University of South Carolina Libraries
: . Witau*1*' - ' v- ~- v 'J' m . . i '"" j" efe' gmrilftgfa 4>fo. .,. Some fo?lw are in tfe* habit^feiltiff H their aleep, Md \t 'jwee one of jJn.'* *9?fe<^Tfce ^1*?"Hnri.iT the aocidenttMM >d ?o Jediah * *Jeekina, in eW<6w8Krer?ntien*i way. v Jwdiah had juafninMhed the recital of 9 matrimonial dream in which the young lady and himaelf figured a* hero >h?roie*,; fee haviog invented the tome, for the ?eke of earing, at the conel avion it mi * too good to be UroV and i fey Lb tie peeking parable*, a?auring the dauMel of what he darad not apeak plainly. * 1 nerer dream." said Betet* " bat T . * -%o runtime* talk Ml' the night, and tell ^ ererrtliing 1 knpw in my aleep.* "* i chi dont say so." " Y|i, I cm nevor have h secret Irom mother ; IT she wants to know anything she pomps me after I've gone to bed, ? ??d f answar her questions aa if my Rfb depended on it. That'k the reason f wouldn't go to ride (hp other night, t knew aha would find it out?It ia awtally provoking." Some daya after this, Jed called at he house, and entering the parlor unannounced, found Miss 13et*ey, probably jrercotne by the heat of the weather, had fallen asleep on the sofa. Now Jed, as the render has surmised, had long felt an overwhelming partiality for the young lady, and yearned to know if li was retuiued, but, though | o-seoed of sufficient courage to mount could never muster spunk enough to in <p?iie into the Mretw-of-her. htafb . Bui M My denr 13et*)\tel^m^^t) dfl sitij the object of your fotidciMrwotiit, The fair sleeper gave n faint sigh and responded-?" 1 lnva--l?-t me think? (her* you might have heard iko healing of Jad'? heatt through a biick wall) ? 1 love heaven, my country, and baked beans ; but if I have one passion above all others, it is for roast onions." The indignant lever didn't wake her. i.?i i ... i ? * - i'?i ?iu|)iu ?i vufc, a snuuer, uui not 11 [ wiser man. What l\ki?r Boar fkom Confes ion.?44 \V11ni inny l>e lh? cmwe," said mq Irish curnte to Ins Parish Cleik, ^thml keeps Uory O'Kegnn fioni ?>nfe^s ion, an' from the cbuicll service, Pet?r Murphy f 44 A sad matter it is. your honor?itV hiunelf that's got into a very bad way, anyhow. " O0I1 Peter," said tbo curate, it is Diiun I" "Worse, yc may depend," said the enorthy clerk. ' Soul o'me ; I trust it is not Atho V ism, or like o'lbat of l'eler," exclaimed vtlis pastor. "Worse." 44 An what in the name o' unturo en It he t" cried the astonished minister. 44 By the powers, an' it it's rlieuma lisnr," replied l'eler Murphy, 4'aud ao ii ia." A Good Oni.?Put was helping Mr. Plank to get a safe in hi* ofHca, one day. and not )eing acquainted with tha article, inquired what it was for. "To prevent papers and other arti clea which ara placed in it fiom being burnt ib case of tire," said Mr. It. "An sure, will nothing ever burn ' that is put iu that I1 ing !" 44 No." " Well thin, yar honor, ya'd better be after getting into that snuie thing when Ye die.* Mr. Blank " wilted." A Sin itrlvinflr a niiniKo* r.f soill* In Boston, one of bis cow* went into a baruotd, where there stood a young |nd.? 'The drover calls to tuo boy: M Slop that cow." 44 I am no constable sir*'? * Tutu Iter, then.". "She i? right aide out oow, air." M Well speak to her. then." The boy took off hi* hnt, and , very handsomely addressed the cow. with; * Your servsnt, madam." The drovar rod# into the yard, aud drove the *?r out himself. * Miss Jos.-pbina," said a thick, cherry-lookitig lipped negro, to one of Afri ea'a daughter*, ' kiias Joecphina, will ton -do dis nigger de anticipation of duncin' a WeeginU /eel wid'wnf" M 1 doesn't assent todance wulgaiiousdance* vb dat sort, Mr. Casus," said Miss Josephins, turning lip still higher her wellrounded lips. "1 dances only po-, ker." * ^ Okb of the Penobscot Indians recently appealed to the Maine Legislature to build his tiibe new scliool-hoiees, and & tlili* figuratively d recti bed the old true: The building has become bald with *gr, aud weep* now, within and with< hi, in every rain, atid it is n? ragged and latter*d as dead poplar iu iho WOOdsl P gnu nnii juiev iciuiuru frtW Atkaii?a? ?