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? ? I I Hill ' ? In |liiii|ii| thf Rights of tty .South, and the Diffusion of Useful Sf no id edge among all glasses of Mortung pen. A GREENVILLE, SOUTIMJAROLINA, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER' 20, 1860. NUMBER ItJ A. WB: * i. "Mv tfovToor o?ll? nnd ( t?ti.tgo; ' l*4"10'' my 'rtn* "1*?" '',e ***' -' ^ ^ ThU Und ie ?ot the fond for mfe. I find the n{il4}?r P*?h? of ?n ,' A*???* w?y to trnrel in; T Beyond Uio drilling wind. I mm Th? innd mf fowfour borigM for ine. Fnrevdl. ay friend*; I m?y ?ot ?Uy; The home I wxV i. for *wny ; U'hero Chilit i? not, I eonitnt be? Thi? food fcovttfM fofl4 for wc''*\ ? i wiiwwi iktmuq I my r on tn^n, Where *ngrf?*ttff unrf ?o will I; >?%. Whfr? ??geU bow ?nd Urni tlw k?*e, thM'*tb?A?mdL lUflji-tyriw. &r> nigfclfe there, 1J* *1 *r*jw 4*y, , Awfl <*wi will w ij>? Mil tfOf* A WAV, And *no?* il*ir Savlo'ir'a f**? ib*)]** Oh, iW* tbft l*nd. tli* l?Jforw?. tV^Vvroom enough for you 1 know ; wi ll tWriiimg^and w? eonltl fttt <iVl>uiA? of m^.n^tidn >n<] 'ovniliiut tab* of tho?? trying and adventurous lin t*. Rapine and murder, robbery ry 8;M in Among little -wbo aeftted in Ken lucky. ?otne eighty years a#o, wn? h ? rown named Martin Davie, who was ac ?Omr*aoi?d by ||U Wife, Mary, and three t?afl children. ffJ^Sf-; A riula hut cabin wa? koor huilj, and^ J k patch i f jfrwoiid cleared for ?iird?m W- jtinneqr and liifomiiy down it* iheji wild rrood*' I . Tim* pawd with more ?r bw* of xfoirlJta *Tid dueler, for the forest wh* v v fuii wild .1**0-1*. And tiiodUr the: following Utiilling incident One Jhne afternoon, in iB? ?omm?r of 1782, t?aci? stepped cul of hi* cabin into die jmrden iir-dron*, and suddenly a hideously painted Indian, with torn* Li hm?* uplifted, sprpnt? un in the "P?ehj between htmseiflttud the door of tl?e cjiWtt, U h?U U& ^open boW _ ro*n_wno <ct|wwd ,-15S5MaS= r 'jP***''" , -|l- dUlMt. I*' - M i <Iki ntMv fodHMtNo. " bard ??nit isimicAi W V co*^ do theM to food ^iSSH ? ??** ?W*| k* *', fra#lk<**ched t..e stockade, but for '1 HMic ti.iu> #M unable to articulate a I *My God, man. * lint's the matter!" c orae thfc Inquiry of thow around Mm, ? *et<*Hehed and alarmed at the poor fel- \ low> fritntif efforts to peak. i **Inihn*? Injuns have attacked my Mlitk r- at last burst from bin frothing afji) .**COme with me, or they'll mnr * ia my wife and chihlrep. Come, <' joome,,' for Ood'a sake. come 1 Dou'i t top?don't atay?hnt follow me.w ? "Joeth't ua get our weapoon," was t the response of tboee whom be ad- dressed. "Quick 1 Quick 1 for the love of Ood ' <|Utvk !" wildly ejaculated Davis. " A few moments Inter and the half 1 dozen men who were at the station at the time were following in the footsteps v of the frenzied settler, who led :he way **. into the deep forest with the most finn- * tic d< speraiion. "On. friends, on I and may tho pood '' Ood save niy helpless wife and eltil e dren !" the j?oor, half craxed pioneer wpnld every now and then cry out, in c the most interne and earnest tones. At the best, it took nn hour to traversa the distance between the enhin and the station and back again, and I1 what would delay the remorseless sav- * ages from their bloody work for that . length of time! What, indeed 1 '' Such distracting thoughts as these rontinaally obtruded themselves into . Davis* mind, and almost goaded him to madness. Meanwhile let ua go back to the * cabin. The redskins who had started after j poor Davis, only pursued him a few (| rods, and then pare up the chase, and ^ rejoined the others at the cabin, the j, door of mdticlt Mrs. Davis had so oppor- ,| tunely closed at the first alarm given. n The savages then commenced a ferocious assault upon the doors and win- g daws?all of which were closed?but, though rough and smnll, tlia cabin was (| tight and substantial, and for a long ,. tints they made but little progross, not- t| withstanding