University of South Carolina Libraries
t Infown ths ritiwona of JEw Greenville D'wtrii'f that thoy in Dow ; X WnNivto*? Fnt^BTOOK OF GOODS in their f -purchased'in charweston, r-v tm wmcit raty will iill at rk Xcwex Prices Than Usual. ML . * Th? Stock conaiau. in part, of 1 phattril and Drown Skirting* ond Hhoetinpa fs?V?A Urg* wtticty of Frinta. of direct iu?i?>rt*U??, ' Jw o. 12fT*nt? per vanl * *1 JVNrtt^DdOotton Diaper*, I.iueo Drill* f Fency Cnarlmory* nud ?Vti >iui l> a ^?'^IJ1*lr? WMfw 8wU? nnd llotUMl Mnalina i. aTllnck BfHt ManUllns, EmhfohtcrW Collnra' jl ^ Uar?ir? Mantilla*. whitcMWf* colored / lloop ^kirtv, of v-rima l.m-N. ainnnr which wfll lm f.i'nxd antnw of 7 Springa, 05 eetitaj jj? 30 Spring*, *2..10 Ami nil the other Article* naceraary to com- j jiT' ^ priw a generul stock of Dry Gooda. Wfci' A!AO, js< iFrcnvti <T)tf %Mat?. tnpM, Boots, Shorn. GROCKKIKS, h ' HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, *? .. Ac. We are confident. of the fact that we can aft ford to sell onr Goods at prices tlmt will e?ni a^adAtnd the attention or the public, and wo re- ; rn^Svvectfally solicit an examination <>f onr Stock. rfU7 LONG, GOODLETT A CO. March 8 44 ' tf iTTTwr^Avir PBACTICAL "! . Watrh maker and Jov/olor, TAKES the liberty to Inform ? |y^V7the people of Greenville, and the j> r i^shole surrounding country', that I w has on hand, without doubt, the best stock ; ?f ? J szw,v7?^K\7tg I-,. that has ever been kept in tlial'inm i'f I "t -^'"e, ?n<t if any one in disposed to dwiibt it, let ] t. "Jim or her, come and see if it is uot so. His j 4tock comprises in pHrl of tbc following Jj / Irtieles: Fine Gold and. Silver Watches If at) qualities, and warranted to keep good * "r VBfc and to pice satisfaction. AO poods ' dd > wy him, are warr.inted to bo what they are rep saented, or ho will ro!'ni>d the money nnd . ake the^fticle'hack and no jftiunV.liug. His k. Jewelry iaof thHatert and best uylat tu his P Meek wre tine Diamond Goods, Lava, Vent-l, ' Garnet, with or without set", and "Ake Ami Chain a?>d other Bracelet* j Watch "?h*liiB*f nil styles ; Gold ami Silver ThhnVlea, Gold; Silvek and Steel Spectacle,: Cort ave and Convexed Glasses. and nlsn^Ceekkr??, with or without t'losps. He b:is also I |p* Jure Silver and--Plated "Ware.' fliii Arllchl re too unucroue to mention all of them, hat | i |H?e and see at nnre. DOW'T FORGET V 4i DOES ALL KIM'*:; OF REPAIRING Qk tt Watches, CloefcAtqtid Jewelry, *nd thnt in HA Yamrkaarttilike nfniifcw.^u<-h. perhaps, n* v?u f Awaoi fft done fchyynerc else In (he upcoun? -Ty, for (ho docs' not feel himself inferior to "lty, so you will do 4tll to try trim, and see if L in words nro not true. Ho thirtfct there are A jknd alivcfy wlio hare tried him, atid will ?i wrfwy to nil of the'above. flfce. "l" Shop may be found at the GoodV i att lluuso, on Main Street, ' : July 2fi 1?2 tf - iew milffliii li t ft ORIBT, HAWTHORN * PERRY \ \Y.Y AVE entered into wpaitMnhip fsr t jMLl . the purpoee of entry iug on the busi1 f [tens of *"m MANUFACTUR,NG? * VMftd have Uk?n p^anor-siou of the well MmoVii i. *^!otton Manufactory, lately in oporatlon rSjby V. i>J?UKFM looataA Six Mile. JL 3 South-Ea.t of Greanvillo% n ?Viae ntire Mseliim-rv ban been placed in / ? >?nipl?*te running ord< r. and we are row Hjt Vepnivd to furnish COTTON YARNS of enperior quality. IITHK WIHIIj J? pMk TTACHF.D ?> tlil* ur?* ?! j-Xfc CTl ?<> in *x?*cllvi'<i ond nil orVJL '%i? fur AKtilTfO WOOI. will ?'? hiioikI '. '* !? ujn'ii ??''itiin <i f\l i *t oilier e'-t AS?H?ii<iit in tli? 4flBiL|i'W "<V 4- J. xvo<ady. , .SkA ' 1?AVTI> (^lAWTUORN. * ' Jg\ , WILLIA NPPKUKY. ' r ; (1)? VI I 84 tf iamls .u. r^iMiAi Eir, J A')' J>r(', r" ^<r y ",r'|'' NDS^gw ELRV f\ -VKUY OKXF.KJUr ASHOKTMKNT of |H 1%. flno,?nd other JmWBI. /.' >' initv hp I**. , ?\ 3 tli? HuWribor, 0^bjfM<n> in ardor En$n<j?4? '?mi HimjK, iiikI hiiv ItJwr ifticle roquirpd Ju HWjn*. KR^AIKT.'APfrUbMH ??n^ ?%. AriK TRriTWfdwl^'.bJI feiMVtttetl'Vtofto I J If. RANDOI.I'f! t tireenvlUP. fi C.. 15. ??M. l?-t( iW^FOIt SAI.K qU rent7^ LMf- [t^,.> TII^T^OlNK ANPl^yt L AffiVA- fit tl:o I'ork I f til- A,1,1. r*.? .xJP^2Jk| l'?.idh-i.?i. Hok'Ih, n?fi4< ipiBBMpftt CPlipird H Pwmi, TtiUiir?