University of South Carolina Libraries
j , *> * I^?~ghga . f9% Th% w,U?c? of rAbiitf the ?Uri<* ot osrUio professor* w*? ootier rffecosV loo. <fbo R sr. Robert J. Brw^fafittfte, && & D. (of who his nephew, the now Vice DOTQ mpporaiVU IV ? CVUIDMUU 414 IMMVZAl00, they would h**? Wn flgtriiop till tlk^ tiM IP) wm om tbr Oder, miking a t tp??c)i in apposition to ths maasure.? U hadbeeu said that soinisters of high standing nod large itltan*, clothed Id fine linen ?uffjkriii|r anraptuouely every ,U-;ajct not syvpMfcisa -with those whose salaries are small. To this Dr. Breckhmdgbwaa rmplfmg.. Ha scouted tike idea that twiuUiom live for money, or dwriroJh* l^ftoriea of ^ho world, . As . for l ini^OlLhe chalicBBed niiy man who iifed.^ro&ugally than himself. pkAwing hiritteU up to Ids full l^oight, and standing Vix Wet high ft leant, he dia pttyed his propm non*. and exclaimed, * As to the fine linen, if tbete i? a man o% this floor who dresses more plainly than f do, I offer to exchange ch/thee with him this moment.**. '> Directly in front of the Moderator, and in sight of most of tbo members, sat the Itev. Mr, llopkins, one of the plantrag clergy, a short, thick set, and rotund HOtber, whoso circumference, exceeded 'in altitude; and in this respect no man * a the house presented' to strong and striking a contrast w?:b the tall and oortly Kcpluckisn. But the proposition to swap clothes bad hardly escaped the Hps of tho speaker before Hopkins wriggled himself out of his teat nutl on his feet, and criod out. " Mr. Moderator, I'm nis makI* The effect wins instant find tremendous. The image of Breckinridge, with his long arrna and legs protruding from Hopkins's toggery, was up before tho eyes of the Synod. They could 'see nothing else, think of nothing else, and for a while they gave" way to hncontro!able laughter, ia which'noODC joiu:. J so heartily ast be discomfited speaker. Hour Mr. Gotukp Broke Urs Font. ?Chon you ropt'crnoemper dr?t little plack bony 1 pyed rait the peddler next week ?*' "Yah. You aoo in tbo turtt blncc he is p'int mil both logs, nnt ferry lam?? rait von eye. Den ven you gits on him a ?*?Ia lkA Snasa it a sv/.kir, I itwt s. . wu I liv UO IVUI9 iliilb UUfc M J r^forc no &1jh a* a chock mule. ] Uink> duke alittle rite yesterday u ot no moon or a* 1 gits straddle hia pack be gom menea dot v?y, shust to like a vnkin peam on a poat steam ; unfc-ven he gitlone, I va? ao mixed up roit everdink*, I vinls mint-self sittiu orount pnckvnrd* mil bis daii In mio'ehants for to pridle." 44 Veil, \ot you going to do ni'.t hiua u Oh, I vixcd him petter as chaw up I hitch him it t? carLipithis dail vere heat ought to be?-deu I give him apoul too tozen cuts mit a hito cow ; h? star I a io go, put uo ho. seo to cart peforc him lie valks packwards. Purdy soon ho itumblas pehiud, tint aits town on b's haunches, unt looks like ho vecl purdy aharned mit himself. Den I dakcs liim out, hitch hiin.Uo "io v?y. unt he goe.lite off ahusla ao good aa nnypody'a bo y .Ox a recent Irish trial, the counsel waa desirous to obtain an admission from a w i in ess of the crown, that having himself been one of the aworn member? of the league, he had been bribed to become a spy on tbeothefc Having vainly labored for nearly an hour, to get a reply, ho said, "Come, new, sir, did you not come direct from these men to Dublin, on Monday lust !" 