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* ,i ' -1A " V SmnnriflfB <0Iin. Bad Neighbor*. ... / In a little village in Conaeotkut, ?* eral years ago, there lived one David Barnes, a person of excitable tempera mett and violent passions, especially, as was often the ease, when onder th* influence of strong drink. Not far from him resided old Squire Nelson, famooa in nil t? e region round aoout lor ms ready wit, with which few were abl? to e>pe successfully. 'ITie Squire had, at the time of which I write, a pig of remarkable promise, which one day effected a stolen exit from its dmicile, and wandering about seeking what it might devour, till finally it happened into Barnes' garden, where, billowing the impulse of its nature, it(as 'Jarnos hitpself expre*?od it,) 44 rooted tronnd liko all pos?.e?t." The animal was at length espied by Barnes, who?it being the hour when his hitters were most felt?issued forth with murderous intent and a stick, and gave such vent to his emotions, that the poor boast " withdrew " as speedily r?>c ?Ho. ?nd reached home more i;ad than alive. When recovered from the effect of his potation*. Barnes regretted his hastiness and resolved lo visit the Squire nnd explain. and make it right if possible.? Off he started and found the Squire r.t home. lie hardly knew how to open '.he subject, so ho, with. 44 Wa'al. Squire, I'm a thinkin'o' lenvIn1 llie?e parts." Squire?M You don't snv f I'm sorry for jhat." Bnmer(wit i suprise)?44 Be ye f An' why, may I ask ?" Squire?44 Wa'al, Til tell yon. Years ftffO tllPfP pnmp n \fr r\ where you do, and lie who a mean sort of n man, and it was hard gittin' along with him. And after him come Tom Mullen, and he was a dreadful mean man?wor?e, if anything, than the other. And after he left, there come Bill Mosher who was really tejus ; and then worse'n all the others together?old Ned Bolles. You see they kept a grow-in' worse.? And fina'ly you come; and I'm afraid that if you go, the Devil himtclf will \e next/" Barnes left. Too Great a Tempt ATioN.-An Irishman. entering the fair at Bnllinncrone. srw 0)6 well defined form of a large round head bulging out of tho canvas* of a tent. The temptation was irresistible?11 p went his shillelnh. down went the man: Forth rushed from the tent a host of angry fellows to avenge the onslaught. Judge of their astonishment when they found the assailant to Ivone of their own faction. M Oeh ! Nicholas," said they, " and did ye not know it was Brady O'Brien ye hit ?" * Truth did 1 not," fays ho; had luck to me for that same, hut Ftire if mv own farther had I ecn there, and his head looking so nice and convainient, I could not have help ed myself.*' t It was the of Lord Fldon, when attorney general, to close his speeches with some remaiks justifying his own character. At the ttial of Home Tooke speaking of his own reputation, he said, 4' It is the little inheritance I have to leave my children, and I will leave it unimpaired." Here he shed tears, and to the n-tnnUhtnent of those present, Milford, ilie solicitor general, began to weep. ".lust look at Milford." said ft bvst under to Home Took*. 4' What on earth is ho crvinp for f" Tooko replied: ' He's crying to think what a little inheri I.nice Eldon's children nc likely to get." A worthy Dutchman lately sued his neighbor for killinp a dop. In the course of his examination, the Dutchman heinp asked what was the value of hla " dorg " repTied. "A*h for te dorp he va? vort fillirat nulling at all ; hut as he va* so rnenn as to kill him, I swear I makes him pay te full value- of liiin." A Itow in T'krrpeotivk.?" Ma. mint * ' >* heen eatinp the hnnav," said an observing son. " llow do you know, ii in ( ' asked the astonished mother. 