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Mwmia?*# CLUflXVG. BY ?MtMl wmdiwiM trtww IB* ?* yipurt, TME SOUTHER!! INTER BRT4B and THB PATRIOT AKT> MOUN-. YAtBHBR will b*th b* I* DMHtt Iilwiittin Br IB* ram *f TBI RES DOL laARS, <* BO JOKX. B*n *r* Kird, ft ltd mommy U aoare*. So my *r*ry My, nd ao My w*. In eonaid rattan of tfcara facta, know ftll man to wttnm Aim praraata may ramr, greeting: Hat will lata, hi payment of SuhaerlpOm ft* IB* R*a?*>ftira. or lor *ny deht Aim ? By patroaa, say artiol* W praeiaion* h Mtanoft aia raoh ft* corn, wheat., flour, wftUUra, pam cHWkeae, baiiiar, egga, Bacon, Ao., ^k, ?l IWIr market raise. Good erope hare been aade.'aad onr coantry peopl ha?? Ww blsseed with an abandanea of jjml fcr ma* and Wait, and bare something to spar*. Payment for either old or m? sabaori ptloas may be madetathla way, and we will bo (fad to (ret it. wn* along, good friend*, and if yoa can't satisfy onr paisis, perhaps yoa can oor appetitoa, while we are battling with the hard times. Mo ?oy will not be rejected. If any of onr friend* are ao brtvaaU aa to haro any of the art! ale on hand, and deeire to pay It in. Wood. I We would remind tlioee of onr eobeerlbore who have promised to pay na their tubaeriptiona in wood, that winter ia npon n? and that wood ie an iodirpensable article to onr comfort and progress. We therefore hope to eee onr ?ood friends bring the article at once. Bring it along. Coort ef Comma* Flee*. The Pali Term of the Coort of Common Plea* and General Sessions for Greenville District commenced on Monday morning fast, and adjourned yesterday evening. Judge Wutrnr.n presided. Too criminal raees were tried : Harrison Dalton, for arson, and Andrew Jackaon Skoiton, for mnrd*r. Dalton * aa found guilty of harming, and sentenced to three years' Imprisonment. flksltoe found guilty, hut an appeal having besn taken, aentenee has not been passed. Ths Pair. Ths Pair gotten ?p by the Ladies for the benefit ot the /Vraas Outkrdu and Camhnn Jfountameen, wss largely attended and liberally patronised on Wednesday eveaiug last. | The Ladies, who managed, and the citiseas, who patronised, all deserve mnch credit. S uatiae. ITnving understood that C. J. Klford, Bsq., hti Kern charged with writing er procuring the article? which hare appeared ia ear columns, adroeatiag hisVlaime (e the Oolgaetcr of the O reenrille Regiment, we deem it hat Justice to that gentleman to state that he had no eonaeetion whatever with the anthorsdiip or publication ?f said artielee; hat, ee the eentrarj, frequently expreeeed his regret to at their appearance, as being calculated to dircrt the public interest frotr. the work ef raising the Regiment to that of selecting officers, which he fhlt should hare been delayed aatil after the Regiment was secured. Released. Among the prisoners lately released. by order of the Lincoln government, at Washington, we And the name of Mr. A. Boasmikk, who resided prcrione to hie going in I to service. In this plaee. He wean member of the company of the lamented Pools. Washington Stroot Praahyterlam Church. Rev. J. 8. Willsaicks having resigned the gharge of the Preahytsrian Church at this place, which he has so ably and agreeably filled for the past twoyeara. It has been supplied by ths election of Rev. R. T. Briar, T> n.. formerly and for several years Pres I <I??l <,f T ,*n renew ill it Pemale flolleve. I | While the friends of the Church will mo I douI it rrt'r.t to hear of the InM of Mr. WII.Lr <*?*?, whom they h?l<! in such high Mti | m > ion. they will, nt the wm? time, rejoice to learn of the eleottnn of Doctor Botvr. II." Is well known 11 n divine of the highest order end of great erudition, end one of whom any congregation mlirht he prond; end we congratulate the Church upoit it* acquisition. T# Postmaster* We will deem it en especial faror conferred upon ue, if poet masters will inform im when onr jtaper is not taken ont of their ofllee* hy the person to whom it t* addressed. or l?y some memher of their families. We were requested, the other day. to discontinue sending oar paper to a subscriber who hsd been desd near two years; and not then by the postmaster. > i . m n? w? fftr- An election for Field Oirin of lk? OrHBfUU Regiment will bt hold oa Saturday ext. The election of ? Oongreaeional Representative arill beheld on Wedneeday ntib The Legislators of thia State aecti oa Wednesday next to appoint Kleoters of Freeldent and Vice Preeideut of the Confederate State*. fV* Ife regret that the letter* of " T. Q. J>." and " Krael " are crowded out thla week. [roe tbr aoirrnaait Ktrntarmtas.] To the *?biie. A* seeding time ie near at hand, and Abe Lincoln's blockade ha# ralaed the priee of blii-itnn* very mneli, end eeereo et that, aid money out eery plenty. It ie time for farmer* to look'oat for * eabetitnte, whleh n ?n he easily found in the article of Lime. < ?ne peek of rook or uneleolted Lime in three be-hole of cold water, will moke a Rr|iMd a* effloeohwa for eoaklng wheat ee a pnrrml and a half 4t hloeetone, and more fertilizing-.?the grain to remain, as wkh the lilneetone, from fifteen to twenty hours, he Lime aan be had for twenty eenle a Vpahe) in Spartanburg. The author haa 41 fed then} both for many years. * Ql? Wa?