*'* N<1j?>|iiif'K i? ? purl ??f g?Kkf% AlH-ly Afctlir J'lB* (>?lcc. Kg! ^ THRUBTOMr H^KB ' L-? . 4 B^f - , K ^?i^?????? i ;br flrogr^is, $e $? ll?&f5?jr ..-',- ,'. 'i .. Dissolution. T^HR HUM OF liOZKMAN, WF?T A Jl sTi iNE, ii dU?lv?(t, hy ih? with iir?wil of J K. stone. Tlia remnlnlnir nartners.of thp Firm. (T. L llorematv and D. T. West.) fty agreement, win !? rni|H>ntlli|f for the payment of nil .1. lit* contracted hy them siqce the first dav of January last. ' f , 1r. It. FOREMAN, D T. WEST. * J.K. STUNKAfijfl 19 tf IIENHV GASTT, BARBLK, DMRSIRFS Tcrv respect fully to inform the I public that he now occupies the shop formerly occupied l?y Iturridsrc, and i-< prepared to <1??, satisfactorily, all work in his line. He hopes to get a share of patronage. Shop open Iroth day and evening. Jnijr u .. io ? . , . tf FOR PALE TV,y.?ft XT AllCAfa AIA J T Allies JU.I/U9U3 clilU liUtS) r?i . WnOH an ed, and paying a frond intercut K ^LTj NKW ins\ h? had '111 wT/ ?-very r*iw?iiaM? tem.?, if applied for noon. The owner wishing to invent the proceed* of sale in other liuainm ho is en- i gaged in, is the only reason why lie ban a disposition to dispose of the property. Also, Tor sate, a VACANT LOT. Knqnire at this OWce for particulars SITG A US, LEAFLARDi&C CLARIFIED, Crushed and I'ow'd Sugar Superior Rio Coffee Choice Large Grain Rice Superior Lenf Lard Rent Golden Syrup 1 riine Apple Vinegar Fresh Boston. Hi ecu it Fresh Ginger Nnts Stone Preserving Java Citron, Currants and Raisins. AH for ealo LOW. BRYCE SMITIT. June 27 8 tf VIJ, persons indebted to tln< K?tate or the lato Maj li LEE THRUSTt >X are requested to make early payment : and those having claiins against In.- deceased will present tliein. properly vouehed, within the uext three months, to his Executor or Rxecuirix. ROBERT T. THRU^TOX. SUSAN W, THRUSTON. Fab 81 v v 42 ? if AUGUSTA * FIRE INSUKAN C K AND B ANKING COMPANY, CAPITAL., $375,000. WILL lake RISKS upon the moat reasonable terms. W. T. SHUMATE, Agent. Nav 1 2fi tf TOBASOT TOBACCO ! IHAVRTtVENTY PCXES of the follow ing Brnnda of TOIIACCO, which I have received ou consignment, and offer for aale: N. DALTONS OOI.D LEAF N. DAL'TONS RE*?T N DALTONS CIIERltY RED J. w. Clto ? DEU T. & WILSON. J. A. I>AVID. Aug ft 14 8m ~e7 P. J ?\K?,. ATTORXKY AT LAW ANIfr-fiOLlCITOR IN EQUITY ? ' UUKKSVILI.R. s. c. **r- Office Ha?t Hide lit Court )Inu?e Square, where lie way be found dnily, .Voni 1'. A. M.( to?^P. M. 87 -W .Jan IV S FT A VIN Or . HAIR TRIMMING, UHSSIN6, DYING AMI) RAZOR SKTTINO AND SHAMPOO IN at tiik Second Door above Mr. MoFherson a WILSON COOK. Mav 2 20 SELLING OUT AT LOW PRICES F R CASH. milK Nubiwriber offer* for A?le hi* entire 1 Stuck <'f At the lowest i>oM>it)U' |irlce> for cash F. BUilTY. Jan ft 8.1 It KM KMBKR Tho Deaf, Dumb and Blin^. r|MlK d, liAvinc been appointed I ^iKni f?p tliix Dinlrit!, ('<r the *ab* ot BROOMS, MATS, Hid other in title* Manufactured *t the /hVi'<h(wm for the l>rnf, J/Htnh ami Blind, at Cedar Springe, d. (J., W..uld mil the Attention *?f mere Km its and n(hi<r> ifilrrcKl*^, to thin Kii TKW luetilutimi stand* ax a noKK record of,lib.1 ..lily for which our Stat* ii> *o highly char ante rlxcd, and dem.rve* pa troung*. 1 jfRt ?*)I mi a* good term# ua tin same articles cau bo obtained el*e where. TIJOS. bTKKN Feb 28 48 6m FRESH. DRUGS AT J. A* KVRKIMTIIKVS 1HU(. CAH He bad allium anything tonally k>*|it in a Jirutr Kelnhliidiineiit. Thiim are a few Ait it-lea not to be found lu Market. , 1 1 am eonatantly rcfeeiyfng FN)->Mf Kl?Pand hi 1 buy and aril exe|u*i\ely for {JAAIJ, can compete witli any lu price# Who sell a good Article. CAU.1W0 CpOKS AI1VE THE MANSION r HoUSE. ... 4Vlt^pmrlt K. S*|>? 18. tf ? i( it ' f r An, ^ i r l. r. a. i>. ooonurry. REED & GOODLETT, ATTORNEYS AT tAW, ami SOLICITORS m EQUITY. * f?HKKN VIU.K. ?. 0. 0fit re IfortK-Kant Cor%*r Court 11 out* Hhdae't, ' Jane 4 \ | I T or :flex oi |hls of (ho jSouth, and i (JRRKNVILLE. SOUTH" ?