44 I did so," promptly answered the wittes*. * \\ ell sir, that i* direct, at all events. I*Tow, sir, will you tell me, in aa brief a way M possible, what motive brought you hero I" " The loco-motive, to be sure." Dit. AocnrrSTnr rarely met his match. Ob on? occ&mcu hofiuily own.d that ho had. Ho was sent for by an inn-keeper who had a quarrel with LU wife, who bad starred his face with her nails ?o that the poor man was bleeding and much disfigured. Abernethy thought ? . this an opportunity not to be lost for ndmonishiug the offender, and said, M Madame, aro you not ashamed of yourself, to treat your husband thus?tho husband who is the head of all?your head hruid.une, in fact f" u Well, Doctor," fiercely returned the virago, " inny I uot scratch tuy own head I" This is one or 'km.? I'lie St, Peter's (Minnesota) Tiibuno of Juat week, has the following "Personal.?If any cf our readers should.observe any lack of attention to Ibis number of our-paper, they will find the cause under" tho Dew! of 14 Born.'n in the language <Jf a celebrated orator, *'there are lime*, Mi'. i'rcaident? there j? times in a man's, life? and thin is cite of 'cm /" A vr-Ttiusf jtr.r Ki?dent% when under semination wn* asked what ho would recomnioml if tbefe was a horse brought to hrrn ?'ab a particular* disease. " )ch! by tho powers." waa the answer." * Vd recommend Ute owner to get rid of him immediately." 7'1 - - ?? A X*fw*ftiixcdr$d s^mb.?TJio following elongated nod not itilelligihlo address appeared in the list of letters advertised in ilin New York' Herald. Ollenbanbemjrasenftenor&hobeahitik, John. flj 44 Drar Laura, when wo were court ing you a or? very dear io me ; hut now roti are wy wife, and I *m pay mgyon: hills, you ecem to get dearer and dear r." ^ 44 An ] bow du:h you likf 11$f mous tache, Mitb Lone*," lisped a dandy to a marry gtrl. u Oh, eery much, ''It focke like the f?? on the Wk of a caterpillar I Aw Illinois pap*> a shbrt time >iice, said of a fellow who was so very dirly thai tho oaseasor* of thwApriHrt which t. tu to*## *?S hiu? ?eWlV W* K*T6 Jttit htOKltUn a flu Stoek of j DRY GOODS, , WW.*.*,aa5l d)}ndliii and Ehfflftntxs ' wwmn (w# ill ink,) ' CANKOX BE SURPASSED. | 1 o If yvm wish to secure tho greatest BAB- < OA IN ws bars sTsr offered, CALL EARLY. : Ws do jjot consider it necessary to snuraerats Articles or Prices, ns crerjr body knows that wo keep always a T?AROB . fMEMOFM la our lip*' at as MODERATE PRICKS as ' mo beaflbrded- Therefore wo snjr, < (E'BSaiE ?HTB! ??MBS AM.! i And examine, and see if what wo say be so. I - O Ws bars also for raio, A 6 Octave HJflotloon, ia perfect ojrdor:a.5 OCTAVE PARIS MADE ALEXANDRE PARLOR OR CHURCH OR- \ UAN, and two gcod sgcoud-liand PIANOS. i W. H. HOVEY. April ft 48 tf EMPORIUM , | ' r OP ' NOW IS THE TUUE To Pit Out your Wak!>robk with Fitr.ncn Ajtp Eaui.isn iioons/or D utter lUfOKTATIOS ! :o: ? i ^ ">"j TTIF.fE Goods wore purchased sL._f by one et oar Finn, from Direct ' Importing House a in Charleston, fl. C., and bavo been selected ttfth grout cars. Tlicy cannot fail to plcuso the most fastidious. Tho assortment comprises n full vnrioty of GENTLEMEN'S FurnisMng Goods, French and English Black and olored Cloths and CiiSKiiU"rcs. Silk nnd Marseilles Ve?*Sn??, Prop dTJtcs, , Linen*, Wnlcr Proof Tweed?, Ac.. Ac. All of wincli we will niako tip to order ir> tho best and latest styles, and in a manner that will compete with tiny wo?k manufactured here or elsewhere, either ns regards avo/'lti, ticatne**. durability or chtnpnen*?lYoin a iShirt to the finest French Cloth C->at, and warrant all work (lone by us. jf&f All wo ash is to giro ns o trial. Wo also offer a neat Assortment of Beady llvAo Clotliing, 8UC1I AS Coats, rnnts, Vests, fimtfla and Collars CravatTTc?,<3loVos, Suspenders, Hosiery, Ac. 1 Dress and Butiinoss lints, i All at' which v>? will sell at prices to suit tho times. DYE?* & PICKItE. April 2(5 ol tf 1?0,?0? fibs. Kagr? ^Tanfcil AV *3?3T2VT ?33H=:o> He3, CUIEEM VILLK. ii. C. WE will exchange Tin Ware, Domestics. Print.', Shto'es, Huts, Ac., for ItA (IS fit cash prices. Thankful for pa*t patrc nugs wo hopo to merit a continuance of the mmo. J. A. I'iCAIi.iOA' A CO. April 19 , 00 rtf 'mmms mum *m. ? USEFUL IN ETSSY HOUSE. IT^LUID, and ready far use all tho time, and _ as strong as Cabinet lilakcrs'glue, l'rico per bottle and brush, 25 For pale ?y J. Jb SllEKlfAX, Ageut. ' 1 17 tf Jj ORR & price:, ATT(JH MEV 5 AT LAW, GIUitNVJLLE, S. C. javct t. oeb... w. r. PRtcr. t May IS 1 tf 5 JE.