University of South Carolina Libraries
-.grnnnrisfB (!Mm. Ths Bench and th? Bar in Texas. Judson T. Mills, of South Caroline, was a j Judge of the District Court in Northern Texas, foud of a joke, but very decided in his discharge of duty. Thomas Fannin Smith was a practising lawyer at the bar, and having shamefully misstated the law in his address to the iurv. turner! to the Court and asked the Judge to chargo tha jury accordingly. The Judge was indignant and replied. Does the Counsel take the Court to he a fool P Smith was not abashed by the reproof, but instantly responded : " I (rust your Honor will not insist on an answer to that question, as I might, in answering it truly, bo conviil?ro.| guilty of contempt of Court." M Fine the Counsel ton dollars, Mr. Clerk J" said the Judge. Smith immediately paid tbo money, and remarked that it was ten dollars j more than the Court could show. " Fine the Counsel fifty dollars !" said the Judge. The fine was entered by the Clerk. | and Smith not being ready to respond in that sum, sat down. The next morn-1 ing, on the opening of the Court, Smith | lose, and with much deference address-1 id the Judge: " May it please your Honor, the Clerk 1 ook that little j<>ke of yours, yesterday ibout the fifty dollars, as scrioiit, as 1 perceive from the reading of the minales. Will your Honor be pleased to1 inform him of his error and have ill erased !" The coolness of the request, snd the j implied apology, pleased tie Judge, and he remitted the fine. Judge Williamson, or Three legged Willie, as he wns familiarv called, was one of the eaily Judges of Texas. In his Court, a lawyer by tbo name of Charlton stated a point of law, and the | Uourt refused lo admit the Counsel's statement as sufficient proof. 44 Your law, sir," said the Judge ; give us the book and page, sir." M This is my law, sir," said Charlton pulling out a pistol ; " and this, sir, in bit book," drawing n lamia-knife ; and that is the page," pointing the pistol to ward the Court. 44 Your law is not good, sir," said the! unruffled Judge ; 44 the proper authority is Colt on Revolvers," and he brought a six-shooler instantly to bear on the bead of the Counsel, who dodged the point of the argument, and turned to the jury. On another occasion the Judge con eluded tho trial of a man for murder by sentencing him to be bung that very day. A petition was immediately sign-1 ed l>y the bar, jury ami people, praying I that longer time might l>e. granted the poor prisoner. The Judge replied to the petition that " the man had Icon found guilty ; the jail waa very unsafe,! and, besides, it was so very uncomfortable he did not think any man ought f to bo required to stay in it longer than ' was necessary." The man was hung. Contempt of Court.?The d is tin gnished jurist, Judge (I , of Ninth j Carolina, so justly esteemed for his abilities and estimable characteristics, displayed an amiable trait ir. the incidents and anecdotes which it was usual with him to retail to bis admiring associates.? The point of their wit was not unfro quentlv directed against himself. Up??n j an occasion of this kind, be remarked : "When I was first admitted to the j bar. T was one dav riding the wearisome road through the piny woods, and a* chances favored me, to break the monotony, I eamo upon an old field log school house. It was tiro hour of recreation, no doubt, for the children were i eauered through the woods, frolicsome and merry, the school rooms was desertvd, except in one Instance, where a la I iv, lolling, tallow faced, cotton-headed. I s?ck uisire eyeu ooy iiung Halt-way ?^nt of I lie singU window?