University of South Carolina Libraries
.- Stawey* W*?, ??4?><????*Wiww, P . ?)? mm* W?y. a?a mmy w*,'!* eeruk s^jKfwii of *?* ,ftM< ?tJ loon I K* wkw UMW BMT eom#, rw*'t>? *b?tw? %m t4rtfb,lfr fioymeot of <hrtw?p?4f '?? *??? lUukMM ft* my ^ **'. potroao. Any mtietoo/ U ? ?>? ?M, mmIi M porn, whent, flow bk'Vp??4t>*U#r, *ff?CB< koeot , ffUliw'll fatt porVoi *ol?o. flood erop IMAM boon mtJa, mid our eonntp* T"H?p1 '_/ JpYO.VOO WfMl ?Uk tn o?>q?d*nep c md Hm*(, ?o4 b?f?*omt)i?n t? 0*0*0. r*ym?ot for rftbrr oMor noi ofeoortotlovft mo* bp mod* In t.bis wo*, oni *?a wilt ha glad to ff#t H. Coma along ?N end ft you can't aollsfy on puraaa. perbepf* you <*au our atipotltwu, whi) We ere battling with the hnr?J tinier. iff J trill Hot ha rajeetnd. I' any ?f onr fricud !> it iirttitU at it hnve any of th? art! y ale bund, ud desire to pay it in. Oept. > J>. etatittt. Ob HMMt of protntotod a ad ariom tr diapaaMim, Capt. B. p. O^mtr bat resign *4 hi* aommiaeion in tha Oonfedrrata *a> vtaa aard ratnrnad homo. The Captain, ft* wan Hit tinea, went Into aervfea in Yit grata with hia Company?(heCarolina Monn - ( taiaeara?ready and witling to meet tha e* amy H?"? the border, but hi* health fi^la hlat, and l?e waa ooDipallad. though ralu? taatiy, to miura. Ha la yet quite n*?w<d1 frot. w? hope wilt toon ba peatored to hia foi aaar health, . J-.- * Indiaa' Fair. Tim will ha a Fair baid at hfeBa*'* Hal on aeaniwo nrjrJ A variety c "' ? nrtialaa will ba on axhlhition. and it into b hoped that buyer# will ba plentiful. Th pm?aada ara to ha given for the benefit o tha (Vnetrna Afitvafoiarret and fbo Fbrmoi #asrda, from tWa FHttrlet. Let the ertiMo MM"* ant and liberally pntronire tha Fait and thai aid tha todlaa In their patriot! waifc of ndfiieforirtr U> tint wnnta nad n* taaiUe??f the soldier. m ' * m'* *'*" tl Tha Farinas Puarde. * *W? nndaratand that this comywtr. t *> a* (a ran It a ta the wbhaa of the eWcer aad tsaa, baa haan truDaformd to *nnU<u arm ef lha eerrteo, and ha* Jotuud White' ArUbaPf Battatten. It ie nap* rtafi that thi wilt ba hapt ta this fit aha tiiywnlft wiatar. ? ? Tha 6a*paay will, bloat. Farie t*qoe?t? n 4a atata, faatova ta HantrwrvUla in a day o two. Tickets of traaaportatfon fawn Coluui bin ta ffowmervilla can ba, aMained by mam have af tha remnant abaca I on fbrhntah. b .applying 10 Mr. Joha V<Kv> Beileemi Agon attreeorilW. V* rn < ? m fc I Tit* Burial *1 W. L. V. A. Sarngga. At request we bare be mi kindly par ltt?d to make en extreet from a privet letter relative to the burial ?f private W h U. A. Boauoat.of ?ba Butler O.tiorda, wh< waa killed in tba engagement at Lewinarill* "Va,, on Ilia M'lh nit. It to gratifying t< kaoir Ural our frienda who die' ia the wr viea, a war from homo and family, bare kin* friopda la tf??ir eororadea who forget not U *' aara for their remain*. The writer, apeak jag of the burial, my*-. It erne done ia the moot Christian man *ar, and with marked roatvret. Rla reiiiatm He ta the ehureh-yard of Kolla Ciiorrh, eloci by the aide of * brother aoMirr killed at tin tonuingef Mnpanh'e Hit). I want to th< i>ar*?n. Rev. Mr. Harral), to get him to of Aetata, which he kindly did. Meeting tl* ?'' h^iy at the gate; be naed the beautiful Hpiaeopa) linria) aerviee. making aome verj appropriate and impreaarve remark* bafon the feel prayer. Twaaa veryeolcmw acano A large numlier of hie comrade* in arm* from oitr Regim<<nt, preceded the coffin ffi*A fpllatfri onr inr* ovmpunty. Tin Lieut (V.lonrl Major, ami vthifv In high t'j command, were preaoot. tVr raw thegravi finiabed no neatly before we left It, l(t jmt n^ a nead-bo?rd of enbatanltal wood. 7b? i?iiowii?? inscription w?? rut in it: ' 'W. h. M. A. Duller Guards, d R^t a. n. v., Kilted in the Rngngomant at 1>win*?ttU VY, Mlh'Weptemher, 1861." 1 had the inscription, with this addition : *' Bora In Greonritlis ft. 0., egcd 8H yeere/ in 'be chjroh hooka in the care ol \ the Rector, wrehonid any e-eident hamper V16 the hoard, Ulia record will be a good re f-reaw." r . UfThe Man agar* of Rie?tk>ii will tah< notice tiiat (he.ejeetkm lor member* o< Con grew U the first Wodneedcy in Neremtm rirf*h nnder A?t of Confederate Congrtea r od not the second Monday In CMtohor, at oahhI. The rotes ww* lie deHvdjpd hj sworn carriers at the Reorder y of fttats'i odiee, within twenty days after the else (Jen. v : "Werk. That i-haructerietie emblem of our State, the Palmetto leaf, while ib ie being worked into roMUee, Ac., and worn Hy the men end hoy* a* a badge, throngbont the State, h being meda to eerve ot>?.?r equally M agreeable end lawful porpnsee, Uy erxne ol onr fhlr Monde. We were ehown, Mine time alnae, a very bandeom? baekat, mAde of the Palmetto leaf, by * young lady oflhW place?Ao*?