University of South Carolina Libraries
? U" tfifj# u " to ocu patrons. "' TVUnd*?fi?tron<??>x<!?ja5 %tf, for being , pWn: \f?*AKT Nokxv?U*? money that it ntie, and toort mUl it, dutvtf Turn not a , deaf ?*r to" mvf. want#. The end of the year , k jiproaoliitifr, vbcn oba bill* liavc to be I eettled. tVa depend upon our patron* for hteaita wharevfth to pay th? dobt* wo hnve. ; contracted. Hwsreia, ??d wilt be at the end ? of the year, etwHtrfi d?a am to relieve us of : ' il?e demands which may 1>? mu.le ogninst n * if placed in our hands. Let nabavail, kind I /Honda?not to get rich Oti,?? some are Wont | r^to say?but that we may pay it put *?aj?. a ml thereby helpour lr neting creditor* al?n?. 1 TWt little an^nnt you way,iwdivbhklty, , ^ y. oTvaihej^wtee?wtrether ft>r ' |w1t may p#v, if you will only give il ? start. ;-'l L A man iK./y luee, debts owing to him, by not j K pn\ ing thoso he own) J for, by paying, somw- i B" he]y eine will tie enabled to pay ; and ho on, ' P pei haps for an incalculable munl>er of thiree, J ' until?-h; -r or shorter yontc?Ms \ V purse at la?t receives the Vimfit. Then do j L not delay. Delay* ere <1 imjwmis?not only 1 ? to the debtor, but to the creditor.' '#$9 jr "We hope our patrons will be prompt in , ^ liquidating the amount* duo **. We hope ? C this, aimpl j because we want to be prompt hi in paying our debt*. Each one know* for himself whether or not he is indebted to the prioter-rto n?. If Uo la then k-t liim not1 I wait for his bill, tint at once bring or send it sleng. end thus relieve the wants of the ^ noe%; , It will be sn^ctof ehurity, if no- > thing ejaa. Have yon trot thought of thlet I T^fby, the pubHslver of ? newspaper?though1 he may bofcatof.Jiisifi<li-|ttndrti&?tsninoiig Hi . the most dependent Indues that inhabit the I B*#larth. He dopends^on his ftjlows forna- 1 1 ronsge, for credit; for h good word, for kind < V feehngi, and ?ton Wokk*. If yen are kind enough to give Vim the fiiat, be euf< al -wwa 1? glva hhw the hitter. We henrtilv Y.jfhnuk onr patron# for thelf pntmnage, ami Jiape hail, as long as we publish the Km1 frrprfw , jflgfiwantetoo peor to gb at any ^ ' Ailing slue?iTi tsln it} hut with"Utf A* money WMhsir patron ago is worth nothing io us, ns 2 rail will admit. JjP t- TOK" f> f J Ik conclusion, we would eay thot it is oor I ' intention to send out bills at ?ur earfy day. '1 WagUre fair and timely Wiee. After re- I ?. eeif jp? your bill?if you wait, for it?don't if-f'forgslito??*nd *fm monty, ' I iXL Vary Respectful!v. |H "|e . MMCh'KIN A BAILEY. I $** ?r. ; ' . ,L #11L i ?? ^ cW 1% ]f For ?a* Xlallaotor. . .1 If- We ttrc aumorized lo an* B iimines W. If. BURNS .a Candidate tor T?* 1 II Collector, at the next Election. B JL T_,ssn w a -%f? vt ?WT /iwrtnif* w u idr tiAAic-a jn. DJairia an- * S nouueer himself a-Candidata fur Tax'Collccter,' . S| at the miaing elaetloa. * M r^JOIIN L. TURNER is ri* Wnoueewl a aandidale for T?* Collector at M tBJ_6JWlqg aUction. * friends of JOHNHL || T Alt KAN I!, announce him a candidate for Tax Collector for Orcctiviili: District "WT t9" W# ar^vftitUiorizcd to anTil At'K&TOK a candidate for KS w Caliootor ut tUo aaauing election. FT Jhe Men*ofIlev. J. M. RUNlHat aro authorized tov ati^ * TaY^Oll, fcrq.i d onndWat? for ^ R^SlWKiJUp BOOKBS aoaLltdate fljr Wf ^ *Te authorised -to an- * w. T. AC8XIK a candidate for Tax g^yQ'lt^Or, at the' next el cotton. * 1 /|,jtAar We ar?? authorised hj an- ? " ?tcOUT,tOron a cdtaJjdafo for l *a ^ **"* n?xt' el,<,^on- tf-' . f i * raw'^lS^Wa are authorized to an- > tfuSteU iJtMlfM , H % . . ^r i B ff *- t^U>?y^ J<K t^M^fi^l: Wn'' 1^ I^^B 1 ffr > ZH< ^KEyfftirli . *: . I J*- ' *' V ?' . L ... , ' * Aoo? M??thinfr of gSfesisSS^,'. tut tK* nn*chi?f *?, the 4eep ?nd of[ion pnlnfbl f<x>t|)riiitH itejr h?W left on [the constitution* treated bv lliein.? | Doct. Ay?r'?t naw remedy cures without ! n particle of either of these or nny.olh- < \ er dcliiei ious au balance. Anil he prom* J 1 iie& not only absolute safety hut perfect ; certainty of core, which we may men- ? (ton another quality of excellence not j to be overlooked theee times, and that , is his low price,'which put* this crown- ? ing glory of his art, within the ???cb of | nU.