~I*. ^ ATTORNEY AT LAW j AND SOLICITOR IN "EQUITY . flRKKNVltM:, *. C. < ^|T" Office liiwtsideof Court House Fqusre, t wlitiro ho way bo foupd daily, from 0. A. Af., t to 2, P. M. 37-ly Jan 19 i. v. bkkd. ' ?. i>. ooom.rrr. REED & GOODLETT, ! AITCRREYS AT LAV?, , AND 1 SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. ! - ^ GREENVILLE, 8. C. ! Offlra jVoj th-Eatl Corner Court House Square. < June 4 4 If I C. P. JAC'KSQN & CO. ^ FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, ! YfUOLESAW? AND RETAIL, No. 100 King Street, \ CHARLESTON,. S. C. i Nov 2V % 29 hf* i TBnZxMf& ~J' Dyspeptic Remedy POll sale 13Y JOHN W. GRABY", GREENVILLE, S. C. WARRANTED TO CURE, if directions nre followed, any case of DYWEP3IA, LIVER DWKASfiaed JAUiiDlCK. It especially adapted to PEMALK Complaints.' C3T TRY IT. FOR RENT. UNTII/ ?li? llvst day of January I 'jiuJ ncxt^ ftt $200 per annum, iiliL THE STORE SICI'BE on Main rtrcet, llreenritie, 8. C., recently occupied by ulAcnnix k Lo*o. C. A. MAUT.DIX, A<lm'x, de bonis >?ou, of 8. Ihiauldiu, dco'd. r March 1 v 48 f : mm%vmnm. THE subscriber it prepared to EXECUTE promptly all <>r<lcv.t for ( UOIISEPAINTINO; npon the most rcauouaUlo terms. , T. C. OOWER. April 19 ^ M <T AmiiCATlOX. , "VfOTTCK Is horyt-y gtv-'n, that an Apptte*tlon wil! l?o n ndo to the tsOxt I,e?i*l?lure, to iDconwals Ihs Gnllard School, lo?at*4 In lb* Xovn of Q.oonviil* 1 * ?! B . ** fc'M*' ) ? - t i'-SLj ? * t&; J ' vifi Apru 9 ?o-u it. uivvi/i* Fancy and Staple DtiY GOODS. J4J8T meind, k fnll IIm ?t Dfxas dMM, for Indies and gentlemen, embracing all (redes, Cross e very Mmmuo to the best Feb. rioa kept in this market, among which to saw/ jf the novel tie* of the da;. Also, good li&a ?f White tioods, Embroideries, A?#oeTk>od*y fcc.; Handkerchiefs, llostory, do; Tlloached \nd Brown Shirtings and Sheeting*, Drillings,, rick in gs, For salo by , Apru b 48-1/ JOHN W. GRADY. Hardware, Cutlery, &c. [JSrr A GENERAL assortment of Table TOWinJ Pookct CUTLERY, together with \^7 all descriptions of Shelf JIARDVTARK isutJly kept in thli market. Also, Axes, Grain knd Cir?fj Scythes, Sncotbs, Cradles, and Hcapbooks, Spades nod Shovels, Hoping, Traoo Chains, Nails, Ac. Just received and Tor sale >y JOHN W. GKADY. April 8 48 tf Krrnlv-ll.nlc CloUiin?. A FULL Assortment of SUMMER CLOTHc\_ 1NO, Coats, Vesta, Punts, Shirts, and 'in'.er Garments, Collars, Crayats, Stocks and Ties. Just received and for sale by April 6 48-tf JOHN \V. UltADY".* B NNETS. /ZK A FU.I.L Line of Trimmed and TTn?^*2frtriiumod BONNETS and FLATS, RuSSt* cbcg, l'iowcrs, Wreaths, Ribbons, Ac. ust received and for sale by April 5 -IS?tf JPtliN W. GRADY. A VERY lurgc Stock of Dross, Soft and f'V Sununcr HATS, for Men and Boys. Hist rccoived and for salo by April 6 48-tf JOliN W. GRADY. carpetsTmattings, Cil Clothe, &c. SOME handsome Carpets, 'Mattings, Oil | Cloths, Rugs, Attouians, Ao. Just received and for salo by April i 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. WALL PAPER. PIECES new nnd haudsemo pat<'V_*v/ term of AV?!i Paper, Bordering, Window Shades, Fire-place Screens, Ac. Just received and for snlo l,y April 6 48-tf JOnN W. GRADY. WCOPEirWARE. (TEDAR, Tarnish painted Bnclcets, Well J Buckets, Tuhsand Keclcrs. Corn Brooms, to. Just received aud for sale hy , April 5 4S-tf JOHN W, GRADY.' DRUGS & DYE-STUFFS, /j \VI N DuW G LASS-. Putty, Paints, Oils, \ { Ac. Just received and for solo l>y JOHN \V. GlUDY. April 5 ^ 48 If \VRiTL\G~PAPER, BTANK BOOKS, &C. TETTER and Cop Paper, Blank and MrmJ ornndum Bonks, BncHing Rook*, Inks, "old and Bteel Pen*, Bonuot. Boards, Ac. J urI. received and for Balo by April J 46-lf JOilN W. GRADY. BOOTS AND SHOES. . AVi'TiT.T, assorted Stork of Ladles', m-jjmS-L.j M''*"** and Child's Boots, Gaiters, Buckskin and Slipprrs, heeled and I heeled. Man's, Boy's, aud Youtli'a Boot* atid Shoo* of every variety. Just received and f?