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|p#K fjiyu?" 4 <*v>> I W ' " 55 ^9^. r?i-^ JM***?*- oxh popiJLivif'"EYENrrs. 6: -Vj'i -iirii' J^'"1. , ,' 11 " ' ^ ^^- ??-,... . ? - m '' Viotcd to ilwqvcss, iht&ip4p>x?^. !l?d Hit PffusiDtt isf iill ^ta^s af t?toi[lmi$ "' V" I ? "' k K '''".?<W v.: < ' "' - * .' ') ? '^-'T* Yjlj ltf>? li'f f'jl i---?ilj- - ; , [" ?**? * ' ^ *'U *"f ' ' ' \' ' " -r?* | nil i ^ VMS* iti|i. ^ 1 STAIS 0? S0B1H CABOtlHA. is Xtwt of Greenville. '4 Jn OrliWMM M iffMUl <Ac Trtrfiflinm A ML J?a#er,#>?'A atc<l othrr I'rovitK,H? He ' TM'flftsaas ?wd ht*f frrom* ?/ Color. T>8 It by lk? Intrmlmi mi X> Wa*ilMd*tJ|^Cbwn<tf<J?$nvUI*.Ti.e ?5r?ef||* (I "Sett not be lawful Ajf ?nv S?v? '% or fM Venoo of Color to be engaged withii old Tow* In (lie porches* or in the vradiaj I < ef ftir safe. of My Poultry. Gutter, Fruit <m f'f - otW hwWwt. of n?y kiuil wbetroov.r, irflh [1. ? *r upon tbUir owti account. or iw agent for an 1 -other : Kxcept snch articles to he-sold or pur t itnil hy a Slave to )b? property of the own r of the Blare offering tbcui for' ? ?. 'or hi F purchased expressly lot Urn u.a of the ownci of such Blsve f and that Virfil Blare. in raol eueh caee. have a Written permit or order fYott ?M owner, stilting the date of ?hu trnnsuoltipn snd.doeoriliiiig the kind utid quantity ef tin articles so to be sold or purchased ; or tx<*cpi ruck ptfta-has or sole by a Free person <>( Cob or be of necessary supplies for tbc family o such Free Pcrs -n of Color, of of articles oi their own produi lien. Evcuy Bin vo or Freo Person of Color violat ii?H thi*'0?tliu*n,? o. shall, for each well ofTfcnce f U liable to fx- 'pnnishtd l.y whipping. witt too* exovoding thirly-uiua ?tri|>*? up'.tj tlx tftarchaek; nnd all poultry. Butter, Fruit, w other Provisions, round in tiio p,>i-soeaiou ? ' wny Blare ?r Free Person wf'Color, hi contrn vention of thin Ordinance, shall 1k> forfeited t< the wld Town, and he setxed and sold l>y tin 5 Marshals fbr the use of the some. Any'ownFr of * Flave who sbntl ktowinjth yerthlt huch Flore to net in violation of Ihii Ordinadce. sbakl l>? liable to be fined for emot auch offence not exceeding Ten Dollar*. a?V Done and ratified lit Council, this Mb day o October, A. D. lAtll. > <L . _ 1 A1"'Kl.F?np, lateodeat, *tI. nr. WcJvjritix, ClcAr. Oet 10 23 3 slmMilmi Long, Goodlett & Co. KSPECTFl'LLV litftn the citisetis o XV tireenville Districi. thai- they are nor receiving a Full PTOCK OF WOObrt iu tbui line, al) of which acre > PURCHASED IN CHARLESTON, AND WHICH THKV WILI. *BU. AT Lower Prlcee Than Usual The fitoelc consists, In port, of Bleached and Ut oMo Blurting* ami Sheet toga A large variety of Prints, of direct importation to , from A Qy I2i en<? per yard ^ *4*1 Hen and Cotton Diapers. Linen Drills Fancy Caasiinerca and Cortonadca Plain White Swiss and Dotted Muslins Polid 11a re pes. Mohair Lustre* lllaek Bilk M&nlilliui, Embroidered Collars liarigv Mantillas, whitu and colored JIoop Skirts, of vuriuus kinds, among whicl will l>a found some of.7 Springs, flj cents :t0 Springs, 92.6<i And &U the other Articles necessary to com prise a geuctul Block uf Dry Uoodfc. AI.AO, * A COST v Haiti, Capx, RiNilti, Short, GROCKRlttS. HARDWARE, CRCCKEnY, GLASSWARE, 111 i *?' *<-. We are eoufldof-tjof tha ('net that we can af ford to Mil oar Uo?i? nt prices that will eon main! the attention of the pnldir, and wo ro pccUully *011011 an examination of our Stock LONG, OOOOLliTT 4 CO. March * 44 If JAMSll. alien; ' k. r A M&ESI.S DEALER, OKGF^VSLVJ], SC, T rv Alt OitL-rc for Makmlk Whik nnun|tt Ijr attended t.i? reli o fe (>ij f ii i'c A IU HTna. ) A N ORDINANCE TO Repeal an Ordinance In Pro vent tho Run' niug at hirrije of Gnat* and Swine, BK IT ORDfilNRD (* the lntcndnnt am Warden* of Oram rill*. That tin* Ortli niuipe entitled "An Ordinance to prevent tlx e j running at lartre of <1?