*f >*Mft 1 ' ft" <ttow Ml? wpt<H w> ? ?MU # wo+v my -ttolo imxm* i ?wh ft* v 1o?imb?bm matoh?<mr"amt w, to Aan?a|i*ao(k?'itMlHyUHi*tk?a? or ieeoftts of At tttdUMtt Mom m (w f i^wtliwl wyliiwirtt This ?pmM-W rareratla Mtkor rata at M tiraw tha printer MfMnWlj fdneud mm m Instead of nu oinrar signature. TV la, bratbar Volunteer*, la tVa i Um rawer heart It arra insinuated tVat M was abaofataly utiwiry that a ana ahoaM ba a Latin scholar botece ha waa qwltM ta J ad ya of tha aMrlta or demerits of a eaadldale he office, aitbat fhll or military j bat to bin, had hta party of aapivlag olw seekers, It 1*4 convenient bono to nibble at. Too, ny bardwork fa f IMIow-ooldtora?yon who earn yaw broad by tha awaat of yoar brow?yon who eon prior tha bono and atnew of aoetaty?yon and aa met not, dare wot, precoma to any which candidate wa daen the aaoot worthy and Moritorioaa, loot wo lay onraalraa liable ta ba at took ad by tbo Jhiowtay oaaa. If it baa not bean oor pood (ortnna la rooatre a thorough and complete adooatioa, aoldlera of tha QraaarilU Regiment, la that any raaaoa why wo aboold kaap oor mouths abut, and allow onraelrea to bo controlled and dictated ft by thooo wboaa r-peritr adoration baa lad theia to bail ere tbat a man, without tbia certain degree af adooatioa, la an \mftrior, and utterly unqualified to deride for whom ha aball rote F I cannot ao think. But, place tbia party into office, and bow will it ba with us? Wo will haro to stand aloof; for they wllltbea, aanow, consider themselves oar superiors, and will recline at ease upon their dignity. I regret ealreioely that " A Volunteer" abvwld hare so criminated bimaelf as te enopol ate to diepot? some or Me statements: and I regret H all the more, alneo ho baa made it a personal issue, for wo hava always respected Mr. Arthnr as a gentleman of high attainments; l?ui. Justice to oureclf, to tbo candidates. and the member* of the Regiment, demands that facts should ba adduced to prove how erroneously the writer chronicled the aer irea of this gentleman, while in Virginia. We claim that Mr. Arthur was not a bonh Jtii* member of the Butler Guards; that he noeer answered at mil mil; that he nercr did any kind of military duty with them ; consequently he eannnt be considered as baring been in Ooafedernte service. It is said he received no pay. find he been In actnal so trice, as " A Volunteer " would hare us believe, ho would htrc been entitled, not only to pay, bat transportation, also. He was, nominally, a Chaplain to the Ratler Guards; hat tba army ramil a I Iacis a<lsa?U no ?.V? *>" (!i>~ ?~ "" .. pvn.vivu III Ci.fiipr.nies, and only one In a Regiment. If Mr. Arthur was ever on picket duty, wo can find no evidence of it from tlie member* who bare returned, and the onlv time that we can learn af hie doing eeivice with them, wn on the Sd af July, when. In company with Col. JCorshaw, ho rode horachaek on a ivconnnitering expedition. The Butler Ouiirdx wery aith them. Wo cannot And that he ever drilled with the company, or erer went oat on any duty, except the one and antler the circa fast an oca mentioned. Than yon will eee that I ho raet amount of labar performed hy this gentleman, durtoir hi* few months' vi?it to Virginia, ha* dwindled down considerably. Of courac theae foots would never haro bceo brought ant by me hat far the injuiWioa af the aommnnieation of " A V'dnntew," and if Mr. Arthar ia a member af any organised eempany, we arc not aware of it. nor were we at the time wo penned our first article. Wa wtvtl believe that tha soldier* af the Regiment will rally around the first candidate announced, and support him who has dona eo much for a*, being satisfied that wane other wouM he more derated to the interest of hi* men or the cause, or would labor more tealonety for their comfort and welfare. In u word, he ia the man for tba place, th* truth of which will be verified to as after the citation. Wo regret that wo are compelled woke sweh a reply to a brother volunteer, bat truth must and will out, PRO BONO MILITORUM. [ron thb aatmiKua EJiTrnraiau ] if*. Editor?TIi wing bran called on through yonr column* to oorve tlie Orefl ills Regiment a* Colonel, I deem it proper to respond through the name medium. I am somewhat embarrassed In doing so, however, hy the feet that I hare been assailed in no unusual and unjuatif able