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...wnm I <111 11 "11,1 TFAA fll r:M Jk J ^ L f g^mBrMfg A Dtrron Jci?o*.~>-A fn?aiy(i?M ?t w of ? ** Dutok Judge," in th? f.>n<>win<r skfloh : He was about lo sentence prisoner, end on looking around for hiut found him plaving chequers with bis custodian while the foreman of the jury was fast v-deep. Replenishing the ample judicial chair with his broadcast person, lie tbus , addressed the jury : > fc Mr. Voreman, and t'oder jurymen's: Der brtsoner, ITans Vleeter, is finished his game mit der gberiH; and ha* peal hint, bnt I shell take gare he doe'-t peat mtr. nuns qw cwrn aura TOt DMInler before you, n>u%t piing in der verdict, hut it must pe * cording to der In*."? ^e mm he Icill't vasnt kilt nt-nll end ? it is roved he is in the jail at Morrisdown, 'or aheep stealing. Hut dat iih no mater. Der law says ven dere i* a tou't, ou aball give it to der briaonor, but ere iah no tou't; eo you eee he iah guilty. Pesides he i? a great loafer.? I ha/ know'd him vifty year, and be ?a?n't done a adilch of work in all dat litneo, and dere iah no one debending u iiiui fer deir li-iaY aid he i*-h no use o no pody. I diuka it would pe good ,?lnn to bang him for de example. ] link, Mr. Voreroan*, dat be pelter be hung next fourt' o' July, a* der militia fch goin' to drain in anoder gounty, and * er would pe no vun goin' on here."? * t should be added, to the credit of the ury, that in apite of Uiia " learned and mpartial charge," they acquitted the briaoner," finding him " not guiliy, if he would leave the State." [Knickerbocker. Jcst So.?Stronger?14 Ila-have you any m m m miserable old rr-r-rolgut whiskey F' (Landlord draws a bottle from nnder the counter, and stranger pours out half a glass ful.) lie tnkos it, screws up his face, sets down hi* glass and looks at the landlord. At length, after catching his breath he continues : 44 Yon k k kkeep gg g good house, dd-don't you I" Landlord-?44 Well, yes, I think so. Why do you ask !" Stranger?Oh?" ff-ffor n n n-notliing part icnlar. I nee yon awwoyn g g g- 1 give a ffffellow ex- ex aetly what he ee c calls for?that's a a a all /" A good story is told of * broad-back Kentuckinn who went down to Orleans for the first time. Whiskey, brandy and plain drinks, he knew, but as to compounded and finvored liquors, he was a know nothing. Reposing on the seats of the court of the St. Charlps, he j observed a score of fashionables drink- ? in?T mint julips. 1 " Bov," said he, " bring me n glass of that beverage." When he had consumed the cooling draught he called the boy. Bos', what was mv last remnrk !*' M Whv, yon ordered a julep." " That's right ; don't forget it. Keep hringin' 'em !" As a good looking fiiend of ours. < whose moustache is jet black and curls ' magnificently over his lip. was passing the residence of a couple of darnsels.the . following conversation is said to have lieen overheard * T ! .. T -1- -1 ? 1 l^miKn?i uu wonciiT ' 11 pnp? 10 kin* on* of those creatures with a lorr'ul \ nionstAche ! , Adelaide?Why, Louisa, of course I dou't know. * Louisa?Well, I'm going to pet the ^ hat brush and try it. And she did. h A KF.GKO boy being sent by his mas- ,* tor to borrow a pound of lard from his t neighbor, thus delivered his message : -1 " Missus Thompson, massa sent meober ' to borrow or beg a pound of hog tallow. ITe sed he got tie ole sow up in do pen fatten 'em; he gwine to kill her day be- i f->re yesterday, an he come over week 'fure last an pay u!l you owe as.*' Ratiko Gisack. A blunt-spoken. " oft-handed old gentleman, ono day, pre\i us to dinner, arose and delivered himself as follows" For what we are j about to receive, may the Lord make us ? truly thankful?what, wife, a plain hash '' again to-dav 1" It was ail in the same breath, and the effect was inezpress ibly ludicrous. f A norar.