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vv:" "iF:* ^ x-l v - P* -it * ? ^9' H !^^pric? o* li" ^i n ?A Here there wtlj be leagflQI^Hp ^^nrice* higher, thafr w|Jj| ,-J lest ten year*. tode^^ul onuses: First, tfi<jpWWP&f our corn crop for MT?r?l yc*ip; socondly, the cholera has made' such destruction nBKttML$? h<*# th*t JF^ere are dis coatikgfca frbito attempting to raise them. 1 tea*dee the discrimination against our I' < ? ' farmers, by railroads in this country,dn the- transportation of their provisions And breadstuff*, and in favor of distant eetlens, all eontribule to discourage the further raising ?f Bogs for market. OW neighbors of Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama, who have here toforw bean dependant on thia State for their pork, must look out for some other market U>? present reaaton. If tlicy have, then, to go to the West for their provisions, would it not be well for tham ta take into consideration the question, whether or not it is their in * tenest* to aid jn building the Railroad from this place direct to Cincinnati, by m which one-half the freight would be saved, and sure and speedy transportation always secured with the Inrgesl * and best market in the Northwest. It flvo of the pmrcipnl road* in Georgia would appropriate one-third of their net earnings to aid in the construction of this roRd for five years, they woulU be more than repaid,-fur the next fife years in the traffic ofer thoir^|4U, bv the ii.cicaey^o! would bring ImjtorjJfn I Rteamdup S?ar^W^^mSMPjP^^| ana orfnhe 13 The Spanish war D^ftis arrived at IInvanSH'",K "* on the Oth and Truxiloon InW^nTrsV She reports that the British (var steamer Icarus, with a transport ntid troops, under command of Alvarez, proceeded to l^o Negro, where Walker's army were .encamped. The boats of UkIcarus proceeded up the liver nnd captured Walker with seventy of his men, all of whom were taken to Tinxilound delivered to the authorities of Honduras. Aialkers men were very destitute, and nimiy of (hem being Kick were per milled lo return to tlie United Slates. on the condition of never engaging Mgain in an expedition ngxinst Genital America. Gen. Walker and Col. Rudler are lo Le shot. i The Cautcmala Expedition arrived from Omoa shortly after lite capture of the filibusters. Avgvsta. Sept. 21. Walker avd Col. Ruddier Shot.? An arrival at New Orleans reports that nnct Crd. ltiulJlwr were shot by tire Honduras Covet nment. 'J lie re mainder of the men were allowed to depart unmolested. [The above report relating to Walker and his Colonel Lean no date, nor is the vessel, named by which it was brought,'if authentic ; but the intelligence is highly probable.? Charleston Arors] -?? -??? > frf- w> ( , , " t -? abolition ot'tr a( e8 in tfxas.? Extract, from i piivate letter dated Houston, Texas, Aug. 2Sd, 1800, to a fiiend in Ilartford, Ct.: * Tell'four abolition friends to go on, and soon tliey will ha\e the plea.-ure of sseing the negro reduced to such a state of hops 'ess boutb < ^ thnt tliey may ) sxell pity them. 1 solemnly declare that to-day the ncgio is not as free as he waa two or,five yents ago ; and why ? Simply because his master. baa beeij goaded on to desperation- by incendiary j act* and speeches. One ycnrwigo all w as , jieace and quietness heie. The negro i Wfoc nllnu*or) f#\ Itain iluilPdC fir.rl to-dar one dare not rhow his head nficr 9 o'clock in the evening. Seven coin panic* of patrols nro organized." and guard the city each night. Sixteen Jiorse patrol scour the country mound. Forty eight vigilance men sny live, banish or die, as the proof may go to show. And so it is nil over the country. Men re hung every day liy the decision of ; IilanJefs, lawyer*, judges tu*'1 ministers, t is np hot, impetuous a bin cool, terg justice. Ills the saving of wife anddaughter, mother and sister, j the hand of desecration. Ji it> the slop J ping of scene* thnl would mako J.S*; Druses riViTl 1 utIts blush jpr s ha toe. * * * We had one more fire." Yours truly, ** Mobile, Sept. 13. The Gale at the Gulf?Fins in Mobile, <fcr.?The storm of Saturday flooded one third of this city, 'i lie loss l>y water is estimated at *500,000. The ship R. II. Dixie was wrecked in the storm, and sixteen lives lost, in- i eluding Capt. Dixie. The 6tcnmers and shipping were [ C*fPfllK' >rvtnr*'/l ?'^vv -t Tbe ftbievrnlk* were flooded ?>nlf between Water and lioyal street*. Tlie wnlU of several wart-homc* nnd ?! er building* were undermined and twit, dtfctrujlng 40,000 mirk* of ssdt, I eaidea vast amounts of other iftticlen. A fiic broke out in Uoduian'* warebonne, destroying 3,000 bales r.f eotlon. In I'omeroy <fc Marabafa Warehouse* tbe lime ignited, and being inaccessible to (lie finmen, burnt frcdy. Pkksii-knuai, klkction Dat ?con greas jtasMd R|t act in 1845, " to establish u itmfoim time for holding eleeiions ft* elector of President and- Vice-Pre* I blent in >" lie Siate* of the Union."