University of South Carolina Libraries
3- , ;?. I IMJSTVV If Eeceived. I M.^kkLLLi i?hr >?octrh>?W /I'TitfT^P' 11 ?t Fall and ftjNCTwHRwiNTKtt uboi*?, -i, . 1 ' e<twini (ho grcateat <<nre, ?o a*>0moot .tlio wuut* of our cu."lt>lnorr, nl:d having been obUnuM on the timet tiaatnioMo IcrmK, we fee! oorifidrnt that wo ciwi mau l^to ihejntcro*t of bay era t?> farpr ws with a call; 'I <Unt HbMcia'ntanatiaUjr Mfatr a?<l embrace* ?31 <Kw lat?at and moat dosksblo vtylvs. r*' fSum gnu m m v READY MADE jCJLQTKING, F^NIsmNG GOODS, Baotii, Sho?i and UroiaiM, CUO^KGRV ?fc GLASS VTAKb; NOTIONS, , r 0ROOEKIES, M W It. P. GOODLKTT A SON. j Two Doors, below Uoodlott iiaufe. ^ i i a; ?. ? ?-?.pj*". " I fr JHJBI.IC AUCTION. & "%T7"1LL ba *okt, to th? 'ligjbvat bidder, on ff- (A'ade-xtoflr t* Octwlcr, a ^uottUty of 1 B^LI03E?., nn the loud i<f lictato of J. SlAULDIjf, Oe<oeas<*l, about 1 w?? lulles from Uruou villa Colin lioi-a<v wear Iho l'iJitdVttfrt road, *8iipi?'.s<a tv? l>? about ttHf.QUO. Iho whole lot .will Ik aol<K logcbhct'. %nd muy* ho--pcni(iVf<t from ihe pro-" ?ui**? withift two mofttlm tVmn the auk. ' * I'eraona ?h>sirou? of* fiun-tmainjf, will tfloaao 1 a spent thmn on ike fixaiiwA TRR8V>"TWolVa r.onHtr. credit. with intereat front date, nn nolo, with two piod scouriti#'. It. K, MAULD1N, liauuulor. Depi iu i?i r??1 - ???" ; %.w* f Town Gfrlcora. ;^k < iAN fcUH'TfOlf Witt beheld ky - C.uuuil, on Tpovday. 3d 0< tmcr n>*t? tor m TOyVN CI.KTtJv.AM> %EAa?EKIi< andwWon OltlliF WAJtfcHAii and ?? XSflfiTANT *IAU*?tIAL. Tl?vcftlnry of Town Clerk Mid Trconujer in Affixed nt $jl>, andxroru- , hiisdon* crud R?a. Ho will bo required to ?? ter into JJond, %vftb jrood, in the mm f tif $5,d00. far (bo fnithlV.I jtcrlorinanco of bis duties. The.Chief Marshal will receive $30, 1 and tbo AtuiUtnot Mor.du.l $25 per month.? i !3p They will be rtfqnlrert to jrlfe each a llond of i L*? $&dn. Camitfdute*-will pUaso b-aml tboir nj>plications to tfie Tcwh Clerk. X tfc vf. KT.ponD, Iptcndatot. Wf I?, FpiVX, Tewn Cferk. ' I "ttopt 20 20 > 3 ! . -.i ' ? IPv.iC' -. * ' ? ., > Ljr -[' ' f ALIAIY pp PPHI? subscribe!" lias on band a supply of Jy--thcae mitixhle Stuawbkkry Pi.a.vts, jmt wp Ih packages of trtimlv-livo cacb> Warrtntcd fTceh iuni genuine, which wo will siojl-' at 60 canta per single pavkn^o; 6 ptckagoa for Wf 10 packages l>?r*$3n 20 packages- for $><i. Thaso fttrawbcrrioa m ?i?frer??*//yi?c*-n?W--i c-dyed if. 6e the At'ftwwnryorr*. They nro very liardy Ihd pjl^flc, (reouently bearing front 160 ta .t00 HwiWhf lrrrgo. siv.o on ows plant, ami but little dispose^ t?> put ctH jainnorr. The riants arc ttjfiaUr sold in SuUthufn nurseries at $t \ or hfjpKil. ![Tbtj present 1*o good season fbr plodltng In tit* climate. TJjo eotf fhouh^Sg rtiigf deeply, maooted with wooda-enrtb orj?hip manure, and * liHto lf?b "rt'J fro ciul^araupvl Jbo plant* rowwj. jji{U lilt- r br U* hark. Tim rmuU of the |4?uW, *hou act outy auouUl 1m tiiuiMtl In Muil ntitof Lin* otrtli in nrMrli they ?r* to be plmtie.1. tho pUnte apt two fcfcf teach way,.an.1 watered if I lie weather U> Thla trextmont will"ennore * fair crojf. of Berries next petar. ' -i ~ : e?W . ' NOTICE. fT>HR On>nttiiertdii|i li?r? tofore rxlntlttjr "" JL ? lietvriwr tli# utu'eivipriieil. for ili? purI**oof opi-mtlng McH.'o's MilU, Att, below fire?nvill?? C\ H? it Ml termtnmle 0,1 the ttr*l rJ>aff nj ^wfldtfC n??t. I'ei-eone hcrbi# Hnimc i>piMn*t the Company will plend* present them to Mr. those indeht * ?d will oblige tie l?T ?<iltlintrnt nn riulr djite" villi Jiiiu. AJ.KX McBElX 0. HEAD. J*-I ? M- ; " i i THOSE 15 DfcBlt O % T L n Jig w4dj|lad'th?l1pn^CV i.!'UJ^tu?i. :innot /\_ be Kifreii, m those t<> wlioui the" money belougrf Inriet upon coUccu' fc. Votes and Accounts ? *PlUE i?? Fin" pf cox \JLs M flltKLPY, rtlaliolvert Rl*t Dewmber. T^P nY h^bvi;N ??r-rt; ? Votes and .Accounts ^ Oreoacfllc Couch Factory* ~ SsW-Btim I i 25 Tl^KVrACTUIMBWBIg ..1 4 f * L.m.OLIHE, *-&* q*EaKvll;I/B? * c ; j mnumrixii'i wi*t ic?Mon> fUr | '7^9, ** L .*? HOUSE AND IQT IN TOWN .... FOB sii,K. JMB#.. Till* cuhjcribor offer a Tor *alo hi* HH9jjotiaaand Lot, equated near the BaitJHlJjLfead. rdJohJtnR landa of Curt. J. W. , fMruoka. In* Lnt coatai^i One Acre. On the placa ia? tptandiA. wall: of wrataa, and a Aral r .r*?or1Sr8i?r paSfetliti, pa to tern*, At)., up- j ply to Itio rnharrtber, on the pretninak, or at hfcr abop. A bargain can be Obtained, a* I am de? -T>- roow | ? DRXJCiS ?/ . . AMP MSS-MMES,. y "i . TT&t?LD IMnrm iuv r?nti?n? *Va^?viu f< _ ?Jt?u.ur??il? JL gvncrttlly, thdt I havo recently laid tn a o tfesb supply of DHUQ8, MEDICINES, and all mlft-r kept Irv a Drug 8t?