manner, by soma anonymous writer. Ilia Intention ia to areata a prejudice whlcli may blind tne judgment 01 me ?ninnif?n no cannot deceive, I am persuaded, any fellow-cltisens by this sort of electioneerlng scheme. I will not, therefore, now eoneern myH:lf or trouble you with the questions raised; hut will only say I claimed no credit for the services rendered in the Army of the Potoini>c?I did no wore than my duty. I am content to rest upon what the Colonel of the Regiment, Col. Kershaw, reports of me to the commanding General. Examine what he says, and decide fiir yourselves between him and all malicioua gainsay era. I have accepted the nomination from no motives of mere ambition, but with an earnest desire to serve my country and the volunteers of my District- And should my fellow-soldiers decide to plsce me in the responsible and dangerous position of Colonel. I will devote whatever of energy and fitness God may have given me, to the areltare of my men and the defence of my country. In the contest for this office let there tie no contention, but that noble eon> teation, or rather emulation, of who ean beat work and best agree in promoting the great eaosWof Southern Independence and liberty. . T. 8. ARTHUR. October S9tb, 1861. Extract from Colenel Kershaw's Report of the Battle of Maaaosao. e * I would particularly mention the gallant conduct of Iter. T. S. Arthur, whoae rills did gofxt service, and that of Professor Venable, of Hoeth Carolina College ; Capt. V. W. McMastsr, Oen. Johnson Uagsod, Col. Allen J. Green, Ms). J. II. Folder, Mr. Edward Folder and Mr. Oscar J^iber, eitisens of Sonlh Carolina, who fought in the ranks as volunteers, with distinguished bravery and efficiency." e e e e s . IIa*d Times in New Yore.?The stringency of the times in New York city may be learned from ike fact that out of two hundred and fifty first class merchants?nen who were regarded a* impregnable?only thirteen thus fai have met their obligation*. Of tb? small fry who have failed it may be eatd their same is k-gioe. of tho OoaMortto &iuo, OaooftboaMtf <W?i? wwnoT )W|W1> 41m bioebad*. by iritM they propoPa, at fcr m p?aibla, is doprfva ? not only ol th? omfuria m<I hntin?M <>i Ilia tat ?f *mi artlelaa wht*h ara Mb pMMkb to bonoa olvillaod astauace.? TV fir Mn to t? dtprlrt ua ol brM.iartt, a?H, laathor, mI aaeb lifco, mwV V?moM? aa by vut, Md dlBriM aiiit* hMMm Thirrfx*. oeoty mm, bo aaattor what Kb poKtiaal pwtwi4on> My bo, that ii<V ia raMag tfce prioo oI thoeaiadtapoaaablo ar> MoWi, or oay other (W?U aaeaaaariea, U, to that cat rot. a LimmAmit*. Beery man w bo avail* hioieulf ol tKo dietreee ol Um country by laooeaaing tho prior, abort a roaaoaablo and lair proftt oa capital ami ooaipoaaatian Ibr labor, la, to alt iataota a ad pnrpoaea, aa osotny to tbo Oonfedrrutt Statoa, and abouli bo ae hold by thr people. I Tluu. u ?..V^IL. -L. I -1.1 up tba flour and ralitd the prie* two dolkn barrel on it, or* p bod ae ?Um mmoIo*, and should bo so Irtolrd. The men who o?o do foir ond profit obi* boainr**, mnkin|t l?otb*r ot last year* piicea, omd bow mok* th* people pay Half as oiurb igain, or double whatthay did lut7or,*r?li themme row. The mrn who boy up *oH and hold It for tha porpoao ot enhancing tho price.t*?loBg to tho mm* clam. Thay ar* each playing into tho hand* of tbo Abolitioniata, and aro Jn*t* ly entitled to bo clamed aa Abo Lineoln men. There la bo exenae to bo found for any individual. In the feet, that othera do it. and therefore ha doe*. He might jnet a* well attempt to fnellfy stealing or fraud beeaoae others aro guilty. There ia no blinking the faot, that every man who avoile himeelf of the public diet rem mod calamity, ie, to all intanta, to that extent, an efficient enemy to hie eountry ; aod ao intelligent, potriotie community, will ao decide, and the deoi ion will be carried out by acta. Again. while ao large a proportion of the mm at South Carolina are In the field, battling for their country'a right*, nvcriflcing their kmmneu, tim#, health, eomforts and Uvea in the canae of independence; can It he ? ehall it be? that Any part of the iahahi tantu of the Htate, who ilaj at hem* in ea?e and comf>rt?making money hy their tu*nal labor and bnoineee, not oontent with equity ble profit*, be allowed to aap the very vital# of the fwmiMee of thoee who are dolnc duty in the army f Sltall tanner* and leather dealer*, end eelt dealer*, meat aad flour I dealer*, be permitted to monopolize tho** lndMpcneable article*, M>d rait=e the prior until soldier*1 widows, ami erphAua, and wives, and children, aad m<>thera, and aietera, shall he compelled to do yltlioat, or part with what means they may have to fill the pocket* of iweo deleted to thu at?dy of how they can, to the be?t advantage, deviaa nteaa* of converting thf pablii nUmity Into motirj to put into their own pockets. If on? of 9t>r ?k?1 (11erv wt? wounded in the bottle field, eo be eould not resist, who woald Hiitb any respect for the Lineolnlte thnt w.?nld pick hie pocketf How much more iifuat and eon tempt veuld every one feel, hi, the Confederate soldier that would pick a brother's pocket under like elroutnetancee. How much better than either it the m?f that #tav? at kotne practicing eontrivaneee to piok tffe pockele of tke wire* and friend* of the soldiers ia tke field ! The |>eop)* of thf Confederate are rveietiug a soiftnM ^eeny. It ia the eeuee of theSoif^.