University of South Carolina Libraries
* W ?hoa and.*!** mattufeet litis*. ^ dmmm nt trail, which ia rwd?y of inc*iini*1 importance. It ccnecras all lb? Nor +rn 8ts(?a. but ?ip*?tallv N?w Snglw wbich to .interested jo ion limes, -perhaps liases, ih? Mttot of a other section of ih# Union. It fa Mite: Immediately vpon t ' <g? ~ PTWjlfr't **f entirely, worthies*. Th* tecessi ?* State. wHl, of eourae. be freed from t reefrtt^'pfirvOatar Stales Fat, low*, Mia^Jfa desire to do so w* - ? present patented by the United 8?nt within their limits, towhatever exU tiler rosy choose. Wfau presented In abnadaaee cheapnessaloeg tbe line of rhe Nor* ere Confederacy, tl?oy wrlll be sore to i hi, and all Ibe Federal anuria obi can bo created will not suffice to p vent the general qm of these com band manufactures. Tka superior cheapness and read in with which these articles can ba obla ed witbio lb* limits, of tli? Sopil" Confederacy, will be a atmngly .md, itif canoe for emigration there from 1 - Northern Union, as it witi also mere a powerful effect to draw border 8tw into the SuujUtera Confederacy..* Let New ?aglaad took to this wi U bar usual shrewdness, and decide whs* er it fa Wise to rbk soch a terrible d traction to bar interests, for tlte pi pose of testis# her insane theory, <4 e negro emm hit tmrmrd info ? wh t mem. SAMUEL ADAMS. Movbhsvt ik Tkzas.?Tire citix, of Texas are moving eiilwst regard I'^v- Gov. 8am Honstop. At mi^sx1 ing w Gonxalem count*. <w the ultimo, the follow* hit n?u>luii<-.a adopted. After ib? passage of the r olutiona, ?; Minute Men .U>g>?i?iili was Corsped, and upwards of $1,0 ^ subscribed for lite purchase of arina: Thai it i? cor widi.aod ^ reqiK?t the Governor, 8am. Houston, iwbe hi* proclamation, convening t Legislature in extra session, on the i eond Monday in . December n?x*; I decline Co do to, we neeertl Iran hold that the action of the tare convened in extra session, witbc tlie usual pvodhMttali-wi, would be constitutional as if convened under t usual Gubernatorial proclamation.* jUesoltd, That wo instruct our 8ci tor, Y? H. Duggan, and our Kepresen five, Wm. II. StewArt, to convene ai tU Senators and Representative* ftc the other Dictricu and Counties, in exi - sessiou of the Legislature, on the #cco fc Monday in December next, to provi * r, for tho call of a Convention, and top* ^ such other laws as our safotv demaiu and Co continue in seesiofr until after t. adjournment of the Convention nbo * referred to. ^ * * <(* Ihtoietd, That we respeetfuAr sole all the other counties in this fetnie cooperate in tliwe resolution*, and tli they instruct their Senators and Kept sentatives to convene in extra session the Lvgi?|aietp, ,ou the aecond Mond r . ' in December text, to provide for ti holding of a Convention to adopt constitution (o be submitted to the m pie of Ttxnn for their nttitc*tfo?* ''"' ^TjbixT^ jkl y > Wasiiikotom, Dec. $, 1860. Meeting tf ^r?. ?-CongreM i aembied led ay t a onorura &*iog pfj cot in both House* In the Senate nothing W done b fit the appointment of a committee to wi | ' upon the Preaideat, ?o inform him th 1 the Senate was ready to receiie . ' * communication he might be pleased t^ J&enake. and then adjourned 'Before o " /v o'clock. Nearly Ah1 the Senators ?r< i a their seats, and good feeling preratU In the House. Sfter caking thp< rc Senate w;as notified that ftp llduse w A . ^ a -^r; i * i V" fj'.J ' ? - , I ready to proceed to buaiaesa. A roi pMBBWaaagFJIllJ 11 BW*?M>fc? , JP ^#C?:3tt?. t : 1. i ii T i- . . r , . . Bill* VVAfMi??foiv. December 3. i a Tht Uttiing of Cmgrcu?Matter* bar here art beginning to wear a glftbpiy wH aspect. Tlifc Coagree-ional delegation* tf) of tK? Gulf Statea. are unauimnnd for % &&mm& to deeded to make no cooipromi^s, j^ut to let thing*, talke Ut?U course, sra. % Tka hiooibwi of ? numW of the ?n Southern delegation* i* arranged to take es ' pfa<* within twenty days, at the far Me thest.W** -*> <?