?i, nctiint?.l by on* mind, ftti* U*?rt , F< Sitf one eeul^iu tiio defend W our country, ou B.v.jlgalii, onr homti ?nd.nur famUi** ? I-*t v? i^K, ferret the paetauil th'uk oi thefttf Jtlero, Mr. Spoiler, 1 would wartft^^MNflH RWfa? Wy ronnt^~fi*i *o# de^ire*^^ p^pMli^po fro a the dWeieftaoi JS30f ?c?' of tb? Northern Stele*.- '1 lief aoyur ti? ,*?<! t. tb? Smtth, The. Den .er,,f.e ,, iarirl^i the real I'utfh party ofthe America? Stuff's 0Rj?hd> are not weeing tbie war tor the cuiatioi wjtion .of our ?la*H, .tut fo? ?h* rc?t*f<H* ft f' &tigt Fe.l. r.l f itivn. Th?y will be reedy to r.iv UWJr guarantee* demondtd .for the recrjrii? o HKVory. When rrMoryotu power, attWyAaoi ^?-aXHII f*\ in lb* Inderal rtordrninonf, tlmy wil ??r?h on tli* S,.mb. Ill* Mahomet of old ilk tba (word io uli's band and l!. f - the oilier, with theMl w > of CHiato a .jXAvn on iholr lipaT" -TJlo Rrpnhlkun p?rtj JJMifo the Abolition party of tba North. Thrii object u the Abolition ot ?;.ivcry. Titer Ij #rty.litUo about the reMltyla* o' tbf f'aloh F fa aauch eaeWrto mofr ??oh a pap^y *?< 1)1,1 ?Mp thcui than |f> mr*Cer.d {treirtirfte tb< > Pociooraiio power of taaAi't^i. ]locr.??c <b. f?riectjjl*? of lb* Ke^uhlwkn |?a|ty mart pnU< ?b#^?bouo and U lint gl*?n tbotii theiroirtotfi r^l u? VewUTe U rf-ie* not ?i?rtlien uccrai ia ?)jjw ef the Southern Stattr. Wi l?s?rkfK.;.bi ,4n*n ??d Tennranee Ui unite their dc tUi v wit! Tbeee Ktatae ??H farced ant of the Utofet ty.IXnmjIa'* vrociaaaaUoa *a4 the raptuiladni y fo^iMortd en'e coiaprom i*? ?u?e?ur?n by tb< t&lf Mr. Mpeafcec, J bar* di(;r*??ed toe -?f.arfiRit*aUo? ef the Raecvtlrff Ceuucil. *?Tf dW Bfer ten touch from the tie we expraai*4 fc: jE*oe u"7 fr[tnni ,n teietiou to tine Tbo Conmntion. yblch attraahlad tWatd&to IW M *" compoeotf of ifca irieeet etsd bee BP m*H In tbo fitato. * Xonr Jutrer. ?eh?h*r* o CJba^mes. K* 'I'.rernoie, Senntore, er.d rttiro ;fe n?T^? minU UtimLnb'TN, Th^j^kl ' -'TOTfti"j'j>jir"^H^y hf+ >M ^wnrn, tn |t I'hti ' '^SfK -mBp- y / f* HaMvlRn&^ ' M^mBK^> " 1 Vr !?Pr jDi.t (A ofkaA h%K*or fll^fttMU^'*ru> l)r^tJ?f f '9Aw6r ^*** tiawilKn ^^trHBffiiHMa MWHn, oxoepl on oxlfi tr^y^l^try^pa 1 tj$t ?*?*XMj?eeta hf tbo. Constitution bug^linage I^^^^HHUJ&wiat iuvoktw# the ?tjfti-nr? < *toH^^HWn3'2t U pr??rid?0, lb mOKt Sui 'ihetdt*?J mejr he smcoded* ?> ' i ?1-r^B^? adapted by two suc^jsrlve Logtab ' f^exfWnier?! u r touoT?o the pert of tbtfpeOi'l WtCejrit t Convention, wben it fa known, en H blu ber-nee rtjregiiljod for mora then e canfv *x W an lhi? onntie???k4bj|lt * Oonventton him *T?Ke? et.rv|eie > tMgC^Mtitntion, cluing ^ *hy>j>-ifae fw^i? Of UH?<-rtinnrit, ami kut*Jbr th k ; e despotic <w rnoum i jJHiy e^ hucljf ft fc^y, whoa coororjad, I EsUSSkaiovd or cmitvuUeit T By it* v?cy te/? Ffclrt story, usejgb end nStectAr, if rotjlUftita th AStu'?> ltemonvcuinjrlu titorSSi^fn nihil r > ^Coutoniitrn ku CCfl eln *?vci < i5l K /gffiord w?0\aitribai^. which'ffcaritnto it G ?fljgTiritljta flc'd irlfhffr Strli >1 eriluiil not 1 f eCerfreeti^thJjlnir then, in it possible tore r; e Coiivupticer rpMbrttt ith rtprvivnttof( #wvo B represent sorertiK 3*ft*rr .wdtfMTjU, longer be a Oonrentln *L >SepgwKgl8MalpMBWl T*tf?a .vo?>t>1o- To eel I 2 * ifey** 11 ehould not' cxoi ?i?e aorerylitA pohtr would he misnainor i f elmu rdUyi^Yxm had e* well thluk of cell in 1, put of theKShtorn jangle* e lion, eed Oey Uu lie #h*iaM come without hi* strength, powt ' tin! bk^mB Yog had eegweH try to ?ho< I e?cen#tj?^rtl*?w* that it ehonld nmke t lid, iniii" niJ Uiifohto.?errze?'ut|on. II ye ? three opinions m to tt Li ""Jeeiy end ^tK" '7 of a (ionmi 3 4td)^>7 fho history of ell the Omvcntiui MWW|JtoSTiwre hwereiiw'mti^ecl In republican ?om , L Wo it' b*<tl? in Amcric* hud elsewhere, v T) y-t (l????mliontu atrangtho| two Qia nrucK-o <>? VOjut ftf^jjr' oaoronWijf n.n.i (immtflBM it w? : !'tb??gti*>}eb to lu'nU -U now Goeo>ouie?t rr f j tifoty, and chango th??dd otic entirely. Thi , dob*. .Tli* Fedornl Coiii'titution v.i jlitjjtvid on, nndMhen submitted to tl 1 people of tlit SOVrrtil States I'.pti..:)..' HHHEjMflju.lkB Mi* VinlrM in alt Convention SljB^^BpSstl llfty Stale Convent jn? Imvo ni tcvcral Stnto* composing tL _ | olil I : i ttJji < vi i v oiio ,,l llu-in sol ' ' J[s