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ft cMNfeimre. < ^EbSmSim Br Um mm li'liHt M. Kwbibb itniiL BtW^ . J?*?' ^ H#fQ BB4i miMB^V Vs ^ *to W #h> dw pnw>*> mty * ***, vrr?ti?|t: JhM ~t ? Uh* ta W->??t ^ ?\ltv?crip lfrwjM*M>iM. ?r f? ?ny d?l>t WV w ?V pM^P^ WiJ WWW W* |Wwiffl?n?P MttMMMM ?* nth m mm. wIm?i, flour fcnh?or, tyyt^ Iimoa, ll, ll, MMr wrhn nlM, OMl?K>r* M W? MVwf ? ??M*ry |w*|.W |M Iw >ImhI trfck mi ?hwdw?? of ^|H>??>?l Wi wrfhwwiwthlH tofm. Ptjnwi kr ?Mh*r *M *r w? i^m^nIm* mj h? mftit thla mnj, utd H tto * ha |M ? |tt it. on* iIm| . ImAIMi m4 if yam ?*e*b ?titty wur fMrrta. parhepe r?a can aur appet.tco. while WO ?T? WttKof with til* hard time*. )|? MpwW oat ha reacted, If aay ofaur frimda awe 0'fcrtntl* m t< b*v* art ?T the art). . ffic *e Wad. and deetre t? pay l< in. A company wee oryaiilaed ?n Saturday WM, at Shoekle v'a. b* tJ?e election af the MWwtaf officer*: J. T. Btttnt, Captain ; Wm. Qasao. let Lieut.; G. W. Ma arm. td Uflt; Wmi Ram, Id Lieut , 1 M9U I ( tW ^ lcam that Mai H. A. Caratr, 1 who waa recently circled Colonel of the let 1 Regiment, S. 0. M., declln- a accept in? the ' pocitMSk. Mr. Cavata ia the Cnmmiemry of 1 the 4th Regiment 8, C. V.. and war elected wilhoet Ma knowledge or oonaent i Wa here keen requeeted to My to our i ca>at>|f Meade, or nay peraoa hacintr *?t am hand, that thay ran fad *#> for all the Bmiob Jeeaa they may hriay to Capt. T B. JTuaca ia* Rer*. in Ihla place, at aa eerlr eley, It la wanted for a?ifnrm*. and we truet that fhaae who hare U will Leinar in what fhej mm apare. A hit priae wMI be glrea tor it. | JUharal i?4 Ratrtctie. 1- yfo ara informed that the I ad tee of Mil far d have mode ?p elnthea aad ether article# of comfort aad wee for the - Tvger Talnateem* wad Caroline WnentntneevV worth a?-c-i? an. a.?a?a a.aar.. C, v... >Im |?w*4* ahmK Mf |W A* " C*r Hm tV?r feMr W (if *if krtT* volnMwr* A?ri i ?Mk i?e<to ?f Mhnpttlv 1*4 (HitrtMlMn or# ,; MhMowIjt fiytwr to Hlw tfiffr *inf? Mi >l?i>l?lir to thrtr c- mfert. 9H VRt ^CfHW fTttflM, T* U? Tdntotn if tki Vmt IWw A (0??>IlM?(?H<?!?. fr?*j " 9mm WiKtmrmm." A?Mri??tt to ?h? olMtiin of fl??i?Wi PkifH. j ! ffc# Xmhtfwitt lnal w**h. o"ti?o?o.lio? i fp nthif Mi^nnfmf ?< > iwi. th# rfiioM of f. J. B(onl, faq., ? tfc# CnliU'la? of fh* ! klw OrwurllU RitiimiI T vwM i?1? to Mfir* of ft *??? H Iflt l?U?i?Mr Ul*a ' I mi to nyior?fr a i???.ttoot*r ?m who** paw* KAO hrm f..r? ao( to the wto o?fin*ottoo. withont art ooHrit. i A Hon. MfKMiiloa or ?iw?voirMit. on Mo i wit. hoi of flioAM who ?r? oo imoo tool to ( i ->4fr? of (qiMiMfl'-Attooo no 9V? Mltit*. I iliw. mm( who hw in titw nothing hnt thr jpood of th* RrffJioont. i T)i? anthor of th*t #om*n?nlrAH.?n m?r ( V# w?n qqallM ISr niirrAlloii mi infol 1 tonal CAftAflty to jon??r mrf?ol)| of ?ho < ohiHty of other*. (whir*. ftow#?o. w? j I might rmmiMy rtonM 'roro t?U Fn?1i*h i i I end bi? Latin ?i|P?lnr? ) I t?>|ni na w twriwf* htfnlM' In hi* nlimiit* of Mr 1!*f<rilb rIiIIIHm, *1 Iml Ih* foet of that rentleman'o prf?t #neerinri?r In not generally rtn?fni(?i1 in thin eommnnifr The hnprnrion intended to he f(?n??T#A V-t the writer in. thnt Mr. Arthur ia an " outrider." Thie in untrue. He i* mem 1 ft of the Regiment now heing mined, and he# Wn volunteer In the Confederate wrHii from the hefrinrd"*. "e wen w* f the fleet volunteer* from the Werl't, wuo eeverul month* in Virginia. end refurto I only on Recount of rfefcnear l? M? family ; wo# out generally on yiobet dntv w|?h #ho WWfttiT #nd on reeonnotlerinw e*oe dKforo; pnrticlpeted In the geeat l??*V of. flntl Rnn and Manama* with eoeh e?iofte?fTtlehed (f*Ht*trT th#t h'? ??ni? woe honorably mentioned f? Co? Ker?h*e'? wjrrt, j And during the whole of thU action and : oerrloe he paid M# own eveenre* and ro-j *a|r?4 an pmy. lf? on* wnn ?nn?? i>?m J I Awhte kte ?