University of South Carolina Libraries
I _ A loo*Ud Rjrteneivo bujtirtN.GS, ruitabla for 1 CaruflittV w other 8W|ii( ov for ?I<v?rj 8l?-' I jA bin,. TIjU. Imi is near'the bunine'ir, pari of t Miiln Btrrot, ami to one of tb'o inoet, tkeirable t l."te in ?ho Town. < T A LOT ln-4jio renr>of Mm. A^? B. And*t- ? I roh't Ut? belng^ou Areaw St root, artd icing i 100 be l:MI feet. ,> . * * A LOTS % thorn** of Maj. 8. t>, OoodJeU'e 4 'Wr lot, bring on AveUuo Slroo*. and icing 100 by > A ] .'10 fi-ct. t A LOT in tbo rear of Iter. I>r. Uiekant I rV Fuftowm*# maidoihm, enntafcntfg Ftroand a r Fopxtii Acre*, having <.n it a Comfortable a V A TRACT,abmil twotnilee from Town, near W ?h? PettilUtoli RoM, fOntnliiing.Tweniy end ? . V4Bb Acrts, having on it a good BRICK r I YARD. ^ All the above Property la well UA*M and a deatrrthle. Poaeuvioq to bo given immediately, o TRRXI#?A cm?Ht *?C.on? aBd two. year*, ?. with fntereat from duW, on .mortgage of Uio a prrmleoa, and. gnod v>cr??nBl wcurity. h I , Jtoi fiirtbur iafbnn&tl lon.-annlv-to r:Cf. kI? 1 FOjtD, BA|., Attorney i?t Law, Qreonviito, 8. c O, ur tu tlie ?nb""Orihcr i U. t. MAUI.MN. Kxernter, |, *r <.? --V - Will tout aton, S? C. "c *?g1B 16 . " 7 / ln?l Bcfcclvctl *m??I for Side, , 1A I.OT of rwr? Soilth Carolina-inado J\. WJItTFLEAO and otW Paint*. beat , Dnwd Od, of <T1ract hpportatt?n, KptriW.Tur- ,j j xjotiiic, Refined Marbitrary Oil. Ar. - re LEOHAHO WJI/LIAJJIS. \] Augw ....if v T;if u ,.? a . ...e? * . -."- a ? 7 HOM^ M AI>E SHOES. 1 npflB attention of the \mblic ta invited to my t ' " wpwrter -ami firoah k?t>*V ofl tlDMJi MA UK HhOUS, They will compare fUbriiu- f H tageuhal/ In material. tnauu factura au<) price \ with any Kuatern wo^k <*f tlio earn* <4*m. II CWil^ ^^iTEONARI) WlttlAMS. fl ' * ' g The State of South Carolina, r OHKF.NVll.l.V: DISTlUCRj ' J*" SHERIFFS SALE$. "T>T viftue ?f ??nidry Writ* oT-Fjorf F;vrf*s,- * eftww directed, T w?U sell, before the Vourt )IouM dv?r, at the iMoal hours at snlv, On the Fir*t Monday tn September, "1(W Acres of Land, miAn w Ims* lying hi JJ <?f?enVmo UlstrfM.' adjoining lands or J. K. " i*t?>nc, J. Khhinltim, tl si-; As the property of, ' Thomas Cox, si the suit of J{. B, Duncan, A*- / signue. .' 4 , ' 1(W Acres of JLnnd, more t>r 1ns, tying-la flseeiiwillo -ULsUiet, *<U<dbin? Inndtf.ef H. F.; Perry, et at.; ns the property of William fcielior, ? the snit of Lloyd and John llensnn. AH Mrs. Naucy Raiuee' interest In tkreo TrselrfW l.and, us follow*; First Trash, eonGaining lid Acres, njoro or lees, adjoining W. Monro, K. llud?<?n, P. Bhucklor et *L; K4 10 Tract, ootituining 140 Acres, adjoining lands _ of Moure, Kniut and Hultxelaw; M Tract, containing 74 Acp*. adjoining lands at J. ^ 71 oss Rsines, et al.; the rattf lands lying m? 71 rushy Creak. water*" of rinoreo rh-ce; ot the . suit WjitaKslTari/pil Smsss 'Ward d si. ' . } Bay Mm"; tovi?*d on as the nranerty of V1 James Johnson, nt tl.c suit of J. B. Johnson 1,1 va..Tyra apd JinucM Julmcon. _ 2 Negrose. a Girl ulumt 17 yesrrR old, and a u jmy about U your* old : it* Ulc_uroperty of J. J" A. Powell, at tb? ruit of W. C. Jk-fmetU ? - * All Oliver KwV ? ??, (aoM . ?*t the ri*k <>f J. Hwnicoy Howilcn. the former purohaaer ;) at the colt of J. R. Ihnrdcn. - t 4>no XcRro fofllM named Ttncliul, o?e-Uuld "NViitrb, two oVl tvwfcllc*, iChil ouo not of old llarueaa-, '* the yrnpeTty of Alexandertiroon. Acid, at'tha anil of Juno 11 recti field, ct. ul> ? THUM S' CASH. PnroWer t? v?y ft>r title#. J. T. MeDASIBL. n.?.n. Shrrlfl OJflrr, Ah.}. lfl/A, lflCU. 16-td -srn^mAms^ "J Wm. Langston *> *: p, t|^ PVtiMiifatmillw tRhm of Clreotrrille |j, I W that ho i? now pot uancntly InciUod m tbl* pi are . for the. tmrtioee of M.V31WAC- 1<i TUflrtm JfATTJtKFSFF, and would earnestljr nolle It a *liare of public patrooapc. Ali yr'ork warranted to ho rubatunt io'.ly made, toml f,? an cheaply a? van l>c fin-niched any wlicfc. It**' p,; may ho found at hla rcaldcncc, four hnjidrtd yard* Honth of Furmati II nivcntftyi Ho ahto ft1 manufacture* WliUlS of all aorta. - Whera Yattresroa nay he Found. . 'JMt- T1)0? vinb'nR'lo pnrcHnac HInttrcaaea, bau find a supply at Mr. L. AYtlllnrh*' WareI boOae, at Mr. K<' hiim'ii, nud at Mcei-ra. T.r^ie, "~ <) o'xitett A C?.'