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# r mu'l a 1 I,1 ... gu ."tewf -rvi ";JSAMmum War 6 ea Forts. Every maa Of intelieck Las got hiFort. - -* * Daeil. Wabater's Fort was lo speech* nrfy in the Hauls of Kougrie* A make ] idobttMiUs. * SJhakspeer rote good plaze, but he wnodeet bar bio wuth a pint nf kohl Sider as a stenner^rafflck reporiir.? ?v odd ui I uey I ll? 061 2 dollars lie woodent. 11 Wry Ward Bilcher wood make n good ead aan for the kork opery minstrel*, because he eaa cackle well. Old George Washington's Fort was to not kov anjr public man of the pre<eoi day resemble him to any alarming *xtabt. Where bowls can George's ekal he found I 1 ask, A bolJIy anscr no w hares, or any whare* else. Old man Townsin'* Fort was to inak" Sassy periller. "Goy to tbo wurld! another life ssived!" (Cotashuu from Townsin'r adreiiisement.) Cyrus Field's Fort in to lay a sub machine tellergraf under the boundiu oilier of the Oshun A then hev it Hunt Spsldia's Fert is to tnuik Prepared Gloo, which mends everything. Wonder ef it will mend a sinners wicked wuac. ^Iiupromptoo goak.) Zoary s Fort is to bo a feinaile circus feller. My Fort is the grate moral show biz ( nis A ritin choice famcrly liteiatoor for the noospapers. That's what's the mat- j tcr with tne. \ etc., Ac., Ac. So I mile go on to an 1 indefiuit extent. Twict I'v o ordcveid to do things: which they wasn't my Fort. The fust j vimo was when I undertook to lick a oudashus cuss w ho cut a hole in my tent j A krawld threw. Sez I, "my jentlc' t"\irr go out, or 1 shall fall on to you putty hevy." Sez ho," Wu?le in. Old Wax fggers/' whereupon I went for him, hut I o cawt me powerful on the lied A knoct me threw the tent, into a cow pa-tin. lie pursood the attack A (lung mo into a mud puddle. As I aroze A rung out my drenclil garments, I concludid fitin wasn't my Fort. lie r.oV ii#e tlic kurtin upon Seen 2J: li is rarely scldum that I seek o??n>??la Sun in the Flow in Bole. l'.nfin u mmtin town in Injianny in the F.ud of 18 ? i ty orgin grinder got sick of the fever < nd (licit. I never felt so a>hnnnd in all my life, & I lliuwl l?!e hist in a few 6wallers of suthin slienglhcnin. Kon-o juents was, I histcd insoinueh 1 dilcnt xackly know wharo bowls 1 was. Ii turnd my livin wild bcests of Pray loose into the street & ojwot my wax winks. I ! then llet 1 could plav boss. So I liar j nisi myself to a Kunal hole, thru; lain' iwo oilier bosses hitched on likewise, 1 behind ?fe another ahead of me. The driver hollered for us to git A: we did. ' ut the bosses bein onusod*to sich a ar"sagement begun to ki'-k it squeal it t ir up. Konseqnents was 1 was kieki d ? lenllv in the kUimmuck/it back it pre * jitlv I fownd myself in the Kauai w 4 e other hossos, kickin <fc vellin like a t .he of Cnsscarorus s?\iji?.. I was rese. o.l, ik as I wm bein can id to the tar??i n on a hemlock Herd I sed in a feeble voise, " Boys, playin boss isn't my Fort." Mohxi'L.?Never don't do nothin which isn't your Fort, for of you do you'll find yourself splashing in round in the Kauai, figgcrntivcly speaking. "Wrong." A Jew, in a tavern in the town of j Kdingen, saw a merchant whom liuj Mrincd to recognise. " Arc you ono of the good men with i whom I had the pleasure fo travel fiom Bade to Strasburg, on the llhiBe!" The merchant assented, and a?ke<), j u llavo you my fellow traveler, ( we met, picked up much traffic?!'' tS'lh? Jew, like a Yankee, instead of answering, asked, " I)id vou make a good speculation at the fair!" If so, I would like to uronose n hot to von ilmf i? t ( I ' * ; cannot repeat three words after me, as n^say tjitin. 1, make money as I go! along," The merchant, thinking that a to*! |>ence, more or less, would make no clif i feronco to hint, replied, 44 Say on." 'lite Jew said, "Culler." j 44 Culler." Next. " Hag pipe," and hng*pi|>c was responded to. The Jew smiled, and said, " wrong."] The merchant, puzzled. bethought himself where the ini-take could he;; hut the Jew, taking n piece of chalk out; / . of his pocket,1"made a stroke and said, 44 Ono sixpence for me." Agaiu the Jew commenced, ar.d ; said, 44 Olive oil." The merchant said, 44 Olivo oil." 44 Tanner." 44 Tanner." The Jew smiled ngain, and said, 44 wrong" And so or. till the sixth lime, when the in-reliant said, 44 Now I will pay yoti, if you can show ute I was wrong." The Jew said, 44 You never said the third woul, 44 Wrong," and aecoidinglv 1 won the hot." Hie met chant paid, and I ho Jew made money as he went aWg. 44 fii.itf.s me, Sambo, liow Mncnn aro; how in the name of wo,,')cflH you get >o black I'* 44 Why. look her*, mnvs, dn r^Mti am die : I.)e day die child wa? horn din was en eclipse." Ebony moved r quarter f->i this satisfactoiy explanation and afl<*> aliening thanks, continued 44 I can oil you what it ia, tnnarer die niggj- may be black, but he ain'i given, nohow." 44 Miaa, may I see you liome!" said i young man to a tliiL 4 No, air," was the abort reply. 4 Oh, I don't moan now, but torn other night when 1 can't go nnywhur be." f ; \ N t - 4 V. .*.* * I Ml.I 11 , .ju. JJL - i-ll V-L---L3? ss n A I *r Qrisnos.--A fv*V month* l"1 since,-a.