'Cnn-o I kenrd father say he wanted to sip the heney fiom her lips," responded the youth. Every household has its pet names. Mr, Jones enchants his helpmate by calling her " hi< idol." Jone*, however, privately spells it i d I e. Mrs. J one* is a nico woman)?an alfcclionale woman but alio has a constitutional aversion to working. " Jri.lCS, why didn't yon chling yonr ?tnv at de rea side f" 44 Kane. Mr. Snow, dpy charge too much." " How so, Jitliua ?" " Why, do landlord charged dia indiwidual wid stealing do spoons." Mr. Harris 'twas never more a-* sober in the whole course of his life," hut when his friend .lones asked hint lo take a chair, he said he jouhl " wait till 0(M came round." " Wiiat i's meant by the reflection 01 (ho needle ?" asked a dominie of a fe _..U ?..?SI w S*M -- ii.m.v y?pii. iv urii u runs up inu the quick of the nail," whh tho ready re fly. A poor, ferinileaa wretch, aent lo jai recently f??r imkuU Mid battery, re tiiRikeil thai the Ornnd Jury might fln< a I ill rpain?i hin>, but that all theeeait in Cbri?teu?li m could not tiud one 01 lim. Wiit is n nvalid cured by ma-bath ing like a o-i>f ned criminal I? Beceus It* in tea can d (reenred.) " Te that ch ck right over there f - bight over there /*' aaid the boy laii>t now here elne." C-- ? W ii at relation ia she door uutt to Ih M?.'[ ?.1 I A atop bulbar. 0 "" wfe x u. I ^ ' ' MI'IIII^^Iiii lMNtal | J. Has oprnhb his icv crrah sal Lononade, Lemon, Sarcapsrilla, Straw 1 Syrup, nay bo bad at all hour* of tho day am I Ai Philadelphia Lager Beer, Ala aad Port Oyster*. CALL . i GREENVILLE C OITOS1TE THE 1 Miy S 5 LOQRHERE! We here JUST RECEIVED a flne Stock of 8TAPLBANDFANGI DRY GOODS, Which, for QtltlliUj qod Cheapness (wo think,) CANNOT BE SURPASSED. o If yon wish to neeuro tho greatest BARGAINS we havo prcr offered, CALL EARLY. Wo do not consider it necessary to enumerate Articles or Prices, as every body knows that we keep always a LARGE tin wibpt wot nt unnne URU UllUlill 1 UIUUR UI UUUlllJ in onr line, at a* MODERATE PRICKS as can beaffordcd. Therefore wd ear, (D?OT (DOT ! ?(DOT AIL3L! And examine, and see if what wo say be ao. O Wo Lave also for ."ale, A 6 Octave iflelodcon, in perfect order: a ? OCT AVE PARTS MADE ALEXANDRE PARLOR OR CHURCH ORGAN, and two good second-hand PIANOS. W. H. HOVEY. April 5 48 tf spring"AFD^UMM ER <~3r <?on~18^> fTIHE subscriber respectfully informs his I friends and customers, that he is now receiving AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, CONSIST! SU OP Fancy and Staple Dry Good*, Bonnets and Flats, Hats and Caq>r, Boots and Shoes, aud Lot* of Clothes, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Ac., All of which will be sold at-the LOWEST PRICES. -> ptr* Flea** call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. ? CIIAS. MERRICK. April 12 4U U The Assembly House, Oxr. 3gi akk West or the Post Office, Plain Street, . . . Columbia, S.C. H^lIIS well known Establishment lias been 1 thoroughly rc-fitted und improved, and is now permanently opened for the accommodation of the Public. Kvcry attention will be given to supply the wants and comfort of Petrous. JfrST' Rates Moderate. G. T. MASON, Vroprictor. IX* 8 XI t.f CAlVrER'S SPANISH MIXTURE! FOR the euro of all Itiacnscs arising from nn impure state of the Rlood. It cures all Skin IMrascea, aueh as f'impfet, Matcher, /filer, Hint/ or Tetter lPiorai, Sen Id ifrail, Old ivtrr*, i nnrfr*, 1 ,VP/ " ,n? / fnyiircinoN ??y inf Heart, Hirer Complaint, Wtakne**, Paine in tke Hark or Head, Inflammation of Kidneye, ifc, Price $1. Try a Uottle.lfcS', Hold only l.y LONG A 111! KNII AM, Dealers in Pure Drags and Medicines. Jan 26 46 1 Ueow H018B PAINTING. rpiIK subscriber is prepared to EXECUTE I promptly all orders for house: painting: upon tbc most reasonable terms. T. C. CJOWER. April 10 60 If ORR & PRICE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. C. JAMKR I.. ORR. W. P. PRICK. May 18 1 tf " K. P. JoilES, ATTORNEY AT LAW ANl) SOLICITOR IN EQUITY ORBRRVILI.R, R. C. ffHC Office East side of Court limine Square, where lie tnay be found dnily, from 0, A. M. to 2, P.M. 37-ly Jan 19 J. P. REKO R. p. OOOM.KTT REED 4. GOODLETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. AWD SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. GREENVILLE, S. C. Ofire Xortk-Kaet Corner Court Home Square, Jane 4 4 U JAMES FLECK. ' HOUSE &SIGN PAIFTEH, Paper IIminer 4k OlaziCr* V 0HKENV1LLE, S. 0. WILL FATTUri l.LT rXtCVTK ALL WORK KMTRl'RTW ? j to IIIM. f RraiArnc* w Aug*?t? Strict, near IVpnl. Vab 23 42 1J ? p JACKSON Sl CO. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING WHOfcESALK A!fl> R FTML, Ho. 109 King 8tre?tr Cll AUJLKHTON, ft. C. j Rrr 14 ?? ly* 14 siTavino, 1 RAIK TRIMMING, DRESSING, DYING, AMD . RAZOR SlTTiyO ANI> MLAMPOOIKG AT THB Seoond Door above M*. MePherson'e, ' m-'y"L80!j^00K*.? Ilulr DreMiNgMud havlnf. . TlCRRlDUl eoettavee lb TONBORTA ' I > bwtiocftt at hit Old fttand, in fteettie Erich Building, whore he l? reedy, dnrinjr Hi dew end ceeninf, In Where the Titer it end Ci UMir end flbempoo the Heed. He reepeetfall eAf Mwrttmwtk** of petrmiege. OHI 91 #4 % 1AUS OON FOB ThK SEASON, where Ioe Ctmu, berry, (linger ud Pino Apple POP, and Lemon I evening. L.SO, eir; Freeh Oyetere; Spiced OjeUee; Pickled AT THE ONFECTIONERY, MANSION HOUSE. X tf ladd, Webster & Co.'s dlllih SB WINS MACHINES, WHICH, For Beauty, nnd Simplicity of Construction, Mid Kffielcnoy in Working, are UNEQUALLED BY ANY. A Few of the IHany Reason* Wky there Machines ARK PREFERRED AMOVE ALL OTIJLRS. 1. They are so remarkably In their construction. A child can operate them and understand their mechanism. 2. They are the trongnt Sewing Machines made. It is almost impossible to break or get them out of order. 2. They are #vr? in their operation : finishing work in a uniformly perfect manner. 4. They make a light lock it itch, alike on both sides nf the work, which cannot be unraveled. 6. Tbey stitch, hem, bind, fell, run and gather, without basting. 0. They sew equally well tho lightest and heaviest fabrics. 7. They sew over tho heaviest seams without changing tho tension or breaking tho finest thread. K. They nso any No. of Cotton, Thread or Bilk, directly from the spool. 0. They ubo n straight necillo; curvod ones are liahla to brnitk. 10. The needlo hex a perpendicular motion. Thi? i> absolutely necessary for hcary work. 11. They have a wheel feed t none others are in constant contact with the work. 12. They run cnsliy and arc almost noiseless. 13. They aro not liable to oil the dress of the operator. 14. They do not require a scrcw-drivcr to set the noedlcs. 16. They do not have to lie taken apart to oil or clean. 16. They do not form ridges en the under side of the work, nor ravel ont, ner nre thcr wasteful of thread, as is the case with ail chain-stitcbiug machines. 17. Thoy arc capablo of doing a greater rouge of work, and in a more perfect manner than any other Bowing Machine. We warrant theso Machines, and vouch for tbo recommendation of the above. DYDR X PICKLE. ? AGENTS, GREENVILLE, S. C. April 19 60 ly SADDLE & HARNESS MAN UFACTORY. /<>?THE sunscriber would respectfully inform tha public generally that he oontiuues the above Business, Tiro Door* oh ore the GrcenrilU Hotel, nud is prepared to furnish customer* with any description of 1IOMB MANUFACTURED SacsDLES. Carriage, Uuggy and Wagon .HARNESS mado to order, and in tho host stvles. BRIDLES, WHIPS. Ac., on hand, and for sale CHEAP. Baddies and Harness REPAIRED at short notice. A. M. QILREATH. March 29 47 ly WAGON MAKING AND REPAIRING. 1MIE subscriliers respcetfhlly inform tho public that thev intend carrying on tho busines* of WAGON MANUFACTURING, and WAGON and BUGGY REPAIRING, in the town of Greenville. The best of Thnlier will ba nscd, and tho work warranted to be wcji done. Mr. POOL, who will superintend the work, is a workman of considerable experience, having loarned the business under tha beet workmen at the Carrie go Factory of Messrs. Gower, Cox, Marklcy k Co. All work will bo done upon tho most reasonable terms, and on short notice. A share of patronage respectfully solicited. WANTED. A lot of SEASONED LUMBER wanted, for which a fair price will ho paid. J. A. TOWNE8. W. P. POOL. W. A. TOWNEE. Greenville, February 2, I960. 