-KKEPKR having kept a hired t! man on liver nearly a month, raid to " him one day. " Why, John, yon don't ? seem'o like liver.'' " O, yes." said John, r, " I like it very w >11, for tifty or sixty I meals; but I don't like it as a 6teady " diet." Ah Irish emigrant, hearing the nuneel gun at Portsmouth, asked a sailor, 44 What's that f" 41 Why. that's sunset," was the reply. 44 Sunsett" exclaimed Pat;44 and does the run go down in this country with such a bang aa that?'' 44 Small thanks to you," raid a Plaintiff to one of his witnesses, 44 for what you said in this ease." 44 Ah, sir," replied the conscientious witness,44 but jus; think of what I didn't say." 44 A cocpj.e of robbers fell upon John Push, of Haton Houga, and robbed him of a shin-plaster of a Mississippi railroad bank. Tb it was taking the rag t k. i-.,?u iiviii i no ininir* 44 CotJDrcTOR," mlied * railrond passenger, ?" arc jou running on timo to day t" **Nosir; we are running for cash." A FREI.TX REMARK.?44 We have lo pa- for ev? v thing." a* the man raid o! ?-n ? mn-nuito, after a serenade, tent hi hill into him. A VOC5Q lady RRy? that if a cart- i ha* nine feller*, that it i* mighty I i hat a gal can't havo one. * I blush for you," aa the rouge poi Mid to tb? old maid. ^ ^ * ' w*r NEWCAHPETSTOftE. CARPETING, EITQ8, ILOOZ OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, ? - . i **? CURTAIN GOODS Of KVJSJtY DESCRIPTION, CHARLESTON, S. (7., . AKD J. G. BAILIE & FRO., 205 BItOAD ST.. . . AUGUSTA. OA. Nor 34 1? ly I. h. FILE ft CO., WUOLBHALE AND XKTAIL DKALKU IN CLOTH XISTG4-, I AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, NO. 206 KINO STREET, CI1 ARLUSTON, S. 0. X.-V Mnnttfnelory and Wholesale Warehoimo. Si JJbt SxoKrr, sionr x ark. ir All Order# promptly attend**) to. Nor ?4' It 1. P. RKED S. P. OOODLKTT. REED &. GOODLETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, * ANT> SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. GREENVTLLK, S. C. Office Xa rlfi-Kntt Corner Court IIoust Sou are. June 4 4 tf JAMES FLECK, house & SIGN painter, l'nprr llnnccr <t Gla/icr, GREENVILLE, S. C. WILL FAITHFULLY FJCKCCTB .W.LWOHK KNTUl'STRD TO HIM. Residence on Aagneta Street, near Depot. Fab tt 42 ly c . f. j ack son ft cot " FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No- 139 King Street, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Not 24 29 ly* siiAviNTir HAIR TRIMMING. DRESSING. DYING. RAZOR RETTING AND SHAMPOOING. AT THE Second Door above Mr. MoPhereon's, wilson' cook. May 2 2ft handsome jewelry on sale. A VERY GENERAL ASSORTMENT of r\ line nuil oilier JK Wlii.ti Y may lie hut il' tho Subscriber, who make.' loonier iifni IHiiy, ami any other er'ielo required in lis iine. REPAIRING faithfully <h>no Three Doors below the Gonilleti House J 11. RANDOLPH. (IreenyiUe, S. C., Scji. 15, 185'.). 19-tf SADDLE & HARNESS MAN TJ A C T ( ) It Y, Till- aunscrihcr would respectfully CWWWa inform ?lio public generally that lie Tr^coiitiniii'.i the above Business, Tim l/onr? nhorr. the OVceuri'He l/otrl, and is premred to furnish customers w it li anv* description >f HOME MANUFACTURED SAr.DLKS, ??rrh?(i>, liuciry itnil Wagon HARNESS luailc o order, and in the best styles. BRIDLES, 1VHIPS, Ac., on hand, and fir sile CHEAP. p&* Saddles and Htrnira REPAIRED at hurt not too. A. M. OJLLREATH. March 2D 47 ly WAGON MAKING AND REPAIRING. I^JTE subscribers respectfully inform tho public thnt they intond earrvinjj on tlio buine-s of WAGON MANI' PACTr ft I X(1, and VA'ION and Hl'CUY REPAIRIXtr, in the own of Orccnvillo. The best of Timber will * used, and the vorlt warranted tube well done, ilr. POOL, who will superintend the work, is a rorktnan of -considerable experience, having earned tho business under the host workmen at he Carriage Factory of .Messrs. (lower, Cox, darklcy A Co. All work will bo dnno upon he inost reason able terms, and on slutrt notice. V share of patronage reapcetfnlly solicited. WANTED. A lot of ft E A SON Kl> LUMBER wanted, br which a fair price will bo paid. A. TOWNE.S. W. J'. I?0OI.. V. A. TOWNES. * OrecnvIIlo, February 2, 1860. 