(ho personidea tion of stupidity itself. Upon the spur fi the moment I determined to amuse , i \ self at his expense. So as I walked niv horse pa-t liirn, I, witli line school , i itv whine, commenced spelling aloud : v I ;i k c r, haker," Cotton head gazed at inc full in the , ;tce. an instant without change of ex predion or feature, and then his monih >louly opened, and willi an undisguised marl, he shouted nr.d returned : " F o o 1, fool." 1 "1 left immediately," said Judge 0 , or rather as socn as I cou d re- ' eo*er my senses !" ! A touno country girl who lately went | to a situation in Cheltenham on seeing < a water cart pass along the street, ex I claimed to her mistress, " Oh '. la, mum! 1 look here; there's a man gone by with s cart of water and it's running out all , '.he wsv ; and if he's got to go much further he'll waste it all beforo lie gels there I No Mattkr Now !?A party of l e lated gentlemen, about a certain hour, began to tbink of home, and their wires' displeasure, and urged adepsrjure. "Never inind," said or.o of the guests. I now W|1| inaKe no (III fercnoe : my wife is as iua<J now as she <v?u be." A man much addicted to snoring remarked to bis bedfellow in tbo morn >ng; " I have slept like a top." " I know joii bare," said the other,' Urily, " like a humming top." " J*ck." said a man to a lad just entering hi* .tens, "Your father's drowned!" ' Darn . !"' replied the young hopeful. " and he's got my knifo in his pockel 1" Tiif. young woman who ato a dozen peaches, three raw toma'oes, and a half pint of plums, within half a day, says knows fruit ain't wholesome. fi'H'i v old ' arhelor says he thinks i>.i i h woman, and not her wrongs, imw t ught to b? redressed. * 3K S NEW CARPET STOltEr JAWES a. BAILIE, importer, jobber, and dealer in ALL KINDS OF CARPETING, HUOS, ILOOK OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, AND CURTAIN GOODS OP EVKliV INSCRIPTION, ay?* s&a miss? snesiniaipCJIARLESTON, S. C., AND 1 n II 4 IT IE1 cr. 11II v* ui&tAjm ok uni/t; 205 liKOAL) ST., . . AUGUSTA, OA. Not 34 29 ly I LrFALK&"c67r WIIOI.KSALK AND RKTAIL DEALERS 11* CLOTH INO, AND Gentlemen's Famishing Goods, NO. 205 KINO 8TREI5T, CHARLESTON, S. C. IW Manufactory nnd Wlinh'sale Waro-J limine. 34 1)ky Stiikct, New York. I???" All Orders promptly attended to. Nov 24 29 ly J. P. REED ?. D. GOODLCrr. REED 8c GOODLETT, ATTORNEYSd AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. GREENVILLE, 8. C. 0[Vcr. Xorth-Eutt Corner Court Ifoute Square. June 4 4 tf JAMES FLECK, HOUSE & SIGN PAINTER, I'aprr ll?ii|t<>r & Glnxivr, CKKENYILLE, S. C. WILT. FAlTUFt'LLT FXKCUTK AU WORK ENTRl'STKO i TO UIM. Residence on Augusta Street, near Depot. Feb 211 42 ly C. F. J ACKSON & CO. FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. 199 King Street, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Not 24 2'J ly* SHAVING, HAIR TRIMMINO, DRESSING, DYING, axi> RAZOR SETTING AND SHAMPOOING, AT TtIK Second Door above Mr. McPhcraon'a, by WILSON COOK. May 2 20 HANDSOME JEWELRY O N S A L, R . A VERY GENERAL ASSORTMENT of J.\__ fine nnil utlior JK 11'h' Y may be line of the Subscriber, who makes tooriler Ktujnfjetiimt ami any other nrtielo required in his line. REPAIRING faithfully done Three Doors below the (loodlett House J II. RANDOLPH. Greenville, S. C., Sep. 15, 18511. l'J-tf S.A I)I)LE & 11 Alt > ESS AI /V IM U J?' A CJ 1' < > Y ? TIIK subscriber nronlil respectfully fylKiBt. inform llio public generally that be 1 L continiiC!< tlie klmvc llnsinPM, 7Vo Doori nhurr thr (irmirillr Hotel, nilil is propal' -1 to furnish customers willi an v "inscription "if 1I0.MK M A X1 FA CT r l: i : I? ' S A 11111. KS. Carriage, lluppy and Wagon IIAKNFS;* made loonier, nn?l in tho beat styles. RRI1H,K8. WIMPS. Ac.. on hand, and for sale Oil KAP. Huddles aud Harness ltFPAIltFD ut short notice. A. M. UILHEATli. March 29 47 ly WAGON MAKING AND REPAIRING. r|l||Ksubscribers respectfully inform the pnbJL lie that tbcv intend oarrvinp on the hn si ,,r WAtlON MANl TACTLUINli, and , \\ At;ON mi.I 151 UIJ 1 KHi Alltl.Mi, in the town of (iroenville. The host of Timber will l>? used. anil the work warranted to be well tlono. Mr. POOL, who will superintend the work, in a workman of considerable experience, hnviny learned the business under the host workmen nl tho Cnrriairo Factory of Messrs. (Inner, Cox. Murkley A Co. All woak will l.e dono upon the most reasonable terms, and on short notice. A share of patronage respectfully solicited. WAHFTED. A lot of SEASON EI> Ll'MIlER wanted, for which a fair prico will bo paid. J. A. TOAVXF.S. 1 AV. P. pool. AV. A. TOWNEE. T flreenville. February 2, ISfiO. 