-^ lie raid. Lake County, Ihd. { a?* ???????sw ? *.uui?. i: tar We are-requested to annouacaCaph II. .V. OAVBLK u ? Candidate ,i Tar Major of tb* lit Bat. of 1st Regiment, 8. C. Westkrn RktoBt.?Lima, Ind., July 8, 18611?Measrs. W. E. llsgan A C<>.?Gent*: r am ci.j >}inir my youfhful hair of fifty, and I we hev? w?:b we many iostaocea of the ? Same ?;tnd. I feel just as sure that your n IIAle Restorative ha* strengthened my eye*, a I' am that it ha* changed my hair. Three years ago I was grey. By accident I came serosa a bol-Ue of your Kestontive, tried it end found it what It wee recommended, hence o?fr trade. I am satisfied that with a Tittle attention n large amount can be Bold, I for the worth of the article it on\y to be | known to ensure Its nee in alraosL every 0 family In the country. I hove but a few ^ down left of the five gross January lnet. I wish sosue more this week. Your*. II. W. WOOD. Pastor of the Baptist Chnrcb, Pittsiord, Vt. Remember that this result wo produced by Heunstrect'* luim.tsldc. the original and only ^ reliable Hair Rcetornthre. JK&-Price W cents and tl a botile. 8old by Pishcv A Hsinitah, Greenville. and by * Druggists ererywbere. Deo 20 33-4 From the Memphis Daily Appeal. 1 ? / When wc flrsf ascended tt.e editorial tri- b pOd w? made it a rule never to puff or ra- ii pomroend to owr renders nirythinc, utile** Hie nrtlclo nntieed possessed, in ovtr opinion, ti genuine merit. Hut when an article i? pre- a sen led to our observation p.?casing ibese qualities, we consider it due to ourpatrons, to iiutLs it ,i? tii?wi. w? tnerefbre caff the attontkut'?f our reader* to a new discovery for atfiicU-J man. The " Clierokoe Remedy" for the permanent enre of Qnnorrlrcoa, Gleet and nil diseases of the urinary organ*,' it is compoundeo solely from 1 tools, Darks and Leaves, a pleasant "1 ind delicious syrup, our hest physicians pre- 1 ifcribc tliia "Remedy " in preference to the fi noes-eon* and debilitating preparation* here- Ji fvfore used. To the amictcd, we any. be w lire of those a nocks who will not only ?Jo M |-?a- no gond, hut will ruin you both in ni tttckct. and eonstltnllon. Use .lhc " Chrro- at *e - Remedy," nod then you can depend ?pon fretting an article of real worth and In oerit. See advertisement in another col- ?e mm. Dec 20 88-4 tl " T.O.O. fT' ; r NO UN TAIN LODGE, 7i UV^St No. 15, 1.0. 0. F., meets Evrjf TAnrtday Eienimy U Peb 28 42-ly? J. M. JONEP, See. BIXJSF IN TBH HHnJTEsT" ~ J ARYAN'S rULMONIC WAFERS! ^ TDE Oriental Medicine Established in 1S37. and ftn<t article of (ho kind ever introduced under the name Of" Pslmoxio Warms " in this or any other country ; nil other Pulmonic Wafers arc counterfeit*. The gnnuino can be known by the niunc of BltYAN beiug stamped on each WAFER. ? HKYAX> PULMONIC WAFERS tolicvcCoughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness r, BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS r lolievo Asthma. Rrolichitis, Difficult Breathing , BUYAN A PULMONIC WAFERS *} lelievc SpUttng of Rlood Pnins in the Chest. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS "f telioro Insipient Consumption, Lung Diseases. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS ftoliovo Irritation of the l'vnla ami Tonsils. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS loUmre (toeabove Complaints in Ten Minutes, BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS - A Ire u Hk-nslng to all Clns.'es and Constitutions.' .?ssaas&.. y BR VAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS } ire la a simple form and pleasant to tlio taste. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS 'ot only rolietre, hut effect rapid A lasting Cilrcs BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS tre! warranted to give satisfaction to every one. No Family should, ho without * Box of ?! * BRYAN'S NJ1MONIO WAFERS Wl J* run iioi si:. bi No Traveler should bo witbont a supply of BRYAN'S PULMONIC WATERS J,, IN HIS POCKRT. No person will svor object to rive' for l)n BRYAN'S PULMONIC WATEHS \y TR KNTY-riVE CENTS. p, JOB MOSK , Sole Proprietor, . Rochester, N. Y. __ Fot- salb In ttrtcpvilie by Fi&hku A list- n it?h, anal all Druggists; Yam chaack A T HuiKaow, Charleston, Wholsosule Agents. w. 1 May 17 1 lyeow -* stkaved> I f j FROM tho subscriber's pro- d fPTr mixes, in September Inst, a wnpv Urge DHF.P RED COW. No particular marks remain be red. Ct S^BBOcEHfcAny information concerning foi aid Cow, as to her whereabout*, will be tbnnk- mi ally reoelvod. 