- 1 '*- .-.+.y ** ik 'The BiwBiwMm and Lane Club of id, tbli cily disbanded to ntgbL with a do \j, ehuation by its President that the Union ny m at wa end. ' President Huchanan, in Iiih message, [Aw takes ?Cfv strong ground* against ?e ml eession as n eonatilutional right. This , if portion of tbo message will 1* fiercely on assailed to morrow, immediately after ike kl*UdlThfj?^Wl *th*tf W, by the itrr ini mew Whohaed'hitherto been tire Prenl?V dent's warmest friends. - Mm i The old XAmnHo?lt < pnriir leader* -are ee, "ringing their hands, and striving to tpl device tome scheme to save the Union. A conference of Unionists of the Senate nd end House had been called for to night, Fft I Hut is indefinitely fmMpencB, at rite jet suggestion of Senator Crittenden. Conch servniWe men i despair .of the Uhion re lasting. Ff tit The Stipreme Court met to day. All s* 'he Associate Ju*tices, except Justice mm Wayne. weie present. They soon adin jountcd, visited the President and left 3) their card with such of the members of Congress ss practice before their Court, he To-morrbw. .resolutions in reference io ise the death of Judge Daniel will be pretax sented.? Ch. Mercury. jt|, A cab am a Capitol Fire.? The t||. Montgomery Mail says : ^ 44 The flagrant attempt,- yesterday, to i llr_ hum the State Capitol, in broad day- j kit I'ght, exceeds in audacity anything we fa liatehaforp. heard, nf, The con ihusi dries were placed against* dcor, in tho tilted ' story, instead of under the s.'airwnv. as Bp we erroneously state*) in our issue of to vfstDalar.. But how, or where, k was ?t set, is of no importance"; it is, however, ih significant to our citizens, that an at?ry tempt was made (and it?"*t probably by as some lurking abolitionist) to buru the on oapitol. 00 u The forbearance and long suffering of our Southern people tnake a study for |yre n phHoeofdter. There is no j?eople, un to der the sun. who will euduro so much, hte But we tell them that a day has at rived ie- when they iuu?t expel their enemies, ?ut ?r be themselves destroyed. It is now i*. simply a question of?who shall doiula inate in the South f Free soil emissa mt no*, or the unlives of the soil f And ?? we say, there slionld l>e, at once, n rigid he investigation and prompt judgment in the/ca*e of every mnn ,tk?b'ttbtful fideb ia- ity among us. Wo impugn no mnnV la. loyalty ; hut a committee, we venture to fth. **>', can find antple material to employ ?&, it for n day or two. ira 6 It '* eminently worthy of remark, nj that a myro. named Elia*, discovered in nnd extinguished the fire." itt1 ?r . ~ Th* Elector At. COLUEOK. The Jtileclor* of President nnd Vice Presidettt meet on Wednesday, December . v |5lh, at the capitals of their respective Bj| Slnti*. If any vacancies are found to to exitt, they will he filled by ballot. They then proceed to vote by ballot for Presiden and Vice President of tho United ^ States. Prey muat then make three copies of the statement of the vote for I,.. President and Vice Pre?4dent,which mnst R be signed by all the Electors voting? (0. one to bo seat ,to ti? President of the U. S. Senate by a messeqger? one to bo transmitted to the same person by mail. and one to he placed in the hands of m. (lie Judge of the United States District p. Court for .the 4/utiici. - Soctm Carolina CoNranayca.? This eedesiastieal body meets in this ^ citv, on Thur?day, 18ih inst. Rev. J W r ' Ufl_l. ' ? .r w?i-1 .? / street Church, in a card which we find n in the Charleston paper*. _ >ra * Apptfennt* wf \dtrmrit>n^ local ^ preacher* to lie ordained, preacher* who ^ cannot attend, or who wish special ar?