University of South Carolina Libraries
vmrrm ar anawmwA $?' IfA fclt fHaad tends tw the IItaee btHap.''' N may not be mmmmtt for Htoprtaht :. ' ? that Dinah, tH?? by tfia laat will and Uta?a':'vV man* of her M maatar wee awl Berth with Itr tRtaH M? that *iniaM? gold that glHlaft." Bat we npttt ha permitted to eteto that we war* onafcieto "do op> the fllnatfntloa whlah accompanied the tnanaaoHph repteeeotlBg old Dinah and her three Hula pieeantniee atnndlng in the new Wont, and watching one of the "irsepeee * aiWa sympathiser# driving bar laat eatf r . away: the anlf aforaaid giving ?iterator to * . ..... .L-. ??w?npitt?ui - n?n r mi wnuiuii ??? ha U Ukan in and done for?not by manner of meant-?no how-?not li?. . %;:*?? >' Editor Comatrvatiai.] Oh! Johnny Roland, my Jo John, I wander what yo meant ? v \fhen to dli dredful oonntry diepoor ola , -'' foul ye eantf ^? r -My ohildren nil nuit etarva.Uaba, die nigger ab? moat woil? 'VJ " . Dare goeeour laat poor littla bull?dey're got him by da tail I v Yo knewe dat *11 jar Ufa, John, I lab'd ya fit to kill, I didn't think ya'd pay nan off by roakin' aleh a will; Da Yankaa lubo da nlggar lika da wolf lia | htba da lamb? Oh 1 I wlah dey'd taka ua back agin to good < ola Alabaml OKI Johnny Roland, my jo John, day any* day luba da nigger? lia all a Yankaa lia, John, da De'ilfcan't tall j ?o bigger; . Day baata 'am and day chaata 'am. dan day talla 'am to make tracks W id out n ahoa npon dara fact or ahlrt upon . dare baeka. Day tnma da darkay out o' doora to pariah ( ^ ^ _ . - ia d? tttOw, Da lea it hanga npoajhli wool, da froa' it , bitaa hia toa; Poor atarvin* nlggar laya him down and dream* a' baeon ham An' punkin pia ha a tad to git ia good ola Alabam! Obi Johnny Roland, my jo John, a ablv'rla in da cola, Pa nigger bload aan't eirkalata?but in dam , daya ab ola, Pi* darkey waa so happy and it need to be aieh fun A plckin* oottoa *11 d? day a brillin' in da aa \ An' when da day wm obar and da ton went out o' tight, Die darkey ut?<l to ting to load a gwiae i boftit a| night; . How good I o?ed to foal, John, a roattia' of my yam, An' noddia* by my eabia fir#, la good ola Alabaml Obi Johnny Roland, my jo John, wby did ya go tad make A oraay will to sand ma hers whar toon my heart mntt break, Wbar folka it always pltyla* poor aiggara la do Bool) Aa* won't gim mo a sramb o* broad to put Into my monff JTww all yo foolith darkaya what'a lnngiV ' eaaa yar freedom, Aa' wanta to lib wid daae Kara folks, it'a 'aaaa yo alher at ad 'am; I kaawt from aad azpariasao, ok! ailly aona 'o Ilam, Adaaakly whar'a da ptaaa for aa?lie good ola Alaboai I Snmnrtsff dMto. i ' Taa Wrono Nana.?A company J wm drawn ?p in Iim, and an offiror began to call too roll. Aa ba proeaodod I bo rsMt to lbs niiM of ** Rbaooaar Wood." Uo calWd it?no antwor? dtougb I bo man euppoeedto os n It wm m lbw slope before aim in the line. 1 * Rbooaaar Head !H aiclaimed the offi / *? In a louder roiaa Still ao antwor. < "EbeMoer!" km again thundered foith from the month of the indignant officer, alill louder than before. There alill beiif no anawer, the officer atepped a pace er two forward ? * la there any Mead herel** If j name ie Mead, replied one of the 1 men?* Eben Mead.** u Raeoair' continued the enraged offiet% M why don't you anawer when your 1 name ie called t I will cell it once more ?Ebaoexer MeadP There wae alill no nnawerj M Rascal, if you don't anawer when V | wall yon again, I'll have yon court , Ennrtialedf' , M Sir," replied the man,M my name ie Bbea, and not Ebenexer llend. Your 1 tame, 1 believe, ie Peter Head. Now, would yen anawer if 1 afaould call yea 1 Petcreeaer Keadt" It ie unaeeceaary to etate that at the a?ii (ill tka nfliMr mm Mr. Itud liia . true baptismal cam*? " Mt friend," said a hotel keeper, to a voraeioaa boarder, " yon eat oo much I obeli charm yon an extra half dollar." Replied bte boarder, with hie countenance the eery pietore of pain?" For feedeaae take, don't do that! I'm ah meet dead now, eating three dollar*' worth, and if now put on nn extra belf dollar 1 .hall bo rot." ? A cnnranr ditioe gar# oat * pealm te hi* choiietera, who attempted *? M? it to a new tune; but baring me<tu a feJo?