* a ritinit'er-of Inert wfNj^rottpr ?d around a corner of y,,e ?f l',e K nt thoroughfare* ufkjLpVrlt flit' COflVfrsH' lion turned on I lie question whether tin.' Irish *re really any more witty than otlier people or r.?t. The coutcM ran high for some titno, and the parties to ing pretty equally divided, it was agreed to test the point on the flirt .Irishman that appeared. No sooner raid than done. As if he had been sent by special eointnis*ic?n, around the corner came a eon of Erin, apparent! v freeh from the bog*. " Oood day, friend!" said one of the company. "Good day! and the lop of tho morning to yer lienor, inter lite bar gain 1" replied Pat, drawing np. 44! vltould like to ask you a qnes tion,'' pursued the oilier. " True for y?/; an' isn't that jist what I ex period-nil tho way liil 1 cum forninst ye 1" " Listen, friend, for tIre question is a very important one. it is this: If tbe devil shoul.1 bo told be might linvo one of us, which would he first choose t"' " Why, iue, to be sure," rw-ponded Pat. i " Ay - nnd why ?o I" 44 lie knows he could gel either of yej ! at any time P | '1 lie club adjourned ? sine die. \ Ocod.? A Tennesscan says : 141 rend , von one of the best specimens of 4wit '| which has ever come under mv observa* } tion, or, indeeit. under that of anv otlier.! If r<ui will give il a place in your DrriVee you will ninth oblige," etc. We give it! i place, lul do not agv,>e wi'li our cor res* i pondent in his estimation of its relative i merit: 4- A 'dualling voting widower in one of j the Southern Stales, l?v tlie name ofi I' Fowler,' took quite a liking to a young| l lady who?e name was 4 Cloud,' and j j wliose (lashing eyes dealt hugely inl j cleMtical inthicnces. 1 luring their j courtship, which wa? somen lint a public i Hair?town and country dii*esi I being the nidcr of the day ? the goalie t men's fiicnds frequently ? spieled their | regret at bis becoming so ' InelouJcl? | | After their marriage one of them con, i giHlulaW'd liiin on tin* happy occasion, jut the same time exptcasing tbe 1;< p<* ] ' I lint, though lotig ' beclouded,' l.e w< uld I j have clear sunshine bef-rc him the rest j of his days. A l?\ - slander Jit tiii , -Irn-k j his hea l, nnd gundy rrpiiod that in \ vHiiablv. w In n 'Clouds'titi Fowler.! i \?>ti mitjlil lookout for yfjualis.'' | - . ... . . A story is tol.l of I)i, k. a ?1?ik? >v. in i Ketiluok v. wlio w as a noioi inii<> ihiif.soj vision* in il,i* respect all tin; theft 1 I in the nei^hhothoiui was i*li;i<i?o? 1 on' him; on one -crash m, Mr. Junes, a! | neighbor of DicUV master, called ami I I raid I >ick must la* Sohl out of thai |>ait j ol ike (oiinti v. for lie had stolen ali Ins (Mr. Jones') turkey*. 1 hVk's ma-ter eoi'1,1 not iliink so. The two. however, (went into ihcfitld where lJi.-k was at! work, ami nocu-ed him of the tin ft. ' Von stole Mr. Jones' tin keys,said ! ' the master. I " No, I didn't tnassa," responded | Dick. The master persisted. | " \N e l," nt length sjvid l>iek, " I'll tell yon, irtassa; I didn't steal dun linker*:' j but last night v.hen 1 went across Mr.' I Junes' paster I anwr one of otir tails on j I de fence, so I brought home de rail, and ! confound it. when 1 came to look, dnrj was nine tin keys oti do rail 1"' Among the reel known as the II-od ! slu ll 1 >:iplists.wa? a preacher who hrliov-j ed thai he <mollI n?'t to select a Mlhject i hefot eliand ami on one occasion he arose I to speak, and as lie, opened the UiUle 1 his eyes f?-H on these word-t " lite: voice of ll?c irrrt'e is heard in the html.", At first, he thought he was slumped.! At length lie said, " 1 >relhern, hi fii?t I one would iliink tliore was not muck in [ this text, but after h little consideration,! vmi will see there is a good deal in it. If you have ever Leon along by a pond, you liHvuseeii llicin on the log* punning themselves. Now, it is said, " The voice I of the turtle i* heard in the land." lint j the turtle hasn't any voice that anybody beard, so it may be iho noise that the. initio ma le in plunging oil tin* log into i the water: hence we conclude that immersion will be universal." Tiie Marquis do Kavteies, a great j boirower and a ri.?toii..iislv bad |>"V master. Called on Samuel 1'eniird the I great financier, one morning and said : 1 "Sir. I am going to astonish you; I am | the Marquis de Favicies ; 1 do not know j you, and I come to you to Lonow fivej hundred louis of vou." " Sir," replied llernair!, " I am going' to astonish v on more, I know joj, and vet I am going to lend them to yon." | A diri'Uik about precedence once arose between a bishop and n judge, and after snmu aliercalion the latter,] thought he should confound hi.* oppo-, uent by quoting the following passage: I ' For on these two hang ail the law I .? ?1 i . . fi o r v .. . . ? 