}lt Inutjjrrn (Enttrprisr is ISSUED EVERT THURSDAY MORBIHG, ST M?JUNTCTN & BAII.KY, 1*K? >l*KII*TOKS. C. M. McJunktn J. O. Bailey. W. P. t:?U tor. C. n. Mr J I1?1 Kill, Amhlnnl. o TRP MA TWO DOLLARS A YEAR Invariably in Advance. ADVERTISEMENTS Inrortod at Y5 cents per Hipiarn of 12 lino* ' (or less) for tlio first insertion : 50 for the sec- | nnd: 25 for the third to the thirteenth : 20 for ' the fonrteenth to the twenty-sixth; 16 for the twenty-seventh to the thirty-ninth ; 10 for the fortieth to the fifty-second. Yearly or half-yearly contracts made, and a liberal deduction from the al^ve rates irivcn. I Advertisements not subject toeontraot should ! have the number of insertions marked upon | them. They will be published and charged for till ordered out. ^ i i r n Richmond, October % A di?paielt received bv President Pavis, from Oen. Joaeph E. Johnston, slated that a battle look jtlace jester day near Leeching, between twelve regiments of United States troops and five regiment- of tbe Confederate forceuntler (Jen. N. E. Evan*. Tbe United States forces attacked Pen Evans, who repnl-ed mid drove i the enemy across the Potomac. Two i bundled of the Federals were killed, in i eluding General Pakei of the Cilifottiia | Volunteers, and late United State- Sen i alor from O tegoti. Ten commissioned officers, including Col. Cogswell, were taken prison-**. iiia pieces ol arlilleiv ' were captured. The Toiee- engaged on our side were ' the Thirteenth, Seventeenth and E'gh- ' I teenth Mississippi Iwgigmcnts, Eighth ' I Viigiuia Regiment, and the Viigtnia 1 Cavalry. < j Our victory is complete. ? Richmond Oet 9a More Parlicuhir/< o/ (he fight.? An 1 intelligent gentleman. jiiol from Wash ! ington, tli ?t Lincoln's force*, in Maryland. Virginia. Mini the ihstiict of \ Columbia, piitnlwr 2O0.000 well equip ped men. with the exception of their cavalry. which me much tufvrior to the Confederate cavalry. Sevetal gentlemen engaged in and ' witnesses of the battle near Leeslmrg. f <>ti Mndav, hMV that the route of the ' Federal* exceeded that of Matia*?as RUtius. Wlo.ii tltev look to tlie titer 1 their head* were almost a* thick a* swarming blackbirds, ami it wnsimpos ( sible to d?*?cril?e the scene or estimate how many were drowned. .Hundreds wore allot while they were swimming and struggling in the water. Many left | cloth ng of all kind*. Tltev drowned eaeb other in their frantic struggle* to | get beyond the fiie of the Ct ufederaie*. ( Mo*t of our wounded will l?e brought to Kicllinoud. ami nearly all the ptisoii ( era ate expected lieie in a day or t?o. Richmond. Oct. 24 More Prisoner*?F<derol Movement*. ! One hundred and -ix'v m-oe federal ( prisoners reached here thi* afternoon. I ? Several more prisoners are expected ! I to morrow. ! i I'ass tiger* re'rort that Te*eshtirg is i nov in p >ss?s-ioo of 20.000 federal*. I the Confederates having reined tin ei I orders to e/actvatc Lee*biiig if the fed ' eraU appeared in latge force. I'reviou* j to the battle of Monday, a similar < rder VVrts issued. ti;C ( ihii bean. it.? balile notwitli?lHinting. I'Iim 'dnl'edei nttj Iom, in killed, v*<mii<it-i * Hii l mi*i?iiiij, in 200. The fed end lows, in killed. wounded. |>rinoh? em, hiiiI inis-iti^r. HIHIIH 2000. 1 Nnuieioim inciib'iitm Hie rela'ed of 1 iThIIhui i *?? 1 * |?i if..riiH-d by (lie (,'onfed ernie*. Men never fought with none ' daring cliivaliv then did (he Coufede rale* ill the battle of I.HH;*biirg. I . . 1 ' Tint IJami'ion Lroion.?The Rich | inond Examiner hnv* : "An ed liiion in to be mud#* to i lit- j gallant rorpo of h iinii|iini of Z'HiHVe*. , reeuiiled in (JliMileaion. mn1 one of i;< j 'oiii|iHiii?-<. hi |>r*-etit in the infmilrv. j , will lie transferred lo the artillery of j , llie Legion. Thi? will make the fa- j , gion eoii?i*l of eijjlii inf.inirv eom|i?niei, , hivI a battalion of ttrli'lerv, with n ~<|iiad | ron of tin- finest c?vMlr\ i?i ibe arm*.? i | | I wo ritbi tfuli* of English niniinfHClnre. I , | ini|H>rte<{ l?v I!? * ln?vt< liei-n , <>1 :min*-<I l>\ (*ol. IImnpinn, innkitig tin* , hitiimiiieiit of ih? Legion, hi pre<#nt, i j folir rifle Mtxl four howitzei*, with | mi mMition <>fl wn 24 |HMimt?r? , ^ i h ii?. fiio* appointment* *nd i<>in<>u? muUriel, tin* L?^n>n i* a iTtuk corp* | in onr Hiuiy on the Pmonntc." I t||k fkrokq of <>kv. mcpi.ih am.? A VV??l?ini<w>ii lit-pnu'lt *hv* * ' i Tl?? hiiiiv iiwler fJeneriil McOlclInn | i? Imge. himI l? ii'iore?