?, a hero they win ho kept cortI atantly for aole. j Mif ll J*W J NEGROID TO MIRE * BY the ycnr. Apply to ' Z. MAKT1N. Ui Aug 0 li tf r? KOTO, 5 *& THE SriWIUHErt M nil i* diwirmia of selling VT> li|tTriic? of Laud, lyingi,r uiiW Mortlu-i^t. of Otiwi 4rlSt?GiK<tm* , TiUc C. 11m known M fho M'iekliHb lands?the HothcTfnrii road funning through It. Tlic traet ?oot*rn? TwofftusJrod acre*, eovcnty-dvs cleared, the balance in wood*. Those in on the prrmiaca, a tolerable Dwelling, with- other OutBuilding*, and a go cut Orchard, embracing a " good variety of 1'rwlt, . This is altogether a desirable place, either for.a mall former or a Kdnitner Uouao for those who are fond of "? hrcuthlng the IplwtrioM* mountain air in all Us J[ freshness, or looking out upon a lan lf apc m srhleh Is-almost unrivaled. Tho pinee will be th exchanged for a Negrp fellow, or ao)d low for foi Cash or approved Note*. Those wishing to ax purchase, would do well to call soow on tho subscriber. near Orceiitllic C. If. ' , l> ni'nu ? ??" ' iv. TT nixii.wr. fiALLERf OP ART." C- ? LANNEAU, jj ,-$fr OF OHBKN V1LLE, H. 0. V Rksprctfully HMMMtt'AfMlM P and OciHlcin. ii of ?JMfvUl?, and tl.o R urruunding eofbtry, fti<il to btu rytunu<l to AJKAoxl'VE^'^AS-:^ ? ho wilt bo buppv to too all who tkiure to h*va ' M ?r m?ro of t?i* d*<L. WW 1 1* _ * Vt* a . ? unnvauea jricxures, r?a and >?e hU DKAUTIPUL (SPECIMENS * AMBR0TYPB8, i mfexoTT^ia, nxjuvorms, y#- PWiTOORAVIW, JVUMMS &ssno Usx <s>m* J TfUtm to Mil obroi,a.?U?co- ^ of *. * m . _ ? 1 rtotofw ?m to token ?4??ny goto to ?U tu *r- * p! ^ Watchmaker and Jeweler, JErifliwholoBnrfOlilxtiug coriutrv. thatdS; Jt } has on band, without doubt, (he bast stock wArebiaaes <&'zr, 1 tUni'lm* ever Wen kept in the Town of Green fttlc, sml Ifauy one is itirfpnsrd to doubt it, let tktoM>r W? roHva-aiul MM If It Is hot so. His \ itOfk comprises In pert of tlie following 1 Fitte Gold wad. Sliver Watches { w?t <JUslul?*,Vah<f warranted to ke*p rood 1 i)in?'?h<i to jflve satisfaction. All goods sold t >yhiw, sro warranted to-be what they are rep-. 1 erriitod, or he Will refttud the moucy^ snd 1 ?Ve the stticlo bank end no grumbling. Ill* 1 low dry is of th a latest and best styki*. In bis lock, are One Diamond Goods, I.uva, I'curl, Toral and larnot, with or without sets, and hf fine Chain and other Bracelets; AVatoli p Thnins of nil/tylcsj"Gold Surd Silver Thinv dof, (li-lil; Silver and Stool Spectacle,; donate and. CWwkcA ^ ?| (!?? I tmcs, with of'without Clasps. }[? bus ?1?o 1 tiro Silver and Plated V'ure. JIIh Articles re too numsropa to mention all of Uicrn, but ?u? and see at once. DON'TFORGET Ifc DOES AIL.KINDS OF REPAIRING t< n Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, and that in u , workmanlike mnnncr, sae'o. perhaps, aa you *' uunot get dona anywhere else in tho up eonuty, for" he does not feel himself Sufcrlor to ny, so you will do woll to try him, and eoe If is words aro not true. 11? thinks thero are J ?a?y already hho have tried hiin, aud will ' ertify to all of tho above, Ae. ftH' His Phop ?n*y be found at the Good- , >tt House, on Main Street. , JulySO 12 tf c ? NOTICES? . ii [HAVK associated with mo in hnstnese, Mr. n JOAB MAUTjIMN'. The business will be : o urrleJ op in my Ac to llriek Store Hoom, ?n- I tl or tho style and firm, of KoBRnrs A Maui.di.v. | n Jtn returning my thanks to my friends for tl heir liberal patron HMMQtt'l solicit a eontiuua- it ion bf- the nunc, to the jfigv firm. * T. B. ROBERTS? Greenville, 8. 0. n July 35th, 1800. A NFAVFIRM. rnE subscribers liavo aseocinted themselves together in business, under the firm of LOBlillTB A MAUI.DlNVtako pleasure in j ?j viting their friends, and tho public general- j r, to their well selected Stock of Goods, Kmtaein* sit y r >?uuu|r nvjrv in PIUIU* 1U j _ itr plato. tlivn UK a. call Mod Waking your I _ nrchosc*. You will llnd tho u aud n ricos to anil. T. B. ROBKRTS. 1 JO All B. MAULDIX. Oreenrine, 6. C? July i'tlth, I860. 1 Head Quarters. i FIUSTURIG., FIRST D1V., R. C. M. ? GrtiurifU, C. RDBft NO. ; C rllt Heglraeuta comprising this Brigade hi arc hereby ordered to appear nt the fob Q winj times nnd plarui, for Review and Drill: H< The Id Regiment at Tuucy'a Old Field ou F io 11th September. ? ' The 4th Regiment at Ilaynie'a on tho 1.1th jptewberi "t The 42d Regiment at Craig's on tho 15th ' ipAmher. . . 't The 2d Regiment at Hall's on tho 18th Sep- ?'