<l?r. the clergyman, when ha eame to that part ef the litany, " Lord, hare aeerey on ae miserable inner#,*' in hie turn mad* not her blunder, and read aa follow*: 'Lord, hare mercy on em ja parable dagere* r J> 00 the een 1 I'm on Urn ?a*r reared * bad ?temr. eotTcried n m?*aJ poeat?? in e* mpeuy, M you would be on the C -if too wale I* fane; but you're on eMfotsd/ewr r. ' ' v jffo m m jTIP .li. MSL & A #ood tforj k related oflaeuudwe- ] tor own nilioai, tlkd to t Mrift] WvfCu going wnn, mm wnf livArn Mod prommfy io hh church Bo' U>* S?bbaiU. Oou Saturday ?v?,iing the train wm }n *?*y lute, nod U did not take hie coMomarjr amount at however, it did not itig dirt no aerriee m tt?uel. t>orftsg the or0>on he toltwitiinclr fail Into a pm found sleep, ?oothed by the monotonous wiw of the cWr|TQMn> AU at ohm he ?prang from fain seat. thrt"? bkhat under hie win, end giving** neighbor in front a pn?b,'rhouted?r * "Ticket. M>r v The WHlfd neighbor nleo sprang to hie fret* which thoroughly wonted the conductor, who, looking wound, nnd eei ng all eyes tamed toward him, instantly comprehended his position, and 44 slid, amid a suppressed titter from the whole congregation. ?noica or Nam*.?44 Why on ew'h rister KejUHh," asked Squire Jones of Ills ister, Mrs. Larkin, 44 did you give your hoy suck ait everlasting tough name? It's as long as a string of dtied apples." 44 Well, brother, boys nrs so particular when they grow up, and always want romantic and fine-sounding names, j and ro I told mv husband we would call ihe child PelegZenibahel Ki*h Elkanah ' Uabskkuk Melehiaadeck, and upon getting old enough he can lake hit choice.** , The iquire thought it would he hard picking, but he did not say so. and Mrs. j Larkin went on with her knitting in a 1 Hate of serene satisfaction. On a recent Irish tiinl, tho counsel was desirous to obtain an a (mission ] from a witness of the crow n, llint baring himself been one of the sworn members . t?f tho league, he had bribed to become a j py on the others. Uttving vainly-labored for nearly an hour, to getn reply, I L a. r-w ? it* mki, " t^oine, now, sir, di?l you not ; isoio* direct from these men to Dublin, i jn Monday last I'' " I did so," promptly answered tlio witness. * Well, air, that W direct^ at all events. Now, air, will you tell me, in as brief a way aa possible, what motive brought you liers I" " The loco motive, to be sure." A riper man went into a Sunday | school, and for a few momenta liatenetl i very attentively to the questions pro- 1 pounded to the scholars, hut Wing anxious to show his knowledge of 44 ecr.ptur" and doctrine, he stood up leaning on the front of the pew with both hands. 44 Parson B ," said he, " ask me some of thetu hard ques shuns." 4" Uncle John," said the parson, with a solemn face, in a drawling tone. "fWt you know you are in the bonds of sin and the depths of iniouity f" " Yes'ir, and in the gall of bitterness, too. Ask me another ques shun." * I wakt something for a broncritical sflli-tion," said Mrs. rartingtou to Dr. Kestieaux. The dortor, with that smiling urbanity which has become a feature at the north end, told her that he could prepare something thai he thought would help her. Filling a small bottle, be herded it to her.-? "This isn't the Pictoiial Syrup, i* it f" she inquired. 44 Because," continued she, 44 that crea'.ee a nashua, and raises my expectations. I only wsnt a simple Ivcrubralion for the throet." lie ass sured her it wee iust what tha stnial She thanked him, ai d departed. Jcdob F - of Indiana, haa hi* eccentricities, bill an abler jurist cannot be found in the Went. A young, windy lawyer was making a pi en in a manslaughter caee before the Judge. The lawyer talked Iwaulifully, but didn\ _ touch the points in the lie waa atom at?Hift'Ibc judge asked him which aide he waa retained on. "The defenae. your honor," replied the astonished lawyer. Then," aaid Judge P??, 44 why the deuce didn't you eay ao I" 44 Now, gentlemen," raid a nobleman to hia guests, *hs the ladies left the room. 14 Let ua understand each other ; are we j to drink like men, or like beasts ?"