University of South Carolina Libraries
I r ' -V* I Li ** ^ -* ^ t^f vv ' . H > ' ' ^iSBF ^3^^Bn9Ki^2' I j ii UJ&Kailr?'AV BI^IMVBBWVWV|? tfha K C Bataon; A 1*1 Hi chop; ffcrali Bad. ] li* M B?uyi ! Bate* BHrBatdwinsTkomM t-^iw>l*i|; WilUe Butler, J H Baaadiet; I Mr? Ann Bonn re; Beringer A MW<U?burg. AnntM CFeteafton; Dr Sttyfean Cfclgar; John .. OfcrpeMxn 14 Cotbern; 11 J, Colter; J?me? I CbaBtalru ACnrr, Tfcon^ws Ch?M; J H I *** ,.JC*b4t) Mr Olenmion#; ParidT Colver; Mis. T ? Ca?n,4wll; M C Cnonerr Wm fc Conn; tew Martha Crj*r; lira ChariaaBCochran; L *?* 0 ?*p * kE I'-V . rk; W t Dqrtr. C C Itopoat; Nathan Daw r * vV K ? rh?! John w FoWlef; Mm E-Fran?'"S Molly Fraaier, J M Fuller; Jaffortou Fur6.?JmA O AlbHrftK: Jawea Grant; Mr* Caroline Graham; M'ears f M A J Gibson; T 8 GlUr- Mm A Olbboa; Vim Polly Gnn> ten H M Gardner, XV B Gaines^ Mrs H BriA fin; Miaa Sarah Grayer, E B Gold: Judy Orison. . - ,*.\ .....1 S.-?-Dr J H Harndon; Mra E L Tfarndon; IV Oliver J H*rt? Jeremiah Hawkins; G R Haynea, Tliomn R Henderson; U R Hudpiha; W Q Unri-la; C F Hampton; Mrs S E Hudson; G G Howard; JameaSutaou; Mra Sarah AonPHUl; OF E Hardy; Mra Buisft Hare; James H Hlli; Mlaa Ann B Hill; Miaa 8 A FH8; H P HoHtnga worth; H J Handeraon; Benjamin Holland; Jame* Jl Hd&trens; Mr* R W llare; Mr Hanaman* d R llarr'm#; T G Hawkins; C E IRleottW; PE A"Howard; Mr Hnrtf Mlaa Martha Henderson; Miaa M Harrington; John Hughes; James llern; Mr* 0 Holeomhn Aboer Harris; H Haxle wood; Queen V Howell; M L Howard, J.?-Col D W Jordan; Perry John aon; B J Jaudnn; Miaa Harriet Johnaton; 1) Johnstonp BH Johnston; T?B Judy. K.?Joseph King; Arm*tend King; John 1# Kelly; Z K Knmt; Mra M Klugh; Mra H [ ^ Kllgore; Benjamin Kii kland. I,.?-Larkin Long; WHHam Langaton} XT 8 Lave son; Chnrlea Lark*; R M Lvon; Mrs E P Livingston; John Lefoe; David Lafoe; N Lcp. M-?Miaa 8 E Montgomery Col 8 W Mohley; JamesMoMakin; William J McCalllster; Rev J F B Mays; Ellas Masse); George J* Mclver; E MoMahnn; Mra R M Marshal); McCrady A 8on; M W Montgomery; Andrew Montgomery; Mra James Morin; T A McDanlei; William MeCorler; Morrison; WiUiam Meel;?; Col A M Martin; Wiley Ma haffey; Mies Augusta B Moore; Mra M L MeWett; Got Blare: W 8 Morgan; GT Maeon; Mrs J Jenkins BIHrelL 0*?Vt m A Oggi Anderson Owens; Martin Otla. p.?James Parker; F Piareon; Jaeoh J' D r tw... 1 T W??l. A...I. Pnniisi R.?Ru?k?tl Rnnev; Mhs Mahy Rotrr; A F Rm?; K Rosenthal: Jiinw Robertson; Mr* K Rankin; Vj?n Randall; HBReevot; J H Riley: J A Richards. John 8 Services; Oecrpe SpiUerr; Aifdrew Simonde; Miss 8ar?U Htegall; SinglefaryAi Xljllnrd; II<?gh A Sutton; Miee Frances Stewns; Cnpt I> N Sanderr: L WSpratt; James Suhcr; Rev W m J Sleigh; Jam.-sSto l?ert; Walton &chi*holi?,K?q; Jaobsor Smith; Samuel 0 Smith; Mrs C J Sfcmnean: L J Sweat; Jeasee Stewart^ Siokee A Perkins. , T.?W 8 Turner; S Tt?on; Washington ^ TVailor; Nathan Tylee, #r-, "Frapp A Comaek; Crawford H Toy; John M Thoinfrtdp; Jrlftra??n M Turner. ? V?Wm Venacbn; D B Ylne*nl. w David Westmoreland; Wm A Wells; O W Williams; Mtss Amanda Wood*; Mrs V T Walker, K Wllher; A Weedy; -Green C Wood; J c WiiiamUlt; M Wilson; Miss J Wilson; John Q Williams; W Williams. Y.?J 8 Young, .-i ? ;>? . w i" ' 8. W. THRUBTON, P. M. Oet 11 a* - 1 ? , j ,?.?0. >? i?u? I; Notice. THE Copartnership of 80DDUTH 4 STALL is this day .llssnlred by mutual consent, Kithor party will use the name of tha Piryi iu liquidation. sudduth a stall. October 1st, IS00. rrtHE subscriber having.purchased tha iateX rest of T. H. STALL, will continue the CLOTHING AND FANCY GOODS BUST' NKSS, on bis own aooount. Oat 4 22-8 P. F. St! DDUTH. PLANTERS ' 80?I?, - CORKER OF CHURCH ANDQUEBN'STS., CbarlCRlov, 8. C. / THE above House has been "FUUU ^ leased by Messrs. ttOKMAN MTaWa A MnCORD. and ha. bean thoroughly renovated, and the Proprietors will andoavor, by industry and Ut[ ten lion, to give entire satis (action to thrlr K guoata. / * Through Passengers taken for Cue Fare. This Hotter la loeated in the business portion of tbo city, nod; adjacent to the N. Y. Steamers and nu-amhout landings. -f Oct 4 25 1 AUCTION. - THE nhieribtr will fg^ESW^( wll ?t Anetinn, on )V?hr?lny, \1tM in*t., gfeflMllr r/'M' 12 mile# below Oreeujng^>n the Lauren* road, all the reI'A* ?? jMu> the Firm of P. T. FOWLER, ^ K'Ng' 8*TTWora the bn)l| ^ 2*tato *1 head, when one At, deeeaaed, an boinga **' ^ 11I*^8sb*r^r, one ^onA o^a tilium iHHMHMft > ^ ^ **-*A* "teJES"' V1H)TICE. ? qpKE Company bvlow ha* recently found JL oat th* safe plan for Breaking ind Taming HwtM'tnd Male*, that has bean shown ig ear etuitrr. I will break the . wildest Hor*? hi a very short time, to work 1 tuition th* owner require*?the plow, baggy, carriage, wagon, sled, tracks, I '? & hush, or aoything ho chooses, that has , to Ke drawn. They shall bo perfectly bro> kaa ao ?a to ba safe in any kind of harness, ; vHh ciN. A kicking horse is onr delight, ) ao4 a stubborn Mala please* our fancy. If i the owner* w? unbroken atook has confidence in what I say, let them bring them ! to my fcueae. sixteen mile* east of ttreenviHe C. H. Let ma tee them and then ws make a contract for breaking, and appoint i a day to oporato. I will pay liberal prices for unbroken atook, or 1 will go to your home when I ascertain that you have such .