>r sale br JOHN \V- GRADY, April ft 48 tf GROCKKIES. JAVA and liio Coffees, Loaf, Crnsli kefeae^ed and Brown Sugar*, No. 1 and West. India Molasses, Teas, Candles, Candies, Mackerel, Ac. For sale l?v April 6 4S-tf JOHN \\". GRADY. CrocSicry nnd Glalsirarc. A FULL assortment ot China, Granite ami Common Ware, Glassware, Ac. lust received and for sals l>v April O -l- >?11" JOHN M'. GBAPy. tho Stsita cf South Carolina greenville district. A LEXANDKR CltlSIIAM. who is in the /\ custody of tho .Sheriffof Greenville 35isriot. V?y virtue of a wit of (nuiat ad ?nli?/niendum, at ^tlie suit of Nathaniel Smith md Michael M. Buiith, Executors of WUiarn Smith, deceased, having filed' in my tfice. together with n schedulo, on oath, >f his estato and effects, bis petition to ho Court of Common Flea*, praying-that he oay ho admitted to tho benefit of tbo Act of be General Assembly, mado for tho relief of nsolrent debtors: It is Ordered, That tho aid Nathaniel Smith and Michael M . Smith knd all others, the creditors, to whom the entd Mexa'nrter Urisham is in anywise indebted, >o, and they are herohy, suinumned, and have lotice to appear before tho said Court, at Ircalivide Court llousc, on tho Fourth jfon/r?y in Oetoler next, to shew cause, ii any they 111, why the prayer of iho petition aforesaid ?uouiu UIH ??v ptrvninu. W. A. McI>ANlEL, c. c. r. .t o. s. Offiea Court of Common Plea.*, Grocnrilla District, July IS, 186 p. 11 Cm WK. POWPKH, who is in tho custody a of tlio Sheriff of Greenville District, :y virtuo of a wait of capiat oil *ati*facicndum, it tho suit of Froennrt <fc Heine ton, having filed n lay olfiee, together with n schedule, oa on.'b, >f his estate nnil effects, his petition to tlie 2ourt of Common Pleas, praying tlint hj mny >o admitted to the benefit, of the Act of tho jcjioral Assembly, nuido for tho relief of inlolrcut debtors: It i3 Ordered, Thai tho Bald PYcounn k Ilolnston, nnd all others, the credtors, to whom tho said W. K. Powers is in uiywico imieliod, bo, and they nro hereby, mroKionerl. nod h:tv? notice to nBlrfmr before :ho K.ud Court, at Grccnvillo Court Jlouse, 011 ho Fourth it* Otfobrr nfrt, to shew souse, if any tliey can, why the prnyor of tbo petition aforesaid pUou13 not l>e grawtsd. W. A. McDANlKL, c. c. r. & a. I. OHico Court of Common Plead, Greenville District, July 18, 11 - 3m Tho Sfcato of South .Carolina, OltfifciNVJIiLK DIbTRluT, JETtKJlIAlI KhDRIPOfc. who is in the cudiody of tho Sheriff Of Greenville 7>istrjet, by virtue of a writ of eapfn* n<l ?nti*/atUlirfuni, at tbo suit of Preen un A Hcdneton, Laving tiled in my office, together with a schedule, on onlh, of bin rsfnto and effects, his polilion to tho Court of Common Pleas, praying that ho may l>o admitted to tho benefit of tbo Act of the General Assembly, rnntlo for tbe relief of insolvent debtors: It is Ordered, Thnt the Said 1'i-ocuan A Jloiuston, and all others, tho creditore, to whom the said Jeremiah tldriduo U in any wh"> indebted, he, and they are hweoyi suramoipd. and have notice to npposr hcfcTro the eaid' Court, nt Greenville Court IDwiho, on tbe Fourth Monday in Ortoinr next, to rhow eauso, if any thajr uap. -nby the prayer of the potitiou aforesaid should not be granted. W. A. M? DAXXFX, o, f.f.ia.n. Ofiloo *Ceurt of Common Picas, UrccnvfDo District, July 18. 