*(f pnr#lr tk*M aatrla* ha haa r*n**r**, hi# coning an* j i BB V>w>y in hattl*. an* M? military **p* ; H ytane# In *n hn* a Rrr'm-nt a* K*r*haw** I M nn<t In if* ha*t drill** mm pane of ifat ? H**fm*?t. ?ire aom* *U>m In If* pom'tion < B Iff (V?lnn?1 nf f?nr R*ffim*nt. t flj t **sM not *?*par*a* Mr. El(nrd, hat. I whm hi* frl~n*a 1*11 na thai h* la "for I war* aapaM-* an* ? *?** qnallfl** than nay i 4*nM<l< r tk?t ?r* eoofctpMr np In tkn TM*- i I riot." tl ay *apn** In arWHam. HI* * fr|*n* Pt? B*mo afl/lfinmm ??mly *r*il<tn?t . t>* in amaaf. aah* moat haa* ta?*ll5<r.-nc?i I *nn?f?i ta himw that aa*h an- **a*rtin? na < I ?h* ah- * *on 4 l ot pr<iv*V* a amll*. Tn I an* nat' li f ?f ?thrr gaatfaman In tha Din- ? trial, Ipljt na na* wfcn know* th* tw* H *i*n. a la ?nanp*taai tn )?>*?*. would I 9K ma*r* ri*l<wlo?a a d**l**?llon a* that ( H Mr. EMkr* waa ffcr mora aapahl* an* h*tt*r j gnHiil * than Mr. AMhnr I wnul* not < B <?>?*??? #f- <5"nl??*atl?.n to an-.,- j matwrtlta Kr^ife/M, ? ?)?- no ?m# will do?U J that *?nlna*a aft* cut ia aathm ar* r?-ry , ttttwuy tn * eowmvid- r. Thia Ma. Ft. < ha** ?*nv paaaan*, hat h# haa WWt tag* r n twiiiiiiafcHo >?<!? Wwiliy *4 th? Rittiwt*. I *f?M wk jtP?K W5?? t??Wk<i% hi * turfy w^l! vnar of* ?*4 w wlrH -ff #K* nrf t-Mw of tW# mm ?N eon reaf?r wo moot rflleieot ywl?a. * A YOLUNTEE*. ,rJL m ** ? ??* HTurtu*. .... ,-^T* \^v_^TV. - tvi: . the BmI of the ** Ootoliao Vowta**mm^JfemyeaTj^fthloclmeattSoo* Ao the ? ?? 4?eign*te4 wwyuy k*? wffwd to eoomuo o|ik Ik* mt of tko Vnlot.tetow from Sooth Confine from oMln?NK eof hove ft ten teat by feelh tor of Ho loot ?o*)|ort m4 mliwJ mnohtn, oaf no public ootioft ho* in* o* yet. krm lofo of oJL ?- ^ -?* m - ? - - - - ' ' anew wimn ana rmm, i n*i ki* m my duty m lh? former commander of tald com* pany, to |iv? a* outline of the character* of there deceased mem her*. J oh* H. Rant, died at H capital, near f!a?|i Pet*ne, la Phirfax county, Va., an the IM A up ii at, 1861. Thia waa the Int death ia the aoaapaay, and ahed gloom and aadnae* over all Ma associates. Hla death waa anddea and unexpected. But a short time liefer-, he looked the perfect fealaree af health, and was prompt and active In the discharge of the many arduous duties of the camp; hat.alaat Typhoid Paver?the worst af enemies to be met with "on the ten|fd BeM" a iaed upon him and claimed him a |ta victim. Prominent amongst hla no Me treits of character, were candor, sincerity and truth Ha wa* kind and courteous La all, and waa helovod hy all hla com pan lona in arm*. The family of which he wa* a shining ornament, hla rolatlvaa and triende, have sustained a aavere loss in hi# death; hat ha died in the service of Ms country, and no higher tribute eould be paid to his worth sod memory, than a statement af this fact, * , John M. Roweo, First Corporal, died at Hospital, near Camp Pettna. in Fairfax county. Vs., on the 10th September, 1861. He waa first tekea with measles and than Typhoid Paeon'To la, and died after a short and lev eve illness. Corporal Bowen possessed rare traits of eharaeter. Combined with nHidfftjr and diffidence, he poww>ed pre eat firm it cm and deciainn, when he *m tilt rH(kt. liawa* remark My quiet and taciturn, apd rarely erer "epoke nnleM ha wm rpoken to." Ha ?u a eoneietent and upright ynnng man in ev ary eenaa of the word, and ehnwed l?y hie daily 'talk, that he put a firm and alnding truet in Him trkn rnleth the de?tlniee of ue all. Ha wee a member of the ehnrch. and |e<l the Mfe of an exemplary (Thriatian, and died with the hope of a hleaaed Imm^r'allity beyond tha craca. Whatgreater eonaoliii?n ean lie giren to tha parenta, relative* and friend* >( young Bo wen, than h|* triumphant death?the death of a Christian toldierf William Wileon, Br., died the ? day of (teptemher, IS6I. at Hoepltal. near Cinip l*ettu?, Fairfax eonnty, Va.. of Typhoid Fet rr. Anli?