University of South Carolina Libraries
i, Btobfl^BTMS^SMAZ,^ ; utar in tb ?Wt m4 ep to all maoMr i of practical jokea. Proud withal,; he 1 was ao aa fortunate aa to be found s aclcap while oa kia poat aa guardf lie now had to' tab a withering reproof, , and in hie bitterness ha topk a big oath to be reeacged oa the Gyal, if erer aa opportanity offered., # One cold eight wbgn the rain waa 1 1 ' + :njortnfnL<ag~ ** on aentieaf ^ dlltlifcMW>, h > 11 1 hardly Milled his ialBoollar of hfe feoat for a nap or to sheitd hi* face from the storm, be fore he heard some one ooming along 4 splashing through the mud. Looking around and peering into the thick of ! - the night, he soon discovered that 'I wee the General himself. Now wee the time I Leveling bie musket it the md< j rearing figure, he demanded. ] * Who goes there." " Tour officer," replied the General, I with great decision etid dignity. M Advance end give the countersign P roared Tern. But the General just remembered 1 that he did not recollect to get jt before 1 lie set out on thie exploring expedition, * and so stated to the tenacious sentinel, who declined to reoeive any explana . tion. s. M Mark time P demanded Tom, ne he clicked bis musket and stepped forward ready to fhre into the heart of the trembling General in another instant, who now thought he wouffi try the power of coaxing. " Why, Hicks, you know h> no bodv Lot meI " " Can't help that?must obey orders; strict military discipline. Mark time, * or I'll shoot you in a second !" The Genera] saw that he was fairly I caught, and for two mortal long hours t Hicks kept him standing there"mark- T ing time," up to his knees in tnnd and S water, the rain pouring down in tor- y * rents. At last the relief-guatd came, . and Tom was able to dismiss his prisoner! The General crept back to liia * ouarters, drenched te the skin, tired to death, and heartily satisfied with camp duty. Tom was never subjected to any dressing-down aft or tbat. F Couldn't Go It. In tl?ewintorof 1857, about midnight, a passenger, with a carpet sack in one hand and a heavy shawl in the other, entered the Treinont House in Chicago. Walking directly to the office, he hailed * die clerk who presided at the de?k.? It being late at night, almost every one had left this popular exchange of the great north western metropolis, and the ? clerk had fallen to nodding. Awakened j . by the salutation of tho sit anger, he A jumped up. 44 Ah, Mr. Harris, glad to see you: just arrived, I suppose, from Detroit 1" 44 Just in ; very tired ; have not had my clothes off for two days; straight F tiom New York.^Can you give roe n room !" 441 am afraid not; we are very fifth" S 44 You roust stretch a point, for I roust J have a room," replied Ilarri*. ^ After looking over the register seme -y moments, the clerk said? g 441 can put vou in the same room" V Judge Douglas occupied the last time *] he was here." ^ 44 Akf replied Harris, M tbat will suit * tne. I was born a Democrat, have lived a Democrat, and hope to dio one. I \ voted for Buchanan, and wn?ftJ preferred voting for a'*** , ,TV? ^ up?>1 wan* 4 *nd to l',eef> ^ .*iter was immediately called, who tl taking the sack in one hand and a light in the other, started?If r. Harris following?for 142. Arriving there, they t? entered a large and handsomely furnished annrtment- wiih fnnr !uwt?? in each corner of the room?two gentlemen in ench bed except one; there, enly one. The gee from the chandelier was dimly burning over a large square table, on wbicb stood, in graceful negli ge, she glasses, the remnant of used tip ] punches, two deck* of the best eagle- 11 backs, a. Targe spittoon at each corner of \ be table, with tobacco-quids rising in < them sugar loaf fashion ?