^ 'HMfethnt etay at home have high advantages noble duties to perforts a* well ae llit Wnto the field. Every tree friend of hfveosntry, ia willing to do all he eau to pronfiu the aoccea* of the common cenee, and relieve, ae far as he cen, the embarraeement of hie neigh bore, hie State end*. heOonfcderney. And aoene hat en enemy will, knowingly, add to tke distress and expense of individual*, State*, er the Confederation. The duties we owe one another, and the oommoa cause of independence In which we are engaged, in a subject well worthy oar attention aod study at thta time. If opportunity permits, I propose to pursue this eabjeet further at anolber lime. e^LNEX. roa nix aNTxxraies. STAT LAW. To Mettrt. Ware, Hokt, WUhoHM, Stolen and Snlliran, Smator and Jirpmmtativn to th* Lrgitlnlaro /rota Orrmvilt* Diltrict ? OsaTLKHKN?As one of your constituents, I lake the liberty of calling your immediate and earnest attention to the eaption of tbie KrUf artiale flalleh ? T^?4alal/vea will toon call you to Colambi* to enact law* for tha benefit of the people of your frtetrict and State. We are now engaged in a great resolution?the end of whieh no man can tell. The rieh and the poor have an equal iutercet in ite early and sueeeeeful termination, and each ought to be protect, od alike during ite pendency. It eeemt to me, then, there ie no law more urgently de. manded for the benefit of the people at large, than a Stay Law. All admit tha t money ie scarce, the times hard, with e*?ry prospect of both brooming mora so. Under three circumstances, ought not the debtor to be protested in wmi way during the war 1 If property ie cold under execution, it will hfki Kfintr nna lklr/1 a# mKa? t? *as? m .Jt U< la*. For instance; I mw ft pie** ofrea oftteu ft old on ftftlo day is Oe lobar, for !?j? than on* half of what it oo*t two or ihrm year* tinea, beaide* improveananta made or the properly tinea the pore haft*. If thia ii i ha mm with real hum, how ntneh wore would it ha with peraoaal property I? Would It bring cm third of what it aoa< two yenra ftinea f I think not. 1 would i therefore, reapctfully aoggeet to you, befon ' leaving for Columbia, that you aeeertala, ai well at yon can, the aentlmnaiiaof your oon t atHuenta on thia important matter. 80 fe 1 ae 1 have aonvaraad with the people in ra ' lation to it, they ewe unanlmouely in fav 01 1 of eoma auah a meaaure. I By a Stay Law I do not mean that ai pmnillfi Jar ife* aeeurtqr ot dehto- afcal ^tWeCn jjcXhtar estepHsa irWOwMUm*.) K tfflAe waste eeer.colaM by mhnU mU k "!t welt mNWtk(pr4*Mti AM ? 1 AM in Ate Steto against (II SUf Laws.? | TVK I Aiob, 1# aomnaendatafcdasing tian of ordinary fiowmrtkl pontes Wvight M ' by speculation or oror trading ; aosb os ws ' hod In 'tt, 17 and 17. But w? <n now to ' As midst, or raAer A* beginning, of groat distress; grsatsr tiiaa any of as bars srsr ' seen before ; growing owt of an aatual stats of war. Most AW guestioa, than,' M men ' and Legislators ought to meet it, who bars 1 As real internet of tbstr constituents at ' heart. Ton will not be the initiators of this great nsrasuro of relief is As Confederate States, a* several of them bars already 1 passed such laws. Musk more mhrht bo said, bat paper is scares. J U STICK. % VO? Til IITTlftPftlMs Officers' Meeting. At s meeting of tbe commissioned oBcers of the rsriuui volunteer companies, sow in the ; District, held at Oreearilto C. H , Oet. 3itb, 1RCI, Capt. R. Croft was called te the chair, and fa, Goldsmith appointed Beeioterj.? i Upea taking the chair, Capt. Croft captained t the object of the Mdinf, In a few pointed ; remark*. The following resolution* were thereupon offered, and uttniwiwil; adopted : Reeoived, That an election for Field Officer# ' af the pmpoerd Greenville Regan out, he I arid ' on Satarday. the 2d ef November neat, l?y the I different companies at their various vernier vi.we. litivlrtd, That the commisriouud ofiorra are eouatitutod Maimgcr* ef mud election in I their rcejKH'tive eoinpeuioa ; and that they tnrnt ! at Greenville C. 11. at ikmii Miadiif, the 4th | November neat, to count the voice and duelaro the election. It being known that other companies were ' being formed with a view to join the Uiweiv ille Regiment, and Wing deeirotta to have them orgnuiacd, and participate in tbe elocliun, it waa therefore. Mmolvetl, That each company, now being formed, coaiplote its nrgaiiir.atioa ao soon a* Afty member# etiali bare beou obtaiued. lleeoUrd, That the proceedings be published in the Patriot aoJ Moaataiaaar and SoutLem ShIt rprin. 