? mhcr. P? Tlie Mh Regiment at llunter'a on the 20tl> >pt ember. The let Regiment at Bruton's on tho 22d ^ 'idnnhtT. . fir This commissioned and nr>u-enmmis*1.ftie<) * ftcer* will appear tho day previous to the Rcr*? bf their reepoctnro Regiments* Tor Drill 1 id Instruction. ^ Colonels of lloglments nsni make their Re- ti run at the Rwiww*. ' < i The Brigade HtiUl v>H 4>? rtfuirrti to attend hi cry uovlew in ut? Brigade. pc Colonels of Regiments are clinrged with the pi ;u<iiai?n of tltjp Order. Br order in w\ k. kaplky, Brig. Gen 1. tl. H. Lek ThkYbto*, Brig. mnj. re Auc; 'J it td tli V . a per# in this .Brigade will please copy tl. llEAI) (iUARTEHS, h! l?r Dniti. ilit Dir. P. C. M. I'? ^ Ortxuieillr, ?S*. V. " ifalER XO to. I CCORDIRil t<t Orders from Hcnl Qtiar- ' V. tera, nn ELECTION i* hereby ordered bo held according to law, nt the Regimental T trade Grounds of the Regiments comprising __ is Brigade, on the 27fh dnv of Hoptcmher Xt, for MAJOR GRNKUAL, to command A I IMriaion, S. C M.f and to fill vneuncy oc Ionod hy resignation of Major General ith. The result of said Kloc.inn will he warded to this office imtneiliatoly thereafter. ilonclx cormmtnding the re?|x-ctrvo Regiints are charged with the extension and cxlitioa of this Order. w. k. kahlly, Brig. Ocn'l. Br ordor. ii. Lk? tuuvsto.n, 15riff. _ Ang % 14 . g 1 EXECVTOU^S SAJ.E. MMIft. IX accordance with the rwpii. Pr of llio Will of AM. AM ,)i W&mXjgff&t COX, dratMyd, I will soil on ,\| sale-day iu September next, at ,j, ocuvillo Court House, One Trai l of J.anti. tp *MtN/n</ 21ft Ac-**, M'irv ?r less, ndjoiuin>r ids of .lurries Ltn-loriunt), II. V. 'Cleveland, me* Co* and othera i a* the property of tho ? id A brum Cox, do ceased. Tunus..?Ou a credit until the 1st day of ari-li, 18(11, with interest front dute, by note, th approrod sorority, and u mortgage of the | ouilsoo, if deemed necessary. 1). HOKE, Executor. Anj? 2 13 tf HAIR BRAIDING f Every Stylo and Pattern. MTtS. IVf.T!. OLSON ) ESPKCTFl'I.I.Y informs the bodies and f* \? Ocntlotnon of (Irecnvillc.tliut she has rerued, and can he found iminclliately beyond ? Old BapiUt Church, at the same house sho ' rmcrly occupied, where aha is prepared to OCUifi orders for liar nnil athI uniniio ?Jvln nf iBAaa ] crory doaeriptioo and j>oHern. J. GOLD M0UKTIN08 *11 kind*, always on band. Juuo 21 7 lf w f R P A RE 0 ~G L U EA USEFUL rtf EVEillf HOUSE. TILUtt), and ready for n*o all the time, and ~ _ as strong as Cabinet, Makers' flue, l'rico >r bottle and brush, 25 cents, k'or salo by J. 11. 81IEHMAN, A genu J t 17 tf t. ^ FOR SALE, ? . A IiHril KAHLE LOT, in the u town of ti reenvillo, within 125 m *'ilTisF ?f l'1* Court House. x-SifaS -* 8 a id Lot has oU it Ttro Como titMe thfllinj //onset nod ?? tjnod Asi/n, ~" otsons desirous of examining the Lot and rutaisea, will please c?H on Mr. W. II. HAH TPON1, residing on the plwr. For perticur?, inquire, Ly letter or in |*r.?>n, of f AUO. AM) UK A, Handy Flnt F. 0.. " Orccnvillo Dirtiiqt, 8. C. July 3 9 tf ? NOTICE. A lili person* indebted to the Rdttte of "V. AttttAM COX, deros?rd, ere requited . rank* tram<*4i?tn pftTtnent j Mi<5 thoio h?r- } g against iwiid Estate are mooted Ki ?M4l them. D. IIOKH, " An* 3 13 Executor. .lt *1 APPUCXTIOV. rfOTICB i* horeby gty.n, thai an AppliraN tlnn will fc* made the next Legi4a- f] ire. to rt-OhMter and amend the Charter of J e Town of OroenyUle. if A?$* J3 to I V# " fpfif # 'imicHitro-Si c6Aii*?toH,' Tho Stock eonilaU, In part, of - . . Hunched and Brown Shirtings and Sheetings I large variety of Prints,-of direct Importation, ft-om (J.(A-liJ ocut* pcrjra'd ilncn And Cut ton Dlaptiw, fdncn Brills 'any Caaaimwree aridCottottttdes 'linn White Swiss and Dotted Muslins Solid Bareges, Mohair Lustres Slack Silk Mantilla*. Embroidered Collars larago Mantillas, white nud colored loop Skim, of tsrtonk kinds, amonr which , will ho found aoiao of 7 Springs Co cents; 80 Springs. $12.50 And all the other Articles necessary to cornrise a general stock of Dry tioods. , ? Also, K\ vravnrrr. tp_ mw/wof, ?r?? /=>m u \u> i wvuaris'i^iK WIT [lata, Cap*, Hoots, Shoes* GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY. GLASSWARE, Ac. We arc confident of ttie fact tli at w? ean Bft >rd to sell our Goods at prices that will coininnd the attention of the public, nnd we re,,tict?u!ly solicit on examination of our Stock. I 11 x <;. SOODLETX A CO. March 8 44 If 'ho State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. A LEXANDEU URISIIAM, who 1* in the \ custody of the Sheriff of Greenville Ri?riat, by virtue of u writ of caput* qd *ali*fiiicud tint, at the Suit of Nathaniel Smith nd Michael M. Smith. Executors of Yli'lain Smith, deceased, hawing filed' in my Rice, together with a schedule, on oath, f- his entitle nnd effects, hie petition to lie Court of Common Plena, praying that he lay l>o admitted to tlie benefit of tbo Act of lie General Assembly, made for tlie relicf'of solvent dobtora: it U Ordered, That the tid 'Nathaniel.Sluith and Michael M. Smith nd all others, the e.editor*, to whom the mid .lexandor, Grit-ham U in anywiso indebted, c, and tboy uro hereby, summoned, and hnvc rdice to oppenr before tbo said