University of South Carolina Libraries
". *1 ' 'jftff -?a s<fiR?fe'$* .?L A' /"Sit* *? ^ * j? ?jp* *>> ??? to tho jonlw of the Court of ,. /JL tq*i?y, to* mt pair lie uuclivu, at l.ifuuiiviUe Court llonio, -. Oa S?jM-4?r * October noxt, V . ?* ?to BM?to of BlirfAKON^WEU.S, <toc?t*?d, v. of too ToUowiat BUVm , ' r . GHAHI.RB, *g*A about fj yanrt ' * I'JllLLte.^ *)*nit 86 vcara SI i VAN, ogtd abont *2 ywm ,vT KIXBNi>EH, aged about V ynn , J! *"*' WAN ?, ?fl?d obpul 88 yearn . '* -ADskM, aprcd ?MiJ W vvnw v* { - CABOU N B, aged *ho?il 13 rtflfro JtOBEirr, nged about threi mouths L And one V< >KE of BTEER& | JsHM?A credit of wu year, excepting auf-' CommlsaJoncxV Office, Aug. S?, l?f,0. 17-t<l J *' ' "' 'i *? " " SALE OF LAND. The State of South Carolina, uiKTKiro,. >.? cos? 5a(^waii,Vo / ' George A. Fowler and Wife Vf. Elisabeth <5. Oilfiy, ?t !.?liitl for Partition of ll^rtl 'oMMm **T?T ohedionee to an order of tbo Court of X. Equity, in this ooir, I wilt Mill, at public auction, jit Ureerrillo Court House, ?n Xmleerfrtefh dttobrr next, a THACP OP LAXB, belonging to tbo Estate of WILLIAM SIMP- L BOS, deceased, upon Harbin's Cri-ok. adjoining lands of O. T. Hughes, Jubu Wood,- John Jonas, and others, containing. 7Vo Hun J rod and fifty Arret, wore or tens. , . Tkrms?A credit of one and two years, secured by bond, with at least two good sureties, with interest from date, In equal instalments,* except sufficient to pay costs, which shall be paid In cash on d?y of sale. W. M. THOMAS. C. R. O. D. Commissioner's Office, Aug. 29, lftftf. 17-td 825 REWARD. *T11K above Kewurd will be paid fur tbc recovery of nty slave, ablcli ran away frmn mo about fbo liret of Jape. The said slave If a Mulatto Man, about .. Ifoi < forty yearn uf age. and about' l> Tact 7 er R inches high. He la anpposed to be harbored ' In the of (IreenvUlo village. K Twenty-five dollars will he paid "for fho *nfo delivery of the slave at the jail of- Greenville District, or In uuy jail In the surrounding Di? - trMs. - PHly dollar* will be piiid tor proof to convict any wlrito man tor harboring-t ho aoid Wegro. DUNKLIN MOOHK, , ? LlckviUo, Greenville District. Aug 33 10 tf Tawn Klccltou. AN KLECTTOX ia hareby ordered tr> be held on .lfoM/V<rv, 10M ?/ny of .S\pt<-mh*r ntrt, for au INTliXDANT ami FO.l'lt WAUDKNS of the T?wft of Gjrccn villa, for the cnaning ybar. Tbe following gentlemen will aat ?a managers : R. Vi. Tool, J. C. P. Jeter, S. 2T. Long. ""Jjy order of Council, A. AlcBKE, lutendaut. W. P. Pities, Clerk. Aug M . 10 . td SASH & R1JNDS MAjrVYACTrUF.D !?Y L. B. CLINE, GKEUSVII.LBk S. C. I A**9 U 17 * Attention, 3d Ecpmcul. QHp&Ji SO. ? "XTOU are hereby required to appear at TO? X NKY'S Ohil FlKLi) on Tur.,1,,^ \lth fi?ptr?ibrr Hrst, nm?i1 Mtd equipped AM the law direct*, for Be*lew. The Offoeriqee'iniBiaaiont od am! noi*-f(>innii*?.|'.iio<T. will noli oir on the k da* previous. 1Vtr "Drill nnd liudrtn-finn. JJ/ orde- of Col. Jbm?? II. M< Ciillonjrh. MANNING AUSTIN, Aug 2^1 16 id Adjutant. llcgluicnutl Ordcv*. ELECTION OF IIa7OE-GENEEAL, IN obedience to ordevB roceierd from Headquarters. an EUiCflON will ha held at the Genera! Mu*lcr Ground of the Third -ItOffiment. fToncrV Did KloldA ??.? MfUmirr n*rt. forlKAj'oR GliKKtiALto cuRaud thu Firet Division 8. C. M., to fill ho Ttegiir; wruluiK'd hj (h? realgnation of Gen. A. M. 8milh. The following oillvera will not M rannngera : Lieut. Col. ftotctuiin, Mujor Forrester, itud C&pt. G. \Y. fleeter. * 11. MeCUtLOtTGg, Vol. 3d Rog't 6. C. M. A?i? 10 td Fresh Biscuit. Sugar*, dke. SODA -nnd Boeton Crtckon , Loin on Pic-KU ?nd Sugar C meter* Beet Otiehed end Glorified Soger* Fine Lnfge Omin Klcc, 1.0 Hie., for (1.00 ^ Freeh Lemon* nnd Lemon Juiee IHneV Kerry Wine in Pint Bottle* Very Choice Large Retain* Frtth fllrnn finpranU ? /! Alinrnt. Superior Soft Swap, at 4 ots. ner pound, rFor sale low, at BRYCE SMITH, Opposite T. B. Roberts' New Store. A of ? U tf X The State of South Carolina. ^ OUKKNVJT.LK DISTRICT. I SHERIFF'S SALES. BY 7lrtw of sundry Vfrlti of Fieri Facias, to we directed, I will sell, before tho Court IIouat dour, at tire usna) hoars of rate, Oa tho First Monday in BeptemVjr, 1H Acrea of Land, men or Ia?v '.yiitw in nreeariOe piatricb adjointuw of J. K. Bteae, J. Rlelmrdson, at hi., >( ,j,e property of Thomas Co*, at U* ?uU of R. 13. Duncan, Aa1 ,M Attsa of Land, more or lav, ly in* In OreauTills District, adjoining lnnd* of It. P. at aL| as the property of Willlam Fisher, . at the salt of I.lwyd and John Henson. AH 5ir ?. Hanry Raines' Interest in three A Trust* of T<an<f, as follows ; First Tract,. c?u"toining ltd Acres, mora or loss, adjoiniajc W. Moore, E. Iludsoq, P. flhocklcy at at. i 2d Tract, containing 140 Acres, adjoining lands I of Moor*, Rains and HoUtclaw; 3d Tract, v containing f4 Acres, adjoining lands of J. Boss llalnea, et at.; the sold lands lying on llrosliy Crook, waters of Kaoree river; a? tho dntt of James Ward and Susan Ward ut at. rl Bay Mar*; levied on as tho property af James Jobnana, at tbo suit of J. 11. Jobusou Vi Tyre and Janes Johnson. 