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w j I '.J A. REFLEX OF POFTJL^It EVENTS. ^ ' progress, Ihc Rights og lh$ ?outh, and ihf ?ifnsiot? of ulscful ^inoidedge -among all tf lasses of Morlting M\tn. r .VyflUBi?;^L -. 'J. "r~7"' GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY MORNINO, SEPTEMBER 27, I860. < " NUMBER at. t.?ltv-.r?*?tb to tb? ! * fcT th9 IWi^fc to ttoi tlfty-^W. . Y???to ?r IvMfytoHjf n'ad-N ?nd Ittpral deduction frvwtbr *b<>*p r?tc? ;.*1^vn' L .IdyerttowiiMito ?* *!?)*??: ^contract sk< *V? h*v* tW* aumbry ?f Uoertiuu* moiled upon aMMBWg icdiuid churned for j mmggf??u- 'Liinj-'-uj? r . ' irirdcli ^ottrtj. * From the London Courier of 1810. ' *> 01>I forgot Me. f I.XDI Btwa'l A.VSWKII 111 "li'Kji BVBOxV "MttTIMR Will." Oh! IbrgH w?e ; ^nd fsrgH ^ The brightness of our morning gleam Of h*ve (end hope, which tinges yet * memory of that faithless <hennt; Oh! forged nte-wphelher thou sail Lonely in thine JSgicnr. sea, List to wlSdering Arab tide. Of plunge in night* U revelry? ? For thee?whose stirring soul n.ay ruah Where joy spreads forth her Wtaener Mhv. owsoherm;;'. u t'-'- ' Bold in towering pride to cuA s The strpent (tend of e.trth'* pou/harm: ITposAon wib thee to her guests, ' ^j Let netthy thoughts to home l? turn'd: Hear nut,lbs doubling heart which bursts To flunkoYpence despised and spufn'd; Olr l then forget urn, and if Time Dock from thy breast this rankling ' <Swifnovt' V ' Uncl??ck'd<l?y tharac,, unnxv'd by crime, . I CKog to some wnrin and kindlier hvuit. For ma enough those sunny hours, "* Tl?e heralds of tliia night ef woe? ; Which h d ana blind o'er pajJtabfflowers, ikeelfciitgaJl sweets of bliss helflw ; , Though, like the vndota of the.spring, ' Usey wpeo'd to She light and died? JTho^gh tor they fled, on starting wing, WiifB jor? tbruHk lwe& from luior'd priil*? BtiVI were tUj etr?etc?t, happieet, . Whoo troth ?t*d>vy an it* attain; But?oh! forget m? tiiJ Uwt Iiour ?H light worldly dreams ahnllAy, WMM $Jfee, wad ? And rmik, ?u.l And^jfW gmitis humldcd lie? L | The* iWnc stormy thought gu?b in? 1/ Uwt offtNjUon ttill way live? .yj Relieve tlw^ torn keovta, purg'4 from 4n^ y ' BJlfcHELOHS LOVE MAKING. v?^?own it Air. a Intel: ire, spicy wreniV r t& Htbl??CiL wuft Cttrd reoeivFor liiiti^l ni the wootj, lax < A nd !\o ! would if 1 only dared nsk Lillian, j ?0l?,dear I I know she would not have . net find vet Fro not so certain, ei'her ^if I eon Id only muster courage boldly to put tlie question. Hut just m -me m J approach the dangeroro* subject, my heart fulls me! And then there is that pappv Jones, with his curled moustache nnd lutir parted In the middle, alairya hanging nroimd Lillian, quoting poetry to hen?if I could only hare the privilege of kicking him acro?s the street, I'd die hnppy. Me isn't bashful, not he 1 If somebody would 011; invent some new way of popping Vie question?s?-milling that wasn't quite s> eu h rrasMng." O tr hero [s> e his Mark glosev curl* an e In b ash, surveyed himself critically in the cl?t.*s, and then, wiih a deep a:ph. set out to crtll on the :de iticnl Lillian R-vmnnd, revolving. as lie had >? uiuu mm nines ociore, llutt J?per li.'Ds1? tun)!*? O/i J the bashfulnew* of bachelors ! When Mr. Thotnbroke arrived within the churn Pd ]Vrgcincts <?f Mr. linyntoni'fc handsome parlors, velvet carpeted, chandaHerod tvit!' 50U and ormolu, crowded to the very u?'Of with those charming knick knacka that onlv n woman's taste provides, Miss Lily was " at hotne.