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? A REI^LEX OF POPULAR EVENTS- .-. ' to Pionvc:;:;. the i;ii)!ilti of the smith. and (he piU'usioa of ^IsffiiOiiioaLlgt among all glasses ?f Starting |}tgn. VOlArui v GBEENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA, Til!'!^DAY M!!!::;::;!'r, OCTOBER U, 1809. wmtiwn Aft -? * r'* * (dr Insrrtiot?! 60'for tli<% w4. oadi Se-rnff^WftMtfr to *|?r l)fiiH<?niV ^StfiTar the jWtc?Kt* ,* ? tfio-twetay-ilAlh 16Jbf'tb6 ssrawil? ^ ?,y'nta,h: ^ .Wtely'SH^btff.ywirlj' awitwe'ty ynnrto, and a U ^yMcfloB ?<m nia jMn?t^ r?0$ erm>. *jM**r4tAaMtft n<?tmibj?'< M'>o?mtr.">'"t *hi>uM ' * ?? 'Ww oiiWwr of tnMfrUou* mnrk^d npnu iKiMl. ??i)1 1.o tnlllUaU.ii! ilTwl ii)Hlfa?n#? ('ito ' ?r?? wv MWi?u?u vuiwgwu ivi AMI ArdfMvd out. >? - ?-*? 1W V ' IrrFrom the SprinyheW Hr^vublioan. *. ???' HEAYJEiT. those chilling wjods o?4 jjhioinj1 r .1 aWy* , ' . !**.'* Beyond death1# cloudy ?* There i? a lend ashore bMnfy tfpvofr die# And love bocomeS Immortal. A and w!?o?e lf?ht is rVor dimmM 1)3" shade, VW field# are-eeer vemnh; . ^?,4 ^Vbere nothing beautiful erto tv#r fndo, ^BtA, Momma-ftp hyc, V ?p ' "Wo mar not know-how swccf lis bnlmy air, .. How bright npd fair ifsflorsrws; k WVrtiay not hour tlic eorijj# find r<h<> thev.\ Tluongh those cueliaiitod bower#. The etty'a shining tower* we nwy hot see tiflm'ifli jtfiii ttffinj visions .. _*N For Death, the silent w?rrdev keep* th< key, That opea those gates ?ly*ian. #s ' . But (wmetifnea.-wben d^wn U?? western sky, 'Tlie flsry snnseta Uopera, jr :V^J . .'*r; Its got den gaUo aw iug iiiwar<I?oi.Vi?,ei?ly1 V Unkvojtad by onaeert iffogclw.'" - T .' V' An?l while tiiey aland a-moment half ?_;Jkr. Oleoma from tlie Inner glory Stream# brightly thro' the nsuro vault, afar, -And half re veal tho story. _ 01?, Und nnknown! OW fond of lovo jlMRl F>t1i?r all wUo, eternal, y' "ji Cuid<\ guide those aaut)?iiug, vr?j-w?rn feet of mWe Into those pastures vernal. . Jffiscdlnttftuta 3R robing. How Ben Purtle got liie Wife. A WESTERN' STORT. Tlie very clipvpx of'jiglirtesa was Be* ) PuMle. lie was Vttjf laired, and each hair etood jM if it cbetUhod the suprom-, eel contempt for its neighbor:' Hie face was freckled as .th&moej&ea^oftod turkey egg. Tils nc?? supported' et, the bridge a lhrgc lump, while the end turned viciously to oUeshlo. Ilia mouth bad every shape but a, pretty ahape^? i JI is form was ns uncouth a* his face w*A tfgly. The eery dim a*7 of ugltheo* wae Ben-Ptirtle. ^TiaV was more'sifii Heu had a handsome, bounetug bloom ing wife?such as can only be grown upon a country fhrtp. " Jlow Ihfe deuce," said X to Bon ono | a*y,v did you ever gel such u uife, yonJ - uncouth, miuuaptn, <quintescenco or tnonsiroaUy." Ben waa itft at all offended by tbe impertinence of my question; and forthwith began topolVa tbfe mystery (huKt ** Well, now, gals *h$l$ aehdble,-ain't eotchcd by none of your purty and hi faiutin aire. IV* send that tried raoto'n ooee.^ You know Kale war-fcfiordcfctlaidcrod the put tiest gai in theeo parta, f,. and ail the young fellers in the habdr dWuad need to try to cbtch Tick fojff * J?#* ** u ?H ??,? I "'* badir""^ wok W* row know, and intHrP *Tm at Kate. mercy in ftAhad no more thonght that I Kale than allernsalem eriekdrdPlH** in ^,e l,,m' tiMlt 0,1 f,JpA>my'e bald head?nosfrca. But couhitft help gdwtncr, ?"d my |?t woold kinder flui ter, and my eyes \ *itXi!um all over, when. I'd go to lljQ^JWK*te. A?d oca day ben v iVftfcfltUke? '*?!' I ^hlnlilKa a ^WUngjlbout in Oil } j^r?, lmw r. feller will feel sometimes? ' *ojpotfiiiijff seemed to soy as 1 -sent along ' Bey Turtle, this in a great day for voir,' nd'then my heart fluttered and jump- . jfiil like a jay bird in a trap. And when j|ot there and seed Knto with her new , checked home spun frock on, T raijjj < (hough I'd take the blind btaggers auybow." , Ben pahperT again to brush Ujo fbg , fretn hi* eyelid* and then continued : . "Veil, I found the order of tho day | was to go muscadine hunting. Joe , Wrap and his two sifters And Jim \ Bowles was thar. I'd knowed a long time ttiat Shap was right after Kate, , and I hated him worse than a hog hales j to find a road out of a tntcr pnUh; but , I didn't let on. Shap had on white | britches and fine shoes and broadcloth \ ovocpoat, hut everybody knowed he , wasn't /worth a red cent, lie walked [ with/Kate and you ought to have seen , the airs lie put ,ob. It was 'Miss Kate r this, antl Miw Kate that,' and all such ( tronsenso. After awhile wo cuine near , a "slough We had to cross on a log. atid \ I'd a notion to pitch tho sas>y good for ( nothinglntbiho,water." ] M W hy didn't you V I a*ked. 7 never mind," said Ben giving c a nudge. 