1 ami me propneis, - i><? you noi sec, said the lawyer, in iiiurnpli, " : even in this passage ??i* rciiputre urn are 1 mcntione i lir*' (" *' i grant you," say8 ; the bishop, "you hang first." i a vol.'no hlood from Suckerdom, ^widiing to get n chance Jo tell a young what lie thought of her, looks aOJresstU her in this can i have the exquisite prne of rolling the wheel of conver^^alion around ihu nxellrce of your tin1 dcrstnmHug a few minutes this c.vcn ' ing i" lira lady fainted. ) TttK Louisville Democrat, in refer i ting to a paper called the Jiettver J)am Drmccrat, expresses the opinion that "just two thirds of thai name is appropriate." " Wnv, can't I carry my propertv where I please I" a* the man s?i<i wltli e two polecats in a Im-kel and a pounr e of asMifojlida in each pocket, try i*>g t< fiuce his way into * hull rxjui. " ? " ,ftm 1 . ^ r ' *^5*?x f: <Si: iT 2kr* * . *'.* ^u- J. '.'Lil.L !# " J.11 - S 0 XT ?T 3 iSEMfl SSIWS1EBOHR! Long, Goodlett & Co. R| ESl'bC rKUl.l.Y inform th* citizouv ol tireonrille District, that thay aro now receiving a Full STOCK OF GOODS in thoii lino, all of which worw PURCHA8BD IN CHARLESTON, AND WHICH TRIY W ILL. SKI.I. AT Lowtr Pricos Thau Usual. The Stock consist*, in part, of Blenched and Brown Shirlinps and Sheetings A targe variety of 1'rints, of iiioct importation, from f (Ut 12J rents par yard Linen anil Cotton Diapers, Lined Drills Fancy Cassinterea and Cettonndes Plain Whits Swiss and Dotted Muslins Solid llareges, Mohair Lustres Tllack Silk Mantillas. Eiuhroidcred Collars Uarege Mantillas, whito and oolorod Hoop Skirts, of various kinds, among which will bo found some of 7 Springs, cents: Sfl Sirring*. $?.50 And all the other Articles necessary to coinprise a general stock of Dry Goods. ALSO, Ji\ Btfi/lPJPU.'S' COIf LSnh, i'apH, Btuoh, Shoes, GltOGKItltiS, HARDWARE, CROCKED, GLASSWARE, iL?\, Ac. >-? Wc arc confident of tlio fact that we can afford to sell our Goods at prices that will c?nti maud the attention of the pnhlic, and wc rei spectfully solicit an examination of our Stock. LONG, GOODLETT A CO. March 8- 4* :< tf T. W. f)AVl, PRACTICAL "Watchmr.ker and Jeweler, f*JjL TAKES tho liberty to inform/WJ Jjfjy'V (he people of Greenville, and the whole surrounding country, tlm!^,. he hits ou liand, without doubt, tho best slock of w.i\w c:iriu& & ^wsniTtfLVBV | that tvrr been kept in the Town of Green- | \ illc. ami if any one is disposed to doubt it, l< t i hi in r lit r, come- nml see if it is not so. His ! slock comprises in part of tlio following j articles: Fine Gold and Silver Watches I of all t,unlitie*. and warranted to keep good ( tim$ and to give satisfaction. All goods sold < by him. arc warranted t > lie what they are rep- ; resented, or lie will refund the money and \ take the article hack and no gtmolding, llis j Jewelry is of the latest and host styles. In hie ' stock, ore line Diamond Goods, Lava, l'earl. Coral and Garnet, with or without sits, ami tlio line Chain and other Ilirtcclcts; Waiilt Chains of till styles : G"ld and Silver Thimbles, Gold: Silver ami Steel Spectacle.; Con| cave and Onvcxed Glasses, and els-i Necklaces. with or without Clnsps. Ho litis also pure Silver and Plated IVare. His Articles are too rnnrerous to mention all nl them, hut ci u:e and see at oitco. . IX J N'T FORGET HE DOES AIL KINDS OF REPAIRING In Watches, Clocks and Jew dry, and that in i a wimii.i iiii.ii milliner. tni'li, jk 11<>tl >* n? y ii ciiHtiul get done ar.v where else in the uponim(i v, for lie do. s ii;>t feel himself inferior to any, so vim t\ i 11 ilo well In try liiin. ami sde i: j Lis wolds arc nut tin:!. Ilo thinks there arc ! tunny already who have tried liiin, ami nil! err I i y tn u'.l of the ahnve. do. g-ef His Fit op limy ho found at the Good- j lc it House, on Main Si tret. duly Hi 12 tf ' " AUTiUK.T' THK tSlJllSCIUHKU aft!It th- irons of selling hi? of Lard, ln<- miles Northeast of Green ville C. Ii.. known as the Wick lithe lands?the Huihcrihrd rosul running through it. The tract contains Tiro Hundred acres, seven t r five clenvcil. the balance iu wooih. There isoti the premises, r. tolera! So Dwelling, with other 0?;tl.uildings, anil ? good Orchard, embracing* good Variety of This is altogether a desirable place, either f>>r a small farmer or a summer house ler those who arc fond of tmulhiiijf the saluhriems mountain air in nil its freshness, or looking out upon a lnnils'*gp? which is c.lmosi unrivaled. The piece will Ls exchanged for it Negro fellow, or sold lour for basil or approved Note's. Those wishing to puroh.aso. would elo well to call soon on the subscriber, near Greenville 0. H. lillNHV H. WILLIAMS. Aug U 14 tf &OU S A L K~ Three Ileuses and Lots, i ... WIIItHl arc clitiihly Bitiuii-, fV-Ii'vV. . s eu. iiinl payingn good i?i -ro>t J ?ALI. NLW?mny be lind on Ivery lcnsiiLialilo Itmw. if ??V |?liud.l'ui M?""t fiTO'wnt'r winning to invest the proceeds- of sale in oilier business lie is engaged in. is the only reason why ho has a disposition to dispose of* tlie property.. Also, for a VACANT I.f'T. Ivnpiiro at this Oilier for particulars March (J 41 a?FOT?ii; THE subscriber respectfully inritesthc altrntion nl his friends ??,' V AjCaJ and the public kentrally to his Wcli-sclectci 0S1 ?3-9S3. - CALL AT THE N 13 W 55 It I C fi S T O K S? , One door above the Hook Store, before mnkitie Tour purchase* \ou wit! find fiuods niul prices to suit. T. lb ROBERTS. July f> V if Soisr IS 1IEREBVcirrn that nil persons baripr lemar.d.s against t!;c Estate of V> 11,1,1AM JACOBS, Sr., deceased, arc requested to present thoir demands iogally luithcntientcd: ami all porsons owing the Estate, arc rctjiie.