University of South Carolina Libraries
^fcrtnc* fo oar*Federal Oo*' Sermon Pai-bk.?Wm bava ar^or btimdbe* Mad WuTSfcTtM T>*ily Carotins for | wswion, and ch?rttiir <hft OmveDtion. ft>? am Hollar, free of po*<sge, Oor edhoral brethren w~'> oblige as stn} ifed pot.Ho by girhifc thU notice an insert Jon.? Columbia Carolinian. MABBTKP. lUaRiap, ?n tbe tllilt twat,: hy K?? Mn BnrdW, Mr. W^LUT W. ?Tltf> and UUa HAH AH ELIZAWTTH BITCH1K, all of Andoraon nutrict, ft. C. tST Andcraoft. Gnftotte pleaaejenpr. Far Major. ?t;-~ " ^ -JEST* 13T" We are requested to ando??m Capt. 11. A. CAVBliB an a Candidate for Major of tlie I at Bat. of tat Regiment, 8. C. r**?; 0~? For Colonel. KgJThe many friends of Capt. JOHN W. Al'STIN announce blia a candi?ato for Ootonol of thajTfaird Regiia<nt S. C. M. tST We are authorized to an Bounce Lieut. Cot. T. L. UOZEMAN a candidate for Cotoaol of tho Third &i|luunt S. C. M. fST W e are authorized to an nounce Major WILLIAM FORRESTER, of HhtarUla Diatriet, a candidate for Colonel of ' th? Third Regimaa* 8. C. If. ' For Tax Collector. BW We are authorized to an-. nounoo W. H. BURMA a Candidate for Tax Collector, at tho next Election. t?TJAME8 N SMITH anaouucvr hiraablf a Candidate for TnX Cblketor, at the onaniog^eketion. |d?T" JOI1N L. TlillTsER . 'js ? candidate for .Tax Collector at tea av.slri** el?ction. - ^ ?W The friends of JOHN H. TAKRAXT, announce hiiu a candidate for Tax Collector Cor Ureonviflc Diatriet. jar We Are authorized to announce W. 8. T11ACK8T0N a candidate for J Tax Collector at tha ensuitfg election. |; The friends of Iiey. J. M. RUN. IOK, resnotfuUy nnnomct him as a Candidate far Tax Collector, At "tho ensuing election. SW Wo aro authorized to announce W. F. TAYLOR, Esq., a candidal* for Tax Collector, At the ensuing election. JOT" Wc mo authorized to an- , aounoe EDMUND HOOKKH a candidate for Tax Collector, At the eoauing election. * , jar We are authorised to anseaneo W. T. AU8TIN a-candidate for Tax ColWtor, at the next eleetion. * jar W e tiro authorized to annwnnee J. H. McCCLf.OVGM a candidate fox Tax Collector, at the next election. 1 ^gnWe'are authorized to an- I aounco Cou G. T. TOOLS aa a candidate for Tax Collector At the ensuing election. v tsgr We are authorized to T. anUMATK a* a candidate for Tax Colleotor at tho onauing election. We arc requested to anBounce Mr. ^^8 DILL, AX a candidate for Tax Cpllcotnr, at the next Election. ISg* JAMES B. I'KAIiSON an ounce* hiuisolf :x? a candidate fur las Col.,' lector at the *4xt c feet ion. ~TH* CLOBIHtTEXHIBrriCS or tub i MARIETTAIHIGH SCHOOL WILL taho place on the Kvn'nof FRIDAY, 30tr Instant, beginning At 1.J1- M, -r Or Hereof Exercises as follows : Master R. Taylor Good?Subject: Death of I Career. Master J. Franklin Clcvolaud?Subject: The Dnty of Young Americans. Master Win. Edward VTeat?Subject: Desti. sy of the Rod Man. Maater Win. Soott Bradley?Subject: The Memory of the Good. I Master Warerly StairLry?abject : Philosophy of Science. It later Ch Thomas Charles?Subjset: Withington. Mooter B. Levi Allen, of Spartanburg? ftubjesl: Commemorative Monuments. Master Philemod Turner?Subject: VlndiI eatleu of South Caroline. > Master J. Barksdele Ktniuen?Subject: A<? riestture e Noble Pursuit. <- Master David Bly the?Subject: Instigators of Treason. * Master Wm. Harvey McCerrell?Subject: . Policy of Roads, Master C. Goodrich Ketohum?Subject:! Premonitions of Regntus.' , Master J. Mi mm a Sit Hi van?Subject: Ro.. solves of Regains. ^ Master Wm. Peter Turpin?Hnhjcet: Power of Prelum. Mafler Thoa. Washington y?sb?Subject i Rsiiutt ?f Bri.iih Fugutive*. b Mafter .T. Augustus Smith, of Anderson? Sabler11 The Dnt>s of a Chief Magistrate. Waster J as. Thomas WiU ams?Aubjert: .ToatS V n?nii!to?. Vv of the Exercises, the audience j.'. Will Ka adilr* kvV O iTiius -? r?i_ j ? vi w*iui?f?0* Cftptoin of- tho Furmsn Univwliy RifU L Tb? Mtfndmut* of th? *?tit1oro?n of f in <w P?u?wity b wip^K-any -HdM- * ; Wr*?