29 tf BLA CKSMITHIN G. '.lis Tho concern of.TOWXES A HAWKINS having l?oen dissolrr il by mutual consent, the business rill ho carried ou at the same Shop by tlio uncrsigncd. <i. W. TlltOOKS. January, 1859. J. L. HAWKINS. NOTICE. IAIIE undersigned having transferred his inJL terest in the Hiurksmith Shop near Vilnius'Storo, to Messrs. Brooks A Hawkins. ikes pleasure in recommending (hern toft sham f public patronage. They will he prepared to Mend promptly and satisfactorily to all eitll > their line. They have experienced and skitlil Smiths in llorr,o*hociiig. Tlcpairing and roning Wagons, Plough Work, and all other rdinary work of u Blacksmith Shop. January, 1859. 27-tf O. F. TOWXKS. JAS.^ ALLEN, DEALER, 6UEE1VVILLE,S.C. f. Ait n../!*,.. (a. \r.n,.iv I ly attended to. 40-tf Frl> 0 MTT.T.TNERY anae. jmurns a ?ywwD.T)iw fHAVE rctnroed from Xew York witli a large and complete naaortricnt of handsome Hoods, WILL OPEN Dx ^, rnr. 11th ivpt. and to wlii-h they invite the attention of the Indie* of Oreonyllle and vicinity. Anion? their stock may 1m found.Iho Olotildo, Adeliiide and Dove-Cape Hats; a groat variety <d Misses' Fancy Huts: Martha ('apes, Head Dresses; Ifaie 1'lait.t and furls) Jiugr-, nin Magpie, Hridal and Mourning Veils, a large stock of Itihhons at reduced prices; Hats cleaned nnd ttiinnicd : Drcsrcs cut ?nd basted. , April #49 if .?i 1.1 t <sp air ^qp gw ypji ^ SiHSHS KJtttssK: of ? III Ibt ? ' 1 Of u) 9I?4Mm Im 1k? WffMk Of muy IMMac Im Ik* W?Mi Of **r " fWHittf.WwW. Of auijr ^ 4Mu* to Um WmM, JUU.toto PMUMM c&SpS&S: IM,Wf PMkHM Mf Im Biii^I auf imiMMIImi Mf uoimftohf MmOCmMm* if Im OMifU mmd lo?UC?r?fii JMf Im Qi)?g?? awl1 *-*? "? IM Fofitow KMIHI " Im PMjrtMa HmIJM. Itf FnurUu Mom Ik*. V, In *emrt*en MauUu. im mmun. It U Warnuuf ? t Mr* It la Warranted to C?n It la WamaiH to Car* II to WumuiKf to Car* It to Wwrutof to Car* . . If (Mjtc?Um*? *r* FaUawrd, If Dtr**U*M* an PaUaaad, ff UtawftoM* *r* roUnrti, If WrfrUan* art PWtowad, If iXTMtlona ar* Poilvwaf, f cose u l7*p?|W? Aujr C?a? of Dyspeyaloj * Any CIm of Dysy spslo Any Cm* of Pyspepto AW. V** . * Utw IHwVn, I * Llv?r DUtaM, Ji yi Uvtr IMwrn, 'f ' ;.'3U* lalrer DImom, ?/ ?; ?. IJvar Dtniua. . Jaamllrr. t?} ' y xj&iy.. jhukum, - .Jaundice, ^ J?an4lt?, Jaaiidlrt, ft Is 1Cap?el>lly Afaptcd to It Is (especially Adopted to t Is Kspeclatly Anaptvct to It Is Kspeclnlly Ailastsit to It Is (especially Adopted to Remote Complslntot Renin le Coiuplolnta . Remote Cowplnliits) ReninIc Complaints | Retool* Complaints ; It Produces Rotundity of Fona It Produces Rotundity ot Form It Produces llotnmllty of Form It Produce* Uotnnalty ot Form It Produocf Rotundity ot Form hi Remote* of ? Tlitn ami Spore llnbtt In Reiimlc* of n TtUn uiut Spurs HsMt In Remains of n Tlitn and Spare llahlt In Remotes of n THIn and Spore Hnldt In Remote* of o Tlitn oiul Spare Italilt Send o Pestnfo Ptajpp to thi Prop! icier* for their Pmnptilot on " of frtomiu-h end Bowrulf.'* W. W. BUM A t'O., Proprietors, <xm nrona M n]', M? lurk. For Sole in GrrmriHt ly Ang2*ttt-ly? JOHN W GRADY. Ladd, Webster & Co.'s (Slllb 8EWIiV(iMACIIIiVE8, WHICH, For Comity. nnd Simplicity of Con sI ruction, nii'l Efficiency in Workiug, nro UNEQUALLED BY ANY. n .1 Few oS (Jic IQmty Ilcnttynv Why these Machines AUK PK BFEHKED auovk all others. 1. They are sn rei-i"rknVily in their construction. A chSVl ran dpernto them unit understand iheir mechanism. 