'fliere being ne other business, the meeting 1 ' adjourned, to moot at Greenville C. M., at 12, | m., on Monday, 4th Novetnie-r neat. K. CROFT, Chair. W?. Ooi.DKMirw. Secretary. To ikt Meaihere of tie Oreenrille Regiment af ^ V-lnnteere for Stat* Service: Gvntlemen?At the request ef a very large number of my fellow-soldiers of the Regiment, 1 I have become a candidate for the o*ee ef | Colonel. My business eugagemantv have been, ' and will he, such a* to prevent me from aceing many of you peraonally, and I take thh moans : 1 ef soliciting yoar vwtie, and of pledging my- | self that if yow entrust eie with Ike honorable j and responsible position ef commending tltw Regiment, I will do my brat to |>rove myself worthy of yowr V'mince* end eoiiAdeuce. The history of my labors iu raising the Regiment u known to yoa, and ae to my qoeliffcatieue ( and capacity to At niyeotf for the datiee of tha , office, you murt judge for youreelree. The aewspepcr discussion relative to the matter 1 baa bora carried oa without my knowledge or approval. What ieiaure time I have had bee been bestowed up< n advancuigthe good oi the J Knqimi-at, and not ia trakii^ ottva. I trw*t I bat I an bn w?U kuuwa U> ;u? to wake it neeoaaary that I abnuld rapljr to any attack* wad* upon we, either through the aawapapera or otberwiae. One word nor* : I nnderataad it ii rumored | that I hare pmaii?td oCcm to rarioaa par (tea, if I be alacted. Tbia ie tela*. , Very ratpootfolly jroura, I C. J. JLFORD. I October, 1841. * [aoa TUB aulTliKRX BXTBRPRiaB ] To the Pooyla *f OreemTlllo. Fellow Citiment?The CwngrenMODal elms- i tiou ia near at hand, and you will hare an opportunity of giving Greenville l>ietriei a member to Congre**, an honor of which , ahe haa long been deprived. Will yon embrace the cbanee now presented, or will you till aufTer other Idatiiota to reap tbia honor and advantage I There are hut two candidate*?one from i Spartanburg, Col Farrow?and the etin r from Greenville, Col. Towne^ Col. Farrow ia a young man of fair talent* and good ad- 1 dree*. Yon all kuow Col. Towne*. In point of ability, ptditical information, *agacity and experience, he ha* no auperior in the Congreaaional District. Aa a wiae mmi unit sagacious politician, he is recognised hjr those roost competent to judge, as having few superiors in the State,and he is known all over the country as one of the ablest writers in the State. As an hnmhle and sincere Christian and man of incorrupt ible fidelity, he is worthy of the utmost con fidence. ? Turn out, then, fellow-citiecns, on Wednesday next, and give him eurh a vote as his eharaeter and ability deserve. Choose ye between the candidates now, at a time when yon most especially need, in the councils af the eonnlry, men of wisdom, prudence and experience. Send the young and strong to the field of hattle, and the old, the wise and the experienced to the leglsla live hoik GREENVILLE. i Col- G F. Townw. i aj request, we puDiisfi the following article taken from the A>?? Era, Uaionrills. t Ed. Mr. Editnr?A* the gentleman whose name is at the beaJ of this article, a candidate for Con' greas, may not be very generally known to the f people of Union District, I beg permission to I ray, through your eloooaas, a few word* in bis behalf. 1 Col. Towns* was for a nnmher ef years, ediI tor of the old Greenville Mnnntaineer, and few men in the State have a higher reputation than he enjoys, as a clear, rigorous and forei ble writer. Mr. Calhonn is reported at ono I time, to bare said that he wrote the ablest editorials of any many in the State. He possesses a elear, logical mind, with powers aonlysi* * mnch shore ordinary snen. He is one of . those thinking men, with a metaphysical turn . of mind, who never pans for half their value With the masses. Ns man in the fttate la hatter Informed in ? the pelitiee ef the eountry for the last thirtv {ears ; during all ef which time he baa been a tetes Rights man. of the strletest sect, through * evil ea welt as food report, never Wreaking his t cherished principles for popularity, because he always acted from principle. No man In the * country bee labored harder for the suoeees of r those political principles which hare always been dear to the people ef Union District.? These who know him beet, know kirn to be a ' man of wisdom, and of great political soger I ] 4jk ie mmm m ready a* mm * ft erne ts - . l . II |<M kla UMt wl MHW wyyirt. e?mtomm the* they