3'J tf BLACKSMITH ING. The concern of TOAVXES A HAWK INS havinjr been dissmlvSHuissSStol by mutual consent, the business | sill lie carriod on at the same Shop by the unlersicriiod. <}. AV. BROOKS. ( January, 1850. J. L. HAWKINS. | NOTICE. HO HE undersiened having transferred his in I torost in the lilacksmith Shop noiir Wilinina'Rlore, to .Messrs. IIkooks A Hawkins. nkt'H pleasure in iwoinniendiii? tliom to ft sltnr' >f public patronage. They will lie prepnroil to itt.-nd promptly ami satisfactorily to all calls ' n their lino. Tlioy linvoexperienced ami skill"nl Smiths in llorseshneinff, Repairing nn?l ' rroiiing Wagons, Plough Work. nn?l nil other irilirarv work of n Itlncksuiith Shop. January. 1859. 37-tf <1. F. TOWNER. JAS. M. ALIEN, S SSIkmsSiS DEALER. GREENVILLE, H.C. J~"r AH Orders for MarbieWoik promptly attended to. 40-tf Feb 9 I MILLINERY. laasaa. i?mis ?'< stDiRawMf 1IAVK returned from New York with a Inrge and complete iT^iVryw^ "rrortment of handaoino Uoods, WILL OPEN 0*W*DSMtiAr,THr. llxn r??T. *ni^ whleh they invito tho (n'UfV Attention of the ladies of Orconvlllo and vicinity. Among their stock mny he found the Clo'tilde. Adelaide and I)ove-Capo llats; a (treat variety ot Misses' Fancy llnU; Rcrtha Capes, Head-Dresses; llair Plaits and Curls; Eugenia Magpie, Rridal and Mounting Veils. A large stoeh of Hihbons at reduced prices ; Hats cleaned and trimmed ; Dresses cut aud basted. II April I U If -J L? -J ?'-I (II II II 'III. SOf XI ~?KSS!?j Maa ih? UrgMt ho* * * th? Ur^mt ttakto Mm iim Urfgrat ? ? __ ?S* U?*?l Mi* OV Mtjr N?4kkM Im Ik* WaaM, W mmy MnikbM In Mm W?*4 Of *njr MmIWIm W Ik* W?y* OX kkr **XWta* In Ik* ?W OX Mgr Miftehw I** MM ?"I,M luu.auu ? low,HUM XmIim lWU.WMt PmIu^m IOW, woo MImm -m. * *>? rk*k^M MM U OMiigW fMtkO?Mlkui ? }* U Ueet*!* Mf IkHUkCuoUu KJ 5" MX ?IkCMTlIlM* ? ? pi ?i?ulk kkO traikunlb* " W >? ?* !? M? MklkriiUkk 1M VOWTIMU MomMM* la XouWm **-- ?? IN V*iuiMu Maatk*. In Hauiwn NmiUm, la VaarWcn MaaUu. If Ik Wamuilwl to tmn It Ik Wnrraul*d Ia (!*m It la Warranto* to Cars It la Warranto*! to Car* ! It U Warranto*! to Cure If Utraatlona an Followed, It EHroeUetia ara KoIIohnI, If Directions ara foUawad, If IX roc Hurt* are KoIIowmL If IXi-Mtlona are Followed, Any Com of Dyspepsia Any Caae of Dyapapala] Any Case of Dy*p*p*ia Any Caae of Dyspepsia A?y Caaa ot Dyspepsia Uvtr Dlsemse, Lirtr Dlssaae, ' 'fc I Jvsr IMaoat*, ' Urvr Dlatawi, 'V*' Lifer lilnnn, Jndllltlcc, Jnmdlee, Jannrllc*, Jaundice. Jaundice, St !s Kspeclally Adapted to It la Mspeclally Adapted to ft la Be|Miclally Annpt.rt to It la ICsperially Adapted to It la K?|teclnlly Adapted to Female Complaints t Female Coutplalnto Female lorn pin Into ( Female Complaint* | Female Coeuplalnte | It Produce# I tot lilidlly of Form It Produce! Itotnndlty ot Ferns It Produces Koteenellty or Form It Prorlueea Kolmmlty of Perm It Produces llotuiutlty ot Point In Femalee of n Tltln and Spar* In Pr males of a Tklii and Hint re Habit In Females ot a Tltln and Spare Habit In Females ot a 'lliln and Kpare Habit lu Peinules ot a Tltln anil S|M?r? Habit fbrnd a Pomade Hlnmp (o the Proprietor* f?r their l'ani|>UUil ou " liLivHuea or btoum.h ?ud Itoaela.*' "VV . W BLIXt Ii CO. , Pvopt triors, 3na Broad ay. New lurk . For Sale in Grrcnrille ' w Ang JiMti-ly JOHN W ORADY. Ladd, Webster & Co.'s (Mmt> ; 8BWI3VG MACHINES, WHICH, For Beauty. and Simplicity of Construction, wild Efficiency in Working, arc UNEQUALLED BY ANY. * A Few of I lie ."tinny If canon* Why these Machines ARK PKKFKMRED ABOVE A 1.1. OTIUUS. 