44 IVovideuce tlono all that t up brown. Nothing must do but Joe j ! Shap toust ler.d Miss lyato ncross fust. . | lie jumped on the log in high glee mid ' took Kate's hand, and thoy put off.? { Just as they ?<">f half way across a tar- ? naiiotl-big bull frog jumped off into tlio ^ wiit?r-*-roit k?nw how they hollow? s ' Snake*!' screamed llio fool, and knock- f ,cd Kate off to her waist in (ho nasty, j black mhddy wr.ter. And what dyV f, Uiink be done! Wliy, run biitkwnul* , and foredva hoHcun' for a pole to help j lv?tc out of the water. Kate looked at j, me, and I couldn't stand it any longer. t CtU-chuuk I lit ten foet froiu the bank , the lirst jump and had Kate out of thav t in no tpflA And d'ye think the scamp n diflii'V'COftt.o yj>. aTicr we'd got out, and j, aaid.i 4 Ar you hurt. Mi** Kate !' " ( 44 My dr.nder was ttp, I eonMn't stand v it?rcaTclied hNim by tlio seat of hi* j white britches and coat collar, and gin |, a toss. Maybe he didn't go clear under i] when ho b't the water. I didn't see ^ him out. Me and Kate pat for the house, j, Wuon we started oil Kate said t h 4 Ben, let tpo boW to your arm, 1 e kinder feel sorter weak." n 44 Great Jitniny 1 I felt so quar when g| she took hold. I tried to say |ome e thing nice, hut my drolled mou'h would t, not go off no how. But I felt a.' strong |{ as vu elephant, and helped Kato along. c By. and by, Kate said : - c * Ben, that Joe Shap's a good fir (| notbih'j sneakin* cowardly nobody; if n ho over. p*ta his bead inside-of our House again I'll souse him with the e difh water sure." 441 tried to say something ngnin, bnt S( hang the luck, 1 could-Ray nothing, but q squeezed Kate's hand, and sighed like a \] cranky beilus." ? 44 \V?'J got clean out of sight of the i others, Kaio says i ' B * den. I feel llmt vot? ere my protec- o tor, and I believe daddy's right when t] he savs you'ro worth sH the rest of the n boys In the naborhood." ' t 4- lien turtle," anvs 1,44 this is a great day for yot?, and l made a tremendons n get my mouth off aguin, and n out it popped stire enough." I 44 Kate," says T, trembling *11 over.? tl 441 love you to detraction, and no mis- . il take. T ve loved you long and hard.? My heart's been almost broken for years, 0 autri want you to say right straight up J and down, whether you're a going to v have me of not ln o " Kate hung down her head and a ;di<ln't say nothing, but I Mi oncour- ti aged, for sho kinder siglted. Says I, c jj$ate ef you're a gwine to have me, Say s so, an<F ef y6u don't Vrant to say so, h just squeeze my hand." , ii 44 Well, she K-ue. zcd my har,<l right r I.r?*u t t..J T c?u ut,? ! *1 ? j M-', t' M |VI IWVIt .? .1 1AV , X a* a stream of warm water or Ktesafhis n tea, sweetened with molasses, was pur- I <ninff through my bones!?nnd I just j 'cotenod in myertm and kissed her j and slio never uiaa Uio fir?t lime to get t loose," ? j J Ben wits go overcome with this nrwrnlion of courtship, that a pause for breath ( was necessary, J <? ?? > k . " IIow long nftor that," said I, " be- ( fore you were married^ , 44 Old Sammy was mighty prourl, ( and so w?? the old 'omarf, about tbe thing,-and we got married next fall after the muscadine scrap?." 44 Do you think your wife lovee you!1' .lMked. v v> ^; \t * Why, Torrty, yes. She ihmlo* Tin the portieat and W*4^U|0A the wojWA I j?H fcu< nirr tt* no (fee taking; h?' Imiii aire, and qttt% dressing1 5* ; ?t? <3tow1i wilh fitqiibk ! \V r _ "* *?>? of the tpul. t? ,,,f?.n?OW1 i1? J ^ iihou* it* sight I ^ * be iUn on'y? "while ' ' ll'n'tISi0 I'gM '?> wKol. of ? 