2 Negroa*. aOirl about 17 years oM, an<l a *?7 9 Ttars "M; a? lfc< property of J. I A. Powell, a* the mU of W. C. neimeti. S^JsEffiSnsar TKUM * CASH., Paj*h???r to pay for Ut)o?. ' ' d. T. IfcDAJHKL. SUHft Off**, Amy. lit*, 1890. l*-td 2 IIOStB IIADE SHOES. fpUK attention of the public U in*itod to r*f 1 ?to?k ut I/OMK MADK S/tOK.9.They will compare n?iV*titageoaaly in materia), maaufhotare Kurt price with fay Bvkn work of the same clatK. a ^^^KfOSTARD WILLIAM*. AwglO 19 tf 4' ? . *?/?... ? A 4 LOT of pare fik Carolina ?? *> T A WHITE LfiAO aixiotlrar J'aiuu. Heel ' ?>' 1 .!,.1 " g ra B EE AL-^S'i^VTE I ar?a_e^sa. ' I TULLbeeold/^MIfc* !' at or?t'HTiii? c.WHP | iSkSiulr fon the V Monday %h Or to- 4ttlflE5wlw The Tract of Land, , New oeoupk-d hy Mr*. CoLitwax, and upon v Wbich the Into kJonx ,T. Coi.ra ah rcidded at fa the tfae of Ida death, containing, by a recent a ?rvey, 8rwtuji<oti< Arm, of wfaloh about u Twenty-four Acre* arc In Wood*. Upuu thR Prtmi?<i Je a complete t)tVET,T,INU, containing eevon Room a. neatly finishetl; also, all necertnry Outbuildings, in good {' repair i a suiult Orchard of choice Fruit, and two ftpringa of exoellont water, convenient to " the Dwelling, a . . V Th% above Premises were formerly owned Sf tha late Judge Earle. They are situated *! >ou? * mile and a <inartcr from Greenville ' village, an J wl'hin a half milo from Furmua J, University. The ?WEITLINfi Ja npoil a? elevation over- '' looking the village, wtth a loo jit* of-moun- ^ w?in iiTu?rT, via anorus one 01 iuo a*?strable nnd pleaaant residence* in tho rppcr '' pari of the State. " There will also lie (old, on tbe day follow-, ing, uu tho premise*, the - * HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, H J&SSlto ffUW ?<D?1KR. 1 Term* qf Sate. ?The Real Estate nu ? cred- * it of one and two rear*, with interact from ^ day of sal*, payable annually. Tho prr*onnlty on a credit of twclro month*, with In- !l toit.t, purchaser* in giro bond with at least two apptorod sureties. , H. C. YOUNfl, c Qualified Executor. , Aug 25 18 tf " xmmuf Tmf. ~ fi mil , t WILL PELL } kk > out-cry. on *S"^-SC^JU?tfWk ^ t*M ()rtn+kr m+jrt. at Nritonvilln n?..un ? ? ? A Valuable Tract of Land, Belonging to the Estate of JAMK8 XOLKN, deceased. Tbo mid TRACT Is situated r.n tho road leading from Greenville C. II. Io Kntborford- T ton, (X. C.,) and thirteen mile* froii} tjio former place, containing 154 Arret, liioro or less, l" ai^oining land* of W. J. Gibson, Esq., Carter ii Langloy, Thorn a* Langlcy and others. r There la a good DWKLUKil upon tbo l, place, and nil noccssnry Out-building*. There o are from Twenty to Thirty Acres of Good p Bottom I.and, in a high state of cultivation, p and the Up Land and the Wood Lund is of the best quality. The place is well watered,*n?d conveniently situated in every rcspoct. The view "of Hogback, Glnss^ and the Pallida Mountains, from this point. Is unsurpassed in, loveliness, and the neighborhood is known far und wide for tho morality and high toned character of its 6itixens. To tho sixo 01* it, it n i> one of tho must desirable places in the Lis- T trict. Taamt? A credit of twelve months, with h interest froin day of sale, secured by Jvutc with approved and undoubted security, (] IS. D. GOODLETT, Exocitlor. Aug 25 - 10 td S VALUABLE a REAL ESTATE .. in fiirccnvillc, S. t\, g FORJ?^LE" ?iI WILL SELL, to the Pi liij^liost bidder, at the" ,itl Court House iu Groeu-lvf' Seville, S. C., on * Sale^vy in October Noxt, i, TIE Wm Ml OF Eli, < Itclonghig to the Eatute of JOAB MALrLI>l^, c, deceased. vie: A LOT on Lanrcns, Washington end Kichartlfou Streets, 120 by-200 feet, on which arc iacntnd Extensive tl VI LI) I A* (i S, suitable for Cnrpontcr or oilier Simps, or for n Livery Ph?- _ lilo. Tliis Lot is near the business part of Maid Street, and is one of the most desirable Lots in the Town. A LOT in the rear of Mrs. Ann E. Anderson's lot, being on Avenue Street, and being 0 100 by 130 feet. A LOT in tho roar of Miyj. P. 1>. Goodie! tV u lot. being ou Avenue Street, and being 100 by t< ISO f.wb 1 A LOT in the rear of Itcv. ]>r. Richard tl Funnan'a residence, containing Five and a n Fourth Acres, having on it a Comfortable 1 DWKLLINU. Wis LI* 4 c. c A TRACT, about two utiles from Town, near P tho Pendleton Road. containing Twenty and n f. Fourth Acres, bavlug on it a good U1UCK f VARI). n All the ahoro ^'rnporty is well situated ntid c desirable. Possession to bo given immediately. TKRM8?-A credit of one und two years. With Infarest from date, on mortgage of the premises, and good personal security. For-fnrthor information, apply to C. J. EL- FORD, Esq., Attorney at Law, tlrccnvillo, 8. or to the subscriber. B. If. MAULPTX, Kxrontor, J Willtauiston, S. C. An* Hi Hi T NOTICE. " I TUB SUBSCRIBER !', Is desiroti* of *clltnjr Tract ??f Land, lying * les Northeast of *'rirn '?