1. They arc so remarkably *imi;>/? in their const ruction. A child can operate them and understand their mechanism. 2. They nru the *tro??/c?t Sewing Machines made. It is almost impossible to brcuk or get them out of order. .1. They arc sin e in their operation : finishing work in a unifi rmly perfect manner. I. They make a tiff hi tort mliirh, aliko on both sides of the work, which cannot bo unrnvclcd. j! 5. They stitch, hem, bind, full, run and "'u,"ui ??? ? iiik* .. ft. Tliry sew equally well tlio lightest and heaviest liibrio. U 7. They mn over tho heaviest senilis with- , nut changing the tension or breaking (liefinest , thread. 8. Tliey usu nny No. of Cotton, Thread or I Silk, ilircetly from the spool. 9. They use a straight nccdlo; curved ones are liable to break. 10. The needle has a perpendicular motion. . This is absolutely necessary for heavy work. 11. Tlioy have a wheel feed : none others are ^ in eonstnnt contact with the work. , 12. They run easily and are almost noiseless. 12. They are not liahla to oil the dress of the operator. 14. Tliev do not requiro a serew-drivor to set tho needles. lii. They do not have to bo taken apart to oil or clean. 1ft. They do not form ridges on the under wasteful ?r thread, ax is tlic case with ail chain-stitching machinft. 17. They are capable of doing n greater range of work, an.I in it more |>erJeet manner ^ lhan any other Sowing .Machine. We warrant thexe Machines. nil (I vouch for ' ho ree< minen?lalion of the ahore. DYKIt A I'IC'Bi Ixli, ACE NT.". GREEN YILLK, S. C. April 19 50 ly " F. BUETY, .OVELAND'S BUILD^G, GREEfSVILLE. S. C., - RESPECTEDLLY informs the puh. r?I lie generally that he hax on hum! a fine / assortment of ^ BOOTS, SHOES, f BBOUANS, AC., WELL ADAPTED TO THIS MARKET. In the assortment will he foiiinl ^ [.adies. Misses' ami Children's Caitcrs ami Shoes, of many kihdf. tcntlcmen's, Youths' ami Ilnys' Ilootx, Gaiter* . ami Shoes. " Ditcher's Roots?an excellent article. Ilrognn* of all sixes and inoxldurahlo make. a In fact, nx full nn axxorlinent of Articles in . his line as ran he found in any establishment in a town of the same sire. I | ul VII ran 1 I nil t/ Oxl'a on own IV, of his I'riecs for Cash, satisfied tbnt hie (loods ore offered j At the Lowest Possible Fignre. , lVrsons in want <?f anything of the kind will please give hiin a cull. j, os nA.NO, A (liwoil Klocli ?r fjcntltcr, AT WHOLESALE AN1> RETAIL. ; Boot and Shoe Making. This hranch of his business is still earned <>n * under his personal supervision, and every eare will bo taken to itunronlac satisfaction to thoso who patronise him, 27?tf Nov 10 ( HOWARD ASSOC IATION, ! I'lIILADLLITllA, A Ttcnevolcnt Inilitulionf Jtaliliihui tiy ipfcitl 1 F.ndowinont, for tho Relief of the Sick and ' Distressed, afflicted with Virnlent and Kpi- ' domic I'ImmU,end especially for the Core of ' Diseases of I ho Sexual Organs. MEDICAI, Advice given gratis, hy the Acting Surgeon, to ell who Apply hy letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occopntion, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished froe of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermaterrhn?n, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the Now Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for PosI tag# will be acceptable. Address, DR. J. KKU.LIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Jly order of the Director*. KZRA D. HF.ARTWKLI., President. Osn. Pairchm i>, Secretary, f?