University of South Carolina Libraries
MM tWILLUKLL. U, -W^r^W ?. fl-, ?* ^SSEmm lri?t?y ?la Ottrtw 'lhrt, ?. H*ta*ii?, Wulilp*t?n Md Wc%^ ' , IHty joff fl?? W?t,t*r<W ". *#? rmhvrtffMi, witwiw I Carpenter or other PhoftWTof fftr a-M very 6ta- { . WlinvfrH^iWt is Mst Iks basistKt p?rt -of | l|WeiijklHW*> ?m *< tkrtuoat ?Wsirabta | hmm hr mo lowu. U*e **** Mr*> A*? ?- Amlnr-. < "ft# Uy'lao'fe^t ?B Avo"*? Stn>^ Md *"* * J AJkt>T in **F of M?j- s- I?. fioodl. ta ( lWlgt*w ^rcn"*8,rv-' *1|}0 b> i 'A EOT in'\ho rear of Ror. T?V. Richard 1 residence, containing Pico ond'u i js-j&pteVsL^r" i ^ THACI^rtrtW two niUe* FKirrt Tn>n, near . tll^)Nta<tet*u Hoad, contolning TwentY wwI a twMwAcra^ having on it a good iifcieJC I r?iuv ' - P-U 1..M J* -. 1 A? th* *!>? Property ia wall ?it?atod end , ?\ iiHiidl I > U? bo gilv^wAnawtl?taly. , <??< A 9f 9tia gad t?j?. rmr^.t w?Kb ll>IM> few on /n?rtK9B0 o* the , l>amia*,i?n? eoodpv'.'onalmxuiny. . . I Jt\?r fuaitxw tafcrm>oUo.'. apply to c. J. ET". , Jktt^ 1.UW, (JlcanvUItv S. , 2ut3teu>nr, ':-tcirtw, 1 s -?K?G"? ,. i ..?, . r v?. 11 .ij ? The State of South Carolina, 'i :i < 3?rt Koto* ?W<?, AX the MM? Wrt of rale, fl On th? Tlret Moojkaj la fcfptoftlw*' - ? I'aKfettfWMtVi3?J? t^TWinuj Wi^et, * .at #M.?tf|? ef't.lrfyr Att* Tlrtm tleeeo*. ? All Sir*. Nwkt Koines' IntnW' h!(irrw' ? TiWM of* 1i*d4, si* ftAfura*; Kint Tnwt, ?on*. ? *>M? JA? Acre*, wore or Iw IV. P Mm* H. -Mm, P Phoektev * ?i--. ** P 'I rw*. wfikihtg 140 Aecww ei#d>iiew.V>w*e , <<f. Mae^ HoW ?u4 B"lUwU?; 34. Treot, . <-nwUfcy?? of J. ( l? )r*uiti,iU| Ura jMSHi Im^Jyin* o? ruHUj ( rccfcwAUra ?r Keurcc rivep 4* B*e. JutnV*1 Jbhnnoii, At' the unit oftf. *. ItJmefhi" *J va.Tyre tn?* Johnson. r i !fc*ro*s. ? OM ahowt *7 tttirv ?W, tt*A * ' ,'i Hay atiewt *? wmw'oU : mi tke >r?(kt4y <f j, J< A. PtiWcM, art She?nu< -of 40. C. ftsnatfft. I Att OlWer-41<nterert lo'- (*alfl< ? til thiiUtef Ji'lU^Nf ltg*riten. U>? fa rotor )?hImr) <U Um n? olJ.H. Jlow.fco. ? , e s StP?*e?reM'*nBn *eeee4 >v??oh, hw ?W1 PiuMIr*. ??4 wno ??t oi ?U ? ]|iwih*W- <eihe??o|>M<3M^:?*^erUrew?s,r fictiT, st the suit or Jnno Oreciffleta, et'al. . TERM'S CASH. I'sri-tuye* t<> t?n v for Cities. s^4-.biA3:KM$$ T:-!?1' #p MATrafeSat'llARl^^? I Vffl. Laiigetfm * i "V|T01}I.1> inform the ckicene of GTeerrvdie ' Vf theit Ira h BwrMnmieottr lm |t?4 is t, I ~ ?hi? tptboo for U.e purpose of MAKVTAO- < 'IT-H1NJ* MA-TT*Bf?t*KH. imdwooMeirm ly vollclt. * share of ytfll.Uo y>:itroiia*o. ' All vroalr fonrrATrted to li**nlii?tn?ifliiTTy lmtrte, and- c< ?" u* itttmkjy trs <SBh V? rafirishMuiw where. Iff' raey WVotrM At his residence, ft.Hr hundred jva^SPrfflhfft of Form on VntVewWy. lie'also 11$^ in<>nufiictnfe* W II1 KS of all sort*, Wicre Mettroeroo may be Totmi. ] Ti.AOA ra. ^ .mrasiliwifea.t4 ' I rtii\ hpd u ?upply m( Mr. I*. William*' WneaImuMMNr, Ketulimn*. i.n.l i.l Mi i.-. . < i o<>di*U A <where lhv> will he io*.O * tuning fit* aula. .T??yjO 1 _ *f j VeGROBW TO HIRE v "ITY'the yoar. Arpfc to 2. MA MIX. fl Xl tASM i JL }L. ? I ? .. NOTIGB.^.--' - ? 'THBiuwcauiiKR jnm|L ft ifitm i?A?ir?>m of *eihn? 6 _SHiyLlWi of Lnn4* iyuiR " Mv? mi In KurtheneV <>f VJro*o^CdutBWl?V ? villa C. H* known >lhe-WiekKffe tend*?tha llutharford rottd running through it. *I%aWa?t i .n>tnin* Two Hundred aoro*, -?wn%y-live e'e txi, tint halaiReta Wood*. "Theft! lit on the j>reinr i?o?, ? toluj-nlite Dwelling, with other' Out- ~ IJuildingw, Tend n rood Orrdiafd, embracing a j? ><xf v?trte^f <Jf Fruit. Tbl.i 1* utt-i^ctbcr a J drahlv plteee, afthfer for * amall "fkrrtur of a jj aiinfmor haitae fftr thrfaC* who are foi'nl" of j breathing the aahihriona mountain air iu all it* ^ freabnea*, or looking out upon a landscape ^ ?. wirlcb in almnat wiiTivalcwt. The place will he ci i exchanged for a Nojrro fellow, of fold low for <Ja?h or approved Note*. Tlmao wiahlng to j puithkM, wt?M <lo well to raH soon on tbo ^ mm aubacrlber, near tlrecnvilhi O. If. 11EN11Y K.-WJMilAMg. x _auK 9 if -if ; j - ESTATE Um: ' tIHuo of an or-.^jflS??'*^ * *^MMr derffm ?>!< ri.urt of fltfQHHIOrdinary (or Gro^n-JHHHBsB- f\ rlllo ItUtrkt, I will oxpoac for aalo, ?t pwblia * outcry, to tlio highest bidder, at tba 4sta roaVdence of OLAHI8FA ItENAOM, <Me?a?ed, on ah 1 Estate, Bar diayoaad o& by Will, couaiating of t< Uaatwhold lad MHtabvu Furuituro tl riant at ion Toota "A < 1 rowing Crop of (Vtrn, A<\, Ac. c A Tubus or Hai.b.?A oredit until 0m JSflt W day ?f {December next, wkfk interv-U tut Mnfls y ?f Five Dollar*; under JfWw Dollar#, ca?h. Xot?a??4 m*6 rceurtty. <" JAM-K* Mf BEXflON, ? K Administrator, with H'iU annexed. l\ _* ??. 