'n,l'V7 i? 1 % ^oOYroW IrtW fcmoitteut of ?] lho sch?o1 i;itelli^0Tlce- | 1 ,-nM records Of life run tho*: Moo o ' /eep into ehiltfhood ; bhurul inlQ V ^ . ' ( . ' '*l m A Model Toting Man. In flie article below a young man may lenrn the estimation in which he is held by a very sensible lady?we might say, a '* model wotn"ti"?if she approximates, in life, to her " model young inrtn." Head it, young man, and do not pronounce it idle tnlk. Depend upon it, at the present day the country needs such young men. Whyjs it that tho?e who delight, to hear themselves called men, often scorn iblivlbUs or careless of tho virtuous :liRracleristica of true manhood. A true man, or as we often distin ?uMi liim<?a gentleman, feel* within liinsolf a consciousness of strength and lospising idleness and effeminacy, wilingly accepts tho ta-<k of "earning his ?... if.. -? > /ivuu ut mw #?'khi or ms mow ?a lecrcc of heaven which lias proved a flossing lo all good men. He disdains 10 honest labor, but grasps with equal ilrciity, ihe axe, the plow, the hammer, ho pen or the sword, nor pansys to jtanc? at his dainty while hands, per taps, bleached, at a mother's or sister's xptnse. lie scorns to live on another's, abor, or luxuriate in the possession of in inheritance, that lias beon hardly mrned by some lioqcst man. lie feel* hat to be a man and do his duty, bo s bound lo labor at some profitable cmd.'vmont six days in ovory week.? iVhcn lie gives himself an occasion;! tolidny, lie strives to recruit his ener pes for tho sole purposo of engaging gain in the battle jpf life. lie never utters himself to ho tempted to utter a afcehood, either in je?t or earnest, knowug that it biiogs with it a train of misi>itunes, that iR suro to injure and lutniliate him. lie shuns nil ninnifestaions of temper, nor allows bis renson i> l>e overthrown by anger, feeling flic rttlh of lite X1roverb, that 4'ho that ulelh his spirit is bettor than ho that aketlr a city." lie avoids all show f pride,-knowing that " hath naught o be?it of" If ho bo handsome ?od made him so, if lie be learned, be rn* instructed by others?if rich, it is y the <?if> of his-1 Tenvenly Father, who ?:th rendered- hi in the steward over lif-se things, and of which hp will rp uire a full account. There is no-timidy iu our model man ; for timidity only cconies tho weaker sex. There is modsty in his speech and action, that wUI ot admit of tho slightest approach to lung words and vnlgar phrases. Modration, decorum, neatness and affabili ir, distingnisu linn nt all times. 1 ut&Igent and truly polite, his behavior is ver pleasing and graceful. . When he? tilers the presence of an inferior, lie eneavors to hide his own superiority? or is ho ever unkind, haughty or overeating. In polite society lie bends to liquclto and strives to harmonize his ctiops with thoso with whom he is asoemting. lie looks upon intemperance, anting, or dissipation of any kind, as lio niobt dangerous pit-falls to man, nd llie suro road to ruin and disgrace, le fenrs not to acknowledge that ho is lot willing to put his strength to the test f being tempted; but feeling the natural epravity of man, prays for a dftliverneo from this evil, lfa never stoops r? tis.ttcr, feeling that it is beneath tho ignity of manliood; but strives to lake himself so agreeablo that there is o need of that base stylo of policy.? la is never found a gossip, knowing lint this weakuess is perfectly contcniptirlo. IIo never su flora envy to outer is heart, and boasts uot of attainments r possessions. LI is generosity is fully Uplafed in tender, kind acts, to all rho do net possess his strength of bod)* r mind. Sociability characterizes him t all limes, for he feels that ail who oner society have t; duly to perforin, anil nnnot live for himself alone, without in. IIo is r.ot only punctnnl in all hit incas engagements and obligations of inporlanco, but cultivates vhc habits of iromptness in the smallest particular.? la is a good listener, a lirui fiiend. ir.d an camera auunrer.oi ail moueet, i enable persons, especially women ; a I >roteelor of the weak, a champion for | nnoccnce, an ndvocato of virtue ami | >iotjf.?JL'u/aa la JAcpivss. Stautmno Discovkrt.?PurinJ the kitting of a Court in QonnocfvOt, not ong ago, on a very cold /Veiling, n ;rowd of lawyers had assc'^'ed w'Oiind the open Arc, that binjM^hcoi fully on [lie hearth in ifio l>^'roomi wheneo a traveller entered,-be'111^^' w'd? cold ; but no one movtO^ give him room to warm himself, 'CJiUed back against tho wall jn *'e ?