University of South Carolina Libraries
P^_.'-. A KEFLEX ?"r' POPUIiAR KymjCTSL ;, ..,? "... I I ,. . jtot.* ft fr?9?r,. II,t gisto 4 M Sto*. ?' ?" gtgtefa" ?< ?*?"' S^'St mm M.fW^iq gtfi. ' I J FEOfcLASJTATiaiC. V K! P ?WPAT* ifV HOUTH CA&O) 1NA, 'f jV* kXEGUTl VBvjjK^Onr?f:lfT. I] -#4, .. 15M. - ^ BML^Crofrmb tp ?n A^ftf *?>? fiZV AUnftt* nwV I * intitOpcmrit-n fKe. flptb-rnvtent under th" jK IVniwn^ftt-CV?*Utnt!<vn .if the Confederate * vBtahre of, Aw?erini?,,*'it I* K qnlrid t1??t.,? iich (>j *uto .hon ?ot? on the piim wsrara?- WAT IN NOVUM!* NrXT. for fWtat X' nd Vice-rr??Wv?>t <'f tlio Confederate State- ? rhich officer* A1* t<r *>e imtngui-fUcd oK the 5! lw?aty m-eond of" Pehmnry wextj' t?nd, jV IWhercn*, the cifirfltitf l?*r df 1ll? Wfti jfttP" widen tha? the Kl?-cintit for Prrt&lrtjt and jpioepreei'den* ehnli be r?|?j?oh)lod >> .the flaiptelntMt-e; and, whenne, the Legi-dutrru <>' Mf tide State will not be In iturttW eemjoii at [" filie time pver-crib?d by theaforeeoid Ao> for *3 Appoint...out of KlcCtow: J v Therefore. bes it know*" tlrotr I, F. W. f" , rtCKFNfl. Wotwimr in ?n*T ofvr th?vHl?hi ^ t?f South-Carolina, by 'ifiiw of tho power q A Vented in me by the Onn?iititlton, nnthovix- tj, v Tint the Governor, on i-wmowiinnty ocen- ( ibn*. to convene the General AMrmUtj <la Id imtie thin my proclamation, ealliny upon ct ami requesting lire Senator*ann Atomuemtt la the Houae ??f pM>rrticiii?iiv'-? tv prttari'ii# iii T" COLUMBIA. ON TflK LlUtfT MONDAY IN NOViCMRRK matpnaiiim*, that they c' may be pMokt it tiic Kmire of IJeprfaentJitiven, on ih*???id Wedueadrty in November, to appoint Kltcti>m,o(;IV^ili'Mt nml Yin*; . I'mioput of ihe Confederate Slater of Am*- ' Hc?, in conforn^fy whlilli* Act of ih* Coo- 0 ^federate CoiiJjtv*r hforcrnid. fl As tlie" Permanent C?u|it^lJn4lH( to ho (> nrijunlrM. an eleHinn viVI !>*.- required <>t j, two Sepntors front title Stale, and in nil y probability, conddurirg'he peeitHnr slot* of c< the country, other iioport'iin, ifiutlcra will he actctl on at (lie *umo aereiini of tiie Legbdtt- it tare. Given under mr ban 1, nfid the c^a1 of the State nfor?-a><i?J. a? Coioiiiltiil, thir tho ?}\(h . day of Jnlv, in flu1 vearySf "i?r 1-ord.nne tluiwMi) eij^ht dtuntjred aqd t>i\^ ?m?, and in the eighty aivtli Tear of the independence of tbtrState of South Carolina. F W. I'lCKKSS. T?aac II. XfrANe, Secretary of State. July 18 II <M?wtd "n EUiSE SOITSERS ESMMBEE!i KLong, Goodlett & Co. c LsP KCTFI!J.LY infm-m the c stir, ens of Oraenrilht District, thai they are nowrecahlng a Foil STOCK, OK GOOliS in tlicir 1 line, all of which were PURCHASED IN CHARLESTON, J Ago which Tiirv xvipi. Rii.i at Lower PriooB Thau Usual. The Stuck ron.?Hv, in part, of Ttleorbed opd Hp>vrx> SbiiiiOrs and SheetiiJgr Urge rwiviy of Priata. of Jircet impoi latiuii. front 0 fih 1?4 cent* per yard Linen and ''-ittou Iliaiter*. Litran I>rw'? Kanny Cftssliuu'e^ ail'l "flottonade* Plain Wbilo Sorirs and Dotted MdaMtta S >lid Harr^o*, Al.-ivtir Lur Iras * black Milk .Mantillas, KafhroidoroJ CoThars linr^t MantjiU*, white ami cOlorod Hoop Shirfp, of varhmft kind*. *??o;t.<j which will ba fonud sonic of 7 Springe, 65 Coiits ; 30 Spring*. ft2.60 - Ami all the uil>et Artlikl Wcn^fy to ooin,?ri*o aaeuorai stock of I>ry tloodu. ^ Mr i ?.?*>, ' * /*\ a^grivii <w? -* HalM. Capii, ShoM, ? GR<K*um>s j HARDWARE. CR0Cxt*'i\ CLASSWARE. *? .. Sd y n Wo am confident of'tha f*"K that. w'n "?n or- W ford to ao)l ytjr Uoods at priors Unit wHl font- C tnan.i the attention of il?c public, and arc ro- ? upactfully solicit on examination of nor~SW>ck, LONO, <??*>L?LliTT A t'O. March 8 44 if j AMES M. A LI EN. Mil Us J, Si . DEALER, 1 a ?i:nt VM.i.I-:. M.C, ,f~V Alt OrTcra {or Makulb V/ouk prompt ~ !y ?' l -ndril t<?. 1^9 JrVh 9 NOTItWr "V HAVTv aspnriatod with too in bp*1no?8, !tlr. X JOAR MAUhMN. Tho btipin*?? will he cnrricJ ot? in oiy A4ir fttirl; ,S1i>rr Putt, tin lor the style nod ffna, of JU'?M91ht* A. M aiud, v t* In returning myWjanfca l<> my fri? nds to. tho'ir liberal cstjorArc, F#il! solicit a continuation of the saute. to IwHtw FirtA T. n. DOBRRTS, QrqaaTiilr, 8- 0. 8 July Htuh. 18611. jp 0 NEW FIRM- J. TWYWR miWribcr * tut <r wweMVI tUotr*"!**** jl ?< 'K?l h nr.i ii..\iu ?U?om, mulct ?ho Prin of ROBERT* A MXUfJHJf. t*k??}e?*vm in tnvitiri< thi:ir friend*, mil tbo f??i1wf<c generally, I" 'I fir wll nr.lertad S'tx-k of fidjfet Kotii?