? The guests, somewhat Indignant, ex* ilaimed, 44 Like men, of course." 44 Then," ha replied, 44 we are going to get jolly drunk, for brutes never drink more than they want." Not pRrwK.?,44 What! ara yar drunk again ?" 44 No. my dear, not drunk, but a little slippery. The fact is. myt dear, tome scoundrel's been rubbing my boots till they nre an smooth as a pane of glass." 44 GnAHDpa, have yon been twice a rWld!" ,4 No. boy ; I haint reached my second childhood yet, by n long way* f" 44 Well, then, I with you'd berry up rnttr mW Am 1 mrmmt ni?? AAA Ia hop Motcli and leap frog with me Mm. IIamui mt? foreigner# r??m> hi* each other to much th*t eh* can't more than half the tine* leil an orangoutang from a Frenchmaa. Tha old lady i? getting not only im j ertioent bill per*onal. . '? ;> --C5 TV kcb ray a that the reason why aditor* ara apt to have their roaonert ipoilal U because they receive from on* corr**po?d*nt and another, ?ucb a vaat number of evil communication*. " Will you marrt me, Mb*fn " Bir, you know eery w?U I have of. tea declared I would never marry.'* Oh, re* ; if 1 hadn't known it, I hoXte't Ui? ?W4 jo.." Tna ftw* feallag of a weeaan for a Mi eb* fovea fo a dealr* lo reeeir* hi* Irjg.^i a. ftft/fftft A ifaw*s good fortune often J0f*m hi#! head ; hi* had fo? tune aeoften avert* the] bffl^f pf bia frierdh { - . lf" ' S^al^Ff> ^fliHMK 'Wombk who ?u? for breAcV of twoi^^estssf4* Tail gnu* b iudcod h?Uo?r?d. ?r1t?o ilio gnu* of tbe churchyard c*n cow *11 memory, mv? that of lov?. T*tK JFdwbll tali<l*nt> nfKiniMtAn J*. milieu, bava tih?cril*tl #500 for the offering Cbrwtiaoa iu Syria. It ta mentioned a* n citrintM clrcuinstance that a watch shouhl l?o perfectly dry when it baa a running spring in it. A v it of thoughtleM freed on1 hath sometime* brought repentance for life. % Rkflkotios is* a flower of the mind, giring out wholesome fragrance. INflMSnpUUHEil RLoitg, Goodlett & Co. ESPSlTFUUf inform the oitisens of Greenville District, that they sro now receiving a Fall STOCK OF GOODS i? their line, all of which were PURCHASED IN CHARLESTON, aid which tmkt will skli. at Lower Prices Than Usual. The Stock consist*, in part, of RIcalhfd and Brown Shirtings and Sheetings A large vuriety of Prints, of direct importation, 1 from A @ 12J cents per yard Linen and Cotton Diapers, Linen Drills Fancy Comimert-s and CeOonadcs Plain White Swiss and Dotted Muslins Solid Bareges, Mohair Lustres Blnck Silk Mantilla*, Erahroidercd Collars Bsrege Mantillas, wliito and colored Hoop Skirts, of various kinds, among which will be fonnd some of 7 Springs, 66 cents; 66 Springs, $2.60 And all the other Articles noeessory to comprise a general stock of Dry Goods., as. mentor, ?a? Hals, t'np?, Boots, Slaoes. GROCERIES; HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, *o.. Ac.' We are confident of the fact that we ean afford to sell our Goods at prices that will e*mneand the attention of the pnhlic, and we respectfully solicit an examination of owr Stock. LONG, GOODLETT A CO. March fi 44 tf T. W. I)AVI?, PRACTICAL Watchmaker and Jeweler, *5 TAKES the liberty to inform pyx the.people of Greenville, and the FyX gfculgwhole surrounding country, thui^^B he has on hand, without doubt, the beat stock of WAWcgmiaMS & that has ever been kept in the Town of Green, rille, and if any one is disposed to doubt it, let uim or b?r, come ana tee 11 II II not to. His stock eomprisos in part of the following articles: Fine Qold and Silver Watches of all qualities, and warranted to keep good lime and to give satisfaction. All