Court, at reenvillo Court House, on the Fonrtk Jfontty in OcUiitr next, to shew cause, it any they an, why the prayer of tho petition aforesaid liould Uot be granted. IV. A. MdDAJflEL, c. c. p. A n. a. Offico Court of Cflmuiou Picas, Groetyillo listrict. July 18, 1ftiU. II 8m 'ho Stat? of South Carolina, GREENVILLE DISTRICT. L\7" K. POWERS, who is in tho custody \y ? of the Sheriff of Greenville District, y virtue of a wilt ?f cnpiaiad *ati*/ticirtuliun, t tho suit of Krocnnu k llciiistun. hnv;n?fil?H i toy office, together with a schedule, on oath, f his estutc nnd effects, his petition to tlio ourt ot Common Pleas, praying that he may < ; admitted to the benefit of the Act of tlio uncial Assembly, made for tho relief of ia>1 vent debtor#: It is Ordered, That tho mid rccnan A Heinston, nnd nil nth era, the cr odors, to whom tho said W.'K. Powers is in ivwiro tndoldcd, be, and they nro hereby, iimnouod, and have notice to up|M'iir before le snid Court, ot Greenville Court House, on ( le Fourth Jlnmlajf t'? (tftnlirS Hrrt, t<> shew | luse, if eny they enn, why tho prayer of the ;tition aforesaid should not he granted. \ VT. A. M.DAXIKL, r. c. r. * o. ti. I Ofiieo Court of Common Pleas, Greenville istrirt. July IS, ISHO, 11 3m 'ho State of South Carolina, U11EEKV1LLK DLVriUCr. rEUEMIAIl, KLDRIDGK, who is ki the , custody of the Sheriff of Greenville Inflict. by virtue of a writ of rsyto* nd fHilmu, tit tho suit of Free nun A Heinston, wing filed in my olllec, together with a bedule, on oath, of.his estate and effects, his stitioii to the Court of Common Pleas, prnyg that be may bo admitted to the benefit oi io Act of tlio General Assembly, made for tbc lief of insolvent debtors: It is Ordered, That , ie said Frociinii .1 Heinston, and all others, o creditors, to whom tho said Jeremiah EIklgo is hi anywise indebted, be, ami they are reby, summoned, and have notice to appear fore tbo said Court, at Greenville Court ousc, 011 the Fourth Monthly in October urrt, shew cause, if any they can. why the prayer ' the petition aforesaid should not be grunted. \Y. A. MnDAN FET.. v. o. j?. A u. a. Office Court of Common Picas, Greenville istrirt, July IS, IStiO. 11 Hut 'he Stato of South Carolina. GREENVILLE DISTRICT. In Courtof Ordinary. imes Tlceeo, Applicant, against Elins Cnapman, beirs-at-law of Solomon Chapman, deceased, IViUiani Chapman, Loandcr Caldwcll and John Caldwell, Tlcbceisn Cliapninii, Caroline Chapman, Carter Chapman and Ilcwlct Chapman, Defendants.?jfuuiaious in i'nrlitioH. FT appearing that Lcamlor Caldwell, nnd 1^ John Caldwell, her husband. Carter Cbnpan, and llewlti Uhapninu, Defendants, rerle hevond this State : At ?a ordered and do ?...? a.-., a-. ?i i *- * - - wv<(> ,??k mil u? imik imjcci w Ilic vision in Bale of the Ileal Estate uf Mr*. E LIN DA CIlAraAX, on or h?roro tlio 21 st i.v of September next, or tlieir consents to 0 .auto will Lo entered of Vceurti. ROBERT M. KAY, 0. 0. T>. O^A'aaryV Cllii'f, 4tli July, lsfiV, 9-1 I 00.000 lbs. l(ag?i Wanted AV'J? 1. A. PEARSON ACO.'S TITNT SHOP, OIIEENVIIXK, S. C. i\Tl'2 will exchauge Tin Ware, Oomcsties, } v Prints. Shoes, Hutu, Ae? for JlAfiS at oh price*. Thnukful for past patronaga wo >pc to merit a continuance of tin- same. J. A. PEXR.SON A CO. April 19 90 tf notice TS IIEltEHY given that all jicrson* having L d.mafids against tlio Estate of WI LTiTAM ACOBS, Sr., deceased, aro requested to promt. their demand* legally authenticated; and 1 person* owing the Estate, arc requested to into forward and settle l?y Return Day next, l I am determined to sue on ull Notes and ccounts, if not settled l>v Return Day. KDWAi'D O. JACOBS, Executor. June 21 7 tf "notice. A LL persons indebted to tlio Estato of fdL. J' 'UN BATES, deceased, are requested i make payment forthwith ; and those to ltom the said Estato Is indohud, will present icir claims, properly attested, to cither if the ndorsigncd. W. IT. CAMPBELL,) T,Trrl?rtr, JOHN BATES, ] "*ccutor?July TO 11 tf mmrnmif. r!IK rnheeribar is |in>pini) to EXECUTE promptly all order? for house painting: pon tho most reasonable torin?. T. C. COWER. April tO 50 tf fRESH TURNIP SEE6T 11THITK PLAT DUTCH, TVHITK NOR. r r FORK, White Ulob*. Robsoti'a Q< Mer, 11, Skirting's Tint* Bago. and alao German I urlad Kale. All warrenfed genuine. and for d? by THOMAS 8TKEN. J?iy 2? ?3 tf LIMB FOR HALE. rHR snhsorihnr has for sale a qnantily of LIM1?, fresh from the Kiln, tali early, yon want any. p. D. DEARMAN. J?Jj SI y U X ? d "V4 ' J *+> * |t.