2. They nre the froiij/c*! Sowing Machine* made. It is utmost }tnpnrsiblo to break or get them out t.f outer. :s. They nro sure !ri their operation : finishing work in a uniformly perfect manner. I. They niuko ii !?ck tliti 'i, nliko on both sides of tlio work, which cannot bo unraveled. * 5. Tucy stitch, 8?m, bind, foil, run nnd gather, without basting. ti. They sew equally well the lightest nnd heaviest fabrics. 7. Tlioy sew over the heaviest senms without changing the tension or breaking the finest thread. ? S. They uro e.ny Nti. of Cotton, Thread or Siik, directly fr?tn the spool. 9. They nso a straight noedio ; enrved ones arc linblo to break. 10. The needlo has iv perpendicular motion. This? is absolutely ne^Wsc.ry for heavy work. 11. Tlicy linvo a wheel feed : rone others aro in constant eontset with the work. 12. They run easily and nro almost noiseless. Id. They arc not liable to oil the dress of tha oporntor. 14. They do not require a serow-drivor to sot tho needles. 15. They do not havo to ho luken apart to 1ft. They do not farm ridges on the under v side of tho work, nor ravel out, nor are they wasteful of thread, as in tho cuko with all chnin-stUching machines. 17. They nro enpnh> of doing a greater range of work, and In n more perfect manner , than any other Sewing .Machine. M'e warrant these Machines, and voneh for h the rocomniondation of the nhove. i>vb;d2 Ac fickle, AliKNTS. GREENVILLE S. C. April 19 fiO 1y ^ F. BUTTY, 1 LOVELAND'S BUILDING, GKLLNVILLE. S.C., nftl RERPECTFLM.J.Y informs tho pnkrA t lie. generally thut he lias on hand a fine i * 10^. assortment of \ BOOTS, SHOES, f BROGANS, &0., WELL ADAPTED TO Til IS MARKET. Jn tho assortment will ho found , Ladies, Misses' and Children's Oniters and Hhoes, of many kindr. ^ flentlemcn's. Voullia' ar.d Roys' Roots, flaitors , nnd Shoe*. .. Ditcher's Itoots?nn excellent article. ] Brognns or all sires and most durnldo make. In fnet, as full mi assortment of Articles in j his lino as can he found in any establishment in n town of the same size. Hp also rexpoetrully nn examination of j hi* Priee* for C'axli, raliracd ihnt hi* (iocxls are ( offered At the Lowest Possible Fiptire. J Person* in want of anything of tho kind will please give him a call. I Ai.r.o, ox fiAxn, A C*oo?l Mlock of I.rnlhcr, AT WHOLEftALB AM) KKTA1L. ] Boot and Shoe Making. Thix hraneh of hi* lm?inr** i* Mill rarrio'ion ' nmler hi* peraonnl *nporvi?ion, nn<l every rare will he taken to guarantee mtixfaeli'ttl to tho*e who pntronire him. 17-tf Not 10 ( W l/klir A * ? I\ A 1 ^ * ? w ? aih/ lAuui*. < PUILADKJ.WIIA, A Ttanemlent Institiitinncsfaliliirheil hy special 1 Endowment, for the Relief of tho Sick and 1 Distressed, afflioted with Virulent end Epi- ' domio Diacasc*, and e*peeinl1y for the Cnre of ' lhwowl of the H< xnal Or^rana. MKDTCAT, Advice fciven (frails, hy the Acting Surpeon. to *11 who apply by letter, with i* description of thtir condition? (ape, ocenpati<a>. habit* of life, Ao.,) nnd ir, rt?t? of c*. frcnio poverty, Medicine* fnrnltili'ed free of char pa. Valuable Reports Oh Fpormaf'rrTuro, and other Disease* of tho Sexual Organ*. and on the Now Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to tho afflicted in aea'ed letter envelope*, freo of charge. Two or thrco Stamp* for roftago wil' l>e acceptable, Addreaa, DH. J. RKir.T.TN ITOUflHTON. Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 3 Hong, Ninth 8trceb Philadelphia, Pa. By order of thd Director^. 1K7.RA D. IIKARTWKTiT,, President, flr.o. FAtncnii.n, Secretary. 44 J f \ t" ?