? 11.ia act fxes lite time of election on I .tbe * Tile? day nrxt after the first l^nn day in tbe month of T^orlfnber "-wliWi tbia year i* on tbe sixfb day of lit* it ontb. All tlie elector* mnstl* choeen ?>r appointed on ibat day, except in tin1 lecloial College, or where a State has ioiled to eficct an election on the day dtr^BaM. * few * Ifr': Xr V 1 IT Sfrg aWjmiita? eiutftist. w W. PRICE. E/litor. C. X. McJUHKIN, Assistant. Our Motto?'* Equal Rights to All." ??=??, . GREENVILLE, S. C. Thursday Mote inc. Sent. 27. IflfiO FOB FBF8IDEHT, BON. J. < . BRECKINfffDGE, OF KENTUCKY. FOB TIOX-FB?8II)?KT, GEN. JOSEPH LANE, OF OREGON. _____ FROST. + We learn that frost imulc its appearance in the extreme upper portion of this Diet riot nnd th? adjoining counties of Western North Carolina, during ifl^wcik. dnmnging late fodder, Ac. Wc have heard of no trust, as yet, in our iiuinediiite^ioinity. The evenings nnd mornings mWqnite cool, nnd fires are comfortable. . ?. . .. THE LADIES* FAIR. The Fair, pi veil by the Ladies'Sowing So ci< ! y uttiu 1m .1 to (he M?-l hod i.-t ( Inirdi in iHttMce, on Wednesday night of Inst week, ^^Bdix i<l. d success. Every tiling conucetfar as we know, or iinve heard. I agreeably nnd satisfactorily to all BgH^ A great variety of ni ticles was on hnd^mli ons were nuinerousand tiheral. nmount taken in was of which tf28!.20 remain as netl profits. Wc would here take occasion to return our most hearty thanks to our fair friends for favors received at. tlie enke nnd fruit table, and also nt the supper table. May urmensurcd prosperity and happiness attend them. THEOLOGICAL flMINARY. The second session of the Greenville Baptist Theological S. tniinuy will begin on Monday mxt, with, we hope, an increased number of students o\er the first session. The Institution is one that eel In inly d? serves to rank high among institutions of learning. The President and Professors are men of learning and ability, nnd are xeahn'S in their lnliois. We hope the tune is not far distant when a large number of students will ho receiving the b<mfit of their instruction. See notice in another column. THE OLEEtT COETLE. . Mr. Juki. Yovsfctu.oon, who luis boon assisting tlie I7. S. Mnitjii.) in tal.ii g tin- cen. mis ret urns for this District, informs us t lint lie has met uj> with a wry aged couple living in the tipper j n? t of our District, who ore, perhaps, the oldest II.allied- couple to lie found in the State. Mr. Jsvsk Tkammkli. is set down nt 105 and his wife at 10C rears. They are both in the enjoyment of pood lienlth, and hid fair to live nnionp their children an d friends for many days to come. THE BEVIEW AT BBCTON'8. We attended the Drill and Review at 11 niton's on Friday and Saturday hist. The attendance on both days was quite large. Col. O. P. Pool is coinnumder or the Regiment, and, ns an officer, is i..fe/ior to none. Since his promotion to the office of Col. of the Firet Regiment, he has spared no pains to make it un efficient military organization, lie lias heretofore reviewtd severally, in person, all the companies in his Regiment ? drilled the men and instructed the officer*? and to day the First Regiment is perhaps the best drilled Regiment in theStnte. We sAy this much without intending to dispninpc any other Regiment-, but it is due to a worthy and efficient officer, who has overcome many difficulties, at the snciifice of time aiul money, toinnfce his Regiment what it should be?an ornament and a pride to the State. Gen. Easllt, with a portion of his Staff, was present and reviewed the Regiment on Saturday. At tire concl< sion of lha cxere\?es of the day, the General com pi i men ted, in very high terms, the officers nnd men for the able manner in which lliey Jinil performed the In I tors of I lit* day. Hon. J. I). AftitMouK was present, nn<l addressed the* people on the various political questions of lite dnv. It was not our for tmi? to hear Idnt?Itring engaged nt the time?and afe nnnhleto report wlir.t lje said upon the occasion. We understand, howcver, that lie took high Noulherii ground. lie expressed the belief that LinooIn would be elected, in which event he went for resitt-Alice. The candidates for the Senate nnd House were on hand, l.tit in of the time being occupied by our member to Congress, they made no speeches. They all appeared confident of jncoess. THE ?A1L AND WINTER TR4DE. Notwithstanding the general complaint, all over the country, of hard times nnd the scarcity of money, the merchants of (Jreenville nr? preparing for an extensive fall aftd winter trade, if we may be allowed to judge from the appearance of their shelves and countci 9. Wc are of the opinion tlmt larger or better selects.1 stocks have not been purchased for this market in many years. This is, we think, evidence of ihe confidence of our met chants in I he ability of their custom cm to meet tlieir Ml)*, mid show* that they hare m>l l>r?n frighten- <1 hy tlic cry ol' hard times.' We wish fur nil a brisk linde from prompt p<iyin^ customer*. In connection with the above. w? would make a surges!ion, did we not f?