* raogetneal*, and lay-member*, who oxpeel to lie present, will please utility tbo he undersigned. lc*d oTi business except '?o*r trac Muhdeic?Wb learn from gent laman, who r< ached our city on Saturday last, that a ntan named Oppenhahn, a Polander, licensed as,a pedlar In Ch?a tar District. wwjf??atl^ killed at Blaek Crack. - Oppenheim, it appear*, was t *b?t oe Thursday, tha 24th ultimo. hy kofl Jihr'BrnWn, as ha la called, reaiding in ilia neighborhood. Tha wounded man was taken to the residence of Dr. McfVland, whare ha was kindly cared for, hot he di'd from the effect* of the . wound on the following Mondai. Brown we learn by our informant, haa (led, but be i* closely pvraued bv the oAcero of the law, and we aincetel v hope that he will be arretted.-*- Ck. Courier. Prrsbytrria* 8vkod?The Prcabyterian Synod of Sooth Carolina convener! Wedneednv evening, at Glebe-elreet I Church, and *? opened by a *ermnn from the K?v. L>. McQueen, of Sumter. Tire roll nraa called, and one hundred mid ten number* anewered to their Raman. This number i? expected to be : largely Increased to-day. I KoY. J. L. Kirk pat rick, T?. D., wan I elected Moderator, and Rev. T. L. Mc l Itrvdc, D. It., Temporary Clerk, when the Synod adjourned to meet lliia morning, at 9 o'clock.? Ck. Courier. MI. .SBmaemmeBSLjj..? .. 1. O. O. F MOUNTAIN LODGE, j^jTSt^Sn^e No. 19,1.O. O. P., meeti n?r*dfljf Ereniny ^ 7 o'clock. Feb 23 42-1 y* J. M. JONES, See. SCHOOL EXAMINATION. THE Annual EtamL of tho UowMi-foTn^ Seminary, will tako place on tba 10th, Jfer 11th and 12tb, of I>ocomber. Geo. W. K. KA8LEY will doliror aa Addreae before tho School on Wrdnrtday, the 12th. Tho public la rcapect fully Invited to attend the Examination, and the Hoard of Truateea ia reque?te<l to meet on Tueaday, the 11th. .. R. BOWDEN, Chairman Board of Trnatooa. Nor 29 30 2 Tec Major. car We are reo nested to announce Capt. IT. A. CAUBLK na a Candidate for Major of the lit Bat. of let Regiment, S, C. M. Per Colonel. lajgTTlio many friends of Capt. k. auoua announce mm a candidate for Colonel of tlieJThird Regiment S. C. M. fjgr* Wc arc authorized to an nounce Lieut. Col. T. L. B07.KMAN a candidate for Colonel of the Third Regiment 5. C. M. We arc authorized to annouace Major WILLIAM FORRESTER, of GreenTille District, a candidate for Colonel of the Third Regimen. S. C. M. For Tax Collector. *rWe arc authorire<l to annnuace IV. II. BURNS A Candidate for Tax Collector, at the next Election. JAMES N. SMITH announcer himaelf a Candidate for Tax Collector, at the enauing election. ; ?jgT" JOHN L. TURNER is announced a candidate for Tax Collector at the enauing election. v * t&T The frionds of JOHN II. TARRANT, announce him a candidate for Tax Collector for OraenviUe District. jar IVto are authorized to announce W. 8. THACK8T0X a'candidate for Tax Collector at the enaning election. Tlie friends of Rev. J. M. RUNION, reapoifully announce him ga a Candidate for Tax Collector, at the enaning election. jar Wo are authorized to anneunce W. F. TAYLOR, Eaq., a candidate for Tax Collector, at the etoauing election. jar We are authorized to announce EDMUND HOOK&R a candidate for Tax Collector, at the enaning election. * \ JttT We are authorised to announce W. T. AUSTIN a candidate for Tax Collector, at iha n?ft fdertiiiiL 1 ?ST We are authorized to annouure J. H. MoCULLOUfltf a candidate for Tax Collwtor, at the noxi election. ?50^ We are authorized to nnnnunco Col. 0. P. POOLK as a candidate for Tax Collector at the ensuing election. |^f" W-e are authorised to jin- J nouiico W. T. Snt'MATK a* a candidate for Tax Celiac tor a( the ensuing election. |^* We are requested to announce Mr. ELI Aft DILL, as a candidate for -Tax Collector, at the next Election. ?0- J AMES 1*. PEARSON annouueeu himself ax a candidate for Tax Col* leetor at the nexteleeMeu. ' Ciikkokkk Rrmkuv.?This medicine is preWrwl solely from Moots, Barks, and Leaves, combined In inch a manner as to form the best end most pleasant medicine ever introduced to the public, for the permanent cor* ll^^onorrhraa. Gleet and diseases