8sId information uiay b? loft gu Hber at tho Enterprise Otfici. or with myself. ui ,W. HOWELL. Deo 20 S3 2 kotice. A ML1CT1NO of the t .WM.RY t ?M- /. f\. PA NY will ho hold at the New Ucnrt iotiee, AWrftty n<xi. 2l?i i>i'fnnt, at 11 o'clock, O I. M. All tlio members aro particularly ,roineatcd to attend, a# tae C'impany will he or- Ct ;anisod. An election for ntfio?r? will ho hold, gj md Uniform adopted, and otber business of tuportenco trenr&oted, . - C. 11: LAVftRAU, Jr., 8*<fj. SfiMlTffiDM *??? ,, MS1I Of HTflSCajBIIO* : J 4 NV>NM aaVwriblng $3.00, become* A ]j, /V member tor on? your, and will r roiro 0,| 3jrr. TAe large and beautiful Steely liugrnTIf altering HU AeeruiU-" - in. One copy, ono year, of thai elegantly, i [tjjLyj,Jfchf CeeMeyelitan Art Jotrnkl. j 3f?.^To*foti* AdioMHset, (luring iho Exlilhi- J ActiutyU.A. A., wSrStoly. J b?t.V?e#>U<?* vo?ohM WW, P PKIOg, Atftowy 8w<i-e t-?ry, O'venvtlle, whohafltyec- , Engraving ajyt Art Journal ftir I .at&iZ * '.I)" * I ' ' ' . "i -3 "v " v ; '& |L^ ' t ^ -i ' a > '' tS:'. ,fc> /Jl ,ao?.ir sg -ar 4"U ^?$8185^ o,. iwinto or A. JAMKS w. BATK6, decc.Hbd, arv roSlooted to teako immedliktu payuioot { and on baring defraud* agfttaot th* mubo, to h?ad them In, ngrrmarlj nHtaVd } ( Ailm'n. The State of South Carolina,N OUKJSN VILI.H DISTRICT. T> OBKRT <lRSBNFTKLO, wSo In in the JLV? ?r .tho sb?ri# of Uroatitjiio biKiriid, by vtrmb of a writ of rn/fin* a,I ?ut fjnrtcMtitiHJ. nuvinjr U1CU JRDiy VHKC, together with a aehcdHefotf oaW, of hi* estate and -fleet*, his potittow to to* Court of Common fleas, Siai h? admitted to tfcybon>flt or thoAct of floncrcl Assembly, mad* 'or the relief of ItMWent debtors: "It is Oricrod, Tbut the said Jackson, Miller A Vcrd y, and all others, the creditors, to whom tho aid Robert <}roonfleM is in anywise indebted, le, aud they aro hsdehy summoned, and hare lotieo to appear I "fore the said Court, at Sreenrille <>*art "House, on the fonrth Stoning in JUarch n*rt, to show cause, if any they an, why rti*praye? rff the ]>ctUioner should ? C * W. A. MrPANri!!,. c. c. P. * ?. a. OfBoe Court of Common Ilea*; GrcenrUI* Jistrirt, December 201 h. 1800. Dee W- 1 33 8m TO KENT, s am,? VWU mr MSI DWRLTr INtr UOUbJCS, one of which privats Hoarding House, each ear tlie centre of business, on Main Hfreet. I Applv to W. H. WAl^sON. Itee is 81 tf TO KENT, . A 1 >1561 It ABLE RESI~ PENCE on BuiiociiiIm-Street, flThe lit>USE oontains six Itonms, with nil nccessnry ut bniiviitigs on the premises. Possession iven immediately. C. II LANNEAU, Jr. Pec 18 82 tr LAW PARTNERSHIP^ WjLLIAM II. PERRY, having been i admitted to the I3?r, is associated pith Ids Father, BENJAMIN F. PERRY, a tho practice of Ijuv on the \\ eatem Ciruit, under tho Firm of PERRY A I'KKRY. 'Iiev will attend the Courts of Abbeville, tnoerson, Pickens. Greenville, Spartan airg and PniiPehs. Their office nod address Greenville G, 11., S. C. UTl'lie Cldtlstlnii Courier,South Caroliiun, and papers in tliia Circuit, will give four reekly insertions, mid forward their l.ilU to if p. "PERKY aud OfolfffflTeVPoe. io|^. 32-tf ^ 3ie State of South Carolina. O REEN VILLK PISTR ICT. . SHERIFF'S SALES. SY virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Fa- 1 eiiis. In m? u-Jll 1?a -aI.i i ? ?nt of the Court llouso, on Sales-day in 1 iniurjr next, j 120 Acres of Land, adjoining land* of I Inrtiti Rainy, Hatn (Jreen el ill,; levied on i the property of Tvreo Roberts, nt tins lit of MeDavwl ?t llum-An. 88 Acre* of Land, more or lew, Adjoining ndt of Isaac Co.v, Win. Austin ct al.; lev- ' J on as the pntpert y ^ T') ree (ilcnn, at ' le suit of P. I J. 11 tiff. I Itoan Horse, 1 Black Wily nn?l I Bug PI levied ou At tlio propofIy of J. T. Ilcit ey, At tlte tuft of M. B. KarJc. TERMS OAjSIL 1'Kfclinscr fo pay for ticf. ! j. i. s/g. 1). i Sheriff's Office, Dec. 18, 18i.0. 