U!, UK Rpcnkcr, to convene th . J J^tjglMaittro and any Mint they shall not h-jrii yi-wKaXupcyV' otfs puftlou'ar subject, mid prttvei j:l tbv two Houses troni passing such liills r I Utsyjplwssc t Suppose the l.ogislittur* ;oi rvtyl'ipiby 11U Excellency the Governor f< cU'WHSl uatraordinnrv purpose. lines they n. fj.nU legislative power when nt souioled T ] fcMMf TOffia*)nt1on restricted hy the cull of tl SEtfSMtit'rt-.? Surely nut. When nss' inhlod, l J *d" lagtsTalurs fur ona purpose, ore they not Ue/KrHituro fvf itll-purpoaci within the teltt of tho-C? ustitutiuo 1 This has h*?U the proi , U?Vtif. the South Carplinn Legislature, and i . .ftH'thjr LsgielAturre In the old'United State i, eohteued liy Ijit rots (bf Frceidct | ralWTlo* Frcaideud ?f the United States.' SOlt 'dpltirR WbShwh they proceeded to pai i "biTts and enact Iowa, all of which wae u< I have now abowq, air. that the Cmrentio J whish assembled two year? ago had the ord _j nary pewst# Of a Convention ,r a*cr<??jfn | r??. They had the power of malting or alt* ^ UKiljJ^llo State C'ouatiltf tloa, a* they pbatid. " ilW jiitd iotB Wo|iy they could hare rcmet t eli'd ottr whole form of State Government. 1 'rttct the- did, at #r?t, make South Curelinaa f nMepsfidect nationality. They than adopt* . the Con fed rate Constitution, reformed tl j State Constitution a second timo. .Ml of tb # was legitini:t to. aud >io complaint hasbeeninav i to It. Jf the Convention had eoc mopdc, thev mig ht have alto rod the Conetiti Hoi? to qstobnvo had but one House tnatca I! ?Kn Scnuto and < House of Repr^sontatires.Thay could itaVff^Hflored our tenure, and r _ quired the mopilsirref both House* to he alee * ! for one yetfr or s.x yeurt. They had tl a tam<r-pu#sr td declare hy iiiaendment ul tl 4 Conatitutlori, that we should clucl two Gore T ' !i<Vs#-. Tap 4t \w laid, than, with eny show g 1 r??S<WtalOU I bo Convention had ao power Iivo wbiw vi * mm kav> ui.m; nnu vir;i v i 1*1*1*..rv C'.niii il 7 llax ir ied brpnrimant the hat it ?bonhl lio fllled flv? p*r*oi on*. Thlf they Had Ilia undouht* go. \h? ^propriety and wb'do it la;uait? ana titer matt^r.tb?**l?f*, that (Le C >( ?< r.ii< Mfer of cr.-aunif l.y nit Or.iln.t: tfh? CrmoeJl. I do not think Hi >n of the ?ember* of this Council d bal?Djf to the Convention; TH? :#V? been elected hy th? I.o^islato" J>* >p4o of K.'iitli Cur.itirio. 1ho<> *?!f and fclio (i.imc authority ttmt ni rtrthm t?rthe Stnlo Count itutlnu h:i ?W t)f? other originated with ftC? r|>rw<5l1tifio the sovereign nuthorit t*. Tb*y Maud, tberr(V>ro, M cqu M tt.o government &f tl ra'jw<i Fjft-rtilive Drpnrtraeut. .'slwaltrr, I deny that tiro Cowvpi p^MdtOtirr leglxlntivu power Tlic lIraiAt C(inXittitjnnii and not pa ? WaroHhty powqr to appropri* ft* ?v?ren i* ol.vioiu whv th? NJ pdSjtAcU or make appAiprlatini rf/i'fctsf bub wot aworn n* tejririntfr SVy ftlWlry an tie IHm of tbu uart (if arlit, rrafioa! AW iu, >eU, oh ^^.y ""?ConvMnl^H V | *** *'c"!? ^^'of % ^ I'M - nMDt\Ch?rht*tont two frawwitftrt) twe fnetr r CeptdOti, erne ieota Fa'r held, Or - Mgobtrt'. Not .owe from the whole Wetteri ? pert of the 8Ute,'or upper oouatrx! And yf I we hod at tfaet time fled Jodgoe firing le Si. a nested, portion of -ti.irth Caroline. OA Ox . Speaker of the Untted SUN l|o?M of Itpie r eftotfttlvce, end men* ether gentlemen of (reel f preioiucnc# nod dleunetius - * m 1 uui disposed to hold the eeotee of jodtiee I. Mr. Spanker, with a sternly hand.:ai><hccn?ur< s where censure i* right, end ^Indicate Hi hjWfti a rep tion when they aave not meted wrong lit HiJ o opinion. Wo wlU now admit. for srgumcn d take, what ha* been to strong'* urged by m; if friohd* oe the rigbt, that Che CoiieeeUme #? ? called for o parttodlkr purpose, end legale y IIoIImI to ihtt Ojtrpow. I have Hbowq, Tthink h- the! a Convention, when corven-d, represent! the iwTomJgn power of the tJtste. Hot w< d concede tlu contrary for argument sake, one e admit thet the Legislature, an interior' bddy d the creature of a (ion volition under the Const! >- tuiion, hit* the p<>w?r to limit and restrict th< y power* of a Convention when they call It i*t o oxisfene*? . * Ja" " o Kow let ws examine the Act of tlio liegtsla - tnrr convening the Convention.