*c* part of the room. lVcsem^ n "jnprt ypung limb of the jxv add.?ssed hirp, and tho following h'n/Wtue en.tu.sed: ?Von look like a traveller." " Well, I so r>po*e I am ; I came oil J he way Jrom \V iacouein, a foot, at nuy ate." ,kProm Wfaeoiwn ! What a distaneo > coine Qn p?o pair of lag* 1" "'Wi?U#4 cloue it," * M l)id you ever ptp?3 through h?1 In ny of your lri?voU ?'* " Ye5, l'vo Wcu through the outkjrta." t \ MI thought likely. Well, vrha' nvo he maunoie and ouetoras there ^ Some f u? would like eo know " " Oh, you'll fin ^ tfw>m mMch %i? this pi'*e*?fAe Rtieyert tit nearest MM" ^ Bn'jufit before you ere geaerone. Keep Sabbath. "There's Mr. Ashley? hour imluclcrl exclaimed RobJone*, nbby of fifteen? as, after swinging himself over a fence, with his gun in liia hand, lie fouudhitrti self in front of tho pastor of tho church in tlie village. It was a Sunday afternoon ; the bells for Divine service had just begun to ring. Rob was not one of those who despise religion, although he, too, oftetr neglected it. IIo felt tliut he must appear ill in the sight of the minister, and ho would willingly havq avQidtd the meeting. Rut there was no opportunity. Mr. Ashley had seen him, and his only eudeavor now was uot to look as muchashamed as he felt. "I am surprised to sco you ont with your gun to day, friend Jon<*s?have r 1 * ? von Torgouen Hint tb:s is Uic Lord's tiny I" " Well, air,1' roplierl Rob, with sotno little nwkwnrdnev* in his manner, 44 I don't WRimlly shoot on Sunday ; l>tit this is iho first day, you know, for'lhe partridges, arid I thought there'was not much harm for once in ft way." 44 My dear young friend," contined the minister, 44 forgive me if I speak plain Iv. There are but two paths setT>cforo u.s; tire broad path which leadeth to destruction, rind the narrow path which leadcth to eternal life. We must, each and all ask ourselves which pa'h am I pursuing? Oh! remember, that upon the answer to that qricatioii hangs eternity !" 44 Well, Mr. Ashley." said Jones, in rather a dogged manner, 441 don't see that I am worse than other people. 1 go to church most Sundays J I ncVer defrauded any one of a penny ; I'm no heathen. If I go a little wrong now, I'm young, and I can turn when I like," 44 Oh! fatal mistake!" replied Mr. A?hloy, 44 that thought has ruined tens of thousands. Yon wait for a 4eonvc nient season,' which may never, never coma! You wait till bad habits becomo rooted?you wait till your heart becomes hardened?you wait perhaps for .a death-bed repentance, tvhen even reason may bo denied you at lart.'" Rob made no direct answer, but as he started, lie half muttered to himself, 441 can turn when I like." l>ut lie never did. Rob's shooting was unsuccessful, and he felt vexed and dispiiited. The birds were scarce afhl shy, and his gun hung fire. Reader! have you ever done what you knew to bo wrong, and found real ? # nu.- i -? J J 1 ^ ,v 111 viviii^ a< J j 111*5 path of sin i* not a smooth one, as every willful offender must own, when ho looks hack upon a life passed in disobedience to his Maker.? Rcajwr. A Beautiful Extract. Tt was night. Jetusalem slept as quietly ntnid her hills as a child upon the breast of its mother. The noiseless sentinel stood like a statue at his post, and the philosopher'a lamp burned dimly in the recesses of his cheerless chamber. But a mortal darkness involved the nations in ita nnlighted shadows. Ifenson shed a faint glimmering over the minds of men, liko the cold and insufficient shining of a distant star. The immortality of man's spiritual nature was unknown, his relations unto henven undiscovered, nnd his future destiny obscured in a cloud of mystery. It was at this period that two forms of etherial mould hovered about the lnnd of God's chosen people. They seemed