>nty and Swine," pa'tici ) Octoln-r 2d. 180%, except *<? far ar the aittm v re I a tea to the nirihing at large of Goal* nni / Bnara, he, and the aame ia hereby, repealed. Done and ratified in Council, thia the lira day of OctiihtvfNri tho year of our Lor? one thott*and eight hundred and sixty ob#* i r i ( ' * ?'i i . C. J. KLVORD, lutcndant. C. M. McJuxtix, Clerk. ,"f Oct 11 28 8 ? I * " Trthr^pir*^ HAVE with turn in )HMin?fi, Mi X J0A1J MAULDIN. The J>iuin*?? will h earrieJ on in my AW Ih-ick Stnrr J'no ?. un d? r the atylr and firm. of Ro?KttTH A M At'f.niv In returning my thnnh* to my friend* ft. their liberal |tntroh??ft'. I will mdieit a continwu lion of the ajimc. to fli? Xe> Kirm. T It. ROBKHT8, Uroeneille, fi. 0. July 30th. I MO. NEW~FIRM. fk rpilE swl oeritiora here naaooh^ied titcmrrtyc. X tnmti|?r in l-nrinc**, under the firm ? AfTERT* A UAl^DTK.. l.?kr i.J.-uiure It Miritlnf tneir frh ifil*. umitA-' ppbtir ly, t<> their well aulrotcd mock Of fhttpr, Em bracing * !. iMiutlly kept in Ttnrr* It our plan*. Cite u* hOut koftn? tnairing jfon purchases. Vvo Witt find the WmmI* am price* to tuft T. B. TOBRftTB, JOAI1 1.. MAIK.nftV. i . H A1^D^O"me JE'W E L R V ON HALR. a VERY IWW5RAL ASSORTMENT o fine and oin?. f" l*ftY '0*T h* iTite SXcrihor. who ehkw 'oordo, JfWjwc f mew* ft foul, and ??y otiie* rlb-l* required it JL.Tkrii? llftiiti btuuW thfl Hmtm ' w J W- *ANI>OLfH . KKCJROEH WA?ITICO.. w/ ax'iso Tv nmK ?* ? ft"* T* ?ro Mfn. ? *r? ?<> Vhgli'U. t? ?Mph fcfr wjiH I* glvan. -W O. A.3PICKLE. t*?t If ? ?* i , .J Ctjt ian^rrn ^entrrfrfei ? ISSUED EVEBY THUMDAT ttettWtO. ! MfJUNKIN & BAIiiBY, ? PIKil>KDtnitM. 1 O. M. MoJunktn J. <3. Bail?jr. : ? t W. P. PHICH, lldltor. C. IS. .HrJHiikln, AmlntNiit. TKKMB: ? TWO DOILA BS A TEAB lATufibly in Advance. k A DVEHTI8KM EJf T8 J Inserted at 15 cent* per 8quar? of 12 liar* t (or lew) ft?r the ilrw Insertion ; 50 for the second; 25 for the third to the thirteenth.; JO for r the fonrtccnth to tho twenty-sixth j 12 fbr (ho p iweiut-mjtcnin hi too nitriy-ninld ; 10 tor^he I fortieth to the fifty- ccnnd. Yearly or hnlf-yearly eontraeU made, and n deduction from the above rate* irlvon. J ) Aitvertlacments not antijeet toeoutraet ehoulil } haro the rnimhrr of Inaertlona mflBcd ?pou r them. They will be pnbHfbcd end oTiarjfod for p tlll'erdered out. J The Fight on 8anta Rota Ia)and The le|.-gli.|ll:ic HCOOIttlla of the Imp r affair Ht lVn*acoln weie ?o nn-?ti?fao(<> tv, that oitr readers will he glad 10 jyi 1 (he following more compjele and rnt?-|f. litfiUe imitative of the exploit, taken fitnti the Montgomery Advertiser 4 1 ? On Tuesday nitwit, ehotit 12 oVfark, Hoine Iwdte^r fifteen hundred of ottr Inteu. 1thder command 1 f HlifflMW Oen eral Anderson, cr^-sed the .hay in two small steamer* ami scow* Attached to theutJ the niHt were picked general* ly froln fourteen to eev&Vteeii in num ' l?er, from the eon-panfe*" of"1 tin- ro?_>i r tuenl* ,fmtp Alabama, Florida, to-oigia, Louisiana n:;d Miseissipjii; no full com pane I? -i11tf taken, except jietjiiipi, tin? j ClitH'n Utile* fioin G-'oigifl:* 1' (limMtiiarkn] fioitt ?4 toiltt opposite I' -?? ?nco|n, ItPNf Santa !{>? ?? 1-fxnd, tltnul fire inili-.- frolH Foil l'ick? n*. Ihctiifn had to wade. Mini Niitie of them to swim to reaeh the Ifiich. Sunie of the carItidges <kc.. got net. loid-d on the Id.-od, llu?V ?cie ili vided into tv/o ?quad?. one proceeding pi reel IV aero** to the Southern h-aelt. loo of ni Hill v Wi!?(?u'? camp. and the ' other ittaiched down tlio Northern . Iieach. opposite errli other. They kill ed the sentries as they went, vome six in iiiiinher, spiked the gntie, set fire to the Cohiua in which the Zoitave* were t eNiii|>ed. and shot them as they inn out. All atrreo that the Zouave* tan incr.niw utility for F? ?ri l'iek?-n*. They raniy looked hack or flopped In fite at - our hov?, hut ?I lot a* they raw. They - t ?'l thrown up mnio rand hank*, lull of their l.ijr gun* were mounted. *>i?r ittfti took oyer* goodly qoantitx ??f rat fait filtn, with which llu*y wonr* Iv >|iikf<! every gun except inru, Tliev hiirM all ih? ltou?e* and alorex, except ' (lie hospital. The only furmid?M? real-dance ?ah from Home U. S. regular*, nenl out from Fort 1'itken* lo tedeeiu ?he ground which the Zouave* had abandoned.? The regular*. however, finding mir fore* larger than lliei expected, aeetned in have liecoine panic tttickvn, and re . I real <-<l until our men were in the act of lemming f*??m the Inland, in ??he?li t ence to the -ignal f otti the N'-iw Yard. Tliev then adv a need an>! fiteil deliher itel\ at our ineii. huddled up in the 1h>rU. and did litem more damage than litev * j had received dining the fight on the ; MhiiiI. It *n? at thi? lime that (Irti. Auderaon ? #? w ounded in the at til.? Two or .lime gun* were a 1*0 fited al them, win-it rawing, from Fort l'ick i en*. without e fleet. I Our int'ii Mipplird theim-cWe* well I Willi otnall arm* tlial they look from i the elm my. IWv aUo killed a negio J 1 and captured aiiotIter. Seventeen pri , Miueis tr?m m?