mM M?w kwt WW tn enp*t their ohtbt. ItAfM IMVTI. [row jrnn Mvnm ihtwotu.] Mr. Kdilrr?I *ee by Tour Inat iaaaa thit / M*j. Couble Im 4itllnMt the Mwpttw of tbe Colonejejt of th* let Regiment 8. C. M. M?j. 0. M' i towwiwion la the C?nfKb- a r*t# army. and fruai thin reaa?n he decline*. |j Tha Mitral* will ?o douM ba reorganized by tb? at ure a*it winter, an a* to rawdor it mora rflcbnt ia u time of invation " or wny audd-n emergency ; therefor* In tha election of oilcan I* ill nil vaeeaeiee, erary effort nhould ba trade to pronnra the aarriaaa of gantleaaen wall qualiied by Ulant* nod education to ill three eeaoaiea, with credit to thamnalraa and with honor to tha perriee. In tbia oonnaotloo we wg("*t Maj. Wai 1 M. Tbonina na n eoitable gentleman to ill I in? onto# of Volonel of I bo lot Rfcinifnt S, C. M., and hop# that h? will permit hi* friend# to bring bits forward m a candidate for that position. A VOIEI. | * Absconded to tub Flkxt.? A canoe boat, containing aix contraband*. wm acen to jf<> off to the fleet from tl?n neigh borhood of Long Island, on Wednesday last. 1h?y were noticed going up the idea of rum of the ship* after the boat 1 to the man of war, and 'hev hare, J no doubt, rnmninad on board. It is naid that they had a pas#, authorising them to fi-<h within certain limit*, and that they got beyond the proper point hy an exhibition of thia papar, which ia I now supposed to hare been a forgery. * * I Charleston Afercwrjr, 2Otk.' ?BB 1 11. ?? i nn_??jj i For Colonet. The friends (rf~C. J. ELFORD, 5 Esq., respectfully announce hlin a candidate for COLONEL of the proposed Grean villa Xtglmrnt. f*3|r" We would moat respect rpeot'iilly announce T. 5*. ARTHUR a candidate for COLONEL of the proposed Regiment to he raised in Oreenrilla District, j 1 for apecial service in the State. . MANY VOLUNTEERS. T Far Lieutaannt-Calaanl. ?TW We are authorized to an- * a ounce J Oft* M. JON KM a candidate for Livulenar.t-Cnlonet of tb? proposed t to l-e rnived in Oreenrilla District, for State acrvice. jWWe uottld moat respectfully announce JAMRS JtoCULLOUGfl a candl itnte for LIEUTENANT COLONEL of the -. propoaz-d Regiment, to he raised In Green- J ville Dielrict for rpeeittl serrice in theStetc. MARY VOLUNTEERS. Far Xajar. 13T We are authorized to an 11 aouuee Lieut. Col. D. I. J. CHANDLER a candidate for MAJOR of the proposed Reyriment to be raised tn Oreenrilla Diatrict. f?>r the acrrice of the State. We are authorized to anaoiincw Mai. WALLACE It. IOOR a candidate for MAJOR of the Volunteer Regiment aow Wii( raised In tbia District. F?r Congreea. X3T We arc authorized to annmuic? Pol O. F. TOU'NESa candidate to a repreeen; the #th Cemrreaciorml I Hat riot in Ihe Conitjrese of the Confederate States. J^T" We are authorized to annonoc? Ool. JAMES FARROW, of Spartan- ' hurg, a candidate to represent thr 5th Con- * ireselmial I>ieiriet in tha Congreea of the *' Confederate State*. * Far Tax Cellaator. A Ml t3P~ We are authorized to announce W. H. BURNS a Candidate for Ta? Collector, at the next Election. K t^T JAMES N. SMITH an- u nnaucee himself a Candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election. iMrThe friends of JOIIN II. t)l TARRANT, announce him a candidate for p Tax Collector for Oreenrille District. ? *~ We are authorized to an- a nounce W. 9. TIIACKSTON a candidate for Tax Collector at the ensuing election. ,, The friends of Rev. J. M. RUN- m ION, respctfully announce him aa a Candidate for Tnx Collector, at the ensuing election. te We are authorized to an- ci Bounce W. F. TAYLOR, Esq., a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensning election. 51 jtiT We are authorized to an- l* nonnce EDMUND HOOKER a candidate for Tex Collector, at the ensuing election. * A S'W We are authorised to an- H nonnce W. T. AUSTIN a candidate for Tax Collector, at the next election. JT-2T We are authorized to an- " nonnce J. II. McCULLOUOIl a candidate for ? tax Collector, at .tho next election. |d?f~ We tire authorized to an- * nonnca W. T. 8HUMATE as a candidate for j. Tax Collector at the ensuing election. Wo are requested to an- / nounce Mr. ELlAS DILL, as a candidate for |, Tax Collector, at the next Election. %?T JAM KS B. PEA KSON an- / nouncea himself as a candidate for Tax Col- v lector at the next election. a ^ i h NOTICE. The commissioners op the poor t, will meet at the Poor House on Eatur- v (iny, the 9th November. A full attendance ia {, desired. P. CAUBLK, Chairman. H. M. Suits, Treaa. 