% hippy to btfojih rtfinr p*tron?. ?n4 & ?*!** *?? Hit ffcwwWe BrpM ??d ?* kM" ?' 1T? return ?wr ifcooU > f> *... * .?<5<W*jSt ****?*?. yilf?M !?W*W! Ki '? % I JW:f*' ** PiP^tCKr E ' ? ?*r | " V-.w ^ v.-> ^ Kkft- 1 v? 4; ('-?|i|HRHHM^ (Mb ^KWHS| i^Rb g| ' PUBLIC EXAMIUATIO*. Jt^S* ' A PtTBLIOBXA MUTATION Af . ?CCS^tho Pupil. of ibe OAILLARD J SCHOOL, will uho pl?ot? In tW Jyr Cb?p?l of tbo'bwildtajb on tbo SS*A miwT 1W1 JIWoW tut., oomnmnoing ? " f? o'elook, A. M., ooob doy. Tbo following gentlomoa nro reopootfallr In- * Tltod to bo prooont, nnd Ml m on Kxnniaiag OMMtitec Rby. 6. S. OAiiunn,) Dr. B. Mm.r, Jr., Dn-J-fl. V.-.. UAw * "I r*- f -w? f 1 . .- I ISM. jr. IJ0T0B, Dm. I. A. llnoAnra, Rrv. 8. J. Hut,* Rav. R. Fcsxar, Paor. C. R. Twim, Rrt. T. p. Aktbi'r, Pnor. P. C. Edwards Tbe Board *of Trustoes am esrnes tly requested to bo present at tfao Examination. Parents andGuard tons, aud tho puhl (generally, aro also Inritod to attend. ' ? J. 8. WILLUANK8, Principal. wot * 27 4 f Cherokee Rmanr.?This medicine is pns- // pRred solely from Hoots, Bnrka, and Leaves, c| combined in such a manner as to form the j, beat and most pleasant medicine ever Intro- j, duced to the public, for the )>ermanent cure ]) of Ooborrhcpa, Gleet and dlaeasea of the ? urinary organs. p, The juiee of berriee, hcrbe, wil4 plants and L root* tj The sjpriug's first buds, tho mellow autumn's st frn^ta w The bright wild flowers, whose fragrance f0 charm* the Bees, The opening leaves, the bark of forest trees. 0J " Tlie red man and the forest combined* have furnished for ofHHcted man that which in the shelves of the Apothecary heretofore hi failed to- give. We say to all, suffer no ti< more! but go to any drug store and you ?h will fin<T the " Cherokee Remedy.'1 This of mydietna never fails to effect a permanent oj euro after all other prepnratioas have failed, re See advertisement in auolher column of to- C< day's paper. n< rttasmvjcar tlia most won<ierful ildng ^ discovered in the nineteentli century is Pro- f fe*a<?r Wood's Hair U'-stomtive Ii restores " perfectly gray hair to its original color. "J makes it jrrow on the. bald nud preserve it \ perf-'Ctly to any ngf, it only ua-d hv the young twice n week, Dandruff nod downs* ^ cannot exist on the-Scalp where tld* is used j.See circular, nud we defy dfMiht. CAt-Tiow.?Kewaro of worthless imitations," as several are already in tho market, culled hy J" different nAmcs. Use none unless the words ,w (Prof. Wood'* Hair Restorative, Depot. 8t. M Louis, Mo., and New York.) are blown in the tr bottle. JJ&9T 8?ld by nil Druggists and Patent j c' Medicine Dealers; alao, hy nil fancy Toilet oj Goods Dealers in the United States abd Canmlu. vr For sale in Greenville l?y. Drs. Loxn A in Rt'RMWAM. Druggists. 27-4 _ "* Head a*i> Bki.iwk ?New York April 12, "? DMHV?W. E. Haoan, Esq ?Dear Sir-About five months since 1 bought two bottles of yonr Hair Restorative, and am now desirous th of obtaining more, and would inquire where it may be found here. My hnir when quite T>' young turned gray. I have used a number at of articles for tbs pnrj?oae of rebuffing It, lr but did not succeed until I obtained . this, which uroduccd the defired sflwt 1 l>?? * '< Iieen requested by a number of my friend* [among them several ladies) to procure it if J w possible. I am much pleased with It, for it ' lias made a great improvement in my per- tu tonal appearance. By answering Ibis, you will mush oblige, * of Yours very respectfully "" n.c. Goodrich. to Pastor of tho Baptist Church, Pittslord, Vt. 1* Hcm?mi>c( that thisfe.?utt was produced by In Uaimstroet's Inimitable, the original and only reliulilo Hair Restoralfr*. Price 50 cents and awt^ g0jj by Fisbcr A Ileiuitsb, Greenville, ana Druggists everywhere. Nsr 8 28-4 RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BR VAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS! THE Oriental Medicine Established In 1837. and first article of the kind ever introduced ai under the name of" Pvt.uoftiC Wafkks " in |t this or any other country ; all other Pnlino- p, nic Wafers are counterfeits. Tho genuine {j can bo known by tho nnnio of BRYAN being stamped on each WAFKR. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS * Relieve Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness ' [ BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS " Relievo Asthma, Brohehiti*. Difficul/ Breathing ' BRYAN'S PULMONIC WATERS {' Relieve Spitting of Blood, Pains in tho Chesti " BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS ? Relieve Insipient Consumption, Lung Diseases. BRYANH PULMONIC WAFERS Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsils. BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS ltclievo the nbovo Complaints in Ten Minntes. Bryan's Pulmonic wafers Are a Blessing to all Clnsses and Coostitntlons. / BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS I Are adapted for Vocalists and Public Speakers. J BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS ? Are In a simple form and ploaeant to tho tasto. . BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS Not only relieve, but effect rapid A lasting Cures BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFKILS Are warranted to give satisfaction to every one. No Family should bo withont a Box of BRYAN'S PULMONIC) WATERS \ ? IX tllK IIOt'HK. (I No Traveler should bo without a supply of t BRYAN'S PULMONIC) WATERS )< Cg HIH I'Ol'KKT. p No person will over object to *5vo for BRYAN'S PULMONIC WATERS TWKKtV-riVU eXSTS.* JOB MOSIS , Solo Proprietor, Roehostcr, N. Y. For sale in Greenville by Fisnnn A IIkixitsk, and alt Druggists; Vax rjiAACK A ^ Urikrsox, Charleston, Wboieesale Agents. May 17 t a To the Members, of the MedicolPro^^H aion of the U. 8. Nkw Yomc, May 1st, l^t-O.?(Jemt s The! D ml resigned, having recently become the sola pr?pr.? tors of Dr. J. Dovcu Ilod's Imperial WhiM Bitters," an afticlo Which Is bring ex- toOsivcly Mold in all parts of the United Statue, * beg fenve roaaccUhlly to call your iitlentiarilifo a list of thu ingredients which compose thdK valnatdo WtWs, rib: Solomon's Son), SpMN nnrd. BeyHerry, Wild Cberry-lrco Burs. Gpltieu, Camomile Flowers, Cmnlrey, ami ? pap) and nnadMltoruteil Wine, which is about don Mo t lie n?i>l rtrongth of other wkm, ?n<l in im- I ' ported by only one IIuum in ih? United ?tatu*. I the beneficial ofRrtx oflhf* Bittei.- ! on nt, nod or) tunny other* which wo have witneMcd, wo feel confident that the lMiyaiciaa* <.)' 1 the conn try who will give them a iair trinl. will approve of thetn, and uso tRcin In their practice. Korportiull > yonrrf! CHA8. WIDblFIELf) A CO., It WlUtam Street, New York. P. 8.?ft Dr. J. Bmtec Dod> Imperial Wine 1 Bitter*" are void by^TSHKR A IlKINITrill, (iroonvllle, 8. <7., and by Druggiate generality. j.. 5, , 1. MAKING. I t a MadTt?* won Id inform tho eltl- 1 : *d to manafaetnre MA > THt( " ( mnmtfbcturee WUH'S. He * hi* Worh. Ha mav bp f-mnd ?V". pneite the Railroad Depot, in the bouAO fer? lSSyi|W?>p<<< bJpMr. 8. Bv?dley. ? u . (K, All Ordere Uft with either Mr. Keteh- . am, Mdwww, fx-ng, tloodlott A Co. or Mr. L. William", Will ho attended te wHb wromptneee. Call and cnomtoo Wk W<wh at either of the Ucor. ? * T I ^ 'V^LAjK >r 'uZKI^*!j3HHH| x^dtatoflkftpttoatlMkfit V ^ irYKtt Jt ticiOMa: * Oi Iii|ti,fc<4-I^r 18, MM. *Mf wm^Bu HPI Mm Bi Q I\Ba.H| A M KyaM Wyfi^Dv Tonne of ft'prt*entatir<*, no* met and e*Uitfp i General Amemblp. and bf the ^ < ' soma, That * Convention of ttw MHiU r the State of South Caroline h hereby ornineJ, to he asceiuhled In the eity of Coinibia, en Monday, the Mventeentb day of ocetuber, in the year of our Lotd one thou tnd eight hundred and sixty, for the pursee of taking into oonehleretlon the dan(re incident to the position of the State in is Federal Union, established by the Conitution of the United States, ana the meaires which may be necessary and proper r providing