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^B W. ?. FW, IfctT. " ~^B e. M- laram, iMbtut ^fl Oar Moito~"llquft] ^i(hti to 1'' ^1 OREF" " s. f, ^B Thnrsdiv Moutug, Of 10,1801. B??5" airuMWir"" i ^B OT nutu*' *rramr?-m?m l^^ort^n tk? |^B ?o pnpnm. TUK SOVTHK*R fcKTFR. ni l TIB f?ATR KIT AST* M'OUtf-; ^HmUfRR will '"ntV1?- t?)T"W?l to W?'rlp' U?n mm of T11RKR DOL^Bawop . ',' *i I ka?vlo4ff?xa?at. I^Hf- tkt TbPMKPrr nf th< ' Gr*ruvi'lf> A d ^BA?MoUl,on " UM> r?w?rft . d?U*t?) from Mrt V P. l*Mov. ^^ tOro^b Mr. a 8IMI4M .-*>.*? , ?**, .??> ?. Omr Editor. ^B M |9*rd?d os much pWnsurr. on Vw?<ln\ ^B?ft?r^>ou Inst, to ?hnk? tlif hand of our * ' IlHr, W. P. Prlc*. Kaq., who hud J>?-i i-flnrn j wl on f irlough front Virr'iiit Tie looked ! (kt one who had t?m ?*rvj<"i\ In the gt(Mntnt ?t Le*rin?vtlle, on the 25th nV kt Moelvod a elumk from a rifl?* cAntion ' i gtriklag within a few Inchf* of hint, w'?? | paralysed hit rightaide, and peine n*arlet 1 lag hi* life, lie Is improving n??w, end ? ! hope will W?on he entirely recovered. Tin , mat hall killed Private W. L. M. A. Sorting- i ?*f the Butler Guard*, who wa?1vin<r t?e?:' him. Poor fellow, he never knew wh?? ' him, hia head bring torn aim .at i-ntire't not quite, from It is hody. Ilia ren<ni ?t I , wall ear#4 for by hie comrade*, and pdeeeul Interment. , Kv 0 llough Lion*. The following are the ffip?r? of ?hi* e-? pony of etont and aide h.. Med ro-n ' <me of the flrat compani** orgnn't' d ii JMetviet for the Greenville Regiment: J a mat If eC'O Hough. C?ptain? A. J. Mote*, 1*t Lieut.? W I* Vance, 2d Lieut.; V ? Dn?wnlng. Jld Lieut. Wo understand that a Plug to heing to- 1 Mr*. Jnraea MeOn'^ou-'h. and i? pt*e?ut*d aoon. It la to he a flu* pe-* of gentle woman'* handiwork, and a- V Tpmpriat# emblem*. i Croft's Yoantaia Btngtrs. f>? Saturday laat, 8th Inst, a Comptn' w\? orjrani*ed at the Roek nottse, ndo> the fthorp nimf, The following nre ' ofiieora: Randell Omfr, Captain; JameeW Tout Jfirrt Lieutenant; James B. Roberts, SeeonLteotenant; T. O. Croft, Jr., Third Liei hint; T. R. Waddell. First Sergeant: *' O. Croft, Jr , S?on(f Rergenn' : v nr*rh?w, Third S?r(tf?n? ; P. J. Ftn'tl, Ponrth Sergeant; Pi. N. Colcmm. P fkh Pi r yrint; II. L. Oroea, Fhat Co'pnrtil ; .1. W. W>??1, Second Corporal; *m. Bradley. Tli 1 rd Corporal ; J. R. Rn?Mfl*n. F-mr<h Cotporal; Jamas Black. Fifth Corporal; , Six'h Corporal; Hmryl.vt'1 tfra^dird IUat?r. From the Fnrman Quarts. TPo have no news to relate ft out ? ' eeunp thir week. Fvervtfdng to nmv?n" tjuicilv. The measles have made tli-Ir ru |>?eranc? Amonjj?t. ns, and ten ease lie '^ev??1nped themselves, and two of th? m have Seen suffering a?tnewh?t from th rhenmaliem, hot all of them are comfort > * Wy quartered In one of the htiildtngt a! th Pair Ormtnda, through the Vindnctw of '' ltdiea of Colombia, to whom we"- nr 1 ready much indebted Thev m< t th t f;ei?ta at the depot with an omnibus ' them and a carriage for the officer who r landed them- Hie families of the i!?li n.... |t?a aacared that they will not want for atnrh: a j. t* had a heary rn'n Thur-day . | wl>ieh relieved us of the dn?t. from which we had hecn auff.*ring verv |m iioh On I Friday wc had a aerere hlnw, which pt<> tented several of our tenia. end ell of on tf'iett, the latter of which had eo*t n? gr+at dec' of lahor. Ralttrdav morninc " were surprised to aee a large number o' ' dice in camp, lho-e who viai* n? ftf ern'l* enminsr In the camp In the afternoon, ' tt' we wera informed, on inquiry, that they were a delegation of the fnir daughtere of J/exincton present for the purpoae of p?aenting a eery handenm* fla;? to a cn? pany frnflj thrlr District. Capt. Mete of Pi. Thsnnorant'c (13th) Regiment. T'> pr . wntation took place n-hiht wc war'* du''. Htg. to that we did not. hare th pl?a?nre ot w{tne*?ingit T"pon the 'ntritafion of^iriit Col. Calhoun, v e attended eervieciJl6 Coi FdwardW (IVh) R. sr'mcn*. ant) had ihej ptewetira of heariaar Rev. J. O. T.andrmrv Chaplain of that Regiment. Onr Chaplain hac metalea. There nrc eomrthintr more than fire hundred eaaea of nvenrles In tlte 12th and 13th Regimenta. Col. Punnovant, of the 12tl. Regiment, haa orders to he ready to move after to-morrow. Sineo our detachment liaa heen f<>rn ed, mb vr# have our guard mounting at 8 uvkm V K| A. M., and our <lre?s parades at A M.. ^8 ?n'l, ennsilering that. there are T>ul two B eerr panics of os, w# present a very fine apfl| yen ranee. Our officer of the day for to-dar t# Lieut. Holtzrlaw. oik) hy order of Adf\ B Varle, the countersign Is '* RundiH Cr?