~iiig - l?*?t n* u , iiiiiii-h-*-. lie ilinQjclirnii ItfiieiHl Mink* i ninli*r mIiiiiii iheie i? n very Img.' , ? i: iiihi !?? In HiivHiVH. ; 'I'lrele A' f m re fr.M.p- hi*'? fli ill ('All I !>. p..?-il?l\ iiim?| ( i?> nieri |)ie I'liriny < ill HifaVre. mil I lie pioli it.iliu }?, lint ( \\ t<)tMI|(|iili Hit'I tl'O -III. ill- I'. Ii |f g 'o 14 inn H, U. poi- Iuj uli.-H * . L%*P*? m )i . t T T^OJPTJL -*o ->A f ; > .>* ht diffusion of llstful CAiToLiNA, THl'RSHAy M< Richmond. Oct'ilwr 22. j Official intcllignnM ha* been received 'I l?y the War I >epin ttnent, dated at Cen- j trevilh, 22d in?tant, which *laie* that | General Evan* report* that he wa* en- I 1 yajfod iiuwt of the (Jav veaterdav with !. twelve regiment* and five hatteiie* of. I the enemy near the Potomac. Thev ! I had cr?*?ed over unde. cover of the ar j I tillerv ftr?. Our force-drove them hack t with heavy Ion* in kiiUwl, and two hnn- I t dred of their nnmher ImIpii ? 1 I ( mrrnl Evans (mil fortr regiments and I l?ni five guns. I General Baker, lute United State* i Senator from Oregon, was killed. Col- 1 onel Cogswell and ten oiher United 1 State* Armv offi.-ers Mere taken prison I ea. Six piece* of artillery Mere cap , I tilled. i New York p iper* of tlie 16th in?tant,; I receiver! liere. contain di-patche? from I J Washington. of the 14th instant, iej>or;- I ing utiorecedented ncli?ilv both dnv | < and nitfht at the Navy Yard. Eight i i hundred o)?era'ives were employed in J t cas'ing caution.shot and shell. All the , 1 cannon have b,-en rifled. I A dispatch fiotn Forire** Monroe of i t lie 14th instant, says that the loss of ihe Twentieth Indiana Ueigiment in the aflair at Chicnniacomic i? forty-seven mi-sing nr?eml?ers. A dispatch fr- in Washington of ?he 15'h instant, savs that fittv one fJonfed i elate prisoners, at Ne? York, h ive heeu released bv orders from Washington, j upon their taking the oath not to en* j tfage -urainst the United States ant fur > i thcr during the war. I j Thk T.KKsniHo I?atilk.? Adirpatth Lo 'he Couiier sat s : j . "The battle took place near the Big spring Mill, between t'oniad's and Edward's Kerry, two miles north of Lees* j luirg. It was entirely a fight of infun- j rv on out side. \N e used no arijllerv, ' ?n account of ?li?- thicket where the en j ' 'inv croespd anil were posted. The j ncinv's loss is about 1.000, Our loss i . in killed is about 30. Among the kill- i . *d is a son of Governor Pell us. of Mia- i issippi. * M'-naJlr wounded, Lieut. Cnrter, Lieut. Flint), and l>r Brock, of the 8th Virgin** regiment. The Mercury'I special dispatch savs : "The enemy is expeced to renew (tie tttempl to cross. Gen. Evan* has call- J d fo? reinforcements, which have been 1 'etil to him. The etieuiv are represent- ! -d, in tiii- instance, as baring fought ike devi s. Our men did their work i mainly with the bayonet." - ? Northkk.* Nkws ?The Charleston lui- t Ko L?ll..??i?v/? .w. mtwmw tuv npCl Ifll C4IS* f patch: , Richmond, October 23. f Northern ]>H)?ra to ihe 19lh inst., ? liave been receive*!. | It is ntip|to<-ed thai Secretnrr Seward ] has secret inhumation relative to the ' j les-gn* of Knglanri. | t Them is the wildest excitement in i f filter money market*. The Herald f pt edicts ? war with Krtyland. I The Northern paper* *;?v that Oen. , I'rice has retreated to Southwestern I t Missouri. Oen. Freniont crossed the * )?aje riser in pursuit, and expects to I ? rvertake I'rice near t'ailiiHire. | j 4fcte -ante papers also report a jylori ! | ;>tis fedeial vicloiv at Harper's Ferrc, mid k iv that Tail. Oearv. of Kansas. de Tea e. 1 a sup iior hodv of Confederate*. ! killing two hitt.dr.d. inoltnlintf the n*l j( lairt Col. Ashhv. Thete is much re : ^ juicing tit con-eqnence. The Cincintrali (iaZ. tte predicts tire j remo?Hl of Fremont semeliine next | ' w er-k * ; 1 Hie ^iinlxiat Connecticut fail ?>n tlie j 16'h iiiit.. in i*<*arcli of the iel>el ?ie?tn ' "T Nl-liV ille. tlNV ili|{ Oil |io;?r<l I lie Soil' h ^ jilt niiiii;-U:i>, Me-?is. Ma-oti Mini Sli * il.ll. The Tribune ng iiii urges (lie *' Oil ? lo Richmond" movement. 