-?j-|. raiss ? mmmj i unrr 38 S I? 38 B W ?RE1 IN consequence of the Impending Crisis at have made, withdrawing their patronage SOUTHERN and having, with the utmost repugnance, awn neglecting to renr up that criterion for the am ed upon them, I have concluded to show to tb of Nuxareth that there is still aomo bolui h the bleeding wound and whisper* word of com Having just received the most STUPENDOUS J ever exhibited to the pnblio gasc. or over Imp them to COUNTRY MERCHANTS who aro HEADQI and the pnhlic at largo, at prices MUCH LCV for the conviction of unbelievers, and th that, although a prophet has 110 honor iu his < world for competition, is obliged to saccucd, e field, is a dead halt. The annexed Items will aiford a faint *#ci AT CARE Tho most extensive REJ1DY MJIB Coots, 50 and 75 ocnta, and no words, Pants, 50 " 75 u " " " Vests, 40 " ?5 " " " ' Shirts, 60 " 75 " " " SupCTfino Silk Hats, ... (2.00 Wool " ... 40 Calf Skiu Boots, super line, - - 2.60 HOOP SKIRTS 8 IIoops, 50 11 " - 70 35 ? , - ... 87 Together with a largo stock of Silk fie Shawls, Trunks, Shirtings, Indigo, Nails, Crai linmiii(*4. Pnrtt Vlmir Hncittt f.i Whisky, Brandy and Wine, and n large lot of Tho nbovo MARKKD DOWN items, whil not n mere phantom of the mind?an idle phn word, ocean* in o tear, nnd points, like tho nei f/rrcHPi'l/t) at n lower price than in iuiy Soutlie CARE'S STORE The highest Cash pric< CARR'S STORE May 10 1 GHKKO^EE REMEDY,^ AN rVFATT.tXfl CI'NS POIt " m D?ifi)IR3RW(fiiBA ixn at.t. ni?r.Asra or Tnr. rnrxAtir onoAS*. 1"MIIS Roinody cures when all other preparations fail. It is entirely nnlike every ither compound containing no mineral pol. on or nauseous drug ; as it is prepared solely ruir. Knots, Barks and Leaves, nnd hns boon mnded down, from ono goueratlon to nnothor, iv the Cherokee Indians. It is offered to the mlilie on its own intrinsic merits. It performs Is ditty qnirkly and thoroughly. Tho unforunnte, of cither sex. will bo repaid by using his Komcdy, instead ??f placing thomsvlves at Iia itirttav Iii'unm* Ml! licit of Rrnfmenr TKla tcmedy striken at the very Hoot of the diveaso ; ts tendency in uot simply to suspend the poison, nit to remove ttio causo on which it depends, 'nil directions in pamphlet form, accompany s>cli bottle. Tho speedy anil permanent relief ffordod l>y thin Remedy, in nil cases of flonorhtcn, Uloot, (i ravel. Stricture, Fluor A thus, Whites in Fomalen,) and ail diseases of the 'rinury Orjjnup, Ua* astonished the most scienific uien of tho ago. This Remedy not only radicates all poison from tho system, but Inisoratos tho most dolioate eonstitution. It duos not effect tlio breath or interfere with iny elass of business, or rcquiro any deviation 'rom the usual diot. It requires no assistance from any othor molicino. And whnt enhances itn value, is tho ontiro abenco of all nauseous taste, being a pleasant ml delicious syrup. Price $2 jicr Mottle, or tbreo Mottles for $5. POTTEIl A MRU WIN, Pole Proprietors, Pt. Louis, Mo. JP&T* Rold in O-rtenville by Fisher A !(?{ lifsh ; Van Pehaack A Oriorson, Charleston, Vholcsale Agents, and all responsible doalers n Medicines in the Poutb. 49-ty Ap 12 OUNDED 1852. CHARTERED 1854. LOOATKB Corner of Baltimore and Oharlae Streote, BALTIMORE, MI). 'IMIE Largoat, Moat Elegantly Tarnished, 1 arid Popular Commercial College in tho L.nitod Stater. Designed expressly for Young Men desiring to obtain ft Thnronyh /'ractiral fhithimt t'dnratinn in tho least possible time ind at the lcn?tcxp?nse. A I,urge and Beautifully Ornamented Cirotiar, containing upwards of Sit Square i'ee/, eit'n specimens of Penmanship, and a Largo Kngrnving, (the finest of the kind erer made n this country,) representing the Interior View >f tho College, with Catalogue stating terms, le., will he sent to every Young Man on application, free nf rhmrijr. Write immrdiately and you will receive the package by return mail. Addrcrs, E. K. I.OPTER, March 1 43-ly Baltimore, Md. TI1K iVOttlaO