* What-gas I called for? To lake or adopt nil tiaabssar} >e nlennnre* for the security of the Slate In he ?, Reputation from the tfnitod Stntes. The Con o vent'on thought tho establishment of an Kx is Oculit^i t'ouooil one of thexc inctsMiry men tf ?urce t Win net tbla. thon, n ch ar qncatioo < ir power to thin limited Convention T I thiuk so O and 1 llo not ?ce how awv one can think oth it orwixe. Then an ft limited Convention, whirl ?t 1* n most aHomulOUS body, in my opinion, lh?j II did not tranecend tlvoir^powara as.a Convsn r- tion.' n lint, Mi*. Speaker, my greet can** of com u plaint ngainet I(imvxiilioii is not ill* lk?y transcended their power*, but Ihfti f- they erred in the legitimate ^exercise o >r their power, by establishing an Kxeeiilirt K Council. clot lied w'th despotic and urbitrn ll ry |>Ovrcrs| They gnvu to this Council tlx power of arreting. tending to pjle??n, am tt there detaining, wnliimt cause, any Htltei whom, li:?t"W awspeef of dHToy >( ally! 1 bey gav* this Council the powci lo take nnymnn'a proper! v from hbn in tin ie Sluto?-not ft pnrt.ihut lite whole 1 Thej i. qnre the Von if 251 |Aiw?-r to nail out even i? man in the Stale, ami place hinwin the nr ?- my. r.o mnMer what hla ags of condltiei ' ntight be,- Tills power, too. was to hnexcr n eixrd and enforced.'allhough contrary ti *" all tho ntiHtia ?lawa which ever lieci * pnau-d b\ th? l,egUlutnrel Now, air, 1 lf inuat confess that wlinvI read (hi* Ordi nance giving to an 1'ixrpnl.ive Councilsuel 10 ai-hiirnry. tyrannical and de?|totic powers _ and saw that I he Convention lutd adjourns* s. In nvxt in 1HC3, 1 trefob/rtf for tir liter (ir i- nf i,iv country / Hut, si", I laid noihing. ie ili'l ml wish to ?tir np font ion or d'eeiint on with tlie people. I liiow ilmt 'It*uixmhsr nf lli" Co*'iicil warn aV honorable nun " jiHtiidic men acd devoted to a-hat thci thought the best Interests #f llie ermntrv. ' hoped tlicy woiifd ant exercise suvh Urri I It- poweis, and ilu y did not. * >r The Convention saw proper, to eanse H qiieiice of piil-lie ex'-it eracnt and alarm a f? in llio exercise of these'powers, to re-ai atwibU itiid declare titbit- existence at ai i* eijd on lhA seventeenth day of December a Tlfcv Jlt'ewise gave llie .legislature ir t<> abolish the Council and icpsai the Ordi f- nance* of the Canvciition f When I wa "f inlormed of llil* fact. I felt Ilk# the hi t? - rl in eaya Ilia people of KneUnd did on ihi l* death of Henry the Kiglilh, that 1 eouh *' l.teulh* more freely." , . \ ~ In a|>eaking of the Aet ?f tha T.#gla'st\ir >t calling a Coavantion 1 did aet allude in th exprasaias that the Conrentian war* U a* ,!,>( i V. Ui.o - - J ? i II ?mn*n?pi , pi j. mum I differ wW*l? fro* the At tare*y (0 General In suppoeing. at he Jleee. thai tfcl r- language conferred dictatorial po were, 1 If did on the fonun Conned*. la my opia I- ion the power* of the Convention conferral a by Ute Legia'eture, if they could hectare* e in withheld hy that body, mav l*c found In tti ' language that the Convention was to "tab ' into eonsidrration m.asure* to pro*id I* against lf>e da nget* w of depart ia? fr on th * old Union. Th# aiker *ipr*e-lon mean a< iiothiag in particular. U was like my I.or> ,4 Coke'* "and eo forll*.** The Legislator _ never dreamed of conferring dietatoris 0. nnatrt when they celled the Convention *?- They knew ihat thev ceuld give no pewe i* t<i the Paeesstlniiof a aavarelgn people. it l\ we# a greet powee^hich tkey invoked ii r- the lionr of their count r)*e danger and peril la Rom*, where dictatorial power* w*r conferred on the ConeiiU. there wa* a Sonet 10 to kuperviae th* acte^ef the Coaeila. Ttu ' in South CaroMae, a* a distinguished friew J" rem a i ked the other day. the Oottvei- lien hai .? aoSeante to supervise their proceedings.They were holh Sonata and Oonsnl*. I their proeeediogn had hern auhmilted t ? the people, aa they ought to have hear then there would have hecu a auparviaor * rpewer litre the Itoroen Senate, at It kite been^aid that dictatorial power id wei> confer re I an Uoveraor fttftledge dot 7 teg the Revolutionary war. That r*? b ro on precedent far the prceeal lime, for titer r ie no analogy l>etw?? a the condition of tH 'f country then and. now. Smith Carol In " was then