*u. Having mnda lay purchases In person, I liwwr n select ?to?r!( of tlto In-et finalities of Drue". Ac., that could bo obtained in Market. I ujtoSELLiOR CASH, # Lbought oitguod tortus,'! nin oiiaJh-d to soli on Uch tifVnis tts fubh?t fail to please purchasers. * I would invito Physicians of tho country to ti Sro tup .a cfcll when they visit to buy U?eir j rugs. I will insure satisfaction, both in rotrd to prices art<l qualities of Prngs. ? i. I hnva constantly on hand all the most on- 1 pro rod PATENT MEDICINES. A ApHct-Stotk of DnllGS & MEDICINES. . Caslyr on, b,v the Bottlf or Gallon. " pWcvf Oil/by ttrfc lltrttlo or (JulIon. Best Pnliul Oil, , '* A selectatotk of tho boat Poapiv. u v CohechU Lye, for Innkltig Ponp. rl A tine colter It en of I'erfunicrlr*. Hair Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Tooth " brushes. Ac. ' ^boulder Braces for Boys, Girls, Gents and Lndiir, Flavoring FxfrActr^-frcsh . Cooper and Cox's Cellulitis, Starch* Jlluiug, Ac. .Winding filuss nmI Putty, , a Ouo hundred Trusses?all softs nnd slues. , No. 1 article of Altcliol. foliunpps, best London Portcf, Browlle*, P Wiiies, Pin, Ruth and Whisky, ol the bost<{uul- C itics, for Mcdicii:al purj>os?. A good fts-'ortiuent of Dental Forceps: Lancets ; every variety of Syringe ; Breast Pipes; tipple Shields; Nursery pottles, Ac., Ac. All Lour ru CAsii, at' d. II. DEAN'S f J>nc? Stooh. Z3T OAI.L AND SEE FOR YOUlibELVl 8. ,1 Sjep 20 'dO. tf ?w- ^ * . 1 .i 1 1 v ???? 1 r ? Tlie State of South Carolina, GRKKKVILI E MsTRlCT. IX EiltlTY [> ' : Iale OF VA tJASLE TOWN PROPERTY. 0 [STORE, DWELLING, ?016 AND WOODLAND. 1 v?? C Mrs. Cauot-iXk A. M.U'LtirX, ) Bill for Parti- f V*. I ti<'11 if , Rim.toH'O. UiVtPIX, ct nl.) Ileal Kstute. ti iTlY virtue of nn "order made at chambers in 1 r J3 this ease, by Chief Justice O'Kooll, I K?>i sell to the highest bidder at public auction, a( tJrcciWillo Court Mouse, on >S?IrHttiy iu />?. ceuiltr nurl, the JlEAL L'STA TB of Hntuucl Manldin, deceased. as felloirf : Lot N?. I?Rein;; fbe Lot on Main street, iu the t wu nf*Titrenvllli;, whereon ti?c HtoroI louse, J'welling, arid other-JJuiWinps, are situutcd. This Lot is in tiro tenter of the bush <! <>ess j of Hon of the town, Bti'rt is oho of the best 1 -at'd and most valuable Hits in tJfcuivillo, It is 0 i bundled feet in width, by two hup- _ urea and thirty-five feet in depth. Lot NO. 2?living the Lot on Richardson street, near ttio I'mdiyterlun tiiuuxb, eouluining uhoflt an Acvr, having on it n guud rtiostOTT lluiltilng, uud being well situated for n 0 Krvtling. !' Lot No. 5?Rcing the Lot oh tho Rendition 1 Uoud, about one nille iVoiu tho court House.? ? It. is four hundred ikt sqnaft. coutnlhs aboilt three and or.o-hnll Acres, w surrounded by " street# of sixty feet width, in full view of the ; mountains, iu ,i hcuutifu'anddesirable portion .oLtlftj town, having on it the. orijrtftiil forest 11 rfflwth, Slid is eSo of tho most advantageous itiiildiiip Lots in Urecnvitlp. Lot No. 4?dicing of the same dimensions as ^ Lot No, .'t. nnd lying, immediately iu tbo roar, K or to the North of said Lot. Lot No. 5?living ft Tract of Woodland, oou mining forty-two ami three-fourth Acre*, ' more or less, lying on the south side of the 1 ytcndfston Road, about two ami a half miles J irom ftrnenvitlo court hourc. Tiiis Tract is very valuable for Firewood or for lhiilding. Possession of Lbt'No. I'cannul l>o given un- 0 til 1st January, 1861, hut title* will Iw> Munlt" ? wl iuuncriiutcly, unit ? rent eon?\ to the itotcrest on the |mieliiu>o money, will ho paid for the * ipsa of tho premises Hie month of IKccinber. TKRMS-rsuflie^oiit finn to psy the costs 1 of this ease WISH bo required in cash. Tho re- ? tnaiiider of tho pure hot*} money will l?e upon a ' credit of one, 1*4 ftiUl throe yestrs, Iu equal nnd ^ Recessive annual instalments, with interest on ' tlui Wfcslo SI1111 ffqM the day of sale, ti/be paid uinun.lly. The said credit portion te bn so- 1 eurod by bopit with at Toast two good sureties, " unit tho statutory equitable mortgage of tho premises. *' VOt: M. THOMAS, C. E. O. I?. Comrniscinncr'a Ofiiee, Greenville,S. C.., Hep- ! t nila-r 111, J m, i. 211 hi ^ ELKOTibT NOTKk. I IN e?iu|ilia?ia?' wills ath-onlsr oi l Iu- Lag-; c Ishitnbe ""Uf Stuilli OirwNnw, passed at\ the last ec>*ii?i>. nil LLL'.ITION will ho held ill fM? I Strict f??|- one SKXATOIt nn?1 four MKMIfERS of the H?uV?o"M J on llie fc&nd Mvmhi/ in Oitotitr net/, nttho following p'ftee* Tlic poll* toh<*k.?pt open .on Motohiy nU'l Tw?l#V ntflie Cbllitllnilli1, ami rtitT5lW?Tt?y at nil tli<? oilier |.wlnct?. ftreonrilk- Cnmt Iluiiae? lleury 0. Maik- . I?J, T. Qi t)on|)id?on Rot it. l'ullinni. * 1 | Mc<ftd<flii){lii-? Jatnto G Kiin'ft, Wm, Don J nlvlioij, lii H. .li?Unum. Ji?iuV-?