11 ,2.. Notice. AI.T, persons indcldsd to th? Estate of -i . lLaUISHA WSNSON, do^ontted, ir? J reqiicwd to mafcddNMKfdiate payment; and p Om*m h?rin* demands against Mid Estate, m*rn will 1mu4 thorn in. jtroncrlj attested. h. Administrator with Win annexed, i Aug? 14 ? ' | APPLICATION 7" l "VfOTlCK to het?Vj giVoO, that an Allien- I 1\ Hub #lfl M baaAe V? tlio nefct Lugiula- . <tur% ?o IpcorgorMothe Qaillard School, lo- i otud in tbo Town of Greenvilla.' - Aug 2 12) DM j APPLICATION. 1 f I AMI OrMwvMfe On* Light Commbjt heroX f/r ri*. notice of iheir intention to ?>?f\y 10 Uko legtoloturo, >t iu nc*t aeoaion, for no Act ?f IncorpcrnUo*. Aug! IS _ 8m FRESH TITRNIP SEED. \TriIITft FLAT DUTCH, W1IITK NOB- i WV FORK, White Globe, Rob.nrtTi rt<Men , 1 Bnll.tiklrvlng'a flutA liaga. and el00 German . ti Curled Id*. AS wuTuniml genuine, nod for nnle b? . TI'.OMAB STKBN. Jotr * i* tf if LIME FOR AALE. Jf-itHB aubaoribor haa fog nnln * <t*aartity of , jL LIM?, freah from thr*?n. -Cailearly, I * ?,> * < 7 f I I I t III * X Watchmaker *qd Jew?ler< :*2L hfcmA, .y/A th* people of Urwsn villa, and the y y% ?3 j?wkol? awrroundlng country, thatfg^S be liu ^njiud, without doubt, the bcatstojW^<3WSJ2BS3 <& that has ever fecen kept In tho Town of Orocnvilla, Md IT nbjr one li dfeirtiwd to doubt it, lot biin.or bar, wap atd mo if it 1* not to.-? Ilia rtock cowprieca in part of tUo following rticlao r ?* . Fine Gold and 8iWer Watches ' jt alt cpinlltlei, and warranted to keep good tfhto mid tu Katirfpciion.^ All good* aoitl tj jnm, in warranter! to bo if hut tbcy ore ff revetitoil, or ho will" tbfWii# ttfb nwlx^ nod Hotk, arc fine JM?-wm6<tio*daf-) ??*, PmtL lk>n) and Gurnet, with or without lelc. mid So flno Chain nad rtHrer Ht-nreM*; ^.Vatfh lains of ?U rtylex | Gold and Silver Thiin84, ti<d<U8ilrp ^ on > Ig tco^ JU'Sf t1# : . >ure Silver and IMatcd Wua A?liil<-.? iro too muuofovn |o mention all of thiun, hot ' 7pR0C!f ^ DOES Atl KtN&S Of REPAIRING in Watebc*. Ctntkv and ^owelty, and that in I workmanlike manner, tucli, porhep*, an you | baaot got doho anywhere clue in the ttpeoun- i igr, for <W> d"0? (mi SWl lilMMlflnr^or to I |?y, no you will do well to try liiio, and hob if ( is Wonla nre not true, lie think* there an; . - "!' miJt& Wt* Xaop unty-ho ifcmd Hoo?l? ; elt oiliMain Street. V>, J ,jt r,? ?-] NOTICE. 11 I HAVB a*>octfttod with iik) in himiiu... Mr. < J JOAB MAULDIN. The bttniutuw wi|llie ,< Tl "k-l on in iu^? A'tjg Jlfick <fy>rr /?'***, uner ti c Kirt<tM 8rflMftnm;iiTii A" AHtV'Mnx. In ivturolng my tQBpt* A<? liur frieuilf for irir liLr "ol natronacc,Twill *o)i?it ucontinnn- i XROnKBT^I, (Irtcnrifle, p. C. i jul.r 80th, 16?0. ne ^IrrnM. NBE mtorrilierx t tvciwitlitcd tlicinrelVe* 1 O toaMMa ImiA: '?**. iiuildr tlio firur of ' 10IIKUTH A MAVLl.'N.'tnVc plconire in | writing tlwir friend*, nn/ the public gcm-tnl- ! tlwir wHllcto^oA f4t-x*k of Emyrvhiwe*. You will find ih'o "Oootia and "i rk<* Wwa*. . T- U. ROUEiITB. JOAN T.. MAfSDTN. Grt^nvnie,*. a. July :i?h, fhrtd, ! Head Quarters. 7^ \ ri nit rjasrmr4*. 4. .M. i ' i 1 */ I (SrnwAri X ('. ? OTW.H IKO.- I rllK ItegUmiiU ctimye-isHig- llii* Rrigado I ivru lu rchy ordnrcd < i?f Ihe fill- 1 .wing litnce and {iho-iv. fur Km Wi nwl J?r'dl: i Tim A?l Ori'lffipiit at "tjiK*.'. M.I P'wl.l ?.? i it 111b ft"vu<vnbcr. ] The 4th Uryuucnt al llnywe'e on the 13(11 a ' 4 The CM'Bogiavnt at Cruij^ ta the 15th | dnlAnlHT. I x hi) 2d Ttegiincnf nt ITiiTTh on (ho IStli Sep- < WMr. I Tlie 5lli Regiment at lluntcr'n on the 20th cjitctnhcr. The 1st Keghaoat <U Jl^ouu. ?n ?lw ?-'d 1 evtonihejv ' ..iJi , The vonirpief'i.rvcil nt>4 Twivcovntnissuincd- , StecitfwVll afipenr the <Ta previous Wtlio licit w.i of their respective Regiments, fur Drill ml nwtrnetlom. , -v Colonels of ftcgfitieiiU mit*i ni*l<?? their Tie- ' ?rus nt the Uak icRk, The Rrigiid^ SUIT iriU If rtquiietl te attend J rory Review fn thO RrlgnHc. Colonel* of lUigiiuvht* are rfinrgcd with the * ^tension of this Order, ltv order W. 1C. HARI.KV, llrig. (Jcn'T. ' II. T.kk TI1RJ.ST05. Rri;;, Muj, AngO Iff - ' t.l ' a* ( uji?H'<"*n this Rrigade will plunse copy j KIC A lt Oir iDTtMtU 1 V 1#T 1)4 y, Grretirlllt, >Vr (\ | K<V -Uii. , A. CCOH1)INO to Orikr* (Vom Head Qiutr- , .\ tors, uu E MICTION is Jiyroliy ordered ? be held ae'eordlng to luwr, at tne Regimental 'urndo Orounds ?f the Regiment* rubjilNtiiit *] til Brigade, on the 2Tth day of Hujitvmbor ? e.