goods sold hjr him, am warranted to ha what they are rapresented, or he will refund the money and take the article back and no grumbling. His Jewelry is 01* Ibe latest and best styles. In his stock, are fine Diamond Goods, Lara, Pearl, Corel and Garnet, with or without Kfets. and the flne Chain and other Bracelets; Watch Chains of all stylos; G?ld and Silver Thimbles, Gold; Silver and Stool Spectacle,; Concave and Convened Glasses, and also NtckIsess, with or without Clasps. lie has also pure Silvor and Plated Ware, His Articles are too numerous to mention all of them, but come and see at onee. DON'T FORGET HE DOES ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING lb Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, and that in n workmanlike manner, such, perhaps, as you cannot get dons any whore else in the np country, for ho does not fcol himself inferior to H any, so inn wUl iln wll * " ? l'1"1' '111,1 Ui. -.rtfrifo not true. Ho thinks there are many already who have tried him, and will certify to all of tho above, 4e, pir His Shop may be fonud at the Goodlett House, on Main Street. July 2? 12 tf FUR BAlsE Three Houses and Lots, i _ WHICH are eligibly situat,S cd, and paring a good interest Ii^BplSL ?A'A NEW?may l>? had on very reasonable terms if applied for won. The owner wishing to tnvem the proceedi of sale in other business be te en KOfrod in, is the only re aeon why be bns n disposition to dispose of the properly. Also, for eale, n VACANT LOT. Kaqnire at thia Men Rw particular* March 8 44 mmtm raiiSfl TUB subscriber reaper t fully _nffClTr^Ti of bie friends tfriT if? II il the public generally to bis wsll-eeieeted '* if4-' ^ 1. sv'.?BS0& QM ; . CAIAATfllK * NEW BttM H STORE* One door abeee (be Book Store, before making your purchases. Ton will And floods and price* to suit. T. B. R0BKKT8. inly 5 8 tf NOTICE "fS HKREBY glrsn that all persons having I demands agates* the Kstateef WILLI Alt JACOBS, Sr., ?MSKt, are requested to present their demands legally authenticated; and ma f?nuni owiaf i? c?wi?, ?m r?<in#?ieii to Mm* forward nd Mtlle by Return Ray Mat, aa I an dtiiraM to ane on a)) Nutoi and Account*, if net aettled by JUtnm Day. ^^I,f BY ^ J?HiWk?RADl, w^foio 1W jjMWyw ff+immry, lioww. HHd VKB Iff 3R3 ^PRlNg WODSI ftod SWNR^Y W^tmSM^ MmtAK IMMMIii j ; Mfrtt 4?-u ^JOHK V*OKADT. Fancy and Staple s DRY GOODS. JU8T NMiftd, a M lln* of Dmm Goons, J for ImUm and gratUms, miWmIb? all bMw? from a 0017 common to ihe boat Fabric* kopt la ikta market, among #l?h li man/ 0# the novelties of the day. Alto, a good lino of Wkito Goods, Embroideries, Lam Goode, Ao. 1 Ilaadknrvbiefs, Hosiery. do5 Sloaeked and Brown Shirtings anil Sheetings, Drillings, ? Tinkie*> A- V~. ..I.. ?? April ft " 4A-4T JOHN W. GRADY. Hardware, Cutlery Ac. ? GDC A GENERAL assortment of Table . W???d Pwktt CUTLERY, together wHA 1 W all descriptions ?f Shelf HARDWARE . mailly kept in this mirkel. Abo, Axes, Grain and Grass Scythes, Sneatbs, Cradle*, and Reaphooks, Spades and Shovels, Roping, Traoe Chains, Nails, Ao. Ju-t receded and for sal* 1 by JOHN W. GRADY. . April ft AS tf 1 Ready-Hade Clothing. J A FULL Assortment *f SUMMER CLOTII- j ,/\ ING, Coats. Vests, Pants, Shirts, and S Under Garments, Collars. Cravats, 8toeks and Tias. Just receivod and for sab by a April ft 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. T BONNETS. /x A FULL Liuo of Trimmed and Un- " >52>trim?aed BONNETS -ud FLATS, Ruches, Flowers, Wreaths, Ribbons, Ac. Just received and for sale by ? April ft 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. HATS. I A VERY large Stock of Dress, Soft and Summer HATS, for Men and Boys, s! Just reroived and for sale by a April 4 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. e! CARPETS, MATTINGS, * Oil Cloths &c. 11 SOME Imndsomo Carpets, Mattings. Oil Cloths, Rngs, Attomans, Ac. Just ruceived and for sale by April ft 48-tf JOHN W. GR^DY. WALL PAPER. 