* Onar>T. Moeb tuete and kill wee dtrpUyoJ In working it, and It ii Wniiful while oaafub It is intended, wo belie**, an a preaenfc in on* of the fair yjL Of Rbdimond, Va., for Wor kiudncs* In' ap trading to aOme (Henda while f#>re atfk. We hare ?W boon dhow* a mry neat hood, mod* of tl.o'aaoae aiotertaf, )?y Mr" #, W, fttiM. II #aa l4;In?n^d fdjdy Wwear, lug. end >t^ike:1 qjjjT arwoll Mgj'b-*/<n?4? v( filter MmtftUb tv' . iiS' ' 1 pneh* for owr ?*eeTo? JhCo ?*f?, ui?f? e?pnU? *?a utur ennHMUhno i *? ** P?*** tHet. '!?*? or* fiMlMtfrf thKMu tend ' to FrooWeni IWtott ?m? n4 eeltoH hU BnktBMt a& ?ta tktl hi MtfMMit' Bat ? wWta wo here walk % ??t C. J. Xlfard, Bo*. In on* tankj, trltTtop nipbQ/ a* a prt onto?and hirrtoft mm bto onilrfti* km! I* the P utovrtiug *b<) formation of oealj oT?ry aowpnuj o tn':OM Kejdmeut, we do hope ?tn?or?ly thot no : pvtltVo* of hone* or emolument mny hp k\vrn to en? torn who to not willing to Ml in nnd t hoeHor hto rune tot no n private. Wo wont , mm tfcat MO ideot'jled with w?imb that nte , oaaonjtpt no nod In rank*?men whooo patriot ' i .? ? ?- - - -~-L? . ivkh una i'itb w crtvivufij alinuiliiQ i>y ^ ambitious BMtitw; **d we bop* Amu tamo a will yovmpport who U sot willing to y go with'oe (n any other capacity than thot of mo ofloor ; no, let M lww th?n at home. * Then rtndy well yowr own aad ont nftlWd in' tercet, and snake Arm resolve to vote for mm mu who Is not cepweoted with the Regiment. '< MfcO BONO MILITARISM. . . " " T ' yr 'w!' '-'* . / SOU TWlt eotmiKW* KOTMKMian, H j ? 0 The Her rotary and Tree purer of the Ladies 1 Hampton Legion Association, for the relief of Hampton's Legion, has the satisfaction of ranking tl)o tallowing Report; Since (ho nrgnnimntion In August lest, ong hundred end nineteen Indies end thirty-right gentle men have ecu tribute d to the Association |* ?3?l.4e. The members of the Association have made * and forwarded to Mies Hampton the following v articles, sent to them to be made i 150 pairs of >" pantaloons ; VA overcoats ; 18 pairs of flanra] '* drawers, and' >.* flannel shirts. They have fl likewise purobasod, with a portion of their > funds, the material, aud made the following I, garments I 47 lineey overekirts; TA notion flsunel drawers, and 10 ootton flannel shirtsThere bare beeu preeentod to the Association AO pair of seeks. Mrs: Willis Benson gave 18 pair; Mrs. Win, Lowndes til pair; Mies II Anna Ware If pair ; Mrs. Haas 1 pair; Mrs. (f Grady 9 pair ; Mrs. Collins 1 pair ; Mrs. Mays e 9 pair; Mrs. Oiekson 1 pair; Mies Caaseren 4 e pair; a negro woman gave 8 pair, knit by j herself, expr*?lg for HanipteVi'a Legion ; the ^ others were received frotu Mrs. Ilervoy (Jleto. 1an<l, sent by herself .and Indite in the neighborhood, names unknown. Nine psir of dr>' mostio flannel drawers bsvo been presented by 0 Mrs. Willis Veuson, wore and made by herself. * Two atorkinot shirts hero boon at earn tod by Mrs. Barnard Cleveland, and t shirts by MrsGrady. The Assueintion bit re expended $91719 In * materisWftir overall Irte, undershirts, drawers, ' thread, heckles, tape and hattoos, and have i.ii uonrt Alb'J.ZT, to bo expended when ?wl?.t AH of which if rt.rjmot fully submitted. ' LI7.Zllfcl>KKKT, K PocrdKjr A Trtnnuror. R*l?rd*7, Oot, li, 1*411. s T rOH TMK fiot~f1IK?N KXTKKPKW*. A Mr. Kditor? I dee ire to toy a word to (We y persona who hove volunteered for thn t of forming a Ki-glment ia this District. for StAto serTicV. It U certainly a laudable spirit ? roluntoer for any kind of wrri??, but it I* oet eontoni. plated by the Governor to raise regiment* to 0 he muttered loth tba terviee of the Ptata. If , tbe Got em or desired to ralae Bute troop*, he 3 would ieeue en order to (bat effect, and won might then volunteer with a certainty that ^ ther would b? ealtod upon for surrio*. If an J orror had been ffiren to raieo a regimont, or J arcu !r it WM certain ?r eren probable that it \ would be murtered into service, Btate or Onn* federate, after It waa formed, then (t would be proper and laudable to ralae It, bat baring ne order to raise it, and do assurance that it would be callod loto service if raised, Uiou It , la worae than useless to oootinne the organlaa. 1 *tioo. I The propffe oourao, io onr humble judgment, for there companies now organised in the I>ta| trlet to pnrrue, ia to unite themselves with the ' ii.^i * - - - - ? ... k..MTui ?.