University of South Carolina Libraries
^v. ' - -"-'K,' v?' . y\h^^'S< jPPfBJ ? ^ * #.?iW >w* ?^>fcV? \ > ! 4i |V * |y ^ |, ^ . _ , ^M*luJ MM^iow*ifiii?^air? T 1>M? Mi iImb .o/I Mail Itll I lim finlkia. v , Down I so*;s'ie looked atrnugo, ?ud toy heart felt queer around ?W? td(e. 44 Aro you fating downto Betaf liartia's qniltib r after a while, eet ?bs. 8?t I, "reckon i would." Set elie,u Mppou you'll ld? Hi" Bodge P 8m I, ** I mought, and then again, 1 enough tea *l. Sm she, 441 heard you wae going to W married." 8m I. a I wonld'nt wonder a bit." I louked at bar and seed die tears coming. Sex I. " may l?? she'll ax you to be brtJearoaid." ' *r She rix tip, die did, her face as rod no a biled teet. 44 8eth Stoke*," an:l she eonld'nl any anything more, the an full. 44 WoubPnt you bo btideamnid.! Nance!'' sex I. 44 No," aex she. and burnt tight out. 44 Well, then," ??cx I, " if you won't be the bridesmaid, will roii )<o the biidet" She looked up at inc. I * war to man I never saw anything so nwfid puty ?- I took light hold of her hand. 44 Yea or no," sex I, 44 right off!" 44 Yea," aex she. 44 That's the sort,".s?x I, and give her a kiss and a hug. We soon hitched traces to trot in double harness for life, an J I never had cause to repent my bargain. Ax Alabimi Political Akrcdotk. The Mobile Tribune relates the following 44 good one 44 Some years ago, at the timo when there was a ttiangular contest in prog : ress between the Whigs,Old Line l>ein i ocrats an?l Fire Katers, it was announced that the late Jtdui Morrisett. of Monroe, would address the |>eotile ? f that coun Iv :> I..,),,,If ,.t il.? VVI,:?, rl 1 v " " " 1 | lor Lesesue was sent up fiom Mobile lo j meet him, n* repiesenlative of the j Southern bights I'miIj. The Chancel I lor were stiapa !o hi* pantaloon*, (then ! not a prevalent fashion in Monroe.) a net having a habit of pulling his hand* behind hint when speaking, and lifting the skills of his coat, he displayed a 'nrge, new brass buckle that fastened hie waistband. "Mr. Mmriselt, tephing, rematked, in bis own peculiar and inimitable vein,; that the peopTe of Monroe did not need to receive political instruction from Mo bile?least of all, from a gentleman who wore gallowses tender his |?oota and a breast pin ou the seat of brcechea." An Acthor?A young scape grace, who had seen out a fortune and fallen inlo bad habits, took up Ida residence in a country village, pietending lo be an author. His shabby appearance was, therefore, accounted for, and as his nd dress was good, and nooks of pewond beauty remained : many, a romantic village maiden sighed over the " cruel fate of genius." Sighs would trot pay his landlord's bill, and when a tnon'h bad expired, lie was dunned in good eat nest. At length the Inndloid told him he no ver saw any of his pi ml tic; ions, and w Uhed to know what wotk lie had been the author of. lleiug thus pushed, lie replied, 44 Why, sir, I call myself an ntt . thor, and so I am?Ike author of my own mirfortuncs." Not long since, In South Carolina, a | clergyman *h? preaching on ilie diso j brdience of Jniiah, when commanded to go and preach o the Nbtetitea.! After expatiating for a considerable length of time on the truly awful consequence of disobedience to the divine commands, he exclaimed, in w voice of: thunder, that pnasrd through the con j gregation like an elects tc shock, 4i And | are there any Jonahs here?" There wasa j negro present whose natne was Jonah,! who, thinking tiiinsilf catl?d on, immediately arose, and turning up his white eyea to the preacher, with his broadest grin and hot bow, answered, 14 Here be one, roaesa." 