-Audio* Hamilton, J. D. Sullivan, * W. R. Ykwry. Fulrvicw?Jw?e K. Stone, 11. HarrUon | IiArle, W. L Marshall; lUluikmnn'o-^Dniiitl FowKr, J. R. Snow, c 3. li.\Vf?ttruii'elund. ,^aHa'?Jolift W. A ii5i in, Iletfry L. f llin tor^ori, I>miM W. Jiollut.d. May field'*?Tollvxr Wtit, T. 1'. Aslimore, P?toii*l D. OurHon. WestluIdV?Thomas Turner, N. W. Oar rlon, r. Ni Acker. tdinckl< y'a?Cr. S. Orecn, JnincsT. Olakely, Ilunry Al. Smith. i \]ijnpJQ0>l>P. ITIlljionar, C. C. ' ilont^Oiix rv, Tlwtnar W. Ytne. i Cedar rail#?J. M. Itopkin*, Silas TrowbriJge, Julio 3. St#Hl?on?e. ^ ? ' ' FoljpT** Store?11. T. Tallpy, WiRlam Cox, 1 liiMKh-rrAn (Joodr. J ])i utnn'??Oliver linmtt, W< II. Coodlett, Prow Ilenaon. ll?<lKtV?l)>tvU W. lloJgea, F. IL Fuller, C?lvh? Q>'f?dwln. *Dlfkey'??ty. Jietdfr, l>nvitl Burton, M. B. Fowler. ? liros^'o?Benjamin Few, Jr., 11. 8. Oibaon, \f. K. Diakmm, ? ' Maeon'a?Bwrrrrrtrfh Stewart, David Me(|kin, TlmnMA lived. J 1 >oniliot'a?George W. Kcill), John Master*, Upward llondereon. FiArntaWr Inn?Join. S. llaminnnd, L. M. Weat., Tlimila* Goldeniitb, Jr. TuflVer**?Solomon Jonca, David Bayne, Perry Onnfrell. j >.{> go ^ ^0 3 ^ ! 1,A8T NOTICKe > A l'I? pwnoin indeWto-l to tlio petite of A it Hit KfBTTA MiNaOXVdeeenrtd, nre buiTVy no'ifhwl that they are H^uirrd'to jwy the aainn by Wnr Urxt pf Ooiober next, or the luuo will bt? o* Hoe tod bv law.' WIUJJS8 ItHNPON, x Adu?ihieUatc.r. ] w< 'r* V k ^ k f * " ? V. j ' 4 \ - *?' . ?'l 8 O TfArBC i^ii V fri ? CANDIDATES 7 J '* H.\\ - ; *>' ' ' NEED CLOTHING na Veil as Uiegeneslity of tnnnkiitJ. As I am now open for -TRADE, and woll- supplied wltfi ft TUE IENDOU3 STOCK OF GOODS, suUftblo. fOR THE fflATE AND LEGISLATURE, a well ns for thoSowho are about to forsake* neir miners ana roomers nnu cleave to llicir Vancy Anns; and as I will close out tlio VUOLK STOCK AT COST, to nmke room i?r a n<;w supply, there is uo one who need*, r v . v ? WUO Will, GO .?t > ?w w ?* % ; f. , ev <-x rltji thrir elbows peeping through their hreadhnre coat-sleeves. or their tore proruding their Boots, struggling lor a glimpse f snuHiine; For as T nin determined to let lib GOODS SLIDE, 1 will go THE WHOLE HOC nd put t?t)OT)S down nt prices to astonish lie native* aud fHYrinet*. The whole block ) well uud udiuit'ubly suited FOR TEE S01STII, nd Sonthorft Merchants who nre mttrrrh/ iclined to trade with CARll. The princi!c upon which business is conducted at lARlt'S SIOKE, always 1ms nr.d ever Will RECEIVE he full shore r>f public patronage so justly Milled-to, and THE FULL SUPPORT f nn enlightened public. I have now on ami n complete Stock of CLOTIlltfO, PRY FOODS, G HOOKUPS*. BOOTS, SlIOES, I ATS, BON NETS, HARDWARE, OIL, JROCKF.RV, LEATHER, FLOUR, BAiON, CORN, and a large Stock of Articles !>o tedious to mention, AT COST FOR !ASU AT fl AIM'S STRUT? ill UiUlU U DtUilUi All kin?ls of RROPUCF, from nn elephant lowu to Jiudpuiikiu*, taken in exchange. September 20, ISfiO. ?0 ? tf M ATTR KSS 1VIAK IN U. Ilf Jt, liAN'GSTOK would inform the eittyy runs of (irecnvillp, that ho is prcpar<1 to manufacture MA Ti l!F.SSF.S. llo also lannfaeturus II'llll'S. lie warrants nil of is Work. llo may be found 400 yards south f tlio l'urniun University. Itit- All Orders left with either Mr. Kctclijn, Messrs. Long, Uoodlctt A; Co. or Mr. L. I'illianis, will lie attended to with promptness. !?U ami exaiuiuo his Work at either of tho bovo places. Sep ft 18 tf 7 LA Nl5~FOR ? A Male or South t'avoliiia. OKEKX YII.I.E DISTRICT. "ahey A. Pearl ct ah, vs. Mary Jordan et ?1. |"N ohcdicnco to an order of the Court of l_ E<|ulty in this ease, 1 will sell at public aucion, at Greenville Court House, on Stthduy in iocembcr ixVrh the billowing HEAL ESTATE, f which MlCAJAH JORDAN, deceased, atid possessed, situate, lyiug and being n the said District and Statu, on the waters et tioniituiii Creek, to wit: Tract No. 1, containing 830 Arrm, nioro oi ill, being two thirds of tlio " Homo Place," no third of which has hucn assigned specially o Mary Jordan, ns will npponr by a pint af the nmo rocentiy made. This Tract adjoins T. lonry Stokes and others. Tr&ot Nil 2, containing 01 Aerr?, moire of cvs, adjoining lands of tloorgo French and thors, known Us tho "River Place."' Persons desiring to purchase would tto well t> call and examine these lands. Trans op Sai.k.?A suflicient sntn to pay ho rp>U in litis cnso will bo rt(|ttii'M in cash. L credit of twulvo months, with interest front ay of sale, will bo given on tho balance of tins urcheso money, secured by bond ami upprovil suretL-S } pincbnsor to pny ftfr titles. IV. M. Tllo.MA#, C. U. G. D. Sop 13 1? 