*' ^TltSsO 1 villo (i 1L, Jtnowu as tho Wicklilib lunds?the Ratberforil road running through it. Tho tract contains Two Hundred acres, sevsnty-ft vo cleared, the balance in woods. There Won tho premises, a tolerable Dwelling, wish othor Oullluildinge, and a good Orchard, embracing a good variety of Emit, This is altogether a f desirable place, ei'.'.isr for a small fanner or u summer hor^, fot those who aro fond of btnaihlr^ salubrious mountnin air in all its | vflMnrs.i, or louKin^ ??ui upon u ianMHUj?? K which la almost unrivaled. The plnco will be exebangod for a Negro fellow, or told low for CmIi or approved Note*. 'J'boae winhing to perchv>c, would do well to cidl aooa ou tho ? subscriber, near Orecnville C. if. IIUNItY R. WILLIAMS. _An* # U Jf A "EXECUTOR'S SAKE. IN accorduurc with tho rctpilTaiWliy of Ul* Wi'l of ADR A M COX, dooca-^'d, r will *oll on salo-day in September next, at (irvenville Court llouee, (Jr~ Tract o/ ramtrninlrng 21fl Acre*, more or lent, adjoining J bin da of Jmim Lc.aormftn, 11. F. Cterelnnd, Jainr* Cox and others; ? tlto property of the aid Abram Cox, deceaaed. TxRua.?On a credit wntll the let day of , March, IMl, with intcroat from date, by nolo, with approved aoonrily, and a mortgage of the ? premise*, if deemed ucciMarv. * 1). IIOKK, Kxeentor. r Awg I is . 11 J forsa'le, . A DKSIHAI1LB LOT, in tha town of Clreonvllle. within 115 # vault of the Court limine. 1 Haiti Lot ban on it Ttto ('am- ( JariahU JhrrUiit'l //' !(?< ? anil a good Slabfr. , for norm doeiroua of >XMniiiinj{ tho I Alt and V*?u)i*cs, Will plenae riill on Mr. W. H. ITARKlftON, m'.dluK on the plant, For particular*, inquire, by lotler or in pornon. of AT!0. AMJKKA. Flat V. 0.. Oroonvlllo Diatriot, 8. C. . i July ft 9 tf Admknftfllrfitors' Notice. ALL MrwM IndeltMl to U?e Folate ol I WILLIAM W. McRLKOY. deoeaoed, are required to tnaka payment to the undo* *l*bwl; and all tho*# having any da- i mmde aar?h?at ?aW Batata, will preeont UtcM property, to CHARLW* TFRRY, J. H. HOPKINS, | Admu htratoto. agtt U ( - r- * f i' Vk) DH 9KVV iJJ ^jky JLM = T. W. DAVIS, I rmACTXOAL Vsitchmakor and J tinier, f*2 TAKES thp liberty to Inform FyX tho vvople of (Iroenvillc, ondthv *7V EdftwhotesnrrotinWing country, thatJET.Jl j ? boo en hood, without doubt*. tbs boat stock SyATF^JIISSS A iJJSWSKWE'S?^ . bat ban ever bee* kept In the Town of Ureon- 4 ille, an<1 If ouy ono Is disposed to doubt it, let Ira or ber, tome and see if it la not so. Ilia I took comprises in part of the following < rticlcs: Fine Gold and 8ilver Watches ] f all qualities, and warranted to keep good j lino and to give satisfaction. All goods sold { y him, are wnrrmuted to "bo what they are rep- ] I'sented, or bo will refund tbo money end j tko the article buck and uo grumbling. His ] ewelry is of tbo lutcst and best styles. In his lock, nro fine l>iainund floods, Lara, Ponrl, kiral and 'lornct, with or without sets, and >10 fine Chain and other Bracelets; tVateh . 'bains of all stylos ; Cold and Silver Tbiuiles, Gold ; Silror and Stool Spectacle,; Conavo and Convened tllosses, and also Neck- . ices, with: ctr without Clasps, lie lias also 1 nrc Silver and Plated Wore. His Articles ro too numerous to meution all of them, but oino und ecc at once. DON'T FORGET IE DOES ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING f n Watches. Clock* and Jowelry, und that In * workuinnlikc manner, aiicb, perhaps, ua you * uuot get done anywhere else in thu upcounry, for bo dor* not feel himself inferior to ny, ao you will do well to try him, and ace if ~ ia word* are uot true, llo think* there are . iany already who have tried liiui, and will crtify to all of tho above, Ac. Ilia Shop in?y be found at tho Oood>tt llouae, on Main Strcot. July 2(1 12 tf NOTICE. [HAVE aaaoriated with mo in bualiMM. Mr. JOA* MAVLD1X. Tho bnalnraa will bo urrieJ on in my AVir Jlrirt Store Jtonw, unor tile atylcnnd firm, of HonritTa A Maci.nix. In returning ?uy thanks to my friend# for icir lihernl patronage. I will aolieit aoontiiimi- , ion of tho anmo, to the New Kirin. T. B, HOBEHTB, Orcein illc, S. C. July SOtli, 1800. ay W7? -war ixi n ?? K A ?*:u I I"MIK subscribers have associated IhfmwlvM * together in buaincsa, under the firm of < lOBKRTB A M.M'l.DlN.' take pleasure in i ivifing their friends, mid tho public gcnciul- ' 7, to their well relucted Stock of (inucli, Eiafaelnit nil <}0od- i? kept in store* in itr place. (llvo ns a rail before making your 1 ur< hasos. You will find the (tmxll and , rieca to auit T. B. ROBKHTP. J0A11 Ij. MAII.DIX. (Irocnvllle, 8. C., July 30th, 1SC0. Head Quarters. FIRST BRICK, FIRST D1V., P. 0. M. i (Jrtemille, ?>'. C. < RDFH NO. < 1^ IIII Regiments comprising tliia Brigade 1 are hereby ordered to appear at the fid- ( living times nnd places. Tor Review and Ilrlll: t The 3d Regiment at Toney's Old Field on 1 le 11 til September. 1 The 4Ih Regiment at Ilaynio'a on tlio 13th t entcinlier. i Tho 42d Regiment at Craig's on the 13th t cptcmWr. t The 2d Regiment at Hall'a on the 18th Sep- t iiubcr. 