*tni by pat riot i-m. he left hi* wife a-'d tamilr and enrolled himm-lf a? a Volunteer. He hud long h?en an invalid, ?a i eoold hare honorably claimed e*?mp (Ion from rervlee on oeronnt of the preeailof ld? health, hut to n*e liiaown language, "he felt U*to l?e hie duty to do what he could.' He waa remarkably kind nd eonaeientioue, and waa never heard to ipeak unkindly or harehlv of ane one.?When able, he waa alwava prompt in the iieehnrtre of hi* dotle*. and wa? never heard lo murmur or eompUln. He left a devoted wife, parent*, brother* and *i?tem and mane / friend* to mourn hit low. hut th?* may Ho irtod by the twunincr th?l on* who eted mi well hi* port on ? ?rth, mrrty bna I bright reward bryonil the grave. Lindsey Garvin Www, died at Hospital, tear Camp f'ettos, Fairfax eonnty, Va., on he 1st day of Ortoiwr, 1 Ml, of Typhoid Ferae. Garvin waa the pet and idol of Ui? dfnpany. " None knew him but to love lim. N None named him but to pr slee."* He vae in hi* teen*, and at H were, juet npon he var^ ??f manliood. He had improved veil the early ad vant ag-a eiven htm. and his ind wa* welt trained for future aa-fiitnw ind diet inotion. Hi* fellow students of vt'ef. Wd College, and his osaoeiatas in arms,can ear testimony to hit exalted character.? Pure in liaart. kind and amiable in di*po*ilun, frank and manly In deportment, he va* endeared to all who knew him. No etter young man ever lived; and had It pleased Providence to have apured him, he tronld have made one of the most useful and nflnential eitixena How ?ad it ie to see m n?n> j uun^ litvu out vu in inn nrnont Of routh tml in the ?l*nr of (infolding manhood ? How many ftrenideehave he en mad# feaulafce hy the untimely death of noma of It* l.ri?ht?il aiuhuntl. ebrrkhtd nSjttti of iffootion , Y onng Wmrar i* no mora, inn Ma devoted 'ather, brother* nnd eiatare, and nmrnroni TUtire* nnd friend*, hart the aw?ri eonolitian that he wa* prepared to meet the ' dread enmnione of death.* He wee a ' ahining light," and " ffaHtd worthy the ligh vocation wherewith l?e wa* called." He ?ariy attached himactf lo the MethodM Bpiaoapet fhwreh, and Heed and died m or* nament to the faith he profoaeed. I eanaM eonelnde thta eery haaty and mperfea* outline of the livee nnd oh?rae*er? [>f the deecaaed member* of the " Carolina Hnn?talne*r?." without mentioning th? ki.idin'-s and ttnr> milled attention. of arf. rite# J. B Kewherry, John H<-Aovern, V Er I'arria, Warr?n J, Howell. fhtaM C; irker and laaae I'ayne, to *he dele. They arrrd detailed to wait npon tl*? eielc of w e??w?| any, and well and faithfully dhl It r- 'J/ their duty. " Kf # 8. p. c;00i>j it;. > t a f ? tt ? - MM** * ?p?eh **K taAmffe* W* ihMrfc* P* (It# <**R|?Hm>HK t4?t km* * mmW *f hifi ^MM MH tiiii ?n i iiik^T^ mA inc. fcrt fer ?**. H* find Wvi <tm ?? f**? M? Ho?M>ff? K*-?tfirlttf.?*4 W?. pmad to tw?rtk*Mfr<pwr? urnf Vlr ttlniM ? ?-1 fc,,! Lim.ltf M IfMMMMM 1 RicHMOvk hd. 10. From Richmond and the Line* - PeaIM|MI from Ih? Uttetle? nemr Rvnn? port state that nhnu! thirty federal vessel* are Mwr ?rttr !<atlerie* and seven ?bo?? thatn. fearful of parting, ftimt acrpt up and jom oi fiygy nights, hat none in daylight. > Eyhtv five f?|?r?| piinnnm front Norfolk, captured on the Fhnny, at Chlcksmscomieo; also rii prn ooent from Harper's Kerry. Richmond. Oct. SO. One federal vettael war burnt on the I Potomac yesterday and two today. Inhot shot from our batleiiee near Evans port. Hons. J. C. Breckinridge, Humphrey Marshall and Wm. Preston will arrive here to-morrow. N Aglt Oet 19. Another Buttle? Another Victory f Passengers homing Green river to -Jay. report an engagement on the 17th. at Oreenhtirg, on Green river. 30 miles altove Munf<?rd?ville. between the forces under Gen. Hardee. 