39 tf "blacks' m it hi no; Tha concern of TOWNES A ^J^g^HAW KINS having been diaeolv?KKti263Eed by mutual eonsent, the busineas will lie carried on at the same Shop by the undersigned. U. W. BROOKS J unitary, 1859. J. L. HAWKINS. NOTICE. THE mntrrKl)(ncd having tran*fcrred hi* interval in thn Blackamith Shpp near Wlllintm' Store, to Montr*. Bmook* A IIawkixr, take* pleanureiu ivieoinmrnding them toaahare 'of pulilic patronage. Tboy will ho proparod to attend promptly and aatiefactorily to all ralla in thoir lino. They have rxi*cricnrcd and akilifill Smith* in Iloracahocing, Repairing and Ironing Wagon*. Plough Work, and all other ordinary work of a Riaekamith Shop. January, 1859. 8T-tf 0. V. TOWNE8. JAS. M. ALLEN, ,M I D?ltW W 322 <32. <33 <2Q<SLa ' DEALER, GREEN VIEEE, S.C. * tlr All Order* for Marbl* Work prompt1 y attended Ux 40-\t r?l> MILLINERY. * VQH0* &ARB0 ?flr flWWRUXDW UAVR retmwd frvm New VSVSk York with a Iwrjfo and complete /COCsQV nrm.rtmraf of kandaoiite <Jo?d#> wjpjgQf whieta they JsKfV WILL OPEN vwjw 0*W*nHi?iT,mHT?im. and to which the/ invito the V JT attention of the ladle* of Uroen" rille and vicinity. Among their itoek may bo found the CloL tiki*. Adelaide and J>ore-Capo Rata; a ff?d >, rarletT ot Mine*' Tmey Ifata; Bertha Capet, 1* ' Ilead-Brenaea; Hair PlaKr and Cfcrfit f *? *? it a la Majrpie, Bridal and Mourning Veil*. A / largo *100* of Ribbon* at reduced price* j Hal* cleaned and trimmed 1 Dreeoaa eat nod baa ted. Avii t a ?f mm i - i .in mi ' ii i il mm m .ltt.1Ul Vt" z r; ffci. I. . ISFlIKlli STUPHI lists 1IV OREE :o IN consequence or *li? Impending Crisis and have uiade, withdrawing their patronage fr SOUTHERN ' and having, with the utmost repugnance, surrcj neglecting to rear ap that criterion Tor the sunn] ed upon them, I have concluded to show to tho \ of Naanrcth that there is still tout balm in G the bleeding wound and whisper a word of consoi Ilaring just received the most STUPENDOUS SI ever exhibited to the puhlio gate, or ever import them to COUNTRY MERCHANTS who are in HEADQU and the public at largo, at prices MUCH LOWE For the conviction of unboliqpers, and those that. Although ? prophet has no honor in hia owi world for competition, in obliged to auccced, cvci field, la a dead bnlt. The annexed Items will afford a faint 'ttmb! AT CARR' The most extensive, si re jin t mjidi Coats, 60 and 76 cents, and no words, Pants, 60 " 75 " " " " Vesta, 40 " 76 " " " " Sliirta, 60 " 75 " " " " Superfine Silk Hats, ... $2.00 Wool ?? - 40 Calf Skin Boots, superfine, - * - 2.60 HOOP SKIRTS, 8 IIoops, ... w 60 | II ? .... 70 I 15 " ..... 87 Together with a lnrgo stock of Silk Bonn Shawls, Trunks, Shirtings, Indigo, Kails, Craokt monaics, Scgara, Corn. Flour, Bacon, Ilice, L'Of Whisky, Brandy and Wine, and a large lot of nr The nborc MARKED DOWN items, while ( not n mere phuntoin of the mind?an idle plinnti word, oceans in o tear, and points, like the noedl (ii fenrillt at a lower price than lu any Southern CARE'S STORE ] The highest Cash prices CATCH'S STATCTC. vll jll al kj mx v aiaj May 10 1 F. BTJRTY, LOVELANO'S BUILDING, GREENVILLE, S. C., gg*, RESPECTFULLY informs the pubJrR I lio generally that ho hna on hund a fine ' assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, &C., WELL ADAPTED TO THIS MARKET. In thn assortment will bo I'ouud Ladies, Misses' and Children's tluitcrs and Shoes, of ninny kinds. Gonticmen's, Youths' and Bojs' Boots, Gaiters and Shoes. Ditcher's Boots?an excellent article. t llrognns of all and most durable make. I In fact, as Bill nn assortment of Articles in his lino as can be found in any establishment < in a town of the snino sire. i He also respect Billy asks an examination of 1 his Prices for Cash, satisfied that his Goods aro I offered I At the Lowest Possible Figure. i Persons in want of anything of the kind ' will please giro him a call. also, ox iiAxn, A Good Slock of* Iscallicr, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' 1 UaaI- a /] CI V* a /\ TVT r\lri rvt juuut auu uuuc jLuaiviUKi ? Thin branch of his business in rtill earrlciton ' un'lcr bin personal supervision, and every care will be takon to guarantee satisfaction to those who patronizo him. 27-tf Nov 10 HOWARD A SSOCi ATIO N, PHILADELPHIA, . 