82-4 Cheap (SroceriesJ WOSUKN BUTTER ' ; [ J SCO A IIS, COFFEES MOLASSES, SYKUI' , MACCAKONI, KICK. CHEESE \ MACKEREL. COD-FISH* 1 OAKLLICS, RAISINS, Ac. j All just Wfeivod and for sale Terv lowUy , llUYCE SMITH, j, Opposite T. B. Roberts' Now Store, > NOTICE. CHE Notes atnl Accounts of P. T. F0WLKR 4 co., will ho found in the hands , "f. 6. Fowler, for settlement, until the firsl JanuMu^atter which time thump 9pfc,i>md j II bu pMclit, indiscriminately, iu the bauds q an officer for collection. t Nov 22 29 * fi * * r c AUGUSTA F I It E 1N S.U RANCH 1 JND BANKING COMPANY, ' If able terms. W. T. SHUMATE, Agent. Nor 1 26 tf MATTRESS MAKING. j IT M. LANtlSTttX would inlerm tha eitt- i IV sens of Greenville, that he is proper- J > to manufacture MAT TJ{ ESSES. He also ,, inu fact ares M'll/l'S. He warrants nil of n s Work. Ho may lie foutul immediately op- t aite tho Railroad Depot, in the house for- 'r isrly occupied hy Mr. B. Strndley. All Orders left with either Mr. Ketchit, Messrs. Long, Goodlctt ? Co. or Mr. T*. % illiatns, will be attended to with promptness, dl and exomiuo his Work at either of the ove places. Sop ft IS ^ , tf* mmm mmm. ^AMTLIKS and Housekeepers desirous of _ having Carpets made Fitted and Laid in superior manner, can h?vw their work attendto, with promptness, by leaving orders ut Til OS. STEEN'S, under MoBcc's Hall. Parties wishing to order Carpets, >il Cloths, 1 irnlces, 'Window Shades, Stair Rods, Dauinsk r Curtains, with design* ftir satuei, tan have ensures and diagrams taken, and satisfaction laranteud, on application as above. All work " tended to personally. 24-tt Oct 18 MISS RUTH LEWIS C IIAS just received her fall , C?y<tYO^ St4>ek of Pickles, preserves, Jams, I] in.v'.AtaC - Pennor Snucc nnd Toiaato Cntsun : Lobsters, Sainton and Sardines ; wSttfB*** Assorted (.'audio*; Alp, I'wUr, >rdinls, Wines and Sugars; Soda Biscuit, >ong* and Sweet Cracker*. Sho will always keep mrzz a. jml *33 am / I hand, of her ewn manufacture, and will fill _ dors at short notloe. . Oct 11 23 tf 3 POWDER. ^ plIE subscriber keeps oonstantly on hand L a supply of BLASTING and RIFLE UWDER, ninnufueturcd at tbo South Caro- "I >a Vowder Mills, lMekens District; warrant- J 1, and eh. up for cash. r * LEONARD WILLIAMS. }, Nov 29 ^ 30 4 jj jpAMDING'S PREPARE!) BLUE. J USEFUL IXf JBVEHV HOURS. f, TtLUfl), and ready for nss all the tine, and J as strong as Cabinet Makers' glue. Price ir bottle and brush, 25 cents. Fur salo by J. B. SUKRMAJf, Agent. 17 V tf Jacob's Cordial. FORSA EBY rOHH W. GRADY. GREENVILLE, H.' OTZVJ8URK REMEDY In enaee nf DIAR n IUttEA, DYSENTERY and FLC.X, all and ^et* pottle, I'rioc f LOO, ?* A . ' ' . ' ? * . * - < I V.- v '*& ' .* ? ^ * i-UL ?m?llii r 1X SSI.^Sl "'! jp0& sr ; | f K8PEC;"f Jl)Ctj iaferai tb? citiicu #f ( JEkr ju*t reeewed f A t : , Of the m/-rk<;t. lie Iws (Warn tartlet. A fw*? Stock of I'EHIWMISH ?\e; Fa^cjr (JoodJ. il*atewlwn, .ml ViaJin* Smoked. SeefJToj All kin* of ?o?4 ** Parti-nlg**, Wild PI He n&a Meet* ur cnn?. ?M<?h n. Calf Tonphr. H Salmons, HwnUiimi Lol>il?rt, Pronerred Kggt h Tomatoc, Ruspberrv ud Lemon 8YRUP. All HIS EATKK la kepi open at all hours of tho day, and until YOU WILL FIND ALL OF T1IK AB< GREENVILLE C . OPPOSITE THEM HARRISON & L0N8.1 t J, NEW BOOTS _4 SHOES. WE arc now opening the Largost and boat elected LOT of l>> i*5? ' 33SS3 3,333 53333, Offered fot sole In Greenville thia acanon. Tho STOCK has been seleetcd with groat euro by one of the firm, and we arc prepared to aell as LOW as can be fonnd anywhere in this market. We hiive MEN'S SHOES at ra-w f 1.00 to $6.00. Both Fine Dress and Waterproof, from $3,00 to $12.00. Several eases of HOYS' DOOTS, embracing nil tlie YOUTHS' BOOTS, fine and coarse. YOUTHS' SHOES, all kinda. We have a great variety of Ladiea' Dress and Walking BOOTEES. GAITERS AID SLIPPERS A full Assortment of WMm& SHDDiS, An assortment of OVEH-SHOES urid S A XVA LS. Wc are manufacturing as fine and substantial BOOTS & SHOES; As can be put up in any establishment in this country, a* we work nothing but the BEST SXOt k thai can be procured. fl/J n'orl- tcti rriiMtrti. Thankful for past favors, we respectfully solicit a eontinjtnuco of the same. A few more Pairs of Misses' and Bora' HOME-MASE SHOES "cmaining on hand. oMiwl toll's, Ono door above Long & Burnham's ixDiiVtfAO- Itttl'CSDJ.