-nr that selfinterest might he considered a* prompting it. We leave the reader to imagine a hat it would he. {jy T-et it be remembered, that at the approaching election for members to the Legislature, the poll* will l>e kept open at the Court House Monday and Tuesday, and at all the other boxes only on Tuesday. tw Return Pay for Greenville District will be riaturday, tth of C?tcber? 11 l ltft iTlilmgffii . I t * ?t mmmmtmmmmmrnmmaapw sotr*i : n: - : vaCv^-^-^yT-; .We asfkow V^ojiuf^y^nj ptaaanat nioorillglih\8gM* - H?|?^^Wed to lore tliem I eiflJ bow tko qafirnory of *?"' nights W hell day wHhdrew.but hfftf hie lighta, And all wm uioonahioe, balm and peace,s cornea Ixick to ua frem the not very diataot past, na we contrmplate theee wo are now enjoying. But the present?not the past I On Tuesday evening while yet tbe clicking of the types and Ike rattling of tha^reea made the only tnuaio that greeted onr tired ear, suddenly sounds more enehantiog? more pleasing?arreeted our attention. AH at once the air ? reined filled with music. and ii it floated around us, we felt that bow .never drew tweeter aounda frotn string*.? "Home.Sweet llome," "Let Me Kiss Him for llts Mother," " Ben Bolt," these and other airs came, one after another, and lent their charms to onr feelings. We might attempt to say more, but " Music!?O how faint, how weak. Language fades Irefors thy spell 1 Why should feeling ever apeak, When'thon canst breatbeiter soul so well." We feci complimented. Our tlwnks, gentlemen. Proceeding* of the Grand Royal ireh Chapter of South Carolina, at it* Annua/ Grand Convocation, in Char/e*ton. 8, O-, commencing Tuexday, February Wth, A. L. 6860, A. /. 2390. We have received a copy of the above, neatly printed in pan plilet form by llro. A" J. Bukkk, 40 Broad Street, CharK-ston, S, C. With the proceedings is printed the address of the Grand High Priest, M.\ 1?.\ Comp. Ai.iikut G. Mackkv, M.D., to the Grand Chapter, several R?|K>rt*, Ac. Also, a revised Constitution of the Grand Chapter of South Carolina, submitted nt the annual Convocir tion of I860, und to be finally acted on nt the annua) Convocation in 1861 ; the names of subordinate Chapters, with their officers and members; ai.d the proceedings of the organization of a Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters for this Slate. It if, altogether, nn interesting document to lloj ul Arch Masons. HON. J. D. ASBKOKE. At 1lie review of the Fourth Regiment. S. C. 11., in Anderson District, Hon. J. I). AsiimoKe add reared his constituents of that District. The Anderson Jntdiigtnctr in speaking of it says: " Upon the future policy of the South lie was terse and to the point, lie regarded the election of Lincoln as certain, and advised preparation for that event, in which lift conns* lli-d resistance. 11? thought the discussion of Sepal ale secession in that contingency as premature nt tills tinu?in fuel, was inclined to the opinion that, such issue never would arbe, as he regarded Alabama nild Mississippi lirmlv pledged to the t-esis lance wh-irii Black Republican is elevated t<> the Clijcf llnirifiriic)?fin- llurn- Slate* to retract their pledge* and submit, would cover themselves w i111 shame ami dishonor. Tlii* lie I'olifVeil lliey woubl never do.? But, wliiie be went for congelation?tlie settled policy, in lii* judgment, of ibis l&'nte ?sooner tli 1111 see slaveiy nlmlii<li*il, wliieb would be tbe result if we neqniosced in the Hlnek Republican jioliev, lie woiiM unfurl the banner of the l'alhi' tlo State and rally under it* folds every man lie could?woubl make a last struggle, if need be, to sustain thai Institution wliieb was the life-blood and lienri of our social system, lie regarded urnthing. even revolution itself, preferable than giving up slavery after we have defended it so long uinl knew its value so w ell." " OUK'FALMETTO' SKETCHES." Under tills caption the Benncltsville Son of J'lWiirrantf: save: " Several of the snrvlng member* of the Palmetto Kegiiiicnt have forwarded u* their names since the commencement ' f our sketches. It is our desire that everr m< mhcr of that ill-fated Regiment, in whatever part of the Union, or the wot Id, he may* he, should have a copy of our piifu-r during the puhliealion of our sketches. And they *haJl have it if they will send us their panic* and address; and if tlicy should not be aide to pay for it, they shall have it gratis. We claim for our : ketches the utmost reliability in tlieir more important facts and features, and we wish those who were eyewitnesses, and participated in the campaign, to read and judge for themselves. We may touch sonic points that may never hare seen the lignt before, and wliioli may be considered important to the truth of history. Men and measures, matter* and things, will all be sketched, as far a* possible, with the impartial pen of historic truth." CriAVCK rot* Writ ass.?The proprietor of the 1 inrlington Southerner, offers a prize of $50 for the best romance, and $?5 for the second best. The editor of the Southerner also $25 for the best Agricultural Kssay. Competitors are requested to send in their productions by the first of I>eeeniher. A sealed envelope, containing the* name of the t niucr, iii'ipv ncruin|iniijr earn, whim will not he opened until the uwurd lias been made. ? ? 