*> t it if 138 a M 5 iraraM > stupe: X K S? R'X 1IV tiREE :< IN consequence of the Impending Crisis and hare made, withdrawing their patronage ft SOUTHERN and having, with the utmost repugnance, aurvo. neglecting to rear up that criterion for tho sunn ed upon them, I have concluded to show to tho of Nasareth;"* that there ia still some balm in < the bleeding wound and whisper a word of conso Having just received the most STUPENDOUS ST over exhibited to the public garc. or ever impor them to COUNTRY MERCHANTS who ere in IIEADQU nud the ptiblio at large, at price* MUCH LOW! For the conviction of unbeliever*, and thoe that. although a prophet hn* no honor in hi* o* world for competition, i? obliged to succeed, eve field, i* a dead halt. The annexed Item* will afford a faint '?e ml AT CAHH The most oxtensire, i II K. I1) Y Coat*, 60 and 75 cent*, and no word*. Pant*, 50 " 75 " " " " Ve*t*, 40 " 76 ? - ? ? ? Shirt*, 50 " 75 ? " " " Superfine Silk Hats, ... $2.00 Wool " . 40 Calf Skin Root*, supcrfinO, 2.50 IE OOP SKI UTS, 8 lloop*, - y - 50 | 11 .... 70 I 15 " 87 I Together with a large stock of Silk lionr sl.n .1. Tmt.l#. U L I T.. .11 HI.11. I' monaie*, Segnrr, Corn, Flour, Bacon, ltice, COi Whirky, Brandy and Wine, and u large lot of a The aliovc MAItKKD IlOWN ilcim, while lot a mere phantom of the inind?on idle phunl irnrd, nCMiii* in o tear, ami point*, like the need VretneiKc at a lower (nice thnn in any Southern CARlt'S STOKE ! The highest Caeli prieoa CARR'S STORE May 10 1 CHEROKEE REMEDY, S r AX IXKAII.IXt! rl'RK Foil CO CO :<>( JXi cu'-i A >Xtl A I.I. DISKASKS OK TIIK UltlNAIIV OIlflAXS. II I.S Ri'iiU'dy euros when nil other preparations fail. It in entirely unlike every (her compound ; containing no mineral poioii or nnuseoua drug : as it in prepared solely roll. Knots, Harks ami Leaves. nn<l has liceti landed down, from one generation to another, >y the Cherokee Indians. It is offered to the . tuldie on its own intrinsic merits. It performs ! Is duty quickly and thoroughly. The iinfor- | unntu, of either sex. wfll ho repaid hy using his Kemedy, instead of placing themselves at j he inerey of some (>uaek or Professor. This tcuiody strikes at the very Root of the disease ; ts tendency is not simply to suspend the poison, >ut to remove the euitsc on which it depends. *uII direetions in pamphlet form, aeeonipany ueh hot tie. The speedy and permanent relit f fforded by this Komody, In all eases of Gonorh?ea. Gleet, Gravel, Stricture, Fluor Allots, Whites in Females,) and all diseasos of the 'rinary Organs, has astonished the moat seienifie men of the age. This Iteiuedv not only radicates all poison from the system, l>ut iuigorates the most delieute constitution. It does not affect the hreath or interfere with my class of business, or require any deviation rom tiio usual diet. It requires no assistance from any othor tnoicine. And what enhances its value, is the entire ahNice of all nnusoous taste, being a pleasant nrt delicious syrup. Price $2 )>er Battle. or tlircc Bottles for POTT KH X MKKWIN, Role Proprietors. St. Lonis, Mo. Jiftr- Sold in tlrcenvilla by Fisher X llei- I ilsh; Van Sell nock X (Iriorson, Charleston, I Wholesale Agents, and all responsible dealers 1 Medicines in tho Sotilli. 49-ly Ap 12 (JUNDEO 1852. CHARTERED 1854 tor atei> Oornsr of Baltimore and Charles Streets, BALTIMORE, MD. I^IIK Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished, and Popular Commercial College in the uited States. Designed expressly for Young fen desiring to obtain a Thorough Practical tntin?m Education in the least possible time nd at tho least expense. A Large and Beautifully Ornamented Cireuir, containing upwards of .Y?