< > i.onijt j-.iiwij lor uim. <?rr. Tbe Colonel hae reeelred i?ti order to rebse ten more companies, nod those eonpaniee tbet em tendered first will be first received. If thorn am any eomf.antee In tbo District who iineerely Wish io jret Into service, let them he tendered ta Col. Orr immediately, for there b no other cheooe nt present for companies to bo received for service. VOIjUNTEKR. A Claims ma ri'fTAL AmviCK.?PostmaelerGeneral Ibngsn line bsned a proclamation requiring all persons having claims for poetal service to present **1.1 claim* to the An ditor of tho Trvaanry for the Post Office De'! partuient for examination on or before he ' 18th day of March, UM52, In order thn'. lie may make out a report to Congrera of the amount thereof, aa required by law. > Tit* Angnet a Chronicle, referring to Mr. . BUrfleld'a improvement ip tanning, enj#; ? ** We won HI. In this conneellon, call on the , firmer# and planters to take good rare of I tho hide* of al] the cattle they kill litis fell r I s?td winter. SaH them or. the flesh side, II and after a few Sonne he*-sfc?# -?1 * . ??rm up, f?y?rf*nil ent, Jh * dry. airy pleeo, oqt of the roneh of doge and negroes. They will bo iu greet ileinend. Baok Onoa Monr.?Among the prisoner* ! that powH throngh Mot.fie on Hatorday I last were m?* four or live who had previi oneiy lived in thet eity. Two of thorn had bean elerfc* in dry good* atorea, one drove ' hank for aomo time, and <wo other* had h been welter* In one of the hotel*. ~i ?*? * * p Mwwit Ooi.i wia or tw? 9rava or flomi C*?omva.~.for leforwiatlo* of <ii?Unl mem I her* of the fie**, *t?d of ihoae wishing to he* eom? room hen, we would stale that tf?e ?* erolseaofthe College will be eon tinned e* I axial the foftowfag a*ow>n. I " [CfUWrofen Aftnmrj. ' , ? t i 9 m i i > % rnARVR? J ViM.wan, Beq., ? tetontedfCYaole, W a eeiMddato for Cnogtea* hi Loatetana. Vifo-h* brethjw-in-lew of Cea. DeeereyaM? J wWfeJf. . ...nertlo* will probably do roaeb for , ' bta anaeoa*. . 1 . L v Sfy V. . &; v ^ , V j ' ' *S| ' i a-"' ' -drx . * ?_, <*?. ??f/ /<w , . jk. S'M < |b^| ?iw11w i.^??." I,....-. tho*?- 1 Opt. Bi na*#4, VIM; U**t W?lnj.f of Qoorjfe; ktttadj H4**V l>*?gW to IM iS?*?$ ,w??iafd Jn *h? ftrteJ f JmI fUiir Ih'Aa k(4 T*? Itottf ?<*?~rOy ^Sm^4 H '? ' 1 hnjWthle to get nil lh* porllcqlor*. Our f**e rufekf <*1 * rotnpooed of throo eoMfton1?* of th? 5th CUorgi* rrgtmont; fourteen mowhereof tho M t>Wl?'Online nUte; three tonptiilfiitof rogntofo \ detfceh* meat of (tewgiata, u?der,XI?uk H*lluo * qoht and Wah*?;tw?fcuodt?<i AtabarnUne ; (and ft detachment of ??ty officers end tan- .' rtocr, under Cftpt Brent V'- S' ' ' ? . N4 Vodgae, A^S* on? tt the no- ' tnerou* (iXmnm In o#f biktU. Lieut. Slniightftkr df the Mobile Continsn- ' t?le, oerfylng Ung of trnee, wet Matured. Oor viotory w complete. ? ; K?W QUJM*, Oct, 12. jfarrti K*rr?pr*.rm( f?t+r jfrt* Orltnm ? ' A navel engagement began this morning At ; 5.4C, at the hood of the Pass**, which last- , *d an hour, ami wng again renewed at nine , o'cloelc, continuing for anna tinib. 1 The following message wan sent by Commodore HoHian to the Naval Department: , " Port .lacMoa, * P. M.?I-set night T at- , tncVod the hloekader* little fleoC, ^ antieneaeeded, altar a very aliort rttnggle, | in driving them all agronnd at the Sontb- , west Pnee her, except the Pnttla, which I j sunk. I captured a prlr.e frbw them. an.i ! after I got them faet in the sand I peppered them wall. No cniroalMfe on eor aide. It < was a >>ompletr aaoedss." N . t" J Tho enemy's force ir represent *! i" have < heen about forty gone, and Dearly a -thou- , send men, while our Kult mosquito ' i carried bnt sixteen guns and about three ; hundred men. It is reported thai the Iron alcamer sunk tlie Preble with her atcel prow. Oommodo re Hhffinft will arrive in this city at half past 9 o'clock to-night. N*W ORUt.lMS, Oct, IS. Furlh+r firm* th* Asrcf Fight.?The |>ritea captured were the schooner Joseph II. luone asJ the Uttnh, belonging to Richmond, laden with cut lasecs. The vessel sunk was not'the Preble, bat the Vinci line*. A quantity of )?uiher belonging to the enemy, at the head of the Paw, wit* concerned by fire. Three vessel# of our expedition Arrived . here lest night. The NewOrVpan* Htval Expedition. Now OatKAKa. Oct, 14. Tha naval expedition conatsled of the Msuaeeae ir?i? clad marine haltering--ram, mounting one 64 Duhlgren; the steamer Cnlhonn, fl?? chip, ?n? *1 nn.l two KS Liahlgrena; the Ivy. one 8 hich 88 rifled; tho Jaekeou, two 8-inch -Colnmbiad#; the McCrca, on* 84 pivot, four 8 Inoh Oolumbieda* nnd on? rifled ; t bo eutl?r Pickena, ni)(w|Mnob Columbia*! and four 84 Carroa?vnd*> The blockading float coneieted of the Richmond, Vtncennee, Prvble, Watrr Witch,and chooner Jaa. K. Toonie?la all 6fiy(hree guoa ? On Friday night tho fleet etrarted from Forl Jackaon, the Matimwaa lending tho way. The night waa extremely dark. The Mana*aao etrtrck a rraoel, and her iron prow entered oear tlve bow of the enemy, cutting into her nearly twanty feet. An appalling hriok wan beard aboard the doomed chip. Signal roeketc wcra fired, and the oth?r ahipa beat to qtiartcra, and n perfect iron < bail Ml upon and around the Manaeeaa? 