of the herbs, vrlld plants and W? i il in ill i ii I i ffimnm Ell SI rommmi ,lb? nw( *?wirf#l thing discovered M the alnvSrenihWffulury U Prw(Hwr Wood's Iinir JbralomiIf . It restores perfectly gray hnlr to Hs original eolnr, < nitkn it grow m the bald and preserve it' I perfectly to nay ago. if only ?M W the young twice a wft-k. Dandruff and disease 1 cannot exist on the scalp where tble la uatd Sea eirenlnr, and wa defy doubt. i CaoTtOM.?Beware of worthless imitations, aa several aw already la the market, called by * different names. Uee none nnleM the words (Prof. Woodl Hair Restorative. Depot, 8t Louie, Iffo., and Now York,) are blown in the bottle. J&T* Sold by all DngjtUti and Patent < Medicine Dealers; also, by all fancy Toilet f Oeeda Dealers in the United States and Canada. ? fk9 Tor sale la dfwnrille by Drr. Loto A i BnaanAM, Druggist*. *7-4 Nor 8 ! ' A To the Member* of the Medical Profea , aioo of tha U. B. Nr.w Yosx, May 1st, 1808?Otnt: The 1 undersigned, having recently become the sole 1 proprietor* of " Dr. J. Bovee Dod's Imperial Wine Bitters," aa article tsblsh is boing ex* 1 tcnairely sold in all parts of the United States, hog leave respectfully to Call your attention to a list of the ingredients which compose these valaable Bitters, vis t Solomon's F.-al, Spike- 1 nard, Barberry, Wild Cherry-tree Bark, (leu- < tieu, Camomile Flowers, Oiafrey, anil a pure and unadulterated Wine, which la about dou- ' ble the usual strength of other Winda, and ia imported by only one House in the United States. From the beneficial effects of these Bitter* on us, and on many others which we have wit iicwiii, w* mi cMltdtnt thai the Phyrielam oft the country who will give then ? tnir trial, will approra of them, end use them in their practice. Respectfully yours. CHAR. WIDDIFIELD A CO., 7* William Street, New York. P. R.?" Dr. J. Bovee DmI'i Imperial Wine 1 Hitter* " are fold by VISI1RK A I1KINITSH, I Greenville, 8. C., an<l by Druggiat* gene rail Iv. July IS 10 ly MLESP I* TEN MINUTES. BRYAN'S rULMONIC WAFERS! THE Oriental Medicine Established in 18.17. and flrat article of the kind ever introduced under the nam* of " Wafkiis " in this or any other eonntry : alhother Pulmonic Wafbr* are counterfeit*. The genuine < can be known by the name of BRYAN boiug tamped on each WAFER. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relievo Cougba, Cold*, Sore Throat, lloaracnc** BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Asthma. Brohrhiti*. Difficult Breathing I BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pain* in the Cheat. ^ BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve In*ipi*nt Con*nmption, Lung Disease*. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS " Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils. ' BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve the above Complaint* in Ten Minntc*. , BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS J Are a Blearing to all Clause* and Cop*titutiona. . BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are adapted for Vocal lata and Public Speaker*. ! BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are in a simple form and plea*ant to the tarie. ' BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Not only relievo, but effect rapid A lasting Cure* BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Are warranted to give aatiafaction to every one. No Family should he without a Box of BRYAIf 8 PULMONIC WATERS . iv thk hoch*. , No Traveler should 1k> without a supply of BRYAN'S PULMONIC WATERS IV HIS I'Ol'KKT. No person will ever object to rive" for * BRYAN'S PULMONIC WATERS 1 TUKVTV-riVK CRVTS. JOB MOSK , Sole Proprietor, j Roche*ter, N. Y. t For aale in Greenville by Fisnun A Ilr.x- 1 VIT8H, and all Druggists ; Vam ciiaack A | Unitertttov, Charleston, Wholsesale Agent*. . May 17 2 lyeow #5 REWARD! 