> nnmeation- ? ables everywhere a round. Harm look- \ ed mournfully around ; the waiter start- * til off, II srris called out? * " Stop, Mike! I'll go down with you " moment" r Arriving at tbe office Harria said? * X * Be# here! I am perfectly willing '* to occupy the same room Stephen t yDougtas occupied, but I'll bo burnt if I r Want to sleep with the whole Democratto r?n>." Said Bill tn P#n ' Pr?y l^nd me a V , or whet ? better. . JtW naehe U ten, and I will be eternally ' ; yew debtor." I knew yoo wonld;* .aid Ben, "and- j an.war: hugging at ?WiBf a ?u>ck of FALL AND fl*^BRSSH.WlNTKR OOODS. u? wbieb JEsLnJN* in Tit# tha attoattou of ?1L ^SC|H Ottr Stock bu kM sfloolt? ta to ?Mt th* waato of ??r -toratoann, m< taring boon obtateoi on *? wmt icHmbk rat, wo tool i wllbot ttot wo eao wakstt to ho intoroot of Wtm to tor or h with o call. Our atock to ioMoaHy largo, and otebfufco* til th? latest and most desirable stylet. ?T 11A N K F U L for the kiml 'patronage of their frieeda for Hio past year, would re*peetfolly ooKeit th? feme for the presoei. Por?on? *bhlfcff to Wnj > GENUINE ARTICLES, rould do woll to coll ud examine oar Stock of DRUGS, W NED WINKS. /? ' - fr -r i S^T PAINTS. OILS, * VARNISHES, DYE-8TUVF8, PERFUMER Y. - 'J"M BR USHER. FANCY ARTICLES, dx. ONE DOOR BELOW . HARRISON & LONG'S SHOE STORE. IF TOU iVANT Fine Shaving Soaps, Washing ijonps, GJvcerine Soap, Browu Windsor Soap, Collates Seap, i French Soaps, Opodeldoc Soap, J Jastiio Soap, Thompson's Soap, < Ai bin's Soap, or any other kind of 1 loap, or a Sox of Potash, to make [ our op Soap, - ? YOU WILL FIND IT AT LOMG & BUUNHAM'S * DRUG STORK. I IF Y0U~WANT \ ine COLOGNES, Fine TOILET WATERS ' or Gl-n'e EXTRACTS AND " ESSENCES, Ilnir POMADES, c Ilnir OILS, Hair , BRUSHES. h r any preparation for improving the Ilair Milb or Skin, CALL AND LOOK AT V| LONG A BliKAHAIBfi a L?n/\nrpti i.?l-m liHtLN 1. IF YOUlVANT TO BUY i iY mm X81CUE lEEW, ' You can get it, at the milker's price, from LONG A BURNHAM. IF YOUWANT A GOOD ARTICLE OF Bread Soda, Cream Tastar, , tarcH, Indigo, Mndder, Saffron, i torax, Whiting, Glnc, Sulphur, lIuui, Copperas, Linseed Oil, VUitcLead, Train Oil, Lamp Oil. I weak Oil, Spts. Turpentine, Alco- < ol, tlgidlits Powders, Yeast Pow- j evs, Largo Window Glass, Putty, Gotten Stone, Bath Brick* OR A?y*" T ? . .^. ina DUUO STORE.youcan huy 'B? SALK PRICE from our EstablUhmeut. 1 We call Particular Attention | To ail Preparations mnde hy us. We make i bem of an uniform strength, and from the . . PUIIEST MATERIALS. Country Physician* will find tt to their atlrsn?ge to call ?nd examine our Stock and Prices. LO<NG & BURNIIAM, Oxk Door Above <% Merrick's Store. Juno 14 39 tf ; _______ Ifj THE 8UBSCRTRKR MKX iS ! desirous of aelling hi??89SBgg? j|.Tr?ct of Land, lying ivo miles Northeast of flraen-aStfulMMnr rjlte C. 11m known as the IVicklito land*?the itntherford r?mrt running through it. The tract wntaioaTwo Hundred acros, BeTenty-ive clearid, the balance in woods. There ison the pre ruse*, a tolerable Dwelling, with other OutJuildings, and a good Orchard, embracing a rood variety of Fruit. This is altogether a iesirsbte place, either for a small fanner or a runnier house for those who are fond of weatbing the salubrious mountaiu air in all its reshnesn, or looking out upon a landscape rhleh is almost unrivaled. The place will ha xchangcd for a Negro follow, or sold low for Sash or approved Notes. Tbnao wishing to utrebaso, would do well to call soon on the ubacribor, near Groom-Hie C. II. HENRY R. WILLIAMS. Aug 9 *4 tf y -nra-unnws^'Kv I HAVE aasoeiated with me In bnatnaca, Mr JOAB MAULOIN. The business wfRba ttrrie.1 on in my AVeo Jiriek Store /toow?, ailher the styleand Ann. of Ro***r? A Mamlh*. In rotn ruing my thank* to n>y friend* for their liberal patronage, I wHMrificit a continuation of