4,Can you draw, young man ?" in quired Quilip, of an applicant for a private tutorship. "Certainly," replied the candidate. 44 At ten years of age 1 ' ould draw rider ; at twelve, a picture; . ;t fifteen, a hand rait loa<U?1 with cab Sages ; at sixteen, an inference ; at twenty , a I/ill if exchange. If I were an . QQtflr, i believe I could draw the largest kind of a house, but being a teacher.- I am content to draw a salary, and the I ho bolter;" ' You4 II do I" said Quilip. A Conrtsn Iloo.? A "sturk-np" l.: i ?/ ! < ? ? - ?niu ui unamiie, <>i in* iinru to geniue, entered a Hot* in Philadelphia, find turning up hi? snout nl ?on>* ?p |>le? which he. taw hiih? window, into lently atked: " Are time* apple* fit for * bog to eat f" Shouldn't wonder?jou had better t aju ? d try," ?aid the Horekeeper quilo eooi T>.? n an did. "Mother, in id little Ned. one morning, "mother, 1 know why I fell out of bed laM mjjM. it ?w because 1 slept Is. ' "* too near the J nee wheiel got in." Mim<tg a little while, m if in doubt fhetker i ra dded, "No, that we* not the reason; it I ^ ' lN ^'<*I,U<<5 ^ #'eP* lo? "fear where 1 Wr . y . ' * ' , Tljlilii , I l,fli pifiOF^Ti T ? A* WTKB HPS |P ! PkOVISHVN &TORE.? RSMXR11 m W lBter DMI/J/UW HnmM ky my*" b> four of tha be* 1 ubti In (k? Vwlted Stotaa. I?bjKHMW?- J aaryloowuaerata all tho artleka. (hOt n4 ooo fa* ywrwlvf*. , ' J , 41 aoeka Moeb?s Juuw. and Ulo CofVsn 1 t Ilk<4* 0>Wki?Ml Port* Hie* Sugar* 1 Si BVI* Craabed tad Bcliwd A B ud C 1 Sugara ' Itf BW? K. o. M?tmM *\ . ? 1 S BbU Stewart' Uoldan Syrup 1 *.? 1 2 HMk Porto Rico Malum 8 llhda Cab*, Martovtdo, Potto Ri?? u4 TrinMod Maloaoe* T cheat* T???Ityaon, Imperial, 1 OtlMt, Sakar-OalMf tnd Souchong Freu Salmon It 1 ?ml 2 lb com OjtHct* to ?tni?quarto tnd pWi: article# i luptrMd direct (Vow CroM d BUtkwtH, Louduo WorceatcrebiroPaacc?John Bull, Sir RobU Peel, and Sobn Saore Rending, Mnahroon nod Walnut Cntaup Picklee? Piccalilli. Ocrktaa, Wuhiuta nud Onion*. in quart* and pinU Durham- Muatanl ' 186,088 Cigar*, ruorttd Brandt, from 7 to 1 80 dollar* per 1.800 100 Hose* Adamantine nn?l Tallow Caudle* 25 hnxea Tobacco, varlou* brand* A largo aaxortment of Finn Cutlery and Plated Warts A large tupply of UI at* ware, China and Crockery Candy and Coofectionarte*. Ac , Ae. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. " Oat S8< " M tf | NJbl'W Qt o a w s , i Just Received. ^ VTB are now receiving a II fuii atock of FALL AND AJPSBT^I. WINTER GOODS, to Which ? ? . [ wo invito the attention of ail. j lP^-twiggA If) Dnr atock haa been aclectcd with tho greatest carc, *? J a* to meet the want* of our cutftotner#, mid | j 1 having been ohtuincd oil the niort renaonahle | term*. we feel confident that we can make it to j ^ i tho intcrcat of buyer* to fuvor us with a call. Our atock ia umiauall.v large, and embrace* . all the latc?t and moat driinddv alylca. . FuJI line* of FAICY AID STAFLE DRY ?! heady made clothing, c GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, 11ATS AND CAPS, Boot*, Shoe* and Bro#iui?, T CHOCKKRY A GLASSWARE, ? NOTIONS, ct\ GROCERIES, &C. s R. P. GOOD LETT A SON, Two Doors bcluv Goodie tt House. Pep 20 20 tf u MLOMliRlAM mTUANKKCI, f .r the kirn! \ of their friend* for the n|Of psiit yosr, vrouhl respectfully solicit the umu for the present. Persons 1 4*^ wishing to buy ! GENUINE ARTICLES, < woulti do well to erfll and cxauiine our Stock of < DRUG'S, J MEDICINES, 1 PA/N7S OtTJi, VA RN/SHKS, DYE-STUFFS. PERFUMERY, \ BRUSHES, ^ FANCY ARTICLES, dx. . ONE iHtoU HKI.OW 1 HARRISON & LONG'S SHOE STORE. \ IF YOifWANT Fine Shaving Soiijjs, Washing 1 Soape, Glvccnne S?>ap, Urown Windsor Soap, Colgate's Seap, , French Soaps, Opodeldoc Soap, j Castile Soap, Thompson's Soap, t Lilian's Soap, or any other kind of ' Soap, or a llox of IVtaeli, to make r your own Soap, YOU WILL FIND IT AT [ LONG & BIRNIIAM'S I>KUG STORE. IF Y()U~WANT Fine COLOGNES, Fine TOILET WATERS ( Lilt-in or OWl EXTRACTS AND _ ESSENCES, Ifnlr POMADES, llnir OIIX. Hair DKUSIIES. Or any preparation for improving the Ilair 1 Tooth or Skin, TALL AND LOOK AT LONCi 4k BURIWAA'S j ASSORTMENT. IF YMJlVANT : TO BUY AiY mi KlItllE fill!, i \ou can prt it, at the maker'* price, from i LONO A Bl'RNHAM. IF yOlMYAST A GOOD ARTICLE OF Bread Soda, Cream Tartar, Starch, Indigo, Madder, SatVron, li/iru v VV It it iiv/v ^lliia finlt.htvu ix^'i *?? inui^, \JIIIC) uuipnir^ ! : Alum. Copperas, Linseed Oil, White Lead, Train Oil, Lninp Oil. Sweet Oil, Spts. Turpentine, Alcohol, Seidlitz Powders, Yeast Powders, Large Window Glass, Putty, Rotten Stone, Path Bricks, OR ANYTHING ELSE Uraall.v kept in?l>ItUU 8T0RK, you ran boy it at a FAIR PRICK from out EitaUiabiuoat. We call P iticular Attention To all Pnpar*M<in! bihHb by n?. \Te moke thcia of a* aniform ?ircnRth, and fVotn tlio PUREST MATERIALS.' Country 1'tiyairtanr will Sort il to tkair nrtvantage lo fall ami emmim* our Stork and Price#. LONG ? LT'RN IIAM, *Jk 0** IXnia Aaova t'. MrnnitK* Jun. It JUST It K ( lvoH W. Si. 5L?rtfl^9H af rvmcHAtro nr chabuktob. U>w?r* IMoeii* Than ^tfwnal. <lach M?t CvUoa Diaper*, M?? DrU|a J -j fancy CutlmrM ablOrtlctwWo *""" ai-; Mack 811k Mantmaa, Embroidered Collars fcwe?a Man t Ulna, white and eolove* * loop Skirts, of various kind*, among Which will ba found ?W? of 7 Springs, fib wants; M Spring.. ti.M And aM the othar Article ww.iwy to mm>rl?o a general atock of Dry U?oda a Lao, a EPwswia sT&'ipiprar ?jy Rati, i-ap?, Buti, Sliors. GROCERIES, , HARDWARE, CROC*!