-lcd to eouio forward and settle by Return Day nest, as 1 nin determined to site on nil NoUs and Accounts, if not settled by Return Day. EDWARD O. JACOBS, Eaccutor. Juno 21 " " T> ~ *D JJ U y ? J Ji U U LIU At UIAiLU y FOK SALE I3Y JOHN W, GRADY, CKEKN'VILLE, a C. \\7 ARRANTF.I) TO CURE, if direction* i f T are f >l!?>\vod, any on**- ??f DYSI'LI*j SlA. LIVER DISEASE and JAUNDICE. D j especially adapted to FEMALE Complaint*. wpji-KY it. .^3 , PRifAri BO AUDI 5G~1 i FltllB uLscrilter i* prepared to aroomuioiistc I A several YO(JN? tlKXTLEMEX with IH)AI(I) an<l I.OfHJ i N<1. Ilia rrsiduneg it within IOC. yards of the Thoolu^jenl S< winery, and convenient to tlio bnalretM portion ?f t,.\fn being about 200 yarda cart of the l/tmrt llonse Families .(.Airing l!o:ir U.ui also l.o nccninuio. dated. Rater roiisouubk t IV>1* 40-tf R. W. ETONK. Jacob's Cordial. FOU SALE 13 Y JOIBN W. GRA5>Yi (jKKF.N Vll.l.K, to. O. A SURE REMEDY in ease, of pIAR /V ItiKEA. DYSWiTEItY nnd FLUX Call and get a Dottle. ITtce fl.OO. SPAUIDING'S PREPAREO GIUE. USEFUL IN &VKXT HOUHE, I^Ll'ID, and ready for nra all tho time, an. aa strong ae CabirwA Makers' glue.v Prie . per boule and brash, 2.'. sent*. For sale by > J. E. KUK&MAN, A font. . ^ j JJ ^ , . * %% I" 1^1, ||g_| -J- t ^ lA^L JU^! - ?L-U ?^ - J I'l BE 3? B K . ? Sl'lUNH tiOODS ^ FORJ8GO. <>iWP"Hn *.. -4 I AM r?fWn)( a Large Stock of GOODS. suitable f?r >|'r'?S ,?l?d 8 am ai ,Trade. ff1BBL*ri|wbkh will In- km).I at v If J /'< ?' frier*. An i??|>?otioa ef 111* Stork is inTtivd. April 5 * 48-tt JGHM W. GUADY. Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. JUST rcnittil, a full line of Drkss Goods. for ladies ami gentlemen, embracing all grade*. from a yery common lo the boat fabrics kept iu this market, among which is many of tho lioreltics of the day. Also, a good line of White Goods, Kuibroideries, Laoc Goods. Ac. j Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ac; 'Ikiwbetl and Drown Shirtings ami Sheeting's, Drillings. , Tickings, Ac. K?r sale hy i April b 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. Hardware, Cutlery &c. 1 A GKXlTRAt, assortment of Tablo . TyPfland Pocket CUTLEKY, together with all description* of Shell" HARDWARE j u?uiil|}' k'pt in tWisjnurket. Alio, Axes. Grain I and Grass Scythes, Sneaths. Cradles, ami Reuphooks. Spades and Shovels, Hoping. Trace r Chains, Nails, Ac. Just received and for snlo ' 1 hy JOHN W. GHADY. , I April 5 4Jl tf i 0 Kc;i(iy-T3a(lc Clothing". , V FULL Assortment efSUMMKIt CLOTHING, Cduts. Vests, Pauls, Shirts, ami S Ciiiler Garments. Collars. Cravats, Stocks and 't ies. Just received uud lor sale by j 0 April 4 48?tf J011N W. GHADY. | BONNETS. /TX A FULL Line of Trinuned and Un- 11 2*^3>trimino.l 110NNPTS .mil PLATS, llu- j *!SL? cln-s. Flowers, Wreaths, Ribbons, Ac. I ! Jus-t received ami for sale bv April i 4S-tf JOHN W. GRADY. si shATS. Li A VF.UY Jarre Stock of l'rors. Soft ami' il Summer JlA'l'N, for Men uud lloys. si Just received anil fur rule by 1 w April 5 4S-tf JOHN W. GHADY. cl CAItPETS, MATTINGS, Oil Cloths &c. SOMH liandsoiiie Cnvpets, Mattings, O'.l i Cloths. lings. All-mums, Ac. Just re-( tli ccivcl and for sate bv Aj ril j 4B-'.f * JOHN \V?, GHADY. I NVATAi PAPER. O PIP' KS new and handsome pat-I ^ e ?V IV* i j-n> of Wall Paper. Hurdcritiy. I Window Shade*. l-'ire-placv Screens, Ac. Just! ! received and lor >-a!c by A | April i 4t>?if JOHN W. GRADY. | ]' WOODEN WARE j /~iHDAH. vnrni'ii painted Hmkris, \Ye.ll.? si 1'nckfttK. Tubsami Kih,Ierr. Corn Rruon.s,j ^ Ac. .fust received atnl fur salt bv : ' | April a 4s-tf JOHN Yv. GHADY. I1'1 1 y DurGS Si I? V C-ST51FFin, |" [ ?-yV ^ IXDtdV GLASS, Putty, Puiute, Oiis,! , Y'"j sfce. Jut.1 received and for v.ilo bv I JOHN W. GHADY. | j, Aj ril 0 4t> . tf . U irTiiti PAPER, "I5T.ANK lloOKS, <fcO. I T 1". TTl'lK and Cap Paper. Plank and Mem- I 5 J or.uirinm Hunks, spoiling Hooks, Inks, I oft and Steel r. os, 1 '.simot U,turds, Ac. 1 Juat i vccitcd ami fi r sale l?v A; 111 j 48 tf JoTlN V. GHADY. ' _ ,v BOOTS A N i> SHOES. *!" A \V MLI, fiwortnl Stuck ol Ln lifs*. * 1 a-. la---- I ?irt fTtr " .... ? . in a . .11 ixr*. liiuhskru snd Slipper*. horlod and ualicolsd. j licy's. arid Voui.i'e Buds nnd Shoe? , cf overjr variety. Jus: received nr. I fir sale I j ly " JOIIX W-liRAI.V. April i 4S "If GROCMK1ES. i JAVA ami HioCofiirts. I.oaf, Crush- | I *nd Brown Sugars. No. 1 and 1 .VKlAGL&OkWest 'India Mnlnsser, Tons. Caudles,.! 1 Cnnriicf. Mackerel, ic. Fur ..lie l>v j A}-?4 4S-if JOHN W. (illADV. | (. I C'rccJicry sissiJ Wlasswnrc. \J'L'I.I, assortment >>t Chirm, Granite j . urn] I", :urv>n filnsswnro, Ac. | ^ Jun received and lor sale !