\t, for MAJOR tiEXEftAL, to coinmahd ' nt-jllvhdon, 8. C M., aud to" fill % aenuoy <>c- ' Ufoncd l>y resignation of Mj^or t>?nonil lUltl). The result of raid Election will ho U'warded to Otir efliee'iih mediately thereafter. ; 'oWoii'V* comniHiuling tho rc*|'Cclivo ltogiloats aro charged with the extension nml uxeatiou of thir Order. W* K. E AS LliY, Hrlg. UouT. By order. 'H. hr.x Tnnt tiTox, Brig. Maj. Aug 2 1' EXBCDTOU'KHAlrfi. . ?IM nccordaneo with the remtl- > rltion *fC tho Will of ABLAiM 1 COX. ft<*ce)*d. I will roll oh < rakr-dny in 8et?tei?ber next, at 1 rcenvtfki Court House. Off TVwef -o/ /.??</, ' titfnin i?</ 21/1 Arrrt, mure or hs?, adjoining I mil* of James I,?nder1nan, 11. P. Olorolend, amea Cox and others* ur the l>ruj>erty of the kid Ahram Cox, doccosi d. ?Oh a 'rtetlit unHl the let day <rf (arch. 1 Hftl, with interest from date, hy note, iUi approved security, aud a mortgage of thu Wiuiee%lf Octmod^ervKeary. I). HOKE, Executor. I 1 Aug } II tf I HAIR BRAIDING ' tot Every Stylo ?id Pattern. ; MRS. M.X OLSON f* BSl'ECTFULLY inform* Iho Lndic* nnd 10 Old ItiiplUt CUnrvlu ?t the sainc |iou?-/ *br **>erly occupied, rtliorc *he is prepared to | teute order* for l>?r maiwiit naiipic style df : frovcry description n?d pattern. 1 JKXJ.D KOVXT.IIOI i), "always v" ^and. Juue 21 f' . ' 7' 'U., tf iPAuioWsHifmfam. < USEFUL IN EV1TRT HOUSE. 1 esasRsssa, J. H. Agent. J r : , JL., . ?. " , FOR HAIvfcV a. A DKHlitAlllJt LOT, in (he , town of tJrcciiVillc, within If# nfrmUuM yard* of the Court llotisc. , jc^f rinid Lot hao on it Tit o (w- i orttibl' /Li'Wr* o?W n rfi.A'l fralil', 'arson* di'*irt>i!? Of c^am'lniiig tfie Lot* Ana 'refalse*. wMI please call on Mr. W. If. IIAKIlljSOX, residing on the plAco. FoV particusn, iiujuire, by letter ?r in person, of ,1 *" ypn.-*, 4 R?n<ly Vial P. OC. j Urccnrille Dhtricl, P. 0. , Joly & ? If | All the ftnUto oft AUKAM COX, ito repaired M?k? ilklrtirdlrttr : and thooc hi?vng claim* ?|?iaiifilti Kital* w? r^nr?t?<lfc> ,r?oont the m. tl.MOKti, Aug 2 >< k xocutor. APPLK^TIO^ ;j nrt, to r?' h*rk# th? QlM$u>r i ^VPr-Vl!'/ y;rt; I III licotiliijilpi! rto. f AND WHICH THKY WILD SKI.L AT ' Lower Prices Than Usual 1 The Stock connl*tfc'i*f"Cti ?C < V * Blenched and Brown HttWfctitVa'ft'i?! Wircliitfe* A lurk'o Twririy oB0?aints,?Mlroct importation front <1 Xjit IXlpeinte pot yard Linen tufd Cot toiClwapcrSf "Linen Urllls J. Fancy 0.?niHicri'? and Uottouadcs , _ . Plain White Swiss and Dotted Mtixtlns * ' Solid Bareges, Moliair Lustres . .. I Hltck Silk Mantillas, Knthroiderod Collars "Bnrtijfe !Hni1n11i?s;viTT?1Je' tttd'coldftd>> H JIuup Skirts, of vui4A*tt kinds, nm<>ng whteti will he Tound some of 7 ft* " SO Springs. * -'.'>? ' "T" *1 Ami all tlih ortieT Articles necessary to Cotapriso is ?jeneT?l stock of Dry Moods. " * A, " ' "* . A 37^^..B\c/)PE>jTn?r aw? Ilnls/C'aii^ ROOIM, Shoes. HARDWARE, CftCC^Rjr, GLAttVJARE;' To arc confident .of the fact that wo oa>i *fH to sell our Mood* at-prices that will coinBland tho attention of the. npl.wp je K|>v?i!Uiiy xuiK'il nil cx^niinAtT<iiy>r oiir fitijpk. LO>0, UPQUilTT* & <?<! " March 8 44 tf Tho Stat? of South Carolina, OREtfXVlT.VH DISTRICT. ALEXANDER UKISIIAM. who la in the 1 custody ol? the Shorifful Urecnvillo Dis- ; trict, hy virtue of ajarrit of cn/?/o? p?/ (jnlii/d- j lirtiilviii, at the *ui| df >iiitllktiif I &Mith ' Mid Michnei {l.tcciilnri nMfil- | tyitn Suiith, deceased, nnvinp filed in my ??ec, together with a schedule, nn ottth, ' ?f hi* y-Lute jsnd yfTiH'Ur .hiyi j.rtMi<i?vto i Ihr Ci.urt-iiF t'oinuicni paving \|iat'.tic may lie admitted mi tho benefit of the Aet of the tlcnerul Assembly, innda tor the relief ?f-< insolvent dehtora s It in Ordered, That tho aid Nnthimial Smith and Michael M. Smith Mid all others. tho erolitora, t?? whom the raM Alcxniidcr Uriah a ui ia in actywistr indebted, lie, and they are liorchy, summoned. and have notice to n]i]>enr licforc the mid Court, at ' llrectivillc Court llonye, on. the I'wth '/?} in Ortnher nejrl, to idjed Vdtft0>, It nntt'ffieV enn, why the prayer of tiio petition aforesaid should not be p runted. ? AV. A. M? 1?ANIKT., r. C. v. Jl a. m. Office Court of Common Plena, UrccnviUa District, July Id. ISCO. 11 .tm The Stato of South Carolina, OREKNVILOB DISTRICT. Tr*r V unWena -1- ?- **- ' .v.. i.iin, win. 13 III IUC Tt of Cho SbcrllTof tJrecuvil[e District, yrj'irfno of h wjiit of tyl fui(y<n hinlnu/, it fin- suit of l'reenan ,t ffoiiiston. nnving filed ii inv offiA?, tncetlicr \fidi I schedule, 4" ?