3 & Very Desirable Farm In the Vicinity of Greenville, J OFFlIft for solo, my do^ piriblo I10U8B ami .V/A'JPf H*UFTu5& JEVRB8 or LAS l>, 30 Acres of whii'h is tho best Up-Land. L'he Umisu is two stories high, and contain ix ltooin*, and a Fire-place in each; A largo Jrchnrd 6f select Fruit on lb* premise** The dace is located oiie-and-u-hnlf miles from irccnrillo C. II., on tlie Untiturford lt<>ad. To any person wishing to purchase/ slhbufitl ordit will i>e given. tot fuftbor particulars, apply to tho suberibor, ou the premises. W. n. TlldMFSON. Sep 13 IB tf A MOI>$8T 11E(1(JEST. k LL persons indebted to ns either by Note ? jL or Account, for the years lbo3 and 1S59, vitt confer a special favor by cnliing ami sotling t bo in on ot before the 26th of tScptvuiboi icxr. HARRISON A LuNH. J^,w?Tho same request is made of those ndchted to W. II. llAllllISON, for tho ycflri [8.'>? and 1867, Aug 30 17 tt ri@?3S[ REPPECIFUI/I.T informs tho cititcns of f just received 1 una STOCK OF Of the largest market. He has n Inrpo Sftiel nnrtica. A lor^o Stook of J'KHt'VMEItY I Fancy Goods. Also Accordcon* and Violir Smoked Eeef Tongu jenssrjHi dll k'ndr of Foirlr, sneh an Partridges, Wild llo has Moata in cans, snch as Calf Tongues, Salmons, Sardines, Lobsters, Preserved Kggs fouiatoo, Itaapborry nnd Lemon 8YKUP. / IHS KATII fa kept open at all honra of the day, arul ortt YOU WILL FIND ALL OK THE A GREENVILLE C f OPPOlrKTIHi 6?p 0 ) ' s /{ <r? ^ wr tjm'< V * M . - I -IB. . 'Tap? sjrwsir , t L TJIK sutiwrltor rrnjirrtOUr intite# tb< i?ttenU?n?fhiii friend# fc l. l j .lj ail)i\ tLan puVtlio gcuer?Uy to Lis p] Well-nokctcd , 0000 a * CALL AT TJ1& ' rvrw R r i c ^ s t o h p , J One dinar i4io*o Uio Book Ptoro, liefor? mnkinp jlc yonf |>iirohtiso#. You will flnil Hood* nnd price# to pint. T. U. ROHHRTft " July ft tf thl ? ? 00 SALE QF LAND. Tho Stat? of Sonth Carolina, "'CHEFS V1M.B DISTRICT. - George 1L Fowjer nnd Wife v*. EHsbU th-C. Cutry, i t ti 1. //1U for Jtortitiou of lltal Kxtnte. , IN -obodirnea tto an oMct of the Court of Equity, In this ease, i will tell, at public auction, at Urccuvillo Court lioUsc. <m V?/r?r/nt/ 4? Or tuber tic-jct, a Til ACT OF LA-Fft. flc belonging to tbo Estate of WILLIAM SIMPSON, deceased, upon Durlrin's Creek, ndjoini?g land* of ft. T. Hughe*, John Wood, John ? Jones, and otlicra, coiitaining Tko lluuilrwl ami Fifty Acre*, more or Icflth Tkiims?A credit of ono and tWo year*, ae- ?. cured by bond, with at least tWogood aurotlcs. fi with interest from date, in equal IhHnUncnts. h except Hi file lent to pnv coats, Which shall bo paid in cash on day of anlo. I W. M. THOMAS. C. E. fi, I). *" ^Commissioner's Office, Aug. 20, ISflO. 1td ^ co T. W. DAVIS, ft PRACTICAL K? Watclimakor and Joweler, Lu TAKES tho liberty to inform ?0 lir JTO. the people of GrcenVille, and tho r^/^Y j fn whole surrounding country, that wl he has on hand, without doubt, tho best stock PN of Ci <s* arcs^raiLz&'S't, ^ that has ever been kept in the ToWn of Greenville, and if any one is disposed to doubt it, let hitn or her, conic und see if it is not so. Ilia ? stock comprises in part of the following articles: ' -? Fine Gold and Silver Watches 1 of all qualities, and warranted to keep good time and to givo satisfaction. All goods sold by him, are warranted to lie wlmt they arc fojircsented, or lie will refund the money and J take the nrtiolo back and no giumhling. l!i? I JcWclry is of tho latest nnd best styles. In bis n Stock, are f no Diamond Goods, I.avn, Pearl, ** Coral end Gurnet, with or without sets, and tho lino Chain and other llrueelots; Wateli Chains bf all styles ; Gold and Silver Thiinbios, Gold; Silver and Steel Spectacle,; Con- ^ cave slid L'onvcxcd Glasses, and also Ncch- J* laces, Svitll or without Clasps. lie litis also ptiro Silver nnd Plated Ware, llis Articles Jj! are too numerous to mention all of them, but eotuo and see lit once. ' . , DON'T FGI5GET ii HE DOES ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING f; In Watches, Clocks nnd Jewelry, nnd that in 1 ^ a workmanlike manner, such, perhaps, as you | cannot get, done anywhere else in the up conn- . try, for ho does not feel himself inferior to j any, so you Will ilo Well to tvy him, and seo if his words nro not trtic. Ho thinks thero arc inniiy already who have tried him, aud will ccflify to nil of tho above, Ac. j(> f.(f~ Ilia Shop hiny bo fuuud at the Good- . ' lctt lloUfo, oh Main Street. , July 2tt 12 tf FOR SALE. Three Houses and Lots, 1 WHICH arc eligibly sitmit&& -?S~ ?1, "'>.<1 paving a goad interest r?