**, GLAS8WARE, acm a<. We art confident of the fact tbat wo can tf. ord to aell oar Goods at price, that will oomnand the attention of the public, and W? reipeetfhlty solicit an examination of our Stock. LONG, GOODLETT A CO. Mareh 8 At tf PRACTICAL Watchmaker and Jeweler, | TAKES tho liberty to inform 4*5? , yyX th? people of Greonville, and the pj\ I ^. .j|wh"k surrounding country. thn'fj;,. .'Jj ie baa on band, without doubt, tbo beet clock ! r JTSRWSRIkia'3',, hat haa ever been kepi in the Town of Grecuille. au<l if any ono i* disposed to doubt it. let itn or her, coute and nee if it is not a?v Hie tock comprise* in part of the following irticiea: Fine Gold and 8ilT?r Watches >f all qualitie., and warranted to keep good itne and to give satisfaction. All gooda aold <y bint, are warranted to bo what they are repvacuted, or ho will rafuud the money and akc tho article back and no grumbling, ilia icwelry ia of the latest and best styles. In his tock, are fine Diamond Goods, Lava, Pearl. ?ornl and Garnet, with or without acts, and he flue Chain and other llracelcts; "Vatch L'hains of all styles ; Gold and Silver ThiiniImi Gold; Silver and Steel Spectacle, { Con '<Tc end C'onr*x?<l UUm?, and nlso Keck?ccf, with or without Clasp*. llo ha* also mre Silver and Plated Wurr. IIin Article-* re too numcroua to mention all or (hem, but onio anil ace at once. DON'T FORGET IE DOES ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING j n Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, nnd that in i workmanlike manner, surh, perhaps, an you nnnot get tlone anywhere else in the upeounry, for he does not feel himself inferior to ny, an you will <lo well to try hiin, and aco if in words nrs not true, lie thinks there are inny already who bars tried hiui, and will crtify to all of the above, 4c. J/&1- His Shop may be found at the Good;lt House, on Main Street. July 2? 19 tf NOTIGB. I?8* THE 8UR8CRIRKR I llli in desirous of selling his<aJ#MBaL^F liii-Tract of Land, lying Ivc inilea Northeast of <irvcn*4Z?J3MMa* villo C. H., known us tho Wicklifl'o lands?the itiithcrford road running through it. The tract toiitains Two Hundred nere", seventy.five clearid, the balance in woods. There isoti the prrtnses, a tolerable Dwelling, with other Outbuildings, and a good Orchard, embracing a ;ood variety of Fruit, This is altogether a lcsiralde place, citlior for a small farmer or a itunnter house for thoso who are fond of Im-athing the salubrious mountain air in all its Veshaess, or looking out upon a landscape which ia almost uurivalcd. The place will lie xchnngcd for a Negro fellow, or sold low for L'ttsh or approved Notes. Those wishing to |>rtrehase, would do well to call soou on the uhseriber, near Greenville C. II. I1K.NRY R. WILLIAMS. Ang 9 14 tf FOR SALE rhree Houses and Lots, ? -y. WHICH are eligibly aituut. b cd, and paying a good interest I'tllwtJL --A1.L NEW -may be hud on very reasonable terms, if ap- | ilied Cur soon. Tho owner wishing to invest i lin nrru'wmla nf a lo Lit ullior knaiitnuu 1 >< iu un I aged ill, in tbc only reason why lie bu a dis osition to dispone of the property. Aim, fwnlc, a VACANT LOT. Enquire at this Office for pnrticulars March 8 44 ESWJraliiT T1TK subscriber respcctfhlly incites the attention ofhis friends rill laud the public generally to bis rell-sclcctsd ( 6SS00S 05* CALL ATTHE *EW BRICK STORE, )ne door nbuvo the Book Store, before making rowr purchases. You will find floods and >r res to suit. T. B. ROBERTS. July 5 r . tf NOTICE IS HEREBY given that