liko sister angels sent to enrllt on some embassy of love. Thoono of majestic statue and well formed limb, which her snowy drapery concealed, in her erect hearing and steady eye, exhibited the highest degreo of strength and" confidence. Her right arm was extended in ah impressive gesturo up ward wnero nignt appeal eu 10 nave placed her darkest pavilion, while on the left reclined her delicate companion, in form and countenance the eontrnst of the other, for she was drooping like a flower when moistened with refreshing ,tews, and her bright but troubled e^es scanned the air With ardent but varying glances. Suddenly a light Itko the sun Hashed out fiom the heavens, and Faith and Iiopo hailed with exulting songs the ascending star of Bethlehem. Years rolled away, and the stranger was 6eon in Jerusalem, lie was a meek, unassuming ..'man, whose happiness seemed to consist in acts of benevolence to the human race. There were deep traces- of eorrow on hie countenance, though nooue knew why he grieved, for he lived in the practice of every virtue, and was loved l?y all the good and wine. lJy and by it was rumored that the stranger worked miracles; that the blind saw, tbr.t tho dumb a pake, the wo:,d leaped, the ocean inodorsvlo?l j.^ ehnfin* tide; and the very tUji'^f^artioHlfted, He ?3 tho Sou of ..pj, Envy availed liiirt to death, {SJowly and thickly gird cd, he ccv.^ed vhe hill of Calvary. A heavy croM landed .hini to the earth ? lhU !aith, locoed on hi* arm, and Hope, (''PP'A# her pinions in hi* blood, mouut* l.'i to the skies. Wao Shall Fordid !- The Southern Churchman sayst -? |44 The- Uiahops of the E^taaepal Church have unanimously testified that the Church cnno.n doe* not forbid the lending of an Epi copal Church to any i r o? pec table dououiiualion of Christian*." M ljl-l:.: VMV-jmj ' j * Hot Ashamed of fondles. ! We have often hcord A half-grown- < . boy pettishly say - to his mother, "I i don-'l liko -to bo seen cnrrjdijg a big j bdndlohi the streets;" But true pride i is ashamed' of such littleness of mind. ' Mr. AptQr^.tJie wealthy roillionnre of N. ' York, .onco was reluctant to sell somo I goods to-a youngstnerchant, except for ' cash."' The merchant paid for them, and < then look therp pn his.Qwn shoulder to * carry them to .his store. Mr. Astor I looked on in surprise, but before the ' merchant had gon<j many Rteps, lie call- | j oil him back, saying?u Yoti may buy ! < on c!edit to anv amount. Icau trust I you, sir. A man who is not ashamed l to,do his own work i* sure to succeed." i llerc is (mother good losson for false < ^ride.s,. : %. c Chief Justice Marshall was a great I: man ; but groat men arc never proud, c Tic was in tbo habit of going to market ' ' TTe wns not too protjd to wail 0:1 hire -e'.f. r himself ami carrying homo his pur- I chases. Often would ho bo seen going * 1 at sunrise, with poultry in one t band and vegetables ir. tbo other. '> On one of these occasion', a fashion- t able young man from the North, who < had removed to Richmond, was swear- 1 ing violently became ho could find no one to earrv homo his fur':-"/. Judge I ; Marshall stepped lip and asked where r 1 he lived. When he liertrd ho sai?I? r " Thai is in rr.v way; I will take your v turkey home for you." When they ennio to fho house, the young jnnn asked? d " What shall I pr.v von ?" - j " Ob, nothing," raid the Judge, "you v j are welcome ; it was all in my vav, and n 1 it was no trouble to me." ?j I u Who is that polito old mnn, who 0 brought homo my turkey for ino i" s ! asked tho young man of a ov-r.lniidcr. r. j " Oh," s.iitl ho, "(hat ir. Jialgo luiir- t shall. Chief Justice of tho U. States. p "Why did /?? bring homo my tar-1 c key 1" . t f , " I suppose ho did it," the by- i slander," to touch you not to foci above \ attending to your own h.ninesi .y Cu'di.'d. c 4.?b?. b Tup. Useful ayp, tj:t: Dsauttfut.