<? all Onoda usually kopt iwflKf in oitr nlaoo. Ulra'ua a call baforn 11HR jrmir 'Yoa will find the flood* and *' to ?ttJL T. B. KORERTR. JOAB h. MAIIf.RlW* = V . * ._ ^ HANDSOME JEWELRY ON NALK. j b VERY OENKRAL.ASWftHTMTftT at 4 _/\ fi?* and olbcr JK WKhH Y inav In h<M | ?f ih? Kukarriker, wb>>m*kf* to order K*ring*- \ n???/ and mv other article regained in ? bia Haa. Rl?*AtRtXU faithfully dona ^ ?% Titan Doore holnw aha OondWt FTonea . A J H. RAtfTXil.PH # Aitannailln. R. C? frrp, IMP. l^tf ( ? ?o?itiv?Iy th* L??t Wotife m A tl p?atw>' l? tbo Kaiatn rf /% AWiAUAM .I'OX, Araaaafd, by Vote fir otherwiv', *f rnqttaafnd to ?*ttl? the ??* l?f tRa i.)VB day of Oalubar nait. fj Ko?* fnihn# to comply iritH ?W* rtffjnaal . MtUi ?< * ihair Not ea l? tha h*nda of an A?- j tMJtby frtp-opllwDtian, aa t ??n entnj?e!l*d to l' ??. IW, artitr. Vtomvm. ' f?tf ?; ? 1 > s < ., v a-yadte* - ;gk, - - - T, DATI8, RTatcbmalrcr nnd jeweler, 5> TAKES fhp tiUrty W? infoi-m^g^ \ CVtlW J>??" ] >!? ?f liriH'll', iilr. fetid ttiv yy\ '..^wlwU *wrounding twiilff. > Uni on hand, without doubt, the host *t??<i|b-. ?? bn* ewr boon bopt in th? Tm*b <it (Jrum1M, and if annduo in diapttaed to doubt it, M. m or llvr, come and boa if it U not so. 11 in i?ok cotnpriavs in part of the following*" lioli-I r Pine 0?ld nnd SUrer V**clie? u?r qualities, nnd warranted twltaop 'jrood mo an>r to gtTf aatialfectlon. All -roods >?M r hittu ar<- xflWnwtcd to ho what flier arc repor bo will rcftiad the nwmy nnd ihu the urftolo back and no Jrtuujbling. Hi* swetry ta of thn latent nnd lx?jit atyl.n, Ip lii* otV *>ro fine Diamond flood*, Lava, Pearl, oral and flarnet, nftn or without set*, nnd le fine .Chain and <>Uu-r Brie^ifi Vutdi Loin* of aU ntyb-a t O-'hl and Silver Tinmen, lield.: Silver an<l Steel Spoetf.clc, t Cuti- L' ive and Convoxed G!av*e.?, nnd nlao Neelcwith or without Claftpk.~ Ho h?* id*o t?ro Silver nnd Ptnlcd Warp. Mis ArtioloB ro tiM> numerous to mention *11 of thorn, but >mo and *co fit on?o. DOiVT FORGET E DOES AIL KINDS OF REPAIRING n Watches. Clock* and Jewelry, "id that io workiuoHmio manner, rw h, perhap*. as ytm ?vm t get tloeo jiBTwhsro else in too up coun y, 'lor lie does not feci lriui?clf inferior to >iy. ?o you will do *?-ll to try htm, and ?sn if is Words are not true. Ho thh>!'? thero are IMiy already who hitVO tried UI'.O, nnd will erlifv t? uH of the above, &c. 1 (!><* ISis-Shoi> m.ty 1*> found ?t tl?o Goa<i tt House, on 3d a in Street. July Jftt 1* tf III MASSFACTSBKg 11 ORADY, HAWTHORIT & FERRY HAVK entered into utirutrtnarvhip, fer the purpose of carrying on the bind <-6S ?f MANUFACTURING, ind have tnhfn pojacseinn of the well Mown otton Jfoovfaetory, lately in operation bF V, M?iIKK, l??*tad Six Mile. South-Fact of Groenvillo. 1?e cn'ir<? Mtebiiwrr hit. hcen placed In tmiplrtc runniug order, and we are row repAPed to famish COTTON TARNS of ii|retior quality. ill wit c,ps VTrACnKP to thin Manufactory. are also in excellent, condition, nnd ail orera for CAIlhlNU WOOL will he attend4 to Mx{*>dit ioii?ly. and upon asr""*! tennt 8 htnuy other <*!>tabU*hment(i> Hie country J. W. OliAHY. i>\Ymo hawthorn, WILLIAM PERKY. Ooo LT 34 tf MATTHEWS MIKING. iTETM. I.A NO ATOM ttovM intbrm the giti\\ tens of Greenville, that. hu-i? propaTi to mmfiwlnro .1M TfffW.fW. lie also i it'i] r TT_ -11 is Work. n? tony he JVmnd iuuucilMtdy oynsit? the Rtfilrcwi T>?pot. in. the bone? for uuly occupied by Mr.-S. film il Icy. j All <)?<Ur? left F'tVoilbrr Mr, Ketch- ] >(., .Meerre. btiv%, QooJiett A, C<>. or Mr. li fiitiaui*, witt be to with pr>>ji>pti>ep?. uM niui oxaoiitm Ul? Work nt either of the hove pieces. Sen rt IS tf vfitisR'snppuEjf OF HAU S4LMHI ISOSTEaS iVD LEHON 8YEtIJ?. JITST KBLTSlVflb UY Hiss R, LEWIS, AT HSa STA'iD. 5i -4R| tr for KAITF OR UEST, . THIS HOUt*i; A N1 > I OT L>Ow^-?t the Pork of the Avuleraon Hlftlffijiil. TTAndn, receotHzacQS^BXT lv' j by Itcv. Air. win. The yrove nil joining i* a i>nrt. of '?? property. Apply ?t the H:AV. TURUijlVN. ' . June 27 ' 8 t f mm ssMt, TTl ft jjnherrihor TrepectfiiPy Invite* Me is ttcnrurn of hie friend KnA'VxJ'J and' the public gfeurT.tily to hie ?l|.nkrteil (AU, AT THB IEW RllICk STORK, i.i? tloor nbovdBhO Rook Store, before miik injf our i>nfeb?