2/^/'"t/'Y l'IKCKS new and tiandsomo patGv/VJ torn* of Wall Paper. Bordering, Window Shades, Fire-place Screens, Ac. Just rccHyptl nnd for sole by \ April * 48-tf JOHN W. ORADT, " WOODEN WARE. C^EDAIt, varnish painted Buckets, Well J Buckets, Tulisand Heelers, Corn Brooms, V Ac. Just rooci ved end for salo !> i* April 8 48-tr JOHN W. GRADY. h DRUGS & I7YI:-8T1JFFS, ? WINDOW GLASS, Putty, Faints, Oils, Jl YY/ Ac. Just received and for stilo by . CSL JOHN W. GRADY. * April 5 48 tf * writingIpaper, BTjank books, AC. . 1KTTKR and Cap Paper, Blank and Mem- " J oraudunt Books, Spelling Books, Inks, Gold and Steel Pens, Bennot Boards, Ac. Just received and fur sale by April 8 48-tf J01IX W. GRADY. boots and shoes. jh, _ A WELL assorted Stock of Ladies', t and Child's Boots, Gaitora, Buckskin and Slippers, heeled and unhealed. Men's, Boy's, and Youth's Boots and Shoes of every variety. Just received and for sale by JOHN W- GRADY. April 8 48 tf groceries. oAM-a 7AYA and Rio Coffees, Loaf, Crushl&JLJJfd and Brown Sugar*. No. I and jflHHmWest India Molasses, Teas, Candles, 1 Candies, Mackerel, Ae. For sale by j Ap8R 8 4S-tf JOHN W. GRADY. t, Crockery and Glassware. A FULL assortment ot China, Granite xV. and Common Ware, Glassware, Ae. ^ J dst receiVed and for sale by April 8 -IS-tf JOHN W. GRADY. iDinu We bare JUST RECEIVED a fin* Stock of -< STAPLE AND FANCY s DRY GOODS, Which, for r QuqliUi *o0 Cheapness , (we think.) CAXNOT BE SURPASSED. o If Ton With to secnro'tha greatest BAR- " CAIN W* hare ercr offered, CALL EARLY. . W* do not consider it nee**sary to numerate Articles or Prices, as crery body knows that we keep always a LA ROE * ilB SELECT STOCK OF BOflBS ' in our line, at as MODERATE PRICES as e can benfforded. Therefore wo ear, ' * ' mso i (D-osaa &m,\ And examine, and see if what we say be so. " o ITe have also for sals, A O Octave nelodron, in perfect order; a 4 OCTAVE PARIS-MADE f ALEXANDER PARLOR OR CHURCH ORGAN, and two good aoeond-hand PIANOS. W. H. HOVEY. v April A 4S if ?. P. nam a. s. ooonixrr. . REED a GOODLETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ' ** ~jAi r 80L2CIT0B8 111 EQUITY. c OUKKNVILLR, ?. 'C. J Ogle* North-Eo*t Corntr Court How 8qmr*. c ffJu"*4 4 *l ; K. P. JO?R9, . ; ATTORNEY AT LAW and solicitor in equity J 4> OK IS K TIC WE. , O, ftf- OMe* F-**t tide of Court Hon*# Square, where bo Bony be fband dally, from 9. A. M., to i, P. II. 17-1/ Ju 19 J j. a. pear80nico7, * ORBEHrULE, 8. c., i MANUFACTURERS of, ud WIioUmIo < ud Retail Dealer* la Tin Ware, Sbaat Itm, Sine. 4b*, TIN ROOPPIO, OUYTSRINO, REPAIR. jHO, m< all other Work la oar line 4m* y ^""nvuaa.a s ^ Jabr U 1# M u ranchez' specific. : A7 POSITIVE ar.d SPEEDY CURE for , A OhonorrtkBa end Oleok Hao ix^bod v (ao?#, and 1? u excellent Remedy, fir fab by JOHN W. GRADT. - ' j 1 ^ \* V . 7 ? t ? >a * * ? * * J I I I.I I I 'I. in UF'H IL ."' I its ssa Ladd,^^^gA C?.? t 3BWIN6 M AGHINBS, ] WI1ICH, N Baanty, and BlaptM^ rfOilWillii, and HlBelaaoy In Workiaf, am Tj UHEdtJALLSB BY AIT. ? t Few ol the Manr Bcamm d Wfcy these MMkbM B ARK PREFERRED , above all otuuls. J I. They an so mnvktbly WwjsJe la their k lonstmetion. A child can operate lk?a and o{ inderatand their mochauism. 3. They aro the strongs* Sewing Machine* nade.* It U almost impossible to break or got hen oat of order. * L They aro sure in their operation: ftnlshag work in a uniformly perfect manner. / 4. They make a ti|il lock ttiuk, alike on >oth aide* of tbo work, which cannot be aara* ft. They otitch, hem, bind, fell, run and 1 |ttk?r, without baating. A. They tew equally well the lightest and learicst fabrics. n' 7. They sow over the heaviest seams with- w >nt changing the tenaion or breaking thefinoat w bread. X. They nae any No. of Cotton, Thread or ilk, directly from the spool. 9. They use a straight ncodlo ; cursed ones re liablo to hrenk. ?" 