1 < Advanpk nx Makauras. ? The Rich non l Kx unitier of I hut-dux ?m\?. : " Recent a't'cli'* in ihe New Yoik Herald and Tibnne f wlnuum n ifon ' ri?l nil*.atice In Lincoln'- fnice*. ihi?e I oilrnaU are it*ua!lv jiratty well infouri d through their Wadiinijton corre-- * M?ndentw of (he intend n? of the eito-' ' ny'w t in\ pi ninont. NVIien Mcl'owell ' noveil forward in Julv Ih?i |m?ii Mi n- * jt will be remembered that hi* I' novement wa> po?diively announced I?e- | o-hMinl nv ilir I illume, atitl ilir n"m 1 >er of hi* troop-. git en *i:h gn-nt ?? * ! - j I cv. We heve reason (<> !*lic*e thai ! r ur general* *1 Man ona* are exp?-cling ! M in immediate. attack up?>l? their po-i c iofl> hy Mt'ClelUn. Mini -itch we have leard i?? hI*o ilti* I**involution of leading flleiaU of Iho Confederate Government ' V\ * qiie-tion whether the eiieinv will K Have holier lin k lltMii ho had at Lee* c !>urg the other dav*." U Ghattasoooa MAKK-t.? V\> take lie fo'|ii*iii|{ ma>ket quotation* ftitm j 1 In- Ch all and Ufa (oizolie and Adverti* ! 1 I of I he 1 7lh S J * Bat-on??lin k light. h- g round 22o, ^ iidi - 23o.. thnuliler 17*.. hain* IA to ' * JtK- ; In- f h on - (dried) I0o.; |^- l 2?2r ; ' 1 ii '?> 16 50 ; i!orn. v depot, SO-; \ wh a ?hI?. per ?*ck bar J iel-, i e u? *1 5<? ' ??;?? j p9~vr?>! * r?.i or *? !'*> mor - n. 1 rwoMtlj. Vvtartw Mipee viaMlovkniiged. iiinodcdtjt among ail )RNlNfi, OCTOBER ?, 1861. A Mkmbkk or tiik Human Parma mknt coiludtxo with thk Hkbkls.- < Bennett'* ll**rnl?l of Wednesday aa\?: t Airline t!i?t arrival* fit Richmond Um w ek *e? chronicled thai of w J nine* Fcrirwrton, knight, a member of | the British Parliament ; and it i* elated 1 in connection with him. that he brina* i letter* to the President of the rebel Con 1 federacv f*??m |>udley Mann, one of the rebel contnm-ioner io Eurojie. If thi* t [?< *o it i? a notable instance of the vio- t lati?>n of neutrality, am! deserve-. to have i the attention of the English Govern* < tnent called toil. Any an j?H?t of Great i Britain. who would identify himaeif mo t r*r with the rebel cati-e a* to act an ? l?earer of di-Otali-he* between ti-i.iI*.re Ut i 'milt# and abroad, can have no very nice I len^e of honor or self-respect, and as i "*i James mart Itave jw-ed through tfh- ? Northern Slate* to get to Richmond I ie lias Ootihtleae givm the .left". Davis t abai the Iwnefit of hi* observation*. i tod earned in addition to hi* knightlv I itle that of *pv, ho that ho may be i known hereafter as Sir Jam** Ferguson Spy, M. 1'. We wish hint joy of hi* .? new honor*. ** t McClkllan not to br Intkrfkrkd With.? The Washington correspondent of die 1'hihidrlphia Pre**, writing >11 the 10th, *atit : " An extraordinary CahiiiPt meeting as held last ex ening, from 7-^ till 10 ?'cl"? k, at which (jletietal- McOlellan . ind McDowell were present, (ieneral llcOlellnn stated hi* plan* in detail, and te has, by consent of all parties, annum I. not only nominally, bnt actually, . he entire control of the arms of the Potomac, lie will consult and listen o the opinion of (Jen. Scott, and othe> intlioiilie*, but he must _be henceforth , eft entirelx to hi* own judgment and leeision. Nopoleon*like, he heatn the pillion* of other*, but forms bin own tonclttdonn, and acts upon them. He * i*ks tbis, and it i* ceded cordially to tint. To hint, therefore, must hence te credited the Micce**, or charged the lefeat of our arm*.*' < Col. .Doniphan.? For a fortnight | not. the putter* of the South have been 1 nng? altilutiiig their readers upon the i tcqui-ition of Col Doniphan, of Mis*oni. io the cause, and laconically . though 1 tone the lens impressively, arguing tin i wjright and value of the acquest. Had I tur eotetnpora'ie* observed the late po? itieal -eaieer of Col. Douiphan. thex i amild hardly have credite<| the report. ,s ind certainlv would not have dwelt up>n the desiiahh-news of its U-i^j truth ( 'til. He is a tneml^rof the Slate Con * rent ion of Minaouri, from Platte countv, ' tnd at the session Convened earlv in the < it miner, hi the irytimceft' Lincoln. and teld *i .leti-oaon itt^midvr duie?A of I toern*tein'* n^en with the 1 >nti inl? blood it^w H^W limy weie hath d mi the Si. Loii^^iiiHtMU're. lie