OUTJ>ONE I THE MEDICINE CALLED 14 Inflnmrntilory ('.xllrpntor," WII ICR was sold dnringCourt in this place, is now on sale, by J. W. (tRADY, of Ureenrillc. It cannot now be longer doubled t>ut this Medicine is the most efficacious remedy nvrr in this place, for Kidney Diseases, Piles, ^cnratjfta, I/ring Ulaeaae*, I>f*pcp*ia A Rheuinwtictn. Xumcrout i>Mfi of the above diiioa? Wn c??e<d thl* present wecl^ llcndacho. Toothache, I'araohe, Sprain*, ?r*all flowsi A (lor I ion*, disappear before It if by tlic lonrh of man**1- Try It. and Veep It in ronr familie*, for eieVnr** comet whan yon leant a*port it, J. W. ORARY, Ajent for Oreenville, H. C.| Rr. K. Plljfi, Wholesale Atf't at Columbia : al*n liy all Yi'Uole?al? Rtuinistt in h ar leaton, t C. fl. W. T>AV1R, Proprietor, Do* 4520, Now York Pat Office. Not 3 20 tf PRIVATE BOARDING. riMlK Hnharrtbor i? prt-pnrrd-toaoeommodau teverni YOT'NO OKNTl.KMKN Wit! HOARD and T.ORMXO. Ilia residence li within 100 yard* of the Theological Seminary and convenient to the bn.Inc.. portion of town being r?hnnt 200 yartla east of the Court Honae Families desiring iloardean alio ba aeootnmo datod. llwtoa reasonable. Fab 9 i?-* R. mrOKH, .assagai iND j' Ml SALE!' UK <r m D EPtfOOOTTS ? II&XSS ; GiKVILLE. 1 \0i" < * ' r t id the important more* our Country Merck acta t< from the North ud encouraging COnmERCE, rcjred the stagnant fields of Southern enterprise, my South which the Impending Crisis hue crowd world that sonic thing good can still "oouie out i vlilead; that there is yet a physician to heal solution into the ears of tny bleeding countrymen. | rofk OF 00018 * orted from any foreign hemisphere, I will offer in faror of making Greenville th. 1 JARTERS" I" ITU tbaa c>n be procured either Nortb or og# that doubt until they see andjett, I wtn ?ty jwu country, yet a morebaut who challenges the A veu if the whole world, Hko tbe sun on Glbon's ^ nhlnnct of wbat can be dono :'S STORE. J i, superb and complete 9 >E CLOTHIJVG. ' Ladies' Shoes, fine, clastic, - $1.00 " Slippers, " - 50 ( Children's Shoes, fancy on<l One, 40 A 50 Mhn's " " superfine, - 1.30 Hoys' " large sices, - 50 Superfine sowed Kid Shoes, with heels 1.30 J , (First Quality.) I 18 ? .... $1.25 30 " .... 2.00 Dusters, - 75 c nncts, Flats, Itobos, Fans, Umbrellas, Linens, c rkcrs. .TeWdry, Watches, Pistols, Razors, Fort- C J Ft'EE, SVOAlt, trO LASSES, SALT, Uum, g articles too numerous to mention. ? le they speak louder than trumpet tonenes. are f .nl.isre?but n reality that speaks volume* in a ? pillo to the pole, that Goods rem he purrha*eU in ? rn or Northern market, and, above all, that * J IS THE PLACE. ? d? paid fur PRODUCE. ' g IS THE PLACE. tr c 10,000 Negroes 10,000 Negroes * Saved Yearly. Saved Yearly. Planters Take Notice, Planters Take Notice, Jacob's Cordial i Jacob's Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy J Before The People j Before The People " In Dysentery, i< v In Dysentery, n Diarrhoea, ? Diarrhoea, [ And Flux, And Flux, It Never Fails. It JNovor Jb ails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages ot Half Doz. ; Put up Expressly Put up Expressly For Plantations. For Plantations. J $1 per Bottle. 1 Htl n^r RMIIa Y A^VVVIVV .For Salt in Greenville by Aug 221* \j J0I1N W. GRADY. (lonorrlicrn nn(l Gleet Cnrf it 9 . M Tn* rery beet remedy In the worlJ for the cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, g*. W Ac., Ac. X . s-. 2 J ^ Eat ami drink what yon plrnse. g _ Full direction*, with a abort ao- 73 count of the dieeaec, accompany each pg Sfl bottle. M w ? At the ?nme time "tttw cpaa" !m 3 rn mn*t excellent remedy in Chronic ^ _ Cold*, Coughs, Ac. Q t It doe* not. produce Rick Rfomaeh, "jf, J ' ** or injure the conetitution in any way. (JJ " The Cora" it enliroly Vegetable, ft & . ... . 