everrtia and auhdued by the Brit ieh nrmv. We had ao Clover art ent, aa< Y tit a I^cglllatur* eoitld not meet in South ('a * rolina fur two or three year*, flovarno ' Hut ledge himself had to abandon the Stats Ilia dictatorial powers were a* harmless a I. If lliru kill Kmhi pi Roa?U or China. There was no *J?:1 an to UinVlty or otvil officer* aeting In th? who' iy. tttata, and for a long time tin dictator vi ir sot in l>i Hut*. At frtmt * h?rt i r* I,#jM?laiurr and ?! ?! oftie re ex?ruWm| ' ? their proper funetloa*. To eenfer d?e?at.. *' rial pnwora nnder atieh a'reuinetaaeea woat< * ha ahiolutft niadneea and atrooiijr. Wliai \ tha Convention deterr.iiaed the! ' exletanee duiirg tha war it aa awiimp ^ lion a< dietatoa<al powera, and vary prop ^ *rlv nUrme.l tlia peejdr. a fit tabard to tha exervtv* of po*r*r?hy thi a, K\**it|lv. t', I thinV tit* v aata.l wi:l j. great madei*il*'?. R*>no of UiHr net* W*n id wfa# aad I?i<HIv t)an'#t|ojnl u> lh# *<>unlry l, There war* than VMcn I did not appro*? >1 lite railing out U?e lfceatrvea over the ag< >. of foiiy-fir? wa* wrdntr. .Thny >'*rv n.. ^ iiMtUrd for l>y t'oo?rr?!*?, and had not Wet *Y called mil m nny other Stnt*,. Tha ap Fjt j pa|niHi?nt >?f th* fthtd uAWtr# wa* wrong ll had barn proposed in th* Convention r< '* itlvn tha appointment *f.$<nfrWr* W> tin ' Cnnnail, and voted down All lh* regi ntrftia (lrevou-ly railed ofl^ hnd *1n?'tvi [* tbrlr officer*, au'l ilia u< edrver ahoidd hut< ^ had the mniP prjvijejre irieea tham. The?< appointment* have?aii?>ed mo; ? di/turlum#' _.iu the H'ato ihnn they *h?nl 1 ham don* ,r InHrnae liUe lh* prraent, it ia the dti*y o p every one lo earth and ahey Kfn conmtry y One relieillon i* enough to hnva on flu i band* fur tha ftoratnl. Tf'wa. Mr. Kpvaber, St }* a adnreenf gmm rM?tf?A:plnninrr In ban* and he aide t. ; I ray l^rtU ?**<*?* ?' Ilee*rve* fro., ^ T?QT>i:i i their^ntw withoirt^Mrmtir; and.kav gone (o ntfft the enemy If their coufttry ' had n?e? in tur armies I Virginiji u,| -iljir hn?e left their irir# Ml littfe children It home to like care ? their farm# and l|owe?. no one fin is ther* [ Higher fntrivtwrn hu e*ldom Wet? evince* hy any people, They are moetly nnn slava , Wd<^, and ?t th? beginning of'thiecontrc i. **ivy wer? oppehed to-eeeeasion. Rut ihf - have BnUty and willingly gene villi theli r State, And till cheerfully secriHoe thai I itee in iter defene-. t In'regard t? the R*eo!nt|yns heflere th ttoov, I eh all cheerfully T#l? fur th?M,wif1 r the exception of ftue which denim the rlgh *' of the Convention to suspend en Article i the Constitution till the wnrlwawer. I'thln! I the ConrentioA hnd a* much right to ?ui pend nn Article or Seelioo of the Conslitr ' Mot) ne tliey hnd t?? nhef or ehregete it. i , contrary doctrine would d (males frvra tli >' 'Honre all c!i-r/>vmen nod officers of Ih f&ate end Confederate Stales who are mrn bers of the Legislature. I am anxious, I t the language of thl Resolutions, to r<-pea r nil tli* Ordinances ef the Convention sol t milled to the )ef;lrlaliirt by the CoiiT?nti?n end go hark to the old CensMiulUa ngaii und-r which w? lutve lived ed long atd " happily in South Carolina. j cannot conclude vflliopt expremirf* O) ' high appreciation of tile patriotism nnd ?eli | sacrificing eoin?c f?f hi* K^-Hencj ihe (h r ' venter in clitrrfully obeying the Ordiuunr . of the Convention will eh tfrprived hla? ii III* exeetDiv* powers nnd shared them wiri other member* of the Council; It is n uohj I example ??t hy the higliesi official in th i Stale of ntkedicbee to authority, which tli f Inimblent ne Wall a* highest should feel s particiilur pi id.- in iinituling nud foltowiuj wbibt there is danger to the State. f The House will ncoept my most gratefr I acknowledgments for their attention an i indulgence in this ^-'U'..i| ji?>? - ?? m . y>f ihy friend fi-oni _ Marina, which prvpo*? r In three linr^fo cut off (lie hcmlr of foil t Oovemors, line parsed the House, we slia he rid of nil dlseumloo and prepared far th ? Actual pressing buslncM of the country.. - .fU liltarn :(? i<4*eueti?A , wpi ^UUUjUtl VthiUjlliJJI 1 ~~W. T.PRICE, Editor.. C. M. McJUNKi:-:, Assistant. ' J. 0. DAILLV. Hub-Editor. ? Our Motto? "Kquat BitbU to All." 1 " * " (VnKKN V ILLE.JS C. ? * Thursday Morning,'.IJan- 1, 18C3 J ~ THE CASH SYSTEM" For *1! Tr<i?