12T 1 elerson's Magazine, for Ocloher, has been on our table for several days. It is an interesting is usual?has some capital eto lies in it, for the ladies, and other mutter of value and interest. The N'ew Yoikcra have sent n com millee of jliree to Washington, to invite IWidtnt liuchanan ami niece to the grand hull to the l'rince of W ales. It is said Miss Lane will honor the iTinee 'with her presenee?quit en compliment fur a reigning helle. * tiT From a curd, in pother will he so?-n that J. 1'iiWH.O.i'i)., hue wildrawn from the canvass for the Semite. IW Col I?. .1. Johnson h?*s heen suggested hy the Edgefield A<lrrr(i*rr as one eminently qualified for Governor. J Ion. J, 1>. Annua litis been nominated in the JlmU J J HI Chronicle. Gov, A?.\ms has returned home, from a European tour, much improved in health. nr The population of Spartanburg vil ,nS"< "y 11,0 rreoni census, is two thoosanu one hundred and fifty. 11. B. Boti-stov, Esq., of Wfnnsboro', line been elected Grand Sire of the United Stutes of tlie Independent Order of Odd Fellows, by the Grand Lodge of the United States, n?w in session at Nashville, Tenn. ?r I)r. J. II. Tiiohnwjm, now in Earcqie, at last accounts, was in Geneva, Switzerland. lie was to vUit interesting portions of that country, and was expected to sail fur bonis og tfis 2tuh instant tlr Tl?e <rteam*hfp Thomas ftwsnn, which armed at Charleston on Friday last from Baltimore, hfought, as past of her cargo, 2,Ml bushels of ,wKenf. , r ? -%jM U . ?* ' n.!i ' * v t?&-W ? V .KI?C*LLA3f*aU8 HIT!* MXSLST.. ; A man named Rieketts. reecatfy arrived rtvm England, vh robhed-la Ksw Y?rk , ?a the lOlh luat, of money amounting to fetOOOOt. The thieves, at last *Ae?unts, had ant been arrested. Lytdetdl Tyler, one f the assistantDouglas cleotys in Virginia, has declined to serve. lie says he hne been a great admirer of Mr. Povglas, but ono'V wallow hU Norfolk speech, and will nrfw support Breckinridge and Bane. Uon. V. W. Biekem, lnte U. B. Minister to Kueeia, expects to return to this country In tlie ship Adriatic, which leaves Southnnipl Mil on the 22d of October. The new planet discovered by Commander Maury is the fifty-ninth in the family of Asleriod* who proposes to name 11 from ^h? Tntifkn mythology of this continent TVs learn from the llendorsc-. (Ten*') Tiroes that after patient aud protraoUd inveCtig* -1 tion, the vigilance committed found Oreen Ilerndon and his servant girl guilty vi burning the town of Henderson, and they were hung on Saturday, August 23th. * * Charles Whitcomh, a brother-in-law of John B Gotigh, committed suicide near'the realdence of the latter, nt Boylston, Mass , on Sunday last. ? While the census taker was collecting his statistics in SeniVmont, Me., he found a girl thirteen years old, who was the mother of a child of ten nxuitli*. A company of black Zouaves has been organised nt lMllsburg. Pvnn. President Buehnnan declines to l>o present at the ball given in New York In honor of tho Prince of Wales. Ex-President Van Burcn predicts tlint the vote of New will be east ngaim-t Abraham Lincoln. It is asserted tlint there have been more losses of life, and destruction of property by lightning, in Canadu and the United States, this year tlinn in aiiv previous one. THs Baptists of North Cnrollua have 29 Associations; C92 churches; 274 ordained minb-U-r*; 06 lieentates, 49,778 members. Irish jatpors of recent dale speak favorably of the harvest pro# peeta in Ireland. At 1 he Philadelphia United States Mint, three million of gold dollars arc now being incited and re-coined into double eagles, in pursancC of an order to that effect from the Secretary of tlie Treasury. There nrc two grandsons of Benedict Arnold still living, one named Benedict, residing in England, and the other, named George Washington, nil inhabitant of Canada. In Portland, lately, a child nbout four years old, fell from the 2d story of a house and lodged in a tomato bed, without the len.-t injury, except to the tomatoes. Gov. Moore, of Alubnmn, has lately manifested his want of deference to the fair sex in a novel way. It is reported that, finding the penitentiary at We tnil*] kn ton rull, lie hits discharged the female convicts, to make room fur the males' A vsuing lady, graduate of a Virginia school, has been committed to tha Raleigh Insane Asylum, for the cure of aberration, induced, as her friends suppose, hv reading Milton's Paradise Lost! To the Voters of Greenville District FkLLow-C'iTizKNst: l*'or sundry reasons I . decline running for the Senate. 