*ya that )ie heard the following dialogue Ml a lavoMi : ' Halloa, bay," " Halloa, yomaelf!" * Cnt? 1 get breakfaet u I reck on you can't.*' ** Why nnlP " Maa?a'* away, mi*t-ua'? drunk, tie baby gut tie t-ttTv, and I don't care a darn for nobody 1" 4 41>*d. hat* you been to the museum P aid a tei year old, " No, inv on."-" Well, go ai.d mention my n?in? to the keeper, and he'll take you around and how you ev? iything." 44 Now, frnn, if row dii that iasaea. I'll g?n>h I? tell ihe I you and" tie laa*e? too." H 1 9KSt,"'?nid an old lady, ~MMV. ^ol about llirotigh wiih ibis world. I ehaft't e*v J meek more y cubic." - JH W " I A# nMlrln| t Un? Stock of UOOD8, ml table for ***?}) Spring Mid Summer Trade. ^ J|WW ?Rte?M*l Oti tflLHlJ Lm? /Mem. An iaapoetiou of Ibo Stork U (arvitad. April 5 48-tl JOHN If. GRADY. Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. JV8T rccolrrd, ? ft?H lh?? at htn ?oom, for ladle* *n<? jrrntlcmrn. embracing all rtmIm, from a vvry nmn to tke boat Fabtw? kept In tW? market, uwnf whiok li umajr of the nordltM of tha dir. Alio, a rood iln* I of White Goods. Embroideries. Luce Good*. I Ac.: Handkerchief*. Hosiery, Ac; TlUaehed end Brown Bbirtings and Sheetings, Drillings, Ticking*. Ac. For tale by April 5 48-tf JOHN W. ORADY. Hardware, Cutlery, fto. 9f A GENERAL assortment of Table uhJ lVkrt CITI.KKY, toe thcr with * all descriptions of Shelf HARDWARE ly kept In this market. Also.^iss, Grain and Urass Scythes, Sneaths, Cradles, and Reapbooks. Spades and Shovels, Roping. Trace Chains, Nails, Ac. Just received and For sale by JOHN W. URADY. April 5 43 tf Rrady-nadc Clothing. AH FELL Assortment ofSmMKR CLOTHING, Coats, Vests. Pants, Shirts, and I nder Garments. Collars. Cravats, Stocks and Ties. Just received and for sale by April A 48-tf JOHN W. UUADY. * BONNES /X A FUMj Line of. Triimned and Un>^2Ftrimined BONNETS uftd FLATS, ItuftJu? chcg. Flowers, Wreaths, ltibheus, Ac. Juat received aud for sale br AprilJ 4R-tf J011N W. GRADY. ZliLTS. A VERY large Stock of Dress, Soft and _?\_ Summer HATS, for Men and Boys. Just rocoired aud for sale by Hrnril 6 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. KlrpetsTmattings, Oil ClothB, &c. BOM K handsome Cur)>ets, Mattings, Oil KV Clo'hs, Rugs, Attiinaus, Ac. Just reKivcd i.ud for Sale by April J 48-tf JOIlN W. GRADY. AVAL.E PAPER. PIECES uew anil handsome pattern, of Wull Paper, Bordering, Window Shades, Fire-place Screens, Ac. Just received and for snlo l?v April i 48-tf *J01IN W. GRADY. WOODENWA R E. CtEDAR, varnish painted Buckets, Wall ! Rockets, Titlmnnd Kcclers. Corn Brooms, Ac. Just received und for sale liv April S 4*-tt JOHN W. GRADY. I>RIT?S &.DYE-STITPFS, WIN Pis W G LASS. Putty, Puints, Oils, a Ac. J ant received and fur sale by JUllN w. UltADY. April 5 * 48 If WRITING-PAPER, . BLANK BOOKS,/ &C. T ETTEll and Cap Paper, Ul.tuk and ilciaJ[ J orniiduin Hooks, Spelling Hooks, Inks, ddM and Steel Pons, lion not Hoard*, Ac. J-ust received and for sale bv April a 48-tf JOilN W. GRADY. BOOTS AN1) SHOES. A WELL assorted Stock of Ladies', Misses and Child's Hoots. <initer*, Uuckskiii and Slippers, heeled and tin heeled. Men's, Hoy's, mid Youth's Hoots and Shoes of every variety. Just received and for sale by JOHN W- UUADY. April ft 48 tf GROCERIES. S-a. JAVA and Itio Coffees, Loaf, CrusbAed and lirowu Sugars, No. 1 and SaWcst India Molasses, Teas, Caudles, Caudies, Mackerel, Ac. For sale by April 4 48-tf JOlIN W. GRADY. Crockery and C In am ware. A Fi'I.L assortment ol - China. (Irunite and Common Ware, Glassware, Ac. Just received and for sale bv April 4 AS?tf JOilX W. GRADY. The State of South Carolina, j , GHKKXVlLLK DISTRICT. Alexander gri8iiam. who is in the custody of the Sheriff of Greenville District, by virtue of o writ af enju'n* *d ciendum, at the suit of XathanUI Smith and Michael ,M. Smith. Executors of WUlitni Smith, deceased, having filed in my office,- together with a schedule, on oath, of his estttto and effects, his petition to the Court of Common l'lens, praying that he uay be admitted to the benefit of tho Act of the General Assembly, made for the relief of insolvent dobtors: It is Ordered, That the said Nathaniel Smith and Michael M. Smith and all others, the creditors, to whom the said Alexander Grishnm is in auywfsw indebted, bo, and they are hereby, summoned, nnd hnre notice to appear before the said Court, at (irtenrillt Court llonse, on the fourth J/???