*,l&3l5u'23t-?ALt. I'l'W?nitty ha had on v?ry reasonable terms, if np- 11 plied for soon. Tho owner wishing to invent "j tho proceeds of sale in otlicr business ho is en- tt' gaged in, is tho only reason why ho has a dis position to dispose of the property. Also, ("or sale, a VACANT LCT. Enquire at this Office for particulars. March 8 44 MMlilim'S SAift. ' THERE will Ivo sold, nt i uh . Hp\lio auction, to the highest bid? V* A A I n ?Ajkvdcr, on the '19th owl '..9th rw...g m^^iher acj-t, at the lato rcrideuco of W1L- . JiiA>l .fACOIJS, deceased, three miles helow ' (Jrcciivitlc Court House, tho following PUOPBUTY: B 25 LIKELY YOUNG NEGROES, 1,1 A NUMEEK OF lo liMiiEUinsicmn.A ClUANU l Y UP "J FODDER, WHEAT, RYE, &c. i Awl the J'r<.?cnI Crop o/ (iroiriny f'o-n. I1 The above Property will he sold on m credit j' of twelve months, with interest from day of sale: tho purchaser to give note and approved ^ cedurily, before the property purchased is delivered. w EDWARD O. JAC0I1S, Executor, Ac. , Aug 30 J, Tho State of South Carolina, J . GEi:kn V11 I.E 1 HSTi; 1CT. is SHERIFF'S SAI>ESs 11 \ virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Far ids, i jf 1 9 ki iuo i win. bcii, wt-ioro ific Court Ho(M door, at the Usual hours of si.lo, On the first Monday in October, 100 Acres of Land, move or !?.?.?, i.t'ing hi Grcentillc District, adjoining Intrd* trf 3. K. _ Stone, J.- Biehatdson, ct ah; as the property of 1 Thomas Cox, at the suit of K, li; As- J gigneo. 120 Acres of Lafcd, ftioro or less, lying in Gfccnritlo District, on the water* of Saluda . Ritef, adjoining land* of Stftnllwood Dalton, U'rft. Darby, cf ah ; as the property of Reuben Beam, at the suit trf tf. II. Hunt ,t Co. i , 865 Acres of Land, lying in Greenville Di#'trlct, ndjoiding lAixts of I>. Fowler, Mrs, T. j J Hill, ct ah; aUn, one Negro Man, Alfred, about 10 years old, and ono Horse and Roeknway ; a* fko property of James 11. Hill, at flic ' ! suit of HcnoKer A Glover, et ah 1 TUJIMS CAS//, Purchaser to pay for titles. p J. T. McDAXIKL. a. A. r?. d ShrrijjT? Offlri, Sep. 10)*, 1800. 19-td ~ " 0 JtiHt ftcci'ivcd hud for Sale, it A LOT of purd South CWolina-tando j t W1I IT L LEAD and other Fainter Jlucl ' , Linseed Oil, of direct importation, spirits 'fur- I ^ pontine, Defined Machinery Oil. Ac. 1 LEONARD WILLIAMS, , Aug 10 15 tf * , N IMIKHTO" HI K E~~ i T) V tho year. Apply to Z. MAKTIJL , w Jk~r " - _ - - w- j Greenville and surrounding country,'that ho has j. GONPEQTIONRRIM \l c of PAKCV CANDY, for Wedding and other! ?.VTilJLCI'd, And llnir Pomade, and all kinds of * is, and a largo stock of T(^?. For family use, i '' Les, Bologna Sausages, * Pldgconr; Turlfeys and Chickens, pnt np in boxes. B??f Steak, liccf, A la Mode Ifccf, Mince Meat; and Oysters, in enns. I'iuu Apple, Strawberries, ~ Llso Alo and Porter. V6 SALOON 11 It in the ovening. BOVE 4I,WAK8 ON HAND AT TIIE IONFECTIQNERY, MANSION HOUSE.. . ? H ' ? * ft s - *1 VT? *3*3* . SALE OF XjEGROEsT tote tf Sonth Carolina, GREENY ILT.F, DISTRICT. rcrwnat h.'FoVlrrwui Wife r*. Barah Wdlf, ct t>lr&ttttt ptr hjoxcri** nnrt ftttity- '' " trnlt Well* vp. Plcaraut (J. Fowlur, ?t at.? 1 Hill fur .Suit. ofo. N olwditnrt to tbe Older of th? Court of ; Eunii^v. in tlii'Kc < ??<*?, I will pell, ut pubunctinn, at (IrccnVfllts Court Houkc, On 8nl?s-<Uy in October next, b fcotntcW ET.KARON tVKLfcB, deoOMed, hgiMing ortho following Slave!: CI1ARLE8, *g??<t about 27 vlnft rillLLIS, Aged about 25 yenra VAN. need about 22 warn KIX?rtY>ER, aged ft^out T rfcwrl NANCV, aged pligtil ycnnt ADAM, itged about 17 yetir* CAltOlhNfi, hl.out lb yeaPS StAKIA) aged about 4 yfines LIZZIE, aged about 4 v4ar> ltOBLRT. Hired ulmnf three tnonlhs 1 And owe YOKE 6fMTEERS. Trrm*~-A c fed It of me year, excepting suficnt to nay costs, which tnnst he rash. ' Vf. M. THOM AS-h C. B. (J. D. CoinmitJionci'ft Office, Aug. 2S, lStfO. l?-ttl ~ NOTICE. ???< TUB RtBSCntnER A Mim is desirous ?>t selling jjj'lLTraot of Land, lying v utiles Korthenst of (! recti lie C. Iti, kouwn as the Wickliffe lands?the | itlicrford mad running thfotigh it. 