< ..t *11 ? " "ii proper cure win oe tnK?n, but I will not bo responsible for accidents. Tho danger ia very amail If any at all, 1 will thoroughly Instruct a single scholar for $10, or a elans of si* for $60, and so on . io-pvwuoct'on. Address 8. R. WESTMORELAND, >, Cashville, Spartanburg Disk, S. C. Oct 4 . ' 22?-3mo EXECUTOR'S SALE. WLLL BR SOLD, on Thursday, the 25th of this inti., at th? late restdonoo of OEORGB GREBN, deceased, 1 0 miles north- I art of Qreeneille C. H.. all the remaining FlSRffONAL FROFBRTY of said deceased, oonslstlng OT ^ - yiVBSBGROS, Ths stock of Horses, Hogs, Cows and Sheep. The crop of Cotton, Corn, W heat, Rye, Oats, Ay. ' . One Two-ITomo Wagon and Harness. Farming Tools. Ouo sett Blacksmith Tools. Household and Kitchen Furniture, Ac. TERMS OF SALfi.?'ktt sums under $'?, oash ; sums of $5 and upwards,-twelve months credit, with interest from date; notes with upproved security to he given before tho right of property is changod. ALDRHXiF. GREEN, lv. KllVIN GREEN, j Execnto?0<5t 4 22 . td HOUSE AND LOT IN TOWN ? FOR s v !.r. SsH THE snbseriber offbrs for sale his it House and Lot, situated near the RailjBILULroad, adjoiniug lands of Capt. J. W. Brooks. Tho Lot contains One Acre. On tho place la a splendid well of water, and a first rate young Orchard. For further particulars, as to terms, Ac., npply to the subscriber, on the premises, or at. his shop. A bargain can be obtained, ox T am determined to sell. W. F. POOL. Sept 20 20 3m The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IN EQUITY. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. H. M. Kllgoro, et al, vs. R. F. Kilgorc.?Bill for Sale of Real Eel ate. II? obedience to an order from tho Court of Equity in this case, I wilt sell, at publio auction, to khe highest bidder, at Greenville Court House, On Sale-day in November Next, A portion of the Real Estuto of J oxiah Kilgorc, deceased, to wit I TRAfTT 1 IJU;,.;?"< l? T>:l.~ John Pool and oihor?, containing 140 Acres. TRACT No. 2?Adjoining lands of P. C. Lester, Wm. Bates, and others, containing 480 Acres. Tbla latter Tract lies in Spartanburg District, and may be divided, in which event plats wiU~be exhibited on day of sale. TERMS.?A credit of one your, secured by bonddtvith at least two good accurities, excepting ad'much as may bo necessary to pay costs, wbleh"shall be paid in each on the day of sale. "W. M. THOMAS, C. E. (?. D. Commissioner's Office, Oct. 4, I860. 22-td State of* South Carolina, GREF.NVILLF DISTRICT. aKQWHSFS'o L. J. Iltidson va. Waddy Thompson.?Bill to Foreclose Mortgage. IN obedience to the order of the Court of Equity, in this cn?e, I will soil, at public auction, at Greenville Court House, On Sal as-day in November next, Tract No 1. That Tract or parcel of Land situated on the east side of the Rutherford Road, one and a half miles from Greenville P, H., oontalning Sixty-hco Acre*, adjoining lands of Dr. Stone, Dr. Crittenden and Mrs. Rowland. No. 2. Eight Acre*, adjoining the above Tract, on the same side or tbe road. No. 3. Five Acre*, on same side of the road, adjoining aame partica as above. TERNS CASH. W. M THOMAS, C. F. G. P. Commissioner's Office, Oct. 8,1860. 2?-4 tii, .. .. i . i Notes and Accounts TpvUE the Firm of GOWER, COX <fc I / MARKLFY, dissolved K 1st December, 1857. MUST BE PAID BY RETURN DAY. Notes and Accounts DHE the Firm of GOWER. COX, MARKEEY A CO., previous to the 1st of January, I860, MUST BE 1'AID BY RE. TURN DAY. Greenville Coach Factory. Bep 20 10 4 those: indebted A RE notified thatlonrcr indulgence cannot J\ be giron, m those to whom the money belongs insist upon its collection. WILLIAM CHOICE. Sept 20 10 tf SASH & BUNDS MANUFACTURED BY L. B. CLINE, GREENVILLE, 6. C. Aeg 9 14 ly jjfST RECEIVED, w. m. mawas's, A FINE ASSORTMENT SALEM OLC.) JEANS. , tar CALL EAKI.Y. Jf* , Aug HO 17 tf i FOR SALE, 4 A DESIRABLE LOT, in the town of Greenville, within 126 * yuAs ol the Court House. 