*?* As October next, to ilirv cnura, it any they <**n, why the prayer of the petition aforesaid should not he psnted. VT. A. Mi-DANlEL, r. o. p. A o. a. Office Court of Commdn Pleas, Green villa District. July 1*. 18<i0. I! 3tn Tho State of South Carolina. GjlKKKVUXK DISTRICT. WK. POWKlll*, who is in the custody ? of the Sheriff of Greenville District, by virtue of a w.iit of rnjiim rtJ entii/acieutltnn, at the suit of Kroeusn A lieln/ton. having tiled in n?y office, tsftOlw with a schedule, on oath, of Iris estate and effects, bis petition to tho Court ot Cominoi\ Picas, prigrina that he may he admitted to the benefit of the Act of the General Asasmhly. made for tlm relief of insolvent debtors: ll is Ordered, That the said fe|aua? A Jlciuston, and all others, tit* erodNMvk, to whom the snid IT. K. Powers fa in anywise indebted, he, and they are horohy, summoned, nnd have notice to appear before the said Conrt. at UreonvHleCourt Jlouse, on the fourth iiondoy in October tirxt, to alicvr cause, if any thev ean, why the prayer of the petition aforesaid" should not l>e granted. W. A. McDAK I KI>, c. c. p. k a. s. Office Court of Comutou Picas, Grrtnville District, July lit, I860. 11 8m The State of South Carolina, OUKENVrU.K DISTRICT. TKItEMIAH K1.DRII>flE. who is in tl.e f J custody of the fMieriff of Urocnvillo District, by virtue of a writ of en pin* nrt ??i fis/uriturlum, ut the suit of Frccnnn A Hcinston, having filed in my office, together with a schedule, on oatli, of h<? estate and offert?, his iietitlnn to the Court of Common Pleas, praying that ho may bo admitted to the benefit ot the Act of the ilencral Assembly, madofnr the relief of insnlront debtors : It is Ordered, That the said Kroenan A lleinston, and all others, the creditors, to whom the said Jeremiah Kld ridge is iu anywise indebted, lie. and they aro hereby, summoned, ami have notice to appenr before the said Conrt, at ffrcenrilla Court House, on the Fourth Mowing in Ortnher w/f, to shew eause, if any they can, why the prayer of the petition afor<>suld should not be granted. W. A. MrDANIKL, c. C. v. A n. s. Office Court of Common Pleas, U recti ville District, July Iff, 1HC0. 11 3m__ 7. A. PEARSON & CO., GREENVILLE, H. C., iTV/fANl'FACTITRKRM of, and Wholesale fc JLtJ. and Retail Dealers in fTin Ware, Shwt Iron, Zino, Ac, 1 TIN ROOFING, arTTRRINO, UKPA1RI jNfl, and all other Work in our Hue done kaoo ' t*ru w a 1 Wm liar* JUST ltKCKIYED In Stoek of STAPLE AND FANCY nnir JUXLX ttUUDS, Wkkh, fo* W- QwKljj tt)0 VtMe#* (Wa tblitft,) , CANNOT BE SURPASSED. o? If you wUh to aocure tlio fro*tout BARGAIN we hare over eflTered, CALL EARLY. Wo do not consider it Hceeiaury to enamaruto Article* or Prleti, u overy body kuowa I that we keep tlviyi t LARGE Alfl S1LECT STQ1X SF SSOSS la our Hue, at aa MODERATE l'KICES aa can boafforded. Therefore wo any, (coRns ?HIS i (SDRUE t And examine, and ace if what wo aay bo ao. ' - O We have also for sale, A G Octave Mclodcon, in perfect order ;a ft OCTAVE PARIS MADE ALEXANDRE PARLOR OR CHURCH ORGAN, and two good accigid-band PIANOS. W. H. HOVEY. April 5 43 tf OF mmmm NOW IS THE TIME To Fit Oct Tovr Wakuroiiic with Fitexcn axd Exci.isii Goons. or Diitacr iui'outatiom ! :o: AHROJO THESE floods were purrlmscd stN/*?T"" by one ot otir Firm, frotn Direct m.TnuwjM'mporling Houses in Cbarleston, tSZHSagSSM S. C., mid have born acleclcd with great cure. They caunot fail to plcaae lbs most fastidious. The assortment comprise* afVll variety of GENTLEMEN'S . Furnishing Goods, aucit AS French and English Black and olorcd Cloths and Cnsrtinicrrs. Silk nnd Marseilles Vesting*. Drap d'Eles, Linens, "Water Proof Tweeds, Ac., Ac. All of which w? will make np to order in tlio best and latest styles, and in a manner that will compete willi uny work manufactured berc or elsewhere, cither as regards