-fi B The Carolina Light Infantry have r<. ^8 eefvrd order* to join the Regiment at Siii B fo'k. Vs., and will go on in a few day a. B We npeet nimilnr order# in a few day#, 1>?i B CoUaei Oregg adviaoe us to supply ourB . oel vie with heavy overcoat* Aral, hut j B whore t Keh? auswers. B Our 2d Lu-u'enant goes to Charleston in B the uioriiin;i on butiix*) for the company. ERAfcL. t'amp Johnson, Pept. 8ft, 1961. B f Nomb Caaot'na Ciarax T*a?Tltc Vndi B |ogt?ii K. lrtapatch announce* that Mi. B Mtelhy hfteaear. of VTyde (onnty, ha* sueB seeded in raising ten or twelve tnn-hela <ii H green tea. the veri to hie China t< a??n lii> I pre mis- ?IW j re?e' t year. The a#*d j oMj ).te<] years ago from an English Captain. j ondhi>.r>|< i erm ent th-nionetrn'es B th|*?. It. 0?? he successfully raised In the Old B v?alh S?*t-, It 1* #*i I to ma!:? ahovereg* | .1 y ef|jml tw the < hina W i. * MM*** ff?,Tfi,JL I Mfciaa Hai 1 Miili 1 >^.?h r? r -"% ' ?r th? , :* txdaft araai)* A It* **??Mtto4fonal right*. lb law*, thr lil*<4b* of ii?^n^k>, tht fear- j do ml <>f aporotiana th* Prtw, tho aafrtv of , i||?Ip Won)** and flrratdo* and Ilk* aaerad r# latlon* of wife, n>t?lt?^Vtift lMtr% In fact t orarvthing h?M.% frawnpn a* <b%r.4l?o*rr '\ thaa lif* ItarH. I* imperiled hy an nnl-.irky . ? < nwiwlw l ift?w4dek^me boon In 1 and U pfOMcobd ag*in?t the *?ntk | by j "ftion . o# the lata OnW'nar i n<>w known a* &< I'nited tttatra?a war , wW:?h, ?h*n it i* rmo#mhara4ia wa**d In 1861, dnrlnj; tl>?* n.oat enlightened period lie worM lm* ? jovod i? modern timaa, and J 'reomj nblrd t"y of hlool, carnage, Op-no and ..loader whlnfi h?**L-Wn_?a mvated and iri .de mnr. horrible by tbe | ?frob 'of the Incendiary. and lha prae- \ tieenfthnt peen'lar B'<ck Republican t turn. tb? stealing. capturing and taking away , ilnrri'from th-It rightful owners, again* | lb?i constitution and laws by which their < rights are guaranteed, and in violation of , all the rulea ??f warfare among aiviHxed na- , tlona. it l? ic c wnrv. in fact the duty, of t every man not disqualified by age, aieknaee \ lr other physical Infirmity, to atand forth In the mantle of the aoldier, reaolved to do or | d;a for hie country, to aawome (ha aeft me ( tanyerv attitude to all her enamiea, and ?e- | pecially those who dare invade her trrrilo j v and pollute liia aoil. It ia highly grati- | fying to know that the citltena of the j j Mountain I)i?lriot of Greenville, aroused l>y j the wrongs and injnriea before enumerated, | nloiated. as It were, by one sentiment of j iiirioitsin and devotion to their country , ittd h?r 'hws and institut:on?, have sent { forth nl >oly eight full companies, which } are now in active servioc; and tbaee, too, ] from a IMstrict that rarely, if ever, palls j more than two thousand rotes at any elec- j tion. The pride and gratification of the j pat riot le eHigeti* must be greatly enhance. 1 j wh'-n informed that, in addition totheeont- s panics already raised and in the field, , Greenville is enrolling from among her ait- j iaena an entire regiment of volunteers far , the service of the State, and, if necessary. \ let it he Imped for duty when the country , may call.' It is understood that ihie regi j ment, if not already, aoon w '1 he a fact a.? , i-omplishcd. which l.eing the case, the stoat | mpoitant and re*|>oi.eilde duty will de- , voive upon thus. who have ao gallantly en- t rolled i lo ir mimca, and. It may be, pcrilad f their lives and fortunes for their country, of *1 electing suitable officers to command the ( regiment, the duty in the discharge of , which private and potential consideration# j should not alone inflm-nee, but be made to ( ..t-i.t >- 1.1 -l - j .^.u vu >M||iirr once. e||H racing an 1 tion to an<t military qualification* for tha ( office to be or Mir |>?.*reaein? of ? j talent for requiring ami mnccnti aiing all < the neceaaary knuwli-tlfr for 'be ai-?oceeft;| ? liacharyc of tin- dtillca of the office. It ie | not good reasoning to any b-cauec a man j hue I' ' ii si-nlonr, hit* work-d in thin or tint ( ray for the inauguration of an ? at-'priec, i that that, alone qimliti-a him to lead an t i direct it. N?, w; 'ook t?? him <ilin ? in- J i bine* the requisite qu.ilitie* f??r command 1 Ino the experictie . ih> military k'.anlvilirr ? In it* abecncr, n t i'i-iit for acquiring ai?i j apply! k It with facility. In aurv-yim.' the t field , tn.'l curdling for the <p M itie? al-ov<|f ii.Ho- t'-'i. and ithoiit int-nMiiir in th* ( leaat " di?p'ir->"?- ?h clniins of an* one a [ ? ho may a~pire to the command of the rcgi I mailt, Imt acting * itli a view to it* h ?u <e-e and u?vfutn<-a?, it will at leaat be a p ird 'iiatdc to rutrgcai and nominate th- t a Tio-mi S. Ai'thi r aa a suitable and I tl proper | eiaoii to he i ln'ted (\>lmiet for the d said reghncnt, a* he ha* already lieatowed o upon hi* country a ahort term of aerviee, h without reward, and must ncceaaarily hare a acquired com- acquaintance with the aer- a 'vice and has exhibited a willingness to " serve hia country. tl There con-i teratoma and the absence ' of higher claim* and qualifications, have V led to tha Miggcetinn ot Mr. Aktihjii'* name, V which ia d< ne without anv ??nnn?? ' M- ? acceptance of ili* nfficc, hut, judging from j tl hi* activity and {it the service, it U fair al to conclude ho wimld li PRO BONO PUBLICO. o **??' n VIBOIRIA COlBXSPOXDXlfCS. e K >bi.