1 'I he .Mb Regiment at Iluntcr'a on tho 20th eptcinbor. The 1st Regiment at Rrnton'a on- tho 22d ] entemlior. , The commissioned and non-commissioned Ulcers will appear tho day previous to tho Roiews of their respective Regiments, for Drill ml Instruction. Colonels of Regiments ?ni?t make tlielr Reims at tlio ltoviews. Tho llrigado PtntT trill hr rrqnirrd to attend rery Review in the Brigade, t'olnncls of Regiments are charged with the I tension of this Ordor. Ry order \V. K. HASLKY, Ihig. Oon'L II. T.kk TttnusTox. llrii*. Jlai. Amjl) 14" * t?l J *>? 1 nport in this Brigndc will please copy | IIEAl) aUAUTEltS, 1st liuio. 1st Div. 8. C. M. 1 OrtenvHU, S, C. \ ItDF.U XO. 4 CCOltUIXtl to Orders from Heed Qunr- 1 C\_ tors, nn ELECTION is hereby ordered > bo held according to In w, at tlio Regimental 'or a do tiroiiuds of tho Regiments comprising Iiis Hiigndc, on t!io 27th day of September | ext. for MAJOR OKNEHAL. to comnimid st Division, 8. C M., nnd to fill vacancy oen sinned by resignation of Major tlcnernl inith. Tho result of said Eloe'.ion will l.o irwardcd to this office iinniedintely thorenfter. "ulonels commanding tho respective Kcgilents uro chnrged with tho extension uud ox cutiou ot tlits t truer. W. K. EASI.EY, Drig. Gcu'L Jly order. II. I.kk TimrsTox, lirig. JtuJ. Ann 2 14# FOR SAIJE. Fhree Houses and Lots, k -i WHICH arc eligibly situat.*> cd, and paying a good interest ?ALL NKW?may i>c had on tiZab?%^eS5r- v<>ry reasonable terms, if spited lor soon. Tlio owner wishing to invest 10 proceeds of sate in other business bo is en aged in, is thu only reason why ho bus a disosition to dispose of the property. Alto, for sale, a VACANT LOT. Enquire at this OlSco for particulars. March 8 44 Medicines, 1^IIE Subscriber keeps on hand a Superior Assortment of IEQIC1VES. FilFlESIIS, SMFS. Most of the popular PATENT MEDICINES, RANDIES, WINES, WHISKY, RUM & GIN, (I'"or Medicinal purposes.) As ho purposes selling for C.'.Uti, he offers his rucicH ai j,oh Juices. riooso call ami cxminc for yourselves, J. II. DEAX, Je*\ 20 39 tf , MATTRKSS MAKING. ' ? ?? I Wm. Langston CTTOl'Ll) Inform the citizens of Greenville 1V (lint bo is now pormuncntlv located in hi* place for Iho purpose of MaNI'KACl RING MATTKNSrUW, and would cnrnisty solicit n share of public patronage. AH rork warranted to l>o stibstantially made, aiol is cheaply as can bo tarnished anywhere, lie nay bo found at bis residence, four hundred 'arils south of FuripaU University, ltu also naaufaeturoi Wllll'8 of all sorts. Where Mattresses may be Found. ftr Those wishing to purchase Mattresses, I an And a supply at Mr. L. Williams' Warelouae, at Mr. Kotelium's, and at Messrs. Long. Joodlott A Oo.'s, where they will ho kept cuoi tan My for salo. May 10 1 tf fluntEii ALL pcnoni indebted to the E?tnl? of A UKAM COX, deeoaeod, are required ;o inf?k? itmnoditite payment; and thoae hnviifF claim* againat said batata aro roqnccted to [>ro??iit tbein. D. TIOKK, Ang 2 12 Kxffutnr. APPLICATION. NOTICE I* ho.rtby given, that an Appliee* tlon will ba made to the next Leglrialure, to re-Oharter and amend the Cbartor of the Town of Greenville. Aug t 19 Km TO imiK BY the ye", ^pplj * X- MAttTIV. A?|t 14 %l i n ? M Mnsiilll! KV Otwwnvftt? Pfctrlct, tb|U Ch?y wotlrinf ? Vull STOCK OP OOOIWJ ia ?h?lr ii>?, all of wbicb wwro -, .> ' 1 . PORCHASED IN CHARLESTON, AM) WHien Til K Y WILL SKI.I. AY Lower Prioee. Than Usui ! Tb? Block coriMrta, In part, of fil?*ch?d and Brawn Slilrttnwa and Sheeting* |k larg? wrletjr ptfijnUi of abrwct iaporUUu, nrom 6 (g) 124 ?eut* jwr yard ilatn and Cotton Diaper*. Linen Drill* Kahcy Caasimere* and C'attanadea Plain White Swia* and Dotted Musllna lolid Daregcs, Mohair Lustre* Mack Silk Maiitilla*. Embroidered Collars lure go Mantilla*, while and colored loop Skirts, of various kiud*. among which will he found *01110 of 7 Spriugs, Co cents; 80 Spring*, $2.50 And all tho other Article* nec?**ary to 00m>ri?o a general stock of Dry Good*. ' AI.HO, ?\ IFTCTJIvICi BWlKHM? (DIF llats, BooIn, Shoes. GltOCKRIKS, HARDWARE, CROCKED. GLASSWARE, Ac.. Ac.. Wo are confident of the fact that wo can af-1 urd to *ell our Good* at prices that will com. I uand the attention of the public, and wc repcctfully aolicit an examination of our Slock. LOXU, (100DLETX A CO. March 8 44 tf rhe State of South Carolina, (i IiKEXVILLE DISTRICT. A LKXANDEU UIUPIIAM, who la in the /\ vuKtody of the SUerllfof Greenville Di*rict, by virtue of a writ of ad *ui<*jn'iemdum, ut tlio suit of Nathaniel Smith md Michael M. Smith, Executor* of Wlliam Smith, deoca*od, having filed in lny ifiicc, together with a tchcduhi, on .oittn, >f hi* c*tnto and effect*, hi* petition to he Court of Common Plea*, praying thnt lie nay l?e admitted to tho benefit of the Act of lie General A**etnbly. made for the relief of nsolvent debtor* : It 1* Ordered, That the aid Xutbniiict Smith and Michael M. Smith' ind nil other*, tho creditor*, to wh,o? ik? .