^itt a bewildering inciino dress, i cjjged with white luce tironml the pt xrly shoulders, And a enmsou tnoss twist ed in among the rippling waves of her soft, brown hair. She never looked half so pretty ; nnd thank Providence, Jones wasn't on . hand, for once hi his life. Hut what was almost as had, Lily'o cousin was there?a tall, slender, , Mack eyed girl with arch lips, and cheeks as red as a' Spitzenberg apple. Oh, how Thorubroke wished that Miss Rather Allen was at the bottom of the lied Seft, or anywhere ex:opt in thar particular parlor. And then her eves wete so sharp?he hadn't been doing ! the agreeable more than four minutes and a hn(/, before she exclaimed : " Dear nic, Mr. Thorubroke?pray excuse me? but what on earth is the i 'matter with your elbow 1" M ?rk turn , ed scatIc;?the tiuitofous black j in had "d'fcspried il a post. - * Only a compound fracture in my coat. Miss Allen," said he, feeling as though his face might do the duly of j Raymond's chuudalieis, both put to- | gethcr ; M you know we bachelor's are j not expected to be exempt from such 1 l ihinjjfo*. - m " Hold your arm nnd I'll make it all tight ki one moment," raid Km her, in btantly, producing from some secret re> fltesa in the folds of her dress, a thimble nnd needle, threaded with black silk, aq<t aett'mg expertly to work. * There,' now. consider yourself " hole." "How skilful you are," said Mink, adiniiinglr, utter lie had thanked licr j most. M Hut llien you have so many j moe concerns to woik with. 1 Uv? only ? needle and coiue wax besides mv scissors!" "You ought to hnye a housewife, Mr. Thotnbroke," said Miss J/ily, timidly lifting up her long lasher* in his directioo. Lily never could look a* Thm n broke without a soft little losy skadow on ber cheek., 44 A whatf* demanded Mark, turning tctj red. " A housewife.* * Yes,'* said Kfark, after a moment"1* awkward hoiiadon, " my?mv frionde hare told mc so very often?and 1 really think so myself, you know. Hnt what sort of a one would )ou recommend, Miss Uavtnoud f* 44 oih!i any pretty liljle concern. I'll end you one in tire morning, if you'll accept of it,'' she added, with .a rosy light upon her chfeeks again. " If?I'll?accept 1" said Mark, foel' dug as if he were in an atmosphere of gold and |>earl, with two wings sproutingk-out of his bioadcloih, on ?illtfe sidtk.' An?! just as lie was-opening his assure Miss Lily that he was rtaqy tor take \ho precious gi t in hi$ i nrms then and there, without unnecessary d?!uy, tho door opened, and in * ttalssil Jonas. Miiik was not at all cannibalistic in . his p?<>pet >i ies, but* just then lie could I ;tin\e eaten .Joints up with uicouiinon pleasure. And theie the fe low sut. r |?*?lling his long hioifstncfae an 1 talking the most insipid twaddle?sat and ant, r, Until Mark rose in despair to g ?. Even then he had no Opportunity to exchange i a private wokI with Lily. " You?you'll not forg. t?u ? Oh, I'll be-sure to leraew'jer,'* aaiil ; *fhe, smilingly, imd half wondering at f I thnf unusual pressure he gave her hand. - { Ladi?*s often do provide tlserr bachelor I J friei.d. so." |L Mark went home the happiefct indi* , j 'viduaI liiat evqr trod a New York paveII inent. Indeed s& grtat was his felicity Ktknl b* indeed in Various gymnastic I Ebftrs indicative of bliss, apd only jaua I, ed in them at the grutl' caution #>f a ? -policeman, who probably had forgotten \ his ojvn courting days?* Come, young p dean, what are y ou about V' jf" Was there over a nioro deHcate way L of assuring me of her favorable con-id I eration ? Was llAo trtrs more femi a nins mlmissfein of^nter eentiment t til t course, abe will come herself, an nngi-l I, breathing aim from' I*?radi*e, and I i shall tell h?f of my love. A housewife - oh I the deliefona words I Wonder in i w|;8t neighborhood eh* would like m< ? soon il I JW I ... would bo b??t to nnme the <Uy! Oh I \ if I ahould awake and Bod it mII m b.iss- t f?l dream P t Early the next morning. Mr. Thornbroke ret briskly to woik, " righting t tip thing*." How he ewept end dusted j mid scoured ; the rooin was aired to get t rid of the tobacco smoke, and spiinkled with cologne, and benntiBed generally. < and at length, when the dust waa all < swept into one corner, and covered hy ? a carelessly disposed newspaper, he ? found the window-glass murky, and 4 polished it with such a vengeance thai ? liia list, handkerchief and all went > throngh, sorely damaging llio liand, and i necessitating the ungraceful accessory of an old hat to keep out the wintry blast ; for the time being. However, even this I mishap did not long dannt his spirits, for was no.t Lily coining ! t Long and wearily lie waited, yet no tinkle at the bell gave warning of her approach. 