*ith, if hi*. v-tnle And i'ficftt.1, Lis |>olitioi> ti* tlio MMrt ol Common l'lcul, |.rnyit>x that ho piay I to admitted to the benefit of tlic Apt of the Assciftljly, ,n?le Ri* Hie relief j.f; in mlvciit ilcl.tor*I Itrtifc Ordered. That thp filial Preciuui A IfcAndmi, Mid nil others," the crcil- ' Itto whom the said AY. K. l'utvcra 5? in Mtjrwhie indebted, lie, ami they nre lierehv, iiMrninipil. nnil Juc\y notje#' to a|>|>t*r iwf.iv )l?.i>?ld Ount^i ttfumtnlfs Ciiim limine, on He /'urn lli Monthly in (Jrlifii r fty-ft, , to ^h?w our', if nny thAy t in, wlijr the \A-?yer of1 the >c( it ion aforesaid aboirfd mil he grunted. , AY, ^.aftdlAMEi.. v.I'Jk&rK Ofiiee Court of Oonuuou l'lejis, (Jreenville Uistriet. Jnlv l?, tutio. / >1 . Am Tho State of South Carolina, TfcruuuAi|fElff*Kj;>4u. ;A!>" t1 J? J c^wMy?Mif*hofWHf tWfirtlR }w rict. Iiy virtn4 i^'y ,.Ai>f"./luitifa* irim'tini, tit the auit ?!1f i/ i.Av \js flilnsii.r. Mtvlli,: filed in ?i?y nfiiyo. M.-yiker wi'.lt n ! . ilulc, on oftlt j<f'ifif* Vtt?< ?i.lI.?ihJ.JtJ^ lutitiou to the Court ol* (iollti io:i I'leiyL J'ray j iiw that he p>m't4o? '-limited |o Use ^tikfit of lie Act of the tfenchil .V^'fnihfy. made tor the idief tif imofiycut dehtor/.t ItAs.tiulorefE That ho said Freotmn A% lleifiden. iniit till Alhers, lie creditors, to whout the raid Jrr. mjiih KlIriil^e is in nay wise ilithMcd, he. and I hoy ire K-rchy, summoned. uu<l luive notice tuni.pciir lefnro tlio t<ui? -OonrJ, at ti?x<envi<V> y'oijr* .ifni.ff, <>u i no r oil cm .l/mli'iiy in U<!tif)*r ur.rt, i kIiow if any tley v*\>, 4l>y tbu prayer if the pctiwn*. $Rire*::i4 !?lier1?4.t itnt llfe^ffniUtd. Vf. A. M? blXIEIi.rjr. t\ \.<i. a. OfTii'o CdtM ,<if Omanum I'lctN, tiretmrUlo biatrial, .Inly fS. iHilt. U , .''iu L'lio State of South Carolina. O ItKKN.VIrAH DISTRICT. In Court qf Ordinary. rnine* Tlecce, Applicant.' Afcolbav Kiln* Cna|>* I num. licirn-ot-lnw of SuIihimii docouncil, William LraiiUot* t'alilwcll ami .Tnhn Cum well. ilel.icia Chapman, Caroline Chapman,' Carter Cbirpiimn an.I Ili a let Chnpiniui,1 Defendant*.?.Siiuimom in / iriiti..?. JCflf' / IT appearing that ' l/Mpil(*r f"nMweS, ntnl Jnlin Caldwell, bef Iw.-iLnmli Carter I'birpnan, .and llir.v4?l'Cha jilnuu, ]>#fuA<fu*iliii *? liile IrtoiiiI thin Stale > It in onlore4 JMid ?i<> reeil, tliot lh?%?ld U|>p<?r %l?fl 4>h)e*t ti> tfio liviaion in rniiu of the Ileal K.-lnte of Mra. 11K I.I X It A. fllArXAX, On ?r \ifoix* Urn a I at lay of September hext, or flieir content* to La ...111 I.A I** .a 1 VoilKIlT lLl?k*A\\ 0. G. T?. Ordinary'# Office, 4th July* |fCO. 9-11 , ( ?Ulc of Mouth Carolina. grkksvilli: hwtiuct. j I lu rquUy. ft'# !vh.i.iam M. TnrtVAS, Afltniwlrttttrik of T.Mraney NeUoit, Ucc'il, fa. Mu.tun Hot, ct ux, ?t al. 1MIK creditor* of l.urniwy Xolunn, iiitn* v l.?uc?tou, nro pntil)c<l i? titqthoir llitiiim with ino within tlirrc month#'from (hi# late. M M, X. TJlOllAtSC. K. UJUr May 19 3 T M 9 100,000 lbs. ltag* Wanted if miO t ??'?v ** ? < J. A. PEARSON &C0.'S TIN SHOP, - GREEN VI U.K. S. C. '1*7*5 exchange Tin Wore, Domestic*. W J*tint*. flhn*#, Uo?o, *r., for HA t/.s'ot n?h prhfe*. Thankful l'or po*t pntronng* wo ivm? t**ucrit a cotati(inane* of the oama. ? a. A. I'UAKitO.N A CO. April If iO tf NOTICK VA HtllKUV (jiVca that all peraon* hftrinp _1 demand* the KhIhUmiI \V 11,1.1 AM JACOBS, Sr., ilcceaacd, arc reqneated to pretonf th?jr dcmuuil* legally authenticated; and ill |M-r?t?n* owing tin- Kiddle, arc remic.-tcd to :n>no fmrViirA nnd wtlld by Itclhrn way ne.xt, im I am determined to *uo on ?U Note* oud roouuU, If nftt *ellfe<? hv TIMtlfn T>?r. 'KDWAi'D 0. JACOBS, Executor. ^ Juno 11 7 'v tf NOTICE* A Ll^, pertain* tndehtcd to the K*tnte of J\ JOHN BATES, docc?*cd> urv rc<|ue*tcd |?| tnako payment forthwith ; and thnae to hnoni the amid Estate i? indclited, will preacnt tbeir rWin?, properly atteatcd, to cither of the Midorai^ne<h W. tt. CAMPBELL,) JOHN BATES. j Executor*. ffNIIK rahaorther 1* prepared to KXhCl l it ^ promptly ali order* for . ^ HOUSE PAINTlft*;; upon the MMt reaaunahle ternu.' T. C. ttOWEB* April Id 50 tf i ?? 1 ' *' Drugs & Medicines T WOOT^ Wh SS*n%an?tht?nfcl|e hv^^laSsssssSi other Articles usnally kspt In a Drug 8tore, (laving tnndo my purchases in |ier>on, I have u select. stock ?>f the best uu all tier of Drugs, A*., tifcf rowld ba mAfn??C%i Market. I insrls onwuk tortus as ?auue|jE?il to please purchasers. ' I w?tiH Invlte-Ttyslclsns of the country to give mo a call when they visit to buy their Drugs. T Will insure satisfaction, both iu regard t<> prices ami qualitioa of Drugs. 