-- 1 Tlio topi 11 of Moses is unknown ; but t the traveller slakes his thirst r.t the wcli <1 of Jacob. The gorgeous palace of tIre h wisest and wealthiest of monarch*, with h tho cedar, and gold, and ivory, and fi qven the temple of Jerusalem, tl hallowed by tbo visible glory of tho 1 Deity himself-?are gone ; but Solomon's <] reservoirs are as perfect as ever. Of u the nmyent architecture of the Iloly t, City, not one stono is left upon anolhei; c but tlio liool of IlethftAilft cninmnrula ?lm - - ? " pilgrim's reverence at the present day. g The columns of l'ersepolis arc mouldering into dust; but its cisterns and aqueducts remain to challenge our ad- r miration. The golden house of Nero t is a mass of ruins ; hut tho Aqua Clau- c dia still pours into home its limpid s stream. Tho temple of the sun at Tad- t mor, in tha wilderness, has fallen; but ] its fountain sparkles as freshly in his j rays, as when thousands of worship- | pers thronged its lofty colonnde*. It f may he that" London will sharo tho fate 1 of llabylon, and nothing ho left to mark v its site savo the mounds of crumbling o brickwork. Tho Thames will continue h to How as it does now. And if any s work of art should rise over tho deep h ocean of time, wo may well believe that t! it will be neither a palace nor a temple, c but soino vast aqueduct or reservoir; I and if any name should still Hash thro' i tho mist of antiquity, it will probably e bo that of tho man who in his day c sought the happiness of his fellow men ^ rather than their glory, and linked his 'j memory to some great work of nation- n al utility and benevolence. This is tho , * i true glory which outlives nil others, and , t fthines with undying luatro from gone- : ! ration to generation?impeding to t works something of Uh own immortal- j \ ity, and in sonio degree rescuing them j I i irom ino Tir.n tvnicu overinL.n tiia cr-j j I tliunry monuments of historical Irau'uion . or mero mngniticcnoo.?JE'dihburff Re- c victc. A *roeTr>rrrcF. JfrSTA'KB?A -2fe.i , leiih an U:\forlvmte Wane.? A man 1 1 lately wont fo the Poc*t Office, and put- < I tinj? his mouth to the delivery boX 'crfad 1 ou>; ' .Louder!'' Tho clerk, tmppo^r^ I the mnn to bo clerif, and that ho v.'as making n request for hitn to jq.enk j louder, so that he could tea*, niVed him ! I in a very loud tono ?V,a t,*tno of tho ; 1 peieon for whom 11^, wanted the letter. I 1 "louder V tx\pA tho man. " What s nnrnor yc'l.-t the clerk. Lr.ud.--r!" . sga''i bawled the man, who snppO'od 1 ?..,e clerk to bn deef 'H1.1 clerk tiV.k i\ I | long breath, nnd with all hi# might ' ) again bawled out into the man's lace t I the Rnmo question ? * What name ?"? < This was dune in so lord n tone thai < the echo seemed to return from the far oti' hills. The man started baek in ! alarm, shouting at the top of his lnpgs; l ' Louder, sir, Louder 1 I told you ' LoudorJ My murio is nothing cLo."? 1 "Ob 1 ah 1 oh 1 ah 1" aaid the clotk, i "your name i? Londer, eh ? Did'nt ? think of that; hem's your letter, Mr. I Leader, here's your letter." 1 True Turkish tnen hold that vrdmm have no tfouft, and pro*erby their treatment of them, that they havo none 'uthouiaclvce* A * ^ t - A ^iiefhkbuh Don.?A friend of I >nrs who own# ft largo rnrch and #oto- I ml hundred lte.vl of sfceep, '.* the forInnatp posae-ieor of ono of tho best dog# in this Sttfe. _Tho intelligent creature was brought up among the 'dicop, nonrshed upon ewe** miik, hi* whole life iieing passed with tho flock and dcrcted oit# defence. IIo baa been taught to )pen and shut the fold into which they >re driven at night, and -ho cftre# for ,heiu with all tho apparent thought folio*# that a human crenturo cmld di.-v dny. In the morning, when the flock is Iriven to tho field, he goes with if, srleoti ome commanding place, rtnd watches ho sheep during tho wholo day, drivng up the straggler#, and allowing'no mo but those wuit whom he is acquaintd to approach. Should an ewe drop a imib, and-pass on with the herd with>ut noticing it, as sho Bome'.imel will, 10 has been known to take it up, and r.rry it after ber, and compel her to ake care of it. At nighf he drivc3 tho heep into tho p?n, fasten# the door afer him, and seating himself in their J nidst, layfi watching them nit night In !m mnt'is'nff \rf\ niifnclotn rlc-A? ,,w ..i.. ^ nw Villi I 1 rives out his charge to the pasture, .end !;eeps trn'cli and ward until i;LrMco::;o3. !n (act, co f:iifhf:11 is ho, hi i Wvjnentfy nhrents liirrcc!f from tho aneli lor days together, with perfect eiianco upon Lis dog, to find nil safe riicn ho returns California paper. " Y/het in the matter with Mrs. Jcnks, oefor ?