44 Ii'h all Iter sweet feminine modesty," thought lie, and was content. 4* Miss Raymond's compliments, ami hero's do housewife, sir." 41 Housewife, voti little itnp of Erebus Jt 4' Yes. sir. in ilo Lnv all rirrlif " Mark slunk back into his room, and ' opened the box, half expecting to s<mj a full dressed young lady issue from it a In Arabian nights ; but no, it was only a little blue velvet book, and full of odd cohipai tincnts in azure silk, containing tape, needles, scissors, a thimble, ami I all the trice little work-table accessories. 1 "And she calls this a housewife!" groaned Mark, in ineffable bitterness of ' spirit at the downfall of his bright \i?- 1 ions. , ' Hut I won't be put oil" to." I Desperation gave hint courage, and oft" lie hied to the Uayinotul mansion, determined to settle the matter, even ' though there were folly Joneses and j Esthers there. Hut Lillian was alone, singing at her ' embroidery in the sunshiny window ' casement. "Dear me, Mr. Thornbioke, is anything the matter !" 1'urhnps it was the shadow from the splendid eiinrsoned cactus plume? in the window, that gave her cheek such a delicate glow ; perhaps?but we have t\o rixrlrt to speculate. " Yes," and Mark sat down by lirr side, and took the trembling, liutteiiug hand. " You sett*, nre a housewife this morning!" 1 * Wusn't it right I" faltered Lilian. ' u It wasn't the kittd I wanted at all !" " Not the kind you wanted ?" 44 No ; I prefer a living one, ami came ' to see if I could change iv. I wanted one with brown hair and eyes?something, in short, Miss Lillian, ju-t your pattern. Can't I have it!" Lilly turned white, then red, smiled, then burst into tears, and tried to draw away her hand, but Mark held it fast. " No, no, dear Lilly; first tell me 1 can have the treasure I ask for." " Yes," she said, with the prettiest :.. a ...J i . ?i -?? i vwiiiu?ivii in iihj woiiu aim men, ill stead of releasing tlic captive, tlio mi| reasonable fellow took possession of the oilier, loo. Put, as Lily did not object, we suppose it was all rijjhtAikI iliat was the odd way by wbicb Mark 'l'iiornbroke diverged from the path of old bachelorhood, and stepped into the respectable ranks of matrimony. Hold on, Mr. Conduotor. \Ve are assured that the following anecdote is true in every part'cular : In a certain seaboard city a very popular "sensation" divine was holding forth in his most eloquent strain, hi* theme being the liailroad to Heaven. lie classed the various denominations of Christians as cars of the. train. ' First," said lie, " I will notice the gorgeous car of ihc Episcopalians, hung with golden-tinselled drapery, ami tilled i with litflicst velvet and downy cusnton*, 1 on which iis inmates may recline at rest ! and ' Be carried to the skies On flowery beds of ease.' From this car the deep toned and roletnn.voiced organ sends forth iv soul niching and heart-subduing music, and all about it is grand and elegant. "Next I will place the Presbyterian car. This car, like its predecessor, is quite gaudily arrayed in purplo and line linen, though lacking, much of its ceremonious poiflp and splendor, but here and (hero among its well dressed occupants, you may ico some of low degree and from the humbler walks cf earth. "Next shall come the car of owr Hapli-l brethren. This, my hearers, haun iininonso bathing-tub attached to it, and is hung with pictures of '.lohn in tho Wilderness,' Christ in llio .L.tden,'! ike., <kc. The occupants of tin's cat are from all classes and conditions of met), and they exhibit a deef> ami thorough devotion to their distinctive tenonts, and have great faith in