1 bare constantly on band.ail the most ap. 1>RUGS & MEDICINES. nil t... ?*.- II .it - e ? , vl,, ujr mu. ihmmu or \ union. Swvot Oil, bv thg UuUlp.or Hallon. Siilnd Oil. A Moloi't atoek of thq beat Soapa. Concciitrntorl Ljrc, for muxlng Soap. A* fife coijectio? '?T FerfitAeffca. -* 'Ifitir llmrHot, Sliavtag. lk-nabcr, Tooth ftrndhaa. A?s ' v 1 * l)r*cc? for Boyr, (lurla, UouU and Flavoring Kxtracta?(Yeah. [ Conger and tfoyfr UilluAiif. T 7 [ Stnrlh, UWaK.Vrj J AVIrtilow ftlnaa itn.I Ptttty. Or* handrail Tritiuea?all aorta and ifawa. Nu. 1 article of Alcohol. Schunppa, beat London Porter, llramliea. Wiuea, Ilia, ltnuinml Wlii#ky,??f tl* beat qualities, for Meilicinnl purpose*. A kwkI ntuior* men! of Dental Fnrrtja; Iatr ' cct* : oycrv variety of Syringe rJIrynet Piper: Nipple fh'leljr ; Ruracry. lt"tllf-, Al>.. dr. All pLaw yuti C.vfcn, ?t * J. |. DEAN'S dluo Stout, 0T CALL AND SEP. FOR YOUltSELV K-S \ .1- t jQL' 1 fepKlN(i GOODS FOR I8C0. a jr *, -a I AM receiving a Largo Stock of tKYOpS, ruitahlefor ' Snninicr Trade, 1 j { '?* Aft Inspection ,if iho Siofk is invited. Aprils' 48?tt ' JOHN AV. (SHADY. Fancy and Staple DltY GOODS. Jl'RT received, a full lino ol Iiitnss (loon*, fur Indies and gentlemen, embracing nil grades, from a very common to the beat Fabrics kept in this market, among urhich is many of the novelties of the day. Also, it good line of White tloods, Embroideries, Loco tloods, A?i: iruudkctefeicfs, "fltwleryv jtb? Bleached iind Ilrowti Shilling* And Sheetings, Drillings, Tickings. Ac. Fur sale l>v April 5 48-tf JOlIX W. (IllADV. >1 *\ II i \ 'J 11 ' ' 1 Hardware, Cutlery, &c. Cpf A QKNERAh assortment of Tolile V". Aand Vockct Cl'TI.FRY. together with all dcacriptions of Fholf HARDWARE usually kept in this market. Also, Axes, (Srnin nud <t ruMH Scythes, Sncnt'is, Cradles, nnd lleit|diooks, Spades nnd Shovels, Roping, Trace t'liuins. Iiiiils, Ao. Just received and for sale hy J01IX W. UKADY. April 5 48 ? ' If Krndyaifladc Clothing. I A Fl'LT, Assortment offHTMMKK CLOTIIy\ Ritl, Coats. Vests, Fonts, Shirts, nnd > I jider (larineMts, Collars, Cravats, Stotk* nud Ties. .Inst received nud for sale by Aprils iP-tr JOIIX AV\ tlRADY. BONNETS. z<\ A FUI/7j l.ine of Trimmed nnd I'n>^3>tYhnmed BONXKTfl nnd FLATS', Ituehes.* Flowers, AA'rcuths, Ribbons, Ae. Just reeeived ntid for sale hy . April 5 48-tf JOHN W. QRADY. HATS. AVS&y large Stock of Dress, Soft and Summer HATS, for...itin anil Boys. J list received nud for sale fjT I April 6 4ft-tf JOHN AV. UKADY. \ CARPETS, MATTINGS, Oil Cloths, &c. SOME hnwdsmno Carpets, Mattings, Oil Cloths. Hogs, Attouinna, Ae. Just received nnd fot snle by April i 48-tf JOHN AV. GRADY. WALL 1MPER. 2JZ LALI PIECES new and handsome pat' *\J\ " term of AA'ull Pajsjr, Bordering, AVindow Shades, Fire-place Screens, Ac. Just received and for sale hv April 5 48-tf "JOIIX W. OilAI>Y. WOODEN-WARE. C1KPAH, varnish painivri Uuc-kot*. Well , / llucltutw, TuKmiiU Kuclerri, Corn Broom*, Ac. Jiml received and for .alo l>v April & 4#-U J011N W.'GRADY. DUITGS & DYE-STUFFS, WINDOW llI. ASS, Putty, Paint., Oil*, Tw Ac. Just NCtivod and opt ?ile by OR JOHN W. UKADY. April 4 48 tf WUITINGPAPEK, v BLANK BOOKS. &c> T KJ'TKR Mil Cap Tjipcr. Blank and MumI j orniiriiim Book*. St>o11h?|{_ Hook*, Ink*, tlold and Stocf lYu., Bonnet Hoard.*, Ac. J.,.? .?( f? ...i- ?... ~ Ajirii i"" T^tf" JOHN \V. flit AD Y. BOOTS A^D SHOES. " A WKI.Ij assorted Stock of Ladies', am) Child's flout*, ttaiters, Iltukskin ami Hlipt>ers, hsslod and unlioeled. Men'*, Ibty'a, and Youth's Hoots and Hboes of every variety. Just rcscived and for sale l>y 1 JOllX W- GltADY. ^p*il 6 48 tf (JRodoKIKS. tfrv* JAVA and IIlo Coffee*. Loaf, CroshQj^^^red and Drown .Sugars, No. I and ^HBflkw'cut India Molnsses, Tons, Candle*, CuuJivs. Mackerel. Ac. For aale W April 5 48-tf .TOffX W. GRADY. Crockery and Clnawvrnrc. 4 Kl'Iik assortrnstit ol China, Granite J\ and .t'ouiiuou Ware, Glassware, Ac. Just received and for sale hy April 4 ?