&itf,, Kqt 3 . . , 27 tf ' rho State of South Carolina. CHEEKY II.LE DISTRICT. 1 equity. SALE QF liKAL ESTATE. LL M. Kilgnro. et al, vs. B. F. Kilgore.? ViU for S'lte of licrtl f?Htute. TN obediciVco to nn order froiu the Court of 1_ lCijiiIty "in tills cast, I will sell, at public , motion, to the highest bidder, at (Ireeuville 1 'ourt Hon He, i | On Sale-day in January Next, V portion of the Real Kstateof Joaiali Kilgore, > Iccenscil, to wit c : TltACT No. 1?Containing about 250 Acres, ying on Guorw, adjoining hinds of 1*. ('. Lee- * er, W. Hates ct al? about, bait in ivpod-land, laying on Eticree ltivtr ono of the finest bonis, for manufacturing purpose*, in tho uponntry. , . J TRACT No. 2?Containing about 10 Acres, ' idjoining Tract No. 1, about one-half in wood- ' and, ami having a tine Shoal on Rockyfiehl < 'reek, sufficient for Mill purposes. TRACT.No, 3-?Continuing 135 Acres, on lockficld Creek, known as the Jo. t^Jpper Tract, no half woodland, well timbered, tome Ilototn, in cultivation, tho balance land ouoo ultivatcd, but now gr<>wn up. . TRACT Na. 4?Within two 'miles of Oreonillo C. 11., containing 170 Acres, adjoining 1 auds of K. Pike and others. WM. M, TU(VMM>, I Commissioner's Office, Nov. 14, 1860. 28-td i VRI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE, FROM 8PABTANBUBG TO GBEEHVUiE. TTIE subscribe!* hare commenced *Tki-Wkkk"ti/'i 'JfTT^Tt i'y ^? A"' Ei.nk between ~ rtmi inmntiBilii above places. A luck will leave Spartanburg every Monday, ' Vcdoesday and Friday mornings at 8 o'clock, nd Greenville, every Tuesday, Thursday and ? Saturday mornings, nt the same hour, and nrivc at each place between -four and five 'clock in the afternoon. Fare?each way? 3 OH. * 1 Office?Spartanburg?Palmetto House. * " Greenville?Aloud lot t llonso. ' HARVEY, PRINCE A Co. Nov 15 28 tf " MRS. WILTON , fHAft RECEIVED 1IKR ? FALL & WINTER i SS00S w&im which she respectfully invites j ho Ladies to call and examine. It consists of , VELVET AND 8TBAW HAT8, i "EAVHEIftS, FILOWEK?, RIBIIOKH. HKAB-llltKBSKS, I tlUSIQ M CAPES ' AXR MOURNING BONNETS. ' Bho in prepared to carry on bcr aotasmwsUiB MUKasr?* i a usual. DRESSES AND, CLOAKS CUT kSD BASTED. .fT-VeJS. . Oct U 23 ' ' tf * ' AN ORDINANCE rO PREVENT THE KINDLING OF FJIIES JN THE LOW, HTRFWFB AND SQUARES OF GItEKN- . vi Alb.4 BE IT ORDAINT). That from and after 1 this dnte it shall not be lawful for any ersnn to kindle or have a fire without doors, M> scalding or cleaning hog*, nt any place in li? Town of Greenville, within two hiiur?d foot of any building, under a penalty f mot I cm that) Ttfcnty Dollars lor eaeih of snco. Done and ratified under flie corporate wal of the mid Town of Greenville, this ( fohrlh day of Lfcteember, In ths year 1 of our Lord one thousand tight hundred and sixty. C. J. KLFORD. Tntcndant. 1 C. M. SlcJuaaiv, Clerk Council. Deo A 81 S NOTICE. A LL perrons indebted to the Estate of t\. ABRAHAM COX, deceased, are re lueeted to make Immediate payment D. HOKK. Executor. D?? 19 33 3 ?i cootctionbbikf f FANCY CANDY, for Wed.liug and oth. K'Tft ACTS, xBdlfair Pntnadr, ?ad all Mbda.i , and large stock of Toy*. For family a* SB, Bologna Sausages ia ?maEasia. f*t ; Idgeons, T ufkey* and Chickens, pa Sap inhoxct leef Steak, Jlr?f, A la Mode lleef, Mine* Meat ml Ojstera, in cana. Pioe Apple, Slrawborriui k? Ale and Porter. Q SALOON 10 in the ereuiitg. live always cn hand at the onfectioneby, ANvlON HOUSE. The Citizens ANT) the public generally, are informed tlia CARK has returned wilu the most choic Stock Of . Hoods erer exhibited to th^pnblicgafce, ant are Mow rffefed to the Inhabit ante of Greenville District at alarming low prices tor ensh; an<l at tiiere may be eome to deny the reality o my assertion, the public Jlre Invited to examine the annexed prices and he eon vinced that Carr'e is atill the cheapest of tin clicnpest at ore any where to be fouud. Yoi are, therefore, advised To Convene with the "rino" in your pockets, and pnr chase those beautiful Veals at $1.06 ; strong nnd serviceable Cnssiincre Pants, at $2.26 water proof l'ilot Boots, at $3.60; hear j Brngans. at 00c ; water proof Boots, at fino CnlfSkin, quilled soles, at $tt.00 ; Miu ute Men Cups; indies* Clonks, Jit