'flie truefc ntuins Two Hundred acres, seventy-live clctir- i , the balance in woods. There ison the prcro s. a tolerable Dwelling, with other Out- 1 tiltlings, and n good Orchard, embracing a od variety of Fruit. ThitUis altogether a sirublc place, either for a small farmef or a1 uimer housn for those who arc fund of nothing Mill Salubrious mountain ail in nil its ndincss, br looking out upon n landscape liieh is almost unrivaled. The place wilt lie changed for a Negro foliofr, or sold low for sh or approved Notes. Those wishing to irohase, would do well to call soon on tho bsoribcr, near Greenville C. II. 11EXKY U. WILLIAMS. Aug 9 14 tf VALUABLH ~T~ \EAL ESTATE gaa tir ' ' ! The Tract of Land, ow occupied by Mrs. Coi.rvA.V, and upon I llich the lato Jolls T. I'ht.KltAS resided at ' it: time of his dcr.tb, containing, l>v a recent j irvcy, &crcnfy-oiie .tcrr*, of which about j Wenty-four Acres arc in Woods. Upon the I'rtMiisca is a cofnpiety DWELL- j 111. containing seven Koolus, neatly finish- I I; also, all necessary Out-buildings, in good pair ; a small Orchard <d" choice Fruit, ami j ro Springs of excellent watt r, convenient to I e Dwclliug. M.? . r. 1- 1 I 7 tlio Into .Imljru lhirlo. They arc situated unit a milo iunl a (jbarlor from iJrrrnvillo llnffe, nuil ivitiiiii u iiulf mile from i'jiruiau nivi'rtitv. The I)\VBIjI,IN(! is upon nn elevation overokinj* the village, ivitli a tine view of inounin scenery, end affords one of the iuost dernhte nriil pleasant residences in the upper ! irt of the Ht.'.te. There will also he sfild, on Iho day follow- I t{?, uu ll>e. premises, the 1 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, sxwto A\ ivaw Ti rum <>/ S<ijc.?The licul IJnlntc vn a erod6f ono 11 ii<1 two years, with iniercst from of sale, payable annually. The personify on n credit of twelve months, with ili rest, purchasers to jfiro bond wiih at least V6 approved sureties. IF. C. YOUNG, Qualiticd Executor. Ai\jf 23 Id' tf ME!i|l LAND. out cry. <>u Sulriy in (JHorhr w.rl, at Greenville Oou'rt lluiuo/ A Valuable Tract <*f Land, clonjjinj; to the Estate of JAMES NOt,EN, ceonstd. The said TIIACT is situated on the ronil ad in i; from Greenville II. to 1 her fordin, (N; C.,) and thirteen miles from the formr place, conhiiuiii'i FJ4 Aeret, more or less, dpdninj* lands of \V. J. Gibson, Esq./ Carter nngley, Thomas Litnftloy and others. There is a good 1>\YELI,ING upon tin* lace, and all necessary Out-biiildinpsi 'V'here | ro from Twenty t.?? Thirty Acres of Good tottiim Enud. in ? hifrh shite of cultivation. nfl tue up Iwind anil Ilia lVood J wind is nt the est <|iifl]ity. Tlio placo is Well watered,.and snrvnicntly lihinN in every respect.the i'ioif of Hogbvki tJiassy and the Snlu- I n Mountains, tYom this point, is unsurpassed i loi*cliltr?S, and the neighborhood is known if and wide for the morality and high tuned liaractur of its eitixens. To the sire of it. it one uf flic most desirable (/luges in the iJis ijht. ? Titans?A ercdil of (Wc-lVo months, with iterest from day of sale, seen red by Mote ith approved and undoubted security. S. I). UOOPLETT, fexcctifor. A tiff 2S ' Id td ""VAttMBLE HEAL ESTATE In <* rccnvillo, N. FOR SALE. T WILT, SELL, to the wbm '"'Sbcst bidder, at the ^s,ill Court llonso in tlroenH. c., on Sale-Day in Octebef Nckt, I EMS WIS OF LAI. I lelonging to the Estate of #0.11) MApLDIN, ! eccased, vit: A LOT on Laurens, Wifidiin^ton and Rich fri.-on Streets, i'2o hy 2(10 feet, oil Vvlii'h are orated Extensive Jil'lKIH-A'dS, writable for 'nriicnfer or other Shops. or fur a Livery Stale. This Lot is near the business part of fain Street, and is one of the must defirnbUi ,ots in the Town, A LOT in thi rear ol Mr'*. Ann E. Ainlor-1 nit's lot, being on Avenno Street/ and being 00 hy ISO fee#.' A LffT in the rear of Moj. P. P, floodlett's it, being cm AveuHO Street, and being 11)0 hy 30 fee/.' A LdT in tho rear of Rev/ Dr. Richard 'urrinin's- ftsidenee, containing Pifo an*l a" ourth Aeres, having on it a Oimfortuble IWLTLTXO, WE I J,, Ac. A TRACT, about two inilc.t from Tuwn.tiear tie PendlMon Road, ceriMving Twerly m-d a | 'ourth Acros, having on it a good lifilCK i AHI). All tho above PrOgicrlv Is ffoll situated and i eiJrtWr. Possession t;> he given immediately, i TKKM8?A credit of ono nn>l two vein's, '?th interest from iTato, 011 mnrtyngo of the remise#, slid good personal Wrtrity. For further information, apply to C. J. Kf<""Oftft, Fmp, Attorney at Law, Uroonville, p. or to tho subscriber. li< V. JlAt'I.DIX, Kxeontor, William* ton, 8. C. Aug IS 1? 7 Jacob's Cordial. FOH S AI,F, BY FOHN W. OKADY* tlKF.viN VIl.LK, s. C. A 6UKK UK*RDY In ?sacs of Of A It ?Y kllOSA. DYSENTERY nn<1 FLUX. *11 and a fcjttl* I'rioo il.oaw ' * rvi ^ ' > * 1 t. * ESCOffiACE SOCTBEHS COMMIfiCI! Long', Goodlstt & Co. ~| k KKPi.CTFUlT.T Inform fh?f rititcha of JLV Urcmiviile Dmti iut. tbaj lh< v nro nu+r K-ctiriuff ? Kull STOCK OK UOOlX* in Uiair line,.all of trhit U wcro PURCHASE? IN CHARLESTON* AVO WBtfcu TM*t W.I.I. >111,1, AT Lower Pfices Than usual. The Stock ron#i*i?, in )?nr{, of Bleached anil JiroTin Sliirunz* und Slivotiiijr* A large variety of Frinta, of direct tinporiatiou. > from 0 124 cvnta p?f Jurd Linen and Cotton DiA|>cfiv LHieu X)rillo Fancy Cntfiuivnj* and Cntiomwios Plain While Swi** and Dotted Mu*liua Solid Barege*. Mohair