their bathing-tub i ablution*. " Lastly; my friends, shall come the Methodist car, plain and unassuming.?Ita passengers are engaged in shouting halleluiah ' and 4 Glory,' and with tin* brel ana harp and'psaltery, they con i f ually make a 4joyful noi?e unt> the , Lord,' and are untiring in their effort* i to persu#rle the inhabitants of 'he coun* , try through tehich the I toed posses, to I otter the train and go on to the 'promII ised land.' These is, rao/cov*- - ffroK> v <Y . ' . , ? prevent them froin falling <?i Wing | hrown oft' (be Irwin by llio violence of heir movement?. j | 44 Having arranged the train," contin- j led the teverend Conductor, wo ni'.l | live the order 4" all aboard" and** strut j ( he engine." Just at this point of the discount nn . f dderly sister up in one corner of the 1 , :hiirch, feeling the peculiar influence j j ?nd beauty of the last iollustration, { drouted out at the top of her voice? j Glory, glory." A jolly J;tek tar, who >?t in the nravsrlesii nf tlio 1 ? V # J? *?v , ktreet door, instantly jumped to his feet : ind exclaimed: j. u Hold on, Mr. Conductor, hold on. , roti'vo left one of the pasfcengeis for the 1 ' a*l car!" . ' Wo preturne that produced a " sen- ' ( tation " A Bride in the Wrong Bed. We hold the Cincinnati Enquirer as i 1 rougher for the following : A newly married pair put up at I lie ' Spenser House?they went out shop- i ping?returned?bride hail lost some things?she quietly slipped out, leaving h ?r spouse asleep ? found her lost arli e!e->-r-retumcJ- mistook Main for Broadway?got into the Madison instead of tho Spenser, asked a boy if she was in the Spenser, not fully understanding her | ?6liu t?>ld him to lead her to 4b?she . pa: lly disrobed and got in'o bed?e>-| peeled Iter husband momentarily?fell I asleep?the occupant of 48 Madison, in Indiana merchant, returned froin tlie lientre?n little tight ? quietly went to j room ? to bed?to sleep. The account i " proceeds: j' IIow Icng the two reposed there siJe j try side, with onlv a fait space between , 1 them, all unconscious of each other's I presence, is r.ot exactly known, but probably about an hour, when a tremendous noise was heard in the apartment, from which female screams issued wildly, piercing and ceaselessly. The hotel was in an uproat; propri- I etors, clerk*, waiter*, poiter*, and guests, t 1 dressed and half diesned. were at the I door of u forty eight" in a few minutes, ! blocking up the entrance, and asking j each other eagerly, ' what is the in titer ?" M For Hod sake tell us what is , the trouble?" The cause of this outcry may be iin- ' [tgincd. The bride had awakened I ft >out midnight, and putting her hai els 1 aver Iter husband, (Lev fell upon the ' ludinninn'a face, the soft, warm touch aroused hi in at once, lie did not understand it exactly, though he did not ( dislike it, and in a moment more Mrs. 11. said : " My dearest husband, where have you have been all this while ?'* " ilttsbaud !" echoed the merchant, beginning to see, like Lord Tinsel, that he had made a sinaTPniiatake here ; " 1 am nobody's hiishjuul, 1 reckon, my ; dear mndain, you're in the wrong bed." ; In the wrong bed ? Honors, thought the bride. What would her liege lord ? what would the curious world say 1 And Mrs. It. screamed terribly, and sprang from the couch just as her companion did the ?Ame. He was fully as much alarmed as she, and entreated her to give hint time and he would leave the apartment, although it was one he had engaged?he'd make oath to that. Scream, scream, fCrenin, was the only reply to this kind proposition. "My God, inndaitfp don't yell so! you'll wake the house. reasonable ; [ swear it's only tv mistake. Have some thought of the consequence. I don't. want to hurt you, 1 swear I don't.? You'll get ine shot and yourself?well, I won't say what." Just nt this juncture, the throng out- 1 ?ide presented itself at the door, and beheld Mrs. 1?\ cowering in one corner, | exerci.