ftrtrm- Rt.n.,1. r?..T si.. l'lnids, Itouuets, IIhU, Hoop Skirts nt 37 4 wortli 7ft#, ilouhle barrel English TwirtWo (tens, Uepcnter?, Revolvers. Pistols, Watoli rt, Leather. Salt, Coffee, Sugar, Myiases#, n real 1 j- great but gains at Carrs Store, and as self preservation 1? the firit lnvr o nature, and as it is as natural for the comma nil v to select Cur's Store for trading head' quarter#, as To Elect . n man to ofHcc )>ro bono publico, Carr is prepared to greet nod accommodate with th? cheapest and most choice Goods, all Delegates who are ready to buy their Goods of him ; and he is convinced that it would he best Eor the State and to tlie interest of cv< ry storekeeper in it, if, instead of buying tltcii Goods nt exaggerated high prices in Yankecdoin, tl>e\ were to deolarc, in sohmn Convention, and pledge themselves to patronize Carr's Store, its it is only ncctetary to examine the abovt prices, ana Consider whether 3<km1s can be bought at any other Store as ;hcap. Your are. therefore, requested not To let .h? opportunity |>ns?. but come and examine be Goods. Tim attention of tho Ladies is il&o respectfully called to the prettiest and .-heajmst Goods in The tAiion As the Stock was purchased on the most ndrantngeotis terms for cash, and as I am de term! ueil to undersell and X Lin low prices, as well ns in selection ef Goods, 1 hope th* public will call, and not permit th? chance to ? ^ynuv, > * tr ""CHARLESTON AND LfVEi PO. L gAlLlJSG PACKETS r 4 . . - *" ' , I^lIE undersigned beg to announce that they hove made arrangement* for a Lino ol SAWfaiiasrcB E^onsajsro ?ctwccii the above point*, '*y which every farility'iu regularity and speed will be given to shippers. PHASER, TRENHOLM & CO., 10 RUMFORO PLACE, LIVERPOOL, Will at any time RECEIVE Goods intended 'or shipment by this line, and FORWARD tl?? lame by tbo Firet Sueeerding I'ttclct, and will >e always prepared to givo 'any information dint may be desired. Arrangements for Freight nr Pa?*ag* may ilso be made in Charleston, by application tc Joint I'rater A. Co., Central Wharf. The undermentioned first class* and fast sailing Ob aria* ton hip* have been already placed lpou the line, and others will be added as soon is required ; t ' Sailing dag* of the Ship* of the Line. "From From r<iver|>oo1. Charleston, Inn fitHSuHA* g. Owr.xs, Norton, Mast., Aug 10 44 1&^Ei.iz a Doxsai.i., Michael, Mast., Aug 1C " 25*gnmi>ak, Lobby, Master, ; Sept 21 T'y lftEuiLT Sr. Vikuiik, Tessior, Mast., Oct It Aug liJuttN Fhamkh, Herbert, Master, Oct 3t "Theso throo dates arc made to approximate for the convouionco of Imfiortera for the Fait Trade. Future arrangements will be duly advsrlls?d. May 10 2 lam TO *7 , TWO HOUSES, with *b<n MtRTTbi W ^0<"n,, Bn<* *wo Pi re-place J U*l?enT<i +it each, with Garden*, and oon il^^ if*?r'rit'M- a good Spring of water. jForvartjcnlor*, apply at A. BKKCO'8 Tailor Rliop, But corner Conrt House Square. Not 8 SJ if WANTED, S&&S3 ?a y??a J0TJRK2YMEN TATIARS, Of ateniiy habit* and first rate Workmen. Intnl. <t into application i? dtaired. 1>VK11 A PICICWI. Greenville, 8. C., Nov 22, 1S80. *9-tf ~ BOY fO HlRE. ~ AM NEtillO UOY TO 111 UK. For fortiter patlteulara apply to 55%r A. SSOMMFUa !> r si u ?.? ? ?^? I\ EURO EH TO URfi BY the year. Apply to S. MARTIN. Aug 9 14 if , ' - *i, - * ?Vv 's* . I ? >. 4 ^ t- c . L - .1. ^ vj-#f -a*-***- 'Y"* II8S. J -. NOTICK. < *i> *' I fTHIK Company below haa rneeutiy foand 1 A. out the nuwt mC? plan for ifreakiaf , land Taming lloreea and Melr*. that hu '1 - J ?*ap tbown in our country. 1 will break the S J wildest Hum in eery etxx-t tl?ie, fo ttfrk J [ in any position Uie owuer reo'irrm?the ir J plow, carrl**?\ wagon, aied^trueke. 1 >f j leafy litWli. or anything he uliwwiy that baa ' s? | to he drawn. They ehall he perfectly bro l" ">' *w??j or hum**, f with ear#, A lurking horse i* onr neliglit, ( Kin] a stulilmra Mule t>l?*se? our fancy. If J r, the ?Wner? of unbroken Muck low confi- I .. deuce In whnt I say, l*t them bring them ? it to my house, sixteen mile# east of Green- * ville 0. il. Let me *?? them ?n<l then we * make a contract for breaking. nmi appoint day to opnHte. I will pay libeml price* for unbroken stock, or I will mi U your ( house when I ascertain that you nifl# such Hock. All pro|H>r cere will he trtkeh, hut I wilf uot ho responsible for ecc id elite. The danger is very email if any at ell. 1 will thoroughly instruct n single scholar 1 for $10, or n class of six for $50, end so on in proimrt'on. C . Address S. H. WESTMORELAND, Casliville, S|mrtnnhurg List,. 