- ? i.i i.t H, V*.. Sept. Soth, 1MI. Tt'or Mnr? K > w ng the' many of your u r nder* are ihrply intererted In the welfare ? and whereabouts of the 4th Mouth Caroline R Itegitn. n'. 1 write von train. For the last D is ?? t tii- l).'? iiieiit lot* been tn Camp tr at ;-imn t.ovn Our Brigade, nnder Oen. Tories, late o! Oeorgia, eon lata of the 4th, ' 8th, 6th and ftm Mottth Carolina Volunteers. w While there, wo had little to disturb the ' m oiotooy of eamp Iffi?except the rumors P' inei :ent. to our adiance pod lion, and the occasional booming of the enemy's ennnon ** from Arlington Mights and oilier pointa '' along I loir lines. On two occasions we P oonnted ovr <?ne hundred guns, causing ns to think a fight had commenced soma where, P though it proved to lie only target shooting j M OP ole.o ??* ??Ai. ? ^ ?. up H'nr enim, un t wo other I i"" oecarimia, w* had order* before night | ^ t<> take up tb# line of mnreh with our Brig- I ade. Our men ol eyed the cull with great ! 111 III alacrii- ? all expecting n fight, and w? | marched one* four milea, and once two nnd ! *' a half before rxedring order* to at.nut fnee | 11 and return to camp, aa the Yankee* vrer ll not advancing a* reported. Them- wcr<- 1 " dirrhif erne* it deed, and north going ^ ?ome iliat i .re t *.-? ; at Brigade after Brig j ad* <-t in'anlrj, troop* after troop* of eavnl " ry, and company after company of artillery. ' ea'na thundering along, and filling the ? road* for mile*, all lioujant villi hope ml anxi >ua n> meat the enemy. In the trnin were many ammunition waggona, i tiil'ti- ^ lanoee, llthre, wlii h g? to make up n "the | mi a hrana'ia of gloriiHia war." There '' Utile axiitrmenta and the exereiae, we eon- " rider '"good for the hoy*," mid a pre-eoia- ' lion for " Ennui." At vcu are avrnre, we 0 || Hare an inrfejitritt number of Kegimerla ^ about Fairfax, in farr, from here to Manna ana; nnd n little in mar of the Yank e* ad- d vnneing, mnke* a eonaideiahle all:, 1 araore , yaw. From here u> (lermanlown la I welxe f mi)>'f, and ne the Keg'rnei t? nroui.d tit !ja I ^ l?'en d in >. pi It-I ?nd fn'igue duty h re y eoinv time, \to have been anticipating a^k jSSl jjUrArAerNi r^fft. H'U )Mt?d I ' If Ml how l?fC t? ?t *Ht ?f ? MMk?<rt **-? rg?? MW^'t."Bi7 *? ***?*! ?|Jh? %fcr. A?"A?*i?* A<^Miit^ ^a?? t^3l?ith ?f Air tawiM *.llkn hm !>? fcAmit.' ?WV??f(% tk*yt tlrw "irdM to h- mi kombMk. I ippmiiU fill- ? mor? IVom fikviRar prrr|??uiv >N>id Iw.Uo,.RhA ,W,?nr*U*94?C*r* n si ?'*?ek, rH?N<AS?<Ubi >omin*n<l?r ?f Um u mItmm fc?^" wl ere en<*mp?d hi ?m4 *M?f ?iW *??yoM rilhout t.nt?. ??d ?UMkrto Hrotgftt >y eh o^onhie beah. AilWymd mifi Ttt. ill It ?" ?*-?? - i*-*1? f ? -- -7? ? ?'"K ihls ?m Wt o *?ry eoaafortobU night's odgUg. The Mil mn<?| w? *oli to ths rilk^t, (and quire 1 pnttj lit :U Tillage H it.) were ^urt?r*4 in iew tad ooataaodiowa charwh and dwelling mate adjoining, where our moo era bow (ait* eemfortehW. Kb eh d?j we send lir*n >ur Regiment two companies for picket, md two for fatigne doty batidse other doeito for guards, foe. The fatigue portico ore hrowing op breantworkt 1| pU? from iere. wear " Miintion't" MWU Today woo the lirot opportunity I hod of rMting oar 'unifications end picket lines. I rode ft ret 10 " Macon's * Hill, 1 { mileo to the right of Uunion's The Utter, ie two mitoe from iere, immediately upon the left of the turnlike to Alexandria, end six mi tee from that ilnee. From both Hi]<0 the ft*w* of the Potomac end the eitiee of Washington ond Alexandria, are beautiful. That, from Ma><>n\ ie mueh the beet. There ie a hoouttft>l grore and residence here, and the aur-<1 anding country and proepeot it lovely.? J Prom the top of the hooee, with a good [lam, 1 had a plain riew of the work* of he enemy. Fort's Corcoran and KHaworth, he shipping on the Potomac, their line of licketa, eoldiert drilling, and the Stare end Hripee floating to the bre?-w. Oor flag, *i?h the Bam and Star*, floats defiantly tn ilaia eight of their*. The eity of Wnetting- ! na, and the Maryland hille beyond the Poomac, a I co look Iwatttiful. The Capitol tends oat. mont conspicuous. I eould look nto the rery portico of the lower flo-'r, ' uid taw si-veral peraooe upon the tower , ooktng at 11a. While npnu the houee, ] law four ?f the Yankee pick eta meet cere- j ?1 of oart upon an open field with white lege er hsadk-rehlrfc, ond then rot ire.? ' rhie ie an avcry day-htteineec, which our leueralt are trying to put a atop tog Ms | ion's ic a Strom; poaition. vred defended, at j >re?on*. by Otsryis and Virginia tronpa? 1 >rning Imi-k to I he turnpike 1 Mopped at dunaon'a Hill. Thia ie only a mil* front .he erii-miee' line, end you can tee their 1 tickets with tlie naked eye for an e*tent of me or more oiiiec. File country being1 pen. end ihe turnpike v?