~:.i Mcjapder Grishnm is in anywise indebted, jo, and they ere bwliy. summoned, and have io?ice to appear beforo the snid Court, at Greenville Court House, on the J-'mtrtk Jfonlay in October tujrf, to shew en use, it any they an, why the prayer of the i>ctitiuu aforesaid diould not he granted. W. A. McDANloIi, r. r. r. A a. a. Office Court of Common Pleas, tirccnvilio IHstrict. .Tulv IS. 1SC0. II 3m Tho Stato of South Carolina, G ItKKN VILI.E I)I?TltICTT. WK. POIVEllS, who is in the custody , of tho Sheriff of Greenville ]>i?triet, by virtue of a Wiit of irijiituatl matie/iirirnihtHi, it the unit of Krccnan A Ilcinstun. having filed in my office, together with a schedule, on oath, if his estate and effects, his petition to the Sourt ol Common Pleas, praying that he may c admitted to the benefit of the Act of the lencral Assembly, made for the relief of insolvent dohtors: It is Ordered, That the said (Treenail A lleiuston, and all others, the credtors, to whom tho said \V. 1\". 1'uwcm is in invwiso indebted, be, and they are hereby, litiumoticd, and have notice to appear before llie said Court, at Greonvillo Court llonse, on be /-'anrth Jf on tiny in Ortolirr iiejrt, to shew nnec, if noy they cnu, why tho prayer of tho Ktitioli aforesaid should not be grnntcd. IV. A. MrbAXIKU c. v. i'. * a. s. Office Court of Common l'lcas, Greenville libtri. l, duly is. 1m a. 11 f.,w TIV. ? f . i - - C O .1 ei s xiiw OIHW oi Donin Carolina, OH KEN V IL1.K 1 trsTKlCT. JERKMIAII KLRRIDGK, who i? in the custody of rhc Sheriff of Greenville I>isIriet, hy virtuo of a writ of rwy>iV?? <?/ ntiufx iewluiH, nt tiic rnlt of Frecnnn <% lleinston, Hun ins filod in lay oflico, together with a ichediile, on oath, of 1>is estate an>i effects, hip petition to tlio Court of Common l'lcas, praying tliut lie may ho admitted to the honrflt of the Act of fho General AtwnVI}'. made for the relief of inpulraut debtor*: It is Ordered, Tliat ho said Freonnn A Heinston, ami ?ll others, he creditor*, to whom the said Jorcmiah Kliriilgo is in any wise iudohtod, he, and t hoy are Hereby, summoned, anil have notice to appear before the said Court, nt Greenville Court House, on the Fnurth Jfotiriny in Orh,hrr iis.rf, to shew cause, if any they ean, why I lie prayer of tlio petition aforesaid should not ho granted. \\\ A. Mcl>AN IKL, v. c. k <>. s. uitico t/onrt 01 common l'leus, Greenville District, July 18, lfCO. 11 Sin The State of South Carolina. C IlEEN V 1I.I.K HISTII1LT. In Court of Ordinary. James Recce, Applicant, against Elins Cnapliinn, hcirs-nt-hrw of Soloumu Chapman, deceased, Witliam Chapman, Lcaudcr Caldwell and John Caldwell, Rebecca Chapman. Caroline Chapniun. .Carter Chapman nnd Jlcwlct Chapman, Defendants.?.Vnsirnon* i'm J'nrlitiun. IT appearing that Reander Caldwell, and John Caldwell, her himbimd. Carter Chapman. and llewk-t Cbapinan, Defendants, re idc beyond this State : It in ordered and da'rccil, tbat they do appear and object to the liriiinn in rule of the Heal Estate of Mra. MEMNDA CHAT-UAN, on or before the 21st lay of September next, or their consents to the tamo will bo entered of record. H01IKHT McKAY, O. ?. T>. Onlinary's Office, lib July, IfttiW. 0-11 100,000 Ilm. 15 nffs Wanted i. L PEARSON &C0.'S rpTTVT IETTr^T> (iKKKN VILLK, S. C. WE will exchange Tin Ware, Domestics, Prints, Shoes. JIuts. Ac., for 11AC'S nt :n>h prices. Thankful for pust putronng* v,a liope to merit u continuance of the sntitn. J. A. PEAR30N A CO. April 19 60 If NOTIC1C IS HEREBY givon that nil persons hnving demands against I lie Estate of W I T.T.I A M JACOBS, Hr.( iImcmwI. arc rc?|uo*tcd to protout their demands legally authenticated s and nil persons owing tlio Estate. nro roipicstrd to come forward nn<l scttlo by Return Day next, ns I am determined to sue on all Notes and Accounts, if not settled by Itotnrn Day. F.DWAPD 0. JACOBS, Executor. Juno 21 7 if NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to tho Estate of JOHN 11ATE3, doecased, are rt-tpicstcd to uinko payment forthwith; and those to whom tho said Estate is indebted, will present their claims, properly attested, to either of the undersigned. W. 11. CAMPBELL, > J011N BATES, j ExoCMtor#July 19 II tf J. A. PEARSON 8L CO., GltKKNVILLE, S. C., Manufacturers of, and wu?u?eic and Retail Ltculcrn in Tin Ware, Sheet Iron, Zinc, &c, TIN ROOFING, GUTTERING, REPAIR jNU, and all other Work in our liao dom cheaply aud promptly. J. A. PEARSON A CO. *nft3 1* tf FKE8II TURNIP SF/KD. W1ITTK Ff.AT DUTCH, WHITE NOR FORK, White Olohe, Roh?on? (Icldor Rail, Rkirring'e Ruta Daga, and aleo (irrninr Corled Kale. All warranted genuine, and foi ale hy THOMAS STEEN. Jn^r M II tf LIME FOR SALS. THE nheerihar bos for tale a quantity o LIME, IVeah from the Kftn. Cell early If en went nay. P. D. DEARMAN. Fuiy JO ~ li N , t 1 m. ..'J 'ftljUl. '.i If 3E & g a Drags & Medicines " M I WOULD Inform toy patron a, and the pubtlo generally, that I