*' ft'kcd Mrs. Partington, ns ])r. ?olr:? pi?iod 1;or house. Slip had been Mtebin~ for hitn half an liour through chink in tho door, and pooplo who etected tho end of her no>o thrust out f- ilio chiulc aforesaid, stopped an inlant to look at it, strongly inclined to riueb it and see what it was. "She is ronbleu w-tli varicose veins, mom." reilied tlio doctor, blandly. "Ho tell," . ied the old lady. " Well, tliat accounts >r h?" r very coar;-o behavior, then, and t i-.i*t r.ny fault ??' her'n, aster all, poor vonuai, causa what is to bo will l>c. and i* one ha.? very cor.:&a veins, what can mo c.npecl ? Als, wo aro noao of ut; >0ttor than \va ought to be." "G'cod liorui ng. mem," snid Dr. Ileitis, ru ho jrued away, and tho old lady shut the !oor. " No bo'.tor titan w> ought to c !" What a:i original reus ark, ami oiv candid tho admission. Tho Jittlo otit entry heard it, and Uic broad stair iat led to tho chamber heard it, and ha heard it, as he sat in tho kitchen aubing up the old lady's Pembroke tola v. ith tlpur and paste, in an nUctnpt a make a kilo out of a choicely saved opy of tho Puritan Recorder. " Wo re no halter than we ought to bo"? enerally. No PosTroN*Tp:n::T.?Tho story is elated of a lawyer who has since atainc?l eminence in bis profession : A ano in which ho was engaged as eouno! for tho defendant came at a certain lay. As bo was insufficiently prepared, ic was very anxious to have, the cr.-e ' postponed a few days, that ho iniglil rnvo further timo for his purpose. Uuortunately these was a great press of anci no Knew that tho motion ronld bo overruled utiles some o\trardinary reason was idlrre.d. Under liese circumstances ho bethought himolf of an expedient. llising, with hi' i.nndkorchief to his face, bo addressed liejudga-in accents of great apparent motion : " May it viIohso your lienor, liavo just beon informed that mv not her is at lL? point of death. My motions aro too great for mo to pro ced iu this cn?!>. I movo that it he >o-tpoiicd until day after to-morrow." fhjj request would, of <;ourso, have been pa:, ted I>y I ho Court, whose sum path k-< rero strongly excited in his bfchaif; nt liia moment, to too Jkcomfr.u.o of the j royor and tho nr.uisom^ut of tlio r.vr | lionce, tho shrill voicd ofi.ia mother ?as heard frem tho gallery: "ics abru 1 chabr..\l how often bmo I wLionrd fou fur lying T Tho oav wasn't postiCi.w J, itoi iiu-i 41 g iiiie-v. by tlisi 'OUUovl* | ?: *4 Tun TVasJ-.-nston Consliliilion has; rponicuiv pi; di.-diecl tho following stnier.onij ruu'i J l>y Sonntcr Trumbull, and sU?Vion#ed denial of its truth, yet it rorutins undisputed hlr. Douglas called on Mr. Covode, a Republican mrmber c-f Con?rresa from Pennsylvania, anil requested him to go lo Trumbull and g*t bit a to agree that lie, Mr. Douglas, should be returned lo ho Senate by tho Republicans r?f lili1043, and in consideration thereof he arouid ii^iit tlio Republican battle in IStiO. ?? <? ? Is it S'o ??A man's chnarctcr, it is >nid, may be known by hie treatmeut jf umbrellas, lio who always carries we will die rich. lie is a cautious n?an. lie w'ui IC'itcs )?Is umbrella at a friend's t?on*e, because the rain has blown over, tnl:es no thought of tomorrow, lfc wilt dio poor. Ho who U always borrowing umbrellas and leaving them in tbo first omnibtts, car, bar room, jounting-houso that ha may enter, and forgot where ho left them, will bo continually borrowing money, and ns coulinuuliy forgetting to ropov\ Let friendship creep gently to n height; if it rush to it, it may soon ru^ itaelf out of breath.?/W&r. \ ( 1 i'L?. |..|j J.jii 1'4'JJIUJLL fl f Printer's CuridsUles. . I A er?l from printerV p'. A elrnrcn foot of fbi devil. 