-if JOHN* W. GRADY. C*TS S tt> TIlR siihacriber wpertftilly Invite* the attest fon of his frienda ^Bi? 1 IT I rand the publle generally to hi* wilkatlerM .' aa?03j aar ?SOBS. AT TUB IfJEW BRICK STORE) On* door ahovo the llook Store, making yotrr purchaser. You will And Good* and priea* U> suit, T. 1). ROBERTS. July 6 V . tr i - ? Lard,"Sugar, Bice, Lemon*, Ac. NO 1 PURE LEAF-LAUD licet Crnabed Sugar, 7 Ihr for $1.00 Beet Clarified Sugar, 8 lb? for *1.08 Kino Large drain Hioo, 16 lb* fur $1.00 Very Choice Layer Rniaina Freeh Citron, Cnrranta and Almonds Frt?h Pecan. Braail and Walnut* Popping Kleees, Pea-nuta, Candy, Ac Freeh Lemons?To arrive on Friday. AH for eale hy BRYOK SMITH. OpnoeHoT. B. Roberto' Now 8B>ro. . | July I* 11 V S?S*WHHSi-L? SS-f-S?S-WS-Si rri'iii mifflia&UHUUI THANKFUL for (U kind ^rPBPl'ntnwee* of ihoit fVfcmda *>r lb? put jnar, would mptcMuIly aolicit | WW the not for the prcsvnt. l'craon* I willing I* buy I GENUINE ARTICLES, would do wtll to Mil and xumine Our block of \ DRUGS, AlEJ)lCJNk% FA mm off.8, vtjtKiaujzs; ? LYE-ti rUFFS, rfummKitr, : ttn - fkus/II&^ ~Y. .. FAA'CY X&WAMI Ac fWR-TKMMl BFLOW HARRISON ft LOWS SHOE STORE. n <.? .?JPKg at._ 111 YOU WANT Fine Shining; Soaps, *Waahing Soaps, Ghxqrjiie , Soap* lttown W indoor 8u?p, OdgattrV So^p, French Soaps, OpodeUUtc Soap, Castile Soity, Thompson's Soap, Lilian's Sonn, or any othcrkhid of Soup, or a Ik?x of Potash, to make your own Soap, ". ?, you wii.t TTfth rr at LONG & BURNllAM'S DKUQ 8TOKK. . IF YOUlVAKT. Fine COLOGFine TOILET AVATKfcS, LiiUiii <>r UUuV EXTRACTIVE AND ESSENTEK, llntr I'OMADKS, ITntf omi lluir wtxsspR. Or ?ny preparation for improving tho Hair, To?lli or Skin, OA1.L AND TOOK AT LOKtt A BURNHAA't ; ASSORTMENT. IF YOUWAXT TO BUY my imiT mm mi. You t?u Ki-t it. at tlic uuikcr'* piwu, irotu LONU A r.UHNIIAM. TF YATTWAYT J.JL a v/ \J !1 iin 1 A OOi)l> ARTICLE OF Bread Soda, Cream Tartar, Starch, Indigo,' Madder, Saffron, Bdrax, Whiting, Glue, Sulphur, Alum, Copperas, Linseed Oil, White Lead, Train Oil, Lamp Oil, Sweet Oil, Snts. Turpentine, Alcohol, Seidlitz Powders. Yeast Powders, Large Window Glass, Putty, Rotten Stone, Bath Bricks, OR ANYTHING ELSE Uimlly ke|>t in h nnt'O STORE, yon can buy it at a FA IK PRICK l'rotn our KataSuhmcnt. We call Particular Attention To *11 Prcfm ration* mmlc by no. Wp mnkc them of nu uniform ntrengtli, and from the PUREST MATERIALS. Country I'hyniciun* will it to their advantage to cull niul examine our Stock mil l'rico*. LONG A- BURXIIAM, Oxk 1>oor Anovk C. Mkkrick'h Starr. June i-i ;;y tf GKOOERIES! rpIIOfK wiHliiiiff to |mr:!iafc UKOOKniKS 1 cIipk|i lor CASH, will |ilra?o cull on the uuia-rnioncil, who hnn ju*t relnrneil with nuo of tlur larjjcnt Block* ever offered in tlic market. THOMAS 8TEKN, Wholesale and lletnil tlroecr, m..n?*_ it_n 1 /A IIIII>S. of Cub.., Afnaeorndo and TrinlI V/ dud Molaaaea: 10 ISM*. New Oilcan* Molaare*. TIichc cannot lie Kurpufucd in <[uulity. Selected and lor I'aln hv THOMAS 8TKEN. m 8 1I1II>S. Chore? Now Orlenna, CnVia and Muscovado Sugars. Selected and for sale l.y THOMAS HTKKN. QA 11B1.P. lteflncd A. It. and O. and Crunb wv/ ed Sugar*, and 2 llbl*. *npcrior Sugar JIueou <Solden Syrup. For sale hv THOMAS STEEN. A t It AOS Hio. Java, Macho, Ecpiivra ami ~r'/ Santoe Coffeca. These have been carefully selected, and urc for'ealo l>v THOMAS STERN. 7 CHESTS Tea?Hyson Skin, Young Hy aui, Imperial (lonpowdcr, Super Oolong Ooolong and Soucbong. The above Teas cure luiiv ociti'icu una ior bum* ?>Y THOMAS STKEN. Q\ /T RAdP Ruckwliont,?12J tb?. (n> AO cent* A/ t / tier ]l?g, Ire in Xcw York, and for rule by THOMAS STKEN. Qf\ DJIUMS FIUS, junt received nn?l for 0\J rale l.y THOMAS STKEN. PIE FIlI,'ITS, Jcllirr, Pine Apple, Prune*, Pickle* in pint*. i|nnrt* half' gallon ami gallon. English Pickle*, tlcrkina, Walnut*, Pkolilln, Onion*. Wurrertahire Sauce, anil n largo variety of Knglhdi Saucer. aelectcd miiI tor aale by THOMAS STEKN. SALMON. Oyrtcr*. Kpirtil and Krtrli I.ohrter* and Clam*. Pickled Salmon, very Hue, Haddock and Codfi*h, extra No. 1 Mackerel in kit*. Wooden Ware of all doner iptiona. and Cutlery. For rnlo by THOMAS STKEN. Q/A KKOS Nail* mipcrinr quality, amorted t?\J rite*, cheap for enrh. For rale hv THOMAS STKEN. THE inrjret arid bc*t nrmrted Stock of Ctiiun (Ibisewiirc and Crockery of every description. For rale by THOMAS STEKN. C10NFECTI0NEKY of ererr variety. For / aale by THOMAS STKEN. CI UK HANTS, Citron and Itsrbdr.r. F??r *nlc / by THOMAS STEKN. "lkAKKRS Broroa, Chocolate, tod Cocoa, IS the very boaU For rale by THOMAS STKEN. May 10 1 tf FOR RENT, UNTIL tho first day of January j{l ncjrt, nt $200 per annum, LflL THE STORE HOUSE on Main vtrcet, (Jroe itvilie, fl. C., recently ocenpiod by Mahlihi A lo.vo. C. A. MAULDIN, Adrn'x, (it konit mon, of H. Mauldin, doe'd. March I 43 f DENTAjTCARix TUB nnderaignod w?nld respectfully bring to the notice of tlrcenvillo aifd vicinity, hit friend, ROBERT A. HARRIS, Surgeon Pontiff, who haa, during the laat ihrre ycart, given hia close and undivided nttvntinn to Pentistry, and who ia now prepared to attend to hia Profession in both ita branches, lie may bo found at tny Rooina, J'HIN ANDERSON, July 5 9 K burjootj JHutttt. | i-XVW . imlMM \ a. kf HA*QPKStn III? ICE LWKAM PALC Lvuiouudc, Iit'jju ii. Bnmai)>tiilU. Slimwl Hjrrup, mi?y bo hafl at ail hour* of tlic <ioy ntul ? r 3 O AHf . AIj Philadelphia Lager Beer, Ale and, l\rti Ojratent CALL J GREENVILLE C ' " orrosiTE tiie ? Mnv 3 M _-=r._>.