-r? straight, our | ilcketa upon the mad are in plain right, j ind even In speaking distance. At 1 saw 'olorel Stuart, of covalrv fame. In r?mp'\nv trith a yeu.-g lady, ride down the road o-ar'y to .sn |deketc, I concluded it could >ot 1... 5- ? * ? - ... . ua'-iimmi, I niTrn^'1 ITIV lore- Mi ir from the nixrf, and wnlkril to { ar ectititn-1*. I found them less than 4??0 1 rant* tr<'in the Yankm, a>.d eonstaotl? on 1 he look out. E??-h party has a rail fence I or line, nnd a row of colnin. Here the? ! ihe I,hut?aatits) were vety thick, helngin : its!) groups every hundred yard* Our J ine extends la thia way, though not eo leavily picketed for pr>thah|y twenty miles, nd the Yankees the erne way. An officer old me two of our nn-n had t een ki'led at be p?at I was visiting, and I ?aw one hunted yat'ke this nidi* of the pott, the carcase f a horse lying in the road with a l-ullet ole through his lorehead. The Yankees re digging rifle pita, and each party have ; few logs piled up to li? down Itehind rhei. the other becomes hostile. One of be sentinels had met a Yankee half ay ? the field to-day, and exchanged cnntVena. intliug our picket was a (teurgian, the 'ankee told him they were willing to q .it booting as the South Carolinian* had left bat post, hut that fa?y were continually looting at them while there. This I he- | eve was so, and our boys had made several ' f them to hite the dust, ft appeared strange ot to he able to advance a few steps furtli- j r upon a plain road without a certainty of eing shot hy an enemy. The Yankee post j pon the road ia shout the distance from s, that the corporation limits upon the j utherford Road are from the forks of the tnnflnmliA ? ? * ?1 ? u 1 ..... wmcn lost ??f your mdrri are familiar with We had a plain view of a balloon to-day, rut up from (tome point a few mile* above fashlngion. It remained eUlinnary while ' aw it, at no great elevation, and I enp o*e nfterwarria was lowered. Coming , aok from the hill*, I waa pleased to meet | veral of the Butler Guar 1*, ar.d to learn ! ml Kershaw's Regiment had arrived for j ioket duty, and were quartered quite near i. ] uliork the hand of your editor, W. Price, a few moment* ago; aleo I had the ime pleasure with Mr. A. Isaac.'*, P. P. nddtith. t'ol. done* and some others. The ealth of their company ha* mueh improved Tier looeing seme of their moat valuable lembrrs. Tlie noble hearted Gibson waa ?e las'., I believe. He died a martyr > his eomp'.ny, and hi* profession, nnrslng rid doctoring liis *iek comrade* until proa ?ted I v the came terrible di*.-n*e. the rmy, r ? peculiar type of Typhus Fever. he health of ntir Greenville companies. Inwthorn'* and FollerV, it slowly improved. N?ne of nor hove are now i1an(?eroiiAy f"i<k that I know of. Sinee I wrote yon, nr eompnnv line loat a moat valuable mem er, the 11 rat hy disease, Ifm Ch'th-a. wh.w rother we- killed at. the battle of the 21*f, 'wo h?ttarT enldirre or heartr men were ot to he found In onr Regiment, and their la deeplv felt hy the company. I eniilj md noieh more ?f Intereai. to onr friend* a write yon, hut have Already spun ont thla itter too long. In every direction th4a ?winry Iim the appearance . of war. Foraakec ono, and denotata Holds, form one too tore? ew-made grare* and vfek and wounded aolricrr, f?rm another. Mo-to and hannora and hronging maeaen of tray and J >yoe? soldier*, oyer to avenge their country'# wrongs, farm nothar. Krory flald ann wood throughout he country > now, or ahowe signs of baring wen the camping ground ef voldlora. Tkia CHHLQb-xMMKSy ^^ wWh r*?t^!iP ^ wa* UlN ly,t"5 lUawNttao^gU^P* ailllili wwfti^H I "X? ItglawBl win t^gyii to Otnuafon ?r I] few day a, M Wo oro A oopoctiog to horo a jght ot thb pond, MJ * Tr^jiwiiiPrr ?w? utunfuii, wuu r> ?or eaap o tew oioiali Ufcn tko ordoro to Tbai^iU ?f Di.MlllhoON, Mr.wd Nn Ptrr; IkMMM. Bad JUk-S. I. hup, of Umoo. , vUle, mar oaatp sine# tho proof baltlt, ure ?^wwf=yE 8. 8 CRITTKND*N. 1 to .11' lioniM iMMMMp. ) O ? v _L_ ? ' ' A 1D1L10 MmiKtt omM4 ot JMW 1 Clank, on Thursday tko M of Ootohor, , >n usa pupow M raising a rolanSear eofiptf h ay, for But* ?rr)e?, *n4 to U o?un>t*4 wish i the Omarill* Regiment. Tin ?mUb| ?m ' MRtnM by Dr. T. C. Aiiti* being celled lo , the Chair, and C. A. Parkins acting ah Sacra?. Tba eldest of the mreifog was espUtav tha Chair a* bain* to raise a roiunteer company, from tha Richard*' aud Brock man Baat companies. H. Judge Moore. a natire of QreeuriUe, bat now a eltiiao of Marlboro, waa oaltad a poo for a speech, who responded in aa.' eloquent and patriotic addrcM. Mr. Moore waa in tha M eric an war aa a member of tha ' ' Palmetto R^iaiat, which .did raloabla and disttaguUkud aarrioa. After the address a call i war made for volnnteera, and fortjr-two enroll- J ad their names. I Tbe company was innswlistsly organic**! ] by the election of the following "ffecers: Samuel McKittrirk. Captain ; W. 8. Moore, let. Lieutenant ; W. A. Austin, Id. Llentenant. J. M. Howard, 3d Lieutenant. Reeoleed that tha proceedings of the meeting be published in the Orrenrilla pnpera. On motion the meeting adjourned. T. C. AUSTIN, Chairman. 