>v | Aprils 4- t. JOilN W. ?RAI>Y. i Wo have Jl'ST KIN I1I\ Ml) a fine Stock of! J HTAPtF, AM) FANCY j:: DAY GOODS, Which, f..f QiU?iU| f,.)0 Cilc'Dpn^S ; I |vr think.) CAM NOT BE SU it PASSED. It' you wish to accur.v the greatest BAR(! Ai.S uu liuve ever offered, 1 t ? k H If I? I> T A" I V ;l \ \j\j vu l\ li ij 1 |j V) ?! > pot eon-i Vr it i.eressary to (.uumr-1 ml'1 Ariirlee or lh'i'i ?, as wi-iy hotly knows j tiial r, c keep n'.v.y vs a.T.ATU.E 'ftlffiTM.MS I; in our lino, ut us .MolJliK AT1? I'llK'KS as ( r:m iv afforded. Therefore we ?av, I sO'DW'Jft ! fiDMX All! ; I And examine, an<l sea if what w? s??y be to. 1 Vi'o Jiave also for sale, A <5 Octavo Mflodron, in i . ei order ; p S OCT WK VAUIS MADE I I AI.K\ANI?I:F. PAJII.OK OK CTICUCH OII, UAM, und two j;oo>l second-ban^ PIANOS. V/. H. HOVEY. , April 5 43 If ^ t. r. rr.?:? a. n. no? m. lit.' REED 8t GOODLETT, 'attorneys at law, AND SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. UllKKKVIbbtt, s. u. Office \nrtk-L(i?t Corner Court JJoutt Squire. I .Inor A ! If ! v. joxfM, 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW } AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY ' i ar.i:r.yvji.LB, ?, c. #t?T" Offiw En*t*id?i of Coiirt TfftiVOo F^iiaro, wJicif Iip niny l'o found daily, from 0, A. M., I to 2,1'. M. ' :-7-iy tui i# J. A . PE A RSON i. CO'< (;rf:knville, s. c., "\|"ANUKACTURER8 of, and Wholoaalo JyJ. ami Retail bonier* in Tin Waro, Sheet Iron, Zinc, Ac, TIN ROOFING, GUTTERING, REPAIR. 1 f NO, and nil otbct Work in our line dona oitaaply and promptly. J. A. PEARSON A CO. 10 U , SANCHEZ' SPECIFIC. \ POSITIVE SPEEDY CURE for 1V Glinnorrhira and Gleet. llua iio,ba<1 and Ta nu oaallrnt. Rtmedr. Far an la lay JOHN W. RATTF, J . r" ' *+ . dCife HEsBUtUfiiEL . ? r V 1 /'*'* * ? ' - - ? > / ? -** .A"^?w v?*k -J isssl; -r -,-rrrr - ragssy I add, Webster & Co/s (*?5 SBWIMiCHim WHICII. * For Beauty. and Simplicity of Construction, ami Kfficicncy iu Working, are UNEQUALLED BY ANY. -r?O A Few of (be Muy Ilea son* Why theso Machines ARK PREFEHKED A DOVE ALL Oi'llL.llS. 1. They arc so remarkably in their | onslruelion. A child can operate tlivui and uulerstand their mechanism. 2. Tliey nro the Htronflrat Sewing Machines nndo. It is almost impossible to break or sol hetn out of order. 3. They are ?nre in their operation : finishng work in iv uniformly perfect manner. 4. They make a tig/if Inrk tlilch, nliko en >olh sides of the work, which cannot be nnrarclcd. S. 'fnoy stitch, hem, bind, full, run ami gather. without basting. ti. They sew equally well tho lightest and icavirst fabrics. 7. They sow over the heatiest scams withiit rhangiug the tension or breaking ihciiuesl hre:nl. 8. They use nny No. of Cotton, Thread or ilk. directly from the spool. 9. They use a straight needle; curved oues i rc liable to break. 10. The needle lias n perpendicular motion, 'his is absolutely necessary for heavy work. 11. They have a wheel feed : notio others arc J i constant contact with the work. 12. They run easily and are almost noiseless, r ' 13. They uro not liable to oil tlio dress of tho i ' pcrntor. j 1 1-1. They do not require a screw-driver to i ! t the needles. 13. They do not hnvo to ho taken apart to j 1 1 or clean. li?. They do not form ridges on the under i ' dc of tho work, nor ravel out, nor are they 1 astcfnl of tlirrnd, us is the ruse with ail ' inin-stilcliinK machines. I 1.7. They capable of fining a creator I iiiro <>f work, and in a more perfect maimer !' iuu any oilier Sewing Machine. We warrant thc?a Machine*. atid vouch for ic recommendation of the aboYe. ?*YE-:GI Ac PK IlKlv At. r.NTS. I GREENVILLE, tt. C. April 1!) 50 It 1 WAGON IA KING AND RKIWIKIXG I I Ml F. subscribers respectfully inform tl'cpub- ' lie that thev it'teml carrying on the l.u- | nors of W At.ON M A N I'VACTIWI 1 Nil, and j 1 fAtiON and UbtitiY KKPAlltlXtl. in the ; n\n of tirccnvillo. 'flic best of Timber will I ; it used, and the work warranted to he well done. | ' fr. POOl.. who will superintend the woik,is a I of considerable experience, liavinr i ' nrncd the business under the best workmen in j ' ic <'un lade 1'aetnry of Messrs. (l.nvcr, Cox. | 1 larkley .It t'n. All work wiil he done upon i ' is most'reasonable terms, and on short notice. ! ' share of patruiiace respectfully solicited. WANTED. 1 A lot of SKA SO Mil) LLMP.IiR wanted, , >r which a lair price will be paid. J. A. TOM'NFS. W. 1'. l'OOI.. XV. A. TOWM-iS. firccnrille. Fabrnnrr ?. 1SC0. "t> If | IAMKS M. AL1.KN, Mil trcrvi' , . -m ft]* W* W 75?! M ir l DEALER, ^aa^'L^'vsiiLE, s. . J~*y All Orders for MariiuWum; prompt; attended ?<?. 4'1-tl Feb * j HANDSOME JEWELRY ! O X S X I, E . \Vnr.Y GENERAL ASSORTMENT of fino anil oilier .// ' II'El. It Y may be i tbc Subscriber, nii<> makes loonier Lnf/ngr ( fit! IHiii/*, ami any other article required in I is line. HF.I'AIHI.VO faitlifully done j Three Doors below the ("! > .dl< It llnuco J II. RANDOLPH. Greenville, S. C., So,-*. 