-':*. l|?u <will liiet <J nail rice* to Hit it. K? B. BOBKItTS. ^ * ORR &. PmCE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ORERNV1LLK, 8. C. vn u on....i r. rare*. M H v IX 1 if PRI WEEKLY MAIL llNE KKOM SF&HTAHBUao TO OMCTTILLE. ^ TflE eaWwribera hare cmmneae ed a Tat-War#: igfyy' Maii, Link H* i ween Urk will leave Mpartenbuvx every MomUj, Fedneeday ami Friday tnornteffs ?t X o'clock, n<t ftraanvUle, every Tnaaday, Thursday and l?Uir4ajr rnorninga. at the enme hour, and eriv* at each plaee between four and live 'eleek la the afternoon. Fare?each way? d XX. ,. , ^ r, Ofllcr?9f>erUah?aie? Pdlfcetto Himw. " (*reonrille?^rjitprtlptt flonae. H A RV R{$ P. R A On. Nov 1,1 ? jy, 5 |f p POSITfV? JfOTlCIJ. _ k LL i>eradi?a Indtjf.ieA tr? the !et? Tirvn afl tv K!Pl>I>CTH A MTAU, are hereby noiliewl ehut i heir No tee ami Acncwwte era In ( IV hntula, ami ronat be trifled forthwith. V I h r. v. t ui>r?trTM. f Vert* ft * 44 s U i ' Cjit Imttijw o. Cntttarisr ?* I8BCTBD -KVSXY THOatfDAY MOHNJWG, M' JUNKIN & BAILEY, PUttT KlRTORtt. C. V. Me .Tonkin. . . > . J. C. B allay. xv. p. PHiii), rauor. C. HI. nrJnukiti, Amhtunt. A , TJMtMS : : TT7 0 B0LLAE8 A YEAE Invtrtabiy fa Adv?noo. A I>VKkTtH^>iRWTfl Inserted oi 75 rant* per Rq*#re of- 1i lines (or In**) for the' f r?t insertion ; 50 for the roeond; 25 for Uic third to the thirteenth.: J?) for the fopHeehth tb the. twenty-sixth; 15 for tbo twenty-eevowth to the tbivt.y-niiifb } 10 for the fortieth to the fifty-second. YoMfar or Iinlf-yoi?rly contracts m*d?, and a liherul dvduction from Uio eho'ee r?t?? privvn. Advert leemrntr not shbjeet to contract should have the ntimb<'r of insertion* ineThed upon them. They will he published end ehcrgod for till ordered oat. '* , " ' ' ~ ?** partrq. iu T ~ ' ?ron THB ?OUTltS!H* V.STanPUtS*. Departure of Summer. Tim* hastens away. and soon will bo added An?th?f fleet year to tlio ago* of ciurth ; OiHraoforhtpd, tw have boon 4ta .snoecssora,' By sorrow ami gladness, by mourning anil mirth, The tnmb run that lit up the bowers of Fden, j When man walked the earth a i>tranger to eint * '', j Still shines on in splendor, as bright and effulgent A? when the now day-bonin was first u shored hi. That maon which kept night-watch e'er tho raoMi'ovurtd town* Of Illion, fnr fumed in tho age* Rone by ; Watches atill on the earth as mildly as ever, Like u silvery lamp hung ont iu tho sky. Tho stars that bespangled the blue vault of u heaven. Ou the night when the Saviour retired to pray ; Am yet in tho skies, sliluing forth in their beauty, When evening shade* dim tho brightness of day. * V tv'/'. /''**. * X But how different the world. Behold tho great 'ebangea 1 That time hat produced ibroightfet earth's vast duinutu ; ' Maoy things of <1iq past have sack to bhhjtoSM To prove their tfxikUiucu, few trae? s reutsunT 8u Birmmer baa pasted on her bright sunny plnlona^ 4 A [ And leaf-scarhn autumn has taken her place; Wlio will destroy and v/fa^e all her boautltts, Aud with Ids stern hand ovary ventage ?raae. The roaea hove faded, no lonrnr tbo sunflower W-iil turn to tho oast to welcome the day; Thu V t?iI/?*_ t\\i\ ivittlr htwl Ihn 1 s? . 1 we /i.?w.l-llAn Have folded their petals and faded away. The wildflower, blooming, no lender wlH cheer *r llodido our path through the lawn as we rove. ?'lie voice of the nightingale, bummer's sweet songster, -? Ik* comsod to be heard in the (rocs of the grow. The mild, evening zephyrs that broatho o'er the landscape, Will toon be succeeded by winter's chill t'la?t; The dewdrppe that sparkle in the suulight ot morning, 'Rro long will congeal into icicles fast. Out many a honrt thatl>?at high wif'u jrlndne*.^ At Summer's approach, is uuw shruuded ii. gloom;. At the thought of some loved one, who then ' being present, Has eitico boon consijnod to the shades of tho tomb. , * Then fsvawcii to Summer with all its fond ? nicu>*>r:i<s, ' Its zephyrs, its dewdrops, its sunshine and shade ; . Until it return once mora in the future, When earth in naw beauty will then be arrayed. -v HKOMA. J < reenvlllo, P. C.. Oct. l*th, - 1 ' ' 'J- "1 A IIwROivn.-i-By tite merest acc-i flcnt *? luHtnetl, iho other tiny. that ? I hi 1 v in Kelm*, sooh after thu Imtile Munttsss, cj.t nj> l?er fable-cloth, ami ; every oilier piece of linen that cg^ibl lw? j found nbaut her premise*, out ot which , she made lint for our wounded soldier*, fluch acta of lioro'utn should lie pro claimeinTiont the* house top*, not only ; aa an act of sheer justice to such noble ' conduct, btu in Order that a.her* mt* : i?o.induced to 90 and <io |ik?w?* . No : Spartan mot liar cvidd hafe dona mora than tbih lady, ot?d?r lite circummanct-H ; and yet tbi* net ha* bean *cmpulonaly knpt from the public hating ' leaked out " by mere aceident. [Srlmi Reporter. ? 