1 the machinery nf whieh became deranged. Tho Tnrcarora and Wateop came op with , I fife fir#? bat ka, wbieli were cnt adrift on the | tre.MU, therebv o?u*inrr a ??"!? - ^ p ? . w?Mi|?rue1 | J When llm morning canto our fleeteotnmenc I d a purauit of lite ret renting enemy, nn<i t heaey canuoen-ling Logan. Several ehote Mniek the Rtohmond. Tbe guna of lite J Yankee* veeeole wore baddly aimed, ae not "j one ?hot atrnek our verso la. The firing end- , ed, our fleet relumed to the city mlth the ( priae schooner .fa* Iv ^foonrt-, loaded with i eoal, which voeael had been deserted during tba night. A large quantity of lumber, ( intended for the conatruotton of fortificn ; tioiw at the head of tbe Paaaea. waa burnt. , * 1 1' ?**>- Riuiimond, October 8. Conftdtrntf Victory in Nmlk f taro/ina.? The Knqhirer bulletin hoard hf?? a de-patch 1 froui f'eterehiirg, stating that the espeflt inn i i to Ohinkncoroieo Bcaeh we* eminently sue , . reaafnl, tinder Oal. Wrigh', of the. Third Oeorgia Regiment, who effee'ed a landing ! laet Saturday,and ptrreundthc vandal* t wren. ?( ty-two ndten, taking thirty nee privonee*; j , one tftovifAml mittkeK fleld piemen' .nn?l ' II tha t*nW; togatlxir w? It proration ?, ' h<T? and ^forking*. Th'i Confederate lo#e.? wan m<! Oaorgian, who ft* 11 di-a-l double-1 quirking it Ool. Wright h??l hi* hor*e kill-' < ed nndar bfm. 1 IttoMlWi Oetohar 1*. R*tph*r$ M?eeew Irtrd />/?*?? B**?rd , It. U refMr<?i here on the authority of a t gentleman jn?t from Ft*lt?more, that f-ord j < fiyoa* and Haeretary Seward had era* to i an <?f>an ntptttre In thafr relatione, and that 1 fiord f.yon* had left Washington. ^ ^ I The total amount contributed- to tha t roMlnra' fond eini-a the S?l Inatant, an ra? | ported at the Patepnrt. OlAoa, ia fl5??,18.V Tin i t Mnuoaa, (he flghting, gouging ? Rrordwey aval), no* Alia, the JFaw York i . World la la farm ad, tha raapnatable podtien t f welter at Wag fling priaaa, in whioh oa- ? parity ha la, if poaalhla, mora aMompllahed j lb an la hi# former ealting. DU urbanity in peering a plate of bean apup to hnrglar, * ant np f?r thirty ; ??, Je only aorpaaead % by He aoatataptnowe manner toward* a pafr t It thlaf, in for twelve o?ontha-*-dyracne# r (V. T4 Ctitrnr d Uni*n, Jmn. SO, ^ ^ * . ''< .?. ? Fftev Havaka.?A dUpateh to tha Charlea. '> * .'? t i ^1*1# sdvtora turn Havana ?#jr thera ?ra tbraa aacwfc loading with amnmM?l<>n for *A0ai?f**a??tM, t>M?ed tb? wsb-oaer Ueldf. , KboftMra Thotfta, botk tfma ara Drittah iahoooar. and tha Had Pox, a MaxVa* Mkoanar. AO aappoaad to be daatload for 4 Raw OrtoMw.', >VW J. Minuter C?*ln haa finally oWal-wd par pinion of Mexiec to ware troopa through 1 her territory la attaatc tba Confederate '? / ??? t ^ 1 No Excanw* tw th* Oath or Au.?mi< axoa?Hr. d. B. Norpes, a New York aoU ( nr. latelv wrote to the fieeretar? of State. . asking whether ?h* oa?h of alleglaneo la to |( be administered to adult female* as well m males, and to children, who may rerjntre 1 United States passports. Mr. Seward re piled that tha oath of allegiance will He re- ( quired of mil persons to whom passports are leaved. v * , ? . l A NoaTHCTM SrsaaTioa Ttvwo*.?'Tha i Northern paper* are filled with their usual eneafion despatches of the South. We have not room to notice them, but we give the following as a specimen: WAem.MtTo,"*, Kept SO.?It is reported that ? flag of tmce came In this alter noon with , a letter from Jeff. fhtvH -to the President, proposing an armistice for leo Java and a Lrnety of posse, etui that the President disinitaed (be flag without reply. T/* never Fount raa in mr, Wontn.? roileslrom Warsaw stands the Varg-1 rot fotkfCCS in thr world?a fortress villi J casemate ao?J buinH. proof Harrerki fur tu.- j 90ft men, end with,,the eircumtVreaes ?