1 BHHBBtHeld Let hu oiA Ttro Comformat OwaiUag How and a good StahU. Persons desirous of examining the Lot nod - Premises, will nlense cell on Mr. W. 11. UARi MISON, residing en the piece. For perticut 1ms, inquire, by letter or in person, of AUG. ANDREA. Bendy Tint P. O.. Greenville District, S. C. , Jwlyp tf_ \ BLECTIOW NOT1CK. KeuAqnnrUre M Rngixsont, t C M , 1 Btrrusss 29th, lim. j ! trfK^r""nfCTioNb. , 1 Wd ed Moodo., 16t* **"<*>1* 1 CAPTAIN to D9III?AND the BUTLER GUARDH, said oCre keying : 52aSi*s^ Ba?ass^??sr ? w M lipwy <M4 B-f v?..... ? % *' ? - < <?!? uissoueS, i ?i ii'i^joi - , ? i^i \mp, ^Mwpapae S9Tf8 TAX ORB1MANCK To Balso Supplies for tha Tour Ending October lit, 1M1BE IT ORDEIKKD by tbo Iatendaot aa? Wardens of tbo Town of (Iroonvillo, ii Council assembled, ni by tbo authority of Uu Mine, That a TAX, to ww tbo period frou tbo first day of October, owe thuaaaad eigh I hundred and sixty, to tiio first day of October j cue thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, foi tho sums, and in tbo manner hereinafter men tioned, shall bo paid iato the public treason for tho uso and services thereof. Tax on Eeal Estate. Helton 1. That ii to say, six cents en overj hundred dollars ofTbe actual valuo of tha Re a Estate lying in said Town, to b? paid by the first day of March next. On Negroes. Secffoa 2. That twenty-five cents per head hall be paid cn all slaves between the ages ol sixteen and fifty years, by tho first day ol March Heat. On Goods, Wares and Merchandize. tfrctio* 3. That ten rents on every hundred dnllars of sales of floods, Wares and Morehnn. diae, in tho Town of Greenville, from the first day of January, 1K?0, to the first day of Jonuory, 1861, shall be paid by every merchant or shop-keeper in sold town, by tho first day of March next. On Carriages, Omnibuses, Ac. Section 4th. That three dollars shall bo paid on euoli and every four-wheeled pleasure carriage drown by two or moro horses ; two dollars for caeh one-horso carriage, barouche, gig, sulky or buggy, kept for pleasure and not for hire; ten dollars on each four-hors^ omnibus or hark ; five dollars on each hack or carringo drawn by two horses, and run for conveyance of passengers or hire : threo dollars on each buggy run for hire; six dnllurs on each fourhorse wagon : five" dollars On each two-liorse wagon or druy, and tlfrcc dollnrs on each onehorse wngon or dray run for hire. The tuxw on plonsuro carriages to bo payable by tho first day of March next, and thi taxes on omnibuses, hacks, carriages, buggies, wagons, drnys, Ac., kept for hire, to bo payable before such vehicle shull bo ullowcd to run. Road and Street Tax. Section 5th. That the annual Tax for Road nnd Street Exemptions, for tho current year, shall be the sum of two dollars, to ho paid by the first day of March noxt. Patrol Exemptions. Section Glli. That the sum of two dollars and fifty cents be, and is hereby ordered to be paid by each and every person liable to perform patrol duty for tho year ending the first day of October, 1861, payable to the Town OlCrk on or before the fifteenth day of October inst. Itinerant Traders and Auctioneers. Section 7th. Be it further ordained,that aTai of $15 per day bo paid by any itinerant tradul or auctioneer offering for sale, within tho towt of (ireenvillo, any description of goods, werct or merchandise, by auction or otherwise, to b? paid daily in advance; anil any itinerant trudet or auctioneer so offering for salo any goods, wares or merchandize, at auction or otherwise, without previously paying such daily tax, shall be fined $60 for euen day they may so offend. (This section is not intended to include the ordinary dealers in grain, fruit, potatoes, tobacco, iron wnrc, cartbeiiwnre, or other produce or manufactures of the like character.) All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, repugnant to this section are hereby repealed. Billiard Tables and Ten Pin Alleys. Section 8th. That tho sum of fifty dollars be levied upon cuch aud every billiard table, and fifteen dollars upon each aud overv ten pin alloy in the Town of Greenville, used by the proprietor for purposes of profit, said tux to lie paid by tho proprietor whenever license for the same shall be applied for. Pcnaltier. Section 9tli. And be it further ordained, Thol if any person or persons shall fail, neglect, oi refuse to niako true return, on oath, to tin Clerk of Council, of all his, her, or their taxable property, nnd to pay the tax thereon levied, the Clerk is hereby authorised and required to issue execution therefor immediately on such default. Section 10th, And bo itfurthcr ordained, That if any person or persons shall run for hire onv vehicle herein mentioned, without first paving the tu.