1 C. A. PaukIKS, Secretary. J wpaW?oaa?*e YWW.-WThvaae mm a??w??a?W> ^ Tb? TTaunl Monthly Vesting ' OF tha LAlHFs' HAMPTON I.IWKS * AHSnCIATlON will be held at. the Chapel of the Female College, on Hnttirdsv nest, ' the lgth Instant, at. lO oVork. A M. Ealigioas Natice. , e THR Members of the Bodrd of Association Mlesions af the Tyger Rirer Association, are J requested to meet at ?liner's Creek Church, on ^ Tuesday, the 16th of tills month, at 11 o'clock in the moraing. Business of importance re- 1 an ires this meeting: it ia hoped, therefore, that all the member* will bo present. a The Board consists of the following troth- j; ren ; Q. F. Tosrnea. John Bonier. Jr.. A. Cnn inghum, Stephen Griffith, A. Alexander, It. ^ 6. Woodruff. John WUooler. A. B. WOOHHUFP, Chairman. * ?t 10 23 1 AsstC'P'ioii Noflftf. ( The Greenville Ituptist Association will . " hold Its annual meeting at the UltTHF.L ^ CHURCH. nesr Holly S|irlnt?, trim ini'os ; south ef (InicurilU C. M.. ?n tin- Augusta road, a! 10* o'clock, on hwinar t-otore the ' 1 fint lwiPiI'd 11 ?w in iliu , ? ,..*! m-4-' 1 * _ ? ... .wv >iv?? m hmu, \v/v?o??rr. J , I W. B JOHNSON, Moderator. 'J i? so hi i J for Lieutenant-Colonel. j ( are aittlmrtEed t?? mi. . ni-unr" Mt.IOR I,. Or-TRE a* a Candidate's for LIEUTENANT-COLONEL of tl err p ... , d Regiment to I* rftiju-ft ir Oreenvillo Ttiatrict, for the defence of the State. , Vcr CtngTOM. ( |'SpT' Wo n-o !itttlt?nit?d t?< an J nniiucv I'ol 'I I' TllW'MjS i-at4iiUt. to j r?|ii'i>wni thi' (tli t'<in(rHwi6ti|l I'Hit riot, in j the Con'fre?. <>f the C'iIiWitkU State*. j J"-5ET** We ii?*e HMtltnvijjtfi to an* i nonnrf Cot.. JAMTSs r'ARROW, of NpartimInirs. a eendidnte to rcptrcsen' the 6th Conpreasimial llia'rict. in the I'm jfrrfc of the I Confederate Staten, I Tor Tax Collector. N Sir We are author ir?d to announce W. H. BURNS n Candidate for Tu 11 Collector, at the next Election. I S XSff JAMK8 N. SMITH an- 1 bounce, Linm-lf a Candidate for Tax Collector, At the ensuing election. ' Sir l ite friends t?f JOHN TT. ^ rARRANT, announce him a candidate for Tax Collector for Oreenville District. j, S*~ IV e are antlmriecd t<? a??-!# oounco W. 8. T1IACK8TON a candidate for Tax Collector at the ensuing election. y The friends ??t Rev. J. M. RITN- > ION, reapetfully announce hitn a. a Candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election. S1T Wo Hro authorized to an- c nounce W. P. TAYLOR. Esq., a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election. Sir We ?re antltorizetl to sn-lnounec KDMUNI) HOOKER a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election. Sr We are authorised to an ounce W. T. AUSTIN a candidate for Tax Collector. ?( iho nnvt alu/ liAH A tV We nre authorized to announce J. n. McCtTLLOTJOH candidate for Tax Collector, a( the noxt election. pST We are authorized to announce W. T. Sltt'MATK r a candidate for Tax Collector at tbe ensuing election. |jgF"* We are requested to an* nounce Ma. RLTAfl 011.1.. as a candidate foal Tax Collector, at tba next Election. tw JAMES B. PEARSON an* f nounce* himself as a candidate for Tax Col* lector at tbe next election. *1(1 STATE OF SOUTH CAKOLIHA. ? Town of Greenville. * An On/jsiisw to Prrvtnt thr Trafftrkiny in ? poultry, fluttnr, Fruit, at?H other Provitimt, ^ by Slur** und /'Vc? Ptr*ou? of Color. BK IT CKOAINUt by the Iutcndant and ' Wardens of tbe Town of tlrnehville, That ? hereafter it shall not he lawfnl for any Plate, v' or Free Person of Color to be cngeged within aid Towo in the purchase or iu the sanding ^ off for sale, of any Poultry. Hotter, Fruit, or other Provisions, of any kind whatsoever, eith* 1 ^ w upon their own account, or as ae >nt for an- * ...v... v * . unco riipn* to t>o anid or f>nrchared by a Mluvo be the property of Um own- 9 er of the Slavo '.Ai ring thi it. fur r+ ??. or l>e ' purobaacd eapreaaly for li.e u*c ?f the owner of aneb Mlavo | and that audi Sl**e, in rneh such caso, have n written permit or order from said owner, stating the date of the traosaoition, and describing 'he kind and f|iittntiiy of the art if lea ao to lie nold or purchaer d j wr ? * |>t rach pit rebus or rale by a Pro. person of Color be of necoasrry supplies for tba family of p, auob Free Person of Color, ur of article* of H their own production. , Ereny Slavo or Free Person of Color violating thia Ordinaoeo, aball. for each aueh offence, * be liable to be pnoisbgd by whipping, with _ qgt ea<-*edtng fbirty-nine stripe* upon 'hp 0 Intro hack ; and all pcdltry. Mutter, Fruit, 9r other Provision*, found In tiie poanaaaiew of any dlare or Free Person of Color, in contravention of thia ?r<iioauee, ahall be forfeited to v the eaid town, and he wired