1 Turn South omit our Oenrratot It otto ma North.? We alip I bo following in raforeeoa to the population of tha Son thorn State* from a lata number of tha Lauiavilla Conritr: " The Sooth?the fifteen Son thorn State*? contain now almoat prealtely a* mnch pop- 1 illation na tha whola Union contained by ! lh?MRim?af I9W, Tha South, theeafere, ia only abent ona generation behind all tha United Statea bo tha ornanaof Idfto* Them Ore only about thrao of thocioiHard nation a ' that exeeod It In territory, probably atx in popalation, aud about 00a W? waalth?afld none ao friia. * * - . ? . 1 P.ioa 1:i.v.?Prison life ngrees with the ITon. AHVvd Elf, M, 0., of Raw York.?. Thre$ weeks ago, we ?w tli* living por i trait ot the ohptire Congressman in frame- i work of pi-irou 1.hi--sp :*iwl *i> thought of him " as fiie msn 1n the play " thought <>f Richard ye Third ;'"thh"t lm **had no.. th<* cheer atid alacrity of nximl w.lflch h? was wont-to have." The Honorable didn't then pear to have b^eu in good condition either; be vvsH quite wan, nmi as thin as a Yankee. .. We looked upon the *an??? picture, witli its former surrounding, a day or two ago, and fee! compelled, hy the importance o< the information, to chronicle-the filet that flic limbless tieprrtentetlve 'of Rochester has considerably improved in health, looks, and spirits. He has actually arown fat, end was ae merry on the occasion of our visit as a cricket, which is, we belkve, the highest recognized type of "impounded merriment. Congreesiuan Kiy is not, however, entirely fontrotel. His chief and freqnc* eom plaint > of an unwholesome odor, which he has detected in the prison, from which we -infer that, despite the great vigilance and watchful eaee of the prison officers, the captive Yankee^ are som?t tinea neglectful of their compulsory habits of personal cleanliness, The Hon M. C. has another lectin source of discontent. lie f think he has been fairly treated by the j United States, and he dor* think Repuldies ! are Ungrateful. He is inclined to record it j as rspecially and peculiarly hirrJ, that Abe ! Lincoln should permit one to linger in enp. I tivifcy, whs voted, -without so much ns a j moment's hesitation, for everv.measure nm. i - j r ? pou4 by the udiuinistrotiiin to " crush out til# rebellion," while hi# release could he obtained hy simply " re.iogjiizlng" the .Southern Confederney, ?.r by admitting that tbey are belligerent#. Hie en?e is certainly ona of grout hardship, l'oor Fly. [J'ich.noml Hnqvirer. t , Tn? Wam.eo Lawi:.?The wonderful Waited Lake is situated in ihe central pert of Wright count v,l?iwa. The shape of the lake is oval. It is aIkiii11 wo miles in length, na<! one mile wid? in. the widest part, comprising an are* of some two thousand aero*.? The wall enclosing this lake is oror s-5x miles in length, and ie built or eumposed of ?ton?e varying in sir.e from boulders of two tons weight down to a rtn*^ pebble' and intermixed with earth. The top of the wall is uuiform in height, adov.i the water in *11 parts, which makes its height to vnry on the Inn.I side aceording to the unevenasm of the country, from two to twelve feet in height. In tb? thickest part, the wnll measures from ten to twelve feet think at thw base, and four In six at. the top, inclining each war?outward and Inward. There is no outlet, hnt. the l?k? frequently rises and flow* over tbe top of tint wall. The lake at lira deepest j>nrt is aliout fen feet in depth, and abunuds wilh large and fine fish, such *s pike, niHekerel, has-, perch, die. The 1 water i? a- clear as crystal, and there in no bubbling to indicate any large springs or feeders. Wild fowls of ?M kinds are plenty U|x?t its bosom. At thn Nrirth end nre two mall grove# of about ten acres each, noother tinit>?r being near. It has the *p ponraocc of being w?dl?-d np by Immtn hands and looks like ? huge fortress. yet there nr? no rock* in that vicinity fur niiJ'*K h round.? Tlf're arc no visible signs of the lake belli? the result of voh?nnie actions, the be?Jbeing perfectly smooth and the border of regular form. The loke is about seventeen miles front Moon River, on tho IVnt, eight miles front Iowa on tlte West., and about one hundred and twenty mil"* from Cednr Rapids, It is one of the greatest wonders of tho West, sod has been slrcody visited by httndreJs of euriority seekers. Yot'r Mistkict PaWM.?