18?rt. 11 , 3m J. A. PEARSON * CO., (;KEMV(L(/E,8.C.f MAN LTACTURKUd of, and Wholesale and Retail Dculer* in Tin Ware, Sheet Iron, Zinc. &c, # TIN ROOPING, Q UTTERING, REPAIRZG, and all other work in oar litre done inply and promptly. . ' J. A. PEAUROX k CflT. to , ? NGCtRORM TO III It ft Fthe year. Apply to t MARTIN. < ' ^ ILL-) ?' ?? AfieSLiy sstmlfflatNfei j;' y tTHIC1?f' * *.',k '" tvLV-1j Wot B??tat^Mkl Simplicity of ConitrncUon, nil Efficiency Iu Working, ore tTHBaUAlLE^BT AHY. A F?w of the Many Reasons Why tWo M.i eh lues ARE PREFERRED AB?V6 M+OTUfcKS, l..Th?y twMrtiitriitbly rfmpU in thnlr. con st snot i?n, A child cut operate them Mil understand their raerhsniaa. J. They etc tho stroo'/ert Fewln* Maehiirts mau. It ia alm#t impossible to break or get thorn out of onler. ? Jl. Tboy sro ??re in their operation t finishIbg work lit ? uniformly perfect manner. 4. They mako n tight look 'titok, alike on both sides of the work, which cannot be unraveled. 5. Thoy stitch, hem, bind, fell, run and gather, without basting. #. Tboy sew equally wed the lightest and heaviest fabrics. 7. They uk ovor tho heaviest scams without changing tho tension or breaking the finest tit read. -8. They use any No. of Cotton, Thread or Silk, directly from tho spool. 8. They ttso a straight needle j curved ones are liahlo to break. 10. The neodlo has a perpendicular motion. This is absolutely necessary for hoavy work. 11. They have a whcol feed ; none others are in constant contact with the work. 12. They run easily and aro almost noiseless. 13. They are not liable to- oil the dress of the oporatnr. J 4. They do not roquiro a screw-driver to set the needles. 15. They do not havo to bo taken apart to oil or clean. 16. Tboy do not form ridges on tbo under side of the work, nor ravel out, nor are tbey wasteful of thread, ns Is tho caso with all chain-stitching machines. 17. They are capable of doing a greater range of work, and in n more perfect manner thus any other Sewing Machine. We warrant theso Machines, and vouch for tho recommendation of tbo above. MEK & PICKLE, AGENTS, QUEEN VILLK, S. C. April 19 50 ly WAGON MAKING AND REPAIRING r TMIE snhscrihers respectfully inform tho pubS lie that tbov intend carrying on the business of WAGON MANUFACTURING, and WAGON and R1TGUY ItBPAIRING, in the town of GroonviUo. The best of Timber will lie used.and tho work warranted tube well done. Mr. POOL, who will superintend the work, is n workman of considerable experience, having learned tho business under the best workmen at the Carriage Factory of Messrs. Gower, Cox, Mnrkley A Co. All work will bo done upon #!?? mnot roncnnul.ln Ipruiti. Rlifl Oil filiorf notlPP. A sliaro of putroungo respectfully solicited. WANTED. A lot of SEASONED LUMBER wauted, for which a fair price will ho paid. J. A. TOWNES. AV. V. POOL. AV. A. TOAVNES. flroonrillp. TVLrnnrv 2.1 Pfirt. S9 tf NEW CARPET STORE.: fATIKS ?. 15AEMF, IMPORTER, JOBBER, AND DEALER IN ALL, TvJ XDS OF CARPETING, BUGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, AND CURTAIN GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, CHARLESTON, S. C.. ANI> J. G. BAILIE & BRO., 205 BROAD ST., . . AUGUSTA, GA. Nov M 29 1 y JAB. Mr^LEKT'," mm w?$m DEALER, SBEEJIVttJJB, s.c. JtV All Orders for Makbls VT?*k promptly attended to. 40-tf Wb 9 mimjERY.' 2HIS88- 9AJ&83 & (MSSEKDSff fllAVK returned from New Yo. k With a largo and complete assoitmcut of handsome Goods, which thoy WILL OPEN Of Wr.DXKsn.vr,tub ll-rn and to which they invito the attention of tho ladies of Greenvilla and vicinity. r Among their ?took may ba found tho Clotilda, Adelaide un?l Dovc-Oepo Jlots; n great vnriety of Misses' Fancy flats; Rortba Capes, f load-Dresses: Hair Plaits and Curls; Eugenia Magpie, Hriunl and Mourning Veils.* A large stock of Ribbons at reduced prices; fiats cleaned end trimmed ; Dresses out and basted. April i 48 ' tf HANDSOME JEWELRY ON SALE. AVEItY GKlfKRAtj ASSORTMENT of fine and other JF. IFKL It J* may 1>? Saf of the Subscriber, who make* to order Enyngtmenl Ring*, and any other artiole required in hi* line. tkfSu REPAIRING faithfully dono w%Throo Doors below tho Goodlott llouso 3 ir. Randolph. Greenville. B. C.. flea. 15. 186?. 