1,500 strong, and the forces tinder Gen. Warrl. 2.000 strong, at camp Andy Johnson. The latter were repulsed after a sharp engagement. No ot er particulars. Tub Affair \tEvakspoht.?Tlte Richmond Examiner of Wednesday says: Official dispatches have been received, announcing another attack on the part of a Federal fleet, upon our bstte ies st Evanspnrt. The force of the ens in* is reported to have consisted of nine steamers, furnished, as well as could he observed/ with an armament of (he heaviest character. After an ineflectusi attempt to silence our lire, the enemy's flee; hauled ofl. evidently consider ably dMruaged. Th? fire from our luit* tarim elided much admiration from the rapidity and accuracy with which it wa* ervnl. TVe account* received (urhi?b< ? d no derail* a* regard the canuallien on either fide. Attempt to Rrcakti-rk th* Forts at IIattekas.?A dinpaoh to the New York Time* of la at Thtir-dav say*: "Commander Cliam.eey arrived here thi* evening froin Ifattera* Inlet, lie report* that on Monday the rsbeU or ganized an expedition to recaptme the f<?rt* occupied hv our fertrt. Tlte ex pe.liii.ui c>n*i*'ed of *ix nteuioboat* and hIkhu thtee t)iiiu*aud men. Theateam er* were armed with heavy rifled can mm and mortar* for throwing ?hell?.? The attack wa* niinultaiieoo-., but inef* feet ii al "The fort* fired *hell. and werea??i*t ed bv die ve??el? ntaitoned otf the ln?] let. After a while the rel?el* retired, though not l>efore two or three *teamer* had been *unk. going down with all on ( oard. Judging from the crowded ap pearance of the v**ael?, it I* estimated ] liat alnmt men hundred men .were drowned, lie*hie*, a large be* mint have l-een *n*taioed fmm the lmr*t ing of our nbell. and the plunging of our ahot, aa the gun* were nerved in a roo*t in (inter I v manner." RtcrtMOKD. October 20. I have private ami entirely tru*iw??r thy ??*? (dated (he 17th) from the ciim|t of General ItonliamV Brigade.? The entire country as fur back as Bull Run baa been abandoned by our army. Ihmham'* Brigade. consisting of the Second, Third, Seventh and Eighth Pal inetto Regiment*, are now encamped on tbe battle field at Hnll Ron. Mi*'lei Ian i* drilling hia men in musket filing by battalion. Mia practicing volley* have been heard distinctly nt our out )X?r? fur the hut few dava. Up to this morning there have been no indi.-niiona of an advance of the ene mt, Their picket* are near Fairfax.? The track on the Orange and Alexan dria Railroad, between Fairfax and Manama*, ha* been torn np. Tbe War Department ye*ter!ny received tbe following dispatcher : wuii>ai * rtnl to Hrnvpton Rond* ere Alive with 'tenth r* And irnnAporU. enrrymg troops l? ?wJ from Fortran Monro*. Ca*?> Bartow. oarrnbwak r?vk?. Va? Oct. 18.?A detnchraem <?f Keynoble' forces from Client jioontein. 2,000 Atrotig, teeterdfAT drove m our pivkctft, without *1 lucking eor innin body. Thcr turned down the river to wnrds ?teenUeiik, 19 mile* dMn?t.? Floyd left the Big Se?eB on Sunday l**? ; on Wrdne-dAy he At New rivrr, Rr teigb co. R.>*encmt*t*'* force" ere sculfered the purpuNI of forsgittg, pertly h? Nfclwfaia nnd the te? meinder in l>?.gwood On|?, nnd tfoug tffc Onnb'j n ?r.? Ck<trU*l0* Mm i ,, ?!k.I t>-'-1 - - * "" ?-- d to atpta itiMGunmM PiekM??wH? MM <MIM) AM to NqiMDl ik# rrttklm I# gr??l iHrUvh* to ?B liw IMMkrti of o?r L*gi<4Mt?r? n<t*? in mnj tmnnvh of M^ilrr in our ?mtr la Vitpini*. mu) lh? f'rp~i?i?n! hb ???pii.-<J thai thr for toMjrfu ?Wk?il ?H! IW guMiiod. I Wr ?r? y milM to learn l?i-. M.d I hope that Hifmlat* ?iR M ibiow up | their eixninivHHiK * mk-I?. eicvpt wKera * thvir >K??iimi will be likely to eerhutdv either twnncl i?f ike pidilie nt vice. Tl?? country i> av#r?>e i? diMuib , ingr I beta. Mid it averae lo e|ee?i??n* at ruch a iim? a? th??. # [ Southern Ouunlian ] Nrw Mrzico in our Poaarcaaioa.? A Wa*ltiwgi?m Hbpnieh ?