-The following from a city paper is ?n much to t he point that we commend it to onr readers: " We occasionally receiva letter* in which t|?o writer expresses the determination to Mop their district or village paper, an I take onr publication Instead. We think a man ought to support his own paper first, and then if it" can afford to take a (taper from a I distance, let him do so, and w e will be hap- I pv to furnish him with ours. The country press is, in our opinion, the most, important in its effect on the enlightenment of the n? lion. conveys in ten thousand rills, intel! ligenco to every home in the country. The Wuuntry press oily lit to receive a Cot dial support. Kvery place (fco'tbl try to have its paper of such a character, the people could justly be proud of it. To this end, let them | pay promptly, advertise liberally, recotn- J mend warmly, and tit every difficulty, stand J "J 1 ouivvn viicji uaii wuaeicuiivur j >/ V -w . , ' ' " : A ?*** " Eeanv one should strive, with p*lri- i otic devotion, *avn the New Orleans Picayune. to dispense, a? for as po*?i ble, with every thin/ regarded an a nao eeaaary of life that may hsvw a tenders ey to increase prica*, *n?l to atimnlatthe ouptdilv of lbo%? ? hc?? disposition to reahie profit ouUtripa their attachment to tbtir country and its interest*. flriae.-?The knowledge poaaasaed by (Wanemy of the condition of all Our 1 communities and defence, shows conclusively that there are spiaa in all directions. The law as to alien enemiee ' having gone into opera!ion. we are to eensider all who are not watcbfitl of 1 ttrrar.ger*. who t>honi?i be made to an account of th?*ie?Wea. There it i reaaon lor thfe notice. ft CI nA.i 1 ? ? ? t. ?' ? ? ? A ? ~ - =3~~ Tim Bno or^tExijmrow.?<4*r?. Sterling Price was formerlya representative of Mia? luttri. in Ike U. rl Ctmgreas, ami woe subaeqaubtly Oovevnof of Uuit State. Htt i* by hhrth a Virgluian, and b> oceiipntiou a tobacbo planter, lit Charlton county. Mo. lie j is about 60 year* of ago, oter six fcAt iu ! height, of large build and a stately preeeuoe. i Ilia fttanuora are extremely polished, gentle and dignified; but,his hemic personal ennepiouousat the,batt le wear Springfield, and his irou firmness, are disclosed by bta cy?a and bis mus-ive chin. He ia strikingly tOiiijVeratft and f vemplary la all tlio relations of life. His most distinguishing characteristics ore sound, caution* judgment, nod oqergy iu action. Modest, making, no proton lion? to brilliancy or superiority, be seeks alwnys to bilfcg to bis aid all tliw tal?nt or experience of otl?er? within his rcaoh ; one of his first acta as major genera) wna to select for his adjutant An sxperinonoed officer who had resigned from the U. 8. army, and whom ha bad previously l1 ? ?ri< -- n..?rf.n v??'j wj i r.pil^viuui alilihniliy 18' itnrn and seoneliye, he makes It difficult fbr tha enemy to discover hit plurm. An "xrjellentjudge of man. lik select# his counsellors carefully and sparingly. Ill addition, ho ha# the prestige of success. Though neither a trimmer nor an Intriguer, ho hn$ never been n candidate for political station without obtaining it. In Mexico, na more recently in Missouri, lie never commanded In a buttle that lie did not win. The Missouri* ans are rallying to him In mass. By tl?? latest, though perhaps exaggerated, stale ments of the Lincoln presses, ho hne now 40,000 men under his command. This distinguished man is sometimes coufounded with T.hrmae L. Price, of Mo., onee i o-general In the militia, and many years ago Lieutenant Governor of the State, and now n supporter of the Lincoln Government. j They ore antipodes in many reapeets, particularly in politics. A Nrono paencmfno Sgccrsiom Dacran**. A netrrrt named John Jones was brought before AMertnart Ohipp, at tha Jefferson Market poitca conM, yesterday morning, on a cimrge of disorderly conduct, preferred ngairst him by policeman Booth, of the twentieth precinct. The officer stated that ho found the prisoner mounted on a dour barrel, in thirteenth atrcA, preuobing seccaaion doctrine to a large concourse of men, vroinen and children. 