19-tf r.,-ww^ ? The Assembly House, Osis Square of tmr. Post Office., PIaiD Street, . . Columbia, B.C. T I Ml13? well known F.Al^&'.isbmftfit has -fceon Jt thtrft-rtfchTjr Anil Iinf'ro^c^; Arid U rintr permanently opened for the accommodation of the PuUlc. . liv?iy attention will t>? given to supply the trout* twtd comfort of Patrons. ? &- Hotes Mole^fe.' O. T. MASON, Proprietor. Dee ft 21 tf jameVTLEC^ HOUSE Sl SfOT I>AINTCR, Paper Ueuaer 4t tUazier, GftEEJfVILtE, S. C. Vrtt.TAJTHFULLT FXWTTTK ALL VOSK HHMIW to urM. Ke*Menc? oa August* Rtrsot, iw? Itipst, * *+n .44 tr *%* M * ' ^If^llKSPKCTFt'LLT fcrorn.1 thi^V fj ^^MJur^utr"oCh*1 h<,Ua o?h??i Qno m BOOTS, SHOE8? -j? BROGANS, &C-, nt WELL ADAPTED TO THIS MARKET. ?} In the assortment will I* found pi Udlu, lliMM' Md Children'* UeUerennd Shoe*, of ?uy ku?d?. t a Gentlemen's. Youths' and Boy* Boots, Gaiters B1J ud Shoes." - dj Ditcher"a Boot*?fin excellent article. . rrn Brogans of all. site* and mosVdtrrtble inhke. In fact, as fill's? alrsartrocnt of Articles In Of his line as can bo fonnd in any establish Stent (q in a town of the samsstsc. _ lie also respectfully asks an examination of % bis Prices for. Cash, satisfied that bis Goods are ^ offered At the Lowest PoMible Figure. Persons la want of anything of the kind will jrfouse give him a call., o!, uawq, i A Ooo<1 Stock of Leather, ? AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Boot and Shoe Making. 'H'i bteaoh of bis business is still carried on under his personal supervision, and enreSy ?art will bo taken to guarantee satisfaction to these whe patronUo hint, 27-tf Not "10. 01 SPIUNGANJ^SIIMMER . GOOD , 1 FOB 1860. {1 rttllE subscriber respectfully Informs fcls r* friends and customers, that be is now ttl receiria { AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF a] SPRING & SUMMER GO OS, a, COJtSISTINO or '< Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Bonnets and Flats, Uata and Cops, Boots end Shoes, and Lots of Clothes, Hardware, . Crockery, Groceries, Lc., All of which will be sold ut the LOWEST T PftlCSS. II It-iJ- Plcaso cftTI and ckamino boforo purchasing elsewliero. HAS. MERRICK. April 12 4V if THE WORLD QUTDOyE! ~ THE NED1CI*? CALLED ? Inflmnumtori F.xltfptttor," e WHICH wns sohldurinprCourt in this place, ? is now on sale, by J. W. GRADY, of r Greenville. It.cannot now be longer doubted ? but this Medicine!* tlio most efficacious remedy ever in this place, fbr Kidney Diseases. Piles, > Neuralgia, Lung Diseases, Dysjjrpsia & lthou- "" mutism. Numerous cases of tho nboro diseases have been cured this present week. Head- c ache. Toothnrhc.nftrnclic, Sprains, utul all Bow- ? el Affections, disappear before it as if by tbe g touch of magic. Try it, and keen it in your ^ famine*, for sickness cotncs when you least expectit. ! J. W. UItAI>Y, A pent for Greenville. S. C.s ^ Dr. E. SILL, Wholesale Ag'tat Columbia; nl?o. c by oil Wholesale Druggists in Clmrloston, S. C jS (1. W. DAVIS. Proprietor, ? Box 4520, New York Post-Office. 2 Nov S _ SB tf * F0UMTCV186& CHART Eft ED ISM. 1 I.OCATr.D Corner of Ealtiooro an<l Charles Streets, BALTIMORE, MD. 1 THE Largest, Most K logon tly Furnished, ( and Popular Couiim-roial College in tin I. uitcd Slates. Designed expressly for Young Men desiring to obtain x Thorough f'rtirticn ft it*ih*** Kill/ration in tho least possiblo lime and at the least ex|iei so. A Larga and Beautifully Ornamented Circa- t lar, containing upward* of ?5Vx X'jttnra f'rrt. with apeoiniea* of Poninansbip, and a Largt Engraving, (the finest of the kind ever ina<l? t in tli is oou it try.) representing tho Interior View ( of tho College, with (Jatologu? slitting terms. * Ac., will he sent to every Young Mini on np- . plication, free vf -etarge. J "Write imtncdiately and you will rccclvo the ji package by return mail. Addrers, E. K. LOS IE It, ^ March 1 43-Iy Baltimore, Md. ) IIOWAK I> AS?QCIAT1 ON, ^l'UILADKI.PlHA, 2 A Benevolent Institution established by special ti Endowment, for tbo Relief of tho Sick and . Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Kpi- ' domic Diseases, and especially for tli? Cure of I Disease* of tho Sexnnl Ofgww*. MEDICAL Advice glvon gratis, by tho Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a desrrintion of their condition, face. oe. eupation, habits of life, Ac.,) an?! in esse-" of pxirt-mo poverty, Medicines furnished iroo of cbargo. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, ami other Diseases of the SexuaJ Organs, and on the New Remedies employed in I bo Dispensary-, sent to tho afflicted in sealed letter envelops, fre# of charge. Two or tbrco Stamps for Pos- j tagc will be aceeptablo. Address, I)R. J. SK1U.TN HOUGHTON, Actin;' Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa, lty order of tlie Dilators. 1-1V.RA D. llKARTWELL, President. ' Qko. Faiuchili), Secretary. Peh 0 4? ly I. lIfalk ft co., WIIOI.ESAI.B AM) RCTAIl PKAUUU IX 1 V ANO i * Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, WO. 263 KINO STBEET, OHABl.KsTON, H. a Manufactory and Wholesale Warehouse. 34 1)kv SmiKT, New York. X3T" All Orders promptly attended to. ; Nov 24 29 I y S ADDLE & HAU?KS MAN UI'A C T O IfY. TIJR subscriber would rr.peotftiUy jf* Inform the public generally that he continues tiio nboro Business, Tiro Doort abort thr (i rent c-i lit Hotel, and is prepared to furnish en^toinors with nnv d??erintion of JIOMK MANUFACTUKKD' 0 A *>DLKft. 1 Carriage, Buggy and Wagon TlAIlNKStS made tii order, and in tho best styles. liltfDf.KS, WHlt', Ac., on hand, ami for sale C1IKAP! Jf -T- Saddles and Harness REPAIRED at short notice. A. M. (ill.ItRATil. 10 At 1- *! BLACK 8M1TH1NG. Tho concern of TOWNfEfl A nAWK,*NS having be?n <ti??ulrff?Zi-vJSetl by mutual content, tho bntinott w!H ho carried on at tho etmo Rbop l?y th 3'undersign*!. O. \T. t!HOOKS. Junua.y, ISft*. J. L. JIAWKINfl." NOTICE. TITE qnrieralgncd hiring trnncfemdhi* int?Teit lp the Iflaeh^niilh Slijjp near \V]1. , hni^j' Blure, to Alocrx. liR<)(|kk U IUwkimh, to Ho* ploa.iurpin ycconi mending 'Jscrn to a attire of public patronage. t 'J. ii/ajr vull^e preparedtn. fc&toml promptly nn.r. nt' ^iCMgtty to nil eiule in their line, 'jhey IjarceaperpmBpU undnkiUful Pml'.ht in llormslioeinjr, Kcpairing and droning Wkjcod*. Plough work, and nil otltnot j ordinary work of a iUiukawitk M: ,p. January. I860. J7-tf G. F. TGWNK& SH/C^JNCK RAIR TiUMMinOf BRlSSir.G, DYIftB, i Ann . ; RAZOR SETTING AND SHAMPOOING, ItaonthMof A?t Mir. KcTkMfoLV wil90n'mcook. I it tMtk 7 to > aa t> 4$" *> * ? x - ... '/ V. * mi I ' I WriWV tt. '.' " ?t -JV ^i iiv ; * t v *5 i i ado, blaTlc and ?b^? "ou?df one eco of the very beat quality and mper of Cast Steel,' and have rength of blad e a^dfcngth of bauo* e to, a&it our Southern v*iart?h)g; i? success of t&ta.: article baa oughtvartoud IMITATCXOKS jlritho market, but the .r ? Pennine Cunt 9tel Hoe * IS BOLD 0?LV *?V^\ J. <4 J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. GARDENING TOOLS. PADB^m^ id everything else in this line; 1 band and to arrive eoon. J. B, SHERMAN, Agent. ""We are 1 nanufacturiug RUiott'i elebrated Spring Red. They aw ,1 that can bo desired. Comfort t>le, cheap and durable. Cat id see-tliem. - * J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. A largo^lot of those fiiet-rati on-Wheel Wheelbarrows, jut impleted. J. B. SIIERMAN, Agent.;~ THE ORIENTAL S COFFEE-POT ra -uM Wn rtrftiYinnnfiiphirtnof. nn !S=? tier authority from the l'n Sf tentees, S THE ORIENTAL. ? GO MM# sra I which bents tbo Obi Demir ^ i ion, and all other stylfcf bca [ " clear out of sight," whilo i is sold at but little mora thai !H5 the common coiVeo-pot. If yon love GOOD COI ~3 FElt, try art On en tat. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent." PICTURE FRAMES. We are prepared to put up a finds and styles of Gilt nd ItcsOwood Picture Frames, as cheaply as the :an be purchased in'Charleston., J. B. SHERMAN, Agent:* raSHTTOS. We are ccmstantl ^receiving additions I ^ ^our Stock, and hav ust effected arrangements wit in extensive Manufactory, wliie vill enable us to offer it at muc owcr prices than ever. Wo 'ntend to keep as good a assortment as the market demand ind to soli it lower than it can I irocured froui either Charleston c 'olumbia, J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. ALARM CLOCKS warranted to keep good time, ar to wake you up at any time of t] night or morning that you wish. Trice, $1.75. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent Wall Papering* A IIANI1POMK APftom-MlfrNT Of WALL PAPERING, JlORDERIN'ih FIRE SCREENS, WIN DO W SHARES, & just received and for enlo by J. B.SHERMAN, Agent. STKRKOSCOPKSt? And Stereoscopic Views. A good assortment cf $Wr< scopes, Botno as Tow to very largo arid una&ually choicei Icctiou of Views just received, KEKOsSl,A^fiS We bayo jusToj>cj\^k1 a new:with an Improved Bnraelp, " tbeljcst we hrfvg oyer had.' Hoe, ^ f "'* ^86fci .: 1&: >?? R ?j ifl K system firdm ttifc deajbructlyo eonscquwiota. * y II<m&tf H sh'ohldtve 6np!ajfcrtibr thcCttre of not onlV,Scrofula, test obo those oil** hljreok 3SZ&VSZ m lions, or Ebthteu*. "PrisVihs, Petrol**' BtArciUS^Jta ax.\S and Bo ji*, ijyttojis, Xmrvrn ^ || . and Sai.t It if first, Rc.u,o ii-.-ai., 11iv?m-o?3% $| I- *KAJ?K? in 44 impurity of the blood " is. founded jn trnth, for rcrofuld isnd^nert^dh'bf tlic Wood, fhs partjeutar pprpose and virtue of thin Hawapa. ... rilla is to purify and rpfrenerntn 'Oris wthlflmd, without which rfouVtd Uetdth Is impossible fiat i. contaminated constSlutfona. 'i Ayer'a Cathartic Pills, " FOR AU THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, " arc so composed that disease within th* range of their action, can rarely wittwitand or evade them. .""'their penetrating properties search. aAd cloMwa, sud invigorate every portion of the hiyawl u*g*Br ism, correcting its diseased *elj?u/-?Bd miotic iU UealUiy viiaiaio8.^^A? f oopacgumiru of these J pnin or physical dSlUty l? astonished tttftod his A health or energy restored by a remedy at onco so simple and inviting. fj II hotwnly do they ewe the avery-day complaints J of every body,,, but ebto many formidable and V , dangerotts.disdaspa. Xhr agent belowpained la < c,. .... . 1 J ; ,,rrrb mfo in *v"j -Tfl J^l ' irp\jj flp J11 CI(leti rf A ttTUt & Siotuac/i, u\ausca, m and MnrMd ' . jS5rtfo? </<A* itetes*, OVe, Jaundioe, and other kin tired complaint*, arising from a \on state of UMl body or obstruction* OP* of iU function*. < . ^ Ayer's Cherry Pectoral y ; rea t,ro n.,-ro cc.r. of ?. 0 Coughs, ColUw, Influenza, Iloaraoaesa, C 11 Crou^ BroiichitU, lu^Hdeat Cownmp], * i tfon, md for th? t*M?f *f Consumptive 1, v Jftntients in ftdrsuaced (t*te* of tho disease. ^- 1 ' >v*rv section of country abounds in person* pub* a,kr?i^^3^w3' . use. whop once moo, it* superiority oxtt owjt ,e other medicine ofit* hind is too apparent to escape , ?' observation, and where ito virtuf* are known, the j public no longer heakato what antidote to employ for flic distressing and danoeroM alfeetioa* ?/tk? on So afflioted they csa^Miw forge^ nodnc* duood rare* too numerous and too remarkable to ^hefor?o?c^ ^ < u DR. jr. . AVER & CO. r LOWSXh, MAJB. M. to ha1? Ifi "Oreenyiltwby X if P^Aa aad ? M B., and. bjr l>TUKffi?t* and dealiflm in , * , Alt tlioino every where, ft^owly s- CIIEUOKKE iMiMHBItoA m, 5 I - : i<s>?>Si^u&\mF<m?v A\n Ai i. i>i?A?r? o? rne ?RtH**Y orc \?ff. H er c rnV'^i^- ^ ?<>n or juuttaous dj-ujj ; ta H3& p?*jI1"'v from Roots, Itarka fti.a r,cavM, un.i hjjP'ol. ly lianilM ?Tfewn, from Ah# ttJHaa b#ju . 1 E'E.^^stoKE.^ Sp^ tf.U ,. tui.rtulfo^hlfhiHP ?&. ' X< uufo'r thta Kenredr. tnefx! ofrplfrriR" ?*U* lh? 4tw?y ?f ^/tC.fV *WHTS* kt ^ ^ "j 'l,c>^ ' ^ I