16, lSj'.l. 19-if j JAMES FLECK. HOUSE & SIfiN PAINTER, l'ui>ci' ll;iktcrr & <jlluv.i^a*, (JlM.KNVIM.i:, S. O. I'lLI-FAITNFI'LLY fXKCtTK ALL WORK EXTRVSTCIi i TO |l|\l. Residence on Augusta Street, near Depot. Foil 2;i i i ly FOR RENT, ^5^*4 UNTIL the first iluy of January tekjj, next, at $200 per annum. Mill THE STORE ROUSE m Mnin street, Greenville, S. C., recently oc- I upicd by Maui.di.v i l.oxn. V. A. MA ELGIN, I A'lm'x. r/e Loni* neii, ?f S. Maublin, dec'tl. j March I 42 f H(it?B PAINTING. UK subrrriher is prepared to EXECUTE JL promptly all orucr* for HOUSE PAINTING upon lliu inost reasonable term*. T. C. GOWKn. AprH 19 .1# tf J NOTICE. npjIR Copnrtner*ln|> heretofore existing .1. bclwcen I lie him'resigned, for the purpose of opcriti lit,? Mills, etc., Iiclow Orcsnville II., teill terminate on the first hoy oj November next. I'oisoiio having claim* against the Company will plcnsr present thrin to Mr. Mclhr.; ntxf those iudrht ed will oblige us by settling nt nn rsrlv date witl| liiin. Al.KX. Molibi'l, 0. ltHAJX Rep tO 20 : If NOTKE. J 11 AVE associated Willi nic in hnsiness, Mt JUAJI MAL'LJ'l?,'. TIih business will iio carrie J <>n in luy N*h Urirk Store /loom, under tile slylonftd firm, of Uorjcrt* A M a i i.oix. In returning my thank* U> my friends for their liberal pHtronap-, I w'Jkldioil a rontuiuntion of tho same, to the Sow Firm. ' T. It. ROBERTS, Oreensillc, S. C. July 30th, 1380. newTirm. TIIE subscriber* have associated themselves together in business, under tbo firm of ROBERTS A MAULIMN', lake lileimurs in inviting their friends, and the public general, ly, to their well selected Stork of Goods, Enthroning all Goods usually kept in stores in our place. Give u* n coll before making your purchases. You will' And the Goods and price* to suit. T. F>. ROBFTI'Tl. JOAU L. MAUI.DIV. Qreerrrilfr) fA CS, Jwty Mtk, M*. rrtr t mm n? - T ~rr TDHIn ! i|T hi ?* MLJ * \ ""Ssh I^LJ. /* . -!*'<- ** b. x a as . F. BFBTY." LOVELANO'S BW15IIV8, OREtMVIUE. S<C. 0A, RESl'KCTKULLY informs the pub faj lie generally that he has on baud a Hu ' assortment sf BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, &CL WELL ADAPTED TO TUTS MARKET. In the assortment wiltbe frfonrt Liulies, Misses' and Children's (Jailers &n< Shoes, of many kinds. * > , Gentlemen's, Youths' aud Boys' Boots, Gaiter and Shoes. Ditcher's Boots?an excellent article. Brogans of all sixes niul most durable tnaks. In fact, as full an assortment of Articles ii his lino as can l>s found in any crtahlisluneti in a town of the same sis*. . He also rcspoetfully nsks an examination c his Prices for Cash, satisfied that hisGoodssr offered At the Lowest Possible Figure. Persons in want of anything of the khu will please give liiin a call. A ISO, ON HAND, A (?ood Ktock oi* Lrafher AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Boot and Shoe Making Tliis* brunch of hie business is still curried 01 under his personal supervision, and every ear will tie txkon to guarantee sntisfuction to thos who patrmiir.u him. 27?t f ' Nov 10 THE WORLDOUTDONE Till: MEDICINE CALLED " f nf Iniiiiuulory i:*lirs>s?lor,* A17"UlCH was sold duringCourt in this plnci vv is now on sale, .hy J. W. GRADY, o Lireonvillo. I (cannot now he longer deabtei ut this Medicine is the most efficacious reniedi vdr in this place, for Kidney Diseases, Piles Neuralgia, Lung Diseases, Dyspepsia Kheu mntism. Numerous eases of the above disen 'es have hern en red this present week. Head ichc, Toothaeln , Karnche. Sprnins. and all llow 1 Affections, disappear before it as if by tin ouch of magic. Try it, and keep it in you amities, for sicklies* comes when you leas (xpect it. .1. W. t!HADY. Agent for Greenville. S. C. I>r. K. PILL. Wholesale Ag't atColuinhia: also y all Wholesale Druggist* in Charleston, S. C 0. W. DAVIS, Proprietor. Lox -1020, New York Post. Office. Nov 3 2G tf F?-LI CI 1BJ2. Charti LULD 18J4 Loo.\Ti:n Corner of Baltimore and Charles Streets, HAI.TJ .MORE, AID. 1A11M Largest. .Most Elegantly Tarnished and Popular Commercial College In tin i li'cd Stairs. D'-signed exprcsfily for Vouuj \I<n desiring to obtain a Thnruu-jh yVitrtiVii I'Juriiiii it in the I.act possible tim ind oi the least expense. A I.urge aid L? aiitifiilly Ornainented Oireii ar. containing upwards o! AW Novo,t /'.if ivitIt spei ituens nl Pcnutaitso'.ji, iti**1 a l.arg. Engraving, (the finest of the kind ever mad. n this country,) representing the Interior Yiev f loo College, with Catalogue staling terms Jtc., v.-ill he rent. t? every Young ?.!au on np plication. frrr / <7i?r?/e. Write immediately and you iriil roceivc tin package by return mud. Address. K. K. I.OSIER. March I 43-ly llaliiinore. Aid. i IOW AK k) A SSOCIATIOX. I Illl.ADLI.l'illA. A Benevolent Institution established by spec in j-?nu'>n iiivtM. mr i lit' i.ciuo 01 ' no ,->iex fc'l" Distressed afflicted with Viruluiit and t'.pi domic Diseases, and especially for tliu Cureo Diseases of the Sexual Organs. IV I HlilCAIi Ailvici1 given gratis. by tlm Art _1T 1 ing Surgeon, to all who apply by letter wiili n description of their condition, (aye, oc cupalion. habits <>t life, ! *# and in ca^es of ex trcme poverty, Mediciufa furnished free u charge. Valuable Reports on Spcrmat' rrhoen,. am other Diseases ol' tlie Sexual Organs, and on Or Xi'a KeinotMiT, employed in tliu Dispensary sent ta the afflicted in sealed letter envelope? free of charge. Two or three Slumps for Pes tape will he aeccntable. Address. DR. J. SIC I I.I. IN* HOUGHTON Acting Sltrjran, Howard Association, No. 1 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, P.