qualify, ntufue**, thirvltiHiy nr chcnpHft?from a Shirt to the finest Fredeh Cloth Cout, ami wurruutall work done by us. JMT All we ask Is to givo us a trial. Wo also uC'cr a neat Assortment of Ready Made Clothing, even as .Coats, Punts, Vests, Shirts ami Collars Cr.ivats, Ties, f?loves, Suspenders, Hosiery, Ac. Dross and liusiuess lints. All of which wo will sell at prices to suit the times. DYER & PICKLE. April 20 51 tf 100,000 lbs. Rnga Wanted J. A. PEARSON &ce;s TIN SHOP, GRJEF.N VIU-E. a c. WE will exchange Tin Ware, Iftmiesties, Prints, Shoos, Hats, Ac., for HA OS at cash prices. Thankful for past patronage wa hope to merit a conliuuniiec of the same/ J. A. PEARSON A CO. April 19 . 60 tf SPAULDING'S PREPAREOGLUE. USEFUL IN EVEBY HOUSE. 17M.UIH. and ready for use all the lime, and as strong as Cabinet Makers' fine. Price per bottle and brush, 25 rents. For sale by J. ]). FliKK.MAN, Agent. 1 IT tf ORR& P RIC E, 7 ATTORNEYS AT LAWr OUKENV1LLE, S. C. iambi I. own. w. r. rate*. Hay IS 1 if " E. P. ~JO aVKS ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN KtjLlTY <irrk* Vlt.l.r, 8. c. / 9s Office Kast side of Court House Square, where ho may be found daily, from 9, A. M., to 2, P.M. * S7-ly Jun 19 4. r. ikid?.m,s * >' uooDLtrrr. REED &. GOODLETT, ATTQRkEtS AT LAW. and SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. GliKKKVlLLK, ?. 0. A'ortk-Eaet Vomer Court Haute iS'pmri. June 4 4 tf C. F. jacksoS & co. " fashionable clothing, ' TV HOLES ALE AND RETAIL, No. 190 King Street, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Nst 24 IW . If* T TCtdl Dyspeptic Remedy 1 FOH RALE BY JOHN W. WRADY, OHEKNVILLK, S. C. \\7 ARK ANTED TO CLUE, If .ltr^flow* ? 1 are followed, any enae of DYSPEPSIA, LIVEll DISEASE ami JAUNDICE. It eniteuiuHy a<la|>t<-i1 to FEMALE Complainta. HT1KY IT. ^gM FOR RENT~ >*y2? UNTIL t!?o flrit day of January , next, at tfWO t>?r ?nntuu. JKiiiiL the stork house 011 Main (root, (ireeuville, 8. Crecently occupied by Mavluix & C. A. MACLDtir, Adm'x, tie Louie uou, of 8. Muuldui, dec'd. March 1 43 f "house palixf ikst TflK auhaeriber ia prepared to EXBCUTK promptly alt onlnri for 1iou8e jpainting: upon the inoit raaaouaWlo term* T. C. ttOWKR. April 10 ?? tf appl.icati'oh. XTOTfCR Lr hereby firca, that an Applica11 tion will he Made U* the next Leztaletfcra, to laeorperete the flail lard SekwA, |*> eated In the Town of Onenville. **? h . n :sat s ladd, Webster ft Co.'# rreinnrai ? WHICH, / For Brouty. and Simplicity of Coaatraettoa, , ?n?l Kfficiciu-y in Working, uro j UHEftUALLED BY A BY. -oA Few o? the Hatty Bomrs Wky Uicm Muchiiica ARE PREFERRED ABOVK ALL OTUtHK. I. Thtjr ?n m M<h*rk?Wy dtnpU In their constnwtinu. A child can operate them and understand their uicvhnnisin. t. They are the st/wwyesS Hewing Macbfocs nida It la aluioat impossible to Wbok or got tl>Cut out of order. 3. Tl?ey nra ??r? In tholr operation: finishing work In a uniformly perfect manner. 4. They make a tight lock ditch, alike on both sides of the work, which cannot ho unraveled. 3. They stitch, bom, hind, fell, run and gather, without banting. , I. Tbey sow equally well the lightest and heaviest fabrics. 7. They" sew over the heaviest scams without changing the tcusiou Or breaking the finest thread. ft. They use any No. of Cotton, Thread or< Bilk, directly from the spool. ft. They use a straight needle ; curved ones are liable t? break. 10. The needle hat a perpondtcnlar motion. This is absolutely necessary for heavy work. II. They,have a wheel feed; none others are In constant contact with the work. 12. Thqy run easily and are almost noiseless. 1.1. They are not liable to oil the dress of the operator. 14. They do .not require a screw-driver to set the needles. 15. They do not have to be taken apart to oil or clean. 10. They do not form ridges on the under side of the work, nor rrtvel Out, nor are they wasteful of thread, as is the ease with ail chain-stitching mnvhiucs. 