they battered away with all their might. ri For a time, Mrs. Davis was almost 0 paralyzed wi'h terror, and she could do |, nothing but weep, and cry out and hug 0 her frightened children to Iter wildly. , * Most we perish in this way I" she (| cried, in broken, heart-rending tones. Must i and mv children be put to (he 0 knife by these bloody-minded end re morseless savages ? My poor husband, e too?oh I where is he! Oh! I shall \, go mad. My God ! is there no way of |, escape?no door open ! Heaven help me! I must do something to suve my- r; self and children.n ? "I cannot give up and die without an effort, f?rr that woujd be sinful. Lord, o give me strength in this my hour of need, for to Thee and Thee only I now f look for aid." f, At that moment the door came crash- d ing in, and the next instant the room d . ^filled with the yelling savage. t< If rsrr>avts and- her ettiLlr?n screamod * in concert, and the next moment they were ip the power of the merciless rod- * kins. Such a scene aa followed beggars nil T description. In the end. however, not- ? withstanding all their cries and sCreains ?' and struggles llie poor mother and her d chiidien were brutally mannered?inhumanly Scalped. fi The bloody and remorsely deed ac- b compUdied, the fiendish redskins set to A wotk to ovethaul the cithiu, and in a little while they came acose a keg of <1 whisky. o "Hum! rum! fire water! diink! drink ! feel nice! good nil over! make ft b'?vt! dam brace! Ugh! ugh !n tl So they muttered, meanwhile caper- ? ing around their priu with every ex- ti pression of joy. In that moment eve- h <+ phipg else was forgotten; And with a o drunkard's delirium they gurgled down the fierv fluid. Conteouenilv. in a brief period not one of litem could walk 'I' straight, and In ? very little time long- ? er the adtole parly were down upon the ti floor helpless mm] unconscious. g Time putted, en J el length Davis a am) his companions neared the cabin. w 441 bear nothing I I t<e nothing T ol acclaimed the farmer, gaspingly. '* Oh, ll Odd P he added, wildly, 44 where are ic toy wife and children V my dear wife ? and children!" ' ?^ . g 44 Oh, I gueas they're safe enough P w responded the men, encouragingly. ai God granl UI God grant it p*-cried o the pioneer, aa he euained every sinew ti U> reach the cabin. g It was now nearly dark, and eur n wcr? beginning fc> ^ In n few' Momenta the party reachoc* b die cabin, Davis, soYnatbing in the ad ic vsnrt*. and a* the latter leaned the three. tl hold into hi* li'.tie home, he uttered a U loud, ear splitting cry?a shriek of ag- u t I?y?mul halted m if suddenly riveted u to th? spot. 0 W A moment afterword* the other* v| camo up. m Wo explanation wo* netd^.. Before betnUy the remain* of ? and her U>Viorcet *u<l around d to* drunkard Indiana. \ The men ntwfad d**p ouwua between a their let teeth'. The fight moved tbwir a Seroaat praaion*. t ' The pioaetr kuticd hi* fae to hia t I * \ lands and groaued as if Lis heart would >renk. . At length Hie settler stalled up, a . 'hanged man, for his soul was on fire, >nd one thought only possessed him. iTou could road it in bis burning, glarng eTes: , * Retribution !" " Look. friends!" he eried, in loud , >nd cracked tones, ' my wife and cliil I Iren aro imndered ! murdered 1 See < hem where they lay, hacked and hutch- i red like dumb beasts? And these are < lie devils?God's curse upon them !" i ?he pointed to the prostrate savages? i ' who have done the bloody deed?who | lave desolated my life forever. They j nust die ! as surely as they have done ] his thing they must die !" I "Say the word, and we'll make short ( voik of the bloody cusses !" deeply | jaculated one of the men, as lie point- 4 d his piece at a redskin's lardy. j Silently and sternly the rest imitated lis example, and the parties being ( qnal, every redekin was covered. t "No! no! nul that way !" eagerly t ried Davis, his eyes burning with all > he fire* of madness. "That would be 1 oo good?loo good for t ie rid fiend*!" t " How, then !" demanded hi* com 1 innions, simultaneously. " Say the < rord 1" i " Burn them, * they would burn u*, i f they had the chance!'