'A Itencrolont tnstitation established l>jr special Kndowtnent, for the Relief of tho Hick and l>islrcssed, niilicted with Virulent aud Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of tho Sexual Organs. MEDICAL Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of tbeir condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the Mew Remedies employed in ilie Dispensary, sent to the afflicted In scaled letter envelopes, freo of charge. Two or three Stamps for Postage will be acceptable. Address, DR. J. SKILLIX IIOUGIITON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 Sou lb Ninth Street, Philadelphia, l'a. 11 y order of the Diroctors. EZRA D. HIiARTWKLL, President. Gro. PaincniLD, Secretary. Fob 9 40 ly it rtltr /-v > ittiitrn ri'n/v n it JNEYY UAfirM SiUKJS. JAHGS O. BAIMG, IMPORTER, JOBBER, ANI> DEALER IN AtL TCINnS OF CARPETING, RUGS, FLOOR OlL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, AMD CURTAIN GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ST?- SSM iKiisraj e!iemiaia(5r, CHARLESTON, S. C\ AMP J.G.BAIL.IE & BRO., ?)' > unifdU 31., . . AIUU31A, HA. Nor 34 29 1/ I. 1. FALK & CO., WHO LB* A US AND MKTAK. DKAIJUM IN CLOTH INTO, AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, JTO. 805 KINO STREET, CHABLJSrrON, 8. 0. \EQT Mannfnctory and Whole*al? Ware* bon*?\ H4 1 )r.r Brorar, New Tork. If Atl Order* promptly attendod to. Nov 24 20 ly HANDSOME jEWELRV ON SALE, N VERY UKMBKAL APHOKTMNNT of A *"< Md other /A' WKUH Y may be l?W ef the ftibnrihe*, who moke* toorder Kngnytm*n$ Riffm, and any other aviiote required Is i hla line. *?u KXHAlRINd falthfhllv dooe f Three Dooit below ike Ooodlett Nmeee J J H. RANDOLPH. ^ OmaovOle, E. C., 0**. 13, IS9*. W-tf ] - - - 1VS&S ?? " N D 1 P SALE! ?VI IP S IS Jib 4k mi) 4m I NYIL1G. the Imnortaot moTM our Country Merchants on the North and encouraging GOnniERCE, ed the stagnant fields or Southern enterprise, r South which the Impending Crisis has crowdsorlil that something good can still "come out iilcad t that there is jet a physician to beal ation into the ears of my bleeding countrymen. roCK OP GOOBS cd from any foreign hemisphere, I will offer favor of making OroenTillo tbel ARTERS R then can be procured either North or Seutfi. i that doubt until they see and /< ? /, I will s.iy a country, yet a merchant who challenges tbo i if tbo wl..ilo world, like the sun on Qibon's aneeof what can be done S STORE. upcrb and complcto S CLOTHIJYG. Ladies' Shoes, fine, clastic, - $1.00 " Slippers, " ~ - - 50 Children's Shoes, fancy and One, 40 A 50 Men's " superfine, - 1.20 Boys' " large sites. - 50 Supcrfino sowed Kid Shoes, with hods 1.20 (First Quality.) 18 " ? - . - . $1.25 SO " _ 2.00 Dusters, .... yy et*, Flats, Hobos, Fans, Umbrellas, Linens, srs. Jewelry, Watches, Pistols, liaxors, PortF?S, SUGAR, MOLASSES, SALT, Ram, tides too numerous to mention. Ihcy speak lottdcr tliun trumpet tongues, ftro itcc?but n reality that speaks volumes in a c to the pole, that Gocds can hr liUrchnnrii in or Northern market, and, ubove all, that fS THE PLACE. paid for PRODUCE. IS T1IE PLACE. tr CHEROKEE KEMI':UY^ a* rxFJttr.Kttf emit ron (?} (D )t*r m. is an ci^i & ttn AT.t, ntSKASKS OK THR CRIXAUY OIIOANS. rrillI8 Remedy cures when all other prcparaI tions fail. It is entirely uulike every itlier compound ; containing no mineral poi>on or nauseous drug ; as it is prepared solely ronr. Knot*. Hark* and Leaves, and bus been landed down, fruin one generation to anotUcr, i\V tlio Cherokee Indian?. It is offered to the l>ul>lic on it? own intrinsic merits. It perforin? it* duty quickly and thoroughly. Tlio unfortunate, of either sex. will be repaid by using this Remedy, instead of plncing themselves at tho mercy of some Quack or Professor. This Hemedy strike* at the