17*OU A VIOLIN, BOW AND CASK. LOST between C. C. Montgomery's ' and I*. E. DuneanV on the Bill Novetnher. < Tube delivered at J. P. P?h?i'8, Greenville. w. t. SPENCER. Dee 6 81 / 1 , Cheap Groceries! Goshen butter SUOAIt*. COFFEES MOLASSES. SYRUP MACCARONI, RICE. CHEESE mackerel* coim-'isii CANDLES, RAISINS, ?fc?. 1 All just received and fur sale vorr low by . BRYCK SMITH, Opposite T. B. Roberta' New Store. Dee6 81 tf Repairing: Sidewalks on j Main Street. AT a meeting of the Town Council of t Greenville, held on tin; -ItIt in?L, the ? following Resolution wet adopted end or- ( dered published: " Jteaolved, That all owner* of Lota on J Main Street bo required to put their Side- ? walks in first rate repair l?y the tirst of J.ui uary next, or the same will be done by the Council at the expeuse of the said Lot ownera." C. J. ELFORD. Intendant C M. McJumkix, Clerk Council. . Dec 6*81 2 ANORDINANCE ] iv inavar* i "l tiK KlfJH.IKlt Of < FIRES IX TllK LOTS. JsTJiKhTS AND SQUARES OF GREENVILLE. BE IT ORDAIND, That from and nfter this date it shall not He lawful for any Croon to kindle or have a fire without doors, r scalding or cleaning hogs, at any place hi the Town of Greenville, within two hundred feet of any building, under a penalty of not leas than Twenty Dollars (or each offence. Done and ratified under the eorpornte t? nl of the said Town of Greenville, this [us.] fourth day of December, in the year of our thousand eight hunt dred ami sixty. C J. fcLFORD. Tnteadnnt. ^^B|^M<-.Ir>KiN, Clerk Council. fit o fi mhh^usta hhsbbhmll'a^ pji HUf H F* ' -.L. itSlfl HARRISDN & LONfi. It ".t.i'afc' NEW BOOTU SHOES. Wlm now opewlnw the LrmmI and beet selected LOT wf ,?f. <dfc>332> S3S$3S, WrM for sale In Greenville this Sciivon. The STOCK Em Won selected with (Coat care by tie of the firm, and we are prepared to veil as jOW as can Ikj found anywhere iu this inar;et. We hare mv wro a ir /\ r* a JKJ 11 R9 0 U vr KA 99 it JPft't* $1.00 TO $6.00. iloth Fin. Dress and Waterproof, from $XC0 0 $12.00. Several case* of BQY& BOOTS, embrocng all ih? aiin. YOUTHS' BOOTS. Ana and ooarse. YOUTHS' SHOES, all kind#. We ham a great ,variety ?f Lad tea' and Walking mm. en m suppers. A Bill Assortment of HIIISSIES' gSMS. An assortment of O VEB-SIIOESund SIXDA f.S. We ar, manufacturing aa flna and substantial I BOOTS & SHOES Aa can l>o put up in any establishment in this rountry, as wo work nothing but the BEST STOCK that cau bo procured, nr All Work warranted. Thankful for past favors, we respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. A few more Pairs of Mishrs' and Boys' HOME-MADE SHOES remaining on hand. wmm'i mi One door above Long te Burnham's X..Y 8 77 tf rflFlMS A9D eonSEKEEFM 1TIMILIK8 and Housekeeper* desirous of . liHving Carpets made Fitted aud Laid in 1 superior manner, can liavo their work att.ndd to, with promptness, by leaving orders at T1I0S. 8TKENMB, under Mcllce's Hall. Parties wishing to ortler Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cornices, Window Shudrs, Stair Rods, Damask or Curtain*, with designs for same, can have ncasurea and diagrams taken, and satisfaction jitiiranleed, on application as above. All work ittcndcd to personally. 24?tf Oct 18 Fhe Stato of South Carolina. GUKENVIl.LE DISTRICT. 3 EQUITY. SALE OF HEAL ESTATE. II. M. Kilgore. ct al, vs. B. F. Kilgore.? Hill fur Suit "/ Jteul Entitle. rN obedience to an onler from the Court of Equity ill this rase. I will sell, at public motion, to the highest bidder, at Greenville ?ourt House, On Salo-uay in January Next, I portion of tho Real Estate of Josialt lvilgore, tcceased, to wit: TRACT No. 1?Containing about 230 Aero*, i lying on Euoroe, adjoining lands of 1'. C. T.eeLor, W. Bates et al,, about half in wood-land, laving on Enoree Itiver one of the finest ihoals. for manufacturing purposes, in the up ountry. TRACT No. 2?Containing abont 40 Acres. i< (joining Tract No. 1, about one-balf in woodland, aud having a fine Shoal on ltockyfield Creek, sufficient for Mill purposes. TRACT No. 3?Containing 135 Acres, on Rockfiold Creek, known us the Jo. UrecrTract. one half woodland, well timbered, soma Bot torn, in cultivation, the balance land once cultivated, but ton grown up. TRACT Nn. 4?Within tww'miles of Green-, ville C. )!., containing 170 Acres, adjoining lauds of E. Fikc ami others. WM. M. THOMAS, c.K.O.D. Commissioner** Office, Nov. 14, I860. 