and aold by the n Marwhala for the nae of the earn#. " Anv ownor of a Stave who ahall knowingly pthniit aneh Slave to aet In vinletien of thia Ordhtedew. ah aid be liwMe to he fined for eMb ancb offence not oaoeeding Ten Dollars. Done and ratified in CanoeU, this tth dav of October, A. D. 1M1. ' & J. KT.FORD, Intendenf. * C. V, UoJcnu, Clerk. Ii | Ort It M B t ' Uto" for * VJO* 9 lb?r low botog r*i?d t? Ikto DklrWi ^'St! te1! Mtarad Mill* A RK WW |)Ntwf?i to ?R|HD u4 BOL1 3U?5^SpvMtp t)wt 10 M 1 3S y to Copt. Thor. 1. A actio, tl ttLUfec, ?. C.. w MiCi?rMy ku bowt nmi??4 to to Col. jVUktfw. Bo'toJIao qjf teiWd Artillery, of Kmimior R C., ?wt Wospocn to kewttlw lac, sirred iVm yrj?r* M ap vIBcer ia the U. H. lerriae, It ia needke- to K-ntioa that Artillery U the noM Alt'tl ana ?f tb* w?H aa ?U ? the moat alMlpk H* ?>?M lik? it i*pReeled frot* ail taWtM of the UUtrtet, aa m Iim in oonUafMioi, for lu aunt, firawrilto Artilbij. Oot tO CJ 1 SOTJTH CAROL MA. AM ORDNANCE ro Repeal ? Ord}"*n<* t? Pr> r >ni \ba ftaaaing at Largo'<tf floats and Hwiaa. Ac RB IT ORDAK VD W the InUndani and Wargieaa o( Oronpeilla, *hak tit. Ordi tanaa entitled " An Ordtnaaea to panraat tk? rttuniag at large of Ou?t? and Swine." punJ October 2<l. I8H, aierpt an far oa tk* aaiaa relate* to the miming at lligl of 0o?U and be, and the aume ia hereby. repeal ml Douo and ratified in Council, this the drat da; of October, ia tha year of our Lord one tboatand eight buadred and eiaty- ! one. C. J. EI.FORD, Iotacdaut. 0. M. McJcmti*, Clerk. Oot11 23 3 LIST OF LETTERS RKMaIMNO in ihe INv-t < ?ffl?t, for the quarter rtwll< g tmh"*e|> ?m' a1F61: A.-?W H Ai di-rann, ; O A T An 'eraon. 1; Mra Ann Atkiuaon, 8; Susannah Al'nten. I I; Mia? t' M Aiken; Mi*r Caroline 0 Aiken. ] It ?-C A B F Burge**; Cha>lee trill; !?T Burton; 1>?? B'alovk; D ' B"i?o; I die* Jane Br?fH?-y; I)r W Iti-onkN M>- Km , ly Burns, hiMitiiieii Brarilea; J W J on; ItiNce linuiel. r; J W Bi"* . !>r K RCalln?un; Visa M? rv tleuwcn; leniy S i lark; Juooii Cnrp-nt r, ?; Miasllle B ''brittle; Mrs Sally t'o< brao; Vie ? lolxthl ('elviii; T ft I hrr ? !>.?t^'l Nn'lisn f'avie; tV R |? nt-xii; Mrs mI.?! F, IbiVirnrv; Will Iliek e-??n. E.?I,dill II Karie; P.lw-nrd K F.ran?; E<lr?M I .viiRk; lt, v T IV f a?ir> l'tig; M'l (1 VV \ ieel ihi. P.?Mrs II R Firming; V?*n, Flemmfav*; lies BReii F*m>ll; Tln-mio Ink Ktitmei; tVii unci Ptrroar; Mice ' "lir? PieMnun. Q.?J ll (fvddings; Mies Annie p Wil.l.e-; ,niatrna Ooldcn. 3; Miea .Vary Out /*'; It ! (ll'Lani; Omy A Rob.riaon, it; Mr-> Vte>i< i (<w|iii>; J II C? ii r; I" f? Orecu; IV H tiliiiNlid; ' li e l* tliw.J.Mia l.oei^a W. I< rvnis M - M J IJoln-rt t; Odium;! v ... \i <:>. i? i? /l-l-r II.? A ll-Miftmit Vi# M I* Hurl H; Vt-? |?rv Aim ll(<;k?; Mr? Kl'iti lti>?>li; <.'?.? ..rO W It >5r-? |I II IU, d; E li'ukff; yiy-> Am. I llr>'v' J ,n<lirr I' Hawki'i*; Mi-* k i*?t? K Hoi ?l??l>i-, i?hwv Hn-ri-; ||?nrj IU?Liia I. ? M' f Jlii..- Iiiirll-; ' .Iwm-.i ?rI >; !? * K II I II.-it J -lin \ Inc'l-. J ?iliw ^hi?Ii M i-: Kiifc.' I. Jon* ?; iMull tin -Ion.?; Mi-* MiPmi 1.1,.^ I -lull*.-; AI.miIhmi J'iIi- mii ; ,V> r " ?> * ti M. niii'i; fli-oiv* I" I?I'I??mh; M i' Joi'if, K.?YS' Ifldtti Ki'im-ii), K?'v W II Ki-g; miif- Kill. 1..? Mr? Paul l> 'mciIi <l?i; ? M LiiiImii-; L' ?|<n- cy ^ I?hh>; ..* T.o.1;. A v?n; A S I.iwnmi, M.? kk n, II M yr.itit; Klin* M<> ignoi n; HHi.if I V t>4i<li; M' * Mniy M? -Mm; >ir? I ('latum Mill* r; -l*?M>"'t|[iiihKi| J II 4?.| Hin; Mr* Julin I' Mink*. '.I; C II Mi-R?"<; . M?n iuui" O,?lnn? o'Furr.-ll; (iXkitnmf. I*?Mi? Hunii-I P* i ii I r; M?-* M .r\ 'rilc|i?*i i; A!fv?-d I'l-tan-; >il?* (Itlijrllu Par i-r; Mri M*rg.i.i I'Try; K.v r J Pr* R.?Kilwm il F UiiwtiHli; Vim Eliia li? Piani'ii- K RuMnBOli; K KomW; A'ex'i ln..rb, 4. Si? Mm* M.iry H| ||l.-rs Mr* K-niing Hm nuiia, 2; Mi** I'l m suilliviii; -Uiiim Sy(t.n>; itejilin. Smith. #; Mi* M D Snilili; Ml*a M i Sinilli; S Mttali*; W T Smith T.?Mi*- J- lull* Tin ut; A W HjiiiujiViiij ( S T?ui|i|.; J I) Taylor. V.-?Al rii Vnifi'i A K Vanca; Wni r?ugl.t; M A V(?i, Mirv J Wyim; -l U' j- I) Witiii; II A i|i..ii\* John Wai im, Kn|. '1, Ii U V Mil* ilti^m?s in I K; J.? W^-i ( hi? ' uu H J PR?..ii{ W.rri-u II W. .. i, v s William*; T F Wmilii?i>lii *; MIm Mi. y 1 Wliltirnu'r*. Y,?Win 15 Ye?rgi?i; I' > Yuuiig, I^T" >i>on? linvin.' Itt'rrvin |hi> Iwill all lui aJtertiifd l?Hrr? \ JS. W THHO-T(iN, P M. Oct lo 28 I 8tate Y>f South Carolina. * BRAD QV\RTKIIH. ) Com Mitt art Oaa'o liar earna**. P. C. V OhtrlMUm Ort, a 1M1, ) rllK greet scarcity ot Bacon ?n<) Poll IW, two arlirltd usually di-pciidi-tl ii|h>d tor lie supply <>f animal fond for troops, haa innppd this Department to eeek emic 'uhatiluto; nd the atleotiun of the people <>t this State is irnM'l; directed lo the subject, and their eoperatloti snlititM. Prueerred and Compreaeed Beef It need e*unalVuly in the French Array, and ie an adlirahle nhetililta for Bacon and Salt Beef, ouMtsinr many adrant^k a over th- m. being ?.