voted j or every, the nio?T extreme men-Uie ijfiiilted to he a IR*ed for the snhjmja < i->n of Missouri, ni>d insisted con?pieu i nisly in deejH?einif Gov. Jackson and c very other officer favoiahle to the ' Eolith and pntiitiyr Gamble and hi* a*iK'iate> in ilieir place* to nile the State t n accordance v\i h the wishes of AloX- v iam l.iiuj'lti.? uVeic Orleans Delta. > A ttto KfMott.?The CUik-ville Tenri.) Chronicle, ol the 18h, ha* I lie* ' olio*inff. We an* rorrv to he without ' iny information tending to conliini it : I " FliKMOST A PmI*onkr. Nee* w a* < trough* here, yeserdav, lit a gentle J nan front Henderson and E* an-vil!e. | liai Geti. Fiemont had made an attack in Mct'ulloch and Piice'a coinhined | dree*. and that It's a<mv wa* whipped * ind he taken prisoner. Good J good !" ! Thi* new-, the-e gentlemen sat, was * uhli-hed in the St. Louis taper* and ? n the Kvati-tille .Imtrnal and is no * |o?h. line. The pattienlar- of the bat- * le were not fitrtlier knov/n. 1 ' LfNCni.k*b Wak Kxpknukii.? "Ion." ( he S\ >n nt of til? iallimiMe Suit, writw : " Tilt* war expenditure* are now tn'ed. up??? Government atitlioiiiv, to , >f niul a hn'f million* n week.? j "lie naval jiieparation-, and tlie extern ( i\?? iniliinry moveim n' in the \N e*t, inve no donht o>*t more than wa* ex "J ?ected. are I beaides. I he wa*te and |i * * n I lie ear mint exited al! watMnate*.? ^ '"or iiialanee. the cap.uie of (lie iiiilila* ., V tdie*t mi Lex n^ioo involve* a In** ot | 1 i|iiatler of a million of dollar* in .-}>e? ie.'* A Nr.* (,'i.ahhi.r lUrronxB :n Can* ' i[>A ? I lie Montreal Herald tiolinn the eitlenieiit in thai eitv of ?moe wealiliv ' itixeliH fmnr the United State*. One ' iciiUeinan from Floriita i* il.-r*. v |?-il l?ccnu*e of hi* Northern ?v mjm hie* ; another, rttrentlv * bunker in * S.w V oik. dninjf bu?>R*"? mainly ' ?i'h ih?* S?.nth, wh? ink**" him>elf. hit t <>n. Mtid 9vi?(i,000 in Montreal. in fear if innkuig h ionj<i' in Fm! LaFayeoe ; i third who mi'le * wery larife d?-p .wit i | n mi*' i f the city bank*, ntul * ek* to i ddain nmnrn!i?iii'?n ? n British nub- w eot, and to in*est hin ?*?) (a m hip*; k nfnonh, brother i in I n-b j il armt.ait who sattle* do i. ? th h I 'untilv itrtd foriitn? in Uannil .,*lo be out t 4 harm'* way. ^ v . ,* NTS. glasses t)Jf HSUi^htng ^ Latkbt N*wa.~?The Cha* lesion Mer jury has the following special dispatch- ( ?: h niCDMOM), Oct. 27, 0 p. m. t I have just obtained, by special ex? r nre**, New York papers a* late a* I Wednesday laat, Oct. 23. Those bring t mpnrtant advices from Europe, to the * L4lh instant. I It is reporter! that the Chamber* of ^ommerceand the principal cominercial f litis* of Franca have sent pressing me- j noiial* to the Emperor urging the expe- ( liencv of reeogixing tlie Southern Con- J ederacy and raisingxthe hhvkade of t he cotton port*. The London New* t ay* ttml this report is olitained from n lie most trust wortbv source*, and fur l Iter, that the F.mpuror contemplate* an * minediate. recognition. The London c shipping <?nzetle say* that Franco an j ^ England must act together, atid that i heir joint recognition would catry with t t an amount of weight and moral in J Itletice that would at once set up lite 2 new Confederacy. , Bread riots and attacks on bakers' r hops hud in kin place in J'arin. mid | he government had been obliged to is ^ mo an assurance that the price of bteud c botild not l>e advanced. I The stock of cotton at Liverpool is t retting exceedingly slim. Prices have t nlvanced front ?d a |i|. Sales of the veek 120,000 hales. Tlie market closed |( movant. The panic cansed hy Sewrrd's circular, instead of diminishing. seeins to l>e >n 'lie increa-e The .looinal of Com nerce savs that its Bi'OU have alreadv j sainted the sacrifice of more wealth than t would have cost to build all ihefo?ti ications recommended by Sewatd. The Northern accounts of the battle ?f Leesburg say that the object of the Yankees in crossing the river \vn? t<> at empt to form a junction with the t ight J sing of,\lcCiella..'s aim v. The repulse ind titter defeat afe admitted. This re- ' ersa has thrown a gloom over the . who e North. The news of the death >f Gen. (or Senator) K. I>. linker was eceived with the deepest sorrow. The W ashington Stas says that Lincoln'Telt ' is loss lis keenly as if he had been a rolher, and paced the floor of his room n the greatest grief duiing the eniito light." Judge Merrick, of Washinglon. has veen arrested, ow ing to the proceedings n a habiut corpus case brought up in j is C'ltirt. The cha'ge against him is ' a disposition to defeat the military Measures of the Government by issuing iUqIi h writ." Kiots among the military have oc j urred at Tcne Haute. Indiana, and the ( lewspaper offices were demolished?