the samo, to the Now Ftrnh T. B. ROBERTS, Greenville, 8. C. duly 30tb, 1800. newIfirm. fit I1E eobaeribers bare associated themselves Jt,' together in huainwi*. under tho Ann of ROBERTS A MAl'LLUN, take pleasure in inviting tboir frlaud*, and the pnhlio generally, to their well aoleetcd Stock of Goods, Etobraeing ail Goode usunlly kept in etwee In onr plane. Give u? a call before making your pnrohama. Yon will And the Goods Mid prices to anil. T. B. ROBERTS. JOAB I. MAUEDIH. ) n aroeutlUe, B. C., July 80th, IS60. isanf Ml rnMAIIK. MRS. L. F. BEN HON ^EOBLD inform her patrons .* *<* *>?a Ladien of Greenville, * has located on Jell ? 'twt, oao door below Mr. Worthteaten's teddoaM,?Vben Mm WrWmUP **n *"> r?Hn,i ?* aU time*, ftha ^ JV solicits a oonttowanea of she p*. >T*>*1 'MTi>or*N "ttidsd ta ^ ;< , ' - - eI3D^ -1. mD| "*** HARDWARE,. CKOCKEAy, GLASSWARE, ** Vu J.- .,*. * ' ?.*. L . W# ?n wnflilpnt of Qi? foot that we tu afford to sell oar Goods at. prices that will command the attention of the piblle, M>d we respectfully solicit an examination of oar Stoeh. LONG, QOODLETT A CO. March 8 '^gfr- U tf T. W. IIAVI8, PRACTICAL Watchmaker and Jeweler, fBO TAKES the liberty to inform g? y/?V the.peophj of GrweDvillc, and the yyV rifoTv-3lwht>)? surrounding country, thatj^.S he haa on hand, without doubt, the beat stock of WASPcssiae? <& irsawsBiMirsv that bar ever been kept in tho Town of Qreenville, and if any Ono in disponed to doobt it, let bini or ber, come aud nee if it is not ao. Ilia stock comprises in part of the following articles: Fine Gold and Silver Watchea of all qualities, and warranted to kocp good time and to give satisfaction. All goods sold by him, arc warranted to ho what they are represented, or he will refund tbo money andj take the article back and no gtumbling. His Jowolry is of tho latest and best style*. In bis stock, are fine Diamond Goods, Lava, l'earl, Coral and Garnet, with or without sets, and the fine Chain and other Bracelets; IVatch Chains of all styles ; Gold nint Silver Thito- , jles,' Gold ; Silver and Steel Spectacle,; Con- j 'oro.and Con vexed Glasses, and also Neckaccs, with or witbont Clasps. lie has also mro Silver and Plated Ware. His Articles ire too numerous to mention all of them, but oine and see at once, DON'T FORGET IE DOES ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING u Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, and that in workmanlMfc manner, sncb, perhaps, as you unnot get done anywhere else in the upcounry, for he does not feei himself inferior to my, so you will do well to try him, aud aoe if lis words are not true. lie thiuka.there are unity already who bare- tried him, and will erlify to all of the above, Ac. X-*er~ His Shop may be found at the Good:tt House, on Main Street. July 36 15 tf vnu fiAi.ii rkree Houses and Lots, A ~ ^ eHgMy sfTuatAfojTWi . S ed, and paying & good interest B'4lxu3k. -ALL NEW may be hud on IQifaSQQSaft very reasonable lermc, if apilu J for mooii. The owner wishing to Invest he proceeds of mlo ii> other V miners he Is sagged in, is tho only reason why he has a dislosition to dispose of the property. Also, for sole, a VACANT LOT. Enquire at this Officii for particulars March 8 44 aiw $mm* KTSTTTJ) TllK subseriher respectfully Invites the attention of his friends ffis iTlXJJand tho public generally to his rcll-selectod SS'SSS ?ff ?????. CAIJ. AT THE HEW BRICK STORK, >n? door above the Rook.Store,,V*fa-0fU :o..r purchase.. You -ifr ? nOBERTS. )|*K)CS lO 8U)' g |^? "notice |"8 HEREBY given that all persons having L demands against the Estate of W t T.LI AM tACfVBt*. KY~., deceased, are requested to preicnt their demands legally authenticated ; and ill porsons owing the Estate, are requested to some forward ami settle by Return Hay neat, ui I am determined to sue on all Notes and Accounts, if not settled by Return Day. EDWATI) O. JACOBS, Exocutor. I T.i??w " " BLISS' Dyspeptic Remedy FOR SALE BY JOHN W. GRADY, greknVille, a c. WARRANTED TO CURE. If ?liration, n it followed, any cn*e of DYHPKP. 