1 ' c Manufactured andfor eale by pj M lM I x J. D. BHUCB ft CO., Jj 1 lfffwharry, ft. O. ' ? ^ I Fof anil In OrefnvilU by j ? 2 ! ? A nd by nil roapretabla I>rnffgi?t? throughout the Stato. Fob ft 40 tf 4 * miij )M|f) pun ?M>qjjoitof> 1 1 IVnlr Dr?wlug?nd Abnvlttff. I "|>URRIDGB eantlnnca (ho TOXAOAIAI* > Jl > huxinoM 1 hl? Old Stand, la Haatttf'a , ltrick ltalldinff, whare ho la road/, 4urinK lb* . day and eToning, * Share Ilia Hoard and Out - Ilalr and *hani|>no tho Head. II* rorpeelfully Mill continuation of tmt roaaga. It *f VfAMJFACTURED^p^^ LtjL . for us, and to 'TOUi it bed by ourselves. Thty or? a ado, blade and thank, out qi one dece of the ery boat quality and emper of Coat 6tool, and bare Urength of blade aqd length of ban-. Je to euit our Southern fcrmitog. bo success of this article boa >roogbt various IMITATIONS in? the market, but the denulnr Cast Steel Bee 18 BOLD OUI.Y BY ? -? -A > J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. GARDENING TOOLS. 1PADSS, JI0E3, , BAKES, TROWELS, PRUNING SHEARS, LINE RERLS, ml everything> else in tbis line, m hand and to arrive soon. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. ; We are manufacturing Elliott's Celebrated Spring Bed. They are ill that can be desired. Qoinfortble, cheap and durable. Call ,nd see them. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. A largo lot of those first-rate ron-Wiieel Wheelbarrows, just om plefed. J. 11. SHERMAN, Agent. THE ORIENTAL m COFFEE-POT. ^ j We arc manufacturing, nn!jc? den authority from tho I*ah=s 1 tentees, ag i THE ORIENTAL Jgoffbe-pot. ~=i which beats tho Old Demin** ion, and nil other style*, jbs u clear out of sight,"' while it i is sold at but littlo tnoeo than S the common coffee-pot. If you loco GOOD COF' FEE, try an Oriental. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. PICTURE FRAMES. Wo arc prepared to put up all :inds and styles of s .. ,, Gilt lid Rcsowood 'Icturo Frames, as cheaply as they an he purchased in Charleston.* J. 11. SHERMAN, Age lit. mmmm, ^ ,v We arc constantly receiving additions to ' "" our Stock, end have ust effected arrangements with n oxtensive Manntnctory, which rill enable ns to offer it at much ower prices than over. We intend to keep as good an ssortment as the market demands, ,nd to 6ell it lower than it can be trocurcd from either Charleston or Columbia. J. B. SIIERMAN, Agent. A capital works ALARM CLOCKS vnrrnnted to keep good time, and o wake yon tip at any time of the light or morning that yon wiek. Price, $1.7."). J. J3. bllERMAN, Agent. Wnll Paper in *? A nAKn?OMK AflSOnTMKKT OF WALL PA PERI HQ. BORDERING, FIRE SCREENS, WJNDO W SHAPES, kc. net received end for salo by j J. D. BIIEUMAN, Agent. j STEitrcoscorKs* And Bterooscoplc Viows. A good assortinent of Stereo icopea, pomio as low as $1 .SO, and a ,-erv largo and unusually choice aeection of V iews jnst received. . j KEROSENE LAMPS, j "Wo havo just oponod a now lot ivith an Improved Burner, 1 . t * no DC81 WO I1RV0 over ftttd. Housekeeping Goods. Every thirty in the llon&ekeeping Ino, from ft $100 Cooking Stove ;o a five cent Tin Cttp, in?j- be ronnd At the Htoro of J. B. SHEEMAN, AGHIUVT. GREENVILLE, S. C. lUrob * # V m the tW ^ Its effect* commence by deposition from the blood of -corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in J the lung?, liver, sbd intornel orpm, is termed 1 ^ in the 1 jlwidr, swel JiruzH^ wtd on , the surface, eruption* or sore*. Hie Aral oar* ruption, wWsh ffendcrst*tb?bb?od, AeiiiMJS the pb??tfh? ?? Kfe, so thai scrofulous e tlone not only suffer from scrofulous enm-r plaints, but they htrw tat ksspower to with~ stand the attacks of other diseases} ronea^ quant!jr met numbers perish BY. disorder# which, although not screrfuleu* in