-f the 7?k mt? "4 llw relwb. have full pomevflon of Arb ??n ama Ntw Me*ieo " We knew | ibal our flag wared over Aiz>n>* in it* | J length and breadth. Ku? thi* dhrpatrh I feed* ?- to infer that Bar. lor h*< ef f end I ed the area of conqwaM north ward, ll' in nattily enough to he accounted for . that the North ahould bate intelligence of thi* before we eoald receive it. the line of communication Mug ihe plain*, via Kanaas. :'f Pttnaotrai..? Cap*. A. P. I1??lte. of the Butler Board*, who vie never el v j 1 wounded in lira hatde of Manama* PUi*?. ha* been intending a lea- dava *' with hi* friend* here. We are glad to learn from hint that bt* arm. thongh till |tainful, i? doing well, and that there * It now good ground to h ?pe that "be limb may be nated. Ill* general health ia good. and he Apeak* hopefully >4 be ing able, ere Img. to return to hi* com tnand.?'Spartanburg Krprtt*. Lr.An Mi**.?W * ore informed thnt there o>ir.t>* in thin district a valuable lead mioe, and ehould think it worth! be worth while for the pro|?riat?tr to have it worked. Now i? the time to develop i our manure**.? Spartanburg Exprtt*. T?r Likcolm Flurt.?Seven ?a*?el*. all auirpoeed to tre*ht|t* of war, were oto tl.L. tr .. .-J? _ \CknrltaUm Merrury, 10Ik. Itr Caloaal. The friends of C. J. ELFCVRD, Esj, reaped lull* announce him candidate f?i- <X)L(iMEL uf tin propoaed Greenville I fUflwHll We wonM most respect | mino?inc? T !*. AKTTItTR r mrdidale for COLONEL nt th- |*o(vi?hI Rrf intent in he raited in Orrenville llirtricl, for special ierrire in llir State. 1IANT VOLUNTEERS. Far LieuUnanMJelemel. j3F\Ve Mouhi most respectfully J \ VIE> M.CUI l.OlJnll a eandi date for LIElJTKNANT-COIOKEL..f the prRfoR- ii In b? raiist in Green, vllle l>irtrlrt for riyjrltl lrr?i?.. in thrSlate. MANY VOLUMTKKJIS. JHTWo nre nutlmrized to winoun or MAJOR L. PrPRK w a Candidal* for LIEUTENANT-COLONEL af i?.r ftrttpoa- 1 ed Regiment In ta raised in ftraaoville Die- ; trie I, for the defonoa of the Slate. for Major. j ^ We i\r?? Hiithorixed to rii : nnenrr U-nt C?l. t> I. J. CIlANf'LElt a r?niiM*if foe M \JOR ef the pr.-jv.~-d Re^f ment In l?e paioed In Gr>ei>vil|* ins- 1 triet. for Hi- a>r?lr? of th- stair. | We jure ?ntlw?ri?e?J in nnnnnnco M?J. WALLACE B. IOOR ennAi- \ <?l? for MAJOR of the Volunteer Regime*! now being nlrd in thU DiilrkL Tor OnfTM. f^?T~ We are Miftiorisetl to *n- ' nnuitce rnl. O. F. TOWN EH t mi to 1 i*|>rw?n. the 5?h trtolrlet hi the Cnn?ri>M ?>f the Confederate Htntee. tar We ere Mtithorifged to en-! nonnee Pot. JAMJW FARROW, nf H|??rt?n- j liunr, n onndhlote to re|-rr??nl the Mil Co?. I greootonnt IHerlrt in the Congeeo* nf the CouM?Mt? Htnteo, j I Tor Tu Collector. J&r We ore nutlioiired to annnanee W. II. BVRRfl ? CooAfcUfe for To* Colleetor. at the next Election. i |^-JAMK8 N. SMITO nn nonneee hlmoelf n CmuMoM for Too ColleeW, I *i n?rn?;ini wersiuiw I jar The friends of JOHN II. TARRANT, kta* i candidate for Tax Coll?tor for Cr?avilia District. tsr We ?re authorized r<> an- 1 armn? W. 8. THACK8T0R a candidate for 1 Tax Coil?tor at Mm encnh?R election. Tire friends of lie v. J. M. IllJX10 N. raapetfally uxmaw hia* a* a Candidal* for Tax Coll?tor, at lk? nnii| olooMoa. |ar Wo are authorized to anaoanea ft, F. TAYLOR. Km|? a rawfMato for < Tax Coll?tor, at tfca en?rfeg el?tiea. tOT We are authorized to an* aaaa? RDMCRD HOOKER a candidal# for Tax CoM?lor, at Ik* aaraiag alaaiioa , * J9T We are authorined to aaf aownaa V. T- AU8TI9 a candidate for Tax Collector, af the aaxt el?itoa. * tW We are authorized to anaow-a 9. H. WrCVLT.OTTOW a mrdllalt for Its Call?tor, at Mm imxC ?foeIfow. pg" W# are authorised to an aaaaee ft. T. RHEMATR at a eaadidata for Tax Collector at Mm ?lag at?Mob. i3T We arc requested to an tome* Ma. ELI A 8 DILL, a* a car.dMM* for Tax Collect