91 A. LIVER DISEASE nnd JAUNDICE. It espccinlly adapted to FEMALE Complaint*. " tW THY IT. jb PKIYATE BOARDING. rilllB MWUxr is prepnr.d tosrcomModate 1 .rf^BioUNG GENTLEMEN with liARlMODGtm. Ili* residonce is within 100 f^Htef the Tlioologlcal Seminary, and conveninrto tho businessportion of town, heiug about -dO yards oast of the Court House. Families desiring Boardcan also be aocommodated. Rates reasonable. Pel* 0 tO-tf R. W. S70NR. Jacob's Cordial. FOR SAI.E BY JOHN W. GRADY. GKKENVIl.I.K, H. C. A 1 SURE REMEDY In estes of MAR RHCEA. DYHXNTKRY and FLUX. Call and get a Bottle. 1'rice f 1.00. I 8PAULOlNfi'S PREPARED ITueT U8EWUI, IH EVERY HOUSE. lfXLUlD, and ready for use all ths tins, and X? wetrong as Cablnst Makers'glne. Pries per bofelt and brush, t!i cents. Per sale by ' J. R 811 BUM AN, Agent. wsttimmr, \ AT ; a a. a^varfl, A FINE ASSORTMENT SALEM OML) JEAHS. r vr OALL EARI^Y.^I 1Am*H .... ^ . ? BOUSE AND LOT IN TOWN 8 FOB SALE | Til K subscriber offers for sale hi. | House and Dot, situated near ths Rail Lroad, adjoining land, of Capt. ?. W ?. Xhe L<* contains One Aero. On th< place is a splendid well sf a iter, and a Aw rate young Orchard. s 7 per farther yMthsleit. as te term., As., dtp ply to the sahsertber, on tbspwris?. or ait* shop. A bargain ean'bs obtained, aa fa* determined to sell. W. P. PflOD. ?*ft f 91 A? 'V ' ' ' f <Ce fV! t?* " > 'lA- xt*.-. A ?*<l- ti' V ' 3] I ' ? *. *y \" ij#^5( I fVoA I ^A^riT* **" ?J*f "* J^H* W. GRADY. | j^Arad PmImI pUTLERT, togetfor with f??r ? d?Mripti?M ?f gheU HARDWARE pIpSltT k?pt tb this marksL Also, Aw, Grain J Grass SoythM, Snsaths, Cmdks, sad WaMBlnnhs, Spads*and SborsU,Roping, Ttmo CkaKs, Kails, Ao. Jost msltti and for sale hy^T^ 4f0HN W- q&A$fr.' J\_ INO. Coat*. Vest*, Fauts, Shirt*. and Under Garments, Collar*. Cravat*, Stock* mad Tie*. Joat received and for sale by >. , April ft 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. BONNETS. ^ A RULL Line of Trimmed and Un^>trimeaad BONNETS and FLATS, HnflSL~ chea, Flower*, Wreath*, Ribbon*, Ao. Just received and for sale l>v April ft 48-tf JOHN W. QRADT.' J beats. AVERY large Stock of I'Yeas, Soft and fv Summer HATS, for Men and B#ji J net received and for *alo by April ft 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. carpets7~mattings, Oil Cloths &c. SOME handsome CnrpeU, Mattings, Oil Clothe, llug*, Attomans, Ae. Just received and for sale by April ft 48-tf JOHN AV.GRADY. wall paper. 2/r/"V/A PIECES newand handsome pattlV/v/ torn* of Wall Paper, Bordering, Window Shades, Fire-place Scrvens, Ae. Just received and for sale by April ft 48-tf JOHN W. (3RADY. wooden ware. CEDAR, Tarnish painted Buckets, Well Bucket*, Tuhsnnd Heelers, Corn Brooms, Ac. Juat received andforsale by April ft 48-tf ^OIIN W. ORADY. drugs & dye-stuffs, 1SJ2 WINDOW GLASS, Putty, Paints,Oils* Tw Ac. Just received and for ante by OA JOHN W. GRADY. Aprilft 48 tf writing~paper, BLANK BOOKS, &Q. T ETTKU and Cap Paper, Blank and MeraJ J nrpbdnm llooke, Spoiling Books, Inks, Gold and Steel Pens, lfounet Board*, Ac. Juat roeoived and for sale by up -k .ii April 6 48-tf .JOHN W. ORADY. boots and shoes. A WELL assorted Stock of Ladies', ?w400Miascs and Child's Boots. Gaiters. | Duckskin and SHnixrs, heeled oud unjieelcd. Mon>, Bdy's. ftml Youth's Roots *md Shoe* of very mrloijtt? Just rcttiTed and fcr solo by JOHN VY- GRADY. April 6 48 tf r GROCERIES. BJ A V A and lllo Coffees, Loaf, Crashed and Drown Sugars, No. 1 and West India Molasses, Teas, Candles, i Candies, Mackerel, Ac. F?r