* i'i hi massasssasesemaSsam v W t. v.b^.ir oTr OKI o^rISW)IC8IKI ?.?r*o thsroAHiclcs usually k?pt U *T>ru* Btors. Having Mad* w*y fMifabuei in person. I have a select stock of th? best qualities of Drugs, ck<*., that ootiTd ho ohtainrd in Market. I inPtf^S^2SSf44S&' rjs on suel| terms M'eaunot tail po pleoeo purchasers. ' ) ' *,'? j I would invito Physician* of the country to | give nae a call, wliun they visit to huy their Drugs. 1 wilMnnnro satisfaction, both in rogtrd to prices and qualities of Drug*. I hnvo constantly on band all the most ap? frocod PATENT MEDICINES. , A select Stock of DRUGS & MEDICINES. vuaiur vil, 11/ III!) Ollliic or Million. Swcot Oil. b.v the Bottle or Gallon. ; Doft Fulad Oil. A select stock of the best Soaps. Conoautratcd Lye, for tusking Heap. A ftne collection of Perfumeries. ( Hair Brushes, Shaving Bruslieg, Tooth Brnahca, Ac. . Shoulder Braces for Boys, Girls, Qonts and < I, adies. ' 1 Flavoring Extracts?fresh. i Cooper nnd Cox's Gallatiao. Starch, Bluing, Ac. Window Glass and Pullji One hundred Tmeses?all Sorts and sires. Kii. 1 nitidis of Alcohol. Schnapps, licst London Porter. Brandies. Wines, Gin, Rum and Whisky, ofthohcstrpia]-. Hies, for Medicinal purposes. A good assortment of Dental Forceps : , ects j every variety of Syringe : Breast Pipes : Nipple Shields; Nursery Bottles, Ac., Ac. All Low rou Cash, at J. -II. DEAN'S Dura ST??ar. IfT CALD AND 8EF. FOB YOUBbELVF8. Feb ? SO tf SPRING GOODS FOK1HGO. A ^ ^ TAX* *- - rewiving iv linrgo Stock of GOODS, suitable Tor and Summer Trade, M,,lljwbich will be sold at IVry I I.ntr Price*. An inspection of the Stock is invited. April ft 48-tt JOHN W. URADY. Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS. JUST received, n ftiU lino of Goons, for ladies and gentlemen, embracing all grades, front a very common to the best Fabrics kept in this market, among which is many of tho novulfies of the day. Also, a good line of White Hoods. Km broideries, Hoods, Ac. j Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ac; Tlleachcd snd Rmwn Shirtings and Sheetings, Drillings, Tickings, Ac. For sale by April 5 4ft-tf JOHN W. ORADY. Hardware, Cutlory, Ac. ' A HCN'F.RATi assortment of Table \ ; IGnnd Pocket CUTLKHY, together with ' \r'S all descriptions of Shelf HARDWARE jnuallv kept in this market. Also, Axes, Grain *nd Gross Scythes, Sncaths, Crndles. and Renphooks. Spades and Shovels, Roping. Trnee Chains, Nails, Ac. Jos! received and Tor sale by JOHN W. GRADY. April 5 4ft tf Ready-Made Cloltiiiiff. 1 FULL Assortment ofSUMMEU CLOTIIJt\. INO, Coats. Vesta, Pants, Shirts, *h<t I ndcr Garments, Collars. Cravats, Blocks anil Tie a. J uyt received and for sale l?y April S 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. BONNETS. /CK. A FULL Linu of Triminod and "TTnV^triu.inod BONNETS and FLATS, Hu&iSL?% elies. Flowers, Wrentlis, Ribbons, Ac. Just received and for sale bv April b 4S-tf JOllN W. GRADY. HATS. AVERY larpc Stock of llrcss, Soft and Summer HATS, for Men and Boys. 1 Just received and for sale l>v April 5 4S-lf JOHN W. URADY. CARPETS, MATTINGS, Oil Cloths, &c. SOME battdsonio Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths, ltugs, Attouiuua, Ac. Just rereived and for salu hy April 6 4S-tf JOHN W. URADY. WALL PAPER. ?) PIECES new and handsome patiw t'UV/ torrisof Wall Paper, Bordering, Window Shades. Fire-ntuee R.i>? V..., I received und f?r rulu by April i 48-tf JOHN W. GRADY. WOODEN WARE. CEDAR, vnrui*h pointed Bucket*, Well Ducket*, Tubrnmi Keel era, Corn firoouii, Ac. Jn*t received amlfor.ftle hv April 5 48-tf JOHN W. QKADY. DRUGS & DYE-STUFFS, ?WINDOW GLASS, Putty, Paint*, Oil*, VW Ac. Ju?t received end Tor mile l>v ZJL J01IX W. CBADY. April 5 43 tf WRITING-PAPER, BLANK HOOKS, &C. IKTTLR ond Con Paper, Blank and MemJ oranduin B?<dc*, Spelling Book*, Ink*, old ond Hfccl Pen*. Bonnet Board*, Ac. Jd*t received njid f?r talc l>v April 5 43-tf JOHN W. GRADY. ROOTS AND SHOES. ji^ A WKlJi a*?orted Sto< k of Ladio**, rffr^TjMinrrti and Child'* Boot*. Gaiter*, Buek.kin and Clipper*, heeled and nnliuclcd. M?u>, Boy'*, and Youth'* Hoot* and Shoe* of every variety. Ju?t rceeived and for vale hv .10HN W-GRADY. "April 5 4S tf GROCERIES. ?