|i tliat tlii'V brotmht i hack ; le>w inanv, if any more. i* uoi known. Tin? hotoiioiik Culuiifl, Hillv I \\ ii*ou. iuad<* n >trai<jht <>n from hi* . man/ue to tin* Kyil. AH MNtriAiitlx j from our men kit ltd pari it {paled I tliat 1 !***> killetl between two and llnee hundred of ilia Yankee*. Our It tea in killetl ami 'mining i* fortr, ami thirtyfive wounded, H\e of whom died oil e j WetiiieMlav, Moat of our |o?ae# in the - . >-kii iui>k lire mi 11 ilmitd to en** tiring, I wl|en our men Were rhooiinp at ilfe | i ZointveH frttin opposite *ide* and f?? their tiyi being ahlo to di*lingtii*h the badge of their comrade* in the dink iter* o| the nielli, and shooting one another. f Notwithstanding the unfoiiima*H nr ' cidein*. oeearloi.iejj the tlealli ??f ?rt P ; many of our ttihiitur,' I lie nlijecl of ihe . | expedition wan Heeotiipli*hetJ. ami the 1 | UMill hiuI iii?||ifitifig to j , OUr MMIIV. Tlw l?t j- <1 r0ilKMItpl4.fl. WW Ijte trt>nkilig ?|> of limit V\ ll-on cHiup mitl imf lh? ,jf l-'ou J'jfk I mi. < it < 1 it K'f' ^ i TIi|*;?*k cOuffiMrly., Nttj ur lillriv uv lukfiwttat? ot?K m tot 11 hi tun, |>tt'k?NXtrr, flits^lmlln mti! flint. A I 'hmi> lott-r. rofMjtrerrl of ilif ihii r i of the Silt (*r??rgi?t R.giitnrii, a*?l mI ovt-i to reinMt jo? uttt in<*it wbrii ilm 1 rttrfl tiy G?,?, llrncg ft?r iliv l-?nly ok ifn? I-Unil lit rrtlfiT It wiu hIuXH ft i? llie morning, ike* hurl btfru cnittely *otcn-*ful. niol I'lfing i<i tlmtgr-r of bring mirroorid. ,.,1 w. I bo Ikrt Mil J tlift furre iff Foft r I'lcktHK. H n?? llmugla piutlvnl for ihtt * lro</i 6 t' yr*tn*+ fWrltuft. i Our woundutl Kitt will c*r?I for I; ^tb? loUiou ot I'clMMolu. "wvmjVPf M v a. ?r server: . '?.3^-?&5&?& on In* '"jnnH, ,mjmI they h*l built ? ' inr<ra *?>?' fille?1 it with prnL it?M*Xv *-..^1 fNWWt^^'tha linv mut.piwlfi tip ^ the lx>?cl?. killiuV picket* wliem-coi" bailed bv one ; U)K>tf afrnVlrt4 n?*j> f $r* ? n^.^fl.e YAnk^NV* time hoooinfc'nr6?ti?M/?ftni retomeo' l',# fii?. F?>r two or tVe* lw?tn* the ?kirm i-liinjjr wr. ke?t tip. when Onfriile were J (Hilwrd t?? tHinvge WrtAir^'. Tl?i? tlie 1 JKBNEME ? tent*,'ho Itugeftt WMtiltfl't. tojjetli rr witb 11 (> 11 *" complete mftw? ,* rnhi?of*ihWniee on CHfM|?nM-in i of ibe not* trump ,4Villy tiwd J 1ii? thieve*. Tljev even tf#l!'**l the I gnn* left fjjttldeiiwl hihI ,; cownraH >*nTOtV,4m<r^mWr tlietn up j??ii in**c c2fc.<i?)'?G>*TSii: *! Iituulx r of gttna found in.lit* ItHtU'iie*,. nnih-mtmitij? the tSwriif^e* of'ilitt iwme. Thit* in ?,j the net of 1 | ! burning the x!ioo?njj " JouIhIi *.Mtme ttffo. . ^V#xWinflr ?ti;N^po*1^4fcy WV Ions on either tdde, ht?? the hove env thevt , mAmtf 1 Ynnk-ee over yeKtrrd:??v nbd Irohl tHein I mh |?iit-?nyrK of w?.c, one yf llnvto n S. r , gennt aha ftnotfier' tfo Te?? ft j>?i>ona<;e ; M T ;i K ft Tlie tx?wtH<i'.v h<jn?t(rt>f jtp'jf* com-. ; uini'uT returned "to the l<ntfle field afi tor. our men ^i -y! ^e(t ,Httd ?t ur Jiyvh I he ; \y?n?iidfif m< n left on theliaitl# tfieil. ' 3. tT ' 0 0 (' r*? a The CircninstHrces of the . Death of ?91k W*?hidgt#v v. * ? < We take the following from ? letter to the Cmoinntti "Ct'WiWfi'inI: On Friday nhertiooif, oUmlS four o'clock, n miiihII scouting party wh* sent out ?o reconnoitre on the right h<;?nrh oi rainwater, \MiKMi iiiiwfr wine nnifHiiji on our right. Tltev Imil not let) tk>?* outer picket |>o-l fifteen minutes, when h part* of seven rebel hitr-eiD0u Hpp'ochiil lht*nt-i jl h? coikintattdafr j>f tl?e rebels rode leisurely a few pai-v* in front of hi* escort. Mini seemed totally uuhw-Hie of any,danger. ? Our serins waited until tpe party eatou pitliin shot range, wtien; than sotno Inexplicable nAsi-N, ill*eauting part t look the alto in I -oid suddetdv turned ll?rhor???'heads to retreat. Ah tlu-v did so, however, the Federal party fired, and the officer, who in the retreat whs in the rear, fell from hi* saddle. I1U o>corl fled, leav ititf the commander wounded arid dying upon the roadside. The Federal parly raft up to the wounded man, ami found iiitn partially raised upon one hand, attempting to gia-p hi-pistol. A* they approached, the dying man smiled faiutIv, ami said. '* I low are you, hoy* f give me Millie water.