\ therefor, every such person shall pay for each day ho slmll so offend, the annual tax for which such vehicle is subject by this ordinance. Done and ratified under tlio corporate seal ol of the said Town of Greenville, on the [l.s.] second day of October, in tho year ol our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty. C. J. ELFORD, Intendant. W. P. Phicr, Town Clerk. Oet 4 - 22 tf isrizTSTU* QtOOIS, Just Received. ,js it WE are now receiving i ru" ?to<,k of FALL AN I Wwb] WINTER GOODS, to whicl [ijf . jJ^iL.,,.11'f wo invite the attention of nil H ' jff On* sfot'h has hecn solcet e(| wjtij t,ho greatest care, t< as to meet tho wants of our customers, and having been obtained on the most reasonable terms, wre feel confident that we can make it tf the interest of buyers to favor us with a call. Our atock is unusually large, and oinhrocei all tho latest nnd most desirable styles. Full lines of FAICY AID T &FLE MY SI READY MADE CLOTUINO, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS HATS AND CAPS, Boots, Nlioci is 11 <1 Brocttii*, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, R. P. GOODLKTT A SON. Two Doors below Uoodlett House. K?n 2ft 20 tf Iffic THE Valuable Proporty on Mail III Street, form irly owned by JABEi UJLOILREATH, deceased, being about 61 teei on Main Street, and feet on Wash ington Street. On the prcmiso* nre thn STOKE//Of/SMS, a I) \VELL!S(t. with Out building*, etc., and pay* a rent of $800 a year If the above Proporty is not diiposed of he foro the flrct Monday in November, it will thci be offered at public aale ; at which tiuia term will be made knowu. For further particular apply to K. D. LONG. Alfto, A TRACT OF LAND, 3* mile P from the Town, containing abou 125 Arret, about one-half c eSEuJSSai^ which it in the wood*, and 10 n )2 acres good crook bottom. There i? a first rate road leading to tho plaeo. For purlieu lars apply at aboro. iUO, A TOWN LOT belonging to tho E?tato c DAVID LON'O. deeeaeed, aitnated 100 foet o Avenue Street, 174 on Street, and adjoja ing the lot belonging to Mt^J. W. A. MoDanie, A TRACT OF LAND, containing nboat 1 Arret, adjoining land* ef R. McKay ami oth era. Thla place m well watered, and ha* thr* or four good building titea ; it la within the ic corporate limit*, and baa two atreeta 20 tee wide leading to tt from Rutherford Street. a tee, One LOT, adjoining Oapt. Jnmea Ooodletfi ltd foet he Rutherford Street, eoateiaia about l| Acre*. Any of the above Property can be treated fo at private aele, if not a?ld before the ffrat Mo* day la November Mat, It will then he offere el publio outcry. R. D. LONO, Agent for the Heir*. HepST Iff ? 8AKCHEZ1 SPECIFIC A POSITIVE and SPEEDY CtJRE f? J\_ OhonorrlKru and (fleet. Has aoha testa. and it kit ewHcnt Remedy. ReuUb. WMiM V ieifAVT ? * - 4 # Bpfc- 0 H'lp >> " -MHL-'. i.?IIU#Dl Jim -JUL- JUU : K SL sr & j " lOSEST 3 . T> E8PHCTFUJ.LY informs lL? citiwn* of </i IV ]u9i r?MiY*d ^ i* : i LARGE STOCK OS ' Of tk* UrjMt m?rk?t. XI* b** * Urgr Stock ol parti**. A Urgo Stock of J'EKH'MEK Y EX r Put*J flood*. Alto Ataordcoo* and Violin*, : Smoked. Beef Tongue AU kind* of Fowl*, melt m Partridge*, Wild Pid ' Tin hu U.??. In ?v ? m - , ? ? ?? ?-V? ?" VMI 1IIOIIU, M Salmons, Sordino*, Lobsters, Preserved Eggs on ' Tomsk*, Raspberry and Lemoa SYRUP. Also IIIS EATINl I Is kept open at all boars of the day, aad salil 1 [ YOU WILL FINI> ALL OF THE ABU GREENVILLE C( OPPOSITE THE U.' Sep 8 n 11 Tho State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. IV EQITKTY SALE OF . VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. STORE, DWELLING,: LOTS AND WOODLAND. . 1 ^ Mrs. Cakoi.inr A. Mauldi*,"! Bill for Parti- | vs. > tion of , | Bblto* O. Matjuu*, ct al.j Real Estate, l BY virtue of an order innde st clioinbcrs in , this caso, by Chief Justice O'Ncalt, I , twill sell to tho highest bidder at public miction, ' at Greeuvillo Court House, on Salr.r/tty 2>errmher mri, tho HEAL ESTATE >*)t Samuel < Mnulditi, deceased, as follow* : Lot No. 1?Being the Lot on Main street, ' in the town of Grccuville, whereon tho Store- ' llonse, Dwelling, and other Buildings, are sit- ' uated. This Lot is in tho router of tho.busi- ? ncss portion of the town, and is one of tho host ! loeated and most valuable lots in Greenville. ' It is one hundred feet in width, by two bun- ' drcd and thirty-five feet in depth. Lot No. 2?Being tho Lot on Bicbnrdson ' street, near the Presbyterian Church, coiituin- 1 ing about an Acre, having on it a good one- ' story Building, aud being well situated for a I Dwelling. 