ngslnat the same, and therepou to tnke cure that the Commonwealth 1 South Carolina shall suffer no detriment. Skc. 2. That on the 6th day of Ih-cember, lite year of our lion) one thousand eight undred and sixty, the * Managers of Elee.? ana for the several Districts In the State mil, after giving public notice, ae in eases ' elections for members of the Legislature, ten the polls and hold elections in their spectlve Districts for Delegates to the said invention, in all respects in the same winner and forut, and at the snme places, as ections are now conducted for members of is LogUJature. And all persons who are nilified and entitled, by the Constitution id laws of this State, to Tote for members the Legislature, shall be qualified and entled to vnts for said Delegates to said Con-1 tution ; snd in case any vacancy occurring, | y dcntli, resignation or removal from the tate, or refusal to serve of any person electLa TMagnts to the said Convention, the: -raiding officer of the said Convention shall sue his writ authorizing and requiring the singers of Election* in the Election Disicts in which such vacancy may have o?irred, after giving due rotlce thereof, to *et) u poll unit h<dd an election to fill such L'Sitcy, ?s in cases for the election of mem re otthe l.etfbduture ; t hat the Managersthe several' E'edion Districts and Parish, shall moot on Friday, til# *?tli day of I Join be r, I860, cdnul the votes and declare ', e election. ^ a ?vi.-i ?- t?i--.i? *VI - - - * .- nv. n.? iimi earn eii'CUOH JFinrifl, I roughnut lh? St?t? ?h?ll be entitled In' r*at and send to the,Cohvent1on * number of glfgitci equal toilie whole number of Senoi-l end Representatives which ouch !>? ict is now entitled to tend to tiie Legitla. ire ; nnd the Delegates to the said Convening shall be entitled to the some freedom arrest in going? to, returning from, end bilst in altendaoee on, eh id Convention, a* extended to the members of the Lcgisinre. Of - ? j i? r, VSfce. 4. Tlint all free white male citizen* this State, of the age of twentv-one years id upwards, and who are entitled to vote r members of the State Legislature, shall i eligible to a seat in the aaid Contention, the Senate Hons#, the thirteenth day of November,* in the V*ar our Lord one thousand ek'ht hundred and sixty, and in the eighty fifth year of the sovereignty and independence of the United States of , Vi'lLlJia. w U POSTER, JAM KSS1 MO^^nfcU; ? -Speaker House Representatives. Tirx*lvt<L That the Clorfcs of the Senate id House of Representatives l>e, nnd are n-ebv, instructed to publish the "Act to rovide for the calling of a Convention of te people of this Slate," in one newspaper i each Election District in the State, once week, until the day of election of the IMgntea to said Convention; and that it is 10 sense of this Oetwral Assembly that the lanngeis of E'eclions are bound to proceed i? give tlte usual notice of election, nnd to oj.l the turns, as directed by said Act, ritliout awaiting further instructions. WM. E. MARTIN. C. 3. JOHN T. SLOAN, C. U. R. Nov 22 20 tf . TO RE N T, . TWO HOUSES, with Four Rooms atul two Fire-places each, r'A Garden*, and congjjlWjjjpi 1?. to a good Spring of aUir. J: or particulars, npply at A. BUECO'S Tailor Shop, Eut corner Court House Square. Nov 8 27 tf ______ rnis is to forowara any porson from trading for a Noto given by DAVID L. 