all persons baring demands against the Estate of WI I.LI A M IACOBH, Sr., deceased, are requested to preient their demands legally authenticated ; and ill persons owing the Estate, are requested to <<nne forward and settle by Return I>sr next, is I am determined to suo on all Notes and Accounts, If not settled by Return l>uy. EDWAi'R 0. JACOBS, Executor. Jnne St , * * * BLISS' Dyspeptic Remedy FOR SALE BY JOHN YV. GRADY. rilHK abwrihorItp(v|wn><l to 1 Nvtrai YOU NO <}?XTLRU^^H within 100 y?rt? *f the Tkt^|^H|H hehiK ?* ? 290 ynr,?H|H|| ni mm* tm rnm m u \ou ? rJ a* 4C IM to tavl ted. r?> AgrUJ tm . JOJINW.aADI. |yST8?B4| TtlM weetved,. NH Km e* Item ?oo?i (I for ltdto? tod geatlewee, embracing ! melodic tkto mVumiI vttot to ??p or the novel ttoa of the day. A loo, e good Ho o*" WWto Good*. Ewkreidcrta*L?e Geodi Ac.; flandkcrrhlefr, Horierr, Ac) awtebr and Hrowo Shirting* end Sheeting*, Drilling! Ticking*, Ac. For aole h* ApriU 43-tf * JOUN W.GRADY. Hardware. Cutlery fto. QHf A GENERAL Mrortmcnt of tnbl ffilitd Pocket CUTLERY. together will W til doMrietlona of Bhclf IIARDWARI tuaaUy kept in tfcik nmrfcA Attn. asm, Qraij uH QnM Scythe*, Bneaih*. Cr?dle*? am 1 Reaphook*, Spede* iwd Shovel*, Hoping, Ir*o Chain*, Kail*, Ac. Ju(t received and for a*l by JOHN W. ORADY. April 5 48 tf Ready-Made CCalblnff. I rVI.L Accmrtucni ?f8VHMIH CLOTH J\ INO, C?nt*. Yert*. P?nt?. Shirt*, nn< I lider Oannent*. Collar*. Cravat*, Stock* am Tie*. daat received aad'fnf fealv by April 4 / 48?tf JOHN W, ORADY. bonnets. * /5\_ A FULL Line of Trimmed and tn >^trimn.ed BONNETS -nd FHATB, lla *KL-? chre, Flower*, Wreaths, Ribbon*, Ac Ju*t received and for aaldby April i 48-tf JOHN W.CRADY. HATS. AVKRY large Slock of Rre**, Summer II ATP. for Men aid Boys I lift receivedjuid for anlc by , .. April 5 S8-tr JOHN ?T. (1RADY. carpetst^sattings, Oil Cloths &c. SOMK handsome Carpet*, Matting*, Of Clotli*. Rug*. At toman*, Ac. Ju*t re. ceived and for *ale by April 4 48-tf JOIIN W. ORADY. WALL PAPER. 2C/Y/ 1*1 ECUS new and hand some pat tlUU tern* of Wall Paper, Bordering Window Shade*. F'irc-plac. Screen*, Ae. Jue I received and for rale by April* 48?if JOHN W. GHA1>Y. WOODEN WARE. CEDAR, vurninh painted Bucket*, Wei Bucket*, Tubeand Keoler*. C*rn Broom* Ac. Jnat received andfor*alc by April 5 48-tf JOIIN W. ORADY. drugs & dye-stuffs, '< WINDOW GLASS, I'utty, Paints, Oil* T*j Ac. Just received and for sale l?y Oft. J011N IV. till AD Y-. April a <s tr \VRITING~PAPER, BLANK BOOKS. &C. IKTTER mid Cap l'u|>cr, DUok ami Mem j oraudum Books, Spelling Hooks, Inks Gold ti'id ft tec 1 Pens. Bonnet Dnardt; Ac Just rwfi?fd ?nd for sale V>y April 6 48-tf JOHN W.GRADY. BOOTS AND SHOES. A WELL assorted Stock of Ladies Misses and fluid's lloots, (luitcri Buckskin and Slippers, heeled and unhcele<! Men's, Boy's, and Youth's Boots and Shoe of every variety, ^ust received and for sal by * JOHN \V- tiRADY." April & 48 tf GROCERIES. cpir* JAVA and Hio Coffees. Loaf, Crusk LQ^fril and Brown Sugars, No. I an liHBUVest India Molasses, Teas, Candle: Candies, Mackerel, Ac. For sale l?v April A '! 