19. The noedlo has a perpendicular motion. his is absolutely noccssary for hoary work. II. They bnro a wheel feed ; none others are O i constant contact with the work.. b? 12. They run ensllr and are almost noiseless, et 13. They aro not liable to oil tho dress of tlio N pcrator. 111 14. They do not require a scrcw-drircr to ? st tho needles. a< lft. They do not bare to be taken apart to II or clean. 1ft. They do not form ridges on tho under r* ids of the work, nor ravel out, nor ore tboy c: esteful of thread, as is the case with all bain-stitching machines. ^ 17. Tbey are capable of deing a greater b, inge of work, and in a more perfect maimer lau any other Sewing Machino. We warrant theso Machines, and vouch for " ie recommendation of the above. DYER Sc PICKLE, AGENTS, / GREENVILLE, S. C. V April 19 ft? it ^ WAGON IA KING AND REPAIRING. IIKsubscribers respectfully inform the pub- f lie that thev intend carrying on the bn- . Incse of WAGON M ANtTF ACT lift ING, and I i'AGON and BUGGY REPAIRING, in the ft iiwn of tlrocnville. The l>est of Timber will /. e used, and the work warranted to be well done, a (r. POOL, who will superintend the work, is a rorkinan of considerable experience, having li sarned the business under tiie best workmen at w /-s : Y? t ..r n - n . _ *. ua vbi i m^u mciuij ??? iuconrn. uuncr, VOX, *1 lark Icy A Co. All work will bo done upon ii lie moat reasonable terms, and on short notice, o l share of patronage respectfully solicited. J WANTED. p A lot of REASONED LUMBER wanted, ?r which a fair prioe will be paid. J. A. T0WNE8. W. P. POOl,. W. A. TOWNER. _ 0recnrille, February J. 1 SCO. 30 tf * JAMES M. ALLEN,J HAULS': DEALER, : MBEEHIVlLliE,S.C. 8 I3r All Ordtfti for Makihc Woak nroro|HM y attended to. 40 -tf Feb 0 HANDSOME JEWELRY , i OH HALE. * A VERY GENERAL ASSORTMENT of i fine and other J A! WJM.U V may tie tiaf f lb. Subscriber, who make* to order Engage- n ie*r Ring*, and anr other ?rtirl? required in r is line. XUL. REPAIRING faithfully dono t Three Doora below the Goodlett House i J II; RANDOLPH. Wreer.ritle. S. C.. Sep. 15, 185?. 10-tf , JAMES FLECK. house & sign painter, Paper Huttvor St tilailer. 41 oiikenvii.le, s. c. { rn.Lfaitiifillt txccctk all work entrusted . TO IIIM. d Residence on Augusta Street, near Depot. Feb 23 43 1y FOR RENT, Bttj UNTIL tbe first day ef January ? {J| next, at (200 per annum, iiL the store house ? n .Main street, Greenville, S. C., recently oe- a upiod by Macldix A Loxo. i 0. A. MAULDIN, f Adm'x, tie bnnie mh, ef S. Muuldin, deo'd. 1 larch 1 43 f ? H0f8BPAINTIN6. rHK subscriber la prepared to EXECUTE , promptly all orders for house painting: ? pon the moat reasonable terms. 1 T. C. QOWRR. I April 19 M tf j notice. 1 rilR CepArtnersliln heretofore existing between the undersigned, f?w tbe pur- . io?e of opei-ntlng McBe.'a Mills. A??.. below IrMiirllk C. II., nritl terminate m the Tirf 'tapt of Normabet neat. Pa ramie having lame* againet the Company will plena* preent them to Mr. McRkc ; and th?me indcht d will oblige ua by aauiingat an earlr date ' vithhlm. A I.EX McBKE, 0. HEAD. Sep 10 80 / >W ^ NOTICE^ ~~~ [HAVE aaaociated with at in bneineaa, Kt. t JOAR MACLDIN. The bnaineaa will be ' arrleJ en ia my JVew Brick Store Jt>n>w, uuler the aiyleand Arm, of RoaaaTi A Miitwu. Ia retaining my thanks g my friend* tor heir liberal patronage, I wllftagiclt a oentlaaakea of the aame, to the New wine. T. B. ROBERTS, Oreeavllle, S. 0. Jaly SOth, I860. j wewTFirm. VTBI aabaeribera have aaaoclated themaelve* { JL together In baalqeaa, aodef the ftrm of tOBRRTA A MA0I.D1N, take pleeoare la ] evitlag their frWnde, and the pebita general- I f, to their wtil selected Sleek of Oeode, Eta- p racing all OoadR acaaUy kept ia atatee ia. r *r plaee. Glde ae aoail hafero making year arebaeea. Tea will tad the Oooda and p rieoe to nil. T. D. ROBERTS. S JOAB L. MAOLDIH. U treeariBa, S. Ck, Jaly Sltb, IMA 1 ' ' > * S .