20-2 Oct 31 8 HOtlB PABTlXGr ; TflK subscriber ia prepared to EXECUTE . promptly all order? for MOUSE PAINTING: o upon the moat reasonable terms. T. C. QOWER. Anril It '* Notice. ALL person* indebted to mo by Not* or c Book Aeeornt previous to January f Inst. are notified to come forward and pay r up forthwith, a* I mn*t have monrv. P. BCRTY. t Jan t lli ' tf o ~~7 NOTICE. ALL perron* having btisineee with me in a professional line, will enll on JOHN VF. STOKBH, Raq, who will net for me dur a in* my absence. E. P. JONEH. April It SO tf NEGROES WAN"fEb7~ , WANTED TO HIRE, two fir*t rate Ne- o gro Men, to go to Virginia, tor n which fair wage* will be given. Apply at a one* to <j O. A. PICKLE. m tr i 4 ^ DECEASED. WILL SELL, LI Ml? I-nte RrnMence, Ar LAVBsm DzvrmxcT, il ThT 19TI BIT Of lOimiEl wnaKOTf ARD MM FOLLOWING, TBI KHMVOM PROPERTY, TO WIT : HOUSEHOLD AND (ITCII EN FURNITURE Plantation Tools, A LOT or MIES AND HORSES, AND ALSO .A LOT OF ?ATYLIS, FORTY OR FIFTY {AGS OP COTTON, 1500 MJSHKLSOF COTTON SEED, IM8IMIMI1I, 20,000 BUNDLES 07 FOIDIDBFL, 3DD 3HTlf &&1K3 ?7 ?ATS, 1,000 POUNDS 07 BRQQM. ALSO, Five Road \Vapron* wo of whieh are Large and the real Entail. 3 COTTON ftil.KS, 3 N E T H 11 A S H E R . 131 NEGROES, TWO 07 WHOM ARK BLACKSMITHS, THREE OR FOUR 4ood Wage oeri, rwo HRAMSTk KSS KS AND HOUSESER VANTS, b AND ONR FL&STATIS9 fiAHRfiTIH. Most of whom Are yoang And likely. UB is. EVEHTEEH TEACT8 OF LAND, Containing about the number of Acre* ? described below-. Pints of which will be (hibited on the day of Sole, showing the *sct IncAtionn end numbers of Acres in sch. Upon many of these Tracts there re snbstAiitinl settlements: Ho. 1, The Homentend. containing 1106 ere*, situated on Saluda and Reedy Risers, nd in a high state of cuttivntion. Ho. 2, The Zebalon Savage Tract. eon-1 diting 260 Acres, and situated on Salmis ie*r. a to! in a good state of cultivation. ' Ho. 3, The Lucinda Savage Tract, conlining 880 Acres, situated on Saluda River, nd in a high state of cultivation. Ho. 4, The Henry Pope Tract, contain-1 ig 188 Acres, and situated on Saluda iver. ' Ho. 6, The Hasel Tract, containing 246 ore*, and situated on Recdv River. Ho. e, The John Watson Tract, contain-1 ig 810 Acres, and situated on Reedy River, nd in good cultivation. Ho. 7, The Lewis Watson Tract, conlining 820 Acres, and in a high slate of litivation. Ho. 8, The Arnold Tract, containing] Bo Acres; valuable Tract, with good Botims. Ho. 9, The Sims Tract, containing 846 ores; a valuable Tract, also with good ottoros, and in a good stale of cultivation. Ho. 10, The Mill Tract, containing & crea, lying on each side of Reedy River, pon which is a good Grist and Saw Mill. Ho. 11, The 1-atimer Tract, containing 27 Acres, situated on the Greenville lload, ud containing a g<?od settlement. Ho. 12. Part of Latimer Tract, contain-1 D)t 1H8 Acres. Ho. 13, The Cook Trsct. containing 827 i< ro?, tying on Walnut Creek, and in a igh state of cultivation. Ho. 14, Tito Waits Tract, containing 290 teres, lying on Walnut Creek, and a very a Inside Tract for farming purpose*. It alr> ha* a Lime Quarry and a Kiln ready for urning the same. Ho. 10, Clark A Johnson Tract, consining 280 Acres, situated on the Orcentile Road, and has good settlement*, also n a high state of cultivation. # Ho. 16, The Kinman Tract, containing OOAccs. This Tract is sit mKed on Halua River and Turkey Creek, in Abbeville )iatriet, and is a very valuable place, and n high state of cultivation. Ho. 17, The Jamie Moore Tract, containrig 188 Acres, situated in Abbeville Diarist, on Saluda River, and in a high etate f cultivation. TERMS. The above Property will be sold on a red it of one and two yeas, with interest torn day of sale, interest to be paid aalUally. Purchasers to give bond, with at least wo approved securities, with iheeaeeption f purchases under ten dollars, whioh must >e paid in cash. r/f. smith, I E*??utor* ro THOiEMDEBTED. A TjL pfjTnn? indebted to the folate on fV matter* Mantling open at the death f the deceaaed, or toH. V. .lohn*on, Agent, utirt pay the aaine without further notice; nd thoee having demand* will pIreater them in, properly altered. W. T. S k K SMITH, b ore. o?H m - \ i' . * y ~ ^ ' * *tat* sotrra cARoinrl EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. ^ Jolt *, t??l\ ACCORMSfl (o in Art of the CwnM \ rat* Congress, entitled M An act to into Operation the Government ondor Permanent Conrtltntlon of the Omftftj j . State* of AimriM," It la required that d Slate shall rota on the FIRST WEDS I PAT IK NOVEMBER N^XT. hrTmnf 1 and VW President of Dm Confederate Sta wkieh oflWero miokr inanflnratbd on o twenty eeennd of Febrnary AmI; b? whereas, the nirtlng law of the State j>? ) rides that the Elfrtomfor Praatdrat ai Pie*-President ihall be appointed by V Lepietetare; and, wherea*, the Ltghiitf of this State will not be in r?K?lar waiof V the time prescribed by thesforsaaid Act Ai appolntnrt?nt of Eleetora: Therefore. h? it known that I, F. V j PICKERS, floteruor tn and oter the Stat ffl of South Caroline, bjr rirtno of the?