_ I'lie citizejis, at last accounts, were or (anizirig to attack the volunteer*. Win. Pierce, of New Orleans, has 4 ?*en arrested in Boston and sent to Fort .afayelte. The Northern papers nil unite in urg r ng an exchange of prisoner*. The privateersnten of the Enchantress. S1 'aptuicd by ihe Jill. Davis, ate now on i iial in Philadelphia. Their oa-e cx ites intense interest. Am >ng them i.? f A illinm Smith, of South Carolina. Senator \\ il?on lias resigned his col r >nelt;v. The Noithert) papers laugh hi j it his short cainpaigti ami chaigc him ,. villi cowardice. n Hon. Joiin J. oarrrksnkv.? A lot 1 er in the Cincinnati Commercial, from I i Yankee parson, dated "Camp Dick ^ t'lliiiimin, Kentucky, Oclolrer 0." ha? v lie following in teganl to the arrival of e lohii J. Crittemh n, ol Kentucky, at that 1 lace! i Since I last wrote to you, nothing of ^ llililic illipoi lalice has tiampiieil in oil) * nip, except tin* miii? al of the Hon. J. t I. t littenden, on l?st erening. As soon ' is it wns known t' at this distinguished 4 fetiilenian w ?s in the neigh hot hood. 1 ueli honors wem paid him as merit t done deserve*. To day. accompanied ^ iv several of his friends, lie made a visit u o otir leginient. He was welcomed j ?y ?i<? alKer, at his headunar era. 1 wn? present a pad of the linio. ,\ irid heard Mm converse upon the pres , nt disastrous affairs of our nation.? Vtnotig other tilings tlmt ho said. was. , hat " w can make this war. i?y God's ( tolp, a bleonng to us as a nation for all , ime to ootno " In regard to the sul? F*Cl of neutrality, that has Into* been , alkod about, ho romaikyid, ' that the j eit'rality of Gov. Magoffin. and the , loiitralitv of tiit* loval ciiifcens < f the c dale of Kent nek \, differ as touch as ,, oyality and lehcllioii.'* I **+ I CoMMUNIiADI.K.?Tiio Kaleigh Ivegiss '' or say* that Adjutant General Martin. ^ if North Carolina, hu* given notice that tie legislating, having authorized him o d<? so, he is pit-pared to pay the }, rives and children of the officers and ?, m-n belonging in llie volunteer force* f that State, raptnied at llaltera*. iialf " he pav thev would have received if hey hatl not heed captured. v Wiius A Yankik i? Moar TO bp. ' >hkao n.?The Richmond Whig says * i- only in time of war, and when we ' ire guaoled at all jaiints, th?' tlie Van- ^ tee cea-es to ha " terrible." In time of 0 eace lie i? ?orv formidable, and it will * when pence is inadti that the real i iai ger to in? Confederate blaie? will tj rcgiu. I 1 .. a . . m - < - M MB t< tii I _ i j i 'I UK KaTTLK AT l.KKMltl UO. ? ^".|t^BH| JaroliiiM has reason to lw* proud of he^^BH iOHB. Ocii. Anderson, at Santa Kosi^^^H Japt. Wailey, of" tlx* Rum Man:<H*as,^^^^J iixl (J?n. Evans, in the :u-*t three Mire only vindicated her claim to be >'H H he advance. She inangura'ed the warH H he is idwava ready to ??o ahead. Richmond Dmpatcii rays: The day on which this battle ought, had already, become inonort ii history. It wa< the amiivemittv o^^^H he baltlo of Trafalgar, (21st of ?er.) ihe most memorable sea-fight ixaleru times. of L"panto alone i-\ H| M(?d. (General Evan- lias trivet) ft ml B ahlitional claim to las remembered.? lis achievement, though on a stilailer^^^H vale, may rank with I'roMv and Agiu-^^^B ixurt. Tlie latils nguinst which the t ;te?l English monarches contended lx?-o nieuiorahle o.-casiofts were not ....... .... >-.-<1 .* in*? ou > i s again*! which ?vhiia iiml to com en (I on Monday last.