'AUOIlN, to Allen Vatighn, ftir One Hunrod Dollars, dated 10th February, 1800, due arclve months after date, as tho Noto lias been ust or mislaid, and I am determined not to ay the saute, if presented hy any person. DAVID L. VAUGHN. N?r 15 28 1 NOTICE. A LL persons indebted te the Estate of r\ WILSON C. COX, doceascd, are herey notiflad that the same mdst be paid to the tiricrsigoed; and thoso having demands gainst said Estate mqst present them duly KMfetcd. ANDREW FOltESTKK, pVov <5 28-3 Administrator. NOTICE. T i LL persons are hereby warned not to trade for a Nate given by us to (1. W. .ITS, on the Oth November, 180J, for Fifty [Hillars. The property for which said Noto rn? given, was stolen property, nnd has bceu lolivcred lip by us to tlio owner; tliorefora we rill pot no rnKpoiiAibl* for tho ninnunt of *aid i >?o. The lialC wn* loft In the hand* of R. P. i . j.dlctl, Ofce'i.vllle, s. C.. and the aald Kppe ma a receipt tr?Di biin for it. PRINCE A GREER. Not 15 28- 3 TRIWEEKLY MAIL LINE FROM 8PABTANBUBO TO OBJEZEVIT.LS. . THE enhrerttier* bare JKWjjSWm commenced aTm-Warnc re'ttW' Maib Limb betwoen G63B5B?l3CjHBIthe above place*. A Haeh will leave Hpartanbnrc every Monday, WVdneaday and Friday taoraiaga at ft o'eloek, and Greenville, every Taeeday, Tharaday and Saturday moraiage, a* Ike tea* hear, and arrive at eaeii place between fbar and tee a'eloek la the afteraaoa. Tare?eaeh way? M N. Ofllee?epetlan berg?Pal eette Hon re. " OiaaaTillc?OondieM Kon?e. HARVEY. PRINCE A Co. Fwl? 5? tf N E? estobTRF BT the year. Apply in Z. MARTIN. A??? . a rf wan try, *Mir?wor> nothing bat \h? BEST BTO<?fc *hhl ?? *?? MWW01W..1 ?T *" WV* morrrnftrJ. Tbaakfel for put fa?or?, we respectfully solicit a continuance of the i??r. A few mere Pairs of Mimes' Mid Bote' HOME-MADE SHOE? remaining on hand. HAM 1 toI^S, On* doer above Long A itrnhun'i Nor* 27 tf The State of Soath Carolina. . GRKKNVILLE DISTRICT. j % IN EQUITY. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. n. M. Kilgore, ct at, vs.-it. P. -?i? for Snh of Jtmal firf'tri. * t, 117 obedionce to an. order from tho Court of | Rquity in this corn, F a ill noil, nt public auction, to lb* highest bidder, at Ureuuville Court House, On Sale-day in January Kext, A portion of tho Real Relate of Joeiab Kllgore, dcccawd, to wit: VS.7,'-"V TRACT No. 1?Adjeiniug land* of E. Pike, John Pool and other*,feontaining 140 Acre*. TRACT Ka t?A?Uointng loud* of P. C. Iscoter, Wm. Hates, and other*, containing 480 Acres. This loiter Traet lien in Spartanburg District, and tnuy he divided, in which cvont pint* will bo exhibited on day of sal*. TERMS.?A credit of ono year, secafctfny bond with at least two good securities, excepting so much as may be necessary to pay costs, which shall bo paid in cosh on tbc day of hi^Io. WM. M. THOMAS, c.r.o.n. J Commissioner's Office Nov. 14,1W0. 2S-td . -* : ? . -J The State of South Carolina. ' GREEN VIU,\; DISTRICT'. SHERIFF'S SALES. BV virtue of sundry Writs of Fiori Facias, to mo directed, I will, sell, before the Court House door, at the usual hours of naji, On the Firct Monday in December, All af Defendant's interest in theUousoaad Lot la which he now resides,, lying on Arenas Street, near the old Rantist Church,, levied on as tbw property of 0. Merrick, at the suit of Dunhm, Taft k Co., and others. 1 Cooking Store, and a tot of Corn ; levied on as the proporty of A. C. Smith, at the I rait of J. B. Sherman, Agent. 75 Acres of Land, lying iu Greenville District, adjoining lands of L. Rogers, W. llntlcr, el al; as the property of Felix Rogers, deeeas>e. ?i. -? *? * "V I.UV 9U1V VI n. i<ung. 120 Acres of Land, mora or less, Adjoining ?rao?#&^L!!ILnob#rtl'' H* <JrB?0. al. ; a* the vi?i a: lh*auit of MoD*COSDITIOS<? J. T. M.:DANIELt iinTr^_ SktriJT* Office, Nor. 8lb, 1SB0. 27-td HEADQUARTERS 1st Brioabs 1st Division 8. 0. M. 1 Greenville, 8. C., Nov. 6, 1860. { ORDER NO. AX ELECTION i? herel?y ordorcd to b< held by each Company in tho 1st lint taiion of tho let Regiment 8. J. M., on Snl Mnlay, 29d December ncr/jfor MAJOR to c.?in mnnd snid Rnttnlion, to 611 the vacancy 'ocr'a ioned by the promotion of Maj. 8, D. GoonLrTT. The Cnptaiu, end let end 2d Lieutenant*, ol each Company, aro hereby ordered to sot a* Managers in their respective Bests. Polls to open at 11 o'elook, A. M., and oloso at S o clock. P. M. Managers*to meet at the Battalion Muster Ground on the Monday following, count the votes, and declare tho Election, and forthwith transmit the result to the Ifrigadiffr General 1st Brigade 1st Dir. 8. C. M. By order Brig. Goo. W. K. Kamlkt. G. P. POOL, Col. 1st Regimont S. C. M. A. T. Witaov, Adjutant. Nor 8 27 7 Kwig3jHr8j3?