> Mr/aaro Pert, rith spot iinon? of Penmanship, and a Large .ngraving. (the finest of the kind ever made n miscowntry,) representing tlio Interior View , f the College, with Catalogue staling term*. I to., will be aont to every Young Man on ap- 1 lion lion, frrt nf chart/r. Write immediately and you will receive the | uk-kago by return muil. Address, K. K. LOS IK K, I March 1 4JI-1y liultimorc, Md. | rilK WORLDOUTDONE] ' THE MEDICINE CALLED 4 liif Inmmnlorf Kxlirpittor," 117" IIIC1I wan mill duringConrt in this place. I W is now on Hale, by J. W. ilHAUY, ot jrecnvillo. It cannot now be longer doubted Ml tliie Medicine is the most efficacious remedy ver in this place, for Kidney Diseases, Files, Neuralgia, Lung Diseases, Dyspepsia A Rheumatism. Numerous eases of (bo above disoa<es have been cured this present week. Headache, Toothache, Karat he, Sprains, and all Howsi Affections, disappear before it as if by the touch of magic. Try it, and keep it in yoor families, for sickness eoines when you least expect it. J. W. (JRADY, AgenUfnr Oreenville, P. C.; Dr. K. PILL, Wholesale Ag't at Columbia; also by all YVkolemilo Druggists in li ar leston, 8. C. O. W. I>AVIP, Proprietor, mjox iJ.u, rtvn lorn foil Office. Not 3 20 tf PRIVATE HOARDING. rpiIK Subscriber in prepared to accommodate A several YOUNU (JKNTI.KMKN with HOARD ami LODGING. Hi? residence ia within 100 yards *f tho Theological Seminary, and convenient to the business portion of town, being about 200 yarde eaat of the Court 11'him. Families desiring Boardcan also be accommodated. Rate* reasonable. fefc 0 M-4t fc. . MOVE. I ?y a?? |f IB SALE! NDO-DS I&ISS INVILLB* ???? > the important movea our Country Merchant* rum the North ud ncowagiDg COIHIHERCG, v?<l the stagnant fields uf Southern rnterpriN, y South which the Impending Crisis baa crowdworld that aoincthing good can atill "come out (Ailead; that there is yet a physician to heal lation into the cars of my bleudrng countrymen. OCK OF GOODS ted from any foreign hemisphere, I will offer faror of making Greenville their AllTERS, 5R Ihin run bo procnreil either North or Routh. ? that doubt until they ? nn?l /eel, I wiH ??j n country, yet n merchant who challenge* tho n If the whole world, like tho mti on Gibou's lance of what can be done S STORE. iuperh and complete E CLOTIIIJYG. Ladies' Shoo*, fine, elastic, - $1.00 44 Slipper*, " - - - SO Children's Shoe*, fancy and One, 40 A SO Men's 44 superfine, - 1.20 Hoys' 44 large sires, - SO Superfino sowed Kid Shoes, with liecls 1.20 (First Quality.) IS 44 .... $1.25 30 44 .... 2.00 Lusters, .... 75 lets, Flats, lt?>l>es. Fans, Umbrellas, Linens, | ers. Jewelry, Watches, l'istols, Kasors, PortVt'F.K, SC(iAH, JHOLASSKiS, SALT, Hum, rtlclcs too numerous to mention, they speak louder than tmtii|>et tongues, are tascc?hut a reality that speak* volume* in n le to the pole, that (loeds can be purrhnmrti in I or Northern market, and, above all, that IS THE PLACE. paid for PRODUCE. IS THE PLACE. tf 10,000 Negroes , 10,000 Negroes Saved Yearly. Saved Yearly. Planters Take Notice, Planters Take Notice, Jnpnlt'a rVwiliol VUIVVM U \/VI VI ?lil Jacob's Cordial Is The Only Sure Is The Only Sure And Positive Remedy And Positive Remedy Before The People Before The People In Dysentery, In Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea, And Flux, And Flux, It Never Fails. It Never Fails. Packages of Half Doz. Packages ot HaH Doz. Put up Expressly Put up Expressly For Plantations. For Plantations. $1 per Bottle. $1 per Bottle. For Sale in Greenville by Aug 22U ly JOHN W. OHADY. (ionorrliorn n*i?l Glcrt Cnre* * ?* Tub very best remedy in the world f..r tho cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, a * Ac, Ac. ? - . 3 ^ Eat and drink what 3*011 please. Full direction*, with a short ae- 00 count of the disease, accompany each SO ? bottle. |? m At the some time " ttik run* " ii n Q ^ nio-t e*e?*ll#>nt remedy in Chronic _ Colds, Coughs, Ac. tm I^ It does not produce Sick Stomach, or injure the constitution in any way. (JJ 44 The Core " is entirely Vegetable. ^ c Manufactured and for sal* by pfj X J- X>. BBUCS * CO., 2 N.wb.rry, . O. ft ^ y Vor mU in Cr.en.ill. leW wr. ' c 5 ZZ And by nil re?peeteble Druggist* throughout lli? State. Fob 40 tf * MU3 )o??ie> pna ??t|jjoaoo llnlr Dremliig and Shaving. TJUIIRTIHIK continue* the TONSORTA! X> hu*ine*e at hi* Old Stand, in Dcettle'i Prick Buildtojr, where he i* ready, during the day end evening, to Kheve the Heard end Cut i Ileir end Phompoo the Ileed. lie rerpeetfullj } ?