very Hoot of the disease ; its tendency is not simply to suspend the poison, hut to remove the cause on which it de|>cnds. Full directions In pamphlet form, accompany each bottle. The speedy and permanent relief afforded hy this Remedy, in all eases of tlonorrhrra, Ulcct, <1 ravel, Htricturc, Fluor Albu?, (Whites iu Females.) aud all diseases of the Urinary Organs, ha* astonished the most scientific men of the ago. This Remedy not only eradicates all poison from tho system, but invigorates tho inost delicate constitution. It docs not affect tlio breath or Interfere with any class ef business, or rcquiro any deviation from the usual diet. It requires no assistance from any other medicine. And what enhances it* value, is the entire ahRftliPft ?if ill 1 nniMOAin tn?t? Itnintv n tilaniunl and delicious syrup. l'rico $2 per Bottle, or tbrco Dot ties for $5. rOTTKU A MERWIN, Pole Proprietors, SI. Louis, Mo. 8old in Greenville by Fisher A Hoinitsh; Van Schaack & (Irlorson, Charleston, Wholesale A pent*, ana all responsible dealers in Medicines in the South. 49-ly Ap 12 I.OCATKD Corner of Baltimore and Charles Streets, BALTIMORE, MD. 11IIE Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished, and Popular Commercial T'ol lege In the L nitcd States. Designed expressly for Young Mon desiring to obtain a Thorough. J'racticm //ii*Hi??t J-:Jnrult>m in tho least possiblo time and at the least expense. A Large nnd Beautifully Ornamented Circular, containing upward* of Sir Square Pert, with specimens of Penmanship, and a Large Engraving, (the finest of the kind ever mad? in this country,) representing tho Interior View of tlio College, with Catalogue stating terms, Ac., will l>e sont to ctcry Young Man on application, free of churye. Write immediately and yon Will receive the package by return mail. Address, E. K. LOSIER, March 1 43-ly Baltimore, Md. T11E WOUEn OUTDONE I THE MEDICINE CALLED " Inflnminnlory KxClrpnlor,'1 WHICH was told duringCourt in this place, Is now on sale, by J. If. GRADY, ol Greenville. It cannot now be longer dotrMed but this Medicine I* the most efficacious remedy over in tbis place, for Kidney Diseases, Piles, Neuralgia, Lnng Diseases, Dyspepsia A Rheumatism. Numorons eases of the ahore diseases Imsvc hoeu cured this present week. HeadI aebe, Toothache, Earache, Sprains, and all Bowel Affections, disappear before It as If by tb< touch of magic. Try it, and keep It in voui fnmilles, for sickness comes whsn you leasl expect it. J. W. ORAPY, Agent for Greenville, 8. C. vr. *. i*ri,i?, tTinvieMue fi% i an'oiumnia; ttl.c by all Wholesale Druyei.l. In Charleston, 8. C O. W. DAVIS, Proprietor, Bos 4320, New York Pott Office. Nor 9 U tf PRIVATE BOARDING. fllHK Snbecribcr ii prepared toaocomuodaN X eetoral YOrNO GKNTI.KMKN wit) HOARD and LODOINO. Ili. resident* ii within 100 Tarda of tho Theologian! Seminary and convenient to the bn.ineea portion of town bain* about 200 yard* eaet of the Court Honae Vanillin* dceiring Beaedcan aloe. be aawt? dated. Ratoa reasonable. Fab 0 40-id *. W. MOWS. Ill I III I m I aBMWMHgMBgfiSg SI8 X . j'- i 1 : 1 ? '.tf??? [CAST STEEL PLAmTIOffHOBS Manufactured exprmi; for He, and to patterns fhr uiahed by ourselves. They ar made, blade and shank, out of on piece of the very best quality an< temper of Cast Steel, aad hav< strength of blade and length of had die to suit our Southern farming Tho success of this article ha brought various IMITATIONS is to the market, but the Genuine Cast Steel Hoc IS SOLD ONLY BT J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. GARDENING TOOLS. spades, does, hakes, mo wezs, 1'It UN IN O SHEARS. LINE REELS> and everything else in this line on hand and to arrive soon. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. sramtim. Wo are manufacturing Ellidtt'i Celebrated Spring Red. They an all that can l>e desired. Comfort able, cheap and durable. Cal and see them. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. A largo lot of those first-rat* Iron-Wheel Wheelbarrows, jus completed. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. THE ORIENTAL gg COFFEE-POT Wc are manufacturing, nn - der authority from the Pa U?q tcntccs, ?3 THE ORIENTAL .JCOFFBE-POT which beats the Old Dotnin ion, and all other styles i?h " clear out of sight," while i is sold at but little more that p3"* the common coffee-pot. If you love GOOD COF , x' Ji.ii., iry on urienioi. J. 13. SllEUMAN, Agent. PICTURE FRAMES. We are prepared to put up al kinds and styles of Gilt nd Rosewood Picture Frames, as clieapU- as tliej can be purchased in Charleston. J. 13. SHERMAN, Agent. ^ Wo are constantly receiving additions ti ^our Stock, and hav< just effected arrangements wftl an extensive Manufactory, whicl will enable us to olfcr it at rnucl lower prices than over. We intend to kcop as good ai assortment as the market demandc and to sell it lower than it can b procured from either Charleston o Columbia. J. 13. SHERMAN, Agent. AI. A It HI CLOCKS. warranted to keep good time, ar to wake you up at any time of tl night or morning that you wish. tk ? 4 ^1*1 J. 13. SHERMAN, Agent. | Wall Papering* > A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OB" . WALL PAPERING,\ . BORDERING, EIRE SCREENS, r _ WIN DO W SHADES; <$ ! juet received and for saIo by J. 13. SHERMAN, Agent. STEREOSCOPES And Bterooscopio Views. ' A good assortment of Store scopes, some as low as $1.60, and 1 very large and unusually choices , lectiou of Views just received. KEROSENE LAMPS. We have just opened a new 1 wmi an ImproTcd Ifnrncr, t the beet wo havo ever had. : Housekeeping Goods Everything in the llousckeeplr lino, from a $100 Cooking Stoi to a five ' -nt Tin Cup, may 1 found ?t the Store of : J.B. SHERMAN iLOniMT', ; greenyMb, s. c. lbiet || 43 y m - ir^TrmmrTr-x 1 Ayer'sSarsaparilla I compound remedy, in which we km to. bored to produOo the most effectual alter*tire f that can be made. It la a concentrated extra* of Pars SuHparilla, ao combined with otbet p. nMiaeea of atOI greater afttteatbre fowv aa to affbrd an eActive antidote for At SaataO ? Haaraapartll^ ia vaunted to cava, it ia bipfai rid 1 that raeh a remedy ia wanted by those who a auffer from Strumous ootnpiaists, and that anO S* T!"* Qn ?v? V ice ?0 ?EmS - ? ? ?>? ? ;? afflicted fellew-citiseus. How completely thio B compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst caaaa to be found l" of the.following cofoplaintet? Sokopula abd Scbopulobs Ooxruim, KuumoMs abd Kuvitivb Diseases,, j Fimplbs, Blotches, TtmoRa, 8alt Rubum, 4 Soaib Hbad, Syphilis and Struutnc Arpactions, Meucckial Disease, ijkofst, Nbouieu ot Tio Dqulouuhux, Dedility, Dtspepsi* and IkOIOBSTIOW, SsVllTBUB, RosB ou St. AiTykony's Fibs, and indeed the whole W class of complaints arising from .Ixpukitt or J the Blood. j This compound will be found a great pro- Jj motor of health, when taken in the apring, tor ^ expel the foul humors which foster xrt thu j blood at that season of the year. By tho time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders . are nipped in the bud. Multitude* can, bjr the aid of this remedy. therr>v.4rc? fVcae | the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous I sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through tho natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanso out the I vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, R or tares; cleanse it when, you find it is obB strutted and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it r whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell , vou when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enj^oy better health, and livo longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep tho blood healthy, and all is well; but with this Bbulum of life disordered, there can bo no iting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown v Sarsaparilln has, and deserves much, tho l reputation of accomplishing these ends. But tho world has been cgregiously deceived by j preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, , or any thing else. During late years the public have been n^sled by largo bottles, pretending to give a auart j of Extract of Sorsaparilla fur one dullar. Most 4 r of theso have been frauds upon tha sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Barsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever. Hence, bitter and painnil disappointment ha* followed the use of tho various extract* of , uiuBupanun wmcn nooa tne market, until tho name itself is justly despised, and has becotno - synonymous with imposition and cheat. SfUl wc call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend ? to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the 1 name from the load of obloquy which rests 1 upon it. And wc think we have around for believing it has virtues which aro Irreeistiblo ,, by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intended to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. l'RCFAREO BT DB. jr. C. AVE If A CO. LOWELL, MASS. j Price, $1 per Bottle | Six Bottles tor 99* Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of . every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that 1 it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has boen employed. As it has Jong been in constant use ~ throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its auality it kept up to the best it ever has been, ana that it may be relied on to do fur their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, \ vox tot cum or J j Costivcness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Files, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Shin Diseases, >1 Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and |) Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, ae a I Dinner PiU, and for Purifying the Blood, 1 They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensitive can tako them pleasantly, and they axe the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a D family physie. j, Price 86 cents per Box; Five boxes far $1.00. ? Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, Stateep men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify tho unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit tho insertion of them. The Agents below named furnish gratis our AwxtncaN Xlmxxao in which they ra mvau ? switlv P..11 J? I? ~?* SnlkttSlSZ "|me ? ~f "1""* at BR ?, and t&ka no other*. The sick ;s u"e ?* thwU thwu? *"d tkould p. All oar remediM are ' *? uVIZtik ,n "rrnrJn* ** J H ??** and (1 KARI't'r and by I>raXK>?U ?nd <Ualem in " Mfcdicino everywhere. A|>ril 2? M-Iowly ( 5. that crkat remedy*. BUT ORRAT RKMf.DY. that great remedy' that ureat rkmkht! m ( that uktlat 1u3uajy, a ban'mra* wtbctfic, 1(1 fawc-hw sdgctnc! >c Ranchw si'wino, kanchkz' 8wif1c, i , hamllfcz' JUIXinu mr. omr ramrrx mm the only posnrvk ccH the only pobitite ccrb the oni.t pwttivk curb XHK ONLY ItlaiTIVK CUJUC jreTrmx rm prrm* me?x>rk the i'tonji hxe tjik rtoi'it, ****** the fhopr?. rr>R OOVORRTKXA AXD ??%**'"" hSurUt' jur (iONuRWHE l axo ?u*v, Ton ?( inorhi ro?a and Jim, fo* (ioN'tkrikea a*d'fj *V>K UUNUKHWOA AND ULKKT BAVtS A no DOCTOR'S MT.f? c AAVW A wo doctor'S RIU KfsiaHssssfia: ?u,. W EASILY TAKKN, M KAS1I.Y TAKKN, ? EAMLY TAKKN, > < ' U EASILY TAKEN, tua NO BAD TAKTT, m HAS NO BAD TANIH, % HAS NO BAD TANTK, O *A8 NO BAD TACTK, _ MAS NO BAD TATttL ft *ru rmsct a rrrj! ? WILL KfTttTT A CCRK m ?* wii I pmr i coiw WILL UTKCT A CUKE wiu. wract a ujbk wrraDtrr low or -nine v r ? wrrwouT MW8 or 11M? WITHOTT UMR OK rnr* wrraoirr i?*m or nm wrrftoiri iak -jt iuu . OK CHANG* or HTTTT, Ot OR <?AW<JK ON BIOT, . . or change or wrr, ilr OR CHANGE OT MKT, <.1.^ " OR CHAMOK OF LtlAT. wrm vm mruitr, WrtB I.BNI wmi ijrtt TRotm.K^ *'m IS SStSii; mom mtxnn.y, YuMC WBCM1,T, MM I WKK1MLY, < ?v; wmily, r; '? Ajm naoiAjrprrLt w, AND naiMAHWItC* 3NI> rwnANi?m.r >??> naA?*jnam.Y - AXi) rttMANSNn.*, WAN ANY KNO*N IWffin?. , THAN ANY KNONN KlSkiiY. wiS ANY KNOWN " ?' A ! ,1 A?g W ??-* KM# w. UMX