1 Lot No. 3?Being the Lot ou the Pendleton < ltoad, about one mile froin tho court house.? If. is four hundred feet square, contains about threo and one-half Acres, is surrounded by streets of sixty foot width, in full view of tlio ' mountains, in a beautiful and desirable portion r of tho town, having on it the original forest 1 growth, nnd is one of the most advantageous 1 Building Lots in Greenville. 1 Lot No. 4?Being of the same dimensions ns I ' Lot No. 3, nnd lyiug immediately in the rear, i or to the North of said Lot. 1 Lot No. 5?Being a Tract of lVoodlnnd,. containing forty-two nnd three-fourth Acres, ' more or less, lying on tho south side of the Pendleton ltond, about two and n half miles from Greenville court house. This Tract is Very valuable for Firewood or for Building. l'ossosrion of Lot No. 1 cannot be given nntil 1st January, 1801, but titles will be oxecut- i cil immediately, and n rent equal to tlio inter- i est on the purchase money, will be paid for tbo use of tho promises the month of December. i TERMS?A sufficient sum to pay the costs I of this case will bo required in cash. Tho remainder of tho purchase money will bo upon a , credit of one, two and three years, in equal uinl , successive annual instalments, with interest on the whole sum from tho day of sale, to he paid annually. The said credit portion to ho secured by bond with at least two good sureties, and the statutory equitable mortgage of tho prctnisos. V'M. M. THOMAS, C. E. G. D. Commissioner's Ofiico, Greenville, S. C., September 19, 1880. 20 td 1A N SAI, i:. Slate or Koulh Oaroliiia. , GREENVILLE DISTRICT. Nancy A. Pearl ct nl., vs. Mary Jordan ct al. XN obedience to an order of the Court of Equity in this ease, I will soil at public auction, at Greenville Court House, on Snledny in Aovemher nrrt, the following HE AI. ESTATE, i of which MICAJAH JORDAN, deceased, seized and possessed, situate, lying aud being i in the said District und State, on tho waters of Mountain Creek, to wit: Tract Ho. 1, containing 330 Arret, more or less, being two thirds of tho " Homo Place," one third of which has been assigned specially to Mary Jordan, as will appear by a plat ?f tho same recently made. This Tract adjoins T. Henry Stokes and others. Tract No. 2, containing 94 Acrrt, more or { less, adjoining lands of George Vrcncta aud others, known ns tho "River Place." Persons desiring to purchnse would do well to call and examine these lands. Tk.iims of Sai.f..?A sufficioe.t sum to pay * tho ousts in this easo will he required in cash. ' A credit of twelvo months, with interest from ' day of sale, will bo given on the balance of tho purchase money, secured by hond and approv" ed sureties; purchaser to pay for titles. | W. M. THOMAS, C. K. G. D. 1 Sep 13 19 3 : EXECUTOR'S SALE. THERE will be sohl, at rnh-^W efivk lie auction, to tho highest w.'li gfyd^r, os the 29/A and 30th <t> /?.o>s-aL , tire next, at the late residence ol WILLIAM .TACORS, deceased, three miles belew Greenville Court House, tho following PRO, PEUTY: or TT7VT.V vnnwn VEnvnHR A NUMBER OF HQBSES. MOLES, HQCS AfiD CAHLE. A QUANTITY OF FODDER, WHEAT, RYE, Ac. And the Preteml Crop of tfroirinij Corn. The above Properly will he sold on a credit . of twelve month*, with interest from day of sale; the purchaser to give uote and approved security, before the property purchased is da, livered. EDWARD O. JACOBS, j Executor, Ac. 3 Aug 30 * 17 0 : NOTICE. . * THE SUBSCRIBER dfWM^La Hit! *8 *'Mirou* ?' h"iffiKEgr * riv? miles Northeast of (1 recn-^SKaJSaMMm* ville C. H., known a* the WicklilFe land*?th* . Rutherford road rnnning through it The tract containsTwo Hundred acres, clears cd, th* balance in woods. There ison the prerat ise*. a tolerable Dwelling, with other Outif Building*, and a good Orchard, embracing a r good variaty of Pruit. Thia is altogether a desirable place, either for a small farmer or a > summer house for those who are fond of breathing the salubrious mountain air In all tta freshness, or looking out upon a landscape | if which is almost unrivaled. The place will he d exchanged for a Negro fellow, or sold low for i. Hash or approvod Notes. Those wishing to L purchase, would do well to call soon on Ike subscriber, near Qreenvilio 0. M. 6 11JBNKY K. WILLIAMS, i. Aug 0 Id tf c ? - - a A Very Desirable Farm la the Vicinity of Or eenville, ,, SP COI& K * 1 OFFRR for sale, my dejL^52kr-S tirshle IIOUHR and HTXTT " mEBBffim Ac*KM or /.Atfft.t* Acres \- W^SSBtOSet*^ whleh is the beet Up-Land. The Hoese is two stories high, and eon tains sis Rooms, and a Fire place in each. A large Orchard of eetest Fmil on the premises. The place is located one-and-a-half miles from " (JreenrilH C. II., on tha Rutherford Road. Yo aar person wishing to purchase, a liberal * cosdlt will be given. ' For fhrtber particulars, apply to the snh& serlber, ? the prom iocs. j W. F. TIIOMPflON. \ tor I* id tf a " '--J <-=! Sf ^ 2S B> 3? 