4 A wheel from thl meal clmne. A too hall of a foo? lino. * .f * ' A beel bono oT tho fobt! The pleasure# received from ao p ? "TFi? little) fingnr of a flf . V-J' A tear that fell from a capital j. A lawyer that plead a printer'# Some far from tho top of a email cap. A enndbs made from printer'# phat. s Some bars from a printer'# Mick. A eight from a ihooting Mick. A glnrs of grog from a printer'# bar. A feather taken from tho bed of a*pre#f. A quoin from a printer'# bank. Tho index of a printer's Guide. The uniform worn by General Intelligence rJ <?ir? 1 tflfl7a r?f /mmrVko'il'iAn An Insult from an imposing stono. Some veneering from a piece of furniture. A thorn from a briar. A plcoe of the rule that won't work both way*. i , _ Some angry words from a croas bar. A jour. who never came to * stand. Tho "hands" that were fastened in th? roller stock. A cold caught from using damp sheets. A jour, who rested hiuiscll by sotting on a column. A nose from the fsco of a 'j'pe. Slallcr frrom a running hend. The " sub " who was punished by a hanging indention. And a few debts from delinquent subset hers which w> hope wiU be paid as soou o< circumstances will ndniit. A Vioicaxck Socirrrr.?A correspondent informs us that a meeting w?* held nt Glenn Springs,'on lastSaturday, nnd n Vigilance Society war formed ; nnd nmong tho resolutions adopted, t>tw ono to this effect, Thai no negro would be ftllowed to r>?Va within tho limits of tlio Society, without ft ticket specifying tho place to which he is to go, nnd if ? negro is found with ft ticket >vithout this specification, he will bo treated as if bo had nono r.t all. This resolution is to | go into effect tho first of October. [Sj^arfctyl/yrg Express. Nbw Orleans Slept. 29, 18C0. Ilp.rrinuEBs Assaulted.?At noon < day tho Captain of tho British atearnv Gladiator, nnd tlie British Consul's eU>k while conversing in tho rotunda of tl> ? St. Charles Hotel, wero assaulted an i had their fr.coa slapped in tho most iy numinous manner by partioa friendly v ? Walker. It is thought that this coi duct was caused 'by some atateme' made by tho fiillibusters who have rturner! on hoard lh6 Glodifttor, respecting tbeir ticatment by tufi British. V-akitY Faiu says tho three ages ? f _ CI : - ?. _ w k?M- *? *' ? ocnaior aro xuue-agc, l'osvage ?h>l Patron-age. Okeat mountain? are unlike gre*\ men ; tho latter look tailor the farther i they aro off. I Take good heed aa to suretyship. 1 The ilrovruiag rriau drown? him thut i cpuiea to help him. It i* not tho part of a wise man t?? he eager nfler anything but improv? ment in goodaes*. All things elso TO ft* Lo dispensed with. Youtnay brihe a soldier to slay a man with a sword, or a witness to tal>?? a Ufa br falso accusation, hut you c.v hot mr.l.o a hound tear bis benefactor. | Tner.r. aro many doublings in thw innuan heart; don't think that you ch find out the whole of a man's real character at onca. I Sato n troinnn to an old woman?" My husband is not to good a busbari \ as bo should bo, but he is a powerful sight bettor (ban none." ' Whilst just government protects nil in their religious rites, true religion ** ford government its surest support. [ Washington. [ ?> Jlrtl illl Ulllllljipy lUfc IS U1R* OI IH1** torv ? 1:* actor* uro too much intvo^tod in tho game ; its spectators know too liUlo about it.?Gibbon. A n^rrv immortality U a prize ?t boforo lis, and a great object of hop which atipuUI engage us to labor a \ tho time of our life to Acquire irisAoui and vi/tuo. Pi.KAflVRK is iiko qui^cMlver?-? * bright and shy. If wo strive to gm- > it, it still eludes us, ami sliN glitter*. Wo, porhaps, seize it, but find it rsi.k poison. '* > *** '?* Literary fame ia more easily cangj t than kept. If yon do nothing, yon forgotten ; and if you write and ft- t, your former success is thrown in yut?f | own teeth. Natchr, llmt wn mnv not l?o diegurf Oil And dwOourflj^ed with tK?h<^?lin<Qf o? r own interim! deformities, lift* wineiy ni.? kindly turned tho ?igl>t of the eye? ?f lirelv outward. ' * A fortctck won in ft day in loot ti * day ; ft fortune won and fdov v compacted, nceim to ftcquiro from ti *? hand that won it the property of durance. Am inveterate bachelor bointr ftftlo <t why be did not necure emnc ono'a a > puny in hie roveer on the ocean of li , replied, M I would if f were eure tw u an ocean would ho i*teifc? i '