>fj tdown m'.lca. D is kimwh a< ibe Madlio, or 1 s? the New Georgian; in, KitvirQiorr gtetilr. No stranger can sisit it without i the permission of the I'zsr. \VAxntscTtiSj October A. ! i The C<uf of Trrrnont ?Nothing hut the j imperative demands of public interest will induce the Government to FUperseda Fremont. Attorney General Rutes is impeserved in tlte expression of hi* opinion concerning Fremont's removal, lie does not heeltwtg to pronounce his. retentiou a publis crimen Rusavt. AauvsTBD roa Stmonvo Oamk ok > Rpnwat.?The Chicago Tribnoe learns that I the correspondent of the London Times has Wen arrested near Wilmington, Illinois, for a violation of the statute which forbids shooting on Sunday. The Doctor was after prairie ehieke n* with a lwo-Lurrelled shot gun. v. * i Taxflrv with Denmark?A Treaty of Cumtaaree with Denmark has been ratified by the Administration at Washington. It concede* to Denmark the privileges accorded to the most favored nations, and the ; United States Government to be on the eai^l j looting. p Taxaa.?The Ban Antonio Herald has the I following: " H. Tontanl, E?q.. of. Pftna Marin, a brother of G?n. P. O, Toulant Beauregard, of?C. 8. Army, >? ? donated to the Southern I)efeiiev Aid Society, of thie city, 100 head of oatlt*. 1.000 pound* ni wool, anil 100 hnshrle of uotn. manama*. october 1. To Tk?>t v>ho Mail MttUr* to Noltliern lyettei-a nhonld ?lway* be addressed to the eolonol, *t the um? liine naming (he regiment and State, If ene happen* to be wrong, the other may ftirre an a guide.? By the addition of the name of the captain ! r?f the eoldier'* company, the delivery of the letter may he Mill more certainly inanreJ. Bnwi* Po?ar*t, the tragedian, will.commence an engagement at Beaton on the 30tb in?t., on hi* tour of farewell appearance^. Ar- 1 ter Itoaton he will visit Philudetphia and Now ' York; in the la*t named eity iio will bid at Itnat adieu to the sUfo. A nown ha* been inronte?l in Cincinnati ( which contain* eleven exphodvo *holli<. and 1 -heao Inner abctt* eontain each n numticr of ixpinaive bullet*. It i* *nhl to he tho most lestrm-tive and den th-dealing aiticle ef war irhieh ha* yet been tried. It i* elated that the Secretary of the olu Treasury informs the Bank Coninftite* in Sew York that lie is spending $1,WO.000daily, i ?r $8,40P,<tO?t a week, and therefore requires nency with rapidity. in* >?*w York Tltnoe of the JStb any*' Beauregard xixf at Fahfax. with 100,000 iiu-n , tbot. bj.> b-.. J ?p ?ln;n?ljin<? c?f | rn?i' j limut, jixonjit I'oftf For-i^ for (|io boYae* > &*?*, ? v?r, vary tearce. A Hoe** atandlng near ibe ra^oad true* ' it i<y nobbing. * few ihvyraioo*. ymm frigb-' ( nfted on the approach of* Irwin tba lie irffep < tv<l ay Hitiiilpniy [Mpir.'J to 1 ho ' heiirt with * riflo ball. I ; Tub Firat General AnarmMy of tko Prealir-' i orlnn Cbirrnh uf tho Confederate State* ifill 1 neet pn tlio Mh af December, in tbo ekj of ' titganta, o*. . || It U wpcrlixi that Col. Deniphan, of Mil- , 1 innrl, whore name l? linked wilb brilliant ' ,rhieremant? in the Mexican war, hna Joined | he f^onfadrratee. If thU be true, ?ra hare ' wado ralaable aaqaiaitioa to ear oanre la j MiaaourL , ? ( A eri,*wnn> regimental flag *ai proaantrd ' 0 Oi. Orr'e Regiment, atSallivan'a (aland, J ?y tlia Indiet of Charlmton, on Friday last, -j ' Dowaenc llAarrapiTsa.?Mr. F Cbrlettan, , rf Nawbarry, H. C., U engaged in making a < ">rj good nrliele of oil olcth, a goodly <|ttan- ' ily of whlob be baa already aold to fbe aol- ( Hera for the purpoee of making oapoa, wraptarn, eta. Bfaa. ITrwrmn Seorr la axpaeted to arrive irons France in the enarae of fen day* or a irtalght. Tka general la to go to Mew York o n?t hei. Bo hod better b>?k eat, or Baan- | gard will ialarfwra with bie tlmaaaUo ar- \ T nlaw to iAW. ti^oQ kwottui" p U * Th*n>t\ SVoo Ptm* fro)? j Torw?tA.'<J. if., m/9 that Rankin, a wowr a bcr of tho ('oloninl Parliament, lately aotborr "j l*od Vy HiK'ola> Government to refoa' a ro^i- ^ ant ?f lanoora to Canada, wak arreeted Jh-L? torday for arting in viplutioa of the Queen's * leutrnHt.r prdaMfcaMfi 4f<l /, * -. - . din*. Rtrutf.?The Coliimbla Carolinian. C afSaturday, nays: Tfclq *ncrg*tto ftrvj indefatigable #flleer ma op oa an exprsee train, on Wrdueedajr night, and mart# a r*K<tnnoiaanee fa Ui# ijftht, qnarler before morning. H# watches M? mean# of defonca closely. ^ Moot of the aeeewiunirtn say there Un't iny U"nit?<l State# Government Thoe* of Lhene in Fort Lafayette think there is.?Isru f ItriUe Journal. W? would like to know what those In th# * fobaeco warehouse* in Richmond. in OWle ^ Plnkney, anrt- in the Parish prie#n of New Orleans, think nU<>ut it. T' i Tnn exeretsee of the University of Virginia y wil' t)e suspended on account of a want of p?tranage. . # I L f For Lieutenant-Colonel. jrsrWo ore Authorized to fui-j n<>un<-? MAJOR I,. Drt*RE a# a Candidate C for LIPUTKNA NT-COLON KI? of the rr-uoa d Regiment to bo raised in GrcenriUe I)is- 5 trict. for the detVnco of tb? State. ~ Far Major. ~ k 13^ Wo ore authorized to an- 1 WW" Mai. WALLACE n. IO.OU, a candi- j rtxte for MAJOR of tbo Volunteer Rcgi:ount now being raised in this I'istrfct. q For Cougreio. ; Ja*7" We pre authorized to an- ^ n?'