utT* recently lata in a eh anpply of DnVOB, MEDICINES, and all otbor ArticUa unullj leapt la a Drag Stora. Having made my purrhva In paraop, I have a eclect stock of Ota beat quel it tee of Drag*, Ae., that could be obtained in Market. I laon auch terms aa cannot tall to plaaaa yurahaaera. % I would invite Phyaiciana of the noun try to give mo a cull when they visit to bny their Drug*. I will Insure entixfnetinu, both in regard topricee and tpialiHea of Druga. I have constantly on hand all tk? moat ap>prorcd PATENT MEDICINES. A aclect Stock of DRUGS & A1?DICIN?8. Castor Oil. by tbe Itottie or Gallon. Sweet Oil, by tbo Bottle or Gallon, llcst Salad Oil. A select stock of tbe boat Soitpa. Concentrated Lye. for making Soap. A fine collection of Perfumeries. Jluir llrtisbes, Sharing Brushes, Tooth Itroabea, Ae. Shoulder llracoa for Boy a, 0 iris, Couta and Lndics. .H . Flavoring Extracts?fresh. Cooper and Cox's (icllatiuo. Starch, Pitting, Ac. Windo* (Sim's anil Putty. Olio hundred Trusses?nil aorta and aires. Ko. 1 urtii-ln of Alcohol. Pchttdpps, l>c?t London Porter, Brandies, Wine*, (lin. limn and Whisky, of the bestqualllits, for Medicinal purposes. A good assortment of Dental l'orocpa; Lancet* : every variety of Syringe; Proust Pipes j Nipple Phii-lda; Nuraory Potties, Ac., An. All Low rou Cash, ut J. II. DEAN'S Duni Stomic 1ST CALL AND SF.F. FOlt YOU 11SELV KS. Feb 3 89 tf SPRING GOODS FOR 1860. a 1 AM receiving n Largo I t Stock of (I OOPS, Kuitnblcfor f> i,y If : Spring and Suinincr Trnde, I He"."IMnll I , "rhirh will bo sold at l'cry ''[4 | '"lie /Vices. An insjiectioD " of the Stock is invited. April 5 f8-tt JOHN Vf. UltADY. Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. JUST received, n full line of Piikss (loons, for Indies and gentlemen, embracing all grades, from a very common to the hest Fnbrie* kept in this market, among wiiit-k is many of the novelties of the day. Also, n good lino of White dimds. Embroideries. Lace (Sands. An II.....IL ?,;.r. n?.'ii 1.?i - ?? Mvnvuv.. nml Brown Sliirtinpn nml Sheeting*, I>ri]liiiK"> Tiekingd, Ac. For rale by April 5 4S-tf JOI1N W. GRADY. Hardwaro, Cutlory, &c. QjjflP A GENKHAIj am">rtinent of Table 'ygwiinil Pocket CUTLERY, together with WT nil ileHcriptions of Sholf HARDWARE usually kept in Ihir market. Aim, Aim, Grain nuil (irarr iSrvllim, Sncaihd, ('milled, and Konplionkd, Spiulcd and Shovel.*, Roping. Trace Chain*, Nuilr, Ac. Just received and for kuIo by JOHN W. GRADY. April 5 4# tf Rendy-iUndc Clothing* AF I'LL AdaarVnent ofSl'MMKR CLOTHING, Coats. Yeats. Punt*, Shirt*. and Under Garment*, Collars, Crnvatd, Stocks uud Ties. Jmt received and for sale by April 4 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. BONNETS. s~\ A FULL Line of Trimmed nnd UuBONNETS nnd FLATS. Rn?3L> ched, Finn era, Wreath*, ltibUonr, Ac. Just received and for dole by April 6 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. HiN.TSA VERY large Stock of Drcsd, Soft and X\_ Swtnmcr HATS, for Men nnd lloys. Just rscuivcd uud for sale bv April 5 48-tf JOliX W.GRADY. CARPETS, MATTINGS, Oil Cloths, &c. SOME handsome Carpctd, Matting*. Oil _ Cloth*, Rug*. Attomand, Ac. Just received nnd for dale by April 4 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. WALL PAPER. 2CAA PIECES new and handaonro patt-?VJU tern* of Wall Paper, Bordering, ' Window Shaded, Fire-place Scrceoe, Au. Just I received and for rale by April 4 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. WOODEN WARE. CEDAR, vnruish pointed Buckets, Woll Buckets, Tubsnnd Koelcrs. Co.u Brooms, Ac. Just received and formic hy April i 4S-tf JOHN W. OHADT. DRUGS & DYE-STUFFS, ?/} WIXDONV (11,ASS, Fully. Paints,Oils, yfi* Ac. Just received nnd fur sale by Ok J011N W. GRADY. April 5 48 If W RITINGPA PER, BLANK BOOKS, &C. 1ETTER nnd Cop Fhper, Blank and MemJ ornudiini Books, Spelling llookx, Inks, i J old ninl Steel Fens, Hounct Boards, Ae. Jnst received and for sale by April i 48-tf JOHN AV. GRADY. BOOTS AND SHOES. A IVEUi assorted Stock of I.*<lics', | iMisses nml Child's Boots, (!niters, Buckskin and Slippers, heeled and itnkecled. Hen's, Hoy's, and Youth's Hoots and Shoos of every variety. Just rcvcived and for Bale by JOHN AV- GIIADY. April 6 4,1 tf GROCERIES. JAVA and ItioCoffees, Loaf, Crnshund Brown Sugars, No. 1 add iflBSWest India Mofn.i svh, Tens, Candles, Candies, Muekernl, Ac. For s?lo hv April 4 4S-tf JOHN AV. GRADY. Crockery and CJ las* ware. AIT 1,1, assortment ot China, Granito and Coinmnn Wnre, Glassware, Ae. Just received and for saD l>v April j 4rt-lf JOHN W. GRADY. mm W?iiT' THE iniiKtilier respectfully rPvtLAH Invites the attention ol his friends <2 1 Jlj J uud the public generally to his well-selected e-d'ocs. qs sosss. 1 /A ? I T AT flM I IN v/.