1 offered my nnnte, nt the t> quest of tny fiiends, at a late period of the canvass. lint under noconsiderations do I desire place upon tlie system of ohtaining oftioc in Greenville District. It is the patriotic and sober portion of the people that I desire to represent in any capacity, and I find that King Alcohol, as wielded in modern times in canvassing for office, is too potent for tny patriotism and notions of propriety. J. POWELL. For the Enterpil e. Oil C.vitr, G tu en villi: Disinter, I September 1, 1800. \ FcUote-Citizm*: As the election is npproneliing for members of tl?e Legislature, 1 desire to say a few Words in favor of the extension of slie lllue Kidge or Rabun flnp Railroad. If \vc * ish to moke Charleston o great commercial city, go for the lilue Ridge Railroad. If we wish a direct trade from Europe to Charleston, we must go for those enterprises width w ill build tip our seaport, and none are so well calculated to do this as to connect our Stale with the great trading interests of ' t fit"West, If we wish the Greenville and Columbia Railroad Company te pay their borrowed capital, and to pay a fair dividend on their capital stock, go for the bine Hidge llnilrond, If we wish to secure hornet for our sous in tlt? ir native Slate, niid induce them to remain here, we must go i for the Iiluo Iti.ige Uuilrond. Its extension and final completion wi1\ create ajrontcrvative power in South Carolina, that will lie of untold beiKfil to the people of the Stute^ It will augment the wealth of the people, I and dispense blessings to all pOrtions.of the ; Stale. Then, go for the extension of the j lllue Kidge Itailroad. Without road facilities the Israelites eoald not gain nor retain the promised hind. Your fellow-eitiacn, SOLOMON JONES/ Mr. Poroi a?' Latk?t Insult,?Tn his speech atNejvYoik, Mr. Douglas thought pro|K?r to sneer nt the coinage of Siiv.tlietn citizens. SuhsJnnt tally. lie said that whilst eager to play the pSit of traitors, they desire to 1*5 secured against the penalty of treason, fir oilier words, Mr. Donglns leH* thein that they want to break up the Union, hut lire afraid to encounter the ri.-k.of the gallows which he propose to erect for nil who irfuse to siu-cwmh to Lincoln and an Abolition ftdminUlriMion. Stiecin and threats of this nature come with a had grace from any man; and certainly none anxious to promote identity bet we eo dithxont seclions would give (hem utterance. full ing/iom (he lip* of Mr. Douglas, how* ever. they ntc dixgrrceful in (lie oatrome. Mr. Dougho should be (ho lout lo impugn the coorsgo of other people. [ Wa*hin</(on Constitution. Th* UxiVRRsrry or rna 5W>trr?.? Right Rev. Jntnos II. Oloyf Bishop of (he Diooeve of Tenaernee, gives notice in (her Nashville papers thai (he corner tone of the principal building of the University of the Boeth wiM bo. laid, ' with appropriate ceremonies ni Univer Ry )"l*ee. franklin county, on , the >Oll> of Otfokor toMr a -d m Wm"Sin 9s=~m-1htr~ >. *.: i~ I>T HE ASK Of r'rtJCSBTTBKIAXTHM. He*, J oh u Mcpowel, in hWsend-centeiiary sermon, makes the following iaterCStilHf HtHll l'K'lU : . "Tbal'iestyteiiati Ciftirch wM ^vided in 1838, tine* which time there hare Ixt-n two General. Assemblies. Hoth Assemblies should he taken into Hie aocount iu comparing the Preshyterian ^Church ?* ii now,la with was rffiy yeaiiii ?go. In the General Assembly of 1807, the first I attended, the number of delegates in attendant* wjt* 544 thjB number in the two Asscm , hjieg which met last soring was A07.?Tlio numWr oi Synods'when I enterctT the ininistrv was 7 ; llto number now, awTCpOrtqd ?o ti e last Assemblies is 51. 'J he nnbilter "o? Pt^byterie* w hen I cummemvd my mtwisiry ??-?* 81;- now it i? 254. The number of minister* in the l*re*.byeriun Church, iheu wrr 370 p now it i-> 3,765. The number of chnrches tiien em 074, now it is 4,037 ; end the number of-communicants then *i* 17,671, now it is 366,8S4. According to ibis statement, the Sy noils have Wen multiplied seven time*; the Ficshy terres eight times ; the ministers ten times'; tho churches seven limes, and the communicants twenty times.'' TlIK IkSCKJ>'l ION AT \V AHIIINOTONj? " Occasional," writing to the Philadelphia Press, says : ' - The preparations for tlie reception Of Union Ueufrew, tho future monarch of England, hy oar present majesty. King James, at the White House, goon industriously, but quietly. There Mill be very little outside parade, but an. abundance of inside luxury and exolusiveness. Tl>e affair is to be conducted fn regie. None of the unclean are to be admitted within the je fumed circle, and tboie ladies and gentlemen whose hearts are breaking for an introduction to the young scion who is to follow hi* mother on the English throne, will, 1 fear, be cout| clled to lot them break, or engineer a piesentation under other auspices. Ann ng those specially invited, are Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon Bennett. of tho New York Herald, Mr. and Mrs. Judge Bunnell. of the City, and all tlmao dutiful <Tib ials who have stood ' faithful among the faithless,1 in sup. poit of the policy of the AdmiiiUliutiou." -?.