**>! '-Z: -Jbr -Aivf ft'tt -: CHANCE TOR EVERT ONE. | PREMIUMS! PREMIUMS! j MAKE UP YOUR CLUBS m'lTMIJTlM. I^OR KVGHY rtUB OF NtflY St'llSCM. WlRS wo receive between this and thb lirsl day of December next, wo will award either of tliu Atllclrt tt??ntti<>ilcd ns ft Preriihtin then;, with : provided the Money (One Dollar for each Subscriber) accompanies the List, which, Ih'cvety itiHtnncc, will be required.* Read I he I jrt l>e|</w, mid see if Un-rq 1# nt>t nn Article appended to sonic one of the Club." worth working for: FOR A CLUB OF FIVE. (erawitrw wontii Bf.fVV) A Lnd.v's Breest-l'io. a small Medallion, n Collar Button, or a Gent's lJrenst-l'in. FOR A CLUB OF TEN. (t'BK^tlVM WOltTU $2.1Q.) A sett of Kar Drops, n Finger Ring, a BreastPin, a Gold Croes or n Gold Pen. FOR A CLUB OF F1 f TEEN. (PRKIIIUM 'WiltlTll * * A Gold llox Pin. a Gold Watch J\cv, or a sett of either Gold or Silver Sleeve Uutfoifs. ; FOR. A CLUB OF TWENTY. (rnv.Mii'M worth $4.25.) A sett (laid Cuff buttons, awtt tljdd fijndd button*. ik tlrdd Watcli Honk, n TWlillilf, n Irtidy's bold Salt Bwekle,' gr u beet's bold Fob llnckkf. 1 FOR A ClUB OF TWFNTY-FIVE. (iKIMIIM WORTH M'. ) A bold Medallion. ii ltevol\in;r box Pin. 11 bold Proust Pin, it l,iiily'ii llold Unit buckle, n jmir Gold Framed Speetnoles, 11 jmir Silver 1'lntcd Candlesticks, or u set t Silver Plated Furkf. FOR A CLUB OF THIRTY. (rttKMII'M *r>RTfl $0.7f>.) A fine Silver Plated Cnji, a |>uir Silver Uulter Knives, or a |?ur Silver Plated Ciuidlcatiek*. FOR A CLUB OF THIRTY-EIGHT. (l'titMinu wotmi tS.7.V) A TtodyV Hold ltrenst-Pin, n Florentineor Mosaic Pin set in bold. n sett box liar Drojis, for likenrt*. u Silver Plated Castor. FL'R A CLUB OF FIFTY. (I'll I M11 M W.MtTIt AlitKI.)' A Silver Plated Cake basket, a Hold Necklace, n (odd Medallion, u l.ady's Hold bracelet, a Lady's (lar^n sixe) Hold belt ltuekle, n sett Silver Teiuj>oou?. 1 do/.. Silver J'iated Forks, or a jiair Hold Framed Spectacle*. ? FOR A CLUB OF SEVENTY-FIVE. (PHKHlltM WORTH klH.fiil.) A Silver Plated Cake basket, u Silver Plated Castor, a del sett liar I?roj,? and Pin tipped with bold, n Silver ('mi. a Silver Hunting Case Watcli. a bold Vest Cliain. or a bold WHnsn FOR A CLliS OF UNfc HUNDRED." (niKMiUM UOUTII $2.5.00.) A (PKul Filvcr ILiutju)! CiimviI iMochcd I.c-. vor AVatch. a Silver l'latcd Ice l'itehcr. (new article, patented this year.) a Jet sett BrcnstI'iii niul Ear-I>roi>?, set iu tiold, ur a tiold Bracelet. From the aliuve it will lie soon thut wo offer a fair |>cr cent, for the time employed in <>nr hchulf. As regards the Fvcniiiiuis, we would say that tliey will lie furuished from the establishment of a responsible Jeweler in (i recti villc?Mr. T. W. Ravis?-whieh is a sufficient guarantee of the genuineness of the different articles. The gctienipof a Club can t*l>e choice of any Article mentioned with the Clnh. AVc are in earnest when we say wo will ehecrftilly award n Urcnilmh to every one entitled to it? no matter how large the nmnher. Bend along your Clubs. McJUNKIN & BAILEY, Proprietors. (1 rrrurillr, ,S'. ./.in. 4, ISftO. EMPORIUM I OF ^ w NOW IS THE TIME To I'it Oct vorii W'aiiiiuoiik with Fnnjtcii and Km.i isii (loons, iir 1)iiii:ct Imi'oktatiox ! :o: V TflKSE flood* were purclwiaeil hy <ino ?t our Fit in, from liirrft -feHE9W ,i"ll"r''n;l Cbarlcaton, * V?7-~l'|^ CM null lillVO hvcil tolodi'li Tilth fireut cure, Thc^ cannot to |>lou?c tin- moat fuMidion*. ' Tho assortment comprises a full variety of (;r.NTi.i:MK.vs Furnishing Goods, SITU AH French and English Iiluck anil Colored Cloth* and ('u**ili?cr? a. Silk mid Marseilles Vesting*. T)rnj> d'Etcs, l,incnn, Water l'mof Tweed*, Ac., Ac. All of which wo wiHinuko u|> to order ill the heat mid luteal at,vie*, and in a manner that will eoni|K3te with any work mniint'Hcturcd here or ela* where, either aa regard a rjmtli'nt, ??rni?i, ifant&iVitjf or rhroftne**?from a Shirt to the finest French Cloth Coat, and warrant all work done hy tia. \ i All wc nak ia to give u* n trial. We nlao offer a neat Aaaorluieiit of Ready Made Clothing, Hfl'll AH Coat*. Flint*, Vesta, Shirt* and Collars Cravat*. Tic*, (Hove*. Suspenders, Hosiery, Ac. lire** and Fnaineaa llal*. All of which wo will roll nt price?to suit the tie ?. DYER & PICKLE. April 2<l *1 11? Medicines, &c. I riUlK ?iiWr?'