or, at (tea acxt RfoMMpa t3T.I AMES Ik I'KAUKOK an immmcc MwaW aa a candidate foa Zat Cai i?tor at foa xayR ffrxRax. r ' * 11 I is womtn% I' f^r '" t'-1 FR^OPBRTY, 4 .? wirTTTi |p*i?HOlfHEHOLU ' ^ '^ " A*B ^CtSA-V** wrf KITCHKN FlHNITUftE PlMtollM fMlt, A LOT OK * , , MULES AND H0US:S, ANI> ALSO | A LOT OF OATTL2, for v on Kirry . ,'vj BAGS or COTTON, lino KUsiiRLn OP I COTTON SEED, uciriisiminiiuircffli 20,000 BUHDLB8 0* ^ODDBIH, 300 OTHjSW^ 07 OATS, 1,000 potnm or BJHtOOM. ALWO, Five Road Wagons r?o of wtiiefc Iff Largo snrt ibo rvrt Sn??H. S COTTON O N K THHAMHEH. TO* life*** 131 NEGROES, TWO 07 WX0X ARK BLACKSMITHS, Til KEG OK rOt'K Mood W?ffo u >a s, TWO 8KAMSTU K SS KS A.VZ) gTOUSE8KB VAJftS, AMD ONI [ rUITATiSI SAHFIITU. Moot ??f whom ire voting mwl llkrlr. UB9 S, BETEXTXEH TXAOTf OF LAUD, ro?t?l?ui| stwHii th? tinml?r Art*l< ilsttSlml l?| ?, Pint* at wliirh will >? ?.n ih' ?isy ??f Sole, hawing iltr imrt it ? i?? 1 >ncli. many ?f Una* TracU tin rr ire aettlement*: Mo. lf Tfc? llowM'Hi) containing HOol Iimv-, >iiu?U<l < ? Sh|imI? a d Kf< dy It t*r-, I'd in * high l'?t* of rn'tifntiftii, ? Mo. S? Tin* Z-h*h>n Tract, mn g Wit Vera and dhiat. d on r. and in a good rt?l< of . u' Mo. S, The Lurindi m>w(f Tr nr. I Mining *JNI Via, aitwaled on Saluda Itiver, iltd in a high Wa?e of onlllvati>n?. Mo. 1 The M?nr? Pup - Trant, contain-l ng I SO Aen-#. and ehnated ?it? Saluda Klver Mo. 5. The llns-| Tenet. coital-dug 14* I irrr", a-d al'iinted on K~ed\ R'Cre. Mo. e, Till- John W ?l?l Tract nrtnl:%|||- 1 ng >M Acri'i. an * altu i'?| on Re. dy Ri< < f, ind In goon Mi|-lniiii?, Mo. 7, *'he l^nl*, Tr o-t, cm-1 tfit A?r<a, iiiid in a tdgh M> Ir ?-f ll'tiratin ?. Mo. 8, The OlinM Tr-nl. emit li.i'gj iSi Ait'*; vatwa fe Tract, ? th g.*?* !MInM*. Mo. 9, 1 ha s|ma TmH. rao.t?di lug tin A<m; a valnaMn Tract. nleo wi h gm?l hi..1 ?.??? *. and in a good Mali- ?* eii'ilcntinn. Mo. 10. Thf Mill Taw, rMiidninf ft I Arm*, lying on en?h d ? of Rody Kltof. ifini. which i? a r*o*d Url l and Haw Mill, Mo. 11, The l-ntinier Tract, containing j WI Acfre, aitnated on the Owntillr Road, rid containing a gootl aattl. mfit Mo. 19, I'art of I Jttini'-r Tract, contain-1 Ing )SS Acre*. Mo. 19, The C-o?V Tract, containing S'.*7 Ai-rra. lying on Walnnl Cr.-eV, and in a high Mate of e?l?ivath,n. JfO, 14, The Waitn Tract, cnntainli g'ilht Acr-a. ltta| At Walnut t>eeh. and a vrry | rain??ir imn ht Mriiiintr piif It nj n haa a l.inif Q'mrry and ? Kiln rrady for linminir ihi* Wir, Ho. 15, (/' rk A Troe?. nr?n lainiiiK X-nt Att> t. aiini>tr4 < n thr fir* ?villa ? ? ). mrl Km imm* KMiKnrtitr, aln> In a hi-h ata'a ??f ItSmiwa. wo. is, Thr Kiamaa Tr*?-t nnntnli In* I ! Ait a. ThiaTrarl it ?l ? A?l ii!a Ritar and Turkey Or. k, in AM. rili ftlarlrt, and ta a vary valnaM# pla?<-. ami n lii;K -to#.- riltitalww. Wo. 17, Tit* J?m? M>- raTraat, rt?ti?a|i iMM lat er-?, ?i?uat*d In AMx-fl l- f?a irio, an *ai?ta Ritrr, and In a k gh *tair of ?allltatli?. TEH INS. Th? ? ?)?? Pf?|.#nv will ho mM oh m rro4ii nf ?nic mid two jreww, triih fr?w dwjr of awlr, i??m4 i? l<? |?.?M nuollw. hwllMoM lo |l?? hnnd. trlth nf I HIM ) ? nppri'V-d t ?>n ?? ? ?, wM <Wr|r?|tll>R of r>; !#ti lotlorw, wltWhmo* l* mM In riA TO THOSE INDEBTFD. A LI. pfrfHH Iw^.Mnl to thw (went* no oiottor* rtniHUntf nwwn it fho Hm lt f th' <1. iw tn H, . Mn-ni, A f t. m?tfw? ifc* omf wMi-ot fiirihs . 'lew: nil ihnn? Savin* ilrioan-i* trill ptrowwnJor them in, (N-oocrlr ???cwt.-?l W. T.4H P. tMirOrtrfWfl o+n h * \ i | Jrt.* 6, rcfMhlHtf Pi Hilk^. ^1' lli^ ^l4>?3K>?ir? tS^^^hSS^wSn ^k?Mfi tK# Iwf. /fffl *M*? llwrt^r B??tn? t>r linlji'W Mm U tkl*MI?|J m tk* iW f^riW l.r .lm?fciW! A*.* mni?im??t <rf , fW . Tln-nAicr. W. ?Kn4 ti.F.'vtf Plt'EKSfJ. ??wi # |? mm! ?w K" M?U of H.?*h (WIm, k? ?lf*l?i? '*4 ?*? * |w?? violin m? hy tf* ?wU-?*i* intr ?Jpr Oov?mit-. m ? *?