<?> - ? Good T?ov.?The Prince of Wales declines Col. Magrattder's invitation to go buffalo bunting, because be promised his inoll er l>cf? re be left England, that he would be al home at a certain specified time. IJow different is this young gentleman's conduct to that of another roving youth, whoso mother vainly expected Idin for months! To he siire, i lie neglectful prodigal did go back Jo ihe maternal aims at last, but it triok nix hones to drag him there. Even then he Plilv- tallied It ?ior eiw>n?li lo rective a hasty embrace, bnving undo a special cng?pr? nt^iit to meet "fair acrc*,of people"?liu the same more or loss?at a place cnHod Clifu n wp ings. I'nfilial votnljJ What are four acres of people to a mother ? When the Ides of NyvemWr ai tive* t tat four-rcie lot of liumanrtv will be?vix. ltul n mother i.? always a mother. What n 8. A. I), thing it ! ? to have a "thankless child r?N. Y. Day Book. - * -*- ?&>.?- ? Hon.*W. L Yancey at Wasiiino ton?Washington. Sept. 2L, to p. in. ? lion. Win. L. Yaneov nriived here toAlay. An immense and enlliieianfh* crowd, headed by the * Ma ine Wand," serenaded him this evonimr. In response to frequent calls. Mr. Yancey appeared and made a handsome reply.? lie ?q>oke moat eloquently, and"nd\oented disunion in the ev?nt of Lincoln's election, lie said ihe Cnion was in the bands of the Northern ami Linrolnifes, who couhl prevent disunion bv a fusion for Lincoln's defeat. Mr. Yancey concluded l?y saying that if the Northern sectional majority disregarded theckeeks nr.d limitations of the Constitution, Southern fi Cornell would plant the banner of equality upon the mountains, and entrench themselves in a Southern Confederacy ; but be boped that a timely fusion would avert sucrt dire evils. \.('has. Mercury. TTon.TIogkr A. 1'itvon on Cof.ncton of a Skcrmno Statk.?The Not folk, I Va.. Ilerald has the following narafrratii ( t r f " r~ concerning a speech which Mr. 1'ryor recen'ly made in tlant city: ' !h?n. Koger A. T'ryor in his A'lllaiul TTall speech, while commenting on tho reply of Mr Douglas lo the s<cOsteon question propounded lo him in Nor- 1 folk, wound np wiih tho Mauling de- ! clUrn!foil (hat if a President, of tho Unl- 1 led Stale* should have tho toincvily to use force to prevent the sece-sion of a Southern Stale or States from the Union and no effort fr/>in nny other quarter should l>e put forth to fQsist ihe exer-ciso offrdcral power, he, ihe /Ion. Royrr A., eolitori/ and nforte, mould be the Jjrulus to plant a danger in hit heart" corrrnkkck or Amkimcax Diplomats at IIawdcko.?The Herman pn[*? ? state that iltiiin| tho third we?-k in August, a conference of tho Ameiiean iirinlsteis to tho e>mt? of lU-ilin, Copenhagen nod St. Petersburg. Messrr. Wright, Ditchaitan and Appleion? was held in Ihe dty of Hamburg, in obedience to i list rue! i?>H froin tbo administration at. Washington. The subject-of the conference i* said to ba*o been tbe j pi>Key Ip -bo adopted by tho United | ill me iirrnrni po'lUCSI position of Europe and e*ped*m with reference to tire question of protecting naturalized American citizens of tioriiwm l>irth.? A* mo reporter wim present, the proceedings haVe not transpired. Texas.?The geological examination of Texas, which is now going on, has revealed the existence, in great abundance in the Suite, of the lineal chrr, suitable for tl?? manufacture of Queen's ware. A Mr. Knox, having purchased the land, on which a fine bet! of tljis ohif wee found, has coihrfteftecd the manufacture of delf. A few specimens wLiuJi lid tnaJe into bowls and burned, l)ras pfofe4 ft he of vary floe qpafct^ " *> mm^mmmfBBematsss.n, i.i 1 1 ftsgg IrlS 28 . A?rtiiptit^8T\TB.-^0f etorse no a# lion of ?*ir Legislnture coHfij A^n th* St** ft i h t)?v, or oven n iuont1i^4ot^ extent, which the n 'i i ilii i ijfjp^|Tjfl|fr require. The last LegUIattuVvoieq^p" appropriation of $100,000 ftr ihh? pws pose* liai4t *ns done in tslfrfch a Imnffling manner that (he Governor could draw no money from the treasury to nndte otfcxMual. '^Iio next Legislature *iQ, *>f eo^o?e, be qfcpelted to remove all Mumbling blocks in the. way, and ithile they haveltli? subject in.h*ml ik wilUw.j wise for tlivroat least to dutibl* iheAjfc.j magazine nt every District Coart House in tlto State, guarded by "the Cadetaof a Military Academy located in the same place. Hovwe bave no ea?U ^hlitary Academies. So ?6 Imve Otft} hM ?