-ing her lungs magnificently, with i a sheet wrapped over, her form and head,! and the Indiniiiun in the middle of the j room enveloped in r. coverlet, and ejac- i dialing : * My God, madam, don't!" The junior proprietor, Dr. Cahill, aw there must be some mistake, and re [nesting the other* ao?re'.ire, called lire merchant out, went with him into another room, and llivre. learned the ' whole story. The I )ociur then sent one of lire ladies of the hotel lo Mrs. 11., | and tbo enliro nll'uir- was explained, greatly to" her relief,* tlnfiigh alio was o/erw helmed with confusign nt n cir- I cmmbinco that might have ruined Iter reputation forever, 'flie old adage is a^a ii vcriticd: "All's well that ends well.1 ' ? - l ? SAi * A Lttti.r Hoy'b rnAtRR.?More than thirty rears ago a gorily minister, illuatrntinjj the efllcaey of prater, related the case of a little boy with a sore hand, which had- become so bad that the phyticia i decided it must be amputated tu-savo tho boy's life. 'J ho day was fixed for the operation. On hearing.this, the little Iter went to a retired spot in the garden, fell on his knees, and bogged 'God for Jesus' sake to savj his poor hnnd. Tha next day the pitvsnnan.came and examined t ie hnnd, when, to the astonishment of all, it was found to be so much bette- that amputation was no necessary. The ha ul got quite well again, the littla boy grew up to be a man, ' ind," continued the jninister, holding up his haud,44 thl? unworthy ti*i,d onu now be liewJi to you as a '.Monument of peayor I iinsyrerod V\.ongh dKUie merey." Jf Atnerinm ifiwamprf. ,, * f Death Warrant of oar Lord. ' Chance," nay* the Courier de* Etat* ["ni*, " ha* just put into our hands the uo?l imposing and interesting judicial ! lociitncnl to all Christians that has >v?r been remrdwl inhuman annal* hat i*, lite identical death warrant of >ur Lord Jesus Christ. The do xjtiinehl tva* faithfully transcribed by the editor n those word*: Sentence rendered by Pontine Pilate, actiny Governor of Lower Gulihe, stoting that Jesus of Xazreth iha.ll suffer death on the Cross : In the year seventeen of the Emperor Tiberius Ciesar, and the 27th day of March, the City of the holy Jerusalem ?Anna and Caiplin* being priests. *aMafi?oators of the people of (lod?l'onlins Pilate, Coventor of bower Calilec, li'iitjj 111 me i resi'H'iuiai unatr ol the I'mstury, condemns Jesus of Nar.i;r< th o [lie on the cross between two thieve*? ilie groat and uotoiious evidence of the people ?"vinjr: 1. J< sun is a sod' c ;r. *2. lie i* seditious. 3. lie is llie enemy of the law. 4. He calls hiinsclf, falsely, the Son of (? > '. 5. lie calls himself, falsely, the King of Israel. 0. He entered into the temple, followed by a multitude bearing palm branches in their h tods. Orders the lirst Centmion, Quiliti* Cornelius, to lead iiiui to the place of execution. Forbids ? any person whomsoever, either poor or lich, to oppose the death jf Je-iM < 'lii'st. The witue-scs who signed the con ilemnntioti of Jesus are: 1. Daniel Kobitii, a BhatUec. *2. Joaunus Uobsiii. 3. iiaphael Uohani. 4. Capet, n citizen. Jesus siiall go out of the City of Jerusalem by the gate of Struenus. The above sentence is engraved on a popper piste; on one side ate written these words : "A similar plate is sent to each tiibe.' It was found in an an tiqne vase of white marble, while exca valine < > the sneient city of Aquilla, in tlie kingdom of Naples, in the year 1810 and wits discovered hv the conunis sionets of aits of the French nnnies.? At the expedition of Naples it was enclosed in a hox of ebony, as the sicti-l v of the Chartem. The French translation was made by the commissaiies ? f arts. The original is in the Hebrew language. Fiiist Baiiies. ? A somewhat extended observation and a soii ary CXpei ieiioe, have convinced tin that first babies have a hard lime, l'arent* must have two or three children before they know what a baby is ; know how to treat