* fiercely hissed \ )*vw, in deep and concentraleil tone*. The pioneers of the great West feel i >ut lit do pity for savages at any time, ] tioro especially under sucli eiicnm- t In nee*, and no jroice was raised against t )?*! ' terrible proposition. I They have wantonly, brutally mnr- i ered my wife and children!" continued s lie bereaved settler, " and now I would ut remind mo of them. I'll make a 1 onfire of it, and in the red tlnnies roa?t C itelr infernal cnrcasse*. Who will aid ! s le in my vengeance I" Every man signified his readiness to t ssist in anything. v " Hand* and feet, then, we will bind rl Itese drunken devils!" pursued Davis. If either rouse* up, shoot him through I lie heart!" he added, implaoently. ? The half fienzied pioneer procured opes, and in a little while, without let I r hindrance, the six redskins were ound hand and foot. Then the bodies 1 f poor Mrs. Davis ami her children rere taken out and buried bv the seller and his companions?buiied there, t the great, black forest, by the light f a pine torch. " God hies* them, and keen them for rer and ever !*' cried the stricken litisend, from the bottom of his breaking r eart. / r Then tho sleeping redskins wore oar- c ied out, and then the cabin was given I > the devouring element. - l Ere long, the.Utile plnce was a mass ? f tlatnes. 1 u Now, let justice be satisfied !" cried t >avis, as they were all clustered' in i ont of the fire; for is it not just that < rese fiends should suffer for the intir- < er of my wife and children I Coinc, ? >ss them into the fiery furnace, to t r liicli tlicy are doomed !" One by one the six power!*** Mvn^o 'ere lifted from the ground, and whirl ri into the crackling, seething flames, f u escape, tln-re was no chance, nolithstanding they had begun to show ! gns of returning consciousness; that ' readful death was inevitable. I For a few moments shrieks and yells l(ed the Hir, and tlrcn -nothing was to i e heard but the roaring of the red Mine*. The redskins awoke but to renliz? Iteir doom, and dio with a bowl of agnv. All over, Davis thanked the men "in the Mat ion, and, notwithstanding icy cainertly urged him to go back nth them, bade them adieu, mid solitrv and alone struck off into the deep, leak forest. Nothing v/as ever heard f hint again, - > RECOLLECTION 8 OF TI1K DKAO. 'here i* a remembrance of the dead to 'hich wo turn, even from the charms of ie living. From the cold and silent rave springs nothing but fond regret nd recollect ions. Who would part llh those feelings f The recollections f friends who aro ever dear to us ; tough we are separated by the cold and ty band of death. We should love to alk in the old church yard, where our rand sires and friends are interred ; for e, too, must soon be laid in the silent ad peaceful bosom of the tomb, beside itr li#Lnrf>d friends. \fnv I nnver furtrnl >nt 1 inuxt ?oon go into the lonely dark i rave, where all the pnle nation* are umbered. I 1 have tlood hj the bedside of two \ ear brother*, and saw them ga*p for | reath, while crowing Jordan'* cold and ? y stream. 1 have followed thetn to I re lonely grave, and there saw their < *4 remain* laid. There they mnat n?U OabrieP* trump shall call tb? art* and patoa mi die no tnore*( tbej j)HV? won the i n?v? reached the happy im* "~nere pain and death are fell and tared no more. When 1 am lonely, ity thought* run for from earth, and I well with tkoM who te gone home, lay I evereherWt thought* of the dead, ad endeavor to be more faithful ami tfvetionatfl in the dUeha'ge of my dtiee to the living, that I rn.y g*m a place here too.?Sfirit of tKo Age. JRisrtllBnrons Urnbing.; irtcmu Ward Visits Brie ham . Young It is now goin on 2 (too) year*, m I rerv well rcmeml>er, sines I crossed (lie Plaitee for Kaiiforuy, (he Brite land of Jojd. * While crossiu (lie Plane* nil so hold I fell in with sum r.olde red men ?f the forest (K. B. This is wrote Sarca* licul. Injuns is Pizen, whar ever fottnd.) which they Sed I wss their brother, & srantid to smoke the Calomel of Peace with me. They then stole iny jerk !