17. Tliey are capable of doing a greater range of work, and in a' more perfect manner thau any other Sowing Machine. IV o warrant these Machines, and vouch for the recommendation of the nbove. DYER & PICKLE. A (JEN TP, GREENVILLE, S. C. April 19 60 ]y wagon" MAKING AND REPAIRING. Til E suhecHbers respect Hilly Inform the public that they intend carrying on the business or WAOON MANCFACTURfNO, and WAtlON and BUUttV RKPAIU1XO, in the town of Orucnvitlo. THo best of Timber will b* used, ami the work Warranted to be well done. Mr. POOL, who will superintend the work, is s workman of eon>lderahle experience, having >u??vii niv vuriiivsn uinivi mv iwin workmen HI the Cnrria;?e Factory of Mcearp. (lower, Cox, Markley A Co. All work will l>o done upon the moat reasonable terras, and on short notice. A share of patronage respectfully solicited. WANTED. A lot of SEASONED Ll'MllER. wanted, for which a fair price will be paid. J. A. T0WNE8. \V. P. POOI . AY. A. TOWXES. OrccnvUle, February 2, ISflO. S9 tf MW CARPET STORE. JADIF.S e. BAIME, IMPORTER, J0UI1KR. AM) DEALER IN KINDS OF CARPETING, BUGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, EST?., fitngrto s'lmiaia??, CHARLESTON, S. C\ ANII J. G. BAILIE & RRO., 206 1JUOAD ST., . . AUGUSTA, OA. Nov 34 __ 2? - ly_ IAS. iff. ALLEN, MlSlLS DEALER, OKEENVILLG, S.C. Or All Orders for M Annuo AVosk promptly attended to. 40-tf Feb 8 MILLINERY. ainas. s>.Mujei a? ?'MaaMOT 1IAVK rctnrncd from New York with a large and complete rfSmOT assortment of handsome Goods, " '1 WILL OPEN t VJrM WBt)NK10AV,TnB llTB IXST. m *n*' 1? wldch t!?ey Invito tha W i/V attention of tho ladies of tirecnvilla and vicinity. Among t'..tir stock may be fonnd the Clotildc. Adelaide and Dove-Cape Hats; a great variety ot Misses' Fancy llats; Dertha Capes, : llair riaits and Curls t Eugenia Magpie, Bridal and Mourning Veils. A largo stock of Ribbons at red need prices; lints cleaned and trimmed ; Dresses eut and basted. April 6 48 tf HANDSOME JEWELRY ON 8 AXE. A _i VmtY GENERAL ASSORTMENT of AP1 lino nnd other JJi WBLKY may ho ha? of tho Subscriber, who makes to order Kng-grtrtn! Jliny, snd any other article romiirod in Ms line. REPAIRING faithfully done e** Three Doors below the Ooodlett Jlnuso J II. RANDOLPH. Greenville. R. C., Sep. 15, 1858. 10-tf TV* a iTm? . x iac7 aoacuiuijf xiULise, D*n StirAne Wiser or Tint Poat Officii, Plain Straat, . . . Columbia, 8.0. TIGHTS well known Kslftbliahincnt h*s been 1 thoroughly ro-fittcd end improved, And ia now permanently opened fbr the necoimno. dot Ion of the Pnblie. Krery attention will be given to anppW the went* and coiufort ef Patroua. JUT* Botes Moderate. U. T. MASON, Proprietor. Dee 8 ftt 11 Same sFl eck, HOUSE & SIGN PAINTKR, . Pn^ttr llitMgor * Ulaxier. 0UEENV1LLK, 8. C. WILLFAlTWFtTLLT RXSCCTR ALL WOBK UtaUWtl TO HIM. Residence ea August* Street, aeer Depot. IJT, .Ulllll IXJI4J.1 II.H, a*g? g i LOVEIANC ; W^^^EwtllE, 8. CM fii jsss^EtiSiisttaavsfc vvi no poMTUiiy 111*1 ut dm oo umni n muq * kwnrlmnur .h* - BOOT8, SHOES, r>r* r\ a vr* n JBlVUViAISS, &U., ' WEI.t ADAPTED TO Tin* MARXIST. < lis th* assortment wilt be (band I.adW*. MIims' *u<1 Children*# Gaiter* and Shoe*. of jtuuij kind*. . T . Gentlemen's, Youths* ud Boy*' Bo#U, Qalter* DlU'hcr'a 'iru. xreflMt lintel*.I Brogans of all sixes and most durable make. Ia Cm*, a* full jib aff*rtma( of ArtMM in kit liaa aj em'lw found ta any MUbiidant ia a town of Ik* anme also. He also respectfully asks an oxwaiaatlon of hi* Price* for Cask, satisfied Mud kia Pood*art oflbrod At the Loweit Possible Figure. Persona in want of anything of thi kind will ]>lea*0 giro kltn a dall. , o* aaxp, A Good Stock pi' teatlier, AT W HOLES ALE AKD KKTAlt Boot and Shoe Making. This branch of hi* business I* still earrtcnon under hi* personal supervision. and arcqr care will bo taken to guarantee satisfaction to tbos* who patronise liiui. J7-tf Nor 10 *iiair^t?2 ~mw" SPRING AND, SUMMER OOODS, T0E_1860. , rrtUG subscriber rcsjioctlblly Inform* hi* . I fVicnd* ami cuxlouiof*, tlint bo is now receiving AN EXTiHK NEW STOCK OP SPUING & SUMMER GOODS, coxsistixo or Fancy and Staple Pry Coed*. Bonnet* and Flats, Hut* and Cnpr, Hoot* and Shoes, aud Lot* of Clothes, Hardware, Crockery, (Srocerie*, Ac., All or which will bo sold at tho LOWEST P/tlCKS. jJf-C" l'leaso cnll aud examine before purchasing