it, and acquire patience suflicient to treat it properly. The p>cr little fellows that have the mi-foi tune to come along first have to educate patents to their tai-k, and in th*, process they get spank ed and shaken, anil abused. After a man has tluce or four children, he learns that whipping, or striking a child less than twin years of age,4 is barbarism. We knew one " paternal head " w ho struck his first child when only six weeks old. the ass actually believing that the child knew better than to crv. ami that he stopped crvitrg at that par ticu'ar time because he stiuck him. We carry cetjaiu notions of children ami of family gnvoinmctif, into married life, anil the first child is always the victim of these notions. Ami not nlone of these, for.the parents have not learned sell contfol, and a l?aby is whipped quite as often because the patent is mi patient sr angry, as because it is vicious or intractable. Wc inflict on onr first children 'he floggings we ought to have fur our own impatience or ftetfulness This pounding cliildtcn before they be come, in (JodV eye, morally responsible beings, is very strange badness. I'a tience, good peoph?unwearying pa tience I l>on'l wait to learn it tinti one of your little ones shall bo hiddet under the daisies ! ?- o ? ' "Tiik Womi.d Owi:a me a Livixci.1 For what, young man? lleeanse yot have spent your time in idleness am Mpuindered your property in dissipation Is the debt the World owes you M to value leceived,' or are you a poor hem I ficia.y that mankind in general ha adopted to educate and support 1 IJoi have you used ai d applied the one. Iw or five talents' that nalitro entrusted yoi with at the start t How came th I world in \our debt t Wlia. lieiieli have you conferred upon society ? ? What deeds of charity have rott don for your fellow creatures ? What bene I lit conferred upon your race! Ilow i | the world the better for your having liv ' ed in it. or how have you brought it ii t i . it 1 % I u?u; ! iiavo vou acceptor!,, or endorse* l draft* for it* iwnt fit payable in oterni i ly ? Or aloud security for its wclfar hereafter f If none of llieso, upon wlu ground is it indebted to you? lliin nit for your claim in the high court i conacieticc, and see wlmt judgment wi l?e tendere-j. The wot Id in ymir del ' ?nev\rf\ Were it to push it* demaurl 1 against you. you would be a poor ini*e | able bankrwp'. Goto wink. liy tli I sweat of vour brow, a ust you earn yoi ! bread. The world owe* you nothing, [Spirit of the South. * ^^)KCEPriov^--Looi^icre, vonnjf innii! i would yuii carry a frank, .open, hone-t countenance ? then nyWir attempt to de | tfive. Would you think well of yourself, nml%avo others think well of yon! you can ftot if you practice deception. Parents ! would you have your children respect, love, and vcneripe you ! then never deceive thein. Children, if you would make your parents aid ami unhappy, and vllecUtally destroy their confidence in votl^k then try to ^Wl? your little trick* ami misdemeanor* from the ' old man and woman." You think you can do it. do you 1 " Lay- not ll i | Haltering unction to^Rnr soul thev l are far more observing than you take ihem to l>o. You ure well aware tha' i hcv suspect you, n^ can you l*ar to ' lie sii5j>?*o*?*<1 liv I lie iTbarest fiend* you t have on earth! We can not think much of those whom we would deceive, even though they might he ourparenla. Oh, how mean and contemptihloY^ deception, even in the moat triflingoj^Bj and, can he guilty of out allowing it in hia connUuiatt^Bfeg Yea, the face is an index of the min H those whose intuition* pro not hhWHS The close or careful student of liatlr^H reads his lellow men like a hook, evfflP from external conHgiiralion. Then would you look benevolent, niereifflfl kind, [Mire and cheerful ; he so, and your fellow men will soon find you out and give \ou iuo credit. niroixMNo Titr Wontn.? Man}" an unwise parent labors hard and live* sparingly nil