*k* a continuation of patronage. I n *4 ' Mil* Mill 'HI J &I8S. OAST STEEL PLANTATION BOBS Manufactured expressly , for us, and to patterns fur- < nislied by ourselves. They are \ made, blade and shank, out of one piece of the very beet quality and temper of Cast Steel, and have 1 streugth of blade and length of handlo to snit our Southern farming. Tho euecose of this article has brought various IMITATIONS into the market, but the Gen nine Cast Steel Hoe 18 SOLD ONLY BY J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. GARDENING TOOLS. SPADES; HOESL liAKES^TROWELS, l'J?LUV I J\U SIIEAHS, LINE HEELS, and everything else in this line, on lmnd nnd to arrive soon. J. B. SUEKMAN, Agent. sraBisIsBS. We are manufacturing Elliott's Celebrated Spring Bed. They are all that can be desired. Comfortable, cheap and durable. Call and see them. J. B. SIIERM^/VN, Agent. ? o *> A large lot of those first-rate Iron-Wheel Wheelbarrows, just completed. i J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. THE ORIENTAL p COFFEE-POT. La Wc arc manufacturing, un gj i der authority from the l'ai?3 ' ten tecs, THE ORIENTAL !? GOFPM-POT. c==a , which Wilts the Old Dentinw i ion, and nil other styles, 1 " clear out of sight," while it is sold at hut little more than the common coffee-pot. It' you love GOOD COF| FEE, try an Oriental. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. PICTURE FRAMES. We arc prepared to put up all kinds and stylos of Gilt nd Rosowood Picture Frames, as cheaply as they can he purchased in Charleston. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. FgaOSTOfiS. ^ n We arc constantly receiving additions to **a' ^^our Stock, end have just effected arrangements with an extensive Manufactory, which will enahle us to otter it at much lower ju ices than ever. w? i i ii u uiiimu u? Kuuji as pjooa an assortment an the market demands, and to sell it lower than it can be procured from either Charleston or Columbia. J. B. SHERMAN, Agent. Clock, warranted to keep good also, A Ia A Kill CLOCKS warranted to keOj> gwd time, nnd to wake yon ni? at any time of the night or mornlhg that you wish. I'rice, $1.75. J. IS. SHERMAN, Agent. Wall Papering* a iianpsomk assortment of WALL PAPERING, JiOliDKRTNG, FIRE SCREENS, WIN DO W SHADES, &c. just received and for pale by J. B. SIIEKMAN, Agent. KTKUEOHCOPEN And Stereoscopic Views. A good assortment of Stereo scopes, Boiutt an low as $1.50, and a very large and unusually choice selection of Views just rcceivod. KEROSENE LAMPS. We have just opened a new lot with an ImproTcd Bnrncr, tho best we have ever had. Housekeeping Goods. Everything in the Housekeeping line, from a $100 Cooking Stove to a five cent Tin Cup, may be found at the Store of J. B SHERMAN, AO-EXNT, ' GREENVILLE, S. C. ? ?*? 4g tf i ~ - ? *-sI 1 1 ????? ^ AyefsSarsaparilla i compound wmJy, is which m km Is* bond to produoo the moot oflbctual alterstWv Ost so b? mad*. It U a oonoentaatod wtnwt ot Pan Ssrsspsrills, so combined -with otkMT subctasMa of still greater alterative powti a* to aOtod Mi eflbotire antidote for the iIIiimiI BaraepariUn to awputod to can. It to halloaed that soak s remedy to wanted by thorn whs mt/km ton Strumous aomphhto and (hat as* which will aooompliah their cure mart provs of IwitH eervtee to this large ctoaa of saav afflicted fcUow-eltinma. How oo&pletely this compound will do it hat* been proven by expwhaost on many of the won* com to be found of tka following ooraplainta t ? Scaorvu ajcd Scrofulous Coxrunm, EaornoKa am Eavrmi Diatun, Ulcim, Pimples. Blotches, Tumors, But Uawa, " Bouo Head, Srraau and Stmhutio Arpectiohs, Mercurial Disease, Dtorar, N?wtAMU oa Tio Douloureux, DRan.itt, Dtv rmu and Indigestion, Ektiihui, Rota oa St. Anthony's Fi.b, and Indeed the whole class of complaints arising from ZxruHrrr of thb Bdood. This compound will bo