<ti??cc t'nl ft. r. TDXygJE* a oftt-dideta to re^MCHeni ihe Stk Coin'retdeiml T'lstiiet in . tli? Oongrests rf the Confi'ihrnli* Sintw. We arc rtittlinrlzutl to an- L ro'iiice Got.. JAMES-FARROW, nfKjvnrian uiv. a MiidiiiaU' to vcprervni the fltii Con- i \ gresMonal Dtaifiet'in 'lift Cn'bgrea# of the I (Jonfedtmie Status 1 For Tax Collector. * ?3T Wv pro authorized lo :in-| noutiue W. If. M'KNS a Candidate for 'fax Collector, nt tho "<;x( Election. tar^MEa n. smith announce* Mpi.?eIf K Cunrtfltide for Tax Collector, at the ?*ti??invt Ifvlloa. ?&T The friends of JOHN FI. "ARRANT, onuoonoo him a rnndidnte Air Tux Collator for flrrenvilfr Tflntrict. pnr?~ tVe itre authorized to annnunit' W. S. TIlACtfSTOX iw candiditto Air Tnx Collector nI tlae ttuauiag election. The friends of Rev. J. M. RPXIrt V, rrwtfHlly nunoutieo bitn no a Candidate For Tax f!nM?rior, at the cnnu'mi; election. jfccT Wc arc authorized to n?i nounco TV. P. TAYIiOR. F*n|., a candidate fur -1 Tax Collector, atth? cnnninif election. *?r Wo aro anthoruced to an *n wtuidtEDMUNt) DOdKKR a candidate for c Tax d<fllc. tor, at the enanlnj election.. * c JST Wc aro authorised to tin- J w. T. AUSTIN a candidal* for Ta* Collector, at fbr rioxt election. . A4T Wo arc authorized to an-1 c niMirtea J. JJ. McCVIJiOPflll a candidate for f Tux Cotioetor, at the next election. 1 xw We are authorized to an- U nounce VT. T. SHt'MATB n* a candidate for Tax Collector nt the cnnuitijt election. We ore requested to an-{* nouoco Mb. F.IiIAS I>n>L. an a tjjTjlninto for ^ Tnx Onllector, at tho rest Flection. j ISST JAMES B. PEARSON an- .. nonncen hitnacll ?x .1 candidate for Tax Co'.- v lector at tlis next election. I LQiT, J^ETTTTIPN Perry's mnirfenoe and tlto 3 Ppiseopnl Church, on Sunday limf. n AIR llHACKr.KT with a jfohl Ch??p. It in particularly valued, and tbo finder relarniug it Pi Mrt. Perry, Hill be liberally rewnrded. Oct IT 24 1 SOTTTir CAROLINA. AW onniTTAirp TO Repeal an Ofdinnnre to Prer<<nf tin- Rtinnitig at l,nrgo of Goats and Swine, Ae | |K IT ORDAINED bv the. Intendaut and Jfj Wardens of Ureonviile. Tbnt tho Ofdi- r impru ontttlod "An Ordinnnro t?> prevent the' running nt large of (feat* nod Sniro." put" ! October 2d, IMO, exi-ept so for ? tin > ?me ' relates to the running ?t largo of Gvnt* and Honrs, l>?, uiitl tho sumo iii hereby, repealed. I>oni< nntl rati Hod in Ommi'lV thta the first day <>f Vetobey, in tho year <?f our Lord "1 one thousand eight hundred tuid alxty.- J one. J 0. J. KI.rORD, Tntendar.t. * C. M. MpJ*ticix, Clerk. Ortll 33 3 STATE OP HOTTTH CAR0LI1TA. . Town of Groenrille. ( An Orrltnrrnce In Prfrfiit thr 7Vo die/.'>'ny in Pmttpy, FittfUr, /'mit, ntfri nlhff Pr?r!ni',u?, j j, Av Slftff Ft*' /Vreon# of L'nlo . BK IT OR DAI N J-'D i?y the Tntrndant ami r Wnrdwp i of tbo. Town of OreenciHe, That Fioroitftor it phafl not bo lawful for ??y Slave. ?' Fy.-e JPersou.of Color to bo engaged within tnid Town in the pun-haw or in the sending C ^fiT for sale, of tuty Poultry. Butter, Fruit, or i?tber Provisions, of any kind whoteoevar, eitb e>r upon their own account, or as agent for mj* afher: Except eueb ortiries to be solfl or pur- 1 eltnsN by n Stave be the property of tho own- " sr of the Glare otfoi ing thorn for sa c. or be pnmheaod e.l|>r**/ty for the ns<> of the owner i 1 of tfuch dUvi- asil It.ul CI...? " - - 1 - ! " ? ' ' " 'K-'l j mob caee, have a written J irmllJk nr'W from tr Mid owner, f?tnlinytho dale of til - tflinMrtrlon, ! ,v sod drxrri'ijii/ ?hn kind and quantity of th?- jj artielea *<? to be *ol(l or piirrhafH; or r *ropt f ?urh |>tir> lta? or rnlo by a Fmo perenn of Onf?| Ji ?r be of neeeieerr rupplk* f<>r the fMnify of. C urh Free Peraen ??f Colot, or of article of Vbeir ?if? production. n| Preity Blare or Free Perron of Color VioHt- . Fn(f thl? Ordlnanro, rlinll, for each rich otfctve, ir to flnHJe to J to punlrbnd by whipping wkb qj not exceeding tMrly-oin? etripcj upon llio #? Itare hack ; and all p?mtfry, PrtMer, Ftpd; or >tbar Proriirtnnr, fonnd in the porreiMhin'bf *> in j Slave or Frne Perron of Color, in rontm- j}, rentier of (hi* Ordinance. ahall he forfaited to ha raid Town, and bo mixed and *old by the tf a rebel* for tbo n*o of the imnn. Any own or of a Biave who ?ha11 knowlnyly >ermit ??ieh flare to aat In rlolatian oftbi* i trdinade*. ebald be liable to bo fined for each -L rt^h offenoe not exceeding Ten Oollarr. i>on? and ratified ia Canned, (hie 8U? day of *? >otelior, A. t>. )8dl. w 0. i. HT.FORf), Tntendent. C. M. MrJnwatx. Clerk. ? Oat II 38 % rroTKHcT ' 1 \ LT. pernor* bav to* bnrinee* with mrw ' tl * r?r?fe*?iw?al line, will cull on JOHN w T. ftTOKPH, ftaq., wlio