'He was deteriuinad, he saiii, to get down South and help Jeff. Davis to whip the Yankees, and was going on at a rapid rate 'about the utter hopelessness of attempting to conquer the rebels, when the officer came up and pushed bim off the barrel. The sudden interruption irritated the colored gentleman beyond etidurauce, and hauling off, be hit the policeman full in the fee*. A struggle then followed, and for a few moments it wasdonhtfnl who would come off triumphant, but the officer*! club turned the scale, and the negfo was finally compelled to auhoiit, Jones was evidently dem-ntcd, although ho claimed to he of sound mind, and a man of more than ordinary Intelligence. He said he under a|ood the subject of r*gro slavery most thoroughly, and could convince the onurtof the truth of his argument, if he would only ne miowsii me privilege ar continuing iit.a harangue. Alderman Cliipp was not anxious to h?'nr the lunatic's roving*, however, and cut the matter short by ard-riug him to l?e looked up.?X. V. IlrralA, Oct. it. Tua PmsoNrna axd thic jtrvextlndiukicy", Tlio Richmond correspondent, of the Mem phis Appeal relates wu incident which we consider worth copying: The prisoners still remain in tbrir old quarters at Harwood's factory, nt the lower end of Maiii atree.t. A gentleman who visited them, a day or two ago, has related to me n short, dialogue as hiving occurred in his hesrirg at the priso'n, whiehJ* so good that I will give it to yon. A group of grinning little negros, jnst discharged from their daily labor,had gathered around a window of the factory, and were amusing themselves wjlh comments npon the appearance of tha captives. Obo of these latter, annoyed at being thna stared at and discussed by ynnng Sambo, broke out at the largest of them: Oo away, you d?-d little cuas; if it hadn't been for the like of yon. I'd have never been in this peaky place." " Well, boss." *ays small elmny, " what | yon come 'ere for ? We ell nuver ax you to corns Vre?nobody wants yon coma 'ere? | lem-me 'lone.'" PsKavxTa-Tfox ova SwoRn.? ITon. Alfred ' B. Llf, ?J. O.. ?f the Rochester, flew York, Dial net, in Lincoln's Concrcaa, who was captured on the ft> Id of Manassas, on the i m.i -f i..i.. ,1 _w_ k i b??Hi imprisoned in one of the Richmond tobacco factories. wm the r<eipt?nt, n few daya since, of a valuable N>k?n of the regard end ?t?*m In wbieh he ia held hy bie frlloeprisoner*. An ingenion* artiaen among the number fabricated A wooden sword of considerable dimensions end comely shape, to father with a rope wwb, which was presented to tbe belligerent Cnngrcarmnn hy a eorw mittee, in an addreae, which wm replied to hy the recipient of the honor in eieelleat etyle, followed hf an acceptance of the gift The prieonera, of which !dr. Kly ta one, seem to pot nkmg eery well under the oarc of Oapt. O, 0. Olhht, who hse been In charge. Mr. Wy himself certainly bee not enflbrad in flesh, howeyer he may hare done in the spirit.? Richmnml Kraminer. (Jan. Wten eanttnnee very low. There It e impravetwent msiWr. * * "r ' '' ' , * . <. ?* dr* ,- ***' Indiscretion of the Press, The publication of a newspaper, it mnst be admitted, is at all time* attended #M great lalu>r and responsibility! It Is trva. In the piping time* of peace, when everything flow* slang smoothly, Ilia editor ntay be oxenaed tor indulging sbon-what hi* fancy and imagination?something rich and rsoy, with a dnsli of romonoa, is perhaps tf|aeted. A sensation article now and U>m ia quite the thing. Even a llttln scandal, with snore goeaip and tattle, may be exoused and passed off ne something qui art. if the editor, under any eircumatanooa happ*n? to eotnmit a blunder, why " nobody'* hurtbut himself, and be simply pa ye the penalty of beiog laughed at for liia felly. At any rale,- the penalty i* wldntn more than a cracked lieud and bloody noae, and never won# than coffee and pistole for two. This (nay not l>e very pleeaant, but it. heppens so frequently tliut editors soon get used to it But be this a? it wnv, under no circumstance can the publication of a newspaper be said to lie a " labor of love." Of all oo| cupatloim it requires the uu**t vigilant attention aud the exorcioe of thasoundest discretion. If it be true, than, that ?hia oonatont | vigilance, tact aiul self-reliance aro requited | of an editor ia times of peace and tranquility, how much greater must be the lahor and responsibility attending the publication I of a paper in thooo Stirling time* of war ; auu excitement- Ton may rely upon it, that tlio labor of editing in tho present poetore of ufi'aiis Is attcuded with unusual and j extraordinary ctobarraeeinente. The ditB 1 enlty constats not so mueh in knowing \vb?t | to publish aa what not to publish. Even the truth is not at all times to be told. Its suppression may not only become u duty, but ovsn the suggestion of a falsehood maj be justifiable. To dcoelvo uud mislead the