sale by April 8 48-tf JOHN AY. GRADY. Crockery nn?I ISIasmwarc. A FULL assortment ot Chiua, Granite and Common Ware, QU*- **' JUA TiTed -d-f0r^OHN W. GRADY. LOQKHERE! We bare JUST RF.CEIVKD a fins Stock of STAPLE AND FANG! DRY GOODS, Which, for Qualify aoO CfMpiKss (we think,! CANNOT BE SURPASSED. o If yon wish to secure the greatest BAR-' GAIN ws hare ever offered, < CALL EARLY. We do net oonsidcr it necessary to enumerate Articles or Prices, as srsry body knows that we keep always a LARGE AID SELECT STOCK OF eSODS . in our lino, at as MODERATE PRICES as can besfforded. Therefore we tar, (GDBTJB <DH1? 1 (C?M? AM,! And examine, and soo if what wo say he so. O ho unve moo lor sale, A Octave Mclodeon, in perfect order ; ft 5 OCTAVK PARIS MADE ALEXANDRE PARLOR OR CHURCH ORGAN, and two good second-hand PIANOS. "W. H. HOVEY. April h 49 tf t. r. Rar.n. a. d. ooodlkvt. REED Sc OOODLETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. v AJ*ft "J* SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. OR RENVILLE, 8. C, O/rice Xnrth-Eatt Comer Court //ewes Squire. V June 4 4 HfT. tf Tub. r. jonks, W^I attorney at I,aw AMD SOLICITOR IN EQUITY 'l ftKKXVIM.n, ?. C. Ofl?a Eut of Court Room Ratitn, whara b? ?(jr bo foaixl doijy, from 9, A. M., to i, P.M. 87-ly Jon 19 C. r.jACKIOH * CO." FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL, Wo. 199 Xi?t Street, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Mqtm . 99 yr , J- A. PEARSON & CO., GREENVILLE, 8. CM i 4 ll^LVKekw.tii' *** 1 Ti? Vm Shoot Iron, &oc, Ae, TIM ROOFING, GUTTBRINO. REPAIR. k rNG, aoO ?11 otbnr Work f? oar Una dona . ekaaply and protnatM. 1. in their ?oMtrwti?i. A ?l>l|fe&P<r?nU them ?ad andorstand their M?Kb. S. They are the rfrljKrt Sewing Machines Made. I* la almeat! tfKedblO * beak or get then oat of order. 3T 8. They- are eereli their operation: finishlag work la * aaltpenly perfeet naaaor. 4. They a^r a tight (m! stitth, Alike on led. *. Tbey stitch, hem, hind, fell, ma and. gather, without baatlog. Tbey new equally well the UghMkt add 1. *f hoy ^eew*oyer the b eeriest foetns without ohaaging tho tension or breaking the finest thread. " 8.' They use eny ifh. of Cottha, Thread er i Silk, directly from the spool. t. They un a straight needle; curved one* are liablo to break. 19. Tho needle ha* a perpendicular motion. This is absolutely nocewnry for heavy work. 11. They have a wheel feed ; none other* are In conetant contact with the work. It. They run eerily and aru almost noiseless. It. They are not liable to oil the dress of the operator. 14. They do not require a screw-driver to set the noodles. 15. They do not have to be taken apart to oil or clean. 10. They do not form ridges en the under side of tho work, nor ravel out, ner are they wasteful of thread, as is the case with all chain-stitching machines. 17. They are capable of deing a greater range of work, and in a more perfect manner than any other Sowing Machine. We warrant thcee Machines, and roach for the recommendation of the above. DYER A PICKLE. AGENTS, GREENVILLE, 8. C. April 19 50 ly WAGON MAKING AND REPAIRING. "Mi K subscribers respectfully inform tho pubJL lie that they Intend carrying on the business of WAGON MANUFACTURING, and WAGON and Bl/GUY REPAIRING, in the town of Greenville. The best qf Timber will be used, and the work warranted to be woll done. Mr. POOL, who will superintend tho work, is a workman of considerable experience, having learned the business under the host workmen at tho Carriago Factory of Messrs. Cower, Cox, Markloy i Co. All work will bo done upon the most reasonable terms, and on short notice. A shut* of patronage respectfully solicited. "**" A WTTPVt . WW /*.la AJCiJ/a A tot of SEASONED LUMBER wanted, for which a fair prioe will bo paid. J. A. TOWNES. W. P. POOL. AV. A. TOWNER. G rccnrlllo, February 2,18C0. 