^ THIRD REGIMENT! CAPTAINS commanding Companies of 3d Regimont 8. C. M.. aro require*) to onle' out their Companies oo Saturday, 1.VA nf I eember next, and to hold an ELECTION. .. require*! bv law, for COLONEL of 3d Regiment, to fill the vacaucy occasioned by the resignation of Col. James MeCullongh, and k meet on Monday following, couut the votes, and declare the Election. By order of Brig. Gen. W. K. Easloy. ' T. L. BOXKMAN Lieut. Col. Nov 1 26 7 NOTICE. ?i?Wi Tilt' Ik a *-t rn t nb nw*'f ,w~T\T'"-ja auk* i n n ucrmi i|i t?i da nt\r? I 1 rffflg A 8UGOS, in tho Uiarkstnitl f ll ITWI i* this day dissolved l>) mutual consent. Those Indebted to said Firu must sottle np at nnoo by note or otberwii*The book* Witt b? placed in the hamla of \V F. TAYLOR, 15*.")., for settlement. The Bnrineae will be carried on at thi Old Stand by W. SUOOH. . OLIVER BARRETT, WILEY Sl'litlS. Nor 1 28 4 Flour, C'he?*a?, Flak, &o. PRIME No. 1 Flour, in saeks Thoioo selected now Cheese Very fine new Mackerel . ^ Extra clarified Sugar, 8 tb ip $1.08 ^fidmo crushed Sugar, < lb %t $1.08 Salmon, Oysters and Lobsters New Raisins, Almonds and Nats Fresh Candies and Oou Drops. All Just received pad for sale vuar now, b BRYCK SMITH, Opposite T. B, Roberts' New Store, Oet 25 ?S tf AUGUSTA FIRE INSURANCE AND BANKING COWRAWf wat?TAVi!SS!2SL_ |^?r.?n ^ihMt *7^ of (be ?oil, conTfukor^^SjjMhfef!^^^^ r?g^rst rmU; th? uMt U*d oa? ^ y ' ^^" - " | ^J ' **"*"* '?'?4 ^Mg^ iris wiir mu to tb. highest %M65?3lr hjddcr, *t public 01,-cry, on ^WSBSP?' ilnlr-Jftjt *h rt at Greenville Court IIoh^T A Valuablo Tract of Land, > belonging to the Estate of JASPER. T. PRINCE, deceamid, containing JCO Acres, more or lew, and lying nod being situated In Greenville District, on Haaihy',1 Creek, waters of Sooth l'acolct River, adjoining livsda of Austin Ballew, A. J. Wan} and other*, and about two miles from Oower.sville, 8, C. This ta said to be one of tho best timbered Tracts of Land in tlie District, the most of which is in original forest. + There is a coueidcrnbM pertion of It uncleared. Bottom Land of the best quality, and aovo- : rnl good Shoals on tbu Creek, with sufibgebt water power to propel any amount ofttachinory. ** For .rtirther partlenlnrs, apply to S. D; I GOODLKTT, Esq., Greenville. 8. C. * "' ^ 1 ' Trass.?A credit of twelve months, secured hr note with undoubted security, and a mortgage of tbc premises, if necessary, with interest from d?v of *nle. ELIZA J. PRINCE, Executrix, WM. F. PRINCE, Executor. Nor 1 "26 5 mmiFumT FOR SALBi . WE will sell to tlie highest bidder, OH Thiiistfoy, l&tk of Snrrmbtr nrxt, the I WAiTOflk PLANTATION Lying and being in Gnevnvillo District, 13 miles northwest of Ureenvillo C. II., formerly the residence of Rauiki. McI'auuki.i., deceased, bontainiug A02 Acres, more or loss, adjoin ing lands -of Epoch Cunningham, WlUiiuns Cow and others. There are from titty to sixty I acres first class Bottom Land on tlie niece in I a high statu of cultivation, and one hundred I and fifty or two hundred, son* Heasdy timbered wood land. The upland lies well. There is a Comfortoblo DWBiLIHS EOUea on the (dace, with all necessary Out-buildings. TERMS.?A credit of twelve mouths, with iuterest from date, with two good securities, and a mortgage of the premises if deemed necessary. For further particulars, apply to den. S. D. GOOPLETT, of Greenville, 8. C? or to the subscribers, near Traveler's R<st P. 0. G. W. M? CAltRKT.T.._ C. 0. MONTGOMERY, WM, WK8T. Nor 1 26. 