elsewhere. . C1IAS. MERRICK. April 12 . -t? tf TliEWaRLP OUTPOyE! THE MEDICINE CAT.I.ED " V it flu m m? lory l'\(iri)n(oitM WHICH wn* sold dtiringConrt in thi* place, in now on sale, l?y J. W. UK ADV. of Ureunville. It cannot now be longer doubted but this Medicine 1* the most efficacious reiticdy ever in this place, for Kidney Disease*. Pile*, Neuralgia, Lung Disease*. Dyspepsia A ltlieumntistu. Numerous raw* of the above diseases bare been cured this present week. Headache, Touthuchc, Earache, Sprain*, and all Bowel Affections, disappear before it as if by tlie touch Of magic. Try it, and keep it lu your families, for sickness comes when you least expect it, J. IV. tJRADY, Agent for Orccnvillc, P. C.; Dr. E. Sn.L, Wholesale Ag't utColnro'la: arlso^ by all Wholesale Druggist* in Charleston, S. b | u. \v. D.WIP, Proprietor, Box 4520, New York Post Office. Nov 3 _ 16 If '. I.OCATKI) Corner of Baltimore and Charles Street*, BALTIMORE, MO. T1IK Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished, and Popular Commercial College in the I iiited Stated. Designed expressly for Young Men desiring to obtain a Thorough I'ractiral liurlH<m* JCdueitlivH in the least possible time and at the least expense. A loir go mid Beautifully .Ornamented Clrcntar, containing upwards of Six Stjuart h'rrt, with specimens of Penmanship, nml a Largo Engraving," (the 1'mcsi of the kind ever tniuie in this country,) representing tl.o Interior View of the Coiloge, with Catalogue stating terms, Ac., 'will be sent to every Young Man ou application, yir? IIf churgr. Write immediately and yon will roceivc the package by rctTiru mail. Address, E. K. I.ORIF.R. March I 43-1 y Baltimore, Md. HOWARDASSOCIATiON, rUlLADEI.I1 II A. A Benevolent Institution established by special Endowmont, for tho Relief of the Sick And Distressod, affile ted with Virulent and Gsi. dcmio Discuses, and m|i?olilly Tor (h? Curo of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL Advice given gratis, by the Act* inj* Surgeon, to ull who apply by letter, with a (Uacriplion of their condition, (ago, occupation, habile of life. Ac.,) and in caeca of extreme poverty, Medicine* furniehed free of charge. Valuable Reports on Sperroat' rrhoeo, and other Diseases of the Sexuul Organs, and on tho New Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflioted in scaled letter envelope*, free of charge. Two or three Stumps for Postage will be aeceptablo. Address, DR. J. BKII.LfN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Aqeoci uioa, Ne? 2 South Ninth Street, l'biludelpbia, i'a. Dy order of the Directors. EZRA D. HKARTWKLL, President Oko. Faiuchh.o, Secretary. Feb ? 40 If "iT L T iF A L K & C O . , WIIOI.nSAt.K AM* ItCT.tlt 1>KAI.RKS 1* CLOTH mo, ' and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, NO. 205 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. tr Mannfactory and \Vho)<;?nlo Ware-! house, Rt l>Kt SSTSEtrr, New York, IW All Orders promptly attended to. Nov 24 . io ly SADDLEi HA R NESS MANtiFAOTOHY. _ q THE snnscriher would respectfully inform tlx> public generally that he continue* the above Ruslncsa. 7>o Jfttitr* n/inrf (Ac Ureenrille Jtnlef, and is prepared to furnish cnstoniers with any description of 1IOMK MANUFACTURED fWDLEft. Carriage, Ihtjrgy nnd Wagon HARNESS made to order, mill in the best style*. JlKTTM.F.fl, WHIP . Aon hand. sud for ?lc CHEAP. Jf&T" Paddles and Karnes* UKI'A I KKIl at Hlf-rt notice. A. M. (JILUKATIi. March 2U 47 BLACKSMITH INQ. ^*1^". Tho concern of TOWNES k TjBjr IIAW KJXH having been tlissolvoil l>y mutuul oonsctit, the business will Ik) carried ou at tho giimt- Shop t\v the uudorsigned. <1. Vf. 1IROOKS. January, IS50. J. L, HAWKINS. NOTICE. TnE undersigned hnring transferred his interest in the niachsmlth Shop near Williams' Store, to Messrs. Brook* k Hawkixr. i take* pleasnre in locoinmendlng them toa skare of public patronage. Tliey will be prepare! to attend promptly and satisfactorily to all callr i tn their lino. They harebxpericnecd and skill fill Smiths in Horseshoeing. Repairing and Ironing Wagons, Plough Work, and all other ordinary wont of Blacksmith Shop. January, 1*50. *7-tf Q. P. tOWNE*. SmavingT HAIR TRIMMING, DRESSING, DYING, 1 ARB RAZOR BETTING AND 8IIAMPOOINO, AT TH* + , Mssnd Door short Mr. McPhoraon'a, ? WIL80N* COOKe ' V# I & X s & . ? ' , i.'ta. . 