>eef, blankils, etseltery, skalpt my orgin jiinder & Scooted with a VVild Hoop. During the CheaPs techin speech he said le fhood meet me in the Happy Ilontin [ rounds. If he duz thnte will bo it file, lint vnuff of this ere. Iieven Jtoose Muttons as our skoohnaster. who has jot talent into liiin, cussycHlly obsnrves. I arrive at Salt Luke in dootitne. At 3ntnp Scott lharc wn* a lot of (j. S. iojeia, hoasten-ibly sent out thare to nnash the mormon* but really to eat unit 'itlie* <fc play porker and other sum wlin.icautiful but ousartin game*. 1 got squinted with sum of the officer*. They ookt putty rctump-hna in their Uloo roata with brnss hutting* onto tint &, *-aro very talented drinkers, but so far is fitin is consumed Lie willinlr put my ivax figgers again the whole party. My de?ire was to exhibit my grate ihow at Salt Lake City, so I called on IJrig-ham Yung, the grate Mogul! aiming he rnormins and axed his permission o pitch my tent and oufurl my bonner o the jentle broezU. He lookt at me n an nustecr manner for a few tuinilsdt ed : 44 Do you bleeve in Solomon. Saint 'nul, the immaculatness of the Mormin Jhnrch, and the Latter day Hereinhum t" Sex I, " Im on it!" I make it a pint 0 gel along pleasant, tho I didn't know Hiat under the Son the old feller was Irivin at. lie red 1 mite show. " Yon air a mariied man Mistar Yung ' Weave!" sez I, -preparin to write bitn tun free parsis. " I hev eighty wives, Mister Ward. I >crlinly am tnarrid." M llow do you like it at far as you lev got f' sex I. Ho set! 44 iniddlin," and axed me rotilOn'l I like to see hi* Timet ly, to rhich I replide that I wouldn't mind ningling with the fair reck <fc Harsking it the winniu smiles of his intere-tin rive*. He accordingly took me to his Scaeum. The house is powerful big ,k in 1 exceed in large room was his wives and l.ri i ? t. > iniiirrii, which iar*t was squaw Kin and lollerin enulf to take the roof rile oif he house. The wimin was of all sizes mil ages. Sum was pretty and sum was plane?sum was healthy & sunt on he Wayne?which is verses, tho -ich was not my intetishuna, as I don't prove )f puttin ve ses in Prose ritins, tho ef rccashun requires I ken Jerk a Poim -kal to any of them Atlantic Mutably fetters. ' Xly wives, Mr. Ward," Set! Yung. 44 \ am vent, inarms," sed I, ns I tot down in a cheer which a red beded etnale hrawt me. Beside?* these wives you see here, Mister Ward," ?*d Yunp. 441 hev ciphlv nore in varis parts of this consciecated and w hich nre Sealed to me." ' Which i" scz 1, gillin up and stnrein tt him. 44 Sealed, Sir, aeald." 44 Whale bowls f" sez I. 4> I sed. Sir, that they was sealed !"? lie spoke in a traepeidy voice. 44 Will tliay prohlv continue on in that dyle to any preat extent, sir i" I axed. '4 Sir," sed lie, ttirnin' as red as a hiled treet, "don't you know (hat the rule* of >ur Church is. that 1. the Profit, mav lev n* menv wive* as 1 went*?" "Jes so," I fed. "You aro an old ;>ie, nint yon I" "Them as is Sealed to ine?that in to tay, lo be mine, when I want tun?are it present tny epcrrellooul wives," sed Mister Yung. " Long may they wave," tmi I, *eein [ shood git into a scrape cf 1 didetil took )Ut. In a private conversnshnn with Untoiam I lernt the follerin fax : It takes iim six weeks to kiss his wives, lie lon't do it on onct a year & sez it i? vuas than cleanin house. lie don't pre>-nd to know his children, thare is so nany of tun, tho they all know him. lie sr-z about every child he meets calls ' tiin Tar. and he take* it for gt'HD'ocI it s so. His wives are very expvnetvtj.? rhey allers want sulhing, ?