> iw.r?H?.i?ry tirn A>i^r>0 ??iivH f ili# OKH-NI A?M?W*, il? I Uk iWi- *?r fiiM-immiiiMi. ?*.?# * mp-* Hit* r?^"?-?llti|r til* ."rUltiyiBiM .Wiwhrrin' <? 11 ?? <>? ?r.'t r. ?. t?lHii t? ixiim-m il O U'UIIU. OICTMK FW>T MNHAV I a im'v r. r ui .i! nexi cM?inw, <M' !? ) niMv W |>r> ti* Ih the Houn- Rr|>r?>fiit? il*?m i? Mild in l? opMvwt l-Wrti'W i?f IV- aldent and VK Pr- i?f I!? SR?im ?>f nri, in rimftimiiT ?{ih 'b- Art of ?K* I'lHi ItdrrnU r?niiMi afomeoid. A* tb?* r<-rm?iciil C??n?iitntb>n lo to In otfiNiiHl, an election wlil In- required ?? ta n Srno'nm from thi-Sia'e, und oini. In ?l probability. ?>R>i<i?rlov the |o*Hl!flr Mato tbr miintrr. nthrtlii |mhU?1 n>ntt*ea will b. Mod on ?l I be aamt wnioo of the lryi-In lure. Ofveti nnder mv hand. and ih? dmI of tin State af??s mid, at Columbia, Ihit the elxl I day nf Julv. in the year ?# oar I^onl ?!< thousand t-yhi hundred and atlyooc and in 'be richly aixtli year ?f ?be inde pei.deoro df the State or Nonlh C le.dlnn F w PI- K W*. I-aac II. Hum. Swrtttty of state. Mr is P The State^ of South Carolina. 7?I mtt nrrf n'ttfuftrr the Mnmntfrr- / /A# Oner* I Kfertiimm. /nr the Mttrict nf OrmumriUe, I nf (i/eemrillr V. H. I I a ponoMio of an Art of (be Genrel AaiK-mhiy of tblr State, paeard a the 14th Uw.-inbrr. A. D. and an Act of the Confederate Cn?*rn?, entitled " An Art to pat IXlo operation the florrniment. under too permit n-nt Conrl'tntlnn nf the Confederate Steiei ?f America.'* yoa are hereby required, -artel legal roller, (and being duty qnaliflcO.) to proceed to bold an Klcrtlnn for a Il< pr.-eenlallw iatbr ('.ertw of the Confederate Stater, for th Fifth Congrea^liinr.l TMrtrtet. on tb? FIRST WEDNESDAY IK NOVEMBER next, at the name place, and to ha conducted by tbr *?me Knnarem. and iit ibe w?c manner iu the Kleclbtn nf Menda-re of the State Lefrtida(urr. and after baring dctciminod on the pere.n duty elected, ynn do certify the aatne anraniln* In ( > nkitor vnnr band and ml In tli* O?wmor T'it the tim"* Win*. Given an der kt bend anil fho M*l*f the Stait, in CnlnnliU. the K?th ilnj of July, in tkt year of ner Lord one thmtpand eivht htin. rirvd mhI rlmtv-one. and in the eighty-pistil y?ar nf th-8<?rerei-?niv and Independent* of 'he Stafo of S<xitb Carolina. U v the Governor. vtm. r. upktt. Dep'y Secretary of State. Manager* of Election in OroenTlllc District. rn-M\|llp fiiiet ll'.??p?Wm. Havre, ffnm'ln fU-ettle. W R. I*. Farr. MeOtll'otmli'p?.Jrttnt-B On idea. VTm |V>nnltleon. 1i. It. J.'hnei'n. J nor-'?Andrew Hamilton, 4. D. Sullivan, W. R. B-rry Faievi-w?J.-ne K. Stone. R. llarriaoa Forte, W. L Mar-hall. Hn.rlnii??'??Thni-I Fowler. J. R StmW, Si R. W ret two land. ft.e'.-rde'- J??ho H". A*ie?ln. flenrv L> Hende-p?n. Da'lel if. Hnll Mm tie'."?Toliv.r W cei. T. P. AeliH|pre P.?ol?at f> Cur 'on. W.-it-eM' ?-Tlo map Turner. K V. Opr rl-mt P M Aeker. ^leek nV?f>, S ftrn n, I. A. ^mitli, W, 0-e?*n. Monty.>nt ft* ?J. I' itilktme. C. C Mm fv#wttert. Tli mop W R?e. (Viae FaIPe?J M. Il.ifdkiwa, *iU- To.w krW'.'-. iohn K St#i?ln?tiM?. F..|ir-r'*H?..r? RT.Talley. William Cos H.-'iderpoti One Hrn*?n'??O'irrr Barrett, M. II. flood Utt. I'n* Ilmltf.*'?I Si vie W. H.idgea, F. K. Fuller Calvin fS.whIwin. IM?kev?a? II Keel.r, David Barton, II R F..wt:r. 0> op-'-?flrtif .min Few, dr., f|. A Olboo j ?- v rn..L^.^ M?*?? '< ?lU-rryrma Ekwiri I>avid Me Clnill, TIkHIMo IteHi |ti>iillii>l'e-/l<'iir2 W. Ktilh, Joltn Mas l?*r?. llnwnH llciXrnin, P??i't?hi Inn?M. IUmm?rt, L. M tv n*. ThfHmt linldMtidl, J.\ T*?Ur'? -*v?lmiiow Jhh>i, DkvH Bayne IWv t'antral. |* ! <4 PUBLIC ARMS. Y If AVK tovn tpsoliilod by iho Oormtr I tl?. .'.