1 -??L.J rrrij-- J , '.teitt CAST STEEL j PLANTATION HOIA! "If ANUTACTUKED expressly If A for us, and to pattern? fijrni&Ued l>y ourselves. They arc made, blade and stank* out of one piece of the very best quality and temper of Cast* Steel* and have - ?? _*L!-il. 3 I .i. - ? - ioimio sou lengui 01 mm* dlb to Auit oor Sontboro fopnittg. Tho success of this "rfWfe 't?8 brought various IMlTMlOKSift* to tub market, but the Gcuuiiic CastStccl doc IS SOLD ONLY BY * J. B. SHERMAN, Agent GARDENING TOOLS. SPADES, I/OES, it A EES, TRfrWELS, I'ltVKINO SHEARS, LIKE REELS, *nd everything else in thie Hue, on hnnd'ftnd to arrive soon. J.-'Bi SHERMAN, Agent. * r \ spsuasii??. We are manufacturing Elliott's Celebrated Soring Bed. They arc all that can bo desired. Oonifbrtable, cheap and durable. Call and see them. j. b. Sherman, Agent. mi&M, 4imti A largo lot of those first-rate Iron-Wheel Wheelbarrows, just completed. J. B. SHERMAN* Agont. ~] THE ORIENTAL, g? COFEEE-POl\ i We are manufacturing, nn-. aev authority ftoin tho JL'a>?a tentees, K! THE ORIENTAL. J.COfl>WO.T, 918 i f-?=? i which heats the OKI Domin6333 i ion, and ad other styles* r?i j " clear out of sight," while it Sis ) is sold at but little more than [?,; the common coffoc-pot. ?3 i Il' you love GOOD COFFEE, trv an Oriental. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. PICTURE FRAMES. We are prepared to put up qll kinds and styles, of Gilt nd Rosewood llcture Frames, as cheaply as the}* can l>c purchased in Charleston. J. B. SllEKMAN, Agent. Mi, ii__ Wo are constantly receiving additions to! ?^ *-?our Stock, end have just effected arrangements with; an extensive Manufactory, which will enable us to offer it at much lower prices than ever. We intend to keep as good an assortment as the market demands, and to soli it lower than it can be procured from eitliet Charleston or Columbia, v J. 11. SHERMAN, Agent. AW ' * AUO," ALAKII CLOCKS, warranted to keep good time, and to wake yon up at miy titne of the night or morning that you wish. Price, $1.75. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. Wall Papering* A flAKreOMR A SSOIiTMEJiT Of TALL PAPERING, bordering, FIRE SCREENS, ; WINI>0 W SHARES, &c. inet received and fitr snlo hy J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. STEREOSCOPES And Stereoscopic Views. A good assortment of Stereo QPAHOR SAltlA da lf?? na -A ?"J ? "V J-"'1 ?VF...v HO "UIT ?M> <J? 1 .??' T\ ItllU U very large and unusually choice selection of Views just received. KEROSENE LAMPS. "Wo have just opened ft new Jot with on Improved Burner) the best we have ever had. Housekeeping Goods. Everything in the Housekeeping linq, from a $100 Cooking Stove to a five cent Tin Cnpt majr be fonnd at the Store of J. B. SHERMAN, AGVE3NT, GREENVILLE, S. C. 41 v U ,* rj ( n lasting health." Sooner or Inter annrfHM | mutt go wrong, end. the grewt mUulrtnurrfti life it disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparlll* hat, and deservoa much, Ik* reputation of aectrmplMiing theee endn. But the wortd hat been fcgregtousily" dfccvhrcd by f preparation# of It, partly bsenate the drug J alone hn* not all the virtue that la claimed " for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to he concentrated extracts of it, <m , contain but-little of the virtue of Strttpttflb, or any thihg else, ? - ^ During lute years the public have been misled by large bottles, pretending to give o ajiarf 'I# of Kx tract of SnrKapartlln for one dollar. Most m of thcac have been frauds upon the tick, for they not only contain little, if nrfV, Sartaparilla, but ofteri no curative properties, Wbfctcv[ cr. Hence, bitter and painnil disappointment hat followed the use of the various eXtructs of Sartaparilla which flood the market, until tha name itself is justly despised, and has beeome synonymous with imposition mid cheat. Still -we call this compound ttarmparilia.jgulmtend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy -which-fosta | upon it. And wc think wo have ground for i believing it has virtues which arc irresistible: by the Ordinary run of tko diseases it is intend| ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, tha remedy should be juditflMisly token according to directions on the bottle. iHEr^itno BY . . { ' DB. J. C. AYEIt 4c COe LOWKtli, MASS. Pries, ft per Bottle , Six Bottles tor (Jt Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ir has won for itself such a renown bar the euro of - every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary'for us to recount tha 9k evidence of its vtrtuaa, wherever it has bpen employed. As it has long been in constant uso t throughout this section, we need not do more than 9 SMure the people its auality is kept up to the bast mJ* it ever has been, and that it may be retted on to do for their relief ail it has sver beeu found to dtfe _ Ayer's Cathartic Pills, c ' i ' TBI OT*? Of ^ . Costicetms, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Ixdigemiiam, Dysentery, Pful Stomach, Erysipelas, /fen Woe As, *Pilee, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Shin Diseases* Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tttnutrs and Satt Rheum, irorww, Gout, Neuralgia, as m Dinner PiR, and for Purifying the Blood. . They arc sugar-coated, so that the most aonsb live esn take- them pleasantly, and they us the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of n . familyphysic. Pries 85 cents pur Box; Dive boxes for *L60b Great numbers ofCWrgymen, Physlsian*. Stated men, and eminent pedum ages, have lent their DMM to oeraty mo unparalleled iu)?f?1n*M oftheee remedies, but our qpace here will not permit the insertion of thtpt. The Atmo betou named fuj> nuh gratia our Ahxkioxx Aum vx ac in %hich they ere (prefi with ejao fhll description* of the above complaint*, and the treatment-that followed for their cure. Do not be put off bp unprincipled dealer* with other preparation* they matte more profit on. Demand Atbr'h, and take no other*. The eiek want the beat aid there i* for them, and they should hare it. All our remodiea are ' "*? ^ Por ??k) iu ttreenrille by JjALDEAX and KARLfc', and by DrugglstbWtrt dealer* in ^ Medicine erery where. April 30 6l-leowly \ CUEROKKE REMEDY, ^ <a<p#wuDiU2Uti<ta a aid am. WNttMLDtrir itr"Tnn tm-tt f>jrnnr 4 h|titld lldVjr surfs when all other prepara, JL timn* fall. It is entirely unlike eyery on?er compound! cdMaiqlng ? "mineral fioiae* 0* drug ; aa it is prepared ?o,toty - 4 iron; lloots, Berks and l^eve*. and4iea pord " bended,down, from one gcnerutuxjrwJ atlolbcr, bv the Cherokee Indian*. 1tJN Jimee.* tn'IW public avi It* ?? iutrtnib1 merita., It perform?- t '<JB8 It* duty nuiokly and thoroughly. Tliu unfor- j tunatc, of either aex. will be rq>nid by lifting j thi? Ucn? ity, Instead of placing tbe:n.*clvc? at the in trey or netm- Qpnck' or l'"r ofctaor. U.W Vtf Remedy strike* at live eery Hoot oftlie diircnae) |j iu tenih-o-y Is trot simply t? *11*1 tend the polnon, W ' < Tint to rcpiove the cnuso on whioU it depends^ L Frill 'lireelMtte iu pamphlet forjp, acootnpiuiy- mhm| eneb bottfe. 'five *|>ocdy and permanent r?ikf afforded by this liuuicdy, in Allege* of flohorrbcjoo, tlkvet, 0ravel. HtricinrfBt Flnor Alb??, + (Whites in Female*) and airWaowtfs of tlwr Urinary Organ*, Ha* astonished tbeiaoat ackmtifio njen of the ago. 1U.U lingua* pot only eradicate* aH |w(*ow fr<?? Ibo ?Wfctrv> but la' rigoratoe tbe law* detWnte-ni?sl<*ilW<?,U It daea dot n fleet the breath or Interfere with ? any olaoe of business, or require any deviation from lha ?* diet, - ' '<* - "v h It requires no assistance from any athoy rn*. L dicine. And irhnt ?nb?n?e* Uterine, j# the cntiry abaonce of all nautcoua tq*i?, being a pleasant and deliebm* ayrvp. 1' v r~? o-'fefta iTtiWiirf* cle I'roprfbtbra, Ft, bom la, Ms. '* ?ar-fb?tdiu fiteeutnu k* A Hoi. nhah : Vfn aolu-ck t Uriereon, ClWktdoa, WbelcmSa A goats, and all reipAusttdo Mbri in Madiefnoa In Dm fcontb. ti-JlF" Ap It ~ J JHalr DrtMluaautl iliavtng. j T>UJUMI>UB QfettMga tbo T0N80JUAL Jj bupHiesn at bin 6U Stand, in 9'U Tp*' J