48^tf JOHN W. Hit A fit. Crockery and Cainwirnre A FI LL assortrneiil ot China,' (Irani! and Common Ware, Glassware, A < I Just received and for sale bv | April A 48-tf JOHN W. HEADY. LfiOKHME! Wo have JUST RECEIVED a flne 'Htoek ? STAPLE ANDFANC1 "T\ n tt ri nnrtri UJX X vruuu&f Wllicli, for vl, , I, Qiisliiy and etxopiKas CANNOT 'lilfhl/RrASSED. o?? * If you wi?h to ncrnro the groatest BAF OA IN we have over offered, Jf(j / ? CALL EAHLY. We do not eon rider it neeetwry to enami rate Aiili'lv* or Prieea, en rriry Iwdf knov that we aiwaya * LAKOK .' i AID SELECT STOCK OF * In onr line, ?t en MODHRATE PRICES i 1 run benffordod. Therefore we MV, I tODBETE OiTJ 1 ?DJflai All. And examine, and ace if what wo N?jr he m ,1 ' '? We have nloo f?>r rule, AI!HXANDRK PVRISR^OB OHUnCH^)! v 'f ?' . ' ' hH^T v* - n?>?makra i AMT*?f?A " WHICH.,, ,, ?. tEttaisrsT.tliWALUl) BY A*Y. t. A F?W of ike m *f ??? Why them Machine. : " ARE PREFE fttlKO i ADOVK ALL OTUKRS. d 1. They ar. itrwivkiUr mwp/e in theii i, ^onatmetion. A child cau operate them mad understand thefcr mechanist ,t Tbey are the Sewing Maebtnci made. It la aimoat impossible to break or gal thorn out or order.'/ S. Tbey ara *Wrw H> their operation : lotah. * ing work in perfect mannor. 5 >4. The* make a ii.U l*k ilitth, alike oa both aides of tie won, whieh cannot bo eare? raled. 4} -4 Tnoy atetch, bam, bind, fell, run and * gather, witkeet basting. . . * I. They .sew equally wall the llgbteat and bear teat fabrtea,<^TFwW .!.t. Tbey aaw owe* the hoariest ooams without changing the teuaioa at breaking the finest (bread. fi. They dh aby No. of Cotton, Thread or | Silk, directly feom the .pool. ? i Viilffir* f f ?? are 1 tali Ie to break. 10. The needle kah a perpendicular motion, This la abaolataly necessary for heary work. 11. Tbey bare a wheal feed-* none other, arc in constant contact wilji the work. ft. They run easily and are almost oolaateks, 13. Tbey ara not liable to oil the dreaa of th? operator.> r " | R Thev do not require a serew-drlyer tc act Hie needle*. T\ .TQOHQrt T5S They do not have to be taken apart t? ', oil or elean. . 1 Ilk They do hot form ridges on tho andei . .Ida of tho work, nor ravel out, ner arc they wa.toftol of thread, a. ia the eaae with all chain-atTtrhiog machines. FT. 'They are capable of doing a grsatei range of work, and In a more perfect mnnucr than any other Sewing Machine. I We warrant these Machines, and roach foi * the recommendation of the abore. DYER & PICKLE, Anmr*pa 1 OREENVIIXE, "S. C. April 19 H f < ly I WAGON MAKING AND REPAIRING ^pjlKlubK^lwr*iHp??(hill.T tafonn It; pubX llf that they intend carrying on the bnI sines* of tTAtlON MANrFACTrRIXU, and WAGON find ItUUOY KKl'AIHINtJ. in the ' town of flreenrille. The but of Timber will to used, and the work warranted to be well done. Mr. TOOL, wbe will su|mrintcud the work. M a workman of eomrfdernhle experience, having learned the business under the best Workmen ot ' the Cnrriayre Factory of Messrs. Oower. Chr Mai-klgy A Co. All work will be done upon tlic moat reasonable terms, and on short notice A atfhrc of patronage respectfully solicited. WANTED. A lot of FKARONET* LCilRER wanted fur which a fair price will be paid. r'J. A. T0\TNK8. * -= yr:t>: wwil (1 recnrille, T*"5 J AMS M.' ALLEN. I. ^ J 1) TW AT T7I> JL-/' JL Jl U. JL .JL J JLJ^ MA> ^ ' ?REEMVILLE,?. . JTlr AM Orders for Marrlk W?k prompt Ily attended to. 40-tf .Feb 0 HANDSOME JEWELRY >f3 ON S ALE, AYRRY UF.NKRAL AHRORTMKNT ? Una and other JEWKLK T taay be ha of Uw Hubarriber. who maken to order J men* Hinff, and any other artlelo required I , bit Mnr. ^.