*?d ef he tlon'l mj'it for ?m they set the home in an jproar. He sez be do?t hov a minils >eace. Ilia wives P-,0 among theirselves ? nu,c'1 '.,o baa built a filing room or thar^ i*?|hnl benefit, and when too ,im git into a row he has utn turned loose into that place, whare the dispoot is settled accordin to the rules of the London prise ring. 8mntimee they nbooE hisrelf tudividooally. They hev ptilled the most of his out at tbe roots <fe he wars many a horrible scar upon his body, infiicted with mop handles. brootn-sticks', Si sieh Occadmuly they git mad dc scald him villi biliu hot water. When he goteny vase cranky, they'd shut him up in a dark closit, previously whippin him arler the s ite of mulhers when tbare of springs git onruly. Sometimes when i * ii-'-JJ lie went in awimmin thay'd fro to the banks of tfi?a Lake <fe steal all hi* close, thereby com pell in him to sneak ? hoiua by a sircootius rowt, dreet in the v skanderlua Mile of the Greok SUit*. u 1 (| find that the keer* of a marrid life way ? heavy onto roe," ?ed the Profit, * <fc t| umtiinea I wish Ida remain single." I j, left the Profit and Marl id for the tavern ? where I nut up to. On my way I was s ovrrtuk by a large crowd of Mormins. 9 which they aurrondid me & atatid that * lhay wn* going into the ehow free. a '* Wall," *e* I,*'ef I find a individoo- BJ ul w ho is going round lettin folks iuto ^ his show free 1*1 let yon know." i; M We've had a Ucvelasliun bidin us t] go into A. Ward's Show without paying R notliinl" they alio* lid. I t, 44 Yet,*1 hollcre'l a lot of female Mor- ^ mone**a.?. censing me by the cote Inlea 'j and swingiu me around very rapid, j, "we're all going in free. So sex the t| Kevelhshun!'! fi " Wliai'a Old Revelasliun got to do jj with tny 8how I" sex I, gitten putty ri w lev. " Tell Mister Hml?liun,n sed 1, ? drawin myself up to my full liite and, |( lookin round upon tho ornery krowd with a proud ?fc defiant mean, 44 tell Mia- j, tvr Ucvelushun to mind hit own l)i/.ne*?, v subject only to lha Konslslution of the J, United Staita Ji* , "Oh now let na in, that'* a sweet ? man," ted several femaile*, pwltin thare , arms around me in n Invin stile. " He ^ cum 1 of us. Beonm a J'reeM, and hev ? wive* Sealed to you." r " Not a Seal!" sex I, starlin back in ,, horrer at the idee. c. "Oh stay,sir, star," sed a tall, gawnt j, femaile, ore whoos hed 37 sutnmir* must ? hev parsed, " stay, & He be your Jetule v Gazelle." ^ "Not ef I know it, you won't," sex I. a "Away yu skandulus femaile. awa? Go h At be a Nunnery I" That's what I sed. w jes so. U " Jt," said a fat chnnkr famaile, who must hev wade more than too hundred lbs., " I wilt be your sweet gidin Star!" g< Sez I, " lie bet you two dollars and a a haif yw won't I".. Whare car I may n ltoine He still bo troo 2 thee, oh Betsy h Jane I [N. 13.? B?Uy Jane is my wife's fi Sir naime.] u '* Willisl thou not tarry hear in the Promisl Land !" sed several of the tuis- t vrabil critters. ti 44 I'll v bo cust ef I do,*4 sex I; arter r' which 1 tuck w ith a leavin. and I liaint ? been to see Hiighuin since, nor don't 11 intend to. " Sssnttfnl Anpflitntn In Mr. Kdpin's school were two hro '' thers, from eleven to twelve years old. sl One of tliese children had, after repeated w admonitions, manifested a determined, 11 obstinate and swlky resistance. Mr. r' Kilpin told him that tho result of such conduct wotdd be a chastisement that . would not easily las forgotten, lie was 11 preparing to indict it on the still hardened child, when hi* brother raid came 1 foiwnrd and entreated thai he might bear the punishment of his brother. Mr. j> Kilpin remarked : " " My dear Paul, ymi **? one of my V best boys; you have never needed cbas tisement: your mind is tender; I could not be so unjust as to give you pain, my \ precious child." The dear boy said : " I shall endure n more pain to witness his disgrace and n suil'eiitig than anything you can indict j, on me ; he is a little boy, and younger |, ami weaker than 1 am. Pray, sir, take ino in exchauge for nty brother." ' Well, James, what say you to this noble ofter of Paul's I" lie looked at -his brother, but made E ItA rPllll' M i' li el/ov.l ?m? niv/UU fllCIH -1 Hill j.