\. lJy order of the Directors. KZKA D. 11 MART WELL, President Gro. Faiucuii.d, Secretary. Feb 9 -CJ ly SADDLE&irA RXESS M A N 1J F A C T O H Y / f-jjr Til V. snosr riher would rcRportfnll Ln&k inform iho public generally that h lr^r'iiitiliii?s tliu above Uusinees, Tie /??or* nb<iii ll.e GreenriUe lintel, and is pre pared to furrish customers with any <lc?oriptio of HOME MANl.'I ACTl HKD S.auDLES Carriage, Uuggy and Wagon HARNESS mad to order, arid in the l-ert styles. BUt|)IiF.f 11 I! IP, Ac., onward, arid tor side CJTKAF Saddles and Harness REPAIRED ? short notice. . A. M. OILHKATIC. March *J9 47 ly B L A C K S MIT K IN G. The concern of T01VNE8 ? II AIV iC I NS liftTitip been dissoli d by mutual consent, tbo busiiio? will bo carried on at the s:ync Shop J v the ur dersigncd. IV. RIWQKS. January, i$59. J. L. II AW KIN'S. NOTICE. rI"MIE undersigned having transferred his it 1 tcrest in tier Iliad,smith Shoo nunc Wt 1 in:n; * Store, to Messrs. lIlionKS A Hawki* takes plcasnro it? iccoinmendinjr them ton shu of putilit' patronage. They will ho prepared I attend promptly Hnd satisfactorily U> oil enl in their line. They have experienced and *Vil fill Smiths in Hoi seslrooinsr, Uopnirirg ai Ironing W:ijjoim, Plough Work, and nil olio ordinary work of ? Blacksmith Hhnp. .lanuury, 1S59. ?>7-tf (1. P. TOWXES., MNTAL ('A!tl>7~ flAIIE undorsignail would respectfiilly hrir J[ to the notice of Greenville and vielnlt Ins friend, TtOftEKT A. HARMS, Surge, Dentist, who line, during the last three year given his close nod undivided attention Dentistry, and who is now prepared to at tot I to his Profession in I.nth its hrauehof. 1 urn v ba found at my Uoopis. ??>1IN ANDEnSOy, July 6 0 If Surgeon Drhtlst. ORR 8c PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, i.lJiKNViUX S. g. jaw is r? orb w. r. piste .May Ui I . , tf IIAV TNO-, HA IP, TRIV.MIM, DRLSSINO, DYIN8, RAZOR SETTING ANT) SHAMPOOING AT TtIK Second Door above Mr. MoPheraon's, nr M ?WILSON2#POOK. HOUSE AND LOT IN TOWJ ?Fl)R NAT.E TIIB rubxcriber offers for *?! >i House und I,ol, ci mated rtdf?r the road, adjoining lands of Csi|Vr. .1, \ The Lot contain* On* Aero. On t place i? a splendid well of water, and a Qi rule young Orchard. For furthor particulars, a* ta fcrrna, Ac., a ply to tho auoaeriber, ?rti the prvwtirey, or el I fdiop. A bargain can ho obtained, r* f n>p d terminer! to a*U. W. P. FOOL. *7* V) M tm a ^ ?_ A compound remedy, In which we have-by , bored to produce the moat alterative , I that can bo made. Itia a concentrated oxtract ' M of Para Harsa par ilia, so eombfaed with other Ja I substances of still greater alterative power as f* 5 to afford au effective antidote for tbe diseases : ' Sarmparilla. b reputed to euro. It b believed that suoh a remedy is wanted by those who ( J #uft:r from Strumous complaints, and that one [ t which will aooentpllsh their cure must prove 9 of immeatb eervioo to ties large class of oar.. afUiutcd fellow-citizens. How oomplctely this compound will do it has been proven by cxper* . J iracnt on many of the worst cases to be found | ! of the following complaints: ? .fa . 4 fi Scrofula as d Scrofulous CoxvLAimrt, I lf! B&i'PTtpxa am- Kuvrnvr Diabases,'Ui.osae, ?. I p j Pimplf.8, Blotches, Tumous, Salt Rbivn, [ j Scald Head, Syphilis ajtd Svmiutio Ar- t fectioh6, Mercurial DlABASE, DuOPHT, NkU- j j . k.m.uia ob Tic Dovlquubux, dbhility, Dve- gj 1 pimiqt a ivn TvtiinueTrnv on Sr. Anthony's Fir*, Mid indeed tho whole | class of complaints arising from Imfubitt or f j thr Blood. v . .. [ This compound will ho found a great promoter of health, whoa taken iu the spring, to * I i expel the foul humors which fester in the r ' j blood at that season of the yenr. By the time- * . J 8 J ly expulsion of them many rankling disorder* jn are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, b? 0 j the aid of tlds remedy, spare thcraselvce frc3? I the endurnnee of foul, eruptions and ulcerous \ r sores, through which the system will striiro to ' rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do , tins through the natural channels of the body by on nlterativo modicine. Cleanse out tho vitiated blood whenever you ftnd its impurities bursting tlirougli the skin* in pimples, eruptions, or. sores; cleanse it when you And it is obs strutted and sluggish in tho veins; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when'. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy batter health, and live longer, for cleansing tho blood. Keep tho " blood healthy, and all is well; hut with this IKibuluin of life disordered, there can ho no listing health. Bocmcr or later something "* must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla lias, and deserves much, tho reputation of accomplishing these ends. But ? the world has been cgregioualy deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug ulone has not all tho virtue that is elnimed far it, hut move because many preparations, ~ pretending to ho concentrated extracts of it, # Contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any tiling else. During late years tlic public liavc been mis-, led by large bottles, protending to give a quart . *; of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most I of those have been frauds upon tho sick, for ! they not only contain little, if any, SarsapaI rilla, but often no curative properties wbatovj cr. Hence, bitter a. l painful disappointment j has followed the use of the various extracts of ' Sarsaparilla which flood tho market, until tho J name itself is justly despised, and has become ' synonymous with imposition and cheat. 