*iant Atlvirtigiiiy, pay will I reqnirrd IN AUYAMiR 1 For Advertising hy Sryitfnr Adverti?<r ' rny will t?e i^ir*d*AlTEUTIlE AI?VK1 i) TISRMKNT IS OUT. As. our lii|co le very mciirr', no J* r W.wk w ill U doi.e KXCEIT FOR TO I CASH. f MST The letter of " C. 11. It.," c*m * ton lute for litis issue ; will, appear ncs r week. Would be glsd to bear froi | him frequently. '* * RW Ths general meeting of th J LadieV Aid AsKocieiion will he held i * the Chapel of the Female College o J Saturday, the 3d da? of January, at 1 * o'clock, A. M.. A full meeting la eon * tally detsrtd. aa new officers are to t s appointed. j Respited. That the thanks of th a "Greenville Ladie's Aid Association, h 1 retnrned to the Proprietor of ih r " Greenville Enterprise? for printin ~ and publishing for tho Association fr< I of charge. * Editorial Correspondence. i 1 1 n J Cnaki.katon, Dec. 26 h. 1862. "f For the information of thouc |>#r?oi 0 in Greenville, Anderson and Vicken K who have recently, with my?elf, bee endeavoring to raise n Cavalry Oompi ny, to ba attached to Gem Beauregard 0 command, 1 would state that I riMie the Oencra1 to day for the purpose < . obtaining nullity to ItMfe the earr j mustered into dirvife- t waa infi>nnc by the General, that lie wns in Nee<! < r cavalry, bnl had no power to authorti a tho organization. hut cheatMly, an ? with bin hearty approval, forwarded ni f application to the Aeetrtarv ?,f War. It will be week, perhaps, before a answer ia returned 16 me on the aubjec ' M.^Ul per tuition be given me to o , gitniEc the company, it wiH present r favorable, hi;<1 porlinp* last, opporlunit to j>>in a mounted corps in this Stat As soon as 1 bear frotn the Socratar ' of War upon tha subject, I will notil > those interested through the cnlotnni < till KnUtpri %e. W. P. P. Hit iimoku, I >?c. 28. Jy it A (fenflemirrl who han run the Utdci ade, report* that he read'in a late mm ? her of I be New York Tribune an edtir ?J rial which declared emphatically in f* : cor of peaea aa the only panacea t the ilia which sffl-tlhr country ? lb* f war liaa lasted long enough, an deltoid fi# terminated at once, 'fide ahould b ^ receirud as probably rumor, ?v* ? r Pkam FH?D*aKi<aauuo,?>ha nnl / anmor of iatefeat w* bam fW?m Fred t erickhburg is that Gen. Stewart ia'al o seat ?t:in impotent eipedi?1n?t. ' [Richaiomf faomimr, 99. wpjp ' jSiO-v - c ul JBiWMikifie anieSfi I , .. . ~e?a*,;, ,, . ^ ttNtflG, JANUARY }* 1W1 . i; i . " ' ! i- > }{ ADDRESS ^ .off tit* ? '.\ Carrier of tile Setitheni Bbterprise ; ^ JANtrABYviB68. t Tm bright (tn-Yvi ithrt *1 lent. Kapeeted riaty-lbre*. h To nee what chnhg*# have baee toade, * ** In thU world'# hlatory. T lie ic?n* fate nil e'er, r Aetoniahed is hW view, ** 4b *-o tin oigMi, to hear tb? ilia Of eighteen alxtj two. h V#?t hnppv home# are broken np, v The Mournful nigh foretella, 4 ? flow many ? peaceful boeem eSw lj tt ith and nnMion awella. " * The din of battle, alttdt of ar^aa, la h-ard on every Kami, ^ ? A mighty tirmm how unheavea ? Our bjea*ed Southern land. * 'The father ha* gone forth to fight, 1 The aoa ia mining, too, 0 The brother ami tlia lover, all, Are absent from the view. ' The neipUltor. Mend. are all away, n In distant lamia th?y roam, 1 To rbink. to eltfh. prriiapa to dream, V IM loved one* left at home. _ They want to meet the enewiy, f1 The might a Nurlhehn l?oat. Who cofha to deaelate ottr land, e And lay wnate all our const. ,( But wf hare cnemi a at home, [, Quite l>w>t all the thna, In hmking for the dollar, new, ,. And grasping at the dime. ? The po<o- at e^oftenjmade te feel ? 'Hie grinding touch oi thoao . Who ettght to ha their truest fri-nda, Hut uew thvir dvadlieat foe*. ') Tli- chilling wlnda are blowing keen, The ^ro'-rdu ?tui.i .'w, " Tlte want of shoe* i? eorety Ml? " The mother dothlinplora r Pome kind Shoemaker near at hand, " To give h#r aoma relief, To oaac her wean trouhled mind. And drive nway her grief. * I|e looka Into her tender face, lie read* her want* too well, 1 " 1 hare no loather now on baud? 1 have no shoe# to sell ; - 1 aai working tor the Army, And have no time to I too In workiii!/ for i>o..r women ma'am Or mending ehildren'o^hnea.'