8. C. Oct 4 22?3 mo * 'j SAS1I & BLINDS : I MANUFACTURED BY &.V.G&X5X' QRKENV1LLE, S. C. 5 ? Aug 9 14 ly . WANTED, i 150 STOCK llOGS, c WEIGHING FROM 75 TO aoo POUNDS. P. U. WESTFIELD. Oct 25 35 if MILLHERY AID BBESS MAKH6 , MRS. L. F 13KNSON " IVOUI.I) inform her patrons r nnc* t'le Ladie,S ?f Uroourillc, that sbo- has located on J'ill ; ' -drool, ouo door below Mr. Wnr- , jf&ntytSfflr) (Kington's residence, where sbe i fflvRfyJa can be fouud at nil times. She M V Sw solicits a continuance of the ps- -I ik\iVl Ironago heretofore extended to I W!)Y her. Ootober 4 22 if I FALL AND WINTER !< ' 01119 535337.: MRS. PARIS & GORDON srff-jrO RESPECTFULLY invite I r s-the nttcntion of their old * * let? afLkc fr'""'" and customers, and nJr'whTi ' ''10 'a,hes generally, to their p Af \ v-i'S l,cw Stock of Full ^ 8k and Winter Mfl.lLXER Y, XsNgvT uojit open. Il lias been ?c/nH lectoil with car* ami taste, ' f r I for this section, and eoin' prison all the Articles usually kept on hand at 1 ' this season. They <lcein it unnecessary toenu- ] . merate the various articles on liuiid. Cull and j I examine our Stock. I " M- l -...1 Ol ? i- ?... ? <? tM??Kr. ? > ! vk'hivp ? in anu isasioo, on [ short notice, nuil Old Bonnots mnde over as I handsome as new. MRS. PARIS <t (J0RD02I. -~ Oct 25 25 tf NOTICE. 1 THE Firm of JAMES LOCKE A ROTS' was . dissolved some time since. Al\,persons " iudobted to said Firm, lire requested to pay the same immediately, to either of the nndcmgiied. JAMES LOCKE <t SON. . < Oct 4 22 tf THOSE INDEBTED! * 4 RE notified tlint longer indulgence cannot i\ lie given, as those to whom the woucy belongs insist upon its collection. WILLIAM CHOICE. Sept 20 10 < tf ; n loi s- |i vm i<mi ? ^ -s* i- ^ fi > W S-3 3 If V 3 Stnl O ?HilrkfKit41 f ll|n|I III s ? I e???? B-lt'o 5tpilS (. r, f jfpl*ea? jr t% w* O t p r,. s . THIRD REGIMENT! f CAPTAINS commanding Companies of 3d n Regiment 8.1?'. M., m-o required to ordcr out their Companies on SoUo-riai/, tSth uf JJrcenthcr uext, and to hold an ELECTION. as required by law, for .COLONEL of 3d ltcgiinent, to All the vacancy occasioned by the roI fignntion of Col. James McCullough, and to in cot on Monday following, count tbo vote*, I and declare tbo Election, i lly order of Ilrig. (l;n. W. K. Enslev. T. L. BOZEMAN Ideut, Col. Her 1 26 7 HE A DQ.U A RTERS ' I at Biiigaiik 1st Division H..C. M. ) Often rills, S. C., Nov. 6, 1860. J I ORDER NO. AM ELECTION is hetehy ordered te be e held by each Company in the 1st Battalion nf tho 1st Regiment 8. M., nu Satxrdiiff. 22d l}*rtmher for MAJOR toeom| ninnd mid Battalion, to fill tho vacancy oeca- ^ stoned by tho proraotiou of Maj. S. 1). Uoon- S I.KTT. I Tbo Captain, and 1st and 2d "Lieutenants, of 1 each Company, aro hereby ordered te act an / Managers in their respective Beats. Polls to ^ ! opon at 11 o'clock, A. M., and closo at 8 oclock, P. NT. Managers to meet at the Bat- *3 tallon Muster Ot-ound on the Monday follow- ^ Sng, cotint tho votes, and declare tho Election, . and forthwith trnustqlt tho result to the Brig- <( adicr General 1st Brigade let Div. 8. C. M. I Rv upiIpi* Hritf lls?rt W C" Vibi ?v rf ' ' " b' r. POOL, i C?l. 1st Regiment Sj. C. M. C A. T. Wilsox,'Adjutant. v '' W Nov 6 27 1 , ^ kiltie of Soiilli Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. tl JAMES B. HILL, who in in the custody ot the Sheriff oMlrConville District, by virtue of a writ of cnjiia* ftd *<ith/iiei?H(hiiH, hftVtag filed in my Otfiee. together with schedule, * on oath, of bis estate a%d ctloois, his petition to tho Court of Cormnoh 'Mens, praying that he mny be admitted to the benefit or the Act of the General Assembly, made for the reMr/ of insolvent debtors: It is Ordered, That, t^o ~~ said John tiniledge, and all others, tho creditors 1 to whom the ssid J nines B. Hill U in anywise t) -indebted, he, and they aro liorchy summoned, and have notice to appear before the ssid ? Court, at Greenville Court llouac, on ffce/owrtA Monday in Mnrck surf, to shew canst, if any they can, why the prryer of the petitioner should not be granted. M W. A. McDANIEL, r. r. r. A fl. <?. g OBe? Court of Common Pleas, Greenville District, November 26tb. I860. ??v 29 ? tm i rnoiBAg ?TEt.V? : ^ rOR.OCTm."K" I PROVISION STORE. 