8tiU | we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend j to supply sueli n remedy as slinll rescue the ; name from the load of obloquy which rests ) upon it. And wo think wo have gfound for | believing it lias virtues which arc irrcsistiblo J by the ordinary run of tlic diseases it is intend cd to cure. In order to secure tlitir complete I cradiciitiop front the system, the remedy should j he judiciously taken according to directions on i' the bottle. rrteraijro by DK. JT. C. AYER A CO. LOWELL, IvIASS. | Price, g 1 por Uottlc | Six Dottles for 05. | Ayer's Cherry Pectoral I has woi) for itself such n renown far tho cure of , | every variety of Throat and Lung Comploint, that- , it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount tho: 1 evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been om! lilovod. A *; it lu\* limo Koon 1 , ? ?n m vvii?i?jh. uiw _ throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has U>en, and that it may bt relied on to - do for their relief all it has ever been found to d*. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, von TOE COM o? -J , Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, i. Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, FiL'*, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, ' I J.her Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and I Salt Rheum, H'orms, Oout, Neuralgia, as a " Dinner Fill, and for Furifying the Blood. They arc sugar-coated, so that tho moat sensitive can tako tlicnt pleasantly, and tbey am tho ! best aperient in the world for all the purpoaes of a family physic. J Frico 25 ccnti per Bos; Five boxeo fer $1.00. | Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, State** ' men, and eminent personages, hare lent their names to certify tho unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space hero trill not permit the " insertion of them. The Agents below named fur" nish gratis our American Almanac In which they " sro given ; with also full descriptions of the above [> complaints, and the treatment that should be fbl' lowed for their onre, i o j Do not bo put off l>y unprincipled dealers with. >. other preparations they inako more profit on. V' Demand Ayf.u'h, and tuko no others. The siek it the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our remedies art * ? V >-r ? it., 10 t<ivenrtllo If J. nv DEAN and M. II. KAilJ.K, and by Druggists and dealers l? ^ Medicine oyerywltoeo. April 26 61-leowly C11 r.i;()KICK It " L'r ' AN I M-AM.INO CI !M I'.. * CvKO ).CJ ) A lii 3ii M ! ' - ; "r TI?B t I??NA.&* onfiis?. r | ^ II Its Jtcm< fly cures when all otWr pnpura1 lions tail. It is entirely dnliko every Utuor cosi)Miuiul i ronttfiaing no mineral pof^ son or nauseous drug ;.tm it it Rtf^rud solely j from Koois, liuiks und Lenvo#?vnti<l baa Won *'! banded down, from ono gonurattSli to anothufn' J" j l>y tha Cherokee Indians. It kToffered 1? lk? '*? | pnldie bn its own intrinsic merit*. It perform* *J its duty i|ui<-kly and Lbprotk^vf. 'Ike unforJ? tdmUc, <!f either rti. will be Mpaid by Utints thia Remedy, instead of plae'mg themselves at ^ the mi rey of Mine Quack or^jHaofoesor, Tbl* Remedy strikes at ibe vory>IUiotof ibo disease; its tendency is not simply torjfcspond U?s poison, j| ' but td remove the cause otfljrliiek It depends. lull directions in ptirapiiM form, accompany J ciii'b k?dtk>. Tbo speedy dpnl permanent relief uiVui'ded by tliit R, incdy, In all Cases of Ooior- 7 * rhews, Oluot, ti ravel, atrfotvm, Fluor AJJkun (Whites in Females,) i*pd all diseases *4 tke r" L'riiiHi.v Organs, has ustoftishrd the most 1 Ek" litic men 6f tb? ago. This Remedy naFonly eradicate* nil polsoir from Qic system, bdl Invigorates Ilia most delicate "(institution. ' It dm not afli-rt'liKyiulh ? isaiibM ?llV 1 iiiTy elnsa offcuKlst***, or rvutiru ?o/ deflation r ] from Mm iwual'diftj'' '?| It requires no ufalatance (Von any other ma* ' m Ami #li?l tn'in^rra ia tho entire ?b? <> senco ofall nunitttus tuata, oeing a plenrant a'ad d<-li< ion*-sjnAf, V* I'rice $2 por fi.Htle, or three tiottlcs for $?. ^ POTTRIt A MRRWllT; KRok PryhHotor*, St. front*. ZLk.. jsm- ?-U in 'tfteimMlle hy H'.ber 4 *ef?. ?? njUlu y?< StA^cfe A (J: Che^i-Mon^ Wlw.l. n,.(i ftti aap???<hle <)f?ler% A Ift MvAieluca in the Portifr, 4?-Tjr Ap VI "% J,'. Ilntr |)i'f?s|i:g lailtl ftliMVitatf. at ThUIWlDttB e' -wtao. e the TVN60MAI. J[f hnatnatt at V>OlU tftaad.?? Vealtie't I*. lii'wk Outldtag, afct?? he it ready. tlwriau the lis <ti<y and ever. in/. tO'ftliar<- the ins) ead Cut I Unit and Ph ei|M>?1h? II? respectfully ) i oaks a eoatkuaauou ei uatrtaoga. { *+\ m ifch ;