* One of tlie party placed hi* can'celt to the soldier's lips, hut they were already Cold in death, A iiiter wa? made, and the body car I tied to headquarters, when an exaiuiua 1 jiou of hi- permit was made. JiulgC, if i \ott can, of the stiiiuisa excited, when ! upon hts cashing was found the name | of John A. Washington. Four halls passed through liia (md\. two ertleiinir ? . * ; ; e? either lun^. mid nnv one inflicting n mount wound. A Aug of Iruoe w** went tl*?* next morning lo the rd*k of feting lo return the ImmIv miu) mII the Colonel's ift'eCs ) whs no t |?y Lieut. Col. St?rk. of Louisiana. who was cmn ing to otir camp to deiimitd the laxly. When t?>hl that Colonel- Washington wMH?|end, Col. Stark wiu very iheply affected, lllld for WOIIIH ?|IH mi aide to rpenk at nil. He finally Mini. "Uul. Washington's tementy killed him ; lie wh? advised not to go whete lie did, hut was on Ids firs' expe'dhion ? Mini extremely Hiixiotns to distinguish hllliwelf." Col. Washington WHS HttMi'll eil lo the statf of (ten. Lee, as engineer, fioiu which ii i? judged (Jen. Lee in per M>n commands the fotce* in nor front. An Itkm worn II Norrrixg.?sA friend of Mound practical whisu Mtid e?|>erience sngge*t*. thut to guard Mgain?t mnnv dl-ease* ineidciit to ran.p life, Voltltt leers slmuM put n -mall ?pianti?y of4ar ?ray n large e|wx.?nful? in llitir cultteens. |t )i?? olieij been rec??miiiei?ded ms n preventive of idiills mid fetor, iniM?h*s. Ac . hv phy-ieinns. Tito wiit. er of this ii <*| It "t'^t hs him* ago, Mini Kftt i a ?Inv 01 (wo n riotliiv.g J fiuid Uio mv- of whI^r Try il ! [FhyettrvUU Qbttrvrr. KMIWFNT I.IHKWAI.TT.? W<? noiiee. Among ilie ?lon.iii.ui? ncknowferfgeil l?v MHW>. Coffin <k lNinyle, 1 lie very fiber*! <ine?if$lU0 from Geo. A.Tienliolin. K <| , li ? h |>leilgt? ni ilie name euiilii txiimn munihly !<>r n nr, i?r iml fn |>Uivi<liiig for (lie South Cnrollta 1 logout ni Uivlimond. [L%trie*to* Aftrmr/' Sir J am** FrkoUaon. M. P.. It** U-en i, en)o\ing lli* lx>?|iiiMliii0n of G-ov. Hhmi re>o*?4. n* hi? fnin|?. nod fflokiig per Hofbil observation* of our arinf %a the PotOttM. ' FromUw tanewter Ledger. Flnrt * State ofttaCotititi'y " Stand up li*re"Htll Snook*. and keep caatoiml t>ut of **nr m<>u;h. Q. What h? independence f -: pi %)i?M Toi i phawe, a?H what von plea**. a?k ?l?at | von please for it. and ?h*at all you , can. * / v; * >? ' ' " j ' -<J Wh*Mii lc?e #f connwy t r A T\> fttfl'ti Weed and die, and git' no ( Credit for itv ? A^oi r a *; Q Do mH man manifest thi* desire to j do I an tin f<>r v4i?>rr rounirv t A. N?:- Some In*.i rather *.tnv mi , h."**#?* hndl m>.k? innnev ; gtumble Ml *, the* it""'1" other*; speculate rtpoil }, TdtjiVi?'^ *"<* HmV bravery. ' i WIimI clw ? J * jfl'Ttftr r'onitnbnly called etieet ? hnmgers, but idihS call *?m o*|>,ln$U,' j, /ltrtK.SH~ 1< t I - ?< 1 ' for abort, * . i /> a l Q. All wlm ru-iv at liome are not ?o x SIM tjii j >' . '/ A. Oli. un. Some -; < ' liberal in v . W *. Mfo 7 V* . (r V TT vol* , H doiu?t|oii*(b. su^.porf lh" coninry and , lelie e the w:?n- of ll.o }. Q !? > iliov get no credit for it* , A. Narv Ml. Y*?U see thevonf Vjjll* | ilo all'the talking. having more limr'to t rlevototo the ladlows than working men I and lh?y s)y wlifn the lil*er?J give a f, lYolfJr. tlfhy jmt add 11 mi muck more | profits on their saleable nritclo*, which p iluj roipurr i* l?uml to have. f, Q Is il ceilain that any person does v this to ... .,y A. W^ilioutf a ilouhl,; n groat many tin add on Itlnckade.? war t<p, and ?*>* "fl uv .other.iteiu* too numerous lo men- j, tion. ?, v?i it Q I* it tnen that have been hoi n r| and rawed amongst u? t j, A-.Yes aji ! Nary other kind. f, Q. What is thi? class called | c A. l'alriots of the light stamp, R{ Q WIimI ?