(flit of jhn Stale. in trlet. f?r the COM.KCT/ON OF PVKll A KMC, MUNITIONS, Ae., twl f & Ner^?; Kirn *MIn (wall prr*on* having 'Jnn?. Sw-.rdi Cart rid a. >i?se*, Bull*, wr any other Arm aa< Mnm'flon* holofipiag fa tba flUb of Snail Carolina, In rAn Mm mm U m* at Aran villa C, II.. foRBtritk, o? Ifcay w)U b. rvpntw a# kaailouarlim AH (Mtriw>n? knowfwi of Poblfe Arm*, Ac. to Um ^mnmIw of wmy l?4ifldtil, m n 1 owe ted to git* too 11 mod to to mot too ?f lit Till order d?c* Mi ftpfdj to MM, Mr.. i< nctool icrtlM, to oft* oxUting ?r*?*t<*e4 MH ?et"L*?5 I DENTAL CARD. mm ' rm BBdcrMjtood trttold roMMctftilly lor.** I (to cftlMiM of An*wm ttoot be toft returned. mm> ftMjr to htooSlI* Ol*o. **?. AX&KHdO*. , A-a n IW . Rirgtol Pwntito, - ' m lfOTICJR. ALL ? **<?. ,nctobc/,.iTo Coi. an BP.* r POOL towwA m ngmM to onto (to ?er4 and oottto 4 bote Ntoto awl Aeeouuto and (bote kortoa 4uto?do agitott too Baftrt wHI koftd totfto to. wifMrti attofttoA. W. M. tfOOOLBTT, Baaoator. * *1" * ' **JEI L '";t"", k ^JjStSg Hi. m ?>bc? twiMiU^mEMW. 1 S1" * <1 A. T ' ^ yfri kiffl m y> fc -^faiiMilriifo^B& JB ryitfic wHmrO^ t?MWH -I ' '' ^ I lllMv lUh.^U^T^r.. r^m^. J ^M^"p- w >M^>^**T *>'^*<m{*'*r ^ ^ Three Honsos And Lots* gSfeft -4 Eg55?2i *?*e9w5S. *T tMMwIib Mrtw^ rf m+- fl i pltod for mhhi. TV? ??*? wfeMnr >? U?m?t 1 . lb* pniNwb of h>? it otkrlwibiiM b* b ? 1 jpttfad In, to thn only m>n wtj-totor* dto- ?7 ) ' position t? dinpoM of tbn property. I Alio, for Mfo, * VACAJW LOT. _ J ... Xnqolre ?i *to C?ee ftwywtieelwe ?, r ' p,~ 5^ ilVJGAH8ftEAFLABIlil9C CL\R!FIKI?, rni'hmf imI I'ow'A Sugar C?j?ri?f Rmi O-fffr Omiw L?w> Omin Kbv "".f """* Kii|writ?r L*?f Ijtnf :.<*>* ' *. B'i< < Jolrtrn Hvn?|? , \|>p?r VIr ik r.H* BnMi* nwilh *v Ft.*1) liimrnr Nwl? - .j, ?' ; r.^ Hm>h* I'r.-rrvinfr i*r* ' r$ Citron, t*iirrt??t- nn?f Ratofha "W-* i *? All for m!? LOW. . .<;a%v->dEf' * ?' &\yck * |fv ' Kxfcnl?m' Notice. ALL |ihs?iii? i t? i h? <h tin l?u- Mnj H LEE THiiL^FO^ ?t* Ntnlir .*rT) |4fiWiit; iikI ?11 hMrinit clnlm* agiiiiiKi ihv A^. will pft-n-ni tl?*m. prufrrt) nmrhr), within th- next thrre m-rttbr, to I?U Executor ?r K*- ntlrl*. yjg . UOWERT T, TlttTTHTO.V ttU-A5 VT, TllRC.SToS. Prb 11 4? tf AUGUSTA PIRE INSURANCE AND HAWKING COMPANY, CAPITAL, <1075,000. . W WILL uk? RISKS upoa ttoa?Mi?WMf bin ten**. r aHg? ' W. T. SHUMATE, Agent. raj ma?! IHAVKTWF.STV ItoXr;-.?f tk. L1W li-tf BmihU ?>f TOIIA' OO, wltirh J kar. r.crivo'l ?o cuii?iyniiifhl,(?l rMrr (H aolr; T*' " f - * | C If. D.\I.TQV? <H*.0 LEAF * / t N. mf.TOf* HE?T * ' K I?AI.TON^ CHKHJLY RKD J. w. Ciro DElt : T. U. WILHOW. J. A. DAVID. ' H *? E. P. JO\IX ATTORNEY AT LAW ANl? hOLlOmiR IN BQIIITT mnnui, i. ?. /fOflw RMtiMtnf Cmirtllmm Ibtuit, Sifr ko w*j bo KmH ibit), >in I, A. M., ' to 2. P.M. J SJ-I* Jan 19 MU VVINO. HAIR TRIMME R, US3I.\8, OVSNt AMD ?? ItA/.t>|< SETTING AX J? ?I1A WiMii 1 ?T TMK ftlBBi Door abooo Mr. MlPbm.' ? . ..Wl'-SONCOOK. ( selling birr ?T LOW PRICES f R CASH. Til'" IWotHh-p oiwi f?.f m)? kU ratir* i su?rk ?>* 5 Ai ih? l*??K iMMiW prta# t?r f iA. ' jgy f.?uirnr4 I *M. t 18 ' ' KKMKMBBIt The Oetf, Dumb and 5Six>4, 'PUK nt>d -r?ivin- d. having bwnapfwliitwl I Ajo?1 faf tfcir 8*fl? Mlf ?t HRIIOUH. MATH. MMIwjlMkartWM ifrmi/ipi^iwW?rf (8? /^Wliiw /or tkt ItrmY iMmk ?W tiliitff, mt CmlmrUnrtrng*, H. tj., t WihiIiI r?l| lfa?* nMfHtUi'i of ? iwrrltinl* hikI isit?r?*V>t. *?? lki? Bo 5 TM? Inrthulum *?*?U m miM* f OO'M of IVU??*.llty far rbwli toir Ht?t? ?? i. m kvulily eh#n??*?*rt*?Hl, *nd 4^rM p? I froimar, I ?|ll anil on * fmd tapMia?tlw ? mm orlWrt <9 b? *liMih?r?. . TllU*. rftRUN " . " - . FKJSSHDRUOS j. Am kiukpatbick^ - r, MIO ; 1 * 1 f < \ 0 I.A l.te^ wi>>..?wr llittai* n^w?llu Kj i- f* in ? I'm# K-lni tbhmJUt ' TH?-?v Mf frti ** u?-*k $t/mM Im I mm e. ?.Unf1y P^ftrfna flMf ATP1 PL|!>, mm| *0 1 bmf ?o4 m.'lm**-*} *?r t,WM inmmM* Iat HMN w|? * !' * H iMU ,y,J T^^TT H p 8. f? ,lUr*fl< , ' - * <* ?? ?-? m '?' < ?*' ** l noTicw. . \ U. ymmim* wtt?? mpIji, I \ ??? w???i ti k ^ToKfy, E*^, ?Ko j *** *% J '. Jm