9 MR8. WILTON sgg*. IfAS RECEIVED HER /^FALL & WINTER S t? 0 S wlri which Ju tbg Liidiea to cull tiwlexnmiuv. It consi&U'tA VELVET AND 8TRAW HAT8, ! FEATHER?, FLOWERS, RlUJiONS, llEAlMlltliSSES, ILLUSION CAPES A N'D AIOURNIN GJBONJTETS. i Sbo is prepared to carry on her as usual. DRESSES AND CLOAKS CUT AND BASTED. V " ' 2> _ tf FALL AND WINTER Bvt&imftY* MRS. PARIS & GORDON RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of their old tfVIhondt awl cimttuwr*. and the Indies ({morally. to their ffiDNlHV new and setM^^rk of Fell l?nii7 aud \\,nU*g^Kfc\EKY. EU now opei>2^^^^^me<m seyflB looted prises nU the Article* usuAj^HBpSa hand at ^ this eoason. They deem it 4|HKc?ary to enu' I merate tho Tivrioua articles MMnd. Call and ' I examine our Stock. Jtrfy- Dresses and Cloaks CuFanil Ranted, on I short notice, and Old Rounots made over as | hand some an new. MRS. PARIS A GORDON. Oct 25 25 tf : Til FAMILIES MB HSBSEKEEPEHS ' T_7^ A MIL f ES And Housekeepers desirous of 1 J; haying Carpets mudn Fitted ami Laid in a K?p?rinr manner, enn liavo their work attend. ed tw with promptMM by leaving orders at TII08. STKKN'S, under Me Ws flnll. N Parties winking to order Carpets, Oil Clot**. Cornices,. Window Shades, Stair Rods, Diwassk ft>r Cnrtuin*, with designs fl.r sattnc, co* have measures and diagrams taken, uid *i?rf?'nrtinii guaranteed, on application as abore.' Ail woTk attended to personally. 2t-tt Oct 18 " MISS RtrflSrItEWIS HAS just toeeired htr fall stock nf Plokl**. Preaorren. Jam-, i vlVvV.JjSir' 8aue? aad Tomato Catsup; \jajfHKM Lobster*. falmon and Sardines; Assorted Csndles; Ale, Porter, Cordials, Wines sad Sugars; Soda Bisooit, Spongs and Sweat Crackors. T 8he srftl elwa/? k*"P Oa kaud, sf bee own manufacture, and will 111 - orders si ?hort notice. ng F Oct it . ? j&z tf IWTICE. ~ 4 LL psrsoee Indebted - tn the Ratals of A. ***** HALL, daeeased, ere tmpiirod W* lb ass bar ieg darning egatert sstd Rstars, to prsssat > tbees, property attests*. le <4 WttfLSSt FHILLIPA, Adm-r. .*? , v /; * ?*&.C'' '" "* %^vmtr-.- IV r ? t. :-xw weter Itroof tnivi Boot*. Bengalis, at ?Oo ; water proof Boots. at $X ?>; and m self prseervfctio* is the flr* law of nature, and salt isaanatural for the community lo select Case's Store fgdr trading headqua rum, as Ml lb Elect V^j . n man t? office pro bono publico, Carr is prepared to greet and accommodate with the cheapest and must' ohoice Hoods, all fDelegates who nra ready to l?i?y their OocrfU of him ; and he is convinced that it would he best For the State J|l I nnd to tlx interest of everyMstorrUceper in] I it, if. instead of buying their Goods at nxngeerated high prh-?-s in Yankeedom, tbey were lo declare, in solemn ' I Convention, and I pledge tlicni?eJve* to patronize Carr's Store, I as it is only necessary to examine the above prices, niid I Consider whether I Goods can he bought at. any other Store as I cheap. Your are. therefore, requested not To let I the opportunity pass, buteomeard examine I the Goods. . The nltcntlon of the Ladies is I also respectfully called to the prettiest sod I cheapest Goods in The** ZPnion ii? I As the Stock was purchased on ths most adI vantageout terms for cosh, stid as I nra dt I; tenniued to undersell nmlX L to low prices, II as well as in selection ef Goods, i iiopr tits I .M.t.i'x- uin -.11 ud ?t ??!? 1 I, mv " ? ?! hmu iiw I'vnuiv uif cnaneu R Slide. Nor II 28 If fllESALSjQlTllL THOMAS STEG K'S AND , PROVISION STORE. I AM NOW RECEIVING Fall & Winter Supplies Selected by myself in four of the best markets in the United States. It is not necessary to enumerate ail the articles. Call and see for yourselves. 40 sacks Mochn, Java, and Rio Coffee 7 llbda Orleans and Porte Rico Sugars ^ 25 Bbls Crushed aud Refined A B and C ^TSTW?. ? , 2 Bbls Stewart^M^* 2 Bhls Porto Rico ] H llhds Cuba, Muscovado, Porto^Rnr*-^^ Trinidad .Molasses 7 obests Jea?-tlanpowdcr, Hyson, Imperial, OoIoiilt. f-'uper-Oolong and Saaohqng Frcali Salmon in 1 and 2 tb oina Oysters in cans?quarts and pints; articles imported direct front Cross A Blackvrelt, London Worcestershire 8nu*e?John Ball, Sir Roht. Paul, and Soho Sanee p Reading, Mnshroon and WalnuLCaUup Pickles? Piccalilli* Gcrkins, Walnuts and Onions, in quarts and pints Durham Mustard 100,000 Cigars, assorted Brands, from 7 to 50 dniliirs per l,i>0i I ^hIM boxes Adamantine and Tallow Candles 25 boxes Tobacco, vurions brands A large assortment of Fine Cutlery and lMutvd Wars A I--... 