\ 1,1, n i win \ i: u n KICK STORE, One door above the Hook Store, before making . your purchiieoe. Vo* will find floods end prices to suit. * T. B. ROBERTS. July 5 9 tf APPLICATION. NOTICE i. hereby given, that an Apptloation will ho made to tho nest LokuIr1 lure, to lnco >orate the Oaillard School, lo' eatcd in the Town uf Greenville. r Aug 2 12 2m APPLICATION. THE Oreenvilla Oas Light Company hereby give notieo of their intention to apf ply to the Legislature, at iu next aeesiou, for an Act nf Incorporation. Aug 2 U in J '? ' 'J .'J- " i I 8 8 . EMPORIUM ; OF M NOW 18 TKK TIMS To Fit Out touh W*Hi>noa? witi Fuiom ard Ewliih Goods, or tauncr i Importation ! Pl| TIIESE Good* were purchased CpffSftJr by ono of our Firm, from Direct JBtannMS Importing Ilnuxos in Charleston, ijSSfcSJ.S. C., and have Ihmju selected with jcrcHt card. They cannot fail to please tbe moat fastidious. Tbe assortment comprises a full variety of GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Goods, avow as French ami English Dluck and Colored Cloths and Cassiracrt-s. Silk and Marseilles Vesting*, Drap d'Ktos, Linens, Water Proof Tweeds, Ac., Ac. All of wtiieh we will tnnke up to order iu tbo boat and latest styles, and in u manner that will compete with any work manufactured hero or elsewhere,cither as rcgnrds^unfiru, ncnlne##, durability or cheojmcn?from a Shirt to the finest French Cloth Coat, and warrant all work done by us. AH we ssk 1* to plve us a trial. Wo also offer a neat Assortment of Ready Made Clothing, HTCII A* Coats, Fnnts. Vesta, Shirt* and Cnltnrs Cravats, Ties. Ulovc*. Suspender*, Hosiery, Ac. Dress and Business lints. AH of which wo will veil at prices to suit the times. * DYER & PICKLE. April 29 M tf A CKAtCX *0B EVERY OSS. PREM!!IMS7?PREMIUMS! MAKE UP YOUR CLUB3 FOR tee mem mm. I^on KVK11Y CLUB OF XKW SUBBCRI_ 11KHS we receive between this and the hrst day of l)eccnil>cr next, we will award either of tho Articles mentioned us a l'reniiuiu therewith : provided the Money (One Dollar for eaoh Snbscribcr; accomp&nios tho List, which, in every instance, will l c required. Read the l,i*t below, and sec if tln-re is not an Article appended to sonic ono of the Clubs worth working for: FOR A CLUB OF FIVE. (pnKMIt'M WORTII fi.tMt.) A Lady's Breast-Fin, a siiinll Me<)n1lion, a Collar Button, or a (icnt's Breast-Fin. FOR A CLUB OF TEN. (t'RkUtl'M WOUTIt $2.10.) A sett of Far Drop*, a Finder King, a BreastFin, a Cold Cross or a Hold Fen. FOR A. CLUB OF FIFTEEN. (mourns worth j\ unm fins nn, n noia "inrn hoy, or n sett of cither fluid or Silver Sleeve lliutons. FOR A CLUB OF TWENTY. (l'RKMII M WORTH $4.25.) A sett Gold Cuff Buttons, u sett Gold St mid Bnlinn?, a Gold Watch Iloek, n Thimhle, r l.ady's (iold Belt Buckle, or a Gent's Gold i'ok Buckle. FOR A CLUB OF TWENTY-FIVE. (pRRMIHM WORTH $5.60.) A Gold Medallion, n Revolving l!nx Pin, u Gold Breast Pin, a Lady's Gold Roll Buckle, u pair Gold Framed Spectacle*, a pair Silver i Plated Candlesticks, or a sett Silver Plated Forks. FOR A CLUB OF T HIRTY. (premium WoUTf! $0.75.) A fino Silver Plated Cup. a pair Silver Butter Knives, fir u pair Silver Plated Candlesticks. FOR A CLUB OF THIRTY-EIGHT. (PRKMII'M WORTH $8.75.) A Lady's Gold Breast-Pin, a Florentine or Mosaic l'in set in fluid, a sett Box liar Drops, for likeness, a Silver Plated Castor. FOR A CLUB OF FIFTY. (PRRMIIM WORTH $12.tH>.) A Silver Plated Cake Basket, u Gold Necklace, a Gold Medallion, a Lady's Gold Bracelet, a Lady's (large sixe) Gold licit Burklo, a sett Silver Teaspoons, 1 do*. Silver l'latcd Forks, or a pair Gold Framed S|K>ctaelcs. FOR A CLUB OF SEVENTY-FIVE. (PUKMII M WORTH $18.50.) A Silver l'latcd fake Basket, a Silver Plated Castor, a Jet sett Far Drops anil Pin tipjied with Gold, a Silver Cup, a Silver Hunting Case Wutch. a Gold Vest Chain, or a Gold Necklace. FOR A CLUB OF ONE HUNDRED. ( PR KM If M WORTH $25. ISO.) A good Silver Hunting Cased Detached Lever Watch, a Silver l'latcd lee Pitcher, (now article, patented this year,) a Jet sett BreastPin and Kar-Drons- sot in l.VI.I .J..1.1 Bracelet. From Uio above it will bo seen that wo offer a fair i?cr cent, for the time employed in our behalf. Am regards tbo Premiums, we would say that they will ho furnished from the csfabliahmcnt of a responsible Jeweler in tlrecnville?Mr. T. W. Davis?which is n sufficient guarantee ofthe genuineness of tlio diP.ercntar1 ticlea. Thogotlornp of a Club eun take choieo of any Article mentioned with the Club. Wo arc in earnest when wo say we will cheerfully award a Premium to overy one entitled to It? no matter how large the number. ptf Send along your Clubr. McJUNKIN ft BAILEY, Proprietors (1 rrrnvillt, S. (\, Juur 4, IKfit). fw "8 ? ji 2? ? ?* ^ J* ? 3 N J2;t) jS 8 l| ;Sl:q|^C *5 ti I- s *- * 3 c m C . o .?*? SaSeA "SS* "I ? ?T3 ? C W oo?i p.? c o ? Sir 22' - h> ? K Cos I # Hr ei r> ^ mm i ? 3 f i$o ^ * * jf ? H W nrt.^S to ?? = 2 ? a C.%** ^ op s- ^ -H B ^ w w| ^ Vjjl3 ? ? e 3-1 ^ ?? ? ? * r i 5- w >,. ^ > 1/5 ? P 2-8' 2 I PSl^A -*? ? * " ~ ?3 C t' .j4 ^ a-s ? eiL!?3(?Se I? r ~? lji$ -pj ? ilf it *"* r ^pqkes AND, LUMBER WANTED. TJIE Subscribe!