his life, for the pnrposo of leaving enough to give his children a start in thu world, as it is called. Set ting a young man afloat with money left him by his relatives, is like tying bladders under (ho aims of one who cannot swim ; ten chances to one he will |o*e his Madders mid goto the hot torn. Teach him to svviin, and lie will never need the bladders. (Sivo your child a sound education, and yott have j done enough for him. See to it that his morals are pure, his mind cultivated, and his whole nature made subservient to the laws which govern men, and you have given what will he of jpore value than the wealth of the Indies. To he ? ^hrown upon one's resources, is to be. cast into the very lap of fortune,'for oui faculties then undergo a development, a id disj lav fin energy* of w hich the} w re prvxiously insusceptible. ' . , I Dr. Anold. L? "As tut Day is, bo Shall tut Stuknotii uk.j'?What we arc to look f?r is not grace for imaginary purposes. I...i f..- r,.,.t. ....I - f ~ a:u: | ? v/1 I w?i , nuv i;?nvO IVM tlHUIV Ui(II cullies, lnii present; or, as tiro apostle I lias it, giace to " help in tifne of need." ' It does not, therefore, follow, that what is formidable in the prospect, may bo so in the event. You may fear death while living, rejoice in it at last. 4tl? this," said Hr. Goodwin, 44 is this dy ing? Is this the enemy that dismay1 ed ino so l,,ng"-noW appealing So 1 harmless?and even pleasant t" i A Fat At. QrAuriKC.? We understand that a difficulty occurred at, the inusferground, at I.yon's on la't Safnrdav evening, lietween John Grumbles and JameiCC. Hrown, which resulted io the death of the former fiotn a stick in the hands of tho latter. It appears, from the coroner's teturn, that it was late in the day, and that the parties were diink ing. and that Gin inkles, when neat Drown, hotli having started home, was i1 at ruck on the hack of Ms neck by l'rown4 | with a walking stick, which had a buck [ horn handle, which blow killed hint. I having dislocated the neek. Drown is > in jail to await his trial. ; 1 yLaurentville IleralJ. Tub Fiiankus Baubkcuk.**?Th? Franklin, N. C., Observer contains a , long account of the meeting ami harhe cue in favor of the Dine Kidge Railroad | It is represented as a very enthusiastic I mee'ing, souie live thousand persons i having b**en in attendance. Speeches were delivered bv Judge Frost, Ju?ig< Os' orne, Mr. Haskell, of Abhevill. Mr. i, Marshall, of Walluilla, Hon. H, Vanc< and W. If. Thomas. A resolution sir I mining h couniy suiwm1i|nn>ii 01 ^ 000 was unanimously. r OcIt 1UI.ATIONS WITH MkXICO.? A I special despatch to llio Now Voik 1 I illicit says : j " The (Jovcrnntent,it was nndcrstord lias given its assent ami co operation t< the intended mediation of England t j Prussia, France and Spain, in llie affairof M? xivo. ami Mr. McLean lias receiv <*il instruction to tlmt effect. Ilowevei tlii# intelligence may lie contradicted, you inav relv upon it as accurate in every particular."' II Skntrnckh to uk According ^ to a statement in the St. Louis Express I a man named II. A. Marsh, formerly e> e ihnt city, has Imen sentenced to Iv II hung at Camden, Ark., for circulatin. f the New York Tribune, which, ou '' there, is considered an iniendiary publi " cation. The citizens of St. Louis, a ,l the instance of bis wife, liave signed i '* strong petition in behalf of tho con r* detuned man, ir This life's contradictors arc many.? Salt water gives us fresh fish, and he wotds produce coolness. Man's Omahactsr.?We vnny judgt of h man's charius er l>? what lie iotea*' ?wlmt pleases liiio. if afMtnoa ramiifests delight iu low nnti oerdid objects ?the vulvar song and debasing- langirtjji'; in (lie mi-fortunes of bis fellows, or cruelty to in mal?, we may at one# determine the complexion of his ohiliruuier. On the contrary, df he lores purity, modesty, tiuth?if virtuous pursuits fcngage his heart, and draw out m his ulleclious?we are satisfied, that