1- -r ?... 4 .. ca umuawnrc, VDina fttld Crock t ry Candy ami Conli?ti?n?riM, &< , 4c. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 0*125 25 : tf l NOTICE^ THE Firm of JAMES LOCKE 4 SON <ru dissolved ancuo time since. Alt person* indebted to said Firm, nro? (|uc*tcd to pay the ?mo inunediutcly, to nitlioFM the nnderyiimod. JAMES LOCKS 4 SON. Oct 4 ,]' 23 tf V THOSE INDEBTKM ~ A HK nntiffed tlmt louder indulgence cannot J\ bo /riven, na^h.isc lo whom the inonoy Loionffs insist upon Ha collection. WILLIAM CHOICE. Scpt2<^ 10 tf SANCHEZ1 SPECIFIC. A POSITIVE m.d SPEEDY CURE for (ilionorrhcea and Gleet. II?s no bad Slid I* an excellent Usnvedy. For ??lo by JOHN W. ORATVY. '" Wornin Respectfully inform# th* chiton* ?f < Jnat rccoived A LAMB STOCK. Of Of the largest market. Ho hiut a laYpe fl?oek partim. A large Stonk of FMHMMKlt Y ft Fancy Goods. Ala* Aooerd*oiis and Vialim Smoked Beef Tcagtt IP! I <X 4 jftPfpj AW kiads of Fowls, week ac Pa: tridpearWIH I Ha kna Meat* in eaaa, snrh as Calf Tongbaa, Salmons, Sardine*, Tjoha'.erm Presorted Eggs i Tomato*, RuepberrT and I, mot SYRUP. Al HIS EATM fa kept opoo at a*' konrn af the day. and antU Y( >U W I L FIND AIA, OF TH* A? OREBNVIXLEC tPHrSliQH I * 1. (jfk . ^ ?^LdteT?S9HK^^^^KSmnBSS I oat**. Whfe .H ? *,45^i3HB2bS^^^^^^eP^P^ located *ficL>0?t r^Sfl!^HE^^BBIiE>-i'v' I *v* ^^*IKSBMMBBBBSSS$; I tfcrw> tod tflo*htir *lt^<** I *fr?*|* *[ fiXtJ foot widtfa, ju lUllBRP^S^j 'ijjik I mouuuiun, fa) ? h, ?u,iMwo<| . # , ftrtfcn town, to vine on it tlt-e "riri.!.!^- I growtk, ?ad |. tow uf tUe moat 3J2LJ5JJJv I and the ataUtlory equitable mmtgagaof (he premise*. ? * :V I WM. M. THOVAS, C. E. ?. H. Commissioner's OAt^T. feoiiville, S. C? September in, 1880. *0 :d ffmllati. I; I t? y AVE will Mil to (he highest bidder, on Lwtxg 'Jst^ FrUioy, 30tA of' Xotrothrr nt (ho late residence of I. I*KIVOR, ?(V d?fleM#d, (koflwn at* t>w Joseph McKin JbL^uey plaee,) 17 miles north of Urectijrido Court House, the following Property, v|# : fcfar STomTbots; HARVEY, PEYTVS. WILLfU ohH JACK; tdft Cuttle, Sheep, llnga. ?Wwc? , .?: I 2 Wagons, 3 Carts and *>?>e Huggy and Harness Corn, Foddor, Shuck*. Whent, Kye and Oata ;r Household and Kitchen Furniture, and interest in a traveling Tlirriduv Tkuua.?A credit ot twelve month*, with in- y tereat from day ot *aiO, secured by u<>to aud two good sureties. EJ-TZA J. PltTNCE, Es't'x. W. F. PRINCB, Kr'or, of Jaapor J. l'rinoc, decor.0' 1 Not 1 26 6 M Kill t*|s a 4 fills gpaw r xtiairiff it>ss. J ;9{U!ll|^| l ? 5 s- g. EL 82 a . t 4] i'te m* . \ * g *? 3 | fiOTICE. rpHE Company beTow hnsweeenttv found 11 out the mvat safe plwd for llreakin# Ti Horace and Malea, that ha* i > * ii ...y"-fc country.- i vim urw* mc wildest ltm?. to work in any positionilho pW, buggy, e-rriago, wngon, sTefl^^v leafy l>ush, or anything he choose*, ihal befr?? >o he drawn. They shall be perfectly br<>ken so as to be safe in any kind of harncm, witti care. A kicking bone is our delight, and a stubborn Mole pleases our fancy. ; If VSf' the owner# of unbroken stock has c6afl- I denes in what I soy, let them bring them to my house, sixteen miles east of Ure$iw ville 0. II. let ine site them and tli?n wo make a contract for breaking, a?d appoint a day to operate. I wit) pay libera) prieto for unbroken stock, or 1 wHl gotoyojnr house when I ascertain that you have such , stock. All proper care will bo token, bur. 1 will not be responsible for accident*. Th? . Wk danger is vary small if any at all. > I will thoroughly instruct a single scholar for $16, or a claaa of six for ?W, and ao ou in nroriort'on. Addrem S. R. WESTMORELAND, Cash ville, Spartanburg LHat., S. C. i1 1 Oct 4 22?too SASH &JPNDS I >v v MANUFACTURED BY ' 2 X..3.CKX3SX QREfcNVILL,*, ft. 0. " WANTED^ 150 STOCK WKK1HING KROiM 75 TO aoo i^oitniSr. ^ . IK ?. WiSMPlkLD.