> JAVA and Kio Cuffof*, Loaf, Oru*h' i 7r '''l an'' Rrown Bugars. No. 1 and Mni5Cb\Vr*t India, Ton*, Camlloc, Candle*. Mickvr?l, Ac. For *ale l?y April i 48-tf JOHN W. GRADT. Crockery and GlnRNWnrc. A Fl'LL n*aortmriit of Chhtn, Granite nod Common Wnro, Glaaaware, Ac. Juot received and for anlw l?v Aprils 48-tf JOllN W. GRADY. B?WSY?R?a L T) J f ) THK aubacrihcr re*peetfully ^R$VYTTR\ invite* the ultentiou of hi* friend* <4 I IT-i-Jand the public generally to liia W?U-?c looted 0!T CALL AT THE XEMt BRICK. STORK, On. duor almvo the Rook Store, before making your ptirrhaeca. Ycrn will find (lend* a ad l?rirr? to ?uit. T. B. ROBERTS. July 5 0 tt APPLICATION. NOTICE i? hereby given, that an Application will be maiic to the next Lcgialature, to inoorpovnto the Oaillard School, located in the Town of Greenville. A?g 2 13 3 in APPLICATION, r THE Oretuvllle One Uxhl Company here by ylvo notice of their intention to apply to the Immature, at iu next k?i!od, for aa Act of Incorporation. * U la 11 t ? ? - yyyyyi littnii * tlUNlCFUL for tW kM OTRpmralap 'tr sMF ItMU for tb* HrjT part yrt-. would rsrpoeUsUr aollcU tho sup? for Uw pnaoat. Jpbnoiu wishing.** bujr GENUINE ARTICLES, would do well to coil and exam mo our Stock of DRUGS. Msbicijvxa, , PA OPTS OILS, , ' VAAMSHBS, I. . D YK-BTUPFS, . PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, FARCY ARTICLES, Ah. oak door r.Ei.ow HARRISON & LONG'S SHOE STORE. . IF Y0U~iVANT Fine Shaving Soaps, Washing Soaps, Glrcenne Soap, Brown w;?d^ - fc o-1-.-i- c ..iuovi WIKIHW 8 OOUp, French Sua]*, Opetmwn Soap, Castile Soap, Thompson's -Soap, Lubin's Soun, or any other kind of Soap, or a Box of Potash, to inake your own Soap, YOU WILL FIND IT AT LONG & BURNIIAM'S 1>K.UG STOKE. IF YOU itVANT Kino COLOGNES, Fh,e TOILET WATERS, or OknV KXTKACTH AND ESSENtte, IIair l'<>M ADJSS, lloir Oll.M, Iluir < UKL'SllKS, v Or any preparation for Improving tha Hair, Tooth or Skin,1 , CALL AND LOOK AT LONU A BUR MIAN'S ASSOKTMENT. IF YOlfWMT TO BUY MY PATEST mm DM. You can gel it, at tho maker'* price, from LONG A 11 (J 11XIIAM. IF YOUWAfiT A GOOD ARTICLE OF Bread Soda, Cream Tartar, Starch, Indigo, Madder, Saffron, Borax, Whiting, Glue, Sulphur, Alum. Copperas, Linseed Gil. White Lend, Train Oil, Lamp Oil, Sweet Oil, Spts. Turpentine, Alcohol, Seidlitz Powders. Yenst Powders, Largo Window Glass, Putty, i Rotten Stone, Bath Bricks, 1 OR ANYTHING ELSE U finally kept in a DRUG STORE, yon can buy it at a FAIR I'll ICE from our KalablinhuicnU Wo call Particular Attention To all Preparation* mado by u*. Wo make Ihcui of an uniform Mrcngtli, und front tlio PUREST MATERIALS. Country Physician* will find it to their advanU|;? to call and examine our Stork and Price*. LONG & BURNHAM, Oxk Door Above C. Mkkiuck'h Store. June 14 Si) tf GROOEU I1CS! r"|"MIOSE wi*liiug to purchase GROCERIES X cheap for CASH, will nleHJ?e call on the undersigned, who has just returned with one ef the largest stocks ever offered in the market. TllOMAS STKEN, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. Mclloe's Hull. 1 /A HHPS, of Cuba. Muscovado and Trini1U dad Moiasacs: 10 llhls. New Orleans Molasses. These cannot Ih> surpassed iu quality. Selected und lor sola by TllOMAS STEEN. 8 HHPS. Choleo New Orleans, Cuba and Muacox ado Sugars. Selected and for sale by THOMAS STEEN. Q/"A RBLS. Kcflned A. P. and C. and CrusbA* V/ cd Sugars, and 2 11 til.-, superior Sugnr Ilasse Golden Syrup. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. 4/^ BAGS Rio, Java, Mocho, la>p?yro and *J San toe Coffees. These have beta carefully selected, and are for sale by TllOMAS STEEN. ^ CHESTS Tea?-Hyson Sldu. Young JTj I awn, Imperial Hunpowdor, Su]?t Oolong rtmilinijj and Soneliong. The above Teas carefully uelectwl and for sale by THOMAS STEEN. O BAflS Buck wheat?12 J lb*. (i>. SO cent* /w tJ per Hag, from New York, and fur sale by THOMAS 8TEEX. OA HUE MS FItIS, just received and for OU talc l.y THOMAS STEEX. PTE FRUITS, J. Mien. Pino Apple, Prune*, Pickles ill pints, quarts halt gallon and gallon, English Pickle*, tlerkins, Walnut*, ricealllla. Onion*. Wnrcuatskire Sauce, and a largo variety of English Saucer, selected and for rale by THOMAS STEEN. SALMON, Oyster*, Spiced rtod Fresh LohMers and CI n ins, Pickled Salmon, very tine, Iladd, vk and Codfish, extra No. 1 Mackerel in kit*. Wooden Ware of all description*, and Cutlery. For aula by THOMAS STEEN. Q/A KEOR Nail* superior quality, asaortod /wvJ rise*, cheap for cash. For sale by THOMAS STEEN. rpIIE largest ar.d fcit assorted Stock of I China Olassware nud Crockery of every description. For eulc by THOMAS STEEN. /""lOXFF.OTIOXERY of every variety. For ??le by THOMAS STEEN. CIIHKANT8, Citron and It a lain a. For rale by THOMAS STEEK. BAKERS Brotr.a, Chocolate, and Cocoa, tho very boat. For an In by THOMAS 8TKK.Y. Mar Iff 1 tf FOR RENT, /^??5 UNTIL tho drat day of January M;;;l next, at $21X1 per annum, IQlii T1IK STOKE IfOdSE on Main afreet, Orocnrille, 8. C., recently occupied by M.vcldi!t A I.oxfl. C. A. MAHLPIN, Adtn'x, rfe bom it mom, of 8. Maul din, dee'd. Miirch 1 43 d>:ntaj,card. TUB underalgnod wguld reaper (fully bring to