enemy seeking your own deetruetian, is certainly fair and legitimate. The editor must learn, therefore, net only what to say, but what not to say. And wbeu he doe* writ?, he must write what he knows, and know what bo write*. To publish and tell that which may inure to the benefit of the euemy uud lead to the destruction of hi* friends, is highly criminal, however pure and inuocret the motives, It is his very inuooence that is blamed. Tna PanrsTicaa'a Cnaw.?The trial of the officers artJ crew of the privateer Havauuali was to have commenced ou Wednesday )a?t. Wo presume our Oeverusneut, as we know the whole Southern people, will watoh w ith deep interest the proceedings and the isle of three men. It has been authoritatively announced l?ng ago that Lineota, in tbi< coae, would not interfere with the due course of law, but we think that by this time h* has tbcugbt better of it. The Richmond Examiner says: According to Llnoo'u'kdcelaratlana, tUear men will he hung for piraov, In which cot ungeney a pretty determined Southern functionary, known as President l)svi?, says he will hang man for man.. We have do idea whatever thnt Lincoln will dfer* to execute hi* threat TK? Vmlttna ?ill ? ?. hajie, evade the matter by postponing the trial. They will wreak their venom upon these prisoners by mean and petty o? nsloea, by coarse and scanty ?kr?.hy denyingtbero the privilege of correspondence with their relatives, or accent to v lei tore. But they will be careful enough not to lalco a angle life in an open and dlreet manner. They are much mere apt to poison them than they are to hang them. We see by the Northern papers th?t*n Mr. Oonra<), a lawyer of 8t. Louie, haebecn condemned to throe months' hard labor upon the fnrti1Ic.itiuoa at Cairo, for what the Hessian* denominate treasonable language. In every aueheaee, prompt retalie'hm should follow, and care ehonld be taken to make it Pill nnd ample. Tn* Skat or Ootkb.nx A recent mersage of the Mayor of Aognstw, Oa? rocom moods the bringing to the attention of the government ot the Oonfed*rate States the advantages of that place as the peroiaaaat oApita). We may add thet the government ia making extensive improvements on th? arsenal property near Angnete, and contemplates the establishment there of n powder nail) and a large manufactory of ?rm?. No*, withstanding all the ejtorle in proger* h>r its removal, we persnmo that the capitnl oflh* Confederacy Vili be at Richmond foe earn* al.aa a ^ 'PL ? i. ..41 .J / aW . IKIIV 10 ?joom. X ?m UUIMMYl'^ ??*r Hit ftoarrnmant. pin pow* hn va hxvan Attrd op at cnnaidernMr f>vp?n*?, and * doubt whatkor any ?ould be fliund alio wKera n Wall adapted to tha apprationa of Vb? ?ari o>?a departments. After peace U rant?r*d, std the country hreamea qntet, lh??re will b* time anonqJt to make suggestions of an ambulatory cnarerror.? /%*?n>*ona &t*pa(*n. A 0*ti.?irr Owimas Pif.r.t*,?Wr. Jo aaph Prendergtaa, * native of tJneanmth, hnt tinea the oftening of ihn wne, n myrwher of the Palm* to f>oard, Keethaw'a ft. O. Regiment, *? recently ahot in the log, while on a eventing expedition ffom Fairfax Va. Ha w*? taken fo JVaneeet'ie. wharf he died tmm ttia etfcata of hie wound on Friday eight* ff? oama fa?m .-UaanneV and Joined tho Palmetto Onyrde at Crifci ming'a Point. rfaWey %hn hemhyrdmant of Fart Ramter, haying pnaeed tho fire of t|?r fort in ah open allff. Ho afterward* re tnmed to Aaoaanah ; hnt on hoarin*i thaF tha Palmettoea warn in Virginia, ha r^nin ad them, and, tHrotis;hoiit the campaign baa en f hecn foremost in eneh .daring ft plotte ?* that whirh haa rveujted in l.ia d?aUi.?(}karlt?U*n Jitrftry. . ' }" r.v* vv " ".'Or 1*1 L. 1 JUL...1! UUULlU'1 flritoK- TocKe SIAK.?Tli# VnWkl (T?i<) Ci?i/*n lin* batm {Mrniit<?4 U> ?nak? tA? following -octiact from t|imtU Icfttr fro? Ht? Aiufiirta, Ark., ondov dot* of tka Mth ultimo: "*' *<->? '' Among tin murt ?n?n?ii?<? inoMonta tfeat oaaorrect at Sprlagfialtl kaftti ?W tkh: \ On# of the rti?tuy> mtilWy'drladrti ??k WlfM in thru- rati*?t, nod tha o9La*ra aall#<1 for aoir.a ?> # to take htd'plawd. ?W?> ! upon oo# of our boy* who Hod bnaa t?|rH pri?oii#r. yolunWrod to itrivafar thaat, a*4 * iva told to mount the hir?e, wht.bhadld iu doable-quick tiute : Wot df following iIkko, lurnctl kit httM and gaUopad baok to our army, bring the aauan* trWt Aim. R# #|i tired at by'both parttat, Wi, laying flat on lb# titrN, ha landed uahort. ! yelling and ehooHrfg te hur boys *Taey I '; jump?