39 . tf NEW CARPET STORE! , JAMES ?. BAILIE, IMPORTER, JOBBER. AX!) DEALER IN Alala KINI^S OF CARPETING, RUGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW -SHADES, Ml CURTAIN GOODS ** -vKRY DESCRIPTION, ssr?. asassr? CHARLESTON, S. O. jkxn J. G. BAILIE & BRO., 205 BROAD ST., . . AUGUSTA, OA. Nov 34 29 ly fjSSpT MJkEBIaH DEALER, OREENVILLE, S.C. fir All Orders for hiAanue Weut promptIy tWnilnl to. 40-tf Feb 0 HANDSOME JEWELRV ON SALE. A VERY GKNERAI. ASSORTMENT ? floe and other JE WELH Y may he hw of the Hubaertber, who make* to order Engage ment Itinge, and ?nj other artielc required ii bie line. REPAIRING faithfully done # ? Three Deora below the Goodlett House J II. RANDOLPH. Greenville, St C., 8ep. 15, 1859. 19-tf JAMESFLEck, *Jk HOUSE & SIGN ivtiNiMfa Paper Hunger 6c CHaclMj GREENVILLE, 8. C. ^ *ui rammrut kiwtk all work jcrrousm to ntw. Residence on August* Street, near Depot. Peb 23 42 ty F(^RENTr AM& UNTIL the first day of Jan war; riHJii< next, at $200 per annum, JKil THE STORE HOUSE _ W^l A dH III ? ? n nMT> v?rcciiTiiio, P. fj., reMBUJT M eupied by Mavloix A Um. C. A. MAUI.DIN, Adm'x, rfe boat* men, of 8. Mauldiu, dw'd, March 1 43 f IsrotJRi PAINTING. THK anbaerlber la prepared U? IXECUT1 promptly 11 ordors for house painting: upon the nioat reasonable (arm*. T. C. fiOWKR. Apat It * notice. THR Copartnership heretofore extetinj between the undersigned, for the par paaa of operating MaBea's Mills, &*>., belay Greenville C. H., will Urmtnat* aw <A? Firt Day of Ntvmhtr nart. Taraona basin) claims aaaiael lit* Company will please pre ant them to Mr. M?Bil; and theee M<M ad will ob'Afe M by etUInf ?tan early dat with hUn. ' ALEX. MoBn, a. UEAI>. lap tO tO M T '** ' ' 'r . >V > 4 . * 1' WELL ADAPTED TO THIS MARKET. ' ! In tk< assortment wEt be found , Ladies, Mlmi* aad Cblkirsn's Oaiters Mid . 0,gfiSKWMW?-M**; 9ttaW?SEoot?-?a exeeOent-artfcll*. ' ' hi* line w can he found I* nay wtawMiel la a town 6f the same *?* . ' '- ' -v lie alee respeetAslly nek* aa examination 'of ' hi* Frioee for Caah, satisfied that his (foods are < offered At the lowest Possible Pigure. Pernone In want of anything of the hind : will pleaee give bin a cell. a1.h0, o.f hand, A Good Stock or Leather, AT WHOLESALE AND KKTAIL. Boot and Shoo Making. Thie branch Of his business is gt iU carried on under bU personal supervision, end every cere will he taken to guuruntoe satisfaction to those wh* patronise him. -?'f 17-lf ?:? Nov 10 a..i .*..??" .^r p* *"* THE WORLD OUTPONE1 THE MEDICINE CALLED " iniiHOimuiory ciiurpaior" WHICH wns sold duringCourt in this place, it now on wta, by J. W. GRADY, of Greenville. It cannot now be longer doubted but tbia Modioine is the moat efficacious remedy ever tn tbis place, for Kidney Diseases, Files, Neuralgia, Lung Dlsoasos, Dyspepsia A Rheumatism. Numerous cases of the above diseases bavo been cured tbis prosont week. .Headache, Tootbaohe, Earache, bp rams, and all Bowel Affections, disappear before it as if by the touch of inaglc. Try it, and keep it in vonr families, for sickness comes wheu you least expect it. J. W. GRADY, Agent fbr Greenville, 8. C.5 Dr. E. RIJ.L, Wholesale Ag't atColumbia; also by all Wholesale Druggists in Charleston, S. CG. W. DAVI8, Proprietor, Box 4520, New York Post Office. Nov S 26 tf LOCATED Corner of Baltimore and Charles Streets, BALTIMORE, Ml). THE Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished, and Popular Cotnmerolal College in tho Luited States. Designed expressly for Young Men desiring to obtain a Thorough Practical 77Kduration in the least possible lime and at the least expense. A Large and Beautifully Ornamented Circular, containing upwards of Six S</nnr? IW, with speoimens of Penmauship. and a Large Engraving, (the finest of the kind ever made in this country,) representing the Interior View of tha College, with Catalogue stating terms, Ac., will be sent te evory Young Man on application, /i'M 11/ charge. , , Write immediately and you will rectivo the package by return mail. Address, K. K. LOSIER, March I 4d--ly , "t Baltimore, Md. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, A Tlcnevolent Institution established l>v special Endowment, for tho Holief of tho Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Yiruleut and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Disease* of the Sexual Organs. , , MEDICAL Advice given gratis, by the ActI, ing Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and la eases ?f extreme poverty. Medicines tarnished frae of charge, * ^ i Valuable Reports o? -Onermaterrbeca, aid other Diseas*? Sexual Organs, and on the y?- nomedics employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted In seated lcttor envelopes, free ef charge. Two or three Stamps tar Postage will bo acceptable. Address, DR. J. 8KII.LIN IIOttOIITON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 1 South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, IV Dy order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWEI.L, President Geo. PaiRcniLO, Secretary. Feb# 40 ly I. 1. FALK~4T~tiO. wjiolksalk and detail dkalkok in CLOTH I3NTC3r, AND Gentlemen's Fnrnishing Goods, NO. 265 KINO BTBJBBT. CHARLESTON, 8. a tw Manufactory and Wholesale Warehouse. 84 1 >xt Btrkkt, N?w York. UT All Orders promptly attended to. " Nov 44 * 49 ly SADDLE Si HARNESS MANUFACTORY. \^ * THE suoseriber would respectfully Inform the public generally that he continue! the above Business, 7V? I l> nknmm (A* Cm...'//. U-.-l J I. pared to furnish customers.wit b any d??cription . of HOMK MANUFACTURED Rai/DLBB. CarrUgo,BamMd Wagon HARNESS mad* to order, ana In the best styles. RRIDLR8, WHIP, Ac., on band, and for sale CHEAP. jyr Saddles and Harass REPAIRED at short notice. A. M. OII.REATH. March 29 47 .. ^ 1/ ' BLACK6MITHINQ. The concern of T0WNE8 k , HAWXSNS having beendlssulrby mutual consent, the business will be carried on at the same Shop by the undersigned. G. W. BROOKS. I January, I860. J. Ik HAWKINS. I k NOTICE. jfll^HE undersigned baring transferred bis la L tersst in tbe Blacksmith Shop near Wil| "tarns' Store, to Messrs. Buooks k Hawkins, takes pleasure in recommending them to a share of public patronage. Tbcy will be prepared to ettend promptly end satisfactorily to alt oalls in thoir line. They hare experienoed and skillful Smith* in Horsesboelug, Repairing and Ironing Wagons, Ploegb Work, and all etbor ordinary work of a Blacksmith Shop. PJanuary, 1869. 87-4i G. P. TOWKKS. J ' ^ *~ ? ? n ^iTK-i I?.11? -ir^r. . . . rrjq-1 rehi -! DENTAL CARD. THE undersigned wonld rtrnMeifully Wing to the Howe of OreeorBMend ttelnity, ~friend, ROBERT A. HARK 18, 8?rg*<m Dentist, who bu, daring the lee* rtrt# yemf, - xl?en hit flloee end nndirlded ettevtitm ..'t# Dentistry, nod who ie new prepared to attend to hie Profession in both its brauebe?r He mar be fonnd at my Rooms. ._< Mn JOHN AN01R8OW, ? 5 Jnly I tf Rnrgte* Ren - - - ??*?? U ORR i PRICK, | ATmwEytpFtAw^* iw.enrae ? - ?,> >a ^ ^ ^ ; SHAVING, I WILSON COOK, WttJ 1 If , i *^2PShS^h 'i-^T'. * t -P - are aggravated by the ?M?ccause. ^ One of all our people *y? scrofulous ; J^T'\ their THiraona aro invaded- By thin lurking infection, Mid their health 4b undermined by it. To clcsnao it 4h>m the system we musk renovate the blood by ?u Alterative medicine, and invigorate it by healthy food and atsrclsa. Sachamsdkuie we supply. ia,v AlfEil'S Compound Extract of Sarsajmrilla the most effootual remedy which the medical kill of our tiraos con dcvUo for this everywhere