< .patriotism now n dnvs ? ; A. Talk b'g, tell what ytm have done j ^ what you gwino t?? do make out you've j |, done everything and uoInnIv else don**, j| nothing j>hv all vtiur taxes and make { Vni tip on ycr customers, add a little | p more lo tip* juice every lime you see H the woid " blockade." oppress the poo. plo and especially lip* jamr, thev nin'l ,, got b<? hiisines- to be poor. n Q. Who does this f A. Merchants, farmers and school 4I teapli *' v Exit Hill with an inkstand in close p proximity with hi* liuun. p The Commercial Convention. '* The following resolutions have been adopted by the Convention at Macon: Resolved. That it lie recommended lo llw Conigreaa of ihe Confederate Stan* to the collection of nil r d alien on hit put If, and that nil the port* l' of llio I'oiifedetn'te Sim? l?? lliniwn H oiien and lai iiinde free to tli? trade of nil the nation* of tti?j woiki who main* tain pence with tin. I1 Hie rcKolution wiw adopted llnnni mou-ly. e Whereas, bv the law* of nntion*, debt* * due to alien ehemiea are suspended, and ? bear no interest during tlie continuance of war. R'tolveH. thrrrfore, That, in the * opinion of thi* Cunvintion, tha awpie** I rat ion act adopted bv ilia Confederate Contfic* at it* recent *e*?ion should ? n->t rebuilt) the put incut of debt* due bv *our citizen* to alien eueinito. during >lie existence of the war ; but that it should 0 letpiire only the evidence of the iiuicbt- ? edtie** to lie retained, and placed upon *' iccord by the receiver, without ?ec nrit v deinaiuled and taken for the ultimate c payment of ilia same. That in cn?en w|ier?ln the debtor to ?tii niton wicWv frt mImi h rlaiumnt of liidciniiiiv for lUniHi;!1 MiMirinni t>y lite 1 net ur hois of lilt* (*<?vi>rtiiiitMii i f th(> ll Uim.oiI Slate*, t>r ? f I lie people tlielfof. ( ihe?Hiil clxhrt nlmll b? nllowcl ns an / I'tTnl. mini the ImIhiicv only fcliail bu the il subject of p?\ inent. k 'Hint we r?)pn! fully recommend lo " die Confederate C<>ii#ie?ft mi.'It * lioiiH in, ?.r addition- lo, ilie aeqneMra- } lion mcI ?is tony be nece-Aitry to nullicr- 1 Me ilif* Confederate Court-lo iuqu'.e in u to tlit; bonti Jtile of jtvetjr transaction of | li our own cl??*? ??* with nficr( enemies I* , I iwei-n the 2l*t of M#t?\ !W6l, Mini the 1 v .ini? of ibe of iIihi net, and lo ti protect f'oiti the operation* of that act I tho?e tntn-aetioim. > i ...i.-? . ? - - - 1 vit'unntf* w.|U| iTih enemy were of i ^ Lriiefl: U> the or the c C'OVf HltUVfll of lilt* ijollftiie IMtD Sun*, j v or f>?'P fn?m iNini ??f ?li?lovi?hv. I Tltni ili? (ivrrnimnii of (li? Omfitl em'D Slut#!* having nwttim*?l l!? > olece l of thq ulifeli cro<liior of lli* CunN^mlii i( ih-htor, oluoihl niiiini on iIih Mtuio fo?i ' ing v? hli nil ot li*?r vitnluont. * That the 0>n*?*ini?Mi fmih-r reCom- t mviw) lt> tii* (IntKntM of ih* (<otif?ti? c r?i* Ru^ee Hl'lt ni ntUmiiiiMiWf the * ijn*-trnth.e art armav l?<f itajtiVotw l?? mp* f'orti fit OjftTHilon tit* pn?p*riy t of ruoittaui in tint 8u?c villi which we n>* nt war, who ere talariing i nrntrr the iii?ahil<iH** of coverture or In | fwetttr. hiiiI 0Mien <|tM'iMiv finable, I hough 1 <h oting it, to eli ovge ibm Uomieit, awl ,< vlio qt* r.trw not null} ctiemiee U> the ( Si 111 I 11. ( Thnt the proper* of ?n??i niien eWd- ? miiw ?* ho neve * ne ttrf the Arm* of jl<* > C* ufaleieto ftant nlmll he m^ij ie-iicrevl ( for the lenrllt of eftOh Whn M rtntjp fcrfve. ae eoldtare ia our ertaiee. j I V/JUU^U, WJlUDC-ft Zi iWJ will) lgl?*H'?oy fowboding*.-I Ins Loodoii Chronicle, of the 19?h u!t., *v* i hfgko honiHffet Ur*?4 be* Mvetl bo**?o<Vfe'mmi*$r *wu. end U ??uld , m ,t?> or*r lite edAnUt??f? >l *?W be the menu* of con Vrtirignn tk? poorer eleven during the cmoinder of dii* end lite gr*?t?r purl >f next y??r. |)ti?.for Uiiit wo might ?*ll ?btinj( from eoutemplnting the fu Ittre. For, let our home dein^tdbej vIihI it may, it cannot l?iin^ tinde t<? i?., t!>?iui?litnir nortlunn it ?. ? ?! nt.wl ??t >r totlieouibrertli of^ioHtiliifeitin Amur cjj. The nxkyv thmimiDd* wdi?> depend i|k?i? (ron and Cotton manufactures f*?r neir dalle liiead ?nuft inevitably under ro many hardship* next winter, and tin us# we can by Wtfte iiiuhih obtain tip lies >.f Cotion. ntill stealer calamities v'ill surely overtake n.-.j nqi peroeive nnv mean* by vliicli tliia end can l>e gained? utile*'*, ndeed.the Coufcdeiate State* change heir determination. and nil bnp?di nent* to our commerce be removed.? I ie need'es* for ?