< than ene twentieth |frt of *he aMgllt and ttIk. wlitah ia a great consideration in draneortatinn, oaaily eooked and eery pntriciope, Any infermation a* to the pmceaa ?f p flaring and prttaerring and notnpmaainR meat*, ill! lie Rladly received at tbia offlrs. Ratimntea are desired for turniehinjr large nan title* of Preserved and Coni|i(nMot Re- f, ?r Jerked Beef, end alan for Fait R-?f. .'OSRPH WALEKR. Com miaeary-Goners! South Carolina , Oct 10 2S 1 uroTtci:. A I.T. piTuntia litMlml to Col. OTtlTKW f. [\ TOOL, demand. era reqnoaled to con irnard mid eettlo (heir Notea and Account#] nd th?>?e harln < demand* aiainrt lh? Krtate 'ill hand llwM in. pmportr a (tea tod. W. II. OOOpLKTT. Esmmter. Sop S? 11 $ NRGROEM WAWTBOT LV ASTRO TO HIRR. two Aret rate No ? (tr?? Men, to go to Virginia, tor rMeli fair wuRM will l.c given. A|>plj at CM tO o. a pick*. Sept l? ^ ?0 . tf IfOTlCK. 41.1. prfo-cr tin* || R Viiairirnn with tn< I" a |.rnlreii???l 1|t?0. wHI <?ll M J< ?ll>" I. MTOICK*. f!aq , wit* will not for mo .Inf. V ? "*" ' wEP""r~t r. mu m* m. tLjiZa I*XS5^i?is #? rr'.S: DmaUr, A. D. tut. mJh AHrfUn CnfcAi?i Cmrnn, mMM 44 An Art l*f?l into spsratiin Ue Ooronawt, ndtr A* prA?*tl Oocatetntion, of Ik* Confederate PtoSM W b*iii*.M arc Wby rrqolrtxl, after tonal irtlrr, (anA Mar dnly q a alt tod.) to prooood to hold an Vtertten (W a RepreaontoUra in the (te|m* ot iko (Toofed?m*a States, for tfrn fifth Ooatrreasional District, on the FIRST WKDNE8DAY IWHOVEMKBRnvst. A Ik* Spina plana, and to ko oanriu"ted ky Ik* >nn Managers, and in tk? same Man nor as Aa S(action nf Af "*aknr? of ths State Leqir'atnra. and tftrr ha* in a: rtaWrmtaart mi Ik* parson dnly aloe ted. yon do oertify Aa rants an. aordlnr to Law. mndrr yoar hand and son), to ik* Qt'trrnur fcr Ik* tlaa* Mm. ni ? - i Li - - u..c? miur mj i<?n? ana in* k*i or ui? RMI?, in ColiAlii*. lie Kth nt July, in Ihn year of eatir lord on* tkMeami *l?rh? hundred and alxfy ena? anijs the aijcbty-elxtfc year of (bo Bov.-relpnty aa<i Indepvndonno of rtb Btato of 800tb Carolina. By the Governor. WM. R. *UBT1P. Dnp'y Six" re tary of State. Manager* of ll*etio? in rnenvllle Diatriar. Orrfnvl"* Cn?rt H?ut?W01. ftovne, Hamlin Beattlo. W R. R parr. MoOnl'ivi 'liV?Jcmrt Oaineo. Wm TVniM?>n, R H. X b< M>n. Jon-.'? A'dr>w llnmUton.J T>. SnMivnn, W R. R.-trv , K ^t?n*. R iiprrieon Fnrlo. W | Ilh>i-lni*iiV?Bald?) Fowler. J. R {*n?>w, R. R. *'#>nni r' l?i'4. I R:*h?rJ*'- John V. A''r?ln, H?ne\ 1. | Homfe-non. D*i Id W. Hi'll iti, Mmt'd " Tiilir# r Went. T P. A4mt> >, P?-th*l T> Cur- ????. Wertfeld*?Thnma* Turner, N W. fur rl-on. P N. Arkrr. ShnckieyV?-O. S Oi ?m. .1. A. Smith. *V G*?-n. XToritffftmei y%?-J, 1*. Millhnun, C. C. %??? t<t??n>ery Tli"tn*a W R'?o. Wnr Fall'*?J M. Hupkine, Sil*? Tr?n IriiKf. John fi Htenhomn. FoljpoVBtore?R.T. Taller, William Cox, n?0'iierM?n fioi Rrutoi>*??Oliver Barrett, W, I!. Hood left, l'r*? Be?*w?. I'o?t|r?V?-I "arte W Hodffee.'F. H. Fuller. Calvin (limlein. Dhkev'a?H Ke#'?T, l>?* d Ban on. V. B. F* w'. r. (l'?e.?'4??'eh| in* 1* F?*vr. Jr.. H. S. 'Ml-m ?. W K I tick eon.' Meeoii'x?lkrrvm*n Slower*. I'avid Mo CUin, Thotne? Itrwl |t>mtl<et' fl' i?rg W. Kf:t\ John Maatrr?. Howard lleodoreon. Foil "lain Inn?John \ llnntnt*'*'!, 1. V. Th'>m?a *<J?aiiib, Jr.! i-rV -Solomon Jonre, DavH" Bay no, Frr.'V (>fltr*ll. Sept 12 19 td State of SoiCb Carolina. 4 *:* :fi . ftp I m: v* '** . . . " Ml 1 KxrcrTtrit DKrAnruaeT. > Charlonton, 8r-pnim'o?r 2T. I*#I | Hv hie K?<*iill?nrT f. W PrCKKNS, ?neer nor end C??tntn>tBdef.ip.f,hH f in and orer the State of a. nth Carolina. ln>':r!??ti i? br.e fo* >'.v. T ed st ttie Department. 'hat I.EtVlS. i-ojrra share. ?be proarne ?f Wi(i;?<u Verm, of Dur!in ?t. ?> 9 strife. w*a?triwd u-?d -oarlct ?d nf an ntf.nri.^i, i%ff.tic? ?rei??i ho dignity of the State, ana jeitVnteed t?? ho hun* no the Hth of NovenC.s>r i?o*t, and ?.,?|>?d fr-at the < uatody of tf-.n officer who had h>tn u charge: N??, therefrre. I. P W. PICKVNA. ftnr rnnr of thn State of Smith Carolina, d-i hetvliy offer a raw ar.t af ONB 8U* DItfcD DOLLARS for hir opt>r-bunaioa and tolirery into any Jail lo this State. The taid tRff If ie ahont ai* feet hirh, weighs ahont one hundf d and eighty pneodi; hoot thirty yeere nf : hi? ry Mack, hoary wk Where on hU ehln. aa thoy approach hie ttrt t?>or are rerr thin ; roey bhrh. ra ending foretwad ; tooth good, hat oolnrvd i.y the ttae of t<H>aeeo. When laet eeoo, hi* clothes were of derk rnlorrd negro eloth. dirtti under my hand and the *eal of the Stele, at Chariest/in, this, tke 97th ilny of PeptvmVr, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ei*?y-one, and of the Independence nf the State of South Carolina, the eighty- eiath. V. W. PICKENS. Bp the Ooremtir: -I am an A. Dt:rrc*. Deputy Sec. of Sta'e. Oct - ? ^i, tf . K KMT-MR K.I Th? Dnmh inii no(fer*i./n-fl. Itnvlng l.aen mi pointed Atreoi f. ,p thi* IV ?t ! ? ., rah >? HHfVtMS. MAT", <P^,"lh -r a-He'hi .Sfniiiifmhtr-d of iSffyttfitnlitm f<W tht Ibitf. Itumh ii ttd HfinJ, at I '<4nr Hpri???, H tj.. at t-etfu'i) rail the attention of tllet el I, J* I Mil el hifl iil|r?