<* should have, and the adoption ?f % a stsVeuv u the (Ml J ettectuaV of, . nppiopnatiftg our free school (vo4 tc> ihe, best ml vantage. o> _r. liy making auch provisUtpa na are suggested, se would'*mt the St?te, *?k ucate our poor, but worthy boy a, Midtrain tin m lor (fie battle field hi lime of war, whilo they would l e fitted ?(o ifil', position* of usefulness, lru*t hihV liooor in times of pence. Would not every, property bidder b? moro th/io. willing to have bis taxea nosed for tbe ftcAdinplhhmejit for urn-h pu?j*o>ee ae. tbe?c V What nay the people! ,,Vorluiglon Flag. j? star i In order to deserve n true friend, tyft must learn first to be one. Southern EaptittTheological Seminary. - < TIIE Exercises of the Second ?c?slrtto of this Institution, will begin oil .Monday ncxt,~Uio 1st of October. Tho stiwlentf will moot the Professors nt 0 o'clock, A. M., lu tho South ' Lecture Itooin. Persons desiring to board students, arc roqucstcil to give immediate notice of tbolr tcrius, and amount of accommodation. , J. P. BOYCfe. Sept 27 il .1 Recovery Lodge, Ho. 31, A. tf. If. /. A RKOULAR COfclMlJW# .??*>> CATION of ltccorcrv T ilji.n I No. 31, A. F. At., will be livid in tho Hull ott'.Vonrfnjf Erentnff Harfp Octolxv 1?r, for work and dispute!) of busMesa, The numbers are requested to attend, as business of iuiportuuco to tbe Lvdgo is to Uo transacted. P.y order of flic W. M. C. M. MoJVKKItt, &vaef?ry. Bop 27 21 1 A Clergyman's Testimony.?IHttts/ord. Vt , Aug. 1, ?I hereby certify lhat my hair,, bavin- become quite grey, I used llrinistreat's llair Restorative, (prepared by XV. K. Hagun, of Troy. N. V.) for leuj weeks, auil my hair wivs in tbat time restored to its original egior. I can fully recommend the ortii-U' to. bo nil it claims. \VM. KTXtjSI.JvY, Pastor of tho Baptist Church, Pitt.ston), Vt. lintuniibnr that tiiis.result Ws produced by Hi i in street's Inimitable, tho original and only ' reliable Iiair Restorative. > xTf "Prlc-6 SO rents'and $1 a bottle. Sold j- i- i.-in-i iv iit-iiiiisii, iireonvuHv unci Ifj Druggists ovcivwlicro. Sop 27 21-t Fiora tho "Wcstera Patriot. I'ltOFKSROft WOODH _ ; Hair Restorative, wo ?rc ploosvd to ho able to record the satisfaction of our pitfb^.aAar trial ol any article advertised in cur culutum We Lave the satisfaction to know several of our readers who haviv triid Professor Wood's H.MIt Rostoratire, that wire gtay, ami now their hair is restored to its original color, undi they willingly add their testimony to its lifficsey. Thirf speaks well for the artfcW, ahd Wo advise^ all Who do not wish toW?jij>en* gray-Leaded, to Um> Wood's . i JlKSTpnATIVF.. C.irTioif.?Ilcwaro of worthless Imitations, as soveral arc already in tin! market, cattail l?y : different names. I -a none -unless the words . (1'rof. Wood's Hair Restorative, LcpM, Pt | Louis, Mo., and New York.) are blown in" th'o Lottie. ^^Peltl try nH Dmggiuta and Patent Mudhino Dealers; al#o, hjr all fancy 3'oilet, (doeds Di-ali iin tho United States and Canada. 1 , _^U*Por*nleirf tlrecfivlTIc Ly l>fs. Lomi & lit RsnAw, Rjji/gisls. . 21-4 L Sep 27 ?f?"~yr i '? From tho St. Louis Mo. .Daily Republican. A Nnw DiPcnvrnr.?Onr friends and tntrnsmwi, Messrs. Potter A Mem in, are numufueturing an urticht oaljed Cherokee Remedy " from the (her of its original discoveries Leln* tho " Modioli Men" of lliat celebrated triLo'of Indiana. TIicso gentlemen aro shifting rast ipfantitie* of litis medicine to nearly evory town, village ami hamlet in our country. Jhis is just tim article wnn'pl in oar city. Aa ffo arc told that it proves efficacious in every onfte.Our re aders am aware that wo have fro* t-vmo to tint a wuruod til*in to shun those vile n'u-rccnary repack* that Infest onf city?'who wllPtmt only do ibcm no good, but will ruin thsm in pnclrat and constitution, and now With tho same za?l Wo will #ith much pleasure point them to (ho "beacon'of hope." A" a general thing this branch of inedioinO has I''an in the hands, pf iucrccmiry erafiirW-v; it ts^'iualiy j e.iaiiucirc to tlio honor of the profession and ' tho int. rcpr of tlio patient that uot only those | ! pif tenders be driven from the Bold; l*t"*lso a 1 medicine wile and reliable be pissed withiit the | racli of inexp.riouectl, short s^h'i 1 ! wno Would, ifwlcinrlvcil of it, thriwiffh dafi^aey I or shame, rnlTcFthcinsclvA to bcenma vjet itas I to the ravages Af an insidious. j<wnslitat(^a|i^ i soul-anii-body-destroying disease. a Wo . Up* kjn nk for I lime gentlemen a large sab arid the confidence at Shiiithcrn people, a? they are nt?tive v* Misjouriaus." Bee advertisements. j Pep 27 . 22 . _. Sr. I , . : THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. MR J AM IN CfcAlllvfc'S i' CELI:?HA.TP;D v M ALB PILL* Protected v better* By Boyal \) rat*nt< Pt 'pnrnf from ? pmrripltrut of ?V?