( still entreated fur tlie piitiinliment that j< ii might bo finished, and srept. Mr. K. said : i. " Did you ever liear of any ono who bore insults and stripes to shield offend- tl er?, i'nul." si "O, yes, sir, the Lord Jesus Christ si gave his back to the siniters for ns poor v sinners, and by his stripes we are healed ? and pardoned. O, sir, paulon Jatnes for my snke, and let mc endure the psiu. tl 1 can bear it better than he." C 44 Hut your brother does not seek par- t don for himself; why should you feel ti this anxiety, l'aul t Does ho not do* I >erve correction !" '"O, yes, sir; he h*i broken the laws of the school afUsr repeated warnings ; i you have said he must suffer; therefore, H Us 1 know you wouli not speak an un- f, truth, and tho laws most be kept, and n he is sullen and will not repent, what t can be done, sir t Do tnko me, because v I am stronger than he." The hoy then threw his arms aronnd , a t. .L ? - ? ? * * ni* oroiner s necK, an<i woiieu im suiicy, t burdened face, with tears of tenderness. , Thin was rather more than poor James j could bland firmly. Hw team began to f How, and lii* heart melted; he nought , for forgiveness, and embraced hi* bro | ther. Mr. K. clapped both in his arms, . and prayed for a blessing on them from , 11 im of whotn it is said, N lie was t wounded for our transgressions*" Oil. wells are no new things. There ( are aoveu hnndied of them in India r near the Irrawiwbly river, and about < three hundred miles from Portsmouth, ? whicn hare been worked to* age* with- < out ever to vleld their regular ? return of the oleagiqpns, i . . j i K . ' ; * 'r ; . The Deed Wife. In comparison with the loss of a wife. M other bereavements are triflr*. The 1 rife; she who fills so large a space in o lie domestic heaven ; she who is busiei, tl o unwearied; bitter, hitter is the tear n bat falls on her clay. You stand beside ii ler gt avo, and think of the past; it seems h n amber colored pathway where the o un shone upon beautiful flowers, or the ft tars hung glittering oveihead. Fain si rotiid the soul linger there. No thorns a ro remembered above the sweet clay, j a; ave those your own hand* have unwil- tl inglv planted. Her noble, tender heart h ea open to your inmost sight. You Ikink of her as all gentleness, all beauty ml purity. Hut she in dead. The dear ft cad that ha* so often lain upon your '* osoni. now rests upon n pillow of clay, b he hands that administered so untirkgly are faded, white and cold beneath *< lie gloomy portals. The heart whose o very beat measured an eternity of love, ea tinder your feet. And there is no tl >hile mm over your shoulder now?no a peaking face to look up in the eye of j h ?ve?no trembling lips to murmur, tl Oh, it is too sad !" There is a strange ti ush in evei y 100111 ! No smile to meet on at nightfall?and the clock ticks, n nt| ticks, and ticks! It wan sweet inu-, n ic when she could Lear it. Now it eems to knell only the hours through vhich you watch the shadows of death *< ptiheiing upon the tweet face, llut fi tinny a tale it. lelleth of joys past, sor- tl own shared and beautiful words regit- d *red above. You feel that the grave a annot keep her. You know thai she w i often by your side, an angel presence. It Iherish these emotions, they will make tl ou happier. Let her holy presence he ti s a chnrm to keep you froin evil. In a II new and pleasant connections give j w era place in your heart. Never forget w hat she has been to you?that she ha* d >ved you. lie tender to her memory. Saturday Niuut.?How many as X'iations, sweet