-tel t"> lhi? Rn t pn-e. I Ilia Inelil'ttiiHI at ? ?? a tiolil, rCofd of HI..-rut.I v tin . I.i?t. * t jmi lii_rlily rhurxHrrltrd, nod j>dtr?tmgr, 1 will # '! <>n * *o<>d i?niw Kinte artielra nan In ol>ulnr<) ?l<?*hrr?. TIIOS. STKKN K?-l. 28 4 8 ?m DENTAL CAIID. m 'TTffftf* IMlK nndoraiwiiod w..olit inform tba citi/i-na i*t Urwftfilla that hi* lia* rr Mi rued, and may b? found at hi? (Minn. JNO. AW!>BK?*OW. A||( t] 1 ft-tf 8ar(t?"ii Druti?t. FRESH DRUGS AT J. A. KfRKPATRICK'8 DK1T4) WTORK. a C4AW he had a'nrort anvthtnj? n^nn'ly J ki p' m n I'rntr K??u?.H#lin?**?d. Tl.rf*1 arc ? f* w At'inlen not to ! found |u da* ket. I ?mc"M?tithr rte>*l?fiig KKK8H PWHK. and an I buy and a ll t>x?ttndt >]f..r I' \8| I, in en*ip?l# with any in ptic* who ?. I! a wood Ar*icl?-. CALL im BOORS-AC<Vt THE MANStjN HuUSE* M. A* Rirkpftttkk. ?op I M PUBLIC ARM*. j T IIAVK bM appointed br ibe Governor m I the .'.Mat of the State. in flroenvil!* Diotrfet, for the COM.KCTIO* OF PU?UC ARWH. MUNITION*. Ac., ana I do kemb? fir* notion tnallpnroonoliavin* (iaea Sniinit, r?rtrWt|fO BolU. or any other Arn* m4 Monitiouo bnteaffinff to ihn State <4 AaMb Carolina, to return tho mom to me at Bum rill# C. H., forthwith, or they will be reported at freed warier*, All pnn?oao knowfe* of FwMfn Arm*, *?., hr ?bo pnraeeefee of any ImtirVlaal, *>b <tw ? ?* to cfva mo tmoaod ata aottoo of ?ba i i?*v aaAor Annate* apply to aima. On., la] Mtod men Ira, ay nay aaukUow orca-ilred Mji. ^gr-r. ^0I ALL PERjHNiP^I ?^y&as? aj, [I CASH I //* turn dn **r>* J ** '* *? tire, yoftr Accounts will be placed in the hands of mn Attorney for Collection, without respect to persons. ^ DAVID e. WSSTFIXLB. Anf 1 1* ttna Notice. AI.L Mcrwwii inA?M(d ?o hv Jintf sr Rook Aurofnt prfHoiin to J unitary loot. tire nnttficA to tiniif forwnr'f onl p?r tin forthwith, ?> I mus? horr h..not F. RCRTY. j >n a as tr j. p. Recti ?. ooonyt i. REED & QOOnHTJ-; ATTOBkETS AT U?, ARt> sotierro** itt lavmr fJUKKXVir.LK ? r North-Km* 0"rn?r Court Ntjmm r?, Jnno 4 4 tf bisjWLutmS TT rpHF. Flltw OP IIOZBMAN.i VRHT to 1 >T<*P?K is di-s?1vrd, l?t the, with trnwui of J K. Mnh*. Thsf mxinina psrt rra of the Pirtnfc(T. L IW??n nn<i D T. W<*ai.) hjr ojrrr^mont. * ill l?o ro*|-<>n?il.le tor th? |>sytii?w? of nil Arhh onntrMtW hjf th*m ?lnc? ihf first <U? of January last. . T R. ROZBMAN. l>. T. WKST, J. K. 3T0NK. Autr ) it tf WW- PAi\Ti\fi. a Tlltf MlireriW u pitpsnd to KXBCUTB promptly all <>r<Ws lor HO(J?K PAINTING u|k?? th? m?ft roonmsUle l?raiK. m T. C. OOWt*. Anril 1? w ?S ' IIJCNRT OA NTT, D1BIRPS \orv ro?p. r ifnll, toinfsnstk* public that tiomio tertipios tko ofcop liinnrrly ooonpiod l>j Bwriidfco. ttd W> pro' ir.-.! ?o d.?, Mii?(?('|orily. oil work Is Ms l'i <* Iioiim t? xrt m share of patronage. . Shop i?|h n both <iov and .-rening. lily 11 10 . if ;nf>T "FT ? " ^ k uroo iiyusc? a na i .J. ' *r< ?n?v' ?n>l MVitftfl (AMI itMM jfj^4^ ^ ?ALL ?mty >? Hari o? *^V*5S88? ' rr fwae?n?t<W t?rv?, If applied Tor *?oo. The ..wnor U ieexsat I he proceed* of eel* in other fcaeioeee he W ?eawd in, in the onljr rv*?in wtiy be bee e disposition to dispone of the nmprsty. Ale.., for sale, ? VACANT LOT. Enquire at this Oftre for particulars w u ? srihAHS, I-KA V UM i\ AC ^ (t L \ RIFl r I?, Ci tikked and I'oe'il Sugar ^ii- -ri??r llio Cofrs 1'hi.iw L?r-jf Oram Bice Snperim- Leaf Url B?<t Oolrten Hyrtip i rime Apple Vim-pur Pr.-ah ILxton Hi-em It F'-xh iln/rr Nut M|oii? Presarviujr J-ira t'itrun, Currant*and Raisin* All for aale LOW. j BHTCK'IfIT* ?< Juae 3? 8 if freshsTppi-IKS' OF ikdkl \m ^nnas AND X.BXOIT Vf?9?. JUtfT HB? B(VR!? MY Miss ft. LEWIS, AT iH?2t < 1 May * * 61 a V r.xrnitora' iXnlirr \I.L |H?r-?m* i.rd. L>*d ! ? the Msts nl til.. iMe Maj. H LCR TIIRtNTON i ; are request*! 'o m?h early puvieent: and j thin* having elnim* against the dereaaed will pi rs.-nt flu m. pr?p?Hi rottehe-l, within the nrxt three mnslh.. to hi* F.Taeulor or ! '* enirlx . _ UOHKRT T. IHNU-UON.a, KU AN W. TllKtfeToSt. . FVh 31 42 . AUGUSTA KIRK INSUKA.VCKv AND BANKING COMPANY, CAPITAL* ^OOO. WILL Uk? RISKS opun tbo laoatr*Mon> ?M? UTBB*. I I W. T. HJIU1JATB, Agtmt. Nor 1 n tf TflMimm!Ill AV F TWKNTV B<>XKS of th* ?oU?w . i<? Bmn.U of TOBA' CO. whi.h I I linv (rcrite'l <>n eon<t/iii)iMt(.ud offer br 'h DAl.TONS(XH.r>LEAF N I? U.TON'H HR*?T ? ?" N liALTOH'4 CIIKKRV BUD J. W. CU? > I>KH T. a WILSON. ~ J. 4. BAVTBu. ? Arm 8 14 Wm " ~~*r-ZT r. ? attorney xt uw r*r~ offlr .. /,**{ 0t^ff t'ngrtll ttniwti*. whvro h.< rufcv ? wy +s*y*?xm. xxk., | i, p. it, . ;i ,] ?% y - jm > | hhavin0, _f haw tummtm. baattna*. mum *m r*?>* **ttik? aim *** ??? mtry.^on>oqk, j bbunre out i i it l?w prices p * ms*. b rptik *u^?lwiwewe aewlema *lh? ^ jj * jb