* to |?6int out the exre HHP -.lulikt'liiiMoti of any micIi change 1 p M'ing made; hut it ii upon a slender imniikliitn Mich aa this that we mu-l ntfld our liojrex, or accept this alternas tirb of looking foVWard , to a " Cotton inline/' abandoned mills and atarved , peralors. A candlr factory is nadlv needed in lie up country. It would l>? a paying , h^NtnehL There i* no coinpltcalion i tltii? work, it H simple and ea*y.? J 'lie I.oil.'it and mm.Id* are easily oh : lined, and I allow ia plentiful. Tito re" ire makeit an excellent cake, by 1*1 it g ( nntpretwd, anVHCvallied for feeding J lock. It ia raid that *hn castor olllrean pro nee* an i Xce'leiil oil li>r illuminating nip'we*. Tbe planl growing well in lti> climate. i Wliile article* for illuminating pur* <>*e# ate so acwree, It might not he miss to riiiieinl'cr that this is lite loiueut for gentlemen to invest small i HpilaU in many lucrative cb^uneia, and i ike an independence. The cotton ee?nl j teld* an excellent ll->lill.iiriii?sAil foe ilr?.<ini? .... ...... -t n ltd lid.ticaiing machinery; and ? * a ^uiiuiinr, utfoida >i clear and brilliant ght. I'll.- cake is a profitable article I' commerce. U Ibrtoa u rich and ealihful did for block. [iV??&?rry $un. - ... lllCMMONP. Oct. 16. Croning of Ik* Potomac.?\\ g nmored in Watdtinglor. on Saturday lint (Hanks ha* crossed llie Putoru c ? i:li 20.000 men. Kobcucmn'.x report* iliat lie retired to iaulry to meet winter clothing and mvi?ion?. which were indi-pemutble. The Herald ?h\s that Pi ice abandon* d Lexington on the 30th September nd tna:cited Southward. The new* afterwaid.s conltr...e;l. t?en. Ilarncj i? in Washington. The rilblwtg (Pa ) batiks ha?e rati mod specie payment. , The election for Governor in Ohio as resulted so far in a majority of 11.00 in twenty counties for David Tod. Jninn candidate. In PiilltMvlvMlil tlie n?mfW?r?l? li.r? nri ied Ih-rks ILnnpMle'r n??>l Volk ntiiiiie* hy heavy ninjorilie*. 'i bit* hour* r Inrge, Democratic gnin. In low*. Ki'kwrrod, the Republican rtmlidnte fur Governor, litis been electJ.-? Courier. Tnx difficulties *hich the l\>*t Office J )cp?r; r em lot* |i?(J to; HirnvKint, ?i?y?t lie Richmond l?i?pHicli, nre nmni.1(1 mul M:eonctfivnblo. ' ll? Special lgent,( enernl Arhmme, rcently caused i lie nrrc?l of ? prtsl office clerk in AmttM*. <?*? dinged nit It robbing (he n?iU, Mr.d he in now in custody to anW'?r for the olleiice. A port mutter in thilmmii certifies that the contractor on Unite No. 716 performed the regular mill service during the month of June *?l, wliilet the po.?tiiiM?ier Rt the other er iiiiuiu of the route in the mono Suit, ir rite* thnt m-rvirt he* been nhatidoued hereon since iha middle of January lo bout the 30ili of June?no letter* Imv ng hcen reeeivod or tntn?iniit*d from >U office during thnt period.^ Yet the ontrwcmr went* hie pny for M?rvioe<.' rliidi he did not perforin. It will 1111* he seen tliRl HiniiV oh-liM-le- linve o he overcome, for which time nnd |mleoce nre iodl-pvitiothle. A thorough nvemignlion will lend to the exposure if dUhonwty mid trick wry, rind to thm stent mi advance v* ill he made towardhe csinhli-hmetii of u regular mid cA Junt poetni jraletn. ??^ Farm Hiriuiovn.~ The tferfitry bwe lie following dispa ch i Oct 15?The War t^nrlitMlli ha* Mint thnt I he eneinr no-w icmiuiw Loea W'lf, nml I* to a )M>tnl iifwr SV.ItM'kmti'f. TJw mr.?? lltMlnur wlmt# iriny b?? Hiikni K.-?<rU from Kttiifax tu JpttirvxilKs i? #Oh(lrw?4. Tliojr buriM W\M*giV*??f Fnirfnx 0. R. when they tluMMluimt k The S?cwl??y of War h*?lt? tha* " the movcimint wm proba >iy i(Hi *p fir Mratfj-ie IkvekiioMy ha* rwaiyned lm aoM. in -iueula'a tteuaiv. 'lauiiAj? .. ?:??-' } 2 Uicuupsv, Oct. 18. "Wt hnvp nothing decisive from the 1 Potomac to day. Paswngera from Mh. dhmm Mat# that the enemy have not a advanced beyond Springfield on the right, bnt" that they threaten Lcceburg * ??c!T. nattaom'a fine Regiment of Oar. * airy front North Carolina arrived here I to day. J The Confederate fleet that went tlown ti to llatteraa returned to Norfolk laat t night Tliey laid off IIaltera* two day*, i lint the Lincoin fleet would not coine r out to an altnel^. ti The Lincoln force* at Hnttera* are a preparing to make an allAck on lloa- c nuke l?htnd. It is reported that they p have 8606 troop* nt Uniterm*. beside* 4 CUn-boat*, barge* and flats. Gin. Mansfield in in command. Oapt. VV. 0. Inglis, of the Eighth ] Eolith Carolina Kigiiueht. died at the c American Hotel to-day of Typhoid fe- o ver. <| The new mail Arrangement* between * Richmond and Charleston go into ope i ration on Sunday." A through train n wilt leaie Richmond at five o'clock ?v ery morning. This is expected to r?u? j( edit}' recent delays and defects. v Th* Mi?