28-id TRI WEEKLY MAIL LINE FROM SPARTANBURG TO GRBENVII.LX. ?? THE subscriber* bare MK^?^-Ui<*^^yc<>mliiciiced ATRI-WREKMail I.isr between jack will leave Spartanburg every Monday, Wednesday and Friday inoraiags at 8 o'clock, uul Greenville, every Tuesday, Thursday and | Saturday mornings, at thu miss hour, and nr'ive at each pines between four and Are 'clock in ths afternoon. Pare?each way? 3 00. Office?Spartanbnrg?Palmetto TTonsa. GrwftiTillr?fioodlett House. 11 AllVEY, PRINCE A Co. Nor 15 28 .. tf POWDER. INIIK subscriber keeps constantly on hand . n supply of BLASTING and ltlFLK I'OW I)Ell. manufactured ut the South Caroina Putvder Mill*. Pi; kens districts warranted, and cheap for cash.' LEONARD WILLIAMS. Nor 20 CO 4 TO RENT, 1 TWO Hni,SK,,> witb Fwur Rooms and two Fire-places fl l Offfn 'll each, with Gardens, and convcnianl to a good Spriug of water* For particulars, apply at A. BKKCO'S Tailor Shop, East corner Court House Square. N'..v 8 37 tf NOTICE. TN B Notes and Accounts of P. T. FOWLKll A CO., will he found in the hands of T. S. Fowler, for settlement, until the tirat of January, alter which time those not paid will he placed, indiscriminately, in the hands of an r.flieer for collection. Nor 22 t9 , . i MATTKKSS MAKING. WHM. LANdJiToN would inform the citt| ?fu:i of Orevnville. that be is prejmred to manufacture MA TTJlESSES. Ho also manufacture* WI/II'S. H. warrants all of bis Work. Ho may be found immediately opposite tbe lteilroad Depot, in tbo bonus formerly occupied by Mr. p. Stradley. All Orders left with wither Mr. Ketchj^^^lossr*. long, Hoodiett A C?. or Mr. L. bs attended to with promptness. ^^^9wiine his Work at either of the Sep ft ?...i ?> ? ? '0 " ,111. I' X o 33CK 3 | T> MP VJ*UI.LX imtor*s ft* eftls+s of Oi | XV. I"*1 'Cocircd . ? ^ ^ ^ rOf tbs. market. Us has a large frtock ? | j>srti?t A Ur*# 8toek of fiEHPVMEH T EX Kancjr Ooodt. Also Arrurdovc* and Vltlini, Smoked Beef Tonguei -aSJr J>iUt All kinds of Fowls, suck a* Partrklres. Wild Pfd Ms has Meats in cans, such as Calf 'tongues, Ho Salmons, Sardines* Lohstorr, Preserved Kjgs ant Tomato*, Rsspbtrr.T and Lemon S\ RTF. Also HIS EATIM Is kept open at all hour* of ths dajr. and until 3 Yt>lT WILL FIN l> ALL oK X'HE Alio GREENVILLE C( OPPUNlTftttfE Mi The Citizens AND ilio public Rciiora'.lv, nr* informed tlust u CAKR Las rwtuiuod with tlis must choice I stock * of .; Good* ?*?r exhibited to lhepul)1l?)r*if, and arc now rff?r? J to th* inhabitants of t j Greenville District j at alarming low prices for eadt; and a* , there inny In- anna to deny tU? reality of | n?y assertion, the public _ , ?fire Invited to examine the annexed price* and he eonvineed that CnirV I* Mill the chea^wetof the <'hnpe<t store anywhere to be fount]. You are, therefore, nd vised To Convene with the 'rino" in your pocket*, and purchase those beautiful Vesical $1.05 ; strong and serviceable Cnssitncr* Hants, water proof I'ilot IJooU, at $.1.50 {-heavy Brogan*. at OOe ; water pr?*if l}??ot?, at tine (Jalf Skin, quilted sole*, at $6.00 ; Minute Meu (.'up* ; ladle*' Cloak*, Jit , b $1.00; Shawls, PoLaines Merino*. Alpacas, ( I'laids, Hon net* lints. Hoop Skirt* at X7 i. worth 75c, double barrel KuglUli Twist Shot Uvtta, ltepenter*. ltevolvers. Pistol*. NVatche*, Leather, Suit, C?