2 f i . i'i ? i i .i EB.JK.WS ^ coovUle aud urrouudifig cvuutry, tUat bo baa ' CONFKCTIOJiRIES r FANCY CANDY, fur W?dding and other THACT8, aud Hair PontAt, aud all kluds uf and a larg? stock. uf Toys. For family use, B, Bologna Sausages, (tons. Turkey* and Chicken*, pat ?p in bore*, af Steak, Beef, A la Mode Beef, Miuoe Meat; 3 Oysters, in cane. Flue Applu, Strawberries, i Ale and Purler. ?SALOON 0 in the trtaiM. ? VE ALWAYS ON ITANO AT THE 1NFECTI0NEB.Y, iNSlON HOUSE. 1 tf T. W. DAVIS, PRACTICAL "Watchmaker and Jeweler, ?"5? TAKES the liberty to inform yy^Y the people of Greenville, aud the v, .jw whole surrounding country, that ie has on hand, without doubt, the bent' slock if ^A?5PC0isirafl <& 3raw3BTn,!a's,y :liat has ever been kept in tbc Town of Grecu*ilk,'and if any one in disposed to doubt it, lot liiivor her, come and see if it is not so. His itock comprises iu part of the following irticlcs: Fine .Gold and Silver Watches >f ull qualities, and warranted to keep good line and to frivo satisfaction. Al! goods sold >y him, are wnrrauted to be what they aru represented, or he will refund tho money nud ako the article back and no giumhling. His Icwclry is of the latest and best stylo's. In bis itouk, are fino Diamond Goods, Lava, l'earl, "'ornl and Garnet, with or without sets, and he fino Chain and other Bracelets; Wuteh i'hains of all styles ; Gold and Silver Tbini>lcs, Gold; Silver and Steel Spectacto,; Cou:ave and Convexed Glasses, aud also Neckaccs, with or without Clasps. Ho has also :>oro Silver and Plated Wuro. llis Articles iro too numerous to mention all of theui, but :ouie and sco at mice. DON'T FORGET HE DOES ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING In Watches, Clocks and Jowolry, aud that in a workmanlike lumiucr, such, perhaps, as you ennnot get done anywhere clso iu tho up country, for ho doos liot fool himself iul'crior to any, so you will do woll to try hiui, aud sco il his words arc uot truo. He tbiuks thcru are many already who have tried him, aud will certify to all of tho above, <io. llis Shop may be found at the Uoodett House, ou Alain Street. July 20 12 tf YfiTirp.. IltAVE MtnciiiU)d with mo iu kmiows, Mr. JOAU MAULDIX. The business will be surricJ on iu my A'tu flritk Store Hoottt, under the styleatnl firm, of Embkhts A M.uipin. In returning my thanks to my friends lor their liborul patronage. I will solicit ncoutinuation of the saute, to the New Firm. T. B. ROBERTS, UreeuTillo, S. C. July 30th, 1800. N E W~PI RM f 18 HE subscribers have assucialod themselves fc together iu busluass, under the tiriu of ROBERTS A MAULIUN." take pleasure in iuvitiug their friends, and the public generally, to thoir well selected Stock of Goods, Embracing all Goods usually kept iu stores in our place. Give us a cull before tuakiug your purchase*. You will tlud the Goods and prices to suit. T. B. HO BERTS. JOAB L. MAULDIX. Greenville, S. C., July ,10th, ISCO. fw - ? pi * o "1 r>* ! > _ 11 g ?.g ~ 3 3 c s?^<a. fc? * "5. 3-5 ? - M ?g?5'P-^ ? ? % ? sS51|| s;t?S?L^2 "orlSw'' Kl5' * Z ? 3 P* * fj f of'I?i^c fl-sl ? ?Hb* (v?* ^ 5 sr ? J * S* " 3 C-O 31ATTIIKSS MAKING. Air M. LANOSTON would inform the eiti y y sens of tlrcenville, that ho is prcpnrcil to ma mi far tu re MA TTKESSES. llo also mnntifart urea WHIPS. Ho warrants all of his Work, lie tnny ho found -400 yards south of the Furninn University. -A" Orders loft with either Mr. Koteliuio. Messrs. Long, (loodlctt A Co. or Mr. L. Williuins, will he attended to with promptness. Call and exatniuo his Work at eithur of tho uhove place*. Sep 6 la tf PRIVATE BOARDING. rpiIJJ ubecriber is prepared to aeeoinmodafe 1 several VOl'Xll (1KNTLKMF.N with BOARD an^ LODHlNtl. His residence is within 100 yards ef tho Theological Seminary, and convenient to the business portion of town, being about 20tt yards east of the Court House. Families desiring Boardoan also be acooinmodutcd. Hates reasonable. Feb 9 40-tf R. W. STOKE. HOME MADE SHOES. rpjlE attention of the public is invited to my 1 yuperior and fresh Stock of ttftME MADE SHOES. They will compare advantageously in material, manufacture and price with any Kastcrn work of the suiue elass. Call and examine. LEONARD WILLIAMS. Aug IS 15 tf APPLICATION. NOTICE i. hereby given, that an Application will be made to the next Legislature. to r?