-O- RKPAIRIXQ fkithfaMy dom f.\ Three Doom below (bo UeodleW llnum> . ' ' ' jr li. Randolph; / (Jrcriif Hie, R. C? Rep. 15, 1859. lU-tf Jw'&yd?Jo .?? ? r?#W?W??. ?* JAMES FLECK, HOUSE A SIGN PAINTER Pmmt jUuHfir A ?>a?ier, (HihKN V fl.LK, g. C. . wili. rxmirrLLT rtwrrtw *t,l vohk k^trvste -nr. '(K l /tw miRi <TT77.1. Rciidrttt <>a Au|Uil? d tract, noar DopM. Feb :>:t 4t ly k r FOR RENT, "t MA UNTIL the Ran* day of Jaawat ' ^ TTS mt> m.L iMa M> I Kii THE STORB HOlT81 OB Main at root, OrtenrilW, J*. <X, rewnlJjr 'I ?? . cuptal by If A t' LUI a A I c A J A4m'Xf if# 6(nti Honf ? wHIlRHni ... <... * .> ~ "Wblx. adapted totfcn maImst Ladles, MiMM' m? OUMm^< -Ca?*i am 1 DMwr*i Beats ? eucellswt article. UV^ BTTkct<rf tiirrg?.^ffis ii UiHmmhL WiX'liu) f^bbluSSm in a town W tbo sameeixe. lie tin rwpwlAiBy asks ' hi* Price, for Uwb, HtM that bis (Ml ? 1 fbml At tke Loire* Feasible I lihraiM In vMt'W aajrlhl^ tf lk? tin will please givw Wif n awH. . > ? ?> it" 1 * AT W UttLESALK A NO RETAIL 1 Boot and Shoo Malting , This bruacb of hia business ia still edrsse^Toi under his penwnal supervision, and avfor car wfll hb Mken to guarantee satisfaction U thoe | who patronise lilrn. 27-tf Nor !0 THE YVORLI) OUTDONE THE MEDICINE CALLED 44 InflomiMlwy Kiilrp?(?V WHICH wee mU duringCourt in thh(Hw4 i. new ou sale, by J..W, UUADY. o i Ureenrillc. It cannot now be longer doubt* but this Modi cine is the most effMrkmnsiel; , over in this place, for Kidney Pimm Vihi i Neuralgia. Long Diseases, Dyspepsia A Kheu mutism. Numerous Cases of the ahoro dieea i see have heon rami this present week. Head nebs. Toothache, Karachc, Sprains,and all Bow i e| Affections. disappear before It as if hp lb touch of magic. Try it, and keep it in von . families. Aw sickness comes when yon leal i expert it. I J. W. ilRADY. A goat for (Ircenrillc, E. C, Dr. K. BILL, Wholesale Ag't atC'olumLia; else by all Wholesale Druggists in ('fierieston, 8. C ?. W. DAVID. Proprietor, * Bex 43*9, New York Post Ofllco. Nov I U tf . , t LOCATBP |t r?.i \? IComer of Baltimore and Charles Streets, : mu Puml.WJL end popular Commercial College in th i I nited States. Designed expressly tor Youn Men desiring to obtain a PWosyA/Yaffle* /?*./???? Education in the least poraiblo tim and at the least expense. A Large and DeantifuHy Ornamented Ctrev ; I nr. containing upwards of'J/jx Asmara, ft* with specimens of Penmanship, and a Lars . ' Kit graving, (the finest of the kitui ever mad i j in tiiMCountry,) representing the Interior Vic . of the College, with Catalogue stating tertni Ac., will be sent to every Young Man on a( pliention, fret charge. Write immediately and yon will receive fl ' package by return mall. Address, i E. K. LOSIEH. , March 1 43-1 y Baltimore, Md. HOWARD ASSOCIATION Plli LADKI.IMll A, A Benevolent Institution established by specii Kudowmcut, for the Relief ef the Sick an ' Distressed, afllietori with Virulent and. E|i domic Diseases, and especially for the Cure < Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL Ad vie* given gratia, by the Ac ing Surgeon, tc all who apply by Ictte with a description of their condition, (ajp, * cupat ion. habits of life, Ac.,) and In eaaes of u trrme imverlv. Modieiuea r?r..i.l....l f..