>floe, Sugar, Molasses, at really great but gains at , Carrs Store, and a* ?clf preservation U the firit law of nature, and us it is a* natural for th* community to select Cuur's Store for trading beadqanrler*, as " To Elect 1 a niati to nftlce pro bona publico, Carr is proparcd lo greet uad accommodate with lite cheapest and most choice Goods, all Delegates who nre'rcndv to l.nv their of lilm unJ he is convinced tlint it would bo brat For the State and to the interest of every ftorrkWpsr is it, if, i list end of I uyiue their Good* at exliberated prices in Ynnkeedoin, they ' were to declare, in suh inn Convention, and pledge themselves to patronize C.trr'a Htor?. us it is cidy necessary to exftiniuelhe above prices, and Consider whether Goods can he bought nl any otlier Store as cheap. Your are, therefore, requested not To let the opportunity pas*, but come and examine ?he G.oh is. The nitration of tlie Indies i* nlso respectfully culled to the prettiest and cheapest Goods in The Ionian As the Stock ww purchased on the most ad vanlAjfeou* It-mi* for i-s-h. and as I am de termiiistl to undersell nti d X bin low prices. A* well as in selection ef Goods, I hope llie ^ I public will call, and not permit th? chance Slide. Not II '20 tf A RARK CHAJfiCE. EXECUTOR'S BALE. j jMwgWa UXDKK ths WUl of W. P. | McBKK, dccoasod, 1 sui author i to veil bid Valauble Plantation. This Tract of Land contains Fifteen Hundred Acres, (1,500.) id situated on both aides of Middle Typtr ifcrer, in GroenviUo and Spartanburg'ut.i, about 17 mile* from Greenville 0 if., and the same /V0111 Spartanburg; Ninety-two Aotv* (92) of which ia first order of Tyger Hiver Uoltoin, alt cleared and in cultivation, und the Kiver canali.kii, and considerable ditching- done on both aides; about 50 Acre* of Table Land cleared and part in cultivation ; the balance ia nearly all good quality of Cboauut, Oak aud Pino Land, and lies uncommonly level. Thia had hoen known at tho Carson Gold Mine, and thcro has boon gold found on nearly every portion of it, aud thero ia a grent probability that there ia a vaat deal of gold ou it. N'vceaaity compels the sale of tho Land, and at ns early a date as possible it will be sold, ( with or without any rcaervution on account of )bo minerals. One half of the purrhaso money must be cash or on a abort credit, and the balance on any reason able time, with note secured, aral interest payable annually- Any |>er*on desiring to purchase one of the finest. Plantations in the upper country, will find thia a rare opportunity, not only ou account of tbo fertility of the soil, convenience of location, Ac., but< > the minernl value is very great, and when I get what I consider a liberal hid, I will sell it. J ho I'larn is wli >vuicrt?, hominy, ami iti? ranye first rate; the table )uml can all bo irrigated at any day, with very Utile work. ALEX. Mi iiKK, Kxe< ufor. _Nj|r 8 . 2T !> MRS. W ALTON flAS RECEIVED HER FALL & WINTEE Mjre$K . essssjsi mv.'hikmY, 6l which ?bo rerjicrtfulty Invite* to call and examine. Ir roniilU of AND STRAW HATS, i?!L?WSfl8, K A 11E Kfc* US, G AP ES 7/u cm jw>?i iuk ??wy>*? y?4 ***|**'lf j and ? lar*. ?tock oi To/k *\>r family w, ?, . M a, Bologna Sausages, a (mfiauasht. 5 m " I gvouji, Turk?<ra and Ohirkena, fat ??p tabecM) - * cf Stoak. Ucuf, A Is* Mod*B*i?f, Mine#JJ?*t, 1 Ovate r*, b eaoa. rino Apple, t>tr?wl>trrtM?. Ab ami Porter. * U SALOON . 0 in the -etcnln* * ' - - $ VK ALWAYS ON* ItANIJ AT TT1B ' ,'"V, )NFECTIONEEY, '* kNStwX UOb'SJJ. " I ** *' ~mJL . m II ? !< > ' " jfoTICE^ ': . i'-"*' ,& rHK Company UUb've his reeent(y found 1 A3 out Ilia most safe plan for liivakiug tiid Taming I lor*** and Milium Ili-it hau u-rn uliown ?i? ou^eouulrv. 1 wi l break th# wildest Il??rtC- in n very short time, to work 1 . n nnv piritinn the o?'??r wuMtrw?tl? " dow, buggy, eurrlosre, wagon, sled, truck#, eafy bush, or anything he chooses, that Km 0 li? tit-own, They !