* want 100,000 best While Oak and Hickory SPOKES, for which they will pay a liberal Price, if delivered by the first of May next. ALSO A large lot of Ash. Hick or v, White Oak, and various other kinds of PLANK, all of the HEST QUALITY, wanted, for which we will pay a f?lr price for nil that offers. SEASONKl> LUMBER preferred. OOWEK, COX. MARKLEY A CO. dsn 11 8A tf * spauTdinb'3 prepared "giuT* USEFUL IK BVEBT HOUSE. FLtriD, ami ready for use all the time, and as itrnuK as Cabinet Makers' gluo. Pries par bottle and brush, 26 rents. For sale by J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. 1 II * J* W* W iiiiii THANKFUL for th? kind ^^BHRptpatruunxa of their friend* for the nEr put yen*, would retfwtTully eolleit the mmm for the prutcut 1'wwM 93 w\*bio< U buy GENUINE ARTICLES* vuuid do well to cell iiaii euuuiuu our istveh, ut DJt&vti. 1 medicines, paints. oils, VANNlslfhV. t DYE-STUFFS, l'Elih'UMKK Y, ?, ii hushes, i fancy a n tici es. <tc. I ONF. DOCK BELOW HARRISON & LONG'S SHOE STORE. if ymTwant Fine Shaving Soaps, Washing Soups, Glycerine Soap, Brown Windsor Soap, Colgate's Soap, French Soaps, Opodeldoc Soap, Castile Soap, Thompson's Soap, Lilian's Soap, or any other kind of Soap, or a Box of 1'otash, to mako your own Soap, YOU WILL FIND IT AT LONG & HITRNHAM'S DRUG STORE. IF YOU"VANT Fine COLOGNE, Fine TOILET WATERS, Lut'iu or G'.i-nV EXTRACTS AND ESSENCES, llnir J'OMADES, llair OllJA Hair BRUSHES. I Or on; preparation for improving the llair, ! Tootli or Skin, CALL AND LOOK AT LOXtt <V BUR Nil ATI'S | ASSORTMENT. IF YOlFWANT TO I3TJY MY PATEfiT 111 EMS. You can pet if. at the umber's price, from LONG 4 It UK MI AM. IF YOlfWANT A GOOD ARTICLE OF Bread Soda, Cream Tartar. Starch, Indigo, Madder, Saffron, Borax, "Whiting, Clue, Sulphur, Alum. Copperas, Linseed Oil, White Lead, Train Oil, Lamp Oil, Sweet Oil, Spts. Turpentine, Alcohol, Seidlitz Powders, Yeast Powders, Large Window Glass, Putty, Rotten Stone, Bath Bricks, OR ANYTHING liLFE Usually Ucjif inn DRUG STORE,you can buy it at u l'AIR PRICE from our Establishment. Wo call Particular Attention To all Preparations made by ua. Wo umbo llictn of an uniform strength, ami from tbo PUREST MATERIALS. Country Physicians will Cud it to llieir a<l vmilugu to call ami examine oor Stock and Priced. LONG & BURNIIAM, Osr. Dook Adove C. Mkkhick'r Stokk. Juno 11 S'J tf ml YiTTkYFT"i? ?' rI"MIOSE wishing to purchase G Koi'Klt I ES X cheap f??r CASH, will plcnso cull <>u tho iiii<l<?r?i|?iic<i. who hoi* ju.-t returned with ono of tho largest stocks ever offered in the inurkel. TlIoMAS STEKX, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, .Mc Leo's llall. ml! II PS. of Cuba, M u seo v ado and Trinidad Molnsacs j 10 UMs. New Orleans I Molasses. Those cannot he surpassed in qualI ity. Selected and for sulo by THOMAS STEEX. i8 H11I>S. Choice New Orleans, Cuba and Muscovado Sugars. Selected and for ante by THOMAS STERN. QJ"V BR LP. Refined A. 11. and C. mid Crush/vAJ cd Sugars, and 2 Rids. superior Sugar 1lasso Golden Syrup. For nib* by .. T1IOMA8W3TEEN. 4/r RAGS Rio, Java, Mecho, Loguyra and t/ San loo Coffees. Tbeao have been carefully selcctod, ami arc for Bale bv THOMAS STEEX. 7CIIESTS Tea?Hyson Skin. Young ITyHon, Imperial Gunpowder, Super Oolong Ooolong and Souchong. The above Teas carefully coleoted and for rule bv THOMAS STEEN. RAGS Dm. (ij) .50 cunt a tJ nnr tin,* V.,? ?...i r? ? * _ _ r 0, ....... lor CJMC l>y THOMAS STEEX. OA DRUMS FIGS, just received ami for OVJ sale by THOMAS STEKN". PIK FRT'TTS, Jellies, Pino Appln, Prunes, Pickles iu pints, quarts half gallon ami gallon, English?Pioklcs, licrkins, Walnuts. Piecalilla, Onions. Worccstsliire Sauce, ami a large variety of English Pnneos, selected and for sale by THOMAS STEEX. SALMON, Oysters, Spiced and Fresh Lob. iters and Clams, Pickled Salmon, very fine, Haddock and Codfish, extra No. 1 Mackerel in kits. Wooden Ware of all descriptions, and Cutlory. For sale by THOMAS STEEX. QA KEGS Nails superior quality, assorted ,wVJ si/08, cheap for cash. For sale liv THOMAS HTEliN. rflllE largest and best assorted Stock of | China Glassware and OKickory of ovcr^ description. For salo by TnOMAS 8TEEN. CONFECTIONERY of.cvery variety. For salo by THOMAS STEEX. CCURRANTS, Citron and Raisins. For salo j by THOMAS 8TKF.N. TJAKKRS Rroma, Chocolate, and Cocoa, It the very bout. For sale by THOMAS STKEN. May 10 1 If FOR RENT, UNTIT, the first day of January | Jij next, at $200 per annum, i THR STOKE YIOITSK ,% Main at root, Graanvilla, S. 0., iWMBtly occupied by Maulpik 4 Loan. C. A. MATJT.RTN, Adtn'x. <lr bonit no?, or t?. Mnuhlii), doo'd. March 1 f dentaTcard" TJIE undcraigued would reapectfully bring to the notion of Hrccnvillo and vicinil\, hia friend. RODBRT A. HARRIS, Surge.'., Dantiat, who haa, during the 1 lUrcr yr? given hia clono and undivided attention > 1 Rentiatrv, and who ia now prepared to ntt ? to hia Profession in both its biendi.. may ba fuuud at my R mtna. TOIHi ANDERSON, ' Mff 5 9 Purjpeon l^otirt, 4, , n *