1 i am kow EScBrvi::o ll BfB Fall & Winter Supplies I 8SB8?lc< ted l>y myself in fovr of urktu in the United Bt*U?. It U not ?cm ,1 rv ?A ?nilA%AM?A .It tW? A^UU. rt.ll -* ee Tor yourselves. 9 40 nacks Mocbo, Java, and Bio Cofb* I 9 llhds Orleans and Porrt* Rico Sugar* 25 libls Crushed and Keflnod A I! u4 0 I Ju|xrs I ID Kbit N. O. Molasses ' V v| 3 Bbla Stewart's Golden Syrup I 2 Bbis l'orto Rico Melaaees . I 8 Hhda Cuba, Muscovado, Pari* Rio* and I Prln I dud Molasses 7 cheats To*?Gunpowder, Hyson, Imperial, billing, Super-Oolong and Souchong Fresh Salmon In 1 and 2 Yb cans Oysters in cans?quarts and pint*; ertiel** n ported diroot from Cross A BlackwaU, L*a?n * ... Worcestershire Sauce?John Bull, Sir KoM, 'eel, and 8oho Sauce ! Reading. Mushroon and Walnat Catsup 1'ickUa?Piccalilli, Gorkins, WaluaU and , >ni?as, tn qnarts and pints Durham Mustard 100,000 Cigars, assorted Brands, from f Is 0 dollars per 1,000 100 boxes Adamantine and Tallow Caudles 2s boxes Tobseeo, various brands A lnryo assortment of Fiue Cutlery and Mated Ware A large supply ef Glassware, China and rockery Candy and Confectioneries, Ac., Ae. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Oct 25 25 tf NEW ?"? ?>08, Just Received. in tr ? it ?r? now receiving a - 'v/A full stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, to wbick *ff |B*a I t tvn invito the attention of all. tie.' VbC% jH Our stock has been select 0 r ^ with thfl.jfj-catcst care, so s to meet the waffta of our eust^TTTW^pdiAi? living been obtained ou the most reasonable mis, wc fuel confident that wo can uiakoitto ic interest of buyers to favor us with a call. Our stock is unusually large, and embraces II tho latest and most desirable styles. Full lines of AMY AID STAPLE BSY GOODS. READY MADE CLOTHING, ENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, IIATS AND CAPS, .* _ ?: - - uuui^ niKX** ana lirocaun, crockery ?t glassware; NO IONS, GROCERIES, &C. R. T. GOODLETT 4 SON, Two Doors below tiuodk-lt Sep 20 ' 20 tf )RS. LONG & BURMA? THANKFUL for the kind ^*S3^potronftRO of their friends for the past yenr, would respectfully solicit the sumo fi> the present. Persons wishing t? buy GENUINE ARTICLES, ould do well to call and examine our Stack if )RUOS, MKflrcrxEf*, PAINTS OTIS, VARNISHES. DYE-STUFFS, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, FANCY ARTICLES, Ac. ONE DOOR BF.LOW HARRISON & LONG'S SHOE STORE. ' IF YOUlVANT Fine Shaving Soaps, Washing loaps, Glycerine Soap, Brown Vindbur Soap, Colgate's Soup, i'ronch Soaps, Opodeldoc Sonp, histiie Soap, Tljompson'B Soap, Aihin's Soap, or any other kind of ?oap, or a Box of Potash, to mak* our own Soap, YOU WILL FIND TT at JLONC( & BURNIIAr,f'fi tMrn wohk. IF YOU WANT nic ? fine TOI1.KT WATERS LuMu or Glen's EXTRACTS and ESSENCES, lUIr POMADES, liuir OILS. Hair RKrSHKfl. >r nny preparation tor improving tho. Hair Tooth or Skin, * '? > CALL and look at LOI*? JL HITKI*HATI'S AStS<*?TMENT. IF YOU WANT TO BUY' 1ST HTO K81C1SE IMF. \ou call >ri t it, at the milker's price, front LONU A IJURNIIAM. IF YOIMVANT a good article of \Broad Soda, Cream Tartar, >tftrch, Indigo, Madder, SaflYcm, iorax, WIdling, Glue, Sulphur, Utmi, Copperas, Linseed Oil, Vlute Lead, Train Oil, Lamp Oil, Iweat CJil, Spts. Turpentine, Alcttol, Seidlitx Powdero, Yeast Po* era, Larj^e Window Glass, Putty, lotten Stone, Bath Bricks, OR ANYTHING ELSE ,>' anally kept in? PRI'U STORE.y?<n ean buy at a 1*A1K PR1CB from our l**tn>Vii*l. incut. ' - - We call Fiticujar Attf rtic* To all ration* urrvdc l?y us. Wo roak icm of an uniMrtu s4fen?th, iwid ftom tli? run estm a-teki a ik Country Pb^Hv-lnns will And it to thair ?<l?on igo to rail and cTftitiitiPonr Stork un<l Vricoa. WXO <fc BIT It N IX AM, Oint 1>oon Anova C. Mkrkh k'h Stars. Jsfte 14 3? tf rfsr RECElYEm AT sr. m. m ^ ^ A FINE ASftOItTMENT ALEM (SfTc.) JELTd. I1T CAUL, ? AP' " - - 17 * " >