*ochi ImOroolto.?There I urn- a Catiinet meeting this afternoon, p in which the cheers of Colonel lilair h against Gen. Fremont, nnd the counter ? rliarges of Gen. Fremont against Col. <* Hlair, ware under consideration. Hie principal-eharges against the Cotntnnn dwr nre that he sacrificed Gen.* L thai he n??gleeted to reinforce Col. Mul ri ligan w hen he had the power to do so, w and kept Col. Mulligan's in. sscnger, sent t1 to w-k aid;- waiting three days before he tl saw hiin ; that his expenditure* of mon n PV vrero exre-?ive and corrupt; that one member of his stati had u contract foi J ilm pnicliiise <.f live thousand mule*; 1 that he surrounded hiin-df with cor o rupt and had men. knowing them to he tl such ; that he was inaccessible to Union k men calling on luiaiuesa; that he willful Iv delayed HHsuming his duties after he was appointed to his command in Mis n sottd. N*>? "conclusion was reached in the case.?Baltimore American, I)/A. ( A Strang* Visitor.?It is said *c? . 11 will persons **w on Saturday morning ( la>t about 6 o'clock, a large balloon v passing over thi* city at a moderate 0 speed, toward I lie South. It U al-o re * |H>rtcd that another wa* ?een on Mon * day morning or Srtndnv night. We * ura ......t.u ' V vy nvT^iiMil iv*r II* Jt)l IV 18 ndt iuipoaoiblo (hat the ara#nnuta of the Potomac or Old Point may have bean ilriron by current# of air beyond tlieii 1 moorings. We know that Professor | Lowe w*? only n few month# ago dt'.v. (r i?ii from Cincinnati to South Carolina i If the four aioeiiHut# should prore to be ! Prof. Lowe, Al?e Lincoln, Bll'y Howard <i and Gen. McCiellaii,ai>d should light be i twosn tliin and the South Carolina line, j we should rejoice. Look on- for them. ? [Ralrigh Standard. - ,C Otn PulV ATKKH8MKy.?The Now York Evening Po#t, of the 2 2d ultimo, Mtya: ? I "The-trial .?f the four oftleera and n nine inen of lite privateer Savannah i> I *ei down for Wednesday, October 28. c The Prisoner# have hcen confined in a ilie Tomb* since June 2.Ph. the day t when the llnrriet Lane brought thein I: to thia city. The fliat officer, IIn?do<>- * ton, and the parser, Passalnign#, have t beeii removed to a largo and comforta- , hie room in that part of the Tomb# r known aa the * new t>ri<*onwhile U*r I . linker, And the second mute, llowf .rd, I occupy lh? Mtne cell* lo which they I were firnt committed. Their lou-^ con- < finement doe* not *e?un lo bawe effected i ihcif huiNli.'lttt they are ver anxiuu- * fof their trial, slid *av tlint they should p?ef?r nliunet anything lo a coutinued itsidetice in the T010W-" ^ j From WAsnmoTo:,.?-1 ne Washing- * ton Stnr of the 10th baa the following j items: There aro now about two hundred ' rebel prisoner* confined in Washington ( including those of a political diameter. t Tito u'.a Capitol is atill oted n* a prison , and line heep filled up wiili tnnity 3on j veuience*. Mo cominunicHiiou U *1-*, lowed with them except hy special per- * mitoftho provost in and t? I. J/riaoner* of anr and political prisoner* *'<* eon* i j. > imru hi w^rvni quarter*. Some of j' ilie loiter, who hove Utely 1 ??eu lelt*** I ? ?! on the on til of ttlh-giriuca, hnve t>m<ti ' required lo enter into h. ml* not to en- ' ler the reliel Smie-, ov eotiimunienie * wvlili Hfiy one r*?iAing in them, d irinjf the war. uitle-s permitted by the Becte* ( turiv* of State or Wnr. ( , ?, rM?/k(liiM, (Vobrr 18, j From Pnt?ucoln,y-{\ rtng of truce wnw MHtl from Fort i'tckefm, lt> itifoiin Geo Mrnjfx that hU pti*uitor* would l>* 11 ?entta N?'W York on. Sunday. lien. Iirng4 M-nt ilio I'h\ Kinder Mir, who < print ?h* men in full Air th? remainder of their term. ? ! 8r.c?irfAHY MtMMixoguhw?nnr??ne- j I eil tlml the entire fifteen iniilion* of the j Ooefitktutli loan iA t*la*n. j t ltrig. Grpi, Lnppitreet, of ??Mtth Ci- j I rolhkO, line been proufcted lo Mm or* If Geuctal * ^ # il m1"' * t; W?* <* Scorn Mi.tsu i.lli. Makt.-VtH asl Vr>.nklin (La ) lUoner ?