* " VVJitt do von charge 1o mnke t pair T I want them l>ad, Indeed ; I here roy jshildrtnV rh?e? to buy? '111 rery c-ld, indeed." "Trn tt?)fnn>, ma'am, i< row the price To innkc it common pair!" = The widowed mother turns aveuy ' In horror and detpeir. ? He caret not (or her wr?w? now. He in?k?-? Ida money f"?t, *. And whil* the war it'raging hard, (. Stick* cloaer to hi* lo*t. r.nrrfooted tknnch the aoldiera ho, IIo care* not for their peine, Ro he jncreaar* now in wealili, E And eount* hie mighty gains. She teak# the neighbor Tanner,.Me, Her went* alte cannot hide? "1 wi?h to but tome leather, ,| , /* innrh. o:r, a* a aide. 1 went my ahoraall made at homo? " Shorniekot* etk to high; To fey the ready money down, I really, eir, will try. " For twot of iol< I now mutt charge Two dollar* and a half; H For Mpper I charge thro* dollar*," n And'he ia aten to laugh H* kaow* too wall Iter tnoaao aro tmall, 0 She cannot give the price, (_ He want* to diiv* her from tho yard, And ho hao done it air* " t?he think* of cold December, now, think* of elect and aoow : 1# Ho matter whet the ptiet may bo, Without it. eannol go. '* The earning* of hor ooldier boya, ie Are drawn to pay the bill. Sli# leave* the tanner in his yard, ft ' > To (rel Iter htaetatringa chill. w Tha Tannar *nv? " Tis very high t Inr'erd 'ti* not my fault 1 I poid a high prica far ratr hidea? A high prica. loo, far *alt. Tit# people nm?t have leather, ma'am. They 'minot do without ; Tit now ilia time to n?*ke my nib? 1 know wlvat I'm al?o?i." ia Tha la<ly hunt* the aM aboa ?hop? *' 8he n?kath? boaa the nrice, n T? make heerelf and chitdrea ahoaa, In manner etmng and nice. " I have work thai ' *a Pomaaoldlaraalioaa to make, I do not thiek that 1 can now To?r making undettak*. ^ If I had time I'd have to* charge One dollar fifty canta; ^ Ar.d thai.'e too low in theaa hard timet, f To pay for ?vft and rente. ? ? ' It ia no itto to talk at all, !0 We can't afford to laaa Our precioua time and trouble '' In making ?roi/ieit't #bt>ee. .v My nrighbora in the army, ma'am, _ lla?e aciit (or all oca fur oainp. And did I disappoint them now, 1,1 Would think tn? q*iile a aoainp. t. If I worked for other people, I'd h.-tve to take my g?n. r And th'a way of fighting Yankee^ a 8< me people think no fun. T So, lha lady, dbeppcrintad now, u. let I - - * * * 1 I; n mi I'-mner wcw iter lioine, r? llcr children am UlNfNlt4 y To eolrrnl they cannot rourn , r_ Ho, r*?nlve*, if H*y at ' They limit l*? w*ru?ly clad; >f She iliinka of ?<>n* in army, too. a i> i luf feeling* am quit* mj. The Faetory how claim* her roU?t? She mriel hare tw?me " ?pw truck," And h?>[N*? in tM* ml venture ( To have eome better luck, i. She ha* live eane In wnri#, ear*, u Ami nnwnr telf* the new*, t Th* army nerde emitc clothing. The ioMiert a?td wmt *l?oe*. She ha# nn cotton' card* on hand, Ami cotton ieqpiU* high; v '' Four bundles number e?tthl and ten, ? She le comptHrd to hny. r. ~ Sin takefthvr little all along, f v^Amloahfr higmey, U?o, ~ Tli? form* of barged aH.llera / Are pamlng In vWw; * Vatt crowile of folia ta trogon*. > . -T-: As- wendlagujMt, their way, ?.v/v* , 1 T? ?rtl,r tltshJWlBhrt* ?ha?** ? th? that gW auction Aj, .5VtH^T'S:% ^j?* '^-.iwr' s ^A?.h/w'Wt> ? v , ,, * . %' . . jiE :kts. : a ffi??s an wa-uMi^ ~f*l? %& ^ ^ I v^t *'v' -UA--1 -' -J.,--- J-'-L- -'I'LJl-i.nil6Um?Wlk? pUot <fr? ?rowd ? great.: And look!** all ?owmI; Slit find* th? lumdrada eatnntog oot i ; %" QfhU cor?r all uh? groand. << ;. Tluhnnr a#wnm (Ua iimlliJIa mm Row lift* 111* telwwi ' - Five dollar# " yellidl on ?v?-ry .ide, ; j Now m?krt hi? IihK -i The Ineky buyer pay* hi# Mil, V TH? yarn w atored n*i?y. Br hurries off, ho*? humewurd booad, J To M**alhat bappy day. But th? .lady got oni hunch. She could not not got the fowr; On* hundred lnin?hr?'?iwl l>? fold, They cannot. sell on* in^r*. And thua compelled bahon-leeuHTo reach her homo er* night,VWith nthnr feeling* in her mind, _ Thnn thuM of fond delight. And thit*, M* Irnt, the world wng? on? "The love of money Minn To (xviipy their daily thought*. Their llmken, nightly dream* { No niatt?r how the wnr goe* on," The ctton pinner *e?* 21U way quit* clear to fortune, < To affluence and en?