*' doat ehoot! don't afcuOut V ? I We learn frotn another Kiuvee that Ike fl above U-roie youth W*? A Oilu ?MuUu? I a nun at Mr. John Atk na. of tbia oountf;? I Ho enlUted in Arkaneaa, and f >r t Win and I other daring fvale upon th? Moody batUe- " H ground at Oak HWla, he w?Bao*#ht out and fl designated by Q??. HefuHoeh ??ti> " brae a I ArkanKian." Ba thanked ik* Deoeral abd I told him ho preferred to he called a "Tab- H neMeeta." I Sra!?n>? Exeromcct wtwer Mrtim.?Tke fl New York Tituaa' ajaeeln) dlvpatah fowari fl Weahington, of tbe'gt.H, wf* that k".?hW itn- fl par toot adi ieet had been weeived from On- fl b*. ftatiug that tha f*p?ial*h war e*earner fl Leone WM waiving at. Ohdir the neenlt ?t? , 1 . Cabiuet conference on the TNiropcxn cedi- B ' vion a gat net M'rlaj, that mirirct oi tha al- B timvtuLi of Spain might immediately be d?- fl patched to tlia C p. ;iin Oenan.1 of Oaka.? fl lu Ilia meantime on expedition ia being At- fl tad ontat Havana for Me> ' > <>, under pre tea* fl that it la going to St Dnuungo. The eape- fl ditiou will conalat of* ix ho.vlfiter batter|e? fl and 10,<Hc> men. #It will ha ready to atari jt|j not lalar than ueit- momb. It Hi given oat fl tkat Spain iv taking three etepg nyilnA We*- fl ivo on her owu rweponetbilirg; bat adrtowe B# state ?1.-finitely that England and Frefx-* fl will a?nJ their quota* of men, and, wttH En thvff floeta In the gulf. will un-operate ? fl The whole country, the Tinma *ay*. wiH be fl t-iylled by this iwovenraafc. The end la fl vaiw?tha regulation of iiexieo?i* the laaat fl important part of it, The ubp av loaka far- fl lUarNorvh. Tat Cocntnuvr* Pavic.vt urrKJa.?-SIboo I our last publication of ?lv? lim of pstnutn. 1*?- I t*r? pnUnt have fvrcn mwar-jsd tr> t-ka follow El i iogparaon** 9 B. Rtliklii, of V>n ion, N. <*., ini- I i pro*oa??nt in brccvb-loading jrmis. fl litM N??li?rry (I H., 1 i pro*?iaent in tanning. * 8 Edws'rtl OvtUutll, >( S -v drlnto, Ln , I iroprnvnm&nt In pareuwion tu n*. 8 Edwin T. I nf t i-im- f.(.'i?, Ala., im- B pro*rennet in brnawfc-loading f1rr-nrin->. B flnnjMaln VPitvlar, of Bufhinghnm. V?? B lnprc*??Mt in windowing rutthim B John R. rHiJMwaw, of Wwrwiinn, Vn., im- fl proromxnt in pnpnr cartridge*. 8 John B. hpitlmna, nf Wari-cuton. Vn., im- 8 prorad dovina lor making oaitridgaa, 8 dmpee S. Adnron, oftinsmtui, Gn., impiwo 8 m?nt in eolWm pionniw. ? fUwr ICtKrwAOTimn in Notm Oabohxa,-? I TK? Wiiioln^ton dorsal any*: B Wilkinson <k Moron nro unMnj nllnn K WrigbtsrilU Hon mi on ,ni uv.-rn^- of nboct 8 tjralra bagkcl* avary 84 h<-n><?. Tin v work 8 only fom* Hand??4**0 in ma Any nod two 8 in tk? night. lboy ?sut us about a prok H tht? morning, nod it 1?oVr to ho aqua] mtim I 'Lirorpool ground, and. wo loom frum Mr. ^ 8 Wilkinson tkni ko hao triad it l.u waiting v 8 down hn*f, nn<i that it is equal to any on is \ 8 brought from foreign port* The* ir? ?4I- 8 ing tkoir anil at ike tnaiket prion*, wkiofc in B $l.ftO pvr bltrbrl. ^ B A Mo'.-> 9r*ot.? A yontloman who w? B in Angnata wkon the Yanke? prinouaka H i panned through thorn on their way to Now B Orlaaat, ralatno ?hn following ennwarastlon B betwvau on* of the prisoner* and a " Atiilud a gen??*A Tar.kee, from o*r window, to darkie on platform?" Are yon a frtpv* or ft#* man y k l>arhlA?" Wall 1 Ain't what yon atijjflit nail a ive nl?ft?*r, but l'a right m?rt frier i eon yon is 'boat <lir time " , , [Afh>n? (Gm.) Ba*rw*n Attack om ?The L<-fttv?tl)e Journal of tho Mb hat#: n t i Baaavo?t, 8. C.?U ie altnnet errtaio that * jmrt of our niiral iwra* h*a, HaVre this. I brail AAnplnyr.l in making An attack upon the port of Beaufort, 8Au?h Carolina. Iya , poaaearion would <ira tm an c-xerllcat foothold <m the fmifchorn eeaat, and oparntion* nvidit be cnimn*-no"d thrre ><rainat eirh<?r Charleston or Havannah. Tbohftrbcr la ft good on?, and thorn am abont aisc'ren fret of water on I ha bar, so that route1.* of pretty good aiz-? oan enter. Fort ten f^rtvra?The nnblin wtfl ha * pleased ?o learn that the Fo?t Ottla t'.'pKrtmar.t 1* a' length about < > 00*4am" i-. Mie of Mter ?t.air?>)H. Ibn fire nr.: unoa trill ha distributed early ?e*t week. eanaes hava rendered it l(uprootInaHe. we ara UMiirol, to afTi^rl tb?. pobiii coftrenl#nAe brfofo. Wj httr ami ? pn>.n new auifttp, and think it *i ' 'favAibly with IkoM of olh?r.- )^o' ef^Tr I r Ift? ^ *I ; . Wtu q'-TT.?.vv5(^, M ?J??r ftrloxii*. SM tain ? kni*??fj? Hiu&WV, whic h Hh# b?s.> jms*,* i-.;- . . - ! * V" 1 u-v * >.? v, .. * . L ,