*> ; H Active ntMurw are now, Itf-irM *iopu*l in our parish prfPAT^fcfff utfHr tanking. Ao?na of our ?iil commence rolling can* at rfnny have he*B kept Wk in llieir jjoB >v the continuous rains, and pare nrge quantity of woodsliH Vnfl fiiost of the planters have ye^ nake hay, put up sugar cane, atoe*. Ac., l*fore thev commence ns? cane. About the last of tHik tBmfl .w ..pv? IV mm* HWTIf W CTTIf1|lH ihc??. In full bleu. The late cool nieltflj nd fine days b?f? had a tt?e eff?*ef uj^H ti <h?* cnne, and tbe mirar crop ftf > *i I be quite heavy?probabl^B .0,000 bog?lieada" " Tine w Mi?ru?ni>R*4^| >inukk."?A DtiHrnHft of Now Ynr^R iiy, native (if a Southern State, bavin^J ccasiop to vUit Fort Lafayette a fe^R laye ago. found there ainety-eeveo p>iH oners. The Poet relates a coarertu^R ion the visitor bad with some one coi^H iccied with the prt?eeertt, and adds: H As be was cxpatlming upon this suhH set, Marshal Kane earne along am) inH ited our informant to cmne and ne^R he Legislature of Maryland at d<nnei^| 'hoy were seated la aa apartment at iH lain table. The food was bread witlH utter and coffee without milk. laolH >an had a tin cup, but no other tablH srvice. flj Hrtbv Sfukoh.?When Preside I >avia reached Fairfax station, open ),H ;>turn home recently, he was grer ,t<fl riih cheer after cheer by the troor ^ H hnt vicinity. Nothing' would aatisfl bem but a speech, and be re# "Soldier*: Generals Keattr# am tAlMoi ?' hers the orator* 0f (he dal 'hey ape?k /rom the month' , of caaa<>^| t noibit*, sod of r??e* : *nd whtfl hev K|>e.?k, ?hv Country Purieaa. 1 vil eep silence." I From SorroLR.??Tb*tj co rresponderl >f till* Petersburg Esprew? my* ; I Another raefnber nf t>,e lei Soutl 'RroliiiR regi.nent died yeaterday anl i ;ii sent home thia m.ornmg for intel neiu, Prirate J. W ebb, of the Qregl riiarda, from H'iri,v*e l district., Hi rM about twenry year* old. The naoaol f the two ??o>dlers whose deaths werl lluded to \e?terday ware James Al Inrrell, forvneity cf Old I ford conotjl J; O., Mid Jams* U. Clamp, of Natal terry district, S. C. I Cr>.",???a^ArB I'osTAea STAwra.-l *ho first of lhe new Confederate Htat el **>Mal stamp* issued ;?e*?erds.l iud were eagerly brought tijr. ' f)l lew stamp i* green, with a h> b ruphl ike nest of President Par ,* whhl I >ublo oval border, nurnaVua ,ed villi he ii?scripl:on, " Confed' ra t6 stale* I VmerieR." Outside of tKe circle, anl it the head of the a thw-w??? jMns<Hgo." rihF at it', | _,wef ydge ha dt semination, " five cen'.s.** Tjik Spanish Minister at Waahing on i* greatly ant>.<vyad about the tram nivdon of b j$ Vi weekly dispatches t lie (ioverr.or General of Cnbu. Th Iwuter b*y the Yankee Government c II the steamers of the line running I )ul?* "and Vera Cm* prevent* the regu *r intercourse with the Spanish repre en\ati*e ?t the capital of the Queea u Ke Antilles. Tub Rp.lka.flb or PinaoNKa*.?A complete li?t of State and tvur prisoner Iihh been handed Secretary Seward fb tiijft examination, the ohieet being, it it aid, to consider the propriety of releas ing km many an practicable, convince at I] with the public interest. Td? Tennessee ItihJa Society an vuinre* tba*. they will soon have on innd for t'.e use of the yokliers, ftO.0O tqpies ot the New Testarmnt Scrip ore*, -which they will furnish to othtl liible Societies throughout the Cenfedealc Stales at $1 40 per doaen. T?a Richuw^od Enquirer sata that Calvin lfu*on, jr., of Rochester, N. Y., a ho Wan fcfyT* opponent #?r Congress is very siefc of typhoki fever in hi* pc* ton, end i* nuixed hv the lotto*. I wm " taken in H at ManiMM. Tiib New U*mpfth>re Oneettr, tb? >l<l?*>t paper in (l?o Si*tnw, ?*|>iio<J it low d?y* Hy?o ru the ng* of ottw t|<iii<lrrd inwt tivM rear*. It wnw k?i>g . wling nnd indueiiiinl paper in ike [jianile fcjtnte. Among ibe pnpun in l/inroln^oni. hat comtnttH lit (lenownea the war. are lie Attaint Arci*?, 11??* Fatterwnn (N. J ) kegfcNer, ihe i ( [?>w<i) Herald, * hi I the Ilnrtford Thum. > * ': *- . " ?, (Vftciri. Via it to Mr*?>r*r?The Vwnry of Wht ami ?tio Aifyvtant M-nrral left Wuabinglon fbv Si. L?ui# m Tuetday. Atroxn late arrival* nt t?lfhm>i?d ik hat of I'm if llorpby, the >ton, r Wa Tram from n laM% piiMi-hed !iu he 5fvw Yolk Kxpriw*. that ibc |? ).:?! *- I inn of illo Nonlir.n Atw'e* a 19 S<W. tttO, their fighting nn a A 800 i>0, m heir i|uota tor an *i*.\ AOO/JOu, A