and hallowed, crowd round that short sentence, " Saturday ight." It is but a prelude to more eavenly associations, which the tired rain* and thankful soul hail with re iewed joy at each succeeding retarn. I* Tis then the busy din of life ceases ; hat enres and anxieties are forgotten : ? IimI the worn out frame seek* necessary ) rpose, and the mind it* relaxation from anh and its concern*; with joy look M| ig for the coming dav of rest. ao wisely nd beneficially set apart for man's eace and happiness. The tired laborer seeks his own cot- * \ge, to which, perhaps, he has been a rc Hanger the past week, where a loved ?'i rife and smiling children meet liiin >n it It smiles and careeses. Llere he "| ealizes the bliss of hard earned com- |x rlH, and at this liino, perhaps more ol ban any ether, the happiness of domes- ?? c life and its nttendaul blessings. Ii? Ucleased from the disturbing care* of ? be week, the professional maa beholds bo return of Saturday night, and he latlly seek* the slust-iing vine*, nourdied hy his parental care, the reality 0 f those joys which are only his owu to " mow at their peculiar season*. hi The lon? widow, loo, has toiled on. el lay after day. to support her little a barge; hew gratefully ?io?* she resign r, er cares at the return of Saturday ight, and thank her God for this kind n< sating place on the way, hy which she et i encouraged, from week to week, to old on her course. Washington, December 7. Si TI>m i?i...i ? .... . .....i.i. i nmni. A, il VIMIIllg COH) K any from New Hampshire, vidled the di 'resident to day, and were courteously revived. They were reviewer! hy Messrs. fc 'loyd and Toucey. They visited the " Dinh of Washington yesterday. They Hl :ft for home this afternoon. There is a belter feeling to day among ' lie Congressmen. It is believed a j c? irong movement is being initiated out- |111 ido of Cor\gic>s for a Southern Con cntion, as foieshadowcd by the NationI Intelligencer. The President has given assurance P? lint lie will not reinforce the foija of i t* lliftriestnn harbor. Major Anderson, atj b< \>rt Monltiie. has not asked for more : ' roops. The beat feeling prevails be- 01 ween the garrison and tbo citizens. >1 ... ti New Orleans, Dec. 7. ' Tents for Secession.? Mr. Stewart, member of the Texas Legislature roin (ionzales, has issued ft circular, in ? ccordance with the resolutions publish- w d by ft meeting held at that place, in- , p. ilivig the members of the Legislature ? o be at Austin, the capital, on the bird Monday of l>eceinber, to bold an ixtrn session, and call a State Conven- ) ion. Every where the people are hoist- j sL. as I O M a* r?s ng me - uone our >>ng. I exits is ? ilinost unanimous in favor of resistance o Lincoln's Administration. Governor Houston ban promised lo resign if the j >eople demand that he shall concur in u he recotmneudatioua of the Legitla- i ere. Dhawm tbcik Pat.?Tlie Washing- j on correspondent of the New Yuik lie * aid say* that the " members froru South n Carolina, Alabama, Georgia and MisUsippi, drew pay and mileage to this late, which leave* the Treasury without * notify for similar service to other ntetu- ii wn,* | ii Couldn't K?ey them all H|H A short distance fr>ra the city of fontgomery, in the State of Alabama, n one of the stage road* leading from bat citv. lire* a jolly landlord by tho nine of Ford. In fair weather or foal, i hard limes or soft, Ford would have is joke. It was a bitter, stormy night, ' r rather morning, about two boura be* >re daybreak, lie wse aroused from hie '< lumbers by loud shouting and knocks t his door. Ue tourned out, eorely gainst his will, and demanded what was ie matter. It was dark at tar, and ae e could tee no one, he eried oat : 44 Who are you there !" u Tinnier, nnd Yancey, end Elmore, oin Montgomery." was tbe anawer, on our whj* to attend Court. We are enighled, and want to stay all night." 