Will net fi?r me Jnr- or of my aba*nee. E. P. JONER Af*tl 1| " ft) j ^ > || ;RBT WKDX1&DAY Jtf NOt*X??U?exf. t the imn pldpe, uod lo bo cowdooted by ttic *me Managere, Orirt in the ?ni?4> meimnr mm lie Election <?f Metehera of fheSfaio Leqlidastro, Mud after having detertbtnmfon the peton dnly elected,,??? do wertify the iuo m?ottlhlg to T/aw. nrwier yenr head and see), to t>? Governor for the, time being, liven under my hand ami the nealof the State, in Columbia, thn Jdth day of July, tn the year of <>rtr Lord one thousand eight lirni. (ired and ixty-djn-. and in the eighty-sixth year of the.Hoverohrnt.v and tudopondouco of the State of South Carolina. By tliu Governor. / wm. it. nniwT, Dep.'!;'Secretary of State. ffanagera of Election in Qroontllle District. Oreenvllle Court TTnure?Wm. Itayne, lamliii Boot tie. W. R; B. Farr. MoCullouehh?Janioa Onirics, Wm Donloimi, B. K. tTohnenn. Jones'?Andrew Hamilton, J. I>. Sullivan, F. R. Berry. 'C? I'airdjew?Jcsar K. Stone. R. Harrison orlo. W. I,. Mo?*hitll. m orn man p?ituiici rowier, iw. r?now, . P. WfMitmoHUnd, HiehmvV?Jalin- W. A???rW? ncurjr L. I?n<l?>r*ni>, IWilel TV. Tl.Olnn.i. M*jfiel<lV?-ToltTfr T. 1*. Aslimor?v S?clc*1 1>. Cur<t??n. WwtffpMV?Thnmiw Tftrntn4, N. W. Onrl*on, 1*. K. Acker. KlioekleyV?O. 3. Orren, .1. A. Smith, W. }"?n. ManteoroervV?J. r. lliilhousc, 0. C. rlont?om';rv, Tlioma* W. Hit. Full'*?J, if. Hopkins, Silas Trow rnfirr, John S. S(?mhoH-Ms FofgftVSinrt?R. T. Tslley. Willism Cox, loixlorwn fiooile. llriHonV?(Hivri- Ifiirretf. W. Jf. OooJiff, lVcw Benson. Books'?f>Bvii= W. Hodge*. F. If. Fuller, 'nlvin Ooodwin. ' IHrkey's?II Keelvr, Bni-toij. V.. I. Powlfr. flrowWHrojujin I>\v, Jr., H. S. Oi)r?o i, V. K. Dlekeon. Miinm*-?Bi-rrynun St'Mr?ft, Mtvfif. M*"luru, Thnnirt* KeeJ. Dnnthet's?fii iirg" IV.' KtiUi, John Mu?er*, How*i-J liiri?Johsv S. Uwnvmond, 1* M. i Vest. Thorns* Ooblxmiti',^.*. Tocher's?RofouiiUi Jirnvj) l>*vii. Bujw.e, i Vrrv Cnnfrcfl." 12 10 M Stote of South Carfliiia, v ft# feV-1 1 :?? Rtnerrnr* PrfA?Txivs,) CliQr!Mtui^ i. ir.Ai t I K*c?lle#PT P- W. PICKENS, (lovernor and Cotmnandcr-bi fbinf iu and over fliolS/Me of South Carolina. bdorniidi'in I)*' been raroivfrhts tlcpartment, tU'it T.fiWIS, , netp-o ?l>vc. the property of William V?rut, if 1>??iKntHS. whs tried and convict-., d of tit. itnriMM ottnnee tint dignity if tho Slato, wn* sentenced to 1h? hung on tho tli of November noxt. ami vaenped fr*m tU? snatody of the officer who hint in ohnrpn: Now, therefore, t. V. ff. PICKENS, Ourrnor of tlte State of South Carolina, do hereiy otTcr n reword of ONE IirNbRED D?>I.,AHS for hi* apprehcblion and delivery into ny Jail in '.hi* Stole. The Moid T.KWfS la nhout aix fool high, rrtghs about one hundrod and eighty pounds; Wont thirl V years .of ago; ha* Tery black, mnry whtnfterV ot> his chin, a? they approach d* ears they are rciy thin : very biph. meed ap forehead 5 teeth |iH, l.Kf colored by the iso of toluuicn. VfV'n last men. I\js? elotlica icrc of dacft colored negro cloth.' nvtm tinder tny hand and M10 ecal of tho State, u> Charleston, this, tho 27th day of September. i>? tho year of oor liord ono j thon.-etnd oii'ht hundred and sixty one, and of the Independent* of the Stat'o of Sooth Carolina, tlu* eij*hty-|f.xth. I P. TV'. PICK UN Si Py the (Inventor: Javks A. hrrrui, IVputv Soc. of Hta'o. Oct .? a ' ?r DENTAL elm I"MIE wnderidjfnod wonhlyiwi-ectfully.jnforin the ciiij^pi of flreenrjtlo that ho hus ! L'lwrii. .1, iuu|SBv lx- ronnl it Vh OfifO. ^ jNO. A\[iv:rsov, Auj? 22 Ifl-tf Burif.-on Jlautirt. F RESII I) R UG S! . I* A? KIRK PATRICK'S f)RG<4J STOKE. '""lAV ho hnl nhi out nnvthing uennlly I kept in n T?n?i K*'ftMiehmfnt. Thorn ?r? n I.-* Afiiolcn not' to he found i ? Jfmkot. I nm rnwMnily receiving KRKSU MTP- , ?im! ei i 1 iT?y uiid ??ll exoftmively j ?r OASIJ, p?n oonifiPtc with any V? yir - [ lio ool! ? nood Attiele. ALL IWO 000R8 ABOVE THE MANSION HOUSE. J. A. Kirkpittrick. B*j>6 if pt BJCI^ u?^. [FT AVE htv'^^apolntp't 0'itniior >t i the Aynnjflvt'i Pin- , m (!r. nnvilla t i h*t, f?r fVf IN itC.IO KMH. MUJfVHOy i f o . ?.,.,..hy | ivr Hotter i- | ti .'? Ottti , ;jjv?rr?. i ?rtri Soxee, p It- ut !?/ iKhor Arri/* jmH j 'iii.iii'.nfl i">n>ri^inf to fjfc (if'Sonth.), ornfftii*, to reinni to' lo vm-j lit firemo. j Hit* C. Ir , lortbwij i, or tiny ivitl ho /onhvtod ! biwt.i'jrirtoro. , AH pcr??itj|i,lrtv>wipi( 'if t*?0?fo Arm*, We., I the |M..:?. ???..n of tit " intli* i'iuit', re. tojitun! t?> jjivc mo Itr.uir.d i?t" notice of tbo . 'two. v - <v V*#TK*. 'i'tii* order tlnee not |npl,T to Artfc#. An., in ?w?l irrvioe, by any e luting nrt*iwi>ioci Hilary CV.inp.iny. C. J. ELfrORD. Sept J8 , ft If NOTfCU. i A J,T, perion* ImtrMi'l to Col. tJPRRN1 P. POUT,, 4wo>v.