?er keep* ud hauil a Superior 1 Ay.-Kirtniri.t offfiCIStS. FERi'UMERIES. SOAPS. Moft of the popular PATENT MEDICINES. BRANDIES, WiNES, WHISKY, RUM & GIN, (For Medioiaal purpose*.) A* he purpose* sellinj; for Ohh, he offers hi* Article* at l.ow l'nici:*. 1'lonso rail and examine for yuuraolves. J. II. 1>KAN. Jan 26 SS if J. A. PEARSON & CO., CRKENVILLE, S. C., MAXl FACTTREKS of, and Wholesale and Hvtail Dealer* in Tin Ware, Sheet Iron, Zinc, &c, TIN ROOF1NU, (HJTTKRINM, RKPAIRjNtl. and all other Work in our lino done cheaply and promptly. ? . J. A. VLAIISOX A t'O. Julj 12? 10 IX 1 ? ar m 1 11 SAJ.flUS'. o:-- --- ->?l! tAW^">OK FOH 'DIB SEASON, whw? lea Cr?m, H-rty. Ulngi-r aud Pino Apple POP, and U??w evening. " * ' SO, r; Fresh Oyster?; Spiced OjrsUas; PUkUd IT TIIK OSFECTIONEfit, >IAXSK>3 UOUSli lOOKlffi! IVo lmvo JVST KECK1VKD a fine Stock of 8TAPIJ ANDPANOI DRY GOODS, Which, for Qqqliijl and Cheques* (wo think.) I CAM NOT BE feUJiPASSED. o ' * If Ton wii-b to Ncuto the groatc&t BAR(IAIN'S wo have ever offered, CALLEA1JLY. Wo do not cuntidiT it hocessafy to enumomte Articles or I'lfcos, s* every body knows thut we keep nlwhys u ixakue m SELECT STOCK OF MS iii oiit line. at a* MODKRATK 1'KICKS an cau Wafliinltu. Therefore we ?n v, _ I CO-DUES ?WJB 2. ?032131 AM,! Anil examine, and see if what >vu say bo so. O ? We have also for utile, A O Octave iTIrlodcon, , in perfect or.ler : a -OCTAVE I\ARIS MADE ALEXANDRE l'ARLOR OR CHURCH ORGAN, and two good second-hand 1*1 A NOP. W. H. HOVEY. April 5 48 ** If 1 spri n^ajTiTsumiier goods, FOR 1860. rpiIE subscriber respcetfVilly informs liia 1 friends nml customers. that he is now receiving AN KNTIllN NKW STOCK OF SPUING & SUMMER GOODS, consistiso or Fancy ami Staple Dry Goods, Rennets and Flats, Hats and Caps, Hoots and Shoes, aud Lots of Clothes, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, Ao., . All <>f whieli will be sold at the LOWEST lMca^o coll ami examine before purchu.^iug elsewhere. A??1|,CHAS- MERltlCK. ^ ta- ? c - * ^ 3 IC^ * "I 2. P i L) s-- SO SMso ? 3 ? 5 * F W s: s? ? ? ? 2 * || J!" ?? d ? I8?fg3 s "| 8 ? ^ O c ? ?? ? ^ -_.M = ~ - + ?P?iSn" BS^w H?4V3 = ?5Lg:r^g st;i -?PS2 "J-b IS^ h ? r 6 h O v> - ~ 3 S -* r? 2,-5 & a- r*5:*S<??r = 3-wS2 O* H I li |f|s-L^o | %%* m* . ? o ^ 5_ " 3 | FOR SAFE. I Three Houses and Lots, ^ XiJM. -1 ^ ntoir arc eligibly sttuatQ| <y?yr-H fi, ??if payings ffftod in forest fl**raviilL ? ALL XKW?juuy be had on very reasonable terms, if apI'lied for a i. The owner niyhing " invest die pr<K'ccHa of sale in other business he is en* gujre.i in, ia (be only roasoa why he has a dieposition to (IU|?(?.^c of the pmiirriy,4 Al?o. tor Hulc. a VACANT LOT. Ktuprirc at this tifficc for particulars. March S 4 1. SPOKES AND, LUMBER WANTED. rFlIR Stihseillwrs want 100,000 best I. \\ hito Oak ami Hickory Sl'OlilX for wlilch ilicy will |?j*_y a liberal Price, if delivered by the tirct of May next. . ... .AlAO.. A Innjo lot of Ach, llickorv, Wlilh Oak. nud various other kinds of PLANK, nil of the HKsT (RAL1TY, wniitcd, for which we will pay n fair price for nil that offers. SEASON EI > LUMBER preferred. (iOWiill, cox, MA UK LEY ?l CO. .Inn 13, 8rt tf CAKTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE! "I^ OK tho cure of nil DircaA'ii arising from J. an iiii|>iirc slute of llic lllood. It cure* ml Skin Ili.-nscc*, mtcli ns I'lmjilt*, lllntrhrm. Hi If, II in;/ or Trthr 11".*/"//., Srtihi llmri, (Hit ,S' / <**, I'iiiui /?. I'y')"/>"<< I'nlpihitiiiH of ihr, . limi t, I. // < /" Contji/niot, HV<tkurmm, /Vn/in ?H the 'lock or limit, /nftiimniatiftu of Kitluryn, ite. Price *1. Try n Bottle."TkV buhl only by I.OMi A IIUUNIUM, Dealers in Pure Drugs and Mo'lMnc*. Jan 2(1 45 lfieow ORR &. PRICE, attorneys at law, GKEENVILLB, S. C. JAM FA 1* OBU. P. PRICK. May IS 1 If fi. P. ATTORNEY AT I. AW AND BOLlrrTOR IN EQl'ITY tlllR*'.* VI1.I.F. R. c. Office Kast niilcof Court floueo S^uam, where ho may ho found daily, from II, A. M., TV M. 37-1 v .Ton 10 The Assembly House, Orb Pgr ark Wkst of tiif Post Officb, Plain Street, . . . Columbia, B.C. r I^UP* well known Kstabliahmont has been 1 thoroughly re-filled uud improved, and ia now permanently opened for tho MOuman . dntioti of the Public, livery alleiifion will I trlvco to simply the want? and Comfort of P. irons. liat< > Moderate. I v* 9 " Tnv * W?' ..... * U