44 Very sorry I can't accommodate yon ) far, gentlemen. Do anything to blige you, but tlint'a impossible." The lawyers?for they were three of ie smartest lawyers in the S*ate, end II ready to drop down with fatigue-? elil a brief consultation, and then, n? ley could do no hotter, and were loo I red to go another step, they asked J " Well, can't you stable our horses, I nd (jive ua chairs and a good fire till iomingl" j " Oh, yes, gentlemen, can do that." I Our learned and legal fiiends were I r>on drying their wet clothes hy a bright I re, as they composed themselves for I ie few remaining hours in their chairs. ' ezing and nodding, and then swearing I word or two of impatience, as they | nited till day light did appear. Tho I uigest night has a morning, and at last I ie sun came along, and theu in due I ine a good breakfast made its appear- I nee ; hut to the surprise of t c lawyers. lio thought tho house was crowded I 'ith guests, none hut themselves sat ' own to partake. I " Why, Ford, I thought your house I as so full you couldn't give us a bed ist night 1" said Uurder I " I didn't say so," replied Ford. | " You didn't ? What in the name of I Hinder, then, did you say !*' 1 "You asked ine to let you stay here I II night, and I said that would he im- * I ossible, for night was nigh unto two- 5 nirds gone when you caine. If you I nly wai.ted beds, why on earth didn't a ou say so !" I The lawyers had to give it up. Three I f them on one side, and tho landlord 1 one had beat llicm all. I God has written on the flower* that I veelen the air?on the breeze that icks the flowers upon the stem?upoa I ie raindrop that refreshes the sprig of S oss that lifts its head in the desert? I pon its deep chambers?upon every I fnciled sheet that sleeps in the cavern I ' the deep, no lex* than upon the I iglity sun that warms and cheera mil- B ins of creatures which live in its liwhi B upon all lli? works lie Iim written, H None liveih for himself." I Obituary.?Died, in Milledgeville, b eorgia, early in November, all the I overt act" gentlemen, who were few nt noisy immediately preceding the I ection. They met their deserved fete I t the hands of a utiHtiimous resistance I ^solution. <?j J'artie* having claims against litem are jg ruiHed that their estatee are represent- I 1 by the present co opera tionists. I [Columbus (Cta.) I'irnes. S Costly.?The volunteers 'hat Oor^ B Lewart, of Missouri, sent to fight Mont- I ornery, numbered 700, and the exiv ition will cost the Slate about $40 00C # I A number of working men in lit.l. H ird have caused to bo made a vw? ?J nndsomo cane of Charter Oak wocd. 9 ml mean to present it to Vice l*re?i' H put Itieckiniidge as a testimonial of H icir just appreciation of his chivalrous H iaracier, exalted patriotism, and cointanding ability. H Skvt Ori.kanh, December 0. H The Texas Legislature.?There it it I pneral understanding among the men - H srs of the Texas Legislature that that H ?by will assemble at Austin, on the H 71li of I>ecember, without any formal H ill from Gov. Houston. It is understood H tat the Legislature will call a Convtn- H on of the people, to meet ou the 8th of H nuuary. H ? ? ?< ? &HE Hoston, December 0. H Custom Ileeeipts?The receipts at ti ? H ostom House in this city, for the part H eek.were only $80.000?insufficient lis H ay the monthly ealariesof the Governs. H >cnt officials. Thk Old Factory, at iass., was dsstroied bv fit - ? ? ?ifl 1th inM.; loss, (05,000. XUkt p?W fl vm *?ie thrown out of ornpluymcnt. H Good.?The M*conTel?j[r?ph h?rts I t? t lepraphic news fioin Washingl* fl Lnt' Sestion. W Q indorse tb*\ lelegrftpb. fl Lnrcoi.if Monkxv?The d?pr?#j*u | fl eorreocy is n< >w generally too* ^ H mong bunker* kfok?rt W? " Uu?-' * fl aoney " fl Cvt a pi*oo of spyle, or turnip, i? ? * H h,t(M of m bone ehiie; stick six pins *, H l for nails ; then by tiro cut* divnto i? jfl tUo six wwu, cncb * fl r ., cs/DiAtn on* ?u . fl