<i, ere ro<)HOjH?A to mm ' rwerd ttntl erftVe their Notee and Arrnnnt* ; id tho.wi hd^ ii|ji <tntw*'l?><?1net tfi* Rotate ] ill Hm<I proporlv attest <vl. > . if! I!. GOCnLKTT, Exeent'.r. Sop 28 21 b M *F<;i*oifcH WANTED. ! Jtf A5TB!? TO HI UK, tw, firstrate No- i ri gro Km, lo g? to Virginia fop i hich fair wage* will be give*. Apply At 1 tee to i 0. A. riCKLR. ' ***** *9 vf *<v I ' n> mmmm'm itw tH ffffr rfry\BT^aTJI?^W>Pv dfl BY r^ '-^V ~k,.,.' .* ", ^11 ow <t:ifc rmr *n m .If you do not attend to this &a> . tice, your AeeottnMt will he placed * in the hands of an . Attorney for \ Collection, toUhottt respect to per ? sons. /, 7: 7V J DAVID G. WESTITELD. ^ Ang 1 11 jm 2 ' v fB Iffotic?. ALL pttvanfc Intjebtoil t? mrfby, Note oft jjl U<v?k Acctrfm pivvi?u? Vft .Thnunryl 1 i?t? notifii?!'to coma forward m<\ pay up forth w itl), na 1 mail* h?v?v :?n>n?rr. ? I J?" 8 85 F' tf I ? '*-" ' " '?y * ' i I .]! i. p. Hum a. i?. nooni.rTT. I REED & QbODLETT. I ATTCRSETS AT LAW. M . . , AND _ 80LIcrrQJl? IB HaTTITT. HKKK^Vn.LK, S. G. 7^ Ofprr N'*lk-Ea*t Corttrr ('niirl >?>/Nnr?> ? Jun? 4 4 tf DisSOLttTlON. THE KlltM OK MO/KWAN, WFJPT fo KTONR. i* Ui? with itmwal of J. K. Stone. Th* tvmuinini; partner* ol I 1k> Kirw, (T, L -RotniiiBn ami 1>. T? ' WfV.) hy ?^rfi-n>?:nt. r ill be responsible foe Ric pnvment. of nil <1 -1 >. * contracted by tbem eineethc first day of- January last-. % u. bozkaIan, D. T. WEST', J. K. STOSli An?r 1 IS tf ffomPUMsoT fpillt -whitec > or ii t .w . t J?X1 i 1 T' 1 promptly "?' ! ni'idtf* !"r 1 MOUSE FlINTWU upon tins liiopt rcnaonnhje tonnes T. 0. G0WE.It. Anril I? 5(1 ' j irK^kv GANTT, liAKIiKK. D^iflE': rcry ceapvotft^y to inform tbpoMiftlbnt hr now en ciipi/.a the nhoii fMJtiariv < suiupir-t-by glriiiiM, ntul i- pro- I to *1", stki;<tuct.irily. all work in bis , lh?<\ Hp hope* to flt?t a aiinre of pntronn^t-. n Shop opi u Ifolhtlny nnd ev^oipvf. $ July; VI lo Vf '' FORHAIsf; I Three Houses and Lots, n a -j, tv IHCU ?iiKibly>iW?t- I ^S ed, ur>?i Myiuys g?ndintoreat ^KSO/SSSt ?ALL JiKW?may bv had on 4 KAMrfOMgt vary reasonable toriu?d)JAttp plied Tor. e>i>u. The usrnar winning to Invwst fl tlm;pr?>. evils of <i*lu in otlior b? u ?u fl r-i, 'I in, in tbo only reason wnv ho ha* a dU- H jrj .ition to ilisppic of tbu anipurlv. 9 Alao, fhy #ala# d'VAGAVT LO.T. 9 En piirc :it t'lis OfTtoo for particular* H StT<2 A US, L?AV UiHD, AC I ClLAHH il'n. Crinlic.l lUid I'ow'd Sugttr I f Suj?rior RM> C'otfo* n. S Ohoiee L?rtr* Cm in Line 9 tSopetn'or I/.iat' Lnr.T H ];. -t Coition Hyrn|> 9 . iTimo Aj. pio Vinegtf 9 I'li-Hb HokUmi IVi-' uit. Frreh Oliifter Nufv ' vStone Preserving Jors H Citron, OurrsHit* nnil Kn'mln*. HH All sole LOW. ? BRYCB SMITH. |B Inn* 3T ? 'ft tf Utt ilntlfA I VLlt-itfriton* 'i.idt^tjoil to- thr F- *! < < .the Ut*,Mnj. H LKE fHRGRTO> H ere roqn'oeteti '? nu?ke rnrly payment ; and Hume having o'tiiM^pgsit.M tin* <lf04|**t>d will present |!?. lu.^Wp.-rlv vou<-tied, within 9 the iH'Xt throe monilis, to Ins Executor or ^9 i .vi'itt, i > ^ iH ROBERT T. TflHUSTON*. 9 W. THRUjJTON. a Feb ?i - 4- >-**_. tf S AJgusta 1 F1 R K IN SI IRA NCK 9 AND BA.NXtTO COMPANY, I CAPITAL. *37!M>00. i Wl Lia tnk? RISKS upon tlir most reason - M ?t>it- term*. , 6 XV. T. fyHITMATK, AgenC 9 Not I 26 Lf 9 TAB MIDI TIIBOTf 1 ITIAA'KTWKVTY BOXES of the follow M ii'jT BrtH# of TO R At'CO, wjiirh I 9 have reoeivod on consignment, and offer for lg N juyrws aoj.n LEAF N. r>ALTUN'.H BE*T - ' N 1>ALTOV?-C:nKURY RED J. -W. UUQ'V QHK T. li. \VH>iON^ J. A. DAVID.. Aw/ 8 4P.- . J4 ' Am i:.p7in^ n*7 attoiinry \t law * \' ' j.c Ron n MLI.KN'Vi A Ti, S. (V wIito hr utii A Af % t?> 2. r. m. ^ j*ii iv z& h a v tng, HAIR HPMM:Ne, ORSSING, 0Y!Nf A'?\ p ?7r<n?rfrv#i *vf\ att* t\t Tfir Secoiul Pnc.r <>lx>Vo Mr. Jtf cPherwo:, I ? 0T .1 JMtJ ILoON COOK. I ?<? 10 *. I SELLING OUT I * AT LOW PAIGES FOR CASH. I Tf?K ikijaepbee nCTer* f??r Mil* It is entire ,'S 8u><? of .' v ; )-v 6 &. a ^ >miKs>nw, :M At tin- lowest puMthlO (>lio. fnr Cituh. fl ?. BUKTY. Jen S lift ^ ^KMSmbkr" 1 Tho Doaf, Darnb and Blind. fl rf MIR uad.-rtdsfrteil, having been appointed a Acem far thin liietriet, far the aale ot BlUklMS, MATS, ?nii other artielca H kfannfitrfurn! hufihUhm for tbr 7V/i/ hmnb and Mind, ot C*<lar Spring*, K C., UTou'd teipeeffully call the attention ol ^Hj Merchant* ned other* interested, tolhia Kt, SB rpel-.-. Thl* Institution atands ae a aebl<record c4 liberality for which our biate i? Hj HI highly I-haract*rt*M, Had <ta*arrce H foliage. I will e*ll an ac poed term* ac the img arilelfa can be obtained Heather* M TftOBL arwpw. fl w? ji !