-Uharter and amend the Charter ot the Towu of Ureeuville. Aug 3 13 3m APPLICATION. THE Greenville Hu Light Com jinny hewk]T give nolle* of their intention to apply to the L*gi*latar*. at it* aext ar**ioa, for an Art of Incorporation. Aag ) IS J?at Receive* atnef for Sale, A LOT of par* Snnth r?rolinn-ma?io J\. WHITE LEAD and other Paint*. Iloet LtneeeA Oil, of direct Importation, Spirit* Tnrpeatine, It eft nod Machinery Oil. Ac. LEONARD WILLIAMS. ! Aug 1ft 11 If ~NOTICK. THE Coparttterahin heretofnr# existing hot wean tho nndttrrlgned, fbr th* pnrpoo* of operating McTlea'a Mill*, An., below Greenville C. H., trill trrmtitntr on thr Pity of Novoml+r nrrt Perwnn* hating claim* agwioet tlie Company will ptenee pre**nt them to Mr. McBkr ; anil tho*e indebted will oblige uai>y MUlingat an *arlr date with him. ALEX. McliKE, i Qt HEAD, ft 190 ^ If > 4. - , " fis?. -L^- " ij,*' " * ~~'^r!r' --t e-i" ' "' _'f '_ * ' JLj" ' 7" H CANDIDATES i NEED CLOTHING as well as the generality ofmauktud. As I am now open for a TKADIi, nod well supplied with a TUBMEN DOl'S STOCK OF GOODS, suitable FOR Till: MATE AND LMLATHI as well as for those who are hboat to forsake their fathers and mothers and cleave to their Nancy Anna ; and aa I will close out the NV HOLE STOCK AT COST, to make room for a new supply, thore is oo one who needs, op " ' i WHO WILL GO ! with their elbows peeping through their threadbare coat-elecvea, or their toca pro- 1 krnding their Hoots, fttrugglingfor a glimpse of sunshine; for as I aiu determined to let TllE UOODS SLIDE, I will go THE WHOLE HOG and put COOTO down at prices to astonish tlio native* aud furriner*. The whole Stoak ia well aud admirably suited FOR THE SOUTH, and Southern Merchants who are nalerly inclined to trade with CA11U. The principle upon which business is conducted at GAlUt'S STORE, always lias aud ever WILL RECEIVE the full share of public patronage eo Justly entitled to, aud THE FULL SUPPORT of an enlightened public. I have now on hand a complete Stock of CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, GROOKU1YS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, BONNETS, HARDWARE. OIL, ( ROOKERY, LEATHER, FI-OUll, BACON. OOliN, and a largo Stack of Articles too tedious to menllou, AT COST FOR CASH AT UAM'S STORE. All kinds of PRODUCE, from an elephaut down to driedpunkint, taken in exchange. September 20. 1860. 20 tf ENCOURAGE SOUTHERN COMME&CEI Long, Goodlett & Co. "1 y ESl'hCTFUI.LY inform tho ritisene of Greenville IMrlrict, that they are no.w rrnivinn a Full STOCK OF UOODS ia their line, all of which were PURCHASED IN CHARLESTON, AMD ?Hli:n TRKY Wilt, WELL AT Lower Prices Than Usual. The Stock consifta, in part, of Bleached and llMwn Shirting* ainl Sheetings A large variety of l'rint*, of direct importation, from 8 (di 121 cent* per yard Linen and Cotton Diaper*. Linou Drills Fancy Oa**imerc* and Oottonadea l'lain White Swire and Dotted Muslina Solid Barvgc*, Mohair Lu*tres Black Silk Mantilla?. Embroidered Collars Barege Mnutillna, white and colored Lloop Skirts, of various kinds, among which will he found noma of T Spring*, 64 ceuta ; 3ft Springs, $2.50 Ami all the other Articles noccssary to *?inprise a general stock of Dry 11 Ood*. A imsrc&s, wir Uatn, t ap*, IIooIh, Shoes* CJKOCERIKS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ! Ac., Ac. Wo aro confident of tho fact that wa ean afford to sell our Goods at price* that will e?n?mnnd the attention of the public, and we ,e. spectfully solicit an exaiuinatiou of our Stock. LONG, GOODLETT X CO. March 8 44 tf as 1.TI THE rubrcribcr respectfully invites tho attention of hi* friends ^h I 111 I and the publio generally to hi* well-solcctcd CALL AT THE NEW 1. KICK STORE, One door above the Book Store, before making yonr pnrchasea. You wi't find Good# and prices to suit. i. B. KOBKKTS. July 5 tf FOR SA LE Three Houses and Lots, I WHICH are eligibly aituetVL ed, and pnyioga good iute rest ?ALL N KW?ata* be had on Etf j very reasonable terms, it applied for anon. The owner wishing to invest the proceeds of sale in other business ho is engugod in, is the only reason why he has a dieposition to dispose of the property, Also, for sale, a VACANT LOT. . Enquire at this Otlioo for particulars March 8 44 PRIME Is A IID & SUGAR. (1IJ0ICK White Leaf LARD J Ciuriftod and Crushed Sugar*. AMft, Soda, Ronton, and ?i? Nic Risenit Stone Preserve Jnrs and Crocks Prcsh Stick Candies and Kissos. Jtist receivod, and for sale low, hr BHYCK SMfTn, Opposite T. R. Roberts' Now Store. 8ep ft 18 tf FRESH TURNIP SEED. WIIITK FLAT Rt'TCIl, WIllTK NOR. FORK, White Globe, Robson's Grlden Ball, Skirwlng's Ruta Raps, and also German Curled Kalo. All warranted genuine, end foi ale by TU0MA8 8TEKN. t .Tnly 2(1 11 tf Jacob's Cordial. FOR RALE BY JOHN \X. GHADY. fiKEKKYLLLK, A 0. ARICRF. RKMKDY in onset of T)IARRIKEA, T?