< p?rfw;t|jr bro;cii so n? to li# snfe in any kind of hsrne*^ uritli care. A kicking lu.rse is ?>?tr delight, md n stubborn Mulf pkftWi ntir fiacy. If lie nviiprn of unbroKen stock lus oonfilet ice in vrhnt I suy, let litem bring them In mv house, sixteen mil.* enst of Oresncille 0. II. left mc see them and tiicn ws n.?ke a contract for breaking. niul np|M>int a day to aprfi at e. I will pay lllierAl prices for unbroken stock, or 1 will go to your house when I u?c?rl*iu that you Tinea such stock. All proper core will be taken, but 1 will not bo responsible for nccidi-uta. Ths danger is very rmnll if any At nil. 1 will thoroughly Instruct n single scholar for #10, or a c!nss of six for f&Q, nnd so oa in propoi t'ou. Addrc*s 8. K. WESTMORELAND, Cnsliville, Spurt a n burg Dist.S. C. Oct 4 22?8iiu? SASH & liLlNDS MANUFACTURED BY L.K.O&XXB " GREENVILLE, 8, C. ~ Aug 9 14 1 y WANTED, 150 STOCK HOGS, WHIG HI NO FROM 75 TO 200 POUNDS. I). U. WESTFIELD. Oct 23 . 25 tf mm aid dress HM MRS. L. F. I3FNJSON 1 WOULl) inform her patrons' al>d the Ladies of Uroousille, that sho baa located an Jail wttrofcQSjf plrest, one door Im>1ow Mr. Worthington's residence, where slie can bu fcuud at all times. She se IfflffJMY solicits a cbnunuanou of the pal I kcr?i*'f0f?*r-traded to October 4 " 22 tf ! FALL A N I> W1N TER ' fflBULBBSBY;. < - MRS. PARIS & GORDON ^s*r????? 1 RESPECTFULLY iueitw A-k jWSyyjfH0 attention of their old LsxpYSKSS^frie^ile and customers, sqd (V fifa 'he Indies-generally. to their rf\ V^L^SSr ue,v nnd select Stock of Fall and Winter.IULILXEUY, C* "? * opeh. It has been ?e-- * yfKSk lectori with car* and taste, . ?'7 "I for this section, and comprises all the Articles u.-uu!ly kept on hand at this season. They deem it uuucce.-sary to enumerate the various urticUs ou Land. Call and examine onr Pt-.?ek. ffr- Dresses nnri Cloaks 0??t and Basted, on short and Old lionnots marie over aa han<lsobie us new. MK5. rir.IS 1 UUKDOX. Oct 15 a * If NOTICE. r|UIC Firm of JA41K3 LOCKE A SOX est I iliMulveri M|ii rime since. Ait pecsona iitUelifril to said Firm, arc reqnsstcd u> pay the auie nuniciiiute! v. to e it tier of the Midersigucd. JAMfo Lotkl A CsON. Oct 4 UJ It THOSE IN DEBTEES 4 HE notified that longer indulgence eaunoi J\_ he given, as those to whom the liidney belongs insist upon its collection. WLL1.IAM CHOICE. Fcpt 20 10 if ?? |i-tills a| . jf-r ^ ?!?-* g > ? IIsrs^i w ^a?>??^lrKgNI J k?3 e j;. ? sr J5 p S HifclSlfl s I*?I sfsjg ?'-|c j- r 7- CB i er|i8l - ? ft t h ^ r-;w Cj ft | !ij!* -1.3 5 F$ & f 8" - 3 Os? * ^tp^s ?s5r;. * THIRD REGiMENTL C1APTAINS r(UHnnr.(\irp Cnmyruteg of 8<Jr. ) Ilcphncrit 8. 0. M., sre r*v*ir??lto order ^ <iut fbeir Companies ?i? S?(irrsfoy, T.W. ?./ ltecrmlter vrxt, and to hold nil KLECTIOK, a* re<(iiire?l by law, for CObOXKL of Sd lU-jjinu-nt, to fill th? vnranry nern stored by (lit resignation of Col. Jpuk-s McC'uUou^li, anil to meet on Monday following, count Uio voles, ami declare the Kli < lion. lly vtdu of bri<{. (U-n. W. K. Rnnli r. T. L. U07.KilAX, Lioui. Col. Nor 1 2(1 r UKADQXJAR TKIW 1ST Eiuoaos 1ST S. C. M. > tlr.unyU1o>,b. (,' ? 2iov. i, ISO?. J 0TII>ER NO. -S , v AN ELECTION 1* bete by erdersd fo ba beU by csrb CMftpdfcJF In tbo 1st battalion of tlit let lU'ifiiwnt f. M? r-n A"??/mrduv, 22#/ T>*r*)?hrr urjt, (or MAJ011 to (nut1 mail t said battalion, to till the vacancy ec<ft_ eioncd by tie promotion of Nej. 8. P. CH?i> I.RTT. Tim Captain, and 1*1 and Sd I.lcvtcr an'p. of* each Company, are hereby ordered t? act at Manager* in tlieir retpeative Koala. Poll* to . open at II o'clock, A. M., and clone at k t ? , | o'clock, P. M. Manager* to moot at the Put> " talion Mutter (Jround on the Monday follow,. ' ' I ing, count tha rote*, rind declare the Kle>'tion# ] and fortltnilk rranradt the mmilt to aire- ? adiar General tat Wfipad* It' P'T " u *' * n a,?**?*. a. P. POOT. A _ Col. 1st P. i;iu?eut 8. C. M. BkAi 7. A?tlnt:.i