-, . charge. i ~. Valuable Report* on Bnrrmat'rrbwe, aa other I)taca*?* of the Rtxnal Organ*, anil op tl | New Rentedir* employed in tliw PUpenafcr sent to the afflicted In reeled letter envelope I fw ?f charge. Two or three Stamp* for fm tage will be acceptable. AddrcM, PH. J. PKIIjLIN ltOtTGltlto! Acting Surgeon, Howard Ae-welation, Ne. South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, IV By order of the Director*. EXRA l>. HKARTWET.L, JVcaidenf. Qro. FarnraiLD, Secretary. Feb 41 I v SADDLE A HARNESS MAN UFA CTOH V /*>-?aa THR ranee ribcr wonld reepectlbl feflHk inform tbe public generally that I ./ ' ifmtlnuee the aboee Beatneee, Ti Door* where Ai> <7reeartYfo J/efci, and la pi parcel to fttrnlxh customers with any d??criptl< * or HOME MANUFACTURED fWDLE " Carriage, Bmfgy and Wa*en II ARKK8* mm to order, and in the heat style*. UKIDLK WHIP. A*., on hand, and for sale CIIKA ? Paddles and llareeM 'REPAIRFT) short netioe. - * A. M. OILRHATH. \ Mawh^f i? .a'.tvjif BLACKSMlTHtNG. KdSSSSaaU Tlw y&S* ?* TOWNE^i IIAtrkfXP having Iicen dissol MHHIal by mutual consent, the ha*ia< n will be earned on at the same Shop bp she a *SS?.m* tz-iISSSb ______ - 1 HOTICIf ^231 ** Items* Bu uW^' ^mSBUUti^HB^^nk T3 9 fort ion, nntl theft heJSfu Urtderthfcild by it. To t-Io*rt?o a from the mu^ rwfcjrvnte H [ ike kM fcy m in. m 1 Tifforato it by bndtfcjF {oo?. ?*A mmtHh [ Buch a ??^Uw ** ?WWr mH 9 0 the rnoit cfloctoid remedy uhieh the medirsl H * skill of ou* tiW? m ^ fo*-lM?i.wbry 1 horn dimmrored forth* expurgation of thU foul disorder from, the blood, muttlM Mwota'of tha J?,' jfclwv llftfftlnhtff otanim|llmc99? | 4h itenco it should he employed for thceura of B , not only B&Sttla, but also those other sffec _ tioivs which sriso from it, ftjeft Mi jHwfftPl -fl ml flan' I)i?mM, 8t. A**hoxy*s Ffea, I ItoiK, or XavsiruM Phtpuu, Prett Mi, ' . > ul.o tclir.s, i1|..\iksiu1<1 boii.s, tfmors, trTTTR b i. and Salt Riiki-x, Kcai.u IIuo, Kikovorx, JChkcmatism, iYrmUfM andMujACi.uuu.Diskatrs. l>ho) ?v, lkrtffotraiA, Dmulit*, and, U indeed, am. Co*rt;AiJ*Y* .uitsiro rttoM VrrU- . TKJI ?u iuruaa popuhur belief K| in " of Hp Mood " is founded Jn truth, * I] " I e nil* la to tourlfy and r*t*n<**td this vital fluid, I a without uribkh sound health U iropowriblc in I I touUwiuated constitutions. I ! I ,, KnptlgfM>i3S/!y<H^*wMtt 1 ^ ^gfsaj^^^ I n?wi * yd^ Ito ?<*te oFuu todily **MMrt^i 4 pAlimtft in uly*1 I* W the dungyou* mMtm pf the U h41 ??lnni?iiiy kirt *? whil? m*nT KJI#rk?r ?i| ? *-. cmiimunitv W? ftUI*d ?nd A IS on tkft KtitfK Awik by * mkl|f^a^H^H||HHB j| IB, J oa wo alHidrd tboy ik' ddco^i <nm ; ? H, J: frs *<rKuf*"*,+rf# % | s&r b J M. uT KARt.R, ?**I ^ I MoHlrtixi eT?rjH?t?tflkL ' io