their n*t?r?, are etOl -tendered fatal by this taint in the ! ? . Mlosi Oi mo consuinpwn wiuca p? , CUBANS the hitman family Ium its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination | and aw destructive diseases of the Brer, kidneys, brain, ' ?n?L indeed. of all th? organ*, ariao ftom o? are aggravated bv the Mine cause. Que quarter of all our people are ecfofalooe } To clean w) it from the system vo miwt renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and invigorate it by healtlfy fbrul apd exntciae. Such a medicine we supply in .. ., AYER'S '*{ v Compound Extract of Sarsnpnriila, the most effectual remedy wttch the medical kill of our timss can doviso for this everywhere prevailing and fotal malady. It ia combined from the most active remedial* that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foal disorder from the blood, and the rescue of thf , gvetem -from iu destructive consequences. should be employed for the cure of not onlt Bcrofola, but also those' other affection* which ante from It, such as Esmtta and Sain Iiisr.ases,. St. AjrruoxT's Fine, Hose, or IhtT*ii*r.i.*s, Funfets, Pustvlm, Biotchka. TIlains and IIoim, Tumoiw, Tarrraa and Salt Rmex-k, Scai.b IIsad. Eixovork. Jiurf maVirr, STFiirtrric and MkHOuki^*r.Aov.K, i>nornt, i>v?p?r*ta, Derility, and, indeed, iu Oo^tttjaivth akimiwo fro* Vitia nstx or Ihi*vs'm Hy.oow. Tho popular belief in tntpttirHy oflkt lu<vxi " is founded in truth, for r<*?fu!a is hdri^ncrotion of the blood. Xh? juirtirtilur purpose and virtuu of this Saxsapa- * rill:* is to purify on J regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health la impossible in contaminated constiluuoaa. , Ayer's Cathartic Pills, TOR AU THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, are *o composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade tMB. their penetrating properties search, and oleaeae, jj?d Ittvigprnro every portion of the human organv , Unf, ?mcetiMg Its diseased action, and restoring itf healthy ehalitica. As n consequence of these properties, the invalid who is I'uyrcd down -with imin er physical debility is astonished to find hia health or enemy restored by a remedy at once so si"i|>lr and inviting. Aot only, do they enre the evcry-?lay complaint* of every body, but also many' formidable and drngvroiis.diseusse. 1 he agent below narued is plea ted to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing csit'.tici-.usof their cures and directions for their it*s lu tlie fallowing complain is: Ostireitess, Ilr^'-ihim, HtnHachr ariai/v/from disordered S/oMarf, A'niuiw, IntUyjMtn, Fatnittond Morbid lunrtlon uftht boicrl*, HuttiUusy, Lo*a of Afpotiie, Jotrwliec, and other kindred complaints, ratine from a low stale of the body or obetmotion of its AnicUoilt. ' j TsicJK Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, rns tub hafiC> ccbb of epochs Colds Infiuenztv, IXoarocne?s? Croup, Bronchitis Incipient Conanmptlon* nnd for the relief of Conaumptleo Patients in adrauccd ito|M of the . di?en?e. *\ ?<. . , So wide it the field of it* uscfalnose and so nttmcrmia are the casea of ita rtires, that almost very section of country abounds in persons pobliehr known, who has# bean restored from alarming and arm desperate diseases of th? lungs by ita u?e. TV hen once tried, ita superiority urer every ether medicine of Ita kind ia too apparent to escape AhMHrBlinfl. And nrharn ita vtrtuno mrm IrrutM S^St&^^SsS ??.*r?-?~S!-sS / ?r ^UT if Jj* '??i2^?<' / ~.*?S(f SssSgg ^ M ^^iMb ^$jg -% L" P3u ?>*?. m Hr, . " ?-*v^ * ?/cj' SF-l, jg$ |. ?*?# "MM. fcrVMM WM imomcT t/wm or mnt wrruoyt um <* niti Pffisl WITHOUT LOBi Of 1AMM ?a ci?awt of onrr. SSHK |p ^ 'C5JBBKJ: """ s^ip* - - lie n^ittiam.rf ????K3:!&Sfc than a.vt kn(nt* mmbw SSWBMH 3P^?S53SU