\HF.XTKHY and FLUX. ' Ml ?<1 tjM ? OAstla. Vnee f l.ft, r if * - ::3&I . .> - ' 'V-f.-r?( %. '' |i DKS. UJNC 4 BliHNlLIM * THANKFUL tor lb* fcial ^^S^ppatrou*** of tMt frWtii tu thte |*ut yoar, would rMywUnU; solicit. HV ih? muo for lit* pt??wl roroooo wtokUtf 1>?J GENUINE ARTICLES, would do woU U> call and oxwuLno our Stouk of DRUGS, MED WINKS, o FJL1Nm. OILS, T VARN1&MKS, DYR-STUrwS, PERFUMER T, . FAKGT Jj&* OAS DOOR BELOW ' * * HARRISON R ttMS?S SHOE STORE. IF YOUWANT Fine Shaving Soaps, Washing So*i>?, Glycerin* Soap, Jbown Winder Soap, Colgate's Soap, French Soaps, Opodeldoc Soap, Castile Soap, Thompson's Soap, Lubin's Soap, or any other kind of Soup, or a Box of Potash, to uiaka your own Soap, YOU "WILL FIND IT AT LONG 8l BURN HAM'S DBUG 8TOKE. IF yoiTwant r?DC OOLOONIM, Fine TOILET WATERS Lubin or Qiea'a EXTRACTS AND ESSENCES, Hair POMADES, Hair OILS. Hair BRUSHES. Or any preparation for Improving tho FfAy Tooth or Skin. CALL AND LOOK AT LONG 4k BIIBNHAI'9 ASSORTMENT. IF YOlPWAOT TO BUY jiy pirnr mm am You can got it, at tlio maker's price, from LONG A llUilNHAM. if yoTwant . A GOOD ARTICLE OF Broad Soda, Cream Tartar, Starch, Indigo, Madder, Saffron, Borax, Whiting, Glue, Sulphur, Alum, Copperas, Linseed Oil, White Lead, Train Oil, Lamp Oil, Sweet Oil, Spts. Turpentine, Alcohol, Seidlitz Powders, Yeast Powders, Large Window Glass, Putty, Rotten Stone, Bath Bricks, OR ANYTHING ELSE Uaanlly kept in a DRUG STORK, you can buy it at a FAIR PRICK from our Establishment. We call Particular Attention To all Preparations nurdo by a a. Wo mako then of an uniform strength, and from tho PUREST MATERIALS. I Country Physicians will And it their tag# to call and exauuiua-our Block and Prieca. LONG <fc BURNHAM, Oaa Doon Aaova 0. Mxnnxcx'a Brona. Juno Id ?? if GROCERIES! THOSE wishing to purchase GROCERIES cheap for CASH, will plcaau th? UDdoraigueil, who has just returned with ou? ? of tho largost stocks ovpr offered in the market. THOMASBTEKN, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Ale Row's lisli. 1r\ IIHDS. of Cuba, Muscovado and Trlotl / rt?.l Mnl.a... . 1ft 111,1. tO.? /\.l Molasses. Those cannot be surpassed In quuity. Selected aud for aalo by 'ill0JUAB STEEN. 811HDS. Choice Now Orleans, Cub* aal Muecovado Sugar*. Selected and for aula by TUoilAS STEEN. QA UIILS. Refined A. B. and C. and Cruthv" ?d tiugars, aud i Bbla. superior Bugs* Haass Goldou Byvup. For aula by ' THOMAS BTEEN. 4/r BAQ8 Ria, Java, Mock?, Loguyra and *t ft an too Coffees. These hava been ?ajroAilly aeloeted, and ara tor aale by THOMAS BTEEJf. 7 CHESTS Tea?llyaon Skin, Young Hyaoo, Imperial Gunpowder, Super Ooleng | Ooolong and Souchong. The above Tea* etr? fully eeleeled and for *ale by TuOMAS BTEEN. O t BAGS Buckwheat?11| Via (a\ 60 rente Z f ) per Bag, from New York, aud lor sale by TUOJUAb STEEN. OA DRUMS FIGS, juat rnoelved and far OU tale by THOMAS STEEN. PIE FRUrTS, Jellies, Pine Apple, Prune* Pick Ira in pinta, quart* bult gallon aud gallon, Kngliah Pickle*, Uerkiua, Wolu?t\ PiocaUUa, Quious, WoroeaUhiro Suuce, and a large variety of Eugtiah Sauces, selected and for aale by TUOMAS STEEN. SALMON, Oyatera, Spiocd aud Freak Lebatcra and Claws, Pickled Salmon, very hue, HaJdook aed Codteh, eitru No. 1 Meek* arol lu kite. Woodou Were of eU deecrlptiona, aud Cutlery. For eeU by THOMAS STEEN. QA KEGS Nail* euporior quality, aeeorted vU aiaoa, cheap far eaah. For aale by TUOMAS STEEN. PfMlE largoat aud boat aaaorted Stock of L C'bioa Olaaaware and Crockery of every description. For sale by THOMAS ST KEN. CONFaCWONHBY of every variety. Far aale by THOMAS STEEN. ? I /^UBAAHTflL Citron mi* T~t j \y by THOMAS STB22L |T>AKKR8 Broma, Chaaalet^ u4 OmMM JL> thaaarybaat. l?rnI* by THOMAS STUCK. Sir M 1 M l)ENTAL_CAJll). TH1C miM|pn4 w?*ld raaneatiuUy bring to the notlrn of Graearilfe i*4 ririnin. h? friend. KOHKKT A. L lit BIS, Surgeo* Itantint, who tiii, IU t**t rt?w ya?>, giron hia oleno Md andtrided attention t? Dentintry, aud who ia now aaryat>d to attend | to hie Profaaxion in hoth Ha hannaliaa. Tin runy be found at myBooaaa. ; AMPEB80.V, Jifl* r> 0 tf Sargana DaatUif NOTICE TS 1IERRBY |i?an tha* all paaaona he?f?' L do??oda afaiaat tha SataU. of "WILMA M JACOBS, Sr., (WaaaaL ara requested to pre ant thatr danaada loyally authenticated; and all paraoaa owing tha Batata, ara requeeted to eo?e forward and aattla hy Beturb Day aaa?> a* I an do tannin ad to aaa on all Not* ?Aceauata, if not nettled hy Battun DKDWABf Hmm i i