tho notieo of Orecnvllle ami vicinitw hii frirnd, ROUEP.T A. MAURIS, 8ar)(??i Drnliat, who V<a.i, during the laet three yea re, given Mi eloM and undivided attention to Dewtlatry, and who ia now prepared to attend to hia Profeaaion in l?oth ita branohca. Me juaj be found at my Room*. J011W ANDRRRON, Uj* * 8a>?eou Iteutlct. <4 <*p ? <*? ' * ki TTAB Ol'ENKD DIB 10* CJIEAM 8AL< XjL UkoimiI*, Lemon, 8?r*?parilU, Ptru* Byrnp, mejr be imd at eU boon of UA dey end : 1 AI Philadelphia Legtr Beer, AW And Part OyaUn. CALL. , GREENVILLE C orposrrE the May .1 6 A CHANCE NOB EVEBY ONE. PRVlilfTltS I I)D CllITTlf d I l UJUiUIUiUU i 1 UbjllltlUO MAKE UP YOUR CLUES FOR tie hbtbii mm. XTIOR KVERY CLUB OF NEAT RlTBRCRt. I)ERR wo receive between this and the first day of December nest, wo will award cither of the Articles mentioned as a Premium therewith : provided the Honey (One Dollar for each Subscriber) accompanies the List, which, in every instance, will ho required. Roitd the List below, and sco if there is not an Articlo appended to some one of the Clubs worth working for : FOR A CLUB OF FIVE. (mr.Mtt m v.oi'.tu (1.0P.) A Lody's Rre?st-Pin, a smell Medallion, a Collar Button, or a ticnt's Dreast-Pin. FOR A CLUB OF TEN. (PRI.MUM WORTH $2.10.) A sett of Ear Drops, a Finger Ring, n BreastPin, n field Cross or a Gold Pen. FOR A CLUB OF FIFTEEN. (t'RKMIUM WORTH $3.20.) A A..1.I i>?. i?- - u-.. i. ' ? ?..? jiwa i 111, u uvm n nw n ivi'y, or a Mtt of either (ioli) or Silver Sleeve nuttonif. FOR A CLUB OF TWENTY. (premium worth $4.25.) A Pott Until C?itT Buttons. u sett Gold Blmlil Buttons, a tlnlilAViitch Hook, it Tliiinlile, a Lady's Hold licit Buckle, or a Gent's Gold Fob Buckle. FOR A CLUB OF TWENTY-FIVE. (VRKMIUM WORTH $5.50.) A Gold Medallion, n Revolving Box Pin, n Gold Prcn-t Pin, a Lady's Gold Belt Burkle, h pair Gold Framed Spectacles, n pair Silver Plated Candlesticks, or a sett Silver Plated Forks. FOR A CLUB OF THIRTY. (PRKMIUM WORTH $0.76.) A fine Silver Plnted Cup, n pair Silver Butter Knives, or a pair Silver l'lated Candlesticks. FOR A CLUB OF THIRTY-EIGHT. (rRKMIl'M WORTH $8.75.) A Lady's Gold Breast-Pin, a Florentine or Mosaic l'in set in Gold, a sett Box Ear Drops, Tor likeness, a Silver Plated Castor. FOR A CLUB OF FIFTY. (PRKMIl'M WORTII $12.00.) A Silver Plated Cnko Basket, a Gold Krckluco, a Gold Medallion, a Lady's Gold Bracelet, n Lady's (large sue) Gold Belt Buckle, n sett Silver Teaspoons, 1 dox. Silver Plul^tl Forks, or a pair Gold Framed Spectacles. FOR A CLUB OF SEVENTY-FIVE. (PRKMIt'M WOUTII $18.50.) A Silver Plated Cake Basket, a Silver Plated Castor, a Jet sett Ear Drops and Pin tipped with Gold, a Silver Cup, a Silver Hunting Case Watch a ij..I.I v?.? ..... <1-1.1 ? ..rvv n.v.H, ?I ? UUKI .UTMftCO. FOR A CLUB OF ONE HUNDRED. (PREMIUM WORTH $25.00.) A good Silver Hunting Cased Detached Levcr Watch, a Silver l'htlul leo l'itehcr, (new article, patented this year.) n Jet soft BreustPin and Ear-Drops, set iu Cold, or u Gold Bracelet. From the above it vrill be seen that ore offer a fair per cent, for the time employed in our behalf. As regards the Premiums, wo would any that they will he furnished from the establishment of a responsible Jeweler in Greenville?Mr. T. W. Davis?which is n sufficient guarantee of the genuineness of the different articles. The getter up of a Club can take choice of any Article mentioned with the Club. We nroiu earnest when we say we w ill cheerfully award a Premium to every ono entitled to i* ? no mniicr iiow largc the number. Bond along your Clubs. MoJUNXIN ft BAILEY, Proprietors. O'reeuville, S. 0.t June 4, 1 Still. emporium" ?F WOW IS THE TIME To Fit Ovt rorn WAnnnonn. with Frkxct and Kxoi.ish (loons, or Dinner Importation ! :o: T1IE.SK Hoods wore ptirehnsod by ouo ol our Firm, from Direct JBibm j miTS In) "'rtinr House* in Charleston, S. C., nnd have licen selected with grout core. They caiiuot fail to please the most fastidious. The assortment comprises a Aill variety of GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Goods, urn* as French find English lit nek nnd Colored Cloths nnd Cnssimeres. Silk and Marseilles Vcstings, Drnp d'Etcs, Linens, Water Proof Tweeds, Ae? A<\ All of whieh we will make up to order in the heat nnd lutcst styles, nnd in a manner that will compete with any work manufneinred here or elsewhere, cither us regards quality, Htnturi*. tiurtthHUyunr chrojitir**? from n Shirt to the finest Frenek Cloth Coat, and warrant all work done hy us. jjaiy All we ask Is to give us a trial. We also offer a neat Assortment of Heady Made Clothing, Sl'CII AS Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts and Collnrs Cravats, Ties, Gloves, Suspenders, Hosiery, Ac. Dress and Itiisiucss Hats. All of which wo will soil at prices to suit the times. DYER & PICKLE. April 2fl a I tf Medicines, &c.rrttlE U?... ? \ ?