*. -* And if you ask his reaaona, loo, 4 For selling ynrn so high, - | llejinr hi* oil and tallow, -dlln flour and *aU to hoy. H*dm>s not cure what people My, ^ He hue ninth quite n pile, R?, u hen tlii* war i* ended, To live In tp|qpdid style. And ih* Merchant view* hi*?helv*e, Willi reninani* dotted o'er? He li?i heen eelltng.goods too lowHe really 11111*1. have more. For tm cent calico he n*ka One dollar now per yard. In like' proportion,.nil Ida stock, \ For_llmi?,are v-ly -hard. And going-tg Ida clooet, too. Some goon Rio it found, ' -> Which eoet in market sixteen **nle. Two dollar*, now, a pound. And thus he mi^rha'hia goods all-upHe in tint hi* efforts sup," To lunko a thousand dollar* clear, To |mj n substitute. The Farmer feel* hi* porkrt. too, 4 Ilia puree look* all forlorn. He line been asking *11 the while, Too little for hincorn. Hi* crib* are full, lie ha* enough, And plenty now^to spare, While other folk* are gripping, He, two, will have hi* ahara. Atyhnqgh the price i* very high, A* sure as 1 am horn, I'll hare at !e.i*t three dollars, * * * Or I will keep.iuy corn. 1 might a* welt make money, ten, l*in surely not in fault ? Look, what a price we have to p*r. tor sugar, coffee, tali. I have the fattest- hop* to aril, The people must have meat. Although it Is not worth hut six, I must have thirty, neat. What though theroldiera in the field. Are fighting f?r our rights, The chance of mnkiug money, now. aty very h?arl delights. \ The Landord tells his tenant, now, HV rent coin** rather elow, II* want* It> * hona* fur refugres, Kow flocking from below. They have no lumir, no shelter, now, And iltcjnre l?ounil to give, A mmt enormous, killing rent, In onitr, too, t* lit*. For cotton cloth our people salt, One dollnr, now, per yard. I Two year* ago they t.?ok twclvn ?OnU, Nor did they think it hard. In trading now, of every kind, We re* soin*corionwse*naa. Five dollar* for a single yard, la a?ked for country jeans. Fa- wood we pay a double priae, And if we find a fault. He bides hia conscience snug and safa Behind a sack of anlt. And the butcher, two, haa doubled Ilia price for common beef. As Milt is bringing snch a price, He wan.a to get relief. But nearly all are grasping, new. Men of eysry grade. Are making nli their efforts, too, on To best 'succeed in trade. The man with shucks and fodder. With chickens, butter, ej^fs, Are etrivii.g to make fortunes, And driving down their pegs. The soldier's wages are the same, Jteprived of coin forts, teo. Ills wife and children get stwng ' I As well as tiiev eau do. They l.renst the stoim as best they ean. They ho|st the time is near, . When absent father* shall return. Their lonely hearths to ehrer, Bnt still we hope for.letter dsya, m The sky is getting clear, Tlifctitlor of oufr-Houthem troops. Is witmsed everywli?ro. At Fredericksburg the Yankeen # W ?ri niada to feel s blow, W?ll _?l .L-I- * *" .. ?! mrir - v?? a HI uienilltKl,' And prnjtcla urertbrow. With Jaokaon, Txm^.trert. aid the Uilla, Old Abe miiM surely km, He rani ?.t hr>p* to cnnquef new, Tlie fiifre <?l lifcrnl Lee. Dnrnaidc mIwI hia linpea Uxi high. He wanted to advance, And take tlwa town of Iticbniend. Ilia glory to enhance. But the Idoody Rappahahnoek \THI Ion# be hornn in mind, They cannot, with ih?ir Yankee trieka, Leave tlmae dread *?rne* behind ; Creet fallen ami dejected new, Thaj beat a quick retreat. To l^y tbdr woe* and aurmwa down At old Abe Liltnolu'e fed. The Wcat era liaj'l are awaka, . Joe J?hn*tim ia ml hand. Tj> give to Pi lea and old Van Dora, The welcome, ready hand; Anil tl?.? prceonc* of jeff. Darin Otir enemy annoy*: For he haa gone U> cheer tka hearts "Of Mtadaai|qd boja. The Weatem ?lmid< ara inomlnf. The Knetecn *ky look a clear, . , ' The helmeaaan vi ml* rldp of HtAte Now aoea the juurpyy clear, r "' * T%+ : Voud he* it* fury ten, TW diatant ihawhr*onw, t.' The ralntnvw apana our Mewed lend, Tint emblem, euro, of |?ea?t. OIJ EnKinntHnke^rHcbi. When oVr the proud Atlantic wmn " p'* h?*!i?LlF*lkn' ?? W TBqyWJBJg But w>difcve a iirf?<^rWeien?n1t?ir-U*" - > Ootgeneials General L?a. V ' <4H In nil pur (terw*t elruggl**, tl?<V * He shield* tbrnra jym,fr**. , c. ./ >a*? i4<' He lend* a helping hand to I b**a Who 'truly trust Ifir^aight; / With auch a elmious 'lender; * W Alt thing* will y*l ^ G?d bletA the lov*lv nil, fTh.