-|>o*i rated in roe by the Constitution, anthorf J inn ih? woveroor, on extraordinary ot^ .j ion*, to ?n?rfM th? Otn> r?l Assembly, o iatue thi* my proclnmatioti, celling up* and rcqneeting the Hcnetorssnd MnnlirrA the Hons* of Rf|>rwn(?ti??? to convened COLUMBIA, ON THE FIRST IN KOVEMBKK next ensuing. that thej 1 may be prevent in the House of ReprenenM tifrt, on the Mid Wnlnwdw in Kotrml>i| to appoint Electors of Prudent and Viot President of the Confederate Stare* of Atnr riea. in conformity with the Act of tliaCor federate Congrrm a fores* id. I A* the Permanent Constitution ie to h? organixed, an election will la> required at two Senator* from thi* Slate, and also, in all probability, eon?iilering the peculiar atnte of . the country, other important matters will ha 1 acted on at the um? aceeion of the Legists- I ture. |l Uiveo nnder mt hand, and the *eal of th? l State nCoreeild, at Colnmtda, Miis the eixth [{ day of July, in the year of our Lord ona n t { thousand eijfht hundred and sixty one, II ( and in the eighty sixth rear of the inde- fif pendenca of the State of South Carolina. vJ F W. PICKENS. f I*a ac II. Mitn, Secretary of Slate. \ July 18 11 eowtd 1 The State of ^outh Carolina. ) To a(l ?*d lingular the Manager* nf (he General Election*, for the Dietriet of Greene Hie, at Greenville C. It. : _ j | IN pursuance of an Act of the General Alb "J , | Seuihiy of thi* State, paa.vd on the 10th ] Iircvmber. A. D. 1852, and an Act of the Caafederate Congrea*. entitled 44 An Act to pat ta- ' ?' to operation the government, nnder the per. , t maucnt Constitntion of tba Confederate States of America," you are hereby required, after legal notice, (and being duly qualified,) to t proceed to hold an Eloction for a Representative in the Congrra* of the Confederal* States, for the Fifth Congressional DlrtrieSet tba FIRST WEDNESDAY IN NOVEMBER neit, at the etune place, and to he conducted hy the e?uie*M*uag?r*, nnd In the same manner a* the Election of Members of the State Legiala-~^AjSI tare, nnd after having determined on the per- < aon duly olected, you do certify the name ae- f W 1 cordiug to Law, nnder your hand and seal, to iho Governor for the time being. ;^r Givon under my hand and tbe eenl nf the Stafe in Columbia, the 2fttla- day of July, in the , yeaPof onr Lord on? thousand night hundred and riitjf-oaa, Ad in the eighty-sixth year of tbe Sovereignty and Independence of the State of South Carolina. By the Governor. WM. R. HCNTt / Dop'y Secretary af State. ? u Managers of Election in Oreonrllla District. ' .J Greenville Court Hoiine?Wm. Bayne, ' Hamlin IU?ltif,.lV. R. B. Farr. MeCuUoiufli'i?Jafnee Gaines, TFm. Don- - J sldaon, B. It. Johnson. f' t < Jone?'?Andrew Hamilton, J. D. Sullivan, |l 1 W. R. Berry. Fairview?Jr*w K. Stone, R. Harrison "*3 Karle, W. I. Marshall. Brock mnn'n? Daniel Fowler, J. R. Snowy i S. It. Westmoreland. > | Itiehnrda'? John W.* AnMln, Henry H ' I Henderenn. Daniel W. Holland. Mnvfield'x?Toliver West, T. P. Aehmore, 'y Pwcliel D. Cur-'fnn. >i Woatfioljfr Thomas Turner, N. W. Oar? rleon, P. Nicker. >, I Shockley'a?0. S. Green, J. A. Smith, W. %) Gaeen. > Montgomery'*?J. P. llitlhonse, C. C. m ! Montgomery, Th?n??* W. Roe. Coder FnlPe?J M. Hopkins, Silas Trow- J bridge, John S Stenhouse. i/*2 i< Holger'nStore?It. T. Talley, William CojL, j <j Henderson Goods. \ il . II -Brutori'e?Oliver Barrett, W. H. Goodletf, I'rew Benson. Hodges'?Dntis W. Hod gee, F. II. Fuller, Calvin Goodwin. Dlekey'a?H Keelefv David Barton, M. R Fp%r. Groe?e?Benjamin Few, Jr., II. S. Gibaos, W. K. Dickson. ^ Manor.'e?Berrylnan Stewart, David MeClain, Thomae Reed. lJoutliet's?-George W. Keith, John Masters. Howard Henderson. Fountain Inn?John K Hammond, L. ML' West, Thomne Ooldsraith, Jr. Tucker'* ?SnletuoajJpnea, David Bayae, V Perry Cuntrell. 1 JL 9 Sept 19 JR( id r | PIJBL.IC ARMS. \ij SHAVK boen appointed by the Goreraor m i the Agent of the State, in Greenville Mint, (or the COLLECTION OF PUBLIC ARMS, MUNITIONS, Ac., and I do hereby give notice to all poreoua haviu^Guna, Sword* iy?rinn^e wx^, iwiw, or m*?j mmtmr nrw# mni1 >u Munition*belonging to tho State of Sowlh | Ckrolinit, to remm the a*M to mo at *J villo C. H? forthwith, or thoj will bo rwporteCM *t headqqartor*. * . ^ All peroona knowing of Pnblto Art^i, it, . in the poMc*>ioo Of |U>7 indivi<taal. nrw r?qtiOfifcd to girt no iumaodUte ootfoo of tho ,-J | / Thi? writer clow not apply to ami, 4e? tn \ arti^l aorvieo, bj tu; oxiatfng orjrantaed Mil- ( iury Company. C, J. ELFORD. Sopttft 81 * If ,* DENTAL CARD. TDK M<l?nl|M wmtk twfMtftdl; iufhna the rilitent of (IreeRetfle that he Ml returned, ud maj he found at hie Ofllee. '> J NO. ANDERSON. , Aug St 16-lf Surgeon Dentist. ??ncBk, ?VS : A LL nereont\h4ehtw* loQul. ^ &?$] wilt hand the* in, property aMHtod. W.ii, OQODLETTTlUawh^ f|i "?? 1 -