- n? . | . . ... ...vii muuu a oaponoi 1 Apfurtuiont of mm mmmu, Most of the popular PATENT MEDICINES, BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKY, RUM tk GIN (Pot Medicinal pnrfum.) A* he purposes selling for Cten, he offers hit Article* at Low Pricks. Plonxo nail and ex amine for yourselves. J. M. DEAN. Jan 2ft 88 tf J. A. PEARSoS 8l CO., GRKENVILL.E, fei. C\, MAN 1'1'ACTl'UKltS of, and Wkoloaal. and Retail Dealers in Tin Ware, Sheet Iron, Zinc. Ac, TIN ROOFING, GDTTKUINO, REPAIR jNU, and all other Work in our lino dou? cheaply and promptly. J. A. PEARSON 1 CO. f Jwifii io V iiSiMOI. tArjn WSuW-; don for ws pkapdtf wi?w? tm cnm, berry, (Singer and PUm Appl# POP/dl*Lemw 1 owning. , iSOt " '* * ' 5- *v er; Freeh OysUrn; Sj?1?wd Oyrt?; PUkUd AT THE ONFECTIONERY, mansion house. iioni ? We bare JUST RECEIVED a fine Stock of STAPLE ANBF AMY DRY GOODS, Which, fot yt -. Qunliiy 6h?ipnw' (ire think,) CANNOT BE SURPASSED: ?_ If t?h wish to seenro the greatest BAJlU A INS we huve ever offered, CALL EARLY. Wo <lo not consider it noceesury to enume? rate Articles or Prices, on every body know a that we keep always a LARUE uiumns , in our line, nt ns MODERATE PRTCES as c?n bcaflorded. Therefore we sov, <D<DM ?ISri 2 (6 ?SO A1LIL! Ant) examine, anil see if wfiiu wo say be so. <> We have also for sale, I A. O Octave !VIcIo(lcon, % in perfect order ; n 5 OCTAVR PAIUB MADE ! ALEXANDRE PARLOR OK CUUR.C11 OK 1 UAfi, and two good socoud-l?a>ul PIANOS. W. H. HOVEY. A|.ri1 5 48 it iwr w SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, TOR 18G0. 11HE subscriber respectfully Inform* hi* friend* and ciutouicrt, that ho ia now rce'olriug AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, COSSISTIKO Of Fancy and Staple Dry Hoods, Bonnets and Flats. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, and Lots of Clothes, Hardware, Crockery, Croeerics, Ac., All or which will be sold nt the LOWEST PItH'F.S. ?Zt)- Plcnso call and exauiino before purchasing elsewhere. A .T12 CHAS. MERRICK^. " U 3 T *-s I? Iills' C- a <*> f- ~ f fr4 V;:^ <?s e ? ? ?. w< JO ?, LJ ,|iiaa|Ii1|Nlg 22^ - 2- = e_ 0 o OOn b Pr ^ 3 c-^ 53 ^ iS ???i5 i"- I5*? g fNI m rl?s? | S !?^g' = ?sS? ^^ '5e ?<???~S H v3 o?cfE W ? = " * tz f?W u^| Fii-1? H*? 5s.; It F^o ? S ! r? S-" U* ? ? IS S.V( . ,2 J I' l?~G?58 ? sr *- i oc? FOR SALE. Tliree Houses and Lots, ? AVIIIC11 arc eligibly sitnat.V ed, and paving a good'tatcrest I ?ALL Nfi\V'?ntay >? had on m^ggjQl very (ctMiiiaUo terms, if applied for soon, The owner wishing to invest the prococds of sale in other business he is engaged in, is the only reason why ho has a disposition to dispose of the property. Also, for sale, n VACANT LOT. Enquire at this Office for particulars. Mnreh 8 44 ~$PQRE,? TWBYUMMRf WANTED. rTMIE Subscribers want 100,000 be-t A. White Oak and Hickory SPOKKK./or which Ihev will pay a libci'nl l'rice, if delivered by the first of Mnv ucxt. AUSO A large lot of Ash. Ilickorv. While Oak, and various other kinds of i'J.ANK, all of the BEST QUALITY. wanted., fin* which we will nay a fair price for nil that offers. SEASON lift LUMBER preform!. COW Kit,-CON, MaHKLEY & CO. Jnti 12 8? * tf CAufEKS* SPANISH MIXTURES 1^011 the cure of all Diseases arising from ? an impure state of the Wood. It euros all Skin Disusecs, such as Pimple*, H late he*. Pile*, Jliwj or Tt tlrr H'orin, Sralti fletttl, Ola Sore*, Concert, llff*pep*ia, Palpitation of the Heart, Liter Conrplttinl, llVilhan, Petto* it* the Hark or Jleail, /m/Itinimotion of Killing*, do it-fir- Price $1. Try a DuWhlti-t Sold only by 1.0 NO Jt 1'. 11H NIT AM, Dealers in Pure Drugs and Medicines. Jan M 46 18eow ORR St PRICE, r ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OREENVILLE, S. C. f AMU T? OKR. .... P. rRII'K, May IB 1 if\i;s, ATTOUNEY AT LAW ' amu soucrroft in equity nRKK>?*rt?.r. r. P. ? Office Kim I *i<Io ?f Coon ftnuie Frjunr*, " wlicrc lio may h? ftuwl daily, ffum 9, A. to g. P. M. 37-ly Jnn IV The Assembly House, ' OftR PyiTAWR Wmt or rnr. Pour Okmc*, Plain Street, . . . Colombia. S. C. THIS well kno?n R"tah!i-<hment han k?i rt thoroughly re-fitted nn<t improved, ni.rt i in now |>erniiniently opened (or (lie ncromnio.. ' datlon of the Puhfie. fiVcrjr Attcniutn will 1 o ? Riven to totpply the want* ntid eotaf >rt 61 i'<iron*, ft?f" Koto* Moderate. T. MAKyM, rrooriotor. Dm( >1 tl *1 \srj .'4a'^ rffffl .