he J i< nn upright innn. A mind debased shiiuk> from association with the good and wue. 40 Indvstry is Fortune's right hand; fi ugalitv, her left. In India-a foe'of rupees it wealth; here ahtej^ofdollarfl is poverty. Hftl?; w'101 not rr?P" jnQjH^MHnra|mk)cAns; or, if ^^^^PB^Miit\iserahla thoughts are dispositions tldnk when olliers shave* s I their happiness w ith them. Wiibn ? girl hunts * husband, the engagement ring, to bo in keeping, should be c/iased. m , A man passes for a saga if be seelca for wivlom ; if he thinks lie lias found it, he ii a fool. * . ' , Wnv is it difficult to estimate the number of bells in any city ! Because they are hot all lolled. Wan was the first whistler? Tie winds. What tune did thev whistle 9 ' Over the hills and far nway." . m 11k who acquires riches without labor, generally lavishes them without cure. Frugality is as closely connected with industry as idlcne~s is with vice. When his cousin. Charlotte Dunne,I was married* said?"It whs ? Dunne before it "was begun, Dtinne, " bile it was doing, and it was not Dunne when it was done." -^TllHUH Ml-o puUidlt?<] -??t tto t/irllnt' States and Canada, nearly three thousand newspapers. More than one half are weeklies; the remainder are divided h.'tween seiui weeklies, tri weeklies and dailies. 'V. . j'fV Ilot.r Fear.?I have known a good old man, who, when heard of any on* ilia, had committed some notorious offence, was wont to say within himself, j ' lie fell to-day. and so tuny I to morrow."?Jhrnard. A CRC8T of hread, a pitcher of water and t'halched roof, and love?there is happiue-s for you, whether the day ! rainy or sunny. It is the- heart that makes the home, whether the exe rests upon a potato patch or a flower garden. A western editor wished to indues a farmer to subscribe to his paper, but his objection.was that it was not an agricultural sheet. The editor declared it was. and. in proof, exhibited an article on "Sowing Wild 0?ts." v Tft power of a magnet is increased by its u?e; so with the faculties of the mind ; and as two magnets united act with tnore than double the power of one alone, so the influence of two pcisous acting in unison is greater than the sunt of their separate influences. ' The IIkart.?It is said of llannih*', ihe great Caitbngeniancomfnander, th- % lie was the first that went into ike field of battle and the last.that came'out of ri ?... . i i-i i. ? - J it - i ik. j mm miuuui 11 tie in nu iue operators of a Christian f ths heart should t?e iho Hint that, comes into the house of do I, and the lust that goes out of Vt. How beautiful are tiie sroiWtof innocence, how endearing tho sympathies of love, how sweet the solace of friendship, how lovely the tear of affection. These combined are mil characteristic in woman. 't'hey are the true poetry of humanity? rich pearls clustering around t ic altar of domestic happiness. ' w > wtA 7 A Dutchman on being railed upon :o help to pay for a lightning rod for he village church, towards the building f which he had subscribed liberally, ;xclaiined : ' 1 have helped to build a bouse for 1c Lort, and if be eluoose to donder on l and knock it down, he tnusht do it at his own ri.-k." Oncr at Wotton, Ttowlund Hill was ireaching. in the afternoon, the only into when it seemed possible to l?? Irowsy under him. lie saw sonic leeping, and panned, paying : " I have lieaid that ilie miller can leep while the i^iill in going, lut if it top* i? awakens him. l it tiy this 5 method." . Aecwidin<^ly he sat down, and soon ' aw an aroused audience. r A n Early J rwiau Trmpi.v in Cut** ? j \t tho lata meeting (Oxford) ol the .hitish Association, Dr. MacUowau . rd i 1 WS^01" before the Gcograp lici 1 aecUi u, "on an AnleChtistiau colony ii. Cnm...'' 4lie most interesting tact brought fo?vard in Dr. MacG..wanU commnnica* ion, related to a magniliicenl Jewish temple, which was destroyed by tire, it n '-I* of (Jliingtu, about a couiury ' ' lit fort ClirU^