-v n*Ttr difflfSpolr I *\Mt Bnir ?ITpr!?Anil ilitlr Mlrtint MiIIm Are always 1-nt to'r. I They n>Trr cmm wilh htt|? hand*,' To ?id their/ naiitrjf.V ?W> .' , Their-dsjlv nod th?ir nightly deed*. n??f (.n-.l-HiUnlf. .|.[Uu~. But t find T-dm digressing? My time Is v?ry ft?r??I iimi to wish subscribers *11, > A happy. bright Nrw Ytii, The w*r Mid tlmrs s.. tills uty wind, 1 dW l.irgn, ind'i-d, Te tell the >if Greenvlll# Tow*, Ilgw much I am in nml The pnixt** Hot mn*t t*ll Vou *11, Hi* wants *r# very great* He cannst, In his short Anna***, His many ills relate. ?. H* has to eat like other folks, Hr ha* to w-ar srnnc clothe*, H? has hia trouhles and his cares, ilia sorrows and hia wm* lie has to work tin.nigh nil the day, lie hns nt. li in* in )..#*, He Wrin?ewneh-sre-* W hon??. The v.!ry laird iiewe . v , And should |tt- jail, ynrt seek to know. And strive Wnli caper eyr*. To Ret a chance to scold the Botr That bring* the EnTMtrauc. My weekly walk* have worn out ahaea. My eloihee are all thread-bare, 1 want to he a decent hoy, . Throughout the eoming year. And on your kiad and liberal aid, wl The t-ARHiR* Mhistf rely. ? To get hia clothing nod hia Ahoea, Fur things are very high. If I am plain, I 1*one thnt each Will try forgive the fault, The 1'aiKT**. too,.ha* things to buy?" Meal, pork, flour, wood and ??/<. His many friends arc far awav. He cannot to thrtn ream, U? hop-a to have his purs* well filled, Hy those who are at home. I now must close this long A nnttr**. And wl?h von nlltmueh cli'?r, May ne ace reign o'er our Southern land. Before anniher ^i-nr. , May ware al) ?-ra?e?may alweat friends ltd urn no mure to roam ; ' ^ ; Mar p?**ee, sneers* prosperity. Abound in every horn*. .; * Crattanoooa. Dec. 29. : v lx - . . - * I lirrr lighting Hi Muffre**. I borough up'^lo, r.?Min today. Barb' ' arittie* were in linn of battle. within r I half a mile of each other. A buttle U ^ I momentarily exp^-ted. Our troop* are J confident, of victor*. | MoHKK*anBr>K?>\ I>?c. 20. I . No geneial engagement to?day, bet * . J kirroiahing in fioat of our entire line I hae taken place, and Whaley'a aedfxSl - | Wharton'* cavatry?wa* warmly engag** J 8 ed all day. The two linen air ooa ia- ;X J | eight of each other, and tbe cnrtny ad- - I vnociiig in rpkndid line. A battle ?jll- 1 certainly t>e fought to-morrow. The ' Federals are in .greptetftforee tl an firtt 1 eatiiuated, and are within three milee 9 of Mutfree?hor<?'. It ia thought lira* || will deinNiul a Mirrentkr of the place intylj the morning. Our army ? confidently ~ ffl awaiting their approach. Twautv-fita ^ H prisoner* a ere brought in thi* evening JOB fl froifl the 4i1t <Tl*io cavalry. It i? rw- M aiored thai Morgan i? at Ufiuelville, . fl HlCtlMOND. I)?C 20. I Be*pa?eh#? jnat received b>*re fiortO* fl North Carolina re-j.rteerit that the Aba n litior. rtnny i* again on ilietitove from Newborn. One account *ay* Miat it* H domination was Kin*.on ; another, that 7 ^ Bj they arc moving toward* Weldon, ?tgt JH Greenville. fl OttAwtctatna, Bee. 20, '*Vv-?fl Gcnerrl Benin egard to day welcomed fl CVT vi'iuwm ivriTwinni iir<ugi? trjfi i ment't.n i heir return front the ?i>?t B expreaeed hi* rendincM to l??eel the ?Venty on South CnroHfcasoil. H I CiiAtu.tcrron, Peh. 2P. H On Friday fourteen nun ?>f 4. tf .id'a I South Carolina Kanyor? inude a rtVOU* BH noiannce of 11 ii ?'l.ii?>on*M IfUrul .?<*d ,bH found the inland evecuiated. A t tUe rrnpa . had Uen gathered end cnmi l I o 1 uy the Aholilioniiua. I A <>)RRF*roNi>rNT of the Charif*- B ton Courier kmy*: . . |B| Mr. Zachai iah EttcrW* jr., linr- I ing purchased a c*l*g? of h.Ul pa-. IB viotis to the Moekado, gold it out to AoidituV tAitiilicH Hod oth?r?, who were unnhle to pay cxhorbitaitt price*, ut ?2 per suck, rejientudly MB refusing to bull to (tooiuot the (4lro? I raw merchants when ottered j-'Jtt I to $40 per tack to extortionate u??. fl| Linc<?i.*, in hi* !U!'*?age, callt the he- I gr<?ee " American oi?jx?t? of Articau d?> oent." ^hta i? i r?ftn?iiiMil of <|?ut? unusual wiilf th? buflfcon. J * **? Turkic K n. l? g)oi vf Uor in Nnr Wi lo?, 11ini * ro*' ? or l.n> i ?o u>?l <ivwi>;*uj; mutual* fur h ' 1 y<'"