> Jt ('/(trip, M.I).. I'hytSrkin Kftroonlioarp to tk?Ifor**. T1JI ; iuvaluu^lo mcuirir.o is tmfailiiiK in tio eirc of nil .thou' painM nnd ddii^roon iltniieea to wlihli tlie f(MO:ilp oon.itifuMftn i* etibjeei. It moderates nil r.n or# end ivuioves nil obdtndV tiuns, mill u'Vp^c 'y euro may to relied onc *" TO MATIUII^D LADIF.B 1 It i? pariilioriy Miilcit. If vrili, in a uliortlhttey | bring uu 1U0 period witb regularity. - " cirtllkl. ? ^ These Pill* should pot bo Infern hy female# dtirirtg fhe rmsr ttirwh of Prognanejy on titty uro sure to bring on Miecarriagej b?V ut any other time tHUy nre aat'o. t In ell rare* of Nerroiu and Affinal Afcctions, Pain in the Itrtck nnil T.iinbs, Heaviness, Pfttijru^on slight eaerthm. PMpitetion ?f ttm llcnrt, Hysterics epd Whites, those Pill* will efleet ft euro when all olJver moans lie*u failed: and Altlinutrfi a nh*ApMl " *"A In in iron, cBloinil, ndtiiuony, or nnylliing hart* tul to tho lit ?i I ton Full dhrocttonr itf thq rnrophlet arugiul cn?h pn? kntr<>, wMrh mMuM tag rnreftally prtudrroi. Bote Ar<*b* frr thtt Unjtbd SIM* and Cotiwtft, ? (TOP MO0BS, <L?t? 1. 0. lUl.lwin A <">>?) &?ebMtor, Jt* if* W. ou4 6 pnglft fc rtmups oa?h>*ed to tai>y nliHMifiz< rl Ago/tt, will fnrura A 1>otflr, d MifaUning 5tf pillj, by rnfmn tn'wH. BoUHa Or-< nvilte by Fnmd* # llt:r?iT??. imd l.y nil r.-t.pncjAW* flnijulfU. , i? ? | y, ' V , N - j V I JftT The friend? of Mid. 15. B. GOODI^TT ffcrpoet fully tnMnaN MM* ?w> rfiilat* tor office of Major Goaorel of CM IhT rXaotiJ!^ A.M^wiUi!'''"'* ^ /j . t?m> ntL. ^ ?^? _'J . - ;JHF I jst w. V, PiytfSjft -fewUflmnounccd a caudi<iate tot tLd Legtstal&C isgsffissffiss* re-election to (do Legislature. > I^Tficfrfcikle of CbL DAVID hoki: ! nniK>mjre*Mm i* oawllchita lor thi lift* 1 fcifdolnve, ?? tlio'ensultig clM tioa. l^TThb fnend.j^^^H* Ijll.I.Plor^E nuiuWce Uitn a QiMfcdidftto. for tbe LcgwiivQirynt thfrapfrroacbiag cecity. " t^jf" \Y* er? mitboriwld to an* . ww C01.. W. If. CA.MPIIKLI; a caV**' tlfJe rot reelection to the Stote Legislator* at th?.4t>MitujC election. 'n. 1f? I fjgT"" Tito many friends of Dty J.>M. SVIJ-IVAN. n*|>*etfuJly announce faim Us a fnnrtidnte ffer ro-elecHon^d lbs St ate l??", glslntnro i?< the ciifufng election. s J3?r*."W'e nro i cq nested hy tl?o j many "friend* .?f J. ROHJiHT SMITH, to announce Mm a candidate lot tbo Legislature at m the ensuing elccti'TO. . - ; r* f-^T Tlxvfripnds of Col. .TAMES Mi C'tllJLOUGH. resnee)fblly licg leave to announce bile a* ft Ctindiixte t? represent QMi* ^ villo District in the noxfc Lcglslalnrc. fj For Tax Colloctor. Jtir The. fricuds of .TOIIN U. TARKAXT, announce 1 itp a, oitiulldate fotr Tax Collector for (Jrccnvillo District, Wo ftjo nntfloiized to announce W. 8. TIIACKSTOft a candidal* Tor -h Tax Collector at thd ensuing ekctfon. The fticjuls of liev. J. III. rfspijtrully an ti on nee h fro as n Candidate for Tha Collector, at ll?c-tn*tiiog election. . ?<T Wt) tiro authorised to antinnnrfyMu F. TAYLOR, ksov, * candidate for Tax CoQBppr, nt the ansuing election. S3T Wo me Ruthcvizdd to anTHiuncc EDMtlKD IIOOK HK ? candidate for TUT riillpctftf. fit HJO flhAitSno niA*iT#fe i - -W " ~T_ jCIf* Wo nrc fluthoriFfTcTlo anVtnnnro W. T. AUSTIN n candidate fur Tax Collector, at tho next election, nre nnlhomfcd tn nnntiuunc J. if. McCULLOUOH a oandlitate for Tax Cejkvtvr. ni tbc iiOXt election. Wb nr? authorized to an- B noume Coi.. CI,.. P. 1'OOLK as n candidate for ^ Tax Collccto^Ht t};c*cos wing election. ' T\:e nr6 tyitntyriW# to nnnnnsinW IV. T. fiflfMA"fKat a candidate ikr Tox Collector ut tko eoeuing"?l<cti<.y? - Wa ftfe requested to annnuurft* M*. EI, T A.I mil* ns a cnr.didate for 1 Tax CoUpatof, nt the next* Election. " ??ISr JAMES B. PEABStftf fi* noctures 1l In; self as a candidate fur Tax Collector at Ute ntXt election. . \ , -J-CT-VI-.oL.fc*L* rr t.'.i "V' .rdafc nottcr. ALL PEHSOKS tfc.hhted to the Estate of t K XJRRKr- FOWl.KIl, rkKwawr^aih Tfuneated to inoko pay men If end Uaoe having demands against said'Estate, to LeoD them la I>ro|wrIy ntteeto 1, to It. 1'. liltOCKMAhZfcAdm'r. 8ept 17 , . 11 3. ~ notice; I IIIETlEBY forward i)J1 pare one- from lru?linjT my v. iff, MffrtttytoHih, On my account, a? I am determined not to par any debt she may contract, ttblbsr rbntiwlkg) ay taw. air \ A. J. OILKEATU* fh&fT" * 2! 1 1 ? ?? .wytftft - 1 of Ordinal"/, I ffltygu. en Satmni-ijh 6th of Ommr mtu-t, at r ^ ftfl ~1M ? the -lute roeidrnfo of TKKB.Y *aaC2a?I5tepowBER, ikf etsed, (nod i 1 I Tick's Rt.wc,) ?U the l'crsdnal Property %*f l-mplng to the said ddecaaed, consisting of the Adjowittg property? iir/fi f>ne Homo end fhtggf: 7 , iv G?54-0*^ Ono Cow and failf jg^XtOoo Wa of Oe^mfct's TdOls. *' ^A,i"lon tbrj fwme day, in-tlio evening, at or tcsidcuce of T. lL. PowIerJjte P?deht crop erf 4* * Com and Cott&n, ***'* fc Tuft** or Bai.k?For hfl euwmsSr tlef-tii<lolUr!? cwh 5 fot *0 *v4V 1 ttujWM* -jj *? ^EBRSfe ^i V* T ''" " jfl ;| ere'a J?'#$? f"'?" ".'"Jr .(??Ik.. A MwwifJ^Si!1 * < V- *cfc?i > t >?<1 j ?i *fr}?y ? w> mm*