> ' ^"S^fCsW OK8, ' SROGANS, & .? WIU ADAPT ID TO TBI# MAkklT. Ill the mH?m> wUI W foaai adfoa, XI?m' and Cblldraa'a Mtw aft* Sbaea, *f many kindi. UtMB'i, Youilu' ?ua Bejra' Boat#, <3*itera ud Shoo*, itchvr * Boot*?u imlW iHKk rogini of all abMa Md MMdirabt* audi*. > Ia/ict, u hit m HwrUwul of Artioles b la Km aa can b* foand la any aatabliahiaant i itownof dwMaiatM. u? ?ig mpniHii; ?u (nunowN* m li Price* for Caab, hIUImI that hlaUood* in fared At the Lowest Possible Figure. Person* In want of anything of lb* bind ill plaaaa giro bin a ealL alio, ox n a ho. 1 Good Stockof real her, AT WHOLESALE AND U IT AIL. loot and Shoe Baking. Thia branch of hia butinraa ieatillOMTiraia dcr bis personal anpcrvltion, and every ear* ill be taken to guarantee satisfaction t* tboae ho patronise kitn. 17-tf Nov 10 HE WORLD OUTPairfe 1 THE MEDICINE CALLED 1 Inf In mmulory t:nlirputor,Mv L\7" 11ICH waa aold duHngConrt in thiaplae*. TT la now on sola, by J. W. illlADY, of reenvillc. It cannot now bo longer doubted lit tliia Medicine I* tbo moat effirnciruis remedy or in tbia place, for Kidney Disease*. Pile*, curalgia, Lung Diseases, Dyspepsia A Rbcustisui. Numcroua rases of tba above diaca* >a bave been cured this proaent week, lloiul:hc. Toothache, Earache, Sprain*, und alt DowAflcetiona, disappear before it a* if by the ?ueb of raagio. Try U. and keep it ia Your ituillca, for slcknoad cornea wbon yon looat tpact it. J. \Y. QRADY, Agent Tor Greenville. S. C.: <T. E. HILL, Wholesale Ag't atColumbia; also y all Wbolesalo Druggists in Charleston, 8. C. U. W. DAVIR, Proprietor, Box 4520, New York Poat Office. Nor S 2? tf OuNDED 1852. CHArtlEREO 1854 I.OCATBn Corner of Baltimore and Charles Streets, 11 ALT! MORE, WD. rilR L?rnc?l, Most Elegantly Furnished, and Popular Commercial College in th? Inited States. Designed expressly for Young fen desiring to obtain a 7*Aoro?.yA Pi-aetiea/ 1 ueiwsee Education in thi least possible time nd at tbe least expense. A Largs and Beautifully Ornamented Circusr. containing upwards of Six Square /'est, dth specimens of Pentnauship, and a Large Jngrnving, (the finest of the kind erer made i tliis country,) representing the Interior View f tho College, with Catalogue stating terms, sc., will be sent to every Young Man on aplieatlon, free of eAwrye. Writ* immediately and yna will receive the ackage by return mail. Address, K. K. LOP IER. March 1 45- ly Baltimore, Md. IOWARO ASSOCIATION, I'll I LA DEI.PHI A, i Benevolent Institution established by special Endowment, for the Rslief of the Blek and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for tbe Cure of Diseases of tbe Pexual Organs. ACEDICAL Advice given gratis, by the AetjfX in* Burgeon, to all wbe apply by letter, ith a description of their condition, (age, ooupat ion, habits of life, Ae.,) end '.a oases nf aureate pororty, Medicines furnished free of barge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, end ther Diseases of the Pexual Organs, and on the Tew Remedies eraploysd In the Dispensary, rnt te the afflicted in scaled letter envelopes, ce ef charge. Two or three Stamps for Peeige will he acceptable. Address, DR. J. 8RILLIN HOUGHTON, mting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. t onlb Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pv. Uy order of the Directors. EZRA D. IIEARTWKLL, President. Gbo. Kaiucuild, Secretary. Fab 40 ly "SADDEEi HARNESS VI A N UFA OTO HY ^ THE snnacriber would reap jetfully inform (ha public generally thai fat j "* .- htinne* the above Rwefnessjt Tw*1 ?oorv ?i?w r?f ffiWiWm Jfofef, and is pre-1 arcil tn furnUh eo?t?m?ra with any description f HOME MANUFACTURED Pai/DLKS. 