found a great promoter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which foster in the blood at that season of the year. By the timely expulsion of them many rankling disorders ars nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, \rv> the aid of this remedy, spare themselves frefla the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever yon find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you rtnd it is obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well; but wiui this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery a* life is disorder**! or overthrown. Sarsaparilla nas, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations^ pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain hut little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been misled by largo bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever. Hence, bitter and painnil disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself ia justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still w? call thia compound Saraaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible 3 the ordinary run of the diseases it is intendto cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, tho remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on tho bottle. PREPARED BY DR. jr. C. A?EB A CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 par llotile t Six Dottles for |5. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral hns won for Itself such a renown for tho cure of every variety of Throat and Luag Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount tho evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been employed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure tho people its quality is kept up to the best it ever lias bocn, ana that it may be rolled on to do for their relief all it has evsr been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, TOR TKI ODBI OP Costireness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Pile*, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Disease*, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors asset Salt Rheum, 1 Forms, Gout, Neuralgia, as fi Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, ao that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they am the best aperient in the world for sill the purposes of n family physie. Mm M cents per Bex; Fire boxes far 91.00* Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, Statesmen, snd eminent personages, hare lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our spsos here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named furnish gratia our Almanac in which thay arc given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be followed for their cure. Do not be pitt off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Atkr's, and take no others. The sick . . ^co?> ?*A ??^3r" * , ?%# ^?? SS^*""" "0js&'&?v S^SSS^" gS&W ._,. VHT? y\5?[? *J5 ?"?3^** i^lS. A **? ^iii.. baym a bm doctor* bua, b eaoti.t taktjf, ? kasil.t taken, k rahitt taken, is kasu.1t taken, u easily taken, has no bad tarty, has mo bad tarty, has mo iui> tamtk has mo bad tastk, - . . . . has mo bad tajnx. witx emn a cur* ' wtix ?ykct a curb win ryrrsrr a run* will nmvr a curb whjl umvt a cum without i/mb or mtw without umr or t1mi without lohm tf umr wtthout um ar tut* ow cm a mo i. or nrrr, or chanok or duct, or chantik or ourr, or ciianor or out, or chanok or uffir; wtth lm milimjl wrrii ijvr tu/riiui v WITH IM TKWIMJC, WITH Mm Tiu*;ntJt, WltU LBm Mora raiLTj NOHK WXKOILT, n~hk tsewnnvr, ifcV" ?nos>rt.Y, MOKK ^WCKDtl.Y, A WD rERMAVKNTLT AND PKKMANENTI Y AND PKftMANKNTl.Y AND i'KSMANKNTLY AMD PKOMANKMTLT, THAN ANT KNOWN RKMFDT. THAN ANY KNOWN KKMKOY. Wan amy known kkmkdy i THAN amy KNOWN RXMKDY. ^ than amt known uabr. AMCH0 WKW1C CAN Wt SOT NT MAJK F&r Salt. l? Gretnviiu b* i "fl'T ?W|V.0iAnr