^^^B Nor wns the victory of the latter less^^^B tended. IIo seems 10 have rooted,the ueiiiy entirely?to have driven llieiu i.'adlotig into the river?to huv*x H| I owm.ed Ini'iTA nil in be ?to have kill d iii.iuv?loliave wounded ninny?and B^| o have captured a no in tier equalling M| lio combined aggregate of killed, Hi mded and drowned. Ev^ii the last HRS irviiiiistauce of decided defeat did not BH ail ?tile >f a largelv pioporiotiale uutuber of the enemy'* gun*. ^Bf|| TlIK 1 ATTKIIIKH OS lirr. PotOMAd.? n| u\d< rul Stunner Jired U/ton ? We tave gathered some intere-iing intelli- ^Bfl jenee fioin members of ('apt Cli indler'a oijit of a nlleiv, fiom old Carolina, ^^B vlai weie detached from their company Iv-v it No. 'J battel V oil the I'll Ollllic, Hlui ^B'S <*ni to ibniiMioM for temporary service it one of (lie gun-. Willi leg.nd to ^^B be condition of aIl'drs at the latter ^^B mint, it in iv be s-'f.- io sav iliat the riv- Eg||| ir is virtually blockaded. On the morn- gas ng of ilie loth instant the Federal |?roj teamer I'ocalioutas pas.-ed down the ofij iver, tiling two shot*. which were not eturued ; but piepnrntinii was made at HS nice to give a warm salutation to the Hfl lexl passer bv. About an hour after- G^Vj varus a large three masted steamer, sup- 'cBE sited to he tlie Keniimde. hove in j vlieii out batteries opened wiih telling ^B tlacl. and she was struck some live or |H ix limes. 1 lie next morning the hated jsfl ?awnee sought to iuii the hloekade, and Kj ucceeded ; but MM calle<l for the asistanoo of two tng*. t>y which she was H| kltended a* far as Maryland Point. S! 'l lier?' am now alrout fifty sail vessels |B| aving off Acqnia Creek, fcaiing to pasa jsggti he batteries. Should ihey make the 2B ittetnpt, thev wid eiicomiter obstacles ^B vliicli iiihv deter others from following heir example. ? Itichmond Dispatch. |9fl TuoropKn CHAKO% O? THK COVFKD* tKATIC Plao.?'I In* Naw lo r. (NliniiMp* >1) I'onrier has (lit* followiitjf appiopil ^B He suggestion* in it<gHiii to tin* |)|tibjie? H v of changing tin* ('onfcdijrltt Hitg' H It hat Iwii said tliAt tin* (V?hft*dei ate H lag is to be changed. Judge 1'oi ier, j|| >t Arlahaina. one of ilie* hest men in the Ha M.uili. propo.,*- that wo should adopt, H n lieu of the present Hag, which, lie |g ay. "bo*ro\\> too imnli hum the Ninth, fl mil is associated with sti ipe?," the heau- |? it'i11 Hag raised l?y that luiernlfreeiintn, 15 Cocitisko, in his native Poland after tia return fromlighting forh e.dop with >V asiiington. It is a plain, hhu* ttcldr &| villi the white eagle. There is no oth- 9 i Ihio like it now in use. lins-ia ex- H mgoished that sph-tidul hlne lla?r. and $5 l wotild he vcrv appropiiate for tlie I hatih. li would he easily distinguish- I d. The < n!\ ditlhuliy we can Be? in I lie w ay of adopt n?i? -well a flag is tliat I I cotiki not he easily made w In re th<*ri? I veto no aitt ls to painl on the flag I lie wltiie eagle If the lone star in lie cetitie were substituted tor the en* I jlo, it would, in our opiniou, he more B iccepihble. 1 AKKKsTorMks. .1 ACKPoif.?General I deC ill sent out a parly. Sunday mom* | ng, an?l arrested Mrs. Jackson, moth- 1 r of KllswoilhV nmnlerer, and hef 1 lalf brother, tiann d Moore. Ilei house wis situated wiiliin the tehel lilies, niuI \ it-* Used as a lie.uUpiaiiera for ?I.cif coats. It is believed tlirti much i??f?>r >m11 >n has been fin nit-he il tlmp fiom Ins source. She said ?he?e Wrt? nine thirty there, and alia gate iheni a tip of li*a. Sli?? or Moor.- would not ;ive any satisfaction to the men sent ij General McCall, an.! were a<,cuiding* v handed over to (he l'lovost goaid iere.?? \\ru*hi nylon CorreuUtitdcnv* r>ItilnJtlj'hiu Inquirer* I Uapio "0*wari?" Movbmrnt.?W# enrn frotr. late Hump papers hat the gallant McClellan" has after prodigi his efforts extended his front as far as ii/tor's 11 ill, which is said ??> I - anaX ance of not l?*e? than ftco mi/ft toward* . 1?riHxsa>* from bin old entrenchment*, 'aro mile* in ibrw nwmtlia! Tin* will t<>iti*h all Enrobe. Sncb onwaM re xtity immoHalii?? th? " grain! nrim v fo. 2. Nothing i*kc k wm ?rer b*? ri f la-fore. Well, it I# acme eon?< latien to B*ni'? ef* <t Mini Jolin-toi^ io be iiiiotniMl hat i>* tnemy nre ail\ ancing Ml all lu heir UinKtiou.