Lustre*. Black Silk Mantilla*, Embroidered tVllkri llatxg* Mantilla*, wlii'o and colored Hoop Skirt*, of various kiuiU, uiuoiig which win uf tiiuu'i smile ui i spring*, o<? coui*; .'10 Pprings. SU.bQ And all the other Articles necessary U> outuprise |i general slock of JL>ry Goods. A I.MO, A\ rnvn&i mv BSnls, t aps, lloot*, Shocn, GUOCKRIKS, HARbWAREfCRCCKERY. GLAS&WARf, ot<\, it*' AVo arc confident of, I be fad that life can afford to sell our Goods ul price* that will c. pj. uiatid the Ultcntion of the {in hi fa, and we respectfully solicit an examination of onr Pt< tk. LONG, flOODLF.TT A CO. March 3 * 44- tf NOTICKt"" : " IHAVK nasm-iatud with me in bttSiness, Mr. JOAH MACLOIN, The business will be carried on in tnjr A'ni> Urirk .SVorr linnm, under the Styleand firm, of Ronp.itT* A M Aiit.ttix. In returning mv thank* to my friends for thefir liberal pntrouAjro, I w ill solicit a continuation of tho same, to the New Finn. T. It. KOUKlfl'S, G'feoavillo, S. C. July 30th, i.SOO. newIfiKm. , rTMlK subscribers hnvc associated themselves I together in business. under thf firm of ltOBF.ltTP A MATLMK, tnkc pleasure in Inviting their friends, and the public gencially, to their tvcll sclcMcd Hlnck of Goods. Elubritcing ul) Goods usually kept in store*'in our pl.Ace. GiVo Us a call before ul&king yoa? purchases. Vuk will find ih? Goods unci prices tt> MUi T. It. ltol.F.UTP. - jM JoAB 1.. MAVl.l'lN. fl Greenville, P. C.,-July :h)th, iMit). " 1IEA1) (llTAUTEItS. 1hT-Bh|U. 1st l?tv. P. C. M. .(itrrnti//'4, ,V. ( 0Itl>ERNO. * ACt'OU 111 .\(J to Orders from lie id Ipiartcrs. an Kl,MOTION is hereby ordered to he held according to latr, at the Regimental I l'ariule Grounds of tin. HvyiNcii!* comprising I this Brigade, on the ?7th day of Pcptcmbcr next, r. i MAJOR GMNTKAM. tii coiiiiiinnil J 1st Division, P. (' AM, and lo liH tavaney oc- i citsioned by resignation of Major General j Smith. The result of-mid lilee'ion will be | forwarded to this office iinmciKiftcly theri'iillcr. ! Colonels cc.innuindiiig the respective lli?i- j moiil* ere charged with tlm extension and ex- 1 eeution ot this ttrder. \i'. k. liAPI.EY. It rig. Geti'l. | By order. | 11. I.rk TttitesToN, Brig. Alaj. \ >? ' " 14 <? ilcgiHieiiltil Orders. ELECTION OF H A J0E-GENEH/.L. TX obedience to orders received from 11citdp quarters, nit KI.F.t'.TI' N will be held Hi j ttu) General Muster Ground ol'theTldrd ttvgiiticnt, (Toncy's tlld Field.j .or 7'Anr? ?/? ?. "7t/i ,V, jitt if hrt, f.,r M A?|n 15 liliNKIt M, to cuitimiiti.l the Fii-t l?'nisioii P. l". AM. to fit* the varar.r_V occasioned Iiy tl?o rrrifiialinu t-f lirli. i*. M. 8'iJlli. The followitif;clliccr* will :wt no inanap!M: Lihut. Col. l>o/.<niau, Major Forrester, ami (.'apt. < . IV. I.c?tt<-r. j. ii. m. eru.orcn, Col. 3d Kotf't S. C. M. Aup 2:1 ' 1(5 td _ y h 3 J- A S* I? - nils' _ g ? <;th V;'>y *u*y Z r- ^ -< P > ^ t ^ 1 RI ]$ ^ I CO ^ |MM t-5%1 "I s sHS !;55 (c^f s VrE ^ V* oO^st ?? *w ? s 0 ^ krO 5f J-i-p ** ^ ~ H tiPlUffflc** d.aj J r i4.? 5 a p l7 <?. *' 5. ? * .j -. -- ^ O | eJ 1 pi'-i ?.*fe^S ? So1 S a * r< . S ? 3 ? = 8 ? *-d *?j S S"?r "&?? r ? i c?o* PRIVATES llOAliDlNG. fpUK ubscrilwr is pi'cpnred td wen nunc date A noverol YOIJNH. HKNTLUMKN with ItOAllI) nml LORlIIXtl. llis rcKjdonpoi is within 100 yards of llso Theological Seminary, and convenient to the husiijcs.- portion of town, being i\bout 200 yards east of the Court House. I'.tiiiiliea desiring lloardruu also be noconiruod.ited. flutes reasonable. Feb $? 40-tf R. TV. STOXR. HOJlfc I?At)E sTiofss. rpHE attention of the public is invited to iny A superior and tfesh Stork of jtOME MA HH SliOKS. They will compare odvntitagcously in material, manufacture nod jpicc with any Kaaleru Work ?if the saiue class. Cull anil examine. 5 I.Kil-VAItn WIT t.Tivia Aug Iff fj If AUlMACATUVN""SlTOTH'K is hereby given, that mi AfplieaJL v tion will bo Made to (lie next Legislature, to ro- barter an?l emend the Charter of tho Town of Urecnviile. Au~ 2 , }.1 _ ,?? . FOR SA LE< I * , A MKS1 RAni.K LOT. *?t? fho A town of (Sreenville, within 12.i ' fifir'4*iii?lt Varde of tlio Point Mouse. I vlj^?X i S iil Lot litis on il Tir<, Ci.'H| JorUthlr /Jirr/tinj /loiHr* mm' <| i/nini Sthhtr. I Persons desirous of ?XHfnin'm^ the Lot ajul j Premises, will please < all on Mr. XV. II. II AltKJBON. raiding on tho plneo. For {tartictilars, iin.niro, by letter vr in prrson. of AUG. AMiKKA, Bandy Flat P. ft., (ircciwille J'istriet, B. C. July 5 It tf PRIME LAUD K SUGAR (1 HOICK White J,eul' I.AltD J Clarified and Crushed J-iignrs., Boda, Itoston, nod Pie Nie ftitfeuit Mono Preserve Jars inni ("rocks FrcAli Stick Cnmlic* nix) Ivi*re?. Just received, lor sale low, l?y UilYCR SMITH, Opposite T. R. Robert*' New Store. Sop ft IK tf PRKSir Tiruwfp HKKl). WIIITF. FLAT I>l'T< 11. WHITK NOR FORK, NV bite (llobo, Rol>Son'* (!