'nrriage. Buggy and Wagon HARNESS made a order, and in the hast styles. BRIDLES.: Willi', Ac., on band, and f?r aaie CITKAP.' ?nddfti and llarnena REPAIRED at hort notice. A. M. UIZ,REAT1I. Ti Maroh 20 41 1y BLACKSMITH INQ. Tho concern of TOWNES A ^JMlW^llAIYKIXP baring been di*M.!v. SOSXainSslcil by mutual consent, tbo business rill be carried on at tha saute Shop be the uncrsigned. O. W. BROOKS. January, 1869. J. L. 1IAWKIN3. NOTICE. rllE nndrnicawl baring transferred bis Interest in the Blacksmith Shop near Witlama' Store, to Messrs. Baooca k HawkMh, akes pteaauroin recommending them to a than f public patronage. They will be prepared to .Mmd promptly and sntiifactorlly^to all calls a their lino. Thoy bare experienced and aklllul Smiths in Horaeehooiag, Repairing ami rnuing Wagons, Plough Work, and all ether rdiuary work of a Blacksmith Shop. January, I860. 17-tf O. F. TOWNEE. n^mLCAKD" rllE undersigned would respectfully bring to the notice of Oreenrilte and vicinity, lis friend, ROBERT A. HARRIS, Surgeon ilcnlist, who has, during the |alt ikrre years, riran his elosa and undivided attention to dentistry, and who is now prepared to attend o his Profession In both Its branches. He nay be found at my Rooms. JOHN ANDERSON, Jnly S 9 tf Surgaou Dentist. *5 ORR * PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT UW, GKICENV1LLE, S. amw. u omk. . +..rato* May 1* 1 i( HAV XNOj/l HA1K TRMMIKft, ME8SIN*, 0VtK9, A*0 tAZOR RETTING AND RflAMWJOtNN,' at mi Booond Door ktott My. MoPharMtt** MwWIL80NrwCC>0K. ? r*r- ? - "y,^~ 10USE AND LOT IN TOWN awSSsas BRliiroAd. odj >i??iag loads of fog% X. W. Tbo Lot coatoiM Oao Ao^f <hi tbt la* If a sploadld. wall ?f?W, tM? tut ?? jroaoz Orchard. . v For further portiiaKwb, m do torn*, Ao^ tpJy to tbo ?obM-ribo+, o? tbo preniooo, or at his top. A b?rjf?ia oaa U obial??d, mimA?rmln?d to net!. W. if. POOL eb?w|S CyS?lWrdl w^ke M ?rfcfeClQp J riiMlML'd(^?jui^iAMiiM B Most of 1 ystora from iU^PStn;ctiv^ not only ScrofuK hut also those other affee tions which arise from it, $u?h As BhOTTivn '' and' stix Disraaks, St. AnYkpkV*? F?*? (gl Hose, or Ektsivkuv PcsTCk*?, . ^ bi.otches. blaixsand8oil?,tvwrh,trrtnt > *i and Salt lintw. Scald Head, Rikowo?, Hmrvmatimm, 8Trnn.rncartdMEKCvitiAl.lJiE-.*s, Duursr, DvarBPsiA, drhilk-y, and, indeed, MX Complaihts akiiinq mom Vitujrtew ok Impvrb Blood. The popular belief in " i.:ipurity of iha bhod" is founded ill truth, tU fbr scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. Tfc* particular purpose and virtued?f tbia S&rsaparilla ia to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health & impossible in . jl contaminated constitutions. * Ayer's Cathartic Pills, i FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHY8K), are so composed uuuulw^u within u>? ?.?*- - * their action can rarely withstand of ?va<k thctdL theit penetrating properties seer oil. and eleaast, and luvigarate every portion at the human organism, correcting iu disc*ted action, ami restoring ilsbeahhy vitalities. Asa consequence of thssa properties, the inTatid who is bowed down with nain ar physical dehlUty is astonished to find bia I heahh or energy restored by a remedy at ogee a?j? ' simple and inviting. C Not ?aly do they curt the very-day eotupUlaU of every body, but also many formidable so* dangerous diseases. The agent beta* named is I -pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanas, J Z. containing certificatesof their cures and directions anting fvoni a 'low state of the body or dbotfuetU* Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ron ths narii) c??i or Coughs, Colds, ItiMMt, llaamae%vW I Croup. Bronchitis, Isteiplont Con?pt:'.^j TT tion, and for the rdief of CoMiwidfpdHU I Patients in advanced stager o( wf IS dUfcaoo. ml arm dvsperaSjrAstwws of the>'wnftt oy ny; other medicine of it* kind is too.appareut to e?c*r>* * olxervation, and whs re iu virtue* are Mown, til# ' I 1 public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ tor the distressing and dangerous affcrtlon* of th* community bar# failed Mtd bees discarded. tb{i h*? gained (Vicads by every trial, conferred heaaiSI an ( ? agltcted tbejr cm narer tor get, and ?i*9# dnced cures too numerous and too remarkable fc? ( ' be forgotten. ' ' f l \'v- \:; IWAMW'?f J$E%\&m; ??. J. C. AVKK & CO. # ibwBitc. *Aaa."S|&' / ^j^^For^wSite in ttrecavttU by J. Jl. GRANT and