prevailing and foUl malady. It is combined from the moat active reincaials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue ff tho-. avstcm from its destructive consequences. ~- - , Hence it afcould ho employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affections which arise from it,- such at rruftivb and Skin diseases, st. ajftitoity's Fran, **" Rose, or Erysipelas, nMWM, prrrrtas, Blotches, 11 la i n b and Boils, Tumors, TlfTTMi and Salt rheum, Boxed Head, Rimowokx, Riii'.l'hatikm, Syphilitic and memcukiai. Diseases, dhopsy, t)YRi?sr?iA, dbhihty, and, * indeed, am CoSirvAtJTr* AKisnco run* Vitiated du iMrrnr. Bi.dOn. The popular belief ' in " impurity of the Nhod" is founder* in truth, . for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sorsaparills is to purify And regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMiLY PHYSIC, are so eontpossd that disease within the ranee of their action can rarely withstand or evade them. j; their penetrating properties search, and cleans*, and invigorate every portion of the human organic? ssrtoctiwg its diseased action. And restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these . ^ properties, the invalid wlic is bowed down with pain or physical debility'is astonished to find his' health or energy restored by s remedy at once so simple and inviting.* hot only do they cure the evory-dsy complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Aim suae, con twining certitiCates of their cures and directions for their use in the following comnlaints: Costive fir*#, Jieartbttm, IIeadach* firuin<j from ditm-tiertd Htomnrh, Matftm, Iixiigitfion, I'ain wand Morbid Inaction of tht ltotrrk', Flatubney, Lou of Aojmiitr, Jaundice, mid other kindred* complaint*, - 3 arising from a low atatc of the body or obimiction of iu functions. ' ' '.*. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,. * FOfc T1IE UrlD CL'tlB orSSuT -a Coafhf, folds, Iiflntnta, Hoarseness, Croup, BroacMUf, Ineipleattoaiumy tion, and for the relief ef Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease* ' v.( So wide t> the Qrld of its usefulness and so numerous arc the eases of it* cure*, that almost every section of country abounds in -pcrswns jmbliclv known. Who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of tho lungs by >U use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind i* * ? apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the longer hesitate nhat antidote to employ tor the distressing and dangerous ulicttions of the ? pulmonary organs that are tneicUat to our climate, while many tuferior remedies thrust upon thw 1 community nave failed and been discarued.rdiis has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and produced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. *. pREPAnun DR. J, C. A VER & CO. LOWELL. ilA.38. '-3T:-. /M sale ia GrsenyUle by J. D. DBAN and 4 ;; M. n. EAULE, and by DmpRists and dealer* iu Moch'. ino evorywhero. April 26 61-leowly ?P CHEROKEE REMEDY, *s okVsi talks " C? I <& (?> 2?f (?> 2ft 2R Jjfi (uAjSs. Jk AWP AM. DISEASKS OK TEE CRIKARV OIIOANJ. " ' Tai.sw sn other compound i coatatflitfff no mineral poi on or BMMoai draff { a* it is proparod solely 'j2 from Hoots, Darks and Lcavos, and bat boon . SK banded down, from one generation to another, H by the Cherokee Indiana. It la offered to the public on its own intrinsic meldta. It performs <r,U t its duty quickly and thoroughly. The unfor-v Tgl tunate, uf either sex, will be repaid py using , i V this Remedy. Instead of placing themselves at ' 4 71 the merey of somo Quaek or Professor, Tbis 1 Remedy strikes at tho Verr Root of the disease : fcnen of ?iL moi?rou?' fca?t*>" * pktMMH. ^UT- 8*44 U? <toee7> f-fflt EHv;,.a^gfl J?Bb? Afck k 0*4 *PB . fiMiBW