< I<)< Riill, Skir\iriK'? Hutu iIntra, nml *1m Oormni Curled Kulo. All Wttrrentoit genuine, and foi dttle hjr THOMAS STKKN. July 28 12 tf SANCHEZ' SPECIFIC VJ'OSl 1TVK m.d RpEliliY < t*Uli f.. CiflotinrvliCTii mid flWl. 11a* no ! ??! i taste, ninj is nn excellent Remedy. J fvr null) l>y JOHN We tiR'A-DYe i . 4 : . . , "? i ' rutriwuttlil JUj|R^fc? 11.10 it,' |',i-...f. J'm;,.!!^ '%? ^ A RT! C L E 0, v ii 1-1 >!<> qnitX i<j cTflT Stotk of J?tlj/,.u.\f^' nrr.s, > YAUMHUKfti t ? DYASTttF?, PR RFC it FRY, f? r w . jrar *<+*; . "*J *VI TP)l AltTIOLtti, <b4. ^ ONF. IM10H BELOW HARRISON & LOiNG'S SHOE ,ST0RE. I IF YOlRvANT Fine Shaving Soaps, Washing r f: Soaps, Glycerine Soap, Brown %*> ' \Vimlteur Soap, Colgate's Soap, French Soup?, Oj/ouudoc Soap, Castile Soaj), Thompson's Soap, Cabin's Soap, or any other kind of Soap, or a llox of I\>Uw?h, to inako your own Soap, ' YOU WILL FIND tT AT tiOito & iiTTR]Vi*Awrai Dltlifi STORE. ? - IF Y0U_WAtfT Fine ? OI.OUNI.S, Fine TOILET W ATERS, Liil'in or qienV EXTRACTS AND lSSENl\KS, llnir POMADES, _ Halt- OILS, lluir BRUSH ES, . ' ; * Or nny prctuufttiou fur improving tko Hair, Tuulh of SWinj . . k I IF YdUWAXr' AViOOD ARTICLE OF Bread- Soda, Cream Tartar; Sfarclu Iu<!i?r<?. Madder. Saffron! Uora.v, Wliitini*, (jilue, Sulphur, AIuim. CopjKM us, Liuseetl Oil, White Lewi, Trnin Oil, Lamp Oil, S\Veet (>il,Spts. Turpentine, hul, Senilis/. j,?>\v?lerts. Yetist I'owj?lers, Wimlow (4lass, Puttv* . Rolle'i Stone, l?ath IJricks, Oil ANYTHING K!>B TVnalH* kepi in it IMtl'ti RTf)l< K. yott eon buy it i<( a rail; I'lltC'E trom Our Establishment. o , Wo cnll particular Attention Tk ail Prcparationi* male I v us. iiiuKu I llnMii ? ! an ui.iinvm *trcu; ill. and from the PL'RKKT M AT Oil A liS. ' <*owntr\ iT.jsici.n:* willl'iul it f<? their twlvnni tegc la call ami <- \nuiinc our Slot h ami I'rlcCJ. j . LONO A: lU'KNIIAM, 0n?: Jlooli Auo? i: t'. Meiiiiu k'h Sro;;r.. * J n he J 4 3? tt G H0(; Ell IKS! A, rI',110SH wishing purcltMo OllOCEItltfS i cheap for CASJi. will please cull nu tho tindcrHgned, whs bit* jnit roth mod with one uf tho largest slock* ever offered in the market, * TllOJlAs ST KEN, Wholesale anil Uetail (Irowr, Alcllct's liall. 1 n IIMPS. of Culm, .Vinoovailo and TriniI V I ,iaa i 10 IJbla. New Oiiajtta ,Mo!a.*rfpn. Theito cannot bo Vui pousiod in <putl~ it v. Selected and U?r sulo hy THOMAS STEEN. _____ 8 WITTS. Choice New Orloatm, Cuhlf nnd Masco ratio Sugars. Selected one Tot- sale j hy " THOMAS bTEEN. " I <p/\ llM.S. Udlucd A. H. und C.?.,dCrnA\ ? v ' rd Sugars, aud 2 llbls. superior Sugar * 1 lasso Golden Hyrup. For sMo by THOMAS STEKN. 4 h -I'AOS 1* ?, lu\a( Mocho. Loguyra"and * j 4;'' Suiitot I'dT es. Tbefioliavo been carefully aclccted, i nd arc for side by . > THOMAS STKEN. 7 CHESTS Tea?Hyson Skin, Young liyson, Imperial 'uunpowacr, Super Oolong O-? >.! > Th? above Teoa carefully collided hud for Halo l>y i ..uAlAS STEEX. Q ^ HACiS IhickwIieMt?"12A lbs. (fij 50 cent* iv * ) per Hag, from New York, and far xalo by THOMAS STEKN. - * *>f\ DP,VMS El'lS, list received and for *)U bale by THOMAS STEKN. PIE FRUITS, jollier, Tine Apple, Prunes; Pickles in pints, quarts kalf gallon and gallon, Engfbli Pirkiea, Ocrkins, Walnuts, Piccnli!la, Onions. "Wercontsliiro Sauce, and*: large variety of English Sauces, selected and ' for sale by THOMAS STEKN.* SAIAIOX, Oysters, Spiced and Fresh Lob_ stcrs and Clams, Pickled Salmon, Tery line, UadilrMc'antl Codfish, extra No. 1 Mackerel in kils. tVoodeti Ware of all doaerlp-' lions, und Cutlery. For sale by * '? THOMAS STEKN. . G)i\ KP.fiS Nails superior qnnlily, Asuortorf' - 'iCU sizes, clicnn Cur ujli Por vala Kv THOMAS iSTBKN. rpiIK lnr^cil and belt ji>.?ortr<l Stoclt of fbinn <!!j?K?wi?rc hftd CrockiTjr of trciy | <ic.tcri|i(ion. Fur fate by THOMAS STKEN. ("iOXFEPTtONKKT of every vsr'ety. For J Halo l?y THOMAS fe'i'KHN. ' (11 'ItHANTS, Citron and FTr?P v rata* j by THOMAS FTEJCN. m j TFAKbltS Itrnina, Chocolate, and Cocoa,* ' J > tlic Cory bi-Ht. For t>nlc l?y TUOMA8 ST ELF . May Trt . 1 ii MTM ('AI! 1)7 . A . rpiIF. underlljruod ?iinld reaiwetf>* ' h 1 to itio nPtlec of fl/rbuvi bin friend, ROPEHT A. If A UK1"? . DotitVst, who hn*. durlnfr JV ln?t \,rt friven bi? < !??? < ami imrtiv I ntlo. , Ifcntlstrv. nu<l ?vh<? in ii<>n |?r? tiurcd tto bin IT<>frxid<-n in Us ..vy. ?), may bo found at mr JOHN A XI?K b I- ' N.. .Tnlv S 0 If f'nr ri-'i * t' l'Mnt. ^ "T S K'VI 11 -1 'jSRBBfcfe.'W'-"'5 V^nl'v wEmdpr ) M|Fr:l Afi> O. J.n. oi,o, iiiAovhiwf^ * t $ a 7 *